Healthy Directions April/May 2011

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April/May 2011



How To!

Make Smooth & Creamy

Yogurt Bone Health Synbiotics


A Recipe for Healthy Digestion


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M ex

b ce

Cre with slices

Mmmu muff


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In This Issue: S P R I N G I N T O B E T T E R H E A LT H

With Health Food, Fitness and Supplements 8


Fiber, Enzymes and Probiotics for Vitality 11


Help Stop Childhood Eczema and Asthma 12


Improve Digestion and Aid Yeast Infections 32


A First Step Towards Healthy Lifestyle Changes


Discovering Nature’s Healing Secrets 16



Alleviate Seasonal Allergies & Migraines 24


Milk Thistle and Dandelion


Join t he Journey to Better Healt h 20


Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis and Prevention 36


Research on Safety and Efficacy 40


The Burden of Arthritis


Diet and Lifestyle Approaches 37


When Sugar’s Not so Sweet 38

R O O T C A N A L S , H E A LT H & B R E A S T C A N C E R

Chronic Infection and Inflammation May Pose Risks


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Igniting the Senses with Foods and Recipes 28


Blueberry Buttermilk Muffins GLUTEN FREE! Golden Apricot Quinoa Muffins Raspberry Oat Muffins


D o - I t - Yo u r s e l f R e c i p e s & P r o j e c t s 14

H O W T O M A K E S M O O T H & C R E A M Y YO G U R T

Basic Lower-Fat Milk Yogurt with Oatmeal Cinnamon Topping Basic Whole Milk Yogurt with Pear Salsa


Fitness Routines and Inspiration 22





A Pilates Workout for Foot Care and Tired Feet Fun Ways to Get Fit for Two or More



Easy & Fun Yoga Recipes to Help Bring in the Spring


Beauty from the Inside Out 18


Foods and Vitamins for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

T H E PA T H T O H A P P I N E S S Finding Joy and Inner Peace 42

6 7 33 35 41 41

M I N D - B O DY B R I D G I N G Stop Making Yourself Sick



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April/May 2011 Vol. 12 No. 2

Editor ’s Note F

eel the tickle of prickly green grass between your toes. Hear the robins musically whistle: cheerily, cheeriup, cheerio, cheeriup and feel the glowing yellow, warm sun on your face. Open your arms wide and salute the spring. My greatest joy this spring is sharing it with my one-year-old son Ryan. As he is taking his first wobbly barefeet steps in the grass, he’s also becoming aware of nature coming to life all around him for the first time. In this spring issue we offer healthy ways to boost vitality, detox, improve digestion and bone health, as well as aid seasonal allergies. Follow Janet McKenzie, BSN, MBA, ND in “A Recipe for Healthy Digestion” for health tips on fiber and probiotics or try making your own probiotic yogurt at home with DIY advice in Make Your Own Yogurt. The recipes come from The Yogurt Bible by Pat Crocker. Michelle Honda, Ph.D shares some insight into the herb butterbur for allergies and headaches. We also offer some marvellous muffin recipes to get your mornings started off right. Want to spend more on health foods and supplements but need to stretch the budget? Seeking health food and supplement savings? I invite you all to our website: and our facebook page: Healthy Directions Magazine for updates on coupons, contests, green flyers and free samples. So, go ahead, stretch your toes in the grass (we have an article on foot stretching and care on page 22) and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds of new beginnings all around you. Yours in health and happiness,

at Healthy Directions we offer researched information that contributes to living a healthy life in mind, body and spirit, as well as a more Earth-friendly existence. Editor Charleen Wyman Contributing Writers Janet McKenzie, BSN, MBA, ND, Sandrine Briatte, B.Sc. Biochem., M.Sc., Allison Tannis, BSc MSc RHN, Pat Crocker, Michelle Honda PhD, Vivienne Guy, ND, Elvis Ali, BSc, FIACA, D.Hom, ND, Portia Page, Lesley D’Souza, ND, Kirsten Gallagher, Phil Vickery, Camilla Saulsbury, Courtney Sunday, Carol Morley, BKin, ND, Heather Caruso B.Sc., DHMS, HD, Audrey McDonough, BA, RHN, CPCC, Alexander Mostovoy, HD, DHMS, BCCT, Connie D’Astolfo, DC, PhD(c,) and Stanley H. Block, MD Editorial:

Written contributions and photos are welcome. However, all content is subject to editorial review.

Advertising Sales: Jon Cousins 1-877-276-1849 Check out our website:

Charleen Wyman, BA Journalism, BA English Editor, Healthy Directions Healthy Directions is an independent journal produced by Cousins Publishing, six times a year. All content is copyrighted by Cousins Publishing. ISSN 1488-6308 Important: Always seek the opinion of your medical or naturopathic doctor before starting any complementary health program. Any information contained herein is intended towards that purpose; thus “Healthy Directions” and its contributing writers will not be held liable should this advice not be followed.

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Healthy Directions Magazine

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OUR CONTRIBUTORS allison tannis, BSc, MSc, RHN is a nutritional scientist, author and leading health educator in nutrition and natural medicine. Allison is a Nutritional Consultant working in southern Ontario and the author of four books including bestseller Probiotic Rescue (Wiley, 2008) and Feed Your Skin Starve Your Wrinkles (Fairwinds, 2009). Allison is dedicated to converting the language of health science into fun, easy-tounderstand terms.Visit: Elvis ali, BSc, FIACA, D.Hom, ND graduated with a B.Sc. (Biology) in 1979 and received his ND degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1987. He regularly publishes papers, has written and co-authored several books, conducts lectures internationally, and has appeared on a number of radio and TV shows.

Vivienne Guy, ND is the clinic owner of Kilborn Naturopathic & Wellness Centre in Ottawa where she leads a team of healthcare professionals. They have vast experience in addressing the health needs of all ages, from pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, children to teenagers, adults and senior adults. E-mail: or call (613) 738-8000. Visit:

michelle Honda, PhD practices at Renew You Holistic Health in Ancaster/West Hamilton. In addition to her doctorate, she holds an advanced degree in nutrition (RNCP), is a Master Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. For more information visit: Call: (905) 304-0111. Blog:

Carol morley, BKin, ND, is a graduate of McMaster University and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). She is the owner of Zawada Health, a multidisciplinary clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, cookbook author of Delicious Detox, and co-founder of skin-care company plant2body Organics. Visit:

Connie D’astolfo, DC, PhD(c) is the president of SPINEgroup® Med Rehab in Vaughan. D’Astolfo is pursuing a PhD at York University. Her interests include chronic disease prevention and management, spinal disorders and evaluation. She has several published peer reviewed articles and is a chapter author for a clinical text.

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A Recipe for

Healthy Digestion Did You Know?

Pears are actually higher in pectin than apples and high in fiber.

By Janet McKenzie, BSN, MBA, ND You’ve probably heard the statement “You are what you eat”. More literally, you are what you eat, digest, absorb and assimilate. Your gastrointestinal (GI) system is responsible for the digest-andabsorb portion of that process; so, its health is a key factor in your overall level of wellness. Let’s have a look at the “ingredients” that contribute to digestive health.

FABULOUS FIBRE Dietary fibre is also referred to as bulk or roughage. It consists of plant materials that we are not able to digest. Because we are unable to digest it, it carries various substances with it as it passes through the digestive system. You could almost think of fibre as a broom that sweeps out any unwanted matter that collects in the GI tract. There are two types of fibre that we need to pay attention to: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and increases the bulkiness of feces; the increased bulk helps to move this

material along and out of the GI tract. Cellulose is an example of insoluble fibre. Cellulose is common in fruits and vegetables. Soluble fibre dissolves in water and has a gel-like consistency. It influences the water balance in the digestive system, and has an impact on weight management, as well as levels of hormones, cholesterol and blood sugar. Pectin is a source of soluble fibre. Pectin is common in fruits such as apples and pears. The benefits of a high fibre diet may include: normalized bowel movements, maintenance of the health and integrity of the bowels, normalized levels of insulin, cholesterol and blood glucose, and enhanced elimination of potential toxins and carcinogens. The recommended daily fibre intake for adult males is 30 – 38 grams and is 21 – 26 grams for adult females. Many people find it challenging to obtain all the fibre they need from dietary sources. In these instances, fibre supplementation can be helpful. Unless

supplementation is being done for therapeutic reasons, in other words to treat a specific condition, it is preferable to look for supplements that contain both soluble and insoluble sources of fibre. If you are planning to increase your fibre intake, through your diet or with supplements, plan on making the change slowly. Too rapid an increase may result in unwanted side effects such as gas and bloating.

MIX IN MISSING ENZYMES Enzymes are chemically active proteins that enhance reactions between other substances. Our bodies use them for many things, including digestion. Digestive enzymes are produced by our salivary glands, stomach, small intestine and pancreas to aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. There are times when, for various reasons, we don’t produce sufficient quantities of these enzymes. This can result in incomplete digestion; undigested carbohydrates ferment, proteins putrefy, and fats become rancid. 444 Healthy Directions April/May 2011 9

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Lactose intolerance, with its symptoms of gas, bloating, cramping and diarrhea, is a common example of a malabsorption syndrome associated with incomplete carbohydrate digestion due to an insufficiency of the digestive enzyme lactase. Incomplete digestion of proteins may result in the presence of toxic compounds called “polyamines”. Some polyamines have been implicated in the loss of cell growth regulation seen in cancerous tumours. When fats are not fully digested, they can cause a form of diarrhea called “steatorrhea” which can lead to dehydration, deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins, as well as alterations in levels of blood lipids and hormones. At a minimum, these by-products of incomplete digestion can create some havoc in the GI tract, producing symptoms like gas, bloating, fluid retention, cramps, constipation or diarrhea. Supplemental enzymes may provide symptomatic relief. If you are going to take an enzyme supplement, look for one that is broad spectrum and provides support for the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

STIR IN PROBIOTICS A probiotic is a live microorganism, usually a type of bacteria, that is similar to beneficial bacteria found in our digestive systems. A prebiotic is a form of indigestible carbohydrate that stimulates the growth of probiotic organisms. The balance of different types of bacteria in the GI tract may become disturbed due to infection or treatment with antibiotics. This off-balance state is sometimes referred to as “dysbiosis”. Dysbiosis can alter the way the intestines perform the function of absorption . Dysbiosis may underlie such signs and symptoms as bad breath, body odour, bloating, gas, nausea, and constipation. It has been associated with conditions, such as attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and nervousness, brain fog and confusion, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, immune disorders (autoimmune disease, allergies, recurrent infections), liver dysfunction, malaise and fatigue, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity), muscle and joint aches and pains, as well as skin conditions. A part of the immune system known as gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is embedded in the GI tract. Probiotics appear to play a role in modulating immune system activities related to these 10 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

tissues and thereby have an impact on infections, allergies and chronic conditions like asthma and inflammatory bowel disease. When dysbiosis occurs, or even just a health-promotion measure, it may be helpful to support the microfloral balance by consuming probiotic supplements, along with foods like yogurt and sauerkraut. If you choose to take a supplement: look for a supplement that provides more than one type of microorganism; choose a supplement that guarantees to provide billions of live cells; keep the product refrigerated or follow label instructions for storage; follow the manufacturer’s instructions unless otherwise instructed by your health care practitioner.3 Janet McKenzie is a graduate of the University of British Columbia School of Nursing, Queen’s School of Business and the Canadian School of Naturopathic Medicine. She has practices in Hamilton and Toronto, and teaches at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.

References: 1) Behall KM, Scholfield DJ, Hallfrisch J. et al. Glucose and insulin responses to whole grain breakfasts varying in soluble fiber, β-glucan: : a dose response study in obese women with increased risk for insulin resistance. Eur J Nutr. 2009 Apr;48(3):170-5. Epub 2009 Feb 5. 2) Anderson JW, et al. Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutr Rev. 2009 Apr;67(4):188-205. 3) Health Canada’s Dietary Reference Intakes, accessed via March 12, 2010. 4) Feldman, Mark et al, ed. Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier, 2006. 5) M Linsalata, F Russo Effects Of Nutritional Components On The Polyamine Metabolism, publishe in Tumorigenesis Research Advances Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2007. p. 103 6) Feldman, Mark ibid. p. 2201 7) Murray, Michael T and Pizzorno, Joseph E. Textbook Of Natural Medicine, 3rd Ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of Elsevier, 2006. 8) Rakel, David Integrative Medicine, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier, 2007. p. 121 9) Rakel, David. ibid. p. 620 10) H Gill, J Prasad Probiotics, immunomodulation, and health benefits. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2008; 606 (5): 423-454

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Aid Allergy in Infancy with


synbiotic than in the placebo group. So, this study confirmed that a synbiotic with B. breve M-16V helps prevent asthma-like symptoms. Furthermore, the infants included in this study will be followed up to age 5-6, when they will be able to determine if this synbiotic also prevents the development of asthma.3 Sandrine Briatte, B.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Biology, is a scientific director in research and development of natural health products. She currently works at Virage Santé in Quebec and offers her expertise in probiotics by providing training for customers. For more information: or call 1-800-463-0944


1) Van der Aa LB, Van Aalderen WMC, Heymans HSA, Henk Sillevis Smitt J, Nauta AJ, Knippels LMJ, Ben Amor K, Sprikkelman AB, the Synbad Study Group, 2011. Synbiotics prevent asthma-like symptoms in infants with atopic dermatitis. Allergy, 66 : 170–177 2) Tang M., Lahtinen S. and R. Boyle, 2010. Probiotics and prebiotics: clinical effects in allergic disease. Curr Opin Pediatr, 22(5): 626-34

By Sandrine Briatte, B.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Biology The intestinal microbiota play an important role in immune system development. Probiotics and prebiotics, alone or together (synbiotics), can positively influence the intestinal microbiota and subsequently help modulate the immune response. This modulation of the immune response offers a new approach to the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases. For instance, some studies suggest that the composition of the intestinal microflora may be different in individuals with atopic eczema from those without this condition and such differences may precede the development of eczema. In this case, probiotics added to an infant’s diet can have the potential to prevent sensitization to dietary allergens. Recently, a new scientific article printed in Allergy, 2011 revealed that a specific strain of probiotic (B. breve M-16V) with prebiotics can be effective to reduce the prevalence of asthma-like symptoms in infants with atopic dermatitis (Van De Aa LB et al, Allergies, 2011). This clinical study has been performed over a period of 3 months on 75 infants, at mean age of 17 months, with atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) can be the first manifestation of the natural progression of allergic disorders, with subsequent development of asthma and allergic rhinitis. After one year of follow-up, the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and asthma medication use was evaluated. The prevalence of ‘’frequent wheezing’’ and ‘’wheezing and/or noisy breathing apart from colds’’ was significantly lower with the Healthy Directions April/May 2011 11

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The Health Benefits of


The human intestinal tract is home to over 400 species of bacteria. The average adult carries around about four pounds of bacteria in their digestive tract. Probiotics also live in your mouth where they fight the bacteria that cause dental caries (cavities). They also live in your urinary tract and the vagina where they prevent infections. Similar to cholesterol, bacteria may be good or bad. E.coli and Salmonella are not probiotics; these nasty bacteria are the Œbad bugs). Typically, in a healthy digestive system there are many more good bacteria (probiotics) than bad bacteria. However, for some people, probiotic levels may drop and the bad bugs are able to grow which leads to health problems. What causes a drop? Stress, antibiotic use, traveling, dietary changes are just a few of the major causes. Probiotics prevent Œbad bug), like Salmonella, from growing in your body. They make your body inhospitable to the Œbad bugs‚ by eating available food sources, taking up receptor sites (which are like parking spaces), and secreting substances that bad bugs do not like to live around. Probiotics also interact with your immune system, influence fat metabolism, and even promote bone health. There are two main families of probiotics in your body: Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. In general, you’ll find Lactobacilli in your mouth, small intestine and urinary tract. Bifidobacteria live in your colon. Thus, instead of getting confused and overwhelmed by what each species does, you can look for probiotic families that live in the area you're in need of some help with. And, look for larger dosages or different strain combinations if your current probiotic is not meeting your desired results. If your chosen probiotic is a supplement, be sure to take it with food. Food in your stomach helps enhance the ability of the probiotics to reach lower sections of your digestive tract. And, if sadly, you need to take antibiotics - be sure to keep taking your probiotic...a few hours apart of course.3

By Allison Tannis, BSc MSc RHN Walking down the supermarket aisles these days is an adventure in microbiology. Yogurts, milk, cheese and even cereal packages are calling out to you about bacteria and yeast benefits. Probiotics (friendly microbes that offer you healthy benefits) are turning up in all sorts of foods.

WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS AND WHAT DO THEY DO? Probiotics are microbes (e.g. bacteria, yeast) that live in your body. They help you digest food, fight off infections and make vitamins. In fact, probiotics play so many important roles in your body’s health that one could argue probiotics are as important as vitamins to your health. 12 Healthy Directions April/May 2011




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Allison Tannis, BSc MSc RHN is a practicing Nutritionist in Burlington, and author of four books including “Probiotic Rescue” (Wiley 2008) and “The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy” (Fairwinds 2009). Follow her blog at For more helpful articles by Allison visit

Health Benefits of Probiotics • • • • • • •

lowers cholesterol levels • improves digestion boosts immunity • prevents dental caries fights acne • prevents urinary tract infections treats yeast infections • aids diarrhea recovery relieves constipation • promotes healthy bones helps fight eczema • alleviates irritable bowel syndrome improves lactose intolerance

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Sleep Problems? ARTHRITIS 30 million people in North America don’t sleep well for the following reasons: 1. Difficulties falling asleep. 2. Staying asleep 3. Snoring 4. Sleep apnea (Gasping for air and choking) 5. Frequent bathroom trips by men because of prostate problems 6.Women getting up frequently because of bladder infections, UTIs and incontinence. Hundreds of thousands had relief within days with the natural products below. All come with MUST HELP OF MONEY REFUNDED guarantee. All are 100% true statements with full names and towns. Skeptics can call these men and women for advice and their true experience. All natural, no side effects, inexpensive. We can help quickly in most cases.

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We are grateful for the opportunity to improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of men and women. 110316-Healthy Directions

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Make Smooth & Creamy


BASIC LOWER-FAT MILK YOGURT •Food thermometer •Electric yogurt maker • Makes 4 cups INGREDIENTS 4 cups fresh nonfat (skim), 1% or 2% milk 1⁄4 cup instant skim milk powder 3 tbsp organic live-culture yogurt or 5 g freeze-dried yogurt culture


Oatmeal Cinnamon Topping GETTING STARTED Many people choose to make a lower-fat yogurt from nonfat (skim), 1% or 2% milk. When, lower-fat milk is used, skim milk powder is used to boost the solids and produce a thicker yogurt. Purchase live-culture yogurt at health food and grocery stores. Check the label to be sure the bacteria is “live”. Freeze-dried yogurt culture may be purchased at health food stores, some grocery stores and online. If you do not have an electric yogurt maker to hold the milk at 115°F (46°C) for 6 to 10 hours, try a low-temperature oven, a towel-wrapped thermos, a cooler with two hot water bottles, or a slow cooker on low with the lid off. 14 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

In a stainless-steel saucepan, heat milk to the scalding point over medium-low heat, stirring frequently. Add skim milk powder and stir until incorporated. Remove from heat and let cool to 110° to 120°F (43° to 49°C), stirring often. Cooling can take up to 1 hour. In a bowl, combine starter yogurt or freeze-dried yogurt culture with about 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) of the cooled milk. Add to remaining cooled milk and stir well to distribute yogurt culture. Pour into clean cups, secure lids if suggested by manufacturer, and place in yogurt maker. Set the time for 8 to 12 hours or minimum time recommended in manufacturer’s instructions. The longer yogurt ferments, the firmer and more tart it will be. Do not disturb the milk as it is fermenting. Check one container after 8 hours and, if yogurt has reached the desired consistency, remove cups from yogurt maker, secure lids, if necessary, and refrigerate immediately. If it is not set to your liking, replace test cup and ferment for another 1 to 2 hours, or until desired consistency is reached. Refrigeration stops the fermentation process. Let yogurt chill completely before serving or using in recipes. Excerpted from The Yogurt Bible by Pat Crocker © 2010 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.


coconut oil or butter, at room temperature lightly packed brown sugar large-flake rolled oats or spelt flakes ground cinnamon

DIRECTIONS In a bowl, beat together coconut oil and brown sugar until smooth. Add rolled oats and cinnamon and stir. The mixture will be crumbly. Use walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, peanuts, cashews or any of your favorite nuts. A combination works nicely, as well. Easy to make and great for sprinkling over fresh yogurt, this topping adds fiber. For a healthy alternative to butter, try coconut oil, which is solid at room temperature. The fat should be room temperature (soft but not liquid).

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BASIC WHOLE MILK YOGURT •Food thermometer •Electric yogurt maker • Makes 4 cups INGREDIENTS 4 cups fresh whole milk 1⁄3 cup instant skim milk powder 1⁄4 cup organic live-culture yogurt or 5 g freeze-dried yogurt culture

DIRECTIONS In a stainless-steel saucepan, heat milk to the scalding point over mediumlow heat, stirring frequently. Add skim milk powder and stir until incorporated. Remove from heat and let cool to 110° to 120°F (43° to 49°C), stirring often. Cooling could take up to 1 hour. In a bowl, combine starter yogurt or freezedried yogurt culture with about 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) of the cooled milk. Add to remaining cooled milk and stir well to distribute yogurt culture. Pour into clean cups, secure lids if suggested by manufacturer, and place in yogurt maker. Set the time for 8 to 12 hours or minimum time recommended in manufacturer’s instructions. The longer yogurt ferments, the firmer and more tart it will be. Do not disturb the milk as it is fermenting. Check one container after 8 hours and, if yogurt has reached desired consistency, remove cups from yogurt maker, secure lids, if necessary, and refrigerate immediately. If it is not set to your liking, replace test cup and ferment for another 1 to 2 hours, or until desired consistency is reached. Refrigeration stops the fermentation process. Let yogurt chill completely before serving or using in recipes. Excerpted from The Yogurt Bible by Pat Crocker © 2010 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.



2 1 2 tbsp 3 tbsp

In a large bowl, toss pears and apple with lemon juice to coat fruit. Add honey, raisins, cinnamon and curry, if using. Toss to mix. Use immediately and/or cover remaining salsa tightly and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

2 tbsp 1⁄4 tsp 1⁄4 tsp

pears, diced apple, diced fresh squeezed lemon juice liquid honey or agave nectar golden raisins ground cinnamon curry powder or garam masala spice blend, optional

TIPS FOR SUCCESS Use this method for full-fat (whole) cow’s milk. Because of the high solids content, it’s not necessary to fortify this milk with skim milk powder. Use the freshest milk you can get and be sure that if you are using a commercial yogurt for starter it is fresh and contains live bacteria (it should be stated on the label). Always store yogurt in the refrigerator. Home made yogurt will keep for up to one week and after that, the value of its beneficial bacteria will be diminished. Commercial yogurt has a “best before” date clearly marked on the package.

A Whole Whole FFood ood Approach Approach ffor or P Prevention revention Protection and maintenance of cellular health.

Increases cell protective activity by a factor of 800%.

Backed by Human Clinical Studies on Supercritical Antioxidants.

Dramatically elevates human detoxification enzyme systems.

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Alleviate Seasonal Allergies & Migraines with


By Michelle Honda PhD Butterbur has sparked renewed interest among the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry alike, due to its ability to alleviate and reduce the frequency of seasonal allergies and migraines. Butterbur’s claim to fame as a medicinal plant is not new. Its history dates back to the 14th century where it was used to treat plague and fever. Butterbur has also been used to treat asthma, coughs, infections and stomach ulcers. Current research indicates that butterbur has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties.

WHAT IS BUTTERBUR? Butterbur (Petasites Hybridus) is a robust, large leafed shrub type plant that is actually part of the daisy family (Asteraces). This perennial bush is grown in Asia, Europe and North America. Butterbur is additionally known as butterfly dock, bog rhubarb, butter-dock, blatterdock and exwort. Butterbur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which may cause liver toxicity, particularly if glutathione, the livers main antioxidant, levels are low. Extracts of Butterbur are available PA free with pyrrolizidine alkaloids removed. As a remedy, butterbur is available as a single preparation in teas, tablets, extracts and capsules. It may also be purchased as part of a combination herbal product or along with pharmaceutical ingredients, such as fexofenadine.

WHY TAKE BUTTERBUR INSTEAD OF A DRUG? People are seeking relief through a variety of natural sources today to subdue the frequency and duration of their symptoms related to allergies and migraines. Even though antihistamine 16 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

medications may be effective, they have a common side effect of drowsiness that impairs job performance and quality of life. Studies show equal efficacy of butterbur extracts without the sedative aspect that needs to be avoided in a normal day to day routine.

SYMPTOMS OF ALLERGIES Individuals who fall prey to environmental allergies usually suffer for several weeks during the spring, summer and early fall. The unwelcome symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, running nose, nasal congestion and throat irritation are triggered by particles in the air such as pollen and dust. These substances stick to the nasal pathways and stimulate an overreaction by the immune system.

HOW DOES BUTTERBUR BENEFIT ALLERGIES? Hay fever and rhinitis are symptoms of allergens in the air which include pollens from trees, grass, flowers, ragweed and spores from molds. These substances induce an immune response, releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause tissue inflammation. Butterbur contains petasin, a type of sesquiterpene ester, which is the major active component that blocks leukotrienes – white blood cells that react during inflammation. Recent research hails this herb as effective as conventional drugs for relieving allergies and hay fever. According to a study published in “Phytotherapy Research” an extract of the butterbur leaf works as well as any other commercial antihistamine in alleviating symptoms of seasonal allergies.

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EVIDENTIAL STUDY A double blind group compared butterbur extract to a common drug administered for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Both were superior to the placebo and both treatments were well tolerated by patients and equally effective. The interpretation by physicians states, “despite being an herbal drug, Butterbur Ze 339 has now been subject to a series of well controlled trials and should be considered as an alternative treatment for IAR.�

HOW DOES BUTTERBUR WORK FOR MIGRAINES? Modern research reveals that extracts of butterbur is effective for migraines. Butterbur contains active ingredients that prevent migraine attacks, while reducing their severity and duration at the time of occurrence. Butterbur has been prescribed in Germany for more than 30 years as a migraine treatment. To reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, Dr. Alexander Mauskop who is the director of the New York Headache Center in New York City, recommends taking 75mg of butterbur, twice a day with food. Using this protocol, results are felt within a month. He also suggests continuance of butterbur until you have had a one month free of headaches, and then stop. Resume as needed.

EVIDENCE OF BUTTERBUR FOR MIGRAINE RELIEF A study published in Headache 2000, where 58 patients were given 50mg of butterbur twice a day, resulted in 50% fewer migraines than the placebo group. Similarly, a double blind study in Neurology in 2002 gave 202 migraine sufferers 150mg of butterbur extract a day or a placebo. Researches reported 48% fewer migraines than usual taking butterbur after the 12 week trial. An interest in herbal medicine continues to climb as people strive to gain and maintain good health through a holistic approach which is the path to well being. The herb butterbur is one such example of an alternative solution for the treatment of migraines, hay fever and allergic rhinitis. Researchers agree that butterbur is worth considering based on published reports, as a therapy for alleviating symptoms related to headaches, grass allergies and other similar complaints.3 Michelle Honda PhD is a holistic doctor practicing at Renew You Holistic Health located in Ancaster Meadowlands. In addition to her doctorate, she holds an advanced degree in nutrition (RNCP), is a Master Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. Visit her website at: and Call: (905) 304-0111

References: 1) Phytother Res. 2005 Jun;19(6):530-7. Treating intermittent allergic rhinitis: a prospective, randomized, placebo and antihistamine-controlled study of Butterbur extract Ze 339. Schapowal A; Study Group. 2) Clin Exp Allergy. 2004 Apr;34(4):646-9. A placebo controlled evaluation of butterbur and fexofenadine on objective and subjective outcomes in perennial allergic rhinitis. Lee DK, Gray RD, Robb FM, Fujihara S, Lipworth BJ. 3) Archives of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (2004;130:1381-6). A butterbur leaf extract can effectively treat allergies. 4) Charles W. Fetrow Pharm.D. Juan R.Avila Pharm.D. The complete Guide to Herbal Medicines 2000.

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Find a Natural Glow Execalm Homeopathic Eczema Cr Cream eam Reduces ailments of irrita irritated ted skin. For For rashes, hives, psoriasis and itching, peeling, cracked skin.

Beauty Comes from Within By Vivienne Guy, ND You've probably heard the saying “Beauty is only skin deep”? It means that it's what is on the inside that counts. This is a rational thought, yet in practice I meet with clients who are experiencing emotional strain due to some things that are evident at first sight. They may feel less beautiful because they are troubled with acne, thinning hair and or brittle and damaged nails. While working with those feelings, we also look deeper to see if there is an imbalance in the body that might be resulting in compromised cellular health and growth.



www 1 800 446-4242

18 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

A key component of nails, hair and skin is a protein called keratin. The diet needs to have adequate amounts of complete protein to build this. Vitamin A helps improve dry and brittle nails. In foods it is found as retinol in animal products, such as beef, chicken, eggs, fish, cheese and seafoods, and as carotenes, in vegetables, such as carrot, pumpkin, broccoli, peas, spinach, sweet potato, turnip, tomatoes. Biotin deficiency may result in dry, brittle finger nails and scaly skin rash. Food sources are soybeans, brewers yeast, whole wheat, oatmeal, mushrooms, avocado and eggs. Supplement it through a B complex vitamin. Vitamin C is essential in collagen synthesis. Deficiency results in poorly formed connective tissue in the skin, joints, muscles and bones. May be seen as “sandpaper skin” or poor wound healing.

Zinc is needed to make the proteins that make up hair, skin, nails and tissue repair. Food sources: beef, canned fish, chicken, eggs, hard cheese, mushrooms, nuts, oysters, pulses, shellfish. Thinning hair can be a result of low iron, inflammation or hormonal changes damaging and scarring the hair follicle, preventing new hair from growing or producing thinner, shorter hair shafts. Brittle nails maybe due to thyroid problems, impaired kidney function and/or problems with circulation. If the nail is brittle yet soft and shiny without a moon, it may be a sign of hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid. If you don't notice positive changes after addressing nutrition it could mean that the body cannot absorb vitamins and nutrients properly. It is important to assess the digestive system. Your ND can perform hormone and nutritional testing, can measure the level of inflammation in your body to be able to accurately diagnose medical conditions and then prescribe herbs, food, exercise plans to help reestablish proper balance and cell growth. Once you begin addressing the foundations of healthy skin, hair and nails, you may find that you begin to shine, inside and out!3 Vivienne Guy, ND is the clinic owner of Kilborn Naturopathic & Wellness Centre in Ottawa. She holds an Honours Science Degree, has worked in medical research and received her Naturopathic licensing from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Visit

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Bone Health Tips RISK FACTORS FOR OSTEOPOROSIS • Age - getting older • Having a family history of osteoporosis • Taking certain medicines such as glucocorticoid drugs • If you have had a fracture after 40 years • Vertebral compression fracture • Small and thin • Asian or white females • Low bone mass By Elvis Ali, BSc, FIACA, D.Hom, ND Our bones play crucial roles in the body which protects our internal organs, provides structure, as well as storing calcium. Bones are constantly changing and it is affected by diet, exercise, hereditary predisposition and the aging process. If you do not get sufficient calcium on a daily basis your old bones will begin to break down faster (resorption) than new one forming (mineralization) as you begin to age. This may result in a condition known as osteoporosis, especially once peak bone mass is reached (approximately at 30 years of age). Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, (thinning of the bones), as a result of depletion of calcium and if left untreated osteoporosis can lead to increased risk of bone fractures which typically occurs in the wrist, hip and spine. Therefore, adequate calcium consumption and weight bearing physical activity are key components to help build strong bones, optimize bone mass, and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life. In Canada about 2 million Canadians are living with osteoporosis which affects 1 in 4 women and at least 1 in 8 men over the age of 50. Osteoporosis makes your bones weak which makes them more susceptible to break and is common in older women. Fifty percent of women and twenty five percent of men beyond 50 years will break a bone due to osteoporosis. There are certain risk factors correlated to the development of osteoporosis and some key factors which can help in the prevention, such as vitamin supplementation and exercise. Exercise – such as weight lifting, jogging, stair climbing, walking and dancing works well since you are working against gravity. Incorporating weight-bearing physical activity into an exercise plan is a great way to keep bones healthy. 20 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

Lifestyle modification – in addition to getting more exercise, it is best to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Nutritional supplements – adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthy diet along with physical activity may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Diet - include foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, dark green leafy vegetables (broccoli, collard greens, bok choy and spinach), fish (sardines, salmon), tofu and nuts since they contain calcium. Foods containing vitamin D include egg yolks, saltwater fish and liver. Vitamin D has an important role in calcium absorption and bone health. It is important to obtain enough vitamin D in the winter months and among those who are housebound as studies have shown that vitamin D production decreases in these situations.3 Elvis Ali, ND graduated with a B.Sc. (Biology) in 1979 and received his ND degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1987. He regularly publishes papers, has written and co-authored several books, conducts lectures internationally, and has appeared on a number of radio and TV shows.

References: 1) Definition of osteoporosis. (Internet) (Cited on February 21st, 2011) Available at: /art.asp?articlekey=4686 2) Facts and statistics. About Osteoporosis. (Internet) (Cited on Feb. 21st, 2011) Available at: 3) Osteoporosis: Medline Plus. (Internet) (Cited on Feb 28th, 2011) Available from: 4) Osteoporosis Overview. (Internet) (Cited on March 1st, 2011) Available at: 5) Food and Nutrition – Dietary References Intakes. References Values for Vitamins. (Internet) (Cited on March 1st, 2011) Available at:

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Dietary Reference Intake – Calcium Age Group

(*adequate intakes)

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) per day

Children 1-3 years

700 mg

2500 mg

Children 4-8 years

1000 mg

2500 mg

Children and Adults 9-18 years

1300 mg

3000 mg

Males and Females 19-50 years

1000 mg

2500 mg

Males 51-70 years

1000 mg

2000 mg

Females 51-70 years

1200 mg

2000 mg

Males and Females > 70 years

1200 mg

2000 mg

Pregnancy/Lactation < 18 years

1300 mg

3000 mg

Pregnancy/Lactation 19-50 years

1000 mg

2500 mg


Healthy Directions April/May 2011 21

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Foot Work Series Level ▶

Beginner Breath is relaxed and calm.

Pain in, injuries to, or chronic conditions of the spine, feet, or ankles

Focus ▶

Abdominals and muscles of the feet, legs, and back

Gentle Modific ation

If your hamstring s or lower back is tight, place a bolster, block, or fold ed mat under you r buttocks. If the hamstrings or low er back is still tigh t, bend the knees gently until the ten sion releases. Ke ep the knees bent throughout the exe rcises, if necessary .

Contraindications Spine is straight and tall.

Draw abdominals in to protect the back and support the spine.

Imagine you are sitting up against a wall.

Benefits ▶

▶ ▶

Stretches the feet and improves articulation Mobilizes the ankle joint Teaches correct sitting posture Strengthens and stabilizes the core


This exercise series warms up the feet, ankles, and lower legs. During these movements, keep the spine still and your breathing calm and focused. Begin by sitting with your legs straight in front of your hips, or use the gentle modification, if needed. Flex the feet up to the ceiling.

Keep the spine long and tall.

Arms stay relaxed at your sides.

Go slowly, using the breath to facilitate movement.

Keep the knees and shins steady.

Imagine your feet are windshield wipers, moving side to side.


Flex your feet as if standing on them.

Move only the feet at the ankle joint.

You will also feel warmth in the shins as the muscles begin to move.

Ankles begin to warm up.



Inhale as you move the feet to the right. Only the feet move.

Exhale as you move the feet to the left. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 10 sets.

Make the circle as large as possible, working the full range of motion for your feet.



Inhale as you move both feet in a circular motion to the right from a flexed position. As you bring the foot around in the circle, point the toes away as far as possible to stretch the top of the foot.

22 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

Feel the stretch in the ankle joint and along the foot.


Exhale and finish the half circle of the foot, bringing the feet up the left side of the ankle.


Finish the movement with the toes pointing to the ceiling, returning to the start position. When you finish each circle, strongly flex the foot to fully stretch the bottom of the foot, Achilles tendon, and calf. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for 10 repetitions. Repeat steps 4 and 5 again, starting the circle to the left for 10 repetitions.

From Pilates Illustrated by Portia Page. Copyright © 2011 by Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. Excerpted by permission of Human Kinetics. Available to order from Human Kinetics Canada at or by calling 1-800-465-7301.

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Feel the stretch across the ball of the foot.


Inhale as you press the ball of the foot away. Imagine you are wearing a pair of ( calf raise. The ball of high heels or doing a the foot presses away, but the toes point to the ceiling. Initially the range of motion might be small, but be patient. This range of motion will increase with time.

Feel the stretch across the top of the foot and possibly the shin.

Point your toes as if you were a ballerina on high point.


Exhale as you point the toes away from the body. Reach up with the top of the head to keep the posture straight.

Feel as if you are wearing stiletto shoes.


Inhale as you pull just the toes up to the ceiling, pushing the ball of the foot away.

Remain tall and straight through the torso. Pull in the abdominals to support the spine. Keep the shoulders down and back.


Feet are flexed and flat, as if you were standing.


Exhale as you flex the toes back toward the shins. Repeat steps 6 through 10 for 5 to 10 repetitions.

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Love Your


HERBS MILK THISTLE (above)& DANDELION (right) HELP PROMOTE LIVER HEALTH. By Lesley D’Souza, ND The liver is probably one of the hardest working organs in the body. Not only does it perform more than 500 vital functions on a daily basis but it is the only organ that can regenerate itself. In fact, the liver will continue doing it’s job even when two thirds of it has been damaged by scarring or cirrhosis. Some of the main functions of the liver include: assisting in the processing and elimination of toxic substances, storing vitamins and minerals, including B12 and iron, regulating sugar, fats and cholesterol, converting fats, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals into more usable forms and producing the key component of hemoglobin for red blood cells. Most people take their liver for granted and do not think about it until problems actually arise. However, making healthful choices can promote the health and optimal functioning of this vital organ.

MAINTAIN A LIVER FRIENDLY DIET Consume plenty of foods containing folate, magnesium, iron, flavenoids, selenium, sulphate and B-vitamins since the liver requires these nutrients for detoxification. Think green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, good quality olive oil etc.

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Avoid fried, fatty, greasy foods high in saturated fats. Instead aim for a whole foods diet full of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, brown rice), lean protein (chicken, fish, lentils, eggs, beans), and organic fruits and vegetables. Limit caffeine, alcohol and other stimulants as they create stress on the liver. Drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Try adding a squeeze of lemon to water to help support the liver with detoxification. Eat foods rich in antioxidants: broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, pomegranate and berries are few of the antioxidants which aid in natural detox mechanisms and prevent damage to the liver by free radicals.

LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Exercise promotes a healthy weight, which can directly benefit the liver. Obesity stresses the liver and may actually accelerate damage. Exercise also helps reduce the risk factors that contribute to liver disease such as high cholesterol and high blood sugar. Reduce daily stress. Studies have shown that stress can exacerbate liver disease so try some meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress. Rest – an important component of allowing the body to detoxify and heal. Ensure at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

LIVER-FRIENDLY HERBS Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) extract can help improve liver function and protect it from damage by toxins and other harmful substances. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) helps increase bile flow, aiding in liver detox and it also has an antioxidant effect. Dandelion (Traxacum officinale) root is a powerful yet gentle liver cleanse herb. Remember, a healthy liver means a healthier body.3 Lesley D’Souza, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor at Your Health Wellness Centre in Oakville. She has a general family practice with a special interest in women’s health and infertility. For more information check out the clinic’s website at or call 905-8290724.

References: 1) Caring for your liver. Hepatitis Foundation International (Cited January 6th, 2011) Available at: 2) Chida Y, Sudo N and Kubo C. Does Stress Exacerbate Liver Disease? Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2006; 20:202-208. 3) Hobbs, Christopher. Natural Therapy for your liver: Herbs and other natural remedies for a healthy liver. Penguin Putnam Inc. New York. 2002. 4) Saller R, Meier R, Brignoli R. The Use of Silymarin in the Treatment of Liver Diseases. Drugs. 2001; 61(14):2035-2063.

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Spring into Fitness

By Kirsten Gallagher It’s spring. Resolutions from the new year are barely hanging on and motivation is waning. Going to the gym has lost its appeal and feels monotonous. Now that the weather is getting better why not shake things up and work out outside? Better yet - why not do it with a friend or family? It’s easy to create a fun and diverse workout with two people or more. Summer is around the corner and hiding under bulky sweaters won’t be an option in a month or two. So grab a friend and head outside. Here are some simple ideas to get started.


Even if it’s just a walk around the park, keep it brisk. Set a pace and challenge each other to keep it up without lapsing into a stroll. If you’re both fit enough then add some intervals. You could even play a game of “catch-up”: one of you could jog or sprint ahead for one minute while the other continues to walk; once that minute is up, he or she has to catch up to you. Repeat several times.


Most parks have a set of stairs or an incline somewhere. After you’ve warmed up, you could walk or jog up, depending on how steep it is. Instead of both going at the same time, one of you could go up and then down while the other does a strength move, such as holding a squat position. Whoever is holding a squat will certainly be encouraging the other to move faster. 26 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

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A squat and plank are two typical strength moves. To challenge stability, one of you could be holding your position while the other pushes you (gently) from various angles. Your goal is, of course, to stay as still as you can (like a statue). This will increase the muscular effort it takes to hold the position.


Resistance bands are light and portable. Most parks will have benches or fixtures that can act as anchors for bands, allowing you to do a few exercises; for example, a row (back) or a kick-back (triceps). If no anchor can be found then you and your friend can stand across from each other, intertwine the bands and use each other for either of these strength moves.


Push-ups can be a lot more varied than their typical use. Firstly, there are ways to modify the length (meaning difficulty) of the push-up position by placing your hands on a bench or by choosing between balancing on your knees or feet. Secondly, there are ways to manipulate which muscles are participating. When performing a push-up, you can push your hands into towards each other (without actually moving them) to bring in more chest or you can push your hands away from each other (without actually moving them) to bring in more backs of the shoulders and triceps. Perform these variations slowly, tensing the abdominals the whole time. After doing a warm-up, any of these ideas can be mixed up. It’s an option to do the incline work and follow it up afterwards with the suggested strength moves or to alternate between the two. Doing the latter will keep your heart rate elevated. Whichever you choose, aim to motivate each other in order to keep up the pace and effort of your workout.3 Kirsten Gallagher is a certified personal trainer and avid writer. She works primarily out of Core Strength, Canada's only clinic devoted to Muscle Activation Techniques™.

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Gloriously Gluten Free!

BLUEBERRY BUTTERMILK MUFFINS A tasty twist on a much used format, here the frozen blueberries defrost perfectly when baking, leaving little pockets of brilliantly purple juice. Don’t restrict yourself to blueberries though—any frozen berries will work. Soaking the oats in buttermilk first really helps keep the muffins moist. Buttermilk is the by-product when butter is produced; it has a slight acidic edge to it, and this, coupled with the baking soda and baking powder, causes a slight chemical reaction, producing bubbles of air to increase the lift in the end result—all clever stuff! Makes:12 muffins. Preparation:15 minutes. Baking:15–20 minutes.



2 cups (7 oz) rolled oats 1¼ cups (10 fl oz) buttermilk Generous ½ cup (4½ oz) superfine sugar cup (5 fl oz) vegetable oil 1 large egg, at room temperature 1 tablespoon glycerin 1½ cups (7 oz) Gluten-Free Flour Mix 1½ teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon xanthan gum ½ teaspoon baking soda scant ½ cup (3 oz) frozen blueberries

Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Place 12 paper muffin liners in a muffinpan. Place the oats, buttermilk, and sugar in a medium mixing bowl, and set aside for 20 minutes. Whisk the oil, egg, and glycerin together in a bowl, and add to the oat mixture. Then stir in the flour, baking powder, xanthan gum, and baking soda. Finally add the blueberries, and mix well.

28 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

Spoon into the muffin liners and bake for 15 minutes, or until well browned and risen. Cool on a wire rack, and serve. Used with permission from Gluten-Free Baking by Phil Vickery (Firefly Books 2011, $24.95 paperback). Phil Vickery was head chef at the Castle Hotel in Somerset for nine years, where he won The Times Restaurant of the Year. Phil is Food Ambassador for the celiac advocacy and research charity, Coeliac UK.

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GOLDEN APRICOT QUINOA MUFFINS INGREDIENTS 1 cup 3⁄4 cup 1⁄3 cup 1 tbsp 11⁄4 cups 11⁄4 cups 2 tsp 1⁄2 tsp 1⁄4 tsp 1 1⁄4 cup 1⁄4 cup

yellow cornmeal chopped dried apricots quinoa, rinsed finely grated orange zest orange juice whole wheat pastry flour baking powder salt baking soda egg, beaten liquid honey vegetable oil

Makes 12 muffins.

DIRECTIONS 12-cup muffin pan, greased. In a large heatproof bowl, combine cornmeal, apricots and quinoa. In a small saucepan, bring orange juice to a boil over high heat. Pour over cornmeal mixture and stir to combine. Let stand for at least 1 hour or for up to 12 hours. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). In another large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Stir orange zest, egg, honey and oil into quinoa mixture until well blended. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just blended. Divide batter equally among prepared muffin cups. Bake for 24 to 28 minutes or until tops are golden and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in pan on a wire rack for 3 minutes, then transfer to the rack to cool. Excerpted from 750 Best Muffin Recipes by Camilla Saulsbury © 2010 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

RASPBERRY OAT MUFFINS INGREDIENTS 2 cups 1 cup 1 cup 2 tsp 1⁄2 tsp 1⁄2 tsp 1⁄2 tsp 1 1 cup 1⁄4 cup 1 tsp 11⁄2 cups 1⁄4 cup

Makes 15 muffins. all-purpose flour large-flake (old-fashioned) rolled oats packed light brown sugar baking powder baking soda salt ground allspice egg milk unsalted butter, melted vanilla extract raspberries granulated sugar

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Two 12-cup muffin pans, 15 cups greased. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and allspice. In a medium bowl, whisk together egg, milk, butter and vanilla until well blended. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just blended. Gently fold in raspberries. Divide batter equally among prepared muffin cups. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake in preheated oven for 16 to 21 minutes or until tops are light golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in pans for 5 minutes, then transfer to cool. Excerpted from 750 Best Muffin Recipes by Camilla Saulsbury © 2010 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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A Yoga Spring Cleanse

By Courtney Sunday

Recipe Two: YOGA DETOX

Tis the season‌for taxes, shedding our sweaters (and waistlines) and for organizing. Our cutlery drawers become orderly at this time of year, so why not extend this order to ourselves? Yoga is a brilliant tool for revitalizing the internal organs and refreshing our metabolism – consider it an internal reboot. What better time of year to start?3 Courtney Sunday is a yoga teacher, trained in Prague who has taught around Europe and now Toronto. She can be reached through:

Recipe One: CLEANSING BREATH INGREDIENTS One person with the desire to breathe away winter One pair of lungs


Sit upright on a chair or cross-legged. Inhale naturally and exhale quickly and forcefully using the abdominal muscles moving back toward the spine, starting with 10 rounds. Breathe a few times normally, and repeat. Natural inhalation, 10 forceful exhalations. As you progress, build up the number of exhalations. With this pranayama technique, you are cleaning the respiratory system and improving your digestion. Now you can calmly move on to cleaning your closet.

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INGREDIENTS One person weary of winter weight One patch of sunshine or a bright light


Lie down in the sunshine or near the bright light and close your eyes, basking in the feeling of warmth on your skin. Take a moment to feel the energy of the light internally. Inhale and bend your legs with the feet off the floor in a tabletop position. Exhale and hug your hands around them, squeezing the knees towards the chest. Hold the pose. Inhale. Exhale and raise your head, so that the chin reaches towards the knees. Hold it for as long as you can, breathing normally. Release and repeat three times. When complete, place the soles of both feet close to the buttocks on the ground, knees pointed up to the ceiling. Bring your arms to your side in a T position, palms facing down and shoulders pressed down. Exhale your knees to the right while allowing your head to shift to the left. Inhale back to centre and move your knees to the left and your head to the right. Breathe and move mindfully as you repeat three times. Although both poses are simple movements, they will help to reduce accumulated waste in the body and rev up the metabolism. Celebrate this reduction of bodily clutter with the following green smoothie recipe.

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INGREDIENTS Spinach Banana Milk of choice (cow, almond, soy) Fruit of choice


This is as simple as it gets – a way of incorporating the nutritional powerhouse of spinach into your diet while tricking your taste buds. Place in a blender the banana, fruit and a big handful of spinach. Don’t be shy with the greens – you won’t taste them! Cover in milk and blend the concoction into a lovely green. Sip and be amazed that health can taste so good. Starting your day with such a vitamin rich drink will make you glow from the inside out and make people wonder where your fabulous skin and contagious energy comes from. Try it!

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The Educational Tool of


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By Carol Morley, BKin, ND

There should be no doubt in our minds that our bodies bear the brunt of our toxic society. As a Naturopathic Doctor I believe I play a role in educating my patients about all the avenues toxins enter and how they begin to compromise the efficiency of every organ, and every cell. Ultimately, I try to teach how people can take responsibility for their health and how to be proactive in avoiding certain toxins to improve their health in the long-term. Over the years I have seen that doing a detox with a patient can end up meaning much more to them than just 3 or 4 weeks of agony about eating more brown rice, quinoa, or kale. Not only do people end up with more energy and better digestion but more often than not, with the proper support, they end up changing food and lifestyle habits for the better.

& 7 * 5 $ & ' ' & & ' " 4 " 3 6 5 " / / 0 * 5 6 0 4 / TOXINS FROM WHERE? & 3 % * ) $ 3 0 ' One of the hot topics in health in the last 5 years T F J H S F M M " has been endocrine disruptors. Because children are more vulnerable to endocrine disruptors, especially S F W F G Z B ) when it comes to the development of their organs and hormonal systems, Canada and Europe banned T F W J ) Ěž Ěž 32 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

BPA from baby bottles. We may not know which chemicals cause which health concerns and in what doses but there is no doubt that many are persistent in our environment and can accumulate in our fat.

Chemicals can be found in the air (carbon dioxide from vehicles, sulphur dioxide from industry), water (agricultural runoff), food (pesticides, mercury, preservatives, hormones) and in products (wood preservatives, phthalates and BPA, lead in lipstick).

THE GOAL OF DETOXIFICATION The overall goal of detoxification is reducing the overall body burden by minimizing overall exposure and increasing the body’s ability to detoxify. Before embarking on this adventure, gastrointestinal health must be in good shape, and antioxidants like glutathione need to be present for increased demand. Minimizing overall exposure may seem like a daunting task with the constant onslaught of chemicals around us. To minimize exposure, education about all the little things someone can do in their homes and in their workplace is paramount. A good start is to reduce toxic household cleaning products and toxic beauty products. Use a good quality air filter and change the furnace filters every couple of months. Wash fruits and vegetables well or buy organic. Once all levels of toxicity inside and outside the home are evaluated it`s time to look at the person. Optimizing bowel health and improving the GI tract is important to lay a foundation of healing. The GI tract plays a vital role in immune function and

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detoxification, as well as absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. Phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification pathways in the liver need to be properly supported for optimal detoxification to occur. If phase 1 is too fast and phase 2 is sluggish, free radicals are created but start to accumulate. If there aren`t enough antioxidant or glutathione stores a vulnerable situation occurs in the body. Vitamin C, selenium, N-AcetylCysteine (NAC), and milk thistle are all examples of nutrients that enhance the detoxification mechanisms.

A HYPOALLERGENIC DIET Now that the exposure has been minimized and the body is supported properly, the next and most important, but usually the hardest for most people is eating a hypoallergenic diet for 2 or 3 or 4 weeks. Most people are a product of our fast and busy society. Few realize how important fresh, unprocessed, unpackaged food is to our health. Arming yourselves with a few easy and delicious recipes and some cooking tools can be an ``ah-ha`` moment for many as they go through the weeks of gluten and dairy-free living. Not only can this be a great time to figure out food sensitivities but also an opportunity to establish new dietary habits and reconnect with food. We live in a toxic world. By understanding your body and getting support from your Naturopathic Doctor to properly support your body while doing a detox, a detox can be more than just a way to decrease the body burden. It can be an educational experience. And that is true preventative medicine.3 Carol Morley, BKin, ND, is a graduate of McMaster University and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). She is the owner of Zawada Health, a multidisciplinary clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, cookbook author of Delicious Detox,

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Choose Life

Grow Young with HGH From the landmark book Grow Young with HGH comes the most powerful, over-thecounter health supplement in the history of man. Human growth hormone was first discovered in 1920 and has long been thought by the medical community to be necessary only to stimulate the body to full adult size and therefore unnecessary past the age of 20. Recent studies, however, have overturned this notion completely, discovering instead that the natural decline of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), from ages 21 to 61 (the average age at which there is only a trace left in the body) and is the reason why the body ages and fails to regenerate itself to its 25 year-old biological age.

in the blood at the same levels HGH existed in the blood when we were 25 years old.

There is a receptor site in almost every cell in the human body for HGH, so its regenerative and healing effects are very comprehensive. Growth Hormone first synthesized in 1985 under the Reagan Orphan drug act, to treat dwarfism, was quickly recognized to stop aging in its tracks and reverse it to a remarkable degree. Since then, only the lucky and the rich have had access to it at the cost of $10,000 US per year.

The next big breakthrough was to come in 1997 when a group of doctors and scientists, developed an all-natural source product which would cause your own natural HGH to be released again and do all the remarkable things it did for you in your 20’s. Now available to every adult for about the Modern medical science now regards aging as price of a coffee and donut a day. a disease that is treatable and preventable and that “aging”, the disease, is GHR is available now, just actually a compilation of various in time for the aging Baby diseases and pathologies, like a rise Boomers and everyone else in blood glucose and pressure to from age 30 to 90 who diabetes, skin wrinkling and so on. doesn’t want to age but All of these aging symptoms can be would rather stay young, stopped and rolled back by beautiful and healthy all of maintaining Growth Hormone levels the time. Like a picked flower cut from the source, we gradually wilt physically and mentally and become vulnerable to a host of degenerative diseases, that we simply weren’t susceptible to in our early adult years.

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34 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

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The new HGH releasers are winning converts from the synthetic HGH users as well, since GHR is just as effective (for anti-aging) is oral instead of self-injectable and is very affordable.

GHR is a natural releaser, has no known side effects, unlike the synthetic version and has no known drug interactions. Progressive doctors admit that this is the direction medicine is going, to get the body to heal itself instead of employing drugs. GHR is truly a revolutionary paradigm shift in medicine and, like any modern leapfrog advance, many others will be left in the dust holding their limited, or useless drugs and remedies. It is now thought that HGH is so comprehensive in its healing and regenerative powers that it is today, where the computer industry was twenty years ago, that it will displace so many prescription and non-prescription drugs and health remedies that it is staggering to think of. The president of BIE Health Products, stated in a recent interview,“I’ve been waiting for these products since the 70’s”. We knew they would come, if only we could stay healthy and live long enough to see them! If you want to stay on top of your game, physically and mentally as you age, this product is a boon, especially for the highly skilled professionals who have made large investments in their education, and experience. Also with the state of the health care system in Canada which appears to be going into serious decline, it’s more important than ever to take pro-active steps to safeguard your health. Continued use of GHR will make a radical difference in your health. HGH is particularly helpful to the elderly who, given a choice, would rather stay independent in their own home, strong, healthy and alert enough to manage their own affairs, exercise and stay involved in their communities. Frank, age 85, walks two miles a day, plays golf, belongs to a dance club for seniors, had a girl friend again and doesn’t need Viagara, passed his drivers test and is hardly ever home when we call - GHR delivers. HGH is known to relieve symptoms of Asthma, Angina, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Lower back pain and Sciatica, Cataracts and Macular Degeneration, Menopause, Fibromyalgia, Regular and Diabetic Neuropathy, Hepatitis, helps Kidney Dialysis and Heart and Stroke recovery. For more information or to order call 1-877-849-4777 ©copyright 2000


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Research on Efficacy & Safety By Heather Caruso B.Sc., DHMS, HD Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats people by finding a remedy that matches the person’s unique symptoms. These remedies are made from substances that in a crude dose cause the same symptoms in healthy people. For example, red onion is used in an ultra diluted form to treat allergies or colds with these symptoms. We know that when we cut onions we suffer from burning and watering eyes and nose but in a diluted homeopathic dose it actually aids those symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are safe and gentle because of this ultra dilution. This is what people love about homeopathy. It seems to stimulate the body to recognize inappropriate symptoms and remove them. There have been over 142 randomized controlled trials (RCT) that follow the standard accepted scientific protocols. Many of these studies have given validity to homeopathy’s benefits. One of the most comprehensive patient outcome surveys was an analysis of over 23,000 outpatient consultations at the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital from November 1997 to October 2003. This represented over 6,500 individual patients whose outcome was recorded at follow-up. More than 70% of these follow-up patients recorded clinical improvement following homeopathic treatment. Results were very promising with the following percentage of improvements in patients asthma 89%, chronic fatigue syndrome 72%, crohn’s disease/ulcerative colitis 76%, depression 71%, eczema 82%, headache 74%, irritable bowel syndrome 71%,

menopausal symptoms 77% and rheumatoid arthritis 70%. Another study was an eight-week trial published in The Lancet the use of homeopathy was examined for the treatment of asthma, 28 patients were divided into a double blind study for four weeks. One group received a homeopathic remedy of their allergen in a 30CH potency and the other a placebo. People were tested for their allergen with conventional skin prick testing. After the first week 9 of the 11 homeopathic subjects experienced an improvement compared to 5 of the 13 in the placebo group. At the end of the four weeks 33 percent of the homeopathy group experienced an improvement. They also experienced a median 53 percent increase in histamine resistance compared to a 7 percent in the placebo group. The largest homeopathic study, involved 2.3 million Cuban patients, who were given two doses of a homeopathic remedy as a preventative to the hurricane-triggered disease called leptospirosis. With homeopathic treatment the infection rate for this bug dropped to near zero. If you have health insurance ask to have your policy cover homeopathic medicines due to their safe and gentle nature. It is important to support homeopathic research and to use homeopathy given its promising health benefits without side effects. Similia Simibus Curantur (Like Cures Like).3 Heather Caruso is a homeopath in private practice in Guelph Ontario. For more information go to

36 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

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The Not so Sweet

Sugar & Cancer Connection By Audrey McDonough, BA, RHN, CPCC We all have a sweet spot for sugar. However, over consumption of this delightfully sweet ingredient found in desserts and other prepackaged foods doesn’t contribute to our better health. Sugar is frequently used as both as a preservative and flavour enhancer; so, read labels carefully to identify amounts of sugar in prepackaged products you buy. If you would like a visual of how much sugar you are consuming in a product, simply divide the carbohydrate content by 4 to discover the number of teaspoons of sugar in the product. For example, if you drink a 355 mL can of pop, there are 39 g of carbohydrates that works out to be just over 9 teaspoons of sugar. So, does sugar cause cancer? While there are some who say yes and others no, most agree it does promote cancer growth. All cells in our body require glucose for energy. Simply put, healthy cells grow, divide and die. Cancer cells develop when this cycle is changed or prolonged, in other words, the cells do not die but continue growing and dividing to form a tumour. When we consume sugar, insulin and insulin-like growth factor is released, which promotes cell growth. Like so many things, there is good sugar and bad sugar. Bad sugars are simple sugars found in processed foods; white sugar, brown sugar, and high fructose corn syrup. Good sugars are found in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Sugar is also known to suppress the immune system. Not only is this undesirable for someone prone to catching colds, the flu or other viruses but is especially detrimental for anyone with active cancer.

WHAT’S THE SOLUTION? Reduce simple sugar intake to a minimum and save sweet desserts for those special occasions instead of finding a reason to have a treat everyday. Instead of using asparatame, try stevia. If you find stevia too sweet; try using smaller amounts. Instead of using one full packet, try using 1/3 to ¼ of a packet. It is a natural herb that you can actually grow in your garden and it is safe to consume. Follow a balanced diet and exercise on a regular basis to control blood sugar levels and weight. If you are diagnosed with cancer, examine your diet carefully and consider making drastic changes to improve your treatment and outcome. Eliminate all sugar including fruit with the exception of apples and berries. Some studies have shown that apples may inhibit the growth of cancer and berries are rich in antioxidants. Consider consulting a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who is also a Certified Professional Cancer Coach to assist you with dietary changes and recommend other practices such as meditation, deep breathing techniques, exercise and environmental changes. While the ideal is to avoid cancer, consider a diagnosis of cancer a wake up call and you make changes that will help you recover and lead a long and satisfying life.3 Audrey is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. She is also on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Professional Cancer Coaches. Her website is and she can be reached at 419-970-6004.

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The Root Canal Link to Health and

Breast Cancer

CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND INFECTION MAY POSE RISK Chronic inflammation has been accepted as “the silent killer” that leads to chronic disease, heart disease, and cancer. Root canals are inherently susceptible to infection and inflammation. The infected area has to be properly dealt with before the body can be restored to health. By Alexander Mostovoy, HD, DHMS, BCCT For years, a debate has brewed between those, who are proponents of root canals, and those, who see root canals as a potential health threat. Current convention is to save a tooth at any cost. It does not, however, consider the logic of leaving a dead, filled tooth inside the body. If this scenario involved any other part of the body, say your hand, it would not even be debated. But when it comes to teeth, the same logic that prevails in other body parts usually disappears. A root canal is a dental operation, where the pulp of a tooth is cleared out. The resulting cavity is disinfected and then filled. Dental pulp, however, is necessary to nourish and hydrate tooth structure, and to provide hot and cold feelings in teeth. In effect, the dentist severs the nerve connection, ensuring there is no more pain, and then seals off the healthy blood supply to the area. As a result, with a root canal, two of the most important components of wellness are removed: pain receptors and blood supply. Pain acts as a warning system that something is wrong. Unless the region becomes abscessed, usually over a longer period of time, we are completely unaware that something is going on. When a patient has no symptoms of pain or discomfort, the assumption is that all is well. If an infection in the area does develop, we have no way of knowing this, as the pain receptors in that area have been removed. If an abscess develops, it will be taken care of – usually as an emergency – but by then, infection could have been setting in for ages and could have already created other health issues. Chronic inflammation has been accepted as “the silent killer” that leads to chronic disease, heart disease, and cancer. Root canals are inherently susceptible to infection and inflammation. 38 Healthy Directions April/May 2011

Blood supply is necessary to nourish and revitalize the tooth and surrounding tissue. By removing the blood supply and sealing the area, proper oxygenation, important in healing, is hindered. What we have now is a dead root, without a blood supply, that is hermetically sealed. These factors create an environment that promotes bacterial and microbial growth that proliferates without the usual checks and balances of pain. Under such conditions, organisms continue to grow and multiply inside the cavity and create waste by-products. The waste by-products, in turn, have no place to escape to, but move deeper into the tissue, eventually reaching the blood supply. These waste by-products are believed to be neurotoxic. In other words, they affect our nervous system, the brain, and even our genes. It is also very possible that these same neurotoxins interfere with and disable the proper functioning of the tumor suppression gene. The tumor suppression gene has a complex mechanism; however, if it is turned off, our own defense mechanism is now compromised in the fight against cancer. Over the years at our clinic, we have imaged thousands of women using infrared thermography. In many cases, we have clearly seen cases of inflammation in the dental area using this heat sensing technology. Many of these cases are caused by a low-grade infection and inflammation and have, through further testing, been attributed to dental or oral issues, such as issues related to root-canal treated teeth. Invariably, some cases are very subtle, even asymptomatic for many years, but these cases slowly and continuously affect peoples’ health. With thermographic imaging, we can identify areas of suspected inflammation and infection because they present with

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heat. Once an area of concern is identified, it needs further investigation and resolution. People living with a chronic source of infection and inflammation will eventually find that their immunity is affected. In some cases, this chronic inflammation and infection will actually promote the growth of malignancy. The natural defense mechanism to fight malignant cells is impaired since their immune system is busy dealing with inflammation that has no chance of resolving on its own. The only way this problem can be resolved is by identifying and removing the cause. The infected area has to be properly dealt with before the body can be restored to health. In some cases, when a thermography exam is rated equivocal, or high risk, we ask the patient to follow up with an additional facial/dental thermography exam, especially if we see something suspicious. When a facial/dental thermography examination, reveals an area of heat that corresponds directly to a root canal, we advise seeking additional help from a dentist to investigate further and address the problem. Dentist follow up is essential. For this type of dental issue antiinflammatory products will not resolve the problem. For the body to heal, removal of inflammatory agents or, minimally, creation of some form of drainage is needed. But remember, in a root canal procedure, these areas are sealed. An analogy can be made to having a splinter in one’s hand. One can take all sorts of substances to reduce the swelling and inflammation produced by the foreign body in the hand, but these remedies will not work until after the splinter is removed. Only then does the swelling and inflammation become reduced. This analogy represents a case where physical intervention is perfectly warranted, and even required. Despite multiple research studies that link root-canal treated teeth to cancer and other chronic disease, the majority of people, even health care professionals, do not pay enough attention to dental health. Remember that, in the body, the mouth is the largest cavity that is continuously exposed to outside influences and the environment. When was the last time your doctor asked you about your dental health? If the answer is “never”, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your health issues and consider this question. Take the initiative and investigate. It can help in restoring your health. 3 Alex Mostovoy is recognized as a leading authority on the application of clinical thermography. Since 1999, he has pioneered the use of Infrared Medical Thermography in his clinic in Toronto with a special interest in breast thermography and women’s health. He can be reached at 416.636.2916 or by email at:

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The Burden of Arthritis By Connie D’Astolfo, DC, PhD (c)


I am 45 years old and I have recently been diagnosed with arthritis of the knee. I also have degenerative disc disease in my spine and have been off work for over 3 months because of the pain. I am 5’2 and 170 lbs. How common is this condition and is this typically a disease of the elderly? What are the risks of long term pain medications for my condition? A friend advised me to lose weight and start an exercise program. I know that diet and exercise are important in preventing heart disease and cancer. But will they really help my conditions and enable me to get back to work? ~S.K. Arthritis is not just a disease of the elderly. It comes in many forms most commonly osteoarthritis (OA) and affects all ages. Osteoarthritis can affect the spine (typically referred to as degenerative disc disease), as well as other joints in the body. Osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions affecting the structure and functioning of joints, leading to pain, disability and difficulty for individuals in performing everyday tasks and activities. In Canada, osteoarthritis ranks first as a cause of disability and inability to work, a top reason for physician visits, and a significant hindrance on quality of life. Closer to home, in Ontario, arthritis currently affects 1.6 million people and by 2026, an estimated 2.8 million Ontarians aged 15 and over will have arthritis. Arthritis is a huge burden on the working population as well as the senior population. Arthritis is the 3rd leading cause of chronic health problems in the over 65 year old category for women and the fourth leading cause of chronic health problems for men in the same age group. People with arthritis are the most frequent users of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Deaths due to GI bleeding were responsible for 1,322 deaths in 1998. Canada faces a significant challenge with costs of arthritis. In 2005-2006, arthritis was associated with over 5.9% (129,205) of the total hospitalizations, but accounted for an even greater number of surgical hospitalizations (12.7% or 91,556). The economic burden of arthritis in Canada was

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estimated to be $6.4 billion representing almost one third of the total cost of musculoskeletal diseases. Exercise is extremely important in your battle with arthritis. For one, it can help you to reach your weight-loss goals. Despite the abundance of diet plans, weight loss boils down to primarily on two things: expending more calories than you consume and choosing foods that enhance your metabolism. Another benefit of exercise is that it strengthens muscles that surround and support the body's joints. During weight- bearing activity, up to three times a person's weight is transmitted directly to the pelvis, knees and hips. This can be a problem if you already have osteoarthritis of the knee. Strong muscles can help relieve this pressure on the joints. In general low impact exercises are recommended recreationally including, swimming, water exercise, aerobics and walking. Even modest weight loss can be beneficial and is a realistic goal to obtain. Rehabilitation should incorporate proper postural and gait exercises, isolated strengthening and balance training. There are well researched supplements to facilitate cartilage health and prevent further joint damage. Foods that are anti-inflammatory are also vital in restoring joint integrity. While most people have heard about the benefits of diet, supplements and exercise for other diseases, the benefits of good lifestyle practices for arthritis are largely overlooked. Connie D’Astolfo, DC, PhD (c) is the clinical director of Spinegroup ®, an integrated-program based med-rehab clinic located in Vaughan. Spinegroup offers a successful program for arthritis care that includes a metabolic weight loss strategy, joint restoration supplements, exercise plan and on site physical rehabilitation-focused either on returning back to work or enabling return of normal activities of daily living.3


1. Public Health Agency, (2010) Life with Arthritis in Canada: A personal and public health challenge. Public Health of Canada. 2. Health Canada, (2003) Arthritis in Canada: An ongoing Challenge. Ottawa. 3. Badley E, Veinot P, Mackay C. (2006) An Overview of Developments in comprehensive interdisciplinary models of care for Arthritis: Provider and Patient Perspectives. ACREU Report. 4. Dionne, C., Dunn, K. & Croft, P. (2006). Does back pain prevalence really decrease with Increasing age? A systematic review. Age and Ageing.

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Stop Making Yourself Sick with

Mind-Body Bridging By Stanley H. Block, MD


functioning. The more you ignore or fail to respond appropriately to the signals, the greater the risk factors for illness. By simply being attuned to the early signs of an overactive ISystem, your body self-regulates and every cell of your body responds positively. Can it be so simple? Dr. Shaun Ho (Block, Ho, Nakamura, 2009) has shown that the I-System corresponds with a brain network, the Default Mode Network. Physicians and mental health workers (Tollefson, et al, 2009) have found that by simply resting the I-System a powerful reversal of symptoms occur. Research at the University of Utah shows a marked reduction in sleep and stress related symptoms occur with calming down the ISystem. When the I-System rests, healing automatically happens. So, how do you manage the signals from your I-System? Realize the signals of body tension, mind clutter, etc., are not due to what’s going on outside, it’s what’s going on inside of yourself. You’re not made to be a victim of circumstances. Whenever your ISystem signals that it’s on, come to your senses. Immediately listen to the background sounds, sense what you are touching and be aware of what you are doing and of your surroundings. Do this exercise. Mull over your “To Do List” once again and note just where your body tension is located. Next, listen to the heater or AC sounds, feel this paper in your hands, see the white background of this page, notice the black ink. Continue doing this until you feel a new calmness. This new calmness changes your life forever. You can have a “To Do List” (busy life) and a calm body. If you didn’t experience a settling of your body, do this exercise again and open yourself up to your senses. Now you know what it’s like when your I-System is on (body tension and mind clutter) and what it feels like to be off (calmness).3

Every human being has a master feedback system that gives us signals telling us when we are failing to live at our mind-bodyspiritual best. It’s called the Identity System (I-System). When you head in the wrong direction it gives you all sorts of signals, such as: body tension, mind clutter, numbing our senses and impairing our

Stanley H. Block, MD, is Adjunct Professor of Law and Psychiatry at Seattle University School of Law, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine and a board-certified psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He lectures and consults with treatment centers worldwide. Visit

You think your body tension and mind clutter is due to your busy life. Wrong. Right now, mull over everything you have to do in the next few days and the consequences of doing or not doing those things. All that tension and clutter you’re experiencing isn’t caused by what you have to do; it’s an important feedback signal telling you something isn’t right. Instead of responding appropriately to the signal, you may try to fix or ignore it by working harder, relaxing more, running more, exercising more, deepening your spiritual, yoga and tai chi practices, etc. Yes, your body tension and mind clutter may temporarily subside, however you missed the opportunity to respond appropriately to the feedback signal! Missing this signal results in sleep problems, high blood pressure, obesity, alcoholism, backaches, headaches, G-I disturbances, impaired endocrine and immune system responses, burn out, depression and most of all, it impairs living life at it’s best.

CELLULAR FEEDBACK MECHANISMS For life to exist at the cellular level, there must be a feedback signal telling the cell when it’s failing to maintain the delicate conditions for life. For example, for the cell to remain healthy, it must have a high potassium level and a low sodium level. When the sodium gets too high, the cell membranes receive a feedback signal which activates a sodium pump to reduce the sodium in the cell. When the ideal conditions return, the signal shuts off and the pump stops. If the cell ignored or failed to respond appropriately to these important signals, it would pump out too much sodium (or not enough) causing the cell to sicken and die.

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