Healthy Directions Winter 2016

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Sweet Potato Soup with Pumpkin Seed Pesto


A Healthy Heart Starts in the Kitchen


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[CONTENTS] WINTER HEALTH Finding Joy & the Art of Being Well 06










How to be Your Winter Best Where to Hit the Trails this Winter Adele’s Top Five Winter Food Picks Don’t be in the Dark About Vitamin D Umcka, Thyme, English Ivy and Garlic





FOOD PASSIONS Nourishing and Warming Meals 12

with Chef Michael Smith, Chef Paul Rogalski, Judy Servay and Sarah Harmer


Beefy Barley Kale Stew Sweet Potato Soup and Pumpkin Seed Pesto

Vietnamese Chicken Curry

Roasted Cauliflower Parsnip Soup Dahl Soup

Squash Pesto Feta Bake




Getting Fit with Fido

The Thrill is Gone, Kind of Blues

4 5 38 41

Editor’s Note Our Contributors Hot-Off the Shelf Classifieds & Training

Heart Protecting Foods

Hawthorn, Cayenne and Ginkgo

ARTHRITIS & JOINT PAIN Natural Options for Mobility 22




A Novel Therapeutic Approach

Pain Relief for Aches and Injuries

HEALTHY STARTS A Pathway to Better Health 24














Natural Health for Your Pet 35


Moving to a New Beat

Access the Healing Power of Herbs The Golden Rules that Still Apply Essential Sugars for the Skin

24 20

Superfood Sweeteners

Salt Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis Sore Throat Stoppers Himalaya Garcinia Cambogia HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | Winter 2016 3



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Serving the Best of Winter Health!

WINTER 2016 Vol. 17 No. 1

Your compass for natural health, wellness and outdoor adventure. Editor

Charleen Wyman

There always seems to be a little magic swirling in the wind with the first snowflakes falling. However, keeping that magic alive


through sometimes gray and colder Canadian winter months can be challenging. As the colder months linger, so can a cold or arthritis pain, along with a growing sense of lethargy.

Rachel Schwartzman, ND, Adele Cavaliere, Chef Michael Smith, Chef Paul Rogalski, Judy Servay, Sarah Harmer, Jolie Root, LPN, LNC, Jean-Yves Leroux, PhD, MBA, Rosanna Lee, PHEc., MHSc., BASc, Mark Sebanc, Cyrus Kuhzarani, R.Phm, Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, R.Ph, Renita Rietz, John Stoikos, Doug Cook, RD, MHSc, Marva Ward, CNP, Michelle W. Book, Livia Tiba, Pascal Frochisse, B.Pharm, Homeopath, Raisa Weisspapir Registered Homeopath (Ontario) and Nadine Nellissen.

In Get Set to Sparkle Naturopathic Doctor Rachel Schwartzman shares ways to improve immune health and offers natural approaches for improving mobility for those with arthritis and joint pain, along with inspiration to get moving for all ages.

This edition offers up some new, winter comfort foods, which are all hearty and nourishing in Warming Winter Entrées. Chef Michael Smith shares a few recipes from his new cookbook Make Ahead Meals including Beefy, Barley Kale Stew. Chef Paul Rogalski also shares his recipe for Roasted Cauliflower and Parsnip Soup, along with recipes from Judy Servay and Sarah Harmer, all from Peter & Chris Neal’s Goodness: Recipes & Stories.

While in the kitchen, I asked Doug Cook, RD, MHSC to talk about ways to improve cardiovascular health. In Heart Health Starts in the Kitchen he shares how nutrition as a whole, plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular health for reducing inflammation and promoting the ideal balance, or ratio, of blood lipids or ‘fats’ like LDL & HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

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Stay warm and be wonderful! Our main prize giveaway this edition is a UA ColdGear Infrared Hybrid Full Zip from Under Armour. We’re also offering an Incrediwear Circulation Glove and a Coco Natural Air Freshener. Enter to win at:

Visit our website for health features, recipes, free prizes and more:

A healthy immune system, winter survival fare and an active lifestyle are all your best hope for a healthy and happy season! Best of Health!

Charleen Wyman, BA Journalism and Communications, BA English Editor, Healthy Directions

Healthy Directions is an independent journal produced by Cousins Publishing, four times a year in Canada. Printed in Canada. All content is copyrighted by Cousins Publishing. ISSN 1714-5791

IMPORTANT: Always seek the opinion of your medical or naturopathic doctor before starting any complementary health program. Any information contained herein is intended towards that purpose; thus “Healthy Directions” and its contributing writers will not be held liable should this advice not be followed.



Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:01 PM Page 5


#1 Pauling inspired heart health product in Canada. a.

Trusted and Proven for over Ten Ten Y Years. ears. s.

Michael Smith is a Canadian chef, writer and long-time Canadian Food Network star. Currently, he hosts Chef Michael’s Kitchen. He is the author of eight bestselling cookbooks with his latest release Make Ahead Meals. He lives on Prince Edward Island with his wife and three children.

Vitamin C, Amino Acids, ds, Minerals nerals + Dilute with Water and Drink


Adele Cavaliere is a Holistic Nutritionist, published author of the book 21 Days to Detoxify Your Life is an elite fitness trainer, yoga instructor and founder of Nutri-School.


Doug Cook, RD, MHSc is a registered dietitian and author with a focus on functional, medical, nutrition therapy. His most recent release is The Complete Leaky Gut Health & Diet Book. Visit:

Nadine Nellissen persued her passion for holistic health at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition graduating as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She also attended Wild Rose College’s Clinical Herbalist Program.

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Get Set to Spar kle

Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:01 PM Page 6


Maintain Joint Health

As we age, we tend to be less active. Pain can be a factor in inactivity. There are two main types of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA), which is normal wear and tear of the joints and occurs as you age. The other is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune condition that effects the joint spaces. Remaining active is an important way to keep your muscles strong and joint spaces limber. If sore joints are your cause of inactivity, choosing some natural remedies may help support the joints.

Fish oils: These are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids (including EPA and DHA), and a powerful anti-inflammatory as they inhibit inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins. They have been found to decrease joint swelling and tenderness in both RA and OA.

With the right winter gear and a positive attitude Canadian winters can be a joyful, fun and active time of year. By Rachel Schwartzman, ND

Winter can be a hard time for people to keep active. As the temperature declines,

more people spend time indoors. It can be difficult to walk on icy sidewalks, especially for an increasingly aging population, amongst which there can be a fear of falling and injury. Along with this lack of activity, we see Canadians gaining weight, energy levels snow diving and mood disorders on the rise.

When getting outside really is too much to handle, then head out to the gym, drop in on a yoga class, or go for an early morning walk in the mall. One thing not to do is be still all winter long.

Mood: Research shows that after five minutes of outdoor time, people’s moods improve and self-esteem goes up. A study published in Psychological Science showed that attention levels were improved when time was spent in nature.

A Duke University study and one published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1999 on exercise for depression showed it can be equal to or better than some medications for improving symptoms for the long-term. Exercise boosts dopamine and oxytocin levels and these two hormones are responsible for happiness and love. Think about moving your body outside daily to increase your dose of happiness.


Boswellia: Is known to have antiinflammatory and analgesic properties. It can also prevent cartilage loss making it a potential therapy for RA in addition to OA.

Curcumin: Derived from the turmeric plant, this plant reduces pain and swelling due to OA and RA by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, including cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2).

Improve Your Immune Health

It was found that people who spend more time in nature had an increase in natural killer cells, which are needed to eliminate viruses and cancer cells from our bodies. It is also important to remember that viruses cannot live in a cold climate. Our tendency to hibernate indoors allows for the proliferation of bacteria and virus overgrowth. It is in fact spending time outdoors, that inhibits these little pathogens. Nature, really is good for your health.

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be mindful of how much time we spend in the sun for skin health, but if you know you are not going to get outside, than a supplement is something to consider.

For extra immune system support, visit your health food store. Elderberry syrup is a delicious remedy used for centuries and is rich in vitamins A, C, bioflavonoids, and antioxidants that boost the immune system and damage the virus cell wall. A study in the Journal of International Medical Research, showed patients given elderberry syrup recovered an average of 4 days faster from the flu than those not taking the supplement. Instead of grabbing those sugar filled cough candies to soothe a sore throat, try some zinc lozenges

instead. Zinc is a trace mineral essential for cells of the immune system, and zinc deficiency affects the ability of T cells and other immune cells to function as they should. So, zinc lozenges will not only soothe your throat, but support your immune health too. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Vitamin D: Getting outside is also a great way to help ensure your daily dose of vitamin D, important for both immune and bone health. Vitamin D is essential to prevent osteoporosis, cancer, depression and cardiac episodes. We want to

Garlic is a nutrient dense plant, used for thousands of years in the treatment of illness and disease. Research shows people that eat 1-2 cloves daily get fewer cold symptoms, and when they do get sick, it’s for less time. If eating it raw is too much for you, try adding it to salad dressings, into bean salads or quickly minced and add to greens.

Learning Respect for the Environment

It has been shown that children under the age of 11 that spend time in nature, take better care of the environment later in life. It’s an important lesson for our children and to pass on to future generations.

Rachel Schwartzman is a board certified naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist and birth doula. She maintains a general family practice in Toronto, with a special interest in family medicine, women’s health, pregnancy and pediatrics.

So, grab your children or grandchildren, a friend or pet and connect to nature and explore all the winter sparkle Canada has to offer. t

Winter Trailblazing

There are 26 provincial parks in Ontario open during the winter season and 19 Ontario parks.

One great winter destination is Algonquin Provincial Park with many trails available for winter day visitors and campers. Traverse by snowshoe or cross-country ski. Algonquin has three designated crosscountry skiing trail networks with varying lengths and degrees of difficulty. Other cross-country skiing opportunities and rentals are available at Arrowhead, Pinery, Wasaga Beach and Windy Lake. For snowshoeing opportunities and rentals consider Arrowhead, Killarney, Pinery, Wasaga Beach and Windy Lake. 8 Winter 2016 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

Skating is available at Algonquin (Mew Lake), Bronte Creek and Pinery on large outdoor rinks. Discover unique skate trails along campground roads at MacGregor Point and Arrowhead. Skate rentals are also available here. Not sure what trail conditions might be like week to week? Visit Ontario Parks’ new Ski Report at before planning your next trip.

Looking for Outdoor Adventure in Toronto?

Take on Rouge Park in the Rouge River Valley, the Taylor Creek Trail, a beautifully wooded 3.5 km excursion for snowshoers, or one of the York Regional Forest’s 21 trails.t

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Most families have somebody suffering with these discomforts: Snoring? ARTHRITIS Frequent BATHROOM TRIPS? Sleep apnea? Pain free in 2 weeks. This is what happened to me personally. I tried drugs, acupuncture, magnets and many other methods. Finally after taking a specially processed shark cartilage I was pain free in 2 weeks. It gave me the idea that I could help thousands of the 5 million men and women suffering daily in Canada with the worst pain on earth to have less pain or no pain at all. Nick A. Jerch, #1 NPN 80042283 President of Bell Lifestyle. For 40 years I had injections and drugs and finally Bell Shark Cartilage #1 spared me the endless torture I suffered day and night with 3 bottles costing less than $100. Pat Laughlin, Coldwater, ON Cancelled knee replacement. 1 was in pain and limping. Have no more pain now. Can square dance for hours. Anton Melnychuk, Porcupine Plain, SK At first I was skeptical. I gradually noticed an improvement. Then I took another brand. I was surprised having so much pain again. Eventually I realized that I needed to re-order Bell. Found relief again. Marie Ciraulo, 72, Oakland, CA. Many people on our website write: “Can walk again for hours”;”Can climb stairs without hanging on to railing”;”First time in 15 years can sleep at night” Also guaranteed for sciatica. Hundreds of testimonials all with full names and towns. Shark bones/cartilage was a previously thrown away byproduct of the food industry. No sharks are caught for their cartilage. Don’t let any activist confuse you.

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SURVIVAL FARE To help you stay happy and healthy this winter, here are my top 5 winter fruits and vegetables for your best immune health. By Adele Cavaliere We’ve all been there: you wake up one morning with that familiar tickle in your throat or tightness in your chest. Your head feels light and your body aches. Yep, it’s official: you’re getting sick.

Adele Cavaliere is a Holistic Nutritionist, published author of the book “21 Days to Detoxify Your Life,” is an elite fitness trainer, yoga instructor and founder of Nutri-School. Adele has worked with countless people empowering them to transform their lives, their bodies and their careers! Adele has worked with celebrities, pro-athletes and her success stories have been featured in Cosmopolitan, Shape, Fitness RX and more.

Adults suffer from an average of two to three colds per year, typically between the months of October and March. Nutritious whole fruits and vegetables really are the most authentic way to fight a cold or flu, and there are some superstar winter favourites that not only taste amazing, but are literally designed by nature to help power you through the cold and flu season feeling better than ever.

1. Pomegranate

Although they can be a bit of a pain to eat, pomegranates are definitely worth the effort (and the stained fingers!). One of the healthiest fruits on the planet, pomegranates contain a range of beneficial plant compounds unrivaled by other foods and have many proven health benefits. First, they have a big dose of immune boosting vitamin C, which is greatly depleted in winter months. Their nutrition profile also includes vitamin K, A and E, folate, and potassium along with a


fantastic dose of gut-friendly fiber (7 grams per cup!). They have also been shown to help stomach upsets, menopausal hot flashes, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, and osteoarthritis, as well as, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol – whew! Plus, their beautiful bright colour makes them the ideal addition to any dish – especially during the holidays! Try sprinkling the arils into a vibrant green salad, a warm quinoa dish, or even on top of your morning oatmeal for a colourful, nutrient-packed pop.

2. Citrus

Many people associate citrus with the summer months, but some of my favourite citrus treats are actually in season during the winter months, including blood oranges and clementines. Both of these sweet winter fruits contain a host of nutrients that will keep you healthy through the colder months and the years ahead. Blood oranges’ red pigmentation contains anthocyanins, which have known anti-inflammatory properties that prevent against many diseases, including cancer, diabetes and bacterial infections (including the common cold and strep throat).

And both of these orange gems are bursting with immune-boosting vitamin C, which is not only essential for immune health but also for digestive and bowel health because of its mild, laxative effect. They also both offer good doses of potassium, calcium and betacarotene, which can help with everything from quelling anxiety, building strong bones and supporting healthy eyes. Bonus? Although they taste sweet, clementines are actually low in sugar. And, since they come in their own carrying case (the peel) they are the perfect on-the-go snack!

3. Kale

Like most dark leafy greens, kale is pretty much synonymous with good health—and for good reason: it’s a great source of beta carotene, vitamin C and phytochemicals, called isothiocyanates, that amp up the body’s detoxifying enzymes, helping to keep you healthy and energized all winter long. Speaking of energy, kale is also high in iron. In fact, per calorie kale has more iron than beef. And as you may or may not know, iron is essential for good health, such as the formation of hemoglobin and enzymes, transporting oxygen to various parts of the body, cell growth,

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proper liver function and more. And if that wasn’t enough, kale is a great anti-inflammatory food. One cup of kale has 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight against arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disorders and other inflammatory illnesses. Since winter is all about warming foods that are soothing to your digestive system, a great way to enjoy kale is in a delicious bowl of soup. Try it in your favourite minestrone or pureed green soup recipe for a comforting and immune-boosting meal.

4. Spaghetti Squash

Nothing is better than a heaping bowl of hot, hearty pasta on a cold day – except that it comes with a caloric price tag of 200 calories per cup (and who has just one cup?). Enter spaghetti squash – my favourite wintertime pasta

alternative. Not only does it check in at only 42 calories per cup, it also boasts a nutrition profile that’s hard to beat. Unlike your traditional white pasta, this versatile squash contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which can help prevent free radical damage to cells along with boosting immune health. Spaghetti squash is also rich in the B vitamins riboflavin, niacin, and thiamin, which promote optimal cellular function and can also help prevent seasonal depression that can affect many during the colder, darker months. Spaghetti squash is also perfect for expectant moms because of its high amounts of folate, which is crucial for the formation and development of new cells and helps prevent birth defects. So break out your best tomato sauce recipe and get your spaghetti (squash) on!

5. Garlic

Garlic has long been used for its powerful health and medicinal qualities, treating everything from digestive issues to heart disease. Garlic is a true nutrient powerhouse, boasting high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, selenium and various other important minerals. And when it comes to combating cold and flu, garlic just may be the most powerful tool in your nutritional arsenal. In fact, numerous studies have shown that taking raw garlic can reduce the number of days sick with a cold by more than half! Furthermore, enjoying garlic daily either in food or as a supplement can help protect yourself from getting sick at all. And the best part is it can be enjoyed in so many ways, from soups, to salad dressings, to homemade dips – the sky’s the limit when it comes to delicious ways to reap all this amazing powerfood’s benefits all winter long.

So, there you have it – 5 amazing ways that Mother Nature has your back when it comes to staying healthy during cold and flu season! And with these tasty and wholesome foods on the menu, fending off those sniffles has never tasted so good.t

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WINTER Entrées


From “Make Ahead Meals” Copyright © Michael Smith 2015. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Canada, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Photography credit: Ryan Szulc.

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The rich flavors of browned beef only get better when they’re stewed with tender barley and finished with hearty kale. This stew is comfort food at its best—rich and satisfying, hearty and healthy, and filled with fresh green flavour. Add just about any other green vegetable you can think of: broccoli, asparagus, peas, edamame, savory greens, Brussels sprouts. Makes 8 bowls, easily doubled in a larger pot.


2 pounds (900 g) of stewing beef, cut into roughly 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes A few generous splashes of vegetable oil 2 onions, chopped 2 carrots, chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced A 5 ½-ounce (156 mL) can of tomato paste 8 cups (2 L) of water 2 cups (500 mL) of red wine 1 bay leaf 2 teaspoons (10 mL) of salt Lots of freshly ground pepper 1 cup (250 mL) of barley Leaves from 4 or 5 sprigs of fresh thyme 1 bunch of kale, tough center ribs removed, leaves torn or cut into small bite-size pieces Prepared horseradish


Heat your largest thick-bottomed pot over medium-high heat while you gently dry the beef on a few paper towels. Splash a pool of oil into the pot, swirling to cover the bottom with a thin film. Without crowding the pan, carefully add a single sizzling layer of beef. This is your only shot at adding the rich, deep flavours that can only come from respectfully, browned meat. Listen to the heat. Sizzle is the sound of flavour. Too loud, though, and a sizzling pan becomes a smoking-burning pan. When the beef is deeply browned all over, transfer it to a plate. Repeat with the rest of the beef, 10 to 15 minutes in total. Pour off any excess oil, leaving behind any browned bits of goodness.

Add the onions, carrots, celery, garlic, tomato paste, water, wine, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Return the beef and any juices to the pot. Stirring occasionally, briefly bring the works to a furious boil, then reduce the heat to a slow, steady simmer. Cover tightly and gently simmer for an hour or so, stirring now and then, patiently tenderizing the meat, releasing its richness and building deep, beefy flavour.

Stir in the barley and cook for another hour or until the beef is meltingly tender and the barley deliciously chewy. When it’s time to eat, discard the bay leaf and return to a simmer. Stir in the thyme and kale, cover, turn off the heat and rest just long enough to wilt the greens, a minute or two. Serve with lots of sharp horseradish. t

Healthy lifestyle The link between sugar consumption and increased body fat has long been known. Too much sugar in the diet promotes more insulin, the fat storing hormone, and thus more body fat.


ecently, an Italian study of a sugarblocking supplement showed impressive weight loss results.1 The supplement, called ZuccarinTM, produced on average 20 pounds of weight loss, in only 90 days.


The subjects lost 10% of their body weight and lost 3 times the weight of the control group, who were on a controlled diet, but without a mulberry supplement. In addition, the subjects also experienced healthier blood sugar levels after using this mulberry supplement.

Elenor C. Miami, FL.


The explanation for the weight loss is that Zuccarin uses natural mulberry leaf extract and chromium to block absorption of sugars in the foods we eat. When these sugars are undigested, our blood sugar stabilizes, and weight loss can occur.

Zuccarin Max™ is available at participating pharmacies and health food stores. For more information or to purchase online, please visit our website or call 1-877-696-6734

“I have taken this supplement for 2 years now and can’t imagine being without it. I have seen my blood sugar levels stabilize and I have even lost 25 pounds of weight since starting. I have recommended it to a lot of my friends and they are now experiencing the same good results as I have. ”

Zuccarin Max™ is the n°1 selling mulberry leaf supplement in the world.


REF: 1- “White Mulberry Supplementation as Adjuvant Treatment of Obesity”, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents., Vol 28, no.1, 2014.

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Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:02 PM Page 14




Soups are super simple to make ahead, especially when you know you’re packing them with this much nutritional intensity and flavour. Sweet potatoes are crammed with gloriously healthy flavour, bright color and smooth texture. They really are perfect for soup. Of course this brightly flavoured pesto doesn’t hurt either!

For the Soup

¼ cup (60 mL) of butter 2 onions, finely chopped 4 or 5 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of grated frozen ginger 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of cinnamon ½ teaspoon (2 mL) of nutmeg 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of salt Lots of freshly ground pepper 4 cups (1 L) of chicken broth 1 cup (250 mL) of whipping cream 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of sweet potatoes, peeled and grated or finely chopped


For the Pesto

1 cup (250 mL) of unsalted roasted pumpkin seeds ½ cup (125 mL) of finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese ¼ cup (60 mL) of extra virgin olive oil 2 green onions, chopped 8 fresh sage leaves


Storage Tip

Toss the butter into a large pot over medium-high heat, swirling it gently as it melts. Add the onions, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and pepper; sauté just long enough to brighten the flavors, 2 or 3 minutes. Pour in the chicken broth and cream. Stir in the sweet potatoes. Briefly bring the works to a furious boil, then reduce the heat to a slow, steady simmer, cover and simmer until the sweet potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.

Working in batches if you need to, carefully purée the hot soup as smoothly as you can using an immersion blender, a blender or food processor. (A good old fashioned mashing ain’t bad either!)

Make the pesto while the soup simmers. Dump everything into your food processor. Purée until smooth, scraping the sides down once or twice. Ladle the soup into festive bowls and dollop a spoonful or two of the pesto into each bowl. 14 Winter 2016 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

Refrigerate: Tightly seal the soup and refrigerate within 30 minutes of cooking. Store for up to 6 days before reheating. Tightly seal the pesto and refrigerate for up to a week.

From “Make Ahead Meals” Copyright © Michael Smith 2015. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Canada, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Photography credit: Ryan Szulc.

Freeze: Portion the soup, tightly seal and freeze for up to 30 days. Reheat straight from the freezer or thaw in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 days before reheating. Tightly seal leftovers and store in the refrigerator for just a few days. Tightly seal the pesto and freeze up to a month. t

Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:02 PM Page 15

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Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:02 PM Page 16


To Garnish

A handful of fresh cilantro, chopped 2 green onions, thinly sliced 1 crusty baguette


Make the broth. Bruise the lemongrass with the side of your knife, then cut it into 3-inch (8 cm) pieces. Splash the oil into a soup pot over medium-high heat, then toss in the onion and garlic. Sauté until they’re lightly browned, 2 or 3 minutes.

Add the lemongrass, ginger, fish sauce, sugar, Sriracha and chicken broth. Briefly bring to a furious boil, then reduce the heat to a slow, steady simmer. Cover and simmer until the broth is aromatic, 30 minutes or so. Turn off the heat and rest while you carry on, or chill the works and reserve.

Make the curry. In a large bowl, whisk together the curry powder, cornstarch, sugar and salt. Add the chicken and toss until it’s evenly coated. Pour a few splashes of oil into a Dutch oven or large pot over medium-high heat, enough to cover the bottom with a thin film. Using tongs, carefully add the chicken pieces. Patiently fry them until they’re golden brown and crusty on both sides, 10 minutes or so.


Serves 4-6

Vietnamese curries are typically lighter than Indian or Thai curries, but are no less aromatic. This heartwarming stew is flavoured with fragrant lemongrass, umamipacked fish sauce and hearty sweet potatoes, and gets its richness and silkiness from coconut milk. It’s a versatile dish that can be served over rice or a bowl of rice noodles. I like it best with a crusty baguette, pieces ripped off and dunked into the spice-filled broth, soaking up every last golden drop.

For the Broth

2 or 3 stalks of lemongrass, trimmed 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of vegetable oil 1 large yellow onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 inches (5 cm) or so of unpeeled fresh ginger, sliced ¼ cup (60 mL) of fish sauce 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of sugar 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of Sriracha, sambal oelek or your favorite hot sauce 4 cups (1 L) of real chicken broth, a lowsodium store-bought substitute or water

For the Curry

3 tablespoons (45 mL) of curry powder 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of cornstarch 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of sugar ½ teaspoon (2 mL) of salt 2 pounds (900 g) of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into bite-size pieces A few splashes of vegetable oil 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-size cubes 2 carrots, cut into small cubes A 14-ounce (400 mL) can of coconut milk with cream


Add all the broth. Briefly bring to a furious boil, then reduce the heat to a slow, steady simmer. Simmer, tenderizing the chicken, for 20 minutes or so. Add the sweet potatoes, carrots and coconut milk. Simmer until the veggies are tender, 20 minutes or so more. Ladle out bowlfuls and sprinkle with cilantro and green onions. Serve with crusty baguette for dipping.

Storage Tip

Refrigerate: Tightly seal the broth and refrigerate within 30 minutes of cooking. Store for up to 4 days before making the curry. Tightly seal the curry sauce and refrigerate within 30 minutes of cooking. Store for up to 6 days before reheating.

Freeze: Portion the broth or finished curry, tightly seal and freeze for up to 30 days. Reheat straight from the freezer or thaw in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 days before reheating. Tightly seal leftovers and store. t From “Make Ahead Meals” Copyright © Michael Smith 2015. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Canada, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Photography credit: Ryan Szulc.

Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:02 PM Page 17

ROASTED CAULIFLOWER AND PARSNIP SOUP Serves 8-10 My baba used to cook on the farm with a wood-fired stove and oven. She had the best garden and made everything from scratch. It was her epic meals that made me want to be a chef.


4 medium parsnips, cut into small pieces 1 head cauliflower, cut into small pieces 1 medium yellow onion, roughly chopped 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cubed 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme 2 cups dry white wine 10 cups chicken stock, divided 1 cup whipping (35%) cream Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


1) Preheat the oven to 400°F. 2) In a roasting pan, combine parsnips, cauliflower, onion, and butter. Place in the preheated oven and roast, stirring every few minutes, until vegetables are golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes. 3) Remove from the oven and stir in thyme and wine. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. 4) Transfer roasted vegetables and cooking juices to a blender and add 21/2 cups chicken stock (you may need to do this in batches). 5) Blend on high speed until smooth (the hot contents can cause the lid to pop off , so be sure to hold it down tightly). 6) Transfer to a large pot over medium heat. Add remaining chicken stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Stir in cream and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve.t Recipe by Chef Paul Rogalski co-owner Rouge & Bistro Rouge in Calgary, AB. .Photographer Jodi Pudge. Excerpted from Peter & Chris Neal’s “Goodness: Recipes & Stories” (Blakeman Books). Available on


Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:03 PM Page 18


Serves 6-8

Dahl is a traditional Indian soup made with lentils and a blend of spices. This version, drizzled with lime and paprika oils, is a favourite at our restaurant and has been a mainstay on our menu for the last eight years! It’s easy to make, economical, and extremely nourishing.


2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 large onions, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 11/2 cups dried red lentils 1 tbsp coarse salt 1 tbsp cumin seeds 1/2 tsp chili flakes 6 1/2 cups water 1 tbsp fresh gingerroot, peeled and minced Sour cream Lime Oil (recipe follows) Paprika Oil (recipe follows) Fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish


1) In a pot over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and sauté until translucent, about 3 minutes. Stir in garlic and cook for 2 more minutes, until fragrant. 2) Add lentils, salt, cumin seeds, and chili flakes. Stir in water and continue to cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 3) Remove soup from heat and stir in ginger. 4) Ladle into serving bowls, top with sour cream, lime oil, and paprika oil, to taste, and garnish with a few cilantro leaves. Serve.

Paprika Oil

2 cups sunflower or canola oil 1/4 cup sweet paprika 1 tbsp sea salt 3 cloves garlic, minced


1) In a skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add paprika, salt, and garlic and stir well. Remove from heat and let cool for 30 minutes. 2) Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a resealable jar (discard solids).

Lime Oil

1 cup sunflower oil Zest of 3 limes


1) In a resealable jar, combine oil and lime zest. Set aside in a cool, dark place for 1 week, shaking jar occasionally. 2) Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean resealable jar (discard solids).


These recipes will make more oil than you will need for this dish. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.t



Recipe by Judy Servay the founder and general manager at Robin des Bois (“Robin Hood”) in Montreal, QC.

Photographer Jodi Pudge. Excerpted from Peter & Chris Neal’s “Goodness: Recipes & Stories” (Blakeman Books). Available at

Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:03 PM Page 19

minutes. Stir in chopped vegetables. Remove from heat. 4) Scoop cooked squash into the prepared casserole dish, using the spoon to cut it into smaller chunks (discard skin). If squash is watery, spoon or pour out liquid. Add vegetable mixture and stir to combine. Add pesto to taste and feta and stir until evenly distributed. 5) Cover with a lid or aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until vegetables are tender and mixture is piping hot. 6) Remove from the


This easy recipe has made a big squash lover out of me—it’s also a great way to use up whatever veggies you have in your crisper. I usually make this with a mixture of chopped carrots, celery, and broccoli, but you can use whatever vegetables you have on hand.


2 butternut or spaghetti squash, halved lengthwise, seeds removed 2 tbsp olive oil 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 onion, chopped 4 cups chopped vegetables (carrots, celery, broccoli) 2 to 3 tbsp basil pesto 1 cup crumbled feta cheese 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese


1) Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease a large casserole dish. 2) Place squash cut side down in a baking pan. Add just enough water to cover bottom of the pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes, or until fork-tender (make sure water doesn’t completely evaporate while baking; keep an eye on it and add more water if needed). 3) Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add garlic and onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 5

oven. Uncover and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Top with an even layer of shredded cheese. Broil on High, uncovered, for 5 to 10 minutes, until cheese is melted. Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes before serving.t

Recipe by Sarah Harmer activist and musician from Kingston, Ontario. Photographer Jodi Pudge. Excerpted from Peter & Chris Neal’s “Goodness: Recipes & Stories” (Blakeman Books). Available on

This is ZZZ End SnoreStop Extinguisher

is a convenient oral spray s for fast-acting relief. It helps shrink swollen soft tissues that block air passagges in the mouth and i the in h back b k off the h throat h oat where h up to 80% of non-apneic a snoring symptoms occur*. Non-habit forming No contraindications No Animal Testing Vegan Friendly

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Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:03 PM Page 20



Don’t be in the Dark About Vitamin D


By Jolie Root, LPN, LNC

The long, dark days of winter often put us at risk for having insufficient vitamin D levels, since most of us get our vitamin D from sun exposure. With vitamin D playing such an important role in many aspects of our health, it’s important we get the recommended daily dose, and a supplement may be the best option. Cutting-edge nutritional research has shown many issues that have been associated with having an insufficient intake of vitamin D. Deficiency of the sunshine vitamin may cause or worsen bone issues such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. Low levels have also been linked to muscle weakness, risk of falls, and bone fractures.

It’s well-known that vitamin D is critical to our teeth and bone health. Together with other nutrients and hormones, Vitamin D supports healthy bone renewal. It’s important to remember that bone health is dependent on a dynamic process of remodeling. Most people think of calcium when they think of strong bones, but vitamin D is crucial as well.

When vitamin D levels are deficient, the result is rickets in children and osteomalacia or osteoporosis, meaning soft or porous bones, in adults. We must have a serum level of at least 75 nmol/liter to govern the process of bone remodeling.

But our bone health is only one of the benefits of getting adequate vitamin D. Low levels have also been linked to a higher risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infection diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.

A Harvard School of Public Health study reported a link between vitamin D levels and heart attack risk. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that doubling blood levels of vitamin D was associated with cutting the risk of a heart attack in half. Vitamin D has been linked to a wide range of other cardiovascular benefits also, including a reduced risk of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and a reduced stroke risk.

Low vitamin D levels have been linked to an increased risk of death, no matter the cause. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES III, examined vitamin D status and all-cause mortality and found that individuals who were in the lowest quartile of vitamin D status were 26% more likely to die.

Although a consensus regarding the optimal level of serum 25(OH)D has not yet been established, most experts define vitamin D deficiency as a 25(OH)D level


of < 50 nmol/liter and vitamin D insufficiency as 51-79 nmol/liter. For all studied end points to date, the optimal concentration of 25(OH)D is at least 80 nmol/liter. If testing your level isn’t convenient, maintaining adequate levels typically requires an intake of 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. t References

1) Edward Giovannucci, MD, ScD; Yan Liu, MS; Bruce W. Hollis, MD, PhD; Eric B. Rimm, ScD; Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(11):1174-1180. 5-Hydroxyvitamin D and Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Men

2) Michal L. Melamed; Paul Muntner; Erin D. Michos; Jaime Uribarri; Collin Weber; Jyotirmay Sharma; Paolo Raggi; Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and the Prevalence of Peripheral Arterial Disease Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2008;28:1179 3) Michal L. Melamed, MD, MHS; Erin D. Michos, MD, MHS; Wendy Post, MD, MS; Brad Astor, PhD 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and the Risk of Mortality in the General Population Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(15):1629-1637.

4) L.M. Hall, M.G. Kimlin, P.A. Aronov, B.D. Hammock, J.R. Slusser, L.R. Woodhouse, C.B. Stephensen. Journal of Nutrition Vol. 140, No. 3, 542-550, March 2010. "Vitamin D Intake Needed to Maintain Target Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Participants with Low Sun Exposure and Dark Skin Pigmentation Is Substantially Higher Than Current Recommendations."

Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:03 PM Page 21

Are You Getting Enough of the Sunshine Vitamin?

Recent medical studies have shown that many people may not receive enough vitamin D in their daily lives. Our bodies can make vitamin D3, but only when our skin is exposed to sunlight under the proper conditions. This production is dependent on the season, where we live and the time of day. Even using sunscreen may reduce the body’s production of vitamin D. Medical studies continue to show the importance of adequate vitamin D intake for good health.* Carlson Vitamin D soft gels are available in 400 IU and 1000 IU strengths. These easy-to-swallow soft gels are a great way to ensure that you and your loved ones receive the vitamin D you need.

888-234-5656 |


Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-16 9:03 PM Page 22



Collagen for Joint Pain By Jean-Yves Leroux, PhD, MBA

Collagen is a glyco-protein found in the human body where it forms all the tissues and organs through fibrillary networks and accounts for over 30% of our body’s total molecules.

Collagen represents the true chemical skeleton of the body. It allows us to have our rigid shape and thus supports all the organs and tissues allowing them to function adequately. For instance, collagen fibrils represent 90% of the skin, 67% of the cartilage, up to 50% of the bones and are found at different levels in the various tissues of the body.

SUPRÊME COLLAGEN N+ Heal althy joints Pain treatment

NUTRA N COLLAGEN GEN + G Beauty and B d Hea alth Skin, joints, bo S ones

FL LOB O AX COLL O AGEN N Back B Backa kache Pain trea Pa atment

However, as we age the fibrillary structure of collagen continually comes under attack (by a variety of factors in our environment) and its repair mechanisms become sluggish and less efficient. This can lead to conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. The body needs some help.

To this day, conventional treatments of osteoarthritis have emphasized pain reducing and anti-inflammatory drugs in order to alleviate pain and further destruction of the cartilage and surrounding tissues. However, most of these therapeutic approaches do not take into account the significant potential of endogenous repair mechanisms.

This is where supplemental hydrolysed collagen comes into play. Although there are a certain number of natural extracts that may act as valuable anti-inflammatory drugs, only a very few can act as a stimulator in the damage repair process.

The metabolic structural building blocks represent a unique category of molecules. These include molecules such as glucosamine, chondroitin and peptides 22 Winter 2016 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

found in hydrolysed collagen. These represent the building blocks making up the much larger molecules of the cartilage tissues.

With respect to hydrolysed collagen, this substance acts in four distinct ways. Firstly, it provides the right building blocks that cartilage tissues require for repair; second it stimulates (`kick starts`) cellular processes in the cartilage and surrounding tissues, sending signals to generate new fibrils that get integrated into the cartilage matrix; thirdly, it counteracts existing inflammation and finally it reduces pain. The net result? Increased mobility without pain.

This type of approach has attracted much interest as part of a global strategy to reduce symptoms while increasing joint mobility. An individual suffering from osteoarthritis who undergoes a conventional treatment to reduce inflammation and pain, should also consider using the above structural building blocks as complemental therapy. It is important to remind ourselves of the two major approaches in treatment: (i) reducing damage (via an appropriate antiinflammatory treatment) and (ii) stimulating repair to improve mobility (by harnessing the properties of hydrolysed collagen).

Finally but not least, another exceptional advantage associated with this approach is the low toxicity and the absence of any side effects. Many people suffering from arthritis indeed have a hard time with conventional anti-inflammatory drugs, and may eventually choose this novel treatment approach not solely as a short-term complementary strategy but also as an alternative for the long-term.t Jean-Yves Leroux, PhD, MBA is the president of Medelys Laboratories Int’l.

Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-17 12:13 AM Page 23

Herbals for Cold and Flu THYME FOR A KITCHEN CURE

English Ivy

Originally from Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa, English ivy has been found to reduce mucus build-up in the lungs. Some studies have noted its benefits in people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), helping them breathe easier. Ivy leaves have also been traditionally used to treat colds due to its anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties, especially for coughs and chest congestion. The plant also contains antioxidant properties that protect against cell damage. English ivy is found in extract form, syrups and dried leaves used for herbal teas.


By Rosanna Lee, PHEc., MHSc., BASc.

Raw garlic is a powerful flu fighter. Garlic contains natural compounds called “allion” and “allicin” that have direct antiviral effects, according to a number of research studies. Chewing a raw clove every 3-4 hours will help you get the most flu-fighting properties from garlic. If you cannot bear the taste, cut the cloves into pieces and swallow them. You can also add chopped garlic to stir-fry or other mixed dishes. Cooked garlic still contains sulfur-based compounds that have good anti-microbial properties. Mixing crushed garlic with honey can also boost the antiviral effect of your very own home remedy. t

Winter might catch you off guard, but your medicine cabinet can be prepared for it. Here are some of the best herbals for relieving cold and flu symptoms this season!

Always remember to talk to your doctor or registered dietitian if you are taking herbal supplements or products to make sure it is safe for you.


Umcka (formally known as “umckaloabo”) is a geranium plant native to South Africa that has long been used in traditional African medicine. In some studies, umcka has been found to relieve symptoms of colds, sore throat, bronchitis and sinusitis. Umcka has also been found to have antiviral and antibiotic properties in killing both viruses and bacterial infections, with immune-boosting properties. This herb is often sold in syrup form, liquid extract or capsule form in many pharmacies and herbal stores.


Thyme is a common spice we probably all have in our kitchen, but it can also be used to treat colds! Native to the Mediterranean region, thyme and thyme-based preparations have been used to relieve chest and respiratory disorders, coughs, colds and bronchitis. The herb is considered an antibacterial, antifungal and spasmolytic (a treatment to relieve spasms) – fighting agents that cause bronchitis and helps to relieve spasmodic coughs. Many herbal cough syrups, and herbal cough drops will contain thyme extract. You can also buy natural thyme (mixed with peppermint) to make your own herbal tea to soothe a bronchitis cough. HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | Winter 2016 23


Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-17 12:14 AM Page 24



Top Notch Tinctures By Mark Sebanc

Tinctures are an incomparable means of accessing the healing power of herbs. There are several different ways of taking herbal medicine—capsules,

tablets, extracts, teas, and tinctures—to name just the most obvious. When all the pros and cons are tallied, tinctures stand right at the very top of the list as easily the most effective and elegant way of tapping into the remarkable therapeutic benefits that herbs bring to people whose health is in some way compromised.

Liquids offer Best Absorption

A unique advantage of using liquid tinctures is that they require no digestion, since they are absorbed immediately as they enter the stomach. This makes them particularly valuable for people with compromised digestive function—an aspect that is especially relevant when it comes to herbs derived from bark, roots and other hard, woody material that is difficult for the body to digest and absorb.

Not only are they highly bioavailable, but tinctures allow for the optimal extraction of a plant’s medicinal components. By relying typically on a solution of alcohol and water, tinctures capture the full spectrum of a plant’s active ingredients in a way unrivalled by any other method of extraction. The great beauty of tinctures is that they retain a herb’s vital healing constituents as found at an optimal stage, as soon as possible after harvest, with very little loss of potency. Of all dosage forms, tinctures best reflect a plant’s integral chemical signature and have a relatively long shelf life.

The Power of One Herb and the Crafting of Formulas

Single herb tinctures are often effective in treating a given health condition. Take milk thistle, for example, which has been recognized for centuries as a first-rate liver restorative and protectant. Nonetheless, like all of life, disease and wellness can be complex affairs with many subtle factors and layers of significance. Take a condition like Lyme disease, for example. While it poses a bacterial challenge to the body, there are immunological and neurological aspects to it as well, not to mention the stresses it places on a person’s overall physical constitution.

Enter formulas that combine the actions and benefits of two or more herbs to accomplish a healing purpose that takes into account the many dimensions of health in the human person. Formulas are really a perfect illustration of the timeless axiom that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Another word for this is synergy, and it’s not an easy end to achieve. This interaction of parts is elaborate and elusive in its mystery. A particular herb on its own may have only a fraction of the pharmacological action it displays when it’s part of a larger matrix that includes several herbs. Gaining a proper understanding of this uncanny facet of the botanical world is the endeavour of a lifetime.


In the end, the creation of herbal formulas is every bit as much an artful craft as it is a science, one that draws on the empirical wisdom of centuries as manifested in the world’s great healing traditions. It’s an area of expertise, moreover, that is a unique and unrivalled hallmark of our business. Our herbal formulas, which touch on all the main body systems, originate from the consummate skill and knowledge of our founding co-owners, Jeremy and Monique Rivett-Carnac, as well as our Director of Research, Dr. Terry Vanderheyden. The enduring effectiveness of these products is a testimonial to their mastery of medical herbalism in all its range and subtlety.

Transcending the Ages

Rediscovery and innovation—these two concepts have been at the very cornerstone of the St. Francis approach to creating combination tinctures. Nowhere has this been more evident than in the case of Deep Immune®, our immune system formula. In many ways it’s our signature product and represents a unique marriage of Western herbalism with the traditional Chinese approach to plants as dynamic agents of healing.t Mark Sebanc works as a researcher and writer at St. Francis Herb Farm. Visit: www.

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ANTACID Balancing Gastric and Systemic Acidity, Naturally.

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Alkapure contains the two components that the body naturally uses to balance Acidity – and it helps replenish the body’s alkaline reservoirs. Available at these leading locations: WE’RE ALL NATURALS


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Let’s Talk about Alkalinity By Cyrus Kuhzarani, R.Phm

As children we’re taught two golden rules: eat your vegetables and go outside to play. As it turns out, both these rules are also the pillars of an alkaline lifestyle! Yet, as we age, we forget the importance of such a simple mantra: eat green and exercise. Our fast-paced lifestyles have led to a lack of exercise and poor eating habits. What happened to the simple rules of childhood?

The Standard American Diet (SAD) lacks the necessary nutrients our bodies need to function properly. Think of your body like a car. If you put diesel into a gas car the car will stop running. The same is true with our bodies. On top of our poor diets, most of us also have jobs that keep us tied to our desks. Guess what? Our bodies don’t actually like sitting for hours! If you leave your car sitting in the garage all winter, you’re going to have a hard time starting it in the spring.

Lack of exercise and poor diets lead to one of the most common conditions: hyperacidity. The fact is, we need some acidity in our bodies (especially our stomachs) because it helps to break down our food (especially fats and proteins). Stomach acid presents a natural barrier, so unwanted visitors can’t enter our systems, and most importantly, stomach acid allows us to absorb alkaline minerals that help balance acidity.

In a healthy person, the acidity levels in the body are balanced. If you add stress on top of a diet

that consists mostly of refined sugars, starches and meats, then acidity levels in your body will rise, slowly exhausting the body’s alkalinity reservoirs, and disturbing the balance. Hyperacidity (or alkaline exhaustion) begins to rear its ugly head with such warning signs as reflux and inflammation. The body’s acid management system is overloaded, which can lead to a depletion of alkaline minerals. This depletion is linked to osteoporosis. In times of disbalance, acids can also be deposited, beginning in the connective tissues of the periphery (hands, feet, joints, tendons, skin). Over time, acid can spread into more central tissues, wreaking havoc along the way. More and more research points to a connection between systemic hyperacidity and inflammation.

Don’t be discouraged! The damage caused by acidity can be repaired. Juicing, eating whole foods, taking certain supplements, participating in regular exercise and practicing meditation all help to create balance and restore your body.

What are the side effects of becoming more alkaline? Inflammation slowly disappears, pain levels drop, flexibility increases, energy rises, mood

improves, activity levels increase, and skin clears.

Dieting fads can be overwhelming. Most people avoid diets because the thought of cutting out our favourite foods is depressing. Diets set us up to fail. If you can’t eat carbs, then the second you “cheat” you feel as though you’re done for. By removing negative and loaded terms like “cheat” from our vocabulary, when referring to our eating habits, we have suddenly created a much healthier relationship with food. The body is a complicated machine; however, we do need to start taking responsibility and informing ourselves; so, we can make better choices. Begin by changing the way you think about food and exercise. Food shouldn’t be treated as a punishment/reward system, nor should exercise.

Find alkaline foods that you like to eat and start to implement them into your everyday diet. Get your body moving. Hate the gym? Great, don’t go! But find something you like and do it. Exercise shouldn’t be about losing weight, it should be about enjoying your body and what it has to offer you. Speak with a health professional before making any changes. As it turns out, the old adage of “eat your vegetables and get outside to play” isn’t just for kids.t

Cyrus Kuhzarani, R.Phm was born and raised in Muenster, Germany. He graduated from Pharmacy School in Dusseldorf in 1996. Cyrus moved to Canada in 2000 and has spent the last fifteen years as a compounding pharmacist in the local Ottawa community. He has worked with patients and health professionals in a multitude of areas, including pain management, diabetes, and scleroderma. As the founder and formulator of Pure Lab Vitamins, Cyrus has brought six products to market. He lives in Wakefield, Quebec with his wife and two children.



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Essential Sugars for the Skin


by Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, R.Ph.

Sugar is pretty interesting stuff. It is also misunderstood. For one thing, we all love how “sugar” tastes, but we don’t necessarily love its effects. And that presents a problem. Despite it’s well-documented health hazards, because we love the stuff, no matter how much we try to abstain, when it comes right down to it, turning down that apple pie a la mode or peach gelato, as much as we’d like to, can be pretty difficult, and at times impossible. Ben Fuchs is a nutritional pharmacist who specializes in using nutritional supplements. He looks at the human body as a healing and regenerating system, designed to heal and renew itself. Ben will appear as a Keynote speaker at the Total Health Show, April 8-10, 2016 speaking on 1. Nutrients for Brain Health and 2. How to Have Glowing Healthy Skin.

That’s because our brains (our brainy cells which are fueled by the sweet and sticky substance) are hardwired to love sugar! On the other hand the downside of sugar ingestion, which includes weight gain, diabetes, eye disease, hypertension, jitteriness, and anxiety, well–those we would rather do without. Thus, the lovehate relationship we have with what is generally referred to as “sugar”.

But, unbeknownst to some, there’s a whole other side to the subject of sugar! The chemical that most of us know as “sugar” and the substance that is so problematic is actually a special type of sugar called “glucose”. And, as it turns out, glucose is just one version of eight


different sugars that are collectively, if not entirely accurately, referred to as “essential”. These 7 other essential sugars aren’t very tasty or sweet, but importantly, they provide lots of health benefits.

Essentials for Skin Health

One of these essential sugars is called N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) from which the arthritisfighting nutritional supplement glucosamine can be derived. NAG can be especially helpful for skin health. The body can use it as a raw material for the production of the skin’s natural moisturizer hyaluronic acid. It can help prevent and reduce fine line and crow’s feet formation by activating collagen making cells. It may even be used topically to help lighten dark spots and improve other visible signs of skin aging, including thinning and wrinkled skin. And, its digestive system supporting properties can help improve immune system health and reduce the entrance of skin

destroying inflammatory factors through the small intestine. In fact under conditions of digestive distress, especially leaky gut syndrome, it’s likely the body will divert NAG away from the skin to help repair the gut lining. That means less NAG available for keeping skin youthful, moisturized, and robust.

Good food sources of NAG include aloe, shiitake mushrooms, and cartilage. And, if you’re interested in using N-acetyl glucosamine, it’s available in a supplement form; try a daily dose of 500 or so mg.

How to Make a Toner

Or, If you want to use NAG topically, anti-aging skin health benefits can be derived by applying it directly onto the skin. Try making your own skin lightening and tightening toner by putting the contents of one or two 500mg capsules of NAG in a cup or two of distilled water or aloe vera gel. Pour a little on cotton pad and rub it gently on your face 4 or 5 times a week.t


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Superfood Sweeteners By Renita Rietz

While you may have long abandoned high sugar soda drinks for healthier options, you must still be cautious when navigating your daily sugar consumption.

There are many healthy superfood alternatives such as yacon root nectar, coconut palm sugar, lucuma and stevia to consider next time you choose a sweetener.

Yacon nectar is a liquid sweetener made from the yacon root, a tuber indigenous to the Andes of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Yacon has a delicate caramel, honey taste that is not overwhelming and can be added to everything from teas to coffee, cacao drinks, smoothies, yogurt and cereal. It is a low glycemic sweetener with the added benefit of containing prebiotics. A relative of the Jerusalem artichoke, yacon contains FOS or fructo-oligosaccharides, a class of compounds that are able to support gut health by being a source of food for the beneficial

bacteria in the colon. We all know of the benefits of taking probiotics, but prebiotics are equally important for influencing the balance and composition of the microflora.

Yacon nectar may be difficult to find due to the fact that it is relatively new in the North American marketplace. The superfood company Organic Traditions offers a yacon nectar, which is produced through a proprietary cold mechanical method whereby no heat, solvents or chemical inputs are used at any stage of the process. Having tasted a few yacon nectars, it is evident there is something unique about this process as many yacon nectars have a dark molasses-like taste. Organic Traditions’ nectar has a delicious, subtle honey, caramel flavour and a light, amber colour.

Coconut palm sugar has had thousands of years of traditional use in Asia. It comes from the nectar collected from the blossoms of the coconut palm tree. The sap is evaporated at low temperatures to remove excess moisture. The result is a delicious nectar with a perfect note of sweetness. The nectar is dried and crystallized into fine sugar like granules. Coconut palm sugar contains B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium and amino acids. It has a glycemic index of 35, which is much lower than sugar, honey,

maple syrup or agave. While many may think it tastes like coconut, the taste is actually very similar to brown sugar with a caramel and butterscotch note. It can be used as a replacement for both white and brown sugar. Another novel food that can be used as a healthy sweetener is the low glycemic South American super fruit known as lucuma. This fruit has a wonderful taste profile with flavour notes of custard, melon, vanilla, citrus and maple syrup. It is truly delightful and has the added benefit of containing both fibre and potassium. The powder form can be easily added to drinks, smoothies, yogurt, salad dressings and desserts. While all of these are healthier options, one must still be vigilant of the amount used at any one serving. Unless of course, one is using a whole leaf green stevia powder, stevia extract where you are guaranteed a zero glycemic index. Incorporating a superfood sweetener into your daily diet will add the sweetness you crave with many additional nutritional side benefits.t Renita Rietz is a health and nutrition writer and speaker who educates on the phytotherapeutic potential of indigenous foods and plants for prevention and regeneration.



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Get Cold Weather, Joint Support


By John Stoikos

With all the holiday festivities, traditions, and fun activities you can do with the arrival of snow, who wouldn’t love winter? Well, for those who suffer from joint pain, it can be the time of year they dread the most. The arrival of snow for them can mean months of aches, pains and suffering. The body has many types of joints, but when it comes to weather related discomfort the synovial joints are most susceptible. A synovial joint has two bone

ends covered by articular cartilage, which is smooth by design, so it can reduce friction during movement. Surrounding the bones is a joint capsule comprised of an outer fibrous layer providing stability and an inner layer, known as the synovial membrane, filled with synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint.

There are several areas in your knee where pain and discomfort can occur due to your pain receptors being triggered by various stimuli. Pressure, stretch, temperature, or chemical mediators associated with swelling or damage will trigger pain receptors and send the brain a message that “this hurts.” Keeping these stimuli in check can help reduce the perception of discomfort.

Most joint pain sufferers will pay a visit to their doctor for a solution, which usually involves pain killers or anti-inflammatory medications as a solution. Others, looking for a more natural solution may go to their local health store and purchase turmeric, boswellia, or a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement.

Another option available that requires no supplementation and is drug free is using braces and clothing made from circulation enhancing fabric designed to increase blood flow. A company that is making a

name for themselves by producing products made from a revolutionary, therapeutic fabric is Incrediwear.

What is Special about Incrediwear fabric?

Incrediwear’s therapeutic fabric contains circulation enhancing elements, germanium and carbon derived from charcoal. These elements are ground into a fine powder, and infused into the fibres used to weave Incrediwear braces, socks and apparel. Germanium and carbon are incredible semiconductors, which are activated by your body heat, creating cellular vibrations that dramatically increase blood flow. This increased blood flow delivers more oxygen to the affected area, promoting faster healing while reducing pain and inflammation.

Incrediwear’s active fabric is proven in medical tests to increase resting blood flow by up to 21.6% and blood speed by up to 22.2%. Increasing blood flow can also help keep you warm in cool weather, and cool in warm weather. Incrediwear products are also antimicrobial and odour resistant, making it perfect for travel, hiking, running, playing sports and other demanding activities.

Who can Benefit most from Incrediwear?

Incrediwear fabric activates almost as soon as it comes in contact with your skin, increasing your circulation within minutes.


It’s not uncommon for long-term sufferers to feel relief almost instantly, while most wearers begin to notice benefits within 20 minutes. Incrediwear can help accelerate recovery, decrease fatigue, and alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by: ✔ Joint pain

✔ Arthritis & tendinitis

✔ Sports injuries and sprains ✔ Tired & aching muscles

In addition to their highly successful line of braces, their Circulation+ socks are fantastic for anyone who currently uses compression socks for vascular conditions. They are incredibly comfortable, easy to put on and were designed to improve circulation and ease discomfort for people suffering from: ✔ Diabetes

✔ Neuropathy

✔ Reynaud’s syndrome ✔ Edema

✔ Peripheral vascular disease ✔ Varicose veins

Incrediwear products were developed by medical professionals, based on scientific trials and research and are recommended by medical professionals, used by professional athletes and active people everywhere. t

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Heart Health Starts in the Kitchen By Doug Cook, RD, MHSc

Doug Cook, RDN, MHSc is a Registered Dietitian and Integrative & Functional Nutritionist. He is the coauthor of “Nutrition for Canadians for Dummies” and “The Complete Leaky Gut Health & Diet Book .”

Recently, a new position statement by the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation states that up to 80% of cardiovascular disease such as heart disease, stroke and dementia can be largely prevented. The crux of this position is that food, and therefore nutrition as a whole, plays a pivotal in this process by reducing inflammation and promoting the ideal balance, or ratio, of blood lipids or ‘fats’ like LDL & HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Inflammation can be a bit tricky to understand. An effective analogy is to think of it as the slow burn that’s found in the embers of a fire that seems to


have been extinguished but hasn’t. Inflammation can be caused by infection, physical damage to our blood vessels from high blood pressure, pollution, lifestyle factors including smoking, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption and diets high in refined/added sugars, and trans fats.

The goal of diet therapy therefore is about improving the balance of blood lipids; higher levels of HDL, lower levels of triglycerides and LDL within a healthy range based on individual risk versus just focusing on LDL reduction alone while reducing inflammation at the same time.

Eating to Improve Lipid Ratios

Lower triglycerides by maintaining a healthy body weight, and increasing your intake of the omega-3 fats by including fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel or trout, and omega-3 fortified eggs. Eat more fibre-rich, whole grains and grain products and include a lot of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, green beans, Swiss chard, kale, zucchini and Bok choy for example. Reduce added or concentrated sugars found in sweetened beverages, candies, pies, fruit juices, pastries, dried fruit, or foods with added sugars.

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Boost HDL levels by losing a modest amount of weight if you’re overweight. Contrary to what’s historically been recommended, getting a bit more saturated fat in your diet is good; it will boost HDL with little to no meaningful increase in LDL cholesterol levels. The low-fat or fat-free mantra is out; get more HDLboosting saturated fat from foods like 2% milk, yogurt and Greek yogurt, 2% cottage cheese, and other cheeses, butter, coconut milk and oil, nuts and seeds, and nut and seed butters. Eliminate HDL-lowering trans fats: avoid foods that contain ‘shortening’, ‘hydrogenated’ or ‘partially hydrogenated’ vegetable oils; make reading ingredient lists a habit.

Reducing Inflammation

Squashing inflammation is as close as your kitchen and grocery store.

✔ Eat more fruit: fresh, frozen or canned in juice. Try a small serving (4 oz or 125 ml) of 100% fruit juice, such as Concord grape, pomegranate, prune, cherry, black currant etc. Include orange-coloured fruits such as mango, cantaloupes and peaches. ✔ Berries of all kinds are a great option.

✔ Eat more vegetables of any kind; aim to include both dark green and orange vegetables daily: kale, spinach, Swiss chard, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, carrots, collard greens etc.

✔ Eat more tomatoes and tomato products like tomato juice. Include cooked tomato products regularly: tomato paste, tomato sauce, canned tomatoes.

✔ Eat more whole grains; experiment with less common versions such as millet, buckwheat, quinoa, kamut, teff, or couscous. ✔ Eat low-mercury fish at least twice a week for the omega-3 fats. Check out Health Canada’s guide to better seafood choices. ✔ Consider an omega-3 supplement if you struggle to get marine-based omega-3 fats.

✔ Include plant based sources of omega-3 fats daily; walnuts, organic edamame, ground flax and chia seeds, hemp seeds/oil.

✔ Drink green, white and rooibos tea and yes, coffee for a rich source of antioxidants (limit to 2-3 small sizes, i.e. 8 oz or 250 ml, per day).

✔ Eat whole nuts and seeds, olives, extra virgin olive and avocado oil. ✔ Eat more mushrooms of all kinds, or consider dried mushrooms and make a ‘tea’ with them.

✔ Include liberal use of dried or fresh herbs and spices.

✔ Exercise, this helps the body to produce naturally occurring anti-inflammatory defenses.

✔ If you’re overweight, consider losing some as extra body fat produces pro-inflammatory compounds and drives a lot of inflammation-based chronic diseases.


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Herbal Support for Cardiovascular Health


By Marva Ward, CNP

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in North America. Contributing

Marva Ward is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP) and works for Puresource as the National Product Educator for the NOW brand of supplements in Canada. As a holistic practitioner Marva is in constant pursuit of evidence based alternative therapies. As the Product Educator Marva develops and conducts in-store training sessions and bi-weekly conference call training for retailers across Canada as well as attending and speaking at community consumer events sponsored by retailers.

physiological factors including high total cholesterol, raised LDL with an increase in oxidized LDL, increased platelet aggregation (leading to the formation of arterial blood clots), increased plasma fibrinogen (clotting factors in veins) and high blood pressure. Specific external influences or “risk factors”, certainly not all inclusive, are said to be; smoking, stress, diet and lifestyle. Long term exposure to these contributing factors leads to uncontrollable oxidation and inflammation, which results in cell destruction and genetic malfunction.


Incorporating a regular exercise program, including cardiovascular involvement, such as brisk walking, along with making healthier dietary choices (eg. Mediterranean, Paleo, Vegetarian) is a solid beginning. Functional levels of vitamins and minerals also play a key role and select herbs offer additional support that specifically results in supporting a healthy cardiovascular system. Epidemiological studies show a strong correlation between the use of some herbs and the protection against the onset of cardiovascular disease.


Garlic has been shown to inhibit enzymes involved in cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis, to decrease platelet aggregation by acting as a mild blood thinner, to prevent lipid peroxidation (oxidation of LDL), to increase antioxidant status, and to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). According to The Journal of Nutrition, since 1993, 44% of clinical trials specific to garlic have indicated a reduction in total cholesterol while the most profound observation is in garlic's ability to reduce platelet aggregation.

Hawthorn is considered to be one of the best heart tonics available due to exceptional circulatory action. It is effective in therapies for many heart conditions, including arrhythmia, due to its affect on electrolyte utilization. Although hawthorn has not been proven to reverse heart conditions, it will increase and strengthen deteriorated heart muscle. Hawthorn can also reduce cholesterol buildup in artery walls and has blood pressure lowering capabilities. Cayenne reduces the formation of fibrinogen, stimulates blood flow through vasodilation and lowers blood pressure. Many herbalists suggest that cayenne should be

added to all herbal preparations because of its ability to support effective blood flow. With more efficient blood flow, more oxygen is delivered throughout the body. A traditional practise in the event of a suspected heart attack was to administer one teaspoon of cayenne dissolved in water or three droppers of a prepared tincture to immediately relax the arteries leading to the heart to provide the much needed blood and oxygen supply to stabilize the situation.

Ginkgo Biloba can have a significant influence on the circulatory system. Ginkgo flavonoids may reduce capillary permeability and fragility and serve as free radical scavengers. The terpenes inhibit platelet aggregation, decrease vascular resistance, and improve circulatory flow without affecting blood pressure. For individuals worried about their personal family history or simply concerned about the statistics on cardiovascular disease, it is empowering to know the onset of any disease is simply not just the luck of the draw. Specific to heart disease, solutions are absolutely within our control, in the form of healthy diet and lifestyle choices.t

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Winter Fitness for You and Your Pet By Michelle W. Book

Pet owners know the importance of exercise for their furry friends. Going on that daily walk with your dog provides a chance for them to stretch stiff joints, flex taut muscles and strengthen the circulatory system.

Considering that two of the biggest health concerns for Canadian dogs and cats are joint health and cardiovascular disease, ensuring regular, adequate exercise is one of the best ways to keep your beloved pet healthy and happy for a long, vibrant life. It’s estimated that owners spend three times as much

time watching TV and twice as much time loafing around the internet than playing with and exercising their pets. The good news is there are many benefits to both you and to your furry family member that come along with exercising for 30 to 60 minutes each day.

Staying Slim and Trim

The first exercise benefit relates to weight management. Active pets, with responsible feeding, are less likely to be obese. A lean body means a less harmful impact on joints and the cardiovascular system. Dr. Rob Butler, a veterinarian practicing integrative veterinary medicine in Guelph, Ontario, sees a lot of arthritis in his patients. “A lot of that is due to obesity,” he says. “There is too much weight on their joints and dietary, highly processed foods may release more inflammatory factors in the body and make animals prone to more degenerative diseases.”

Although we’re talking about pets, the same holds true for us humans. In fact, research shows that being active by getting 10,000 steps each day is associated with a reduction in numerous chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, some cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes, stress and anxiety.

Soothing Sore Joints, Naturally

Many pets can’t stand extensive exercise because of painful, swollen joints. Although reducing weight is a good way to relieve that pain, stiff joints can benefit from specially formulated natural health products for cats and dogs. “The most popular natural health products are for joint disease,” explained Dr. Butler. “Many of the products are familiar because they’re used for humans, too. “

Glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, fish oil and other herbals such as boswellia and curcumin are some of the most popular. Ask your vet about which supplements are best for your pet’s sore joints. Remember that your pet requires specially formulated natural health products that have been designed for their unique needs and digestive systems.Visit your vet for tips on supplements, and explore the shelves of your local health food retailer for pet-friendly natural health products.

Getting Active Creatively

Look for new and creative ways to get active with your pet. Instead of hiding up in a gym for a few hours a week, make a date with Fido and a ball and head to the park for a quality game of fetch, some fresh air and exercise for you both. The benefits will be tremendous for yourself and your furry friend. For those days when it is too cold or rainy to head outside, or for indoor-cat owners, try using the stairs and a flashlight. Cats love chasing moving beams of light. Use the stairs as a playground to add elevation to your cat’s workout. While you’re at it, you can climb a few flights, too.

Ensuring health and wellness for our dogs and cats extends to having a healthy habit of exercise. Integrate your activity with that of your pets and reap the benefits of good health.t Be sure to visit to check out our other tips for keeping your pets healthy and vital, naturally.


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Home Salt Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis By Livia Tiba, co-inventor of SaltAir

Cystic fibrosis, also known as mucoviscidosis is a genetic disorder where the autosomal recessive gene is affected. The

disease affects the lungs, heart, pancreas, liver and intestines. It is characterized by abnormal transport of sodium and chloride through epithelium, making the secretions thick and viscous.

The first indications of cystic fibrosis are salty skin, poor growth, thick, sticky mucus, frequent respiratory infections, persistent cough and shortness of breath. Frequent lung and sinus infections result from the thick, sticky mucus, reduced ciliary mobility and inflammation.

The lungs of persons with cystic fibrosis are infected and colonized with bacteria from an early age. These types of bacteria and their characteristics change and develop in time in persons with cystic fibrosis, because they have a perfect environment in the thick, viscous mucus and they develop resistance to commonly used antibiotics.

COPD, on the other hand, includes under its umbrella other chronic respiratory diseases, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD stands for “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” and symptoms include many debilitating symptoms: shortness of breath, cough of thick mucus and poor lung function. In chronic bronchitis the lining of the breathing tubes become inflamed and a lot of mucus is being produced and coughed up. With emphysema, the walls of the air sacs in the lungs are broken down and more air is trapped inside. Many people have both chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

The respiratory complications can be reduced using salt therapy. Hypertonic saline solution is used in hospitals to help in clearing the thick stagnant mucus to help avoid infection. The long-term salt aerosol exposure in home salt therapy provides exposure during night sleep, when the micro particles of salt slowly deposit on the respiratory mucosa. It helps to make the thick mucus more fluid, unclogs the airways, fights bacteria and viruses, and reduces the inflammation. t For more info, please visit or call 519-641-7258.



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Win! An Incrediwear Circulation Glove uIncrediwear Circulation Gloves


are ideal for anyone experiencing discomfort related to arthritis and other forms of joint pain. Incrediwear is scientifically proven to increase circulation, which reduces pain, swelling and fatigue. Enter the draw at:

Win! A UA ColdGear Infrared Hybrid Full Zip

uThis is the perfect jacket to keep you warm and dry while you’re staying active. The UA ColdGear Infrared Full Zip is a relaxed fit jacket that is lined with ColdGear Infrared technology to absorb and retain body heat. Hood and scuba collar. $109.99 CDN

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uGarcinia has been used to reduce lipid and triglyceride levels in the blood, increase metabolism, and is known to support normal appetite levels.

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4 5 Win! A Coco Natural Air Freshener

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extremely effective air freshener is made of 100% premium coconut shell activated carbon. The incredible natural product absorbs odours, bacteria, pollutants, allergens, and harmful chemicals. Home and car use. Sustainable. Enter the draw at: Visit:

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uPet Vitality addresses several


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not cause side effects. However, it should be noted that a complete remission of the dog’s symptoms and return to health will require a restructuring of his master’s lifestyle and habits.

To support and balance the nervous system, the following remedies could be used: Nux vomica: Surly, impatient and irritable animal, seeming hyper and reflective. Tendency to pounce the minute someone tries to touch him or approaches his territory; Rhus toxicodendron: Animal with agitated psyche, always wanting to stroll; agitated sleep, gets up during the night; Sumbul moschatus: Excessively emotional, anxious; unstable mood, excited at night; Kali bromatum: Physical agitation, cerebral agitation. Gets aggravated at night, possibly has night terrors.

By Pascal Frochisse, B.Pharm, Homeopath Much like humans, dogs and cats suffer the pitfalls of the sedentary lifestyles which characterize modern society. Our beloved family pet’s ancestors were true predators who hunted in wide open spaces, wooded areas, hills and through marshes, and lived in highly structured groups. Today, our pets share our living space in homes and apartments, quite literally caged in by walls. They have very little contact with other animals of their own species. Having become victims of their masters’ urban lifestyle, more and more dogs today, and to a lesser extent cats, are affected by stress and nervousness.

Additionally practitioners rely quite heavily on certain specialty veterinary formulations. These formulas are typically composed of the primary homeopathic medicines that address a given pathology. They are easy to use and generally come in alcohol-free liquid form, so as to be easy to administer to your pet. Finally, I’d like to leave you with one final piece of advice: adopting an animal is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Make your choice realistically: chose an animal for whom you can provide a happy life, as opposed to simply opting for the “animal of your dreams.” Talk to your vet before adopting.t

Solitude and Inactivity

Pets have a profound fear of solitude. In fact, a dog that spends 10 hours a day alone, waiting for his master to return can suffer such severe boredom that it can lead to neurosis. Some dogs might start to gnaw at table legs or run in circles for hours, while others may scratch or lick their paws incessantly, causing serious skin lesions.

Natural health prroducts oducts for small anim mals mals. Dogs and cats. ts.

Inactivity is the other principal cause of hypersensitivity. A quick five minute walk; so, the animal can do his business is simply not enough to satisfy the exercise needs of a shepherd or hunting dog. The animal will start to compensate by barking, agitation, loss of appetite, or bulimia.

Homeopathic remedies are helpful to soothe the animal while lifestyle changes are being put into place to eliminate the causal factors hindering the animal’s wellbeing. Homeopathics, as opposed to classic tranquilizers, do not sedate the animal and do


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Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-17 12:14 AM Page 40



Sore Throat Stoppers A NATURAL APPROACH

Homeopathic medicine might be one of the most safe and effective complimentary natural medicines to strengthen your child’s immune system for the long run. Many cases of acute and chronic tonsillitis have been successfully treated in our daily practice. Whether they are viral or bacterial in origin, homeopathy treats every child individually without any side effects.

Tips for Parents

By Raisa Weisspapir Registered Homeopath (Ontario)

Q.: Our 5 years old son gets a sore throat all the time. He

gets antibiotics very often. Is there anything else we can do?

Yes, there are alternative ways to improve his immunity, for example, homeopathic medicine. The tonsils are a specialized lymph tissue located on either side of your throat, just behind and above your tongue. They're part of your body's immune system that helps protect from bacteria and viruses that can cause infection. However, if your tonsils are overwhelmed by a bacterial or viral infection, they become swollen, red, with yellow or white coating, and become painful. Inflammation of tonsils calls tonsillitis. A number of respiratory viruses can cause tonsillitis, including the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). This is the same virus that can cause mononucleosis. Different strains of bacteria also can cause tonsillitis. The most common culprit is streptococcus, commonly referred to as "Strep throat". Tonsillitis caused by streptococcus species typically occurs in children aged five to 15 years, while viral tonsillitis is more common in younger children. Both forms, bacterial or viral, are contagious. It usually spreads to another person by droplet transmission while he/she is sneezing, coughing, or exhaling.

Preventing the Spread of Tonsillitis

Do not share utensils, drinking glasses, toothbrushes, etc., with anyone who has tonsillitis or a sore throat. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and teach your children to do the same. Proper hand washing is still the best way to prevent all kinds of infections, including tonsillitis. Avoid people with known tonsillitis or bacterial sore throats, if susceptible to one. 40 Winter 2016 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

Let you child get plenty of rest. Sleep helps the body fight infection. Your child should stay home until there's no sign of fever and he or she feels better. Have your child drink plenty of warm, soothing liquids. Soup, broth and tea are good choices. Avoid foods that weaken the immune system: refined and processed foods, dairy, sugar and high fat products. If your child is old enough to have mastered gargling, doing this several times a day may help relieve throat pain. Be sure to tell your child to spit out the liquid after gargling. For example, calendula can be very soothing and healing for the sore throat. But since homeopathy is individually tailored medicine for each and every patient, different homeopathic remedies may be prescribed. t Raisa Weisspapir is a Registered Homeopath, graduated from the Homeopathic College of Canada in 1999, specializing in children’s and general family health problems. She also graduated from Medical School in Russia in 1985 and worked as a medical doctor in an emergency hospital in Russia, dealing with children and adults in critical conditions. Raisa welcomes your questions at (416) 227-1485. For more information visit


Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-17 12:14 AM Page 41



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Winter Edition 2016.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2015-12-17 12:14 AM Page 42




The Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia


By Nadine Nellissen

Garcinia cambogia has been used in the western world since the late 1960’s, in fact there is well over 12 years of clinical use! Clinically Garcinia has been used to reduce lipid and triglyceride levels in the blood and increase metabolism, thus used for weight loss.

Garcinia is known to support normal appetite levels, supports normal fat and carbohydrate metabolism, supports normal glycogen production and body weight.

Traditionally it has been used in similar ways as we use it today, to achieve similar normal blood panel and satiety benefits. Some may commonly know garcinia as Malabar tamarind, used culinary to enhance the flavours of curries and to also make the dish ‘more filling and satisfying.’ Garcinia has also been used along with salt in the curing of fish. Historically garcinia was used to treat rheumatism and bowel complaints – those dealing with digestive issues and parasites.

The Himalaya Drug Company grows their garcinia in the evergreen forests in India native to where garcinia has been naturally harvested and grown for many years. In some areas, it has been found growing at heights up to 6,000 feet. The extraction method has remained unchanged, using a traditional water extraction. The entire fingerprint of the plant has been added to the caplet, incorporating all specific chemical markers for potency from the root, stem, leaf, flowers and seeds, so that the entire herb is present.

Himalaya Garcinia has been grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides making this one of the only organic garcinia products on the market today! No other substances have been added (no binders or fillers) making this 100% garcinia using Himalaya’s Pure Herb technology.

In order for our bodies to use or obtain energy from food, it needs to be broken down to glucose and glucose needs to be converted into glycogen. Glycogen is our body’s instant form of energy. In order to convert glucose into glycogen, glucose must be run through a very important energy cycle called the Krebs or Citric Acid cycle. This biochemical cycle is responsible for converting simple sugars into energy and storing additional energy in various forms of fats. For energy to continue the krebs/citric acid cycle must continually run.

The reason why we are looking for a standardized and high percentage of the hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in garcinia is because HCA acts very similar to our krebs/citric acid energy cycle. HCA acts as a friendly impersonator and blocks the production of fatty acids and cholesterol from this. In this process, HCA redirects traffic into producing glycogen, energy! Instead of storing the extra energy as fat, food is used as should, turning into free floating energy! This very important process has a multiple effect on the body.


If our glycogen stores are topped up we simply have a lower appetite! This extra energy is available for a more active life!

With all of this extra energy produced Garcinia not only increases physical activity, but it heats up the body by burning off extra fat that is already present. Contributing to a new form of thermogenesis (heat generating – fat burning) effect that does not involve the central nervous system. It is interesting to note that people who continue to use Garcinia, report they start to naturally desire healthier foods! This could be as a result of glycogen stores being normal in the body. The impulse system is no longer overriding the choice for simple sugars/carb. Healthier foods bring more nutrition back into the body and keep blood sugar levels stable. Balancing blood sugar levels will improve one’s lifestyle as the negative effects of the blood sugar roller coaster are avoided. This is great news for those with weight challenges, blood sugar imbalances, syndrome-X, pre-diabetes and type 2 disabilities, with no known contraindications!t

Nadine Nellissen has been interested in wholistic health since her involvement in sports at an early age. It was from an athletic viewpoint she realized the important connection between physical exercise, diet and emotional health.

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