2 minute read
Ready or not: I’m an empty nester
Empty nesters. I remember hearing that phrase from time to time when my two girls were small. Between the sippy cups, birthday parties, school events and overlapping schedules, my wife and I shrugged off the term, choosing to deal with it when the time came.
Tick tock. That time is now.
My wife and I are empty-nesters, as of this month. My oldest is headed to graduate school (physical therapy) at Oakland University. My youngest is heading to Ashland University as a scholarship volleyball athlete. Exciting times for both of my girls, but it does come with some new feelings. I will miss them. No doubt about that.
I’ll miss them, a lot. But the pride, excitement, and curiosity that I’m feeling far outweigh the sadness. Growing up is their job, and they have excelled. Top grades, successful athletic careers and so much more.
I’m proud of them. My job is to let them grow into the great people I know they are equipped to be. I’m excited to witness this next phase of their lives, and to see what kind of paths they take into their young adult lives.
My wife and I constantly try to remember what it was like during our lives at that point. We remember some of the feelings, like the longing to get out of town and on our own, but that’s about it.
Watching the nervousness and anticipation my girls are feeling as they get ready for their next adventure is new for us. While we get ready to watch our children turn into adults, we turn our attention to each other, too. What the heck are we going to do now?
Any parent at this point in their lives will tell you about practices, tournaments, school, doctors, friends’ houses and so much more. Our lives were dedicated to getting these kids to this point. And while I know we’ll always be mom and dad, it won’t be the same. Not even close. We’ll have more time on our hands for ourselves, than ever.
So far, it’s been dining out, golf and date nights. Travel is on the horizon. While it is wonderful to have that time with my wife again, there’s something odd about asking for a table for two instead of four.
That’ll change. I know.
Yep, this phase of our lives has been coming for a while and we welcome it as best we can. There will be bumps, bruises, and challenges along the way, but honestly, it’s been that way since day one. We’ll be fine. Good luck to Autumn (my oldest) and Sage on their next adventures. We love you and will be there whenever you need us, and certainly, whenever we can.
Enjoy the issue!