2 minute read
Death has effect on us at all
It does not matter how many years it has been when you lose someone. That space between can be lonesome and hollow. An empty echo that goes unanswered. Speaking into a tin can offers more sound resonation than talking to someone that you can’t see anymore.
Death is so permanent. Even though other things are supposed to be permanent, there always is an unspoken understanding that anything can be resurrected if we wanted to. Except for death. There is no coming back, no visiting hours, no second time is the charm opportunity. The space between that no one wishes upon another human being.
Losing someone that you love is indescribable to someone untouched by death. Sadly, it is only a matter of time before we lose someone close. Death is inevitable. However, we never seem to be prepared, are we? It is one of the only guarantees in life. Death and taxes. What is also guaranteed with death is renewal. Of course, in due time, but there is always a level of transformation. Rebirth. Granted in the beginning it feels like a forced and unwanted transformation. However, in due time we can’t help but grow, shed layers as we learn to live again.
The space between first began as the deep dark pit of nothingness. Something you hate. As your transformation continues toward your new life without them, this unmarked timeframe, the space between transforms with you. What once seemed to be the enemy becomes the place where you feel comforted. That space where you can freely talk to that person. It is safe.
You begin to look for the signs that they are still around you, wearing an invisible cloak. You see them in the river’s reflection. You hear them in the wind. The red cardinal perched in view at the right time and that special song comes on the radio just when you needed it most. That space between does not seem so vast anymore. It is now comforting. Death transforms us all.
From the other side of death, after a level of healing that sheds some of the magnitudes of the nothingness, we begin to see yet another understanding of this space between. When we can see the journey that we were on and how it transformed us into stronger and determined human beings. Death can rekindle perseverance to become something that we have always wanted. Death can ignite drive towards honoring battles that no one should fight alone. Death can turn everyday opportunity into something beautiful.
No one wants to lose someone to begin accomplishing in life but sometimes it works that way unintentionally. No need to be angry or critical of ourselves, we just can’t always see where we are in our life’s journey while we are in it. The space between typically is underrated and unobserved. However, it is quite beautiful. The journey in finding oneself after death.
Where are you? Which space between? Remember to be gentle and love yourself. For the journey can be long and brutal. I promise you, it is worth it in the end.
Laurie DeBruin CCH,CRR is the owner of Chrysalis Reflexology Hypnosis & Enrichment Center. Reach her at (517) 648.1980.