Hearing Health Spring 2021

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Refreshed Visual Identity Introduced To uphold and continue to communicate our commitments to excellence and innovation, Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) presents refreshed branding to reflect our ambition to fund cutting-edge research and to make hearing health treatments and prevention top of mind for everyone, no matter their age, gender, location, or circumstances. The logos were created pro bono by award-winning agency The Escape Pod, based in Chicago, and were launched in February 2021 and appear with this issue of the magazine. Crisp and modern, the refreshed designs are consistent with our mission of progress through research. The main logo’s symbol can be interpreted multiple ways, echoing how each individual’s hearing health experience is unique. Similarly, research findings are dynamic, ever evolving, and inform multiple scientific questions. The refreshed designs for HHF’s hallmark research programs, the Hearing Restoration Project and Emerging Research Grants, unify these two programs while also demonstrating their distinct identities. (To see the program logos together, please turn to pages 42–43.) Having given life to so many prominent advances in hearing and balance research since 1958, HHF remains committed to the preservation of our history in our communications, and continues to emphasize “Prevention | Research | Cure” in our tagline. Our refreshed branding embraces a proactive approach to hearing health while underscoring the continuing need for forward motion in scientific research.

Second Annual Thankathon HHF is incredibly thankful for our community of supporters. Our life-changing hearing and balance research simply would not exist without the generosity of our donors. To communicate our gratitude in a special way, we held our annual Thankathon in October 2020, and for the second year HHF volunteers, Board of Directors, and staff again made contact with about 800 individuals who contributed to our work over the past year. Thanks again to everyone who helped further our mission during an especially challenging time. We are always so happy to chat with donors who also receive the magazine, which has so far resulted in at least one story shared by a friend of HHF. Please see the article by Jayne Sowers, Ed.D., about her fellow pioneers of early intervention for infants and toddlers with hearing loss, on page 30.

New Scientific Director of the Hearing Restoration Project Lisa Goodrich, Ph.D., a professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, became scientific director of the Hearing Restoration Project (HRP) in January 2021 and facilitated the annual HRP meeting in mid-March. She had since 2016 served as a member of HHF’s Scientific Advisory Board, which is the body of hearing and balance experts that provides guidance and support to the HRP. Goodrich succeeds Peter Barr-Gillespie, Ph.D., the HRP scientific director since 2011, and he will in turn join the Scientific Advisory Board. Please learn more about Goodrich and the HRP on page 38. 8

hearing health


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