planned giving
h e aring health foundation
Three Life Lessons I am pledging to give to Hearing Health Foundation because I hope discoveries funded by HHF can help us prevent or cure hearing loss caused by ototoxic drugs in neonatal intensive care units, which is how I developed my sensorineural hearing loss. I appreciate HHF’s commitment to being a good steward of the funds that enable groundbreaking research on hearing loss, prevention, and cures. Here is my story. By Betsy Glick
Among other interests, Betsy Glick continues her artwork today with her pet sketching business. Opposite page: Glick (on the right) with her twin sister Bari at age 3.
When I was in sixth grade, I was in the spelling bee. When I got to the edge of the stage to spell my first word, I found I couldn’t hear it. I thought maybe I heard the word fine, everything is fine, so I spelled “F-I-N-E, fine.” But it was the wrong word, and everything was not fine. I tried again, maybe it was fun? So I spelled “F-U-N,” but it was the wrong word again. Now with my anxiety rising I stared desperately into the dark theater looking for clues. Then my identical twin sister Bari came to rescue me. She walked across the 30
hearing health