ThisDesignAnAdspecial section represents aspecial partnership betweenareaschoolsystems, thebusinesscommunity andthe Record-Journal.Studentsingrades kindergarten through10participated in this yearsprogram.
Area businesses purchased advertisingspace in this section. Thebusinessesprovidedinformation on theirproduct or servicetothe schools, andthe adswerethen designed by students from schools in surroundingareas
Each participatingclass was responsiblefor designingads for onebusiness. Teachersweregiven informationabout that business, includingits name,address and phonenumber. Students were given that informationand atemplate on whichtocreateanadfor the business.
Once theteacher collectedall of thefinished ads, apanel of judges looked at allofthe submittedwork. Oneadwas chosentorepresent each business.
Theads featured in this sectionwere chosenasthe best forthe business. Allads were judged on originality, creativity andaccuracy.
Theads chosen forpublication were picked from afieldofhundredsof entries. They representhardworkon thepartofstudentsand teachers.
Theads chosen to appear in this sectionwerepartofa second judging. Foreachbusiness, judges chosefirstplace winningads as well as honorablementions.
Thestudentswhose work wasgiven thegreater distinctionofbeing awardedafirstplace mentionwillbe recognized at aspecial receptionto be held in theirhonor
Ouronlinedigital sectioncontains first placeaswellasall of our runner upsads
This projectispartofthe RecordJournalNewspaper In Education program.
Work done by students forthis projectrepresentedanintegrated learning activity incorporatingboth stateand national standards.
JEREMY COTE MarketingManager GraphicDesigner1st Place Student Grade School Name
Kaily Guaman Barrera4 Nathan Hale Elementary School
Ashlee McNeil 5Nathan Hale Elementary School
Kaluyah Wilkins5 Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Lucia Dibacco3 Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Eliana Mathieu5 Parker Farms Elementary School
Richard Fuster-Reyes 4Nathan Hale Elementary School
Hannah DePiero4 Parker Farms Elementary School
Regan Gazley 5Holy Trinity School
Rose Ella Najduch4 Holy Trinity School
Lily Graziosa 5Parker Farms Elementary School
Adriana Kracitz5 Parker Farms Elementary School
Zoraya Carrawayzo 2Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Ayliz Boran5 Rock Hill Elementary School
Aavani Thalody6 Chapman Elementary School
Bruno Alvarado 5Nathan Hale Elementary School
Molly Kulas9 Coginchaug Regional High School
Samantha Salazar3 Hanover Elementary School
Annette Cercalo5 Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Henry Capece4 ACES at Chase, a Public STEAM Academy on a Private Campus
Miyla Epps KACES Wintergreen Interdistrict Magnet School
Colton Lumbra 4Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Sophia Malterollo 6Roger Sherman Elementary School
Vinny Petitti5 Rock Hill Elementary School
Brayden Regan6 Chapman Elementary School
Mrs. Patry AC Exterminating
Mrs. Pavlick Libby's Italian Pastry Shop
Mrs. Joy Noack's Meats
Mrs. Valentin-Strickland Apple Valley Veterinarians
Mrs. Innaimo Meriden Hyundai
Mr. Doornweerd Achiq Designs Inc.
Mrs. Ladarola Suzio Insurance
Mrs. Saia Kindergarten learning
Ms Brown Tuxis Ohrs
Mrs. LaBree Colony Diner
Ms Rochefort Rogers Orchards
Ms Wallace Liberty Lagana
Mrs. O'Neil United Way
Mrs. Allister Therapeutic Massage
Mrs. Johnson Members First Credit Union
Mrs. Suchy 4T Financial
Ms Walczyszyn Thompson Chocolate
Ms Borsari UPS Store / Wallingford
Ms. Place ACES at Chase
Mrs. Petr
ACES Wintergreen Interdistrict Magnet School
Ms Wilcox UPS Store 2323
Mr Fritch
The L. Suzio York Hill Companies
Ms Barbuto YMCA Wallingford
Ms Rinaldi Smilen Dental
Nathan Hale Elementary
Benjamin Franklin Elementary
Mrs. Valentin-Strickland
Coginchaug Regional High School Grade9
Mrs. Suchy
Holy TrinitySchool Grade5
Mrs. Saia
Nathan Hale Elementary School Grade4
Mrs. Patry
Ashlee McNeil
Nathan Hale Elementary School Grade5
Mrs. Pavlick
Parker FarmsElementarySchool
Benjamin Franklin Elementary Grade5
Mrs. Joy
Hannah DePiero
ParkerFarms Elementary School Grade4
Mrs. Ladarola
Aavani Thalody ChapmanElementarySchool Grade6
HanoverElementarySchool Grade3
Holy TrinitySchool
Rock Hill Elementary School
Benjamin Franklin Elementary Grade4
Benjamin Franklin Elementary Grade5