1820 – 2020
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
1820 – 2020
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Darien comprises almost 13 square miles of land, with some 16.5 miles of shoreline along Long Island Sound. The town sits at an elevation ranging from sea level to 250 feet above sea level. Darien is 36 miles from New York City, 64 miles from Hartford, and 155 miles from Boston.
Darien’s current population is 21,485. This reflects a 4 percent increase from a decade ago, when the population was 20,732. In 2000, the town’s population was 19,607. Darien reached its highest population of 21,759 in 2018.
The average household income in Darien is $250,000, with more than 1,000 people living below the poverty level. The
average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $3,505 per month, and the average home value is $1.475 million. The median age in Darien is 39.9 years.
Based on information from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Connecticut Department of Labor: 85% of residents hold a bachelor's degree or higher, 96.4% of households have a broadband Internet subscription, mean travel time to work is 39.3 minutes, per capita income in the past 12 months is $147,195, there are 6,978 households with an average of 3 persons per household, and the unemployment rate is 3.6%.
New Haven Colony members purchased a tract of wilderness from the Siwanoys, a local Indian tribe, in what is now Stamford and Darien. A few dozen settler families worked the land. Later, more property was purchased from the Roatons, another tribe.
The first roads were created in the forests. Soon a school district was established as well as a gristmill, sawmill, and shipyard.
Middlesex Parish was formed and a was meetinghouse built. The Country Road passed through the area as part of the main route between New York and Boston.
Local Tories (supporters of Britain during the American Revolution) captured the Middlesex minister Rev. Moses Mather and a group of male parishioners, and took them to Long Island as prisoners.
The Town of Darien was incorporated and granted independence from Stamford. It is believed the name is based on the Darién Province in Panama.
The New Haven Railroad began train service, leading to economic development and the arrival of immigrants. The town prospered in the post-Civil War boom, and some wealthy New Yorkers discovered the town’s beauty and built summer homes.
Fitch’s Home, the first home for disabled veterans and soldiers’ orphans in the United States, opens in Darien.
The population doubled to 3,946 people, kicking off a 50-year growth spurt.
Enthusiastic newcomers brought together more than 500 residents to produce “The Pageant of Darien.”
Darien's first high school opened. The building now serves as Town Hall.
The town’s first movie theater opened with a seating capacity of 700 people.
This condensed history was prepared and contributed by Madeline Hart and Ken Reiss of the Museum of Darien (formerly the Darien Historical Society).
A devastating hurricane brought a record 10-foot storm surge through town.
The population reached 9,222 people, more than double from 1920. Fitch Home veterans also moved to a new state facility in Rocky Hill. The U.S. Navy took over the buildings to establish a radio training school.
The Connecticut Turnpike opened, boosting the residential development that began post-World War II.
The population doubled yet again, to 18,437 people.
Many organizations and community groups in Darien rely on volunteers. Among them are Darien TV-79 and its advisory committee; Darien Arts Center (203-655-8683 | DARIENARTS. ORG ); Darien Library (203-655-1234 | DARIENLIBRARY.ORG ); Darien Senior Programs at Mather Center (203-656-7455 | DARIENCT.GOV ); Darien EMS-Post 53 (203-655-8989 | POST53.INFO ); Darien Fire Department (203-655-1216 | DARIENFIRE.ORG ); Noroton Fire Department (203-655-0653 | NOROTONFD.ORG ); Noroton Heights Fire Department (203655-1033 | NHFD.US ); Person-to-Person (203-655-0048 | P2P.DARIEN.ORG ); American Red Cross (redcross.org/ct); and Shepherds, a nondenominational nonprofit that connects with disadvantaged high schoolers in Connecticut’s inner cities and seeks mentors to serve as positive role models (203-367-4273 | SHEPHERDSMENTORS.ORG ).
United Way of Western Connecticut (1150 Summer St., Stamford) can help match people willing to volunteer with organizations that need them. Phone: 203-348-7711 | Website: UWWESTERNCT.ORG
The Darien Community Association (274 Middlesex Rd.) is a nonprofit that provides a broad array of educational, cultural, and social programs. Its mission is to enrich the community through philanthropy and outreach with a wide variety of educational, social, and cultural programs, and provide scholarships to Darien High School graduates. The DCA Thrift Shop accepts donated items and sells them at discounted prices, helping to fund these scholarships. Meadowlands, the DCA’s historic home, is also a venue for weddings and events. Phone: 203-655-9050 | Website: DARIENDCA.ORG
The Darien Lions Club, established in 1971, raises funds to assist visually impaired individuals, the hearing impaired, and others in need. The Lions sponsor events such as the Fourth of July Parade, a Halloween party, Candy Day, and pancake breakfasts. The Lions have raised money to find a cure for macular degeneration in addition to supporting organizations close to home, including Darien EMS-Post 53. The club meets twice a month from September through June; those planning to attend are asked to check the calendar on the organization’s website, DARIENLIONS.ORG .
The Rotary Club of Darien supports the Darien Beautification Commission, Little League, youth hockey teams, and the Junior Achievement program at Darien High School; it also awards scholarships to local high school students. The club is a chapter of Rotary International, which promotes humanitarian activities worldwide. The club meets every Thursday from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. at The Goose (972 Boston Post Rd.). Membership is based on referrals. Phone: 203-656-2600 | Website: DARIENROTARY.ORG
The Piedmont Club (152 Hecker Ave.) is a social club for those of Italian descent and through marriage. The Piedmont Associates Inc. was founded as the Società Umberto Principe di Piemonte Inc. in 1916. The clubhouse was built in 1923 and then moved to its current location in 1954 due to the construction of I-95. The clubhouse can be rented for special events. Phone: 203-655-7884 | Website: PIEDMONTCLUB.ORG
The Museum of Darien (formerly The Darien Historical Society) collects and preserves materials of local historical value. It also educates the community about its heritage through art and architecture, oral remembrances, and public programs.
The group also maintains the 1827 Scofield Barn Exhibit Hall, and the Darien Historical Archives and Resource Library. The website has membership information (including a digital brochure), a staff directory with email addresses, and details on collections.
The museum has offices at the Bates-Scofield House Museum (45 Old Kings Highway North). It is open Tuesday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., but closes for the month of August. A $5 donation is suggested for admission; children 6 and under as well as members are admitted free. Group tours are available in advance by appointment. Phone: 203-655-9233 | Website: MUSEUMOFDARIEN.ORG
The Mather Homestead of Darien was built in 1778 by Joseph Mather, son of Moses Mather, the first minister of the First Congregational Church of Darien and a fiery patriot and advocate of the Revolutionary cause. The Homestead was enjoyed by the Mather family for seven generations until 2017, when it was donated to The Mather Homestead Foundation
thanks to the generosity of the McPherson family. The Homestead's most famous Mather was Stephen Tyng Mather, who owned the home from 1906 to 1930. He was an avid conservationist and the first director of our National Park Service. Website: MATHERHOMESTEAD.ORG
The Garden Club of Darien is part of the Garden Clubs of America. The website (GCDARIEN.ORG ) has membership information, newsletters, photos, and details on floral design, herb gardens, and horticulture.
The Cherry Lawn Community Gardens at Cherry Lawn Park (120 Brookside Rd.) offers gardeners of all levels the opportunity to cultivate and harvest organic herbs, flowers, and vegetables. Membership information is available through Darien Parks and Recreation. Website: DARIENNATURECEN -
The DCA’s Greenhouse Group is a group of ladies who are passionate about plants. They propagate plants from seeds, cuttings, and plugs (small plants) for their annual plant sale in May. They also offer fall and spring gardening workshops that are free to the public, and a holiday craft workshop in December. Phone: 203-655-9050 | Website: DARIENDCA.ORG
YWCA Parent Awareness hosts speakers, panel discussions, and experts in the field of child rearing. Topics cover children in preschool through high school, and every program is free. Phone: 203-655-2535 | Website: YWCADN.ORG
The Middlesex Genealogical Society provides guidance to people researching their family history. The society has established a genealogy section at the Darien Library. There are meetings and talks throughout the year. Mail: P.O. Box 9, Darien, CT, 06820 | Website: MGSDARIENCT.ORG
The Darien League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization that helps each citizen have a voice in government. The league publishes information about local government, distributes nonpartisan information on candidates and issues at election time, assists with voter registration, and sponsors candidates’ forums. Membership is open to men and women of voting age and up. Website: LWV.DARIEN.ORG
The Junior League of Stamford-Norwalk (748 Post Rd.) is a nonprofit of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The group’s purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Phone: 203-655-4662 | Website: JLSN.ORG
Darien is home to the Good Wife’s River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The group is involved with programs and activities that promote education and patriotism, support veterans, and preserve early American history. The local chapter collects money for wreaths to decorate the graves in Darien’s Spring Grove Veterans’ Cemetery. DAR membership is open to any woman over the age of 18 who can trace her direct lineage to a patriot who fought or gave material aid to the cause of American independence during the Revolutionary War. Website: DAR.ORG
The primary goal of the Darien Land Trust is to preserve and protect open space in town in perpetuity. It owns or has conservation easements on more than 200 acres in Darien. For more information, contact Executive Director Elizabeth Harmon at 203-655-4148 or elizabethgharmon@darienlandtrust. org. Website: DARIENLANDTRUST.ORG
The Darien Environmental Group educates people about ways they can change their consumer and lifestyle habits to benefit the environment, including programs for elementary
school students. The nonprofit was founded in 1990. Email: deg06820@gmail.com | Website: GRASSROOTSFUND.ORG/ GROUPS/DARIEN-ENVIRONMENTAL-GROUP
The goals of the Tree Conservancy of Darien are to educate the community about the value of trees and their care, identify and revitalize significant heritage trees in town, maintain a stewardship program for the care of existing trees, and build partnerships to achieve conservancy goals.
Established in 2010, the conservancy has planted hundreds of trees and shrubs, held tree sales and Celebration of Trees photo contests, established a Give-A-Tree program, co-sponsored educational lectures, and participated in several educational “green” events. Email: info@treeconservancyofdarien. org | Website: TREECONSERVANCYOFDARIEN.ORG
The Darien Men’s Association is open to all men residing in Darien and surrounding towns aged 50 or over. The DMA meets weekly on most Wednesdays from early September to early June at the DCA Meadowlands Estate. Each meeting features a program speaker, whose topics vary greatly. If you are interested in the activities and objectives of the DMA and want to join, call 203-656-2932, email dariendma@gmail. com, or visit DARIENDMA.ORG.
Darien’s Masonic Club is Ivanhoe Lodge No. 107, which serves the community and area’s Freemasons. The nonprofit is open to all men 21 or over. The group meets twice a month (except July and August) at the Masonic Temple at 354 Post Road. Phone: 203-655-2040 | Email: darienmasonicclub@ gmail.com | Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/IVANHOELODGE
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 6933 is located at 205 Noroton Ave. in Noroton Heights. The organization’s members are active in community life and make hospital visits to veterans’ hospitals and homes, delivering holiday greetings from Darien’s school children. The post sponsors Little League, Cub Scouts, and food drives for the town’s food pantry. The VFW also works with the town’s Monuments & Ceremonies Commission on organizing special events like the annual Veterans Day ceremony. Phone: 203-655-8552 | Website: DARIENVFW.ORG
HonorBound Foundation (209 West Ave.) is a nonprofit that helps veterans and their families. The charity offers case-managed social services, emergency financial relief, advocacy, and assistance with services and equipment. Website: HONORBOUNDFOUNDATION.ORG | Mail: P.O. Box 2465, Darien, CT, 06820
Jim Coghlan is the assistant director of the Parks and Recreation Department. The office is in Room 110 at Town Hall. Phone: 203-656-7325 | Website: DARIENCT.GOV/PARKREC
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Weed Beach Paddle Tennis Building.
The town has 12 park facilities encompassing 205 acres that offer passive and active recreational opportunities. Darien also enjoys 30 acres of shoreline beaches on Long Island Sound.
Open all four seasons, the 22-acre Weed Beach off Nearwater Lane offers views of Long Island Sound. The park includes a bathing area, picnic areas, tennis courts, paddle tennis courts, children’s play areas, a bathhouse, windsurfing area, and a concession stand. The Darien Junior Sailing Program operates at Weed Beach. Summer programs include sailing and windsurfing lessons.
Pear Tree Point Beach is located off Pear Tree Point Road at the mouth of the Goodwives River. It has a bathing area, handicapped accessible picnic area with picnic tables and grills, a gazebo overlooking Long Island Sound, a bathhouse, a concession stand, a boat launch ramp, and two beaches. The beach is home to the Darien Boat Club.
The four-acre McGuane Park is located off Noroton Avenue near the Noroton Heights Firehouse. The park is handicapped accessible, and the ballfields are used by Darien Little League.
Families with young children enjoy Baker Park on Noroton Avenue, which has a playscape and play areas. There is also a large grassy area for picnics or an impromptu game of Frisbee. The park’s multi-purpose softball/soccer field is used by the men’s and co-ed softball leagues. Hiking trails skirt the park, offering a walk past a variety of flowers and trees.
Cherry Lawn Park on Brookside Road may be Darien’s most used park. It has playing fields, a playground, a pond, a picnic area, and the Cherry Lawn Gardens. It’s also the home of the Darien Nature Center.
Other parks in town are: Town Hall & Holahan Fields, behind Town Hall; Tilley Pond Park, which has a pond and gazebo, at Lakeside and West avenues; Stony Brook Park, with open green space, at Ledge Road; and Frate Park, a triangle at the end of Leroy Avenue and Middlesex Road.
Selleck’s Woods and Woodland Park are two nature preserves with walking trails. Enter Selleck’s Woods on Parklands Drive or Littlebrook Road. Entrances to Woodland Park are located on Middlesex Road and West Avenue.
Darien’s first ADA-compliant walking trail is open at Highland Farm (560 Middlesex Rd.). The trail is for walkers and joggers to enjoy.
The Darien Nature Center (120 Brookside Rd.) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of the natural world. Offerings for families and children of all ages include live animals, seasonal exhibits, a children’s nature trail, a spring-fed pond, and a children’s nature library. The center is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. Phone: 203-655-7459 | Website: DARIENNATURECENTER.ORG
Weed Beach is the site of a family concert series organized by the Parks & Rec. The Youth Commission also puts on a series of concerts for young people at the park. Call 203656-7326 for details.
Parks & Rec offers programs for preschoolers through senior citizens. Adult programs include tennis lessons, golf lessons, basketball, volleyball, guitar lessons, safe boating, and dog obedience class. For youth, there’s tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball, golf, karate, yoga, and dance programs plus piano, guitar, and drum lessons. Seniors are offered exercise
programs, arts and crafts, languages, discussion groups, games, flower arranging, and volunteer opportunities. Programs (which also include day trips and vacation and summer camps) are outlined in seasonal brochures that are mailed to all residents and available on the town’s website, DARIENCT. GOV . Phone: 203-656-7325
Cherry Lawn Community Gardens in Cherry Lawn Park (120 Brookside Rd.) offers gardeners of all levels the opportunity to cultivate and harvest organic herbs, flowers, and vegetables from spring through autumn. Membership is open to Darien residents only and all plots are currently taken. Applications are available to join the waiting list. Call Dorothy Shergalis at 203-252-4507 for details.
Inland fishing licenses are $28 (or $32 including marine waters) and are required for anyone 18 and older. A $5 trout and salmon stamp is required of those keeping trout or fishing in special trout or salmon waters. Check CT.GOV/DEEP for details.
Licenses are available at the Town Clerk’s Office and many tackle shops. Fishing licenses are not needed in the marine district unless you are taking lobsters or menhaden. For details, check the Connecticut Angler’s Guide, available free at the Town Clerk’s Office or online at CT.GOV/DEEP .
The 2024 Parks & Rec spring and summer brochure includes applications for a beach/park permit and boat launch. An online version is available on the department’s webpage at DARIENCT.GOV . Permits are issued per vehicle and are available to Darien residents and taxpayers only. In general, they must be displayed from mid-May through mid-September at certain facilities, or whenever a gatehouse is staffed.
Resident permits cost $53 per vehicle, and senior residents receive one free permit per family. The fee is $85 for non-resident taxpayers or vehicles registered out of town. A boat launching permit is $50 per boat. A daily boat launch is $70. Website: DARIENCT.GOV/PARKREC
Parks & Rec also issues park facility permits to residents and their guests to reserve picnic areas. To apply for a permit, call 203-656-7325 or email parkrec@darienct.gov. Allow a minimum of two weeks for permit approval.
The Noroton Yacht Club in Darien Harbor promotes family participation in sailboat racing and recreational sailing. The club also has a junior sailing program. Phone: 203-655-7686 | Website: NOROTONYC.ORG
The Darien Boat Club (135 Pear Tree Point Rd.) is open to member residents of Darien. The club offers slips for 260 boats, social events, and a clubhouse for private parties. Phone: 203-655-1927 | Website: DARIENBOATCLUB.ORG
The Darien Sail & Power Squadron is dedicated to educating boaters and offers a safe boating course twice a year. Graduates receive a diploma that meets the requirements for the state Safe Boating Certificate and Coastal Boater Endorsement, which is necessary to operate any recreational vessel in state waters. Website: DPS.DARIEN.ORG
Parks & Rec also offers safe boating courses. Phone: 203656-7325
Mooring spaces for more than 290 sail and power craft are located throughout Darien Harbor, Noroton Bay, Ziegler’s Cove, and Scott’s Cove. Harbor Master John Keena (203-9847389 | darienharbor@darienct.gov) handles all mooring applications. Dock spaces are also available at the Noroton Yacht Club and Darien Boat Club for members only.
Pear Tree Point Beach has a public launch site for motorized boats. Light water craft may be launched at Weed Beach. Both a boat launching sticker ($45) and beach sticker ($45) are required.
Swimming is allowed at Weed Beach and Pear Tree Point Beach. Resident stickers are required. The Health Department maintains a beach hotline at 203-656-7323. During swimming season, the department collects water samples weekly from each of the beaches and updates the hotline with information as to whether they are open for swimming. Parks & Rec offers American Red Cross swimming lessons for children of all ability levels.
The Piranha Swim Team is the Darien YMCA’s competitive swimming program for children and teens. For information, email Coach Henk Jansen at piranha@darien-ymca.org. Website: DARIEN-YMCA-PIRANHAS.ORG
While not a swim team, the YMCA’s Masters Swim program offers experienced adult swimmers 19 and over the opportunity to practice competitive swimming techniques. The group has reserved pool time for lap swimming under the guidance of a coach. Phone: 203-655-8228, ext. 1397 | Email: swimadmin@darien-ymca.org
The Darien YMCA (2420 Post Rd.) offers fitness opportunities such as swimming, aerobics, spinning, cardiovascular and strength-training equipment, and personal fitness programs. Phone: 203-655-8228 | Website: DARIEN-YMCA.ORG
The YWCA of Darien/Norwalk (49 Old Kings Highway North) offers a regular series of fitness classes. Phone: 203655-2535 | Website: YWCADN.ORG
Several private fitness studios and gyms are also located in Darien.
The Darien Ice House (55 Old Kings Highway North) has public skating sessions as well as a skating school, skating parties, and hockey camp. Phone: 203-655-8251 | Website: DARIENICEHOUSE.COM
During the winter, people can ice skate at Cherry Lawn Park and Tilley Pond Park if conditions allow. The ice depth is tested regularly and posted. Check with police at 203-662-5300 or Parks & Rec at 203-656-7325.
Weed Beach Park has six tennis courts and five paddle tennis courts. Cherry Lawn Park also has tennis courts. Youth and adult lesson programs are offered in the spring and summer. Call Parks & Rec at 203-655-7325 for details.
There are no public golf courses in Darien, but you can golf in Norwalk at the Oak Hills Golf Course (165 Fillow St.). Phone: 203-853-8400 | Website: OAKHILLSGC.COM
Darien Parks & Rec offers golf lessons. Phone: 203-656-7325
Sound Cyclists is a member-run bicycle club that organizes group rides throughout Fairfield County. The organization has social events, a newsletter, and members are entitled to discounts at many area bicycle shops. Website: SOUNDCYCLISTS.COM
The Connecticut Department of Transportation offers maps of multi-use trails throughout the state, as well as a statewide bicycle map. Visit CT.GOV/DOT . Note: Children ages 15 and under must wear a helmet when bicycling in Connecticut.
Country clubs include the Country Club of Darien (203655-9726 | CCDARIEN.ORG ), Wee Burn Country Club (203655-1477 | WEEBURN.ORG ), and Woodway Country Club (203-322-1661 | WOODWAY.ORG ).
Darien also is home to the Tokeneke Beach Club (203655-1481), Noroton Yacht Club (203-655-7686 | NOROTONYC. ORG ), Darien Boat Club (203-655-1927 | DARIENBOATCLUB. ORG ), Middlesex Club (swimming and tennis; 203-325-3557 | MIDDLESEXCLUB.ORG ), and the Ox Ridge Riding & Racquet Club (equestrian and squash; 203-655-2559 | OXRIDGE.COM ).
A number of popular events occur annually in Darien, including the Chamber of Commerce’s Indoor Sidewalk Sales in January/February; The Depot Youth Center’s spelling bee, Darien High School Jazz Festival, and Darien Youth Commission’s “A Day to Create” arts festival in March; the Chamber’s annual Golf Outing and the town’s Memorial Day Parade in May; Beach Party & Family Fun Day, Darien Art Show, and Darien Historical Society’s Antiques & Garden Elements in June; VFW Post 6933’s Push-n-Pull Parade on July 4; Sidewalk Sale Days in July; Darien Road Race at Pear Tree Point Beach, which supports the Community Fund of Darien, and Darien Nature Center’s Chili Challenge in September; Darien EMS-Post 53’s Haunted House in late October; and the annual Grove Street Plaza Christmas Tree Lighting in early December.
For more community events, check the Darien Times or its website, DARIENTIMES.COM , DARIENLIBRARY.ORG , and DARIENCT.GOV . Activities and events are subject to change due to COVID-19 regulations and procedures; please contact each organization’s website to determine the status.
The Darien Arts Center (2 Renshaw Rd.) is dedicated to furthering education and entertainment through music, dance, theater, and the visual arts. The center offers classes, workshops, performances, special events, and a summer camp. The office is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. The executive director is George Colabella. Phone: 203-655-8683 | Website: DARIENARTS.ORG
DAC Stage presents plays and musicals at the Darien Arts Center’s Weatherstone Studio. DAC Stage welcomes those interested with or without experience to participate in the many on-stage and off-stage roles available. Phone: 203655-8683
Participants in the Darien Community Association’s Theater Bus program attend Broadway shows. The group travels to New York City on luxury buses for Wednesday matinees. For more information, visit DARIENDCA.ORG and search for “Theater bus,” or call 203-655-9050.
The Blue Notes is a women’s singing group under the Darien Community Association. It sings in four-part harmony with instrumental accompaniment. For information about auditioning, call 203-655-9050 or email info@dariendca.org
The Fairfield County Chorale rehearses Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the concert hall at Norwalk City Hall (135 East Ave., Norwalk). The group has been performing choral music for more than 50 years and is open to singers of high school age and up. Phone: 203-858-3714 | Email: info@fairfieldcountychorale.org | Website: FAIRFIELDCOUNTYCHORALE.ORG
The Stamford Chorale performs classical to contempo-
rary music. The more than 70-year-old organization puts on winter and spring concerts annually and does musical outreach programs. The ensemble rehearses Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation (20 Forest St., Stamford). Auditions are not required. Phone: 203-359-0659 | Email: thestamfordchorale@gmail.com | Website: THESTAMFORDCHORALE.ORG
The Darien Arts Center offers one-on-one instruction as well as group classes for all ages. Phone: 203-655-8683 | Website: DARIENARTS.ORG
Piano, guitar, and drum lessons for children, teens, and adults are available through Darien Parks and Recreation. Check the latest brochure at DARIENCT.GOV , or call 203656-7325.
Round Hill Country Dancers hosts traditional New England contra dances with live music and a caller. No experience or partner is necessary as the basics are taught. Dances take place from 7:30–10:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month at the Stamford Senior Center (888 Washington Blvd., Stamford). General admission is $12. Phone: 203-372-3890 | Website: ROUNDHILL.NET (Sign up for weekly emails.)
Also check out dance programs offered by the Darien Arts Center (DARIENARTS.ORG ) and Parks and Recreation (DARIENCT.GOV ).
The Geary Gallery (576 Boston Post Rd.) opened in 1984 as a full-service frame shop and currently showcases representational art. After expanding three times over the next 10 years and taking over the whole first floor of its current location, the gallery was introduced. Today it comprises three showrooms featuring more than 200 paintings and a 1,500-square-foot space housing accent picture frames. It also has a full oil painting and frame restoration business. Visitors can take a virtual gallery tour at GEARYGALLERY.COM Phone: 203-655-6633
The Bates-Scofield Homestead (45 Old Kings Highway North) is a restored classic New England saltbox circa 1736 that is owned by the Museum of Darien (formerly The Darien Historical Society). The house was built around a massive central chimney, large fireplace, and beehive oven. It features regional furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries.
A connecting building has joined the original barn to the house; it also contains a resource library, art galleries, and a gift shop. Tours are offered and event space rentals are available. The Darien Garden Club maintains an 18th-century style herb garden outside. Phone: 203-655-9233 | Website: MUSEUMOFDARIEN.ORG
Darien’s Board of Education proposes annual operating and capital budgets to effectively run the Darien Public Schools. Additionally, the board oversees expenditures, manages policies, hires the superintendent, approves administrative hires, adopts curriculum, negotiates staff contracts, and hears public comment.
The board generally meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Board of Education meeting room at 35 Leroy Ave. unless otherwise noted. The meeting schedule and agendas are posted at DARIENPS.ORG .
Darien’s projected total K–12 enrollment for the 2023–24 school year was 4,633 students. There are 2,142 students enrolled in the elementary schools (grades K–5), 1,063 students enrolled in the middle school (grades 6–8), and 1,428 students enrolled in the high school (grades 9–12).
Darien’s total K–12 enrollment was 4,841 in 2010. Historical data has shown a fluctuating enrollment over the last six decades. Student enrollment was 2,825 students in 1951, but rose steadily to 5,156 in 1967. Enrollment stayed over 5,000 students from 1963 to 1974, but dropped steadily to 2,643 in 1990 before beginning a steady ascent until the more recent decline.
Darien students consistently have among the highest standardized test scores in the state, and the Darien Public Schools is rated extremely high in assessments when compared to other school districts. The school system has won awards and received much recognition through the years, such as Darien High being rated the state’s No. 1 high school in 2017-18 by SchoolDigger.com, a school performance data website. Recently, Darien High School was ranked No. 1 in the state of Connecticut by U.S. News, and recognized as a Best Community for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation.
For comparison purposes, the state Department of Education groups similar school systems together in District Reference Groups based on socio-economic need and enrollment factors. Darien is part of DRG-A with Easton-Redding-Region 9, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Weston, Westport, and Wilton. These generally are the highest performing school districts in the state.
According to a 2020-2021 state report, Darien spent $22,838 per pupil compared to a statewide average of $20,740 and had a 98.5 percent graduation rate.
In 2014, Darien schools began participating in the Smarter Balanced assessment for students in grades 3-8. This electronic assessment aligns with the Connecticut Core State Standards and tests students in the areas of English Language Arts and mathematics. Students in grade 11 participate in the Connecticut SAT School Day assessment. In addition, students in grades 5, 8, and 11 take the Next Generation Science Standards test. The Connecticut Physical Fitness As-
sessment and National Assessment of Educational Progress are administered at federally-designated grade levels.
Smarter Balanced: For the 2020–2021 school year, 80 percent of Darien students met or surpassed the desired achievement level (scoring at Level 3 or above) in ELA while 78 percent met or surpassed the desired achievement level in math.
CT SAT School Day: For the 2020–21 academic year, 89.9 percent of Darien test-takers scored at the desired achievement level or above in ELA while 76.5 percent scored at the desired achievement level in math.
SAT scores: For 2021, Darien High School seniors outperformed their peers in DRG-A on SAT tests. The average score for Darien test-takers was 617 in math and 611 in reading and writing compared to the state average of 527 in math and 545 in reading and writing.
ACT scores: Darien High students also performed well on the American College Test (ACT) in 2021. That year, Darien students recorded a composite ACT score of 28.5. ACT tests cover English, math, reading, and science.
To attend kindergarten, children must be 5 years old by Jan. 1. Registration takes place at the elementary schools on designated days in late January and early February. Parents who
At MFCP, we’re dedicated to nurturing young minds and fostering a love of learning from an early age.
First Day of School AUG 28
Labor Day ........................................... SEP 2
Rosh Hashana OCT 3
Thanksgiving Recess
Holiday Recess
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day JAN 20
Presidents Day/February Recess FEB 17– 21
Spring Recess/Good Friday ............... APR 14 – 18
Memorial Day MAY 26
Last Day of School (TENTATIVE) JUN 11
The Darien Public Schools’ administrative offices are located at 35 Leroy Ave. and open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone: 203-656-7400 | Website: DARIENPS.ORG
Alan Addley (aaddley@darienps.org) is the Superintendent of Schools, Amy Fedigan (afedigan@darienps.org) is the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, and Shirley Klein (shklein@darienps.org) is the Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services
Central office administrators can be reached at 203-656-7467. The district also has directors of athletics; facilities; finance and operations; food services; special education; early childhood; human resources; information technology; instructional technology; elementary education; and music. In addition, content area department chairs support teaching and learning in math, science, social studies, world language, and special education.
do not receive a registration packet in the mail should call the secretary of the school their child will attend. All registration forms are available on the district’s website, DARIENPS.ORG .
Parents must bring their child’s birth certificate, most recent health evaluation, immunization record, pertinent medical records, and three forms of proof of residency (driver’s license; mortgage statement, deed, or signed lease/rental agreement; utility bill, etc.).
For older children, contact the school they will be attending and speak to the school secretary. Sign-up forms are available online at DARIENPS.ORG under the “District Information” tab.
Transfer students will need proof of residency, a birth certificate, immunization records, school transcripts, and a physical exam.
Darien High School has athletic teams in multiple sports at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshman levels. The high school’s colors are blue and white and the teams are known as the Blue Wave. According to the district, more than 70 percent of students participate in at least one sport each year.
Darien High School
80 High School Lane
Phone: 203-655-3981
Hours: 7:40 a.m. to 2:17 p.m.
Principal: Ellen Dunn
Middlesex Middle School
204 Hollow Tree Ridge Road
Phone: 203-655-2518
Hours: 7:57 a.m. to 2:22 p.m.
Principal: Karolyn Rodriguez
Hindley Elementary School
10 Nearwater Lane
Phone: 203-655-1323
Hours: 8:25 a.m. to 2:55 p.m.
Interim Principal: Jennifer D'Amico
Holmes Elementary School
18 Hoyt St. | Phone: 203-353-4371
Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Principal: Paula Bleakley
Ox Ridge Elementary School
395 Mansfield Ave.
Phone: 203-655-2579
Website: OXR.DARIENPS.ORG Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Interim Principal: Dr. Harry Laub
Royle Elementary School 133 Mansfield Ave.
Phone: 203-655-0044
Hours: 8:25 a.m. to 2:55 p.m.
Principal: Natasha Torre
Tokeneke Elementary School 7 Old Farm Road
Phone: 203-655-9666.
Hours: 8:25 a.m. to 2:55 p.m.
Principal: Ryan A. Betts
Fall: Cheerleading, boys and girls cross country, field hockey, football, boys and girls soccer, girls’ swim/dive, boys’ golf, and girls’ volleyball.
Winter: Boys and girls basketball, cheerleading, girls’ gymnastics, boys and girls ice hockey, boys and girls indoor track, skiing, squash, boys swim/dive, and wrestling.
Spring: Baseball, girls’ golf, boys and girls lacrosse, boys and girls outdoor track, boys and girls rugby, sailing, softball, boys and girls tennis, and boys’ volleyball.
Darien High also offers dozens of extracurricular clubs and activities covering a wide range of students’ interests, such as animal welfare, art, computers, dance, debate team, environment, film, fishing, foreign cultures and languages, Gay Straight Alliance, literary magazine, music (band, orchestra, singing), Model U.N. Club, robotics, ski and snowboarding, student government, student newspaper, technology, theater, writing, ultimate Frisbee, video production writing, and yearbook.
Middlesex Middle School has drama, music, intramural sports, student government, student newspaper, quiz bowl, robotics, and yearbook.
The school district says it will make every effort to decide no later than 5:30 a.m. if a school day is canceled or delayed Parents may check darienps.org for announcements. If school is delayed, each school’s start time could be pushed back by two hours.
Parents may sign up for email notification or text alerts via an ASPEN account. For email notifications, you can also register at CTWEATHER.COM . SchoolMessenger is a service that provides email, voice, and text communication to the community. Information can be found at SCHOOLMESSENGER.COM/TM
The district’s Special Education and Student Services Department provides educational programs, related services, consultant services, and transportation for students with learning differences. Parents who wish to access additional information regarding special education supports and services should contact the department or visit DARIENPS.ORG/ DEPARTMENTS/SPECIAL-EDUCATION
Darien Special Education Parent Advisory Committee is an independent organization of parent volunteers “committed to open communication and effective collaboration between the families of our community and the Darien Public Schools,” according to the group’s website. The committee, which consists of representatives from each school, meets
monthly to discuss district special education practices. The committee plans public meetings on best practices in areas such as literacy, dyslexia, ADHD, autism, assistive technology, and inclusion. Members work with principals and parent-teacher organization representatives to provide a forum for parent input. Website: DARIENSEPAC.WORDPRESS.COM Birth to Three is a state program that helps families meet the developmental and health-related needs of their infants and toddlers who have delays or disabilities. Phone: 800505-7000 | Website: BIRTH23.ORG
Darien Public Schools’ Early Learning Program is an integrated preschool for children ages 3 and 4. The play-based learning environments provide daily opportunities for preschool children to be purposeful, creative, inquisitive, flexible, and reflective. As a program designed to meet the needs of all learners, children in these diverse classrooms develop empathy toward others and an appreciation of differences. Families are critical partners in the support of children’s growth and development. ELP has classrooms at Ox Ridge, Royle, and Tokeneke elementary schools. Laura Straiton is the director (203-656-7472 | lstraiton@darienps.org). Online registration is available at DARIENPS.ORG/DEPARTMENTS/ EARLY-LEARNING-PROGRAM-ELP
The Darien Summer School & Enrichment program runs this year from June 24 through July 26. Scores of classes are offered for pre-K through grade 12, with a couple thousand students enrolled each summer. Sports of all types are offered along with fun, academic activities. Most of the classes are held at Darien High School. Access the catalog online at dariensummerschool.com. Phone: 203-656-7467 (August through June) and 203-655-3981, ext. 2496 (when school is in session).
Each of Darien’s schools has an active parent-teacher organization. Call the individual school to find out who the officers are or visit the individual school’s website for links to the parent associations. The Council of Darien School Parents website (CDSP.DARIEN.ORG ) has links to all the PTOs. The council functions as an umbrella organization for the PTOs. Each PTO meets regularly to share news about their school and works to promote understanding and communication among parents, the schools, and the school board.
The Darien Youth Commission comprises seven appointed members, a full-time youth director, and a Youth Advisory Committee with at least eight high school students.
The commission produces a monthly calendar of children’s programs and activities that is distributed through elementary schools, the Darien Library, and sent to local media. The commission also sponsors a number of activities for young people. More details, including online registration links, can be found on the Youth Commission’s webpage at DARIENCT.GOV
Alicia Sillars is the youth director. Phone: 203-656-7326. Email: asillars@darienct.gov
The Depot Youth Center (25 Heights Rd.) is a drug-free and alcohol-free youth center run by and for students with an advisory committee and board of directors. The center opened in 1990, becoming the first collaborative youth center in the nation. Here, youth “develop leadership, planning, and decision-making skills, interact with people of different backgrounds, have access adult role models, and serve as community assets.” The Depot has a dance floor, full kitchen, recreation room, and outdoor basketball courts.
Hours for middle school students are weekdays from 2:45–5 p.m. (6 p.m. on Fridays). Hours for high school students are Fridays from 7–10 p.m. Students must be registered to participate in programs, clubs, and events. Phone: 203-655-0812 | Email: info@dariendepot.com | Website: DARIENDEPOT.COM
Darien Safe Rides, established in 1982, was the first Safe Rides program in the country. It offers free and confidential rides for high school students on Friday and Saturday nights from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. during the school year, and when The Depot is open. The program is overseen by the town’s Youth Commission and adult volunteers are always needed. Phone: 203-655-6551 | Email: saferidesdarien@gmail.com
Noroton Presbyterian Child Care (2011 Post Rd.) is a licensed day care center offered through the Noroton Presbyterian Church. Registration is open to children ages 3 months through 5 years. Beth Aparicio is the director. Phone: 203309-5605 | Website: NPCHILDCARE.COM
First Congregational Church (14 Brookside Rd.) offers child care services for children ages 2 to 5. Krista Guarini is the director. Phone: 203-655-3150 | Website: FCCNURSERYSCHOOL.ORG
Connecticut 2-1-1 Child Care maintains current listings of all state-licensed facilities in Connecticut. Child care counselors will help parents assess the quality of different programs. Phone: 211 or 800-505-1000 | Website: 211CHILDCARE.ORG
An acronym for Teen Options, TOPS offers drug-free and alcohol-free social activities for Darien’s middle school students. There are organized, chaperoned events for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Registration forms are available in the Youth Commission’s Office in Town Hall or online at DARIENCT.GOV . Phone: 203-656-7326
Kids in Crisis offers preventive services and immediate intervention for children in crisis. It is a United Way agency licensed by the Department of Children and Families that provides both crisis counseling and a short-term residential shelter for children of all ages. Support and counseling is available 24/7. Phone: 203-661-1911 | Website: KIDSINCRISIS.ORG
The Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut (103 West Broad St., Stamford) is a nonprofit outpatient mental health center for children and teens who suffer psychological, behavioral, developmental, social, or family problems. The clinic serves Darien families and is open weekdays with evening hours available. Phone: 203-324-6127 | Website: CHILDGUIDANCECT.ORG
The center also offers an Emergency Mobile Crisis Service that provides immediate mental health assessments and stabilization services for children and adolescents experiencing serious psychiatric symptoms or severe reactions to a recent traumatic event. The service is available 24/7. Phone: 203-323-9797
The Den for Grieving Kids (40 Arch St, Greenwich) is a grief support group offered through Family Centers. Phone: 203655-4693 | Website: FAMILYCENTERS.ORG
Darien Scouting provides youth ages 7 to 18 with fun, outdoor adventure while teaching them positive values, teamwork, citizenship, and leadership skills. Chartered by the Andrew Shaw Memorial Trust, the program has been benefitting Darien youth and the entire community for more than 100 years. In 2019, girls were welcomed into Boy Scouts of America nationally under Scouts BSA.
Darien’s program now includes Cub Scout packs for boys and girls ages 7 to 11, separate Scout troops for boys and girls ages 11 to 18, and a co-ed STEM Venture Crew for high school boys and girls who develop and teach programs focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Meetings are held at the Scout Cabin at (140 West Ave.). Website: DARIENSCOUTS.ORG
Darien Girl Scouts have also been active in town for more than 100 years. Programs for girls in grades K–12 promote compassion, courage, confidence, character, leadership, entrepreneurship, and active citizenship through activities in community service, camping, and working towards badges, awards, and Journeys. Website: GSOFCT.ORG
The Youth Commission runs a summer camp for children entering first through sixth grade, with sessions at different locations in town. Phone: 203-656-7326
The Darien Arts Center (2 Renshaw Rd.) runs dance, visual arts, and music programs. Phone: 203-655-8683
The Darien Nature Center (120 Brookside Rd.) offers seven weeks of summer programs for children ages 2–7 with an emphasis on nature and science. Phone: 203-655-7459 | Website: DARIENNATURECENTER.ORG
The Darien YMCA (2420 Post Rd.) offers summer camping programs for pre-school through school-age children. Activities include swimming, sailing and canoeing, arts and crafts, music and drama, sports, games, gymnastics, and group activities. There is also a swim and sail camp for special needs children. Although Y membership is not required, members get priority registration. Phone: 203-655-8228 | Website: DARIEN-YMCA.ORG
There is a large offering of summer programs for all ages at the Darien Arts Center focused on dance, visual arts, theater, music, and martial arts. Phone: 203-655-8683 | Website: DARIENARTS.ORG
Methodist Family Center Preschool (345 Middlesex Rd.) offers a summer camp program. Phone: 203-655-7407 | Website: METHODISTPRESCHOOL.ORG
Museum of Darien (45 Old Kings Highway) runs a summer camp. Phone: 203-655-9233 | Website: MUSEUMOFDARIEN.ORG
Blue Wave Baseball offers summer camps for children entering first through ninth grade. Visit dybs.org or check the public schools’ summer school catalog online at DARIENSUMMERSCHOOL.COM
The YWCA of Darien/Norwalk (49 Old Kings Highway) offers a summer fun program for children from June to August. Phone: 203-655-2535 | Website: YWCADN.ORG
Camp Playland offers boys and girls ages 3–14 a funfilled, instructional summer on an 18-acre campus in New Canaan. Transportation is provided. Phone: 203-9662937 | Email: info@campplayland.com | Website: CAMPPLAYLANDOFNEWCANAAN.COM
Darien Parks and Recreation offers many youth programs, including Future Stars Basketball program for boys and girls, instructional soccer programs for children of all ages, golf lessons, swimming lessons, tennis lessons, paddle tennis lessons, baseball, horsemanship clinics and camps, and Future Stars Cheerleading. Call 203-656-7325 or go to the Spring & Summer brochure on the Parks & Rec’s webpage at DARIENCT.GOV
The Darien YMCA (2420 Post Rd.) has programs and teams for youth and children in soccer, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, and field hockey. The sailing program offers beginner lessons to children ages 7–12. The Piranhas are the YMCA’s
competitive swimming team for children and teens. Phone: 203-655-8228 | Website: DARIEN-YMCA.ORG
Darien Little League is open to boys and girls ages 8–11. Registration takes place in mid-winter. Darien Youth Softball is open to boys and girls ages 8–14. There’s also t-ball and firstand second-grade baseball and softball programs. Website: DYBS.ORG
The Challenger Division of Darien Little League is for physically- and developmentally-challenged children. Look for the Challenger tab at DYBS.ORG for details.
The Darien Babe Ruth League is for players ages 13–18. There’s a separate section at DYBS.ORG with details.
The Fairfield County Football League offers tackle and flag programs for boys and girls in Darien. Website: FAIRFIELDCOUNTYFOOTBALL.ORG
Darien Youth Lacrosse has programs for boys and girls, from beginner to more seasoned players. There are spring games and summer camps. Website: DYLAX.COM
The Darien Youth Hockey Association program is hosted at the Darien Ice Rink for boys and girls. Seasons run from October through March, with clinics and travel team tryouts in September. Website: DYHA.COM
The Darien Skating School and Darien Hockey Camp are both based at the Darien Ice House (55 Old Kings Highway). Phone: 203-655-8251 | Website: DARIENICEHOUSE.COM
The Darien Soccer Association offers programs for children in grades K–8 as well as a varsity level. Website: DARIENSOCCER.ORG
The Darien Junior Sailing Team offers programs for novice to advanced-level junior sailors at Weed Beach, including instruction in optimist sailboats for sailors ages 8–14 and Club 420s for high-school age sailors. Website: LEAGUEATHLETICS.COM
Emergency calls, such as to report a fire, medical crisis, or police emergency like a home intruder or other life-threatening situation, should be made to 911. People should not call 911 to report road conditions or routine things like barking dogs. Direct routine police calls to 203-662-5300, or routine fire calls to the appropriate fire department listed below. Most 911 calls are answered at the Darien Police Department, including calls made from your car or the highway. A mobile 911 system enables dispatchers to track a cell phone caller’s location anywhere in the state.
The nearest emergency rooms are at Stamford Hospital (30 Shelburne Rd. | 203-276-1000), and Norwalk Hospital (34 Maple St. | 203-852-2160).
Darien is served by Darien EMS-Post 53, headquartered on Ledge Road. The post is staffed by about 75 state-certified EMTs, including adult advisers and young adults. With three ambulances, it is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For routine matters, call 203-655-8980. Website: POST53. INFO | Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/DARIENEMSPOST53
The Darien Police and the post respond to all medical emergencies. Ambulances are accompanied by a paramedic fly-car when necessary. Additionally, Darien’s volunteer fire departments respond to all motor vehicle accidents and whenever rescue extrication equipment is required.
Police officers receive emergency medical training, including CPR and the use of automated external defibrillators. For more than 40 years, Darien EMS rescue personnel have provided basic and advanced life support, including defibrillation, intravenous therapy, and the application of anti-shock garments.
When necessary, paramedic services are provided by the Stamford EMS to augment Darien’s crew. A paramedic can provide advanced cardiac life support, intravenous drug therapy, medication for breathing problems and diabetic reactions, external pacemakers, and advanced trauma care.
Darien EMS does not charge for basic life support calls. When a Stamford EMS paramedic is required, patients will receive a bill for paramedic service.
The Darien Police Department headquarters are at 25 Hecker Avenue. The non-emergency number is 203-6625300. For the records division, call 203-662-5320; for the detective division, call 203-662-5330. The chief of police is Jeremiah P. Marron Jr.
Darien has very low violent and property crime rates, with no murders, manslaughter, or rapes reported in many years. FBI statistics show the town’s crime rate is well below the state’s crime rate.
The Police Department has 51 sworn officers supported by civilian employees, special officers, school crossing guards, and traffic agents. The department also has a highly trained Emergency Response Team and dive team.
Police patrol in marked and unmarked vehicles, on motorcycle, and on foot. Police also patrol the water in a twin-engine boat. Police cars and the boat are equipped with automatic external defibrillators. All patrol officers are trained at the MRT or EMT level. The Emergency Response Team is specially trained to deal with critical incidents such as highrisk search and arrest warrants, barricaded suspects, hostage situations, sniper activity, riot and crowd control, terrorist activities, and dignitary protection.
The website features crime reports that are also posted on Facebook and Twitter; you can even share crime tips online. Visitors are encouraged to check out the information about the detective, patrol, youth, and other divisions as well as all other services. Website: DARIENPOLICE.ORG
Darien EMS-Post 53 is supported financially by donations and also relies on the generosity of the community. A food fair at Tilley Pond Park following the annual Memorial Day Parade is the organization’s major fundraiser. Donations may be sent to: Darien EMS, Box 2066, Darien CT 06820. You can also make donations online.
The post welcomes new members, including students (memberships start as young as 14) and adults. Phone: 203655-8980 | Website: POST53.INFO | Facebook: FACEBOOK. COM/DARIENEMSPOST53
The Police Department offers this service to Darien residents on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11 a.m., Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon. The police do not supply fingerprint cards; they must be obtained from your employer. Service is dependent on officer availability. Before going to the police station, call 203-662-5330. The fee is $15 per card; only personal checks made out to “Darien Police Department” are accepted.
Darien is served by three volunteer fire departments: Darien, Noroton, and Noroton Heights.
The Darien Volunteer Fire Department is headquartered at 848 Boston Post Road. For routine matters, call 203-6551216. Founded in 1895, the department protects the eastern portion of Darien, covering about 45 percent of the town. The chief is Brian Francefort. Website: DARIENFIRE.ORG
The Noroton Volunteer Fire Department has been putting out fires since 1896. The firehouse is at 1873 Boston Post Road. For routine calls, call 203-655-0653. The fire chief is Brendan Keane. Website: NOROTONFD.COM
Founded in 1903, Darien’s third and youngest fire department is the Noroton Heights Volunteer Fire Department (209 Noroton Ave.), which covers the Noroton Heights district. The routine phone number is 203-655-1033. The fire chief is Zach McEwan. Website: NOROTONHEIGHTSFD.COM
All three fire departments welcome new volunteers. The minimum age for membership ranges from 16 to 18 depending on the department. All members must live or work in town. Volunteer firefighters must partake in specific training programs and attend fire drills. For more information, call or stop by the firehouses for an application or visit their websites.
Robert Buch is Darien’s fire marshal and has an office in Town Hall. The fire marshal works closely with Darien’s three fire departments. His office is also responsible for reviewing plans for all new construction, except for one- and two-family homes, and making construction and annual inspections. In addition, his duties include fire investigation; permits for blasting and flammable liquid tanks; certification of hazardous material transport vehicles; certification of nursery schools, day care centers, and convalescent homes; certification of all liquor permit premises; and fire prevention education programs. Phone at 203-656-7345 | Email: bbuch@darientct.gov
Forms are available in the fire marshal’s office and online at DARIENCT.GOV/FM . There is no charge to register, but there is a $100 fine if your system activates without being registered. Homeowners and business owners will be fined $100 for each and every false fire alarm. The ordinance applies to “any device for the purpose of detecting fires and emergencies and transmits a signal to a monitoring company that relays information to the Darien Emergency Communications Center, or produces a signal to which the police or fire departments are expected to respond.” Excluded are devices such as smoke alarms, which are designed to only alert people on the premises.
Automatic telephone dialing alarm systems that send messages directly to the Darien Emergency Communications Center are prohibited. Use of such a system will result in a $100 fine.
Darien maintains an Office of Emergency Management in Room 117 of Town Hall (203-656-7345). Assistant Fire Marshal Marc McEwan (mmcewan@darienct.gov) is the town’s emergency management director.
The town subscribes to a notification system, CodeRED, that enables town leaders to initiate a mass calling to the community with information and steps they should take in case of an emergency. The system can target a small geographic area for local emergencies, or the entire town for large-scale disasters. The database includes listed phone numbers only available from a commercial source. Residents and businesses that use unlisted phone numbers, cell phones, or a voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) service can be included by registering online at darienct.gov, or in person at the Fire Marshal’s Office. The system can also notify email addresses and TTY/TDD devices for the hearing impaired.
The town has published a Preparedness Guide on the town’s website that offers information and tips on how to cope with all kinds of emergencies. Emergency information will also be broadcast on local websites, radio stations, and television stations covering Darien, including darientimes. com, News12 Connecticut, and Darien Channel 79.
Darien EMS-Post 53 offers American Heart Association certified courses in first aid, CPR, and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Classes are offered throughout the year to Darien residents and other town personnel, including first responders and school and library staffs. For more information, email training@post53.org. The American Red Cross also offers training at its location on Leroy Avenue; visit REDCROSS.ORG
The state’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection has a confidential Homeland Security Tip Line, which individuals can use if they have information pertaining to suspicious persons or actions associated with a potential terrorist threat. Call 866-HLS-TIPS (457-8477). You can also call the Police Department.
Dial 800-222-1222 to contact medical experts at a local poison control center. There is also a website, AAPCC.ORG , for the American Association of Poison Control Centers. If fast medical assistance is needed in an emergency, dial 911 and describe the problem to the dispatcher.
Stamford Hospital’s website (STAMFORDHEALTH.ORG ) provides a complete list of physicians under the “Find a Doctor” tab. You may call the hospital’s Physician Referral Service at 877-233-WELL (9355). You may also call Norwalk Hospital’s Physician Referral Service at 203-852-2280 or visit NUVANCEHEALTH.ORG and click on “Find a Doctor.”
The Darien Health Department is in Room 109 of Town Hall. The office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Phone: 203-656-7320
The department is dedicated to promoting physical and mental health, preventing disease and injury, guarding against health threats, improving the environment, and enforcing the Connecticut Health Code and all local health ordinances. The department also handles requests for shellfishing permits, measures bacterial levels at the town’s two beaches, and maintains a beach hotline to let residents know if the beaches are open or closed.
The department’s webpage at DARIENCT.GOV offers a vast list of information on a variety of health issues, such as eating fish caught in Connecticut, tick management, radon gas measurements, disinfecting a private well, and prescription drug abuse.
David Knauf is the director of health (dknauf@darienct.gov). The office administrator is Michelle Varrone (mvarrone@darienct.gov), the environmental health specialist is Cedric Goo (cgoo@darienct.gov), the public health nurse is Paula Sutliffe (sutliffe@darienct.gov), and the senior health sanitarian is Mindy Chambrelli (mchambrelli@darienct.gov). Dr. Tim Kenefick is the medical advisor.
Waveny LifeCare Network (3 Farm Rd., New Canaan) is a nonprofit facility offering short- or long-term skilled nursing care and rehabilitation therapy. It also has a special long-term, skilled nursing care unit for people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Phone: 203-594-5200 | Website: WAVENY.ORG
Notre Dame Health and Rehabilitation Center (76 West Rock Rd., Norwalk) is a nonprofit church-related facility with 60 beds sponsored by the Sisters of St Thomas-Villanova. Phone: 203-847-5893 | Website: NDCHREHAB.ORG
There are a number of other nursing homes in Stamford and Norwalk. For a list and quality-related information, visit MEDICARE.GOV
Right at Home (7 Tokeneke Rd.) is a home care agency that is licensed, bonded, and insured, and is available 24/7. It offers hourly care, live-ins, and many services ranging from companionship and homemaking to physical assistance and hygiene. Phone: 203-202-9488 | Website: RIGHTATHOME. NET/DARIEN
At Home In Darien (2 Renshaw Rd.) offers services that help residents remain at home in Darien. Phone: 203-6552227 | Website: ATHOMEINDARIEN.ORG
Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County (22 Danbury Rd., Wilton) is a nonprofit that offers: skilled nurses; home health aides; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; live-in help; shoppers; dietitians; companions; peer counselors; homemakers; medical social workers; a pre-hospice team; case managers; and caregivers that provide respite services. Phone: 800-898-HOME (4663) | Email: info@ visitingnurse.net | Website: VISITINGNURSE.NET
Visiting Angels (1266 East Main St., Stamford), serving Darien and surrounding communities, provides in-home care and elder care services. Phone: 203-658-8800 | Website: VISITINGANGELS.COM/STAMFORD/HOME
Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association (RVNA) is a private, nonprofit organization that offers home care nurses, home rehabilitation, including physical and occupational therapists, home health aides, homemakers, companions, live-ins, social workers, paraprofessionals, medical alert services, wellness programs, flu clinics, and vaccines. Phone: 203-438-5555 | Website: RVNAHEALTH.ORG
Many of the visiting nurse associations listed above offer aides to assist with household chores. Family & Children’s Agency (9 Mott Ave., Norwalk) offers health aides, homemakers, and a home chore service. Phone: 203-855-8765 | Website: FAMILYANDCHILDRENSAGENCY.ORG
The Center for Hope (590 Boston Post Rd.) offers a support group for people caring for patients with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Call 203-655-4693
The American Red Cross offers a family caregiving course that focuses on helping those who care for a loved one. Topics include assisting with personal care, positioning and helping your loved one move, general caregiving skills, home safety, and caring for a loved one with dementia. Phone: 877287-3327 | Website: REDCROSS.ORG
Both Waveny LifeCare Network and The Village at Waveny Care Center offer respite stays to give caregivers the necessary time they need to rejuvenate, travel, etc. Waveny will help assess the level of care (skilled nursing or assisted living) you need. Phone: 203-594-5200 | Website: WAVENY.ORG
The Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program is operated in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association Chapters of Connecticut and the Connecticut Area Agencies on Aging. Eligible families may apply for daytime or overnight respite care services. In Darien, call the Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging at 800-994-9422 or 203-333-9288. Website: SWCAA.ORG
Hospice is a community-based program that focuses on pain relief, symptom control, and comfort for terminally ill patients, allowing them to be cared for where they are most comfortable, usually at home. There are several services to choose from.
Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County helps individuals and their families cope with terminal illnesses in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Services include managing pain and symptoms to provide comfort; helping with personal care such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation; arranging for medical equipment and nutritional guidance; respite for caregivers; counseling and companionship; spiritual guidance; and grief support services. Phone: 800898-HOME (4663) | Website: VISITINGNURSE.NET
WavenyLifeCare Network also offers hospice care. Phone: 203-594-5200 | Website: WAVENY.ORG
The YWCA of Darien/Norwalk (49 Old Kings Highway North) offers a variety of programs throughout the year, including mammography screenings and bone density screenings. Phone: 203-655-2535 | Website: YWCADN.ORG
Stamford Hospital offers a wide range of health and wellness services. Phone: 877-233-WELL (9355). Website: STAMFORDHEALTH.ORG
The visiting nurse associations mentioned above also provide wellness programs.
Darien EMS-Post 53 offers CPR training, first aid, and AED training. Classes for businesses, organizations, and individuals are available. Phone: 203-655-8980 | Website: POST53.INFO
CPR classes are offered occasionally at the YWCA of Darien/ Norwalk. Phone: 203-655-2535 | Website: YWCADN.ORG
The American Red Cross trains hundreds of people in CPR and first aid each year. For a schedule of classes, call 877287-3327 or visit REDCROSS.ORG
Stamford Hospital offers a variety of courses in CPR and first aid for the general public and healthcare professionals. Details at STAMFORDHOSPITAL.ORG or 877-233-WELL (9355).
Grieb’s Pharmacy (1021 Post Rd.) is open every day (except Christmas) and has served the community since 1947. Hours are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Area-wide delivery and 10 percent senior discounts are available. Phone: 203-655-1000 | Website: GRIEBSPHARMACY.COM
CVS Pharmacy (964 Post Rd.) is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 203-655-6335
Walgreens Pharmacy (76 Heights Rd.) is open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and weekends from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Phone: 203-655-8904
Residents can dispose of unwanted, excess, and expired prescription and over-the-counter medications in “a safe, anonymous and secure drop-off box” in the lobby of the Darien Police Department (25 Hecker Ave.). The Darien Health Department has partnered with the Police Department to establish this permanent medication collection/disposal program. The effort is an attempt to help reduce the supply of drugs that can potentially harm children, youth, and adults while protecting the environment from the improper disposal of drugs. The Police Department’s lobby is open to the public 24 hours a day. Unwanted, expired, or unused medication can be dropped off free of charge with no questions asked. Do not bring liquid medications or needles.
The Darien Human Services Department offers information and referrals for services available in the community. The staff has a wide range of experience and training in the areas of human services. The department’s webpage at DARIENCT. GOV includes a link to a human services brochure. Phone: 203-656-7328
Infoline of Southwest Connecticut offers information and referrals on adult daycare, nutrition, home care, respite care, health services, mental health, social services, legal services, transportation, financial services, and other topics. Phone: 211 | Website: 211.ORG
The Connecticut Self-Help Network, founded in 1981, is a statewide clearinghouse for all support groups across the state. Its Self-Help Directory lists more than 1,450 local and statewide groups dealing with abuse, addictions, bereavement, disabilities, health, mental health, parenting, and other stressful life situations. It also has contact information for more than 1,000 national networks. The directory can be viewed online at THECONSULTATIONCENTER.ORG . Phone: 203-789-7645 | Email: info@theconsultationcenter.org
The American Red Cross Connecticut Region, based in Farmington, collects blood on a regular basis. A person must be 17 or older, at least 110 pounds, and in good health to donate blood. Many questions will be asked in order to assure the donated blood will be safe. The entire process takes about an hour, including questions, donation, rest time, and snacks afterward. Phone: 877-287-3327 | Website: REDCROSS.ORG
The town offers flu clinics in October and November. For dates, check for announcements in The Darien Times or call the Darien Health Department at 203-656-7320. Appointments can be made online at darienct.gov/health under the “Flu Prevention Program” tab and clicking the “Schedule Now” button.
Free blood pressure screenings and health counseling is offered twice a month through Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County in the Mather Center (2 Renshaw Rd.).
Darien Human Services offers counseling support, initial assessments, and case management for families and individuals of all ages. The department’s director, Alexandra Ramsteck, is also Darien’s municipal agent for the elderly, a state-required position. Phone: 203-656-7328
The Center for Hope offers individual, family, and group counseling as well as support groups and therapy for elderly people, young adults, adolescents, and women. It is part of Family Centers. Phone: 203-655-0547 | Website: FAMILYCENTERS.ORG
Family & Children’s Agency offers family counseling. Phone: 203-855-8765 | Website: FAMILYANDCHILDRENSAGENCY.ORG
Catholic Charities of Fairfield County, founded in 1916, offers family support services. The agency also provides mental health counseling services for adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Other counseling services include adoption and pregnancy. Phone: 203-416-1503 | Website: CCFAIRFIELD.ORG
Jewish Family Service of Fairfield County offers family life education services that help strengthen individuals and families to deal with life’s challenges. Phone: 203-921-4161 | Website: CTJFS.ORG
The Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut is a nonprofit mental health resource for area children and families, receiving referrals from schools, courts, human service agencies, and private physicians. Self-referrals are also encouraged. The center has psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. It also offers a 24/7 Emergency Mobile Crisis Service, providing immediate mental health assessments and stabilization services for children and adolescents experiencing serious psychiatric symptoms or severe reactions to a recent traumatic event. Phone: 203-324-6127 | Website: CHILDGUIDANCECT.ORG
Kids in Crisis offers crisis counseling, intervention, and emergency shelter for children up to age 17. Phone: 203-6611911 | Website: KIDSINCRISIS.ORG
Many support groups are offered through Stamford Hospital, Norwalk Hospital, the Center for Hope, the YWCA, the American Cancer Society, the Family Centers’ Friendly Connections program, and others. Darien Senior Programs at Mather Center also has a diabetes support group.
Darien Human Services offers information and referral to support services in the community. You may also call Infoline at 211 or visit 211.ORG
Liberation Programs in Norwalk offers comprehensive substance abuse prevention and treatment options that address the needs of youth, adults, and seniors at risk for abusing or currently abusing alcohol or drugs. Services include telephone consultations, assessment and intervention, individual and family counseling, drug testing, peer mentor groups, group therapy and parenting help, anger management, relapse prevention, detoxification, and residential programs. Phone: 203851-2077 | Website: LIBERATIONPROGRAMS.ORG
Silver Hill Hospital (208 Valley Rd., New Canaan) has extensive programs for drug and alcohol abuse. Phone: 866542-4455 | Website: SILVERHILLHOSPITAL.ORG
Family Centers (203-655-0547) and Family & Children’s Agency (203-855-8765) offer substance abuse counseling as well.
The American Cancer Society’s 24-hour cancer information line (800-ACS-2345) and website (CANCER.ORG ) can help people understand a cancer diagnosis and decide how to overcome it. The society provides free rides to and from cancer treatment, one-on-one personal support for breast cancer patients, and free wigs and beauty classes to help women with the side effects of treatment. The ACS Regional Center is at 38 Richards Ave. in Norwalk. Phone: 203-563-1506
Friends of Autistic People , a nonprofit based in Greenwich, advocates appropriate services for the entire spectrum of an autistic adult’s life. It also offers parent support groups and education. Phone: 203-661-8510 | Website: AUTISTICADULTS.ORG
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill provides resources and sponsors events throughout Connecticut. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for those affected by mental illness. Details on the NAMI Fairfield affiliate are available by calling 203-586-0826 or visiting NAMIFAIRFIELD.ORG
Stamford Health’s Behavioral Health & Psychiatry Services focuses on patient wellness and recovery, offering crisis counseling, inpatient services, outpatient and community options, as well as free support groups through NAMI Southwest CT. Phone: 877-233-9355
The Domestic Violence Crisis Center of Stamford offers crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, and education to help people break free from emotional, physical, or sexually abusive situations. The center maintains a 12-bed shelter. Phone: 203-588-9100 | Hotline: 888-774-2900 | Website: DVCCCT.ORG
The Rowan Center of Stamford offers free crisis counseling for victims of sexual assault and other support services. The center operates support groups as well. Phone: 203-348-9346 | Hotline: 888-999-5545 | Website: THEROWMANCENTER.ORG
The Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut coordinates the Child Advocacy Center, a neutral, child-friendly, environment in which youth who have experienced physical abuse, sexual abuse, and/or neglect are connected with mental health, advocacy, and medical services. Phone: 203-5173315 | Website: CHILDGUIDANCECT.ORG
A number of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings take place in Darien and surrounding towns throughout the week. For AA information, call 866-783-7712 or visit CT-AA.ORG for a list of meeting locations, days, and times.
For meeting information about Al-Anon , which serves families of alcoholics, or Alateen , which helps young people affected by a drinking problem, call 888-825-2666, or visit CTALANON.ORG .
The Department of Human Services is in Room 109 of Town Hall. It offers a variety of programs and services for seniors. Alexandra Ramsteck (aramsteck@darienct.gov) is the director. Phone: 203-656-7328 | Website: DARIENCT.GOV/ HUMANSERVICES
The Commission on Aging is concerned with the needs of Darien’s seniors with regard to health, recreation, transportation, and economics.
At Home In Darien is a nonprofit agency that helps Darien seniors live independently, comfortably, and with dignity in their homes and the community as long as possible. The agency provides free services including transportation; information, advice, and agency referrals; volunteer services such as grocery shopping, home visits, driving, small chores, check-in calls, and seasonal services such as leaf raking; home safety evaluations; and social, cultural, and wellness programs and activities. Phone: 203-655-2227 | Website: ATHOMEINDARIEN.ORG
Darien’s senior activities center, Darien Senior Programs, is located in the Mather Community Center (2 Renshaw Rd.). The center is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Elizabeth Paris (eparis@darienct.gov) is the director. Phone: 203-656-7490
The Mather Center provides senior citizens a location for town-sponsored programs and activities with the intent of promoting social interaction, health and wellness, recreation, and more. Hot lunch is served weekdays at noon. The cost is $5 and reservations are required by 11:15 a.m. each day.
The center offers enrichment activities; health and wellness lectures; exercise classes; art classes; needlework, knitting, crocheting and quilting; language classes; discussion groups; writers workshop; bridge, pinochle, mahjong and bingo; monthly theme parties, assorted musical entertainment; woodshop repair program; blood pressure screenings; and caregiver educational support group. Learn more at the “Senior Center” webpage at DARIENCT.GOV
The Darien Senior Men’s Association is “dedicated to good fellowship, community service, and fun.” The group meets at the Meadowlands (274 Middlesex Rd.) on Wednesdays from 9:45 a.m. to noon, September through May. There is a program each week, and special events are held throughout the year. Activities include bowling, bridge, chess, computer, golf, investments, songsters, tennis/paddle, and pingpong. Membership is open to men ages 55 and older in the Darien area. Website: DARIENDMA.ORG
At Home In Darien operates two vehicles to transport seniors and the disabled to any destination in Darien, Norwalk, Stamford, and New Canaan, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To make a reservation, call 203-655-2227 (24-hour advance notice and a voluntary contribution are appreciated; $5 per round trip suggested). For service to other locations or at other times, or when you need a person to pick you up from a medical appointment, call to request a volunteer driver. The nonprofit also has a half-price taxi voucher program for evening and weekend transportation. Website: ATHOMEINDARIEN.ORG/TRANSPORTATION
Easy Access serves disabled riders (who must be ADA certified) with curb-to-curb service within Darien, Norwalk, Stamford, Greenwich, and Westport. To be eligible, riders must live within three-quarters of a mile from a public bus stop (the Post Road in Darien). Norwalk Transit is the provider. Phone: 203-299-5180 (voice) or 203-299-5183 (TDD) | Website: NORWALKTRANSIT.COM
The Darien Housing Authority owns and operates The Royle (719 Post Rd.). Those interested in leasing a new home can reach out to management for more information and be put on the list to receive an application (once available). Phone: 203-655-0866 | Email: dhadmin@imagineersllc.com | Website: THEROYLEDARIEN.COM
The Heights at Darien (24 Allen O’Neill Dr.) provides 106 one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments at the site of the former Allen O’Neill Homes. This new affordable housing development is the result of years of DHA effort, replacing 53 outdated units built in the 1950s. Phone: 203-655-0866 | Website: THEHEIGHTSDARIEN.COM
New Canaan Inn is a retirement community for independent living at 73 Oenoke Ridge in New Canaan. It is an affiliate of Waveny LifeCare Network. Phone: 203-594-5450 | Website: WAVENY.ORG
The Southwest Connecticut Agency on Aging has a complete list of senior housing available in a 14-town region of southwestern Connecticut. Phone: 203-333-9288 | Website: SWCAA.ORG
Atria Darien (50 Ledge Rd.) offers housing choices from independent living to assisted living. It has apartments in a variety of floor plans and proximity to train service to New York City. Phone: 203-662-1090Website: ATRIASENIORLIVING.COM
Maplewood at Darien (599 Boston Post Rd.) has assisted living and memory care residential living in 66 apartments. Phone: 475-328-0677 | Website: MAPLEWOODSENIORLIVING.COM
The Residence at Selleck’s Woods (1 Parklands Dr.) offers 102 apartments with independent living and assisted living, plus a memory care section. Phone: 203-871-0066 | Website: LCBSENIORLIVING.COM
The Village at Waveny Care Center (3 Farm Rd., New Canaan) is an assisted living residence with 52 apartments for people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of memory loss. Phone: 203-594-5200 | Website: WAVENY.ORG
Waveny LifeCare Network’s Brown Geriatric Evaluation Clinic offers assessment services to review an individual’s cognitive, psychological, social, medical, functional, and caregiver status. Phone: 203-594-5200 | Website: WAVENY.ORG
Stamford Hospital offers many specialty services. Visit stamfordhealth.org and click on the “Services” tab for details. Phone: 203-276-1000
The Center for Healthy Aging at Greenwich Hospital offers comprehensive aging assessments and other services. The hospital also has an Acute Care for the Elderly unit for older patients who need specialized attention during inpatient visits. Phone: 203-863-4374 | Website: GREENWICHHOSP.ORG
Yale-New Haven Hospital’s Dorothy Adler Geriatric Assessment Center evaluates patients with age-related problems that affect daily functioning. The hospital also has a geriatric psychiatry unit. Phone: 203-688-6361 | Website: YNHH.ORG
At Home In Darien’s volunteers can assist with grocery shopping, home visits for those seeking companionship, small chores around the home, check-in calls, and seasonal assistance such as leaf raking and snow shoveling. Phone: 203-655-2227 | Website: ATHOMEINDARIEN.ORG
Catholic Charities’ Senior Nutrition Program serves Darien and area communities, providing meals for seniors unable to prepare their own food. A referral by a hospital, doctor, or social services agency is required. Phone: 203324-6175 | Website: CCFAIRFIELD.ORG/PROJECT/SENIORNUTRITION-PROGRAM
Meals on Wheels Association of America directs those wishing to get in touch with a senior nutrition program and home delivered meals to call Catholic Charities of Stamford (203-324-6175) or the Stamford Jewish Community Center (203-322-7900), which offers a congregate meal site.
The Department of Human Services keeps a list of seniors and disabled individuals that are to be called prior to a storm or town-wide emergency. Calls are also made during and after such events to provide reassurance. Call 203-656-7328 to have your name added to the list.
The department also handles applications for the state’s renters rebate program for limited income seniors and disabled individuals, and the state’s energy assistance program that helps limited-income households with heating costs (gas, oil, and electric). Go to the “Human Services” webpage on the town’s website for eligibility details, or call 203-656-7328. Additional statewide information is available at 860-418-6377 or CT.GOV/OPM
The Loan Closet, coordinated by the Department of Human Services, provides free, short-term loan of convalescent equipment to Darien residents. This includes wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and shower chairs. Phone: 203656-7328 | Website: DARIENCT.GOV/HUMANSERVICES
Grieb’s Pharmacy (1021 Post Rd.) rents and sells wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches. Phone: 203-655-1000 | Website: GRIEBSPHARMACY.COM
The Department of Human Services publishes a Senior Resource Directory, which offers a list of local, state, and regional services. It is available at the department’s office in Town Hall and on their webpage at DARIENCT.GOV
If you want to report the abuse or mistreatment of a senior citizen you may call the town’s municipal agent for the elderly (203-656-7328) or Protective Services for the Elderly (888-385-4225). Protective Services will check reports of neglect, abuse, exploitation, and/or abandonment. In case of an emergency, call 911
The Darien Library (1441 Post Rd.) is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays from 1–5 p.m. The Children’s Library closes one hour earlier than the main library Monday through Thursday. The library is closed on major holidays.
The director is Kiera Parrott (203-669-5224 | kparrott@ darienlibrary.org). The library has a special email (askus@ darienlibrary.org) for your questions. The “Services” webpage has a comprehensive list of the wide range of library offerings to business people, teachers, children, job-seekers, genealogy researchers, and others.
Library Journal has rated the Darien Library as a five-star library in their annual review of U.S. public libraries. Phone: 203-655-1234 | Website: DARIENLIBRARY.ORG
Darien residents with valid ID will be issued a card immediately. You may also apply for a card online at DARIENLIBRARY. ORG/SIGNUP . Your library card is accepted for borrowing materials at any one of Connecticut’s 163 libraries.
The library has more than 108,800 print books, 7,000 DVDs, 3,700 audiobooks, 22,000 digital items, 375 video games, passes to 15 museums and nature centers, and subscribes to more than 4,000 newspapers, magazines, and periodicals. The library has STEM technology kits for kids, a video camcorder, projectors and projector screens, and WiFi Hotspots.
Most items, including adult and children’s books, may be borrowed for 21 days. The library also circulates Express DVDs for one night. Express Series & Binge Box DVDs and other DVDs may be checked out for seven days. Regular series DVDs circulate for three weeks. Most materials may be renewed at the library by phone, through the online catalog, or by emailing welcomedesk@darienlibrary.org
Throughout the year, the library hosts author events, lectures, film series and festivals, concerts, programs for job seekers, a spring and fall book discussion series, summer reading programs, a short story discussion series, master gardener programs, art exhibits, and receptions.
The website, DARIENLIBRARY.TV , offers streamlined access to an archive of library-created video content, including recorded author lectures, educational seminars, a “how-to” series on consumer technology, reader recommendation presentations, and videos for teens and children.
Upcoming library events, new services, and new materials are previewed in the library’s weekly eNewsletter. The Technology Education Series offers classes for adults on popular software packages such as Microsoft Word and Excel. The Technology Help Desk on the second level offers public com-
puter access, printing, photocopying, scanning, and more. The library has a Bloomberg Terminal located in the Cheswick Finance Library that provides access to the interactive, financial information network for professionals.
The technology staff and/or reference librarians are available by appointment for one-on-one sessions for research assistance using the library’s online resources and website, setting up email accounts, finding information online, or other specialized informational technology needs. Some of the staff serve as notary publics and are available to notarize documents for patrons free of charge.
The library offers free passes and discounted rates to museums and cultural destinations in the Connecticut and New York metropolitan areas. Passes are available to library cardholders over the age of 18 on a first come, first serve basis and cannot be reserved. Call the Welcome Desk at 203-6695239 to see which passes are available that day. If available, they can be held at the Welcome Desk for one hour.
Passes are available for: The Beardsley Zoo, The Bruce Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, the New York Botanical Gardens, the Stamford Museum & Nature Center, Stepping Stones Museum for Children, and the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford.
FOR CHILDREN: A community center for families features interactive programs such as: storytimes for children ages birth to 5; special music and movement classes; arts & crafts, STEAM, and multicultural programming; modern technology resources; and summer reading program for children up to age 12.
FOR TEENS: College prep lectures; crafts; teen-led programming; scavenger hunts; special study night programs ahead of exams; technology programs; teen book clubs; summer reading programs; and video games and tournaments. The Teen Lounge features popular fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, audiobooks, teen-only computers, and a flat-panel television for film screenings and playing video games.
The library exhibits artwork in its art gallery on the lower level. Exhibits are organized by the library’s Art Committee. For information about the submission process, call 203-6695220 or visit DARIENLIBRARY.ORG/ART-ON-VIEW
The library receives tax money from the town for personnel and operating costs. The library is an association library and a nonprofit organization; donations to the annual fund pay for all books, movies, and technology and support programs. For information on donating, call 203-669-5220 or email cmclachlan@darienlibrary.org
Person-to-Person (St. Luke’s Parish, 1864 Post Rd.) offers emergency services to low-income families in the greater Stamford area in the form of food, clothing, furniture, financial assistance (loans or grants for rent, utilities, or security deposits), and eviction mediation. Phone: 203-655-0048 | Website: P2PHELPS.ORG
Donations of seasonal clothing in good condition are welcome. Other items always needed include car seats, baby and children’s clothing, large-sized clothing, linens, blankets, towels, dishes, glasses, non-perishable food, small appliances, and toys. Donations are accepted weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays until 6 p.m., and most Saturdays during the school year from 9 a.m. to noon. Cash donations are also welcome.
The Community Fund of Darien helps its neighbors in Stamford, Norwalk, and Darien with basic needs: hunger, homelessness, physical/mental health care, job training, and youth success. Since 1951, TCF has granted more than $26 million to local nonprofits and community initiatives. Website: COMMUNITYFUNDDARIEN.ORG
TCF also convenes the Human Services Planning Council, which brings together nonprofit, governmental, and educa-
tional leaders to discuss and develop plans to address social service needs in Darien. TCF’s Thriving Youth Task Force administers the Darien Student Survey and coordinates events throughout the school year to promote and empower positive youth development and mental health.
The Darien Foundation for Technology and Community provides grant funding for technology projects and capital projects within the community. Grants have paid for iPad labs at the high school and middle school; an amphibious vehicle for the fire department; deer fencing, benches, plants, bird baths, and feeders at the DCA bird sanctuary; and furniture and computers at The Depot Youth Center. Website: DARIENFOUNDATION.ORG
Family & Children’s Agency Inc. in Norwalk is a private, nonprofit, family service agency that has been serving the community since 1942. Services include individual, family, and addiction counseling; international and domestic adoption; senior and family support services; youth development and mentoring; and community education programs. Phone: 203855-8765 | Website: FAMILYANDCHILDRENSAGENCY.ORG
The Center for Hope (590 Post Rd.) offers individual counseling and support groups for adults and children facing
Darien offers the following places of worship:
Christ Community Church 988 Post Rd.
Darien United Methodist Church 345 Middlesex Rd. | 203-655-1469
First Church of Christ, Scientist 2331 Post Rd. | 203-655-3407
First Congregational Church 14 Brookside Rd. 203-655-0491 | UCCDARIEN.ORG
Noroton Presbyterian Church 2011 Post Rd. 203-655-1451 | NOROTON.CHURCH
St. John’s Church 1986 Post Road 203-655-1145 | STJOHNDARIEN.COM
Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church 1864 Post Rd. 203-655-1456 | SAINTLUKESDARIEN.ORG
St. Thomas More Church 374 Middlesex Rd. 203-655-3303 | STMDARIENCT.ORG
Talmadge Hill Community Church 80 Hollow Tree Ridge Rd. | 203-966-2314
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 682 South Ave., New Canaan | 203-966-5849
Rowayton United Methodist Church 5 Pennoyer St., Rowayton | 203-838-0049
St. John’s Lutheran Church 884 Newfield Ave., Stamford 203-322-0066 | STJOHNELCA.ORG
St. Michael’s Lutheran Church 5 Oenoke Ridge Rd., New Canaan | 203-966-3913
Temple Shalom 259 Richards Ave., Norwalk 203-866-0148 | TEMPLESHALOMWEB.ORG
Temple Sinai 458 Lakeside Dr., Stamford | 203-322-1649
Unitarian Universalist Congregation 20 Forest St., Stamford 203-348-0708 | UUSTAMFORD.ORG
United Church of Rowayton 210 Rowayton Ave., Norwalk 203-866-1415 | UCROWAYTON.ORG
Zion Lutheran Church 132 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford 203-327-7751
life-threatening illnesses and bereavement. It also offers community education programs and programs for caregivers. The center is a division of Family Centers. Phone: 203-655-4693 | Website: CENTERFORHOPE.ORG
The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County is the region’s primary hunger-relief organization. It provides food to about 100 nonprofit agencies and programs that serve people in need in Darien and five other communities. These include soup kitchens, food pantries, child care programs, homeless shelters, senior centers, domestic violence safe houses, and rehabilitation programs. Website: FOODBANKLFC.ORG
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation promotes philanthropy as a means to create change in Fairfield County, and looks to find solutions to critical issues impacting local communities. Individuals, families, corporations, and organizations can establish charitable funds or contribute to existing funds. The foundation has awarded more than $185 million in grants to nonprofits in Fairfield County and beyond. Phone: 203-750-3200 | Website: FCCFOUNDATION.ORG
The American Red Cross provides relief to disaster victims, and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. The organization also offers CPR and first-aid courses, works with youth in the Red Cross Action Team, runs blood drives, teaches a teen babysitting program, and helps connect families with armed services members. Phone: 877287-3327 | Website: CTREDCROSS.ORG
Darien’s Human Services Department, led by Director Alexandra Ramsteck (aramsteck@darienct.gov), can assist people with information on housing, home care and nursing home placement, financial aid for home heating, loans for convalescent equipment, and rides to doctors and the senior center. Phone: 203-656-7328
The Darien Beautification Commission is charged with finding ways to maintain and improve the overall physical appearance of Darien. The commission meets monthly to review current projects and plan new ones. Projects under the commission’s purview have included 30 islands along town roadways, 24 planters along Post Road, Adopt-A-Spot, and daffodil plantings. Learn more on the commission’s webpage at DARIENDCT.GOV .
Darien Book Aid Plan, Inc. (1926 Post Rd.) is a nonprofit, volunteer organization that attempts to build a foundation of peace, understanding, and friendship through the free worldwide distribution of donated books. The group was founded in 1949 and sends books all over the world to Peace Corps volunteers, teachers, libraries, schools, prisons, and hospitals. The most requested books are children’s books (preschool to young adult), classics, dictionaries, French and Spanish books, agriculture and environmental books, teaching methods and ESL books, vocational books, how-to and craft books, and encyclopedias on CD-ROM. The group also accepts textbooks no more than 10 years old and National Geographics no more than five years old. Phone: 203-655-2777 | Email: darienbookaid@yahoo.com | Website: DARIEN.ORG
Infoline 211 is a free community service that is a public/ private partnership between the state and United Way of Connecticut. It is a single source for information about community services, referrals to human services, and crisis intervention that is accessible 24/7 by dialing 211. Specialists help callers with such issues as substance abuse, gambling, domestic violence, suicide prevention, housing, and financial problems. Websites: INFOLINE.ORG or 211.ORG
The closest full-service Department of Motor Vehicles office is at 540 Main Avenue in Norwalk and is open by appointment only. Many DMV services are also available online. Website: PORTAL.CT.GOV/DMV
Darien’s Department of Public Works is responsible for building and maintaining the town’s roads, streets, bridges, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and other related infrastructure. The director is Edward Gentile (egentile@darienct.gov)
and the assistant director is Darren Oustafine (doustafine@ darienct.gov). A team of 30 full-time and five part-time employees work together to provide residents with a broad range of services.
Those who wish to notify the department of an issue or concern may complete and submit a Citizen Service Request Form on its webpage at DARIENCT.GOV . Phone: 203656-7346
State roads are maintained by District 3 of the Connecticut Department of Transportation. Phone: 203-389-3100 | Website: CT.GOV/DOT
The Darien Train Station is on West Avenue and the Noroton Heights Train Station is on Noroton Avenue. They are both located on the New Haven Line of the Metro-North Railroad. Travel time to Grand Central Terminal is about an hour from Darien and a few minutes less from Noroton Heights.
Both stations have self-service ticket machines to purchase tickets. The machines accept cash, credit cards, and debit cards. Tickets also can be purchased in advance with the MTA eTix mobile ticketing app. Visit MTA.INFO for more information as well as train schedules and ticket pricing.
Amtrak trains can be boarded at the Stamford railroad station. For Amtrak information and schedules, call 800-8727245 or go to AMTRAK.COM
The closest AAA office is at 495 Westport Ave. in Norwalk. It is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Another AAA office is located in Stamford (1115 High Ridge Rd.. | Phone: 203-388-2189) and has the same hours.
AAA offers auto, home, and travel insurance services, travel money, free notary, car rental discounts, international driving permits, movie and attraction tickets, passport photo services, and road services. Website: NORTHEAST.AAA.COM
Vehicles (excluding new ones less than four years old or more than 25 years old) must be tested every other year. You will be notified of your test days via mail. If you do not get your vehicle tested, it fails the test, or has not been granted a waiver, the DMV will not renew your registration.
The sole emissions testing station in town is Darien Auto Center (1350 Post Rd. | 203-655-8203). Find the complete roster of stations online at CTEMISSIONS.COM . The state recommends calling a test center ahead to confirm they are still participating in the service, check testing hours, and confirm location.
Even though the town sells more permits than there are parking spaces, a long waiting list exists for both train stations. When a spot becomes available, the next person on the list moves up. The annual cost is $400. There are 775 permit and voucher spaces at the Noroton Heights station and 544 spaces available for the Darien station (including municipal lots on Leroy and Grove). For more information, call 203-6567330 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays or check the Railroad Station Parking WEBPAGE AT DARIENCT.GOV
Limited daily parking spots are available at both stations and cost $4 per day. Parking is free in both train station lots on weekends and holidays, as well as in municipal lots.
New Neighbors brings local information to new residents to help make getting settled easier. It includes information on community organizations as well as brochures and samples from local merchants. Contact Katherine Sakara. Phone: 610348-6835 | Email: ctnewneighbors@gmail.com
The YWCA Newcomers Club of Darien and Norwalk offers social activities, recreational programs, and special events for women who are new to the community. Phone: 203-655-2535 | Email: newcomers@ywcadn.org | Website: YWCADN.ORG
The Darien Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit organization committed to taking a leadership role in supporting the business community and quality of life in town. The Chamber acts as a liaison between the business community as well as local, state, and federal governments. It notifies members of legislation that will directly affect business in Darien, offers educational and networking opportunities to help businesses grow, creates a regional awareness of the business community, and promotes the town to prospective residents.
The Chamber provides a Member Directory of shops, restaurants, retailers, and other local businesses, which can be
The Chamber sponsors and coordinates scholarship awards and community events such as Darien Taste of the Town, Regional Chamber Expo, Darien Goes Green, Darien Sidewalk Sales, and Holiday Traditions. The Gift Certificates program is a popular gift idea that promote shopping and dining locally. They can be purchased at DR Bank during normal business hours; current participating merchants can be found at DARIENCTCHAMBER.COM/GIFT-CERTIFICATES
The executive director is Kesti Aysseh and the chairman is Bill Jensen. Office hours are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone: 203-655-3600 | Website: DARIENCTCHAMBER.COM
The state Better Business Bureau is located in Wallingford. It provides reports on businesses, charity groups, and organizations, helps resolve consumer disputes with businesses, and promotes ethical business standards. You may file a complaint online at BBB.ORG/CONNECTICUT or by phone at 860-740-4500. Consumers may also file a complaint about a business by calling the state Department of Consumer Protection at 800842-2649. Mail: 450 Columbus Blvd., Hartford CT, 061031835 | Website: PORTAL.CT.GOV/DCP
Information on Darien properties, including assessment data and ownership, is available 24/7 by visiting the Town Assessor’s webpage on the town’s website (DARIENCT.GOV ) and clicking on the Property Record Card Online link. An assessment appeals form can be found on the Board of Assessment Appeals and Town Assessor’s webpages.
Most construction work requires a permit from the Building Department. This includes internal and external remodeling, enlarging, additions, changing the size of windows or adding bay windows, pools, new roofs, erecting a shed, enclosing a porch, erecting a large tent, installing a gas or wood-burning stove or fireplace, and new construction. What you need to do to obtain a permit, as well as current fees, are detailed on the department’s webpage at DARIENCT.GOV . Phone: 203656-7347
Building permit and zoning application forms can be picked up at the Building Department or Planning and Zoning Department’s offices.
Building inspectors can be reached at certain hours at 203-656-7347. Requests for inspections can be made via email to Office Administrator Ashley Lukaniec (alukaniec@ darienct.gov).
The zoning enforcement officer is Herve Hamon (hhamon@ darienct.gov). Call 203-656-7351 to schedule an appointment during office hours.
The town’s Environmental Protection Commission serves as the local wetlands agency, regulating activity taking place within 50 feet of wetlands or watercourses, and within 100 feet of a named (major) watercourse. The wetlands enforcement officer is Richard Jacobson (rjacobson@darienct.gov), whose official title is environmental protection officer. Phone: 203-656-7351 | Email: rjacobson@darienct.gov
If you have submitted a formal application to the Planning and Zoning Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals, you must notify all owners of property within 100 feet. These notices must be sent by certified mail 10 to 20 days prior to the public hearing. The state allows the town 30 days to review a zoning permit application, although the department tries to work in as timely a manner as possible. The length of time depends primarily on how many applications are submitted.
Planning and Zoning has a copious set of regulations that cover every regulated activity. It can be helpful for any renovation or construction project you may be thinking of, such as
adding a porch, bay windows, swimming pool, fence, barn, etc. It can be downloaded from the office’s webpage at darienct.gov, or you may purchase a copy for $20. The regulations can be viewed at the P&Z office.
Other documents that can be viewed online or purchased are: Subdivision Regulations ($10); Inland Wetland and Watercourses Regulations ($10); Zoning Map ($25 color and $5 blackand-white); Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Map ($25 color and $5 black-and-white); Town Plan of Conservation & Development ($50); and Aquifer Protection Area Regulations ($13).
Swimming pools and pool houses are among the most popular additions to homes in Darien. A pool must meet setback and coverage requirements. If it is within 50 feet of a wetland or watercourse or 100 feet of a named river or watercourse, it must be approved by the Environmental Protection Commission. Health, zoning, and building permits will also be required.
Because Darien is right along the coastline with a number of rivers flowing through it, flood zones exist throughout town. Most susceptible to flooding are the areas along the coast, river corridors, and low-lying areas through which streams and brooks flow.
The town participates in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) program that stipulates construction regulations to minimize flood damage to buildings and property. As a result, all property owners in Darien are eligible to buy private flood insurance at a subsidized rate.
Past storms have caused significant flooding in town and to that end, Darien created a Flood Mitigation Committee in 2007 to develop a comprehensive flood prevention strategy.
A map created by FEMA hangs in the Planning and Zoning office in Town Hall. Property owners are welcome to come in and look at the map to determine if they’re located in a floodprone area. P&Z staff is not allowed to give that information over the phone; it is up to each individual to make that determination for themselves.
Checking the safety of well water is a homeowner’s responsibility. The Darien Health Department lists six entities that do private well testing: Aquatek Labs, Woodbridge, 203389-1824; Greenwich Health Department Lab, 203-622-7843; Complete Environmental Testing Inc., Stratford, 203-3779952; South Norwalk Electric & Water, Wilton, 203-762-7884; Stamford Health Department Lab, 203-977-4378; and York Analytical Lab, Stratford, 203-325-1371.
If you have a private well that is subject to flooding during heavy and/or prolonged rainstorms, you may need to disinfect your well during such events. The Darien Health Department can advise you on how to do this. Website: DARIENHEALTH.COM
If residents want garbage and recycling collection at their house, they must contract with a private licensed hauler. The following haulers provide service in the town of Darien: Alan Hyatt, 203-943-8649; City Carting & Recycling, 888413-3344, customerservice@citycart.net; Darien Disposal Service, 203-323-0339, dariendisposal@optonline.net; Finocchio Bros., 203-987-5848, matt@finocchiobros.com; Tom Conte Garbage & Recycling, 203-662-9798, tcl-llc@att.net; Town & Country Carting, 203-322-1247, info@towndarct. com; and Winter Bros. Hauling of CT, 203-702-8944.
For septic tank management, contact a private pumping company. They will advise you on how often you should have your septic tank pumped. The Norwalk River Watershed Association offers a simple, non-technical brochure for homeowners on maintaining septic systems. It is available free online at NORWALKRIVER.ORG/MAINTAIN-YOUR-SEPTIC
The Darien Health Department offers information on septic systems on its webpage. If your neighbor’s septic system is leaking onto your property, call the department at 203-656-7320.
Due to the heavy clay content of soil in Darien, leaking tanks are fairly common. The Fire Marshal’s Office suggests replacing your tank if it is more than 15 years old.
Any and all 275-gallon tanks, no matter how old, must be removed as they were never approved for in-ground use. Any oil leakage is likely to enter wells, brooks, streams, and/or building foundations, possibly creating an environmental issue. You may incur significant financial liability associated with any remediation cost as a result of any such damage.
To replace your home tank, you must obtain a permit from the Building Department, and will be subject to a final inspection. New tanks can be installed indoors or above ground. New installations will not be approved until the old tank is removed or properly abandoned and accepted by the fire marshal. You will need a permit from the Fire Marshal’s Office to do this.
The town’s bulk pickup program used to be called the spring cleanup. Residents must fill out a citizen service request online. Each spring the town will pick up large household items by appointment only. Items must be placed along public roads by 7 a.m. on the day of the scheduled appointment. Please check the town’s website for pickup dates. Each residence is restricted to a single pickup per calendar year. Pickup items are limited to those too large for transport by a passenger car or SUV. For more information, visit the Department of Public Works webpage or call 203-656-7346.
The Darien Recycling & Refuse Center (126 Ledge Rd.), is open Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. A yearly permit is required to use the facility. Permits expire on June 30. New permits are available starting June 1.
Permit fees are $120 for residents without garbage collection, and $40 residents with garbage collection. The transaction entitles a resident to two permits and the right to purchase a third permit for $40. Permits may be purchased online by existing customers only. The maximum number of permits per household is three. Replacement permits costs $40 each and are not prorated.
To receive a permit by mail or in person, have the following documentation available: copy of the vehicle’s or vehicles’ registration; proof of residency (driver’s license) if vehicle is not registered in Darien; a check made payable to the Town of Darien; if you have a refuse hauler, you must show proof (canceled check or recent invoice) if applicable; a stamped self-addressed envelope (if mailed). If you own property in Darien but do not reside here, you must prove ownership (a copy of your Darien property tax, mortgage, or utility bill).
All seniors 65 and over are entitled to one free permit per household; proof of age along with vehicle registration is required. All residents in the town’s abatement program (prequalified with the assessor’s office) are entitled to one free permit per household.
The center is open on some government holidays when other services are closed. For the remainder of 2023 it will be closed for the following holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. The center’s webpage at darienct.gov offers a virtual tour of the site plus a map and recyclables brochure. It can be found under the Department of Public Works tab at DARIENCT.GOV
Single-stream recycling started in 2012 and allows the mixing of all recyclables in one container and eliminates the need to separate paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal. Single-stream recyclables must be loose, empty, and only lightly soiled. A detailed list of acceptable single-stream recyclables can be found on the Recycling & Refuse Center’s webpage.
Disposal of refrigeration equipment (freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers) comes with a $15 fee for Freon recovery. “White goods” are non-Freon CFC appliances (washers, dryers, stoves, and microwaves), which go in the scrap metal area free of charge.
The electronics/e-waste drop-off area accepts computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, external disc drives, computer cables, or anything with a cord, including TVs of any type, vacuum cleaners, lamps, microwave ovens, toasters, and rechargeable batteries. If the bin is locked, find an attendant. Unbroken fluorescent bulbs drop-off and batteries of all types go in separate bins in the transfer station building.
Non-combustible materials (asphalt shingles, sheetrock, porcelain, fiberglass, treated lumber, etc.) should be put in the construction-demolition disposal area. Oversized bulk waste/ combustibles (lumber, bulk waste, etc.) should also be put in this area unless they are untreated chemically and small enough to fit into the municipal solid waste hopper (no larger than six inches in diameter and four feet in length).
The yard waste area accepts brush-mixed waste, stems, branches, vegetation, twigs, grass clippings, leaves, logs, wood, and stumps. Logs should be disposed of in the log drop-off area near the compost pile.
Mattresses and box springs can be recycled, but must be in acceptable condition. Unacceptable mattresses (ripped, soiled, infested, etc.) are disposed of at the transfer station.
Ask the attendant for assistance or access to the oil waste recycling collection area. Non-contaminated waste oil is accepted from residents only. Use a disposable container that will be left with the oil; your license plate number will be attached to the container through the use of video surveillance. No antifreeze, paint thinner, turpentine, gasoline, or diesel fuel is accepted due to contamination issues.
For plastic too large for recycling bins (play toys, patio chairs), there’s an oversized plastic drop-off area for plastic only. A scrap metal drop-off area is available for bulk metal items, but not pressure vessels like propane tanks. They should be taken back to the distributor for proper disposal.
Clean and dry usable or unusable textiles, including clothing, shoes, bedding, linens, handbags, belts, hats, and fabrics rolled flat or folded, are to be placed in clothing donation bins next to the Swap Shop and the transfer station building. Rugs and carpets are not accepted. Tires go in the tire drop-off area. If the bin is locked, find an attendant.
Household smoke detectors can also be recycled (do not take the detector apart). They must be householdtype devices and from residential patrons. Ask the attendant for assistance. Carbon monoxide detectors can be deposited with regular e-waste because they don’t contain radioactive material.
The center also accepts food scraps and certain unwanted and unused paint.
The Department of Public Works collects leaves packed in biodegradable paper bags from every public street from mid-November through early December. The leaves are then shipped to a composting facility. Loose leaves or bags containing lawn clippings, brush, or other materials will not be collected. Residents are limited to one pickup per year. Phone: 203-656-7346
The department also picks up Christmas trees in January. Check for announcements in The Darien Times, DARIENTIMES. COM , DARIENCT.GOV , or call 203-656-7346.
Darien’s Registrars of Voters’ Office registers new voters, updates the voter Registry List, follows election and voter-related legislation and voting laws, maintains the voting machines and equipment, trains election officials, and administers elections. They are elected to two-year terms.
The Democratic Registrar is Susan Gray (203-656-7319 | sgray@darienct.gov) and the Republican Registrar is Cara Gately (203-656-7301 | cgately@darienct.gov).
The office is located in Town Hall and is open Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; it is closed on Fridays and holidays. Phone: 203-656-7316
Under state law, you must be age 18 years of age or older, a U.S. citizen, and a Darien resident to register to vote in the town. There is a statutory exception for 17-year-olds who will be 18 before the next occurring general election, and who fulfill the other legal requirements, which allows them to register and vote in that year’s primaries. The Registrars hold registration sessions annually at Darien High School to facilitate voter registration of eligible students.
New residents may register to vote as soon as they move to town. You may do so in person by visiting the Registrars of Voters’ Office. If closed, you may go to the Town Clerk’s Office. Bring a driver’s license or provide the last four digits of your Social Security number and some form of identification that shows Darien residency.
You may also register to vote by mail. Mail-in applications are available at the Registrars’ and Town Clerk’s offices, the Darien Library, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and other state agencies. They can also be obtained online at the Secretary of the State’s website (CT.GOV/SOTS ) and the Registrars’ webpage (DARIENCT.GOV/VOTING ). Completed applications should be sent to the Darien Registrars of Voters at 2 Renshaw Road, Darien CT 06820. Online voter registration is also an option through these websites, but proof of residency may be required at the polls.
College students who are temporarily living in another state may register to vote in Connecticut online or by filling out a Connecticut voter registration application and mailing it to the Darien Registrars of Voters.
Election Day Registration (EDR), or same-day registration, is available for general elections only. EDR for general elections
is held at Town Hall. Check the Registrars’ webpage or the Secretary of the State’s website for general Connecticut voter registration cutoff dates.
Registered voters do not need to renew their voter registration status unless they have filed a change of address form with the U.S. Postal Service, or have not voted in a general election or primary in four years. In those cases, you must participate in a statewide canvass (conducted annually by the Registrars’ Office) to maintain your active voter registration status and ensure the accuracy of the Voter Registry List. You’ll receive a form that must be signed and returned. Non-compliance will place you on the Inactive Voters List. You can be removed from the list by filling out a new voter registration application prior to an election, or at the polls during an election.
Any registered voter who will be out of town during all voting hours on a general election or primary day may cast an absentee ballot. Voters prevented from getting to the polls due to illness, disability, religious beliefs, or active service in the U.S. armed forces may also cast an absentee ballot.
Applications for absentee ballots are available to registered voters from the Town Clerk’s Office or on the town’s website throughout the year. After applications are received, ballots will be mailed to voters within the time frame permitted by state statute.
Regular elections take place every year on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November. Primary dates are announced by the Secretary of the State’s Office and will be posted on the Registrars’ webpage. Voting hours are from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Darien has six voting districts that vote at the following locations: Districts 1, 1-01, and 1-02 vote at the Board of Education offices (35 Leroy Ave.); District 2 votes at Town Hall (2 Renshaw Rd.); District 3 votes at the Noroton Heights Fire Department (209 Noroton Ave.); District 4 votes at Hindley School (10 Nearwater Ln.); District 5 also votes at Town Hall; and District 6 votes at the Mather Center in Town Hall.
An alphabetical street listing for polling locations can be found at DARIENCT.GOV/VOTING
Darien encompasses two state House districts and two state Senate districts; state legislators are elected to twoyear terms.
The 141st House District is represented by Republican Tracy Marra. The district also includes parts of Norwalk. Phone: 800-842-1423 | Email: tracymarra@housegop.ct.gov | Mail: Room 4200, Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT 0610
The 147th House District is represented by Democrat Matt Blumenthal. The district covers a smaller section of Darien and includes parts of Stamford. Phone: 800-842-8267 | Email: matt.blumenthal@cga.ct.gov | Mail: Room 4000, Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT 06106
The 25th Senate District is represented by Democrat Bob Duff. The district also includes Norwalk. Phone: 800-8421420. Email: Bob.Duff@cga.ct.gov. Write to him at Room 3300, Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT 06106.
The 27th Senate District is represented by Democrat Patricia Billie Miller. The district also includes Stamford. Phone: 800240-8600 | Email: patricia.miller@cga.ct.gov | Mail: Room 3300, Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT 06106
Darien has a Board of Selectmen/Representative Town Meeting form of government.
Darien’s 45th First Selectman is Jon Zagrodzky, a Republican who previously served on the Board of Finance. His office is Suite 202 in Town Hall (2 Renshaw Rd.) and is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: 203-656-7338 | Email: jzagrodzky@darienct.gov
The other members of the Board of Selectmen are Michael J. Burke, Monica McNally, Marcy A. Minnick, and Sarah B. Neumann. The first selectman and selectmen are all elected to two-year terms in odd-numbered years.
The Board of Selectmen is responsible for directing the administration and policy-making. An administrative officer appointed by the five-member board handles the town’s day-today operations.
The town administrator is Kathleen Clarke Buch, a former finance director who took on her new role in 2015. Her office is also in Town Hall and is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (closed Fridays and holidays). Phone: 203-656-7378 | Email: kbuch@darienct.gov
At a traditional Town Meeting, all registered voters may attend and vote on issues. Darien switched to a Representative Town Meeting in 1951. The Representative Town Meeting, also known as RTM, comprises a limit of 100 members who represent six districts. They are elected to two-year terms without party affiliations, and members serve without compensation. The current Rules Chairman is Seth Morton. As a legislative body, RTM members pass laws and ordinances and appropriate money. The RTM also approves
collective bargaining contracts with town employees. It generally meets six to 10 times a year, but special meetings can be called from time to time.
All meetings begin at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall auditorium unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public and Darien residents may participate in them, but only RTM members can make motions or vote.
The following actions by the RTM are subject to overrule by referendum: passage of an ordinance, expenditure of $50,000 or more for any purpose, or the issuance of bonds. A referendum can be requested via petition.
Any registered voter in Darien is eligible to run for the RTM, and members may run for re-election. Half the membership is elected each year. For complete rules, call the town clerk at 203-656-7307 or visit the RTM webpage at DARIENCT.GOV , where a list of members by district is available.
On May 13, 2024, the Representative Town Meeting approved Darien’s 2024-25 budget. It approved a total of $173.4 million for town operations. The final approved mill rate was 14.69. (Source: The Darien Times)
A grand list refers to the town’s tax base and represents all taxable property in town, including real estate, personal property, and motor vehicles. It is compiled each year on Oct. 1 but is not filed with the state until late January, when it is subject to Board of Assessment Appeals deliberations.
The Town Assessor’s Office is responsible for determining the assessed value of each home. The assessor is Anthony Homicki. His office is in Room 102 in Town Hall. Phone: 203656-7310 | Email: ahomicki@darienct.gov | An outside firm is brought in to assist the assessor in updating all taxable and exempt values in the year of a revaluation.
You may go to the Assessor’s Office and look at the field card for your property or access the property field card online. The card lists the particulars in figuring the valuation of your home. Copies of the card are available for a nominal charge.
Computers are available to the public to get real estate information outside the Assessor’s Office from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. The database is also available online at ASSESSMENT. DARIENCT.GOV
Property owners who disagree with an assessment may appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeal. The three-member board meets in March to hear real estate and personal property appeals, and in September exclusively for motor vehicle appeals. Visit the Assessor’s Office the month before to request an appointment and get an application.
The Tax Collector’s Office handles the billing and collection of real estate, motor vehicle, personal property, and
sewer taxes. The tax collector is Kathleen M. Larkins. Her office is in Room 104 in Town Hall. Phone: 203-656-7315 |
Email: klarkins@darienct.gov
Taxes are billed and collected semi-annually on real estate, and annually on motor vehicles and personal property. The motor vehicles category includes all registered motorized or non-motorized vehicles, such as cars, trucks, trailers, and motorcycles.
Car taxes are levied at $14.69, the same mill rate used for real estate taxes. The mill rate is applied to the current assessed value of the car. For every $1,000 in assessed value of your car, you will pay $14.69 in property taxes for the year. Appeals of vehicle assessments are heard in the fall.
The state Department of Motor Vehicles maintains vehicle ownership records, which it forwards to the Town Assessor’s Office. DMV will continue sending ownership reports to the town until a vehicle’s license plates are turned in. To remove a car from the tax roll, return the plates to a DMV office and take the DMV return receipt to the Assessor’s Office. Many DMV applications and services are available online at CT.GOV/DMV
The Town Clerk’s Office is responsible for maintaining numerous records and documents, including land records, marriage licenses, birth records, burial and disinterment permits, cremation certificates, and dog licenses. It also handles liquor permit filings and absentee ballot voter registration The town clerk is Christa Sheehan McNamara. Phone: 203-656-7307 | Email: cmcnamara@darienct.gov
Darien Town Hall is located at 2 Renshaw Road. Most departments are open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed on weekends and holidays unless noted otherwise. Phone: 203-656-7300. Contributed Photo.
Schedules for the Representative Town Meeting and various town boards and commissions are available in the Town Clerk’s Office. The public can also view marriage and death record indexes and get copies. Certified copies of a birth certificate will be issued only to the person in question or, in the case of a minor, their parents and grandparents. Be prepared to provide photo identification.
A marriage license must be obtained from the town where the ceremony will take place. Blood tests are not required. The fee is $50 and the license is good for 65 days. Call the town clerk for details at 203-656-7307. There’s a link to an online application to request a certified copy of a marriage license on the town clerk’s webpage at DARIENCT.GOV
A justice of the peace may officiate a wedding within the state, and federal judges may officiate weddings anywhere. In addition to officiating weddings, their duties include administering oaths, and signing affidavits. Darien currently has 23 justices of the peace who serve four-year terms (present term runs through Jan. 6, 2025):
Edward Axelrod
David Brown
Francisco Cardona
Kevin Cunningham
Janet Grogan
Dan Guller
Elizabeth Hall
Cathy Hauck
Ann-Gail Hult
Eric Joosten
Elisa Kristensen
David Maloof
Elizabeth Mason
Douglas McKay
Joseph Pankowski Jr.
Brian Rayhill
Ann Reed
Jayme Stevenson
Barbara Thorne
Arlene Tulacro
Georgia Von Schmidt
Morgan Whittier
Terrie Wood
You may obtain a new passport or renew an expired one by filling out an application at the post office, or visiting STATE. GOV/TRAVEL or USPASSPORTONLINE.COM . Applicants need a current passport-sized photo. To obtain a passport for the first time, a birth certificate with a raised seal is required. Applications must be signed before the issuing agent.
The Darien Post Office (30 Corbin Dr.) processes passport applications and can also take photos, if needed. Passport service hours are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. It is recommended to fill out the paperwork in advance. Phone: 203-655-2595
The U.S. State Department’s Connecticut Passport Agency is located at 850 Canal Street in Stamford. The agency is open weekdays by appointment only. Phone: 877-487-2778 | Information regarding hours of operation, fees, and application instructions is available at TRAVEL.STATE.GOV/PASSPORT This is where you may obtain visas for foreign travel.
If you are affiliated with a major political party, get in touch with your town party chair. For the Democratic Town Committee, contact Rob Richards. Website: DARIENDEMOCRATS. COM | For the Republican Town Committee, contact Rachel Taylor. Website: DARIENREPUBLICANS.COM
The Judge of Darien-New Canaan’s Probate Court, an elected position with a four-year term, is held by Hon. William P. Osterndorf. His office is in Room 204 in Town Hall, and is open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Phone: 203-656-7342
The judge establishes the validity of wills and administers the estates of people who die without wills. The judge can also terminate parental rights, approve adoptions, act on a minor’s estate, approve guardians for handicapped people, and grant name changes.
Most town boards and commissions are appointed, but some are elected. Boards and commissions include the Advisory Board of Health, Advisory Committee on Coastal Waters, Architectural Review Board, Beautification Committee, Blight Review Board, Board of Assessment Appeals, Board of Education, Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen, Commission on Aging, Darien Housing Authority, Darien TV-79 Advisory Board, Environmental Protection Commission, Five-Mile River Commission, Human Services Commission, Monument and Ceremonies Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, Police Commission, Sewer Commission, Town Pension Board, Youth Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals.
The Darien Housing Authority oversees the management of the town’s public housing complexes. The Heights is a moderate rental housing complex for families that was recently rebuilt. The Royle is for low-income senior citizens. The authority is overseen by a five-member commission. The office is at 24 Allen O’Neill Drive. Phone: 203-655-0866 | Email: dhadmin@imagineersllc.com
The Building Department oversees all building activity in Darien. It issues permits and makes inspections. You can obtain surveys and plot plans, permits issued by address, certificates of occupancy, certificates of compliance, construction plans for permits issued after 1960, and a list of current construction from the department. Permit fees and details are available on the town’s website, DARIENCT.GOV
First Selectman Jon Zagrodzky (R) jzagrodzky@darienct.gov 203-656-7338
Selectman Michael Burke (D) mburke@darienct.gov | 917-656-2835
Selectman Marcy Minnick (R) mminnick@darienct.gov 203-464-2816
Selectman Sarah Neumann (D) sneumann@darienct.gov 203-656-7386
Selectman Monica McNally (R) mmcnally@darienct.gov 203-656-7386
Chairperson D. Jill McCammon (R) jmccammon@darienps.org
Vice Chairperson John Sini, Jr. (R) jsini@darienps.org
Secretary Sara Parent (D) sparent@darienps.org
Member Julie Best (D) jbest@darienps.org
Member David Brown (R) dbrown@darienps.org
Member Greg Grambling (R) ggrambling@darienps.org
Member Kadiatu Lublin (D) klublin@darienps.org
Member Dennis Maroney (R) dmaroney@darienps.org
Member Tara Wurm (R) twurm@darienps.org
Chairman James Palen (R) jpalen@darienct.gov
Member Dan Bumgardner (D) dbumgardner@darienct.gov
Member Robert Cardone (R) rcardone@darienct.gov
Member Taylor Carter (R) tcarter@darientct.gov
Member Paul Hendrickson (R) phendrickson@darienct.gov
Member David Martin (D) dmartin@darienct.gov
Member John Wolcott (R) jwolcott@darienct.gov
Chairman Stephen Olvany (R)
Vice Chairman George Reilly (D)
Member Adam Balgach (D)
Member Amy Barsanti (R)
Member Michael Nedder (R)
Member Jamie Zionic (R) Ex-Officio Members: Public Works Director
Edward L. Gentile Jr., P.E. First Selectman Jon Zagrodzky
Christa McNamara cmcnamara@darienct.gov 203-656-7307
Richard Dolcetti (R)
Christopher Peters (R) Glenn Ritch (D)
Susan Gray (D) sgray@darienct.gov | 203-656-7319
Cara Gately (R) cgately@darienct.gov | 203-656-7301
Kathy Larkins (R) klarkins@darienct.gov | 203-656-7314
Joan Hendrickson (R) jhendrickson@darienct.gov 203-656-7336
William P. Osterndorf (R) 203-656-7342
Town Administrator
Kathleen Clarke Buch kbuch@darienct.gov | 203-656-7378
Animal Control Officer Chip Stahl csthal@darienct.gov | 203-662-5345
Assessor Anthony Homicki ahomicki@darienct.gov
Building Official Michael Vitti mvitti@darienct.gov | 203-656-7347
Environmental Protection Officer Richard Jacobson rjacobson@darienct.gov 203-656-7351
Finance Director Jennifer Charneski jchrneski@darienct.gov
Fire Marshal Robert Buch bbuch@darienct.gov | 203-656-7345
Harbor Master John Keena darienharbor@darienct.gov
Health Director David Knauf dknauf@darienct.gov | 203-656-7320
Housing Authority dhadmin@imagineersllc.com
Human Services Director Ali Ramsteck | aramsteck@darienct.gov
Library Director Kiera Parrott kparrott@darienlibrary.org
Parks & Recreation Assistant Director Jim Coghlan | 203-656-7325
Planning & Zoning Director
Jeremy Ginsberg jginsberg@darienct.gov
Police Chief Jeremiah P. Marron Jr. 203-662-5310
Public Works Director
Edward Gentile Jr., P.E. egentile@darienct.gov 203-656-7346
Senior Programs Director
Elizabeth Paris eparis@darienct.gov | 203-656-7490
Superintendent of Schools
Alan Addley | aaddley@darienps.org
Tree Warden Michael Cotta
Youth Director Alicia Sillars asillars@darienct.gov | 203-656-7388
Zoning Enforcement Officer
Herve Hamon | hhamon@darienct.gov 203-656-7351
Michael Vitti is the chief building official. His office is in Room 212 in Town Hall. Inspectors are in the office weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. to answer questions and take calls. Inspections are only conducted on Fridays. Phone: 203-656-7347
The Planning and Zoning Department serves the Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Environmental Protection Commission, and Architectural Review Board. The office is in Room 211 in Town Hall. Phone: 203-656-7351
The P&Z webpage includes links to application forms as well as permit forms and fees, the town’s Plan of Conservation and Development, a zoning map, zoning and subdivision regulations, a deed-restricted affordable housing map, and other information.
The Finance Department is responsible for accounts payable, payroll, pension administration, benefits administration, and debt measurement. The department also works with the town treasurer on cash management and investing town funds.
The department is headed by Finance Director Jennifer Charneski (jcharneski@darienct.gov). As the town’s chief fiscal officer, she is responsible for the accounting of all town funds as well as maintaining financial records and preparing financial reports. The department provides links to this data on the town’s website. The department is in Room 201 of Town Hall. Phone: 203-656-7375
Legal notices are notifications concerning meetings and actions of local commissions and boards. Other important town government information such as proposed budgets, town ordinances, and invitations to bid on projects appear in legal notices. They can be found in the Town Clerk’s Office in Town Hall as well as The Darien Times.
The state Freedom of Information Act requires that all town commission and board meetings be public. The schedule for a board’s regular meetings must be filed each year with the town clerk. Special meetings may be called up to 24 hours in advance. Emergency meetings may be held without notice; however, the board must file its minutes, including the reason for the emergency, with the Town Clerk’s Office within 72 hours of the meeting. Meetings are posted on a bulletin board near the entrance to Town Hall and can be accessed through an online calendar at DARIENCT.GOV
Generally, all meetings involving a quorum of commission or board members (three members of a five-person board, four of a six-member board, etc.) must be open to the public. However, Connecticut statutes allow a commission to close a meeting to the public if it is discussing personnel matters, litigation strategy, or contract negotiations. To close a meeting and enter into “executive session,” the board must take a vote and the meeting’s closure must be supported by twothirds of those present and voting. The commission cannot take any action while in executive session; it must return to open session before voting on any items.
Complaints may be filed with the state Freedom of Information office (18-20 Trinity St., Hartford). Phone: 860-566-5682 | Website: CT.GOV/FOI
Harbor Master John Keena oversees Darien’s harbors and coves, which are home to more than 300 light craft during boating season. His office also handles applications for mooring spaces in Darien waters. Mooring registration forms and renewals are available online at MY.ONLINEMOORING. COM/DARIENCT . The wait list can be viewed at the previous web address and is also posted in the vestibule of Town Hall. Email: darienharbor@darienct.gov