Get your red, white, andblueout for Enfield’s patriotic partybeginning this Friday,July5,and culminatinginafireworks extravaganzatoend the nightonSunday, July 7. Organizedannuallybya groupofvolunteersmaking up anonprofit, theevents promisesomethingfor everyone.
Estimatedtobeattended by approximately50,000 people each year, highlights includeaseries of free concerts,headlined by LedZeppelintribute band Kashmirfeaturing Jean Violet,onSaturday night. Otherlocal favorites will also return,aswell as aBattleofthe Bands andpatriotic musicon Saturday
Othereventsinclude afestive parade,an Independence Day5K, basketballand soccer tournaments, acar show, acraft fair,tonsoffood options, andmore.
Theeventstakeplace at Enfield’s Town Green beginningFridayat5 p.m., with theopening of Planet ProWrestling competitions at thewrestling ring on thebasketballcourt.The Children’s Area andTeen Zone will also open forfun forthe kids.AJawsofLife extricationdemonstration will also be offeredbylocal firedepartments
TheTaste of Enfield, spotlighting thebestbites
Enfield hastooffer,opens Friday at 5p.m., and Saturday andSundayat11 a.m. Abeergardenwillalso
offertreatsfor thethirsty.
On Saturday,July6,events startat10a.m.withthe Independence Day5K, and endwithKashmir featuring Jean Violet on theUSA Waste&Recycling Stage at 9:30 p.m.
TheIndependence DayParade stepsoff on Saturday at 11 a.m. from Old Enfield Town Hall,located at 1294 Enfield St., andwill proceed to theTownGreen
Also on Saturday, theEnfieldCrafters Marketplace opensat10 a.m. andrunsuntil 5p.m Thereare also fencing demonstrations planned for3p.m., andPhantom SheepPlayers will perform improv skitsat3:30p.m.
On Sunday,July7, festivitiesstart at 10 a.m. with theMoparsinMotion
Firefightersfrom theNorth ThompsonvilleFireDepartmentand theShaker Pines FireDepartment demonstrate extrication usingthe Jaws of Life on multiplecarsduringthe2023EnfieldFourthofJulyTownCelebration.Theywillreturn forthe2024festivitiesonFriday,July5,at7p.m.,andwillconducttheirdemonstrations in the Upper Parking Lot
From Hartford,New Haven, andpointssouth: Take I-91 Northtothe Elm Street Exit (#48), toward Thompsonville. Turn left onto ElmStreet(Route 220).Turnright onto Enfield Street (Route 5).The Enfield Town Hall andTownGreen areonthe left.Parking near theTownGreen is limited.
From Hartford,New Haven, andpointssouth: Take I-91 Northtothe Elm Street exit (#48), toward Thompsonville. Turn right onto ElmStreet(Route 220).Turnright into Enfield Square Mall.Parking is at thefront of themalltothe left of Target.Lookfor signs.
From Springfield and points north: Take I-91 to thetoward Thompsonville. Turn right onto ElmStreet(Route 220).Turnright onto Enfield Street (Route 5).The Enfield Town Hall andTownGreen areonthe left.Parking near theTownGreen is limited.
From Springfield and points north: Take I-91 Southtothe Elm Street exit (#48), toward Thompsonville. Turn left onto ElmStreet(Route 220).Turnright into Enfield Square Mall.Parking is at thefront of themalltothe left of Target.Lookfor signs.
CarShowand thesoccer tournament,and will end with thefireworksdisplay at 9:45 p.m.,presented by Zambelli Fireworks International.
In between, don’tmissa K-9demonstration by the Enfield Police Department at 12:30p.m., musical entertainment,adiscgolf puttinggame, andthe presentation of the2024 Patriot’sAward on theUSA Waste&Recycling Stage at 6:30 p.m.
Theeventsare free,but food trucks arenot.Food trucks will operateona cash fortokensprocess;if youhavetokensfromlast year,theyare stillgoodto usethisyear.
In additiontofirstcome, first servestreetparking, parkingisavailable at the
Enfield Square Mall area outsidethe former Sears Department store. Shuttle busses will be running from that location to the Town Green. On Friday andSaturday, additional parkingwillbelocated behind Town Hall,located at 820EnfieldSt.
Attendeesare encouragedto bringtheir patrioticspiritand alawn chair or blanket, butare askedtonot bringcoolers, pets,bikes,skateboards, rollerblades, or theirown fireworks.
TheEnfieldFourthof July Town Celebrationis presentedbythe Town of Enfield,Fogarty’s Home Services,iHeartRadio, andBud Light. Forafull schedule of events,visit enfieldcelebration.org.
Itwillbeaweekend of funand retromusic when Enfield’s Fourth of July celebrationreturnsonFriday, July 5. Allofthe concerts are
premiere GreenDay tribute band,” opensthe festivities at 5p.m.The band offers a lively,authentic homage to theBay Area trio that fans youngand oldwillenjoy. ,expeeFoo peritribute ightaz dconsists ansthat din op covnorth-
e ight at Begyou ugh Purple, thending nd that sound, le’s ng rephe ’80s erience ed them nking sand sNorth ULY6 ,expect verse
ribute akes
HeadliningonSaturdaynightat9:30p.m.isKashmirfeaturingJeanViolet,apopularLedZeppelintributeband.Kashmir promises the mythos and magic of Led Zeppelin –the hits anddeepcutsyou’ve lovedall of your life –withthe visual dynamism you’d expect from aZep show.
thestage at 3p.m., followedbyCrazy Trainat5 p.m. CrazyTrain is billed as theultimatetouring Ozzy Osbourne tributeshow. Hosted by VinnyCormier, thebestOzzyimpersonator outthere,Crazy Train delivers acaptivating show unlike no othertribute band,bothmusically and visually.The show promises specialeffects and“wow” moments.
Oneofthe most successfulVan Halentribute bands
in thecountry,Completely Unchained, takesthe stage at 7p.m.Completely Unchainedoffersthe look, sounds,and funVan Halencreated as oneofthe biggestrockbands in the world.
Headlining on Saturday nightat9:30p.m.isKashmirfeaturing Jean Violet, apopular LedZeppelin tributeband. Kashmir promises themythosand magic of LedZeppelin–the hits anddeepcutsyou’ve
lovedall of your life –with thevisualdynamismyou’d expect from aZep show
On Sunday at 12:15p.m., themusic returnstothe main USAWaste &Recycle stagewiththe winner of Battle of theBands At 1:30 p.m.,hometown artist Sage King takesthe stage. Born andraised in Enfield,the artist and
LargeflourTortillawrapped with,Rice, beans, onions,tomatoes, sour cream, cheese andlettuce
Chicken 12
Grilledchicken seasoned with Guajillo Chiles,garlicand salt
Carnitas 12
Shredded Pork,seasonedwithGuajillo Chiles,garlic, salt andbay leaves
Asada 13
Grilledsteak,seasonedwithGuajillo Chiles,garlicand salt
Largeflourtortillawithmeltedcheese with choice of protein, that comeswith Lettuce, tomatoes andsourcream on theside
Chicken 12
Grilledchicken seasoned with Guajillo Chiles,garlicand salt
Carnitas 12
Shredded Pork,seasonedwithGuajillo Chiles,garlic, salt andbay leaves
Asada 13
Grilledsteak,seasonedwithGuajillo Chiles,garlicand salt
Tacos (3 tacosper order)
Soft Corn Tortillas, with choice of 1protein andtoppedwithOnions, tomatoes,sour cream, cheese,lettuce andcilantro
Chicken 10
Grilledchicken seasoned with Guajillo Chiles,garlicand salt
Carnitas 10
Shredded Pork,seasonedwithGuajillo Chiles,garlic, salt andbay leaves
Asada 11
Grilledsteak,seasonedwithGuajillo Chiles,garlicand salt
FriedDough 8 choice of powdered sugar, cinnamon &sugar,orsauce &cheese
Mike DeLuca Publisher
Jennifer Van Bomel GraphicDesigner
MapleBacon,Bbq Pulled Pork,& Chipotle Aioli
VermontCheddar, MapleAioli,Bourbon Onion's, &Maple Bacon 12 Inch HotDawgs Build. A. Dawg 9 Ketchup, Mustard, Relish,Jalapenos, NachoCheese, Onions,OrSriracha ChiliCheeseDawg 9 F.c.k. Chili, Topped With NachoCheese
Enfield’s annual Independence Day parade will celebrate veterans
It’s been an Enfield tradition for nearly four decades, largely due to the efforts of the volunteers behind the nonprofit that runs it This year the parade’s theme is “Saluting Our Veterans, Heroes At Home.”
The parade begins on Saturday, July 6, at 11 a.m., and travels two-anda-half miles on Enfield Street (Route 5) from South Road to the Town Green, according to parade chairman Greg Stokes. As with every year, the parade will include civic groups, nonprofits, elected officials, police explorers, event sponsors, local businesses, the Windsor Fife and Drum Corp, Shriners Trikes, and fire trucks
This year’s Grand Marshall is Enfield’s Ernest Maynard, 100, who served the country during World War II and the Korean War. After his military service came to an end, Maynard
returned home and spent 30 years serving as a volunteer firefighter in the community. His entire life has been dedicated to service.
The parade should take just under two hours, giving spectators plenty of time to enjoy all the other fun that the town’s Fourth of July fest has to offer on Saturday.
In addition to first come, first serve street parking, parking is available at the Enfield Square Mall area outside the former Sears Department store. Shuttle busses will be running from that location to the Town Green. Additional parking will be located behind Enfield Town Hall (820 Enfield St.) on Saturday. Spectators are asked not to bring coolers, pets, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, or their own fireworks; lawn chairs and blankets are encouraged. For a full schedule of events, visit enfieldcelebration.org.
songwriter hasbeendeveloping hisown brand of rock country, fitting in somewherebetween Alice in Chains, AaronLewis,and HARDY.
FollowingSage King,popular CT band Change-Upis readytoupthe partyvibe at 3:30 p.m. Offering rock, pop, dance, country, and allyourfavoriteclassics, Change-Upisahigh-energy five-piececover band hailingfromnorthernConnecticut. With a diverseand unique setlist, Change-Uphas something foreveryoneand always brings theparty.
TrailerTrash brings their take on modern country to thestage at 5:30 p.m., followed by Johnny Sixgun at 7:30 p.m. Thebandisa classicrockparty band that boastsall genres.Eleven membersstrongand playing themusic everyone
loves, Johnny Sixgun hasa loyalfollowing from Boston to Hartford andbeyond. Fireworksbring thefestivitiestoits closeonSunday evening. Thetowndoes notallow coolers, outside beverages, food,animals, or personal fireworks.
As with previous years, on-roadand localparkingisavailable on afirst come,firstserve basis.The Town Hall parkinglotswill be closed on Sunday to facilitate thefire line,a300foot radius required around thefireworksshootingarea.
Accessible parkingislocated behind Enfield Town Hall on afirstcomefirstserve basis,aswell.
Thereisafulllot at Enfield Square Mall with shuttle busesrunning frequently to theEnfield Town Green. Therewillbesignage for this on I-91 Northand South at exit 48,but parkingislocatedoutside of theformer Searsdepartmentstore.
•TasteofEnfieldopensat5:00p.m.Friday and11:00a.m.Saturday&Sunday •EnfieldCraft&VendorMarketplace andCommunityOrganizations openat10:00a.m.Saturday&Sunday •Children’sActivityArea,presentedbyBrightBeginnings, 5:00p.m.to7:00p.m.Friday&12:00p.m.to7:00p.m.Saturday
LEFT: Amember of theEnfieldPolice Department conducts aK-9 demonstration on the Town Green during the2023 Enfield Fourth of JulyTown Celebration. The departmentwill reprise this demonstration for the 2024 festivities on Sunday, July7,at1 p.m.
BOTTOM: Ayoung girl receivesabig hugfrom PrincessMerida during the2023 Enfield FourthofJuly Town Celebration.
Whether you’re akid or akid at heart, Enfield’s Fourth of July Town Celebrationoffers somethingfor everyone. Thethree-day schedule is jampackedwithfun activities forevery member of thefamily, adding to the excitement forone of the most anticipatedeventsof theyear.
This year’s lineup of kid-friendly activities will have your little ones smilingfromear to ear. Whether they likesports, science, or thearts, this Fourth of July weekendwillsurelybe onethey’ll neverforget. Thefun beginsonFriday, July 5, with theopening of theChildren’sActivity Area
at 5p.m.Kiddoscan enjoy aton of funactivitieslike bounce houses,minigolf, a painting event, anda scavengerhunt. Theareawill also be open on Saturday, July 6, starting at noon. Offeringsinclude music, a yo-yoshow, touch-a-truck, abarreltrain,and face painting.
Also on Friday,athletes from Planet ProWrestling will demonstratetheir skills in amakeshiftwrestlingringonthe basketball courtstartingat5p.m.At7 p.m.,the NorthThompsonvilleand Shaker Pinesfire departmentswilldemonstrate an extricationusing theJawsofLifeinthe Upper ParkingLot Saturday’s schedule has so much more in store. At 11
a.m.,childrencan participateina bike decorating contestthenwheel in to join theparadefromAlcorn School.The Firecracker1K Road Race starts at 1p.m. from theHiggin’sGreen walkingpath. Therestofthe dayboasts alitanyofdemonstrations from theConnecticut Science Center (1:30p.m.),IntegrityMartial Arts (Higgins Lawn,2:30p.m.),and the Enfield FencingClub(HigginsLawn, 3p.m.).There will also be athree-on-three basketballtournament from 2-5p.m., andimprov skitsfeaturing thePhantom SheepPlayers on Higgins Lawn at 3:30 p.m.
On Sunday,July7,the Enfield Soccer Associationwill conductaskillsdemon-
stration andscrimmage from 10 a.m. to 2p.m.An all-day scavengerhunt will kick offfromthe Town Greenat10a.m., followed by aK-9 demonstration from theEnfield Police Department at 1p.m.
Thesubstance-freeTeen Zone opensFriday, July 7, at 5p.m.Activities includea photostation,a silent disco, avideo game trailer, and arockwall. Teenswillalso be treatedtoahypnotist at 6p.m., andafire show at 8 p.m.
StartSaturdayoff strong with theIndependence Day5KRoadRacethrough historic Enfield at 9a.m. An awards ceremony will take placeinthe Hospitality Area at 10 a.m.
TheEnfieldCrafter Marketplace also opensatthis time,and will rununtil 5 p.m. Localcrafters, vendors, andcommunity organizationswillbeonsiteoffering avariety of merchandise,
On Saturday,July8, theTeenZonewillfeature cookingwithChefO’, inflatables,amagician, trivia,games,and akickofftothe 2024 Battle of theBands at 7:30 p.m. This annual eventfeatures youngtalentfromEnfield andbeyond. Thewinnerwill performinconcert on Sunday, July 7, at 12:15p.m.on theUSA Waste&Recycling Stage.
•HartfordDistributors/ Budweiser
•USA Waste&Recycling
•102.9 TheWhale
•First ClassLogistics /
•Journal Inquirer / Hearst CT MediaGroup
•Lia Auto Group
•Miller Oil
•Outback Steakhouse
•WinstanleyEnterprises LLC
• Belvedere/Smoke House
•Bill's Landscaping
•Boston Beer Company/ Samuel Adams
•Cabot Creamery
•Cutting Edge Installations Incorporated
•Enfield GreaterTogether
•Enfield Loaves &Fishes
•F.W.Webb Company
•Fairfield Inn
•FranklinDistributors/ TwistedTea
•JLMechanical Services
•Johnny'sRoadsideMarket Garden
•M&T Bank
•Martin-Brower Company
•North ThompsonvilleFire District
•Northeastern Communications
•PIP Marketing SignsPrint
•Red RobinGourmet Burgers
•Riverside Reptiles
•Rock102 WAQY
•SnapShots Unlimited Photo
•Suffield Music
•TCB Services
•The Reminder
•AdvancedWindow Systems
•Artioli Dodge
•BellsiteDevelopment LLC
•Cox Communication
•Enfield Elks Lodge#2222
•Enfield Food Shelf
•Enfield Square
•Fleet Feet Longmeadow
•FourCorners Package Store
•Inaugural Home
•J.Colwick GraphicDesign
•Kelly Fradet Lumber
•North CentralNews
•Renewal By Andersen
•RescomExteriors Inc.
•SpazzariniConstruction Company
•The Learning Experience
•Amy Veilleux
•BaR RatedTrivia/Fast FingersTrivia
•BurgerKingc/o FPSInc
•Bill&Karen Gordon
•BlueRaven Entertainment
•Brian &Stacy Thurston
•Cansfor Kids,Inc.
•ConnecticutWater Company
•Cornerstone Church
•Cynthia Mangini, Realtor
•Enfield Community
•Enfield Produce
•Enfield Teachers Association
•FalcettiMusic Inc.
•FallonLaw Office, LLC
•GaryRomeKia of Enfield
•GoLocal (The Reminder)
•GoldenNozzleCar Wash
•HeadRushHair Salon
•Healing HandsMassage Therapy
•HoodIce Cream
•Juanita Drew,LMT
•Kinsley PowerSystems
•L&S Builders
•LEGOCommunity Fund
•Minuteman Press
•NutmegTrade Services
•Pilch Family
•Playful MindsLearning Center
•Raising Canes
•RileysSchoolofDance, Inc.
•Rob Hendrickson
•Smyth Bus
•The WorldofImaginations
•Ace Appraisals
•Action Carpet and Flooring
•Ahrens, Fuller,St.John & Vincent
•AllstateInsurance -Mark
•AmericanEagle Financial
Credit Union
•Arcouette Auto Center
•McCaffrey LawFirm, PC
•Mike&Julie Cotnoir& Family
•New DayChurch
•Odin's Keep AxeHouse
•Pasco Advisors,LLC
•Peter &Karen Falk
•Powder Hollow Brewery
•Rapid Transit
•RAS Renovations
•Robin &Joe Byrd
•Roebuck Investment Corporation
•SawnCraft Photography
• StateFarmInsurance -Jo AnnWalk
•Stateline VideoGames
•TaylorRental-Jeromes PartyPlus
•TOE MunicipalEmployees
-AFSCMELocal 1029
•Tommy's Supplies LLC
•Tyler &Tyler
•Westfield Bank
including clothes, jewelry, soaps and lotions, candles, hand-painted birdhouses, and more
Find stasis on Sunday morning with the help of Haven Yoga, who will be leading a class on Higgins lawn at 10 a.m. (bring your own mat and water). Then get your heart rate back up again with a few rounds of Zumba in the Higgins Bandshell at 11:15 a.m.
In addition to all the aforementioned activities for young adults, adults and seniors can experience the Mopars in Motion Car Show on Sunday, July 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event
gives auto enthusiasts an up-close look at vehicles from yesterday and today. All events are weather permitting and subject to change. There is no charge to participate in the children/teen activities Coolers, outside beverages and food, pets, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, and fireworks are not permitted. Identification is required to purchase or consume alcohol. A free shuttle bus will run between the Enfield Square Mall and the Enfield Town Green for transportation purposes.
Saturday, July 6, 9:00 a.m.
The Independence Day 5K is one of the many anticipated events returning for the 2024 Enfield Fourth of July Town Celebration. Participants travel from all over New England to run through historic Enfield The race offers a great atmosphere, cash prizes, trophies, medals, refreshments, and fun.
Registration for the race begins Saturday, July 6,
at 9 a.m. at the corner of North Main Street and the Town Hall access road on Higgins Green. T-shirts will be distributed to the first 150 runners to sign up, and a beverage of choice will be provided to all participants as part of their registration
An awards ceremony will take place in the Hospitality Area at 10 a.m. to conclude the race
5:00p.m. Children’s Activity Area with Face Painting,BounceHouses, Painting Event, Mini Golf,& ScavengerHunt
5:00p.m. Teen Zone –Photo Station, Silent Disco, VideoGameTrailer,Games, Rock Wall,Hypnotist (6:00p.m.),&FireShow(8:00 p.m.)
5:00p.m. Planet ProWrestling competitions at thewrestling ring on the basketball court
5:30p.m. Dookie in Concertfromthe USAWaste &Recycling Stage
7:00p.m. ‘JawsofLife’ Extricationby NorthThompsonville FD &ShakerPines FD –Upper ParkingLot
7:30p.m. ATribute to FooFightersinConcert from theUSA Waste&Recycling Stage
9:30p.m. Beyond Purple in Concertfromthe USAWaste &Recycling Stage
9:00a.m. Independence Day5Kthrough Historic Enfield
10:00a.m. Enfield CrafterMarketplace andCommunity Organizationsopento 5:00p.m.
10:00a.m. Road Race Award’sCeremonyinHospitality Area
11:00a.m. 2024 Independence DayParade–“Saluting ourVeterans- Heroes at Home.”
11:00a.m. Kid’sBikeDecoratingContest –Participantswilljointhe parade from Alcorn School.
12:00p.m.Children’sActivity Area with Music, Yoyo Show,Touch aTruck,Barrel Train,FacePainting, &Scavenger Hunt
1:00p.m. Firecracker1KKid’s Road Race –Start/FinishLineonHiggins Green walkingpath.
2:00p.m. “Three on Three” Basketball Tournament –BasketballCourt (runsto 5:00 p.m.)
3:00p.m. LeppardinConcert from theUSA Waste&Recycling Stage
3:30p.m. PhantomSheep Playersimprovskits at theCorporate Grove
5:00p.m. CrazyTrain in Concertfromthe USAWaste &Recycling Stage
5:00p.m. Teen Zone –Cooking with Chef O’,Inflatables, Magician,Trivia, Games, &2024Battleof theBands (7:30p.m.)
7:00p.m. Completely UnchainedinConcert from theUSA Waste& Recycling Stage
9:30p.m. KASHMIRfeaturing Jean Violet in Concertfromthe USAWaste & RecyclingStage
10:00a.m. Mopars in Motion CarShow(runs to 2:00 p.m.)
10:00a.m. Enfield CrafterMarketplace andCommunity Organizationsopento 3:00 p.m.
10:00a.m. MorningYogabyHaven Yoga at theHigginsLawn(please bring your ownmat andwater)
10:00a.m. Soccer Skills Demonstration&Scrimmage by Enfield Soccer Association(runs to 2:00 p.m.)
10:00a.m. ChildrensScavenger Hunt on theTownGreen (runsto5:00p.m.)
11:15a.m. ZumbawithSue Pulver in theHigginsBandshell
12:15p.m Winner of 2024 Battle of theBands in Concertfromthe USAWaste & RecyclingStage
1:00p.m. Enfield Police Department K-9Demonstration on theTownGreen
1:30p.m. Sage King Band in Concertfromthe USAWaste &Recycling Stage
2:30p.m. Putt to VictoryChallenge PuttingContest at CorporateGrove Picnic Tables
3:30p.m. Change Up in Concertfromthe USAWaste &Recycling Stage
5:30p.m. TrailerTrash in Concertfromthe USAWaste &Recycling Stage
7:00p.m. Presentation of the2024Patriot’s Awardfromthe USAWaste & RecyclingStage
7:30p.m. JohnnySix GuninConcert from theUSA Waste&Recycling Stage
9:45p.m. FireworksSpectacular by Zambelli FireworksInternationalTasteof Enfield &BeerTentopens at 5:00 p.m. Friday and11:00 a.m. Saturday &Sunday
• CT DOTHighway Safety Cornhole Demonstration–UpperParking Lot–Friday6:00 p.m. &Saturday& Sunday 10:00 a.m.
•All children’s activities and concerts arefree! -
•Eventsare weatherpermitting andsubject to change.
•FreeShuttle BusService will run betweenthe Enfield Square Mall andthe Enfield Town Green.
•Nocoolers,pets, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades,or fireworksallowed.
•IDrequiredfor purchasing or consumingalcohol.