There’s no question that oftenthe spotlight, especially when it comestowomen,tends to focusoncelebrating youthful perfection.Infact, onecould arguethatthe United States lags behind many othercountries when it comestovaluing the experience, valueand knowledgeofour seniors.
Ms.SeniorAmerica seekstochangethatoutlook,one crownat a time.
AccordingtoCTstate director andevent coordinatorDebra Eccles,the pageantaimstohonor womenatthe “age of elegance.”
Eccles,a Sheltonresidentand former Ms.Connecticut Senior Americawinnerherself,saidwinners should “exemplify dignity, maturity,inner beauty andcharity.”
By SusanShultz
By Susan Shultz
Two bills ordering a series of reforms for how nursing homes operate and their oversight were passed by the Connecticut House and Senate at the end of this past legislative session. They were signed into law at the end of May.
The reforms were initially proposed by Gov. Ned Lamont in February of this year His introductory memo identified the problems with the current nursing home system
“While many nursing homes provide good care, others have struggled to meet the quality and safety standards residents deserve,” he wrote.
Lamont also noted that lapses in quality nursing home care can lead to infection spread, bed sores, errors in medications, abuse, and neglect.
State statistics say that in 2022, the state received 4,278 complaints from nursing home residents, a nearly 40 percent increase from 2017. One specific problem Lamont pointed out was that when nursing homes suddenly close, their residents are forced to relocate under traumatic circumstances.
“Connecticut must promote a system of care that rewards quality nursing homes, strengthens transparency, promotes industry-leading practices, and holds poor performing homes accountable.
SEE home care PAGE 4
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We must also ensure that nursing home closures occur with minimum disruption [to] resident care and safety,” Lamont said.
One of the more important provisions in the new legislation includes the creation of a home care provider registry by the Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the commissioners of Public Health and Consumer Protection. This link will be posted on the Department of Social Services’ website.
Promoting awareness of and access to qualified home care providers who accept Medicaid
Supporting the recruitment and retention of qualified home care providers
Matching criteria of home care providers based on skills, language preferences, and more
Assisting family with the financial process
Assisting the state with background checks
Other important changes include no more than two beds per room, effective July 1, 2025, and an online “nursing home report card” that prospective residents and their families can research before a loved one’s placement. Further changes include ensuring that consumer complaints are fully investigated, and the results are reported back to the appropriate governing body Public Act 24-39, An Act Supporting Connecticut Seniors and the Improvement of Nursing and HomeBased Care, and Public Act 24-141, An Act Promoting Nursing Home Resident Quality of Life, will mean many improvements to the overall care of seniors whether they are homebound or in nursing homes.
“While many nursing homes provide good care, others have struggled to meet the quality and safety standards residents deserve”
TOTALCAREPLANNING forseniors combines legal representation,asset protection and care coordination andadvocacyintoa single solutionthatanswers allofthe tough questionsabout your lovedone’s long term care, NOW andinthe future It is theultimateprotectionfor eldersand their families. It is acustomizedplan your lovedone’s care during along-termcareillness or incapacity.Itdescribes how your lovedone’s medical, housing, legal andcareneedswill be metuntil the endoflifewithout placingunnecessary burdensonrelatives.
(BPT) - Americans are increasingly aware of the impact of cholesterol on heart health and overall well-being, but it's not always easy to know which foods will truly have a positive effect. To add to the confusion, it can feel like research is always revealing something new, so it can be difficult to keep up. Eggs, for example, have often received negative press related to cholesterol. However, new clinical research by a leading academic medical center showed eating fortified eggs, like Eggland's Best eggs, did not negatively affect cholesterol levels Additional findings suggest that eating 12 Eggland's Best eggs a week can be part of a healthy diet, even for more high-risk individuals. Research also suggested that consuming Eggland's Best eggs could potentially reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" (LDL cholesterol) in older individuals and those with
diabetes, and may help increase levels of "good cholesterol" (HDL cholesterol) in older individuals. The consumption of Eggland's Best eggs may also increase Vitamin B12 levels, helping to support a healthier lifestyle
Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner said this clinical study helps clarify the confusion regarding the nutrition of eggs and can help people feel more
confident about including fortified eggs as part of a healthy diet, even for people who are at high risk for heart disease. Dawn also shared additional tips for people who may be looking to lower their cholesterol levels:
1. Eatmorefiber: Fiber-rich foods are key for a healthy heart and lipid levels. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.
2. Swapyourfats: Switch to more heart-smart fats to add flavor such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado and fish. Strive to decrease foods higher in saturated fat like butter, cheese, fatty meats and fried foods.
3. Chooseeggswisely: Not all eggs are created equal. Eggland's Best eggs have more than double the omega-3s and Vitamin B12, 25% less saturated fat, 10 times more Vitamin E, and six times more Vitamin D compared to ordinary eggs
Jackson Blatner shares her favorite recipe for a delicious toast that contains healthy fats and wholesome ingredients like salmon, avocado and Eggland's Best eggs: SALMON AND AVOCADO TOAST
2 Eggland's Best eggs, large
1 teaspoon olive oil
2 slices whole grain bread, toasted
1/2 avocado
1 cup raw spinach or arugula
2 ounces smoked salmon
Black pepper, to taste
1. In a skillet over medium heat, add olive oil, crack in Eggland's Best eggs, and cook until eggs are over-medium
2. Top each piece of whole grain toast with equal amounts of (in this order): sliced avocado, spinach, salmon, and top with a cooked Eggland's Best egg and sprinkle of pepper.
AllergyInfo:noaddedsugar(can begluten-freeifgluten-freebreadis used)
To learn more about this study from a Leading Academic Medical Center, visit EgglandsBest.com/ EggStudy
“She is someonethatall senior we emphasizethatseniorwomen treasure andresourcefor younge Eccles said.
rscan look up to,and n areavaluable erpeople,”
Eccles hasbeeninpageantsth herlifeand gotinvolvedwiththe Senior Americapageant in 2015 earned runner-up honorsat first earned thecrown in 2021,representingConnecticut in thenatio competition,where shemadethe
“Every year,Ilearned more w judges were lookingfor,” Eccles In earlyJune, Eccles helped crow Ms.Connecticut Senior America 2024,Robin Kencel,a Greenwic resident at this year’s eventat Bridgeport’s BijouTheatre
Becausethe emphasis is on beauty inside andout, thejudgesfocus acertain percentage of scoreonfour differentbuckets.Contestants ar scored in four weighted categorie interviewand talent,30% each, a eveninggownand philosophy of 20%each.
e Ms. She but nal e topten. whatthe said wn a ch re es: and f life,
Thereisaset time limitonthe portiononstage andthe philosop life portion.
Kencel,anaccomplishedluxur RealtorinGreenwich,where she herfamily, haslived in CT allof Shewas born in NewHaven and Hamden andhoped to usethisp give back to herhomestate
ForKencel, apro-AmAmeric room dancer,the talent choice w Kencel performedadramatic, co danceto“IWho Have Nothing, ShirleyBassey.
Sheviews winningthe pagean ership opportunitytobridgegen
e talent phy of ry e raised herlife.
d raised in ageant to an ballwas clear. ontemporary , “sungby tasa leadnerations.
“I am very excitedtosee what accomplish in both supporting se as advancingintergenerationald said.
t we can eniorsaswell ialogue,”she
As ahighlysuccessfulbusiness herself, Kencel is approachinghe
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achieve what her the mission
theseskills. Sheiscreatinga business plan to developtactics to achievewhather vision sees as themission menin efforts mine rAmerica vents, nerationto be an ir leaderRobinis lessaid. cut visiting le in living ents for he nahe fall sa more rs forthe opays ational nsor for or the ew Year, dstart ,espetfor a said. dthe helps mselves nning. commake, id. g forgn. ” using title
Part of that missionisbringingyou organizationsshe alreadysupports i Theseinclude youngwomen from College, GirlswithImpactand Tea CT –who will accompanyher to when feasible,toincreasethati al dialogue
“Givingyoung womenanopp practice theirpublicspeakingabiliti importantcomponent in develop ship skills,” Kencel said “Weare very excitedat doingfor theorganizatio In addition,Ms. Co Senior Americapri seniorswho arele nursinghomes or andperformingth them.
Kencel planstocomp tional Ms.SeniorAmerica ev in Atlantic City.
Eccles notedthatthe comp non-profitand shewould lov participationand especially localCTpageant.The page to send theannualwinnerto event.
“Itwould be greattohav next year’s pageant,”she sai Eccles usuallybeginstore annual June pageantearly in so shehopes thoseout there i honing theirtalents early.
“Itisintimidatingtoget u cially if youhaven’t done you whileorifyou don’t have on
ButbothKenceland Ecc eventisanempoweringone senior womenfeelgoodabout them Eccles said it isn’tjustabout win “It’sthe wholeexperience– the c radery andthe friendshipsyou m there’snothing like it,” shesai Kencel said sheislooking ward to heryear-long “reig “I look forwardto u thevoice of the
andcrown to encourageand supportCt’sseniorwomen and advanceworkinleadershipand educationfor theyoung women in ourstate,” shesaid.
Forthose interested in participating, donating or beinga sponsor, please emailDebra Eccles at debra.eccles912@gmail. com. Tolearnmoreaboutthecontestandmoredetailedrules, visithttps://mssenioramericapageant.com.
Sheissomeone that allseniors canlookup to,and we emphasizethat senior women areavaluable treasure and resource for youngerpeople.”
By Susan Shultz
Summertime in Connecticut means eager souls ready to get outdoors and hike, walk, garden, and enjoy the warmer weather. But with the warmer weather, and fewer deep freezes in winter, comes the arrival of ticks, the bane of spring lovers’ existence.
While their bites are painful and annoying, ticks can also carry diseases that could impact us and our pets The most common of these illnesses is named for a town in Connecticut: Lyme Disease. While children are most at risk for contracting Lyme Disease as per the Global Lyme Alliance, the next most at-risk age group is those over 50. WHAT IS IT?
Lyme Disease was first documented in Lyme, Conn., in 1976, but research from the Yale School of Medicine shows it existed tens of thousands of years before that discovery. Yale also reported that deforestation and suburbanization of New England has caused an increase in the deer population, which has helped the disease thrive Lyme Disease is found in deer ticks, the pinhead size of ticks, as opposed to dog ticks, which are larger. It is caused by a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. The
Global Lyme Alliance notes that it is important to catch and treat Lyme Disease early for a full recovery If it is not caught early, it can lead to a chronic illness that can cause serious long-term health problems that can impact the quality of one’s life.
If you find you have been bitten by a tick, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) recommends removing it carefully with tweezers so as not to leave any of it remaining.
The Center for Disease Control outlines the following immediate symptoms to watch for when finding a tick on your body:
Fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and/or joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes
A bullseye (or erythema migrans) rash as soon as three days or as far away as 30 days The average appearance is seven days
Longer-term symptoms that could indicate Lyme reported by the CDC include:
Severe headaches and neck stiffness
More rashes
Loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of the face
Pain in joints, tendons, muscles, and bones
Nerve pain, shooting pains, numbness, or tingling in the hands and feet.
Depending on the intensity of symptoms and length of the illness, Lyme Disease is normally treated with an extended cycle of antibiotics. The CDC offers a guide for recommended treatment cycles as per one’s symptoms. Also helpful when seeking medical advice and treatment is to save the tick to be tested for the presence of the Lyme-causing bacteria The state of Connecticut offers an info page on how to submit ticks, and a guide on where to submit them, by town at https://portal.ct.gov/CAES/ Tick-Office.
The AARP and the CDC recommend those who were outdoors to conduct a tick check that includes “nooks
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By Susan Shultz
Alzheimer’s Disease can be a terrifying diagnosis to face But that is exactly why it is critical to challenge ourselves to be honest about our symptoms.
Like most diseases, early detection is the best option to prolong the best quality of life for as long as possible And while there still remains no cure, there are some recent medications on the market that have proven to delay the disease’s progression.
Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia and accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases, per the Alzheimer’s Association. Currently there is no cure, and it is eventually fatal to those who suffer from it as a result of a variety of complications. The projected life span is based on at what stage it is diagnosed. WARNING SIGNS
While June is a good time to focus on the Alzheimer’s symptom checklist, for some, especially those with a family history, every month is an important one to keep an eye out for possible warning signs. No one wants to hear they
have Alzheimer’s Disease, but if you do, the sooner you hear it, the better SYMPTOM CHECKLIST
While experts note that most Alzheimer’s symptoms and diagnoses occur in those 65 and over, it can rarely appear in those aged 30 to 50
Here are some signs to watch out for per the Alzheimer’s Association:
Disruptive memory loss
Challenges in planning or solving problems
Difficulty completing familiar tasks
Confusion on time or space
Problems with speaking or writing
Losing things or getting lost in familiar areas
Changes in temperament or moods
Diagnosis includes a medical exam in which a physician will ask for medical history, mental health history, family history, and an outline of the patient’s symptoms. A neurological exam will also be conducted to determine what
else might be present in the brain to cause the symptoms and rule them out. A physical test includes testing reflexes, speech, sight, eye movement, and more.
The Alzheimer’s Association notes that several genealogical sources and sites offer at-home testing for a gene that might indicate the likelihood of Alzheimer’s. The AA notes that those who use these services should do so with caution due to possible privacy issues, and should only do so while working collaboratively with their physician.
There are several other avenues by which Alzheimer’s Disease is diagnosed. Please visit the Alzheimer’s Association for more information (Medical Tests for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s & Dementia | alz.org).
Should a patient be diagnosed in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, the Food and Drug Administration has approved at least one medication with another waiting in the wings.
The FDA has approved Lecanemab (Leqembi®), an antibody intravenous (IV) infusion therapy that targets
and crannies” like the ears, backs of knees, and the belly button. The CDC also recommends showering right after coming inside, and putting the clothing worn outdoors into a hot dryer for 10 minutes. The Global Lyme Alliance suggests several behaviors to avoid a tick’s bite Ticks thrive in wooded areas, bushy areas, stone walls, and their perimeters. The alliance also recommends wearing light-colored clothing outdoors to make the ticks easier to spot, tucking in clothing at the waist and ankles, tying back hair, and wearing closed-toed shoes. Finally, wear an effective tick repellant approved by the CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency You can find a list of EPA approved repellents at https://www.epa.gov/ insect-repellents/ PETS
Don’t forget about your pets.
Dogs, cats, and other outdoor animals are just as likely to get bitten by a tick and contract Lyme Disease. They can also bring ticks into your home, so make sure to do a tick check after a walk, or if your cat ventures outdoors The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine offers a guide to safe and effective pet prevention treatment here.
The Global Lyme Alliance offers a guide to the various types of ticks and the possible illnesses they may carry. It is better to be safe than sorry when spending time in the outdoors, so use as many precautions as possible to enjoy the warm weather, pain-free. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor diagnose any condition.
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At age 104, Farmington resident Bertha Komor certainly had led a full life
Her husband passed away after 72 years together, and in earlier years at her community, Village Gate, she helped other residents with activities there. Bertha was a popular community member. But there was one thing she hadn’t experienced yet in life – and she wanted to, because “they are adorable and my favorite animal,” she said.
Bertha wanted to pet a penguin. Yes, that’s right, a penguin. Penguins are not known to inhabit residential Connecticut neighborhoods so that wasn’t as easy as it sounds That’s when Twilight Wish stepped in The non-profit which seeks to fulfill wishes for seniors was able to work with the Mystic Aquarium to provide special environmental transport to connect Bertha with her precious wish This story, which went viral on media and was even covered by People Magazine, is only one of so many that the organization has made possible
By Susan Shultz
Andrea Hoisl is the Chapter Director of the Twilight Wish Central Connecticut Chapter. The organization founder, Cass Forkin, said she always felt that she was destined to help others. She began to feel led to work with seniors
Contentissponsoredby Jeff Jolly,CFP of Ameriprise Financial Services,LLC
No one likestowatch their investments lose money, butdownwardmarketvolatilitycan feel particularlyscaryfor people whoplan to retireinthe near future. Their anxietyisunderstandable. They’vespent their careers building their nesteggsand now– at atime when theyplantogiveuptheir income-producingjobs– theyfacethe prospect of living off lessmoneythantheyhad envisioned. Fortunately,it’srarelyassimpleasthat. As with allthings financial,it’simportant to look at the bigpicture.
Ifyou’renearing retirementand worriedabout market volatility, keep thesefactors in mind:
No one cansay with certainty what will happen to stocks over the nextweek, month,year ordecade.But what maybemorecertainisyour financial goals for those timeframes.Ensureyourportfolio is designed to help you achieveyourkey priorities,rather than to hit aspecific market outcome.Rememberthattimingthe markets is rarely successful becausethereare so many unknown factorsinfluencing howstocksmove.
Market corrections,dips and swings areinevitable for investorsinthe shortterm, so it’s importanttolook beyond the dailyhypeand headlines.Instead, watchfor broad, persistenttrendsthatcould provide opportunities or challengesfor your overall financial situation. As you ponder adjustments to yourportfolio,rememberthat while youcan’t control the market,you cancontrol yourreaction to it
If youhaveconcerns about theeffectof market volatility on your investments, youare notalone. If youwantadditional support, consider consulting a financial advisorwho canreviewthe details of your unique financial situation. Togetheryou candetermineifyourportfolio is on tracktoreach your goals.
Twoitems that aremoreinyourcontrol areyourrisk tolerance and retirementdate. Keep in mind that eachperson hasanindividual comfortlevel with takingrisks. Youmay find that your abilitytohandlemarketswingsvaries over time,particularlyifyou’veexperiencedvolatilityin the past.Big market movesordips maybea goodtime to step backand evaluate your portfolio according to whenyou anticipateneeding to generateincome from your investments:
• If youhavea decade or morebeforeretirement, prioritizebuildingyourinvestments usinga diversified assetmix.Investingregularly in the market could help volatility work to yourbenefit, as youhavemoretime to ride outshort-termturbulence and overcome potential losses. As you refine your retirementplans,calculatehow much moneyyou need to livethe lifestyle youwant, while alsopreparing for unexpectedexpenses such as healthcare. Knowinghow much you need to retirecan help youstayconfidentinyour financial strategyamid market uncertainty.
•Ifyou arewithin afew yearsofretirement, youlikelyare moresensitivetoshort-term market moves. At this point, youmay considergradually adjustingyourportfolio to reduce your level of risk.Ifyou wait until retirementtoadjustyourinvestmentmix,you could be surprised by untimelymarketvolatilityoradownturn. If this happens,itcould leaveyou with lessmoneyin retirementcomparedtoyourplans,forcingyou to modify yourgoals or lifestyle.Ifthe market is experiencinga correction, youmay want to wait for it to rebound (as it historically has) before making adjustments.Makingchanges immediately amid volatility could lock in possible losses.
•Ifyou arealreadyretired,bepatientand maintain yourdiversified investmentstrategy. If the potential for adownturn or increased volatilitymakes you nervous,consider reallocating your portfolio accordingly. Keep in mind that even in retirementitmay make sensetohavepart of your investment mix focused on growth.Today’s longlife expectancies mean that you need to be prepared for the likelihood that livingcosts,particularlyhealthcare, will be higher in the laterdecades of yourretirement.
Jeff Jolly, CFP®, is aPrivate Wealth Advisorand Sr.Vice Presidentwith AmeripriseFinancial Services,LLC.inNorth Haven, CT.Hespecializesinfee-based financialplanningand asset managementstrategies andhas been in practice for19years -Tocontact himpleasecall(203) 407-8188 x330 or visithis office locatedat250 StateSt. Blgd E-1, NorthHaven,CT06473. AmeripriseFinancial, Inc. andits affiliates do notoffer taxorlegal advice.Consumersshouldconsult with their taxadvisor or attorneyregarding their specificsituation
Investment products arenot insured by theFDIC, NCUA or anyfederal agency,are notdepositsorobligationsof, or guaranteed by any financialinstitution, and involveinvestmentrisksincluding possible loss of principal and fluctuation in value.
Investment advisoryproductsand services aremade available through Ameriprise Financial Services,LLC, aregistered investment adviser AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC. MEMBER FINRAAND SIPC.
It’smyjob to understand you, toknow what you’relooking forwardtoand what keeps you up at night. Knowing your goals is the key to providing you with personalized financial advice that can help you stay on track for today and still reach your goals tomorrow
CallFinancial Advisor JeffreyJolly to getstarted (203) 407-8188 ex.330 250 State Street,North Haven,CT 06473
after working in several eldercare facilities and noticing that many never get a visitor. Then in 2001, she was in a diner and witnessed several senior ladies having lunch together counting their money to pay. Forkin opted to pay for their lunch. When the seniors found out she had done so, they hugged and thanked her. “We didn’t know there were people like you and anymore, ” they said Eventually, a light bulb went off that there was no non-profit that made wishes come true for seniors. She filed paperwork to get Twilight Wish incorporated in 2003 in Pennsylvania
Currently the bulk of chapters are in Pennsylvania, and it is still growing. In addition to CT, there are several chapters covering New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland and DC and the criteria to submit is ages 65 and over. Forkin was recently chosen as a Loreal Woman of Worth Honoree
in 2023 for her work with Twilight Wish.
Andrea Hoisl first came to learn about the organization when she saw a story about a Connecticut woman who had relocated to California and wanted to reunite with her two sisters in her home state.
“They were all in their 80’s and the sister also needed a health aide to travel safely,” she said Twilight Wish made it happen.
“I realized there were no chapters in New England of this great organization,” she said Hoisl runs the Western CT Chapter on a volunteer basis and has a network of other volunteers throughout the state to help facilitate
Wishes can either be submitted by the recipient or can be asked on someone else’s behalf. The wish is submitted and then a central
committee reviews them, and approved wishes are then sent to the relevant chapter to help execute.
Though it is all based on volunteer work, Hoisl said often the wishes take on a life of their own and the community comes together
A recent example is Norman Bramley, a West Hartford resident and World War II veteran who was turning 100 in August 2022 Bramley’s neighbor wanted his birthday celebrated as they knew he lived alone so this was submitted to Twilight Wish After all was said and done, Hoisl said the birthday party turned out to be a full town patriotic celebration.
“I kept getting calls – can they Eagle Scouts come, can the Boy and Girl Scouts make him cards, can the high school bands perform?” she said Music was played and West Hartford Quilters gave him an American Pride Quilt. Locals donated food and drinks. Bramley died in December 2023
Hoisl said wishes can cost
relatively nothing to costing thousands. Some of them are just basic medical needs and some can be more involved. Often, communities and organizations will donate what they can, such as when the penguin was transported, the Mystic Aquarium donated the costs. Other examples can include things like a needed new roof, which a local roofer also recently donated.
Some often just need a new bed, new sheets, or new appliances Many fulfilled wishes are medical lift chairs
Others are more creative – on Connecticut woman wanted to visit the memorial in Italy created for her husband where he was shot down in World War II. This was a celebration of the organization’s 20th year and its 5,000th wish. Another Connecticut man wanted to write a book about his and his late wife’s love story – Twilight Wish helped him execute that and then arranged a book signing.
Some want to spend time with family, in some cases for the last time. Twilight Wish just enabled a woman to go visit her ailing sister in Peru.
You can also sign up to start a new chapter if your area isn’t currently covered here.
Some of the items that are always on hand and needed include full- and queen-sized bedding, and gift cards to chain grocery stores that Twilight Wish will hand out as needed. If you have these to donate, visit twilightwish.org.
Despite all this work, only a handful of the Twilight Wish staff, in the main office, is paid. All of this work is done by volunteers Hoisl said that despite that, she is certainly compensated emotionally every time she helps a wish come true
“It is the best feeling in the entire world. Everyone who volunteers or donates and goes to a wish celebration, you are changed forever,” she said.
“It is just a win/win. Seeing this person get what they wanted or something on their bucket list and allowing the people who donated to see it – it is such an amazing moment,” Hoisl said.
Other wishes are simply small luxuries that others may take for granted. Several just wanted to spend a day at a CT casino, and another wanted her hair done in real salon for the day – things that might be out of pocket on a fixed income
Twilight Wish also can fulfil needs of elder residential communities, sometimes delivering on art supplies or other activity needs. Recently, the organization surprised a senior living facility with a new television
Those interested in volunteering can sign up on the site If you don’t have the time to devote hours, you can donate funds. There is a space to simply donate to the organization, or you can view unfulfilled wishes that are assigned a certain monetary value and you can donate to those specific wishes. There is a specific veterans’ program to offer Twilight Wishes here.
“These seniors are often so underserved and undervalued. We should put them in the spotlight as much as we can, ” Hoisl said. She noted that so often seniors in the news are negative portrayed, being the victim of a scam or a crime.
“This puts them in a positive light,” Hoisl said.
And the positivity keeps coming – up next, a retired CT high school teacher wants to tour her former workplace, which has been made possible by Twilight Wish And over the summer, the organization is putting together a wedding for two blushing 80 somethings in Hartford.
“They met a facility and fell in love. They want to get married. We said, why not?” Hoisl said
Formoreinformationorto donate,visittwilightwish.org
andremoves beta-amyloid from thebrain,per the Alzheimer’sAssociation.The approval foruse is for patients dealingwithmildcognitive impairment or dementia duetoAlzheimer’sDisease with confirmed elevated beta-amyloid in thebrain.
On June 10,2024, theFDA released aunanimous findingthatdonanemab (Eli Lilly) is effective forthe treatmentofearly Alzheimer’sdisease,which includes mild cognitiveimpairmentand mild Alzheimer’s dementia. Thetreatment’s benefits outweigh therisks. This announcement waspraised by theAlzheimer’s Association.
Last summer,NationalPublicRadio reported on the efficacy of Donanemab. Astudy of more than 1,700 people showed thedrugslowedthe progressionof Alzheimer’sbyabout 35 percent, scientists reported at theAlzheimer’sAssociation InternationalConference in Amsterdam.
In addition to earlydetection,the Alzheimer’sAssociationseeks monetary donations to supportscientific discovery and find medicinalbreakthroughs that can slow or eventually cure thedisease.There is also a24hour hotlinefor thosewho need answersfor themselves or aloved oneat800-272-3900.
Formoreinformation,toget involved, find achapter near you, or gethelp, visitwww.alz.org
Statementsmadearenotmeanttooffermedicaladvice nordiagnoseanycondition.
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