There is no more beautiful area of the country during autumn than New England – which is why leaf peepers tend to crowd roadways to find that perfect scenic vista.
ButlivinginCTyouhaveitinyourownbackyard– even if you might not be in the same shape you once were
As we age, rigorous hiking might be tough on the knees, the lungs, or the heart, among other things. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop.
It might seem simple, but often, a good night’s sleep evades us. Sometimes worry can be a big factor. But even a bedtime routine, shutting off stimuli, or having a safe space can lead to sleepless nights.
Lack of sleep can do more than result in a cranky morning It can impact our physical and mental health in the short- and long-term more than we think. This is especially true for seniors, who often face more vulnerability in the health department
The Center for Disease Control reports that lack of sleep can cause or exacerbate several chronic health problems.
Diabetes– The CDC reports that research has shown insufficient sleep can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes That research shows that increasing sleep duration and quality can improve blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
Cardiovasculardisease– According to the CDC, hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, and irregular heartbeats are more common in those with interrupted or
disordered sleep than those with normal sleep patterns
Obesity– Lab research as per the CDC reports that short sleep duration can result in metabolic changes that can lead to obesity. Other studies have shown that there’s a connection between short sleep duration and excess body weight
Lack of sleep can often lead to depression as well as exacerbate mental health disorders.
In addition, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reports that sleep helps your brain work properly Studies show that healthy sleep habits increase learning and problem-solving skills, and help you pay attention, make decisions, and be creative.
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) offers some tips for getting a good night’s sleep. One is to plan out your worrying, strange as it may sound. Plan a 15-minute segment of time early in the day, set a timer, and worry about what you need to Write it down if need be When the 15 minutes is over, move on
Sharing your bedtime routine with your partner is another helpful way to set the tone for a healthy sleep cycle. Instead of scrolling on your phone or procrastinating, AARP reports that having a bonding session with your partner about the highlights of their day can help soothe and relax the mind
Finally, focus on a wake-up routine, or “RISE” and shine. Experts suggest to refrain from hitting snooze, increase your physical activity, splash yourself with cold water, and expose yourself to sunlight
Regular exposure to healthy doses of sunlight also helps our internal clock prepare for sleep at the end of the day.
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For seniors especially, walking or low-impact hiking daily produces a huge benefit. According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), walking can reduce mortality risk and help seniors lose weight. It also increases your exertion during the day to help tire you out and get a better night’s sleep. Regular exercise also increases brain power.
For hiking especially, there are both physical and mental benefits. There’s a reason “forest bathing” a practice to increase mental well-being by visiting nature with a meditative approach exists
The National Park Service reports that spending quality time in the great outdoors reduces stress, calms anxiety, and leads to a lower risk of depression, according to a study by researchers at Stanford University.
There are also social benefits to hiking, as opting to join a loved one, friend, or even a hiking group increases the strength of these relationships.
According to AllTrails.com, here are some low-impact hiking trails in Connecticut. Note that while most parks allow dogs, all are required to be on leash.
SleepingGiantTowerTrail– This popular destination for hikers is located close to Quinnipiac University. The 3.1-mile in and out trail takes about 90 minutes. Dogs are welcome but they must be on a leash. The college town makes it an enjoyable day trip with many options for a quick lunch or dinner after.
WadsworthFallsLoop– Located in Middletown, Wadsworth Falls State Park offers a 3.6-mile loop that takes about 90 minutes to complete. It’s also very popular for birding and biking
BluffPointStateParkandCoastalReserveTrailBecause CT is a shoreline state, a hike that makes the most of the stunning water views can’t be missed. The Groton-based park offers this trail, which is a classic 3.6-mile loop that takes just over an hour to complete on average. It’s a very popular area for birding, fishing, and hiking.
WestHartfordReservoir#6Trail– For water view lovers, you can’t beat this 3.8-mile loop near Avon that circles a peaceful reservoir. It’s a hike that takes just over an hour and is also a popular birding and biking area.
KentFalls– On the Red and Yellow loop trails in the historic area of Kent, this less than a mile hike should take an average of half an hour and includes a
waterfall view This is easy to make into a day trip given it’s location in the stunning Litchfield County area, which has many shopping and eating destinations nearby.
HuntingtonStatePark(White,Blue,andGreenlooptrail)– Further down south, this 4.5-mile loop in Redding is generally considered an easy loop This is a popular area for birding and hiking
HammonassetBeachStatePark- This is yet another opportunity to turn a hike into a day trip. This 3.8-mile in and out trail in Madison is considered an easy route and generally takes about one hour. The park includes a campground as well as a large public beach to enjoy. In nearby Madison, a true shore town, there are many shopping and dining options.
NorwalkRiverValleyTrail– This 3.7-mile in and out trail near Wilton is considered an easy route, and is popular for hiking, running, and walking. Parking isn’t far from Wilton Town Center, which includes several dining options for a post-hike lunch or dinner
BlueandParksPondLoop– This 1.7-mile loop trail near Danbury is considered easy and takes about 48 minutes to complete. It is located in Tarrywile Park, a 722-acre municipal park open to all residents of the greater Danbury area The park, once an active dairy farm and fruit orchard, is now home to 21 miles of hiking trails, two ponds, a lake, and several picnic areas.
SherwoodIslandStatePark– This 2.9-mile in and out trail in Westport offers stunning water views as far as the eye can see along a very easy route. It takes about an hour to complete When done, there are many shopping and dining options in and around the area
Worth noting for state parks, CT has created a Passport to Parks program that enables those with registered vehicles in the state to automatically earn admission to the parks as part of their vehicle registration fees If you have a CT license plate, you can enter for free Out-of-state license plates will have to pay the fee to enter.
Regardless of the ease of the hike, accidents happen and risks are involved It is easy to get lost and cell service cannot always be relied on for GPS. If possible, print the map of your hike in advance.
Make sure to wear appropriate sunscreen and insect spray. Pack water and snacks just in case. Make sure your phone is findable in settings in case you get lost, and make sure, especially if going alone, you tell a loved one when and where you’re going. Pack an extra layer of clothing and an extra pair of socks. Wear brightly colored clothes and pack a fully-battery powered flashlight.
If you require medications, pack them, especially any sort of inhaler, and bring a minimal first aid kit for cuts and bruises.
Bob Tansley’slove of and involvement in community theatrebegan with asimplepurity: He wanted to be agooddad.
Hisdaughter, Brooke,had apassion forstage and dance, andthushestarted producingand performing in shows.
“Theyalwaysneededanadult forthe shows. Iplayed theCowardlyLionfor one. Me andmybuddiesvolunteered,” he said
Though Brookalsodid cheerleading,her dancelessons andperformancesstarted cuttingintoher dancetime–earningher thenickname“Broadway Brooke”fromher friends.
Little didtheyknowthatnamewould be prophetic. Aftermanyyears of workingincommunity theatrewith herdad,including ajoint production of “Fiddler on the Roof,” it became areality.
Brooke starredasBelle in Disney’s “Beautyand the
Beast” andasPenny Pingletonin“Hairspray.” Shespent threeyears on therosterofAmy Poehler’sUpright Citizens Brigade, andplayeda serial killer on “Law &Order: Criminal Intent.”
TodayBrookehas an independent filmmaking company,and herupcomingproject couldn’t be more significant Sheisdocumenting herfather’s latest theatreendeavor–TheGoldenYears TheatreCompany.
Tansleyand hiswifeDiane,who he said he couldnot do this without, continuedworking on children’s andlater collegecommunity theatreatvarious Catholic schoolsin Waterburyand surroundingtowns as Brooke grew up.
Followingthe pandemic Tansleyhad an idea,which he broughttohis vitalproductionpartner,Patrick Hearn.
“I decidedI wanted to do atheatre companywith seniors–togivea chance [tothose]who’d neverbeenon stage. He said,‘You’re crazy, butI’m in!’”Tansley said Tansleysaidheknewtheyneededhelp, so he metwith then WaterburyMayor Neil O’Leary. O’Learywas an
TheGoldenYears TheatreCompany was conceivedofbyBob Tansleyand hispartner PatrickHearn.Itoffers an inclusivechance forseniorsover60to performinonstage showsnot typically offeredtoseniors. PhotobyGoldenYears TheatreCompany
oldfriend, as Tansleyhad directed hisdaughterintheatre for10years.
“Hesaid, ‘I will help youinany wayIcan –it’sagreat idea,’”Tansley said.
His firstideafor aGoldenYears show certainly fitthe bill forhis concept, whichwas to do productionsthat weren’tnormallystereotyped foraseniorcast.
“I wanted to do ‘Annie,’”Tansley said,laughing. “‘Annie’ is agreat show to do with seniors–noone wouldever do that with allthe orphansover60.”
UnfortunatelyTansley couldn’t getthe rights to “Annie,” so theteamended up goingwith“Grease”in thespringof2023. Outofthe 28 60-to80-year-old cast membersinGoldenYears’premiereperformance,24of them hadnever steppedonastage before
“Theyweresonervous,and Iget it.I’m 74 andI’ve done alot of showsand Istill getnervous.And when you gettoour ageitisn’t so easy to remember lines,”hesaid.
ButTansley assuredthe actors thereworry about, and
Not to use“boomer”talk, butif youchatwithmostgenerations under40today andask them aboutgames,theyare likely to pointtoascreenorcontroller.
Butthere remainstobebenefits forall generationstoplaytried and true card or boardgames with oneanother,creatingmemoriesand laughs to preserve well afterplaytimeisover.
Whetherit’sagameofUno at thesummerhomewithgrandma,ora game of chesswithyourgreat uncle, thesetypes of momentscan offer more than just playtime forboth.
Arecentstudy by theAmericanAssociation of RetiredPersons (AARP) reported alinkbetween social isolationand loneliness and game playing.
Nearly onethird of thoseoverage 50 report that they oftenoralways feel lonely or isolated.The studyalsoreports that more than 6in10of thoserespondents saythatplaying boardgames offersa social benefit.
Butthe benefits go behind emotionalwell-being. Thestudy also notedthatnearlyall respondentsoverage 50 said playingboard games improvedtheir overall health.
MyFather’sDragon Sun,Nov10,2pm($25-28)
Mike DeLuca Publisher Susan Shultz Sponsored
BennewitzQuartet &
Some Enchanted Evening with Stella Cole Fri,Nov15,8pm($25-40)
Arsentiy Kharitonov* LenardChamber MusicSeries Sun,Nov17,3pm($37-40)
Bennewitz Quartet & Arsentiy Kharitonov* LenardChamber Music Series Fri,Nov22,8pm($37-40)
Holiday Pops Keith Lockhart,conductor Sat,Dec7,8pm($76-96)
Samara Joy “A Joyful Holiday” with the McLendon Family Sat,Dec14,8pm($35-60)
Note:allartists,events,dates,programs andpoliciesaresubjecttochange. ALL FALL EVENTS
There’s no way to escape the knowledge that hurricane season is in full swing given the way the southern states are bearing the full brunt of them this fall.
Having barely recovered from Hurricane Helene, which in some cases washed away entire towns, monster Hurricane Milton is now set to break ground this week
The Weather Channel said July is usually quieter for storms, but this year broke that general rule with early-season, record-shattering, Category 5 Hurricane Beryl, and tropical storms Alberto and Chris. August, September, and October are peak months when it comes to the most tropical storms and hurricanes, according to the Weather Channel.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 78 percent of storms, 84 percent of hurricanes, and 93 percent of U.S. landfalling hurricanes happen from August through October.
Hurricanes can either come full force or lose intensity and become tropical storms Because much of CT is on the coast, flooding and high winds can become serious problems. Both Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy greatly impacted the state.
Another study by the National Library of Medicine showed cognitive health and less rapid decline in seniors who actively play board games. BEST GAMES FOR SENIORS
TableTopics: This game offers conversation prompts that will encourage conversations with your younger family members or grandchildren. Questions include “Who taught you how to ride a bike?”, “What song would you play in a convertible on a sunny day?”, and “What’s your favorite subject in school?” These can be asked in person or if you have a weekly phone call
AllofUs: This trivia game for ages 12 and up brings generations together by asking questions on a variety of topics.
Classicgames: Connect Four, checkers, chess, Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, and more are always a good generational bridge
Cardgames: Classic card games such as Rummy, Go Fish, War, Crazy Eights, Poker, Uno, and more are always fun for pairs or a group.
Formerly Joy for All by Hasbro, Ageless Innovation creates board and card games for seniors to make them more accessible and intergenerational
TrivialPursuitGenerations: This game has been reimagined with generation-specific trivia, and the opportunity to learn from one another. The game also includes special fill-in-the-blank cards to let you include your family trivia in the game
GameofLifeGenerations: This newly-imagined version of Life features the Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Players travel a life path infused with humorous cultural and lifestyle references and experiences unique to each generation.
ScrabbleBingo: With three ways to play, this all-new edition designed for older players features large, high-contrast fonts and oversized letter tiles designed to be easier to pick up.
Past&PresentPairs: This card game is also designed to encourage intergenerational play The cards offer a variety of ways to spark cognitive activity and shared memories.
In addition to games, Ageless Innovation offers a variety of robotic pets for seniors experiencing loneliness. These realistic cats and dogs offer interactive play without any of the maintenance of a real pet. They also offer “Walker Squawkers.” The realistic looking birds of various kinds interact and detect lack of movement, which causes them to remind their senior to use their walker.
FormoreinformationonAgelessInnovation,visithttps://joyforall.com/ WHERE TO PLAY
For those with larger families who live nearby, a family game night is an easy way to get started with these games. If not nearby, virtual game nights can also be arranged.
Encourage your children to reach out to their grandparents to start their own game traditions at holidays or on family vacations. One can also reach out to friends who might want to play or use social media to set up a game night. Local community and senior centers often offer game spaces and game days or nights for locals.
reminded them of thetruepurpose of theseproductions.
“I told them if youforgetthe line thestage managerwill discreetly remind you. If youforgetthe dancesteps,justhave funwithit,”hesaid. “I said,‘Here’s thedeal: No matter what youdo, no oneisgoing to thinkyou aredoing abad job. It’s notgoing to matter.Havefun –that’sall we care about.’”
“Grease” sold outsix showsatthe former BlessedSacrament School,now TheCatholicAcademy of Waterbury.
“Itholds 300and it waspacked– we even opened the bleachers,”Tansley said.
To help assuagenervesonopening night, “I hadthemcome to thestage up themiddleaisle.Everyonewas clapping and cheering,” Tansleysaid.
Thecastwas astounded.
Themostrecentproductionput on by theGoldenYears TheatreCompany was“PeterPan,” complete with flying mechanicsfor thecast.
“Wecan’t do ‘Peter Pan’ without flying,” Tansleysaid. With thehelpofdonations and“Broadway Brooke,” who used herconnections when theoriginal flying companyfell through, “Peter Pan” held sixshows in July at theRotella Magnet School in Waterbury.
In ordertobeinclusive andhaveperformersready to go, Tansleydoublecastedall themainroles
“Wehad twoPeters, twoWendys. When PeterPan wasn’t PeterPan,hewas Nannathe dog,”Tansley said,laughing.
Tansley’sinclusivity goes beyond age, as oneofhis actor’s
spousesreliedonthe useofawheelchair. Becauseofher limited mobility,Tansley andthe production team wroteinapart forher as theon-stagenarrator.
Once again, theperformerswerenervous,but Tansley makessuretoset expectations forthe cast andaudience.
“I give alittlespeechatthe beginning, explaining they are goingtomakemistakes, butdowecareasaproduction? No!
Thepoint is to have fun, enjoythe journey, andthe people that youmeet,”Tansley said
Afterthe show,hewas proved right, as notedbyone cast member whoforgotthe wordsonstage.
“She just laughed, andsodid theaudience. Afterwardshe said,‘Youwereright,’”Tansley said
>>> Currentlythe Golden YearsTheatre Companyisanot-for profit, currentlyoperating in partnershipwithBrookeTansley’s FolklightFilmClub. Brooke’s currentlyworking on adocumentary aboutthe “Peter Pan” production andhas filmed severalparts of the process.
“The documentaryisshaping up to be astory aboutpeople finding courage, confidence, friendship,and communityinaseasonoflife that canoften be lonely or isolating,”Brookesaid.
“Somethingthat’sreallystickingwithmeisthatnearlyevery cast member we interviewedsharedstories from theirlives of tremendous loss or hardship,yet theretheywere, showinguptorehearsalsand performances everyday with joy, energy,and love,” shesaid.
Brooke said theperspective that hasgiven me is priceless-that thereismorejoy to be experiencedbeyondthe hard things
“Alongside thedocumentary,which we plan to distribute worldwide, we aredevelopingacommunity toolkittohelpother communities across Connecticutand nationwide starttheir own senior citizentheatre programs,” shesaid.
Tansleyechoedhis daughter’s words.
“The beauty of this wholething is that when youbecomeour age, from 60 to 80 andon, youbecomekindofinvisible,” Tansleysaid.
Beyond thestage,Tansley notedthatnow theseseniors have formed bondsthatlastlongafter thecurtain call.
“These people gettogethernow allthe time.Theyjusthad an eventthatincluded42people. They gettogetherfor lunchortosee shows. There’salwaysconversationonour Facebookpagemaking plans,”hesaid.
Both the film andtoolkit arebeing made with thesupport of the nonprofit fiscal sponsor, FolklightFilmClub, andbothare being made throughthe supportofdonors.
“Thistheatre companyhas been alife-changing experience forthese seniorsand theteamhopes to wouldlovetosee seniors nationwide have this availabletothem,”Brookesaid.
Formoreinformation or to seeclips from the film or to make a donation,visit folklightfilmclub.com.
To find outhow to be part of an upcoming Golden YearsTheatre Companyproduction, emailBob Tansleyatbobtansley1949@gmail.
SandyleftmanyinCTwithout powerfor a week or more during thehot summer temps. Windscan oftentakedowntrees,which then take down powerlines
Forprecaution, sign up to receivelocal weather alerts from your town’s emergency alertsystemtobenotified viatextoremail.
Formostpeople, thebestway to be prepared is to make sure theoutside of the home,including theroof, gutters, andsiding, areintactand withoutloose elements that couldbevulnerable. If astorm andhighwinds arecoming, secure outdooritems or move them indoors.
If financiallypossible, asmall generator cankeepkey itemssuchasrefrigerators and cell phones chargedfor emergencypurposes.
Alandline, though notinstyle thesedays, canalsobeusefulwhencellphoneseitherlose powerorthe cell towers become overridden with callers.
Seniorscan be more susceptibletoheat andemergency issues.Sometimes they have importanthealth-relateditems,likeanoxygen tank,thatrequire powertofunction.
Thestate of Connecticutoffersseveral resourcesfor planning purposes.Hereisa printableemergency preparedness guidewith formsto fill outimportant informationtohave on hand during an emergency.
FEMA also hasaguide foremergencies for caregivers of theelderly anddisabledhere. Finally, theCenterfor DiseaseControl offers
Make alistofemergency contacts andconnect with thembeforethe storm.
Find outifyourtownhas apower/cooling stationincase ofanemergency.
Stockuponbatteries andkeep flashlightsaccessible.
Stockuponwater bottlesinthe case waterbecomes unpotable.
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alistofitems to assemble in advanceofan emergencyfor seniors, including:
•Food, water, andother itemstolastfor at leastthree days
•Medical-related items, includingmedicine, hearingaidsand extrabatteries,cooling for refrigerated medications, glassesand contacts, andother medicalsupplies
•Documents,including alistofmedications, alistofallergies,medical insurancecards,and acopyofphoto identification.Keepphysical copies in awaterproofbag andtakephotosof each document forbackup, Formoreinformation,visittheU.S. DepartmentofHomelandSecurity’spage,Plan AheadforDisasters|Ready.gov