Senior Scope - September 2021

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Do you need a handyman? Senior Services offers a handyman program for seniors in Midland County. A volunteer team helps seniors maintain their homes by making them safe and secure. Many older adults have to give up the independence of living in their home simply because the home has not been modified for their safety. Senior Services Team of Handymen to the rescue! What Team Handyman Will Do • Make exterior doors secure • Windows and screens are secure and working • The outside entrance lights are working • The exterior areas around the house are safe • Slip hazards inside the home such as rugs, cords, etc. are secured • Stairs and handrails are secure • Ceiling light bulbs are replaced • Anti-slip surfaces are installed in bath tubs • Install grab bars • Install raised toilet seats • Install smoke alarms • Offer energy efficient light bulbs • Complete other safety-related repairs and tasks “I am so grateful that I can now safely take a shower.” - Handyman Client

Is There a Cost? Labor and parts are free to seniors in Midland County. However, donations are greatly appreciated and are used to help expand the program and help more people in the community. Things Our Handyman Service is Unable to Do • Roof work • Eaves replacement or cleaning • Plumbing projects without a shut off valve • Crawl space work • Lawn and garden work • Painting • Floor replacement • Wash windows • Chemical applications • Furniture moving or rearranging • Any job which is outside of the available talent of the current volunteers For information and access to our Handyman Services, please call 989-633-3742 and be on your way to a safe and secure place to live! Handyman Volunteers Needed! We are also currently in need of volunteer handymen, call 989-6333741 or fill out the Volunteer Contact Form at www.seniorservicesmidland. org/volunteer/ to sign-up today!

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September 2021 | Senior Scope 15

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