2020 Pioneer Football & Volleyball Preview

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Season of Hope | 2020 Football Volleyball Preview

August 2020

Cardinal football team aims to get back on the right track in 2020 By Joe Judd

“We had an excellent summer conditioning program and the players that attended are in excellent shape going into the season,” Selzer said. “Since we could not utilize the weight room, we did a lot of core exercises, sprints, and tire work.”


BIG RAPIDS — Last season left much to be desired for the Cardinal football team, but head coach Mike Selzer believes his squad can turn it around this season.

Looking ahead to the competition that will come the Cardinals’ way, Selzer said he thinks Central Montcalm and Reed City will be two of the biggest obstacles on his team’s schedule.

Big Rapids finished its 2019 campaign with a 1-8 (1-6) record and was only one spot removed from last place in the CSAA Gold Conference. Selzer said that the main focus this season will be to do a better job of finishing out games. “We played good first halves of football but did not finish games very well,” Seltzer said. “Defense created several turnovers each week.” The Cardinals will return a dozen starters that were on last year’s team, which the BR coach said he feels will aid them in the long run. “This season experience will be a strength — physi-

Big Rapids football coach Mike Selzer confers with his quarterback Sam Alley last season. (Pioneer file photo)

cal toughness will also be a strength,” Selzer said. Entering the upcoming season, the Big Rapids team has been utilizing any and every opportunity that has come its way, even with the added limitations imposed on the sport by COVID-19.

“We will need to work on finishing games and playing a strong second half,” Selzer said. “We will also have to do a better job of being strong mentally and not letting the negative events snowball into bigger issues.” The summer has also been

a successful one for the BR football program, even with the added Coronavirus-related restrictions. Areas that have received extra special attention within the Cardinals’ camp has been the cardio, agility and mental toughness of the players.

A season ago, CM took home the top spot in the CSAA Gold, with RC reaching a three-way tie for second place in the conference. “(The) CSAA will be strong again this season,” Selzer said. “Look for Reed City and Central Montcalm to be at the top. We will be in the hunt as well.” Big Rapids is scheduled to kick off its 2020 season with a game on the road against Coopersville on Aug. 27.

Big Rapids volleyball players eager to serve, set, spike By Joe Judd joe.judd@pioneergroup.com BIG RAPIDS — They have spent a majority of the summer not allowed to enter the gymnasium at Big Rapids High School, but that will soon change.

relationship with one another,” Nelson said. “No matter what the fall looks like we will be tough- mentally and physically.”

The Big Rapids ladies turned in a 22-24-1 record during the ‘19 campaign, and Nelson said the team as a whole faced On Aug. 12, the BR volleyball many challenges and endured team will hold its first official a few hardships along the way. practice since last season due Nelson added her playto restrictions from COVID-19. ers will need to spend a fair Seniors Megan Mackall and amount of time practicing their Olivia Owens, along with inoffense. coming freshman Grace Fath, are all individuals that coach “Having a new setter will Chelsea Nelson said expects to require a lot of one on one time be key components for 2020. with hitters,” Nelson said. “I'm looking forward to seeing how “These first few weeks we these girls step up and adapt to will be talking a lot about mental health and building a having a new setter.”

Nelson said she thinks her squad has the potential to make a postseason run and perhaps even solidify itself near the top of the CSAA Gold standings when it matters most. She also said that in order to do that, the Cardinals will need to improve their game when the likes of Reed City, Grant, or Central Montcalm comes to town. “Our conference has been pretty strong the past few years,” Nelson said. “Overall, I feel that we should be a top contender for conference this year.” With the season fast-approaching, Nelson said her girls have adjusted well to not

Megan Mackall will be among the top volleyball players for Big Rapids. (Pioneer file photo)

being inside of the gym, but “We are all hopeful for phase remains hopeful that things five so we can get in the gym,” will soon get back to normal on the court. Nelson said.

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