Know Your Heart
We all know that Heart is a crucial organ in our body that constantly and tirelessly pumps blood to all parts of our body. It starts functioning at about 6 weeks of Intrauterine Life. From then it functions continuously till the very end of life. Normal functioning of every other organ is dependent on the normal functioning of heart.
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Chambers Of Heart Heart has 4 chambers- two Atria (atrium-singular) and two Ventricles. The atria have thinner walls compared to those of ventricles which are thick and muscular. The atria receive blood and ventricles pump blood. The wall that separates left and right atria is known as Inter Atrial Septum (IAS) and the one that separate ventricles is called Inter Ventricular Septum(IVS)
Blood Vessels Attached To Heart Right Atrium has two large veins bringing blood to it. Superior Vena Cava (SVC)
Major Vessels Of Heart Right Atrium receives blood from all over the body through two large veins. Superior Vena Cava (SVC) brings blood from upper body while Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) drains the lower body. IVC
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contributes 60% of the blood return. Apart from this, one major route of blood return is the Coronary Sinus (CS), which returns blood from the veins of heart itself. Left Atrium receives pure blood from the lungs via 4 pulmonary veins. Two on Right (Right Superior and Inferior pulmonary veins) and two on the left (Left Superior and Inferior pulmonary veins). The right ventricle pumps its blood into large pulmonary Artery while left ventricle ejects into Aorta- the biggest artery in the body.
Coronary Arteries Heart muscles too require oxygenated blood, which is supplied through Coronary arteries which are the first two branches of aorta. These are Left (LCA) and Right (RCA) coronary arteries.
The left Coronary Artery after a short broad stem (Left main artery) divides into two major branches- Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD) which supplies the front of heart and interventricular Septum (IVS) and Left Circumflex Artery (LCA) which supplies the lateral and
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posterior part of the left ventricle. Right Coronary Artery mainly supplies the Right Ventricle, Inferior (lower) part of the Left ventricle and part of IVS.
How Heart Beats Regularly? Have you ever wondered what makes our heart beat so efficiently and regularly?
What decides rhythm of heart? The secret is the internal pacemaker (timer) and the conducting system of the heart (Electrical circuit).
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The natural pacemaker is situated at the junction of Right Atrium and SVC. It is called SA note. There is a network of special fibres starting from the pacemaker and going all over the heart muscles. This is called the conduction system. The pacemaker is capable of producing regular stimuli of electrical activity which travels along the conduction system to the entire heart making the muscles contract.
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