A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE! u The Most Important Dimension of Human Existence
u Finding Home On Earth u Beltane ~ Renewal of Life u Ancient Wisdom For Living Fully u Karma: A Debt You Owe To Yourself u A Morning in May ~ Thoughts While Cooking Chicken
April/May 2007
u Loving Earth
Spiritual Adulthood...
u The 21st Century Bohemian Aligning & Applying Part 1
u Destination Healing Nurturing Toward...
u The Way of Life-Itself Pollyanna's Power
u Exploring World Religions Chant and Be Happy
u Modern Shamanic Living Ragnarรถk and the Bardo
Volume 5, No . 6
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
WHOLE HEALTH EXPO, PORTLAND, MAINE, MARCH 31ST & APRIL 1ST, SHERATON, SOUTH PORTLAND (for details see back cover) 11TH ANNUAL WILDGATHERING, MAY 25TH - 27TH, ATHENS, MAINE (for more details see page 5) HERBFEST 2007, JUNE 2ND, TOPMOST HERB FARM, COVENTRY. CT (for more details see page 11)
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Gail Edgerly Portland, ME 207-761-3765 gailedge@maine.rr.com
Lindsley Field Newcastle, ME 207-563-5889 www.pathtotheheart.net Carla Keene Portland & Bath, ME 207-653-8393 cskeene70@hotmail.com
Liz Berks Cornish, ME 207-625-2347 lizland@pivot.net Lew McGregor Hope, ME ® 207-763-3129
Introductory Workshop ~ March 24th, Saco Calley Medical Clinic, Fryeburg, ME Level 1 Workshop Part 1 & 2 April 27th-30th & June 29th - July 1st, Green Granite Hotel & Conference Center, North Conway, NH.
FMI: please contact Marlena O'Hagan Buzzell at 207-647-3521 or Email: kmbuzzell@roadrunner.com 2 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
To become part of the Inner Tapestry Community as an advertiser, distributor, contributing writer or artist call 207-799-7995 or visit www.innertapestry.org
3 Community Spiritual Cinema ILLUSION
March 23rd, 7 PM & 24th, 6 PM Leapin' Lizards Freeport $10 March 30th 7 PM Meadow Wind, Falmouth $10
MEET IN HEAVEN April 21st 6 PM Leapin' Lizards, Freeport $10
Movie & Workshop with Sandra Chassee
May 5th & 26th, 6 PM Leapin" Lizards, Freeport $10
Welcome to the Evolution April 14th, 7 PM Leapin' Lizards, Portland $15
April 20th 7 PM Leapin' Lizards, Freeport $10
Barbara Max Hubbard
BEYOND ZERO POINT The Journey To Compassion Gregg Bradon
May 25th 7 PM $10 Leapin' Lizards, Freeport $10
CSC ~ Is an expression of Pathways to Consciousness & Inner Tapestry.
Inner Tapes try Jour nal: E nv i ronm ent ally f r iendly p r inted wit h Organic I nks o n Organic Paper!
April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 3
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For Reservations/Tickets at the Leapin' Lizards Locations call: Freeport ~ 207-865-0900 ~ Portland ~ 207-221-2363 For Meadow Wind showings call Pathways to Consciousness at 207-799-7998
A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!
Blossoming into Spiritual Adulthood April/May 2007
Upcoming Themes: J u n e / J u l y 2 0 0 7 : Tr a n s c e n d e n c e August/September 2007: Living Life October/November 2007 Charity D ecember/Januar y 2007/2008 Walk ing in Grace
Features Finding Home on Earth
Page 7
by Megan Don
Beltane ~ Renewal of Life
Page 9
by Clair G Wood
Karma: A Debt You Owe To Yourself
Page 9
Ancient Wisdom For Living Fully
Page 10
A Morning In May, Thoughts While Cooking Chicken
Page 18
by Douglas James Cottrell
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
by Patricia Day Williams, MD
by Chambliss Neil
The Most Important Dimension of Human Existence by Eckhardt Tolle
Page 28
The 21st Century Bohemian ~ Aligning and Applying
Page 8
Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy ~
Page 12
Loving Earth ~ Spiritual Adulthood
Page 13
by Teresa Picarri
Creativity, Wisdom, Spirit & Healing (Part One)
by Guest Writer Meg Wolff by Pat Foley
Greens! Greens! and More Greens!
From A Perspective of Loving Earth
A Breath of Healing ~ The Journey to by Donna Amrita Davidge
Spiritual Adulthood
Awareness and the art of Seeing ~ Crooked Pine
Page 15
Modern Shamanic Living ~ Ragnarök and the Bardo
Page 16
Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ The 3 LUCK'S and
Page 17
Destination Healing ~ Nurturing Toward
Page 19
Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna
Page 22
Exploring The World Religions ~
Page 24
The Way of Life-Itself ~ Pollyanna's Power
Page 25
by Werner Brandmaier
Spiritual Adulthood
by Kevin Pennell
by Asrianna Dameron by James Bean
Chant and Be Happy
by Norm Hirst
Mixed Media ~ Book, Web-site & Music Reviews 4 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Available in more than 500 locations In its fifth year as a free publication, Inner Tapestry provides a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life by creating and supporting a network of connection within the holistic community. The journal is supported by its advertisers and distributed to fine shops, offices, bookstores and cafés, health practitioners, education centers, public libraries, health food stores, and healing and wellness centers. If you would like copies placed at your business or location please contact us. This journal is a great resource for your clients and customers. With six issues a year we offer our readers life enhancing and spirit-enriching information.
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Subscriptions are available:
Pages 14-15
by Jen Deraspe
by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
Welcome to Inner Tapestry
Pages 26 & 27
$20.00/year, 6 issues A H olistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!
Joan Emmons, Ron Damico, Betty Close, & Jacqueline Cone
Inner Tapestry can be picked up for free in over 500 locations, but to insure you don’t miss a copy, subscriptions are available.
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Inner Tapestry Journal 925 Sawyer Street South Portland, ME 04106
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Directories Directory of Resources Pages 29-35 Heart Visions, A listing of events, trainings & trips... Page 36 Calendar of Events Pages 36-38 Classifieds Page 38 Yoga, T'ai Chi & Meditation Directory Page 39
5 INNER WORKINGS New this Issue: Hello everyone and welcome to this final issue of our fifth year! We are appreciative and grateful for your support, for the journal and for our community, thank you all! This issue's theme is "Blossoming Into Spiritual Adulthood". Our intention is to celebrate all of who we are and have become over the past years, for some it has been challenging to step into their being... "a new human". What exactly is "a new human"? Does anyone really know? Am I one? Have I faced enough of my issues to become one? Have I arrived? YEP! The fact that you Are means you Are. To live in the evolution, is to be the evolution. To continue with this evolution of life the journal will be evolving and changing as well. We will be re-formatting and making some needed changes in different areas to better serve the readers, writers and advertisers who support this wonderful journal. We are excited to be celebrating another year with all of you, and hope that you enjoy the up coming look of the journal. We would like to welcome, Teresa Piccari's new column (page 8), "The 21st Century Bohemian... the New Humans' expression of an awakening world", where Teresa will be interviewing, writing and sharing the unique expressions of who we are in this ever evolving world. Both Maine and Connecticut are having Herb gatherings in May and June. Blessed Maine Herbs is hosting their 11th Annual WILDGATHERING May 25th-27th at the Athens Fairgrounds in Athens, Maine and Topmost Herb Farm in Coventry, Connecticut will be hosting HERBFEST on June 2nd. They will both have crafters, herb vendors, food and lots of fun. Join in the fun and the spirit of creating community.
OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION is to continue providing a pathway of
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support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life. As we weave from within, we begin the creation of the outward expression and celebration of our own unique tapestry. Through this exploration of holistic health, natural living, spiritual and life consciousness we create and support a network of connection within the holistic community and its practitioners. To our readers, we would like to ask everyone to take the opportunity to email our columnists, feature writers, artists and advertisers with comments, suggestions and information inquiries. They all are extremely wonderful and dedicated individuals who look forward to hearing from you. We are also looking forward to your comments and suggestions as we all continue to evolve and grow together.
ON THE COVER This issue's cover is a reflection of the theme "Blossoming Into Spiritual Adulthood". The picture was taken by me, Joan Emmons, one of the publishers of the journal last summer when I received a new camera. My partner Ron and I were visiting his parents, who have the most beautiful gardens at their home, when I realized I had the perfect opportunity for a photo shoot. I found myself taking pictures of many of the flowers that were found in their gardens, finding myself intrigued with the inside and centers of these marvelous creations. You will find them sprinkled throughout the journal, I hope that you enjoy them. I have had Gerbera Daisy's at my own home and enjoyed their many colors, so vivid yet so soft and lovely. While I was taking my first pictures and playing around with my zoom lens, I saw what I am sure many people have seen before, the beautiful center of this flower! In passing this lovely flower, just like passing many of the people that we meet on our day to
day journey in life, I realized that I wasn't seeing all that there is to see. What a lovely surprise when I looked inside. Not only did I see the outward expression of this flower's creative energy, but I was gifted with seeing the many separate but connected blossoms in its center. Each a part of the whole, each its own beautiful flower So as we experience all the new growth that comes to our senses this spring, ours and that of others, remember to look inside, look inside to experience the perfection and beauty that all life has to offer. We are each part of the whole and we are each Blossoming Into Spiritual Adulthood, uniquely in our own ways, yet connected as the perfect expression of the whole. We share that creative energy, which we admire in so many things. So let's hold an intention to honor that creative energy in ourselves. It is time, we are the blossom, the flower and the container that holds the nourishment to sustain our growth. Please enjoy your journey into this issue of Inner Tapestry. April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 5
TheVillageScribe@hotmail.com tpiccari@hotmail.com
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Finding Home on Earth by Megan Don
safety, and there is no place to belong. When we cannot place ourselves here on earth we become fearful, and that is the color life becomes. Control then becomes imperative to place life in order and to make it as safe as possible. The delight of the unknown and the joy of discovery are lost. It is a long journey home to the lovable and creative self that can trust the earthly experiences once more, but it can be done. Just as we all can return, no matter what has seemingly stolen our trust. Trust is our inherent birthright and we can lay claim to it again. We can find our place here on earth, even if it looks slightly different than what we imagine or desire. No matter of our experiences to date, it seems we are all being invited to return to our innocence, that is, of moving away from the negative and ‘not able’ towards the positive and the ‘possible’ in our lives. And back to the knowledge that we are lovable and loved. Khalil Gibran when speaking of children, wrote, “They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.” Just as we long for life, so too does life long for us. Life wants to live in and through us. The Spirit wants to live in and through us. It is not a matter of the divine spark finding its way back home, but rather the divine spark finding its home here! As Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and that you may live it abundantly.” And all of us are called to this duty. This is our sacred responsibility as human beings living upon the earth. But the choice is ours. Herein lies the key to entering into our spiritual adulthood, that is, we are given the choice of how we are to live. We can choose to be receptive to the daily graces available and for our beings to be constantly renewed in love or, we can hold on to past experiences and continually live them out again and again. We are also being asked, through our innocence, to enter into the ‘strangeness’ of this life, no matter what it offers. As Rilke writes to the young poet, “Live everything.” Whatever you are given, live it with gusto. It is yours to live, to share, and to create from. This is the adventure of the child. Each moment is an experience to be truly lived, in all its pain and in all its glory. And in such a way, it opens the door to the next experience and the next, and the next, each one preparing and bringing you into the offering of life. Martha Graham wrote of a ‘creative dissatisfaction,’ that is, always being blessed with the urge to keep creating. I see life in the same way. The inner longing, the inner urge for something ‘other,’ which cannot ever be satisfied by our work, our lover, our community, or our home, is the very creative urge to live. It can never be saturated or satiated. It keeps calling us forward, to grow, to expand, to play, and to discover. We should not try to erase, or put an end to this creative life restlessness, but rather embrace it as a sign of being fully alive and open to where life is calling us. It does not mean you have to up and leave your home and family as you know it, but simply be open to new possibilities, being creative in the process, and remembering to enjoy it all — a sure sign of spiritual maturity! Home is where you are. And right now, we are all here on earth. When we decide that we really want to be here then perhaps we can sing from our soul with the same passion for life as Teresa of Avila. She was a woman, who through facing her fears and self-doubt, found her place on earth, living from the inner strength of who she really was. She not only blossomed but bloomed into the freedom of self. “My heart is free Causing a passion to well within me... Afire in love’s burning... Life, what can I give?” Megan Don is the Award winning author of Falling Into The Arms of God: Meditations with Teresa of Avila. She is a spiritual counselor and teaches on contemporary mysticism at Omega Insitute and Unity Churches. See her upcoming workshop May 20th in Portland, ME at www.mysticpeace.com and Inner Tapestry's Calendar of Events section page 37.
Enjoy reading this issue of the Inner Tapestry Journal 925 Sawyer Street, South Portland, ME 04106 (207) 799-7995 Please send emails to info@innertapestry.org April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 7
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or many of us spiritual sojourners on this earth, finding a sense of home and belonging here is a difficult and seemingly elusive task. We seek to find our place in our work and purpose, in our lovers and partners, in nature and our physical surroundings, and in a feeling and sense of community. There are times when we will touch and enter into fulfillment through one or each of these above areas, and in that moment we will feel as though we have finally come to a resting place and a deep sense of home. However, those moments are just that, moments in time and space where our soul and spirit have temporarily landed in a place of deep intimacy and knowing that we belong. And then other moments intrude and we are thrown back into a feeling of restlessness within our soul and we take up our search once again. We may look for new purpose, new lovers, or new communities, trying to recreate those lost moments, or we may simply fall into an isolated disappointment. Our interpretation of this cycle can easily merge into the myth of Sisyphus, where he spent much effort rolling a large rock up the mountain, and just as he reached the top it would roll down again. And so his life was such repetition, over and over again. Are we merely Sisyphus on this earth, or can we create a new understanding? As children coming to this earth we are blessed with an innocence of being, that is, we are not tainted with the negativity of life, and there is a wonder at being thrown into the strangeness of a new life. There is a longing alive within the child, a longing for exploration and play, and for discovery and adventure. Uncertainty is not a threat, and there is an inherent trust in the world, both small and large. This trust allows for a natural sense of belonging and home. It bespeaks of a physical home that has engendered love and safety, allowing for openness to the adventures in life, and for the knowledge of a deep caring by both the earthly and heavenly parents. There is a freedom born in knowing they are loved and lovable. But what of those whose trust has been shattered, whose childhood days were not filled with love and safety? There are many types of experiences that can easily derail the child’s growth and ability to trust. One of my first memories was when I was three years old, and I was looking on with complete disbelief and despair at my family as we all sat around the table. Their conversation took the form of shouting, and they ridiculed and put one another down in the cruelest of ways. I left my physical body and hid under the table, asking, “Who are these people?” I did not trust this so-called family love and communication. To voice one’s thoughts and feelings in our home was like being thrown into the lion’s den. Perhaps a training and challenge for some souls, perhaps a life of silence for others. Such atmospheres in the home cannot be judged as to their effect on various individuals. Many homes have experienced the abuse of both mother and father. Mothers carrying much sadness and unhappiness handed this on to their children, either through direct energy transference or through their subsequent behaviors creating fear of the unknown. Many people I have worked with in my spiritual counseling are still dealing with the effects of a mother whose violent swings of behavior and words have seriously affected their psyche. My own mother was, and still is, one of these unhappy women. Her words and actions radically swing from loving to aggressive and attacking in a moment. For a child this causes great confusion as to the nature of love, and the unreliability of such a love creates a deep mistrust of people, and ultimately this earth. This can also be experienced through schoolteachers, friends, and other people who are important to you as a young child. For some, these behaviors are so well entrenched and repeated so frequently that they are seen as normal interactions. It can take some time for the healing of such emotional disturbance to fully encompass the soul. Perhaps one of the most damaging of all is sexual violation of the child. This tears the soul and the psyche to its very core. There is no sense to be made of this violation, neither for the child nor for adults. Trust is ripped through from top to bottom and then shredded until nothing remains. There is no home, there is no
The 21st Century Bohemian ...the new humans' expression of an awakening world by Teresa Piccari
Aligning and Applying Creativity, Wisdom, Spirit and Healing
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
(Part One) I began this column, wondering how to pay credence to this month’s theme of Blossoming into Spiritual Adulthood while introducing a brand new gig I call The 21st Bohemian. Frankly – I was intimidated. The last time I wrote regular columns for newspapers they looked very different from this one. I was a journalist writing about economic development and healthcare. I looked different too, more on the inside though than the outside. It was before I embarked on my personal spiritual journey of the last seven years, shortly before I turned 40. I was so focused on figuring out how to address two different ideas in one column and not have them look like a pair of mismatched shoes that it took me a few weeks to realize the timing was in fact, perfect. The 21st Century Bohemian, as a concept and column, is the resulting blossom of the spiritual path I have walked. It is about applying accrued skills and natural gifts in new ways so that we make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others. It was a couple years into my spiritual journey when the concept of The 21st Century Bohemian floated to the surface. It appeared before I really understood it. What I did understand was that I felt different – a little wilder, a little freer. Inspired, creative, motivated, wiser and more comfortable in myself. I felt like a bohemian! But wait – this was not a bohemian who wanted to live in poverty or debauchery – this was not your momma’s, momma’s, momma’s, momma’s bohemian! This was a new breed of bohemian. One who wanted to celebrate art and intellect but not forsake all else for it – because when it gets right down to it, does that really serve others or us? This was a bohemian who had come into her power and wanted to share it. It felt like a big red Eldorado convertible that half a suburban subdivision could fit in. I wanted to drive that flashy land yacht around the neighborhood, not to show off but to invite everyone to join me. To say let’s take to the road and see what we can do and create, to apply what we know in new ways, to leave things better than when we found them in our wide tailfin wake.
What to Expect
Like the columnist Judith Perry, who preceded me with Maine Artists and Writers, I will use this space to feature interviews and articles on artists and writers. After all, that’s what the original bohemians were up to. This column will include articles about other folks perhaps scientists, healers, farmers, teachers, people – who are your neighbors. People who are on their path, making a difference. This will also be a space to share stories, ideas and concepts about how we align and apply the resources of our highest spiritual selves and those of the tangible world, like science and technology, to improve our human experience. I invite you to be a 21st Century Bohemian, or “the new human” as Ron Damico interprets it. I welcome feedback and suggestions for future columns. And I hope you will keep reading! 8 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Starting Out
There must be something about milestones in our lives that make us introspective and then spur us into action. For me, it was my impending 40th birthday. There was a restlessness of knowing there was something missing and a realization that instead of feeling filled up by life, work, family and friends, I often felt depleted. I have said that I am from a generation that was brought up to reach out to others before we reached inside to nurture ourselves. This has angered my family. So maybe I will say instead, that I brought myself up in such a way that I expended so much energy on others I neglected to take care of me.
A Traditional Path
Up to that point in my life I had followed a pretty traditional path. I went off to school and entered the conventional workforce. I practiced the Catholic religion I was raised on. While I have hit several confusing speed bumps along the way, I have made peace with the fact that being a Catholic has seeped into me at a cellular level. I honor the good parts, like the comfort that having faith brings. I pray, sometimes the way I was taught and sometimes differently. Church was where I learned rituals that inspire me to this day. At Christmas, I returned to where I come from and though it was late by the time I drove home from Center City Philadelphia where I celebrated Christmas Eve at a Buddhist friend’s home, I attended Midnight Mass at the Cistercian Monastery near my mother’s home. It made me happy to be there, to be part of a community.
On the Path
In the early and mid 90s I did some professional breath work and began a yoga practice – both of which showed me that I had been breathing incorrectly for over 30 years! Imagine that, something so vital to our existence and supposedly involuntary – I had been doing it all wrong. Perhaps all the swimming I did during my youth made me too comfortable with holding my breath and I focused less and less on exhaling. I learned to make do with less oxygen. Good for a swimmer but not so good for day-to-day living. I learned to swim in the cedar water of Lenape Lake in Mays Landing, New Jersey. It was to there, or the salt water of Atlantic City and Wildwood, that we fled the city on most weekends. I can still taste the richness of the cedar water of Lenape Lake and its exotic smell. Its texture was like swimming through fine, transparent velvet. This is where I learned to float, too, finding that water would buoy me if I relaxed and trusted it to do so. I would emerge from its smokey topaz depths only after hours and threats from grownups. The blonde downy hair on my young arms and legs, enrobed in fine threads of toasted saffron like a monk.
Being Present
By the time, I started thinking about The 21st Century Bohemian I had developed a regular yoga practice and was studying Reiki. I was a member of the Artist Conference Network, an amazing community of artists created by the visionary Beverly Cassell. I was teaching writing workshops I created on my own
steam and educating myself in a lifelong curiosity of the wisdom and healing techniques of cultures older than our own. Eventually, I discovered kundalini yoga and began teaching Reiki in addition to writing. Each of the major steps I took along my spiritual journey helped me manifest the life I have today. I first set foot in Maine at 18 and knew that I had found my spiritual home. It took me another 27 years before I called it my full-time home. Again, I found myself having to do the work to catch up to the vision.
Running to or From?
It makes sense that on a spiritual journey we do our best to make sure we are running to and not from something. We may carry our future visions in our heads and hearts but our past remains carved into our being, like a brand on our hides, preceding us like a flashy stowaway who has slipped into our luggage and pops out at the most inopportune moments. The spiritual path we walk can, at times, be painful but the work must be done. Or the stowaways and ghosts of our pasts will keep showing up until we make peace with them.
My heartfelt thanks to Dave Jones, Melinda Kemmerer and Victoria Kling, who coached, as I struggled to give form to the concept of The 21st Century Bohemian. I’m not exactly sure what happened in the time that has elapsed since the concept of this new breed of bohemian came to me several years ago. I suspect there was some serious mileage I had to lay down along my personal journey before I could catch up to the vision. I am glad the time has come. And I am most grateful to Inner Tapestry, especially Joan Emmons for giving the 21st Centur y Bohemian the space to fl y. You will find part two in the June/July issue of Inner Tapestry, Transcendence. Teresa Piccari is a writer, teacher and healer living in coastal Maine. She is the proprietor of The Village Scribe, a professional writing service producing personal and family histories, eulogies and custom writing for romances, weddings and other special occasions. She teaches a variety of writing workshops including creative writing, memoir and journaling. She also performs house blessings/clearings and is an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and practitioner. Contact Teresa at TheVillageScribe@hotmail.com or (207) 344-7070.
Beltane ~ Renewal of Life by Clair G. Wood To the ancients Beltane or May Day, the cross-quarter day marking the mid-point between the spring equinox and the May flower summer solstice, was an unabashed celebration of fertility with the dancing of young couples around the May pole serving as a none-too-subtle illustration. Beltane means the “fire of Bel,” the “bright or shining one.” On Beltane eve great bonfires were built to honor the ancient Sun god Bel and to solicit his blessing and protection for the coming growing season. Herds were driven between two of the fires before being taken to summer pasture to protect them from disease and wild animals until they returned to the barns at Samhain. Beltane was equally a celebration of human fertility as well as that of the crops and herds. Young couples jumped over smaller versions of the Beltane fire to declare their intention to `handfast’ or marry at the summer solstice. This practice, known as “go-a-maying,” included staying out all night, gathering hawthorn, and watching the sunrise among the more mentionable activities. These `greenwood’ marriages could be terminated after a year and a day without blame to either party. Children of handfasting were not thought of as illegitimate. The girls kept their mothers' last name and the boys their mother and fathers' last names in that order. Donn Henes, in Celestially Auspicious Occasions, writes that, “People coupled freely in the woods and fields without stigma and babies conceived were considered well-favored and called “Merry-be-Gots.” On May Day children would chase each other with baskets of nettles trying to prick one another with them. This came from the ancient belief that “being stung with a nettle is to be stung with love.” This is almost certainly the origin of the more modern practice of hanging a May basket on the object of your desires.
But what was the actual purpose of Avebury? Was it purely to honor and mark Beltane or did other factors come into play? Hamish Miller, in The Sun and the Serpent, tells of a great ley line, the Michael line, that runs 200 miles across southern England. Ley lines are a series of lines that interconnect around the earth and frequently pass through sites such as megaliths and ancient holy sites. They are known to follow subterranean lines of energy that somehow the ancients were aware of and constructed their sacred monuments to coincide with them. The Michael line passes through the sites of five churches and abbeys dedicated to St. Michael, and constructed on the sites of prehistoric shrines, as well as many major sites such as Glastonbury and Avebury. Another prehistoric site it passes through is Silbury Hill, the largest humanbuilt mound in Europe and rivaling the Great Pyramid in volume. The mound is 130 feet high, with a circumference of 1640 feet, covers 5 acres, and contains over 12 million cubic feet of chalk and earth. It lies close to Avebury, was built roughly during the same period and “its purpose is unknown!” BUT!! On Beltane, says Miller, the Sun’s rays pass over Silbury Hill to Avebury where they enter through one of the entrances to the interior of the Great Circle. The Michael line has become known as the “Beltane alignment” because it aligns through Avebury on the Beltane sunrise and Samhain sunset. So did Avebury and Silbury Hill represent the ancient’s means of marking the dates of these two important cross-quarter days? Those who scoff at the existence of ley lines or that the ancients were aware of the subterranean energy lines crisscrossing a living earth would say no — but what other explanation can be given for the incredible amount of time and energy put into their construction? It is more reasonable to believe that the ancients knew of the living lines of energy within the earth and married them to the renewal of the earth’s life with the return of the Sun in the celebration of Beltane.
Clair G. Wood, Ed.D, taught chemistry, physics and introductory astronomy at the college level for many years. He has written a monthly astronomy column, Maine Skies, for the Bangor Daily News and over this time has developed a fascination with and deep respect for, the astronomical observations of the ancients, Sacred Monuments.
by Douglas James Cottrell
"Self meeting Self"
Karma is one of those words that many people use in casual conversation, but very few understand all that it means. Those who initially learn about the concept of karma may believe it to be something owed from one person to another. During one experience, some event occurred in which one person made a transgression against another. To repay this transgression at a later time, either the other person is allowed to make a transgression against the first person, or the first person must do some favor or give some benefit to the other to make up for the transgression. In this way, the debt is paid, the karma is met, the two are equal, and both can move on. It is not necessarily that simple. Depending on the circumstances, a transgression you make against one person can come back to you from someone else. It is not necessarily the case that karmic debts are incurred from and repaid to the same people. This is why it is better to see karma as a debt that is owed to yourself, or something, which you are attempting to overcome. In essence, karmic debt is a debt that you have incurred previously (in this life or in another) that you must pay back to yourself. As your soul moves forward in a process of “self meeting self ” in different experiences, things that are carried out in the physical world (as well as your attitudes and reactions to them) either build up what you need to meet in another experience, or tear down what you have already done in a previous one. This is the Law of Karma. It is in place in order to provide your soul with balance. The circumstances or conditions that you must meet in physical life — good, bad or indifferent — are owed only to yourself, for the single purpose of your advancement. They exist to challenge you. These circumstances are for you, and you, alone, to meet. As you become aware that you are willfully supposed to go through various experiences as part of your destiny (or life pattern), then you may begin to discern between those things in life that you must do out of necessity (which you cannot escape) and those things that you may want to do. When you determine this, and recognize that you have certain duties to perform, you perform your duties readily, aggressively and quickly, knowing that no one else can do your duties for you. If you have someone else do those things that are difficult, or which you are afraid or unwilling to do, then you not only cheat yourself of the experience, but you become destined to repeat the experience again. Think of these experiences as opportunities for learning. If you find yourself in the same circumstances over and over again, you are, perhaps, failing to perform a certain duty or make a particular choice in life. Your soul has taken on physical life to make perfect yourself, your consciousness, your thinking, and your beliefs. In your current life, your soul is, once again, attempting to touch upon pure love and become love complete. What you see as difficulties, challenges, or problems in life are actually stepping-stones to your soul’s success or advancement. See these things as opportunities rather than problems, keeping in mind that at any time in your life, God will never give you any more than you can handle. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Do not be afraid to take action. Do not be afraid to react to others. Fear only limits your spiritual growth. Being willing to make mistakes is a demonstration of the willingness to learn; for you must always make mistakes when you learn. However, as you learn to forgive yourself or realize that mistakes and errors are essentially innocent, then you can make mistakes without incurring any karmic debt (and, therefore, the necessity to go through another experience to find out what went wrong). Why was King David God’s most blessed prophet? Because he made every mistake in the book, but only once. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, but do learn from them and endeavor not to repeat them. As you continue to move forward and attempt to be on the straight and narrow path, your soul advances quickly. Health, wealth and peace of mind are the rewards given to you when you are in accord with truth, and in balance with spiritual laws. When this is done, you might be considered as having “good karma,” or blessings. But, in fact, you are merely someone who is in balance and harmony with all things, trying to do good, willfully trying to be better, and earnestly attempting to overcome temptation. If someone eventually goes through enough experiences, learning what is the proper value or what is the proper reaction to take, then a time can come during which your soul becomes “debt-free” or more evolved. This greater level of awareness becomes selfawareness, which ultimately leads to self-recognition, self-realization and the highest level of human experience while in physical form: full self-realization. This is the path of soul progression which all should aspire to. For over 30 years, Douglas James Cottrell has been an intuitive researcher and spiritual healer. He is the author of Secrets Of Life (published by Many Mansions Press). For more information visit his web-site, www.douglasjamescottrell.com
April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 9
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It should not come as a surprise that the ancients had means of accurately fixing the time of the Beltane cross-quarter day. As it does with almost every celestial event involving the Sun, Moon, and planets Stonehenge has an accurate means of determining the date of Beltane, but the site most associated with it is Avebury, approximately 20 miles to the north of Stonehenge. Avebury is the site of pre-history’s largest stone circle. The circle is enclosed by an exterior bank with a circumference of 4500 feet, a height of 20 feet, and enclosing 28.5 acres. Inside the bank is a ditch originally 33 feet deep that had an estimated 200,000 tons of chalk and earth removed with crude stone and antler picks to form the bank. The outer stone circle originally had more than 200 standing stones but only 20 remain today. Inside the bank or `henge’ was a “Great Circle” having 98 stones with some weighing in excess of 40 tons and rising up to 13 feet in height. These were transported to Avebury from a quarry over two miles away. Two smaller circles are within the Great Circle. The northern inner circle is 295 feet in diameter with three small stones in the center and the southern inner circle is 325 feet in diameter with a single 15-foot high stone in the center. It is commonly believed that the three these central stones represent female and male figures, respectively. A shadow from the male stone at Beltane `penetrates’ a stone bearing an unmistakable carving of a vulva, graphically illustrating the fertility significance of Beltane. There are four entrances to the complex lying at the cardinal points of the compass. Avebury was constructed over a period of 1000 years from 3400 B.C. to 2400 B.C. and was in use from the Neolithic to early Bronze Ages, a period of 2300 years. Think of it! This project meant so much to the ancients that they spent millennia in its construction!
Karma: A Debt You Owe To Yourself
Ancient Wisdom For Living Fully by Patricia Day Williams, MD aura is the kind of woman most people don’t easily forget. Large in stature, with a feisty outspokenness adopted during her childhood in a tough Boston neighborhood, she is a fighter. Now, at age 60, she yearns to make a difference in a different way, through writing the book that has been germinating in her for years.
our lifetime, upward to awareness of our connection to the Universe. The second current – the Manifesting Current –flows down from the crown to the root and allows us to move from inspiration to the concrete manifestation of our unique life purpose. Together the two offer a perfect system of energetic balance between body and spirit. They contribute to a life of both presence and transcendence.
Tim is a bit of an enigma to those around him. Shy but very bright, he teaches high school math, yet he can’t seem to manage his own finances or keep his house in working order.
Maura is typical of someone whose Manifesting Current (downward flow) is stronger than her Liberating Current (upward flow). For her, strengthening the flow of energy upward will help her to develop the neglected intuitive and spiritual aspects of herself. Tim, on the other hand, needs to work at strengthening his Manifesting Current so that his spiritual curiosity and intuitive gifts can lead to tangible changes in his life.
Charlotte is the CEO of a not-for-profit cultural organization. She has brought in a consultant to work with her administrative team. It is clear that her team both respects and fears her mighty intellect and her harsh demands for excellence. What do these three people have in common? Each is dealing with the unique strengths and challenges that are a part of who they are. Each is at a critical point, in that they can develop new ways of being and fuller, more satisfying lives, or they can continue the same patterns that have worked reasonably well up until now. And each can benefit from understanding and working with an ancient framework for personal development – the chakra system. The chakra system is a way of understanding human energy that integrates mind, body and spirit. “Chakra” is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” and refers to the seven major energy centers in the human body, first described as spinning wheels of energy over 4000 years ago. Each of the individual chakras has a location in the body and is associated with physical, psychological and spiritual issues, as indicated in the chart below.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Imbalances in chakra energy may present in various ways. Tim’s inability to maintain a solid home for himself and manage money indicates a lack of solid grounding in the concrete world of survival. The energy of his root chakra is deficient. He has many of the physical characteristics typical of this deficiency as well: he is thin and rather tentative, with contained body movements and fleeting eye contact. In contrast, Maura has an excess of energy in her root chakra. She has fought hard for the necessities of life and neglected the more imaginative and creative parts of herself. She presents with a large torso, a heavy step, and a bold, even painful handshake. Looking further at Maura and Tim, one finds two typical patterns involving the other chakras. Tim has low energy in his power and throat chakras. Whatever events or forces interfered with his establishing a solid grounding in his body at birth has also constrained his sense of personal power and voice. His tendency to lose himself in abstract thought (brow chakra) is a compensatory mechanism. It has served him well in academia but has limited other important aspects of his development. The energy in his pelvic and heart chakras is also low, explaining his lack of interest in sensory pleasure and discomfort with personal relationships. As for his crown chakra, Tim is fascinated by mystical belief systems, yet his intellectual attraction to spirituality has no apparent connection to his daily life. Maura’s pattern is almost the opposite. In addition to excessive energy at her root chakra, she also has excessive energy in the power and throat chakras. The fight for survival that is her family’s legacy has resulted in her developing a will of iron and a strong voice to proclaim it. Her large torso is a result of the excessive energy around her solar plexus as well as protective armoring around her heart chakra. She has learned to suppress any need for intimacy, lest she reveal vulnerability. She has also suppressed her more creative and intuitive side and has no use for what she refers to as “woo-woo spirit crap.” Another dynamic of the chakra system gives additional insight. Two currents that run in opposite directions link the individual chakras. The Liberating Current begins at the root chakra and flows upward through the crown. Along this current, energy moves from our physical bodies, which serve as our literal home during 10 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Let’s return to Charlotte, who is typical of many hard-driving over-achievers. For the most part Charlotte has well-developed upper chakras: she’s a visionary thinker and communicates her vision in a way that excites others. Her lower chakras are also fairly well developed: she manages a voracious workload. Where she runs into trouble, however, is at the heart chakra, midway between the three lower and three upper chakras. Her deficient heart chakra shows up as lack of connection with others and lack of compassion for herself. People who initially are excited by her vision and her ability to get things done soon become intimidated by her. Intimidation results in feelings of fear, inadequacy, and isolation that impact adversely on her employees’ individual and team effectiveness. Looked at another way, her Manifesting and Liberating Currents are equally strong, but the central block at the heart chakra keeps both currents from flowing freely. The chakra system provides not only a way of understanding individual challenges but also a rich variety of approaches to healing and change. Charlotte, Tim and Maura each have particular self-limiting thought patterns and certain emotions blocked from awareness and expression. Psychological exploration, such as meeting with a knowledgeable psychotherapist, journaling, group work, etc., can lead to new ways of thinking and to emotional understanding and expression. In addition, Maura, Tim and Charlotte will each benefit from yoga and other bodywork, though in different ways. Maura will benefit particularly from pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation that encourages the flow of energy upward along the Liberating Current. Tim will benefit particularly from grounding asanas (poses) and other bodywork that help him to become comfortable in his physical body and with his desires and intentions. And Charlotte will benefit from meditation, asanas and other experiences such as chanting, dance, and/or massage that open her heart chakra and help her to give and receive love. Finally, connecting to spirit in whatever way resonates for each of them – trance, journeying, imaginal and dream work, communities of faith, etc. – will allow them to explore fundamental questions of life, death, meaning, and purpose, so as to live into their fullest selves. These are just a few examples of the many ways that the chakra system can be used to understand, diagnose and treat various life challenges. By linking mind, body, and spirit into one comprehensive whole, this system offers a profound formula for wholeness. No matter who you are or what challenges you face, the chakra system can assist in your growth and healing.
Patricia Day Williams, MD, finds home in Alexandria Virginia and offers personal development workshops in various locations throughout the US. She is offering a chakra weekend at Sacred Rivers Yoga in Glastonbury, Connecticut on April 13th-15th. (FMI: See the CT calendar of events.) With her background in Eastern and Western psychology, yoga and medicine, Patricia helps participants apply this ancient wisdom in transformative ways. She can be reached at pdw@patriciadaywilliams.com or you can visit her web site www.patriciadaywilliams.com. For more information or to register for the chakra weekend visit www.sacredriversyoga.com.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
For Information on CT Advertising Call Linda Jacques 860-228-0870 or Marie Kuper 860-647-8177 Or INNER TAPESTRY 207-799-7995 e-mail infor@innerteapestry.org
info@innertapestry.org April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 11
Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy by Meg Wolff Food is our common ground, a universal experience. —James A. Beard
Greens! Greens! And More Greens! ‘Tis spring and I’m singing the praises of greens! Spring is a time of cleansing and rebirth, so it’s the perfect time to add more leafy greens into your diet. Greens, many of which are members of the brassica or Crucifarae family, are powerful micronutrients thought to protect against cancer and other diseases. And greens are an excellent source of non-dairy calcium. Kale, for example, has 179 mg in a 1-cup cooked, serving and collards 357 mg. of greens keep your bones healthy, too! When most people hear the word ‘greens’, usually only lettuce, spinach, or Swiss chard come to mind. But there are many more! For instance, there are different types of kale − curly leaf, red, and lacinata. There are also beautiful broad leaf collards, mustard greens, slightly bitter dandelion greens, watercress, cabbage, bok choy and the green leafy tops of turnips, daikon, and carrots.
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I first started eating a whole foods, macrobiotic diet (a way of eating based on whole grains, beans, and vegetables) eight years ago. I started by eating greens twice a day, and I continue to do so. That’s right; twice a day and I love them. But don’t take my word for it; try greens for yourself. At first you may not like the taste. And that is because if greens haven’t been a part of your diet, your body won’t recognize or appreciate their taste. Think of babies that are spoon-fed squash for the first time. Their little tongues just push it right back out, but gradually they acquire a taste for it and open their mouths in anticipation of the delicious vegetable. So, try eating a small amount, even a tablespoon at a time. Try this every other day, for about a week. By the end of the week you’ll be surprised at how your taste buds have changed. You don’t have to follow a macrobiotic diet to appreciate the flavor of greens or reap the benefits of these beautiful vegetables. This spring, be adventurous. Take a trip to your local supermarket, browse the produce aisle, and pick some greens you’ve never tried before. You’ll be so happy, and healthy, that you did! Here are a few recipes to start. From the easiest and most basic, to a more involved healing green soup. Ready, set go! Note: These recipes can be made wheat and gluten free by using Tamari soy sauce (wheat free) for people with wheat sensitivities.
Quick Steamed Kale 1 bunch of kale (bok choy, or baby bok choy also works well this way with its buttery taste) pinch of sea salt spring or filtered water (tap water okay if you don’t have either) I know I had this in the last cooking article, but I thought it important to mention again. So... this is how I do it, quick and easy. Take one bunch of kale or bok choy, fill sink with water, hold the bunch of kale on a nearby chopping block, take your sharp knife and chop into 1 inch pieces -- chop, chop, chop, chop, chop -- stems and all. This is one of the ways I do it. Push it all from the chopping block into the sink, and swish around to wash. Get a pot with a lid, transfer from the sink to the pot, add 1/2 to 1 inch of water to the bottom of the pot, cover, and turn heat to high. Add a pinch of salt or dash of soy sauce. Bring to a boil, then turn to low and simmer for 3-4 minutes. When done, drain any remaining liquid and immediately remove from pot or at least leave off the cover, so that it won’t continue to cook (unless you like it cooked a little more). Voila! Greens!
Sautéed Collards and Onions with Yellow Squash 1 small to medium yellow squash 1 bunch of collards 1 red or yellow onion 1/2 to 1 tsp. olive or sesame oil few pinches of sea salt or 1 tsp. of soy sauce and or 1 tsp. mirin (a rice wine that can be found in health food stores) Optional: Garnish with 2 tsp. of toasted, slivered almonds. 12 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Take the bunch of collards, wash and cut out the stems and save. Stack up the large collard leaves one on top of the other. Start on one side and roll into a long roll. Hold the rolled collards with one hand on them on a chopping board, again, chop, chop, chop... into 1/2 inch “ribbons”. Next take the onion with the outside skin peeled off; cut in half, top to bottom so that you have two halves. Slice each half into thin “half moon” slices. Take the washed yellow squash and slice into thin 1/4-1/2 inch pieces, and set aside. Take a stainless steel or cast iron skillet, heat the oil, and cook the onion on high to medium heat for 1-3 minutes with a pinch of sea salt. Add the collards and stir around a little, keeping heat to medium-high. After 2-3 minutes you may add just a little water to prevent burning or sticking. Sauté and then steam with cover on for another 2-3 minutes. You want to keep the nice green color of the collards as much as possible. Then add the thinly sliced squash and a little soy sauce, and/or mirin, and cook for another 2 minutes or so. Taste to see if it is done to your liking! Add toasted, slivered almonds.
Cabbage Soup with Parsley Pesto I got this wonderful recipe from my first cooking teacher and friend Lisa Silverman of 5 Season’s Cooking School in Portland, Maine. It is a gem! This soup is full of chlorophyll, which helps detoxify and reduces inflammation.
The Cabbage Soup: 2 Tbsp. of Olive Oil 1 Head of green cabbage cut into 1/2 inch pieces 1 large zucchini cut into 1/2 inch pieces 2 ounces of fresh mushrooms sliced thin 1/4 tsp. pepper (optional) 5 cups of vegetable stock or water (I use water)
The Parsley Pesto: 1 cup of chopped parsley leaves 2 tsp. of pine nuts lightly roasted 2 medium garlic cloves (1 onion can be substituted) 1/4 cup of water 1 Tbsp. of olive oil sea salt to taste To make soup, heat the oil in a large stock pot over medium to high heat. Add cabbage, zucchini, and mushrooms. Sauté for 5-7 minutes. Add pepper, and stir to coat. Add stock and bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes partially covered. To make the pesto place all pesto ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth. Remove soup from heat and add the pesto into the soup mixture. Ladle into bowls and serve hot.
Meg Wolff is a cancer survivor and thriver! She is the author of Becoming Whole: The Story of My Complete Recovery from Breast Cancer. Meg is dedicated to teaching and spreading the word about the health and healing benefits of macrobiotic food. For more information, visit Meg’s websites at www.megwolff.com and www.macrobreastcancersurvivors.com. 3
lov ing e ar th
Spiritual Adulthood From a Perspective of Loving Earth by Pat Foley Personal Musings “The Bushman storytellers talk about two kinds of hunger. They say there is physical hunger, then what they call the Great Hunger. That is the hunger for meaning. There is only one thing that is truly insufferable, and that is a life without meaning. When you have meaning…. you belong.” Sir Laurens van der Post
A way of understanding In keeping with both ancient wisdom and contemporary scientific information, we believe in the inter connectedness of all things. With this awareness comes the understanding that no action or event is isolated unto itself, but whatsoever effects even the smallest one of us effects us all, and the whole is forever changed. Just as each harmful act impacts the whole, so also does each loving and thoughtful act have great significance. Knowing this, we acknowledge the importance of living, to the best of our individual abilities, gently and lovingly in right relationship with all that is.
The wild places in our world can be doorways. If we are willing to engage, to still our restless minds, to truly open our hearts, we can approach these portals and listen. Then perhaps, if we are able to absorb what our hearts are revealing to us, we can begin to hear. And what is it we will hear? All things have an electromagnetic field. As our fields make contact, if we listen with our hearts, we will receive impressions, feelings or sensations of some kind. With practice, we can develop and refine this way of being in communication, which tells us both about that which we encounter and also about ourselves. What we hear will be filtered through and affected by all our own un-clarities; so to truly hear, we had best be fearlessly honest with ourselves. And then… perhaps, if we are fortunate… by listening deeply, using our own hearts as our ears, we will begin this non-ordinary communication. If we are able to perceive these other voices, it may become more and more difficult to believe we are separate from them. It may be more and more difficult to do damage to this world around us, for we will understand at a deep level that we are a part of each other. We might begin to understand that what we do to that “other” we also do to ourselves. We might begin to consider whether our interior relationships, those we have with the various aspects of our own natures, might in some way be reflected in the manner in which we view our outer world.
We might think of our lives, then, as the stories of how we each attempt to discover what this right relationship is for us. As we discover that nothing truly stands alone, we come to know it is indeed a story of relationships; with ourselves, with our families, with the greater world of human affairs that surrounds us, and most importantly, with the world of nature which gives rise to us all.
As we move more deeply into this understanding, perhaps we also will move from a place of wanting to acquire or conquer what is outside of ourselves into a place of stewardship and cooperation. Perhaps something will rise up within us, and we will understand both our inner and our outer worlds in a different, more conjoined way. As this shift begins to take place, whatever our age might be, we are entering the portal of adulthood.
Although it is often diminished, sometimes even forgotten entirely in these current times, we believe our connection to the world of nature is the primary relationship. From it all else comes forth. It is metaphorically and literally the ground upon which we
The following photographs depict just two of the many ways we can be in a mature and active loving relationship with the earth. Each approach is based on information gained by the kind of communication described above.
The vegetable garden is growing where several years before there was only sand, rock and about an inch of over-used, depleted and neglected soil. With the addition of locally gathered organic material, cover cropping and loving care, the soil, now at least a foot deep is returning to health and again able to hold moisture and support life. Vegetables are thriving, and in their wholesomeness, giving back to us the gift of good health.
These lightwoods, once a forest then a field, are returning to forest. They have been fertilized with organic materials, the trees thinned and pruned in a way to encourage healthy growth. Here, too, material has been added to the soil in the form of a thin kind of sheet composting. Dead wood has been broken up into small pieces and brought to ground level where it can decay easily. Blackberries are growing in the sunny spot. What nature intended has been aided and encouraged rather than altered. For more information on this way of communication, we suggest Stephen Harrod Buhner’s book The Secret Teachings of Plants, the intelligence of the heart in direct perception of nature. © 2007, Pat Foley Pat Foley attempts to live a green life just outside of Cornish, Maine. She is a professional writer, artist, shamanic practitioner and the owner of Earthrest, a retreat center offering space for groups and individuals. You may contact Pat at earthrest@psouth.net or (207) 625-4179.
April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 13
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In some cultures one does not enter adulthood until one’s mid-fifties. This is not to say we don’t know anything or that we don’t have skills until mid-life, but rather that we are still exploring our various worlds and have not acquired sufficient weight of understanding or balance yet to be considered mature and stable. Our lives reflect the roads we follow as we do our personal exploring. If we are fortunate, our paths, wherever they actually may go, eventually lead us to the larger meanings that lie beneath the surface of things. We become steadier as we proceed in life, approaching and then reaching maturity, and possibly even moving on toward wisdom.
stand. When we are in right relationship with nature, all else falls into place and we understand the world more deeply than we did before. We are no longer isolated individuals, we are a part of a greater whole, and that knowledge helps us become balanced.
a b rea th o f he al i n g
The Journey to Spiritual Adulthood by Donna Amrita Davidge
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e are spiritual beings having a human experience. Yogi Bhajan, the Kundalini Yoga Master, spoke these words often. He also taught that spirituality was not something that could be taught but rather that spirituality was like a cold. It had to be caught! Even though Kundalini Yoga is sometimes called the most accelerated or spiritual feeling form of Yoga, I am not sure this can be measured. In New York City I practice Ashtanga Yoga at Eddie Stern’s studio. The approach there is Mysore, which means the teachers walk around the room making adjustments rather than talking the students through the class. Each student is at their own level of practice. Most yoga class teachers speak you through the class. Some teachers talk a lot, some less. In Kundalini Yoga teachers may speak often philosophically as well, giving more than physical instruction, as a means to inspire and inform the students. Yet in the Mysore approach there is something very spiritual in the silence and the dedication, devotion, focus and breath one observes in the room. Yoga’s connection to spirituality is the breath. In French, and likely in other languages as well, to breathe in is to inspire-to bring in the spirit- while breathing out is to expire, releasing the spirit back out into infinity. We hear so much about the strength of the human spirit. But what does that mean really? That means the will, the drive to keep seeking out the breath, to know life is worth living for, because when we don’t breathe we will cease to exist, on a physical level anyway. This leads us to another interesting aspect or question about spirit vs. religion. Some humans feel they have the whole spirituality thing figured out through their religion. Shakta Kaur Khalsa, a wonderful Kundalini Yoga teacher I have mentioned before in my article on children and yoga, was recently on a Fox News radio program with a man named David Hunt, who argued that yoga was dangerous because it often invoked states of consciousness that were dangerous. Interestingly, just today, as I took a break from typing up this article, I taught a Vinyasa Yoga class where a woman who attended brought up how her yoga practice had helped her emotionally and she felt it was a metaphor for life, something I have also mentioned before. When Kent, my husband, said he was doing Kundalini Yoga every day and it had made him stronger in the Vinyasa as well, she remarked, very astutely, that she had never done Kundalini Yoga because it was so inner that the idea of that scared her. Perhaps that is what David Hunt means, without realizing it, that Yoga can make us face aspects and emotions within ourselves that can be uncomfortable and scary, but dangerous? Shakta calmly replied to Mr. Hunt that in her thirty years of teaching she had never seen any of these scenarios he suggested, nor have I in my twenty-two years. Mr. Hunt, you see, believed in the Holy Spirit that resides outside of us but felt it was wrong to search for love and truth and spirit within ourselves. All great spiritual teachers and masters such as Gandhi or Jesus or Buddha had to go through this inner journey to become the spiritual master we think of them as. In Yoga spirit is a gift granted to each person and resides within us and can only enhance your relationship to your religion if embraced fully. Shakta spoke of our inner experience, our inner self and one might call that our relationship to our own spirit. For anyone who meditates deeply on the breath, all 14 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
sorts of wonderful images and experiences can arise as well as some uncomfortable releasing of old blockages held in for years, clearing the way to that higher or spiritual self. When I first discovered Yoga as a committed path (I had dabbled in college and in my early twenty’s) twenty two years ago, spiritual feelings that felt strong and right arose that I had never felt in all my years of being exposed to religion. My first teacher , who started me on this road of teaching by telling me I had the aura of a teacher and would be a great spiritual teacher, exposed me to a feeling I had never felt before through church or prayer (though I do now). He taught me my breath. This was different than the breath I had learned in running track or other sports. This was a deeply profound breath that brought me to the core of my own internal universe. It is very challenging to put this in words because it is so experiential and individualized. One thing I have learned is that the “spiritual feeling” can come and go. Therein lies the challenge, of being on a “spiritual path”. One big obstacle along this journey is what some call spiritual ego. Gobi Krishna, in his book on his Kundalini experience, said it in a way I have always thought perfect: “Spiritual exaltation should definitely tend to the deflation of the ego and dislike of the earthly pomp and show. This is what is expressly stated in the religious scriptures of the world. Why then should they indulge in mannerisms or resort to actions which point to a more inflated ego and a greater desire for name, fame, status, power and even to wealth and possessions than the ordinary ranks of the people whom they profess to teach?” To me this does not mean that as spiritual beings we come from lack or limitation but that we know that we are no better than others. If we create prosperity and abundance in living our destiny then we can be an example and inspiration as we share what we have with others and teach them also abundance in spirit and life. What I have learned from teaching yoga and working on myself from this inner perspective is that, no matter how “spiritual” I may think I am, or have become, I am still that human being. People don’t “get me”, I don’t “get them”. My most sincere intentions can be totally misinterpreted. Recently a person I had been very close to for years and met through Kundalini Yoga raged at me and stormed out of a café. We both consider ourselves spiritual people and I knew she had just come off a ten-day silent retreat and was “processing” a lot. Therein lies the path of spiritual evolution. None of us are perfect. Sometimes we are just there and even if it had nothing to do with us, the relationship or situation has no resolution other than trusting the energy of one door shuts, another opens. Humbling at the least. Moving on. Forgiving yourself and them, even if from afar. Realizing we are all in this thing called life together is a very good step toward blossoming into your own spiritual adulthood. Yogi Bhajan taught us that if you don’t see God in all, you don’t see God at all. His definition of compassion was simple: “The other person is you.” He also said the biggest saints were the biggest sinners. I was raised with strict Christian values; especially knowing I was a sinner. I am sure this was meant to create humility and honor for that God outside of me yet in my child’s mind it bred fear and insecurity. Knowing that we can unfold ourselves
into better human beings is hopeful. In this culture these fears, pains and insecurities lend themselves to addiction. Many of us are addicted to something in some way, some things more obvious than others like substances, but some things less obvious like shopping, our computer or looking for love in all the wrong places. As I write all this I have a hard time not mentioning Anna Nicole Smith. Her “partner” and “lawyer” was offended when the judge asked if she took drugs and said she had some prescription drugs that could affect her behaviors. Yikes!! I love the way our society rationalizes legal things we are addicted to- sugar, selfdefeating self talk, whatever it might be. Yogi Bhajan had an explanation for all these addictive personalities; they are the most spiritual and are looking for God in all the wrong places. These people are the most sensitive so to deal with the pain we all experience in life they react to it. In yoga we make an effort to simply observe it, to create constructive habits and not destructive habits to deal with either the ups or downs we all experience in life. Yoga is a constructive way to deal with life and its pains, whether physical or emotional. With this in mind, one of the biggest obstacles to our spiritual growth is the mind! Yesterday a neighbor spoke with me and asked where I was going. I told him I was going to teach yoga that was what I do. He replied “You must be in great shape, you know in the 60’s people did yoga for their mind”. I smiled and told him they still do. Though I think he is right that more people are doing yoga now as a physical workout, no matter how you approach it, if taught with breath and concentration, the physical practice can lead to spiritual growth and seeking, which is so integral to a yoga practice. When developed some 5,000 years ago yoga practice actually started with self-awareness and self contemplation. The physical poses were practiced after the first phase. People practicing yoga often feel stronger in mind, body and spirit even if they do not label it as such. One does not have to talk about being spiritual but rather to live it. For me the biggest indicator of a spiritual person is one who is kind, who treats themselves and others with compassion, admitting that they are human, no better or worse than any other. They live clearly and consciously, knowing life is a constant flow of lessons, evolution and opportunities to learn and grow through pain and pleasure. My little poem: “Life is a mystery, Our past is our history, The present is the gift, today. May I learn and grow.” Here is a Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Spiritual Stamina: Sit cross-legged or in a chair if you prefer. Have your spine as straight as possible. Close your eyes and let them focus up to the top of the head. Bring your arms into the air and bend the elbows. Clasp the fingers, palms facing down (venus lock). Hold the hands over the top and center of your head (crown chakra). Hold this for 11 minutes with long slow deep breath
through the nose (long slow deep breath should move your rib cage, diaphragm and navel as you inhale, not lifting your chest and shoulders). If your shoulders feel put upon, breathe deeper and relax the shoulders. Hold the position and go through it. Just like life, you can go through pain as well as pleasure and be all the stronger for it. All deeply spiritual people have had true and real challenges. This is how they grew into who they were. Keep up and after 11 minutes, relax the arms down and feel how strong you are!!
One book that I would like to recommend reading is Gary Zukav's, Seat Of The Soul. Amrita Davidge (Bonham) operates www.sewallhouse.com Yoga \ Donna Retreat with her husband Kent Bonham from July 4 through October in her
great grandfather’s historic home in Island Falls, which has a healing heritage. This summer they will host Shakta Kaur Khalsa for the first time August 11 Weekend for Women and also host Angela Farmer’s apprentice Lisa Stendig August 18 weekend. Please check their website for details. Sewall House offers meditation and several forms of yoga daily.
Receive the Nine Great Rites of the Munay-Ki Kimberly Wyke – Shamanic Practitioner Contact to attend or sponsor a Class Series 207.236.8063 healingelements@earthlink.net FMI visit: www.Munay-Ki.org
S ewall H ouse
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Experience history of an earlier time. . . Sewall House Retreat offers yoga v meditation v massage and more. . . July 4 thru Columbus Day
WhereTheodore Roosevelt learned the healing attributes of nature. . . (207) 463-3428
Awareness and the art of Seeing: contemplations on the environment and interconnection
by Jen Deraspe
Crooked Pine Every day I admire one particular white pine tree, one who distinguishes itself amongst the deciduous surrounding it. Trunk rises up from earth with a grace and ease reserved for trees, arms reaching toward the sun. The top of this pine takes a sharp dip and trues itself again into the outline of a half-moon. It rises up, straight and tall, then toward its peak, swings east, finally, arriving back over itself in alignment with its roots. Somewhere along the way, in its younger years, the sapling withstood the weight of another tree that had fallen upon it with dead weight, a crushing blow, yet, not so much of a hit to take its life, its spirit. The white pine found a way to grow anyway, in spite of the obstacle presented early on. Without strain and struggle, without striving, every season she pulled herself up to the sun, following her path toward maturity. I look at it now, some 80 years later, seeing the adjustments made along the way. Its flexibility to grow with change is obvious. It shows glory in the growth, peace in the rising up, perfection in the perceived blemish. The young ones that come up behind her, in her crooked shadow, can see the determination with ease in the one that came before. Perhaps in her straying and returning, the little one’s watching will also stay true and follow. Nurture Through N atu re
Let Us Guide You Home...
Jen Deraspe is a licensed Maine Guide, holistic retreat facilitator and certified yoga instructor. She owns Nurture Through Nature, providing holistic nature retreats for women. She lives off the grid on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark. www.ntnreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, ME April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 15
mod er n s ham an i c l i v i n g
Ragnarök and the Bardo by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
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or many years and across many traditions, spiritual texts have suggested that our current time period will bring humankind the possibility of Great Change. This is not the fearsome, apocalyptic interpretation of the era suggested by some traditions, but rather a Time of Opportunity. In the ancient spiritual traditions of the Norse/Germanic tribes1 of Europe, these times were thought about as Ragnarök (in German, Götterdämmerung). The word Ragnarök in Old Norse is a compound of ragna, the genitive plural of reign (“gods” or “ruling powers”), and rök “fate”. Rather than a great apocalypse it is a “twilight of the gods” or end of what has been known before to make way for a rebirth cycle. To better understand the concept of Ragnarök, it is important to look at the historical evolution of the mythos of these ancient peoples. Prior to about 4,500 BCE, Europe was populated by an original, aboriginal people. According to both physical and archaeological evidence and research done by Marija Gimbutas, this culture was matrifocused and worshiped an Earth Goddess who lavished well-being on the people through the richness of the fertile Earth. In addition, no weapons or fortifications have ever been found among the remains of these people. Theirs was a sedentary and peaceful, agricultural culture with women predominant in the hierarchy. In fact, evidence of this matricentrism stretches back well into the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age. Around 4,000 BCE , nomadic tribes of Indo/Aryan herders from Asia begin what is referred to as the Kurgan invasions of Europe. These invasions are believed to have been caused by a change in climate/rainfall which necessitated a literal shift to “greener pastures” in the West. These warlike, horse-riding herders were patriarchal in their societal structure and they controlled the people and the land into which they rode. Their spirituality focuses on a great Sky God. Even if you dispute Gimbutas’ suppositions about earlier Old European people being overrun by Indo/ Aryan invaders, one can see evidence in the mythic structures of the resulting Indo/European cultures. This is especially evident in the ancient Norse/Germanic pantheon in which there were two distinct groups of gods/goddesses who lived an uneasy coexistence. Let’s look at the first group of deities known as the Vanir. These Earth/Sea deities are “the Giving Ones” and their home is in the West of Midgard or Middle world--the spiritual plane where humans also live. (Recall that it is in the West that the Indo/Aryans found fertile lands for their herds!) The Vanir are allied with the elemental nature spirits such as elves, dwarves, fairies as well as the giants. This holds an especially important clue, as the giants are seen in most ancient Indo-European cultures--from the Greeks to the Celts--as the first or progenitor race of all beings. In fact, for some of the Indo/Europeans the Earth itself was created from the body of a giant. The most visible of the Vanir deities is Freyja, the goddess of Love, Healing and Prophesy. She was so beloved by her devotees that her cult existed far into the Christian era. Perhaps it is because the earlier Earth-based spiritual traditions also lingered in the guise of the Vanir. The other group of deities are the Aesir who are lead by the god Odin and live in Aesgard, their home in the sky. Among the Aesir, goddesses take a secondary place 16 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
as either wives or sisters of gods. Their pantheon is populated by deities such as the thunder god Thor and may be equated with the Olympian gods of the ancient Greeks. At one point Freyja winds up in Aesgard--along with her brother Freyr--as hostages in the ongoing battle between the two groups. The fact that these two groups of deities were always in conflict must also reflect the ongoing difficulty of mixing two very different cultural constructs! One matriarchal one patriarchal, one sedentary one nomadic, one honoring the Goddess(es) of the Earth/Sea the other the Gods of Sky. One can easily imagine just how uneasy and perilous this blending of cultures must have been and how it could lead to a belief that the only way to have peace was to destroy everything in Ragnarök and start over. This would leave a post Ragnarök world which would be neither matriarchal or patriarchal--that is no longer dualistic--but rather fresh and harmonious.
“The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.”...Alden Nowlan I believe this Great Shift is already beginning to happen. As such, we are in a transitional time and state of being where we experience the Unraveling of the Old and Outmoded. Beyond this lies the ultimate leap of evolution for our species. Even though what we knew is dying, it is a time of great hope and possibility. This is happening inside us as well as across human cultures. Tibetan Buddhism refers to the time of transition between an individual’s death and rebirth as the Bardo, a word that literally means “intermediate state”. This is a period when the consciousness/spirit, which has been freed from the physical body, goes through a process, which--if embarked upon in a state of true awareness-can offer spirit liberation and enlightenment. In the Bardo state, the dying person encounters brilliant and radiant visions as well as horrifying demons. During this process, those around the person, continue to chant the prayers from the Tibetan Book of the Dead. These prayers urge the dying person to remain aware to notice without judgment or attachment--and to “just keep going” on the journey through the landscape of their own psyche/mind into the promise of Oneness. Cloaked in the powerful force of compassion, fears are neutralized and enlightenment unfolds--the spirit receives a deep, eternal healing. If we are to take full advantage of the miraculous opportunity this time offers us, we need to be willing to let go of old desires and beliefs of separation. Clinging to the past does not serve us rather it can create fear and self-protection. Rachel Naomi Remen, MD says, “Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.“ I would add that the letting go
must be done with great compassion for ourselves. Not with self-pity or anger, not with the fight of a struggle but with a gentle surrender. This is not a surrender to an outside force, deity or dogma, but a surrender to our highest self--our most Divine Aspect. When we were children, others around us--parents, teachers and other adults--provided the structure of what was “right or wrong”. We only had to follow the rules for the promise of safety. We learned that “others will keep us safe, others will provide for our needs--our happiness and survival depends upon others.” This can become so ingrained in us that we come to believe that our safety, health, well-being or happiness continues to depend on a source lying outside of ourselves. When that is the case, we may seek the promise of security in the absoluteness of a religious dogma or a rigid social structure. We cling to the belief that if we follow the very clearly outlined rules, everything will be OK. However, if we adhere ourselves to this illusion, we sacrifice our potential for the true power of a spiritual adulthood. If we are willing, we can allow that old way of living and thinking to die. To, as it were, enter into the Bardo and confront the demons of our fears, which cause us to wither into spiritual dependency. As we turn inward, to sort through that which limits our fullness, we can begin to recognize the impact our thoughts and beliefs have upon our physical existence. As we engage in this way, we develop into spiritual adults, that is, accepting the responsibility for co-creating our lives and our health. In so doing, we also begin to acknowledge the divinity that exists inside and all around us. We in essence, disassemble the old dependency upon a parental God/Goddess to fulfill our lives and enter into a deep partnership with All That Is instead. In that partnership, we recognize that we have choice and in choosing we accept responsibility for those choices. We exercise our ability to take action with an eye/heart on the consequences. This sacred work requires us to live our lives in a more heightened and conscious state. From that place of more aware consciousness our actions become illustrations of our inner most attitudes and beliefs. In other words, in getting clear, our choices become those our heart truly wants to own! This clearing away usually means being willing to let go of the overlays placed upon us by others. It means letting go of blame on our parents, our schooling, our society, our genetics or even God. Personal growth author Ken Keyes, Jr. once said, "You are not responsible for the programming you picked up in childhood. However, as an adult, you are one hundred percent responsible for fixing it." I would further add that the action of fixing it requires a great deal of compassion. After all, it is a little death--a dying away of an old belief or perception. In the recording Graceful Passages--which is a treasure for both the living and dying--there is a section spoken by the late Lew Epstein. In it he shares how, so often, we spend our lives judging ourselves and not realizing that we are both loved and Love itself. He says, “you have to listen that you’re loved and forgive all the time” not only to make a graceful transition into death but to really live the richness of this walk on Earth. This forgiveness needs to be lavished not only on each other but on the Self.
Continued on page 35
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Feng Shui & Geopathology by Werner Brandmaier
The 3 LUCK’s and the GOLDEN PIG
question that is often asked in my classes is how to enhance the energy of "wealth and prosperity". It all has to do with a person’s “luck”.
There are three major influences for the luck in a person’s life: 1. Heaven Luck (Tian Yun) – determined by destiny 2. Man Luck (Ren Yun) – the luck a person creates 3. Earth Luck (Di Yun) – the effect of a prosperous place (The term ‘Yun’ refers to cycles of time.)
Chinese sign for Destiny by Heaven
of Intention" has appeared on public television speaking to the subject many times. Just recently a film called “The Secret” has been receiving a lot of attention and appeared on the Oprah show. In the film twenty-four presenters describe the “law of attraction”, in their own view, over history and with compelling testimonials. Our thoughts are a constant generator of subtle energy. Whatever we focus on, whatever we give energy to, good or bad, manifests. Jim Rohn, a motivational teacher for 35 years, words it so: "The winds of life blow the same way for everybody. The setting of the sail determines the direction our boat carries us and the destination where we arrive." We must consequently program ourself to think, envision and feel what we want in our lives, NOT what we do not want. If we do not feel well, imagine how it felt last time when you felt particularly healthy. Imagine a pile of checks instead of a pile of bills and feel it! I know this is easily said, but it is within the realm of possibilities for everyone.
Chinese sign for a Person's Fate
The year of the Pig happens to be the year when great influences from heaven work in our favor. February 18th marked the beginning of this Chinese New Year. This year, however, is not just any Year of the Pig. It is the Year of the Golden Pig which comes around only once every 600 years and is considered one of the luckiest in the entire Chinese zodiac.
I learnt quickly what Europeans barely know: to think forward, to always find a way, to focus on a positive outcome and future. And thankfully it worked, my wife is healthier than she ever was, we have met wonderful people on our way and built new and exciting businesses. Now we are able to share our experiences and hopefully help others on their quest. Earth Luck is described in Feng Shui through the quality and the flow of Qi in the landscape. Dragon lines, auspicious places and more, all principles of Form School, help determine the subtle energy patterns beyond the physical world. Again, the question of wealth and prosperity arises. My response is as always based on energetic principles. Good Feng Shui can remove the obstacles and set the stage, however the individual creates the scenes and the happy endings. Good Feng Shui should give us the necessary support to achieve our goals. On the practical side: In my opinion the only way to become financially independent is through your own business. Find a field of interest, find a topic you are comfortable with, research the internet. Most important: Do what you love! Know what you want and stay focused! Be passionate and success will come. Make the extra effort and take advantage of the supporting heaven luck this coming year.
According to Chinese astrology, the Golden Pig will bring special luck and blessings. In Chinese culture the pig, as a major livestock, has been a symbol of wealth and abundance since ancient times. Babies born in the "Year of the Golden Pig" are believed to have good fortune and will lead a comfortable and wealthy life. More significantly, they are lucky with money and business, which is why hospitals around the mainland are gearing up for a baby boom. According to forecasts by the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Committee, their city alone will see nearly twice the number of babies born in the year 2007.
Resourse for further research: www.thesecret.tv - movie and book “The Secret”.
Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner (207) 772-7888, or werner@InstituteofFengShui.com. Visit his Website at: www.InstituteofFengShui.com.
The influence of heaven is considered significant and unlike the monthly influences of the western zodiac, the characters of Chinese astrology stay with us for the whole year. The pig is the last of the animals in the Chinese zodiac. Each of the 12 animals combined with each of the 5 elemental qualities (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), both Yin and Yang provide 120 basic combinations. After all, this isn’t a Metal Pig year, as many of you might have expected (the last time we had one of those was 1971, and the next one will be in 2031), this is a Fire Pig year, ‘Ding-Hai’. Man Luck is the luck that we create. Whether it is good luck or bad luck that we are presently enjoying or enduring, we are creating it ourselves. Beyond the exceptional possibilities of the year of the Golden Pig, individual lives will develop differently. What a man does, every decision he makes, determines the result. This is called Man Luck. BaZai (or “Pillars of Destiny”) is a system within the Feng Shui teachings which calculates beneficial and less beneficial influences over a lifetime. The elemental qualities are used then to balance energetic challenges, e.g. by choosing a specific sounding name, eating certain types of foods, surrounding oneself with particular colors and materials and living in places with strong water, wood, earth, fire or metal character. Having positive intention and keeping focus during the process is essential for the outcome. We know this as “positive thinking”. Wayne Dyer, author of "The Power
April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 17
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Heaven Luck describes the influences of the Universe at the time of our birth. Some call it karma, some call it destiny, some call it fate. The time, place, family situation, nation, and circumstances all together establish a basis which has been set in motion long before we manifest into this life. We can benefit from heaven luck by being born at a good moment in time, but also by taking advantage when a good year comes along in our lifetime.
When my wife was diagnosed with cancer shortly after we had arrived here from Austria, I just had left a very well-paid job, our entire support system of friends and family, a European healthcare system which pays for everything, and my professional contacts which were in the top field of Western medicine.
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A Morning in May: Thoughts While Cooking Chicken by Chambliss Neil Chicken: the ubiquitous American dinner Chicken: all those poor animals who spend their lives in squalid cages, only to end in nasty deaths Chicken: nourishment for countless people Chicken: the reason for the family to come together around the table at dinner Chicken: the slippery pink and pale yellow leg in my hand All these ideas float around in my head as I wash the chicken and put it in the plastic bags with the marinade (fresh rosemary, tarragon, lemon zest and juice, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper). But the strongest idea—a feeling really—is of being part of a chain of women who have also stood over a sink on a Monday morning preparing dinner. The coolness of the chicken, the way the leg and thigh fit perfectly in my palm… how many before me have had the same sensations? I think about those others as I work in the clear light, the scent of early spring flowers around the edges of my awareness, the tingle of lemon juice on my hands, toiling at this honorable if mundane task, but pleasant, too. Of course, the process of preparing chicken doesn’t always happen on a cool Monday morning with all the best ingredients at hand. In that long chain of women, there were plenty of times when there wasn’t enough meat to go around, when the cook was exhausted, when whining children circled, when the meal was eaten by those who didn’t notice or care. Those experiences together make up the story of billions of chicken meals prepared on this earth throughout history, to which I add my morning in May.
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Greenfire Women’s Retreat is a nonprofit organization founded in 1990 for all women who seek contemplation, community and spiritual growth. From staff meetings to consultations, every aspect of Greenfire’s organization is run using the circle model. Greenfire offers circle conversations, workshops, individual/ group retreats, weekly community meditation groups and Sunday service. Set on a tranquil woodland farm in Tenants Harbor, Greenfire provides sanctuary amidst a fast paced world. Guests can spend the day or week, enjoying delicious meals, comfortable accommodations and quiet. For more information contact 207-372-6442 or go to www.greenfireretreat.org.
Frederica Marshall Artist/Teacher classes/workshops Sumi-e Oriental Brush Painting Watercolor Painting Mandalas
Cold Spring, Nikko, Japan, ©2001 (watercolor batik on rice paper)
81 N. Deer Isle Road Deer Isle, ME 04627
18 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Young Cherry Blossom – Yokusuka, Japan, ©2001
www.fredericamarshall.com fredericamarshal@aol.com
Bernard Dubriel's
Rainbow of Harmonic Overtones & Story Telling
Telstar High School Library, Bethel, Maine Bernard enlightens listeners internationally through his concerts and workshops. By dividing his voice into multiple, harmonic tones, he creates enchanting, otherworldly sounds. Bernard's magical overtones and tapestry of stories simultaneously entertain as they create balance for the body's vital energy. His workshops open new opportunities for everyone.
General Program ~ April 27th at 7:00 PM Two Day Workshop ~ April 28th, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM April 29th, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM FMI: call SpiritWings at 207-824-2204
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destina tio n he alin g
Nurturing Toward Spiritual Adulthood by Kevin Pennell Bethel, Maine
lakes, and mountains of Western Maine, her playground. Her fervent awareness and passion for natural and wild places blend well with her practice of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. As a life-long learner, she studies wellness, alternative therapies, and the countless universal truths found in many spiritual practices. Recently, Jen took a bold step. She chose to step down from her adjunct post with the University of Southern Maine, so she can devote herself to her true passions of leading retreats, group facilitation, and raising the consciousness of others. She hopes to convey some fruitful thoughts and practices on to others, so they can enjoy a similar sense of freedom in life.
Jen Deraspe ~ Nurture Through Nature Some of Jen’s studies led her to “The Work” of Byron Katie whose life changing methods influenced thousands of people around the world. Following a course of study, Jen graduated from The School of Byron Katie. Now, impassioned from her studies, Jen shares her love for yoga and devotion to The Work through an “eclectic program at Nurture Through Nature”. According to Byron Katie’s website (www.thework.com) The Work is a very “simple process, accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds,” requiring pen, paper, and an open mind. Katie’s Work is based on her direct experience of how suffering is created and ended. It is, “a way to identify and question the thoughts that cause all the suffering in the world”. Jen describes part of The Work as “a simple way to jet stream our way to the fast track of spiritual freedom where your childlike innocence and wonder return”. Spectacular settings for the retreats serve well as a backdrop for women who want to explore natural opportunities that nurture their souls’ calling. The retreats weave mindfulness practices, Hatha yoga, guided meditations, and a profound method of clearing the mind of its stressful thoughts. “We incorporate gentle nature explorations to integrate body and spirit.” Nurture through Nature’s circles provide a balance of depth & lightness, group and solo space, movement and stillness. “We create space for reflection and restoration in the natural world, and all of its dependents, including ourselves.” Those ready and willing to delve into their inner world in a safe and supportive environment will gain a new awareness that is priceless. Jen and her staff prefer to focus their work on women
because “we have no competitive element in our outdoor adventure experiences.” Instead they focus on groups coming together in cooperation and community, providing support for each other in all situations, roles and settings. “There is power in honoring the camaraderie of women in nature. In creating a cooperative spirit in all that we do, our retreats lead to a special bonding amongst our participants. Many strong friendships are established and maintained as a result of time and rich experiences shared in nature.” Since many of Nurture Through Nature’s client’s husbands or partners don’t seek outdoor recreation or holistic retreat, Jen and her staff create a safe space for women to join other like minded women looking to “get away”, leaving obligations and responsibilities behind for a much needed respite. Jen says they value the company of women. “Sharing in a new experience with other women has proved, again and again, to be a healing, fulfilling and rewarding experience for our participants.” They weave an ever-expanding web of women who honor and remember their authentic spirits as they rise up above the preconceived roles and expectations set by themselves and others. While moving within the natural world the women gain a sense of partnership with nature instead of apart from it. They move within it with grace, wonder, innocence, silence, and contemplation. Participants become welcome guests within the group where they can enjoy and appreciate silence without feeling obligated to speak. While most of the retreats are conducted around the 33-acre Denmark home base, Nurture Through Nature also schedules annual trips to America’s Southwest each spring. Jen suggests early reservations for the popular excursion. For example this year’s southwest adventure “The New Moon Dreaming Retreat” is full. You can contact her now for 2008 information. The natural world stores immeasurable teachings just waiting for harvest. With Jen’s fun-spirited and playful attitude, she helps you gather nature’s stores for your own spiritual nutrition and growth. She likes “attracting people who are interested in doing inner work, a work that’s enlightening and joyful, a work not meant to be all serious. It’s also meant to be joyful. People are tired of the daily striving and struggle. I’m looking for people to help them find their own freedom.” If you would like more information or if you are seeking a destination for inner work and healing, Jen and the staff at Nurture Through Nature will be pleased and willing to help. You may contact them through their web site at www.ntnretreats.com or you may phone them at 207-452-2929. Nurture Through Nature a destination for women on their journey to spiritual adulthood. Kevin Pennell, an author from Bethel , Maine, wrote Two Feathers - Spiritual Seed Planter and has written for other periodicals and media. Kevin is an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, and Psychic Empath. He conducts Reiki workshops and other workshops that assist spiritual and personal development. Kevin, with his wife, Vickie Cummings, operate Spirit Wings, their Compassionate Healing Center and therapeutic Store located in Bethel, Maine. April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 19
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pring approaches gently as temperatures usher in the growing season. Spots of verdant green begin to poke their way through vistas of snow while bleak vegetation proclaims new growth on the horizon. Soon after the greens pop through, early plants’ blossoms appear with all their fanfare and splendor. Like signposts, blossoms announce each unique species of fruit. We recognize the potential fruits from the blossoms they bear. So it is by the borne blossoms of spiritual adulthood. Our spiritual blossoms share the health, nature, and depth of our spiritual maturity and fruits. The natural world is a thriving environment for fruitful contemplation. This planet earth we live on is often referred to as “Mother Earth”, directing honor and thanks to the feminine. While many destinations for healing provide services for all, some specialize, offering unique experiences and healing opportunities for select groups. Women seeking a deeper connection within and with the living earth-place, may find just what they need through Jen Deraspe and the staff of Nurture Through Nature. They will help guide them on their inner and physical journey. They help women to not only see blossoms in nature, but also become blossoms on their journey toward spiritual adulthood. Once the quickening of the spirit begins, opportunities are sought to learn more about the nature of our own spirituality. As we learn, we move on toward deeper spiritual activities, blossoming through meditation and exploring various roles from participant to facilitator or healer. Then our sense of awareness broadens and we seek a quiet setting for personal reflection. As a blossoming plant benefits from good soil, a quiet setting provides an environment for souls to contemplate decisions, activities, and perhaps even discover new occupations. From her home base in Denmark, Maine, Jen’s Nurture Through Nature will help guide you or your group on to further opportunities for self-discovery, laying claim to a true sense of place. Participants will most certainly discover spectacular natural settings and mountain views through their retreats and canoe trips, but Nurture Through Nature offers retreats that become catalysts for transforming lives. Jen and her staff have helped transform the lives of women through holistic canoe trips and wellness retreats since 1999. You can experience life changing canoe trips in Maine and America’s Southwest or nurturing retreats on Pleasant Mountain’s 33 acres, who’s lofty view overlooks the White Mountains, near Maine’s and New Hampshire’s borders. The natural settings provide good soil for your soul’s health and growth, so you can blossom while your spirit receives nourishment from Hatha Yoga, guided meditations, and mind clearing activities that free you from stressful thoughts. With a cleared mind, you can enjoy freedom of thought and grow on toward further spiritual maturity. The practices of Yoga, meditation, and clearing the mind also help to graft the body with the spirit. A Maine native and registered Maine Guide, Jen Deraspe feels right at home in the heart of the woods,
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ask asrianna Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living.
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Dear Asrianna, My mother is 77, widowed, in good health, and living on her own. I was going to say she lived unassisted, but I get several calls from her each day requiring me to run constant errands. I’ve always tried to be the good daughter so even though I’ve siblings who live nearby, I end up doing everything myself. Whether it’s finding her a new hair stylist, driving her to and from every appointment, or buying her groceries, it’s up to me to do it. She even called me to speak to her neighbor about how he trimmed his trees because she felt it ruined her view. I feel guilty complaining, but she’s so highly critical and unappreciative I get angry and frustrated. I heard her telling a family friend about how she had to beg me to take her to a doctor’s appointment. Not true! She’s sweet to other people but unkind and demanding toward me. Is there anything I can do short of running away? I feel so hateful! Signed, Furious and Frustrated Dear Furious, You describe your mother as being in good health so I’m assuming she’s mobile and not confined to the house. In other words, there’s nothing physical keeping her from doing many of her own errands. The real question then becomes, why do you feel you deserve mistreatment by anyone, let alone your mother? When we constantly, grudgingly, do favors for others, we’re either seeking to gain something, or hoping to avoid it. You mention your mother’s constant criticism. Perhaps you’ve been raised to believe unless you comply with demands, you’re unworthy of love or respect. The flipside of this is your avoidance of the inevitable conflict arising from failing to meet those expectations, or from declining to meet them at all. One of the first steps toward feeling safe, happy, and valued is to decide what you need in order to feel good about yourself and your life. Do you desire to be spoken to in respectful terms? Long for solitude? Perhaps being listened to and heard is a priority for you. Once you’ve made a list containing the elements you need in order to feel loved and worthy, you then set boundaries ensuring those needs are met. If, for instance, you feel obligated to help your mom get to and from doctors’ appointments, you can still honor your need for respect by setting appropriate boundaries that require she treat you with common courtesy. Don’t use this as an opportunity to vent, or to cross personal boundaries of your own, but speak clearly and objectively, kindly but firmly as you communicate your decision to no longer tolerate verbal assaults. Discovering your needs, defining your boundaries, and speaking your authentic truth won’t guarantee changed behavior in your mother or in anyone else. Initially it can elicit hurt feelings, generate conflict, and bring about additional challenges you’ll need to be flexible enough to meet. You’re only responsible for your own life, thoughts and actions and you can’t control how others choose to respond to your compassionate truth. It’s important to look at your own behavior and needs before dealing with your mother, because there’s a pattern present here. You write of being the “good” daughter, of feeling taken advantage of, allude to siblings 22 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
content to let you shoulder the burden of caring for your demanding mom. This isn’t just an isolated event, Furious, but a theme begging the question, what about you? Between your work and your care-giving, how much time do you spend developing your own interests and life? By constantly being at the beck and call of a mother you may never please, you conveniently avoid dealing with issues in your own life. You don’t mention a partner, or whether you have children, hobbies or satisfying work, but if you’re responding to several phone calls a day and running endless errands, it’s unlikely you’re allotting enough time toward creating a balanced personal life. You can only be mistreated in the manner you describe if you allow it, Furious. While it’s true that for many families the care of an elderly parent will fall to them, it’s also true there are ways of sharing the responsibility equitably. Use some of the energy you’re already expending to locate appropriate agencies that can help your mother with the things she truly needs assistance with. Appraise, honestly, what you feel your mother is capable of doing for herself then decide what you’re willing and able to contribute to her care. Keeping your boundaries firmly in mind, speak frankly to your siblings about shared duties and responsibilities. Most importantly, seek ways of affirming your own value and self-worth. When you see yourself as deserving of respect and love you’ll expect nothing less from the people around you. It’s the first step toward freedom. Asrianna Dear Asrianna, How does a person marry a spiritual value to an earthly challenge? I’ve been with the same man for eight years and can honestly say he’s my soul-mate. He’s also been consistently unfaithful, and financially irresponsible. I know he loves me and I also know the terrible conditions he endured as a child. He tells me all the time I’m a saint for putting up with him and he promises to change but he fails time and time again. Then he’s consumed by self-loathing and remorse and I end up forgiving him and taking him back. My family and friends are sick of how I allow myself to be manipulated by him, but didn’t Jesus say in the Bible that we’re supposed to forgive seventy times seven? What if I’m the only way he can eventually change? Isn’t love about giving each other opportunities to be better? What lesson am I being taught that I have to constantly go through this same challenge? Signed, Why Me Dear Why, We can learn a stove is hot on the first touch or we can choose to suffer chronic third degree burns. Let’s start with your biggest misconception here, which is your definition of forgiveness. Somewhere along the line you’ve equated forgiving with giving the offender carte blanche to need forgiveness over and over again. Forgiveness isn’t about denial or continued abuse of self or others, it’s about what we chose to do with our emotions after we recognize we’ve been harmed. Inherent to forgiveness is an understanding that a transgression has occurred. It asks us to acknowledge a wounding, an injustice, a situation in which we’ve been injured whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It requires clear-eyed self-awareness and
demands that the injured party be able to say, this isn’t right, this experience isn’t acceptable, I don’t want to endure this any longer. Part of this process requires holding the other or others accountable. It then becomes not just, “this isn’t right,” but, “she hurt me in this manner and I refuse to see it as acceptable.” It moves the focus from the actual painful event toward the one responsible for causing it in the first place. We hold accountable the one who made the choice to act in a way requiring forgiveness. In doing so we actually do them a great service by allowing them to learn and grow from the consequences of their actions. More importantly, we stop being the victim and move toward self-empowerment and strength. Forgiveness comes into play when we then say, “I understand and see how I was violated, and I hold you accountable. However I refuse to cling to any subsequent emotions of hate, vengeance, suffering, fear, or blame.” In effect, forgiveness paves the way for healing to occur in the one who’s been wronged by working through the painful emotions otherwise locking them into continued self-defeating behaviors. No where in this equation does forgiveness work as a tool by which we’re required to allow ourselves to be wounded over and over again. The Biblical passage you quote doesn’t say forgiving seventy times seven means we should put ourselves willingly in situations where we’re repeatedly victimized. You use the phrase soul-mate to describe your relationship with a man who habitually violates your trust, rends your heart, before manipulating you into overlooking his behavior by dramatizations of selfloathing. Do you end up finding yourself comforting him? Assuring him he’s not as reprehensible and worthless as he thinks he is? Do you then gloss over your own hurt feelings even as you build him up as part of your selfdescribed plan of redeeming him? He gets to indulge in illicit liaisons, spending sprees, the attendant pity parties, and then gets to experience your continued belief in his great potential. Where’s his motivation for change, his reason for treating you fairly and with love and respect? You’ve allowed your soul-mate to skirt the well-deserved repercussions of poor choices by rewarding him for those very same actions. Love yourself enough to own the fears keeping you tied to a painful, destructive relationship. Love yourself enough to realize you deserve faithfulness and trust, and then love him enough to allow him to experience the negative consequences his choices bring him. In doing so, you create an open space in which he can improve in ways that go far beyond just your relationship. When you realize you’re worthy of love that’s one less hot stove you’ll need to touch. Asrianna Dameron is an Intuitive Empath, Spiritual Medium, and Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice. She can be reached at asrianna@shamansheart.com or by visiting her website at www.shamansheart.com.
3 Please direct all inquiries and questions for future columns to
Asrianna at asrianna@shamansheart.com
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April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 23
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Providing Neuromuscular Therapy, including but not limited to: Myofascial Release, Soft Tissue Mobilization, Sports Massage, Trigger Point & Deep Tissue Massage
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Chant and Be Happy by James Bean
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One of the oldest musical instruments on the earth is... the human voice! A number of studies suggest that singing and chant not only feel good but also may in fact really be good for our health and well-being. I want to share with you several examples of chant that you can try out by yourself at home, out in nature, or in a group. These chants are extremely simple, easy to do. Gnostic Vowel Chant, the Western Equivalent of the OM Gnostic Vowel Chant is an effective technique that can allow one to relax and raise one’s consciousness to a higher vantage-point. It was when studying ancient Hermetic and Gnostic texts from Egypt that I first noticed examples of vowel-chant. For instance, in a holy book once used by a Jewish mystical sect known as the Sethians, we have this example of prayer and chant: “The Father of the Great Light came forth from the silence... this one is the Word, the Father of the Light of everything, he who came forth from the silence while he rests in the silence, he whose Name is in an invisible symbol ... a hidden, invisible mystery came forth: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oooooooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (the 7 vowels, chanted 22 times each)” “Oh glorious Name! Truly, truly! The one existing eternally! IIIIII EEEE EEEE OO OO UUUU OOOO AAAA ...This, your Great Name, is upon me, O Faultless, Self-born One, who is not outside of me.” (Gospel of the Egyptians online at Gnosis.org) Sometimes these examples of vowel chant in the sacred texts of Egypt represent Gnostic holy names like IAO or IEOU, yet at other times seem to simply be spontaneous, random combinations of vowels. A long time ago I did a series of talks on Gnosticism and newly discovered texts such as the Nag Hammadi Library, Gospel of Thomas, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Each week, “The Gnostic Study Group” was an opportunity to share about the spirituality of these documents, a chance to have some great in-depth discussions, group meditation and chant. At the beginning of each meditation session we performed our own version of Gnostic Vowel Chant as a centering exercise. The chant was not done in unison. Each person sang a different vowel, going at his or her own pace. As one person was taking a deep breath, others continued their chant and this created a “rolling” or continuous chant-sound. The sound waves of various voices and vowels interacted with each other causing some amazing rippling harmonic effects. After about fifteen minutes of this, we would all get quiet and spend about thirty minutes in silent meditation. The HOO Chant of the Sufis (Islamic Mystical Gnosis) HU is the Sufi equivalent to the Hindu OOOM. The Sufi mantra HU (pronounced “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”) is a name of God, which symbolizes, and even mimics to some extent, the Divine Vibration, the Music of the Cosmos, the Sound of the Creation called by Sufis “Saut-e Sarmad.” 24 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Like Rumi and other Sufi poet-mystics, Hazrat Sultan Bahu, 1628-1691, often chanted and sung the praises of HOOOOO: “Mystics live in this world as HU personified; they practice the Name that is the essence of God. They live in HU -- beyond religion, beyond belief and unbelief, beyond life and death.... In an ecstasy of love, you will repeat the Name of HU constantly, devoting every breath of your life in contemplation of Him ... HU is within, HU is without, HU always reverberates in my heart. The wound in my heart aches constantly with the unabating pain of HU’s love. The darkness of ignorance departs from the heart lit by HU [God, Allah].”
"Radha" is a feminine term and represents the soul, the lover and the drop from the Divine Ocean. The Hindu AAAUUUMM (OOOOOMMMM) Chant In India, many have verbalized the Sound of the universe as “AAAAA UUUUU MMMMM,” the OM Chant. Lord Mahavira, founder of Jainism said: “O Ascetic! Meditate on the cosmic sound of OM because this is like rain for extinguishing the fire of suffering. And it is a lamp which illuminates the subtle essence of the sacred teachings.” The Hindu scriptures known as the Upanishads teach: “OM is the Self of all. AUM is the supreme symbol of God. AUM is the whole. AUM is the sound, which expresses all truth. Those in whom AUM resides are unified with God.” As with the HU Chant of Sufism and the Vowel Chant of Egypt, this sacred word OM mimics a Divine Vibration, and leads one to the eventual experience of an inner Divine Name or Sound above every other name beyond all earthly language. Krishna said: “I Am the syllable OM.” (Gita 7:8) The Hare Krishna or Maha Mantra In the Kali Santarana Upanishad, a Vaishnava Upanishad associated with the Krishna-Yajurveda, Narada is instructed by Brahma: “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare -- These sixteen names are destructive of the evil effects of Kali. No better means than this is to be seen in all the Vedas.” The mantra is repeated, either out loud, softly to oneself (japa), or internally within the mind (ajapa japa). Srila Prabhupada describes the process of chanting the Maha Mantra as follows: “Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind; this consciousness is the original energy of the living entity. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived.... and thus this sound vibration surpasses all
lower strata of consciousness -- namely sensual, mental, and intellectual....”. Chanting the Name Radha-swami as a Bhakti Practice When it comes to chant, one’s belief and INTENT determines the effectiveness and the state of spiritual consciousness achieved. If mantra repetition is a dry, boring ritual, you will indeed feel yourself being transported to a place of dryness, a “vain repetition”, if you will. If, for you, the chanting of the sacred name is done with a spirit of bhakti, love and devotion, as if you are the lover crying out for the Presence of your Beloved, you go to that Reality: Divine love and bliss. “Radha” is a feminine term and represents the soul, the lover, and the drop from the Divine Ocean. Swami is masculine and means “Lord,” the Beloved. Thus, Radhaswami is a kind of verbal “yin-yang,” a unification of feminine and masculine, meaning, Soul-Lord or Lord of the Soul. It is also a name for the Nameless One that has been given many names, and described as the Ocean of Love, Oneness, and All-consciousness. Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj in his book, The Ultimate Enlightenment, gives one of the best descriptions of Radha-swami Chant I have ever encountered. This is indeed faithful to the original, classic Indian bhakti approach to the chanting of sacred names with love. As with other mantras, this repetition can be done verbally (japa) or mentally, “with the tongue of thought” (ajapa japa, simran) during meditation. "The Holy Name, Raa Dha Soa Mi, is the seed of all the sounds of the universe." "God is omnipresent in sound form." "This Holy Name radiating the Supreme Energy of Universal Love is a dynamic, healing force. It creates a light of intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. It is the domain of awareness. Every soul in every life or in every atom of existence is the condensed form of the Holy Name. So every soul is Radhasoami." "By chanting, meditating and being one with this Holy Name of God at one’s pituitary gland between the eyes [third eye center]...one’s heart remains ever with this love..." “Blessed are those who achieve this love and become identified with the Holy Name of God for the final preparation of Ultimate Enlightenment.” "The moment you withdraw your self from your ego, mind and senses, you will find that there is nothing but changeless Pure Consciousness. Bubbles in the ocean are nothing but the same water in different forms. In the same way, every self is nothing but a bubble of Pure Consciousness - infinite Reality. When the mind realizes this, it loses itself in Everlasting Peace." “You will end your journey by being identified with God in sound form, the beginning of creation - RaaDha-Swam-E. You will be identified with Him as creation and Creator and the state of your eternity at the background of all existence. This identity is your Eternal Home, the Kingdom of God, the ultimate state of your Reality.”
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the w ay o f lif e - its e l f
Pollyanna's Power by Norm Hirst
e are in the midst of a paradigm change. Such a transition period is usually a time of chaos and conflict. The old ways are dying; the new ways have yet to be recognized. Blossoming into spiritual maturity is exactly what is now required. I suggest we invoke the power of Pollyanna. Robert Hartman, the value philosopher, used to say that the secret of Pollyanna is the ability to find good making concepts. Thus, for Pollyanna, a bad house can become a good ruin. In our society today we think being Pollyannaish is unrealistic. Who is unrealistic? Pollyanna is open to the richness of possibility. Those who would think her unrealistic are stuck in a groove of limited possibilities. They are stuck because they don’t know they are living beings in a living cosmos. As psychologist Eleanor Rosch said:
Good grief! This is an accurate description of much current thinking. If I believed this is all there is I would be screaming in anguish. I would be wondering if it is worth it. Perhaps what we are witnessing today is many people screaming in anguish. I used to talk about leading edge research. I don’t want to use that word anymore. It sounds too much like supporting the above analytic view. Lets just say a lot is being learned that totally rejects the above view. Change is occurring in everything from religion to physics. In religion I have met members of the Christian clergy who want to do away with atonement theology. It creates an image of God that too many reject. In both physics and biophysics reality has changed. Matter is not fundamental. Energy is. Manifest reality is created by energy flows, and it is all connected. All life is one, and the laws of life are now being revealed for the first time. First we learned the laws of matter as in physics. Now we are learning laws that go beyond them. Today “laws” have a well-deserved bad reputation. Laws have been used to control. But seven European cities have removed all their traffic control signs. Now drivers have to cooperate. As a result traffic flows better and there are fewer accidents and injuries. If control is not an appropriate use of law, what is? I used to call natural law organizing principles. They are to create organizations in which life can function. By the laws of matter they furnish the world. Then, by the laws of life-itself, they create conditions in which living entities function. Living entities have the ability to initiate acts of their choosing. This is not like matter that is passive and can be controlled by various forces. We can speak of living domains in which the inhabitants are free
The living domain and the non-living domain require very different principles of organization. They require different ways of thinking. To confuse what the two require commits us to very serious error. To produce living organisms life creates a society of living entities. You are, as I am, societies of 75 trillion cells. We now know that these societies are pure democracies. Each cell has maximum freedom to act subject only to the coherence conditions required for that society. Each cell is connected to all the other cells through the incredibly high speed living matrix. This matrix is connective tissue, liquid crystalline, and sufficiently fast that all cells are functioning in unison. Lets take time out to appreciate what we are! If we were machines as the analytic view permits, such as computers, we would be pre-programmed to function in the world. This would be impossible since it is not known what the world will be, or what it will change into throughout our lives. If we are not machines what are we? The answer is surprising. According to Dr. Mae Wan Ho, one of today’s leading biophysicists, we are jazz bands. Think of our cells as musical instruments playing our personal theme in 72 octaves. Really?! Once I was in Texas on business. In the evening I sat in the motel’s bar listening to jazz. I was so close to the musicians that I could see the look in their eyes. Having once played the trumpet I watched closely when the trumpeter stood up to play a solo. It seemed clear that he was making it up as he played. The other musicians were simply playing along in accompaniment. But there was a light of joy in their eyes. When he finished they all looked as if they wanted to stand up and applaud. I could not understand any of this. In my experience my trumpet part was written and on a stand in front of me. Since Skye, my loving wife, started out in music I asked her to explain. She told me about music theory. I now think of music theory as rules for coherence. Whether those jazz musicians learned them at Julliard or simply got them in their bones through experience, they worked. I now understand the power of life, the freedom to act in a democracy limited only by the need for coherence. Life is amazing! Sitting in a bar listening to jazz helped prepare me to understand how living organisms function. (Hartman once said that value theory would be more like music theory than physics.) Now I live in two worlds, the world of technology and the world of life. The world of technology is well described above by Eleanor Rosch. She has also described the world of life: By contrast, “primary knowing” arises by means of “interconnected wholes, rather than isolated contingent parts and by means of time-less, direct, presentation” rather than through stored “re-presentation.” “Such knowing is open rather than determinate, and a sense of unconditional value, rather than conditional usefulness, is an inherent part of the act of knowing itself,” said Rosch. Acting
from such awareness is spontaneous, rather than the result of decision making, ” and it is “compassionate…since it is based on wholes larger than the self.” The difference between analytic knowing and primary knowing is profound. I remember a company where the president never spoke to employees. He simply read their progress reports. A $10,000,000 development project ended in total failure. The president never had a clue. In contrast my friend Jim ran a jewelry company. Arriving at work he passed an employee. They both said “good morning”. In his office Jim had a nagging feeling. There was something wrong with the way the employee said “good morning”. Upon investigation he discovered a major theft. Humans are not things. Humans are living. As such they are connected to the oneness of all life. The results of all too many recent laboratory experiments leave no doubt. We may not understand it, but the evidence is clear. Primary knowing, results from the connection to the oneness of life. It is holistic! It doesn’t need words. It comes in feelings. Analytic knowing dismisses feeling knowledge. Analytic knowledge has to be verbalized and tested. It is the kind of knowledge we get in school. Unfortunately there is no literal language. Pretend we have just met. I tell you I am anxious to get home to my cat. Later you visit me. You ask where my cat is. I tell you it is in the harbor. Shocking! What do you imagine I have done? I explain it is my boat. By the word ‘cat’ it could be a catboat or a catamaran. I challenge everyone to find a word in English, other than ‘two’, with only one meaning. It makes one wonder how we communicate. Normally primary knowing provides a context for interpreting the words. Having pushed primary knowing aside for analytic knowing we have pushed meaning away. Having pushed meaning away there can be no values. Life has been degenerating into chaos. The power of Pollyanna is required now to help us all think and create in ways that puncture the veil cast by the analytically generated knowledge. The artist knows much of this process, opening to the primary knowing that goes beyond words, beyond cause and effect. They often lift us out of our stuckness and non-living ways. Today’s paradigm changes are giving each one of us a push towards maturing and deepening our connection to this wholistic primary knowing, sensing connection, not fragmentation, our oneness in this living cosmos. Create a new world-view with possibilities for living in coherence with all life. And yes, in this way we can see the good of it all. Pollyanna power now!
Norm began this work at MIT as a physicist, mathematician and process philosopher seeking meaning and functioning of the role of values in today's science. Co-founder of The Autognomics Institute (TAI) in 1992, Hirst's research reveals the essential need for a fundamental Skye & Norm paradigm shift in science and provides new understanding of what life is, its functions, and its processes. TAI is initiating a new science of organisms and life-itself. To subscribe to Norm's Newsletter contact him at hirst@autognomics.org or call 207-236-6331 or visit TAI blog at www.autognomics.blogspot.com April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 25
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“In the analytic picture offered by the cognitive sciences, the world consists of separate objects and states of affairs, the human mind is a determinate machine which, in order to know, isolates and identifies those objects and events, finds the simplest possible predictive contingencies between them, stores the results through time in memory, relates the items in memory to each other such that they form a coherent but indirect representation of the world and oneself, and retrieves those representations in order to fulfill the only originating value, which is to survive and reproduce in an evolutionarily successful manner.”
to act. What kind of organization does this require? The answer is providing coherence while maximizing freedom. An example is driving on the designated side of the road. There is no attempt to control. The law needs no great enforcement effort. People can drive any time, anywhere, as they choose. They can also choose not to drive.
⇠ 26
m ix ed m e dia
Food Review
by Jame s Be an Vegetarian Food Review Amy's Kitchen http://www.AmysKitchen.com
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Some background from the founders of Amy’s Kitchen: "We didn’t set out to become the nation’s leading natural frozen food brand. All we wanted to do was create a business that would allow us to earn a living by providing convenient and tasty natural vegetarian meals for people like ourselves, who appreciated good food, but were often too busy to cook ‘from scratch'".
worry about eggs or egg-whites turning up in any of their recipes. They also have a line of vegan and other special dietary products. Their website states: “For those who cannot tolerate wheat, Amy’s offers over 50 no-gluten-added offerings. For the lactose intolerant and those who prefer not to eat dairy, there are more than 50 non-dairy/lactose free, cholesterol free dishes from which to choose.”
"We started on a ‘shoestring,’ using our own house and barn as headquarters. The founding meetings were held in the same room where we were married and where our daughter Amy was born."
A link to the VEGAN items listed at the Amy’s Kitchen website:
“This was in 1987, before the idea of ‘organic’ food had become well known, and when there were very few frozen meals available for vegetarians to eat, either in health food stores or supermarkets. We were, however, very fortunate in being in the right place at the right time. The number of vegetarians had increased dramatically, as had consumer awareness of the harmful effects on their health and the environment of chemicals in the food supply.” I find Amy’s Kitchen to be extremely appealing for a variety of reasons. They state: “No meat, fish, poultry or eggs are used in any product. Cheeses are made with pasteurized rBST hormone free milk and do not contain animal enzymes or rennet.” All of their food products are purely vegetarian, completely conforming to the lactovegetarian diet, meaning that no meat, no fish, and no eggs are ever used. Amy’s also has high standards when it comes to the issue of animal-based rennet in cheese. According to the Vegetarian Society UK website: “The usual source of rennet is the stomach of slaughtered newly-born calves.” Cheese is often made using animal rennet, a natural complex of enzymes produced in any mammalian stomach to digest the mother’s milk. Amy’s does not use any animal rennet, period. This makes Amy’s one of the few reliable, purely vegetarian natural foods companies, and one never has to 26 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
http://www.amys.com/products/ search_results.php?form_vegan=1 The truth is, Amy’s has so many items to choose from that one could actually be quite content living on the all-Amy’s Kitchen diet! If you visit the website, be prepared to feel hungry! You will discover just how much fun it can be eating vegetarian food, seeing many wonderful ethnic Indian and Asian meals, pizza, lasagna, burritos, beans & chili, pot pies, veggie burgers, and much, much more. Many of these items are found in health-food stores and supermarkets (or could be ordered there). And now, welcome to the new age of the Internet. As of Spring 2007, I am told that Amy’s will also begin to ship products directly to customers, adding another potential market of millions of people. Ordering online has it’s advantages. Instead of letting fate decide what you end up purchasing, based on what is stocked on the shelves of a store or out of stock (or never in stock!), one has the entire inventory of the company to choose from, including newly added products. Also, many people live in rural areas perhaps not close by to stores that offer good vegetarian choices. Now one can place an order, and soon thereafter an insulated box containing super cold dry ice to keep food items frozen, is delivered right to one’s doorstep. ¡Buen provecho! Buon appetito! Bon Appétit!
Book Review by Scott C ronenweth Two Feathers: Spiritual Seed Planter By: Kevin Pennell ISBN:13: 978-0-9409-8594-0 Publisher: Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, WI Two Feathers: Spiritual Seed Planter offers an intimate glimpse into the relationship of a spiritual teacher and his student, as well as a chance to connect with the Native American teachings they shared. This book has uncanny power! As you read happily along, beguiled by entertaining stories of Ken Two Feather’s colorful life and matter-of-fact outlook, the timeless wisdom of Grandfather guides you gently but directly toward your own inner truth. Warmly written in the first person by healer and Inner Tapestry columnist Kevin Laughing Hawk Pennell, and garnished with funky old family photos, you could read this unassuming book for enjoyment in a couple of hours. Or you might want to take a whole lot more time with it than that. I found myself frequently drawn to reflect on the simple but profound truth of Two Feathers’ teachings, which Kevin expresses with humble clarity. I’d experienced many of these ideas before in various forms. But coming
through Kevin from Two Feathers they seemed to fly below my ego’s radar and slip through to my heart space with the gentleness of water melting ice. This little book is as endearing as its author (if you’ve never met Kevin and his wife Vicki you owe yourself a trip to Spirit Wings in Bethel, Maine!) -- but don’t think for one minute that Two Feathers isn’t capable of shaking your tree and shifting your life walk. Even if you’re not particularly drawn to Native American spirituality, it’s an accessible doorway to understanding the essence of these teachings, and how they relate to Native life, culture, ceremonies and mythology. For those of us who have taken some steps on the Red Road this is guidance to embrace with joy and gratitude – Aho! Two Feathers: Spiritual Seed Planter is available from the publisher (http://www.lotuspress.com/1BK/ 1BK990987.cfm). You can also get a copy directly from the author by emailing kevin@spiritwingsbethel.com or calling (207) 824-2204.
Book Review by
James Bean
Parallel Worlds, A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions and the Future of the Cosmos By: Michio Kaku ISBN: 0-385-50986-3 Publisher: Doubleday, www.michiokaku. Michio Kaku is an internationally recognized authority in Theoretical Physics, including Quantum Physics and String Theory. He seems to be the new “Carl Sagan”, with frequent appearances in the media, and has his own radio show on WBAI in New York City, every Wednesday at 5 pm. He holds the Henry Semat Professorship in Theoretical Physics at the City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His dream is to help complete Einstein’s “Theory of Everything,” a single equation, perhaps no more than one inch long, which will unify all the fundamental forces in the
universe. Though a scientist, he has the soul of a philosopher and mystic. In addition to theoretical physics and the possibility of an infinite number of universes, in Parallel Worlds he also discusses God, the soul, religion, and ethics. I find this to be an incredibly spiritual book. He states, “How could it be that we live in a ten dimensional universe? Well the skeptics hardly laugh anymore. Around the world, the nation’s leading physicists are scrambling to learn this bizarre theory that may allow us to read the mind of God, called String Theory, which says that Music resonating through hyperspace may be the mind of God.”
27 Web Review
by J a m e s Be an
The Gnosis Archive and Library Main Page: http://www.gnosis.org Gnosis Library: http://www.gnosis.org/library.htm including the Odes of Solomon, a poetic, Rumi-like collection of early Christian psalms of incredible beauty. The books of the Egyptian “Corpus Hermeticum” of Hermes Trismegistus are there too, along with some newly discovered Hermetic texts found amongst the Nag Hammadi collection. You’ll also be able to explore many holy books of the Mandaean (pronounced: “man-day-in") and Manichaean (man-eh-key-ian) religions. Those were Gnostic groups that existed in what’s now modern-day Iraq and Iran. In fact, there STILL ARE a few Mandaeans alive and well in the world today, one of the few Gnostic groups that has survived the centuries. Mandaeans not only live in Iraq and Iran, but these days also there are Mandaean communities in Australia and in the US. These Mandaean Gnostics also have a growing presence on the worldwide web with some very informative websites. There are medieval Cathar and alchemical writings also included in the Gnosis Archive’s online library, as well as a section devoted to modern Gnostic texts. Most noteworthy in this category is a work by Carl Gustav Jung: The Seven Gnostic Sermons of the Dead. If you’ve downloaded a free program called the “Real Player”, you can listen to many interesting real audio or MP3 lectures found at this website, including: "The Psychology of C. G. Jung"; C. G. Jung’s View of Religion, "God, The Shadow and Dr. Jung"; J.R.R. Tolkien’s "Gnosis for Our Day"; Joseph Campbell: "A Modern Sage; Christ": "The Misunderstood Redeemer; An Introduction to Kabbalah and The Zohar; The Sorrow of Sophia": "Feminine Divine Image of Suffering"; and my personal favorite: "The Hymn of the Pearl": A Classic Gnostic Myth from the Acts of Thomas, an amazing talk by Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, Bishop of the Ecclesia Gnostica church.
James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening. Address questions or comments to: P O Box 7, Newport, ME 04953, or Email:james@spiritualawakeningradio.com.
Spirit Bear By Michael Redsky Round Sky Music. www.reskymedicine.com What does Native American, Spirit Bear and GNOSIS, ancient Greek music have in common? Round Sky Music, Studio Unicorn and two extremely talented musicians who frequently appear at the Whole Health Expo's to gift everyone with their individual styles of music and the healing that occurs when people connect to where this wonderful music is generated from. These two "gentle" men have definitely connected to their hearts passion as it comes across so beautifully in their music. For Michael Redsky this is his first full CD with nine tracts of some of the best Native American flute music I have heard and with
by K aren M. Rider
The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One By: Margaret Lobenstine ISBN: 10:0767920880 Publisher: Broadway Books, NY “As a Renaissance Soul, what’s important is that we honor our delight in variety. . . Our multiinterest way of life is the one we prefer, and it’s one to which we’re entitled.” (p. 28) Does answering the question, "Where do you see ourself in five years?" send you running for cover? When asked to define your life purpose, are you likely to respond, “I have several.” Are you still trying to answer the question, “What do you want to be when you grow-up?” If someone calling you a "jack-of-all trades, master-of-none" raises your temperature to boiling, then you'll want to simmer down and read, Margaret Lobenstine’s, Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One. Inspired by the concept of the Renaissance man—that 16th century fellow who studied science and philosophy, was known for his social graces, and excelled at both art and hunting fox, Lobenstine encourages contemporary Renaissance Souls to embrace and nourish this unique trait and experience joy and success in their multidimensional lives. You’re a Renaissance Soul (RS) if you thrive on variety, seek constant challenge, and define success more by what you’ve experienced and mastered in life than by how far up the proverbial ladder you have climbed. You might also be known to have several disappointing “flings” with different hobbies and jobs; feel trapped or bored when you stay in the same activity or position for too long, or when the challenge has successfully been met. In what is a long over-due book for multi-talented, multi-passionate people, Lobenstine shows you how to harness your energy to pursue the interests that beckon you with clarity, focus, and economic practicality. Whether you want to strike out on a new path with your latest passion, or keep your day job while immersing yourself in certain hobbies, you will learn to creatively think about and plan
for the personal, financial, and logistical implications that arise in the pursuit of multiple passions. Lobenstine pulls from her own Renaissance life experiences (she’s been the owner/operator of a successful bed-and-breakfast, writer, speaker, and career coach, to name a few), to provide a unique set of tools and exercises that help you tackle the three biggest obstacles that RS face: focus, time and money. First, you’ll identify core values and beliefs and let go of expectations that hinder your ability to focus (such as that nagging critical inner voice; family members who just don’t understand, etc.). Next, using a method she calls the Focal Point Strategy, you’ll align your choices with genuine motives and choose a select few (of your many) interests to focus on for a given period of time. Speaking of which, Lobenstine provides a set of time-magic skills to help you keep focused. She also addresses money matters by identifying a number of resourceful ways you can link your passion to a source of income. After you’ve gotten in touch with your Renaissance Soul, Lobenstine points you in the direction of aligning your passion with a paycheck. While Lobenstine does not have answers for everyone; her techniques combined with her encouragement to be true to your Self is both wise and practical. This is a four-star career development and life-design book for all the people who have multiple passions, hobbies, ideas and interests that their heart calls them to follow. Margaret Lobenstine is an adept guide on the journey too, offering wit, wisdom and inspiration as you develop fully into the Renaissance Soul that you were born to be! Karen Rider is a freelance writer and health coach based in central Connecticut. Karen holds a masters degree in health psychology and offers workshops on the psychophysiology of stress, relaxation and mind/body health research for yoga teachers and teacher trainees. She can be reached at riderkm@cox.net.
Enjoy reading this issue of Inner Tapestry by Jo an Emmons GNOSIS By Paul Avgerinos Round Sky Music www.RoundSkyMusic.com the accompaniment of Paul Avgerinos Guitar, Bass and Hand Percussion it takes you to that place within that all is as it should be. Paul, a 1992 and 2004 Grammy Nominee for Best New Age Album, has captured the meaning of Gnosis, knowing & knowledge. Gnostic wisdom comes to life in the chants, Tabla, Oud, Sarangi, Cello and Angelic Choirs of this CD. Paul's studio is Studio Unicorn located in Redding, Ct. where both these CDs were produced. You can visit Michael at www.redskymedicine.com and Paul at www.RoundSkyMusic.com and www.studiounicorn.net to order these great CD's April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 27
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
The word “Gnostic” comes from the Greek and means literally “knowledge” or “acquaintance.” Generally, a Gnostic would be someone who is a mystic or knowing one who is able to directly perceive Mysteries of the Divine with spiritual vision. “Gnosticism” refers to an ancient school of thought or philosophy with distinct features, one of the main ones being a belief that God is purely a timeless, formless, spiritual being, is far beyond the world of matter, time and space, and that the universe, instead of being directly created by God, was actually brought into existence by a lesser god or emanation sometimes called “the Demiurge,” “Universal Mind”, or “the Kal” (the lord of time and illusion). The Gnosis Archive I’ve always found the Gnosis Archive to be a very impressive website. It’s an online resource that I keep visiting again and again. If you’re intrigued by “lost books” of the Bible or Gnostic gospels, this is a key website for you. This site contains an online library of most all the known Gnostic texts. You’ll have access to the Nag Hammadi Library, a discovery of 50 ancient books found near the village of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt. This collection includes the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Mary Magdalene and many other fascinating scriptures used by several different Jewish, Christian, and Hermetic Gnostic movements in Egypt 1,800 years ago and lost to history until they were unearthed again during the month of December, 1945, three years before the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. But that’s just the tip of the esoteric iceberg. This online library also contains Pistis Sophia, the books of Faith-Wisdom. By the way, Pistis Sophia greatly influenced William Blake, the famous poet-mystic. There are many apocryphal Christian texts of a Gnostic nature
Book Review
28 The Most Important Dimension of Human Existence by Eckhart Tolle We’re here to find that dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought. This teaching isn’t based on knowledge, on new interesting facts, new information. The world is full of that already. You can push any button on the many devices you have and get information. You’re drowning in information. And ultimately, what is the point of it all? More information, more things, more of this, more of that. Are we going to find the fullness of life through more things and greater and bigger shopping malls? Are we going to find ourselves through improving our ability to think and analyze, and accumulate more information, more stuff? Is “more” going to save the world? It’s all form. You can never make it on the level of form. You can never quite arrange and accumulate all the forms that you think you need so that you can be yourself fully.
To find it, you need to roll up the scroll of your life on which your story is written, past and future. Before there were books, there were scrolls, and you rolled them up when you were done with them. So put your story away. It is not who you are. People usually live carrying a burden of past and future, a burden of their personal history, which they hope will fulfill itself in the future. It won’t, so roll up that old scroll. Be done with it. You don’t solve problems by thinking; you create problems by thinking. The solution always appears when you step out of thinking and become still and absolutely present, even if only for a moment. Then, a little later when thought comes back, you suddenly have a creative insight that wasn’t there before. Let go of excessive thinking and see how everything changes. Your relationships change because you don’t demand that the other person should do something for you to enhance your sense of self. You don’t compare yourself to others or try to be more than someone else to strengthen your sense of identity.
Sometimes you can do it for a brief time span. You can suddenly find everything working in your life: your health is good; your relationship is great; you have money, possessions, love, and respect from other people.
You allow everyone to be as they are. You don’t need to change them; you don’t need them to behave differently so that you can be happy.
But before long, something starts to crumble here or there, the finances or the relationship, your health or your work or living situation. It is the nature of the world of form that nothing stays fixed for very long — and so it starts to fall apart again.
There’s nothing wrong with doing new things, pursuing activities, exploring new countries, meeting new people, acquiring knowledge and expertise, developing your physical or mental abilities, and creating whatever you’re called upon to create in this world.
* * *
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
The voice in the head that never stops speaking becomes a civilization that is obsessed with form, and therefore knows nothing of the most important dimension of human existence: the sacred, the stillness, the formless, the divine. “What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose yourself?” It has been said that there are two ways of being unhappy: not getting what you want, and getting what you want. When people attain what the world tells us is desirable — wealth, recognition, property, and achievement — they’re still not happy, at least not for long. They’re not at peace with themselves. They don’t have a true sense of security, a sense of finally having arrived. Their achievements have not provided them with what they were really looking for — themselves. They have not given them the sense of being rooted in life, or as Jesus calls it, the fullness of life.
* * *
The form of this moment is the portal into the formless dimension. It is the narrow gate that Jesus talks about that leads to life. Yes, it’s very narrow: it’s only this moment.
* * *
It is beautiful to create in this world, and there is always more that you can do. Now the question is, are you looking for yourself in what you do? Are you attempting to add more to who you think you are? Are you compulsively striving toward the next moment and the next and the next, hoping to find some sense of completion and fulfillment? The preciousness of Being is your true specialness. What the egoic self had been looking for on the level of the story — I want to be special — obscured the fact that you could not be more special than you already are now. Not special because you are better or more wretched than someone else, but because you can sense a beauty, a preciousness, an aliveness deep within.
* * *
When you are present in this moment, you break the continuity of your story, of past and future. Then true intelligence arises, and also love. The only way love can come into your life is not through form, but through that inner spaciousness that is Presence. Love has no form.
Bestselling author Eckhart Tolle has emerged as one of the finest spiritual teachers of our time. He is the author of many books, including The Power of Now, A New Earth, Stillness Speaks. This article is excerpted from his most recent work, a book and DVD package called Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat. Reprinted with permission from Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat: Stillness Amidst the World, © 2006 by Eckhart Tolle, Eckhart Teachings Inc., Published by New World Library, www.NewWorldLibrary.com.
A d v er ti s e i n t h e I n n e r T a p e s t r y ' s ~ Directory of Resources ~ 115 words $250, for 1 year (6 issues) or $300 to include the On-line version, initial set-up fee $20 www.innertapestry.org Call 207-799-7995 or e-mail info@innertapestry.org 28 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
Inner Tapestry DIRECTORY OF RESOURCES (pages 29 ~ 35)
Holistic practitioners, products & resources at your fingertips! Reaching over 45,000 readers. ( TAKE A LOOK AND SEE WHAT’S NEW! ( (New listings added each issue) For information on how to add your listing, see page 28
; Counseling & Therapy ..........................................page 29 ; Creative Healing Arts ...........................................page 29 ; Dance/Movement ..................................................page 30 ; Herbs, Gardens & Herbal Products ......................page 30 : Holistic Healing Centers .......................................page 30 : Honoring A Life's Transition ..................................page 30 : Hypnotherapy .....................................................page 31 ; Integrative Healing .........................................pages 31-32 ; Life Mastery .................................................pages 32-33 : Living Spaces .....................................................page 33 : Meditation .............................................................page 33 : Nurturing Foods ....................................................page 33 ; Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship ...........................page 33 ; Reflexology & Healing Massage ..........................page 33 ; Retreats ..............................................................page 34 ; Sacred Space .......................................................page 34 ; Salons & Spas .......................................................page 34 ; Shamanic Healing .................................................page 35
counseling & therapy
Carol Zahner Process Work
The Couples Center
Health problems, relationship dilemmas and dreams can be your connections to nature, the spirit of the future, and new unknown aspects of yourself and community. Process Work, also known as Dreambody Work, gives you innovative but simple ways to unfold and
understand what your body, relationships and life are communicating. Individual sessions, ongoing groups, classes and phone sessions. Introduction session free. Carol Zahner,MS, Dipl. Process Work Center of Portland in Oregon. In Maine: Portland and Walpole (near Damariscotta). Call (207) 522-3600, cz@processworkne.com.
Supporting the heart’s desire for intimacy, meaning, and connection. Conscious relationship is the art and science of using the
Psychologist, Sex Therapy Diplomate, AASECT; rfeintech@choiceonemail.com; Deb Feintech, RC, Certified Shamanic Practitioner; Michele Keef, LMFT and Alison Caswell, LCPC-C, 222 Auburn St., Portland, ME 04103.
I am a clinical counselor and practitioner of Somatic Experiencing© with a private psychotherapy practice in Portland, Maine. My work integrates traditional talk therapy, somatic therapy and mindfulness in work with individual clients. The emphasis is on helping people learn to access the innate healing ability of the human body. The end goal is to heal trauma, stress, compulsions and other challenges in order to enjoy an open, embodied flow of experience. I also teach workshops in somatics and sensory awareness for clinicians and others interested in mind-body integration. Most insurance accepted. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web @ mindmeetsbody.com Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP. 205 Ocean Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 773-7993 x19. smith@mindmeetsbody.com
Douglas Smith
creative healing art s Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy. Art therapy and shamanic counseling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden.
We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "Art from the heART," (207) 589-3063. moonart@midcoast.com.
Art Therapy & Shamanism ~ Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC Dance/Movement Therapy helps people explore and extend their aliveness. Combining words and movement in safe, developmentally
appropriate structures, Caroline can help you tap into your deepest wisdom and creativity. Caroline offers individual therapy sessions as well as consultation for other professionals, therapists and educators who can benefit from the use of movement in their understandings. She also offers supervision to those who would like to include movement more effectively in their work with clients or students. Caroline also teaches classes and leads workshops in Contemplative Dance and T’ai Chi Ch’uan at Fiddlehead Arts and at her studio in New Gloucester. For more information: Call (207) 926-5983 or e-mail cmloupe@maine.rr.com.
Dance/Movement Therapy ~ Caroline Loupe, ADTR, LCPC CO-CREATING WITH YOUR SOUL ~ creative process as sacred container for re-connection, healing, and transformation. Engaging in artmaking as process (through Touch Drawing* and other media) activates the unique wisdom and eternal knowing of our oneness with the
creative source that dwells within our soul. As trust replaces fear energy flows, the emerging images reflecting the healing and integration taking place within. This process supports the evolution of creative consciousness both at the individual soul and planetary levels. Retreats and personal journeys facilitated by visionary artist and healer, Helen Warren, MSed., MFA, who brings the compassion and wisdom of over 40 years experience as a facilitator and from her personal creative healing process. FMI: (207) 829-6876; helen@creativespiral.net; or www.creativespiral.net. *See www.touchdrawing.com.
North Yarmouth, Maine 04097
April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 29
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
inevitable challenges of relationship to evolve into more present, loving, and compassionate beings. We bring a unique blend of expertise, support, and challenge to couples who are ready to open their hearts, transform shadow into light, and heal ancient wounds in the context of relationship. We offer a variety of formats for this work: individual therapy, Husband/wife co-therapy team, couples’ intensives, Integrated Marital and Sexual Therapy, and shamanic healing. Call for information: (207) 878-3141. Ron Feintech, Ph.D, Licensed
dance/ movement Movement as Healer
Gail Edgerly, RN, CTP
Movement as Healer is rooted in the premise that movement is the expression of life, and movement on all levels is fundamental to health. When we experience the possibilities of our own unique and authentic movement, we release into freer movement, deepening our
awareness, sense of connection, and state of well-being. The offerings of Movement as Healer are specific and collaborative. The Trager® Approach to movement involves a one-on-one practitioner/client relationship using touch and rhythm to assist in the experience of fluid, free and pleasurable movement. The 5Rhythms™ Movement Practice (developed by Gabrielle Roth) is an improvisational and expressive exploration of our uniquely personal movement following a map of rhythms inherent in every body and in every day life. Sessions can be one-on-one, with a couple or in a class/workshop setting. The 5Rhythms™ can also be used in collaboration with the work of other teachers and facilitators, to expand and support the embodiment of the programs intention. I offer private sessions and classes in Portland and Kennebunk. FMI call (207) 761-3765 or email gailedge@maine.rr.com and go to www.gabrielleroth.com and www.Trager.com.
herbs, gardens & herbal products Blessed Maine He rb Farm
Blessed Maine Herb Farm offers Medicinal Herb Products of Impeccable Quality, made with Certified Organic and Wildgathered
Herbs, hand-cultivated on our farm or gathered respectfully from the blessed earth around us. A Family owned and run business since 1989, we at Blessed Maine Herb Farm are dedicated to offering the very best of what is offered to us all by our Bountiful Mother Earth. Our product line includes nourishing and delicious Herb Tea Blends, Tinctures in Organic Alcohol, Compound Formulas, including our world famous 13 Sisters Restorative Elixir, Syrups, Infused Oils, Salves, Beauty Care, Incense and Smudge Sticks. Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs and Traversing the Wild Terrain of Menopause; Herbal Allies for Men and Women, by Gail Faith Edwards. Visit us online where you can peruse our offerings, read about the many uses of medicinal herbs, ask a question of the Herblady, or place an order, email gailea88@gmail.com or visit www.blessedmaineherbs.com.
holistic healing centers Just a short drive from where you are, you'll find a special place to relax and find yourself. We invite you in for a soothing
therapeutic massage or detoxifying spa treatment. Visit Meg Davison, our Homeopathy Consultant for a remedy to balance and heal naturally. We have Full Moon and Drumming Circles, Yoga, T'ai Chi, Transformational Healing with Claudia Moore. Awaken your soul with Anurag. Connect to the wealth of universal wisdom with Pat O'Connor. We offer Hypnotherapy, Polarity and Cranio Sacral Therapies. Find answers with our experienced Psychics. Join us for a walk in the Garden! Route 35, Dayton, ME. Call (207) 929-5088 or visit our website www.gardensofatlantis.org.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center The area’s premiere environment for creating health & well-being, Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center offers a comprehensive selection of healthcare & lifestyle services. The community of certified professional practitioners at Sanctuary Center work independently
& collaboratively to serve client needs. Select from a spectrum of therapies & treatments, including acupuncture, homeopathy, polarity, facial rejuvenation, hot stone massage, reiki, Ayurveda, holistic psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, detoxification, coaching & more. Certified & skilled teachers offer daily classes in yoga, Pilates, meditation & Qi Gong to students of all ages & experience levels in the bright, spacious Studio. For more information, to enroll or schedule an appointment: (207) 846-1162, email: info@sanctuaryhhyc.com, www.sanctuaryhhyc.com, 50 Forest Falls Drive, Yarmouth.
Far Eastern tradition, Native American custom, new age spiritual, holistic natural or any other healing path is welcome.
The Universal Healing Center is an eclectic mix of people and practices. You can find massage therapists and psychics, spiritual counselors and shamans, energy therapists and dancers all under one roof. Our many classes cover a wide range of interests whether you are here to learn a new path or just enlighten yourself to some different methods. Classes are priced in order to encourage people to try something new and experience another perspective. Visit us at 1016 B Main Street, Sanford, Maine or online at www.universalhealingcenter.net for a complete list, calendar and personal biographies. (207) 608-1755.
Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts is a beautiful place for people to gather, to learn, to teach and to be a part of a community interested in conscious living. We offer the individual services of a holistic center through our community of practitioners as well as a
wide spectrum of wonderful workshops and classes. The practitioners at Meadow Wind offer services from massage, polarity, spiritual healing and life coaching to art, yoga, hair, skin & beauty. To contact any of our practitioners call Meadow Wind or go to www.meadowwind.org for a list of practitioners and their personal contact information. We have two beautiful workshop/class spaces available to teachers who want to share what they have with others. To explore teaching at Meadow Wind contact Andrea Ferrante at (207) 878-3899. Our workshops and classes are also listed on our website, www.meadowwind.org. We are conveniently located at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME.
honoring a life's transition Change is a natural product of growth and evolution, honoring death is honoring that change. In the process of honoring death and
Ashes N Urns
change, we nourish ourselves and those we love. The goal of ashesnurns.com is to help you honor the life you so cherished. Ashesnurns. com offers adult, child, infant and companion pet urns. Our keepsake urns can hold a prayer or mantra, lock of hair, a small amount of cremated remains, crushed flowers, bit of earth or something symbolic to hold close to your heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like help planning a nondenominational memorial service that honors your traditions, culture and special relationship to your loved one. Visit us at www.ashesnurns.com, email us at support@ashesnurns.com, or call (603) 874-1684.
30 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
hypnotherapy Harness the power of the mind-body connection. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have the tools and skills you need.
Hypnotherapy eliminates fear and stress and creates a blueprint for health and healing that your mind can read and follow. Medical experts acknowledge that Hypnotherapy compliments all medical procedures, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing negative side effects. Pre/post surgical patients experience reduced anxiety, blood loss, anesthesia need and rapid healing. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in treating many physical challenges such as chronic pain and disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Hypnosis for Childbirth removes the fear and pain of childbirth. Hypnotherapy played a major role in my own successful battle with breast cancer. After 16 years of private practice in New York, I am now privileged to serve my neighbors here in Mid-coast Maine. Please take advantage of a FREE phone consultation to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact: Elissa Garde-Joia at 207-338-1669, egardejoia1@verizon.net. Home visits available.
As a practicing certified Hypnotherapist since 1991 in Blue Hill and Portland, I have helped hundreds of people improve their lives.
Together we have resolved over 120 different issues, ranging from abuse, anxiety, dejection and insomnia to smoking, sports performance, sexual dysfunction, weight concerns – and much more. As I guide people, they bring forward from their subconscious mind an awareness and understanding of “the roots of their problem.” They are then empowered to disconnect those roots and create a new, positive thought pattern, which becomes their permanent reality through repetition. I feel Hypnotherapy is a comfortable, gentle, genuine, and powerful way to learn the techniques to heal one’s self. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. Call (207) 374-2344 (Blue Hill) or 773-5200 (Portland), sadlier@hypno-health.net, www.hypno-health.net.
Hypno-Health ~ Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed., C.H. Become a Certified Hypnotist. Begin an exciting career earning money helping others! Affordable weekend certification programs at
our Wakefield, MA lakeside location. Julie Griffin, BCH, director, is a renowned, dynamic, award-winning international instructor, author of 10 hypnosis books, and regular presenter at Jonathon Podolsky’s, Whole Health Expos. Hypnosis certifications available: International Association of Counselors & Therapists, National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and more. Great value for your education dollars. Programs range 7 to 100 hours. Program costs: Basic $595; Advanced/Medical $625; Metaphysical $525. Multi-program discounts, free retakes and free telephone support. CEU’s available: Nurses, LICSW, and LMHW. Call for a free brochure and audio cassette. (800) 497-1807 www.hypnosistoday.com. Julie Griffin, Director.
The Hypnotherapy Training Company ~ Julie Griffin, Director
integrative h e a l i n g and serves people of all faiths. Healing Sessions begin with Anju listening to the client’s concerns. During this, Anju tunes in, using clairsentient abilities, to determine where blocks are in the client’s energy. She then channels healing energy wherever needed. Clients often enter an altered state, as their energy is boosted and begins to return to balance. Because of Anju’s religious vows, sessions are offered on a donation basis. These are held at a lovely country setting in Livermore Falls. (207) 897-4378.
“Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps to fulfill that right,” -Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master/teacher), and Herbalist. Nestled in a wildlife habitat you are
encased in harmonizing relaxation while balance and harmony set in motion the healing process within. Learn the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho - enjoy a healing session - receive a personal herb report - journey into your past - learn meditation - mobilize your awareness by connecting with nature. Roberta Barnes' Reiki lineage has only three Reiki Shihans between Mikao Usui, the founder, and her. Visit http://www.naturalhealinglearning.com or call today (207) 445-5671.
Roberta Barnes Reiki Shihan & Herbalist Marie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in working with female adults and teens with issues such as anxiety, fears, phobias, grief and loss, trauma, life transitions and spiritual matters. Along with utilizing traditional methods of counseling she
incorporates both TAT ® and EFT ®, energy psychology techniques, in her practice. Separate and apart from her work as an LCSW, she is also a Reiki Master/Teacher and an aromatherapist. For more information or an appointment call (207) 773-9100 or (207) 590-3884. For the Reiki and TAT training schedule and registration forms – see website – www.marielb.net. She is located in both, Portland and Biddeford, Maine “ I would consider it a privilege to work with you in your healing”.
Marie Laverriere-Boucher, MSW, MA ~ Southern Maine Energy Therapy Center "Housekeeping for your body, mind and spirit." Drawing from a broad range of healing methods, as well as my gift as an intuitive
and channel, each client receives an individually tailored session appropriate to their needs and symptoms in the moment. People feel easier and more comfortable in their bodies, relaxed, balanced and revitalized, often expressing how “light” they feel. Treatment provides support during life changes and challenges, as well as relief with chronic pain, stress, depression and anxiety. Clients often choose to receive regularly as part of their self-care, to maintain their health and sense of well-being. It is truly an honor and my joy to act as a facilitator and teacher for others. lindsley17@adelphia.net (207) 563-5136, Newcastle, Maine.
Path to the Heart ~ Lindsley Field, RMT, CTP Inner Tapestry's Directory of Resources Ad Listings can also be advertised online. Visit: www.innertapestry.org. To place your listing in the Directory of Resources, please call: (207) 799-7995. For rates see page 28, or www.innertapestry.org. April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 31
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Empathic Healing Channel Anju Myodo, first opened healing abilities through intensive Zen meditation. Her work is non-denominational
32 ⇠
integrative healing... continued SpiritWings CompassionateHealing Kevin Pennell, RMT, CHt Vickie Cummings, LMT, RMT Wendi Griswold, LMT
Kevin Pennell, Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher/Certified Hypnotherapist/Shamanic Practitioner, Vickie Cummings, Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Cranio Sacral Therapist/Usui & Karuna® Reiki Practitioner and Wendi Griswold, Licensed Massage Therapist with Advanced Training in Sports Massage/Usui Reiki Practitioner: Massage - Including Therapeutic Massage -
Sports Massage - European Neuromusclar Massage - Sports Massage - New England Hot Stone Therapy - Soothing herbal Body Wrap - Seated Massage - Couples Massage and Outcalls available, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Healing and Readings. We consult with each client to identify the appropriate modalities to achieve self-healing and overall well-being. We also offer Reiki Classes and other workshops. Karuna® Reiki classes will be offered beginning Spring 2007. Visit SpiritWings for a cross cultural variety of enchanting gifts, supplies and accessories to aid your spiritual journey including an exquisite selection of healing crystals and quartz crystal singing bowls. SpiritWings is conveniently located at 57 Main Street in Bethel, Maine. Sessions by appointment. Store hours Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 5. Telephone (207) 824-2204 or visit us on the web at www.SpiritWingsBethel.com. Credit Cards accepted. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is one of the most powerful tools for regaining emotional and physical health. Simply
stated, EFT is psychological acupressure. By tapping key acupressure points located on the face and torso while tuning into the problem, negative emotions, traumas and beliefs are gently and easily released causing the mind and body to relax into a natural healing JanetGleeson unresolved state of well-being. Research now proves that our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pain and Energy Therapy disease. EFT is a simple, inexpensive and clinically-proven, healing technique that usually works, often when nothing else does. Even if you have doubts, EFT can still change your life. I work on all issues, but specialize in releasing anger, fear, stress, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, grief, guilt and traumatic memories. Call Janet at 207-236-0269, or e-mail janetgleeson@verizon.net Camden, ME.
A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well. What we do not choose to express
emotionally will then show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at joeb.pt@snet.net.
Belanger Physical Therapy,
life mastery Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
The Autognomics Institute (TAI), through self-knowing we experience the new reality and nature of life-itself. Founded by Norm and Skye Hirst, PhD in 1992. TAI synthesizes emerging insights from the new philosophies, physics and biophysics, and shares findings with
individuals and groups who are attempting to bring about progressive social change. TAI believes that through self-knowing, a primary attribute of living beings and life-itself, we can make a difference to realize health, fulfillment, meaning and peaceful community for all life. To learn more, join our blog at www.autognomics.blogspot.com or take advantage of private coaching, consulting on future implications, full circle open space discussions and we're now receiving applications for in-depth learning group beginning in January 2007 or call (207) 236-6331 for an appointment.
The Autognomics Institute ~ Norm and Skye Hirst Pathways to Consciousness began as an opportunity for us to create a life being and doing something we love and wholly believe in.
Through individual, couple and family sessions, weekend and mini playshops and gatherings of conscious exploration we create an environment to support those choosing to live a life of the heart... A life of self-acceptance, openness, gratitude and appreciation for all life and all that we are. Through an eclectic process of intuitive heart-based guidance, energetic and physical harmonizing and the body's own innate wisdom, all are gently guided to embody their own unique healing process. This is an opportunity to become a conscious participant in your life. As we change so does our world. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. South Portland, ME. (207) 799-7998, website www.pathways2u.com, e-mail info@pathways2u.com.
Pathways to Consciousness ~ Ron Damico & Joan Emmons Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom, and fun. In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms and create a dynamic vision for your life – a vision
that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principals and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. Call for a complimentary coaching session, schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or e-mail debcoaches@aol.com. Phone sessions available. www.oceanofpossibilities.com,
Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching
~ Deborah Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide
ENGAGE THE POWER OF YOUR HEART... Special Coaching Sessions with Licensed HeartMath® Provider, Jasmina J. Agrillo; learn the HeartMath System: Practical & Easy to Use Tools & Technology for Heart Intelligent Living in the 21st Century. Research and
case studies are showing many folks the world over are able to transform stress upon impact, improve health & spiritual well-being, relieve depression & anxiety, improve heart rate & brain function, enhance intuition & performance, experience more appreciation, joy, and peace in the moment for yourself and your relationships. “I bring to my coaching practice a love and dedication to help empower the hearts of others for transformation, healing of the body-mind, and positive, practical change in one’s life. After experiencing the success that the HeartMath System played in my own healing as a brain tumor survivor, I now dedicate my life’s purpose to helping others apply these tools of the Heart in their own life-journeys.” To schedule a free initial consultation, call: (207) 856-6042 § email: jagrillo@hotmail.com § (HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.)
Jasmina J Agrillo, Licensed HeartMath® Provider New listings are added each issue. For information on how to Advertise your Directory listing, see page 28. 32 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
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life mastery... continued “Go confidently in the directions of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imaged!” This quote by Henry David Thoreau provides the foundation
for our work together. I firmly believe that each person brings a unique set of strengths and gifts into the world and that these gifts can lead us in the direction of our dreams. During our sessions I offer time for focused reflection, support and encouragement as you define and clarify your true desires, and an atmosphere that facilitates the exploration and identification of your gifts. I help you: stay motivated, identify any obstacles that may be blocking progress, and discover the potential for achieving your goals. To schedule a free coaching session please call me at (207) 565-3125, email ronda@backtothesource.net or visit www.backtothesource.net.
Back to the Source Life Design ~ Ronda Alley, Certified Life Coach
living spaces Come home to beauty that feeds the soul. A home should be a retreat from the stresses of everyday life -- a sanctuary for body, mind,
and spirit; a place of beauty that nurtures and supports all who dwell within; a place that welcomes friends and family with comfort and style; a place that reflects and celebrates your unique essence. A home should have functional spaces that are delightful places to love, grow, work, dine, play and live! I approach interior design from a holistic, intuitive perspective, working with you to create a home that is the highest expression of you, at an affordable rate. I also create business spaces that advertise for you while making your clients feel at ease, comfortable and valued. Call Tracey Walls at (207) 327-2042 or email wild_melodia2@yahoo.com.
meditation Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society Presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,
a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabada Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib. For More Information call (207) 368-5866, or email: James@SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com, Website: www.Myspace.com/Santmat_Mystic
We are an organic stone mill, and producer of quality organic cereals & baking mixes. We aren’t a subsidiary of any corporate conglomerate. We are a family business, combining the energy & hard work of two Maine families. We believe deeply in providing fresh, organic, delicious products, in protecting the quality & health of our food supply and our environment. Quality Organic Stone Ground Cereals & Baking Mixes; Organic Coffees & Teas; Nuts, Dried Fruit; Nutritious Delicious Organic Gift Baskets FIDDLERS GREEN FARM, Belfast, Maine (800) 729-7935 ~ Order Online: www.fiddlersgreenfarm.com or catalog available.
psychic & spiritual mediumship PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer
with thirty years experience. She resides in Fairfield and Northport Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has
connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089, spirit@bonnielee.net, www.bonnielee.net, and www.hypno.us.
reflexology & healing massage Treat Your Feet
School of Reflexology
A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.
Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body. Reflexology is credited with improving circulation and reducing body stress, which removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its Application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot/hand charts, footbath items & much more. For more info, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta (207) 626-FEET classes start in Feb. May & Sept. www.treatyourfeet.com. Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.
Reflexology is an amazing stress-relieving technique. Relaxation is a skill that most Americans do not practice often. Stress builds
and builds until it becomes a lifestyle. Lynn Marie Danforth has been practicing Reflexology for over 5 years. Lynn specializes in therapeutic Reflexology. Her greatest success is with tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and relief of tension. Lynn’s Reflexology sessions are quick, effective and could be the answer to your body’s cry for relief. Lynn has been able to show clients that change for the better is possible, that improved health is truly in your hands and feet. To contact Lynn call 207-767-5776 or 207-318-0129, or visit www.handsonfeet.net.
Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 33
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nurturing foods
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retreats Greenfire is... a women’s retreat house dedicated to reflection, renewal, exploration, and quiet. Set in a two hundred-year old
farmhouse in the midst of meadows and woods on the St. George’s peninsula, Greenfire offers space to all women who want to rest and explore their spirituality, regardless of their tradition, age, or race. Women throughout history have gathered in circles and found wisdom in their own stories; in this tradition, guests may schedule conversations with staff to explore their own questions. Greenfire offers sanctuary, healthy and delicious food, and calm in the midst of a fast-paced culture. For more information, call (207) 372-6442, e-mail us at: greenfir@midcoast.com, or visit us on the web at www.greenfireretreat.org.
Greenfire Retreat Nurture Through Nat ure
Let Us Guide You Home...
Women’s Holistic Canoe Trips, Wellness Retreats and Customized Circles~ We create a safe and enriching haven and layers of
opportunities to find deep peace and growth. Our circles provide a balance of depth and lightness, group and solo space, movement and stillness. Connect with the contemplative and healing power found in nature. Find camaraderie with other women on an artfully led retreat through guided meditation, gentle yoga, Reiki, and mindfulness practices. Fill your cup on a canoe~kayak wilderness retreat, in nature's rhythm and beauty in Maine's back country. Gather your own circle of friends, family and colleagues, for a custom retreat. Located on Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, Maine, just 40 miles west of Portland. FMI: (207) 452-2929, or www.ntnretreats.com.
Pleasant Mountain, Denmark Rolling Meadows Yoga & Meditation Retreats provides a rural sanctuary for yoga meditation and silence. A daily schedule of yoga
asana, restorative poses, pranayama, meditation and unstructured time in the natural world create an environment for personal renewal and spiritual reflection. An 1840 farmhouse on 100 acres has been restored into a small retreat center with woodland paths, fields, a spring-fed swimming pond and a wood-fired sauna. Vegetarian meals are based on ayurvedic principles. Retreats from weekend to week-long thru the year. For more information contact Patricia Brown or Surya Chandra Das at (888) 666-6412, e-mail at: info@rollingmeadowsretreat.com or see www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com.
Rolling Meadows Yoga & Meditation Retreats
sacred space
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Earthrest offers indoor and outside gathering space for retreats, workshops, spiritual questing, ceremony and celebration.
Come, surround yourself with natural beauty in a country setting of organic gardens, open fields, woods and water where the land is still a little wild and the animals remember their true names. We are just 35 miles from Portland on 350 acres of very special land, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. Inside enjoy the large gathering spaces, both with fireplaces. Outside walk the land, the labyrinth and hiking trails. Many options available. FMI call Pat at (207) 625-4179 or email earthrest@psouth.net.
The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques. Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit.
Experience the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at VillageSoup.com. The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.
salons & spas Raven’s Crossing Appleton, Maine
Ravens’ Crossing — Come find some rural comfort and relaxation in our wood-fired sauna and/or therapeutic hot tub. Deep tissue, swedish, and
myofascial-release massage available by licensed massage therapist. Rustic retreat cabin can sleep four. Available by appointment in private setting. Trails to walk, ride horses, or X-country ski. Space for small gatherings. Please call Lori Cressler at (207) 845-2304 or visit www.ravens-crossing.com.
In a place of quiet and relaxation Charlotte Van Joolen offers restorative facial therapy. Burnham System Facial Rejuvenation is
a hands-on sculpting of the face combined with the ageless healing arts of head reflexology and nerve regeneration that awakens your beauty and renews your inner self. You enter a deep state of relaxation uniting body and spirit, renewing physical vitality and inner beauty. Combined with the use of Jurlique Organic skin care products you meet the world with a radiant face, a refreshed body and a relaxed sense of self. Sessions are offered at Sanctuary Center in Yarmouth and Alfred. By appointment (207) 846-1162 x 7 or (207) 838-3936. Gift Certificates available. www.flourishfacials.com, email: info@flourishfacials.com. Charlotte Van Joolen
Directory of Resources listings are easy to compose. Write as though you are speaking to others about the work you do and the services you offer. For more info call: (207) 799-7995.
34 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
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shamanic healing As Spirit Passages; C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW and Evelyn C. Rysdyk (author of Modern Shamanic Living) have facilitated shamanic healings and taught shamanic workshops across the U.S. and Canada since 1991. Graduates of the Foundation for
Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, they have also been fortunate to study with indigenous shamans from Peru, Ecuador, Tuva and Siberia. Working heart-to-heart with Spirit, they offer all traditional forms of shamanic healings at True North (207) 781-4488 ~ a unique, multidisciplinary medical center that they helped to found. They may also be reached at: www.spiritpassages.com.
Spirit Passages ~ Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk
Transform your body, heal your soul and change the way you live and die with the ancient healing techniques of the South American Medicine people. The core of healing occurs in the energetic or Luminous Energy Field; this is the blueprint for the
physical body, and an archive of our physical and emotional strengths and wounding. Illuminating this field transforms these wounds into sources of knowledge and power. The loss, pain and sorrow may remain as a memory but they no longer define who we are; we realize that we are not our stories.The Illumination Process is powerful, efficient, effective transformation. In training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Appointments in Brunswick (207) 729-7270, deb@midgette.org.
…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence. At the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity
to be whole, stable, and functioning at our highest potential. Soul retrieval, divination, extractions, shamanic energy healing, and communication with those who have passed on, can all help us fulfill this potential. My training with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, including completion of the Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing with Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval, provide a solid footing for my work with adults, children and animals. Call me for information about workshops or appointments for shamanic healing sessions at (207) 841-1215 or email me at dory@dorycote. Shamanic Healer
com. www.dorycote.com.
modern shamanic living, Ragnök & The Bardo... con't from page 16
“Rely not on the teacher/person, but on the teaching. Rely not on the words of the teaching, but on the spirit of the words.
Rely not on theory, but on experience. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” 1. These tribes included Angles, Saxons, Franks, Goths as well as the Germans and Norse. Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Wales and much of the rest of Europe were all settled by these peoples. © 2007 Evelyn C. Rysdyk Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, is a Teacher of Shamanism, healer & artist in joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW as Spirit Passages. Since 1991, they have offered workshops across the US and Canada. They also offer a private shamanic healing practice at True North in Falmouth, Maine. Featured in the book, Traveling Between the Worlds, interviews with 24 of the world ’s most influential writers and teachers of shamanism, they may be contacted at:
exploring the world religions, Chant and Be Happy... con't from page 24
Entering the Magnetic Field of Love With
"You have to walk with Me, with My spirit, with My radiation. Receive My radiation first, then you can enjoy every radiation with right understanding and without being submerged and drowned in the current of attraction and repulsion they call Maya’s Place [illusion]." "Always carry My reflection. My aura or reflection is the sum total energy and My spirit of the universe. I am all strength and courage. I Am all love and mercy. I am the potential of all talents. I am the source of all riches. I Am the light of all wisdom. I Am that truth of all truths." “All exist in Me as they are part of Me and I exist in all of them. They are nothing but Me. You will see that I Am vibrating everywhere, not only as light waves but also as sound waves, as the creative force, as the procreative force, as the force of all expansion.
“I Am the creative force, ‘Raaa’." “I Am the expanding force, ‘Dhaaa’." “I come back with all the vibrations, ‘Swammm’." “I become again one with you all and you feel one with Me as ‘EEEE’." “RAAA-DHAAA-SWAMMMM-IIIIII." “Chant this Name - this is Me in sound form." “Enjoy Me in sound form, as the magnetic field of love.” (Discourses of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj) Toning photo courtesy of: DeVORSS Books, Toning - The Creative Power of the Voice, by Laurel Elizabeth Keys. Water drop photo courtesy of: www.vastjoy.com/boarders/water%20Drop/jpg James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabda Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to PO Box 7, Newport, Maine 04953, or email: james@spiritualawakeningradio.com. April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 35
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Forgiveness is a powerful force. On January 2, 1998, ABC News reported, “studies show that letting go of anger and resentment can reduce the severity of heart disease and, in some cases, even prolong the lives of cancer patients.” A study being done at the University of Pisa, Italy, by Pietro Pietrini, M.D., Ph.D. is looking at how forgiveness allows one to overcome a situation that would otherwise be a major source of stress, both mentally and neurobiologically--that is within the physical brain and nervous system. It seems that there is a great wisdom in forgiveness as it benefits us, as well as those we forgive. Alden Nowlan, the late Canadian poet and novelist perhaps said it best, “The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.” On the same Graceful Passages recording, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross urges the listener forward with her own form of a Bardo prayer, “concentrate on Love and look forward to the transition ...it’s the most beautiful experience you can ever imagine.” We can approach our “little deaths” and unfolding in the same manner. Each transition we experience in our lives presents an opportunity to walk through a Bardo landscape into a new and more beautiful life. It is spiritual adulthood that the historical Buddha was referring to when he said in the sixth century BCE,
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H e a r t Visions June Cultural Tour to St Petersburg and Moscow, Russia Lead by Artist Marina Forbes, during the season of White Lights, when the City of St. Petersburg is bathed in 24 hours of daylight. FMI contact Marina Forbes at (603) 332-2255, marina@anylanguage.org.
July 21st-28th Yoga Vacation: Swiss Alps. FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.
August 5th-10th Finding Inner Peace Women’s Holistic Nature Retreat ~ The work of Byron Katie into Nature ~ Nurture Through Nature. FMI: (207) 452-2929, www.ntnretreatscom.
August 26th-29th Maine Island Yoga Retreat Yoga, nature exploration, delicious food and comfortable lodging on Audubon's spectacular Hog Island in Midcoast Maine. $495, FMI call (207) 781-2330.
September 23rd-29th Ahh Provence! Women’s Retreat and Tour in Southern France $2,850, for more info go to: www.yourprovenceretreat.com.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
October 5th & 6th Yoga Retreat at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.
April 2007 M aine
March 31st & April 1st 3rd Annual Whole Health Expo Saturday 9:30am-6:00pm, Sunday 9:30am-5:00pm Sheraton Hotel, South Portland Maine, $12, Free 2nd day return, raffles and demonstrations, www.WholeHealthExpo.com.
March 31st & April 1st, 9:30am-5:30pm Quantum Touch Workshop Freeport, Maine. Learn how to use breath and body focus techniques to produce rapid healing. www.batsonhealth.com or call Cassandra Batson (401) 846-4956, FMI: www.quantumtouch.com
Starting April New holistic and therapeutic massage classes
April 15th-21st Women's Holistic Canoe Retreat
April 13th-15th Journey through the Chakras ~ An Experiential Training
Green River, Canyonlands, Moab, Utah. Join Nurture Through Nature on the trip of a lifetime. $1095-$1395, www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929
Friday, 7:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday, 9:00am-5:00pm, Sunday, 9:00am-1:00pm. With Patricia Day Williams, MD at Sacred Rivers Yoga, Glastonbury, Ct. Participants will gain insight into the application of the whole system; the interplay between mind, body and spirit and tools for working with each chakra. CEU available must be submitted to state assoc. for approval. $300 by March 30th after $375. Register by phone (860) 657-9545 or www.sacredriversyoga.com (See Patricia’s article on pg. 10.).
April 20th-22nd Life As Art Greenfire Retreat for Women, Tenants Harbor Immerse yourself in a retreat designed to help you open to your creative energy. When you become receptive to what is within and about you, you are healing the connection with your muse. Contact (207) 372-6442 or www.greenfireretreat.org.
April 20th, 7:30pm-9:00pm Meditation and Mediumship Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook. Barbara Williams (207) 655-6673.
April 20th & June 1st, 7:00pm-8:30pm Kirtan! Chanting, at WholeHeart Yoga Center. Chanting is all about energy, creating space to connect with spirit. We chant mostly in Sanskrit, moving from sound vibration to silent meditation between chants. No charge; donations welcome. Call (207) 871-8274.
April 20th-22nd “A Woman’s Initiation into Self-Revelation” A powerfully spiritual weekend in a simple and rustic setting using movement, art, meditation and nature, including a solo night in the woods. $285 meals and lodging included, Forest Circles, Topsham, ME. Facilitators: Regina Strongheart, MA, Teaching, UNH teacher, Medical Intuitive and Healer, and Gail Edgerly BSN, Teacher of the 5Rhythms™ Practice, Certified Trager® Practitioner, info at (207) 776-3152.
April 21st, Saturday, 11:00am-4:00pm Artsprits: Celebrate Artistic Nature A workshop of multi arts antics, saying, singing, writing, breathing, drumming, dancing, color and weaving, for creative solutions and innovative expression with Maggie Carle, Artist. Meadow Wind, Falmouth $75 includes all materials, FMI/Reg. www.maggiecarle.com, (207) 766-2940, please contact by 4/14.
April 21st & April 22nd, “The Shamanic Journey” in Orland.
Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm & Sunday 9:30am-1:30pm. Using drumming participants will learn how to explore spirit realms for power animals, spirit teachers, personal and planetary well-being. Presenters: Susan Bakaley and Chris Marshall, The Thirteenth Moon (207) 589-3063.
April 21st, Saturday, 10:00am–4:00pm Spirit Day - A Day of Healing Mind, Body & Soul
Spa Tech Institute- Westbrook, ME. New massage and polarity CEUs available, call for details at (207) 591-4141, www.spatech.edu.
Come join us at Angels Among Us, 228 Water St. Augusta. Call (207) 622-3181 for more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners.
April 1st-27th Art Show Opening: "Projections"
April 27th-29nd Weekend of Self Exploration
Brenda Nelson (grandmother) and Sidonia Stanton (granddaughter) abstract paintings, Paden Stanton (grandson) sculpture. Maryellenz Caffe, 15 Vine St., Bath. (207) 442-0960 for gallery hours.
April 6th, 7:30pm-9:00pm Aspects of Healing/Healers and Development Circle Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook, Mike and Beth Carter (207) 655-6673.
April 7th, 10:00am-4:00pm Mediums Day
Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook. Medium readings are $15.00 for 15 minutes, Aura photography, Jewelry, Floral prints, Metaphysical supplies and Food. (207) 655-6673
A Residential Playshop supporting awakening to an embodiment of your divine self. Friday 6:00pm to Sunday noon in South Portland. For more information, questions & to register (207) 779-7998, www.pathways2u.com. Self assessed sliding scale $325-$425.
April 2007 Connecticut
April 3rd, 10th, 18th, and 24th, Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm Understanding Your Dreams - Free Dream Study Sessions:
April 7th & 8th Reiki I & II Training
See web site: www.marielb.net to register.
Topics to include: Understanding you Dreams; Dream Healing and Help in Everyday Life; Active Dreaming; Dreams and our Spiritual Journey. Eckankar Temple of Connecticut, Harvest Wood Rd. & Rt. 66, Middlefield, (860) 346-2226 or www.ct-eckankar.org.
April 14th & 15th, 9:00am-3:00pm Sacred Smudge Feather Beading
April 13th-April 15th The Creative Retreat for Women
Come and join in community to create your own sacred smudge wand. Learn how to create and empower your wand, and enjoy the company of friends. Meadow Wind, Falmouth $185 includes materials, if you have special feathers please bring them. Bring a box lunch, snack provided. FMI: Call Joan (207) 799-7998 or www.pathways2u.com.
Wisdom House, Litchfield, Connecticut Tuition $395.00 creatriveretreats@yahoo.com
36 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
April 28th-29th Mastering the Art of Dowsing with Gill Hale.
New England School Of Feng Shui, for info: (203) 266-4211 or www.newenglandfengshui.com.
April 2007
Massachusetts April 1st ~ Snowdate April 15th, 12:00pm-5:00pm Ashley Paige’s Psychic Fair 7 Summer Street, Chelmsford, MA 01824, pre-register (978) 256-2343. Your “cash cost” includes, One Healing, Reading or Service – Appetizers & Drink.
April 12th, 7:00pm-8:30pm Women's Mystery School Free Introductory Evening Explore deep mysteries of personal and spiritual transformation. West Concord, MA, www.womensmysteryschool.com, (978) 468-2021.
May 2007 Maine
May 4th-6th Nourishing Creative Passion, A Retreat For Women
with visionary artist and healer Helen Warren. Listening within to co-create with your feminine soul. Touch drawing, ritual, labyrinth walks and self-nourishing. FMI: www.creativespiral. net: helen@creativespiral.net.
May 5th, 10:30am-4:30pm Deepening the Connection to Self A Day of Breathwork, Intuitive Healing, Music & Movement Expect Magic! Make space for possibilities! Learn tools to use everyday to create what you desire. The BALLROOM, Harrison, Maine, $75.00, Includes lunch. Pre-registration Required. FMI: Breathe In & Beyond (207) 583-6603.
May 5th, 11:30am-4:00pm. Eve. shows 7:00pm-11:00pm Rock the Casbah
Hilton Garden Inn / Riverwatch, Auburn. Belly Dance Workshop $35, Evening Show $15, http://atthecenter.net/atcasbah.html Contact Laurie: (207) 388-2155.
May 5th, 8:30am-5:00pm Health & Wellness Seminar Holiday Inn Waterville. Learn about natural health alternatives from natural healers. Pre-register now. Limited seating. For more information call Sandy Reynolds (207) 873-2469 or (800) 544-0777.
May 13th, Sunday, 3:00pm A Concert: Crystal Journey! WholeHeart Yoga Center presents David Hickey, coming from Canada with over 25 crystal bowls, 8 gongs and chakra chimes. His music will transport you with powerful sound soul healing. Call (207) 871-8274 for advance tickets, $20. (Space is limited.)
May 16th-18th Zen and the Art of Wellness-Self Care for the Caregiver (ANCC-COA CEU’s available.) Mid-week retreat, Nurture Through Nature/USM (207) 452-2929, www.ntnretreats.com.
May 17th, 6:30pm-8:30pm The Healing Power of Meditation with Matthew Raider, MD. Improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Weekly meditation workshops will follow. Silo7, 118 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: (207) 938-3928, dhyan@tds.net. Calendar of Events & Classified Ad Information can be found on Page 38
Email your listings to events@innertapestry.org
⇠ 37 May 18th-20th Grounding our Spirituality in FORM Presented by Earth Mothers and Fathers, a weekend excursion dedicated to a shared consciousness. (See ad on page 20) $300 includes meals and board at Camp Mechuwana, Winthrop, ME. Visit www.earthmothersandfathers.com, e-mail: Regina@numbum.net or call (207) 776-3152.
May 18th-20th Weekend of Self Exploration A Residential Playshop supporting awakening to an embodiment of your divine self. Friday 6:00pm to Sunday noon in South Portland. For more information, questions & to register (207) 779-7998, www.pathways2u.com. Self assessed sliding scale $325 - $425.
May 20th, 10:00am-4.30pm Finding Home on Earth Leapin Lizards, Freeport. We live in this world but we are not of it. Join Award winning author Megan Don from New Zealand and learn how to find a firm sense of self and place on this Earth while remaining true to your inner nature. There will be teachings and meditations of the mystics, movement, and chanting. $85, to register call (207) 865-0900 or www.leapinlizards.biz Megan's website www.mysticpeace.com
May 25th-27th 11th Annual Wildgathering! Sponsored by Blessed Maine Herb Farm Family and Friends Athens, Maine Fairgrounds, 3 day Celebration of the Wild Earth - Camping, marketplace, on-going classes and workshops on a variety of subjects related to personal, community and global health. Vendors wanted. www.wildgathering.com
May 2007 Connecticut May 19th-20th Sacred Space & Sacred Geometry with Alex Stark.
May 2007 Massachusetts May 10th 7:00pm-8:30pm Women's Mystery School Free Introductory Evening Explore deep mysteries of personal and spiritual transformation. West Concord, MA www.womensmysteryschool.com (978)468-2021.
Upcoming Maine June
June 1st Full Moon Retreat of Creative Nourishment ~
for Self and the Earth Mother. Friday 4:00pm-9:00pm FMI: www.creativespiral.net: helen@creativespiral.net.
June 9th, 10:00am-5:00pm Lama Surya Das will hold a one-day teaching from his new book "How to be a Bodhisattva: Buddha is as Buddha Does, The Ten Original Practices for Enlightenment." At The First Parish UU Church, 425 Congress St., Portland. $95. All are welcome. Contact Jane: (207) 773-6809.
June 23rd & 24th Reiki I & II Training See web site: www.marielb.net to register.
June 29th-July 1st Zen and the Art of Carpentry for Women Summer Solstice Celebration! FMI: (207) 452-2929, www.ntnreatreats.com
Upcoming Connecticut June June 2nd, 9:00am-4:00pm, Rain or Shine HerbFest 2007
Sponsored by Connecticut Herb Association, Inc. Topmost Herb Farm, 244 North School Road, Coventry, CT, $10 Admission. Workshops, weedwalks, food, craft & Herbal vendors, FMI: www.ctherb.org or No pets, please.
M aine
Avanti Healing Arts Reiki Center® Restore wholeness to body, mind and spirit with Dr. Gianna Settin, psychologist, dancer, licensed Reiki Teacher. Discover the sacred nature of inner healing! (207) 735-3900, www.AvantiHealingArts.com.
Free Reiki Introductory Treatment By Cynthia Swan, M.Ed., Last Wednesday of month except July/August. Drop in 3:00pm-5:30pm, Room 205, Waldo County General Hospital, 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast. FMI: (207) 930-2549.
Friday Gallery Readings ~ Fourth Friday each month
Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook for an evening of messages from the spirit, April 27th and May 25th, 7:00pm, $10.00 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673.
Weekly Psychic Development and Awareness Classes Fridays, at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook, Classes start at 7:30pm FMI: call (207) 655-6673. Yoga in South Hiram Glass studio, beautiful Mt. views. Yoga, Monday, 6:00pm, Tuesday, 8:30am, Wednesday, 8am, Thursday, 6:00pm, Saturday, 9:00am, Instructional meditation. Private sessions available. FMI: Leslee Hartwell (207) 625-4756.
The Path of Celtic Buddhism Gathering for sitting practice meditation, Deity Yoga, and Chod. The lineage of the Mahasiddhas. Bill Burns, Peg Junge, Camden,ME. heartln@sover.net, (207) 236-0505, www.celticbuddhism.org.
Alternative Therapy Workshops
Lily Goodale at ngoodale@aol.com or (207) 236-6001. Workshops can be given from Portland to Bar Harbor and are certified and part of the YogaEd foundation of yoga for children. www.yogaed.com.
Thank God It's Grace: Women in God, Women in Good Please join Women In God each Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm at Meadow Wind 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, for an hour of peace, grace and Spiritually-based conversation. Women in God is a non-denominational, spiritual support group that welcomes all women on a path of love, hope and inspiration. For more information call (207) 233-7658, or visit www.womeningod.com.
Birthwise Midwifery Potlucks Interested in Homebirth? Meet the midwives of Birthwise Midwifery Service and local homebirth families. Bi-monthly, 3rd Sunday of September, November... 5:00pm-7:00pm at Birthwise, Bridgton. (207) 647-5968 www.birthwisemidwifery.org/bmservice.html.
Reiki: Healing Hands Offers classes, Reiki Therapy sessions, and Monthly Clinic every 2nd Sunday of the month at United Methodist Church, West Kennebunk. FMI call Pauline Wilson, BA, CRM (207) 985-3575.
Breathwork/Intuitive Healing In Maine Dynamic Facilitated Group Sessions $20 6:00pm-8:00pm Falmouth, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - The Vywamus Foundation, Oxford, 2nd Thursday - formerly Dancing Trees Lodge, Auburn, 2nd Friday - Yoga Center of Maine, Harrison, 4th Friday - The BALLROOM. Pre-registration required. Breathe In & Beyond (207) 583-6603.
Thirteen Moons, Millinocket, FREE Wednesdays, 6:00pm: Live & Learn introductory discussions, topics change weekly. Thursdays, 6:00pm, Coffeehouse: local talent Penobscot Avenue, (207) 723-5313, thirteen.moons@verizon.net.
Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes:
for businesses, organizations, groups, schools. Educational and entertaining. Cost and length varies per subject. For brochure call Kate Boyer: (207) 858-5899 or email: kate@snigglebeach.com.
HypnoBirthing® Parents, Self-Hypnosis, Weight Managment, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Guided Imagery, Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, CH; www.hypnowave.com (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville, Me.
Yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong, and meditation
Real-ize Your Integral Potentials
in a bright and serene studio. Drop-ins are welcome. Classes for beginners & experienced students; private classes available. View schedule on the web at www.sanctuaryhhyc.com or call (207) 846-3394
YOUTH YOGIS! Yoga classes for children ages 7-10. Playful, gentle, and creative expressions of yoga, breathing, and relaxation that children can relate to and enjoy! Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm. Led by Erinn Cayehal, CYT. Sanctuary Center, Yarmouth. Call (207) 846-3394 or email info@sanctuaryhhyc.com.
Free Lectures. “Alternative Realities”. Psychotherapist/channel Brenda Nelson will speak about how to receive guidance from higher sources. Patten Library, Bath ME. 4th Weds. of each month. Starting September 27, 2006 5:00pm-8:00pm FMI: bhnelson@midmaine.com. (207) 386-5056 or www.otherrealities.net.
Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Satsang, Classes in Psychological & Spiritual Development, & more. Based in the Tradition of the Himalayan Sages. N. Yarmouth, ME. For full listing, see website. www.TurningLight.org (207) 829-2700.
Science Of Spirituality is sponsoring a satsang. Last Sunday of every month 1:00pm at Hartland Library, SOS is under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Jyoti meditation. Free www.sos.org www.newengsos.org (207) 938-3928.
Ongoing Psychotherapy Groups, Yarmouth, ME. Openings available in weekly men's & mixed psychotherapy groups. Intentionally build your relationship skills, communication, personal and spiritual growth. David Ward, LCSW, LADC, (207) 846-3422, www.davidwardlcsw.com/group.html.
“Authentic Movement” with “The Wave” Two Saturdays per month at Bath Dance Works Classes April 7th & 21st, May 5th & 19th. 72 Front Street, Bath, 10:00am-1:00pm $10 per session. Kay Mann (207) 725-9997.
Healing Touch sessions with Gail Meyer, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner Thursdays from 11:00am2:00pm at Touchstone Bookstore, 1832 Forest Ave. Portland. Call (207) 878-3866 to schedule your appointment.
Tools For Teachers This workshop is designed for schoolteachers to enable them to use simple Yoga based mind body integration techniques in their classrooms, as a means of classroom management. These tools will allow teachers to help children with relaxation, breathing, and stress reduction which will complement their over all learning and create a harmonious learning environment. Workshops can be scheduled as in-house workdays for teachers in public and private schools. These workshops are individually tailored, and price varies according to the length. Please contact
Real-ize your multidimensional self! Integral Energy Healing ~ Explorations in Consciousness ~ Leadership in Consciousness ~ Life Transformations. We offer sessions, classes, circles and workshops. Elizabeth@IntegralPotentials.com (207) 873-3514.
Kittery, ME: Rawfood Potlucks Third Saturday of each month, with guest speakers from the Rawfood community. Support, learn, share, and build a local rawfood community. Call Aimee, (207) 409-0899.
Inner Light Spiritualist Church, Rev. Gloria Nye Location: Governor King Lodge 649 U.S. Route 1 Scarborough, ME, Sunday Services: 10:00am Healing Chairs 10:30am Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit, 12:00pm Fellowship Hour – Refreshments.
Ayurvedic Massage Experience Abhyanga, Garshana and Shirodhara, the ancient healing bodywork techniques of India. Ruthanne Harrison, LMT. Located in Richmond, ME (207) 737-8593.
Reiki Works offers all levels of Reiki classes, sessions and free clinics. For schedule please contact Andrea Smith, B.S. Rehabilitation at reikiworks@midmaine.com (207) 474-9962.
Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.
SpiritWings-Workshops, Reiki Classes & Events in Bethel Maine. Social Drumming Circle first Friday of every month. Reiki Shares second Tuesday of every month. Reiki Classes and other Workshops scheduled every month. Call for schedule (207) 824-2204 or visit website www.spiritwingsbethel.com.
A Gathering of People Exploring Conscious Living Join us Wednesdays. 6:30pm-8:30pm at 925 Sawyer Street, South Portland. Sliding scale $5 - $15. FMI: (207) 799-7998, or visit www.pathways2u.com.
Student Massage Therapy Clinics at Namaste' Institute for Holistic Studies Ongoing Student Massage Therapy Clinics at Namaste' Institute in Rockport Maine. Please call for more information on how to become a recipient of Student Massage Therapy Clinics & Student Massage Therapy Session Studies! Call (207) 236-2744 or visit www.namasteinstitute.com
CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 37
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
The New England School Of Feng Shui, for info (203) 266-4211 or www.newenglandfengshui.com
Ongo i ng
⇠ 38 Take Time For You
Learn Japanese styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, classes and private lessions. Herb consulting, past life journeys, connecting with nature. Contact Roberta R. Barnes (207) 445-5671, www.naturalheallearning.com.
Doula tea, meet with doulas in person. Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet Sundays at the Ballard House, 131 Spring St. Portland from 10:30am-11:30am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.
Aikido of Maine Portland Aikido for Women classes, Wednesday and Friday a.m. classes. Daily beginner’s classes and youth programs. www.aikidoofmaine.com (207) 879-9207.
WholeHeart Yoga Center, Portland Full schedule of weekly classes for all levels with experienced, Kripalu-certified instructors. Private classes, workshops and regular Kirtans (chanting). Call Pam Jackson (207) 871-8274 or visit www.wholeheartyoga.com.
Private classes & workshops. For more info and schedule see www.belfastyoga.com or call (207) 338-3930/338-4256.
Artists Support Group, Inner Balance, Belfast, ME On 156 High Street. Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Call Elliot Benjamin at (207) 338-4576.
Aaminah School Of Middle Eastern Dance
Crescent Moon Herbals
All levels of belly dance classes taught by experienced and caring instructors. Bangor and Waterville classes. Visit our website: www.aaminahdance.com or jeason@pivot.net.
Ongoing classes and events, psychic readings and energy workers. 76 Center Road, Lebanon, Maine. (207) 457-1114, e-mail: crescentmoonherbals@excite.com Web site: www.crescentmoonherbals.com.
NDE Support & Interest Group
Mindful Meditation™ Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm All are welcome, no experience necessary. $15 or 4 classes for $50. Mind/Body Therapy at Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Road, West Falmouth, Maine, (207) 650-3964, FMI www.mbtherapy.org.
The Awakening Process Learn about a simple path that will eliminate depression and anxiety, leading eventually to peace and enlightenment. First and third Tuesday 7:00pm-9:00pm. Call (207) 286-8060 for directions.
Oriental Brush Painting Classes and Workshops
Ongoing Yoga Classes Yoga classes and individual instruction that start from where you are and expand your life. Experience the Journey. Rising Moon Healing Arts, Kimberly Allen. (207) 590-0082, www.rising-moon.org.
Soundings - Energy Therapy Woven In Sound An intuitive blend of Reiki, IET, Quantum-Touch, crystals and sound. Usui Tibetan Reiki, IET and Crystal Bowl Meditation classes. Brenda (207) 557-2664, soundsqwazi2@verizon.net, www.gentlerhythms.com.
Ongoing Yoga Classes, Vacations & Retreats Kennebunk Monday evenings Saco Tuesday and Thursday evenings Dayton Wednesday mornings. First Yoga class free for newcomers! Dance, Chant & Meditate in Portland, Friday, 6:30pm-9:00pm April 13th & May 11th Yoga Vacation July 21st-28th in the Swiss Alps. Yoga Retreat October 5th & 6th at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
USM Center for Continuing Education. Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit www.usm.maine.edu/cce for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.
Frederica Marshall, an artist who lived 28 years in Japan, teaches sumi-e in her Deer Isle Studio. Basic to advanced levels. (207) 348-2782. www.fredericamarshall.com.
Light on the Water NDE Support & Interest Group holds monthly meetings in New England via teleconference. FMI, visit www.TowardTheLight.org or contact Rev. Juliet Nightingale at (615) 292-2217 (mobile)
“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 368-5866 or James@SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com.
Ongoing Connecticut
Holistic Moms Network
The Rose Cottage Teaching Reiki Master, Transformational Breath, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Hypnobirthing. Private sessions by appointment. Gift certificates. Ongoing classes. Contact Vicki Kupferman 14 Weed Rd., Knox, Maine. (207) 568-3782.
Kripalu “DansKinetics” The body, mind, spirit workout blending yoga and dance. No experience necessary. Free trial class. Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd. Kennebunk. (207) 985-6896 or: daysmeadowfarm@prexar.com.
A non-profit support and discussion network for moms with an interest in natural, holistic and alternative health and parenting. Contact Heather LeFoll (860) 665-9766 or www.holisticmoms.org.
Have you experienced sexual assault or incest? We are Survivors of Incest Anonymous. We meet every Monday evening in Hartford, CT. Call Mae at (860) 236-1770 or email HartfordCT@sianyc.org.
Sacred Circle Dance Dances from a multi-cultural folk dance tradition. Steps taught at all sessions. No experience/partner needed. Fourth Friday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Portsmouth, NH. FMI: amyla44@juno.com, (603) 750-7506.
Ongoing Usui Reiki Classes in all levels,
Gifted Psychic & Medium & Trance Channel Wise Psychic Readings. Messages from Your Loved Ones in Spirit. Trance Channeled Readings with Spirit Guides. Classes & Events. Tape Provided. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Gayle Kirk: (617) 489-7717. www.GayleKirk.com
private sessions and free clinics, Gift certificates available. Please contact Judy Fisher, Reiki Master Teacher in Camden, Maine at (207) 236-0359.
Is actively looking for people to join this group, for info: Visit www.paoweb.com. If interested, call (207) 743-2613, E-mail bobham@adelphia.net, or write Maria Ham, 51 BumpTown Rd, South Paris, ME 04281.
Dancing Xigong: Twelve movements to music
Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center
Women’s Workshops
Experience the healing of Love without condtions.
Planetary Activation Organization in Maine
Designed exclusively for you to address your unique problems online & in-person. Henderson, NV. $75 per workshop Fridays 6:00pm-10:00pm, FMI: (702) 408-1783 email: workshops_for_women@yahoo.co.uk.
Children’s Aikido Kokikai Class Schedules: Josiah Bartlett Elementary School in Bartlett NH Wednesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm grades 2-5 ($35/month) Wednesdays 4:45pm-5:45pm grades 6-8 ($35/month) Fridays 3:30pm-4:30pm grades K-1 ($30/month) The Ballroom in Harrison Maine Sundays 5:00pm-6:00pm grades K-6 ($30/month) Water and Stone Yoga Studio in Conway, NH Mondays 4:00pm-5:00pm grades 2-5 ($40/month) Mondays 5:15pm-6:15pm grades 6-8 ($40/month) Mondays 6:30pm-7:30pm adults and teens ($40/month) Contact Jane Biggio for more information at (603) 374-6326 or email at bamboomountain@ncia.net.
Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center, Gorham. Energy Vibrational Healing Therapies including Polarity and Energy Interference Patterning of DNA. Ongoing Reiki & Therapeutic Touch classes. FMI: (207)-839-7192, www.holisticpathways.com.
Every Thursday morning, 8:30am-9:00am Summer at Merryspring Park, Winter at Quarry Hill, in Camden. FMI call (207) 236-8732. Ongoing classes. Learn the freedom of healing without limitations. Shamballa 1-4 and 13D Certification. Contact Elizabeth, Center of Momentum, (207) 873-3514, or centerofmomentum@hotmail.com.
Energize! and RYSE® sessions (Realizing Your Spiritual Energies) Sessions for artists, actors and performers. Expand your creative potential, rejuvenate, rebalance after performance. $65/$55 Holistic Pathways. Gorham. (207) 839-9819. www.starlightacting.org.
Wise Women Daughters of the Moon Ceremonial Wisdom Circle honoring our Inner & Outer Seasons & Cycles. Sliding Scale. FMI: www.spiritualrenaissance.com, www.templeoftheheart.com or call Deborah, spiritual guide, healer & ordained priestess: (207) 883-1081.
How to advertise in Inner Tapestry’s Classifieds Keeping with the themes of natural living, alternative health & well-being, Classified ads are $20 for 30 words, $1 per word thereafter. Times, dates (like August 6th), and telephone numbers count as one word. Email and Web addresses count as 2 words. Payments must be sent with the listing.
The deadline for the June/July 2007 issue is May 5th. Email your listings: events@innertapestry.org.
Spectacularly situated on the Royal River in Yarmouth. Newly constructed and beautifully appointed offices and studio. Energetically cleared & balanced with feng shui and geomancy. Full and part time office availabilities. Studio available for workshops or events. Contact Erinn at (207) 846-3394. has space to rent by day, month or event. We can accommodate your practice, business meetings, or celebrations. (207) 929-5088, www.gardensofatlantis.org.
Guiding Couples & Families from conflict to communication, from disengaged to connected, from hurting to resolution. Group and private sessions. Call Maureen McCarthy-Darling at (207) 691-0023.
All levels including, Beginner, Level I, Level II, Gentle &
At Earthrest, Cornish, ME. Call (207) 625-4179.
Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center
Short-term Solution-oriented Couples & Family Work.
Belfast Yoga Studio. Iyengar style Hatha Yoga
Space Available for Gatherings, Ceremonies, Presentations.
Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Shared practitioner space for rent as well as rooms for yoga classes, workshops and office space. Great location, 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth. Easy access to Routes 95 and 295. For more information contact Andrea at Meadow Wind (207) 878-3899 or (207) 939-1124, or visit www.meadowwind.org.
A Place In The Heart Energetically clear beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106. SACRED SPACE FOR SALE
WWW.BESTMAINEWATERFRONT.COM Perfect for your dream home, B&B or retreat facility! Privacy with accessibility to both Bangor and Bar Harbor. FMI see website or call Alison Cote (207) 632-3662.
Place your Events & in Inner Tapestry’s Calendar The first 30 words submitted per issue are free! Email: events@innertapestry.org • Please follow the format of the Calendar please do not send unformatted Listings such as press releases. •Email typed text indicating which heading you want your event to appear under: (Month, Upcoming or Ongoing). •When total words for events are more than 30 words, please send .75¢ per word thereafter (Email & Website addresses count as 2 words.)
Ongoing Calendar Events under 30 words may be posted up to six months, or until requested to be removed. 38 Inner Tapestry April/May 2007
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\ YOGA, T’AI CHI AIKIDO & MEDITATION Practitioners Directory BELFAST, ME Belfast Yoga Studio Iyengar Yoga, Relax&Renew® (restorative) Yoga, Yamuna Body Rolling®; classes, workshops, individual sessions. Marianna Moll (Iyengar, Relax&Renew®, Yamuna® certified) and Belinda Pendleton (Iyengar style, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Cardiac Wellness). (207) 338-3930. www.belfastyoga.com info@belfastyoga.com.
BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME The Yoga Firm Studio Join our ongoing movement inspired Beginning and Flow Yoga Classes to restore the supple nature of your body and mind. Also offering Shiatsu/ Acupressure bodywork. For schedule and info please contact Romee May, (207) 380-6975, 137 Townsend Ave. www.yogafirmstudio.com.
FALMOUTH, ME Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Offering several styles and levels of yoga from beginner to power yoga. Call (207) 878-3899 for class schedule or go to www.meadowwind.org for more information. 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, ME.
GORHAM, ME Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center All abilities/ages. Beginner, Continuing, Intermediate, Toning & Sculpting, Pregnancy Yoga, Couples Pregnancy Yoga, Mommy & Me (infants), Yoga for Tots, & Pilates. Private sessions available. Postures, breathwork, meditation, relaxation. (207) 839-7192. www.holisticpathways.com.
NEW GLOUCESTER, ME Life Breath® Institute Offers classes, workshops and private sessions to meet your schedule. Chi-Kung, deep meditation, Reiki and breathing techniques combined to achieve ultimate well-being in our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual life. Rev. Valerie Davis B. Msc. 31 Rowe Station Rd., New Gloucester, ME (207) 926-5693.
NORTH YARMOUTH, ME Turning Light Yoga & Meditation Center Classes in Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Psychological & Spiritual Development. Free Monthly Satsang. Personal, group and corporate programs available. Director Darcy Cunningham certified by Institute of the Himalayan Tradition and Yoga Alliance. (207) 829-2700, www.TurningLight.org,
Kundalini Community Yoga Full class schedule including beginners and children. Workshops. Groups. Private sessions. Certified Instructors. Class includes Kriya (set of specified exercises), breath, mantra, meditation, relaxation. Try Kundalini Yoga -- the yoga of Awareness. 52 Pine St., (207) 615-5405, www.kcyoga.net. Portland Yoga Studio Highly trained instructors, Iyengar certified, Anusara influenced. Prenatal, Teen, LifeLong, Restorative, Ashtanga (flow), & Yin Yoga classes! Weekend workshops! Belly Dance! Beautiful studio! 616 Congress Street, (207) 799-0054, www.PortlandYoga.com, email info@portlandyoga.com. Aikido of Maine Aikido: "The Art of Peace"' a martial art for self-defense and spiritual development. Connecting movement, breath and energy through partner practice. Seeking harmony from conflict. Creating an Alert mind, calm body and enhanced health and awareness. Daily classes: beginners, adults & children. Flexible schedules, (207) 879-9207, 226 Anderson St., Portland, www.aikidoofmaine.com. WholeHeart Yoga Center Portland's Kripalu-affiliated studio offers weekly classes for all levels, including Beginner, Vinyasa and Meditation & Yoga. Our instructors are all Kripalu-certified and highly trained. We also offer weekend workshops, private classes, partner yoga and regular Kirtans (chanting). 150 St. John St., Portland. (207) 871-8274, www.wholeheartyoga.com or email info@wholeheartyoga.com. The Yoga Center Quality instruction for 25 years. 30 weekly classes-all levels, restorative, therapeutic, power, pre-natal. Master teacher workshops and Yoga vacations in Mexico & Maine. Two lovely studios & supply store. Directors Vickie Labbe and Jennifer Cooper, (207) 774-YOGA (774-9642). Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286, www.portlandtaichi.org.
YARMOUTH, ME Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spacious & beautiful newly built studio. Professional instruction in KRIPALU & HATHA YOGA and MEDITATION. Now also PILATES and QI GONG! Group & private classes, all levels: youth, teens, adults. See website for schedule. (207) 846-1162, www.sanctuaryhhyc.com.
Full Circle Synergy School of T'ai Chi Ch'uan We offer classes morning, noon and night. Cultivating stress reduction, balance, internal energy, and meditation, while celebrating the joy of movement spectrum from self-healing through athletic efficiency and power to self-defense. All abilities welcome! (207) 780-9581. www.fullcirclesynergy.com. \
Calling all Yoga, T'ai Chi, QiGong and Meditation Practitioners. Place your listing here! An excellent resource for getting the word out for your classes & workshops! If you and your group or school hold classes and workshops and would like to be listed in this Directory, please call: (207) 799-7995 or Email: info@innertapestry.org. Please include in listings Yoga, Meditation, T’ai Chi and Qi Gong related classes April/May 2007 Inner Tapestry 39
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Open Door Yoga Center Offering a wide variety of Yoga classes, 5 Rhythm Ecstatic Dance, Feldenkrais Movement, Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic Drumming, T'ai Chi and Tantra Workshops. Morning, evening and weekend classes for all ages and levels. Conveniently located less than 3 miles from the center of Camden. Call for brochure or info: (207) 236-8971.
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