A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE! Aug/Sept 2007 ~ 21st
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Living Life
Volume 6, No . 2
Wh mber 15 ole th Man Healt ~ 16th che h Ex p ster , NH o
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
u Gardening In The City
u Loving Earth ~ Choices
u Living Peace In Community
u A Breath of Healing ~ Life Is
u The Ingredients Of A Happy Life
u Modern Shamanic Living ~ Fiercely Alive
u Is there scientific evidence for the "law of attraction"?
u Exploring the World Religions ~ God As Mother
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 2 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
This Issue's Theme LIVING LIFE
A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!
Courtesy of Rita Lloyd, www.NurturingArt.com
O c to ber/Novemb er 2007 Ch ar it y December/January 2007/2008 Walking in Grace Fe br uar y/M arch 2008 Elder Wis do m Ap r il/M ay 2008 Hear t Stor ies
Aug/Sept 2007
The Ingredients Of A Happy Life
Page 8
by Richard Carlson
Living Peace In Community
Page 10
by Scott Cronenweth
The Truth: Is there scientific evidence for the
Page 12
"law of attraction"?(Part Two)
by Karen Rider
Gardening In The City
by Allan K. Drew
Page 16
Departments Page 6
Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna
Page 7
Modern Shamanic Living ~ Fiercely Alive
Page 14
A Breath of Healing ~ Life Is
Page 15
Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy
Page 17
Awareness and the art of Seeing ~ Kay's Delicious
Page 19
Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ In Search of Good Qi
Page 22
The Way of Life-Itself ~ Why Violence and
Page 24
Loving Earth ~ Choices
Page 25
Exploring The World Religions ~ God As Mother
Page 26
by Kevin Pennell
For Living Life
by Asrianna Dameron by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
by Donna Amrita Davidge by Meg Wolff
by Jen Deraspe
by Werner Brandmaier
by Skye Potter Hirst Ph.D.
Why There is Hope Too? (Part Two)
by Pat Foley
by James Bean
Mixed Media ~ Book, Web-site & Music Reviews
Directory of Resources Heart Visions, A listing of events, trainings & trips... Calendar of Events Classifieds Yoga, T'ai Chi & Meditation Directory
Pages 28 & 29
Pages 30-35 Page 36 Pages 36-38 Page 38 Page 39
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Welcome to Inner Tapestry OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION: As we weave from within, we begin the
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Joan Emmons, Ron Damico, Betty Close, & Jacqueline Cone
4 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
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New this Issue: Hello everyone, this August/September issue, Living Life, finds us well into summer and for most of us we have found ourselves dealing with many changes in our lives. Summer is a time of blossoming and growth leading to maturity and the plentiful harvest of fall. In this issue we continue with the article series from Skye Hirst and Karen Rider who, by the way has been approached to write a book based on these articles, congratulations Karen. We then move to some wonderful moving stories of how people are living life with appreciation of the plentiful bounty that life is and the gifts it has to offer. One of life's gifts is our ability to create and manifest our lives, as everyone is still buzzing about the Secret and what comes next. We are being gifted the time to ponder what that means to each of us individually to choose the way we use this tool and our expression of who we aspire to be within the world. How will we use this tool? Some wonderful people got together with such aspirations to bring the focus of peace to the world. Shamanic practitioners, Allie Knowlton and Evelyn Rysdyk of Spirit Passages, hosted the World Drum and Louis Hall, Ted Musgrave and Paul and the many who created the first annual Portland Peace Festival. Yes, that's right "first". With the support of those who attended and their feedback it will be an annual event! Thank you Scott for coming with us to both celebrations and writing the article on pages 10 & 11 of the journal. Our wishes for a speedy recovery to Teresa Piccari, whose column The 21st Century Bohemian will be back with us next issue, we missed you this issue. A special welcome and thank you to all the new supporters of the journal we couldn't do this without your support and are coming very close to being able to add the additional eight pages to the journal so that we can bring more of the feature articles to our readers that have been coming in. It is all really great material and I have enjoyed the sharing with each of you, both writers and advertisers. Kevin Warrington has joined us in our excitement and desire for the journal to expand both in size and distribution and many of you will I'm sure get to connect with him in the future, thanks Kevin for sharing yourself and the journal with our growing community. Our next issue for October/November is Charity. With our growth this summer into the creation of the plentiful harvest of fall where will we share ourselves this year? Where will we place our energy out into the world? What will we do in this state of being called "charity"? We hope that you enjoy your summer months, the warmth of the sun, the quenching rain and the potential in each new step we take.
You reached out tomeandtouched my heart. When I was lonely and afraid. Itopenedmyheart to hope and filled mewithinspiration.
So many of us have found through our own experiences our own unique way of living life. It is not often easy to connect to what that truly means for ourselves and to be open to the infinite possibilities that life holds. Through these experiences that are uniquely ours we find that finally, living life, is a way of being not doing. It is our expression of this found way of being that will create the life we have come to enjoy, love and hold so dear. We were approached by artist and writer Rita Loyd to view her expression of life and we are happy to welcome her to this issue as our cover artist. "I first began to paint Nurturing Art when I became ill with stomach problems and chronic fatigue syndrome in 1996. As my life slowly narrowed around me from lack of physical strength and chronic panic attacks, my ego had no other choice than to step aside, and allow the voice of my spirit to emerge and comfort me through my artwork. Through the years I have chosen to paint images that encourage me to heal, to think positive thoughts and to love myself. To find the inspiration to paint such images I go through a process of self examination to explore where in my life I need the most encouragement. To do this I first make sure that I am in a mind space of self compassion rather than critical self judgment, for critical self judgment only causes me to feel self defensiveness rather than open and honest. Once I can be honest, I look at my life and see where things are not flowing well and then I explore the reasons and the misconceptions that have created this block. With the information I find, I review my spiritual studies and search my spirit to find a message of wisdom. When this message of wisdom comes through, I imagine the symbolism that will translate it best into art form and that is what I paint. Once a painting is finished, it becomes a powerful reminder and a healing tool for visualization." Rita has a wonderful collection of art, greeting cards, her DVD In Search of Love and her affirmation book, Expressions of Self Love available on her website. Each affirmation book which contains 68 images and affirmations is printed and bound at home with care and signed by Rita. You can see more art by Rita Loyd on her website: http://www.NurturingArt.com or contact Rita at rita@nurturingart.com or by calling her at 256-880-3935. Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 5
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
destinatio n h e al i n g
St o r y t e l l i n g ~ A V i t a l I n g r e d i e n t f o r L i v i n g L i f e by Kevin Pennell
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
fire burns in the middle of a sculpted fire chamber surrounded by a druid-like stone circle. As the fire’s smoke rises gently to the summer’s evening sky, a short, stocky, barrel-chested man comes into view. The Elfin-like man speaks, sharing a story’s background in a jovial baritone sort of voice. Without missing a word or inflection, he casually turns away from the audience. Then, out of nowhere, another voice flows out of the night air, a voice old, haggard, and a little disconcerting. But, what is the origin of this strange otherworldly voice? As the man’s face returns to view, you find not only is the voice coming from him, but somehow his face seems changed, shifted, into the near appearance of an old woman, one you’d expect to see lurking for Hansel and Gretel. With eyes set and a few mouths open, those present listen, hanging on to every word from the man. We are visiting The Golden Raven Storytelling Circle of Maine where Roland Watier captures the hearts and spirits of listeners while engaging their imagination with an age-old art as a Storyteller, one who brings a sense of living back into life. Every Friday and Saturday night, from June 15th through September 29th, Roland and other guest storytellers share stories. Enthusiastic about the season Roland says, “To have twenty storytellers appearing in one place in one season is something of a coup. You’d have maybe a single storyteller in a library, but twenty throughout the summer in one location in Maine?” He offers The Golden Raven as an indoor/outdoor venue for storytellers to come sharing their tales with the public.
For thousands of lifetimes, civilizations, cultures, and lives have found themselves shaped by storytellers. They’ve taught people to live life... fully, completely, passionately, with sound principles and morals, while building strong character. People gathered around village fires, visited fairs and festivals, even found themselves huddled at the feet of an elder in her woodland cabin to hear the storyteller. Tales of castles, wondrous creatures, bravery, and even silliness captivated listeners, teaching and encouraging all those who would listen. The listener would leave feeling and thinking about life differently from when they came to hear. A review of the family website (www.watier.org) speaks of Roland Watier’s many passions, but when you listen to him you hear one of the passions coming through loud and clear – Storyteller. Chuckling, Roland says, “You gotta be a bit touched to be a story teller – I mean that in a good way.” His birthplace is Gardiner, Maine with French Canadian and Maine ancestry. A decorated Vietnam Veteran, he’s passionate about living life. 6 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
Roland has always been an artist and that’s how he views storytelling, as an art form. As an artist he told stories for years through sculpture, woodcarvings, and bronze. For example, he created the Medal of Honor Bronze in the Rotunda of Maine’s state capital in Augusta. With the artistic background he began considering, “Maybe I should tell stories verbally?” He remembered a lady heard him tell a story where he had some of his artwork on display. Some time later she contacted him about his storytelling talent. As it turned out, she owned and operated a private school and asked the woodcarver/ sculptor, “Would you be our storyteller at the gala Halloween festival?” That experience gave birth to his passion as a storyteller. Now, “I help people find their passion.” Hunting and fishing experiences with his father and father’s friends supply material for some stories. If you ask Roland he’ll tell you, “I’m just a guy like anyone else with my interests in the outdoors ever since childhood. Walking the footpaths I remembered as a child... that was translated into ANTS nearly sixty years later.” (ANTS, Another Nice Tasty Sweet, is a book Roland and his son Matthew published in 2004. Matthew illustrated the book of Roland’s stories.) Though many may perceive storytelling as an enchanting form of entertainment, Roland encourages us to understand that storytelling teaches us how to live life. Living life carries a positive attitude, an optimistic outlook, and a renewed spirit instead of just plodding through surviving life one day to the next without hopes, dreams, or passions. A life lived is seasoned with excitement, joy, and wonder-filled events while one survived, maybe just caught up in the mire of the mundane. Some demonstrate the sense of living throughout their life while others lose that spark. Thankfully, events present themselves, impacting us enough to awaken our spirit, causing us to stop and take inventory of our life. Roland sees stories as “a collective – they teach, heal, and share wisdom.” The story told influences us so much that our values and concepts change to a better outlook on life. In that sense, storytelling takes on the work as a modality of healing. According to Roland, “Storytelling is a great healing process. It helps the storyteller as well as the listeners to develop the individual, so they can discover who they are.” This art also guides the spiritual traveler as they learn to search within themselves to become a better person. “A big part of storytelling causes us to re-member; to remember is to put back together that which has been forgotten as the inner journey of the human being.” So storytelling, as a vehicle, returns us to the ways of our ancestors. For example, The Golden Raven Storytelling Circle of Maine will host the 18th Annual Men’s Circle, scheduled for September 18th-19th, as they have for several years. This sacred event creates an opportunity for men and boys to connect with their ancestral ties. Roland describes the Men’s Circle as “rooted in the moment as well as nature. Leaving the modern world behind, the men virtually take a step back in time where they can experience simply being in the moment.”
Bethel, Maine
The Men’s Circle is oriented from a Native American perspective where men and boys gather for the weekend centered around a heartbeat rhythm of a drum and a sacred fire for three days. The spiritual experience has helped to shape and change lives. Time is spent in workshops, storytelling, and just sitting around a sacred fire till the wee hours of the morning discussing what it means to be a man, concepts of living simply to simply live, maybe even quantum physics. Or you can just spend time by yourself. The men and boys that come spend the night under the stars or in tents, and if needed they can accommodate small travel trailers on the 40-acre farm. “Storytelling reminds us of what did and didn’t work in the past – if we aren’t told stories we have no sense of place. You know the path between your house and your neighbor’s? That sets a stage for stories formed from childhood experiences.” Our lives are a series of experiences that may also be translated into stories. Many experiences, blended and seasoned by our own life lessons, can be the tales needed to encourage and teach others. Roland recognizes a need for recruiting more storytellers and talks about teaching the art of storytelling. He also expressed a concern that storytelling has lost popularity in recent decades. “The word itself, ‘storyteller,’ is dropping out of existence. We need more storytellers. The art is becoming extinct. It’s very hard to get audiences to attend storytelling, for that reason storytellers have had to refer to themselves as something else.” He says storytellers refer to themselves as entertainers or list themselves under entertainment in the yellow pages. They are more than entertainers. “They’re teachers. I’d like to see a storytelling circle in every state of the United States.” In times long gone by, storytelling shaped lives. Stories, myths if you will, taught morals, respect, honor, how to care and share, compassion, and many other core concepts. Children eagerly waited bedtime expecting the next act of a continuing bedtime story. Oral traditions still contribute to indigenous societies around the world, but sadly storytelling lost its popularity in recent decades, particularly in the western world. Roland references Michael Meade as an influence on his life and describes him as “a renowned Celtic Irish storyteller, steeped in Celtic European and African lore that explores and illuminates the inner lives of men and their ancient initiation rites. Michael Mead once said that stories come from a time and place when human beings believed that they could not have a meaningful life without the other person.” So people were educated, encouraged, and entered sacred rites through stories and myths. This same activity avails itself to all, listeners and storytellers alike. Roland related how Joseph Campbell, the philosopher and noted authority on mythology, talked about a childhood experience. Ten-year old Joseph Campbell walked into a museum of modern art and noticed totem poles. He was so struck by the totem poles that he wondered what these were all about, and what stories
Continued on page 27
welcome ho m e
ask asrianna Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living.
as possible. One of the friendliest, most outgoing men I know has a face that in repose looks rather intimidating and unapproachable. He knows this and so he makes the extra effort to smile and extend warmth to others without waiting for them to make the first move. If this is something that never happens to you and your work situation is the exception, okay, but if it feels familiar, you may need to work on how you appear and respond to others in order to make changes reflecting the real you. You mention two primary concerns in your letter. One is the question of being discriminated against when it comes to assignments. This is a serious charge and, if true, one you need to act on. Before you do, however, make sure that you have an accurate view of the situation. Are these assignments you have the skill and expertise to take charge of, or is it possible your co-worker possessed better skills and knowledge? Look objectively at whether your own professionalism and set of work skills are up-to-date and polished. You don’t mention your occupation, but make sure you take the classes, training and courses necessary to stay abreast of your job requirements. Don’t overlook communications skills, because whether it’s in one’s personal relationships or work environment, learning how to relate to others is vital. Your other concern was the question of your motivation in feeling you were discriminated against. In other words, you’re not sure you’re treated unfairly or if your feelings of being left out have given you to feel slighted. This is an honest question and one you should feel proud of being self-aware enough to ask. We’re each human, vulnerable, and social beings. Logic aside, it hurts to feel someone else is more appealing and somehow more deserving of positive attention. When emotions get involved, it becomes very difficult to decipher what’s true and what’s merely a reflection of our feelings. To discover what’s at the core of your work unhappiness is to ask yourself some simple questions. For instance, does their happy chatter interfere with your concentration or just make you feel jealous? I’m wondering if you’d even want or care to be part of their twosome if it wasn’t for the discomfort of feeling an outsider. I’ve worked in situations in which two or more individuals had so much in common that they clearly socialized outside of work and often referred to their escapades during the day. I never felt insulted, however, because the truth was that while they were lovely people, I had little in common with them and had no desire to be included. If you search your heart and mind and decide that you’re truly being treated in a discriminatory way, then having done all this preparatory work will benefit you in the next step, which is to discuss your concerns with your supervisor. Make sure you narrow the focus of the issues you want to address so you can be objective and concise. Detail what it is you want clarified and changed. If you feel as if you’re being passed over for projects, bring it up in a way that indicates you want to understand why it’s happening so you can improve. Perhaps you could say, “I noticed the last two important projects went to Amy. I’d love to be part of that kind of work and am wondering if you could instruct me on how to be included in similar projects.” Approaching it in this manner lets her know that you’re willing to work on improving your skills as well as conveying your awareness of a pattern of favoritism.
Feeling hurt about being left out of their friendship is less easy to address. You can’t force people to like you or to include you in their lives. It would be easier and more professional if they’d be discrete about their friendship, but that clearly isn’t the case here. If you can’t ignore their personal discussions, you might smile and say, “Your lunch-time experience with the waiter sounds hilarious; hearing about it is so engaging it’s making it hard for me to concentrate on my work!” Sometimes a small comment can clue people in on their lack of sensitivity. Signed, Asrianna Dear Asrianna, My father died ten years ago. He was a quiet man and rarely talked but I’ve consistently had wonderful dreams in which he’s come to me chatty and radiating warmth and happiness. Am I making this up or can he have changed so much? Signed, Hoping He’s Happy Dear Hoping, My guides tell me that when we die we don’t suddenly sprout angel wings and possess all the knowledge of the Universe. Five minutes after we die we’re still the same personality we were five minutes prior. We continue our path of learning and loving when we’re in the spirit realm. For instance, if we were hurt and fearful, withdrawn and self-protective while alive, in the spirit realm we’re eventually able to let that go and see why we underwent the experiences we did. With that in mind, no doubt your father has gained the understanding and joy in the spiritual realm that he lacked while he was in his physical body. This is a lengthy topic, but when we move into the spiritual realm two important events happen; we undergo a life review and we’re cleansed of all the hurts and pains of our recent incarnation. When this happens, we see the omissions of love and tenderness we caused and experienced. Your dad may very well desire to communicate his love to you through your dreams in a way he was unable to do while he was alive. Enjoy the warmth and love of your father and pray for his continued evolution and joy. Signed, Asrianna Asrianna Dameron is a Psychic, a Spiritual Medium, and Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice. She offers individual and group sessions as well as seminars and speaking engagements on the topics of Psychic Development, Mediumship, Hypnosis and Shamanic healing. Asrianna can be reached at asrianna@shamansheart.com, by visiting her website at www.shamansheart.com, or by calling 603-892-1268. Please direct all inquiries and questions for future columns to
Asrianna at asrianna@shamansheart.com
Inner Tapestry 925 Sawyer Street South Portland, ME 04106 Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 7
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Dear Asrianna, I work in a three- person office and wouldn’t you know it, I’m the third wheel. I’m a few years older than the other two women and while I’ve been there the longest, I’m a subordinate of one of them. Their obvious friendship makes me feel as if I’m being passed over for great assignments in favor of the other woman. I’m not sure, though, that feeling left out might not be at the root of my discontent. They talk and laugh and go out to lunch together which leaves me out of the loop. I feel I’m in a no-win situation and I’m getting angrier and more withdrawn, which I know doesn’t help. How should I handle this? Signed, Odd Woman Out Dear OWO, There’s nothing like feeling left out to bring back the awful memories of youth. Not being the teacher’s favorite, not getting invited to birthday parties, being picked last for those mandatory team sports. All of our insecurities come to the forefront when situations like this confront us and it takes a great deal of thought and objective self-appraisal to tease out the real issues from the old, youthful ones. The difficulty here is that while office friendships are so commonplace as to be almost passé, what your boss is doing is both unprofessional and unkind. I’m surprised at the lack of professionalism but, sadly, I’ve seen this time and time again. An employer or supervisor’s job is to treat each employee fairly and equitably. It’s probably unavoidable to have favorites or to have those who might try your patience, but it’s a reflection on a supervisor’s proficiency and management skills when an employee fails or succeeds. Perhaps as importantly, if you’re in a position of authority, it leaves you open—deservedly or not—for complaints of favoritism or discrimination. Unfortunately, we’ve all had less-than-perfect bosses, so when faced with this problem there are several steps to take. The first is to stop acting on your hurt feelings while you deal with the very real issues facing you. Becoming angry and withdrawn is completely understandable but counterproductive and gives them ammunition to justify your exclusion. Ever hear of that quote from Creighton Abrams? “Never get into a fight with a pig. You both get dirty and he enjoys it.” Part of your unhappiness might arise from a feeling that you’re behaving in a way you’re less than comfortable about. Don’t sink to the unprofessional level of your co-worker and boss and you’ll have the blessing of knowing you’re not contributing to the unpleasant situation. That being said, you may be unconsciously adding to the difficulty of your workplace and here’s where the honest self-appraisal comes into play. Ask yourself some hard questions. Are you open and friendly at work, or consistently quiet and withdrawn, unsmiling and uncommunicative? We’re frequently unaware of how we come across to others and while you may feel otherwise, your body language, tone of voice, or actions might be causing others to avoid you in some way. Do you feel left out or misunderstood in other situations, such as in family or social settings, or only at work? Perhaps you could ask a trusted, loving friend or family member to be very frank in giving you feedback about your demeanor. Watch yourself in a mirror while trying to be as natural
The Ingredients of a Happy Life by Richard Carlson
t wasn’t until about 25 years ago that I realized how simple it really is to be happy. Notice I didn’t say it’s always easy—although it often is that too! What I have discovered is that virtually anyone, by learning about five simple concepts, can become much happier than ever before. I don’t mean happy “all the time,” but most of the time for sure, and even when we lose our way, it’s pretty simple to guide ourselves back in the right direction. Let me introduce five simple principles very briefly here and then I’ll speak a little bit about their applications in our daily lives. 1) The first principle is that of “thought.” In short, our ability to think creates our psychological experience of life and most importantly, thinking is a voluntary function. In other words, we produce the thoughts—we think them up! And, with no time in-between, we feel the effects of those thoughts. That’s why it’s so critical to be aware that you are the one producing and thinking your own thoughts. If you ever tried to scare yourself with your own voice, you’d be out of luck. Why? Because, very simply, you’d always be one step ahead of yourself—you’d know it was you who was saying “boo.” By becoming aware that we are the producers of our own thoughts, we can have a similar insight. We will always have thoughts to contend with, but once we realize that we create and produce them, it’s pretty hard to be freaked out by them. Instead of bumming ourselves out or getting angry or scared, we simply say to ourselves, “Whops, there I go again,” reminding yourself that you’re having what you might come to call a “thought attack.” If you have any type of thought and know it’s “just a thought,” and it’s stemming from inside of you, it’s easy to drop it, and bring yourself back to this precious moment.
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For Connecticut Advertising Call Kevin Warrington at Inner Tapestry ~ 207-799-7995 or email info@innertapestry.org
2) The principle of moods is incredibly simple. When we’re in a “good” mood, life generally looks pretty good. But when we’re in a “bad” mood, the same life—and that’s the key, the exact same life looks drastically different. All of a sudden the partner you were so in love with is problematic, the car you drive doesn’t look so good and your future looks less than promising. But how can this be? While in a good mood, you’re totally in love, the car you drive is absolutely fine and your future looks great. I could give a hundred other examples, but I’m sure you get the point. Your life doesn’t change—only your mood does. Knowing this changes everything. When you’re down, you feel it and you make allowances for it. You don’t take your own thinking very seriously at all. Instead, it’s a waiting game. You wait until your mood returns to a better state and then you think about your problems. Same with other people. You begin to recognize when someone is in a low mood and when they are, you don’t take what they say and do very seriously. It’s really that simple. Everyone is subject to moods and when any of us are in a low mood we will say and do things we wouldn’t even consider while in a better frame of mind. Knowing this is a huge advantage. You learn to make allowances for others and their moods—and you get used to the expression, “But for the grace of God, go I.” When you do suppose most people discuss their problems? While in a low mood of course, because that’s when life has a sense of urgency. But ironically, you can’t solve a problem when you are low because you have lost your wisdom, common sense and happiness. But when your mood rises, you’ll have your wisdom back and life will look good again! I used to tell couples about this trick all the time and, frequently, one of the partners would say to me, “But Richard, if we waited until our mood rose to discuss our problems, it wouldn’t seem like we had problems to discuss.” “That’s the point,” I would say. 3) The third principle is called Separate Psychological Realities. Essentially, this means that because we all think uniquely, we each live if a separate psychological reality. This one is easy to apply. All you have to do is expect it, rather than be surprised or disappointed, when someone disagrees with you or can’t see things your way. Of course they can’t! 4) Fourth is the principle of feelings. This is probably my favorite and is certainly the simplest. Essentially, all you have to do is pay attention to your feelings. Then, depending on what you are feeling, you use that information to guide you as to what to do. For example, if you’re angry, instead of “thinking” about why you’re angry, you use the angry feelings to remind yourself that you’re a little off-base, because again, your goal is to be happy. You must be thinking angry thoughts or you would be having different types of feelings. Your feelings, positive or negative, are not “bad,” they are simply information and they are foolproof in letting you know where you stand and what needs to be done. 5) The last principle is to live more of our life in the present moment. By using our feelings, we can tell when our mind is drifting away from this moment—which is so common in today’s world. But as you bring your attention back to just this moment, you’ll begin to feel the joy of each precious moment of life. When you’re bothered or irritated, it will usually be because you’re thinking about something that is already over or something that is yet to be. Practice bringing your attention to the here and now and you’ll be one of the happiest people on earth! Life is a
8 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
9 magical adventure when you are right here to enjoy it! Richard Carlson, PhD, is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on happiness and stress reduction. As the author of twenty popular books, which have sold more than 26 million copies worldwide, including the #1 New York Times best seller Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, he has shown millions of people how to not let the small things get the best of them. Dr. Carlson speaks to enthusiastic audiences around the world and is a popular television and radio personality, having been on Oprah,
Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, and myriad other shows. Richard lives in Northern California with his wife and their two daughters. Based on the book You Can Be Happy No Matter What, 15th Anniversary edition Copyright © 2006 by Richard Carlson, PhD, Reprinted with permission from New World Library, Novato, CA USA 94949, 800-972-6657, http://www.newworldlibrary.com
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Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 9
Living Peace in Community by Scott Cronenweth
First Annual Portland Peace Festival The Portland Peace Festival: Putting the “Peace” in the World’s Largest Human Peace Sign I’m writing this “live” (almost) from the first Portland Peace Festival, held on the afternoon of Saturday, July 14th, 2007. I’ve got a grin on my face, peace in my heart and a bunch of flyers in my pocket. If that’s any indication, the event was a great success! For sure it was a terrific idea and a fine effort that hopefully will expand and continue both here in Maine and elsewhere. This mellow and gently organized free event had three goals: to unite Portland in a Celebration of Peace, to raise awareness about local peace groups and social organizations that bring positive change to the world, and to create “The World’s Largest Human Peace Sign!”
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Perched along Portland’s Eastern Promenade overlooking Casco Bay, the day began with various organizations, from Peace Action Maine to the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine to the Natural Resource Council of Maine to local yoga studios, artists and T-shirt sellers putting forth their wares on tables. Countless stacks of literature soon rippled in the onshore breeze. Some of us were lucky enough to have awnings or umbrellas under which to hide from the absolutely perfect, sunny blue-sky weather. Leaflets, sunscreen and splendid organic root beer and ginger beer from Maine Root Sodas were shared around liberally. Everybody seemed to have enough rocks to hold their stuff down. Passersby strolled past the tables and hung out on the grass in a picnic atmosphere, waiting like concert-goers for the main event. Children’s activities, including kid’s yoga and the obligatory face painting (how did I survive childhood without once having my face painted?) were held throughout the afternoon, to the tune of some very good music from the Blueberry Pancakes steel drum band, Jon Call Foundation and others. What the Portland Peace Festival didn’t include, to my immense personal relief, was a lot of overt politicizing and protesting. I think we’re finally collectively and individually recognizing that an atmosphere of conventional activism and anti-whatever rhetoric is not a path to peace. Indeed, it inevitably creates more adversity -- even if absolutely everyone present wholeheartedly agrees that George W. Bush sucks. What we resist, persists. As we powwowed behind the Inner Tapestry table Ron Damico (of Ron & Joan fame) articulated the crux of this issue beautifully, on the level of our individual responsibility: “Let’s deal with the pieces we’re pushing against internally so we don’t bring them into what we’re trying to create out here in the world.” I, for one, would do well to keep that in mind… Meanwhile, right on schedule at 2:30PM, our organizers 10 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
Ceremony of Gratitude with the World Drum
began directing us to form what we hoped would be the Guinness Book of World Records official, recordholding World’s Largest Human Peace Sign. (Ostensibly there is currently no official Guinness record for the largest human peace sign so, at least for awhile, we might indeed hold it.) The whole thing seemed to happen with great ease. First, the assembled multitude of roughly 800 individuals was asked to simply form a line. Then we filed along until we’d snaked a rough peace sign shape on the Eastern Prom’s sloping sward, with latecomers scampering in on all sides. An unself-conscious gent draped in a shimmering, red cape (we called him the Butterfly Guy) flitted in and out of the space we were creating. With the simplest of technology (a rope to measure distance from a central point) we were shaped up and then counted and recounted for official, record-setting purposes. After taking the appropriate formation and standing around chatting for a bit, a helicopter with a photographer on board came by to take our picture. We made peace signs with our fingers and lay down on the sun-warmed grass, looking up at the idyllic, summer-day sky. It was way cool.
human beings. And like all feelings, it’s contagious… Next time we make a honkin’ big human peace sign I hope we’ll bring that expansive feeling -- waves upon waves of it!! -- more consciously into the communal heart space. It would also be wonderful if other communities picked up on the great idea of hosting Peace Festivals. Who cares about the world’s largest human peace sign? Let’s form human peace signs in as many places as possible -- maybe even a bunch on the same day or weekend. Even if these events are not coordinated in time, the more the merrier! Or would that be … the peace-ier?
Welcoming the World Drum to Maine! Southern Maine is blessed to support a “non-ordinary” spiritual community as vibrant and diverse as anyplace. A big reason for this is the long-time presence of two of the world’s most innovative and widely respected teachers in the neo-shamanic tradition, C. Allie Knowlton and Evelyn Rysdyk (see http://www.spiritpassages.com). These two beautiful and impeccable Bear Spirits in human form have touched the lives and hearts of countless people with their message of unity and the power of loving intention. Allie and Evelyn are forever cooking up awesome participatory ceremonies and celebrations for the rest of us to enjoy. So leave it to them to bring The World Drum to Maine!
Yet as we dispersed, notwithstanding the all-around good vibes there was a palpable sense of “That’s it?”
Many people, I feel, would’ve gladly hung around a little while longer to work with our shared intention for further benefit. What I believe would be truly awesome in the future (I have a sense this wasn’t Portland’s first-last-and-only human peace sign!) would be to lead those who chose to participate in a group “feeling prayer” for peace. Not anything fancy that would require particular beliefs or training: just a quick, guided meditation to find peace within our individual hearts and imagine it filling us and flowing out from us over the city and out into the world. Remember and imagine that the peace we long for has already happened. It is here, now. Celebrate in gratitude! The feeling is the prayer. This is the Buffalo Medicine -- the most powerful form of prayer. Greg Braden writes about this prayer format in his latest book, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer (see http://www.greggbraden.com/). Traditionals of all faiths have practiced it forever. A feeling-prayer certainly would support us to unite the city in a Celebration of Peace. After all, peace is not an external condition, such as the lack of war or even a temporary lull in the everyday strife and dissention. Peace is an internal state -- an energetic, feeling state that is held in conscious awareness by individual
The World Drum was created and sent out to travel the world through the vision of a Norwegian man whose spirit name is White Cougar (http://www.theworlddrum.com/). The drum’s purpose is to serve as a focal point for ceremonies that “…draw attention to the critical situation for Mother Earth.” In the drum’s travels it will… "weave a thread throughout the world, which will bind us together in dynamic cooperation for a better world.” The World Drum is a symbol of Life and the connection among all beings in the Web of Life. The intention of these ceremonies is to help create the changes within each of us that will help heal our connection to Mother Earth. From its awakening ceremony in Oslo, Norway on September 1, 2006, the World Drum has made its way across Scandinavia and then to New Zealand, Hawaii, and on to the continental US. Our ceremony in Falmouth, Maine was the fourth of sixteen ceremonies taking place in the US, after which the drum is currently slated to return to Norway in October. Spirit Passages’ connection to the World Drum Project began over two years ago when they received an e-mail in broken English asking whether they’d like to
11 host the drum. It wasn’t at all clear at that point what they were getting into but Spirit said “Sure!” so they did, too! Eventually things worked out in a good way and a group of perhaps 40 people found themselves sitting before the drum in the L.L. Bean Great Room at Maine Audubon’s headquarters at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth. (Maine Audubon generously donated the space so that the ceremony could be free and open to all.) The World Drum itself is a frame drum of the traditional shamanic or “native peoples” type. It has a flat, basically cylindrical shape with a head made of reindeer hide on one side and gut straps for a handhold on the other. It can be thumped with your free hand or played with its beater, which is made from the antler of a female reindeer. A few adornments, in particular a Golden Eagle primary wing feather and a small owl wing feather, hang from the straps on the back. Painted on the World Drum’s head is the traditional Sami symbol honoring the Four Directions. Handmade in Norway in a location above the Arctic Circle by a member of a traditional Sami reindeer herding community, the World Drum has a warm and very gentle resonance for such a big drum. The natural patterning of the reindeer hide, like a flickering fire, seems to hold countless images. As Evelyn pointed out at the start of the ceremony, it is poignantly fitting that the drum comes from the Arctic, the most imminently threatened of our Earth’s ecosystems. Maine’s World Drum ceremony was a celebration of gratitude for the Earth and the manifestation of Peace. There can be no real peace for humanity, after all, if we are not in harmony with our environment. Where there is pollution, scarcity and the heedless pillaging of natural resources there is suffering and strife. Peace and right relationship with our environment are the same vibration.
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After some discussion to set the stage and calling in the Directions and the healing and helping spirits, we began a guided meditation for World Peace. (This wonderful meditation is available on Spirit Passages CD, Becoming the New Human, available on the Spirit Passages website, Amazon.com and elsewhere.) We envisioned gratitude overflowing from our hearts for the wonder of peace on Earth. We imagined children playing, the Web of Life teeming, the Earth held sacred, all safe from even the idea of aggression. It was a beautiful example of “right prayer” -- feeling and remembering that what we are praying for has already manifested, feeling its presence in our lives, and giving thanks. After our meditation we formed a circle and held space by singing, drumming and rattling while the World Drum passed from person to person to be played! It was a magical celebration. Many people danced and leapt around the circle, banging away happily. What a privilege to bring forth sound from this awesome medicine drum, conceived, manifested and propelled across our planet by a vision of Peace. When my turn came I thumped it hard and held it against my chest, merging its heartbeat with my own. Allie Knowlton shared with us her vision of the Spirit of the World Drum flying forth and encircling the Earth, weaving and supporting world peace even when it is not being played. By now the drum is on its way to its next camp in Kansas City, Missouri. With each new ceremony its spirit, flying free, gains strength and focus whenever humans vibrate with the feeling of peace. Fly on, World Drum!
Scott Cronenweth is a freelance Shamanic Buddhist Naturalist Bird Guide Personal Dog Servant writer in idyllic South Portland, ME. Connect with Scott at skyhorse@maine.rr.com or visit www.naturalpathwalks.com.
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 11
The Truth: Is there scientific evidence for the "law of attraction" ? ( Part Two of an interview with Mark Evan Furman ) by Karen Rider
t the end of the first leg of this journey, we learned that the power of thought or intention by itself is insufficient for changing reality and manifesting goals and dreams. On this leg of the journey, we explore scientific law versus spiritual principle and learn why the law of attraction is not really a “law” of the physical universe. There is a brief pit stop where we discuss “scientific stuff,” including useful information about the quantum world. We wrap-up this leg with a basic overview of “intention experiments” and learn what, if anything, science has proven about the effect of mind on physical reality. KMR: Are you saying the Law of Attraction, which states what we think or intend magnifies in the fabric of the universe and when we are clear and focused on what we want, the universe delivers, is a fallacy? How can this be?
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MEF: There is no scientific law of attraction. It is a spiritual principle with no scientific evidence in the neurosciences or the physical science to support such claims as you mentioned. Michael Beckwith was on Oprah a few weeks ago and he was very careful to point out this is a spiritual principle, not a physical law of science. The way it is marketed to the public is irresponsible and uninformed. It gives the public a false sense of hope and elation about their life, but when people realize it doesn’t work, they will be left disillusioned and possibly damaged. KMR: Mark, please differentiate between spiritual principle and scientific law. MEF: Historically, anything written in religious scripture that is accepted on faith, regardless of which faith, is known as a spiritual principle (SP). These may be rules or codes of conduct, doctrine or assumptions related to sacred matters and/or supernatural beings or phenomena. All legitimate fields of science, from biology to zoology, arrive at scientific laws by way of the scientific method. The scientific method is a standard set of procedures that includes identifying a problem, formulating a testable prediction about that problem (a hypothesis), collecting data through observation and testing the hypothesis through experimentation. A scientific hypothesis is a tentative assumption that predicts a relationship between two or more objects or behaviors as in the case of psychology.
12 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
A theory is a set of hypotheses that has been tested many, many times through experimentation. Each time a test produces the same results or effects we consider it to be reliable. This is why scientists want other scientists to duplicate experiments and attempt to refute their theories: When we are unable, over time, to disprove a theory through valid testing, then it becomes a scientific law. Remember from high school science class, the law of conservation of matter states energy cannot be created or destroyed. This explains how magnetic energy converts to electrical energy. It’s been proven over and over again for centuries. KMR: Is there an easy way to recognize the difference between a SP and a scientific law? MEF: Faith implies the absence of evidence and is not obtained through scientific methods. The key difference is that, for matters of faith or spirituality, there is no prediction that can be tested with scientific methods. If there is a testable prediction, there is not 100% reliability through cause and effect. If you were to test the LOA—ask, believe, receive—by asking for one dollar or one million dollars, you will not have 100% reliability between the cause (asking) and the effect (receiving). We also have no way to measure believing. On the other hand, you will have 100% reliability between cause and effect if you walk off the roof of the Empire State Building. You will be attracted to the earth from the moment you step off the building, with 100% reliability. And that’s the difference, when scientific methods produce 100% or near 100% reliable cause and effects relationships, then you are on your way to establishing a law of science. Until then, all you have are theories, ideas, hypothesis, assumptions and principles. KMR: What is the source of the claim that scientific evidence exists for this principle of attraction? MEF: First, I have to state that existing scientific evidence supports the opposite conclusion, which every school age child can tell you after her first experience with magnetism and electricity at the state science fair. Quite simply, we know, opposite energies attract while like energies repel. Believers (in the LOA) would respond by saying, “but we’re talking about the Quantum Level and things work differently there.” Second, there is absolutely no evidence to support
the claim that the energy from a human brain can affect the physical reality at any level, be it quantum or classical. It is true that magnetic waves from a functioning human neural net can be “recorded” by PET scans, EEGs, etc. However, this form of energy that machines read in response to brain activity is unusable energy, known as “entropy.” This is primarily in the form of thermodynamic heat, which is not capable of doing any physical “work.” Thus, our thoughts cannot perform work outside of our physical body. The terrible misconception that conscious thought can affect the physical world through some “mysterious energy” comes from one interpretation of some early experiments conducted in the field of quantum mechanics and physics. The particular interpretation responsible for all the misconceptions is the Copenhagen interpretation. In the 1930s, Quantum physicists were attempting to resolve a mathematical discovery that at the quantum level there appears to be multiple probabilities for every event (represented by a wave function). At the classical physics level, which is where you and I live and breathe, only one event actually occurs. It was proposed by some scientists that perhaps the observer “collapses the wave function” when they do the act of observing. This idea seemed to be a reasonable way to explain the discrepancy at the time, since the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle indicated that observers affect the systems that they observe by the “act of measurement.” Scientists, at that time, failed to account for the fact that the “act of measuring” affected the quantum systems, not the act of observing simply with our conscious awareness. In 1944, the brilliant Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger showed the Copenhagen Interpretation is implausible. KMR: In science, isn’t observation a form of measurement? MEF: No. This is how the misinterpretation began. KMR: Help me understand, how does the act of measurement, not the act of observing, affect quantum systems? MEF: The instrument is doing the measuring, whatever that instrument might be. The human brain (which belongs to the observer) is decoding the meaning of the measurement.
13 KMR: What about research conducted at Princeton’s Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory— indicating a relationship between conscious intention and outcomes in random event generators? MEF: The experiments with random event generators get people excited primarily because the human mind has trouble comprehending the ramifications of probability distributions (in statistics). If I were to toss a coin ten times and record the number of heads and tails, I would very often get more of one than the other and may jump to the conclusion that my mind is affecting the outcome. In the field of logic, this fallacy of reasoning is known as a “hasty generalization.” However, once I have tossed the coin 100 times the odds will begin to align with the 50/50 probability distribution expected. As the number of possible events increase beyond two (head/tails), the number of tosses must increase logarithmically in order for the actual outcomes to align with the expected probability. When random event generator experiments are done with a human subject, the number of trials never approaches the necessary threshold for this to happen. So, the researcher will falsely conclude that the outcome was affected by conscious intention. This error is not unusual for human beings to make. The
gambling industry exploits this “statistical blind spot” in us to the tune of several billion dollars per year. Even so, we don’t stop believing that one day we’ll get lucky. KMR: How is it that REG research done at Princeton, and other prestigious institutions, is so easily misinterpreted, even by researchers? Second, why do you think the scientific community has not been more vocal about the misinterpretation or misrepresentation of quantum physics research to the public? MEF: Not all scientists are trained with the same skills of logic, as are theoretical scientists. Many so-called scientists are simply technicians that operate equipment or they work in an extremely narrow part of their field of research. In addition, even scientists are guilty of seeing what they want to believe is true, a kind of an experimenter bias. After all, scientists are human, too. KMR: Does science offer any evidence about the effect of intention on physical reality – the fabric of our lives? MEF: Again, there is absolutely no proven cause-effect relationship between “intention” and the physical world. If this belief continues, there is a danger that people will waste large portions of their lives attempting to acquire abilities that are not possible for the human brain to perform. This happens at the expense of developing amazing abilities of mind and brain that are far more practical and valuable to an individual as
well as to humanity. I believe the “law” of attraction is a beautiful spiritual principle and is but one source of wisdom. Science is a source of wisdom that allows for an objective examination of all that we perceive, if it is used with integrity. Each of us must discover how to balance the scales of science and spirituality within the fabric of our lives. The challenge lies in learning to embrace and to live the science in the spiritual and the spiritual in the science. The final leg of this journey will explore a cutting-edge approach to developing the potential of the mind in order to manifest the goals and dreams you have for living a very real life. KMR: Mark, is there a simple way to understand the untapped mental and emotional potential of the human mind and brain? MEF: All memory, learning, behavior, decisions and perceptions are state-dependent or state-bound. At any given moment, depending upon the context they find themselves in, a human being has access to only those resources available in the present biophysical state. In common parlance we refer to our biophysical states as emotions (anger), moods (melancholic), feelings (discomfort) and cognitive
Continued on page 29
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Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 13
mod er n s ham an i c l i v i n g
Fiercely Alive by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
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aving a spiritual practice doesn’t protect us from all the bumps in the road that our lives offer. Those of us on a spiritual path still experience sudden and unexpected changes, illness, the loss of those who are closest to us and finally our own death. While the specific details of this list may differ from one of us to the next, the final one is certain. All of us will die. Surely, this must be the strongest impetus to live the length and breadth of life with a fierce aliveness, and yet, how many of us choose to do this? My partner and I are blessed to have a friendship with a couple who at this time are wrestling with the changes his debilitating neuromuscular disease are having in their lives. Each day, they wake to find the disease has changed his body a little more. The tasks of daily living become more difficult–no longer able to do up his buttons, using the walker in the house, needing breathing assistance at night and having a harder time speaking. All of these little erosions are taking their toll on his abilities–save for one. Each day, we witness the strength of his love for her and hers for him. Their world is filled with loving touches, smiles into each other’s eyes and the thoughtfulness of each precious word. There is no stable point in the progression of this kind of illness. Each day brings more adjustments to the physical routine, as if the ground beneath their feet was slowly slipping away. It is for this reason that the certainty of their love becomes the rock on which they steady themselves. It is the distillation of every experience they have shared. In the atmosphere of love, every moment of their shared past is breathed to life again with every moment they still have together. This is their practice of living–one breath, one task, one kiss at a time.
EveryDayandEverywhere Love, magnificent as she is, Is almost always invisible When still in life’s forest. The core energy of creation Perfectly camouflaged as all that is. But the moment love stirs, Leaves her serene lotus seat, She steps from absolute abstract Into the reality of the senses. A quiet word. A comforting touch. Shared laughter. Wiped tears. One last effort At the exhausted end of day. This is love in motion And when she looks up From yet another common chore, There, present in some familiar face, Are the echoes of eternity. These are her words, written between the many tasks of keeping both home and hearts together in the face of her husband’s terminal illness. It seems unfathomable to find beauty in the pain and despair of such a situation–but he, she, we–are all still very much alive. The real challenge is not the illness, or other struggle we may face. The challenge is to keep opening our eyes, minds and hearts to the glorious present. Each of us, no matter our condition or position in life is HERE, NOW! This minute, marked for me by keystrokes on my computer will never be again. We cannot rewind 14 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
life–hoping for one of childhood’s “do over”. Once it has passed by, the present is gone into memory. With this present breath and heartbeat, we are experiencing such a precious commodity! How do we spend it well? Albert Einstein once said that we have a choice, to live “as though nothing is a miracle” or “everything is a miracle”. Perhaps that is the gift of a spiritual life, to begin seeing the life you are living as filled with miracles–especially, as is my experience–if your spiritual path is one that is connected to Nature and practiced in an atmosphere of gratitude.
"Finding that brighter day means paying attention to the magnificent gift we have in being alive on this extraordinary place in the universe.
We can practice this kind of radically fierce living even as we welcome the bittersweet return of autumn. In fact, for me this is certainly an extra special time to pay attention to the miraculous! In each green leaf, photosynthesis has been quietly creating sugars from the rain and sunlight. These sugars have nurtured the growth of the parent tree which in turn has nurtured the birds and animals that find food and shelter in it’s branches. Along with the chlorophyll that makes this feat of sugar creation possible there are also carotenoids and anthocyananins present in the leaf. It is these chemicals that make their presence known in the autumn. You see, the leaves don’t really “turn”, instead as chlorophyll stops its work at the end of the growing season, the green fades, revealing the underlying colors that were always present. The yellows, golds, oranges and reds that take our breath away on a sunny, late September afternoon are there, hidden in the leaves, in May! This simple fact reminds me every year that true, tangible miracles are afoot, even when you can’t always see them. These miracles aren’t of a kind that will save neither our friend from his untimely death nor us from our own inevitable end. No, paying attention to these kinds of miracles will save us in very different ways.
Perhaps It’s Not Too Late There is a Jonathan Edwards song we use in some of our training programs titled “This Island Earth”. The words remind us how miraculous our beautiful planet and indeed our lives–which are so inexorably tied to the Earth–genuinely are. “Calling all dreamers and optimistic fools”. he exhorts us, “Don’t let go of your dream make it now make it all come true, If you believe in a brighter day, I know we can find our way.” Finding that brighter day means paying attention to the magnificent gift we have in being alive on this extraordinary place in the universe. The “brighter day” is today–NOW! Later in the song, Edwards says “If you’re lookin’ for a miracle open your eyes, There was one this morning just about sunrise. Dawn came breakin’ like a wave on the sea. And it’s there for you and me.” The simple fact we can experience another sunrise is something to be celebrated! Some people didn’t wake up this morning and their ability to make and create new choices in the physical realm have expired with their last breath. We, on the other hand, are still alive and able to drink in the magic of Life! We can do this–with our physical aches and emotional pains. We do not have to cast anything aside, or wait for “something to be different”. Whoever, however, and wherever we are is worth celebrating. There is a wonderfully sweet film titled “Strangers in Good Company” about a van of very elderly women who get stranded in the wilderness. They strayed off the beaten path, their van has broken down and now no one knows where they are. In a later scene in the film after they have done much to work together and survive, they are all together on a hilltop calling “We’re alive!” into the echoing hills. They call this phrase out each in turn and then each other’s names into the empty woods. It is a moment of exquisite poignancy–this declaration of refusing to succumb to despair. It’s flipping what could be seen as a dire situation on its ear –"I’m here, I’m not lost, I’m alive!"
I was born into a sacred world, Knew without the effort of instruction That the old oak was a grandfather And the night wind had a voice. I knew dancing songs to celebrate the seasons And that, if I stumbled, life would catch me. It took much to wean me from my early ways, Left me with blunted instincts clinging To just pretend stories like an orphaned child. But I have turned to return at last Hoping against the lonely logic of long years That life is there to catch me. Life as it is expressed by Nature in each moment is there to catch us and hold us close. We only need to be aware, give Her our attention and feel gratitude to reap the harvest that these miracles offer. Comedian, George Carlin said, “Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Allow yourself to be made breathless–to be struck dumb and weepy–by the beauty that is all around you–the very beauty of which you are a part! Our indoor living separates us from Nature and her gifts. Inside we can feel isolated and depressed. To fully partake in the magic you have to go outside! Look around for a color that fills you, a natural sound that relaxes you, and a natural scent that warms your heart. Is the red of the sugar maple offering you a different kind of sweetness from the syrup she gave you for your pancakes? Does the surf rattling the pebbles back and forth begin to calm your pulse? Notice that tang of wood smoke in the air or the cedar aroma from your favorite sweater? Does it tickle a memory of warm times with friends or family? What do you notice? There is a funny and thought provoking book by Rob Brezsny, titled “Pronoia: the Antidote for Paranoia.” The author created this word pronoia as a word of
Continued on page 27
a breath o f he alin g
LIFE IS by Donna Amrita Davidge
“Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Be kind to everyone Never speak ill of others Never speak ill of yourself Just a few words that can be a tall order!! Live it and enjoy life! Donna Amrita Davidge has been teaching Yoga in New York City since 1985. Over the years she has been quoted and featured in magazines, on radio and television, including Martha Stewart. She and her husband, Swedish singer-songwriter and chef Kent Bonham, have devoted their life energies into creating and running www.sewallhouse.com Yoga Retreat in Island Falls, Maine in Donna’s great-grandfather’s historic homestead where Theodore Roosevelt learned the healing attributes of nature and breathing (Roosevelt here restored his health from asthma). To contact her please email info@sewallhouse.com or 888-235-2395 with Yoga questions or to come visit the retreat, open July 3 thru Columbus Day. If you would like to be on their newsletter elist, you are invited to sign up on the website. Sewall House also plans to be open some weekends in the off-season next year.
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 15
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This, from Helen Keller, a woman who lived an amazing life by overcoming her large limitations, reaching out to others with inspiration for all who heard her message. Life is an amazing mystery. One thing we do know is that ultimately we have no power to decide when ours will end or what the next moment may actually bring. This is all part of the mystery. As my yoga teaching practice has expanded to various approaches to yoga, from Hatha to Vinyasa to Ashtanga to Kundalini, which I first taught and still do teach, I have felt compelled at times to share with students who are new to me that the reason I originally was drawn into yoga was clearly as a mental and emotional tool for growth and healing. Having the gift of discovering Kundalini Yoga in the mid-80’s I was exposed to the vast wisdom and knowledge about life that came through Yogi Bhajan’s teachings. I have seen many people who have really applied these teachings have incredibly prosperous, healthy, happy, inspired lives. For me, Kundalini Yoga was more than hungrily attending daily classes, sometimes more than once a day, but also poring over and devouring the lectures from Yogi Bhajan. In 1989 I wrote to Yogi Bhajan a letter saying that I was not happy in either my personal or professional life. Armed with a Masters in Nutrition, having lived an adventure from 1982 to 1985 in Europe, and now transitioning out of what I felt was a less than successful career in modeling, I was searching, still searching for the meaning of life (like the poem WHY that I had written at age 12 and was in last month's column). I knew I wanted to be a “good” person, to share of myself with others while still going to the rhythm of my own drum. Yet in this pursuit I had not yet felt happiness or fulfillment, and because of these feelings had done things like walking out on a perfectly good marriage (which only made me feel worse about myself as I searched for my path). Yogi Bhajan sent me a meditation for haunting thoughts. It took 11 minutes a day and required me to dredge up incidents in my life where I had felt hurt. I did it for 90 days. The results were not overnight. Gradually life has shifted, mainly in the way I perceive and experience it. Things don’t always go my way (they never will), disappointments still happen, and my feelings still can get hurt. After all, part of life is unfairness sometimes. Yet when you study yoga for years and continue to practice, life does look different. One of the best benefits is not holding onto stuff that doesn’t serve your happiness. The language we use changes. (One of my students reminded me I swore a lot when she first met me, now I never do). We chose our words hopefully more wisely and more gently. If we don’t, we are at least aware of what now needs to change. The people we chose in our life also changes. The challenges appear as lessons instead of huge obstacles. Instead of feeling a victim, we choose responsibility to ourself and our feelings in all situations. Yogi Bhajan taught that if we want to master something, teach it. It is an incredible journey of learning, sharing and knowing that every person, especially students, can be your teacher too. There are large numbers of people becoming yoga teachers these days. Each one of these people has the opportunity to further their practice and experience, create more teachers and teach more people about yoga. One of the most important things Yogi Bhajan taught is that the more you know, the more you teach, the more humble you are meant to become. Teaching is not a place for spiritual ego. Daily you do your asana (physical pose, which translates into the word ease) practice, you practice your breathing (pranayama), essential to a proper yoga practice, and perhaps you meditate (hopefully so). Things begin to shift. Even if they
don’t right now, or the shifts are too subtle for you to yet realize, acceptance and happiness are on your doorstep. Yoga practice simply makes a difference. If you have deep-seated issues with jealousy or anger they may not go away… but they may lessen. Both Yogi Bhajan and Pattabhis Jois (the Ashtanga Yoga Master) suggest that everyone is your friend in yoga, that your purpose in yoga is to face the world with a radiant face. So if you see someone who you think is prettier than you, thinner than you, has more money than you, is younger than you, just realize that person could be your friend if you let them! And if they don’t let you, that is OK too! Sometimes our own strengths intimidate others but do not let that hold you back from letting your yoga practice be an example to others, even those who don’t know you personally but when they see you, make them smile with your radiance and humanity. That is Yoga!! In the early 90’s I was traveling through Alaska with friends. The beautiful nature was astounding. One day we were sitting by a river when a man pulled up in his kayak. He had just spent three weeks on the river. When one of my companions mentioned that I taught yoga, the man spread his arm out across the river and said “this is MY Yoga!” This is what made him feel alive!!! I have never forgotten that moment. Yoga is not about headstand or back bend or handstand, although those are all fun aspects of the physical practice for some. Yoga’s physical aspect can be adapted to our own life situation. In New York City I recently met two young women diagnosed with MS. One is practicing yoga with me, the other has expressed an interest. I have a friend who had a stroke in her 40’s and worked her way back up to the physically demanding Ashtanga asana practice she had been doing for a year before her stroke. Another teacher recently told me about someone she met at work who was excited about the possibility of doing yoga after his stroke, even while sitting in a chair. An obese woman recently contacted me through Amazon. I am sure it took courage to even ask the question “Can I do yoga?” The answer is yes! Anyone who is alive and has discipline and commitment can create their practice. We have a case study about a woman who came to Sewall House and could barely move or breathe, having had pneumonia that spring, and had developed a twenty-minute home practice by the time she left ( see Aquarian Times article on our www.sewallhouse.com page). Yoga is not age or weight~dependent. There are so many aspects of life that are a part of yoga. Yogi Bhajan said marriage is the highest yoga. Have you thought of your marriage that way lately?! When I first started doing yoga, Yoga Journal was called the Journal of Conscious Living. That indeed is what Yoga is- bringing your mind, body and breath into a union that is balanced and relaxed, living with as much awareness as you can, along with our limitations as “spiritual beings having a human experience.” I leave you with Yogi Bhajan’s Three Rules for Prosperous Living:
Gardening in the City by Allan K. Drew t’s amazing how much food one can harvest from a small city lot. My place in Portland provides me with summertime vegetables as well as a multitude of fruit. Some are used fresh, some frozen or preserved in one way or another, others are stored for use in the winter. Some of the parsnips are left in the ground all winter and will be dug up in the spring, sweeter than the ones harvested in the fall. I was quite young in 1944, but I remember our “Victory garden.” The vegetable garden was my father’s, while my mother raised the flowers. The vegetable garden lasted into the early 1950's, when at some point it became part of the lawn. The flowers lasted until my mother passed many years later. My love of gardening must have been borne from her and when, as a child, my father was planting seeds and I asked, “If I walk in your footsteps, will I be all right?” Sometime in the ‘60's, as a young father, I tried my hand at growing on our six-acre farm. My first introduction to organic gardening came from Rodale Press’s Organic Gardening magazine. My second came from Helen and Scott Nearing’s The Maple Sugar Book and Living the Good Life. A few years ago I re-read Living the Good Life and was amazed at how much of their philosophy influenced my life. As I read I kept thinking, so that’s where that belief came from. Gardening is like life. We never know it all; we just keep learning. I have a ¹/₄-acre city lot that includes an annual vegetable garden measuring 32 x 40 feet, with a spot outside the fenced area for two compost piles where all my grass clippings, leaves and kitchen waste are deposited. Outside the fenced area, on a paper street right-of-way, are my raspberry, blackberry and black raspberry bushes. I find that if I get out early in the morning I can get my share of the berries before the kids and other neighbors pick their share. Interestingly, the boys are sneaky about it, but the girls come to the door, every time, and ask if they can pick the berries and I say yes. It’s not unusual for me to walk out my door and see a neighbor coming out of the garden with fresh produce in hand and a smile on their face. But that’s all right, because my garden is a neighborhood experience and I like sharing with them. Gardening doesn’t begin with the first planting in the spring. I remember my mother’s Burpee Seed catalog arriving in the middle of winter when I was a boy. I was mesmerized by the glossy picture on the cover — transported instantly into summer. I still love getting my Johnny’s Seed catalog each year. This is the time to dream of what is to be. What will I choose? Is there a vegetable I haven’t tried in a while that appeals to me? What variety of tomato should I choose? It continues to be a magical time, a time of dreaming and remembering. Spring comes early to the 33-foot solar greenhouse that’s attached to my home. By mid-February, there are new shoots sprouting from my geraniums. The daytime temperatures, when the sun shines, climb to 90 degrees, even with the outside temps in the 20s. That heat is used to help heat my home. Along the front wall, one-third of the greenhouse is patio, one-third is bench and the final third is in-ground, raised bed planting space. The area against the house is two-thirds ground level, in-ground plantings. I’m able to supply myself with a variety of greens all winter. By midJuly, I plant kale, collard greens, brussel sprouts, cabbage, celery, parsley and other cold weather crops. I have tried tomatoes, peppers, beans and other warm weather plants without much success. They don’t do well without the constant summertime temperatures. If I stagger the planting dates from July through August, I will have
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greens maturing from November through spring. There is a joy in watching seeds germinate and grow into mature ready-to-eat foods. The process not only feeds the body, but the soul. It brings me closer to what I believe is the process of living. It's grounding. My garden is not meticulously manicured. It is not a garden of particular beauty, although I have learned that hay and old horse manure work, when applied as mulch, as a deterrent to weeds. There is commonness, a lived-in feel to my yard. This is a functional and practical place. I share it with the birds, squirrels and other creatures and insects. Each of us shares with the other. When we find the balance, it works fine. When one takes more than their share, something has to be done to bring back the balance; it’s a continuous learning experience. Organic gardening is about learning balance. When I begin to believe I can control all things, I usually find myself in trouble. There are brush piles and bushes that make great landing places for the cardinals, sparrows, and other creatures that inhabit this land. Generations of these inhabitants have been living here far longer than I. Under the brush piles are the mice and moles, the slugs and beetles, all a part of this circle-of-life. We live in concert with one another. In front of the greenhouse I have trees, two apples, a cherry, two peach, and to the side of the house I have a pear tree with three different varieties grafted to one trunk. There are also grapes and blueberries that linger beyond the apples. There are two giant silver maples, one to the side of the greenhouse, and one in my son’s yard next door. I place five maple sugaring taps in one and four in the other. Last year I harvested one hundred and ninety gallons of sap that boiled down to nineteen quarts of syrup. Stored in my cellar are a bushel of onions, ten large butternut squash, and garlic, enough for two families and one friend. This friend assists me in planting each spring. Tracy is a 30-year-old blind woman, and she’s my hero, — gutsy and not afraid to try anything. We’ve developed systems that allow her to “see” where to plant. We have a wooden grid with 5” x 5” openings that allow her to place the onion sets in a pattern. (My garden is more symmetrical than before.) We stretch a string along a row, I dig a furrow, and Tracy spaces the bean seeds about 2” apart. It’s a process. Over the years it’s been a learning experience for both of us. The apple blossoms don’t fill the air with the same fragrance as the orange blossoms of Florida, but the cherry blossoms certainly try to contribute. There is an air of expectancy each spring with no promise that this year will be better or worse than last year. So each spring brings its own surprises. I have come to honor the land I reside on, be it a 6-acre parcel or a city lot. I like knowing where my food comes from and what has been added or not added. I like the freshness and the taste of freshness. I like to share with my friends, neighbors and family the fruit of my labor and the fruit of the earth. Others have written of the earth. Who owns it? Do we have the right to damage it or use it as we wish? John Steinbeck raised the question in Grapes of Wrath. Does man have the proprietary rights over land? Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings in Cross Creek wrote, “Houses are individual and can be owned, like nests, and fought for. But what of the land? It seems to me that the earth may be borrowed, but not bought. It may be used, but not owned. It gives itself in re-fruiting. But we are tenants and not possessors, lovers and not masters, Cross Creek belongs to the wind and the rain, to the sun and the seasons, to the cosmic secrecy of seed, and beyond all, to time.”
17 MY VERY MACRO BURRITO 1 cup of black beans Cooked organic brown rice Parsley or green onions, chopped Pressed salad (see below) Tofu sour cream (see recipe above) Miso-Lemon-Sesame dressing (optional, see below) Corn or whole-wheat tortillas (optional) Pressed Salad 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers 1/2 cup Napa cabbage, sliced 1/2 cup red radishes, sliced 1/2 cup celery, sliced (1 teaspoon sea salt per cup of vegetables)
Hola! I was inspired to do an article on burritos after posting one on my blog with a great response. Beans are a good alternative to meat as they are high in protein and fiber, contain no saturated fat, are lower in calories compared to animal protein and cost much less. If you are trying to cut back on your animal protein, burritos are a nice way to make bean eating fun! Burritos can be quick, easy and fun to make. Everyone finds a combination that they like! My husband Tom and I like to experiment with different ingredients while on vacation with his family in the summer.
Here are three of our favorites:
Beans: Rinse pinto beans and black beans and soak overnight covered with water. Drain beans. Fill pan with water to cover by one inch. Bring to a boil on high flame. Cover. Simmer 1 hour. Add a 1/2-teaspoon of sea salt. Cover and cook 15 more minutes. (No time to soak the beans? No problem – canned organic beans work well, too!) Boiled brown rice: For 1 cup of rice, use 2 cups of water and a pinch of sea salt. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer on low heat for 1 hour. Tofu Sour Cream: Bring 1-pound tofu (1 package) to a boil in 2 inches of water. Boil 5 minutes. Drain. Add washed and chopped bunch of cilantro. Blend in a food processor with juice of half a lemon or lime. To steam tortillas: Add an inch of water to a large pan. Boil water to steam. Place colander or steamer basket inside the pan. Place tortillas, one at a time, in the colander or steamer basket for about 1 minute (or until soft). To build burrito: Place the soft tortilla on a plate. Spread a spoonful of tofu sour cream thinly on tortilla. Spread some of the combination pinto/black beans over sour cream. Spread rice over the beans. Sprinkle avocado down the center of the tortilla, along with lettuce and chopped pickles. Roll up tortilla… and enjoy! Serves 8. Optional: Add additional tofu sour cream and a tablespoon of salsa before rolling.
S ewall H ouse
Miso Lemon Sesame Dressing 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds 1 teaspoon of white or barley miso 2-3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup of spring water Grind seeds in suribachi (Japanese mortar and pestle) or a coffee grinder. Dissolve the miso in water and add lemon juice. Mix with crushed seeds. To build tortilla: See above recipe. If you omit the tortilla, layer brown rice, beans, pressed salad and dressing. Top with tofu sour cream, parsley or green onions. Serves 6
TOM’S BREAKFAST BURRITO (Our kids’ favorite) 1 package organic whole-wheat or corn tortillas 6 medium potatoes, washed and sliced (keep skin on) 1 16-ounce package of Gimme Lean brand “sausage” 1 onion, chopped 1 tablespoon of olive oil Spring or filtered water Organic salsa Sea salt Pepper (optional) Put potatoes in a large pot, cover with spring or filtered water, and bring to a boil on high flame. Add a pinch of sea salt, cover, turn flame to low, and simmer 15-20 minutes until cooked through but still firm. Drain. Cut potatoes into smaller squares. Heat olive oil in a cast-iron skillet and add chopped onion and a pinch of salt. Cook 1-2 minutes. Add crumbled “sausage” and cook 10 minutes until browned. Add potatoes to skillet and cook 10 more minutes, adding a little more oil if necessary. Season with salt (and pepper if desired). Steam tortillas as described above and spoon mixture onto tortilla. Top with a small amount of salsa and roll. Serves 6-8. We eat our tortillas with a steamed green and other assorted vegetable. Have fun making and eating these delicious entrees for breakfast, lunch or dinner! And, let me know how you liked them. I can post your comments or questions on my blog. So feel free to visit at: www.becoming-whole.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
Meg Wolff is a breast cancer survivor. Her memoir, Becoming Whole: The Story of my Complete Recovery from Breast Cancer, includes recipes and menu plans. It is available at local bookstores and on her website at www.megwolff.com. Meg currently working on a soon to be released photography book, Breast Cancer: Exposed, The Connection Between Food and Survival.
The Thirteenth Moon
Yoga Retreat July 4 thru Columbus Day
Where Theodore Roosevelt learned the healing attributes of nature. . . (207) 463-3428
ATR-BC, LCPC board certified art therapist, licensed clinical counselor, shamanic practitioner
ART from the heART
Experience history of an earlier time. . . Sewall House Retreat offers yoga v meditation v massage and more. . .
Susan Bakaley Marshall
Art Therapy & Shamanism Studio ~ a light filled circular sacred space surrounded by fields and trees ~
• shamanic journeys and healings • soul retrieval • Individuals • Groups • Classes (207) 589-3063 moonart@midcoast.com
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 17
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
1 package (8) large, organic whole-wheat or corn tortillas (see below) 1 cup black beans and 1-cup pinto beans (see below) Cooked organic brown rice (see below) Chopped Bubbie’s Brand cucumber pickles Thinly sliced lettuce Tofu sour cream (see below) Chopped avocado (optional) Salsa (optional)
Mix vegetables with sea salt in a large bowl and gently massage until they begin to wilt, turn shiny and release liquid. Place a plate on top of the vegetables inside the bowl to cover. Place a weight on top of the plate to exert pressure. Allow to sit 20-30 minutes until a significant amount of water is released from the vegetables. Discard pressing water. Rinse so that the vegetables don’t taste salty.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 18 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
AwarenessandtheartofSeeng: Contemplations on the environment and interconnection
by Jen Deraspe
Kay’s Delicious
Nurture Through N atu re
Let Us Guide You Home...
Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, ME
Jen Deraspe is a licensed Maine Guide, holistic retreat facilitator and certified yoga instructor. She owns Nurture Through Nature, providing holistic nature retreats for women. She lives off the grid on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark. www.ntnreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
Uplifting, Unusual and Beautiful Gifts! Classes that Inspire! Angels, Books, Music, Jewelry, Crystals, Pendulums, Crystal Singing Bowls and so much more!
Leapin' Lizards
123 Main St., Freeport 207-865-0900 449 Forest Ave., Portland 207-221-2363
Enjoy Reading This Issue of Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 19
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
armer Kay was a dear friend of mine. At 95, she did all she could to keep up her small farm since her love, Eldon, died the year before after over 60 years of marriage. During that spell, she showed me how to care for her apple trees, which I loved. Kay inspired me to plant some of my own fruit trees. I selected 11 apples trees to be planted in May. Being on the impulsive end of the scale, I hadn’t done any soil preparation on this raw land, which was previously a white pine and hemlock forest. Clearing an acre to make room for a retreat center and solar panels to light the way, left the soil in need of some TLC to host apples. My cat Molly and I set off for Paris Farmer’s Union to see what soil amendments were in order. My cat is great company and I was committed to sharing this exciting day with my good friend. She seemed pretty good with the road trip, considering she is a cat, after all. She stood tall, front paws on the dash, the whole way to town, checking out the scenery rushing past. Good to get off the mountain once in a while, right? Once I realized how many bags of compost were in order, I needed a plan B, and fast, since the tree growers at FEDCO said get the buggers in the ground ASAP. Don the Dump Man came to mind. He makes compost at our transfer station and residents can have some if they contribute materials. Well, I gave up the idea of lawns and mowing them since moving to the woods, proclaiming from the mountain top, “Never to mow again. Not me, not ever, never!!!” Raking is for the birds, as well, and any leaves I do collect go right into my own compost pile. Molly and I began feverishly raking leaves for a possible trade for compost. Don holds a lot of power in town and it serves to be on his good list. I was off the list for a spell. It seems he didn’t appreciate the stickers on my truck. Too liberal, he thought. Tree-hugger. Come to find out, he is a staunch Independent and once we warmed up to each other, he could see we were, in fact, from the same planet and had more in common then either of the boxes we put each other in.
Finally, I get to the dump to see about getting my hands on some rich compost. Don looked at me, then at the truck and back at me and said, “Hope you brought a 5 gallon bucket because that’s all I’m giving you.” I laughed nervously hoping his sarcasm was only that. After a bit of groveling, he hooked me up with enough compost to bring any tree to its fruition! Don said the apple trees would be stubs by Tuesday if I didn’t put tall fencing around each tree to keep the deer out. My bubble began to leak air as he shared story after jaded story of deer-instigated garden disasters. Well, I didn’t have the budget or will to fence every tree. It was taking forever to even get them in the ground! All I had will for was to set strong intentions and trust they would do just fine with all the love I could muster. I secretly doubted that would be enough to keep them alive. By early afternoon, I was ready to begin the process of planting. I had more compost then I knew where to put, 11 baby trees, a pick ax, shovel, a curious cat and a bright, sunny day to see it all through. It took all weekend for this ground hog to dig those holes and set those trees just right. Molly was tired just watching. Don’s word echoed in my head, “stubs by Tuesday…” A certain family member let me in on his secret to repelling deer. He grows a certain plant in a certain fertile area in the Maine woods that only he knows about. I don’t ask any questions. It’s best. He shared an old trick…Irish spring soap, sliced thinly, placed 5’ around the base of each tree. Now, that I could do! This felt like providential guidance and I took it as gospel. Well before Tuesday, I strategically placed 4 slices of soap around each tree. I welcomed each tree to its new home and proclaimed, “May the Gods and Kay be with us all!” I spent extra time with “Kay’s Delicious”, fondly named after Kay’s most popular apple tree she started from an apple core some 50 years ago. I asked her for help and support. I wanted to bring her 5 ft, 80 lb beautiful self over there this spring to supervise and guide this hopeful farmer, but she died in February. Her spirit was palpable, however, and I appreciated the good company. A few weeks later, I was on a nearby hike and ran into a woman who also spent time with Kay. Everyone who knew Kay found an excuse to visit. The woman mentioned Kay’s spring memorial service, which I inadvertently missed. It happened to be the same day I planted the apple trees in her name. I love that.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Frederica Marshall Artist/Teacher classes/workshops Sumi-e Oriental Brush Painting Watercolor Painting Cold Spring, Nikko, Japan, Š2001 (watercolor batik on rice paper)
81 N. Deer Isle Road Deer Isle, ME 04627 20 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
Young Cherry Blossom –
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Caring therapeutic touch to honor and nurture the total being
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Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 21
Feng Shui & Geopathology by Werner Brandmaier
eaders of my column will remember the general purpose behind our efforts in Feng Shui – the search for good Qi. Qi is essential for our health and well-being and is a basic source of strength and happiness. Depression, in my opinion, is due largely to an overall Qi deficiency (and an overacidification of the body). Exhaustion and chronic illness are often related to a long-term depletion of Qi. All living beings depend on an energetic exchange. Just our normal daily metabolism requires a good amount of energy by itself. Similar to recharging a battery, we need a high-charge energy source in our home to recover and keep levels up for proper functioning. Whenever two energies are locked into a closed, sealed space, their different levels will even out: the lower one will increase, and the higher one will be depleted until they meet at a middle level.
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Think of a person coming home after a stressful day at work: The life battery is low and needs to be recharged. He goes to bed early to get a good night’s rest. The amount of available Qi in his home and especially in his bedroom determines the grade of recovery by next morning. If the Qi of his house is sufficient, he wakes up rested, ready to go, otherwise he feels tired and unable to get out of bed. Next to low Qi levels in general, all kind of energetic drains affect our energy balance, too. These drains usually appear above geopathic stress zones (“geo” the earth, “pathology”- study of sickness = sick-making earth energies). These stress zones are usually caused by underground water veins, earth fault lines or cubic earth grid structures. Subtle permanent stress is experienced, causing the slow depletion of a person’s resources and wearing out his life force. A situation like this is not healthy for any extended period of time. Typical signs and symptoms of low Qi are: sleeping problems, general exhaustion despite enough time to rest, headaches, back pain, chronic fatigue; and, at a later stage, depression, allergies, easy susceptibility to flus, and any type of long-term challenge which can be related to a compromised immune system.
Chinese sign for Qi
What determines good Qi?
Next to the major point of avoiding geopathic stress, classic Feng Shui teaches a number of basic principles for providing good Qi for a property, a home and a business: Places with high vibration often are found near water. Water has the fascinating ability to hold energy very well and through constant movement recharges wide areas. This is a reason why water properties are much more appreciated and valued.
Cascading mountains described as “dragon lines” bundle Qi flowing over land and lead to specific auspicious places.
22 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
Vortexes are places of high uprising energy and were used over centuries for places of worship and gatherings. In Europe big churches are built above older churches using the very same spots of specific high land Qi. (In old times dowsing was an acknowledged skill to determine strong energetic spots in the landscape before construction of important buildings took place.) A strong center place in front of a building is called Ming Tang (“great hall”). It often appears in form of a courtyard with circular garden elements. A long view towards the Ming Tang, classically realized by an alley or a tree-lined driveway leads the Qi towards the building. A nice winding pathway towards the entrance then makes sure the Qi enters the house with moderate speed. A house porch represents a smaller Ming Tang holding and focusing the energy before it finally enters the house.
Within the home a good Qi flow is essential •
Qi enters the house mostly from the front door (the mouth of the house). The back door should be used for family only. Keeping the porch tidy and shoveling a pathway to the front door in winter help to maintain the energetic pathways. Open room structures allow the Qi to flow easily throughout the house. Be aware that a direct path between the front and back door shortcuts our effort to let the Qi meander and energize the space before it escapes. Staircases facing the front door send the Qi cascading back out of the door too quickly (along with one’s finances). In this case, a distraction can be applied to hold the Qi. A balance with the size of windows is recommended. Too few or small windows do not allow sufficient light and Qi in, whereas too large windows simply dissipate it. The use of natural material such as wood and brick as building materials or the installation of plants and water fountains also support good Qi inside the house.
How to determine and measure Qi As Qi cannot be perceived with our five senses, there are various approaches to recognize and quantify subtle energies. Intuition is maybe the oldest method to utilize beneficial earth influences. Successful architects and interior designers understand and practice this in addition to their traditional education. Feng Shui is just a system to explain the invisible by giving us rules and recommendations of something we already feel intuitively. Dowsing is another way to find out about subtle earth patterns. With some practice most people can dowse. If you are interested in learning more about dowsing please contact the American Society of Dowsers. They are well- rganized in local chapters and offer classes, workshops and books on this topic. Another very effective method to experience Qi is the use of Applied Kinesiology (AK). Invented in the 1960’s by Dr. George Goodheart, AK tests an automatic muscle reaction of the body in response to different energetic influences. Substances tested were all
kinds of food, vitamins, supplements, etc. The body reacts unconsciously and automatically, showing strength with items that have a positive effect on the body or showing weakness with items that are not supportive or healthy. Today many chiropractors, homeopaths and other health practitioners use AK to fine-tune their treatments. By understanding that good Qi strengthens us, we can very effectively apply this method to determine if a sleeping place or any other spot in the house is beneficial or not and change sleeping and working areas accordingly. Just recently a German company developed a device called the KiMeter to measure muscle-response with a digital instrument. I just acquired an early prototype for testing and will report how well it does its job. Dowsing is to the earth what kinesiology is to the body; however, they can be used interchangeably. As a dowser I use kinesiology to demonstrate to a person how a particular area or item is strengthening or weakening their Qi. My consultations always begin with the comprehensive dowsing of the home for any draining energy. Secondly, I am accessing the area to accurately determine the amount and quality of Qi in and around the property. Having identified harmful geopathic stress zones and grid lines, recommendations are given on how to avoid those spots and use safe areas instead. We then look at the amount of Qi to work with through the house so all major rooms can benefit; rush throughs are stopped, blockages released, weak areas get a boost, and the overall flow is improved. You can find more information on our website www.InstituteofFengShui.com. If you are not sure about a situation, give me a call; I’m happy to help.
Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner at (207) 772-7888 or werner@InstituteofFengShui.com.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 23
t he w ay o f lif e - its e l f
Why Violence and Why There is Hope too?
A New World - Changing Premise - Overview (Part two) by Skye Potter Hirst, Ph.D. Welcome Back to the continuation of Part Two of "Why Violence and Why There is Hope Too? " For those of you who have missed Part One you can find this article in its entirety on www.innertapestry.org.
Life is Not able to Act Effectively
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
A growing number of researchers are beginning to conclude that the universe is living and fundamentally harmonious, including living entities that intuitively know how to be in harmony with themselves, with others, and the universe. Current discoveries about living processes reveal wholism, an all-connectedness producing a tremendous variety. To deal with this variety, life requires a wealth of diversity in us. Our major job in life is to harmonize this variety, not to compete or fight. We cannot be true to our purpose in life if we fall into the trap of competing and fighting or even worse, living our lives as someone else dictates. However, such inherent knowing is overpowered by old paradigm assumptions about the need to achieve safety through conformity by force, control or punishment. By and large, people are less and less able to act in ways that are self-fulfilling and have meaning to them. They are forced into compensatory behavior beginning with childhood, within families, and then schooling, which functions from old paradigm assumptions. Then people move into jobs that further alienate them from their own knowing and strengths. When their lack of fulfillment becomes unbearable, many of their processes stop. There is a loss of “time sense.” The sense of fixity or inability to find any effective acts that help them change the stuckness, inevitably leads to some form of abhorrent behavior. It might be depression leading to suicide or other forms of self-destruction, an inner violence or self-loathing. Or the eruption may occur outwardly as they erupt as a last resort to try to change their sense of powerlessness. When the controls are used widely enough to increasingly deny freedom, the eruptions will become pervasive and epidemic throughout society. A society comprised of people who feel isolated, sensing a fragmented world with no meaning and little ability to find effective acts, becomes violent in many ways. The new paradigm turns all of this on its head and says that we are, at our core, living energy, deeply connected to each other and to the larger universe and that we each have a purpose in the greater whole. From a living process perspective… consider the following assumptions… We are all connected through ways we are only beginning to know about… not just metaphorically, but energetically, electronically, with each of us living like single cells in a field of energy that connects us all. One person might be like a heart cell while another might be like a lung cell, and so on, in a cosmic living organism. We need each other. We each function with a uniqueness required to keep the whole alive and dynamic. Heart cells don’t fight lung cells in a healthy body. But they each work collaboratively, making individual choices to act in coherence with their purpose and so that the fulfillment of their purpose contributes to the greater good of the whole organism. Each cell is autonomous, yet connected and relating to the whole organism. It is always choosing the most effective acts for itself and for the greater good of the whole organism. One without the other would be suicidal for the cell and fatally damaging to the whole organism. New paradigm discoveries indicate that a “dis-eased” cell within the body comes about largely due to lack of communication, that it has in some way become cut off from information and awareness of the rest of the body. This isolated cell is not able to glean the wisdom from the wholism of the body and thus starts to function in an abhorrent manner. This living process gives us a vital clue about violence. That is, we are each a cell in a larger organism, such as a family, community, or the world as a larger community. We are each autonomous beings, choosing the most effective acts, moment-to-moment; acts effective to be ourselves and to add to the greater good of the context in which we are most engaged. Our modern-day culture has focused on the self to the exclusion of being connected to the whole. What
we have valued as an effective act or action has individually and collectively been influenced by these old paradigm assumptions about reality. Such beliefs and assumptions have been transferred onto every aspect of our living, thinking, feeling and acting as a society. There is a belief that there is a scarcity of love. Some get it and some don’t and we have to compete to win it. We think we have to be cleverer than the next person to win approval. We even buy things that we believe will help us win. Our collective creativity has been applied to making things to buy that will help us win; to help us get it right; to beat out the competition for what we perceive as a limited resource of approval. We have come to believe that we have to earn love and be the fittest to win it through force and controls, and careful planning and measurement and yes, even violence, to win. We have to know lots of facts to win. The one who knows the most wins. Measurement of who’s the best becomes necessary to keep control. Knowing more facts will help us survive. 24 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
However, research has indicated that when someone reaches a point of violence, process stops. Time stops. There is no future. Let’s take the case of the young man at Virginia Tech who has committed such horrific acts of violence against others and against himself. With what little is known about this young man, it is already obvious that he lived in an isolated world. In whatever ways he shared his worldview; we learn that it was a dark and grim one. How long he had lived in this dark world is not clear. But what is clear is that for him, violence became the only action he perceived as effective. He reached a point where time ceased and process stopped. He came to a point where he focused on one thing only, and that was to break out of the pain of a world and long history of acts that he found hopelessly ineffective. It was then that he aimed at exploding the fixedness, the non-aliveness, and his breaking point comes with the high cost of destroying life. The teacher who tutored him has received many emails from other teachers who say there are many troubled students of potential violence. This incident is a symptom of deep dis-ease coming from society’s long-held assumptions. And now there is the possibility that we can change and re-learn how to be in harmony. The sooner we can understand and embrace the new paradigm in our own individual lives and in our societies as a whole, the sooner the period of chaos will be over. In the meantime simply understanding and embracing the new paradigm, and taking the long view, will help us individually to cope with current circumstances, and to choose the most productive responses in our own lives. If harmony is fundamental to nature, what is life telling us about the choices we’ve made? We can begin now to make a difference with questioning assumptions long held that might be constraining our ability to see situations wholistically. If we are all connected, then what can we do as individuals or as a group that would address the feelings of helplessness and powerlessness of so many? It’s time to choose again with new awareness.
Skye & Norm
Skye Hirst, PhD, co-founder of The Autognomics Institute since 1992 provides basic Research. Consulting and Education on the emerging new paradigm of living processes and the organizing principals within the energy of life-itself. Skye and the TAI team offers in-depth consultations for individuals and groups seeking new perspectives and effective action for dealing with problems that have been unsolvable by the old paradigm. www.atognomics.blogspot.com or call 207-236-6331.
TheVillageScribe@hotmail.com tpiccari@hotmail.com
A professional writing service producing personal and family histories, eulogies and custom writing for romances, weddings and other special occasions.
Sun Goddess I am growing in awareness of my inner strength and beauty. IacknowledgeandIamthankfulforthegiftsandtalentsthatGodhasgivenme. I know that the world is in need of what I have to offer. AndIconfidentlyallowmyloveanabilitytoradiateforthintotheworld. ...Rita Loyd, an excerpt from "Expressions of Self Love".
lov ing earth
Choices by Pat Foley
An overview Loving Earth is about so much more than holding fond thoughts of our planet and cherishing it in a metaphysical way. It is about bringing those feelings of caring onto the material plane and manifesting them in the world of form. This we can do by becoming well educated about issues that concern us, and then taking appropriate direct personal action in our daily lives. Our actions may be both large and small. Each matters. Collectively, by way of our beliefs, intentions and actions, we create change in our world. If enough of us continually hold to the sacredness of all life, the changes will be good.
Getting specific
Making wholesome choices
Before the curtain fully rises on this disturbing scene, we can agree to make some conscious choices and changes. We can each determine ways that we can, both directly and indirectly, use less petroleum. We also can research alternative sources of power and ways we might make use of them. We can do this on personal, organizational and governmental levels. Currently both the Natural Resources Defense Counsel and the Union of Concerned Scientists are actively encouraging the use of wind-derived power on a far larger scale than is presently possible with the facilities we have available. These organizations, along with numerous others, suggest building new facilities. The technology for wind power has been around for a long time. Over the last few years it has improved significantly. For commercial use, large wind turbines with blades that run up to over 100 feet in length are grouped in appropriately windy areas on “wind farms” many acres in size, where they “harvest” the wind and convert it into electricity. Roughly speaking, this electricity is directed to the electrical grid and becomes a commodity which is sold to us by utility companies. We then use the electrical power in the usual ways. Smaller towers and turbines are available for individual and small business use and can be set up to supply electricity directly to the owner, without accessing the grid or a utility company.
A Caveat
To the best of our understanding, the wind itself blows whether we harvest it or not. This makes wind a “sustainable” fuel for power. Unfortunately there are some issues with wind farms. When spinning, the turbine blades kill both birds and bats in fairly alarming numbers. In particular, bats are at risk. Bat fatalities have been documented worldwide in Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the United States. In the U.S. during the summer of 2004, Bat Conservation International conducted an intensive investigation of bat fatalities at two wind farm locations, both of which were offered for the study by Florida Power and Light Energy. The study took place at Mountaineer, West Virginia (a 44-turbine installation) and at Meyersdale, Pennsylvania (with 20 turbines). Funding for the project came from Bat Conservation International, the American Wind Energy Association, the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and alternative energy initiatives from several states. BCI conservation scientist Ed Arnett (wind energy research coordinator), Boston University researcher Jason Horn, statistician Wally Erickson of Western Ecosystems Technology and biologist Jessica Kerns from the University of Maryland conducted the investigation. The study documented alarming kill rates at both facilities: in a single six-week period between
Good information is important
Meanwhile many utilities, organizations and businesses are promoting wind power as clean and green. To this writer’s mind, often the strong inference is that the process is ecologically sustainable. Whether the parties doing this are unaware of the bat problem, denying it, or think it isn’t important; we, the consumers or potential consumers, are not getting all the information we need to be well informed about our power.
Working toward solutions
The good choice is to neither consider a ban on wind farms nor to eliminate bats, but for all concerned to work cooperatively toward a solution based on sound scientific information that will permit both bats and turbines to coexist in the best possible way. There are a number of things we as individuals can do. If we are contemplating or already using wind generated power from a utility, we can contact the utility. We can explain the bat problem and let the utility know we want our power and the way it is generated to be ecologically sustainable. We can ask that they contact Bat Conservation International, find out what steps they can take to minimize damage and work cooperatively with BCI. We can follow up with our utility to be sure our suggestions are being taken seriously, that specific action results from our contact and that we know what that action is. If we are considering our own wind turbine, we can assess its configuration and location. Although the formal studies have been made at wind farms, in the absence of hard data, it is no more logical to think individual towers are not harmful than it is to think they are. We spoke with wind research coordinator Ed Arnett of BCI in an attempt to gather some information on the best way individuals who wished to use wind turbines might proceed. Locate turbines away from the edge of wooded areas and away from water sources. Lights on wind towers can attract insects and thus bats, so if possible, omit lights. When the machines are not in use, anchor the blades so they do not spin. Do not use the machines in minimal wind when very little electricity is generated and, as before, anchor blades when the machines are idle. These precautions are for bats. Although we don’t have room to list them here, please check on precautions for birds as well. Working cooperatively together, we can make a difference. Sources: Bat Conservation International; www.batcon.org . Power Down, options and actions for a post-carbon world, Richard Heinberg Problems of Wind Power, Robert Bradley, Jr. American Bird Conservancy, Wind Energy Policy National Resources Defense Counsel; www.nrdc.org Copyright 2007, Pat Foley Pat Foley attempts to live a green life just outside of Cornish, Maine. You may contact Pat at earthrest@psouth.net.
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 25
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
By now most of us are familiar with the term “peak oil.” Peak oil refers to the fact that petroleum resources on the planet are finite. For many years we humans have drilled for, extracted and used oil as if it were limitless. In fact, this is not true. This resource is in finite supply. Because oil does not replenish itself, what we use is forever gone. Many credible geologists believe that we have either just passed or are rapidly approaching the point at which supplies will “peak,” that most of the major sources of oil have already been discovered, and that petroleum resources are now either in dwindling supple or soon about to be. Wise people would approach this situation with concern. In the industrialized world, petroleum is presently our major source of power. At the same time our supplies are diminishing, our global usage is actually increasing. Unfortunately history tells us that when faced with situations of shrinking vital resources, humanity often chooses to ignore or deny the inevitability of change; then fight over what little of the critical resource is left (and with oil, squandering that resource during the fighting process). We enter into a downward spiral of violent behavior which creates hate, which causes more violent behavior at a time when cooperatively working on necessary change would be a better choice of action for all involved.
1364 and 1980 bats were killed at Mountaineer and between 400 and 660 were killed at Meyersdale. Scientists are concerned that with high kill rates such as these some bats could be pushed toward extinction unless methods are found to prevent or minimize fatalities. Meanwhile Bat Conservation International is analyzing the data and continuing to study the problem, looking for information which might indicate how wind farms could be best located and operated to reduce bat fatalities. In addition the organization is currently experimenting with acoustical bat deterrents. In summation, although we believe the wind is pretty much without limit and thus a sustainable source of power; the way we currently harvest the wind is not sustainable without damaging our ecosystems.
ex p lori ng the wo r l d r el i g i o n s
God As Mother
The Feminine Divine in the World Scriptures by James Bean
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
“God is neither male, nor female, nor neuter gender. God is neither good nor bad; He is beyond the dualities of the material world. God is the Power that ‘Just Is’”. (Jagassar Das, Kabir Satsang of Canada) Many in the mystical traditions teach that God is beyond gender, is a Formless Ultimate Reality, a nonduality transcending all perceptions of duality and illusion existing in a state of timeless pure spirit. Yet, quite often these same mystical orders use the personal pronoun “He” when referring to God, not “IT”. Why is this you may ask? This passage from the book, Streams of Nectar, by Darshan Singh explores how we as human beings usually relate to God: “In trying to convey this soul/oversoul [God] relationship to us the Saints and Mystics have had to resort to various analogies. Jesus spoke of it in terms of ‘father and son.” Shri Ramakrishna spoke of it in terms of ‘mother and child.’ Mirabai spoke of it in terms of ‘husband and wife.’ Like Saint Teresa of Avila and Mystics throughout the world, John of the Cross-depicts the relationship of the soul and God as that of "lover and beloved", of "bride and bridegroom". As the relationship develops, the lover awakens to his or her lover and is changed into love itself. This is the transformative power through which the human becomes divine.” This is about the feeling of intimacy one has or would love to experience with the Supreme Being. Most spiritual traditions have a concept of worship, what Indian paths call “Bhakti,” a term meaning love and devotion for God. Conceiving of God as a cosmic or divine “IT” does not seem to resonate with most of us. Can we be madly in love with an “IT,” a thing, even a divine Thing, like an inanimate object such as a rock, chair, or machine? Most understandably feel the idea of God as “IT” to be distant, frosty cold, and clinical. I suspect this is why those who prefer to relate to a personal God of love do so with masculine or feminine language, even if according to their own theologies, God possesses both male and female aspects, or perhaps is even beyond gender altogether at the Ultimate Level, the Most High region, the True State transcending all the dimensions of time and space. I also find the usage of personal pronouns “Him” or even “Her” for God to simply be a convenience of language. Today I want to share with you a collection of passages from various world scriptures and sacred texts on the lesser-known feminine aspect of the godhead, as we contemplate this question of the gender of God. You may be surprised to discover that a feminine aspect of God is not only described in Native American and Eastern traditions, but also is found in the Judaeo-Christian tradition of the Middle East: As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. (Hebrew Bible, Isaiah 66.13) Wisdom [in Greek: “Sophia”] cries out in the streets; in the squares she raises her voice... (Book of Proverbs, 1:20, Hebrew Bible) This saying is attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of the Hebrews. Note: “Ruach” is a Hebrew word for spirit and is considered to be feminine: “Just now my mother, the Holy Spirit, took me by one of my hairs and brought me to Tabor, the great mountain.” Here are two amazing passages from the Odes of Solomon, a collection of psalms used by many Christian 26 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
groups in Egypt and Syria during the first few centuries AD. They are quite beautiful and sometimes remind me of Rumi poetry. Perhaps their description of a feminine Holy Spirit, as well as a rather androgynous Heavenly Father, is one of the reasons why this early Christian scripture was rejected by the more Orthodox brethren of the Fourth Century who sought to impose a theological conformity across the Roman Empire: I rested on the Spirit of the Lord, and She lifted me up to heaven. (Odes of Solomon, 36: 1) A cup of milk was offered to me, and I drank it in the sweetness of the Lord’s kindness. The Son is the cup, and the Father is He who was milked; and the Holy Spirit is She who milked Him; because His breasts were full, and it was undesirable that His milk should be ineffectually released. The Holy Spirit opened Her bosom, and mixed the milk of the two breasts of the Father. Then She gave the mixture to the generation without their knowing, and those who have received it are in the perfection of the right hand. The womb of the Virgin took it, and she received conception and gave birth. (Odes of Solomon, 19: 1-9, James Charlesworth) Here we find a trinity of Father, Mother, and Son in the Gospel of the Egyptians, one of the Gnostic Gospels: Three powers came forth from him; they are the Father, the Mother, (and) the Son, from the living silence, what came forth from the incorruptible Father. These came forth from the silence of the unknown Father. (The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Marvin Meyer, Harper San Francisco, the new 2007 edition) Prayers to the Feminine Divine These quotes from the Gita, Vedas, Christian Science, Sri Guru Granth, Native American, African, and Taoist sources are found in, World Scripture -- A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, edited by Dr. Andrew Wilson, International Religious Foundation. I am Father and Mother of the world. (Bhagavad Gita 9.17, Hinduism) That breast of Thine which is inexhaustible, healthgiving, by which Thou nursest all that is noble, containing treasure, bearing wealth, bestowed freely; lay that bare, Sarasvati [divine Mother], for our nurture. (Rig Veda 1.164.49, Hinduism) I’m Thy child O Thou, my Father and Mother! (Adi Granth) Thou art Father, Mother, Friend, Brother. With Thee as succorer in all places, what fear have I? (Adi Granth, Sri Guru Granth) To You the Lord we pray. Soul and body are your gifts to us. You are the Mother, and the Father, We are your children, with your grace, there are countless blessings. (Guru Arjan Dev, Adi Granth, Sikh Scriptures of India) Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and Mother of the universe, including man. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science) Mother Earth have pity on us and give us food to eat! Father, the Sun, bless all our children and may our paths be straight! (Native American Religions. Blackfoot Prayer) O Mother of Imupa, advocate for the whole [feminine] world! What a remarkable Mother I have! O Mother, a pillar, a refuge! O Mother, to whom all prostrate in greeting before one enters her habitation! I am justly proud of my Mother. O Mother who arrives, who arrives majestic and offers water to all! (African Traditional Religions. Yoruba Prayer, Nigeria)
The Valley Spirit never dies. It is named the Mysterious Female. And the Doorway of the Mysterious Female Is the base from which sprang Heaven and Earth. It is there within us all the while. Draw upon it, as you will, it never runs dry. (Tao Te Ching 6, Taoism) The thundering resonance of the Sound Current has liberated me while living -Now I am entitled to serve the Lord! How can I ever repay you, 0 my benefactor? You are my Mother, you are my Father, and you are my generous Lord. (Bhajan of Sant Namdev, Northern India) Affirmations and Prayers from, Metaphysical Meditations, by Paramhansa Yogananda Divine Mother; with the language of my soul I demand realization of Thy presence. Thou art the essence of everything. Make me see Thee in every fiber of my being, in every wisp of thought. Awaken my heart! Divine Mother, open wide the bud of my devotion and release its fragrance, that it may spread from my soul to the souls of all others, ever whispering of Thee. Divine Mother, I have heard Thy voice whispering in the fragrance of the rose. I touched Thy tenderness in the softness of the lily. In the whispers of my devotion, it was Thy love that answered. In the temple of my earthly mother’s love I will worship the incarnated love of the Divine Mother. Cosmic Mother, take this darkness away! When I sit with eyes closed, enveloped in self-created shadows, cause Thou to blaze upon me in splendor the aurora of intuition. In the hall of creation, 0 Divine Mother, everywhere I hear the rhythm of Thy footsteps, dancing wildly in the booming thunder and softly in the song of atoms. I laugh at all fears, for my Father-Mother, Beloved God, is attentively awake and present everywhere with the deliberate purpose of protecting me from the temptations of evil. (Published by Self Realization Fellowship) Bhakti Hymns (Bhajans) to God as Mother from Sant Tukarama of Maharashtra, India Thou art my beloved Mother, Thou art my only shelter; I long for Thee, I await Thy arrival, O Lord. Thou alone art my Father, Thou alone my loving Son; Thou art my closest Friend and Relative. My heart and my soul I lay At Thy lotus feet, O Lord. The whole creation without Thee, Says Tuka is a barren desert. Thou art our kind and affectionate Mother, O God, and bearest all our burdens. We know no fear, nor any anxiety...I cannot know the night from day, and the unceasing illumination exists at all times. Thou art our merciful Mother, O Vitthala, a shadow to thy suppliant; the milk of love ever flows in thy breast, thy sight is pure and sweet as nectar. O Mother Vitthala is like a cool shadow; her breast is ever filled with love; seated in her lap I shall seek her bosom and drink as much as I desire. O yield the milk of thy mercy and nourish my frame; a stream of nectar flows from thee. My spirit cannot contain this joy; what is the whole sea compared to it? (The Poems of Tukarama, edited by J. Nelson Fraser) James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabda Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to PO Box 7, Newport, Maine 04953, or email: james@spiritualawakeningradio.com.
27 modern shamanic living... Fiercely Alive continued from page 14 ower to express the feeling that the whole world is conspiring to shower us with blessings. Throughout the book are exercises to stimulate a shift in perspective to one of wonder and delight about one’s self and the world around us. It is a radical manifesto to living fiercely and in the moment with great gratitude. He says, “Act as if the universe is a prodigious miracle created for your... illumination....” Reconnecting with the beauty of the natural world is one very powerful way to get in touch with the myriad of tiny facets that make up the “prodigious miracle.” The sky, the river, the falling leaves, the shapes of clouds, the last cricket songs–are all part of our collective treasure. Gather it all into your heart! Take it all in! Celebrate the minutes as they tumble into hours and days. This life is the only one that you, with this personality–in this incarnation–will experience. You are notable in your uniqueness as a beautiful part of All That Is. Surrender yourself in Nature’s loving embrace letting her endless mysteries and wonders carry you. You have permission, by your singular presence alone; to live this Life to it’s fullest! In recognizing it’s preciousness, an Exceptional Life is already yours.
Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, is a nationally recognized teacher of shamanism, healer & artist in joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW as Spirit Passages. Since 1991, they have offered workshops across the US and Canada. In addition, they have worked with hundreds of people in their private shamanic healing practice at True North in Falmouth. Featured in the book, Traveling Between the Worlds, interviews with 24 of the world's most influential writers and teachers of shamanism, they may be contacted at: www.spiritpassges.com.
The Golden Raven Storytelling Circle of Maine www.thegoldenraven.org ~ roland@watier.org 715 Sennebec Rd.Union, Maine 04862 207-785-4730 2007 Calendar of Events & Guest Storytellers The Golden Raven Storytelling Circle of Maine presents live storytelling in a druid-like stone circle around a sculpted fire chamber at 8 PM every Friday & Saturday evening during the summer – June 15th – September 29th (except for the weekend of September 14th & 15th, as the Circle will be hosting the gathering of the 18th annual Council of Men, FMI: see page 29). If inclement weather, all events will be held in the adjacent Meadow Wood Lodge. The weekend programs feature world stories, French Canadian tales, myths, folk & fairy tales, as well as Maine humor. Storytellers include Roland Watier and guest storytellers. Adults $10, children $5, families $25. There will also be a few Friday matinee performances during the summer. Call for more information. Summer Schedule August 3, Friday – The Cox Brothers Family Camp Show. Learnin’ Vernon and brother, Gray, perform stories, skits, & songs during a campfire experience where “Strangers are treated like family and Families are encouraged to act a little strange.” August 4, Saturday – Roland Watier - Maine stories and humor. August 10, Friday – Roland Watier – International stories about children. Some are dark. August 11, Saturday – Ken Galipeau – www.storynsong.com. Ken, a specialist in children’s stories, songs, & poems, creates “mind pictures” as he brings each character to life and punctuates the action with sound effects. Ken is crossing many states to entertain us. August 17, Friday –Roland Watier – Sufi stories.
destination healing... Storytelling continued from page 6 did they tell. “Stories can be so influential, as if the listener hears the quintessential calling of the gods. If you continue to ignore them, your life will be a quagmire.” The gift of the story is revealed when the listener is empowered to walk around inside the story. “A vast difference exists between someone telling a story and a storyteller guiding you on a journey, a journey around inside their story that‘s why it takes years to become a storyteller.” Thankfully, storytelling’s passion still exists through today’s storytellers. New England is fortunate to have a few, including one in Maine, namely, Roland Watier. If you’d like more information on Roland Watier, The Golden Raven Storytelling Circle of Maine, or The 18th Annual Men’s Circle visit www.watier.org or telephone Roland Watier in Union, Maine at 207-785-4730. Storytelling is positively more than just sharing a story to entertain. Storytelling is an ancestral art handed down from generation to generation to encourage, teach, and heal the listener and storyteller alike, so they can truly live life in all its splendor. To storytellers everywhere, thank you for your devotion and thank you for sharing your lives. Kevin Pennell, an author from Bethel , Maine, wrote Two Feathers - Spiritual Seed Planter and has written for other periodicals and media. Kevin is an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, and Psychic Empath. He conducts Reiki workshops and other workshops that assist spiritual and personal development. Kevin, with his wife, Vickie Cummings, operate Spirit Wings, their Compassionate Healing Center and Therapeutic Store located in Bethel, Maine.
August 18, Saturday – Claire Bettlestone (Nomad) – A Story Teller on the Silk Road. Attired in a traditional Uzbek/Tajik dress, she will share ancient stories of Central Asia, that she has collected in her many years of travel. August 24, Friday – Roland Watier- True stories about flying school buses, lumber camps, and other adventures in Maine hunting and fishing camps in the late 50’s & early 60’s. August 25, Saturday –Herd of Moose- Several Storytellers from the Portland Maine Organization of Storytelling Enthusiasts. Encore Performance of 2007. August 31, Friday – Roland Watier – World stories. September 1, Saturday – Michael Parent – www.michaelparent.com. From here to New Zealand and many places in between, Michael, a Native Mainer of French-Canadian descent has performed as a storyteller and singer, in both English and French, since 1977. He is a 1999 recipient of the National Storytelling Network’s Circle of Excellence Award. September 7, Friday – Roland Watier - Stories of labor and toil. September 8, Saturday – Roland Watier – Roland’s surprise September 14-15 – Circle closed. Men’s Council (FMI see page 29) September 21, Friday – Roland Watier Earth healing stories September 22, Saturday – Roland Watier – Stories of Rural Life. September 28, Friday – W. Kirk Avery – Stories to Heal the Heart. Kirk is a survivor of the Korean War and directly following, harder times on city streets. Through his stories he reminds us that we each matter, that the darkest of past shadows might yet be transformed into life, renewal, even hope. September 29, Saturday – Closing of the Circle- Roland’s favorite stories, requests, and closing ceremony. We will thank our ancestors for being with us all summer. Free to the public.
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 27
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Go out to find the world, go in to lose it. Go the doubled distance until your footfalls Free fall into a float. Until, somewhere just inside beyond. In a momentary never, You meet yourself again. All the mirrored glass will burst In a fit of rainbow giggles Then collapse into your light. Sway gently in that long embrace As the stars sing silence Far, far into the night. Special thanks to Trudy Sloan for her poetry and both she and Michael for their presence in our lives! This Island Earth, from the album One Step Closer, Rising Records © Copyright 1994, Jonathan Edwards © 2007 Evelyn C. Rysdyk
m ix ed m e dia
Book Review
by J ame s Be an The Nag Hammadi Scriptures Edited by: Marvin Meyer Introduction by: Elaine Pagels ISBN:
MIXED M E D IA Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
REVIEWS and more
28 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
The epochal new translation of the entire Nag Hammadi library has finally arrived! Dr. Marvin Meyer has done a masterful job in producing a volume that will serve for many decades as the standard source. Scholarly understanding of the Gnostic texts found at Nag Hammadi has vastly matured since their original publication as the Nag Hammadi Library in 1977. This new edition fully reflects that refinement in “the scholarly ear” for both the forgotten ancient tongue and the spiritual tradition preserved in the Gnostic Coptic texts. In every possible way, publication of The Nag Hammadi Scriptures represents a milestone in modern understanding of Gnostic tradition. Elaine Pagels, the author and professor who introduced a generation of readers to the Gnostic Gospels, appropriately pens the introduction to this landmark edition. Every student of Gnosticism will want to own this book... The review above is from Gnosis.org http://www.gnosis.org/welcome.html I am impressed with this new, most complete ever, translation of the Nag Hammadi Library. In addition to the Gnostic Gospels from Nag Hammadi, Egypt, are translations of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene along with the Greek Gospel of Mary from the Berlin Gnostic Codex, as well as the recently discovered Codex Tchacos, containing the Gospel of Judas and the Book of Allogenes (“Book of the Stranger”). Also provided is valuable background information on each of the texts and those who composed them in antiquity. There are in all 49 Gnostic Gospels found in this collection: The Nag Hammadi Scriptures -- The International Edition, Edited by Marvin Meyer, Introduction by Elaine Pagels, published by Harper San Francisco.
C D R e vi e w
by Jam es B ean
Remove Spells and Unwanted Curses Artist Lisa Lynn, Music Scott Turner Label: Temple of the Rose, Htfd. CT www.TempleOfTheRose.com This unique meditation CD, Remove Spells and Unwanted Curses, is an introspective voyage into a peaceful landscape of droney electronic waves of sound along with a guided meditation by Lisa Lynn, who has been devoted to the healing arts for over twenty years. Her spoken word meditation is intended to “release curses, entities and bindings, clear karmic patterns, thought-forms, past life agreements, and restructure your energy fields to your original blueprint.” The disc contains a series of very positive, soothing prayers and affirmations. In this recording I recognize Hebrew words from Kabbalah, names of various angels, names of God. I am reminded of elements of Theosophy, Ascended Master teachings, I Am Presence-type metaphysical language, invoking heavenly hosts and positive beings of Light to: “please be with us for protection, guidance and healing along this divine journey.” You may indeed find this recording to be a wonderful experience, helping you to dissolve past negativity and negative thoughtpatterns, affirming divine love, light, and forgiveness. About the sacred space this recording creates, Lisa Lynn says, “Let go of any expectations and be open to whatever experiences may come. Impressions vary from person to person. Some receive nothing at first, while others get words, images, feelings, etc. Be willing to receive Pure Love and Light!”
D V D M ovie R eview by James Bean
In Search of the Future A Cameron Baxter Film www.TheINNstitute.com www.InSearchOfTheFutureMovie.com IN SEARCH OF THE FUTURE was screened for the first time at the Harmony Festival, Santa Rosa, California June 8th - 10th, 2007 Quantum Physics and Metaphysics -- Where did we come from? The Stars? The Origin of the Soul -- Evolution or Creation? Is the end coming or is there a New Beginning for Humanity? Where are we going? “Who are we, this human animal? Our body comes from the earth; our body belongs to the earth. One day the earth comes and takes our body. Our spirit comes from the stars. Where we are going, all of us are going to a great awakening. When you body moves, your spirit flies and you’re free and then the magic comes back to you.” (Chief Sonne Reyna Yaqui-Carrizo Elder) The easiest way to describe this movie is that it’s a What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole from an indigenous perspective! Indeed, it is nice to see so many talking heads being included from the Native American community, Hawaii, Mexico, also several indigenous voices from Africa, the birthplace of humanity. Here’s a list of the Wise Ones/Indigenous Elders and Thinkers that appear in the film: Arnie Neptune--Penobscot Tribal Elder--Maine, Sakina Blue-Star--Wisdom Keeper, Guide--Arizona Shaballalla, Soweto Traditional Healers Forum--South Africa Tlakaelel--Mexica-Tolteca Elder--Mexico, Jonny Marlow on location in South Africa, with Hendrik--Kalahari San--Bushman, Chief Sonne Reyna--Yaqui-Carrizo Elder--California, Grandmother Bertha Grove, Southern Ute Elder--Colorado, Andrew Cameron Bailey--South Africa, Benjamin Smith, University of the Witwatersrand--South Africa, Connie Baxter Marlow--Colorado, John Renesch--California, John Stokes--New Mexico, Ralph Abraham, Mathematician, Philosopher, Author--California, Woody Vaspra--Hawaii, Aluna Joy Yaxkin--Guide, Author, Mystic--Arizona, Bennie “Blue Thunder” Le Beau--Wyoming, Abraham Malgas--Kalahari San Bushman, Africa, Marilyn Youngbird--Arikara Hidatsa Elder--Colorado, Virginia Rathele--Zulu Traditional Healer--South Africa, Grandmother Anna Swarts--104 yr-old Kalahari San Bushman-Africa, Andrew Tladi--Shona Tribal Elder--South Africa, Geoffrey Blundell, The Origins Centre, University of the Witwatersrand--South Africa, “To tell you the truth, these stars that we see in the sky... In the beginning there was nothing. The stars were there. The universe was there and there were the stars. God came, and the material of those stars, the stars rained dust down onto the earth, which was a flower. This is where humanity came from. The dust of the stars connected with the flower of the earth. We are the people now who are the descendants of the people who are no longer here, who evolved from the stars.” (Grandmother Anna Swarts, Kalahari San Bushman)
James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening. Address questions or comments to: P O Box 7, Newport, ME 04953, or Email:james@spiritualawakeningradio.com.
29 18th Annual Council of Men 2007 Friday, Sept. 13th ~ Sunday, Sept. 15th UNION, ME. Once again the Council of Men are gathering for their annual Wildness Weekend. In a setting of virgin meadows, timbers, indigenous creatures, earth, wind, fire and water one sails from the modern world to a place where one experiences the strength as warrior, not to be greater than other enemies, but to compete with self, our own most worthy opponent. Making choices to protect our world calls for spirited self mastery to embody integrity and accountability.
This weekend is for FATHERS, SONS, BROTHERS, COUSINS, NEPHEWS, UNCLES, ADULTS & CHILDREN and all MEN who seek to embody more of who they truly are. FMI Contact Roland Waiter at (207) 785-4730 Richard Norton at (207) 583-6033 birdsongmusic@earthlink.net
is the NeuroPrint. It provides a person with a visual of their body-mind states and reactive patterns—all of which are usually subconscious. Like the MRI, the NeuroPrint pinpoints where the problem is so a person can make change. Some people will see the links and feel motivated to change on their own. Other people require support and guidance through the change process, such as coaching or therapeutic work. KMR: Mark; let’s run through a specific example, say, “making more money.” How does Mind Imaging helps a person get from “dreaming it” to “manifesting it?” When a person discovers a gap between where they are in life and where they want to be we want to answer one critical question: What is holding them back? A person who is stuck in a relentless pattern of “wanting to earn more” but not “being able to” is commonly blocked by a set of subconscious beliefs about money. As a result, the NeuroPrint looks like a maze with no escape. Their mind trap is this: The desire for money, and what that represents to a person, leads to a positive emotional state. Perhaps, they want to feel important or to escape feelings of inadequacy. The underlying faulty belief, “I don’t deserve,” prevents the person from taking the action steps necessary to make more money. The person experiences internal conflict and emotional pain; they links directly back to a negative cognitive-emotional state, “I don’t have sufficient income.” When a person uses their NeuroPrint to disassemble the old pattern, they free the energy bound-up in the old pattern and are able to tap their true potential for manifesting change. In this case, the person’s perceptions of financial opportunity will expand, their disempowering beliefs will become supporting beliefs, and they will consciously engage in new behaviors, without internal conflict, that support the goal to generate more income.
You see, when the invisible—the structure of thoughts and emotions—is made visible, the subconscious, becomes conscious. As a result, you can engage in new, empowering thoughts, emotions and behaviors that allow you to manifest your dreams.
The truth: Is there Scientific evidence for the "law of attraction"? continued from page 13 states (confusion). The average person can record 4 - 50 states within a 30-day period. This means they access roughly 1% of the total emotional, behavioral and cognitive resources—or potential—available to meet their daily challenges. Every state is triggered by external events that are not within their conscious awareness and conscious control. Without a model of the connections between triggering events and biophysical states, a person goes on reacting, responding, deciding and emoting in a fog of unawareness. They never access their true potential. KMR: How can Mind Imaging help individuals “clear the fog” and access their cognitive and emotional resources necessary for changing behavior? MEF: When a system is unable to perform a function, we look for the underlying structural flaw. Mind Imaging is a ten-step process through which we discover “design flaws” in the person’s mental-emotional structure much like an MRI can reveal structural damage from a stroke that results in a change in mental capacity (function). Usually, a person knows there is problem—they are not reaching their goal. This level is insufficient for changing behavior. Awareness has to expand into the causeeffect relationships that result in a particular behavior or a situation. At a Mind Imaging workshop, we begin with recording the emotional states a person experienced in the previous 30-day period. We identify the frequency with which these states repeat during a typical 7-day period. Next, we identify the amount of time a person spends in any given state (duration). Within these states are cognitive and behavioral choices that occur naturally—such as gaining weight due to overeating. And, there are unique decisions a person makes in each state— such as deciding to remain planted on the couch instead of going for a walk. Next, we look for patterns that connect thoughts and beliefs to emotional states. Lastly, we identify factors that trigger the emotional and behavioral patterns, including people, places, things, events, situations, concepts and symbols. In a flow-chart fashion, this information is sketched on paper, giving each person a map of the behavior patterns that prevent her from a desired outcome. This map
What I’ve learned from Mark is the scientific equivalent of what Carolyn Myss teaches in the audio program, “Your Power to Create.” She states that to stand in your power and create a new reality for your life requires discerning what you really want and taking disciplined and inspired action. I believe inspiration comes from Source, Spirit, as the word implies. God, however, does not do the work for us. She gives us gifts, talents, and resources to cultivate and apply in our life. This requires discipline. Discipline scares most people. Most people want what they want without having to work at it or without risking change. No, discipline is not easy, which is why people do not change, do not heal, and do not manifest what they want in life. We have to become fearless to take action, accepting that we, and those around us, will change in response to or in spite of our action. As for me, manifesting my dream to be a writer requires a lot of change—foremost in the beliefs instilled in me as a child: “not good enough,” “not an artist.” I have to wrestle with these limiting beliefs almost daily. I have to work them out of my system through disciplined actions, processes that I tweak every day and that become more natural and empowering over time. There is no universal genie. I cannot order a “successful writing career” from some mystical catalog. What keeps me fearless? My inspiration is my daughter, Angelina. Her birth awoke in me the long-abandoned dream to write. In return, I want to inspire her to live her dreams. You can dream. You can believe. But, you still must do if you want the dreams you conceive to manifest in the fabric of your very real life. I leave you with this final thought, paraphrased from Buddha: Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is widely held. Believe nothing just because it is written in ancient books or is claimed to be of divine origin. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be True. To learn more about Mind Imaging: www.MindImagingTechnologies.com. Mark welcomes your questions via telephone or e-mail: mindimaging@aim.com
Karen M. Rider, M.A. is a freelance writer based in central Connecticut. She holds a master’s degree in Experimental/Health Psychology. She is trained in interpersonal guided imagery and the Circle of Life Coaching System. Karen has 12 years of workshop and event management experience with health, educational and non-profit organizations. In her new venture, Karen offers ghostwriting services to help holistic health businesses maximize marketing to prospective clients. Karen also reviews books, writes stories and articles that awaken human and spiritual potential. Contact Karen at riderkm@cox.net. Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 29
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
To summarize the action steps in Mind Imaging: A person awakens to the cause-effect patterns that produced undesired outcomes and situations in their life. Next, they establish a clear direction, a clearly defined goal or dream so that the brain always knows what it is moving toward and when it is off course. Third, using Mind Imaging, a feedback system helps the person identify the distance between where a she is and where she wants to be. Consequently, she selects the most appropriate behaviors, thoughts and emotions to close the gap rapidly. Finally, to unlock the power to change (or create) the person removes limiting, debilitating mental-emotional-behavioral pathways in the neural net. She adds pathways that consist of desired, empowering thoughts, emotions and behaviors that lead to the goal. She also has to remain aware of the factors that trigger self-sabotaging behaviors so that she can interrupt that pattern with new, empowering behaviors. She will continually measure the stability of the new patterns using Mind Imaging.
Counseling & Therapy .......................................... page 30 Creative Healing Arts ..................................... pages 30-31 Evolutionary Consciousness ................................. page 31 Holistic Healing Centers ....................................... page 31 Honoring A Life's Transition .................................. page 32 Hypnotherapy ....................................................... page 32 Integrative Healing ........................................ pages 32-33 Life Mastery .......................................................... page 33 Meditation ............................................................. page 34 Nurturing Foods ................................................... page 34 Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship .......................... page 34 Reflexology & Healing Massage ......................... page 34 Retreats ................................................................ page 34 Sacred Space ...................................................... page 35 Salons & Spas ...................................................... page 35 Schools & Trainings ................................................ page 35 Shamanic Healing ................................................ page 35
Directory of Resources Holistic Practitioners, Products And Resources Each category contains practitioners from various states.
creative healing arts
co u n s e l i ng & t h e rapy Maine
Carol Zahner
Health problems, relationship dilemmas and dreams can be your connections to nature, the spirit of the future, and new unknown aspects of yourself and community. Process
Work, also known as Dreambody Work, gives you innovative but simple ways to unfold and understand what your body, relationships and life are communicating. Individual sessions, ongoing groups, classes and phone sessions. Introduction session free. Carol Zahner,MS, Dipl. Process Work Center of Portland in Oregon. In Maine: Portland and Walpole (near Damariscotta). Call (207) 522-3600, cz@processworkne.com. Process Work
Zen Yoga is a journey of spiritual deepening that begins with the breath. Zen Yoga begins
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
with deep breathing to gather energy and then introduces soft, flowing movement and stretches to facilitate the smooth flow of that energy throughout the body. Based on the fundamental principles of yoga, tai chi and qigong, Zen Yoga is like nothing you have tried before. Prepare to feel wonderful! Our instructors create programs specifically designed to meet the needs of your group. We are available to teach workshops and stress relief programs throughout New England. We hold special retreats in the mountains of Vermont in September. Our Online Correspondence Course is a 12-week email program that provides tools to assist you on your journey of self-discovery. For more information: Phone: (860) 805-6551, Email: breathe@artofzenyoga.com, Website: www.artofzenyoga.com.
The Couples Center
Supporting the heart’s desire for intimacy, meaning, and connection. Conscious
relationship is the art and science of using the inevitable challenges of relationship to evolve into more present, loving, and compassionate beings. We bring a unique blend of expertise, support, and challenge to couples who are ready to open their hearts, transform shadow into light, and heal ancient wounds in the context of relationship. We offer a variety of formats for this work: individual therapy, Husband/wife co-therapy team, couples’ intensives, Integrated Marital and Sexual Therapy, and shamanic healing. Call for information: (207) 8783141. Ron Feintech, Ph.D, Licensed Psychologist, Sex Therapy Diplomate, AASECT; rfeintech@choiceonemail.com; Deb Feintech, RC, Certified Shamanic Practitioner; Michele Keef, LMFT and Alison Caswell, LCPC-C, 222 Auburn St., Portland, ME 04103.
I am a clinical counselor and practitioner of Somatic Experiencing© with a private psychotherapy practice in Portland, Maine. My work integrates traditional talk therapy, somatic therapy and mindfulness in work with individual clients. The emphasis is on helping people learn to access the innate healing ability of the human body. The end goal is to heal trauma, stress, compulsions Douglas Smith and other challenges in order to enjoy an open, embodied flow of experience. I also teach workshops in somatics and sensory awareness for clinicians and others interested in mind-body integration. Most insurance accepted. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web at www.mindmeetsbody.com. Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP. 205 Ocean Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 773-7993 x19. smith@mindmeetsbody.com
Art Therapy & Shamanism
Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy. Art therapy
and shamanic counselling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden. We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "ART from the heART," (207) 589-3063. moonart@midcoast.com.
Dance/Movement Therapy Caroline Loupe, ADTR, LCPC
Dance/Movement Therapy helps people explore and extend their aliveness. Combining words and
movement in safe, developmentally appropriate structures, Caroline can help you tap into your deepest wisdom and creativity. Caroline offers individual therapy sessions as well as consultation for other professionals, therapists and educators who can benefit from the use of movement in their understandings. She also offers supervision to those who would like to include movement more effectively in their work with clients or students. Caroline also teaches classes and leads workshops in Contemplative Dance and T’ai Chi Ch’uan at Fiddlehead Arts and at her studio in New Gloucester. For more information: Call (207) 926-5983 or e-mail cmloupe@maine.rr.com.
31 creative healing arts–cont. CO-CREATING WITH YOUR SOUL ~ creative process as sacred container for re-connection, healing, and transformation. Engaging in artmaking as process (through Touch Drawing*
and other media) activates the unique wisdom and eternal knowing of our oneness with the creative source that dwells within our soul. As trust replaces fear energy flows, the emerging images reflecting the healing and integration taking place within. This process supports the evolution of creative consciousness both at the individual soul and planetary levels. Retreats and North Yarmouth, Maine 04097
personal journeys facilitated by visionary artist and healer, Helen Warren, MSed., MFA, who brings the compassion and wisdom of over 40 years experience as a facilitator and from her personal creative healing process. FMI: (207) 829-6876; helen@creativespiral.net; or www.creativespiral.net. *See www.touchdrawing.com.
Movement as Healer
holistic healing centers
Main e Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts is a beautiful place for people to gather, to learn, to teach and to be a part of a community interested in conscious living. We offer the
individual services of a holistic center through our community of practitioners, as well as a wide spectrum of wonderful workshops and classes. The practitioners at Meadow Wind offer services from massage, polarity, spiritual healing and life coaching to art, yoga, hair, skin & beauty. To contact any of our practitioners call Meadow Wind or go to www.meadowwind.org for a list of practitioners and their personal contact information. We have two beautiful workshop/class spaces available to teachers who want to share what they have with others. To explore teaching at Meadow Wind contact Andrea Ferrante at (207) 878-3899. Our workshops and classes are also listed on our website, www.meadowwind.org. We are conveniently located at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME.
Gail Edgerly, RN, CTP
Movement as Healer is rooted in the premise that movement is the expression of life, and movement on all levels is fundamental to health.
or visit www.movementashealer.com. For further information: www.gabrielleroth.com and www.Trager.com.
Surry Music Therapy Center: Alan Wittenberg M.A., CMT
Certified Music Therapist, (AMTA) American Music Therapy Association Music therapy opens new channels of communication and contact thru the creative and interactive use of music towards self-expression and self-discovery. It goes beyond
words and emotionally, physically, and intellectually touches those with psychological issues and special needs. Music Therapy is a dynamic clinical, educational, developmental, and rehabilitative treatment approach. Alan specializes in autism spectrum disorders, emotional and behavioral issues, speech and sensory integrative delays as well as work with the elderly and Alzheimer’s. The Surry Music Therapy Center is a unique facility in Maine offering individual and small group sessions, seminars, conferences, in service training, and workshop programs through out Maine. Contact Alan Wittenberg at (207) 667-1308, alan@surrymusictherapy.com, Visit the website at www.surrymusictherapy.com for seminar and conference information.
evolutionary consciousness Maine The Autognomics Institute since 1992 Norm and Skye Hirst co-founders TAI provides basic Research, Consulting and Education on the emerging new paradigm of living processes and the organizing principles within the energy of life-itself. Using a
"wholistic" perspective for social and individual change, TAI offers in-depth examination of old problems with new possibilities as we draw on emerging discoveries about how the energy of life-itself works. Bring your inquiry and find effective action for yourself or your organization. Call for consultation to explore how we can help you during this consciousness shift. www.autognomics.blogspot.com or call (207) 236-6331.
Healing Center is an eclectic mix of people and practices. You can find massage therapists and psychics, spiritual counselors and shamans, energy therapists and dancers all under one roof. Our many classes cover a wide range of interests whether you are here to learn a new path or just enlighten yourself to some different methods. Classes are priced in order to encourage people to try something new and experience another perspective. Visit us at 1016 B Main Street, Sanford, Maine or online at www.universalhealingcenter.net for a complete list, calendar and personal biographies. (207) 608-1755.
Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center Just a short drive from where you are, you'll find a special place to relax and find yourself. We invite you in for a soothing
therapeutic massage or detoxifying spa treatment. Visit Meg Davison, our Homeopathy Consultant for a remedy to balance and heal naturally. We have Full Moon Drumming Circles, Yoga, T'ai Chi and Transformational Healing with Claudia Moore. Awaken your soul with Anurag. Connect to the wealth of universal wisdom with Pat O'Connor. We offer training in Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Spiritual Development and lots of playshops. Find answers with our experienced Psychics. Join us for a walk in the Garden! Route 35, Dayton, ME. Call (207) 929-5088 or visit our website www.gardensofatlantis.org.
The area’s premiere environment for creating health & well-being, Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center offers a comprehensive selection of healthcare & lifestyle services. The
community of certified professional practitioners at Sanctuary Center work independently & collaboratively to serve client needs. Select from a spectrum of therapies & treatments, including acupuncture, homeopathy, polarity, facial rejuvenation, hot stone massage, reiki, Ayurveda, holistic psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, detoxification, coaching & more. Certified & skilled teachers offer daily classes in yoga, Pilates, meditation & Qi Gong to students of all ages & experience levels in the bright, spacious Studio. For more information, to enroll or schedule an appointment: (207) 846-1162, email: info@sanctuaryhhyc.com, www. sanctuaryhhyc.com, 50 Forest Falls Drive, Yarmouth.
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 31
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
When we experience the possibilities of our own unique and authentic movement, we release into freer movement, deepening our awareness, sense of connection, and state of well-being. The offerings of Movement as Healer are specific and collaborative. The Trager® Approach to movement involves a one-on-one practitioner/client relationship using touch and rhythm to assist in the experience of fluid, free and pleasurable movement. The 5Rhythms™ Movement Practice (developed by Gabrielle Roth) is an improvisational and expressive exploration of our uniquely personal movement following a map of rhythms inherent in every body and in everyday life. Sessions can be one-onone, with a couple or in a class/workshop setting. The 5Rhythms™ can also be used in collaboration with the work of other teachers and facilitators, to expand and support the embodiment of the program's intention. I offer private sessions and classes in Portland and Kennebunk. FMI call (207) 761-3765
Far Eastern tradition, Native American custom, new age spiritual, holistic natural or any other healing path is welcome. The Universal
32 honoring a life's transition New Hampshire Change is a natural product of growth and evolution: honoring death is honoring that change. In the process of
honoring death and change, we nourish ourselves and those we love. The goal of ashesnurns.com is to help you honor the life you so cherished. Ashesnurns. Ashes N Urns com offers adult, child, infant and companion pet urns. Our keepsake urns can hold a prayer or mantra, lock of hair, a small amount of cremated remains, crushed flowers, bit of earth or something symbolic to hold close to your heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like help planning a nondenominational memorial service that honors your traditions, culture and special relationship to your loved one. Visit us at www.ashesnurns.com, email us at support@ashesnurns.com, or call (603) 874-1684.
hypnotherapy Maine ELISSAGARDE-JOIA
Harness the power of the mind-body connection. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have the tools
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
and skills you need. Hypnotherapy eliminates fear and stress and creates a blueprint for health and healing that your mind can read and follow. Medical experts acknowledge that Hypnotherapy compliments all medical procedures, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing negative side effects. Pre/post surgical patients experience reduced anxiety, blood loss, anesthesia need and rapid healing. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in treating many physical challenges such as chronic pain and disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Hypnosis for Childbirth removes the fear and pain of childbirth. Hypnotherapy played a major role in my own successful battle with breast cancer. After 16 years of private practice in New York, I am now privileged to serve my neighbors here in Mid-coast Maine. Please take advantage of a FREE phone consultation to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact: Elissa Garde-Joia at 207-338-1669, egardejoia1@verizon.net. Home visits available.
Hypno-Health ~ Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed., C.H. As a practicing certified Hypnotherapist since 1991 in Blue Hill and Portland, I have helped hundreds of people improve their lives. Together we have resolved over 120
different issues, ranging from abuse, anxiety, dejection and insomnia to smoking, sports performance, sexual dysfunction, weight concerns—and much more. As I guide people, they bring forward from their subconscious mind an awareness and understanding of “the roots of their problem.” They are then empowered to disconnect those roots and create a new, positive thought pattern, which becomes their permanent reality through repetition. I feel Hypnotherapy is a comfortable, gentle, genuine, and powerful way to learn the techniques to heal one’s self. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. Call (207) 374-2344 (Blue Hill) or (207) 773-5200 (Portland), sadlier@hypno-health.net, www.hypno-health.net.
integrative healing Connecticut
Belanger Physical Therapy A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well.
What we do not choose to express emotionally will show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at joeb.pt@snet.net. 32 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
integrative healing Maine
Rev. Lindsley Field
Trager® Practitioner, Intuitive, Shamanic Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher, Raindrop Technique ® Therapy, Vision Quest Leader
“helping you create peace from the inside out” We are each our own healer. Deep within our
cells there is extraordinary healing intelligence. As physical beings, we are also dynamic energetically and spiritually. Multi-dimensional by nature, we are exquisite "instruments", complex and uniquely gifted. True healing begins when those aspects are addressed. Each treatment responds deeply to the individual. An intuitive offering of bodywork, shamanic, energetic and metaphysical techniques is sensitively integrated. Treatment has helped with physical pain, restricted movement, tension, stress, PTSD, anxiety, depression, recovering from injuries or surgery, support with life changes and challenges, preventative care and health maintenance. Clients express they feel a renewed sense of wellbeing, reconnected with themselves, more comfortable in their bodies, clearer and revitalized. Newcastle, Maine (207) 512-0744 ~ lindsley17@roadrunner.com
Roberta Barnes Reiki Shihan & Herbalist
“Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps to fulfill that right,” -- Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master/teacher), and Herbalist
Nestled in a wildlife habitat you are encased in harmonizing relaxation while balance and harmony set in motion the healing process within. Learn the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho - enjoy a healing session - receive a personal herb report - journey into your past - learn meditation - mobilize your awareness by connecting with nature. Roberta Barnes' Reiki lineage has only three Reiki Shihans between Mikao Usui, the founder, and her. Visit
http://www.naturalhealinglearning.com or call today (207) 445-5671.
Marie Laverriere-Boucher, DMin, MSW, MA Southern Maine Energy Therapy Center Marie is an energy medicine practitioner; she utilizes Reiki, energetic assessments, energy psychology technique–TAT®, spiritual guidance, and aromatherapy. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher.
"Our lives are so full of busy-ness that we sometimes find ourselves out of balance and in need of healing of mind, body and soul. I invite you to come and experience the deep soothing effects of healing energy that comes from the gentle hands-on technique of Reiki. Reiki training is also available. See web site for training schedule–www.marielb.net.
For more information or an appointment call (207) 590-3884 or (207) 282-9722. For the Reiki training schedule see web site www.marielb.net. She is located at 69 Foss Street, Biddeford, Maine. “I would consider it a privilege to work with you in your healing.”
Ron & Joan
...a pathway to you!
Beyond the logic and labels of healing modalities lives the heart-work that each of us is innately drawn to experience, to feel and to express the core truth of who we are. Within that ever-changing, ever-expanding
field of love and acceptance is where we play. This is a journey of limitlessness; every step is the possibility of change, growth and healing. You decide the next step, it’s your journey, your choice. Our choice is to support you, to provide you with ideas, options, and possibilities, and to support you within and through those choices as we are guided. We offer individual, couple, family and phone sessions, playshops and gatherings to support you on your journey. As WE change so does OUR world. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. (207) 799-7998, www.ronandjoan.com, info@ronandjoan.com. South Portland, ME.
33 integrative healing–cont.
Janet Gleeson
Energy Therapy, EFT-ADV & TAT EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a simple, powerful, self-healing tool that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior with amazing results.
It so effectively releases limiting blocking beliefs that several presenters in the movie, “The Secret” recommend using EFT to attract health, prosperity, happy relationships and personal peace into our lives. Research now proves that unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to physical pain and disease. Simply by tapping key acupuncture points located on the face and torso while tuning into a problem, negative emotions, beliefs, traumas, phobias, stress, anxiety and often the accompanying physical ailment are released. Attract the higher vibration of joy, health and prosperity you were meant to live with EFT! From PTSD to allergies to serious disease – EFT often works when nothing else does! (207) 236-0269, janetgleeson@verizon.net, Camden, ME.
SpiritWings CompassionateHealing
Kevin Pennell, Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher/Certified Hypnotherapist/Shamanic Practitioner and Vickie Cummings, Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Cranio Sacral Therapist/
Usui & Karuna® Reiki Practitioner: Massage - Including Therapeutic Massage
Fern Dyer Healing with Crystals, Stones, Reiki, Quantum Touch Techniques and Spirit Messages incorporates several modalities for a unique blend of healing.
Each crystal and stone vibrates at a particular frequency. The stones we choose are invariably the ones whose frequencies we need to resonate with. Your chosen stones are placed on or near you during the Reiki session. Reiki balances the body, mind and spirit so our innate healing ability can be bolstered. If the need presents itself, some quantum touch techniques are added. At the end of the session, the messages received are presented and if you desire a write-up of stone meanings and messages it can be sent. This process helps restore a state of balance to the body and energy systems. For more information call (207) 657-5609 or email: fdyer@maine.rr.com.
Dr. Adi Philpott
Osteopathic P hysician Acupuncture Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, EF T-Adv For those seeking gentle, safe, alternative methods to improve health and performance Dr. Philpott offers a multidisciplinary approach. Used
alone or in combination, osteopathy, auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture), hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and Quantum Touch Technique® modalities are highly effective in treating medical conditions and physical/emotional concerns. These treatments offer excellent results in areas such as pain, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, phobias, weight loss, and smoking cessation. Dr. Philpott also offers assistance to athletes, performing artists, public speakers and others seeking to excel in achieving their personal performance goals. Free initial consultation. For more information or an appointment call (207) 846-0728. Conveniently located at 26 School Street in Yarmouth, ME. www.drphilpott.com.
Are you where you want to be? Are you ready to clear
patterns, beliefs & behaviors without emotional drama? Are you clear about who you are at your core? Are you ready to live from that Jill Leigh place? Once we understand that our physical experiences are the manifestation of what’s activated in our energy field, we can become creative, rapid change agents! Jill Leigh uses her clairvoyant abilities to view clients’ patterns, beliefs, and energetic constructs that inform their life experience. Clients receive tools, skills and hands-on clearing support to release, refine & reframe their energy field (chakras & auras). Shifting your energy will evolve your life. (207) 247.2442, www.transformativeenergetics.com.
life mastery Maine Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching Deborah Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide
Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom, and
fun. In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms
and create a dynamic vision for your life—a vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principals and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. Call for a complimentary coaching session, schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or e-mail debcoaches@aol.com. Phone sessions available. www.oceanofpossibilities.com,
Back to the Source Life Design
Ronda Alley, Certified Life Coach “Go confidently in the directions of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imaged!” This quote by Henry David
Thoreau provides the foundation for our work together. I firmly believe that each person brings a unique set of strengths and gifts into the world and that these gifts can lead us in the direction of our dreams. During our sessions I offer time for focused reflection, support and encouragement as you define and clarify your true desires, and an atmosphere that facilitates the exploration and identification of your gifts. I help you: stay motivated, identify any obstacles that may be blocking progress, and discover the potential for achieving your goals. To schedule a free sample telephone coaching session please call me at (207) 565-3125, email ronda@backtothesource.net or visit www.backtothesource.net.
Jasmina J Agrillo, Licensed HeartMath® Provider ENGAGE THE POWER OF YOUR HEART... Special Coaching Sessions with Licensed HeartMath® Provider, Jasmina J. Agrillo; learn the HeartMath System: Practical & Easy to Use Tools & Technology for Heart Intelligent Living in the 21st Century.
Research and case studies are showing many folks the world over are able to transform stress upon impact, improve health & spiritual well-being, relieve depression & anxiety, improve heart rate & brain function, enhance intuition & performance, experience more appreciation, joy, and peace in the moment for yourself and your relationships. “I bring to my coaching practice a love and dedication to help empower the hearts of others for transformation, healing of the body-mind, and positive, practical change in one’s life. After experiencing the success that the HeartMath System played in my own healing as a brain tumor survivor, I now dedicate my life’s purpose to helping others apply these tools of the Heart in their own life-journeys.” To schedule a free initial consultation, call: (207) 856-6042 § email: jagrillo@hotmail.com § visit www.heartfulliving.org § (HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.)
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 33
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
- Seated Massage - Couples Massage and Outcalls available, Craniosacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Healing and Readings. We consult with each client to identify the appropriate modalities to achieve self-healing and overall well-being. We offer Reiki and Karuna® Reiki Classes plus other workshops to guide you on your spiritual journey. Visit SpiritWings for a cross-cultural variety of enchanting gifts, supplies and accessories to aid your spiritual journey including an exquisite selection of healing crystals and quartz crystal singing bowls. SpiritWings is conveniently located at 14 Main Street in Bethel, Maine. Sessions by appointment. Store hours Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 5. Telephone (207) 824-2204 or visit us on the web at www.SpiritWingsBethel.com. Credit Cards accepted.
integrative healing–cont.
34 retreats
meditation Maine
Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society Presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,
a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabada Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib. For More Information call (207) 368-5866, or email: James@ SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com, Website: www.Myspace.com/Santmat_Mystic.
The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques.
Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at VillageSoup.com. The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.
We are an organic stone mill, and producer of quality organic cereals & baking mixes. We aren’t a subsidiary of any corporate conglomerate. We are a family business, combining the energy & hard work of two Maine families. We believe deeply in providing fresh, organic, delicious products, in protecting the quality & health of our food supply and our environment.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Quality Organic Stone Ground Cereals & Baking Mixes; Organic Coffees & Teas; Nuts, Dried Fruit; Nutritious Delicious Organic Gift Baskets FIDDLERS GREEN FARM, Belfast, Maine (800) 729-7935 ~ Order Online: www.fiddlersgreenfarm.com or catalog available.
Greenfire Retreat Greenfire is... a retreat house for women dedicated to reflection, renewal, exploration, and quiet. Set in a two hundred-year old
farmhouse in the midst of meadows and woods on the St. George’s peninsula, Greenfire offers space to all women who want to rest and explore their spirituality, regardless of their tradition, age, or race. Women throughout history have gathered in circles and found wisdom in their own stories; in this tradition, guests may schedule conversations with staff to explore their own questions. Greenfire offers sanctuary, healthy and delicious food, and calm in the midst of a fast-paced culture. For more information, call (207) 372-6442, e-mail us at: greenfir@midcoast. com, or visit us on the web at www.greenfireretreat.org.
psychic & spiritual mediumship Maine PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy
Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years experience. She
resides in Fairfield and Northport Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089, spirit@bonnielee.net, www.bonnielee.net, and www.hypno.us.
reflexology & healing massage Maine Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is an amazing stress-relieving technique. Relaxation is a skill that most Americans do not practice often. Stress builds
and builds until it becomes a lifestyle. Lynn Marie Danforth has been practicing Reflexology for over 5 years. Lynn specializes in therapeutic Reflexology. Her greatest success is with tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and relief of tension. Lynn’s Reflexology sessions are quick, effective and could be the answer to your body’s cry for relief. Lynn has been able to show clients that change for the better is possible, that improved health is truly in your hands and feet. To contact Lynn call 207-767-5776 or 207-318-0129, or visit www.handsonfeet.net. 34 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
Nurture Through Nature
For 9 years, Nurture Through Nature has been offering transformative women's holistic retreats through weekend workshops and holistic canoe trips.
We weave mind~body~spirit experiences through guided meditation circles, gentle yoga, mindfulness practices and The Work Let Us Guide You Home... of Byron Katie. Our unique offerings and Pleasant Mountain, Denmark reflective space together with professionally guided outdoor pursuits deepens connections to the living earth and our inner selves. Jen Deraspe, owner, is a Registered Maine Guide, Certified Yoga Instructor, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie and Community Faculty member of True North, Maine's Center for Functional Medicine and the Healing Arts. Our solar-powered green retreat
is located on Pleasant Mountain, in the heart of Maine's western mountains, just over an hour from Portland, Freeport and Lewiston, Maine. (207) 452-2929, or www.ntnretreats.com, ntnretreat@yahoo.com. Contact
for your custom getaway, eco-cabin rental or to join a scheduled retreat.
Sewall House Yoga Retreat Enjoy yoga twice daily, meditation, massage, sauna, healthy home-cooked vegetarian cuisine. Near pristine lakes and Baxter State Park, hike, bike,
swim, canoe, kayak or simply porch sit! Five days suggested, weekends, shorter and longer stays arranged. Step back into time in the comfort of this bed and breakfast style retreat listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Nature guide William Sewall shared the healing attributes of nature with a young Theodore Roosevelt, who restored his health from life threatening asthma here. The tradition continues since 1997 with William Sewall's great grand-daughter, yoga instructor Donna Davidge, with over 25 years experience in the healing arts, and her Swedish husband, musician and chef Kent Bonham, Experience the friendly hospitality Sewall House has always offered. Sewall House Yoga Retreat Island Falls, Maine www.sewallhouse.com, (888) 235-2395 July 3 - Columbus Day.
35 sacred space
schools & trainings–cont. Maine Earthrest offers indoor and outside gathering space for retreats, workshops, spiritual questing, ceremony and celebration. Come,
surround yourself with natural beauty in a country setting of organic gardens, open fields, woods and water where the land is still a little wild and the animals remember their true names. We are just 35 miles from Portland on 350 acres of very special land, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. Inside enjoy the large gathering spaces, both with fireplaces. Outside walk the land, the labyrinth and hiking trails. Many options available. FMI call Pat at (207) 625-4179 or email earthrest@psouth.net.
salons & spas
Massachusetts The Hypnotherapy Training Company Julie Griffin, Director Become a Certified Hypnotist. Begin an exciting career earning money helping others! Affordable weekend
certification programs at our Wakefield, MA lakeside location. Julie Griffin, BCH, director, is a renowned, dynamic, award-winning international instructor, author of 10 hypnosis books, and regular presenter at Jonathon Podolsky’s,Whole Health Expos. Hypnosis certifications available: International Association of Counselors & Therapists, National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and more. Great value for your education dollars. Programs range 7 to 100 hours. Program costs: Basic $595; Advanced/Medical $625; Metaphysical $525. Multi-program discounts, free retakes and free telephone support. CEU’s available: Nurses, LICSW, and LMHW. Call for a free brochure and audio cassette. (800) 497-1807 www.hypnosistoday.com. Julie Griffin, Director.
shamanic healing Maine
Ravens’ Crossing — Come find some Raven’s Crossing Appleton, Maine
rural comfort and relaxation in our woodfired sauna and/or therapeutic hot tub.
Spirit Passages Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk As Spirit Passages; C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW and Evelyn C. Rysdyk (author of Modern Shamanic Living) have facilitated shamanic healings and taught shamanic workshops across the U.S. and Canada since 1991. Graduates of the
Cressler at (207) 845-2304 or visit www.ravens-crossing.com.
schools & trainings Maine
Westbrook, ME: Learn to be a successful Massage, Polarity or Aesthetics professional in 6 to 12 months. Spa Tech Institute is the exclusive provider
of the Polarity Realization Institute programs, a pioneer in the field of transformational education. Advanced energy based teaching concepts contribute to accelerated learning. With over 30 years experience training adult learners for the bodywork and spa professions, our profound understanding of what it takes to be successful is at the core of your education. The school is accredited by NACCAS and programs are approved for state licensing exams and national registration/exams. Financial Aid is available for those who qualify. Call (207) 591-4141, 100 Larrabee Rd., Westbrook, ME.
Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, they have also been fortunate to study with indigenous shamans from Peru, Ecuador, Tuva and Siberia. Working heart-to-heart with Spirit, they offer all traditional forms of shamanic healings at True North (207) 781-4488 ~ a unique, multidisciplinary medical center that they helped to found. They may also be reached at: www.spiritpassages.com. Transform your body, heal your soul and change the way you live and die with the ancient healing techniques of the South American Medicine people. The core of
healing occurs in the energetic or Luminous Energy Field; this is the blueprint for the physical body, and an archive of our physical and emotional strengths and wounding. Illuminating this field transforms these wounds into sources of knowledge and power. The loss, pain and sorrow may remain as a memory but they no longer define who we are; we realize that we are not our stories. The Illumination Process is powerful, efficient, effective transformation. In training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Appointments in Brunswick (207) 729-7270, deb@midgette.org.
is a non-profit, tax-deductible organization. We teach yoga to elementary school children and their homeroom teachers. We can come to your school and teach
formal yoga classes or we can come to your classroom and help you to initiate a yoga program you can use on a daily basis in your class. We also offer Tools for Teachers, an in-house workshop, which teaches teachers to use four basic yoga tools in their daily teaching. These tools will allow teachers to help children with relaxation, breathing, and stress reduction which will complement their overall learning and create a harmonious learning environment. Workshops can be scheduled as in-house workdays for teachers in public and private schools. These workshops are individually tailored, and price varies according to the length. Please contact Lily Goodale at ngoodale@aol.com or (207) 236-6001. Workshops can be given from Portland to Bar Harbor and are certified and part of the YogaEd foundation of yoga for children. www.yogaed.com.
…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence.
At the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be whole, stable, and functioning at our highest potential. Soul retrieval, divination, extractions, shamanic energy healing, and communication with those who have passed on, can all help us fulfill this potential. My training with the Foundation for Shamanic Healer Shamanic Studies, including completion of the Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing with Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval, provide a solid footing for my work with adults, children and animals. Call me for information about workshops or appointments for shamanic healing sessions at (207) 841-1215 or email me at dory@dorycote.com. www.dorycote.com. Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 35
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Deep tissue, swedish, and myofascial-release massage available by licensed massage therapist. Rustic retreat cabin can sleep four. Available by appointment in private setting. Trails to walk, ride horses, or X-country ski. Space for small gatherings. Please call Lori
eart Visions August 5th-10th ~ Finding Inner Peace Women’s Holistic Nature Retreat ~ The work of Byron Katie into Nature ~ Nurture Through Nature. FMI: (207) 452-2929, www.ntnretreatscom.
August 26th-29th ~ Maine Island Yoga Retreat Yoga, nature exploration, delicious food and comfortable lodging on Audubon's spectacular Hog Island in Midcoast Maine. $495, FMI call (207) 781-2330.
September ~ Visit sacred sites in Egypt and Turkey I am planning a trip to Egypt and Turkey for September. We will spend one week in Egypt and almost two weeks in Turkey. The focus will be on sacred sites and traditional healing arts. I would love to find a few spirit based people to join me. Although the itinerary is planned there will be flexibility to make changes depending on our interest(s). If interested, email me at TuckAlpaca@aol.com. Blessings, Mavis.
September 7th-9th ~ Zen Yoga Retreat – Vermont Spiritual Deepening through Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong with Zen Yoga founder Aaron Hoopes at the Vershire Sanctuary in the mountains of Vermont. (860) 805-6551, www.artofzenyoga.com.
September 23rd-29th ~ Ahh Provence! Women’s Retreat and Tour in Southern France $2,850, for more info go to: www.yourprovenceretreat.com.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
October 2007 ~ Pilgrimage To Brazil:
The Land Of The Healing Mineral Waters Contact: darlenal@hotmail.com, www.spiritedexpeditions.com.
October 1st-4th Wellness and healing aboard Maine Adventure Sails. Schooners Timberwind and J&E Riggin are sailing in a new direction. Join us on one of these 3 or 4 day, all inclusive, facilitated cruises sailing from Rockland and Rockport. Amazing food, comfortable cabins, and the inspiration of nature will be your platform for transformation. FMI about these very special journeys, please call (877) 300-3377 or visit www.maineadventuresails.com.
October 5th & 6th Yoga Retreat at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.
August 1st-29th, Wednesdays, 2:00pm-4:00pm Creative Writing Workshop ~ Instructor Teresa Piccari Expand a work in progress, bring an idea for a new project or come ready to be inspired to create something out of thin air and run with it!Teresa Proprietor of The Village Scribe is a writer with 23 years of experience, and has been teaching workshops for nine years. Class size is limited to 12 and the fee is $120. To register, please call (207) 344-7070.
August 2nd & 3rd, 7:00 pm Bo Lozoff, Human Kindness Foundation, Author, "We're All Doing Time." Public Talks. Bangor: August 2nd, UU Society, 120 Park; Belfast: August 3rd, Library. mainekindness@yahoo.com, (207) 374-3608, or http://www. jailvolunteers.org/BoLozoffMaineTour.html
August 4th & 5th, 10:00am-5:00pm John Paul Caponigro: New Work 2007, Annual Exhibition Artist talk daily at 2:00pm, 73 Cross Rd., Cushing, ME. For more information go to www.johnpaulcaponigro.com.
August 5th-10th Women's Holistic Paddling and Nature Retreat~ Simple and Profound methods to find more Joy and Peace~ $1,195. www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
August 8th–29th, 5:50pm-8:30pm Intensive Shoden course (1st level)
September~Connecticut September 11th, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Past Lives" part 1 of "Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel" series. Classroom downstairs, 7pm-8pm. For information call:Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
September 18th, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Dreams" part 2 of "Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel" series. Classroom downstairs, 7pm-8pm For information call: Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
September 25th, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Soul Travel" part 3 of "Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel" discussion series. Downstairs class room, 7pm-8pm For information call" Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
September~Maine September 1st, 9:30am-3:30pm Gaining energy through nature workshop Register now (207) 445-5671, www.naturalhealinglearning.com.
Gendai Reiki-ho (Modern Reiki method for healing). Register now (207) 445-5671, www.naturalhealinglearning.com.
September 8th- 15th, 9:30am-2:30pm Intensive Okuden course (2nd level)
August 10th-12th Women Heal Thyself
Gendai Reiki-ho (Modern Reiki method for healing) Register now (207) 445-5671, www.naturalhealinglearning.com.
Dawnah Brown has 20 years experience in Acupressure and body training. Attend a weekend of whole body healing on her 276-acre organic farm in Athens Maine. Yoga, friction and stick therapy, foot and body massage, breathing and herbal healing. Vegetarian meals provided, limit 15, $250, for reservations call (207) 654-2475.
September 14th-16th Women’s Wilderness Weekend
August 16th, 7:00pm Lama John Makransky
Awakening Through Love, Unveiling Your Deepest Goodness, Border’s book signing, South Brooksville Grange, call (207) 326-4047, Wisdom for all.
August 17th-September 21st, Fridays, 6:00pm-8:00pm Learn the benefits of easy meditation
Enjoy hiking, camping, yoga, gathering herbs, apple pressing, tree medicines, map & compass & wilderness survival techniques. Food & lodging included, limit 15, $250 for reservations call (207) 654-2475.
September 15th, Saturday, 9:00am-5:00pm Creation Dances of Universal Peace Retreat Led by Halima & Abraham Sussman of Cambridge MA, Williston West Church, 32 Thomas St Portland. FMI: (207) 797-2151.
September 21st-23rd “A Woman's Initiation into Self-Revelation"
The Land Of The 7 Chakras and The Knight Templars. Contact darlenal@hotmail.com, www.spiritedexpeditions.com.
Awakening Through Love, Unveiling Your Deepest Goodness, Borders book signing, South Portland, ME. Call (207) 326-4047. Wisdom for all.
A powerfully spiritual weekend in a simple and rustic setting using movement, art, meditation and nature, including a solo night in the woods, to find out, Who you are now, and your intended direction in life… at "Forest Circles" for more info go to www.forestcircles.com. Facilitators: Regina Strongheart, MA, Teaching, UNH, teacher, energy healer, and medical intuitive. Gail Edgerly, BSN, teacher of the 5Rhythms™ Practice, certified Trager® practitioner www.movementashealer.com,
August 18th, 10:00pm-6:00pm Maine Pagan Pride Day
September 28th-30th Women's Restorative Yoga Retreat
November 2007 Retreat on Lane Atitlan, Guatemala and Copan, Honduras
that fits into your life. Register now (207) 445-5671 www.naturalhealinglearning.com
Contact: darlenal@hotmail.com, www.spiritedexpeditions.com.
August 18th, 7:00pm Lama John Makransky
December 2007~ Pilgrimage to Portugal:
August 31st Yoga Teacher Training–200 hr. Integrative Yoga Therapy
A celebration of alternative and Pagan religions! Workshops, entertainment, merchants and much more! Free admission with a non-perishable food item donation. www.MainePaganPrideDay.org
Weekend format /one weekend per month. A comprehensive program that allows you to discover Yoga as a healing art and supports you in developing skills which allow you to teach students in a variety of settings. For more information or email visit www.OneYogaCenter.com or call (401) 368-YOGA (9642). Only 45 minutes from Willimantic, CT.
August 18th, 10:00am-2:00pm Celebrate Usui-Sensei born August 15, 1865.
August 26th-Sept 2nd Women's Full Moon Wilderness Living Paddling Trip~
August through Labor Day The Summer Art Show ~ Long Island Dodwell Gallery Artists reception August 5th, 2:00pm-4:00pm. Featuring more than 20 Casco Bay Island Artists, mobiles, sculptures, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, sketches, photographs, models, marine artifacts & books.Exhibit open every day during Library hours, FMI: www.maggiecarle.com.
Everyone opened to any style honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho. Marwashi & Gendai Reiju included. Donation - bring your lunch and your heart.Please register (207) 445-5671 www.naturalhealingleaarning.com
Lobster Lake & West Branch of the Penobscot River~ $950. www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
August 31st-September 3rd Maine Living Arts Festival Camp Mechuwana, Winthrop, Maine. “The Emerging of Spontaneous Community”: workshops, playshops, rituals, labyrinth, meditation, drumming, and more. Request more information at: mainelaf@yahoo.com.
ALL EVENTS ARE LISTED ONLINE AT www.innertapestry.org 36 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
A restorative weekend of yoga, meditation, and silence in nature. Settle into Snowbird Lodge in Harrison, Maine. Weekend includes yoga, meals, and sauna. www.heartfeatheryoga.com (207) 319-8024.
September 29th, Saturday, September 30th, Sunday Reiki I and Reiki II Training See web site to register: www.marielb.net. Reiki Master Marie Laverriere-Boucher, DMin, MSW, MA (207) 590-3884.
September~Massachusetts September 21st-23rd Living Heaven on Earth with Christan Hummel Pollution Clearing, Sacred Creation, Eco-Technologies, Nature Temples, Sacred Geometry, Ley Lines, Dowsing, Space Clearing, (760) 722-5555, www.earthtransitions.com.
Upcoming~Connecticut October 5th-8th SunDo Mountain Taoism Fall Retreat Retreat will include SunDo practice, evening discussions and workshops at the SunDo Retreat Center in Barnet, VT. Please visit our website for pricing and directions. SunDo Mountain Taoist Center, CT (860) 523-5260, www.sundo.org.
October 9th, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Past Lives" part 1 of "Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel" series. Classroom downstairs, 7pm-8pm. For information call: Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
October 16th, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Dreams" part 2 of "Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel" series. Classroom downstairs, 7pm-8pm. For information call: Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
October 23rd, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Soul Travel" part 3 of "Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel" discussion series. Downstairs classroom. 7pm-8pm. For information call: Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
October 30th, Tuesday ECKANKAR Temple of CT-Middlefield, CT Free discussion class: "Discover your Next Spiritual Step" part 4 of "Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel" discussion series. Downstairs classroom. 7pm-8pm For information call" Isa Navarre (860) 646-3063 or isanavarre@aol.com.
Upcoming~Maine Drum and dance under the stars! 5th Maine Long Dance ~ Hope ME. Dance Chief Lindsley Field (207) 512-0744 mysticheartdancer@gmail.com.. Coordinator: Carla Sanders (207) 763-4356.
October 6th-8th Recharge, Regroup, Reflect:
ongoing course for women, awareness & prevention skills, verbal self-defense & empowerment, basic self-defense techniques. (207) 266-4902, Trenton Family Karate, Trenton/Ellsworth area. Classes ongoing, Monday-Thursday, mornings/evenings, many styles taught. Iyengar, vinyasa, restorative, seniors (chair), yogilates, nidra and meditation. Yoga Alliance Certified FMI: Leslee (207) 625-4756.
Massage, Yoga, Reiki, Labyrinth Walks
Birthwise Midwifery Potlucks
Inner Harmony in Portland’s West End serves body, mind and spirit to assist you on your path of wellness. www.FindInnerHarmony.com (207) 772-1509.
Interested in Homebirth? Meet the midwives of Birthwise Midwifery Service and local homebirth families. Bi-monthly, 3rd Sunday of September, November... 5:00pm-7:00pm at Birthwise, Bridgton. (207) 647-5968 www.birthwisemidwifery.org.
"Forest Circles,” A Center for Community and Healing located on 47 magical acres of forested land and offering: Individual healing sessions, classes, workshops and solo as well as group Retreats www.forestcircles.com (207) 776-3152.
Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Satsang, classes in Psychological & Spiritual Development & more. Based in the Tradition of the Himalayan Sages. North Yarmouth. For full listing, see website. www.TurningLight.org (207) 829-2700.
Call For All Artists ~ Visual, Musical, Dance, Storytellers Who live, have roots in Casco Bay Islands, please contact Maggie Carle, artsprits@verizon.net or wwwmaggiecarle.com regarding creation of a cooperative/association/organization to support & promote arts by Islanders. No commitments, 1st step a list.
Avanti Healing Arts Reiki Center® Restore wholeness to body, mind and spirit with Dr. Gianna Settin, psychologist, dancer, licensed Reiki Teacher. Discover the sacred nature of inner healing! (207) 735-3900, www.AvantiHealingArts.com.
Free Reiki Introductory Treatment By Cynthia Swan, M.Ed., Last Wednesday of month except July/August. Drop in 3:00pm-5:30pm, Room 205, Waldo County General Hospital 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast. FMI: (207) 930-2549.
Friday Gallery Readings ~ Fourth Friday each month Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook for an evening of messages from the spirit, 7:00pm, $10.00 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673.
Weekly Psychic Development and Awareness Classes
October 27th, Saturday and October 28th, Sunday Reiki I and Reiki II
Gathering for sitting practice meditation, Deity Yoga, and Chod. The lineage of the Mahasiddhas. Bill Burns, Peg Junge, Camden,ME. heartln@sover.net, (207) 236-0505, www.celticbuddhism.org.
Ongoing~Connecticut Holistic Moms Network A non-profit support and discussion network for moms with an interest in natural, holistic and alternative health and parenting. Contact Heather LeFoll (860) 665-9766 or www.holisticmoms.org.
Have you experienced sexual assault or incest? We are Survivors of Incest Anonymous. We meet every Monday evening in Hartford, CT. Call Mae at (860) 236-1770 or email HartfordCT@sianyc.org.
SunDo Mountain Taoism Classes in Taoist breathwork, meditation and postures for all fitness levels. SunDo Taoist practice enhances the body's qi-energy flow, which promotes health and higher consciousness. (860) 523-5260, www.sundo.org.
ECKANKAR Temple of CT-- a place for all who love God. ECKANKAR, the religion of the Light and Sound of God. Worship services are the second Sunday of every month 10:00am with fellowship and refreshments afterwards. The Temple is located at the corner of Rte. 66 and Harvestwood Rd. Middlefield, CT. For information call (860) 346-2226; website: www.ct-eckankar.org
Ongoing~Maine Energize! A holistic approach to performance Energy balancing sessions for artists, actors, and performers, recover your highest creative self. Post-performance rebalancing. $70 ($55 students) Holistic Pathways, Gorham, (207) 839-9819 www.starlightacting.org.
Thank God It's Grace: Women in God, Women in Good Please join Women In God each Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm at Meadow Wind 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, for an hour of peace, grace and Spiritually-based conversation. Women in God is a non-denominational, spiritual support group that welcomes all women on a path of love, hope and inspiration. For more information call (207) 233-7658, or visit www.womeningod.com.
Beautiful Mountain views in glass studio.
Preventing Burnout and Remembering Joy! Collaborative offering with USM, CCE and Nurture Through Nature, Denmark, ME credit hours/CEU’s available, $395 with early registration, (207) 452-2929, www.ntnretreats.com.
See web site to register: www.marielb.net. Reiki Master Marie Laverriere-Boucher, DMin, MSW, MA (207) 590-3884.
teaching and support a harmonious teaching environment. Please contact Lily Goodale, ngoodale@aol.com, (207) 236-6001.
Fridays, at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook, Classes start at 7:30pm FMI: call (207) 655-6673.
The Path of Celtic Buddhism
Alternative Therapy Workshops for businesses, organizations, groups, schools. Educational and entertaining. Cost and length varies per subject. For brochure call Kate Boyer: (207) 858-5899 or email: kate@snigglebeach.com.
Yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong, and meditation in a bright and serene studio. Drop-ins are welcome. Classes for beginners & experienced students; private classes available. View schedule on the web at www.sanctuaryhhyc.com or call (207) 846-1162.
Youth Yogis! Yoga classes for children ages 7-10. Playful, gentle, and creative expressions of yoga, breathing, and relaxation that children can relate to and enjoy! Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm. Led by Erinn Cayehal, CYT. Sanctuary Center, Yarmouth. Call (207) 846-1162. or email info@sanctuaryhhyc.com.
Science Of Spirituality is sponsoring a satsang. Last Sunday of every month 1:00pm at Hartland Library, SOS is under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Jyoti meditation. Free www.sos.org, www.newengsos.org (207) 938-3928.
Ongoing Psychotherapy Groups, Yarmouth, ME. Openings available in weekly men's & mixed psychotherapy groups. Intentionally build your relationship skills, communication, personal and spiritual growth. David Ward, LCSW, LADC, (207) 846-3422, www.davidwardlcsw.com/group.html.
Healing Touch sessions with Gail Meyer, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner Thursdays from 11:00am2:00pm at Touchstone Bookstore, 1832 Forest Ave. Portland. Call (207) 878-3866 to schedule your appointment.
"Yokids" Yoga Ed Tools for Teachers Workshops Yokids instructors Lily Goodale and Lynnette Moore will come to your school and train homeroom teachers to use simple yoga based mind, body integration techniques to enhance their
Reiki: Healing Hands Offers classes, Reiki Therapy sessions, and Monthly Clinic every 2nd Sunday of the month at United Methodist Church, West Kennebunk. FMI call Pauline Wilson, BA, CRM (207) 985-3575.
Breathwork/Intuitive Healing In Maine Dynamic Facilitated Group Sessions $20 6:00pm-8:00pm Falmouth, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - The Vywamus Foundation, Oxford, 2nd Thursday - formerly Dancing Trees Lodge, Auburn, 2nd Friday - Yoga Center of Maine, Harrison, 4th Friday - The BALLROOM. Pre-registration required. Breathe In & Beyond (207) 583-6603.
Thirteen Moons, Millinocket, FREE Wednesdays, 6:00pm: Live & Learn introductory discussions, topics change weekly. Thursdays, 6:00pm, Coffeehouse: local talent Penobscot Avenue, (207) 723-5313, thirteen.moons@verizon.net.
Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes: HypnoBirthing® Parents, Self-Hypnosis, Weight Managment, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Guided Imagery, Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, CH; www.hypnowave.com (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville, Me.
Real-ize Your Integral Potentials Real-ize your multidimensional self! Integral Energy Healing ~ Explorations in Consciousness ~ Leadership in Consciousness ~ Life Transformations. We offer sessions, classes, circles and workshops. Elizabeth@IntegralPotentials.com (207) 873-3514.
Kittery, ME: Rawfood Potlucks Third Saturday of each month, with guest speakers from the Rawfood community. Support, learn, share, and build a local rawfood community. Call Aimee, (207) 409-0899.
Inner Light Spiritualist Church, Rev. Gloria Nye Location: Governor King Lodge 649, U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, ME, Sunday Services: 10:00am Healing Chairs 10:30am Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit, 12:00pm Fellowship Hour – Refreshments.
Ayurvedic Massage Experience Abhyanga, Garshana and Shirodhara, the ancient healing bodywork techniques of India. Ruthanne Harrison, LMT. Located in Richmond, ME (207) 737-8593.
Reiki Works offers all levels of Reiki classes, sessions and free clinics. For schedule please contact Andrea Smith, B.S. Rehabilitation at reikiworks@midmaine.com (207) 474-9962.
Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.
SpiritWings-Workshops, Reiki Classes in Bethel Maine. Reiki Share second Tuesday of every month. Well-Being and Healing Classes Regularly. Offering Tibetan/Usui and Karuna® Reiki-Meditation Classes and Ancestral Healing, which examines various methods of healing employed by our ancestors. For further information call (207) 824-2204 or visit website www.spiritwingsbethel.com.
A Gathering of People Exploring Conscious Living Join us Thursdays. 6:00pm-8:00pm at 925 Sawyer Street, South Portland. Sliding scale $5 - $15. FMI: (207) 799-7998, or visit www.pathways2u.com.
Take Time For You
Learn Japanese styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, classes and private lessons. Herb consulting, past life journeys, connecting with nature. Contact Roberta R. Barnes (207) 445-5671, www.naturalhealinglearning.com.
Continued on Page 38 Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 37
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
October 6th & 7th Call to Vision quest!
The Womanly Art of Self Defense and Empowerment
38 Doula tea, meet with doulas in person.
Sacred Circle Dance
Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts
Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet Sundays at the Ballard House, 131 Spring St. Portland from 10:30am-11:30am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.
Dances from a multi-cultural folk dance tradition. Steps taught at all sessions. No experience/partner needed. Fourth Friday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Portsmouth, NH. FMI: amyla44@juno.com, (603) 750-7506.
Aikido of Maine Portland
Ongoing Usui Reiki Classes in all levels,
Shared practitioner space for rent as well as rooms for yoga classes, workshops and office space. Great location, 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth. Easy access to Routes 95 and 295. For more information contact Andrea at Meadow Wind (207) 878-3899 or (207) 939-1124, or visit www.meadowwind.org.
Aikido for Women classes, Wednesday and Friday a.m. classes. Daily beginner’s classes and youth programs. www.aikidoofmaine.com (207) 879-9207.
WholeHeart Yoga Center, Portland Full schedule of weekly classes for all levels with experienced, Kripalu-certified instructors. Private classes, workshops and regular Kirtans (chanting). Call Pam Jackson (207) 871-8274 or visit www.wholeheartyoga.com.
Soundings - Energy Therapy Woven In Sound An intuitive blend of Reiki, IET, Quantum-Touch, crystals and sound. Usui Tibetan Reiki, IET and Crystal Bowl Meditation classes. Brenda (207) 557-2664, soundsqwazi2@verizon.net, www.gentlerhythms.com.
Ongoing Yoga Classes, Vacations & Retreats Kennebunk Monday evenings,Saco Tuesday and Thursday evenings Dayton Wednesday mornings. Dance, Chant & Meditate in Portland, Friday, 6:30pm-9:00pm, August 17th Yoga Retreat October 5th & 6th at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.
USM Center for Continuing Education. Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit www.usm.maine.edu/cce for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.
Planetary Activation Organization in Maine
Is actively looking for people to join this group, for info: Visit www.paoweb.com. If interested, call (207) 743-2613, E-mail bobham@adelphia.net, or write Maria Ham, 51 BumpTown Rd, South Paris, ME 04281.
Women’s Workshops
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Designed exclusively for you to address your unique problems online & in-person. Henderson, NV. $75 per workshop Fridays 6:00pm-10:00pm, FMI: (702) 408-1783 email: workshops_for_women@yahoo.co.uk.
Children’s Aikido Kokikai Class Josiah Bartlett Elementary School in Bartlett NH, The Ballroom in Harrison Maine, Water and Stone Yoga Studio in Conway, NH, Contact Jane Biggio for more information at (603) 374-6326 or email at bamboomountain@ncia.net.
Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center, Gorham. Energy Vibrational Healing Therapies including Polarity and Energy Interference Patterning of DNA. Ongoing Reiki & Therapeutic Touch classes. FMI: (207)-839-7192, www.holisticpathways.com.
Artists Support Group, Inner Balance, Belfast, ME On 156 High Street. Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Call Elliot Benjamin at (207) 338-4576.
Crescent Moon Herbals Ongoing classes and events, psychic readings and energy workers. 76 Center Road, Lebanon, Maine. (207) 457-1114, e-mail: crescentmoonherbals@excite.com Web site: www.crescentmoonherbals.com.
Mindful Meditation™ Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm All are welcome, no experience necessary. $15 or 4 classes for $50. Mind/Body Therapy at Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Road, West Falmouth, Maine, (207) 650-3964, FMI www.mbtherapy.org.
The Awakening Process Learn about a simple path that will eliminate depression and anxiety, leading eventually to peace and enlightenment. First and third Tuesday 7:00pm-9:00pm. Call (207) 286-8060 for directions.
Oriental Brush Painting Classes and Workshops Frederica Marshall, an artist who lived 28 years in Japan, teaches sumi-e in her Deer Isle Studio. Basic to advanced levels. (207) 348-2782. www.fredericamarshall.com.
The Rose Cottage Teaching Reiki Master, Transformational Breath, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Hypnobirthing. Private sessions by appointment. Gift certificates. Ongoing classes. Contact Vicki Kupferman 14 Weed Rd., Knox, Maine. (207) 568-3782.
Kripalu “DansKinetics” The body, mind, spirit workout blending yoga and dance. No experience necessary. Free trial class. Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd. Kennebunk. (207) 985-6896 or: daysmeadowfarm@prexar.com.
38 Inner Tapestry Aug/Sept 2007
private sessions and free clinics, Gift certificates available. Please contact Judy Fisher, Reiki Master Teacher in Camden, Maine at (207) 236-0359.
Dancing Xigong: Twelve movements to music Every Thursday morning, 8:30am-9:00am Summer at Merryspring Park, Winter at Quarry Hill, in Camden. FMI call (207) 236-8732.
Experience the healing of Love without condtions. Ongoing classes. Learn the freedom of healing without limitations. Shamballa 1-4 and 13D Certification. Contact Elizabeth, Center of Momentum, (207) 873-3514, or centerofmomentum@hotmail.com.
Short-term Solution-oriented Couples & Family Work. Guiding Couples & Families from conflict to communication, from disengaged to connected, from hurting to resolution. Group and private sessions. Call Maureen McCarthy-Darling at (207) 691-0023.
Wise Women Daughters of the Moon Ceremonial Wisdom Circle honoring our Inner & Outer Seasons & Cycles. Sliding Scale. FMI: www.spiritualrenaissance.com, www.templeoftheheart.com or call Deborah, spiritual guide, healer & ordained priestess: (207) 883-1081.
A Place In The Heart Energetically clear beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106.
WWW.BESTMAINEWATERFRONT.COM Perfect for your dream home, B&B or retreat facility! Privacy with accessibility to both Bangor and Bar Harbor. FMI see website or call Alison Cote (207) 632-3662.
Personal Travel Guide Service ~ Especially for Singles. Purveyor of International properties in Mexico, Guatemala, and Brazil. Hosting excursions to Central and South America. Sacred sites, Equestrian travel, Silent Retreats. Maximum 3 people, 12 years experience living in Central America and Brazil. (207) 934-9157, U.S. phone. (502) 585-76397, Guatemala. Email: darlenal@hotmail.com.
Looking for Travel Companions in September
All levels including, Beginner, Level I, Level II, Gentle & Private classes & workshops. For more info and schedule see www.belfastyoga.com or call (207) 338-3930/338-4256.
Visit sacred sites in Egypt and Turkey I am planning a trip to Egypt and Turkey for September. We will spend one week in Egypt and almost two weeks in Turkey. The focus will be on sacred sites and traditional healing arts. I would love to find a few spirit based people to join me. Although the itinerary is planned there will be flexibility to make changes depending on our interest(s). If interested, email me at TuckAlpaca@aol.com. Blessings, Mavis.
Aaminah School Of Middle Eastern Dance
Belfast Yoga Studio. Iyengar style Hatha Yoga
All levels of belly dance classes taught by experienced and caring instructors. Bangor and Waterville classes. Visit our website: www.aaminahdance.com or jeason@pivot.net.
NDE Support & Interest Group Light on the Water NDE Support & Interest Group holds monthly meetings in New England via teleconference. FMI, visit www.TowardTheLight.org or contact Rev. Juliet Nightingale at (615) 292-2217 (mobile)
“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 368-5866 or James@SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com.
Ongoing~NewHampshire NESHHA Educational Presentation The New England Seacoast Holistic Health Association (an organization of Healthcare Professionals), has meetings monthly, third Thursday, Potluck 6:30pm, Networking 7:00pm at the Herbal Path, 839 Central Ave., Dover, NH. www.NESHHA.org.
Classifieds HELP WANTED
Retreat Cook Wanted~Nurture Through Nature Experienced whole-foods cook for group(s) up to 14. Partial Trade for opportunity to participate in holistic nature retreats. Send indoor/outdoor experience to ntnretreat@yahoo.com, www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
FOURPOINTGROUP Working From Home, Ft/Pt Become a part of an ECOSENSE friendly family find out how to join our team. NO Large Investment! NO Selling! NO Inventory! NO Pressuring Customers to Purchase! COLLEEN (919) 374-9586, wellnessbycolleen.fourpointmoms.com.
DRAGONFLY TAIJIQUAN Spacious studio to share in Portland. Natural light, high ceilings. Free off-street parking, handicap accessible. Ideal for movement & meditative arts & therapies. FMI call Larry Landau (207) 761-2142
Space Available for Gatherings, Ceremonies, Presentations. At Earthrest, Cornish, ME. Call (207) 625-4179.
Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center has space to rent by day, month or event. We can accommodate your practice, business meetings, or celebrations. (207) 929-5088, www.gardensofatlantis.org.
Tourmaline Media Feeling out of date? Need a website or update? Bring new light to your work with an attractive, affordable, easy-to-navigate website. Home page $150. Many extras available – shopping cart, flash, more. Additional pages $75. Graphic design, logos, 4-color brochures, postcards and business cards at the best prices. Design with spirit in mind! www.tourmalinemedia.com, tourmaline@smasheasy.com, (207) 824-3246.
Inner Tapestry's Calendar Listings The first 30 words submitted per issue are free! 75 cents a word thereafter. Classifieds $20 for 3 words $1 a word thereafter. Submission Deadline is
September 5th
for the October/November issue FMI: Visit www.innertapestry.org
Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Practitioners Directory
BELFAST, ME Belfast Yoga Studio Iyengar Yoga, Relax&Renew® (restorative) Yoga, Yamuna Body Rolling® Yamuna Body Logic®; classes, workshops, individual sessions. Marianna Moll (Iyengar, Relax&Renew®, Yamuna® certified) and Belinda Pendleton (Iyengar style, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Cardiac Wellness). (207) 338-3930. www.belfastyoga.com info@belfastyoga.com.
BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME The Yoga Firm Studio Join our ongoing movement inspired Beginning and Flow Yoga Classes to restore the supple nature of your body and mind. Also offering Shiatsu/Acupressure bodywork. For schedule and info please contact Romee May, (207) 380-6975, 137 Townsend Ave. www.yogafirmstudio.com.
CAMDEN, ME Open Door Yoga Center Offering a wide variety of Yoga classes, 5 Rhythm Ecstatic Dance, Feldenkrais Movement, Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic Drumming, T'ai Chi and Tantra Workshops. Morning, evening and weekend classes for all ages and levels. Conveniently located less than 3 miles from the center of Camden. Call for brochure or info: (207) 236-8971.
DAMARISCOTTA, ME Heartfeather Yoga Center Angela Farmer Inspired Hatha Yoga Classes, all levels. Ongoing classes, retreats, women's yoga insight group, children's classes. Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy-Individual sessions. Sanctuary in Yarmouth and Damariscotta. Mary Snow M.Ed.,RYT,PRYT. (207) 319-8024. www.heartfeatheryoga.com.
FALMOUTH, ME Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Offering several styles and levels of yoga from beginner to power yoga. Call (207) 878-3899 for class schedule or go to www.meadowwind. org for more information. 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, ME.
GORHAM, ME Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center All abilities/ages. Beginner, Continuing, Intermediate, Toning & Sculpting, Pregnancy Yoga, Couples Pregnancy Yoga, Mommy & Me (infants), Yoga for Tots. Private sessions available. Postures, breathwork, meditation, relaxation. (207) 839-7192. www.holisticpathways.com.
Life Breath® Institute Offers classes, workshops and private sessions to meet your schedule. Chi-Kung, deep meditation, Reiki and breathing techniques combined to achieve ultimate well-being in our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual life. Rev. Valerie Davis B. Msc. 31 Rowe Station Rd., New Gloucester, ME (207) 926-5693.
NORTH YARMOUTH, ME Turning Light Yoga & Meditation Center Classes in Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Psychological & Spiritual Development. Free Monthly Satsang. Personal, group and corporate programs available. Director Darcy Cunningham certified by Institute of the Himalayan Tradition and Yoga Alliance. (207) 829-2700, www.TurningLight.org.
PORTLAND, ME Full Circle Synergy School of T'ai Chi Ch'uan We offer classes morning, noon and night. Cultivating stress reduction, balance, internal energy, and meditation, while celebrating the joy of movement spectrum from self-healing through athletic efficiency and power to self-defense. All abilities welcome! (207) 780-9581. www.fullcirclesynergy.com. Kundalini Community Yoga Full class schedule including beginners and children. Workshops. Groups.Private sessions. Certified Instructors. Class includes Kriya (set of specified exercises), breath, mantra, meditation, relaxation. Try Kundalini Yoga -- the yoga of Awareness. 52 Pine St., (207) 615-5405, www.kcyoga.net. Portland Yoga Studio Highly trained dedicated instructors, Iyengar certified, Anusara influenced. Beginner to advanced yoga, Prenatal, Teen, Life-Long and Restorative classes. Weekend workshops! Private Lessons! Massage! Beautiful studio! 616 Congress Street, Portland, ME (207) 799-0054, www.PortlandYoga. com, email info@portlandyoga.com.
PORTLAND, ME. cont. WholeHeart Yoga Center Portland's Kripalu-affiliated studio offers weekly classes for all levels, including Beginner, Vinyasa and Meditation & Yoga. Our instructors are all Kripalu-certified and highly trained. We also offer weekend workshops, private classes, partner yoga and regular Kirtans (chanting). 150 St. John St., Portland. (207) 871-8274, www.wholeheartyoga. com or email info@wholeheartyoga.com. The Yoga Center Quality instruction for 25 years. 30 weekly classesall levels, restorative, therapeutic, power, pre-natal. Master teacher workshops and Yoga vacations in Mexico & Maine. Two lovely studios & supply store. Directors Vickie Labbe and Jennifer Cooper, (207) 774-YOGA (774-9642). Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286, www.portlandtaichi.org.
YARMOUTH, ME Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spacious & beautiful newly built studio. Professional instruction in KRIPALU & HATHA YOGA and MEDITATION. Now also PILATES and QI GONG! Group & private classes, all levels: youth, teens, adults. See website for schedule. (207) 846-1162, www.sanctuaryhhyc.com.
Aikido of Maine Aikido: "The Art of Peace"' a martial art for selfdefense and spiritual development. Connecting movement, breath and energy through partner practice. Seeking harmony from conflict. Creating an Alert mind, calm body and enhanced health and awareness. Daily classes: beginners, adults & children. Flexible schedules, (207) 879-9207, 226 Anderson St., Portland, www.aikidoofmaine.com.
The Inner Tapestry Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Directory is an excellent resource for getting the word out for your classes & workshops!
Dragonfly Taijiquan ~ Larry Landau Taijiquan, Qigong, Authentic Breathing, Meditation. Cultivating enhanced awareness of physical alignment, relaxation, groundedness and breath. Creating effortless fluidity in motion & stillness. Offering group & private instruction for over 30 years. Studios in Portland & Kennebunkport, (207) 761-2142.
Six issues in print is $160 for 35 words On line placement in the Directory of Resources with a direct link to your website is an additional $50.
If you and your group or school hold classes and workshops and would like to be listed in this Directory, please call: (207) 799-7995 or Email: info@innertapestry.org.
Aug/Sept 2007 Inner Tapestry 39
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Wild Lotus Yoga Offers Anusara-inspired yoga for all levels. Classes are inspiring, transformative and fun! Also offering Yoga, Nidra, both in classes and private sessions. Anne Dellenbaugh, RYT, instructor. (207) 721-9229, www.wildlotusyoga.us
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black