Inner Tapestry "New Family Values" February March 2007

Page 1


A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE! u Touching Peace in Viet Nam


u Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy u Yarmouth Plans Wellness Fair u Shugendo Yoga u The Only Family That Counts u A Legacy of Values u Gaia Girls to the Rescue An Interview with Lee Welles

Feb/March 2007

Tapestry u






u Welcome Home Ask Asrianna

u Destination Healing

Shamanism A Destination...

u Feng Shui

The Effect of Geopathic Stress

u Modern Shamanic Living It's All In The Family

u Loving Earth

One Family's Approach...

u The way of Life-Itself Is There such a thing...

u Exploring World Religions The Spirituality of Mary...

Volume 5, No . 5

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Yarmouth Wellness Fair, Yarmouth High School, March 3rd (for details see pages 3 & 5) Whole Health Expo, NORTH HAMPTON, MA, March 10th & 11th (for details see back cover) Whole Health Expo, PORTLAND ME, March 31st & April 1st, Sheraton, South Portland (for details see back cover)


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Trager ®

An Approach for Every Body    Movement Education. Body/Mind Integration.                      Gentle.  Effective.  Life-changing.

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Maine & New Hampshire

Marlena O'Hagan-Buzzell Fryeburg, ME 207-212-7721 Lindsley Field Newcastle, ME 207-563-5889   Carla Keene Portland & Bath, ME 207-653-8393

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Introductory Workshops to the Trager® Approach Ongoing In Portland, Bridgton and No. Conway, NH.

For more information, please contact Marlena O'Hagan Buzzell

2 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

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Inner Tapes try Jour nal: Envi ro nm ent ally f r iendly p r inted wit h Organic I nks on Org anic Pa per!



A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!

New Family Values Feb/March 2007

Upcoming Themes: April/May 2007: Blossoming into Spiritual Adulthood J u n e / J u l y 2 0 0 7 : Tr a n s c e n d e n c e August/September 2007: Living Life October/November 2007 Charity

Welcome to Inner Tapestry


Available in more than 450 locations

Yarmouth Plans Wellness Fair...

Page 5

by Yarmouth Wellness Fair Committee

The Only Family That Counts

Page 7

by Anurag Shantam

Touching Peace In Viet Nam

Pages 8 & 9

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

by Lindsley Field

Learning about Self..... A Magic Self Portrait

Page 11

Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy

Page 12

Gaia Girls to the Rescue

Page 13

by Joan Emmons by Bruce Cote

Author Interview with Lee Welles

by Teresa Piccari

A Legacy of Values

Page 27

Shugendo Yoga

Page 35

by Betty Hill Crowson by Dee Hassen


Awareness and the art of Seeing ~ Grateful Intention

Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy ~

Page 14

by Guest Writer Meg Wolff

Heart Healthy Recipes

Loving Earth ~ One Family's Approach to by Pat Foley

Page 15

Sustainable Living

The Way of Life-Itself ~ Is there such a thing as

Pages 16 & 17

Modern Shamanic Living ~ It's All in the Family

Pages 18 & 19

Family Values?

by Norm Hirst

by Evelyn C. Rysdyk

A Breath of Healing ~ We are Family

Page 19

Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna

Page 22

Exploring The World Religions ~

Page 24

by Donna Amrita Davidge by Asrianna Dameron by James Bean

The Spirituality of Mary Magdalene

4 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

Chi Directory, Calendar of Events, Classifieds and on-line. Each section has details on how to become an advertising presence with Inner Tapestry. Email, call or see our Website for ad rates. (207) 799-7995 Inner Tapestry does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements. Responsibility for the products and services of our advertisers rests solely with them. Articles are for information only and do not constitute medical advice. Please obtain written permission before reproducing any part of this publication. All rights reserved. ® 2007

Subscriptions are available:

$20.00/year, 6 issues

Joan Emmons, Ron Damico, Betty Close, & Jacqueline Cone

Page 10

for Personal Healing


Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!

Destination Healing ~ Shamanism A Destination by Kevin Pennell

See y ou r a d ve rti s e m e nt i n Inne r T a p e s try

A H olistic Journal

Page 9

by Jen Deraspe

In its fifth year as a free publication, Inner Tapestry provides a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life by creating and supporting a network of connection within the holistic community. The journal is supported by its advertisers and distributed to fine shops, offices, bookstores and cafés, health practitioners, education centers, public libraries, health food stores, and healing and wellness centers. If you would like copies placed at your business or location please contact us. This journal is a great resource for your clients and customers.

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Inner Tapestry Journal 925 Sawyer Street South Portland, ME 04106

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Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ The Effect of by Werner Brandmaier

Page 25

Geopathic Stress on Live Blood

Mixed Media ~ Book, Website & Music Reviews Pages 26 & 27

Directories Directory of Resources Pages 29-34 Heart Visions, A listing of events, trainings & trips... Page 36 Calendar of Events Pages 36-38 Classifieds Page 38 Yoga, T'ai Chi & Meditation Directory Page 39


Yarmouth Plans Wellness Fair to Address Increasing Interest in Holistic Health Care.

New this Issue: Welcome to the February/March issue of Inner Tapestry,



by Yarmouth Wellness Fair Committee With the Royal River flowing through the center of town, the gentle rolling hills rising up from the shoreline, and its great number of venerable trees, the land, water and living things in Yarmouth welcome and support healing of all kinds. The Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce and Yarmouth Community Services will showcase the second annual Wellness Fair, on Saturday, March 3rd, at the Yarmouth High School, featuring local holistic and integrative health-care providers. Most of us are familiar with conventional Western medical treatments, but less educated about practices that complement and support conventional medicine. These practices, once termed “alternative” as though one had to choose between conventional medical and “alternative” treatments, are now referred to as “holistic”, “complementary”, “integrative”, or “traditional” health practices. Recent studies show that well over half the population of the United States uses holistic medicine to augment conventional medical treatments, or as a treatment in and of itself. With the great variety of options available today, people need a way to understand what is being offered and which choices would be best for them. Last year, the first annual Yarmouth Wellness Fair was well-attended, and fairgoers not only learned about a variety of healing arts, but many received free hands-on healing that brightened their day. Some comments from attendees and exhibitors:

“Thank you – this was a wonderful way to meet and become familiar with community health care.”

“I expected to see local practitioners, and that’s what I found – Nice.” “Wonderful event...”

“Everyone was very friendly.”

“Although I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was pleased!”

“It was an enjoyable experience from the start, smooth, easy –“

Exhibitors at the fair will include holistic and integrative healthcare providers that offer a wide range of healing and health-enhancing services. Massage therapists, energy healers, supplement and nutritional consultants, as well as psychotherapists and counselors encompass the broad range of disciplines and specialties represented at the fair. People who attend the fair will learn about and have a chance to experience a variety of complementary therapies including: craniosacral, Reiki, polarity, acupressure and acupuncture, kinesiology, aromatherapy, homeopathy, naturopathy, and reflexology, ener-genetics, vibrational therapy, and more. Last year, hands-on demonstrations were a popular feature, so plans are to have more this year. Another popular event last year was the shoebox auction, giving fairgoers good odds of winning gift certificates for healing treatments or products. The Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce and Yarmouth Community Services have generously agreed to organize the raffle this year, to benefit Habitat for Humanity.   Key sponsors of the event are: Women to Women, Back Cove Family Chiropractic, Inner Tapestry, Maine Bank and Trust, and Sanctuary Holistic Health and Yoga Center. The Yarmouth area is fortunate to have over 50 professionals in the holistic health field offering a wide range of services to address many needs. Whether well versed in holistic health-care, or curious about the field, a person may spend an hour or the entire day at the Yarmouth Wellness Fair, learning at the source of ways to take charge of healing oneself. For more information, see the ad on page 3, or contact the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce at 207-846-3984 or

Inner Tapestry welcomes Nancy Benner and her artistic work, Enlightenment, to the cover of our February/March issue, New Family Values. Many of our writers this issue share the expression of Nancy's work with the belief that our new family values must begin within. Enlightenment was created by Nancy, "after working through her own personal soul retrieval during a Reiki session and after coming to a final resolve with a personal breakthrough." "The human form represents all beings who have had this or similar experiences in their lives, the awareness of the enormous help which we all have around us. The outer energies, along with ourselves, are all connected to the universe and the earth plane." "Conceptual art is important to my connection with creating the object, but I do not consider myself stuck in any artistic category. I continually return to spirit for original inspiration and exploration." Nancy worked as a graphic designer/art director for 25 years in the Portland area and is currently a student at the U of M in Augusta and will be graduating in 2007 with a goal of teaching, creating and sharing her work. Her work can be viewed at, email

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 5

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

New Family Values. As I sit and type this, quiet has fallen outside, snowplows have stopped and a fresh blanket of snow is covering the ground. The question is, what will happen to all of the crocus and dandelions that have popped up on the front lawn? I can't help but think about where we are going and the changes we are making to our world... Are we getting the message? This issue is full of wonderful articles to help us understand the impact that we are having on ourselves, our families and where to start to unravel the confusion that most people are presently experiencing. The consensus is that it all starts with us and will end with us as well, we are the creators of our world. I just purchased from the lovely women of Reshaping The World ( a great bumper sticker that says "We are Responsible." It helps to have a little reminder now and then. Our thanks to everyone that has contributed to this issue to help us, help ourselves and our families. Which brings me to our Inner Tapestry Family news. We are sadly saying goodbye to Judith Perry, she is working towards an exhibition in the spring of 2007 at gallery 170 in Damariscotta. Teresa Piccari will be taking over this section of the journal with some changes along the way. Asrianna Dameron's first column is in the journal this issue, Welcome Home, Ask Asrianna. Please feel free to email her any questions regarding relationships, spirituality and conscious living. You can find her column on page 22. The Whole Health Expo will be returning this year to South Portland at the Sheraton March 31st and April 1st and also in North Hampton, MA, at Clarion Hotel & Conference Center (for our Connecticut readers) on March 10th and 11th. It was a great success last year and from the feedback that we received from both shows it has expanded this year at both locations. There is also a correction on the date of the Yarmouth Wellness Fair, March 3rd, The fair is returning this year a bit earlier than last year and has also grown in size. We are all looking forward to being there and meeting our readers. Leapin' Lizard and Meadow Wind will be showing Illusion at their locations in March, the trailers to the movie were quite interesting and you can view them at It seems to be a great addition to the Community Spiritual Cinema offerings, we hope to see you there. This year is, from many sources, to be a year of change and growth, once again as we move together towards... "Our New Family Values." Our wishes are for a warm, healthy and happy winter season with family and friends. OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION is to continue providing a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life. As we weave from within, we begin the creation of the outward expression and celebration of our own unique tapestry. Through this exploration of holistic health, natural living, spiritual and life consciousness we create and support a network of connection within the holistic community and its practitioners. To our readers, we would like to ask everyone to take the opportunity to email our columnists, feature writers, artists and advertisers with comments, suggestions and information inquiries. They all are extremely wonderful and dedicated individuals who look forward to hearing from you. We are also looking forward to your comments and suggestions as we all continue to evolve and grow together.


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The Only Family That Counts



by Anurag Shantam


Enjoy reading this issue of the Inner Tapestry Journal 925 Sawyer Street, South Portland, ME 04106 (207) 799-7995 Please send emails to Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 7

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

or thousands of years we have had the experts expounding advice about the belief, everybody is to blame for his bad moods, everyone, that is, except himself. human family. From the strict “thou shalts, thou shalt nots” of the religious, If he were transported to a desert isle, absent of all the people making him angry, to the “feel good, anything goes” of the secular humanists, and through it driving him mad, he would still find himself angry, and the anger controlling him all, the family has remained dysfunctional, and now finds itself in a serious state would blame the birds, the trees, the sky; anything to distract him from the obvious: of disintegration. Are we too stupid, or too lazy to heed their sage advice? Or is it the anger is his. It is his responsibility, and he’s the only one who can clear it. The possibly the case that these emperors, like so many before, simply have no clothes? blame game he’s caught in is simply an ego distraction from the problem. Anger. Me thinks the latter. You can hardly succeed, when you’ve been set up for failure, There is also a son inside. He is frequently the target of the father’s wrath. He and all attempts to impose any particular teaching on the family will fail. It will fail never performs up to the lofty standards of the father. He’s not ambitious enough, because you cannot change anyone, and all these teachings about the family require not serious enough, not clever enough, not popular enough, and not productive family members to change to fit the particular paradigm being taught. Naturally enough. He lacks courage. The never-ending negative messages from the father the onus, the blame for failure, will fall on the family member most invested in the to the son create a permanent state of insecurity in the son. He’s that part inside family, usually the mother. She will blame herself for failing at something she could who’s always insecure, the one who’s anxious, at times panic stricken. Never able to never succeed at. live up to the standards of perfection imposed by the father within, as well as the The problem is simple. The experts are focused on the wrong family. The outer numerous fathers without (the father in the spouse, the parents, the boss, etc.). Like family and its dynamic are created from the inner family and its dynamic. Unlike the the father, this center of consciousness is controlled and made dysfunctional by a outer family, the inner family can be healed, the inner conflicts resolved, the inner veil of darkness, the veil of fear. Others aren’t scaring you; others are triggering the harmony and balance restored. But the outside family dynamic, the soap opera drama pre-existing fear hidden within you. It can be cleared; you can free yourself from it that families have become is so compelling, so distracting, so lost in the blame game, forever, but only by focusing within, by doing the inner work. that the obvious is ignored. The third part of this inner Namely, that I am creating this dysfunctional family is the dysfunction, I am responsible daughter. She is the most The for at least some of it, and as sensitive, hidden, vulnerable long as I am lost in the blame part of who you are. She’s the game, all my energy is wasted part that forever feels guilty, as trying the impossible: to fix The resources to reclaim though she alone is to blame another. When the only person for all the ills of the world. She in this entire universe that I can struggles with love, for that is fix, that I can heal, is me. The all that’s important to her, for key to this healing lies in the your light, your harmony, your enlightenment, lie she is in fact the human soul. family within. She is love. But her perfect Who is this family within? love is corrupted by the ego Well, if you examined that veil of pain, transforming a within, buried under the three veils of darkness: constant stream of chatter in luminous soul of light and love your mind, you would realize into the ugliness that is the that you spend a lot of time victim. The victim is the ego talking to yourself. A part of you mask created out of the soul’s anger, pain and fear. talks, a part of you listens. To perfect unconditional love. begin to observe this chatter is Light transformed by the veil very revealing. Not only are you of pain into darkness. Anyone not one self, but you frequently who has experienced long talk to yourself in ways that bouts of depression will know appear far from healthy. In of what I speak. A depression examining this chatter, you will realize that you frequently treat yourself in less than is nothing more nor less than the innocent human soul lost in the dark ego veil of a loving way. These multiple selves are part of an inner family, a family in conflict, pain, lost and helpless with no one to save her. disharmony, and dysfunction. It is from this inner disharmony that the entire outer The inner family interacts with others’ inner families creating the madness that family disharmony originates. The only family you have any control over, the only ego existence has become. The resources to reclaim your light, your harmony, your family you can heal is totally ignored, while vast amounts of precious energy are enlightenment, lie within, buried under the three veils of darkness: anger, pain, fear. simply wasted attempting the impossible: trying to fix everyone else. Nobody can do the work for you, and it does require work. At best, all anyone can The inner family consists of three selves, three parts, three distinct aspects of one do is point the way. No matter where the suffering, the dysfunction came from, the divine being held in separation and conflict by three veils of darkness; the roots bottom line is that it is now yours, you carry it within. Blaming others does nothing of the ego madness afflicting humanity. There is a father inside; his is the voice of to alleviate the suffering; as a healing modality it is a monumental failure. Go within, authority, the voice of the endless “shoulds” that bedevil you. His is a very serious do your work, and be free. Clear the veils of darkness and you will uncover the true voice, at times dogmatic, at times judging, at all times critical, of you as well as family values: Love, Trust, and Truth. Your divinity awaits you. others. This father inside has standards of perfection which no matter how hard you For those interested in exploring the inner family go to, click try, you can never satisfy, nor can anyone outside to whom he imposes his impossible on the webzine manuscript “Awakening”. demands. This father inside is the angry voice, the voice of blame. It seems to him, Anurag Shantam works in Saco (207-286-8060) and at Gardens of Atlantis that everybody outside is making him angry, driving him nuts, and as a result of this (207-929-5088) in Dayton to help lost souls find the way home.


Touching Peace in Viet Nam A Humanitarian & Healing Journey by Lindsley Field

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

“New family values,” being the theme of this month’s journal, feels like a timely one as I share with you my journey of peace and goodwill to the war torn third world country of Viet Nam. What I received from these gentle, forgiving people and their country, ravished by war for centuries, was immeasurable and lifechanging. Their spirituality, their devotion to family and community, their commitment to the ‘greater whole’ is palpable. You see it and feel it everywhere. Poverty and beyond humble living conditions are transcended. There is a harmony, and a peace that exudes from even the poorest of situations. Picture thousands of bicycles, buses, motorbikes, all laden with passengers, young and old, packed onto a one lane highway. Every one with a horn is honking. Road rage? Yelling and screaming? You’d think so. This is what we are familiar with in our country of abundance and opportunity. In Viet Nam, the contrary is the norm. There is a consistent giving way to each other, an allowing, a moving over, making room for, a grace and ease that once again transcends what could be multiple accidents and trips to the police station! Not here. Yet, this country has witnessed nearly constant war and oppression, since the French occupation in the 1800’s, and before. What lies within them transcends how one perceives the reality at hand. Through my travels there, as my judgment of perceptual reality dropped away, what took its place was priceless, precious and beautiful. They are a people living as Gandhi once admonished us to do: they are being the peace. Let me share with you more about my pilgrimage. This past October, I flew to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) to join a group of fellow travelers. We were healers and lay people, four survivors of the Viet Nam war, our Vietnamese translator, “Song,” also a veteran, and our leader, Dr. Edward Tick of Albany, New York (War and The Soul, The Practice of Dream Healing) on an extraordinary mission, fourteen strong. Our goals were several. We were there, in part, to support the healing and honoring of the four veterans. Three veterans had been back twice with Tours of Peace for their own healing, as well as to offer friendship and health clinics to the ‘land of their nightmares.’ Some in our group, myself included, were also survivors of war, having been affected as family members of veterans. All of us, to one degree or another, carried trauma from other sources, as well as war. We wanted to learn more about how to help ourselves heal, spiritually, emotionally and physically, as well as how to help each other. Dr. Tick, author and spiritually based psychotherapist of 30 years, was our guide and teacher. Experienced in Native American healing and ceremony, Dr. Tick was clear he was helping to hold the space for Great Spirit. His intention was to create for us an opportunity to be touched and transformed by the power that spiritual healing provides. Each of the veterans experienced soul retrieval while there. Spiritually based healing, Dr. Tick has discovered in his years as a psychotherapist working with veterans and trauma survivors, has been the critical, missing component to healing the brutalities of war and trauma. “To begin healing, we must see PTSD as a disorder of identity itself. War’s violence can cause the very soul to 8 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

flee and be lost for life” (War and the Soul, Edward Tick). As a shamanic healer, I came to assist and learn more about this process of reclaiming and healing the soul. This process of transformation and healing has become my life’s work. I felt at home with, and impassioned by, the chance to ‘be the hollow bone’ in service as we traveled the country for 3 weeks. As we served we learned, receiving so much more by our acts of giving and goodwill. We discovered new things about ourselves, we made friends wherever we went, and we experienced the power of forgiveness and compassion.

Our group was also involved in several humanitarian projects and health clinics. We loaded our suitcases with charitable donations of clothes, toys and medicines which we handed out as we traveled. It seemed a far greater gift for us to see their eyes light up with delight and appreciation. One of the vets carried as many tennis balls as he could stuff into his gear. He had done this previously on his travels with Tours of Peace. Wherever he went, he’d toss out balls, sometimes out of our bus window, as we drove through the countryside. It was pure pleasure to witness what joy such a simple gift bounced unexpectedly into the hands of a child could bring! When we traveled to the school Dr. Tick’s group had previously helped build, we unloaded bags of goodies. Teachers and students enjoyed the Santa-like experience, donning new clothes, toys, hats, hair ribbons and surprises galore. One of my clients had donated her daughter’s collection of “Beanie Babies,” 40 in all. What a pleasure to be able to place them into the eager hands of children, most of whom had never seen such a toy.

Traveling with a portable bodywork table, I was able to set up periodically for the planned health clinics and whenever the need arose. The first time I used it was in the Mekong Delta one hot, steamy evening. I did energy work and Trager® on a former Viet Cong, “Mr. Tiger,” who had been present for many different political regimes in his country. He was so taken with how he felt after his treatment, he kept hugging and kissing me. He had also received a chiropractic adjustment by one of

our veterans, Dr. John Fisher from Golden, Colorado. Our translator “Song,” who knew Mr. Tiger for many years, shared with us later, he’d never seen him look so peaceful and happy. Mr. Tiger’s son, handicapped from his wounds as a soldier in the Vietnam War, received his first treatment that night from John Fisher. We were told this was quite significant, as he had never before been willing to receive the healing work offered in previous trips by Dr. Tick’s groups. After his treatment with John, the two veterans embraced, acknowledging each other in a way that could never have been imagined. It is such a powerful healing when the veterans are able to give back and offer their healing gifts to the people they were trained and told to war against. I felt guided to give Mr. Tiger a shamanic gift, a ‘talking stick’ I had brought back from New Mexico on one of my trips to study with my native teacher. I told him that this ‘stick’ was a gift from Spirit to honor his contribution in his country as an herbalist and cultivator of plants and plant medicine, his current livelihood. I explained, with “Song’s” help, that our ancient native culture of plant medicine and wisdom was honoring and celebrating his, that we were one with each other in our mutual mission to serve our people with the wonders of the natural world and their intrinsic connection to Spirit. Once he understood what this ‘stick’ represented, he hugged me tightly. Receiving his heartfelt thanks and hugs of appreciation, felt like being received as a family member. One person in our group, witnessing his lavish display of gratitude and happiness, said they wondered if he was going to ask me to stay and become a member of his village! This was a familiar theme throughout my trip: being welcomed with open arms, being accepted despite the cultural differences. Are we not brothers and sisters? Is it possible that total strangers, in any given serendipitous moment, might join hands in prayer, receive a healing, share a meal, lend a hand, and enjoy a mutual laugh. The moments in time, guided by Spirit and filled with grace, gave us all a chance to become brothers and sisters, no more, no less.

Our group personally funded a “Compassion House.” Four have previously been built by other groups traveling with Dr. Tick. We helped build a new home for an especially needy family. We spent an afternoon with this family, along with Vietnamese officials who helped make this possible. We gathered in the freshly painted new home for the traditional ceremonial tea and honoring ritual. We learned more about the family’s plight, and each member’s story. The whole village gathered outside, watching attentively through the doors and windows, sharing in the blessing. Seated around a large table, we all shared a beautiful meal. That afternoon, one of our veterans decided, on the spot, to fund the education of the youngest child in the family through high school. The government provides education for children only


Lindsley Field is a shamanic healer and spiritual counselor, Trager® practitioner, vision quest leader and Reiki teacher. Her healing and teaching practice, Path to the Heart, is based in Newcastle, Maine. Lindsley can be reached at For information about Dr. Tick and his work contact


Awareness and the art of Seeing: contemplations on the environment and interconnection

by Jen Deraspe

Grateful Intention So what about this idea that we create our own reality… this seems to be a theme I continue to hear from a great variety of reputable sources. Either I’m attracting this information, or it truly is becoming practically a mainstream concept. Either way, this concept is exciting and, at the same time, a bit daunting. I have a lifetime of beliefs and thoughts that keep me from all that is possible in this physical time-space reality. I have also had some peak experiences where doors flew open and the flow of manifesting dreams has come to fruition. How great it feels to believe and then see what is possible! Growing up with Depression-era parents and the last of 9 children, I inadvertently cultivated a consciousness of lack. I became “wantless," needing only the bare essentials, as if desire was a dirty word. Travel and material goods were out of the question and simply a waste of “hard-earned money”. The book Your money or Your Life was my money bible in my 20’s—the way out from under was to “go without”, count and track every penny that comes in and out, don’t spend until you have weighed the life energy it cost you to purchase it and be damn sure you get full use out of it or else you are costing yourself your life! I elevated frugality into a form of art and worship, combined. It helped to instill in me the idea that I don’t need a vacation, I don’t need to eat out, and I don’t need nice clothes. I’ve come to see that dropping the bar of what is “enough” has also kept me out of the loop of prosperity, certified fair trade clothing and the latest hybrid car, which I would just love to travel around in. I see now that this idea that I can have a good life OR money and not both flies in the face of all that is possible in an abundant universe with more than enough for everyone… that it's ok to want things, travel, experiences and happenings that bring joy and good feeling. But, what about all those years of entrenched beliefs? Are they reversible? And how long will it take? I’m starting down that road of shedding old, worn-out concepts, unraveling and rewiring my mind, the part of my consciousness that holds limiting beliefs. In the mean time, I still want to be the creator of my reality; I want to see evidence of my role in the creation of my life on a consistent, regular basis. A little gem I picked up from “The Teachings of Abraham” (, is something called “segment intention." Throughout my day, I set intentions for how I would like to experience an encounter with someone, or a meeting, or a trip. I might intend for harmonious relations, laughter, good customer service, safe, smooth travel, and even intend for a pleasant surprise. In this way, I get immediate feedback on how well I’m doing at co-creating my life. I have been amazed by the results. And I am building up a solid body of evidence that I can make my life smoother and more enjoyable, on a day to day basis. Couple this practice with feeling the feelings of gratitude and appreciation, often throughout my life experience, and I am on my way to creating my reality, to expanding this amazing Universe with each of my own conscious expansions along the way. I can also make everyday an adventure filled with fun, harmony, and pleasant surprises. Being happy, now seems to be the key. Grateful for all that is, staying in alignment with those feelings and setting real-life, positive intentions has proven to keep me in touch with my positive emotions. Nurture Through Nature

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Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, ME

Jen Deraspe is a licensed Maine Guide, holistic retreat facilitator, certified yoga instructor and adjunct faculty member with the University of Southern Maine's College of Nursing and Health Professionals. She owns Nurture Through nature, providing holistic nature retreats for women. She lives off the grid on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark., (207) 452-2929.

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 9

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through fifth grade. Further schooling becomes the family’s responsibility. It was truly a healing, uplifting moment for our veteran friend, his wife, and all of us there. I had the privilege of working in several health care clinics that had been set up for us. What an experience to serve in a former Viet Cong village in the Mekong Delta, in Da Lat at a disabled orphanage, for the handicapped at the Friendship Agent Orange Rehabilitation Center, in a school for handicapped children in Hue, to name a few. We visited an orphanage for babies, where one of our veterans and his wife had previously adopted a little girl. We sang our familiar nursery songs to them. They sang their songs to us. We emptied our bags of gifts, and handed them out to the children and teachers. This school had also been funded by Dr. Tick’s organization “Sanctuary International.” Wherever we went, as sightseers and healers in service, we were met by welcoming appreciative arms. We met so many Vietnamese: veterans, families, authors, educators, social workers, teachers and healers, all working hard to make a difference. The Vietnamese seem to have the gift of being able to live more in the present moment. They do not hold onto the past. They appear not to be living from wounded-ness nor broken-ness. As we learned, their spiritual beliefs give them advantages and foundations of living today, and forgiving the past. We have much to learn from them. As we honored them, in whatever capacity we were serving, they honored us. I realized on deeper levels that we are truly one. We are limited only by our personal, cultural and societal conditioning into believing we are somehow better, or separate or right. The spiritual roots of this land and its’ people, ‘fed me’ on many levels of my being, in ways I had no idea would happen. This was the experience I had been seeking. I wanted to receive what it is my soul had brought me there for. In closing, I want to honor one of my teachers, the beloved monk, Zen master and poet of Viet Nam, Thich Nhat Hahn, formerly exiled from his homeland for his peaceful, anti-war teachings and philosophies. Here is a passage from his Touching Peace (page 108), which expresses so well what it is I experienced, and what I will endeavor to live and teach in my life. “Having a community where people gather as brothers and sisters in the dharma and where children have a number of aunts and uncles is a very wonderful thing. We have to learn to create that kind of family. We have to see that other members of the community as our brothers and sisters. This is already a tradition in the East, and it can be learned in the West. We can take the best from both cultures.”



destina tio n he al i n g

Shamanism: A Destination for Personal Healing by Kevin Pennell Bethel, Maine


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efore embarkation on our journey to personal healing, let’s find out who’s going. Dad said he’d love to go as long as it doesn’t interfere with his commitments to keep in physical shape at the gym three nights a week. Mom would love to join in, but what about her activities in the book club and classes at the community college? Let’s not forget the children, who got their first day planners or palm pilots for Christmas. Isn’t 10 and 12 a little young for palm pilots? Oh well, maybe we can fit them in and yes they do need palm pilots! Have you seen their schedules that seem to change every week? It’ll be some good family time? When was the last time the family got together as a group or “unit”? Perhaps a college level course could be offered, “Understanding and Applying New Values for Today’s Family.” How about a new book of the same title? With today’s complex society, I sense, if either one of these became a reality, book contents or course objectives would be enormous. Consider a return to basic and less complicated lifestyles. If you desire a return to basics that involves the whole family, try a destination toward family health through shamanism. You could begin by encouraging other family members to join you on your healing journey; a healing that touches every part of your being... body, mind, and spirit. You’ll find many holistic practitioners that will help you on your quest as guides and teachers. Many wish to help people find and define their own first person relationship with Spirit, so they can become proactive on their journey toward wellness. C. Allie Knowlton and Evelyn C. Rysdyk, of Spirit Passages in Yarmouth, Maine are two such individuals, well qualified to guide you and your family on toward wellness. At Spirit Passages, Allie and Evie wish to see people create an intrinsic relationship with the family of creation. They do this by supporting people to be their fullness and in that fullness they can step into a living breathing relationship with all that is. So they, like some others, are no longer apart from creation, but living in partnership with creation. It’s like renewing ancestral spirituality for all human beings and renewing the sense of family with all living things through shamanism. Seemingly “new” forms of treatment continue to surface today and yet many of these methods are hundreds, if not thousands, of years old. Shamanic healing is certainly one of these ancient ancestral methods. Further study reveals these ancient and ancestral methods never disappeared, they simply moved out of the limelight or out of the stream of the conventional and more widely accepted form of healing titled modern medicine. However, shamanism, along with other holistic forms of treatment, continues to rise toward wider acceptance. Professionals with degrees ranging from baccalaureates to doctorates in social work, counseling, and medicine are offering shamanic healing for restoring people to wholeness. 10 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

Allie and Evie have now worked together for 15 years after their initial meeting in New York at a shamanic workshop. They each achieved levels of success prior to their work in shamanic healing. Through their life experiences, they acknowledge a dichotomy that exists in the world. There are “those following love and those following fear.” Allie and Evie desire to help individuals to be whole, guiding and teaching “people to recognize

If you desire a return to basics that involves the whole family try a destination toward family health through shamanism. and step into their own divinity” and thus following love. Evie feels that “mastery of the earth plane is a real dead end job.” She journeyed through the world as an advertising executive, but now she moves through the natural world with all its natural beauty. Through shamanism, she found her true passion and lives it, shifting her past abilities and talents in the world of art and advertising to, adding with a smile, “becoming a beneficial computer virus in the matrix of culture.” She enjoys conversations with the natural world commenting, “How wonderful is that?” You can “converse with the rest of your family.” Now she gets to know the beauty of the natural world “on another whole level," through communication with it, recognizing you’re part of it. The (shamanic) journeying created a real living dialog with all that’s natural. It’s like writing a letter to someone you know with all your passion poured into it. Then, you mail it and get a letter back with another whole relationship. That's the difference between an acknowledged relationship and a dynamic relationship.” Allie attended Bangor Theological and pursued a life in religion and social work. Beginning as a Baptist, then shifting to a Congregationalist, her life experiences included being a director of Christian Education at the Bethel UCC Church and also a pastor. Desiring to continue her pursuit of helping people Allie moved on to a career in social work. She remembers her first shamanic journey in New York in 1991. For her it “felt like coming home. It opened the next chapter of life.” Now as a shamanic practitioner her life has become even more enriched. “The perceived separation from ourselves and the divine nature allows us to behave like there’s and us and them world. What’s important is this; shamanism isn’t a religion, it’s a spiritual path.” She sees her work with people as an endeavor to guide them on to a greater “connection with the natural world.” Allie and Evie described the role of the shaman as working with their guardian spirits “to restore the health

of their patient’s soul. Since our soul or spirit creates the dynamic framework for our existence, the shaman’s work can address the underlying spiritual foundations of physical, emotional, mental and psychological issues.” These issues can have their roots in either the present or past lives. Once the individual’s spirit is restored to a state of wholeness and harmony, that person has the opportunity to regain their personal power or authentic self. “We like to help people claim their personal power.” They view themselves as the facilitators for this healing work. Shamanic healing work involves the shaman working with their teachers, guides, or helpers through Spirit for the benefit of the individual seeking the healing. Spirit has the power to heal while the shaman, as a facilitator, is a conduit, or facilitator, for the healing; “a humble intermediary between this visible world and the unseen world of Spirit.” Spirit Passages offers shamanic healing such as soul retrieval, extraction, power animal retrieval, shamanic counseling, and shamanic journeying along with other time-honored and powerful ceremonies. Each one of these forms of shamanic healing addresses specific needs, physically and spiritually. While entire books are available that address these methods and ceremonies, let’s consider some brief descriptions. Soul retrieval may be indicated if someone has experienced trauma, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. During the trauma a portion of their being, or soul, may become overwhelmed by the experience and choose to leave, seeking safe refuge in a non-ordinary reality. A trained shaman helps to retrieve that portion and return it to the individual, so they can experience wholeness again. What is shamanic extraction? In simplest terms, an extraction involves the removal of any spiritual or energetic intrusion that disrupts our being energetically or spiritually. Once the intrusion is extracted the individual’s life flows better. As far as power animal retrievals are concerned, Allie, Evie, and most other shamanic practitioners, will tell you power animals work with us; teaching, healing, and protecting us. Like spirit guides, some power animals will stay with us throughout life’s journey while others may stay long enough to complete a specific task. Regardless, the unexpected “loss” of one of these wonderful beings can cause us to feel incomplete, weak, and vulnerable. Through a specific ceremony, our power animal may be returned to us, so we can continue life with our power animal reunited with us. Along with some other methods and ceremonies of shamanic healing, they offer another unique and excellent healing, Shamanic Inner Body Healing (TM). This method of shamanic healing locates and releases unconscious blocks and resistances to your life process. It also addresses a variety of emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms. Part of Allie and Evie’s shamanic approach for healing includes their view of family. Their sense of family goes well beyond immediate family. This sense encompasses the family of Mother Earth. They recognize themselves

Continued on page 28



In 2006, in Mrs. Cowan's sixth grade art class at Hebron Elementary School, Hebron CT, Inner Tapestry's friend Tim Kuper and his classmates were given a special project. Their project was to gather information to create a "A Magic Self Portrait." by Joan Emmons These children were not led to books, they were led to self. They were given a handout worksheet and taught about ancient people who felt that the Earth had energy forces radiating from deep within it. They learned about the cave in Lascaux, France where artists painted on the walls pictures of animals, Stonehenge in England, Delphi in Greece and Sedona in Arizona. They learned about their seven energy centers, called chakras and how they attract energy into our bodies to renew us and how they act as doorways to accept and receive our energy into our physical bodies. They studied how in art, chakras have been pictured as guardian animal spirits, from here their work began. They were asked to participate in a very quiet guided imagery exercise to picture their guardian animal spirits. They were helped to settle into themselves and listen for the quiet feelings which would bring forth the information. "Personal energy speaks in whispers" is what they were told. Through all seven chakras they went. They listened, finding their seven chakra animal spirits, bringing their art project to life, incorporating their guardian animal spirits into their own self portraits. They then learned about Auras and their seven layers, their meanings and colors. They learned about Ancient Greeks who wrote about clairvoyants, Chinese healers and the flow of ch'i, Indian Buddhists and Native American healers and the debate of this phenomenon today. Lessons of balancing mind, body, spirit and energy, the effects of illness, and emotional stress, and how art therapy is used to help people in pain. How beneficial healthy auras are to manifesting the good things that we want in our lives. The class was then asked, to allow themselves, to imagine that they were turning on the abilities that everyone has as a baby - that were shut off when we learned that they were not believed to exist. Then the question, "If I had an aura what would it be?". They were asked to reach for the first colors which they thought of and to trust what they were feeling. Coloring without judgement is important, whether it makes sense to you now or not, don't worry about mistakes. Have Fun! We would like to thank Tim for sharing his magic self portrait and his classes' experience with us, his seven guardian animal spirits are; eagle, small owl, dragon, jaguar, monkey, penguin and polar bear with his aura surrounding him wrapped in white. In our own personal search for wholeness and balance, many of us have learned to meditate, journey and begin the process of trusting self. What a wonderful gift to give our children, in school, the opportunity not only to know themselves more completely, but to play and work in trust, without judgment and worry, without the possibility of making a mistake. If only for a short while. Sounds like a plan to me.. One that will bring us all a little closer to our "New Family Values." Thank you Tim and thank you Mrs. Cowan.



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Learning about Self... A Magic Self Portrait


Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy by Bruce Cote

There is an increasing interest in finding safe and effective methods for healing many of the disabling psychological and physical conditions effecting children today. People are taking interest in Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy and it is becoming a popular choice for many parents and caregivers.


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Dr. Tiffany Field, at the Touch Research Institute, University of Miami, Department of Medicine, pioneered research in massage therapy for infants, children and adolescents. She discovered that neonates receiving regular massage gained 47% more weight than those receiving no massage (Both groups were fed the same amount of formula). Also, the ones receiving massage were discharged from the hospital an average of six days earlier. Remarkable results were also found with normal infants. Massaged infants showed less stress, were more alert, were easier to soothe and had better sleep patterns. Stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine significantly decreased. Serotonin (a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep and appetite) significantly increased with massage therapy. (Low levels of serotonin are associated with many disorders including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and sudden infant death syndrome. Cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine and serotonin are often targeted in drug therapy.) Statistics for children and adolescents were equally compelling. Symptoms of ADD and ADHD (a frequently diagnosed disorder in school-age children) significantly diminished. After receiving a 15 minute massage for 10 consecutive school days, the percentage of time on task increased from 43% to 77%. Scores on the Conner’s Scale (a frequently used assessment for diagnosis) decreased from 28.0 to 11.3. Dr. Field remarked, "…adolescents were less depressed and less anxious than they had been and their stress hormones (cortisol and norepinephrine) had decreased. They also developed better organized sleep patterns and showed more appropriate behavior after massage therapy." Long term effects reported by teachers included more time on task and lower Conners Hyperactivity scores. In another study, computation time and accuracy were positively effected by therapeutic massage. After only one 15 minute massage, student’s accuracy increased from an average of 69% to 89% and time of completion decreased from 250 seconds to 234 seconds. Cortisol and state anxiety levels significantly dropped. Depressed children showed short-term and long-term gains from massage therapy. They were observed as more cooperative, less depressed and less anxious. In addition, sleep patterns significantly improved; time asleep increased from 79.7% to 91.3%. Children with PTSD showed a significant reduction in depression; from 28 to 16 on the CESD Depression scale. Therapeutic massage also works for immune disorders. Children with cancer showed significant improvement on all blood count measures including white and red blood count, platelet count and hemoglobin level. They were also found to be significantly less tactile defensive and less depressed. Many other conditions were positively effected by massage therapy, including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, asthma, migraine headaches, dermatitis, bulimia, anorexia and more. 12 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

Practice Therapeutic massage for infants, children and adolescents differs from adult therapy in many ways. Infant massage is usually taught to parents/guardians and is easy to learn. Massage offers a natural way to connect and bond. Infant massage is taught as an art that comes from the heart and is simply administered with hands. The most important lesson is how to connect, be aware and present through all states (crying, quiet alert, active alert, drowsy and sleeping) and stages of growth.

Children have an innate sense about who and what feels right and what may help them.

With children and adolescents, direct instruction may be given to the parent or guardian. However, the older the child, the more common it is to have the therapist perform the massage. The parent/guardian is present at all times and serves a vital role. Through observation and/or participation they learn new ways to connect, communicate and assist their child in the future. Children should always feel empowered by telling them that they are in charge. Parents, guardians and therapist are in control; their role is to guide and assure that the child feels safe and comfortable at all times. The founding principle of HPMT is: feeling comfort, peace and ease eliminates dis-ease; quieting the mind to a state of stillness heals illness. Perhaps the greatest benefit of HPMT is that it presents a unique opportunity for children, parents and guardians to feel empowered and confident while learning about safe and nurturing touch. A variety of techniques may be used for children and adolescents. Reflexology is often a good starting point for many. Pressing and rubbing areas on the feet and hands elicits a healing response which reflexes to specific areas of the body. This technique may feel safer for shy clients. It can also be a useful method of assessment. Emotions such as fear, anxiety and anger are reflected throughout the body as tight muscles and are sometimes stored there as knots. NMT – neuromuscular technique employs light, sustained pressure with thumb or finger which reduces built-up knots and relieves the symptoms of stress. Compression resets spindle fibers and effects pressure receptors, which has a positive neurological effect. It is administered with a flat hand or fist and is applied with medium pressure in a rhythmical way. Kneading relaxes muscles and takes pressure off nerves. It involves lifting, grasping and releasing muscles. Percussion is stimulating at first; however, over time it can have a soothing effect. Using brief, rapid, rhythmic strokes increases circulation and tones the muscles. At the end of the session, children often report

feeling a sense of peace and ease. For some, this is a first! They usually feel safer, more grounded and more in touch with themselves and their environment. Parents also report experiencing these same feelings. As the child heals, the family heals. Other holistic techniques other than massage therapy may be included to enhance each session or they may be used exclusively. Clients can be taught many of these techniques to use between sessions to bring back feelings of peace when needed. Some of these techniques may include: Reiki is a simple, yet powerful form of healing which means Universal Life Energy. During a session the Reiki practitioner simply sends healing energy by putting his/her hands on or slightly above the client’s body. Reiki is easy to learn especially for children who have an innate sense of healing energy. Reiki may be administered to one's self or others. Polarity Therapy is a more precise form of energy healing that balances and revitalizes ones energy field. It was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, a chiropractor who combined the wisdom of acupressure, chiropractic, Ayurvedic and Chinese systems of healing. The practitioner uses light pressure on meridian points to open and clear energy pathways, gently massages shoulders and feet, and clears chakras and auras through Intention using crystals. EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique combines techniques used in hypnotherapy and acupressure. It works with the body’s bioenergy systems. While reciting positive affirmations, the client is taught to tap certain meridian points which alleviates, and sometimes eliminates, emotional distress. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to improve client’s psychological and physical well-being. The essence of these healing oils easily penetrates the olfactory membranes in the nose sending nerve impulses to the brain which ultimately affects the amygdala, the memory center for fear and trauma. Music is typically played during sessions. It is soothing and healing during therapy and can played between sessions which elicit the same effect. Yoga helps align the body, focus the mind and renew the spirit. Sometimes children like to get into child’s pose or other poses while receiving massage therapy to enhance its effect. Creative visualization creates healthy thoughts and in turn, healthy emotions. Creative visualization along with breathing and centering exercises is fundamental for teaching a child how to take “Time-In.” This helps them alleviate the need for a “time out.” Time In empowers; time out alienates.

Choosing a Practitioner The first thing to look for in a Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapist is completion of a reputable program and license to practice in the state where service is provided. Of equal importance, though, is specialized training along with extensive and successful experience working with children. The ability to communicate with children is key. In this respect, someone with a background in childcare, education, special education and/or crisis intervention is ideal. The qualifying opinion that matters most, though, is your child’s. For this reason, an initial consultation that is child-centered and child-directed is critical. Children have an innate sense about who and what feels right and may help them. The interview process is usually brief. More often than not, children will ask to

Continued on page 28


Gaia Girls to the Rescue Author Interview with Lee Welles by Teresa Piccari don’t want to get in the way by pre-determining anything! I do best writing in big, uninterrupted chunks s a young girl, Lee Welles’ wish was to be of time. I discovered that fact when I rented an able to talk to the animals on her family’s A-frame cottage in Wellsboro, PA, for a week 300-acre farm in upstate New York. The and astounded myself. I happened to burn a rootyoung female heroines in her Gaia Girls series, eucalyptus twist candle when I was there and now for ages nine and up, can do just that and more. associate the smell with writing! I write on an In the first book Gaia Girls: Enter the Earth, 11-year-old protagonist Elizabeth iBook, but edit at my PC. With the iBook, I can Angier is stunned to find the earth or Gaia appears to her as an otter. Things are recline, relax and create, with the PC, it is time to about to change on the farm that has been run by her family for 200 years, as do the “work” of writing, editing! Harmony Farms Corporation, a factory farming operation, moves into Avon Valley. TP: How did Gaia Girls come to you? Did the idea Elizabeth finds herself changing in unexpected ways too, as she discovers her for a series evolve or did it come to you as a whole? I see on the website books five powers, including tree travel, as Gaia enlists her help. The long, sleek otter, “whose through seven are now planned, beyond the initial four books that are connected to voice sounds like all the stars in heaven singing,” tells Elizabeth the elements. Can you talk about how they will differ from the they have work to do. original four? The first book winner of a National Outdoor Book Award for LW: I had been reading about Gaia Theory and had the classic 2006, will be released in paperback in May, when the second “what if ” moment. “What if the earth is a living organism? What book Gaia Girls: Way of Water, set in Japan, will also debut. would it say?” Answer: “Stop messing with me!” I figured it would In the second book, readers will meet Miho, who is half be a kid that would hear it. I also decided that the earth could Japanese and half American, whose life and family environment enlist kids to help, four kids-yeah! And the earth would take the is quite different from Elizabeth's. form of a talking otter because who could possibly ignore a talking otter? Each of the first four books will be aligned with one of My husband teaches third grade. I told him the idea and he the four major elements and feature a young female heroine, began to hound me to write the story. He insisted kids would love imbued with special powers correlating to the respective it and pointed out the thin offering of great girl heroes. elements of earth, water, fire and air. I originally was going to put all four girls in one book, but found In Books 5-7, Welles will bring the heroines from around the myself bogged down in researching things like the name of a town globe together to combine their powers and work toward the in Italy, so I decided to start with what I knew best-farm life in common good of preserving the earth. upstate New York. There is a lot of my childhood in Enter the Earth. But first, each heroin will be challenged to adjust to her own Will Elizabeth have the strength to fight a large I can’t wait to write Book Five! When the four girls get together factory farm to save her family's farm? powers, which Welles calls “plausible magic” or something that they are going to have to overcome cultural and personality might be possible. differences. I expect there will be a lot of blundering as they learn to coordinate various objectives and their powers. Much like grownWelles and illustrator Ann Hameister have made the first book interactive for readers, hiding clues within the graphics to be used with games and illustrated puzzles ups and their governments have to do when trying to “help” the planet. which appear on the website, along with an author blog, feature TP: What is your personal goal for this series from a green or environmental standpoint? photos, a tour schedule and a sneak peak at Book II, Way of Water. There is also a LW: My personal goal is that the children that read it will have a better music CD given out at book signings and can be purchased from Daisyworld Press. understanding of how connected we are to the earth and that “saving” it, is really There is to be a new CD for each book released and possibly a collective CD released about saving ourselves! I hope that they will have this little otter voice in the back of when the series is a boxed set. You can hear the CD on their minds as they choose cars, houses, and lifestyles. Chelsea Green Publishing whose titles reflect “the politics and practice of TP: I love the empowerment theme your books contain. How did this come about? sustainable living” publishes the series. Gaia Girls books are printed on 100 percent LW: I remember with clarity, how powerless you can feel when you are ten. I’m sure post-consumer, New Leaf paper. An eco audit on the back page of the books offers at some point we all wished to find that magic talisman that would help us discover further green details our “real power.” This is the beauty of all hero’s journeys, they show us that it is In addition to her Gaia Girls series, Welles continues to write a wellness column and possible to be scared, to feel small, to not know the outcome ahead of time-but to is negotiating to write a column on sustainable issues. clench your jaw and do the work anyway. We are all on our own hero’s journey. I have I spoke with the author Lee Welles by phone and communicated via email for this article: to thank Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces for that. I discovered him TP: How did you make the leap from non-fiction to fiction? You via a set of videotapes at my local library. It was a series of interviews with Bill Moyers mention a book called The Playful Way to Serious Writing on your blog. called The Power of Myth. Fantastic stuff! LW: I began writing a weekly column as a way to promote my health & fitness TP: How did the experience of writing the second book Way of Water, differ from business. What surprised me was all the positive feedback I received, from complete writing the first book, Enter the Earth? strangers, on the writing! The emails that complimented not only the content but my LW: There was a lot of my childhood in Enter the Earth. But for the second book style encouraged me to try my hand at stories. The Playful Way to Serious Writing was I had to fill the well, doing research about Japanese culture, before the story could one book I explored. The prompts were fun and the “exercises” short. My husband come out. would read my few pages and ask, “What happens next?” I took that as a good sign! When I read On Writing, by Stephen King, I was struck by how similar the experience TP: There is a philosophy that the process of writing shows an author who they are. What have you learned about yourself as a result of writing these books? of discovering the story seemed to be between myself and Mr. King. That made me LW: I’ve learned that I need to maintain a balance of physical and mental activity! I feel a bit more brave. Ultimately, I had to put that bravery into motion or the nonused to, in my “fitness job” be intensely active everyday and would relax by sitting still motion that long hours of writing require, as the case may be, and Gaia Girls is the result. and reading. Now it is the opposite. I sit and read or write and relax by going out to TP: Can you describe your creative process, habits and rituals? run or dancing around my office for 15 minutes. If I don’t, I turn into an extremely LW: I think on an idea for a long time. When I go to sleep, stand in line at the store crabby person who resents the sitting part of being a writer! I have also learned that or go running, I play with scenarios and character traits and back-story. I read a lot I am a definitely a learning junky. Therefore, writing must be my true calling. It gives on the real-world topics that may play into the story. When the good stuff bubbles up, it is like a bell chimes and I file that bit of info away for when I sit to write. I Continued on page 28 don’t outline. I find that if I go into it with simply a sense of what “might” happen or “could” happen, once I get into the flow of writing, the story reveals itself. I


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Feb/Match 2007 Inner Tapestry 13


Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy by Guest Writer Meg Wolff author of "Becoming Whole" Food is our common ground, a universal experience. —James A. Beard

Heart Healthy Recipes The secret formula to robust health and a healthy heart is right under your nose – literally! The secret is in the food you eat. I’ve found that the more I eat whole foods, the more I crave them. And that’s a good thing, because it gives me more energy to exercise − a very heart friendly thing to do. Let’s look at some of these wonder foods. Beans are a plant protein that are low in fat, contain no saturated fat, and are high in fiber. And they’re an economical way to get your protein without breaking the budget. Greens are a great addition to any meal, and I eat them twice a day. They are high in absorbable calcium and magnesium, which turns to iron in the blood. Greens are a great way of getting your calcium without the fat calories. Begin with small amounts and before you know it, you’ll love them − even if you’ve turned up your nose at greens since you were a kid.

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I admit it. I used to think that grains were for the birds! Now I know that they’re good for the heart, high in fiber, low in fat, and high in complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates keep blood sugar on an even keel and our tummy satiated. And they’re delicious. However, grains should not be confused with simple carbohydrates − white sugar and flour products, which should be limited. All vegetables are heart friendly. And there’s a huge selection of vegetables to choose from, such as squash, carrots, or fennel with its licorice-like flavor. You’ll also find that the less white sugar in your diet, the more vegetables will start to appeal to your taste buds. What’s not to love? They’re high in fiber and low in fat and calories. I strive for 5-9 servings a day, and even carry them with me in a Tupperware container for a snack. I’d like to share a few heart-healthy recipes to warm you in cold weather. For people with food intolerances, these recipes can be easily made wheat and gluten free by substituting whole wheat with rice pasta and wheat-free tamari for shoyu soy sauce. Your heart − and your mouth − will thank you!

Minestrone Soup

¾ cup cannelli beans ¾ cup kidney beans ¾ cup lentils 1 onion 3 carrots, diced ½ lb green beans 3 stalks celery, diced 1 package of frozen organic corn

14 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

1 cup parsley ¼ - ½ cup ume plum vinegar 2 cups of cooked whole wheat pasta Soak cannelli and kidney beans overnight. (Canned beans may be used in a pinch). Prepare vegetables. Cook soaked beans on stove top by covering with water and bring to a boil, turning to low and simmering for 1½ - 2 hours or until soft. Just before beans are done add vegetables, bring to a boil again, and cook 10-15 minutes. You may need to add extra water. When beans are done, add ¼ cup of ume plum vinegar (depending on the size of soup) and the pasta.

Millet with Cauliflower and Onions

1 cup millet 1 cup chopped cauliflower 1 onion diced 3 cups of spring water pinch of sea salt

Place millet, vegetables, and water in a pot. Bring to a boil over medium flame add sea salt and cover. Lower flame simmer 35 minutes. Remove millet from flame and place in a serving bowl.

Slow Stewed Vegetables

2 carrots ½ butternut squash 1 bulb of fennel pinch of sea salt or dash (½ tsp) of soy sauce 2-3 inch strip of kombu seaweed, soaked and sliced into small strips Place kombu and its soaking water in the bottom of the pot. Put the vegetables together in pie shaped wedges around the pot. Cooking the vegetables this way will keep the flavor of each separate. Add ½ inch of spring water to the pot. Cover bring to a boil, and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. The last few minutes season with a little soy sauce or sea salt.

Steamed Greens One bunch of collards or kale. Spring water Wash, chop and add greens to pot with about ½ cup of spring water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for 3-5 minutes. Drain water to prevent further cooking.

Lemon Pudding 2 ½ cups of plain Amasake (found in refrigerated section of health food store) 1 ½ cups of apple juice 1 ½ tsps grated lemon peel 3 tablespoons of agar-agar flakes a pinch of sea salt 3 heaping tablespoons of kudzu (a thickening starch) 1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla (optional) 1 tablespoon rice syrup (optional) top with fresh cooked fruit (optional) Heat amasake, juice, agar and lemon peel. Simmer 5 minutes until agar dissolves. Mix kudzu with lemon juice (and a dash of apple juice or water until it dissolves). Add to the pot and stir until it thickens. Add salt and vanilla. If too tart add rice syrup. Let set for 1 hour in the fridge before serving.

Wishing you good health and a delicious meal! Meg Wolff is the author of Becoming Whole, The Story of My Complete Recovery From Breast Cancer (page 21 & 27). She teaches Macrobiotic Whole Foods cooking at the Cancer Community Center in South Portland, Maine. For more information visit Meg’s website at and


l o v ing e arth

One Family's Approach to Sustainable Living by Pat Foley F.W. Horch is a store in Brunswick that sells products for sustainable living. We thought it would be interesting to talk to the owner, Fred, and find out what he is doing about sustainability in his own life.

place to live. He wanted to use non-toxic products during his retrofit. In addition, he felt it was his responsibility to go forward in a way that wouldn’t create toxic problems, down the line, for a future owner.

Our questions were, “How did you come to all this?", "What about it really excites you?" and "What are you finding your heart connects to?”

Beginning with an energy audit that used the blower door test, in addition to the usual leaking around windows and doors, Fred discovered a surprising amount of air loss around electrical outlets and switches. Fortunately there are inexpensive insulating plates designed expressly for these areas that are easy to install. Many old houses, including Fred’s, have channels where the window weights were hung that need to be insulated. If one is retaining the old windows, one removes the window molding to gain access to these areas, which can then be filled with insulation. Some things about energy efficient retrofitting are so simple. Heat rises. So for best results, start working with the top of the house, the roof or the attic, and move downward from there. Paying a lot of attention initially to the first floor walls when heat is leaving the house through an uninsulated attic doesn’t change much.

Fred Horch explained that he came to be a storekeeper by a circuitous route, tracing his path back to his days in college. “ It (owning a store) was never a childhood dream of mine. I was a corporate attorney for a while, but this is where my heart is now.” Fred went to Boalt Hall, UC Berkeley law school, from 1992 to 1995, studying environmental law, although he never actually practiced environmental law. He joined the North Carolina bar and practiced law from 1995 to 1998, as corporate counsel for an Internet consulting firm in Raleigh.

I had an opportunity to take some time off and figure out what was really important to me. Of all the things you can work on, to my mind at least, it all comes back to a healthy environment. If you think about peace, if you think about poverty, if you think about justice, as the American Lung Association puts it, "If you can’t breathe, nothing else matters." There are some very serious things going on with the environment. The more I read about what was actually happening with the environment, the more concerned I got about it. So my whole life emphasis, since that time (1998), has been to figure out how I can contribute to solving what I think is the biggest challenge of our time. I don’t think it’s terrorism. Poverty is not new… What we do have that is new is a tremendous assault on the environment… nobody knows really what’s going to happen, but it is clear that we are having an enormous effect on the environment…”

WALKING THE TALK Now focused on making an environmental difference, Fred and his family made a choice to live in town. They wanted to be able to walk to work, to the post office, to stores and entertainment. They also wanted to be part of a real neighborhood and to avoid contributing to suburban sprawl.

Ecologically responsible retrofit They purchased an old house, built in the 1820’s. As many old houses do, this one had an inefficient heating system, little or no insulation, a damp basement, lead paint, and needed asbestos remediation. Fred made an initial list of goals for the house project. He wanted the building to be a healthy

Fred’s building came with an inefficient coal furnace, converted to oil, and an oil boiler. His choice was to decommission the furnace and keep the boiler. He now uses biofuel and heats with radiant heat. Pipes, carrying hot water mixed with cold water to the proper temperature, run along the sub-flooring on the basement side, heating the floor above. The system also includes radiant wall panels. Fred reports that by tightening the building envelope, insulating and changing from the forced hot air system to radiant heat, they have reduced their fuel bill by 50%. There was lead paint both in the house and in the soil around the house. Because the Horch family includes children, who are even more effected by lead than adults, they felt abatement was important. In some cases encapsulation, which involves properly painting over and “encapsulating” the lead was appropriate. But windows that have been painted with lead based paint give off dust containing lead and even flakes of old paint, when raised and lowered. Therefore, the family replaced the old windows with a variety of new ones, all of which were low e and double-glazed. In the process, they insulated carefully around the new windows, using cotton fiber insulation. Fred believes that there are possible potential health issues with fiberglass insulation and prefers to avoid it. When water drainage was directed away from the house to solve the problem of the damp basement, a certain amount of new material was brought to the site, alleviating some of the problem of lead contaminated soil at the same time as correcting the drainage issue.

Daily life That, however, is not the end of the story. The family continues to think and act in as sustainable a way as they can in their daily lives. They test and use themselves, the household products Fred sells at the store; 100% recycled paper goods, non-toxic cleaners, and wooden clothes drying racks. They compost their kitchen scraps and paper waste. Fred and his family eat very little convenience food and try to maintain a healthy diet. They are members of Crystal Spring Community Farm, a community supported agriculture farm that produces organic vegetables locally. Buying locally grown food not only supports local people and the local economy, but reduces oil consumption; according to statistics presented by Cynthia Thayer at this past year’s Common Ground Fair, the use of fuel (read “oil”) in standard food production is interesting. Twenty percent is consumed on the farm, forty percent is burned up in processing, packaging and shipping, and another forty percent is used in storage and preparation. When we think of “organic farming” many of us think of food grown without chemical pesticides. Organic is far more than that. Roughly speaking, based on building and maintaining healthy soils, crop rotation and the use of natural materials; organic growing is a form of farming which gives back to the land. A properly operated organic project enhances rather than depletes the land area it uses. It is sustainable. Summing up Fred explains his store as an extension of what he is doing at home. He describes the way he and his family live as something any person can do. He would like to be able to think that his children will grow up having the same opportunities that he had, but wonders if this is possible given the seriousness of our environmental issues. Thinking to the future and to his children’s future, Fred is actively working to offer his contribution toward addressing “the biggest challenge of our time.” Resources: FW Horch, Sustainable Goods and Supplies 56 Maine St., Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 729-4050, Crystal Spring Community Farm 277 Pleasant Hill Rd., Brunswick, ME 04011 Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners (MOFGA) PO Box 170, Unity, ME 04988 (207) 568-4142. Copyright 2006, Pat Foley

Pat Foley attempts to live a green life just outside of Cornish, Maine. She is a professional writer, artist, shamanic practitioner and the owner of Earthrest, a retreat center, definitely on the green side, offering space for groups and individuals. You may contact Pat at or 207-625-4179

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 15

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“I was an attorney, for a while, in North Carolina and was involved in a really interesting phase of human history when the Internet was first coming about. I’m a person who is really attracted to big ideas. Making an impact in the world is important to me, (this was so) even in college. (Before attending law school) I went to Swarthmore, a Quaker school. One of the things they instill in their graduates is a sense of giving back, of leading a meaningful life, however one might define that. So, as the internet sort of "wrapped up," it had started out to be an interesting project for sharing knowledge, (I started out in the 80’s, I was a computer science major), it just turned out to be a no holds barred commercial enterprise. So it was a lucrative thing to be involved in, but it didn’t have a lot of meaning (for me).

Systematically, the Horch's have been going through the house, reducing their energy loads; caulking, insulating, replacing old lighting with CFLs and replacing inefficient appliances with energy star models. In addition, they have remodeled several rooms using the non-toxic paints and floor finishes that Fred also sells at the store.


t h e wa y o f lif e - it s e l f

Is there such a thing as Family Values? by Norm Hirst


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amily values are a popular topic, but before getting into it, I believe we need to give a great deal of thought to what values are. I find it remarkable that it is only in my lifetime that knowledge has become available to understand values. It was fifty years ago that I met Robert Hartman who was a philosopher specializing in value theory. He was a visiting professor at MIT so I took his course. From him, I learned that so little progress had been made towards understanding values. In 1943 G. E. Moore wrote his third book trying to define “good”. He decided that goodness is not a natural property but it depends entirely on the natural properties that the thing said to be good has. But, how did it depend? Hartman proposed that good means the thing has all the properties it is supposed to have. But who decides what all the properties are? The person who calls it good, of course! Thus the judgement of goodness is in the mind of the beholder, and it may be different for every beholder. Values exist and function in the living. This reveals a reason why we understand so little. Twenty-five centuries ago Greek materialists decided that all that could really exist was matter and space. Change was just a rearrangement of matter. There is no life there. I am astonished to find that, in spite of all that has been discovered in today’s physics and biophysics, the idea of a material universe still hangs on. Just the other day, I read an article suggesting that freewill is just an illusion and asking if we can escape the limitations of living in a material universe. There was even reference to the hackneyed idea that we, you and I, are just meat machines. It is time to notice that today’s leading edge research has laid those ideas to rest. Since the early 1970’s, the most recent discoveries in physics and biophysics are pointing to a living universe. Matter is not fundamental. Energy is. All that is manifest is created by energy flows guided by the logic of life itself, a logic not at all what we have known to call logic. I believe that logic, the logic of life itself, should be the foundations for new sciences, including the science of value.

Now to get an idea as to how life itself works Dr. Mae Wan Ho, a prominent biophysicist, has used advanced technology to observe living organisms as they live. After 27 years of laboratory observation she describes a human as a society of 70 trillion cells functioning in a pure democracy. Unlike computers, there are no controllers or set points. It might be described as a super jazz band including instruments as small as 10-9 meters to as large as 1 meter and performing in 72 octaves. Our bodies are not doing computations, logic as we know it, nor anything our technology-oriented world is prepared to understand. Life is the process of forming a coherence or unity within, which is developed through a multiplicity of events within and coupled with events without. It is a series of evolving events of birth, growth, maturation, integration and fulfillment. The key concepts for understanding life are process, coherence, freedom and harmonization. These processes do not function by causal mechanisms. Instead these processes function by value decisions I call valuation. Living processes are carried out by living entities capable of acting. Actions are based on perceived facts 16 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

when an event is starting. Those facts set the stage for what is possible. Value processes select the most effective acts. The living entity acts and the stage is now changed to include a mixture of old and new perceived facts, ready for the next event. I think of coherence as conditions permitting freedom to act in parallel with a multitude of acts without destructive interference. For example, driving on a designated side of the road. That gives maximum significant freedom to drive anywhere without crashing into someone else. Harmonization is the process by which we creatively find a way to resolve differences between conflicting coherence conditions to find a new coherence unity. Understanding the role of values and valuation is essential to carry out this process. When we talk about values our linguistic habits turn

But I believe the most serious mistake results from the failure to understand life itself and the role of values. values into ideals to live by. For example, always tell the truth. But there are times when truth is essential. There are times when truth is better not said. What life requires of us are the value process skills to know when truth is required and when it is not. If you think values are ideals, then you make harmonization impossible because your values are right and theirs are wrong and there is no room for harmonization. Ideals are abstractions. Abstractions do not hold the entire reality in which they are thought to function. Thus, they cannot be achieved and even if they could be, given the dynamics of life, there is no absolute right and wrong set of ideals that apply to everyone all the time. To talk about values, I want to look at the events in a living process, i.e., those events when you choose a set of acts for the next step in your evolving process.

Living Process Events

In this oneness moment of now, what might you be aware of ? It is certainly not restricted to sensory input. If you only believe in what you can touch and measure you are not keeping up with recent discoveries. You are connected to the oneness all life. Your intuitions and feelings are telling you all about it, if you don’t choose to ignore it. In your wholistic awareness of the oneness moment, there are interwoven three distinct value domains. Each domain requires a different way of thinking.

The three domains are: 1) Living entities that are self-defining, self-valuing and self-acting. Any interaction with a living entity will produce results beyond our expectations and, perhaps, beyond our control. To be valued intrinsically, living entities must be valued for their own uniqueness, that is called unconditional loving. 2) Things that are passive. They cannot violate forces of nature. Otherwise we can control what they do. Things are judged extrinsically by comparison to other members of the class concepts to which they belong, i.e., chairs or jobs. 3) Structures and rules that are invented by us. They are invented to provide order, reason, agreement and the possibility of creativity. Since we invent them, they are what we say they are. We judge them by applying them to our experience and then judging them as to whether or not they work, judging them as right or wrong. This is the domain of systemic values.

Now begins valuation leading to harmonization - valuation

Step 1 in valuation is to learn what domain each item of your experience is in: living entities, things or rules/structures. Mistakes here are common and life destroying. For example “No Child Left Behind” leaves no child free to be self-defining, self-valuing and self-acting, able to learn, self-manage or find meaning. Similarly the external focus of values as rules to live by produces most crippling results. For most people, when thinking about themselves, they show disinterest in their intrinsic value compensated by striving hard to fulfill some theory of what they ought to be. Such self-theories can never be fulfilled, leaving people with a constant feeling of failure and discontent. But I believe the most serious mistake results from the failure to understand life itself and the role of values. Life itself needs a huge variety and harmonization. The many different societies are like different cells in the larger organism of unity. Each society has it’s own coherence. However, too often, people have different criteria for coherence. Some societies are seen as analogous to cancer cells needing to be destroyed. Finding ways to harmonize and utilize that variety creates a healthy body/ world. However, not being aware of the possibility of harmonization we resort to violence and destruction. Step 2 in valuation is knowing whatever is valued can be valued intrinsically, extrinsically and systemically. For example, a person is of intrinsic value. Intrinsic valuation is some form of love. However, they can be valued extrinsically. For example, in hiring some one. A person can be valued systemically in, for example, determining their rate of pay. Also, there is the possibility of disvaluing in all three ways. A person may be intrinsically disvalued by hate, extrinsically by being fired, or systemically by inadequate pay. Step 3 in valuation is what one values is up to each one, there are no laws governing what should be valued. However, there are laws of valuation that are absolute and universal. In deciding how to act in any situation there may be conflicts to be resolved. If so, intrinsic values take precedence over all. Next extrinsic values take precedence over systemic. This is the natural value

17 ⇠ hierarchy. Evidence shows that humans have inverted the hierarchy. While there are not family values in the sense of ideals, the value processes are extremely important for family life. If family is the first primary relationship we experience in this lifetime, and it is a context in which we first learn to act and find our way, this is where harmonizing values should begin to be learned. If a child has learned the value skills of harmonizing values as in recognizing their own intrinsic value, because they have experienced it in this primary event, he/she can continue to be herself and express herself while finding her way in different contexts. However, children are usually taught to conform to the ideas and ideals of the family and then to society, not given the freedom to develop themselves and their unique processes. Consequently, they are prevented from learning how to be themselves while adapting to circumstances. We suggest there isn’t one set of family values, but societies of family values that form through the valuation process we’ve just described. The valuing that goes on inside families, by family members, is as unique and as many as there are families on the planet. Maybe we can now begin to better understand what the heck we’re talking about when we use the term “family values.”




Norm began this work at MIT as a physicist, mathematician and process philosopher seeking meaning and functioning of the role of values in today's science. Co-founder of The Autognomics Institute (TAI) in 1992, Hirst's research reveals the essential need for a fundamental paradigm shift in science and provides new understanding of what life is, its functions, and its processes. TAI is initiating a new science of organisms and life-itself. To subscribe to Norm's Newsletter contact him at or call 207-236-6331 or visit TAI blog at


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mod er n s ham an i c l i v i n g

It's All in the Family by Evelyn C. Rysdyk


he California purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) is a spiny creature, which is about three inches across and is found along the sub tidal zone of the ocean, off the Western United States, from Vancouver to Baja. It lives its life, eating algae and nibbling on the stems of kelp. As an echinoderm (Greek for spiny skin), it is a relative to the urchins found in Atlantic waters, as well as, starfish, sand dollars and sea cucumbers.

compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Compassion is a word composed of two parts, which have their roots in Latin. The first part of the word -- com -- comes from a word meaning “with.” Whereas, passion means, “to bear suffering.” Taken together, the word compassion means to share the experience of another’s suffering. This is not just an end in itself, but rather, the state of compassion produces a sympathetic understanding of our interconnectedness. Plainly put, compassion is what allows us to recognize that -- what happens to you has an impact on me.

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As I have shared before in these pages, compassion is -- on a biochemical level -- closely related to the feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude. When we experience any of these four feeling states, the DNA in every one of our cells relaxes into its most beneficial and harmonious conformation. While in this shape, our DNA is able to effectively do its “work” of replication and repair as well as the creation of proteins and enzymes, which regulate a wide variety of basic cell functions. In November 2006, a research team lead by Erica Sodergren and George Weinstock, a husband-andwife team at the Baylor College of Medicine-Human Genome Sequencing Center (BCM-HGSC); announced that they had sequenced (decoded) the genome of the California purple sea urchin. What they found was quite remarkable. The urchin’s DNA revealed genetic connections far beyond all other spiny-skinned denizens of the deep. Their research proved that the small, purple sea urchin is related to people! Their genetic research revealed that urchins share a common ancestor with humans. That ancestor lived over 540 million years ago and gave rise to the Deuterostomes, an ancient branch of the great family tree of animals that includes echinoderms and all vertebrates--which is the classification for every creature that has a spinal column. Lead researcher Sodergren stated in her report that, “The sea urchin reminds us of the underlying unity of all life on earth.... It is a similar set of genes and proteins being reused in different ways, different numbers, and at different times in the life cycle to create the diversity of living forms.” The naturalist, and founder of the Sierra Club, John Muir said it a bit more poetically when he said, “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” These researches, and many other parallel projects, continue to stack up concrete scientific evidence to remind us that we, as human beings, are related to all life on Earth. And yet we, as a species, continue to operate as though we were separate and isolated. There must be some powerful illusion keeping us stubbornly stuck in this perceptual loop which is destructive to not only our own psyche, but through our behaviors stemming from this incorrect view of life--detrimental to the entire biosphere. Albert Einstein thought of this as “a kind of optical delusion of ...consciousness.” He also suggested that, “This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of 18 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

... it is who we become that has the capacity totransformtheworld - not what we do.

This relaxed conformation is in direct contrast to the twisting of the DNA that happens when we are fearful or angry. When the DNA is wound tightly upon itself, the ability for the DNA to accomplish its tasks is hampered, since where it crosses itself determines what of the genetic material is essentially “switched off.” The tighter the “DNA Cramp,” the less of our genetic material is available to do its job. As a result, a body’s cellular functions, immunity and DNA replication/ repair are all negatively impacted. In fact, when we are fearful and angry for extended periods of time, the DNA can actually reproduce damaged copies of itself -- that is, copies with micro sections of the genetic code permanently turned off! This directly impacts not only our own basic cell functions but also the DNA that we pass to the next generation. In addition, the feelings of fear and anger, which can create this damage, are radiated out producing similar “DNA Cramps” in all the creatures around us. The good news is, by fostering the feelings of love, compassion, appreciation and gratitude, we can provide ourselves -- and all other creatures -- an antidote to the damaging effects of fear and anger. By nurturing compassion, for instance, we feel our interconnections. This feeling of interconnectedness, in turn, can move us to find ways to alleviate your/our suffering. And it is not only our family of human beings that experiences suffering in this moment, every creature on our planet is caught in the tightening net of global warming and environmental degradation. It’s clear that our Family

-- from our human family to the larger family, which includes all beings -- is in dire need of support. The late Stephen Jay Gould who was an influential, evolutionary biologist at Harvard once said “We cannot win this battle to save species and environments without forging an emotional bond between ourselves and nature as well - for we will not fight to save what we do not love.” Baba Dioum, a Senegalese environmentalist expands upon this by stating that “In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” If we’re honest with ourselves, we realize that we do only conserve what we love and at the most basic level most of us love ourselves, our family, our friends and our community beyond in expanding concentric circles of weakening urgency and commitment. However, we need to develop an understanding that embraces this larger family with the same heart we lavish on our immediate family and friends! We depend on our larger family for our own survival -- we suffer as they suffer, we become unhealthy as they become unhealthy. It is a true and basic connection that we cannot live without. A great place to begin coming to the aid of our Family, is by fostering compassion and gratitude. By feeling gratitude -- by making a commitment to do it daily -- we not only nourish our own inner ecosystem, we nourish the surrounding ecosystem as well. This practice can simultaneously change the energetic and physical nature in and around you whereby you actually become a healing force -- you become that, which is changing the entire world for the better. This is critical as it is who we become that has the capacity to transform the world -- not what we do. Our “doing” is simply an adjunct, which can support the changes we manifest through the shift in ourselves. By this I am not suggesting that you do nothing, rather I am suggesting that if you are willing to become a healing force, any subsequent actions will be magnified to an amazing degree! This has been proven hundreds of times in Medicine for the Earth ceremonies across the world. In those ceremonies a small group of people actually affect polluted water -- in essence healing it. It isn’t done by praying about it, or through intention to heal the water, but rather those of us that perform these ceremonies, change ourselves with the understanding that our outer world will reflect back to us the inner changes that we make. This way of perception goes back to the ancient and esoteric principle of “as above, so below; as within, so without”. At the 2005 True North Annual conference, Mark Comings a well-known physicist and mathematician shared some information, which is being taught in The New Physics. Fundamental to this new view of All That Is, is understanding that matter -- the stuff of our physical reality -- isn’t solid at all! It is all vibration. This scientific view also considers consciousness to be an intrinsic feature of the field of reality and furthermore, that it is a central feature of both physics and biology. Consciousness being not only our thoughts, but also our feelings, which are especially important, since they are what affect the physical nature of reality. Feelings of Love (compassion, appreciation, gratitude) provide us a direct way to align ourselves with what Comings refers to as the multidimensional “sea of radiance,” which unites All.

⇠ 19 In aligning ourselves, we are remembering what has always been so. Nothing can be outside of Everything -- we are a part of the Divine. During this aligning/ remembering, we shift our vibration. It is an act that is essentially alchemical in nature -- changing our ordinary “leaden” consciousness into the “golden” consciousness/ feelings of the Divine. And that change in ourselves can cause polluted water to heal. Through no other means but the power of changing ourselves, conducted in an atmosphere of reverence for the Earth, water which has been intentionally polluted with ammonium hydroxide changes from a poisonous pH level of 11.5 to one of a nearly drinkable pH of 9. (pH is measured on a scale of 1, which is extremely acidic to 14, which is extremely alkaline. Healthy water is in the middle with a pH of around 7.) This shift of over two points of pH is the equivalent of a thousand-fold change. Simultaneously, a companion beaker of water polluted with acid becomes closer to healthy water, as well. These kinds of results are consistently accomplished by trained groups all over the world, in a few short minutes. The impossibly swift change seen in these ceremonies is truly unexplainable by the old science! As we take steps to become what I refer to as The New Human, our family values need to include nurturing compassion for all beings and practicing gratitude as often as we can each day. That little purple urchin -with its myriad of spines sticking out in all directions -can help remind us that life is reaching out to us all the time. We are members of an enormous family -- one that desperately needs us to remember who we really are. Just think of that humble urchin channeling Dr. Seuss’ Lorax -- “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, is a Teacher of Shamanism, healer & artist in joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW as Spirit Passages. Since 1991, they have offered workshops across the US and Canada. They also offer a private shamanic healing practice at True North in Falmouth, Maine.     Featured in the book, Traveling Between the Worlds, interviews with 24 of the world ’s most influential writers and teachers of shamanism, they may be contacted at:

We Are Family by Donna Amrita Davidge


amily means many things, starting with our birth family. The ideal picture of family is love, support and nurturing. But the reality is that even in the best of circumstances, as human beings, we may not see eye to eye or heart to heart, unknowingly doing or saying things to make those in our family feel unloved or unsupported. In the DVD, "The Secret," it is said that eighty five per cent of families are dysfunctional. Kundalini Yoga Master Yogi Bhajan said, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience,” so even though our spirits may be pure our human experiences present inner demons and challenges ,outer and inner, to learn and grow from. In Kundalini Yoga, which Yogi Bhajan introduced to the United States in 1969, many of the younger generation felt lost and detached from their families, experimenting with drugs and escape. When given your spiritual name in Kundalini Yoga (an option, not a necessity) everyone has the name Khalsa at the end of their spiritual name. Khalsa means, "the pure one," but it also makes you part of the family of Kundalini Yoga practitioners and some translate it as meaning "family." In this global economy and information age, which Yogi Bhajan warned would be overwhelming; we create families on the Internet. Kundalini Yoga has a Yahoo! group that communicates daily (an important part of any relationship!). Whole Foods has started Zaady, kind of like a My Space of conscious people making an effort to change the world for the better. When you receive your e-mail welcoming you to their group, it is signed with Namaste, often used in Yoga and meaning, “the divinity in me recognizes the divinity in you.” This group is creating a consciousness of global family. The positive side of this globalization is people adopting children from all over the world and traveling to help others in health crisis or natural disaster crisis. We are creating and acknowledging family, the family of mankind. One of my students went to New Orleans with Habitat for Humanity over Thanksgiving. She said the conditions were still terrible there and collected toys from her yoga community, when she returned to New York, to send to the children in Ward 9 over Christmas. This is a yogic act of realizing the human family of mankind. In Yoga, more and more people are finding that we are a family of humanity, all part of the same whole. As Yogi Bhajan said “If you don’t see God in all, you don’t see God at all.” He also talked about our “longing to belong.” Yoga can become that place where we feel belonging if the family we were born into does not make us feel this way. For me, yoga served as a powerful place to sort out those differences I had with my birth family, returning more whole in myself, more able to accept and understand, instead of looking for acceptance and understanding, even becoming a vehicle for positive change within my own family. I had been raised very religious but it had instilled fear and doubt, leaving me searching still for the solace of spirit, but seeking a spirituality that was accepting and less punishing. Families do their best, laying down foundations we may choose to accept or reject, or even integrate another way. Families, like humans, have strengths and weaknesses. Today, families are more separated by things like distance, time-consuming jobs and distractions like computers. Yoga can offer a sort of family where these externals are shut off, at least for a while, as we improve our relationship with ourself through body, mind and breath practices. Miraculously we then can attract people who feel like another kind of family, the kind we were told our birth family should be. Often we can return to our own birth family, as both healed and healer. Within Yoga, there are many families-- The Ana Forrest family, the Angela Farmer family, the Patabhis Jois family, the Iyengar family, the John Friend family-- these all being more well known yoga instructors who have created their own movement and following. There are also many smaller but equally supportive, nurturing, loving and accepting yoga families, led by their yoga teachers, who are like mothers encouraging, empowering, nurturing and showing unconditional love as they embrace their students’ growth. We gave a Yoga workshop last June in Canada and there was a woman, well into her 70’s, from Saint John, who arrived with seven devoted and adoring students of all ages. These families inspire me, as the family we have created over the years teaching in New York and at Sewall House have inspired us. The greatest compliment many of our guests have given us at Sewall House, is that they feel a part of our “family”. It is never too late to create more family or to heal the one you were born into.


Donna Amrita (Kaur Khalsa) Davidge and her husband Kent Bonham own and operate Sewall House Yoga Retreat in an historic family home in Island Falls Maine from July 4 to Columbus day, spending the rest of the year teaching, learning and growing in New York City, where Donna teaches full time since 1985. Kent and Donna also offer yoga workshops in the Northeast. (888) 235-2395.


Feb. 2 ~ Egyptian Healing Rods & Psychic Circle Feb. 17 ~ Astrology & the Moon Feb. 24 ~ Sensual Botanicals Feb. 25 ~ What’s Love Got to do With It? March 10 ~ Natural Body Care Upcoming Spring/Summer season: Community Herbalist Program, Intro to Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Essences, and much, much more… If you are interested in a workshop, please see our website at or or call us at (207) 236-3222

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 19

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More detailed information on Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice may be found in my column that appeared in the last issue (Dec./Jan.) of Inner Tapestry. It is also available on my web site: in the Newsletter section. Medicine for the Earth information may be found on Sandra Ingerman’s web page: Click on the “Medicine for the Earth” section. CDs of Mark Comings’ 2005 keynote speech The New Physics of Space, Time and Light may be ordered by contacting Kerry McGaffey at True North (207) 781-6734.

a b r e a t h of h ea l i n g

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Frederica Marshall Artist/Teacher classes/workshops Sumi-e Oriental Brush Painting Watercolor Painting Cold Spring, Nikko, Japan, ©2001 (watercolor batik on rice paper)

81 N. Deer Isle Road Deer Isle, ME 04627



Young Cherry Blossom – Yokusuka, Japan, ©2001

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ask asrianna

Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living.

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Dear Asrianna, I’m not a young woman, yet I’m experiencing the same existential angst any teenager goes through, from asking who I am, to wondering why I was ever born. 9/11 turned my life upside down. Tsunamis, Katrina, war, the terrorists, then the recent death of my father leave me questioning the existence of God. I guess what I’m really feeling is a loss of faith. Why would a loving God allow such suffering? Friends tell me this negative thinking creates the garbage I’m going through, which only makes me feel guilty, weak and undisciplined. How can I regain my belief in God when I’m so angry? Signed, Frightened and Faithless Dear Frightened, Faith isn’t belief in the absence of doubt, it’s choosing to believe even in the face of it. Questioning the world and your place in it isn’t juvenile or in some way weakness or lack, it’s your compass for how to walk authentically in this lifetime. When you ask yourself who you are and why you’re here, you’re giving yourself permission to take stock of your history, to review your choices, and to refine your goals. In addition, it’s understandable to feel weak when we’re sad, or to experience anger at the death of a loved one. So give yourself permission to question without negatively labeling yourself. There are usually complex issues involved when we feel fear, anger and a loss of faith. Yet I’ve come to see most questions of faith as issues of control though we rarely see them as such. If we control our lives totally, if we arrange the events in our lives so they unfold as we desire, we think to preclude sadness and loss. Faith isn’t necessary when you know the education you want, the man or woman you desire, or the job you pursue is merely a decision away. Faith comes into play when there’s a risk of failure, loss, pain, or fear. If we create every element of our lives down to the smallest detail, we not only create joy, health and material wealth; the next logical step is to believe that death, tragedy, and failure are also choices we’d consciously make. By saying you’ve created your own misery, your friends offer little help. None of us are privy to the details and deepest meaning of another’s life. How often do any of us consistently act in a conscious, aware manner? We do the best we can and learn as we go. Every experience, both the good and bad, allows us to grow, to become more aware and less judgmental of self and others. Armed with such knowledge we can then choose our path with more care, doing so joyfully and with strengthened faith. Living a conscious life requires balance, honesty and compassion for self while understanding that we do create many of the hardships we encounter. We choose to marry the man or woman we know isn’t trustworthy in spite of our heart’s inner misgiving. We take the job working for the boss with a reputation for irrationality and spitefulness. We divulge a secret given to us in confidence even as a small voice whispers that we’re doing something wrong. Everyday, in countless ways, we sabotage our own happiness, success and well-being, even as we lay the blame at the feet of our personal God. If we’re positive, it’s true we radiate hope and optimism. If we’re fearful or critical, we perceive and send out messages of distrust and resentment and reap 22 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

the outcome of both. Yet those truths are only part of the mystery of why our lives unfold as they do. Striving to control the things we can is a useful and necessary part of personal growth, allowing us to feel both responsible and powerful. Yet wisdom lies in knowing what we can change and what we must surrender to, learn from, integrate, perhaps rise above, and certainly move beyond. The hidden danger in spiritual absolutes is that it’s only one step across a very fine line to go from believing we create our own realities to handing over every single event in our lives to a judgmental, controlling God. Just one small, incremental step from saying we’re responsible for a tsunami killing thousands, to a belief that a vengeful God wreaks havoc on sinful people by doing the same thing. It’s no wonder we’d ask ourselves why? Why would I choose to create pain and despair or, why would a loving God kill innocent children, or allow fundamentalism in the name of God to destroy countless lives? Asking why is really a search for deeper meaning and purpose, both of which are human and noble. We understandably seek to find meaning behind our pain, but if we move from the extreme of believing we create absolutely everything, to the other extreme of God’s being in control of everything, we lose any sense of equilibrium. And if we feel we can’t move forward unless we have those answers, we’ll feel stuck and fearful. Let us find a middle ground, one which embraces both the mystery and our own mastery. Isn’t it possible we’re children of a loving God, one who allows us to live in the world with freewill, co-creators in this amazing opportunity for growth and learning we call life? You don’t have to be a parent to know when a child cries out for an ice cream cone the difference between his happiness or his abject misery lies in whether he gets it or not. As the adult, as the loving parent, we understand the greater good is the overall health and well-being of the child. We see the powerful meaning behind denying them their heart’s desire, even if they don’t. We might ache to give them the ice cream, it stings to hear our beloved child say they hate us because we’re so mean and unfeeling. We endure it because we’ve the vantage of insight, experience, wisdom and understanding. If we’re wiser still, we also understand the tantrum itself is also a necessary part of the learning. It allows the child to develop his or her own process of discernment, individuation, empowerment, and the realization of how their behavior ultimately affects the attainment of their goals. When we ask why God allows suffering, in many ways we’re that selfsame child. I’ve come to believe the only true lesson we’re here to learn is that of love. All else arises out of this single goal, the purifying of our nature, to utter love. Just as the parent withholds the ice cream because of the higher good of the child, so too we’re allowed to experience events in our lives fostering compassion, empathy, understanding and love. I believe the meaning behind every event in my own life relates to my learning this profound lesson in all its various guises. Why do tsunamis and hurricanes happen? Because natural events in creation unfold, underwater plates shift, water warms, air becomes heated and moist, and in a series of steps, waves are created or wild, uncontrollable winds spiral out of control. If your God is vengeful, you’ll tend to see this effect on people as an unleashing of anger, a punishment for human wrongs. Depending on your viewpoint, you’ll choose to see the thousands

of lives lost as the main lesson, rather than the way the world united to offer help, comfort, support and solace in an outpouring of compassion and individual and collective love. When you grieve for the lives lost in a tsunami, when you feel the uncertainty in a world at war, when you question why a loved one has to die and why you were born, you’re operating from your heart. To do otherwise would require a lack of love, a closing of the tender, receptive, compassionate and caring part of you. To live is to experience the gamut of feelings, including the harder, more painful emotions. Each one can cause us to doubt the existence of good and thus of the truth of a higher source, of God. Any relationship encompasses ups and downs, a moving away from and then a renewed drawing together again. God is powerful, loving and understanding enough to encompass both our devotion and our doubt. Ultimately, Frightened, no one can convince you that a loving God exists, no one person can make you feel secure in the world. Uncertainty is part of the living process and is what makes our lives exciting, mysterious, adventurous and magnificent, as well as, challenging and, at times, painful. We rant and rail against it all and then we rise from the ashes of experience and move forward with the wisdom we’ve gained and renewed faith. Signed, Asrianna Asrianna Dameron is an Intuitive Empath, Spiritual Medium, and Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice. Please direct all inquiries and questions for future columns to Asrianna. She can be reached at or by visiting her website at



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Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 23

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The Spirituality of Mary Magdalene by James Bean Were Mary Magdalene and Yeshua Married?

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As I begin this exploration of the teachings of Mary Magdalene, also known as Miriam of Magdala, I should first of all address the question of Mary’s relationship with Yeshua (Jesus). You might be interested in the actual historic basis for the belief that Mary and Jesus were married or at least were more than just good friends. While there has been much speculation about this over the years, there is an actual ancient text which preserves this understanding, showing that as far back as the Second or Third Centuries AD, probably much earlier then that, many held the view that Jesus and Mary had some kind of special intimate relationship. The text that documents the basis for this view is called the Gospel of Philip, one of the newly discovered gospels unearthed at Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt. At you can access the Gospel of Philip online. Philip is a holy book once used by a denomination known as the Valentinians, named after a mystic and spiritual Master from Alexandria by the name of Valentinius. Several places in the book of Philip Mary Magdalene is described as “the companion” of Christ, saying that Yeshua loved Mary, was closer to Mary than the other disciples, and also records that Yeshua used to often kiss Mary on her mouth. Actually that last part: “often kiss Mary on the... [mouth]”, is a restoration of the text, is likely what it said according to Coptic scholars. On this page of Philip in the original Coptic papyrus it reads: “used to kiss her often on her [...],” then there is a lacuna or break in the text with the last word missing. Given the other comments from the disciples, who asked: “Why do you love her more than us,” and that Mary is “his companion,” I would say this is likely to be an accurate rendering. Also, the surrounding context in the Gospel of Philip is about marriage, the bridal chamber, and sexuality. Sacraments, in particular the sacrament of marriage, are a major theme in the Gospel of Philip.

Books On Mary Some great books on this subject include: “The Gospel of Philip, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis of Sacred Union”; and “The Sacred Embrace of Jesus and Mary -- The Sexual Mystery at the Heart of the Christian Tradition”, both authored by Jean-Yves Leloup, and both published by Inner Traditions. A very key book to have, the one that gathers together many of the ancient texts and quotes attributed to Mary is the book “The Gospels of Mary -- The Secret Tradition of Mary Magdalene the Companion of Jesus”, by Marvin Meyer and Esther A. De Boer, Harper Collins. I find the best translation of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene to be contained in, “The Complete Gospels,” edited by Robert J. Miller, a great collection of what survives of around twenty gospels from antiquity. The largest number of chapters attributed to Mary, a series of questions of Mary to Jesus along with her mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Book of Psalms and another work known as the Odes of Solomon, can be found in a holy book called, “Pistis Sophia,” translated by G.R.S. Mead.

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A Gnostic-Buddhist Connection? The phrase “the Blessed One” appears in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: “When the Blessed One had said this, he greeted them all, saying, ‘Peace be with you. Receive my peace to yourselves’.” The thing is, the Buddha is referred to as the Blessed One in countless Buddhist sutras. “Compassionate One” is a popular Buddhist phrase and somehow also turns up in Pistis Sophia, another Gnostic gospel: “Jesus, the Compassionate, answered and said to Mary: ‘Mary, thou Blessed One, whom I will complete in all the Mysteries of the Height [inner planes or heavenly realms], speak openly, thou art she whose heart is more directed to the Kingdom of Heaven than all thy brothers'.” And Mary herself is also called a “Blessed One” in another verse of Pistis Sophia: “Mary, thou Blessed One, thou Pleroma [Heavenly Fullness] or thou all-blessed Pleroma, who will be blessed among all generations”. Those are the ones I have noticed, and I’m sure there must be lots more. These four examples could make one wonder if perhaps there might have been a Buddhist influence in the West during those days.

Photo courtesy of Art Archive

The Very “Eastern” Sounding Mystical Teachings of Mary Magdalene A saying of Yeshua found in the Gospel of Mary: “When the Blessed One had said this, he greeted them all. ‘ Peace be with you!’ he said. ‘Acquire my peace within yourselves. Be on your guard so that no one deceives you by saying, “Look over here!” or “Look over there!” For the Seed of True Humanity exists within you. Follow it! Those who search for it will find it.’” Some commentary found in a footnote of the same translation adds: “The disciples must search within themselves, to find the Seed of True Humanity that is within each person. They must guard against those who try to lead them astray by requiring that a person conform to what is outside.” (The Complete Gospels, Robert J. Miller) Regarding “the Seed of True Humanity”, another translation renders that as “Son of Man” or “Son of Adam”, “the Son of Man is within you”. The Eastern term is “atman,” the true self or Spirit of Life within. For the mystic-soul there is no need to construct outward temples made of wood and stone, as the human body itself is already a temple of the Spirit. I’m sure

this “within you” message of the Gnostic or mystical gospels are one of the reasons why they were not politically useful to some in antiquity, and thus they were banned. The saying above reflects a theme found in the teachings of countless mystics and Masters that the focus is “within,” not elsewhere in the outer world of the five senses. Thus contemplative meditation for mystics serves as a kind of “portal” or “doorway” to the Divine. In the poetry of the Indian mystic Dadu it says: “God is within the self; He is close to the worshiper. But leaving Him aside, men serve external constructions, lamenteth Dadu. This is the mosque, this is the temple, so has the Master shown. The service and salutation are performed within. With happiness and bliss within, there is happiness and bliss in all places. Without happiness and bliss within, none was seen happy. The treasure is nowhere to be found, that treasure is within everyone. There are two hearts inside, one obscure and the other lustrous. Within the obscure heart nothing is visible, but within the lustrous the Supreme Being is revealed. I found the true home within the house itself. Entering the state of blissful meditation, dwell within. Thus hath the Master discovered and taught. For the sake of that home, I wandered everywhere, but the Lord has been revealed within my very self. The doors of the palace have been thrown open, the Everlasting Abode has been shown. All fears, doubts and delusions have disappeared. That state of bliss has it entered, where the self, transcending the body, ascends.” (Sant Dadu Dayal, Criterion Publications, New Delhi) Mary was an apostle or Master who was a visionary, one who saw many visions of various inner planes or heavenly regions during her meditations. A beautiful passage from the Gospel of Mary about a soul Mary saw during one of her visions when she was exploring the Second Heaven. This soul was being questioned by a being or power given the name “Desire”: “The soul answered saying, you did not see me nor did you know me. You mistook the garment I wore for my true self. And you did not recognize me.” There is a similar passage in one of the Mandaean Gnostic texts from Iraq that goes something like: “The soul says, ‘I dwelt in your midst but you never recognized me, you never really knew me.’” How easy it is to only see the surface, to in fact be wasting away whole lifetimes being a surfacedweller, neither knowing one’s self nor seeing the true identity of others as souls. In truth we are all particles of Light dwelling within bodies, we are Notes that make up a divine symphony: “All beautiful forms and tones of this world are mere reflections of some aspect of that ultimate Love-Music of the Great Creative Word. Within the vast complex of creation, each individual spirit is himself/herself a spark of that Eternal Song of Love. (George Arnsby Jones) In Gnostic texts such as the Gospel of Mary, unenlightened human existence is portrayed as a kind of night of the living dead, souls living in a world of sleep caught up in dreams of illusion, trapped in spiritual ignorance somewhere in time, limited to only a couple of dimensions, tethered to material existence seemingly unable to become aware of anything more. One of my favorite passages from Mary is when a liberated soul

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Feng Shui & Geopathology by Werner Brandmaier

The Effect of Geopathic Stress on Live-Blood:


hen I first experienced live-blood analysis, I was immediately fascinated by the structure and beauty of blood cells, but also of the visible life force within my body. I was equally impressed at the amount and the accuracy of information that could be derived from a simple drop of blood taken from my fingertip.   Everything we drink or eat effects our blood, often within minutes. Some microscopists have become quite adept at guessing their clients’ last meal. A good friend who does live-blood microscopy and nutritional consulting recently told the story how he surprised a client asking her how her chicken salad had been, referring to a “snowstorm” of tiny black dots, telltale of a particular type of bacteria found in chicken.

Live blood analysis originated in the mid 1800’s, in France, when scientists found a significant correlation between the quality of blood as analyzed under the microscope and the health conditions of the patient. Opposing the famous Andre Pasteur (as in “pasteurization”), the father of the virus theory, fellow colleagues such as Antoine Bechamp, described the importance of a healthy milieu in the blood for our overall health. In Germany, scientist Prof. Enderlein, was one of the fathers of live blood microscopy and a major contributor to this research.   Here in the United States, Dr. Robert Young, author of Sick and Tired and The pH Miracle, has become the foremost authority on the acid-alkaline theory. Dr. Young boldly postulates, that “there is only one sickness and one disease: the over-acidification of the body”, and believes that all imbalances can be traced back to an original pH imbalance. He has captured on video numerous sequences showing the transformation of a rod-shaped bacteria into a red blood cell, also known as pleomorphism (“change of forms”). He was later able to confirm his findings in the studies of Antoine Bechamp. Natural medicine supports the concepts of acid-alkaline balance and live-blood analysis for many years now.   When the blood is healthy, not clumping together, oxygen can be transported easily through the body, our brain is fed in time, and the body functions well. However, if the blood is clogged, oxygen transportation is diminished, our thinking becomes foggy and our blood pressure rises, which makes our whole cardiovascular system work harder. Blood similar to the first picture, is typical for somebody with a Standard American Diet (SAD), such as meat, dairy, sodas and lots of sugar- in other words, overly acidic. The picture on the left is of healthy red blood cells. Blood which looks like this picture is typical for somebody with an

Besides nutrition, our emotions, as well as our environment, affect the quality of our blood. All types of stress, including geopathic stress and energetic depletion from electro-magnetic devices, impact the consistency and shape of our blood.   About a month ago I got a call from Sean, a live blood microscopist, who works out of Worcester, MA. He had done the blood of a client who kept to a perfect alkalerian diet. Although all blood samples looked clean and nearly perfect, the client had sought his help because she found herself often sick and fatigued over the last months, much more than usual, and she felt this was unusual, especially when following such a healthy diet. In addition, her 2-year-old son, who had the same vegetarian diet, was catching colds all the time. The interesting part for me was that the family had moved into a new home a year and a half ago. The client reported that the little boy had not slept well since waking 3-4 times a night.   A strange observation in the live blood samples occurred: the white blood cells in the samples did not move at all. White blood cells usually move around slowly between the red blood cells cleaning the serum of bacteria, yeast and debris. Sean questioned her about eating habits, diet and exercise but nothing made sense. In order to confirm the white cell’s behavior, they repeated the test two weeks later with the same results. Most white blood cells were inactive and looked frozen. Finally, Sean remembered one of our conversations about geopathic stress and recommended that she contact me.

were tremendous: The child slept 12 hours straight through the first night and 9½ hours the next one. His cold improved, as well. However, the most significant change was that the client’s white blood cells started to move again; first slowly (after 3 days) and within the following 2 weeks recovered fully. Her strength came back and she reported feeling as energetic as she had years ago.   I very much enjoy integrating different disciplines; such as dietary recommendations, supplementation, live-blood analysis, Feng Shui, dowsing and AK-testing. I have found that illness has to be addressed on several levels and is rarely caused by one reason alone. Good nutrition combined with enhancing the Qi of a house works best. Dr. Robert Young's website can be found at For more information on alkalizing greens and superfood such as the brazilian Acai-berry please check out and Photos courtesy of Sean Fuller.

Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner (207) 772-7888, or Visit his Website at:

Blood picture showing an overall good alkalarian diet with good fats and oils. However, the white blood cell in the center did not move at all.

When I went down to New Hampshire to see the new home of the client, I quickly identified a wide underground water stream under the master bed creating a drain for any person spending more than an hour a day in this bed. The child’s bed, on the other hand, was literally cut in half by a noxious 10 meter grid line. No wonder he did not sleep well. The smaller children are, the more sensitive they are to geopathic stress drains.   After the Feng Shui assessment was completed, we discussed possible ways to change the rooms. Unfortunately, the options of moving the beds were limited. We then considered an energetic house shield, the Feng Shui Power Plus disc, which neutralizes detrimental energies within a whole building. After demonstrating the immediate change of Qi with muscle-testing (AK – Applied Kinesiology), both on the client and her husband, they decided to give this a try. Without changing the positions of their own or their child’s bed we installed the Feng Shui Power disc in the upper floor.   I kept in close contact with the family for the next weeks, but also with Sean, because I was curious what his subsequent tests would show. The results

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Unhealthy blood with cells sticking together in rolleau-form forcing our cardiovascular system to increase blood pressure in order to pump those clusters through tiny capillaries.

organic vegan diet; lots of greens, good oils and fats and well-hydrated-- in short, alkaline. Being able to see your own blood before and after nutritional changes is truly educational and a strong motivator.

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Book Review

Book Review

by J a me s Be an The Gospels of Mary Marvin Meyer and Esther A. DeBoer ISBN: 0-06-072791-8 Publisher: Harper San Francisco

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Interest in Mary Magdalene has been growing dramatically in recent years, as illustrated by best selling books such as, The DaVinci Code, by Dan Brown. The Gospels of Mary is the new book that I find to be the most significant of all the recent publications on the life and teachings of Mariam of Magdala (Aramaic spelling), companion, apostle and spiritual successor of Yeshua of Nazareth. As Karen Torjesen, Professor of Women’s Studies in Religion, at Claremont Graduate University, wrote in praise of The Gospels of Mary, “At last Mary is taking her rightful place among the disciples of Jesus.” Marvin Meyer, one of the foremost scholars on Gnostic Gospels and author of numerous books, has provided translations of a majority of the Mary Magdalene texts from antiquity, including material from the four Orthodox or New Testament gospels along with the Gospel of Peter, also from the Gnostic Gospels of the Middle East, such as; the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, Dialogue of the Saviour, Manichaean Psalms of Heracleides, and the Books of Pistis Sophia (from the Greek, literally; “Faith Wisdom”). This is a serious, scholarly approach to Mary and not someone’s conjecture or fantasy imposed upon history. Meyer’s introduction to each of the chapters, along with legions of footnotes, brings the reader up to speed with vast amounts of helpful background information and context. Chapter eight has a wonderful essay by Esther A. De Boer titled, Should We All Turn and listen to Her? Mary Magdalene in the Spotlight. For her and many others who have had the pleasure of discovering the depths of wisdom and spirituality to be found in the Gospel of Mary and Pistis Sophia, the answer is a resounding “YES”! De Boer writes, “All of this marginalizing of Mary Magdalene, while not eliminating her, forcefully reveals that she was a crucial disciple of Jesus with her own distinct role and Gospel. The balancing of the Gospel of Mary and the other non-canonical texts against the New Testament’s ‘official’ minimizing allows Mary finally to emerge from the shadows of history.” De Boer is also the 26 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

author of two other books on the longsuppressed Mary tradition of the early centuries AD, Mary Magdalene: Beyond the Myth, and more recently, The Gospel of Mary: Beyond a Gnostic and a Biblical Mary Magdalene. I will conclude with a couple of passages directly quoting Mary Magdalene. Mary Fears Peter But Is Vindicated When the First Mystery finished saying these things to the disciples, Mary came forward and said, “My Master, I understand in my mind that I can come forward at any time to interpret what Pistis Sophia has said, but I am afraid of Peter, because he threatens me and hates our gender.” When she said this, the First Mystery replied to her, “Any of those filled with the spirit of Light will come forward to interpret what I say: no one will be able to oppose them.” (Pistis Sophia) Mary Consoles the Disciples, and Peter Challenges Mary The disciples were grieved. They wept profoundly and said, “How can we go to the gentiles and preach the good news of the kingdom of the child of humanity? If they did not spare him, how will we be spared?” Mary stood up, greeted them all, and said to her brothers, “Do not weep or grieve or be in doubt, for his grace will be with you all and will protect you. Rather, let us praise his greatness, for he has prepared us and made us truly human.” When Mary said this, she turned their hearts to the good, and they began to discuss the words of the [savior]. Peter said to Mary; “Sister, we know the savior loved you more than any other woman. Tell us the words of the savior that you remember, which you know but we do not, because we have not heard them.” Mary answered and said, “What is hidden from you I shall reveal to you.” She began to speak these words to them. She said, “I saw the Master in a vision and I said to him, ‘Master, today I saw you in a vision’. “He answered and said to me, ‘Blessings on you, since you did not waver when you saw me. For where the mind is, the treasure is...’” (Gospel of Mary, also translated in “The Gospels of Mary”)

by James Bean The Philosophy of Liberation By: Maharishi Mehi Paramahansa Translated by: Veena Howard Website: This is the first book in English featuring the teachings of Maharishi Mehi, in the lineage of Paramsant Tulsi Sahib, the famous Saint of Hathras, India. The lineage began with Tulsi, then the torch was passed to Baba Devi Sahib. Mehi was the next teacher, the third guru. Veena Howard, who was initiated into meditation practice by Mehi, tells me that more writings from this lineage of Masters will soon be published and made available to spiritual seekers in the West. This is an intriguing book that provides some surprisingly technical details about meditation practice. Anyone interested in developing their own successful daily meditation practice, will greatly benefit from the wisdom and depth of The Philosophy of Liberation It systematically covers all aspects of the philosophy of the path and the technical details of spiritual practice rarely ever seen in print from any source outside of India. It is not light reading, and that is precisely what I like about it! There are several techniques described, the specific details of which are taught to students at the time of their deeksha (initiation) into the practice: 1) developing a daily routine, the habit of meditating at the same time or times each day; 2) proper posture so that one is truly focused at the Third Eye and remains alert and awake; 3) Manas Japa, a mantra repetition of a sacred word done mentally; 4) Manas Dhyan, the technique of mentally visualising a form of God or one’s teacher; 5) Drshti Yoga, the technique of focusing upon an infinitesimal point. This point will eventually blossom into inner Light or visions of Light. One gazes into the middle of the darkness or the Light one sees while in meditation. Think of the infinitesimal point as being like a laser pointer or cursor keeping one focused. One passes from scene to scene and vision to vision always looking toward the center; 6) Nada Sadhana, the practice of inner spiritual hearing; and, 7) reaching the State of Kaivalya, Oneness with the Supreme

Being in the Pure Conscious Realm. The ultimate goal is to merge into the upper level of Kaivalya known as the Ocean of Love and Compassion, the Ultimate Reality of God in the Nirguna or Formless State, also described with terms such as Anami (Nameless) and Anadi (Soundlessness). The poet-mystic Tulsi Sahib describes it this way, “There is a Being who is Inaccessible (Agam), unfathomable (Alakh), and Nameless (Anami), and who has no locality, location, and is not confined to space.” Tulsi also often uses the Sufi language of love or bhakti, describing this timeless spiritual State of Oneness as, “the Abode of the Beloved.” “On having found the teacher, I shall adopt his refuge, and I shall follow the path to the Beloved’s Abode. The way to the Beloved lies within. My heart’s desire, says Tulsi, is that my soul may meet the Beloved.” “The love-intoxicated soul is bubbling with joy. The darling of the Beloved has prepared and bedecked the bed and, imbued with the Beloved’s bliss (ananda), has cast away all bondages. The soul prepared the Beloved’s bed, and, lying there, enjoyed great bliss.” (The Shabdavali of Tulsi Sahib) Excerpt from, The Philosophy of Liberation, On Daily Practice “A comfortable asana (pose of sitting or posture) of keeping the head, neck and trunk straight and steady is a must for meditation. Without the ability to sit in such a steady posture for prolonged periods, meditation cannot be practiced. “Meditation should be practiced being alert, without being drowsy, shutting the eyes comfortably and without turning the eyeballs or pressing them in any way. “The practice of meditation should be an essential part of the practitioner’s daily routine. The preferred time of meditation is BrahmaMuhurta (very early in the morning: 3:00 A.M.). [The Sikhs call this peak spiritual time of the morning “Amrit Veela,” the Hour of Elixir.] Likewise one should meditate at mid-morning and then again in the evening time. While falling asleep, one should also engage his or her mind in meditation.”

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening. Address questions or comments to: P O Box 7, Newport, ME 04953, or

27 Book Review

A Legacy of Values

b y S co t t C r o n e n w e t h

Becoming Whole, The Story of My Complete Recovery from Breast Cancer By: Meg Wolff with Tom Monte ISBN: 10: 0-9789725-0-3 Publisher: Wolff Press

Music Review

journey, not an isolated event. Part Two is “a dietary and lifestyle approach to cancer,” which begins with a succinct, understandable and totally convincing explanation of how a macrobiotic diet serves to create wholeness and health. Next is the cookbook: page after page of macrobiotic recipes for a wide range of tastes and occasions, followed by menu plans. At the back is a resource list including readings, websites, and practitioners. For a person coping with the exhausting regime of allopathic cancer treatments, having all this inspiration and information in such a complete, approachable source will be a huge gift. You may never see a nicer self-published book; I doubt its very affordable price even covers production costs. In addition to her writing, Meg Wolff also teaches and coaches about macrobiotic cooking and healing, and has a superb website dedicated to providing “information and support to survivors and those currently recovering from breast cancer, as well as their families and friends.” More information regarding her book can be found on page 21. Woman or man, breast cancer affects us all. Becoming Whole lovingly supports us all. It’s an honor to sing its praises.

b y J oan E mmo n s

As Things Could Be By: Evren Ozan Point of Light Records On a recent trip to the White Mountains of New Hampshire I came upon a wonderful Native American store called Sister Crows, in North Conway. There I found various types of art work, clothing, blankets and hand made mocs and a wall behind the register which holds a collection of music rivaled by none. We spent time asking questions and sampling many CDs and were not disappointed with the information we received or the selection of purchases for our own personal collection. One of these CDs is As Things Could Be by Erven Ozan, which I would like to highlight for our issue of New Family Values. If ever there was a CD that I was drawn to get up and move to, this is one of the top two or three. I immediately fell in love with it and as I took the time to read the CD jacket I was more and more amazed. This is Evren's second CD; his third, Alluvia, was released in November 2006.

This outstanding young man (honored as "the future of Native American music" at the 2001 awards and awarded "Rising Star" by the Native American Music Awards 2005) discovered the Native American flute at the age of six, while on a cross-country road trip, first stopping at the Grand Canyon, where he purchased his first flute with his trip money. His first CD, Images of Winter, was recorded at the age of seven, his second, As Things Could Be, at the age of nine and his most recent Alluvia, at the age of thirteen. A home schooler of Anglo, Osage and Turkish decent, he has been described as "an old soul returned to the people". Originally from Massachusetts, Evren lives in Southern CA and is active in the regional flute circle. His other interests include rock drums, radio controlled model plane flying, skateboarding, and spending time with his pets, especially Belle, his black lab. His web site is definitely worth checking out!


he other evening as my teenage son was raving about how “cool” his classmate Ryan’s parents were, I asked him if he thought I was “cool” as well. “You?” he replied. “You’re like a spiritual tree-hugger. Not cool at all.” Although certainly not intended as a compliment, his remark made me smile. A spiritual tree-hugger; I could do a lot worse. Actually, I was pleased that his portrayal of me was so accurate. At the same time, our conversation started me thinking. What other character traits do I reflect, not only to him, but also to the world at large? What values do I attempt to live by on a daily basis, and am I consistent with “walking my talk?” And what values would I most like to be remembered by when I am no longer here? The more I thought about this, the more I became compelled to sit and write a legacy of values by which to live. These are some of the ones, which sprang quickly to mind: Positive-ness – Many of us think that we have a positive attitude, but do we? It is really easy to distinguish positive people from those who see the glass halfempty. Those with positive energy are a lot easier to be around than their negative counterparts, who are apt to be energy-drainers. And while certainly it is easier to be optimistic when things are going well, having things the way we want them to be is not a prerequisite to a positive outlook. Being positive is a choice. It is about choosing to focus on what’s going right, rather than giving energy to what isn’t. It is about recognizing and affirming the positive qualities and attributes of family members and friends, instead of fixating on what isn’t quite up to our expectations. We all have this choice. We do not need to take the one black spot in our lives and smudge it all over everything that is good. Instead, we can choose to pause, smile, look for what’s right, and maybe even practice acting positive until we actually feel positive inside and out. Gratitude – Gratitude is one of those values that often get overlooked in the hurry-up pace of today. How can we be grateful when we’re traveling at high speed and maximum capacity, racing from task to task or from place to place? And when was the last time that we actually took a moment, not only to think about, but also to make a list of those things for which we are grateful? You know, those big and little things that we so easily take for granted? Things like our eyesight, mobility, sense of touch and smell, or the ability to reason. Things like healthy children, a furnace that functions, a roof that doesn’t leak, or a car that starts, even on the coldest of days? If we really gave it any thought, we could probably come up with hundreds of reasons to be grateful at any given time. And when we can learn to focus on being thankful for our many blessings, chances are we’ll have much more stamina and energy to meet the more challenging and stressful moments when they arise. Generosity – Generosity is a value, which feeds on itself. Like a pebble thrown into a pond, it not only affects the immediate area, but also continues to spread. What a wonderful thing to be considered a generous person! And there are many types of generous people. Some are generous with their time, some with their gifts of talent, others with financial contributions, and still others have a generosity of spirit that could not be confused with anything else. Generosity involves putting self momentarily aside. It is not about being all things to all people. It only implies doing our share. The truth is, if we each supported one cause that resonates deeply within us, we would make a difference. And we could include our family members in our commitment. We can take our spouse or parents or children with us to do community service, stuff envelopes for the political candidate of our choice or set up the hall for our church craft fair. Generosity is a great value to embody. And when we do, we have the power to make a difference in ways both large and small. Respect - Respect has many faces. It is value and virtue, noun and verb, learned and earned, a decision as well as an attitude. Yet, unfortunately, it is becoming obsolete in many of our homes, relationships, schools, institutions, and corporations. It’s time to turn this trend around. And we can do so by respecting the idea of respect. Few of us realize that respect really is the key for harmonious relationships, physical balance, spiritual connection, and even the key for fulfilling our dreams. How is this possible? To begin with, incorporating respect in our relationships allows us to be considerate regarding the boundaries, as well as the differences, of others. (This doesn’t mean we have to agree with everybody; it only means that we respect their opinion and point of view.) Respecting our need to be balanced allows us to stop “whipping ourselves into shape,” and to begin nurturing ourselves into well-being. When we respect our need for spiritual connection, we might stop trying to fill our inner void in ways that don’t work well for us or anyone else over time. And when we give respect to our dreams and desires, we are much more likely to bring them into the light, and manifest them as part of the Greater Good. Kindness – Any situation can be improved by a simple act of kindness. And it doesn’t cost a dime. Kindness involves taking the high road. It is about acting in

Continued on page 35 Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 27

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

This is one book you can judge by its cover: candid, courageous, inspired, magnificent! Being male and in good health I am not among those for whom it is expressly written. There’s no mystery about the happy ending. And much of it consists of recipes for foods I’d be challenged to identify with a field guide. But I couldn’t put Becoming Whole down. At 2:00 a.m., with the bedspread pulled up to my chin and my dog snoring beside me, I was still reading. From beginning to end, this extraordinary book is an open, supportive and compelling invitation -to all of us -- to take charge of our lives, work with our fears, and live from our hearts. The immense, potentially lifesaving value it holds for women facing the challenge of breast cancer I can’t even begin to express. Written in the first person, Becoming Whole effortlessly blends the gritty integrity of a terrific memoir with the accessibility of a first-rate how-to book. It’s organized into two main parts. Part One is Meg Wolff ’s utterly fearless and unsanitized personal account of her life: her childhood, her marriage, her illness, and her recovery. She shares so deeply because all of her experience is relevant. Illness, like healing, is a

by Betty Hill Crowson

28 destination healing; Shamanism... cont'd from page 10 as related to all things; trees, plants, insects, fish, reptiles, stones, earth, and all people and cultures. How does teaching or treating one individual or a small group relate to the family of Mother Earth? Consider a well-known philosophy of changing globally through acting locally. Through the promotion of renewed family values, based on ancient and ancestral ways, a new environment comes forth, one cultivated with seeds of past methods, proved and sure. Finding a destination for healing implies a pending arrival at a proposed destination for healing and perhaps the completion of a journey. Shamanism, as a Destination for Healing, is truly the beginning of an incredible journey, a journey to wellness, greater awareness, and a return to your authentic self. With Allie and Evie as your teachers and guides your journey will be one that can change your life and the life of your family. They can be contacted at Spirit Passages in Yarmouth, Maine. Telephone ( 2 0 7 ) 8 4 6 - 6 8 2 9 . E m a i l : p a s s a g e s @ m a i n e . r r. c o m . T h e i r w e b s i t e i s w w w. s p i r i t p a s s a g e s . com. Kevin Pennell, an author from Bethel , Maine, wrote Two Feathers - Spiritual Seed Planter and has written for other periodicals and media. Kevin is also an Usui Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, and Psychic Empath. He conducts Reiki workshops and other workshops that assist spiritual and personal development. Kevin, with his wife, Vickie Cummings, operate Spirit Wings, their Compassionate Healing Center and therapeutic Store located in Bethel, Maine.

Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy... cont'd from page 12 preview a session by “sampling” various techniques. The child has final approval on whether or not to book a future session.

Testimonials Parents, caregivers, therapists and doctors have seen the benefits of Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy. It is safe, effective and educates for a lifetime. Parent comments include…


“I have never seen him so calm. After only 15 minutes he almost fell asleep!” “For the first time he has been able to face his nightmares… He really looks forward to (his sessions).” “She is doing better in school and feels better about herself.” Photos courtesy of Bruce Cote

Magenta Y e l l o w

Bruce Cote is a licensed massage therapist who specializes in Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy. He is trained in Touch and Massage for Children with Special Needs, Neonatal Massage, Infant Massage and Therapeutic Crisis Intervention. His is a certified K-8 Classroom Teacher, Polarity Practitioner, Yoga Ed. Instructor and Reiki Master. He offers Holistic Pediatric Massage Therapy, teaches classes in Holistic Healing for Children and Families, and offers training in HPMT for parents, caregivers and massage therapists. For more information call 207 522-7257, e-mail or visit

Gaia Girls to the rescue... cont'd from page 13 me a reason to explore any darned topic I please without people questioning my ability to focus or commit! TP: Your book tour could be called non-traditional. How were you inspired to put it together and how did that process work? I see you have appeared at many Whole Foods grocery stores and schools. LW: It occurred to me very early on that it is the parents who buy the books, very rarely the kids. I knew that grown-ups who are interested in holistic thinking and being green would be thrilled to find a chapter book that could not only, hopefully, inspire their kids, but could become a platform for conversations. I spent the summer going to various types of green festivals and organic food fairs and found this to be very much the case. I live in western New York, home of Wegmans markets, and did some of my first signings there. Putting myself in front of a lot of people and having the opportunity to really sell the book was great. Whole Foods is like merging the market and the festival! TP: What were your favorite books as a young reader? LW: I still re-read some of my favorites; it’s one of the perks of being married to a teacher! Favorites include: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books, Homer Price stories, Little House Series, Chronicles of Narnia, The Secret Garden, Harriet the Spy, all of Beverly Cleary’s, and Madeline L’Engle. Then there are the books I remember, but fail to recall author or title. For example, there was one that was a collection of mermaid stories in our local library. It had beautiful illustrations that I can still see in my mind’s eye. TP How do you think your books differ from the books of your own girlhood? LW: One of the challenges is to make my books both current and timeless. I wrote the whole first draft and realized that there wasn’t a single mention of computers. Not very realistic for today’s young readers! I’ve tried to show technology as a tool for good, not as a distraction or replacement for nature. TP: What is your favorite feedback you have gotten from your young readers? LW: I love the all-caps emails: I CAN”T STAND IT!!!! WHEN IS BOOK TWO COMING OUT? I have had more than one fan offer to be in the movie--that’s pretty flattering. Some of my favorite feedback comes from adult readers. I am told that the book sends them back to memories of having a favorite tree, or loving a creek or an uncle’s farm. I’m touched that my writing can send people back to that time when they could effortless enjoy the magic of nature. I have had a couple grown men tell me I made them cry! TP: What is the one question that you never get asked that you would like to answer? LW: What part of the earth would I most like to see? I would dearly love to see the Amazon and the riot of life it contains. Of course, one of the reasons I love nature so much is that it is never, ever boring. My backyard can be as exciting as Patagonia! Teresa Piccari is a writer, teacher and healer living in coastal Maine. She is the proprietor of The Village Scribe, offering original and custom written personal/family histories, wedding vows and readings, anniversary letters, eulogies and other special occasion pieces. She teaches a variety of writing workshops including creative writing and personal/family history. She also performs house blessings/clearings and is a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and practitioner. She can be reached at or by phone at (207) 344-7070.

exploring the world religions, The Spirituality of... cont'd from page 25 exclaims: “I was set loose from a world and from the chain of forgetfulness that exists in time!” In history there have been many “Dr. Quantums” (experiencers of realms beyond). Dr Quantum visits Flatland (earth), coming to liberate flatland souls, making us aware of the existence of other dimensions previously undreamt of in our philosophy (What the Bleep). Another “Mary” further to the East by the name Mira Bai once said,

“My mind, birth after birth, lost in slumber, Awoke on hearing the Sound my Master gave. Photo courtesy of

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabda Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to PO Box 7, Newport, Maine 04953, or email:

Adv e r t i s e in t h e In n e r Tape st ry ~ Dire c t o ry of Resources ~ 1 1 5 w o r ds $250, $ 1 pe r w o rd t h e re aft e r, for 1 year (6 issues) or $300 to include the Online version, initial set-up fee $20 28 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007


Inner Tapestry DIRECTORY OF RESOURCES (pages 29 ~ 34)

Holistic practitioners, products & resources at your fingertips! Reaching over 40,000 readers. ( TAKE A LOOK AND SEE WHAT’S NEW! ( (New listings added each issue) For information on how to add your listing, see page 28

; Counseling & Therapy 29 ; Creative Healing Arts 29 ; Dance/Movement 29 ; Herbs, Gardens & Herbal Products 30 : Holistic Healing Centers 30 : Honoring A Life's Transition 30 : Hypnotherapy .....................................................pages 30-31 ; Integrative Healing .............................................pages 31-32 ; Life Mastery 32 : Living Spaces 32 : Meditation 33 : Nurturing Foods 33 ; Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship 33 ; Reflexology & Healing Massage 33 ; Retreats .............................................................pages 33-34 ; Sacred Space 34 ; Salons & Spas 34 ; Shamanic Healing 34

counseling & therapy Health problems, relationship dilemmas and dreams can be your connections to nature, the spirit of the future, and new unknown aspects of yourself and community. Process Work, also known as Dreambody Work, gives you innovative but simple ways to unfold and

understand what your body, relationships and life are communicating. Individual sessions, ongoing groups, classes and phone sessions. Introduction session free. Carol Zahner,MS, Dipl. Process Work Center of Portland in Oregon. In Maine: Portland and Walpole (near Damariscotta). Call (207) 522-3600,

Carol Zahner Process Work

The Couples Center

Supporting the heart’s desire for intimacy, meaning, and connection. Conscious relationship is the art and science of using the

inevitable challenges of relationship to evolve into more present, loving, and compassionate beings. We bring a unique blend of expertise, support, and challenge to couples who are ready to open their hearts, transform shadow into light, and heal ancient wounds in the context of relationship. We offer a variety of formats for this work: individual therapy, Husband/wife co-therapy team, couples’ intensives, Integrated Marital and Sexual Therapy, and shamanic healing. Call for information: (207) 878-3141. Ron Feintech, Ph.D, Licensed Psychologist, Sex Therapy Diplomate, AASECT;; Deb Feintech, RC, Certified Shamanic Practitioner; Michele Keef, LMFT and Alison Caswell, LCPC-C, 222 Auburn St., Portland, ME 04103.

Art Therapy & Shamanism Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy. Art therapy and shamanic counseling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden.

We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "Art from the HeART," (207) 589-3063.

Susan Bakaley Marshall ATR-BC, LCPC

Dance/Movement Therapy Dance/Movement Therapy helps people explore and extend their aliveness. Combining words and movement in safe, developmentally

appropriate structures, Caroline can help you tap into your deepest wisdom and creativity. Caroline offers individual therapy sessions as well as consultation for other professionals, therapists and educators who can benefit from the use of movement in their understandings. She also offers supervision to those who would like to include movement more effectively in their work with clients or students. Caroline also teaches classes and leads workshops in Contemplative Dance and T’ai Chi Ch’uan at Fiddlehead Arts and at her studio in New Gloucester. For more information: Call (207) 926-5983 or e-mail

Caroline Loupe ADTR, LCPC Workshops, retreats and individual journeys facilitated by visionary artist and healer Helen Warren, MSed, MFA, providing sacred

space in which to reconnect with our eternal aspect which remembers our oneness with the creative source. Immersing in visual artmaking as process (Touch Drawing* and other media) our unique wisdom, knowing and creativity are activated. The circle gathered, co-created ritual, connection with earth, and labyrinth work grounds and supports our process of remembering. As trust replaces fear energy flows, the emerging images reflecting the healing and integration taking place within. All levels of experience welcome. FMI: Call Helen at (207) 829-6876; email:; or See

North Yarmouth, Maine 04097

dance/movement Movement as Healer

Gail Edgerly, RN, CTP

Movement as Healer is rooted in the premise that movement is the expression of life, and movement on all levels is fundamental to health. When we experience the possibilities of our own unique and authentic movement, we release into freer movement, deepening our

awareness, sense of connection, and state of well-being. The offerings of Movement as Healer are specific and collaborative. The Trager® Approach to movement involves a one-on-one practitioner/client relationship using touch and rhythm to assist in the experience of fluid, free and pleasurable movement. The 5Rhythms™ Movement Practice (developed by Gabrielle Roth) is an improvisational and expressive exploration of our uniquely personal movement following a map of rhythms inherent in every body and in every day life. Sessions can be one-on-one, with a couple or in a class/workshop setting. The 5Rhythms™ can also be used in collaboration with the work of other teachers and facilitators, to expand and support the embodiment of the programs intention. I offer private sessions and classes in Portland and Kennebunk. FMI call (207) 761-3765 or email and go to and Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 29

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

creative healing art s


herbs, gardens & herbal products Bles s e d M ain e He rb Farm

Blessed Maine Herb Farm offers Medicinal Herb Products of Impeccable Quality, made with Certified Organic and Wildgathered Herbs,

hand-cultivated on our farm or gathered respectfully from the blessed earth around us. A Family owned and run business since 1989, we at Blessed Maine Herb Farm are dedicated to offering the very best of what is offered to us all by our Bountiful Mother Earth. Our product line includes nourishing and delicious Herb Tea Blends, Tinctures in Organic Alcohol, Compound Formulas, including our world famous 13 Sisters Restorative Elixir, Syrups, Infused Oils, Salves, Beauty Care, Incense and Smudge Sticks. Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs and Traversing the Wild Terrain of Menopause; Herbal Allies for Men and Women, by Gail Faith Edwards. Visit us online where you can peruse our offerings, read about the many uses of medicinal herbs, ask a question of the Herblady, or place an order, email or visit

holistic healing centers Gardens of Atlantis Just a short drive from where you are, you'll find a special place to relax and find yourself. We invite you in for a soothing therapeutic

massage or detoxifying spa treatment. Visit Meg Davison, our Homeopathy Consultant for a remedy to balance and heal naturally. We have many workshops, Yoga, T'ai Chi, Energetic Consultations with Jill Leigh. Awaken your soul with Anurag. Connect to the wealth of universal wisdom with Pat O'Connor, our Master Shaman. We offer Hypnotherapy, VibroAcoustic Therapy, and Life Coaching. Find answers with our experienced Psychics. Join us for a walk in the Garden! Route 35, Dayton, ME. Call (207) 929-5088 or visit our website

Healing Arts Center The area’s premiere environment for creating health & well-being, Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center offers a comprehensive selection of healthcare & lifestyle services. The community of certified professional practitioners at Sanctuary Center work independently &

collaboratively to serve client needs. Select from a spectrum of therapies & treatments, including acupuncture, homeopathy, polarity, facial rejuvenation, hot stone massage, reiki, Ayurveda, holistic psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, detoxification, coaching & more. Certified & skilled teachers offer daily classes in yoga, Pilates, meditation & Qi Gong to students of all ages & experience levels in the bright, spacious Studio. For more information, to enroll or schedule an appointment: (207) 846-1162, email:,, 50 Forest Falls Drive, Yarmouth.

Far Eastern tradition, Native American custom, new age spiritual, holistic natural or any other healing path is welcome.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The Universal Healing Center is an eclectic mix of people and practices. You can find massage therapists and psychics, spiritual counselors and shamans, energy therapists and dancers all under one roof. Our many classes cover a wide range of interests whether you are here to learn a new path or just enlighten yourself to some different methods. Classes are priced in order to encourage people to try something new and experience another perspective. Visit us at 1016 B Main Street, Sanford, Maine or online at for a complete list, calendar and personal biographies. (207) 608-1755. Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts is a beautiful place for people to gather, to learn, to teach and to be a part of a community interested in conscious living. We offer the individual services of a holistic center through our community of practitioners as well as a

wide spectrum of wonderful workshops and classes. The practitioners at Meadow Wind offer services from massage, polarity, spiritual healing and life coaching to art, yoga, hair, skin & beauty. To contact any of our practitioners call Meadow Wind or go to for a list of practitioners and their personal contact information. We have two beautiful workshop/class spaces available to teachers who want to share what they have with others. To explore teaching at Meadow Wind contact Andrea Ferrante at (207) 878-3899. Our workshops and classes are also listed on our website, We are conveniently located at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME.

honoring a life's transition Change is a natural product of growth and evolution, honoring death is honoring that change. In the process of honoring death and

Ashes N Urns

change, we nourish ourselves and those we love. The goal of is to help you honor the life you so cherished. offers adult, child, infant and companion pet urns. Our keepsake urns can hold a prayer or mantra, lock of hair, a small amount of cremated remains, crushed flowers, bit of earth or something symbolic to hold close to your heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like help planning a nondenominational memorial service that honors your traditions, culture and special relationship to your loved one. Visit us at, email us at, or call (603) 874-1684.

hypnotherapy Harness the power of the mind-body connection. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have the tools and skills you need.


Hypnotherapy eliminates fear and stress and creates a blueprint for health and healing that your mind can read and follow. Medical experts acknowledge that Hypnotherapy compliments all medical procedures, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing negative side effects. Pre/post surgical patients experience reduced anxiety, blood loss, anesthesia need and rapid healing. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in treating many physical challenges such as chronic pain and disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Hypnosis for Childbirth removes the fear and pain of childbirth. Hypnotherapy played a major role in my own successful battle with breast cancer. After 16 years of private practice in New York, I am now privileged to serve my neighbors here in Mid-coast Maine. Please take advantage of a FREE phone consultation to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact: Elissa Garde-Joia at 207-338-1669, Home visits available.

As a practicing certified Hypnotherapist since 1991 in Blue Hill and Portland, I have helped hundreds of people improve their lives.

Together we have resolved over 120 different issues, ranging from abuse, anxiety, dejection and insomnia to smoking, sports performance, sexual dysfunction, weight concerns – and much more. As I guide people, they bring forward from their subconscious mind an awareness and understanding of “the roots of their problem.” They are then empowered to disconnect those roots and create a new, positive thought pattern, which becomes their permanent reality through repetition. I feel Hypnotherapy is a comfortable, gentle, genuine, and powerful way to learn the techniques to heal one’s self. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. Call (207) 374-2344 (Blue Hill) or 773-5200 (Portland),,

Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed., C.H.

30 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

Inner Tapestry Directory of Resources Ad Listings can also be advertised online. Visit:




The Hypnotherapy Training Company Affordable weekend certification programs at our Wakefield, MA lakeside location. Julie Griffin, BCH, director, is a renowned, dynamic, award-winning international instructor, author of 10 hypnosis books, and regular presenter at Jonathon Podolsky’s, Whole Health Expos. Hypnosis certifications available: International Association of Counselors & Therapists, National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and more. Great value for your education dollars. Programs range 7 to 100 hours. Program costs: Basic $595; Advanced/Medical $625; Metaphysical $525. Multi-program discounts, free retakes and free telephone support. CEU’s available: Nurses, LICSW, and LMHW. Call for a free brochure and audio Become a Certified Hypnotist. Begin an exciting career earning money helping others!

cassette. (800) 497-1807

Julie Griffin, Director

integrative h e a l i n g Empathic Healing Channel Anju Myodo, first opened healing abilities through intensive Zen meditation. Her work is non-denominational

and serves people of all faiths. Healing Sessions begin with Anju listening to the client’s concerns. During this, Anju tunes in, using clairsentient abilities, to determine where blocks are in the client’s energy. She then channels healing energy wherever needed. Clients often enter an altered state, as their energy is boosted and begins to return to balance. Because of Anju’s religious vows, sessions are offered on a donation basis. These are held at a lovely country setting in Livermore Falls. (207) 897-4378.

“Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps to fulfill that right,” -Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master/teacher), and Herbalist. Nestled in a wildlife habitat you are

Roberta Barnes Reiki Shihan & Herbalist

Energy Psychotherapy Tending to the Body, Mind and Spirit – Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is very effective in helping to reestablish emotional and

physical health from issues such as fear, anxiety, panic attacks, traumatic stress, ASHD, grief, negative beliefs and other issues. TAT utilizes the energy pathways/meridians at certain acupoints and energy centers. The gentle “hold” and the simple steps that address the specific issues offer incredible results. Reiki sessions are also available. TAT and Reiki training is available. Located in Portland, call (207) 773-9100 for an appointment or training dates.

Marie Laverriere-Boucher, MSW, MA

Path to the Heart

"Housekeeping for your body, mind and spirit." Drawing from a broad range of healing methods, as well as my gift as an intuitive and

channel, each client receives an individually tailored session appropriate to their needs and symptoms in the moment. People feel easier and more comfortable in their bodies, relaxed, balanced and revitalized, often expressing how “light” they feel. Treatment provides support during life changes and challenges, as well as relief with chronic pain, stress, depression and anxiety. Clients often choose to receive regularly as part of their self-care, to maintain their health and sense of well-being. It is truly an honor and my joy to act as a facilitator and teacher for others. (207) 563-5136, Newcastle, Maine. Lindsley Field, RMT, CTP

SpiritWings CompassionateHealing Kevin Pennell, RMT, CHt Vickie Cummings, LMT, RMT Wendi Griswold, LMT

Kevin Pennell, Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher/Certified Hypnotherapist/Shamanic Practitioner, Vickie Cummings, Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Cranio Sacral Therapist/Usui & Karuna® Reiki Practitioner and Wendi Griswold, Licensed Massage Therapist with Advanced Training in Sports Massage/Usui Reiki Practitioner: Massage - Including Therapeutic Massage -

Sports Massage - European Neuromusclar Massage - Sports Massage - New England Hot Stone Therapy - Soothing herbal Body Wrap - Seated Massage - Couples Massage and Outcalls available, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Healing and Readings. We consult with each client to identify the appropriate modalities to achieve self-healing and overall well-being. We also offer Reiki Classes and other workshops. Karuna® Reiki classes will be offered beginning Spring 2007. Visit SpiritWings for a cross cultural variety of enchanting gifts, supplies and accessories to aid your spiritual journey including an exquisite selection of healing crystals and quartz crystal singing bowls. SpiritWings is conveniently located at 57 Main Street in Bethel, Maine. Sessions by appointment. Store hours Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 5. Telephone (207) 824-2204 or visit us on the web at EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is one of the most powerful tools for regaining emotional and physical health. Simply

JanetGleeson Energy Therapy

stated, EFT is psychological acupressure. By tapping key acupressure points located on the face and torso while tuning into the problem, unresolved negative emotions, traumas and beliefs are gently and easily released causing the mind and body to relax into a natural healing state of well-being. Research now proves that our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pain and disease. EFT is a simple, inexpensive and clinically-proven, healing technique that usually works, often when nothing else does. Even if you have doubts, EFT can still change your life. I work on all issues, but specialize in releasing anger, fear, stress, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, grief, guilt and traumatic memories. Call Janet at 207-236-0269, or e-mail Camden, ME.

To place your listing in the Directory of Resources, please call: (207) 799-7995. For rates see page 28, or

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 31

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

encased in harmonizing relaxation while balance and harmony set in motion the healing process within. Learn the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho - enjoy a healing session - receive a personal herb report - journey into your past - learn meditation - mobilize your awareness by connecting with nature. Roberta Barnes' Reiki lineage has only three Reiki Shihans between Mikao Usui, the founder, and her. Visit or call today (207) 445-5671.

32 ⇠

integrative healing... continued A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well. What we do not choose to express

emotionally will then show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at

Belanger Physical Therapy,


life mastery The Autognomics Institute (TAI), through self-knowing we experience the new reality and nature of life-itself. Founded by Norm and Skye Hirst, PhD in 1992. TAI synthesizes emerging insights from the new philosophies, physics and biophysics, and shares findings

with individuals and groups who are attempting to bring about progressive social change. TAI believes that through self-knowing, a primary attribute of living beings and life-itself, we can make a difference to realize health, fulfillment, meaning and peaceful community for all life. To learn more, join our blog at or take advantage of private coaching, consulting on future implications, full circle open space discussions and we're now receiving applications for in-depth learning group beginning in January 2007 or call (207) 236-6331 for an appointment.

The Autognomics Institute PATHWAYS TO CONSCIOUSNESS Pathways to Consciousness began as an opportunity for us to create a life being and doing something we love and wholly believe in.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Through individual, couple and family sessions, weekend and mini playshops and gatherings of conscious exploration we create an environment to support those choosing to live a life of the heart... A life of self-acceptance, openness, gratitude and appreciation for all life and all that we are. Through an eclectic process of intuitive heart-based guidance, energetic and physical harmonizing and the body's own innate wisdom, all are gently guided to embody their own unique healing process. This is an opportunity to become a conscious participant in your life. As we change so does our world. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. South Portland, ME. (207) 799-7998, website, e-mail

Ron & Joan Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom, and fun. In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms and create a dynamic vision for your life – a

vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principals and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. Call for a complimentary coaching session, schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or e-mail Phone sessions available.

Deborah Bergeron, CPCC

Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide

living spaces Healing for Buildings, People and Businesses. Quantum Physics and Mysticism agree that "everything is energy." Buildings, like people, are affected by emotional drama and trauma. And, like people, can be cleared and healed of their past. Clients tell us that often, after this work, homes for sale sell quickly, neighbor or tenant problems clear, businesses flourish and homes feel more cozy and safe. David clears the energetic structure of buildings using a proprietary technique called Quantum Grid Restructuring, as well as Shamanic skills and Angelic intervention. His basic approach is Everything is Energy, Everything is Connected and Everything is interactive. David Franklin Farkas, M.S.Ed. is an Intuitive, Spiritual Healer and Technician of the Sacred (that which is "secret" or normally hidden-from-view). He works remotely on buildings, people and businesses. Call: Remote Realty Services from Rubicon Partnerships at (888) 5RUBICON (888-578-2426) Or on the web:

David Franklin Farkas Come home to beauty that feeds the soul. A home should be a retreat from the stresses of everyday life -- a sanctuary for body, mind,

and spirit; a place of beauty that nurtures and supports all who dwell within; a place that welcomes friends and family with comfort and style; a place that reflects and celebrates your unique essence. A home should have functional spaces that are delightful places to love, grow, work, dine, play and live! I approach interior design from a holistic, intuitive perspective, working with you to create a home that is the highest expression of you, at an affordable rate. I also create business spaces that advertise for you while making your clients feel at ease, comfortable and valued. Call Tracey Walls at (207) 327-2042 or email 32 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

(New listings added each issue.) For information on how to Advertise your Directory listing, see page 28.

⇠ 33

meditation Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society Presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,

a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabada Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib. For More Information call (207) 368-5866, or email:, Website:


We are an organic stone mill, and producer of quality organic cereals & baking mixes. We aren’t a subsidiary of any corporate conglomerate. We are a family business, combining the energy & hard work of two Maine families. We believe deeply in providing fresh, organic, delicious products, in protecting the quality & health of our food supply and our environment. Quality Organic Stone Ground Cereals & Baking Mixes; Organic Coffees & Teas; Nuts, Dried Fruit; Nutritious Delicious Organic Gift Baskets FIDDLERS GREEN FARM, Belfast, Maine (800) 729-7935 ~ Order Online: or catalog available.

psychic & spiritual mediumship PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy

Bonnie Lee is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years experience. She resides in Fairfield and Northport Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has


reflexology & healing massage Treat Your Feet

School of Reflexology

A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.

Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body. Reflexology is credited with improving circulation and reducing body stress, which removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its Application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot/hand charts, footbath items & much more. For more info, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta (207) 626-FEET classes start in Feb. May & Sept. Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.

Hands on Feet Reflexology is an amazing stress-relieving technique. Relaxation is a skill that most Americans do not practice often. Stress builds

and builds until it becomes a lifestyle. Lynn Marie Danforth has been practicing Reflexology for over 5 years. Lynn specializes in therapeutic Reflexology. Her greatest success is with tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and relief of tension. Lynn’s Reflexology sessions are quick, effective and could be the answer to your body’s cry for relief. Lynn has been able to show clients that change for the better is possible, that improved health is truly in your hands and feet. To contact Lynn call 207-767-5776 or 207-318-0129, or visit

Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist

retreats Greenfire is... a women’s retreat house dedicated to reflection, renewal, exploration, and quiet. Set in a two hundred-year old farmhouse

Greenfire Retreat Nurture Through Nature

in the midst of meadows and woods on the St. George’s peninsula, Greenfire offers space to all women who want to rest and explore their spirituality, regardless of their tradition, age, or race. Women throughout history have gathered in circles and found wisdom in their own stories; in this tradition, guests may schedule conversations with staff to explore their own questions. Greenfire offers sanctuary, healthy and delicious food, and calm in the midst of a fast-paced culture. For more information, call 207-372-6442, email us at:, or visit us on the web at

Women’s Holistic Canoe Trips, Wellness Retreats and Customized Circles~ We create a safe and enriching haven and layers of

opportunities to find deep peace and growth. Our circles provide a balance of depth and lightness, group and solo space, movement and stillness. Connect with the contemplative and healing power found in nature. Find camaraderie with other women on an artfully led retreat through guided meditation, gentle yoga, Reiki, and mindfulness practices. Fill your cup on a canoe~kayak wilderness retreat, in nature's rhythm and beauty in Maine's back country. Gather your own circle of friends, family and colleagues, for a custom retreat. Let Us Guide You Home... Pleasant Mountain, Denmark

Located on Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, Maine, just 40 miles west of Portland. FMI: (207) 452-2929, or

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 33

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089,,, and

34 ⇠


continued Rolling Meadows Farm Retreat provides a rural sanctuary for yoga meditation and silence. A daily schedule of yoga asana,

restorative poses, pranayama, meditation and unstructured time in the natural world create an environment for personal renewal and spiritual reflection. An 1840 farmhouse on 100 acres has been restored into a small retreat center with woodland paths, fields, a spring-fed swimming pond and a wood-fired sauna. Vegetarian meals are based on ayurvedic principles. Retreats from weekend to week-long thru the year. For more information contact Patricia Brown or Surya Chandra Das at (888) 666-6412, e-mail at: info@ or see

sacred space Earthrest offers indoor and outside gathering space for retreats, workshops, spiritual questing, ceremony and celebration.

Come, surround yourself with natural beauty in a country setting of organic gardens, open fields, woods and water where the land is still a little wild and the animals remember their true names. We are just 35 miles from Portland on 350 acres of very special land, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. Inside enjoy the large gathering spaces, both with fireplaces. Outside walk the land, the labyrinth and hiking trails. Many options available. FMI call Pat at (207) 625-4179 or email The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques. Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience

the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.

salons & spas Raven’s Crossing Appleton, Maine

Ravens’ Crossing — Come find some rural comfort and relaxation in our wood-fired sauna and/or therapeutic hot tub. Deep tissue, swedish, and

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

myofascial-release massage available by licensed massage therapist. Rustic retreat cabin can sleep four. Available by appointment in private setting. Trails to walk, ride horses, or X-country ski. Space for small gatherings. Please call Lori Cressler at (207) 845-2304 or visit

Offering holistic facials using the organic and biodynamic botanical products of Dr. Hauschka Skin Care. These earth-friendly, holistic

preparations restore and maintain the skin's vitality. Also offering Swedish massage, full body exfoliation, expert eyebrow shaping, and therapeutic hair and scalp treatments. Retailers of fine holistic grooming supplies for the whole family. Nordstrom Skin Care Studio, 389 Main Street, Rockland, Maine 04841, (207) 594-5077,

Flourish In a place of quiet and relaxation Charlotte Van Joolen offers restorative facial therapy. Burnham System Facial Rejuvenation is

a hands-on sculpting of the face combined with the ageless healing arts of head reflexology and nerve regeneration that awakens your beauty and renews your inner self. You enter a deep state of relaxation uniting body and spirit, renewing physical vitality and inner beauty. Combined with the use of Jurlique Organic skin care products you meet the world with a radiant face, a refreshed body and a relaxed sense of self. Sessions are offered at Sanctuary Center in Yarmouth and Alfred. By appointment (207) 846-1162 x 7 or (207) 838-3936. Gift Certificates available., email: Charlotte Van Joolen

shamanic healing D O R Y C OTE

Shamanic Healer

…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence. At the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be

whole, stable, and functioning at our highest potential. Soul retrieval, divination, extractions, shamanic energy healing, and communication with those who have passed on, can all help us fulfill this potential. My training with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, including completion of the Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing with Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval, provide a solid footing for my work with adults, children and animals. Call me for information about workshops or appointments for shamanic healing sessions at (207) 841-1215 or email me at Transform your body, heal your soul and change the way you live and die with the ancient healing techniques of the South American Medicine people. The core of healing occurs in the energetic or Luminous Energy Field; this is the blueprint for the physical body, and an

archive of our physical and emotional strengths and wounding. Illuminating this field transforms these wounds into sources of knowledge and power. The loss, pain and sorrow may remain as a memory but they no longer define who we are; we realize that we are not our stories. The Illumination Process is powerful, efficient, effective transformation. In training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Appointments in Brunswick (207) 729-7270,

Spirit Passages

Allie & Evelyn

As Spirit Passages; C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW and Evelyn C. Rysdyk (author of Modern Shamanic Living) have facilitated shamanic healings and taught shamanic workshops across the U.S. and Canada since 1991. Graduates of the Foundation for

Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, they have also been fortunate to study with indigenous shamans from Peru, Ecuador, Tuva and Siberia. Working heart-to-heart with Spirit, they offer all traditional forms of shamanic healings at True North (207) 781-4488 ~ a unique, multidisciplinary medical center that they helped to found. They may also be reached at:

34 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

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Shugendo Yoga


...a gentle yoga with spirit; a complete healing system in its own right. by Dee Hassen “Precepts or self-discipline lead to deep concentration, from which wisdom arises,” ...Namo Amitabha Who is teacher, man or nature?

meridians. A simple technique you can use to produce a comfortable relaxation while waiting in line, while caught in traffic, or while trying to rest your mind for sleep, repeat “so” on the inhale, and “hum” on the exhale [Deepak Chopra also references this sound in his relaxation methods]. Next, a self-healing technique is taught, self massage or shiatsu (acupressure) may be used for preservation of care. One of my favorite methods is a massage to the entire ear. The ear is said to be a homunculus for the body. Each part of the ear correlates to a body part, so in effect, as you massage the ear, you massage the entire body. You can do this anywhere! Ever notice a pain on your ear, check to see with which body part this is associated.

Shugendo Yoga is part of Kosho Hoho Yooga (Old Pine Tree method of Unity and Self-Discipline) martial arts system. Shugendo comes from the ascetic spiritual practice of the Japanese Mountain priests, the Yamabushi. Yoga is from the Sanskrit, meaning to ‘yoke God and man’. Together, Shugendo Yoga is designed to harness the esoteric, mystical practices which link man to the Divine Wisdom of Creation through Natural Law.

Shugendo Yoga classes are a potent self-healing modality for body, mind and spirit. Practice is divided into five components. We utilize prayer, or talking; meditation, to listen inward; self-healing; gentle asana (body posture); energy cultivation, all along with breath-work. A typical session lasts 45-60 minutes, though similar, no two sessions are identical. The first component is prayer, or speaking to God, the Divine (term practitioner wishes to use). The goal is when breath and mantra (sound) become one; which takes practice. Center consciousness on the third eye, the spot between the eyebrows and the whole being will gradually attune to the transcendental vibrations of the mantra, to create a desired healing response. In our left hand, we use a mala and repeat the selected phrase (mantra) for each bead. A mala is similar to a string of prayer counter beads or rosary, preferably made of natural materials; usually 108 beads plus a mother bead - though many use 54 or 27 and repeat 2 or 4 times, respectively (in Buddhism the number 108 had significant sacredness; many temples have 108 steps leading up to them and it is felt that at anytime there are 108 Bodhisattva’s walking the earth to assist others). By repeating the mantra 108 times the sacredness of the sound and its intention come into fruition. For example, repeating “Yee Hong” will facilitate balance, as it works to harmonize the 12 major

A Legacy of Values... cont'd from page 27 a compassionate, pleasant, patient, and warm manner. It has no place for speaking sharply, judging harshly, or reacting in an unsympathetic way. Kindness often necessitates a “restraint of tongue,” especially when it comes to those certain persons or situations which can be instant “triggers” for our unkind tendencies. In these cases, it may be necessary to take two giant steps backwards and breathe ourselves into a more harmonious state of mind before reacting. It is important to practice this because there is really no greater testament to man, woman, or child, than that of being kind. Some of us may even be familiar with the story of the seeker who went all around the world looking for the answer to living a meaningful and worthwhile life. His travels eventually brought him to a small hut, high in the Himalayans, where he encountered the Wise One. “Tell me, Great Master,” he implored, “What do I need to do in order to live my very best life?” After a moment of contemplation, the Master gently replied, “There are three things you must do to live your very best life. Be kind. Be Kind. Be kind.”

Once revived by asanas, we practice simple, yet powerful, Chi Kung techniques for enhancing health and chi flow throughout the body. Most energy workers are familiar with energy cultivation or Chi (Ki, Qi, or Ji) Kung, (if not, come to a class!). Shugendo practitioners understand the connection humankind has with Mother Earth, as well as Divine Heavenly Spirit, and blends both energies into the lower dantien, or chi ‘storage vault’, for reserve and use to assist in their own healing. It is this union of Mother Earth, and the Heavenly Creator, that arrives with human being; an interpretation of the holy trinity at work. We end each session with meditation, where meditation is the path to selfrealization. Class may be a guided meditation, or primordial sounds, such as drum or singing bowl. Meditation is when we sit silently and listen to the God within and hear that Divine message meant just for us; often an answer to prayers at beginning of practice. The Divine speaks to us all; some hear it, fewer listen to what is said. Shugendo Yoga is practiced by persons of all ages and abilities to efficiently fight dis-ease within their lives, and may be modified to meet personal restrictions or needs. At the end of a session practitioners often comment on feeling rejuvenated, balanced, or even blissful; a refreshing contemplation, among all the negativity in the world. Shugendo Yoga™ was developed by a Registered Nurse who is also a Martial Artist, Soke Christopher Bashaw, as part of his complete system, Kosho Hoho Yooga™. Traditional Japanese teachings include eight aspects: Energy Cultivation; Japanese Yoga; Philosophy; Meditation; Healing, Folding, Escaping, and War Arts. Currently Shugendo is being taught at only two schools in the United States. Teacher certification is planned for near future. For information on classes: Dee Hassen is an aspiring writer, currently employed in the field of marketing communication, with several published articles. She is a practitioner of both Kosho Hoho Yooga and Shugendo Yoga.

Values come in all forms; these are just a few. It is important that we not only write and read about them, but that we live them as well. Because it is values well-lived that make for lives worth living. Betty Hill Crowson, is a Life Coach, Retreat Director, and Author of The Joy is in the Journey: A Woman’s Guide Through Crisis and Change. For more information on her book, teleclasses, and retreat schedule, please visit


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Most people notice a difference in their first session of Shugendo, though daily practice is encouraged. Do not let its simplicity deter you to its effectiveness. Classes may be structured, for instance, on a specific need, such as general balance, grounding, attachment, or on a medical condition or specific chakra. Compelling results can be as simple as: • Immediate relief from pain, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, impatience, or stress • Enhanced immune system • Improved self-esteem • Calmness and relaxation • A deeper understanding or enlightenment, ultimately

Next of the series, asanas are repeated no more than 3 times in a 10 minute period. On average, the class does three positions, we strive to hold each one, and breathe through it slowly. They may be modified to work from a chair for those unable to get onto the floor mat. Downward facing dog is a basic one that strengthens arm, legs and feet; provides an overall stretch, especially shoulders, legs, and spine; as it removes fatigue; rejuvenates and increases blood flow; strengthens the immune system; calms the mind; lifts the spirits; and improves digestion.

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H e a r t Visions February 8th-10th 2007 Third Annual CAM Expo East, (The International Complementary and Natural Healthcare Conference) at the Marriott Marquis in New York City, Mending the Spirit: An Introduction to Shamanic Healing presented by Spirit Passages, Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton. This conference serves as a platform to bring together all of the individual communities of complementary, alternative medicine and integrative medicine to influence the way medicine is practiced. To find out more check out:

July 21st-28th Yoga Vacation: Swiss Alps. FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

October 5th & 6th Yoga Retreat at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

February 2007 M aine

February - March 9th  Make 2007 your best

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Japanese styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, levels Pre-Shoden through third level $30 off. Advanced Reiki treatments and past life journeys $20 off. Contact Roberta R. Barnes (207) 445-5671 or visit

February 2nd, 3rd & 4th. NURTURING THE SEEDS WITHIN, A Retreat for Women Embracing the feminine soul through Touch Drawing, labyrinth work, and co-created ritual. Facilitated by Helen Warren, MS, MFA. at Creative Spiral Studio, North Yarmouth, Maine. FMI (207) 829-6876; or

February 9th-11th Women’s Snow Shoe Meditation Retreat, Nurture Through Nature, $250,, (207) 452-2929.

February 11th–16th Winter Stillness Retreat Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Surya Chandra Das. Rolling Meadows Farm Retreat - a 100-acre sanctuary for yoga, meditation and silence. Brooks, Maine (888) 666-6412

February 13th, 7:00pm Career Presentation Night at Spa Tech Institute Westbrook, learn more on becoming a successful therapeutic or holistic massage therapist or Registered Polarity Practitioner. RSVP to (207) 591-4141,

Starting February 15th, Thursdays, 6:00pm-9:00pm Five Conscious Openings A series in which you will be guided through five specific openings into a world of conscious living... Awakening to your divine potential. Six sessions, every other Thursday, Meadow Wind, Falmouth. FMI, questions & to register (207) 799-7998 or visit, $275.

February 16th-18th Weekend of Self Exploration A Residential Playshop supporting awakening to an embodiment of your divine self. Friday 6:00pm to Sunday noon in South Portland. For more information, questions & to register (207) 779-7998, Self assessed sliding scale $325 - $425.

February 17th Sacred Dance 4:00pm Shamanic Ceremony 5:00pm; Spiritual Cinema ~ Living Budha: The True Story - Part 1 6:30pm Donation Open Door Yoga Center Camden, Kimberly Wyke (207) 236 8063,

Email your listings to 36 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

February 22nd, 6:00pm-7:30pm The Art of Spiritual Dreaming Your life is the canvas. You are the artist. Paint a more fulfilling life for yourself. A free one-hour workshop will take place on Thursday, at the Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth. ECKANKAR: (207) 771-0281.

February 24th 10:00am-3:00pm Manifesting YOU! The next step... Take the next step in your journey to bring lasting change into your life. Discover how to manifest yourself in today's world. Meadow Wind, Falmouth $75. FMI or to register call Pathways To Consciousness (207)-799-7998 or visit

February 24th 7:00pm Welcome to the Evolution! An interactive workshop and movie with Sandra Chaussee. Learn about the 2012 Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness based on the work of Ian Xel Lundgold. Is It the "END OF TIME" or, simply the end of the world as we know it? $15, Leapin' Lizards FMI & Reservations (207) 865-0090.

February 24th, Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm Introduction to Psychic Development with Asrianna Dameron, C.Ht., RM, Intuitive Empath and Psychic Medium. We each possess hidden psychic ability, a rich mine of guidance, help, information and divine connection we can easily access whenever we need it. In this fun, informative and interactive seminar you'll learn the different types and levels of psychic ability, find out which ones you're naturally inclined toward, and learn methods to further develop these skills on your own. In addition, we'll touch on ways to contact our angels and loving guides in order to gain knowledge and attain self-empowerment. Cost is $125.00 and seating is limited. Pre-registration is required by contacting Asrianna at (603) 892-1268 or at Visit for more information.

February 24th, Saturday, 8:00am-5:00pm Workshop on Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) Portland ME, call Marie Laverriere-Boucher for a brochure at (207) 773-9100.

February 25th, 9:00am-5:00pm Maine Institute for the Healing Arts, Rockport, ME Presents Skye Hirst, Ph.D. and What’s Love Got To Do With? Bring your concerns about love and loving, what confuses you about it? Explore the magic of love and experience love and feeling loving. (207) 594-2403 to register or for information.

February 2007 Connecticut

March 3rd, 1:00pm-4:00pm SLEEP LIKE A BABY-ZZZZZZZ At Kundalini Community Yoga, Portland, Learn Yoga & Ayurvedic techniques to guide your mind and body into natural, restful sleep. $30, (207) 615-5405,

Beginning March 6th Introductory Tarot Class with Jeanne Fiorini. Six-week Tarot class for the serious student. Learn card meanings, astrological and numerological associations, reading methods and intuition development. Six consecutive Tuesday evenings March 6th through April 10th, 6:00pm to 9:00pm, South Portland location. $175/$50 deposit due prior to March 1st. FMI/Register: Jeanne Fiorini (207) 799-8648.

March 16th-18th Weekend of Self Exploration A Residential Playshop supporting awakening to an embodiment of your divine self. Friday 6:00pm to Sunday noon in South Portland. For more information, questions & to register (207) 779-7998, Self assessed sliding scale $325 - $425.

March 17th Sacred Dance 4:00pm Shamanic Ceremony 5:00pm; Spiritual Cinema ~ Living Budha: The True Story - Part 2 6:30pm Donation Open Door Yoga Center Camden, Kimberly Wyke (207) 236 8063,

March 23rd & 24th 7:00pm Community Spiritual Cinema ~ Illusion Leapin' Lizards, Freeport for more information and reservations call (207) 865-0900, or Pathways at (207) 799-7998, for trailers

March 25th. Sunday, 6:00pm Reconnective Therapy Group Session Reconnective Therapy is a healing art that facilitates reconnection between the energy body and the physical body. RCT is based solely on resonance. $70.00 Rockport, Margaret Rauenhorst, (207) 236-8139 or visit

March 30th 7:00pm Community Spiritual Cinema ~ Illusion Meadow Wind, Falmouth for more information or reservations call Pathways to Consciousness (207) 799-7998, for trailers

March 31st 1:00pm-4:00pm Ted Andrews comes to Maine! Tickets on sale now for incredible event - "Animal-Speak Workshop" Learn four lessons every animal can teach you to make life more successful. Includes shamanic-type exercise to discover your most important spirit animal. $75 Leapin' Lizards, Freeport (207) 865-0900,

March 2007

February 24th-25th The Interior Designer’s Toolbox with R.D. Chin  Master the art of measuring space, drawing floor plan sketches, elevations, and creating color & material boards plus more. Waterbury, CT 9:00am-4:30pm $360 pre-register, $380 door. (203) 266-4211 or

March 2007 Maine

March/April Dates TBA Finding Home On Earth Award Winning New Zealand Author, Megan Don, will lead this workshop in Portland, based on the mystic perspective. See

March 2nd-4th Chanting Workshop Greenfire Retreat for Women, Tenants Harbor Chanting is a lovely way to heal yourself, to pray and find wellbeing. Join us for a weekend or day of singing led by Ana Hernandez, the author of The Sacred Art of Chant. You don’t have to be a “singer,” just willing to sink into the kind of sound that puts us into holy space. Contact (207) 372-6442 or

Connecticut March 24th-25th Applying the I Ching to Your Life with Carol Anthony & Hanna Moog. Based on their latest book, I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way. Waterbury, CT 9:00am-4:30pm $360 pre-register, $380 door. (203) 266-4211 or

Upcoming Maine April

April Dates To Be Announced Finding Home on Earth Award Winning New Zealand Author, Megan Don, will lead this workshop in Portland, based on the mystic perspective. See


⇠ 37 April 14th & 15th, 9:00am-3:00pm Sacred Smudge Feather Beading Come and join in community to create your own sacred smudge wand. Learn how to create and empower your wand, and enjoy the company of friends. Meadow Wind, Falmouth $185 includes materials, if you have special feathers please bring them. Bring a box lunch, snack provided. FMI: Call Joan (207) 799-7998 or

April 15th-21st Women's Holistic Canoe Retreat Green River, Canyonlands, Moab, Utah. Join Nurture Through Nature on the trip of a lifetime. $1095-$1395,, (207) 452-2929

April 20th-22nd Life As Art Greenfire Retreat for Women, Tenants Harbor Immerse yourself in a retreat designed to help you open to your creative energy. When you become receptive to what is within and about you, you are healing the connection with your muse. Contact (207) 372-6442 or

May May 16th-18th Zen and the Art of Wellness Retreat (18 CEU's available) Collaboration with USM Center for Continuing Ed and Nurture Through Nature, $395,, (207) 452-2929.

May 25th-27th 11th Annual Wildgathering!  Sponsored by Blessed Maine Herb Farm Family and Friends Athens, Maine Fairgrounds, 3 day Celebration of the Wild Earth - Camping, marketplace, on-going classes and workshops on a variety of subjects related to personal, community and global health. Vendors wanted.

April 13th-April 15th The Creative Retreat for Women Wisdom House, Litchfield, Connecticut Tuition $395.00

O n going M aine

The Path of Celtic Buddhism Gathering for sitting practice meditation, Deity Yoga, and Chod. The lineage of the Mahasiddhas. Bill Burns, Peg Junge, Camden,ME., (207) 236-0505,

Alternative Therapy Workshops for businesses, organizations, groups schools. Educational and entertaining. Cost and length varies per subject. For brochure call Kate Boyer: (207) 858-5899 or email:

Yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong, and meditation in a bright and serene studio. Drop-ins are welcome. Classes for beginners & experienced students; private classes available. View schedule on the web at or call (207) 846-3394

YOUTH YOGIS! Yoga classes for children ages 7-10. Playful, gentle, and creative expressions of yoga, breathing, and relaxation that children can relate to and enjoy! Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm. Led by Erinn Cayehal, CYT. Sanctuary Center, Yarmouth. Call (207) 846-3394 or email

Free Lectures. “Alternative Realities”. Psychotherapist/channel Brenda Nelson will speak about how to receive guidance from higher sources. Patten Library, Bath ME. 4th Weds. of each month. Starting September 27, 5:00pm-8:00pm FMI: (207) 386-5056 or

Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Satsang, Classes in Psychological & Spiritual Development, & more. Based in the Tradition of the Himalayan Sages. N. Yarmouth, ME. For full listing, see website. (207) 829-2700.

Science Of Spirituality is sponsoring a satsang. Last Sunday of every month 1:00pm at Hartland Library, SOS is under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Jyoti meditation. Free (207) 938-3928.

Ayurvedic Massage

Openings available in weekly men's & mixed psychotherapy groups. Intentionally build your relationship skills, communication, personal and spiritual growth. David Ward, LCSW, LADC, (207) 846-3422,

Experience Abhyanga, Garshana and Shirodhara, the ancient healing bodywork techniques of India. Ruthanne Harrison, LMT. Located in Richmond, ME (207) 737-8593.

“Authentic Movement” with “The Wave”

classes, sessions and free clinics. For schedule please contact Andrea Smith, B.S. Rehabilitation at (207) 474-9962.

Two Saturdays per month at Bath Dance Works Classes February 3rd & 17, March 3rd & 17, April 7th & 21st, May 5th & 19th. 72 Front Street, Bath, 10:00am-1:00pm $10 per session. Kay Mann (207) 725-9997.

NEW MOON FESTIVAL, Facilitated by Oscar Mokeme, Nigerian priest and chief, held monthly @ FOREST CIRCLES, Topsham, Me. for info call (207) 776-3152 or email

"Developing Your Personal Healing Gifts", a four part class offered by professional teacher and healer Regina Strongheart, (207) 776-3152,

Healing Touch sessions with Gail Meyer, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner Thursdays from 11:00am2:00pm at Touchstone Bookstore, 1832 Forest Ave. Portland. Call (207) 878-3866 to schedule your appointment.

Tools For Teachers This workshop is designed for schoolteachers to enable them to use simple Yoga based mind body integration techniques in their classrooms, as a means of classroom management. These tools will allow teachers to help children with relaxation, breathing, and stress reduction which will complement their over all learning and create a harmonious learning environment. Workshops can be scheduled as in-house workdays for teachers in public and private schools. These workshops are individually tailored, and price varies according to the length. Please contact Lily Goodale at or (207) 236-6001. Workshops can be given from Portland to Bar Harbor and are certified and part of the YogaEd foundation of yoga for children.

Thank God It's Grace: Women in God, Women in Good Please join Women In God each Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm at Meadow Wind 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, for an hour of peace, grace and Spiritually-based conversation. Women in God is a non-denominational, spiritual support group that welcomes all women on a path of love, hope and inspiration. For more information call (207) 233-7658, or visit

Birthwise Midwifery Potlucks Interested in Homebirth? Meet the midwives of Birthwise Midwifery Service and local homebirth families. Bi-monthly, 3rd Sunday of September, November... 5:00pm-7:00pm at Birthwise, Bridgton. (207) 647-5968

Reiki: Healing Hands Offers classes, Reiki Therapy sessions, and Monthly Clinic every 2nd Sunday of the month at United Methodist Church, West Kennebunk. FMI call Pauline Wilson, BA, CRM (207) 985-3575.

Breathwork/intuitive Healing Dynamic facilitated group sessions monthly in Auburn, Falmouth, Harrison and Oxford. The ultimate tune up. Workshops, classes, private and all levels of Reiki training. FMI: call Breathe In & Beyond Christopher and Paula Easton (207) 583-6603.

Thirteen Moons, Millinocket, FREE Wednesdays, 6:00pm: Live & Learn introductory discussions, topics change weekly. Thursdays, 6:00pm, Coffeehouse: local talent Penobscot Avenue, (207) 723-5313,

Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes: HypnoBirthing® Parents, Self-Hypnosis, Weight Managment, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Guided Imagery, Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, CH; (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville, Me.

Real-ize Your Integral Potentials Real-ize your multidimensional self!  Integral Energy Healing ~ Explorations in Consciousness ~ Leadership in Consciousness ~ Life Transformations. We offer sessions, classes, circles and workshops. (207) 873-3514.

Kittery, ME: Rawfood Potlucks Last Thursday of each month, with guest speakers from the Rawfood community. Support, learn, share, and build a local rawfood community. Call Aimee, (207) 409-0899.

Inner Light Spiritualist Church, Rev. Gloria Nye Location: Governor King Lodge 649 U.S. Route 1 Scarborough, ME, Sunday Services: 10:00am Healing Chairs 10:30am Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit, 12:00pm Fellowship Hour – Refreshments.

Calendar of Events & Classified Ad Information can be found at

Reiki Works offers all levels of Reiki

Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.

SpiritWings-Workshops, Reiki Classes & Events in Bethel Maine. Social Drumming Circle first Friday of every month. Reiki Shares second Tuesday of every month. Reiki Classes and other Workshops scheduled every month. Call for schedule (207) 824-2204 or visit website for details.

A Gathering of People Exploring Conscious Living Join us Wednesdays. 6:00pm-8:00pm at 925 Sawyer Street, South Portland. Sliding scale $5 - $15. FMI: (207) 799-7998, or visit

Student Massage Therapy Clinics at Namaste' Institute for Holistic Studies Ongoing Student Massage Therapy Clinics at Namaste' Institute in Rockport Maine. Please call for more information on how to become a recipient of Student Massage Therapy Clinics & Student Massage Therapy Session Studies! Call (207) 236-2744 or visit

Doula tea, meet with doulas in person.  Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet Sundays at the Ballard House, 131 Spring St. Portland from 10:30am-11:30am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.

Aikido of Maine Portland Aikido for Women classes, Wednesday and Friday a.m. classes. Daily beginner’s classes and youth programs. (207) 879-9207.

WholeHeart Yoga Center, Portland Full schedule of weekly classes for all levels with experienced, Kripalu-certified instructors. Workshops and Kirtans (chanting) offered regularly. Call (207) 871-8274 or visit for more details.

Ongoing Yoga Classes Yoga classes and individual instruction that start from where you are and expand your life. Experience the Journey. Rising Moon Healing Arts, Kimberly Allen. (207) 590-0082,

Soundings - Energy Therapy Woven In Sound An intuitive blend of Reiki, IET, Quantum-Touch, crystals and sound. Usui Tibetan Reiki, IET and Crystal Bowl Meditation classes. Brenda (207) 557-2664,,

Ongoing Yoga Classes, Vacations & Retreats Kennebunk Monday evenings Saco Tuesday and Thursday evenings Dayton Wednesday mornings. First Yoga class free for newcomers! Dance, Chant & Meditate in Portland, Friday, February 9th, March 9th & April 13th, 6:30pm-9:00pm, Yoga Vacation February 17th-24th at Virgin Gorda, VI. Yoga Vacation July 21st-28th in the Swiss Alps. Yoga Retreat October 5th & 6th at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

USM Center for Continuing Education. Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.

Planetary Activation Organization in Maine

Is actively looking for people to join this group, for info: Visit If interested, call (207) 743-2613, E-mail, or write Maria Ham, 51 BumpTown Rd, South Paris, ME 04281.

Women’s Workshops Designed exclusively for you to address your unique problems online & in-person. Henderson, NV. $75 per workshop Fridays 6:00pm-10:00pm, FMI: (702) 408-1783 email:

CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 Calendar of Events & Classified Ad Information can be found on Page 38

Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 37

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Upcoming Connecticut April

Ongoing Psychotherapy Groups, Yarmouth, ME.

⇠ 38 Children’s Aikido Kokikai Class Schedules:

Ongoing Usui Reiki Classes in all levels,

Have you experienced sexual assault or incest?

Josiah Bartlett Elementary School in Bartlett NH Wednesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm grades 2-5 ($35/month) Wednesdays 4:45pm-5:45pm grades 6-8 ($35/month) Fridays 3:30pm-4:30pm grades K-1 ($30/month) The Ballroom in Harrison Maine Sundays 5:00pm-6:00pm grades K-6 ($30/month) Water and Stone Yoga Studio in Conway, NH Mondays 4:00pm-5:00pm grades 2-5 ($40/month) Mondays 5:15pm-6:15pm grades 6-8 ($40/month) Mondays 6:30pm-7:30pm adults and teens ($40/month) Contact Jane Biggio for more information at (603) 374-6326 or email at

private sessions and free clinics, Gift certificates available. Please contact Judy Fisher, Reiki Master Teacher in Camden, Maine at (207) 236-0359.

We are Survivors of Incest Anonymous. We meet every Monday evening in Hartford, CT. Call Mae at (860) 236-1770 or email

Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center, Gorham.   Energy Vibrational Healing Therapies including Polarity and Energy Interference Patterning of DNA.  Ongoing Reiki & Therapeutic Touch classes. FMI: (207)-839-7192,

Free Reiki Exchange, Hosted by Gianna Settin 3rd Tuesday of month, 6:00pm-8:30pm Avanti Healing Arts Reiki Center in Brewer. All levels of practitioners and teachers welcome. We will be changing this to Friday evening starting in January. Please call in advance to confirm meeting dates. (207) 989-9009.

Artists Support Group, Inner Balance, Belfast, ME On 156 High Street. Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Call Elliot Benjamin at (207) 338-4576.

Crescent Moon Herbals Ongoing classes and events, psychic readings and energy workers. 76 Center Road, Lebanon, Maine. (207) 457-1114, e-mail: Web site:

Mindful Meditation™ Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm All are welcome, no experience necessary. $15 or 4 classes for $50. Mind/Body Therapy at Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Road, West Falmouth, Maine, (207) 650-3964, FMI

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The Awakening Process Learn about a simple path that will eliminate depression and anxiety, leading eventually to peace and enlightenment. First and third Tuesday 7:00pm-9:00pm. Call (207) 286-8060 for directions.

Oriental Brush Painting Classes and Workshops Frederica Marshall, an artist who lived 28 years in Japan, teaches sumi-e in her Deer Isle Studio. Basic to advanced levels. (207) 348-2782.

The Rose Cottage Teaching Reiki Master, Transformational Breath, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Hypnobirthing. Private sessions by appointment. Gift certificates. Ongoing classes. Contact Vicki Kupferman 14 Weed Rd., Knox, Maine. (207) 568-3782.

Kripalu “DansKinetics” The body, mind, spirit workout blending yoga and dance. No experience necessary. Free trial class. Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd. Kennebunk. (207) 985-6896 or:

Sacred Circle Dance Dances from a multi-cultural folk dance tradition. Steps taught at all sessions. No experience/partner needed. Fourth Friday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Portsmouth, NH. FMI:, (603) 750-7506.

Dancing Xigong: Twelve movements to music Every Thursday morning, 8:30am-9:00am Summer at Merryspring Park, Winter at Quarry Hill, in Camden. FMI call (207) 236-8732.

Experience the healing of Love without condtions. Ongoing classes. Learn the freedom of healing without limitations. Shamballa 1-4 and 13D Certification. Contact Elizabeth, Center of Momentum, (207) 873-3514, or

Short-term Solution-oriented Couples & Family Work. Guiding Couples & Families from conflict to communication, from disengaged to connected, from hurting to resolution. Group and private sessions. Call Maureen McCarthy-Darling at (207) 691-0023.

Energize! and RYSE® sessions (Realizing Your Spiritual Energies) Sessions for artists, actors and performers. Expand your creative potential, rejuvenate, rebalance after performance. $65/$55 Holistic Pathways. Gorham. (207) 839-9819.

Wise Women Daughters of the Moon Ceremonial Wisdom Circle honoring our Inner & Outer Seasons & Cycles. Sliding Scale. FMI:, or call Deborah, spiritual guide, healer & ordained priestess: (207) 883-1081.

Belfast Yoga Studio. Iyengar style Hatha Yoga All levels including, Beginner, Level I, Level II, Gentle & Private classes & workshops. For more info and schedule see or call (207) 338-3930/338-4256.

Classifieds Maine SACRED RENTAL SPACE Space Available for Gatherings, Ceremonies, Presentations. At Earthrest, Cornish, ME. Call (207) 625-4179.

Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spectacularly situated on the Royal River in Yarmouth. Newly constructed and beautifully appointed offices and studio. Energetically cleared & balanced with feng shui and geomancy. Full and part time office availabilities. Studio available for workshops or events. Contact Erinn at (207) 846-3394.

Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center has space to rent by day, month or event. We can accommodate your practice, business meetings, or celebrations. (207) 929-5088,

Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Shared practitioner space for rent as well as rooms for yoga classes, workshops and office space. Great location, 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth. Easy access to Routes 95 and 295. For more information contact Andrea at Meadow Wind (207) 878-3899 or (207) 939-1124, or visit

A Place In The Heart Energetically clear beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106.

Massage Therapy and Bodywork office

All levels of belly dance classes taught by experienced and caring instructors. Bangor and Waterville classes. Visit our website: or

available at 456 Roosevelt Trail in Windham (office attached to the Fitness Barn). I am looking for a holistic bodyworker interested in renting my office 2-3 days per week. Please call Rebecca LaWind, LMT at (207) 749-4150 for more information. Thank you!

NDE Support & Interest Group

Professional Office Space in Health Clinic in Freeport Village,

Light on the Water NDE Support & Interest Group meetings are held once a month locally in New England and via teleconference once a month. FMI, please go to or contact Rev. Juliet Nightingale at (615) 292-2217. You may also visit

2 rooms newly finished, ½ or full time, includes all utilities, easy parking, excellent opportunity to network, seeking Osteopaths, massage therapist, Naturopaths, energy or body workers. See clinic at Rent: $450-$550/mo. Call Mary Beth: (207) 865-1203.

Aaminah School Of Middle Eastern Dance

The New England School of Feng Shui Basic through advanced workshops. World-renowned faculty. Professional certification program available. For complete brochure: (203) 268-9483 or visit

“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 368-5866 or

Ongoing Connecticut

Holistic Moms Network A holistic community that meets the last Wednesday of the month in the Whole Foods Community Room, West Hartford, CT. Contact Heather at (860) 665-9766 or


WWW.BESTMAINEWATERFRONT.COM Perfect for your dream home, B&B or retreat facility! Privacy with accessibility to both Bangor and Bar Harbor. FMI see website or call Alison Cote (207) 632-3662.

Southern Maine Home with River Frontage Ceremonial Circle with fire pit, hot tub, extensive stone work. Private & quiet. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, screened porch, sun-room and stone patios, Currently owned by spiritual healer and shamanic practitioner. $325,000. Contact Amy Cartmell and Leanne Barschdorf Nichols of Keller Williams Realty, (207) 553-2608.

Maine Renaissance Faire for sale 78 acres of beautiful, magickal woods, buildings and drilled well on site make for a perfect spiritual retreat or campground. FMI: contact Valerie Davis (207) 926-5693.

Place your Events in Inner Tapestry’s Calendar The first 30 words submitted per issue are free! Email: • Please follow the format of the Calendar— please do not send unformatted Listings such as press releases. •Email typed text indicating which heading you want your event to appear under: (Month, Upcoming or Ongoing). •If your first Event is longer than 30 words, please send .75¢ per word thereafter — (Email & Website addresses count as 2 words.)

Ongoing Calendar Events under 30 words may be posted up to six months, or until requested to be removed. Events & Classified ads are also posted on the Inner Tapestry Website!

How to advertise in Inner Tapestry’s Classifieds Keeping with the themes of natural living, alternative health & well-being, Classified ads are $20 for 30 words, $1 per word thereafter. Times, dates (like August 6th), and telephone numbers count as one word. Email and Web addresses count as 2 words. Payments must be sent with the listing.

The deadline for the April/May 2007 issue is March 5th. Email your listings: 38 Inner Tapestry Feb/March 2007

⇠ 39

\ YOGA, T’AI CHI AIKIDO & MEDITATION Practitioners Directory BELFAST, ME Belfast Yoga Studio Iyengar Yoga, Relax&Renew® (restorative) Yoga, Yamuna Body Rolling®; classes, workshops, individual sessions. Marianna Moll (Iyengar, Relax&Renew®, Yamuna® certified) and Belinda Pendleton (Iyengar style, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Cardiac Wellness). (207) 338-3930.

BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME The Yoga Firm Studio Join our ongoing movement inspired Beginning and Flow Yoga Classes to restore the supple nature of your body and mind. Also offering Shiatsu/ Acupressure bodywork. For schedule and info please contact Romee May, (207) 380-6975; 115 Townsend Ave. www.yogafirmstudio. com.


FALMOUTH, ME Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Offering several styles and levels of yoga from beginner to power yoga. Call (207) 878-3899 for class schedule or go to for more information. 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, Me.

GORHAM, ME Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center All abilities/ages. Beginner, Continuing, Intermediate, Toning & Sculpting, Pregnancy Yoga, Couples Pregnancy Yoga, Mommy & Me (infants), Yoga for Tots, & Pilates. Private Sessions available. Postures, breathwork, meditation, relaxation. (207) 839-7192.


Life Breath Institute Offers classes, workshops and private sessions to meet your schedule. Chi-Kung, deep meditation, Reiki and breathing techniques combined to achieve ultimate well-being in our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual life. Rev. Valerie Davis B. Msc. 31 Rowe Station Rd., New Gloucester, ME (207) 926-5693.

NORTH YARMOUTH, ME Turning Light Yoga & Meditation Center Classes in Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Psychological & Spiritual Development. Free Monthly Satsang. Personal, group and corporate programs available. Director Darcy Cunningham certified by Institute of the Himalayan Tradition and Yoga Alliance. (207) 829-2700,,


Full Circle Synergy School of T'ai Chi Ch'uan We offer classes morning, noon and night. Cultivating stress reduction, balance, internal energy, and meditation, while celebrating the joy of movement spectrum from self-healing through athletic efficiency and power to self-defense. All abilities welcome! (207) 780-9581. \

Kundalini Community Yoga Full class schedule including beginners and children. Workshops. Groups. Private sessions. Certified Instructors. Class includes Kriya (set of specified exercises), breath, mantra, meditation, relaxation. Try Kundalini Yoga -- the yoga of Awareness. 52 Pine St., (207) 615-5405, Portland Yoga Studio Highly trained instructors, Iyengar certified, Anusara influenced. Prenatal, Teen, LifeLong, Restorative, Ashtanga (flow), & Yin Yoga classes! Weekend workshops! Belly Dance! Beautiful studio! 616 Congress Street, (207) 799-0054,, email Aikido of Maine Aikido: "The Art of Peace"' a martial art for self-defense and spiritual development. Connecting movement, breath and energy through partner practice. Seeking harmony from conflict. Creating an Alert mind, calm body and enhanced health and awareness. Daily classes: beginners, adults & children. Flexible schedules, (207) 879-9207, 226 Anderson St., Portland, WholeHeart Yoga Center Portland's Kripalu affiliated studio offers classes for all levels which include postures, relaxation, breathwork and meditation. Our teachers are highly trained & Kripalu-certified. We also offer private classes, workshops, Partner Yoga and regular Kirtans (chanting). 150 St. John St., Portland. (207) 871-8274, Touchstone Bookstore and More Offering guided and open meditation. During open meditation times, we will light a candle and set the intention for peace. Just come in, grab a seat and breathe! Weekly morning and evening Kripalu yoga classes. Call or visit us at 1832 Forest Ave., Portland, ME, (207) 878-3866, The Yoga Center Quality instruction for 25 years. 30 weekly classes-all levels, restorative, therapeutic, power, pre-natal. Master teacher workshops and Yoga vacations in Mexico & Maine. Two lovely studios & supply store. Directors Vickie Labbe and Jennifer Cooper, (207) 774-YOGA (774-9642). Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286,

YARMOUTH, ME Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spacious & beautiful newly built studio. Professional instruction in KRIPALU & HATHA YOGA and MEDITATION. Now also PILATES and QI GONG! Group & private classes, all levels: youth, teens, adults. See website for schedule. (207) 846-1162,

Calling all Yoga, T'ai Chi, QiGong and Meditation Practitioners. Place your listing here! An excellent resource for getting the word out for your classes & workshops! If you and your group or school hold classes and workshops and would like to be listed in this Directory, please call: (207) 799-7995 or Email: Please include in listings Yoga, Meditation, T’ai Chi and Qi Gong related classes Feb/March 2007 Inner Tapestry 39

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Open Door Yoga Center Offering a wide variety of Yoga classes, 5 Rhythm Ecstatic Dance, Feldenkrais Movement, Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic drumming, T'ai Chi and Tantra Workshops. Morning, evening and weekend classes for all ages and levels. Conveniently located less than 3 miles from the center of Camden. Call for brochure or info: (207) 236-8971.


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