Inner Tapestry "Transcendence"June July 2007

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A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE! June/July 2007









Volume 6, No . 1



Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

u The Universal Language of Sacred Geometry

u Destination Healing ~ Transcending Disabilities

u Creating Endless Potential

u Modern Shamanic Living ~ Transcendence as Destiny

u The Truth: Is there scientific evidence for the "law of attraction"?

u Loving Earth ~ A Solar Home in the Mountains

u Artistic Psychology and Ken Wilber's Spiritual Philosophy

u The Way of Life-Itself ~ Why Violence and Why There is Hope Too?


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 2 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007


This Issue's Theme



A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!

Augus t/S eptemb er 2007: Living Life O c tober/November 2007 Ch a r it y December/January 2007/2008 Walking in Grace Fe br uar y/M arch 2008 Elder Wis do m


June/July 2007

The Universal Language of Sacred Geometry

Page 7

by Janosh

The Road Ahead



by Jeff Sadowski

Creating Endless Potential

Page 10

Creating Sacred Space

Page 11

Artistic Psychology and Ken Wilber's Spiritual Philosophy

Page 24

The Truth: Is there scientific evidence for the

Page 25

by Jimmy Page

by Christan Hummel

by Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D. by Karen Rider

"law of attraction"?(Part One)


by Teresa Piccari

Creativity, Wisdom, Spirit & Healing (Part Two)

Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna

Page 6 Page 9

by Asrianna Dameron

Loving Earth ~ Living Lightly; A Solar Home in the Mountains Page 12

by Pat Foley

Destination Healing ~ Transcending Disabilities

Page 13

Modern Shamanic Living ~ Transcendence as Destiny

Page 14

A Breath of Healing ~ To Go Beyond... Why?

Page 15

The Way of Life-Itself ~ Why Violence and

Page 16

Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy ~ Simple Maine Fare

Page 17

by Kevin Pennell

by Evelyn C. Rysdyk

by Donna Amrita Davidge by Skye Potter Hirst Ph.D.

Why There is Hope Too? (Part One)

by Meg Wolff

Awareness and the art of Seeing ~ Apparently It's Not My Job Page 19 by Jen Deraspe

Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ Feng Shui & Health

Page 22

Exploring The World Religions ~ The Gospel of Thomas

Page 26

by Werner Brandmaier by James Bean

A Spiritual Message from Egypt and Syria

Mixed Media ~ Book, Web-site & Music Reviews


Directory of Resources Heart Visions, A listing of events, trainings & trips... Calendar of Events Classifieds Yoga, T'ai Chi & Meditation Directory

Pages 28 & 29

Pages 30-35 Page 36 Pages 36-38 Page 38 Page 39

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 3

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The 21st Century Bohemian ~ Aligning and Applying


Trager ®

Welcome to Inner Tapestry

An Approach for Every Body

Movement Education. Body/Mind Integration.                      Gentle.  Effective.  Life-changing.

"Creating peace in the world, one person at a time." Dr. Milton Trager

Maine Certified Trager® Practitioners Marlena O'Hagan-Buzzell Fryeburg, ME 207-212-7721

Gail Edgerly Portland, ME 207-761-3765

Lindsley Field Newcastle, ME 207-512-0744   Carla Keene Portland & Bath, ME 207-653-8393

Liz Berks Cornish, ME 207-625-2347


Lew McGregor Hope, ME 207-763-3129

THE TRAGER® APPROACH Introductory Workshops

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

FMI: please contact Marlena O'Hagan Buzzell at 207-647-3521 or Email:

OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION: As we weave from within, we begin the

creation of the outward expression and celebration of our own unique tapestry. Our intention is to provide a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life by creating and supporting a network of connection within the holistic community and its practitioners. The journal is advertiser supported and can be found in businesses and services, which promote complementary healing, wellness, wholeness and who support cultural, environmental and educational needs, where ideas of conscious living and integrative wholeness are welcomed and nourished. In Our sixth year as a Holistic Journal celebrating and supporting the exploration of life, we have become a leading voice for people in their discovery of holistic health, natural living and spiritual wisdom and insight.

AVAILABLE IN MORE THAN 500 LOCATIONS Distributed bi-monthly (six times a year) this free publication is filled with carefully selected inspiring and informative articles promoting conscious life choices that lead to a higher quality of life, unity within one's self and community and a greater experience of spirit! Our distribution area spans throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Massachusetts with over 500 locations. If you would like copies placed at your business or location please contact us. Inner Tapestry is a great resource for your family, friends, clients and customers.

SEE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN INNER TAPESTRY SIX WAYS TO ADVERTISE Throughout Inner Tapestry's pages are the Display Ads, towards the back of the journal you will find the Directory of Resources, a comprehensive listing of practitioners and descriptions of their services. Immediately following you will find our Calendar of Events (the first 30 words per submitter are free) and the Classified section. The Fifth method is the Yoga, Aikido, T'ai Chi & Meditation Practitioners Directory, with a listing of styles and forms available for study. Our on-line web site is the sixth way to advertise, with an online Directory Ad. Directory Ads can be placed just on-line or in conjunction with an ad in print. For those who need ad design, we offer a service to create a distinct way for you to present your business. To our readers, we would like to ask everyone to take the opportunity to email our columnists, feature writers, artists and advertisers with comments, suggestions and information inquiries. They all are extremely wonderful and dedicated individuals who look forward to hearing from you. We also look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions as we all continue to evolve and grow together. Inner Tapestry does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements. Responsibility for the products and services of our advertisers rests solely with them. Articles are for information only and do not constitute medical advice. Please obtain written permission before reproducing any part of this publication. All rights reserved. ® 2007

Subscriptions are available:

$20.00/year, 6 issues A H olistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!

Joan Emmons, Ron Damico, Betty Close, & Jacqueline Cone


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4 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

Inner Tapestry can be picked up for free in over 500 locations, but to insure you don’t miss a copy, subscriptions are available.

5 INNER WORKINGS New this Issue: Hi Everyone! Welcome.. We would like to thank all of the wonderful people who have come together over the past five years, this issue and those who will join us in the future in this exciting journey of growth and evolution. As we begin our first edition in our sixth year "Transcendence", we share in celebration all that we were, are and will become. From the many voices that I have heard and continue to hear, the journal continues to be a space which we all have held so lovingly together for those choosing to explore, grow and gain support for their personal journeys. As a reflection of all of us, the journal too is growing, new locations, readers, advertisers, practitioners, artists and writers are joining to help share themselves in support of our community. To support this, we have integrated into the journal some changes, which we hope that you will enjoy, the layout of the front pages, calendar of events and classifieds, as well as a whole new look for both the Directory of Resources and T'ai Chi, Aikido, Yoga and Meditation Directory. As you will also find in this issue, we once again are feeling the upcoming growth of the journal which will no doubt be expanding into more pages and more locations in the near future. We have been blessed with many articles that we would love to publish, and are working towards the addition of more space to facilitate bringing more of them to you. We are truly excited to be a part of this growth and transition in our world. Again our thanks to everyone in the world who is supporting this Transcendence into more of who we truly are, and to our sister publications for their support and willingness to do the same. It is not often easy for everyone, and the journal is the reminder and reflection that we are all connected. Please join us in our celebration wish to you!

Happy Anniversary Everyone! Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

ON THE COVER Transition I was speaking with someone whom I do some remote energy healing with in Canada, Sue Kern. In our sessions she has referred me to some very interesting sites to check out to support my process, and this is one I'd like to share. This issue I would like to introduce to you, Dutch artist Janosh, who is internationally know for his multimedia presentation "Keys of the Arcturians". In his presentation the perfectly shaped geometric holograms–supported by powerful music and important life questions–stimulate the audience to activate their subconscious minds. The holograms are all assigned with a different positive meaning. According to Janosh these hidden geometric codes will stimulate the deeper knowledge that is stored in every human in order to become the persons that we really are. Janosh started his career being a graphic designer in advertising. In 2003 he received a calling to start meditating. Not long afterwards he experienced certain kinds of transparent energies captured in different shapes and colors. He felt that these images had to tell him something and he translated these into computer art. It was not long after these images appeared on the internet that he received the first, very surprising reactions. They appeared to have the exact same shapes as crop circles. Janosh was astonished and not familiar with crop circles at all. He had no idea as to why he was the one receiving these holographic messages. Shortly after, Saïe contacted Janosh. Saïe is an entity from another dimension and explained to Janosh that he belongs to the Arcturians, who are largely responsible for the crop circle phenomenon. He also told Janosh the specific meaning to each of the holograms, such as Passion, Emergence, Transition and Abundance. Janosh: “With years of experience in designing thematical and promotional concepts in

advertising, I now passionately devote my time to designing geometric art and writing books. I think beyond means and media. Already there are more than enough labels. I permit myself to release all possible narrow-mindedness, which creates space and clarity for original and creative ideas. It’s all about inspiring, feeling, smelling, touching and breathing. I gladly take up the challenge to touch people in an authentic manner.” In the past four years Janosh has written four books, and his newest will be released in the fall of this year. His gallery, Janosh Art & Design is located in Amsterdam, and for those of us who may not find our journeys leading us across the ocean, his website,, is full of great art and items to support our journeys of evolution. I have explored his affirmation box "Keys of the Arcturians" and "Tools of the Arcturians The programme - a powerful affirmation game", lots of fun to use, and lots of great art work on his site to share. Sounds True will also be releasing "The Arcturian Sacred Geometry Kit" onto the market. Janosh has shared his presentation with many countries visiting in the US in 2006 as presenter to the United Nations in New York. He plans on travelling the world even more, contributing to the stimulation of global consciousness whenever he can. I hope you enjoy your visit to this fun site.

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 5


The 21st Century Bohemian ...the new humans' expression of an awakening world by Teresa Piccari

Aligning and Applying Creativity, Wisdom, Spirit and Healing (Part Two)

Being a Journalist

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

I learned many things during my traditional career as a writer in media, corporate and advertising environments. I am grateful for all the experience, knowledge and wisdom I gleaned. The skills and experience of those jobs serve me well to this day. To me, being a journalist is the best gig going for a writer. You get lots of practice at your craft, you learn to meet deadlines, you are always learning something new and at the end of the day it’s your name that appears between the story and the headline. This gives you a real sense of ownership and responsibility. There is something about having your byline on everything you write that keeps you honest. For me, it is like giving your word, or the handshake that was once enough to seal a deal between honorable people. And then, the true magic, a tangible finished product that rolls off a conveyor belt at the end of the day. A newspaper you can tuck under your elbow and carry around your city or town, reading it on the train or bus, in the diner or at the local watering hole. Newspapers are bridges where we meet our closest friends, or the stranger seated next to us ,with the utterance of the simple question “Did you read the story about...?”


Emily Dickinson said that good writing should make one feel as if the top of your head had been taken off. I experienced a similar sensation in third grade. Tucked into my English textbook was Robert Louis Stevenson’s Block City, a wonderful poem about a magical kingdom by the sea. When I read those words I felt as if my nine-year-old self had just been given the keys to the kingdom. Good writing still makes me feel that way. Something in me clicked that day, as I recognized the power a writer has to help us see the beauty of the world around us and to imagine a world beyond the tangible one we live in. A voice inside me said that’s what I want to do.

Being a Student

I lost one of my greatest teachers when my father died two years ago. Like anyone we truly love, he really isn’t gone from me though–just an eyelash away. I don’t know how he learned to be who he was without any great teacher of his own. But as I write this I now know the answer. He learned very early on to tap into his higher self. That is what saved and sustained him when his parents split and The Great Depression descended at 10. He and his brothers were placed in an orphanage and then shuffled around to unwelcoming foster homes. Very early on the six of them became industrious. When they had enough money they would go around springing one another from their prisons. Some child’s play. Much later, his first wife died. He had two young children to raise. My father was as smooth and shiny as a well-hewn piece of clear sea glass that could rival a diamond in clarity and colorlessness. His spirit lifted him above his earthly reality to a place where he was able to transform the potentially jagged edges life could have placed on him and where he chose instead to smooth out all the edges to softness.

6 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

Standing in Your Power

Learning to work with our strengths can be just as difficult as overcoming weaknesses. It is a slippery slope, growing to respect our gifts and refusing to play small for anyone. It is a good thing to not let anyone block your light and to have respect for others so that you do not block their light. It took me a long time to figure this out. Today, when I bump up against people who want me to play small so that they may be more comfortable, I try to be gracious, silently thank them and move on. Despite my best intentions, these encounters are not always so gracious, or silent.

Buried Treasure

As someone who understands me recently said, “You like to get to the bottom of things. That bothers some people.” As any good journalist knows it’s not about getting the dirt, it’s getting through the dirt to the great shiny things that make the story. I grew up digging in Philadelphia dirt full of mica and pill bugs. I operated a mine in my side yard where I uncovered mostly silver and sometimes gold mica. I would peel through it, separating its complex layers like one peels an onion to get to its shiny source. Usually, I’d come up empty handed, not understanding that my resource was greater than the sum of its individual parts. As I excavated and sifted, these wonderful silver creatures appeared–pill bugs. Pre-historic armadillos in miniature. Timid little darlings that rolled themselves into perfect impenetrable balls as soon as they spied me. They taught me that sometimes we need to armor ourselves against life. On weekends, I dug in sand on the beaches of Atlantic City and Wildwood, beaches that remain the widest I have ever set eyes on. Blanket to blanket with other families, we played in salt air filled with some baseball game or other coming out of a radio, along with songs of the city we left behind playing on WFIL and WIBG on the AM band. The sound of the surf drowned out by deejay voices and the hollers of great sagging bulls of men hauling huge metal coolers filled with Fudgicles and Creamsicles imploring us to, “Get your “fudgie wudgies here.” I dug in the sand on my way to China, sometimes without a top, turning brown as a berry, uncovering all sorts of seaweed, shells and small creatures. These beaches and my own yard were my outdoor churches. They were where I learned reverence.

skeletons, they too can become bright with a little light and care.

Coming Home

I don’t think it is an accident that I live in view of the ocean, with white cedars and pines around me. They are the elements of my childhood, the things that make me feel secure and alive and at peace in myself. Out my front door are low slung, rounded mountains, an element I added when I came home to Maine. Good journeys are like that; they bring us home to ourselves. They teach us to trust that the world can be a safe place that will heal us- if we allow it. I’m still on my path. Trying to smooth out what sharp edges remain on me. Trying to keep pace and keep the peace. Still digging and sifting, uncovering treasures.


My heartfelt thanks to Dave Jones, Melinda Kemmerer and Victoria Kling, who in the summer of 2003 listened and coached, as I struggled to give form to the concept of The 21st Century Bohemian. I’m not exactly sure what happened in the time that has elapsed since the concept of this new breed of bohemian came to me several years ago. I suspect there was some serious mileage I had to lay down along my personal journey before I could catch up to the vision. I am glad the time has come. And I am most grateful to Inner Tapestry, especially Joan Emmons, for giving The 21st Century Bohemian the space to fly. Teresa Piccari is a writer, teacher and healer living in coastal Maine. She is the proprietor of The Village Scribe, a professional writing service producing personal and family histories, eulogies and custom writing for romances, weddings and other special occasions. She teaches a variety of writing workshops including creative writing, memoir and journaling. She also performs house blessings/clearings and is an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and practitioner. Contact Teresa at or (207) 344-7070.

Legacy of Secrets

My family, like many of its generation, has a great legacy of secrets. No sooner would something happen than they would trot it outside and bury it. The problem with that is, once we bury something it takes on attributes like shame and guilt–usually making matters much worse than the original offense. It must have been all that covering up that sent me digging. Over time, I’ve learned that once you unearth these

Enjoy Reading This Issue of Inner Tapestry


The Universal Language of Sacred Geometry


by Janosh

Since time immemorial geometric shapes and forms have occurred everywhere on earth. They are to be found in nature, in humans, in architectonical structures and even in the alignment of stars and planets. It is clearly not coincidental that these geometric patterns exist all around us–and in fact inside us. Sacred Geometry could be considered to be the one true universal language that we humans understand without words. For the power that comes from this geometry speaks to us directly through our subconscious minds. (By: Janosh)

Mystery of creation

Platonic Solids

Our very bodies are excellent examples of this universal geometry. Simple examples of sacred geometric shapes are, among other things, the circle, triangle, square, pentagon, and pentagram. Three-dimensional examples include the sphere and the five Platonic Solids: the Tetrahedron, Hexahedron (cube), Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. Numerical values of significance are pi and the Golden Ratio, also known as Phi. The five Platonic Solids, so named because of Plato’s extensive research of their significance, are the only solid shapes whose sides and angles are all equal and whose faces are even-sided polygons. Plato related four of them to the elements of fire, earth, air, and water, with the twelve-sided dodecahedron designating the zodiac, or the universe. Plato also theorized that atoms had these five shapes, arranged in the shape of cubes, octahedra and dodecahedra in crystalline substances. Water molecules can arrange themselves in icosahedral clusters. Yet prehistoric stone sculptures of the five Platonic Solids that have been found in the United Kingdom prove that mankind has always been aware of this knowledge.

The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio or Mean is a mathematical proportion that appears everywhere in nature. Classically known as the ‘extreme and mean ratio’, this proportion divides a line into two unequal segments, where the proportion of the whole line to the larger segment is the same as the proportion of the larger segment to the smaller segment. When the value of the whole line is 1, the larger segment is approximately 0.61803: the Golden Ratio. A basic geometric example of the omnipresence of the Golden Ratio is the simple five pointed star, made by connecting the points of a pentagon, which consists of five lines, each divided into the Golden Ratio. Since ancient times this ratio has been regarded as the ultimate proportion of perfection, harmony and even divinity.

It is clearly not coincidental that these geometric patterns exist all around us - and in fact inside us. Sacred Geometry could be considered to be the one true universal language that we humans understand without words. Fibonacci numbers

The Golden Ratio is inextricably linked to a numerical series known as Fibonacci numbers. Named after the 13th century mathematician credited with introducing the Arabic numbering system to Europe, this series of numbers is formed by adding the previous two numbers to produce the next. This results in the following eternal string: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc. Amazingly, if we divide each number in the series by the number before it, we discover that the result gets closer and closer to the Golden Ratio the farther we progress into the series. Thus the Fibonacci series express the Golden Ratio as well. Fibonacci numbers appear regularly in the forms of sunflower seed heads, growth patterns of leaves, as well as in the aforementioned nautilus shell. Our hands, with three bones to each of their five digits, express the Golden Ratio between the length of each of the bones in a single finger. The belly button also divides the length of the human body into the Golden Ratio. Even more startling, a single DNA molecule measures 21 x 34 angstroms. These numbers are neighbors in the Fibonacci series, thus the ratio between them is 1.61904... very close to the Golden Ratio. Leonardo DaVinci famously illustrated in his painting ‘The Vitruvian Man’ the pentagonal shape of the human body when arms and legs are outstretched.

emotions when concentrating on particular shapes. For this reason Sacred Geometry can be considered a kind of universal language, perhaps the most universal the world has known. It contains symbolism much more powerful than any written language. This symbolism is also clearly visible in water. The Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto showed that words influence our physical reality. He froze water samples, exposed these to positive and negative music and words (by using transparent labels) and found that the structure of the crystals had changed significantly. Positive words and classical music created clear perfectly shaped geometric structures; negative words and loud techno music created asymmetrical, blurry crystals. Based on his findings Emoto concluded that words and thoughts have an essential influence on the human body, which consists of water for nearly seventy percent and therefore the human mind.

Geometric healing

Geometric secrets have been passed down through the ages and now appear regularly in the enigmatic form of crop circles all around the world. The crop circle formations have become more and more complex over the past few years. As mankind opens up to the knowledge that is brought by these formations and as the consciousness of those who observe these sacred shapes grows, the potential to absorb and comprehend this wisdom will increase. The increasingly complex formations of the past few years are responsible for a faster opening of the entire human consciousness. These geometric patterns accelerate the absorption of information and provide an extra dimension to the five senses that we currently use. They stimulate our willingness to be open to ways in which our deeper knowledge leads to self-healing. In this way these encoded messages to our subconscious minds are helping us consciously prepare to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. By concentrating on geometrical shapes and forms, you can activate these qualities in yourself, awakening the inherent wisdom encoded within. As we have seen, geometry is deeply rooted in our body, cell memory and consciousness. Therefore concentrating on sacred geometric shapes can bring a lot to the surface to be healed. Janosh is our feature cover artist and writer. You can find more information regarding Janosh in "On the Cover" located on page 5. To contact Janosh visit

Power of thought

Whether it is because the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Series are so omnipresent in our experience, or because our physical forms are built according to these mathematical patterns, we have a visceral reaction when we encounter images that express sacred geometric forms. Our brain innately recognizes these forms at the subconscious level. We also tend to feel certain

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 7

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The term Sacred Geometry is often used to refer to architectural forms and is also applied to those proportions, shapes and patterns that re-occur regularly in nature. Ancient people of many cultures observed these endless repetitions of the same numerical relationships and assigned a divine significance to geometry. The ancient Egyptians, Indians, Mayas, Celts and other cultures constructed their buildings and monuments in accordance with the sacred geometric proportions they had observed. The Greek philosophers Plato and Pythagoras came to the conclusion that geometry is inherent to the design of the universe. Behind geometry lurks the mystery of creation. There is no denying that our entire world is shaped according to set geometric values. These mathematical patterns arrange the cells in our body and define the distances between the stars and the planets. They can be recognized in everything; from atoms, stars and flowers to human creations and structures.

We find the Golden Ratio in the Egyptian pyramids, Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting ‘The Last Supper’, the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, the Parthenon in Greece, and even the structure of musical pieces by Mozart and Beethoven. In nature the Golden Ratio occurs with great regularity. The chambered nautilus shell is the most famous example. Its spiral is constructed according to the Golden Ratio, as are many other spirals that appear in nature. Our body, face, heartbeat and even our handwriting express this proportion. It is observable all the way down to the cellular level. Even the fluctuations of the stock exchange have been shown to express the Golden Ratio.


TheRoadAhead by Jeff Sadowski

After dinner Amelia turns off the television and the lights and heads upstairs to her bedroom. About halfan-hour into her sleep, Amelia notices a figure standing at the edge of her bed. AMELIA: “Who are you?” SAM: “My name is Sam, and I’ve been sent to let you know that you have only one day left to live. Tomorrow at midnight I will return and you must come with me.” AMELIA: “But I can’t leave tomorrow! Who will take care of my beautiful flowers?” SAM: “But haven’t you had a lifetime to enjoy your flowers?” AMELIA: “Well, not really. After graduation, I worked as a manager in a local business, and this demanded most of my time. Soon after, I met my husband and we had two children together. As time went by, I was focused on supporting my family and watching my children grow. Years later, after my husband passed away, my children left home, and I decided to work longer hours until my recent retirement.” SAM: “What have you been doing, now that you have so much more time for yourself?” AMELIA: “I haven’t done very much. I’ve spent most of my time trying to figure out where my life has gone.” SAM: “Have you thought at all about your purpose here? Do you think there was a reason why you were born?” AMELIA: “I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time, but I’m still not sure why.” SAM: “I know that you love your family very much, but what do you really love to do?” AMELIA: “As far back as I can remember, I have always loved trees, and I enjoyed helping my mother in the garden when I was very young.”

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

SAM: “When you went to school, why didn’t you study what you really enjoyed, so that you could learn more about it?” AMELIA: “I don’t know. I guess I never thought of it that way.” SAM: “The focus of your education is to learn more about what you love and to see the interrelatedness of all subjects, for each represents a facet of your life. Just imagine how your life would be, having the chance to work in the garden from the very beginning.”

8 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

AMELIA: “My life would have been much different.” SAM: “In what way?” AMELIA: “I would have looked forward more to each day, and my work would have been more meaningful to me.” SAM: “Is there anything else?” AMELIA: “Maybe I would have stopped worrying so much about what everyone else thought of me. I would have been more comfortable and had more confidence in myself, allowing me to become a more compassionate person. Having more time to do what I love would make it easier to take care of myself and my family.” SAM: “When you are doing what you love, you will literally be brought to life, seeing the beauty of life and the beauty in others as well. Your love of gardening will inspire others to enjoy life more and follow what they love. Just remember - it is never too late to do what you’ve dreamt about.” With this, the angel disappeared. When Amelia awoke the next morning, the sun was shining through the window, landing upon this very short story on her nightstand.


Where you decide to go from here is up to you. Although it is very important to follow what you love, it is just as important to put yourself into a nurturing environment where your dreams can grow. Remember that the fulfillment of any desire takes time, effort, and faith in the process. Make sure that your thoughts, words, and actions are directed towards making your dreams possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Your family, friends, and teachers are there to help you. Work to get yourself closer to your dreams, but take the time to step back and enjoy what you have accomplished so far! Even when things seem to be standing still, have faith that opportunities will come at just the right time for you and that there will always be enough of what you need to make your dreams come true.

Enjoy The Trip!

Jeff - A Sociologist, Musician and Spiritual/Life Coach influenced by Joseph Campbell, Paula Cole and Neale D. Walsh has one simple message: "The joy we find in doing what we love is the gift we give to ourselves, our family and our world." You can contact Jeff at or (978) 317-8578.


w elcome ho m e

ask asrianna

Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living. Dear Asrianna, My dear, sweet Pomeranian, Andy, died a few weeks ago. I’m still grieving his death and miss him so much. I’m also wondering, do our pets meet us in the afterlife? I’m too embarrassed to speak to others about it, especially since so many of my friends and members of my family think I’m going overboard by grieving for a dog. Yet it would be so comforting to know I’ll see him again someday. Signed, Sad and Wondering Dear Sad, My condolences on the loss of your dear Andy. For those of us blessed to have pets, we know firsthand the joy and warmth they bring to our lives. Their deaths leave us deeply missing our beloved friends, and the lack of understanding from others can add more heartache to our sadness.

In addition, there are those who feel the presence of their pets around them even after their faithful pet has died. A cat rubbing surreptitiously against her owner’s leg, the gentle nudge of a cold nose beneath an elbow, the sensation of the couch or bed compressing under the invisible body of a furry friend. These can be comforting—if initially disconcerting—signs of our loved one’s continued existence after death. While this is another of the mysteries that by their very nature must be taken on faith, I believe our pets are happily waiting for us to join them when it’s our time to leave our earthly home. Signed, Asrianna

Dear Asrianna, I’ve a very strong inner sense about me at times that lets me know I have a gift and I’m not sure what it is. I know I’m on a path to healing, which is very strong at times and at other times it’s put on hold but always comes back. I have a painful hurt from childhood and know that what has transpired in my life and my choices is from that. I’ve been on a journey to improve my life and heal from within and it’s not always easy. I’ve started to pay attention to the energy I get around certain people and have strong pulls with many people I’m around. At times it’s of trust and other times it’s of mistrust, or I feel their pain and see it. I can see a young girl at times and know what it is that she’s going through, and I know she knows I know it. Through all this pain I feel there’s personal growth, I get a sense I have a gift and I’m not sure what it is. I’ve met a man I feel very comfortable with and he gives me a great sense of comfort. There’s also an attraction though I know it won’t go anywhere as he’s polyamorous, which doesn’t work for me. My question with that is, is he in my life to help me heal? He, himself, is also healing from a relationship. I feel there’s a lot for me to do in my healing and if you give me some guidance that would be great. Thank you. Signed, Finding My Path

By listening to your emotions, your thoughts, your body and your spirit, you’re learning to pinpoint what feels right and authentic to you, as well as in determining those situations in which you should be cautious. You’re already doing that with the people you meet, Finding, now ask yourself for inner guidance regarding all aspects of your life from interpersonal relationships to what occupation you should engage in. For instance, you might see yourself as a healer, using your past experiences—and your subsequent healing—as a compassionate base from which to help others? Perhaps work as a therapist might be right for you. Writing a book about your path can be an option. See yourself as a successful author; throw in lecture tours and rewarding work as a motivational speaker. These may not be your dreams, Finding, but they’re examples of how you can take your own aspirations and goals and make them big, beautiful and inspiring. This isn’t pie in the sky dreaming, it’s giving yourself permission to imagine yourself living the full, happy and successful life you deserve. The next step is to fall in love with your dream, your inspiration, your idea. Imagine yourself in the role you’ve envisioned. See your life enriched by doing what you truly love and feel passionate about. This isn’t the time for rationality or dismissive thoughts. Instead, give yourself permission to put your heart fully into what your mind and spirit has created. In the first step you allow yourself to dream, giving yourself the okay to think big, In this step you get your heart behind it and feel it as real and vital. Then your wonderful intellect gets into the picture as you figure out the necessary steps you need to take in order to make your dream a reality. Perhaps more education is needed on your part. Or you might be required to change jobs or location. No matter your age or situation, if something impassions you enough, there’s always a way to work out the details. It often takes creativity, almost always requires hard work, but the end result of living a life you love is worth every sacrifice. Every step is necessary but without this next one, all the others are for naught. This is the level of manifestation, of walking the talk. You’ve envisioned your dream, fallen in love with the life it would entail, and you’ve figured out the particulars. Now you have to actually take those steps. Enroll in college. Sign up for that course. Apply for the job. Actively look for new housing in the location that’s called to you for years. Whatever it is that gets you closer to your dream, using the progressive steps you’ve figured out in step three, just do them. You asked about lessons, particularly regarding the polyamorous man you’re now attracted to. Every religion has its own take on whether events in our lives are there for our punishment, our learning, or as reward. The safest bet is to choose to see every experience in our lives as learning opportunities. You didn’t consciously elect to

undergo your painful childhood event, yet as an adult you can choose to use your healing from it as an avenue of growth. It sounds as if you’re aware that the painful hurt you suffered as a child was wrong and have taken great strides on the path toward healing. Acknowledge those positive steps, and give yourself the proverbial pat on the back for recognizing that you deserve health, wholeness and happiness. You’re listening to your inner voice, that internal guidance informing you of whether you’re hurt, angry, sad and lonely or any other emotional response. This is important as it gives you vital clues, telling you where changes need to be made, and what those changes should be. Very often, when we’re hurt—whether as children or adults—we internalize the pain, in some way owning it as being deserved or earned. Children in particular do this, lacking the wisdom and maturity necessary to know that their behaviors can’t possibly deserve unkindness and abuse. We then grow up with an inner sense of being flawed and unlovable. With that belief system in place, we make choices that prove what we’re most afraid of; that we are, indeed, unworthy of respect and affection. The heart tends to follow old, well-worn paths that we learned as a child, perhaps one of feeling undeserving and in need of earning a disinterested adult’s love and approval. You deserve a relationship that affirms your worth, makes you feel respected and loved, and meets your need for a monogamous relationship. Focus on ways to affirm yourself, to nurture your spirit, to listen to your heart, and you might just decide that all your experiences—whatever the lessons might be—point you toward the greatest healing of all, self-love. Signed, Asrianna

Asrianna Dameron is a Psychic, a Spiritual Medium, and Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice. She offers individual and group sessions as well as seminars and speaking engagements on the topics of Psychic Development, Mediumship, Hypnosis and Shamanic healing. Asrianna can be reached at, by visiting her website at, or by calling 603-892-1268, Please direct all inquiries and questions for future columns to Asrianna at

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The debate over the survival of the human spirit after death still rages on. Even those who say they believe in life after death don’t agree on whether the same holds true of animals. All I can say is that during many of my Mediumship sessions—as well as the sessions of others who do this wonderful work—pets come through with messages of love and healing. Rather than using words, they communicate in pictures and impressions, emotions and sensations, but the messages are healing and very frequently can be exceptionally detailed in the information they provide.

Dear Finding,


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Creating Endless Potential by Jimmy Page What a world we live in! There are people who can barely face the day and do nothing except complain about their situation. On the other hand there are people who don’t take a moment for granted and make the most of any situation. We have so many choices in life. Even the people that sit back and do nothing with their lives have made a choice. Their choice is to be indecisive, lazy, and most likely full of dis-ease. It is time to take responsibility for our decisions in life. We have the ability to make this world a beautiful place to be. Once you create this reality for yourself it begins a domino effect. Eventually when enough people adopt this belief, it becomes a new way of life. The time has come to understand that there is no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong. This may sound crazy, yet it is truth in its rawest form. The Master Creator made this world with the intention for us all to be co-creators in our own distinct way. We are not judged for what we do. God is simply observing us, the Ultimate Observer. If we were put here to create, then how can God tell us that we can’t do this or that? We are the creators of our own realities and we discern what works best. What is good for one person may be bad for another. What you perceive as right, another will believe to be wrong. Therefore how can societies or governments determine what is good and bad for each individual? They simply cannot! Laws make sense for a lot of people, and still that does not make them wrong or right. Each person needs to decide for themselves what is best for their highest good. When you make a decision of your own free will, you know that 10 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

this decision will either help you or hinder you. You have the God-given right to make either choice. Decisions originating in the heart will not only be for your highest good, they will be for the highest good of all. The only hell that exists is that which we create ourselves. Many people play the victim or judge. The victim thinks that they have it so hard and everyone should feel sorry for them. The other extreme is the judge. The judge believes everyone owes them something because they think they are better than everybody else. These are a few of the symptoms that create our personal hell. When you realize all your problems arise from within yourself, you no longer have anyone to blame except yourself. We all need to live in our own crap. When you can own your problems and know that you create your own reality, then you have no choice except to deal with the issues at hand. Make a conscious effort to unearth the issues that lie deep within you. This can be one of the toughest trials you will ever face. When you begin to work through the crap in your life, slowly you realize that you have been living an illusion for a long time. This path may not be for everyone. We all should attempt to trudge through the mud in our lives. When you finally start breaking down and working through these issues, the transformation can be amazing. You will begin to discover life in a new light. Each moment will begin to mean so much to you. Things you once took for granted will find a whole new meaning. This process is like peeling away layers of an onion. You slowly pull back one layer at time. Deal with one issue and then release it. Eventually the goal is to get to the center where there is nothing but the potential for endless creation. Clarity and truth are attainable. When we know that we can accomplish anything, then do, we become true masters. Jimmy Page is writer and poet. His focus addresses topics that revolve around the core issues we all face in our lives. His passion is to dig deep into the depths of humanity to expose the truth of our limitless potential. When he is not writing, he enjoys spending time with his family, walks in nature, reading, and making the most of the moment.


Creating Sacred Space by Christan Hummel In our modern age, we have more reason than ever before to find the sacred amid the mundane. Can ancient ceremonies help us to restore harmony between man and the environment? The beating of a shaman’s drum, the labyrinth at Chartres, stone monuments in Ireland, Feng Shui, what do they all have in common? All are attempts by different cultures to harmonize their space with their environment. Temples throughout time from Stonehenge to the Great Pyramid attest humanity’s desire to create sacred space, a doorway bringing Heaven here on Earth. A kind of Yoga of the Land integrating mind-body and spirit. In ancient times this knowledge of how to harmonize our living space with nature and the cosmos was passed down from the ancient Celts, Chinese, Egyptians, later the Pythagorean schools in Greece, and into the West through Europe. However where can these traditions be found alive today in our modern culture? Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing our homes with our surroundings, is inaccessible to most people and has become increasingly left in the hands of experts.

And while this may sound too simple for most to believe, case histories surprise even those who have witnessed the results, attesting to the timeless power of such practices and intentions. Cities throughout the world, Frankfurt, Bilbao, Auckland, Los Angeles, just to name a few, have experienced such results as lower crime rates,

Can the same be done for one’s home? In short, yes. A few of the most common changes which people have experienced when harmonizing their space with their environment: more energy, better sleep, enhanced learning among students, improved relationships, increased financial flow, increased plant growth, better health among animals in the area, and more. While anecdotal stories abound, scientific research has been conducted in Europe studying the connections between environmental stresses, earth energies not in a state of harmony, and A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder), cancer, and numerous other diseases. One such study was conducted in Germany. It showed out of 5,000 cancer patients, a correlation between exposure to negative electromagnetic energy lines and their patient’s cancer in 93% of the cases studied. In Austria, Kathie Bachler studied 3,000 students with A.D.D. who had negative earth energies running through their homes. When negated, the ADD behavior was reduced in over 90% of the cases. These studies and many more are just some of the examples of the effects of imbalance in our Earth’s energy systems today. If we accept the belief of indigenous cultures, we could add to the list of the effect of these imbalances, distortions of weather patterns, globally increased volcanic and earthquake activity, and other “natural” disasters as well. Our ancient ancestors knew that prayer; ritual and ceremony were an essential part of keeping in balance the harmony of humanity and Nature. This is a tradition lost to most of us in our modern culture. Today, our modern cities are testaments to a world addicted to unbridled growth at any cost. Electromagnetic stresses, pollution, and negative telluric energies plague us in a manner unprecedented in human history. In such conditions, is it possible to create sacred space in our living environments today? While times have changed, basic principles have not. Sacred sound, Sacred geometry, prayer, and ceremony—all are still effective methods of raising the vibrations of the space where we live, and for our planet as well. Our modern times have created greater problems, but have also created different solutions to the same age-old quest: how to create sacred space on earth. Now is a crucial time to make our homes our temples—places where the sacred vibrations will radiate out to heal our families and communities.

Christan Hummel is the author of the “Do It Yourself Space Clearing Kit” and an international lecturer, and workshop leader. She has taught thousands around the world how to create sacred space in their homes and cities. For information about upcoming workshops in Connecticut and Massachusetts see: page 20 or visit


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The earth is viewed by many indigenous cultures as a holographic reflection of the human body. Ancient Chinese and Vedic medicine believed that humans have a meridian system that carries the currents of life energy throughout our bodies. When they are open, flowing and healthy, so are our body’s systems. Similarly, the earth also has these meridians as well. They have been known by cultures all over the world for thousands of years. More recently coined “ley lines” by Alfred Watkins in 1921 in England, this concept has now found its way into the common vernacular of our society. By attending to these sacred lines of energy within the body of the earth, through prayer and ceremony we help to restore a lost and ancient relationship of humanity with the Earth by creating a living bridge between Heaven and Earth.

reduced drug use, lower pollution levels and revival of natural resources—all with such simple techniques that our ancestors practiced in times past.


lov ing e ar th

Living Lightly; A Solar Home in the Mountains by Pat Foley

The site and house: Margaret and Peter Zack live in Western Maine, off the grid, about half a mile from the nearest CMP utility pole. Their house, which we first visited during an alternative energy tour in the fall of last year, is attractive, comfortable and well situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty. There are spectacular long views of the surrounding hills, particularly from the kitchen and dining areas. The living room has a cathedral ceiling and south facing windows. The wood stove that supplies their heat is centrally located, rather than against a wall, so when it runs, the air on all sides of it is warmed. A deck faces south. There is a small vegetable garden just a few steps from the house.

The set-up:

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Their solar power system, which has now been in use through eight winters, was designed by Peter Talmage and installed by a local electrician. The setup consists basically of eight 75-watt solar panels (for a total of 600 watts) and eight storage batteries. An inverter converts the direct current electricity coming from the panels into the alternating current used by household appliances. Because the Zacks liked and wanted to preserve the trees at the edge of the lawn, the panels are mounted on their roof. This places them beyond the shade of the trees. The batteries are located in the walk-in basement. The battery box is raised above the level of the floor, thus making working on the batteries easier than if they were at floor level. Peter says he checks the water level in the batteries a couple of times a year. This appears to work although he reports some people suggest checking and, if it is needed, adding distilled water on a monthly basis. The distilled water is important. We had heard that Sebago Lake water is so good it can be added to batteries without distilling it. Not true. We ourselves ruined a good battery testing this incorrect piece of information. The charge controller is also in the basement. This device monitors and controls electrical flow from the solar panels to the batteries. When the batteries are fully charged, the controller slows the flow to a trickle to prevent overcharging. At night, the controller prevents a reverse flow from the batteries back to the panels. In addition there is a gauge that indicates the current state of charge of the batteries and the flow of electricity from the panels. As appliances are turned on in the house and power drawn from the battery bank, one can see an interesting second by second read-out of exactly what is happening. When a heavy user is turned on, those gauge numbers really fly. The Zack’s set-up also includes a booster charger, which reportedly adds as much as 25% more power to the system. There is a back-up propane powered generator that can be used to charge the batteries during times when the weather is cloudy for several consecutive days and the battery bank needs a boost to operate properly. It is important to maintain a good charge in the batteries. Allowing them to fall too far below proper charge can seriously shorten their working lives. When there is adequate sunshine, one can “equalize” the battery bank by curtailing electrical use and letting the batteries come to a full charge. The Zacks do this once a month. The generator comes into play when that sunlight isn’t available. Peter reports the most difficult 12 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

months in his experience are November and December. Recently the Zacks upgraded their inverter. Since the addition of the new inverter, which is apparently more efficient than the old one, they have not had to use the generator at all. At present the Zacks’ batteries are almost eight years old and doing well.

Making good energy use choices:

Peter explains that when initially planning one’s system, it is important to select appliances that use electrical power conservatively. Most have their power use indicated on a metal label. This usually can be found on the bottom or back of the item. Appliances that produce heat draw a lot of power; for example: toasters, electric coffee pots and hair dryers. But we have choices as these appliances come in a range of efficiencies, with some drawing far more juice than others.

In the early days of solar power, there were efficiencies gained by using DC. Modern inverters however are very efficient, making some of those gains less important today. The Zacks are happy with their set-up. Philosophically and environmentally, they feel good about what they are doing. Peter speaks of how in the system’s early days he would look up at “the star” that was supplying his electrical power and feel in awe of the whole process. He cautions however that living with a solar system is not the same as being connected to the grid. He reports that he has become more conscious of the sun, more mindful of what he is doing and when the system will allow him to do it. Tasks that require a lot of power are scheduled for sunny days when the battery bank will recharge quickly. Peter also mentions being conscious of turning lights and appliances off when not in use as important. He says that he and Margaret are generally conservative in their habits; nonetheless they do make it a point to maintain mindfulness of their power usage.

An energy tie-in with work:

Phantom loads: Another thing to consider is the business of phantom loads. Appliances with rapid start-ups like TVs and some radios are still drawing power when we turn them “off ”. Every appliance with an electric clock uses juice to power that clock. The read-out on meters draws juice also. None of these items by themselves uses very much, but when we put them all together and add up that minimal use, it can make a considerable difference. In addition, these items run all the time, whether one’s solar batteries are highly charged or too low to have power drawn from them without damage. A simple way of dealing with phantom loads is to unplug the appropriate appliances when they are not in use. The Zacks use power strips, plugging the appliances into the strips and then simply turning off the strips.

Propane for major appliances:

Many solar power system designers suggest using another source of power for the big household appliances and for heat. In Margaret and Peter’s system major appliances, with the exception of their deep well pump, are powered by propane. The stove, refrigerator, hot water heater, clothes dryer and of course that back-up generator all run on propane. The clothes dryer actually is a kind of hybrid. It heats with propane and tumbles with electrical power. The Zacks have a 500 gallon propane tank which they fill each fall, adding around 300 gallons at that time. This averages out to about 25 gallons a month. The deep well pump is part of the solar system. Water is pumped into a regular pressurized household storage tank and drawn from there as needed.

Living with the system:

Originally the Zacks’ system was limited to direct current power, but that didn’t work for them. Today the system uses DC (direct current) for some of the lights and AC (alternating current) for everything else.

Peter is currently the director of MEEP, the Maine Energy Education Program. Through the schools, MEEP teaches some of the same concepts that make the Zack household solar system run. Peter enjoys conjuring up hands-on experiential activities that will teach energy concepts that kids will enjoy doing and hopefully become invested in. For more information about the Maine Energy Education Program and its activities in schools around the state, Peter can be reached by e-mail at or by calling (207) 625-7833. Copyright 2007, Pat Foley Pat Foley attempts to live a green life just outside of Cornish, Maine. She is a professional writer, artist, shamanic practitioner and the owner of Earthrest, a center offering gathering space for groups and individuals. You may contact Pat at or (207) 625-4179.


d estinat io n he alin g

Transcending Disabilities by Kevin Pennell


n our journeys through life, we aspire toward growth and improvement, moving beyond the present state toward a greater state of being. Sometimes physical disabilities stand as barriers, even out and out walls, hindering our progress. Opportunities arise that identify other methods, methods that help the individual to exceed the range of physical limitations. When someone accomplishes such a feat some might say the individual “transcended” to another level or they surpassed earlier efforts by leaps and bounds. A study of the word “transcend” shows a Latin word meaning to “climb over” implying an obstacle to overcome.

When animals and therapy are considered simultaneously, we usually think about therapy dogs or cats. What about therapy horses? They aren’t integrated into society as they once were, but they’re still an asset in the present. Whether fulfilling practicality for leisure, transport, or helping mankind with laborious activities, they’ve been an integral part of many societies for centuries. Horses share more than you might imagine when it comes to their therapeutic qualities. Albertson’s Pleasure Horses offers wellness and therapeutic care with horses. Brenda Albertson and her staff bring a unique opportunity to Maine and New England. They offer traditional riding programs including a horse science and learning program, quality horse riding lessons for both English and Western riders, dressage, and even summer day camps for children. Brenda’s research identified more therapeutic horse programs south of New Jersey. Now New England has a fair number of quality stables and riding programs, but Albertson’s offers therapeutic riding. Horses help individuals therapeutically from age three to seventy through both riding and walking. “We focus on learning about horses and horsemanship, safety around horses, and we frequently have farriers, vets, chiropractors, or acupuncturists in the barn so children and caregivers can watch and ask questions. Utilizing horses’ unique qualities for therapeutic purposes is called “hippotherapy.” It bonds people to horses, addressing the emotional and physical needs of a patient. Therapists, trained and familiar with hippotherapy, utilize simple activities to stimulate riders. The riders improve their balance, enhance posture, restore mobility, and rehabilitate their overall coordination and strength through this unique approach, promoting wellness or restoring the individual, as much as possible, to a former level of health. According to Brenda Albertson, “Horses have been used for years as a way for physically disabled people to strengthen their muscles through riding as well as gaining confidence and self esteem.” So, through

Working with horses at Albertson’s ushers in life changing experiences. Clients place their trust in the horses that sense the level or lack of trust. According to Brenda, when trust is cultivated between the client and horse, the client integrates those principles of trust into their daily lives. Horses help people work through emotional blocks by teaching us to connect with our inner-self. Horses are not judgmental, don’t hold grudges, and they manifest forgiveness in response to our needs. They “react to our subconscious messages. As potential prey, they need to know instinctively what’s coming into their space.” As predatorial creatures, (people have eyes facing forward like any other predator) horses evaluate us like any other predator until they sense we aren’t a threat. “Instinct keeps them safe, so they interact with us in ways we don’t even realize.” That same intuitive ability enables them to work with people at a therapeutic level. Brenda explained, “They know when you’re nervous. They know your attitude. They know what your feeling. The horse’s sixth sense knows what’s going on.” Because they listen to their inner being, they help us learn to listen to our inner-self. The scope of Albertson’s therapeutic services includes working with children too. Brenda has worked with children’s special needs for over fifteen years, addressing several impairments. The impairments include: cerebral palsy, oppositional defiance disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit disorder, mental retardation, autism, asburgers syndrome, multiple sclerosis, behavioral and personality disorders, plus forms of mental retardation. The children’s interaction with horses improves motor skills, coordination, strength, and stability. For example, a child with cerebral palsy benefits from working with a horse, stretching muscles in their back to a point of near normal posture and improving the range of motion. The parent in turn can interact with the child in ways that might not have been possible before. The child’s mental attitude, moods, and self-confidence are enriched through the programs as their physical abilities improve, promoting joint and muscle elasticity reducing cramping. Sometimes, Albertson’s receives funding from the State of Maine, Respite Care Funding program. The partial financial support from this program makes it possible for a disabled child to receive rehabilitative

care. This amazing, and little known, program is running out of funding. The activity funding is assigned in July of every year, providing two hundred dollars per year for each recipient thus furnishing enough hippotherapy funding for one month per year. According to Brenda and her staff, this isn’t adequate to properly keep the program going for the benefit of the clients who participate. Albertson’s needs funding to pay for the children’s lessons, so they can keep riding after the state’s support stops. “We’re asking for funding, corporate or private, for these kids to stay here. It breaks my heart to see them leave on that last day knowing I won’t see them again until next year when we have to start all over. We could do it for two hundred dollars per month per child.” That amount would pay a small stipend for staffing, hay, grain, and shavings for the horses, and safety equipment for riders ensuring their protection as they work with the horses. The unique rehabilitative programs have served the needs of many over the years. Talking with Brenda convinced me that she works from a place of compassion in a labor of love. “I have worked with stroke patients, brain trauma patients with short-term memory dysfunction, and accident patients who have suffered from sight, physical, and mental injuries. I work on balance, coordination, muscle tone, playing games to make things fun; not just exercise.” Brenda also provides hippotherapy for terminally ill patients free from charge; perhaps fulfilling last wishes. Albertson’s Pleasure Horses caters to those with stressful careers, like nurses and emergency medical technicians. “We offer unique opportunities for many, not just those with special needs.” Brenda recalled one nurse’s comments. She came to the farm uptight and stressed. After simply riding for a while and enjoying the beauty of the experience, the nurse discovered that her mind had cleared, cleared of all thought. Similar to an epiphany, she realized she was just riding, not thinking of anything, no worry or stress. The nurse looked forward to her next visit, a visit that would relieve her mind and spirit. Brenda finished the anecdote with, “They (the horses) free the mind for clearer thinking and refresh the soul.” In your journey toward a destination for healing, perhaps transcending your present circumstances, barriers, or disabilities consider partnering with a fourlegged friend for a while by visiting Albertson’s Pleasure Horse Farm, 155 Horsetail Hill Road in Madison, Maine. Brenda Albertson and her staff will be glad to work with you. You may call the farm at 207-474-2097 or visit them on the web at for further information. A Special Thanks should be extended to Lisa Tiger, Kendra Atwood, and Doug Cotta for their contributions to this article.

Kevin Pennell, an author from Bethel , Maine, wrote Two Feathers - Spiritual Seed Planter and has written for other periodicals and media. Kevin is an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, and Psychic Empath. He conducts Reiki workshops and other workshops that assist spiritual and personal development. Kevin, with his wife, Vickie Cummings, operate Spirit Wings, their Compassionate Healing Center and Therapeutic Store located in Bethel, Maine. June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 13

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Several options help many to transcend a perceived disability. Some options may be mechanical while others may focus on state of the art technologies. Despite the options available, most emphasize a need for therapeutic care whether for rehabilitation or simply to work through a genetic impairment. Those therapies involve the efforts of practitioners who specialize in medical care, massage, physical manipulations, or counseling. They all contribute, helping others heal, recover... transcend their obstacles. Some of these practitioners may even have four legs!

hippotherapy, the horse’s rhythmic movement moves the person’s body as though they were walking or jogging, without straining joints and muscles that might occur when walking, jogging, or running on their own. “Clients here lead horses around the indoor arena and actually use the horse to help balance their own body. We watch the connection with each person to let us know when the client is ready to get on.” Brenda also commented that simple horseback riding is a great form of exercise. “You don’t even realize you’re getting a refreshing workout.”

Bethel, Maine


mod er n s ham an i c l i v i n g

Transcendence as Destiny by Evelyn C. Rysdyk


or many centuries, shamans have been defined by their ability to travel from ordinary reality to the spiritual realms and back again. Even today, they continue to do this to access healing, guidance, insight and assistance from the spirits for the Earth and her people. This ability to move beyond the limits of time/space earned shamans the reputation of “Those Who Walk Between the Worlds.”

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Every person is being asked to do their own kind of walking between the worlds as our planet changes. It is for this reason I believe that our times are calling us to become what I refer to as “The New Human.” By this I mean a transcendent human being, that is, one who chooses to surpass the perceptual limitations that have defined our reality for millennia. As I wrote in last issue’s column, our times are calling for us to take the next evolutionary leap—to become our creator selves. Fortunately, this New Human is something we are already “wired” to become. There is in fact, a biological imperative for us to make this profound step. As so many sacred texts have suggested, we were born to transcend. In his book, The Biology of Transcendence, Joseph Chilton Pearce guides the reader to understand how it is possible. In his book, Pearce shares how scientists that study our neural system, which includes our brain and complex web of nerves and nerve cells, have discovered something marvelous. The latest research of our fundamental neural organization has identified not only the four neural centers in the brain but also the fifth center, which is located in our heart. In other words, there is scientific data to confirm that we have not only a seat of intellect in our brains, but also a seat of intelligence in our heart. It is dynamic interaction between the head and heart that allows us to transcend the current culture of destruction, violence and poverty. This transformative shift occurs first inside the self. As we change our fundamental vibrations—becoming the New Human—we actually affect the surroundings thereby creating the New Earth. In fact, it is the only sure and complete way to do so. There was a time when many dismissed the possibility of such a profound shift, yet through such relatively new scientific disciplines such as neuralcardiology, the truths given to us by the great transcendent masters of the past are confirmed. When talking about miracles, the master Jesus told us, “These things shall you do and greater things than these shall you do also." He taught his followers that all human beings have the capacity to be divine. Our sciences now support this as well. When we begin to see and feel ourselves as creator beings, we aren’t behaving in a heretical way, rather we are following the logical truth which was encoded into our biology. We were designed to evolve through our limitations. Quantum physics’ “M Theory” asserts that everything is composed of an infinite number of vibrating membranes—each of which contains a parallel universe to our own reality. Every tiny spec of matter—our bodies, the elements and everything that exists in our physical world is first and foremost vibration. Our own vibrations shift and change based upon our feelings. Feelings create profound and measurable changes in the physical body AND the physical surroundings of the person experiencing the feelings. Our feeling energies are transmitted through our hearts into the 14 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

world around us. The heart’s field is measurable 58 feet around us, however the effects of the feeling energies are felt far wider. Our feeling energies are both local and non-local. That is, they exist in a point of time/space—our body—AND beyond the limits of time/space—the infinite. Amazingly enough, laboratory experiments have measured effects of transmitted feelings over half a mile from their generating source.

It is the dynamic interaction between the head and heart that allows us to transcend...

It is important to note here that our feelings are the result of simple emotional input to our nervous system. Our environment gives us these signals—mad, sad, glad, scared—much in the way the nerve endings in our fingertips reveal that a surface is hot or cold. This raw emotional input is then processed by the mind. The processing is based on our previous experiences and resulting learned perceptions. The result is a feeling, which is a reaction that is based upon our perceptions and learned information. While the input we receive is not solely under our influence—changing our perceptions is. In other words, we can alter the learned reactions, which are imbedded in our minds and personalities. This change is a fundamental alteration of our consciousness. We, through changing our perceptions allow the becoming of our creator selves. As creators, we can consciously affect what physicists refer to as the quantum plenum. While that may be a strange phrase, we can think of their quantum plenum as simply the Playing Field of Infinite, Superimposed Possibilities. In other words, through learning how our feelings alter and affect the unfolding of reality, we can begin to consciously create our reality! For centuries, this is the role we have ascribed to the Transcendent Supreme Deity we have called God/Goddess. We were taught that our human condition was meant to be limited and that to desire to reach beyond those limitations was at the very least grandiose and at its worst a “sin.” This illusion was and continues to be supported through the promulgation of fear perpetrated by societal structures such as organized religions and governments. Fear was and is used to control people and it is fear that has kept us blind to our magnificence until now. We can no longer allow ourselves to be held back or controlled by fear—even the fear of our own power. The poet, Marianne Williamson once said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” We are living in a critical and extraordinary time

period when we can get the support we need to truly believe in our abilities and in our true nature. Through a myriad of books and movies such as “What the Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret,” we are being reminded at every turn that our lives and the world as a whole can be different. We can trade our destructive notions and behaviors for those that support growing beauty in our lives and healthy continuance for life on our planet. Carlos Castaneda’s shaman teacher, Don Juan told him that, “What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, everything is possible.” Doubt is one of the many faces of fear. Some of its other faces are anger, judgment, depression, anxiety, discouragement and frustration. Take a look at the doubts you feel. More often than not, when examined, our doubts are simply the trappings of an underlying fear. For instance, when we doubt our partner’s love, we may actually be fearful about our own lovability. If we doubt our discernment or our abilities, we may be afraid that we are just not good enough. Look at your self and identify whatever the fear is that is lurking just under the surface of your psyche. Quite often, when we recognize and name our fear, its chilling grip is loosened and it can be banished! Supporting the process of banishing fear, whatever face it may wear, is by choosing Love. Scientists at the Institute of Heart Math have demonstrated that the quantum fields generated by Love—and its other faces called Gratitude, Appreciation & Compassion—that have the effect of generating coherent, healing frequencies in the body which can measurably influence neurological and immunological functions at a molecular level. Furthermore, these are the only feelings that can heal the world and us. These feeling energies radiate as a non-Hertzian quantum field. In lay terms, that means that our feelings

Continued on page 27


a breath o f he alin g

To Go Beyond... Why? by Donna Amrita Davidge Why is life a hardship Why do people die Why is love unhappiness Why do babies cry? Is the world so sacred Or just another cell Is the world a heaven Or is the world a hell? Do we need such hatred Or is our love the best Should we hate all living man Or let him be our guest? July 10, 1968 written by a 12 year old girl That girl would be me. Forty years later I am still asking those same questions. On the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre, planning an article on transcendence, the questions again arise. Can humankind rise above the demons that always have existed within our cultures and within ourselves? After I had been practicing yoga and meditation already for fifteen years one of the renowned Kundalini healers named Guru Dev told me seven years ago that I still had demons. Do we all, and what, if anything, should we do to rid ourselves of them? The next session I had with Guru Dev he said my “coconut”(head) was much better. That twelve-year-old girl, now a grown woman, still mulling over those questions, sorting out her inner self. One thing that I have learned is that in order to transcend our demons there is one place to look-in our own mind. “You are looking for satisfaction. You don’t think that you have satisfaction inside; therefore you look to the outside. And, unfortunately, there is no satisfaction outside of you. You can waste your time, your money and your life”. (Yogi Bhajan) In the case of the Virginia Tech massacre, people pose questions. Was it his upbringing? Was it because of the teasing and ridicule from other children? Just as yoga and life are about dualities, what about the duality of a human being who is quiet and contained like a monk (unless you know him better), yet is boiling with bottled up inner rage set to explode? The frightening truth is that each of us, in our own life and lesser ways, also face inner demons. How do we transcend the urge to addiction, to passive aggressive behavior or the urge to hurt ourselves or others in subtle and yet still harmful ways? These are definitely in less obvious ways than the extreme example of Virginia Tech, but still how do we transcend these lower darker urges? I am reminded of a silly television commercial for a headache product called Head-on. The copy goes “I hate the name of your product but it sure works”. So, too, with us; facing our demons head on works even if we hate it! TRANSFORMATION is a release from one state of being and GROWTH into another. One of the most effective ways to do this is meditation, quieting your chattering mind (what yogis call the monkey mind) and letting insight, intuition and inspiration flow. Fear and worry are in the mind. These two are a huge challenge for many. Yes, fear is sometimes there to tell us something, even to protect us but other times it is irrational and holds us back. Yogi Bhajan taught that it is not the life that matters but the courage that you bring to it. Kundalini Yoga is one way to gaze inward, to observe and change from

that deep perspective. It is not easy and it is not always fun but well worth the rewards. If you do a spiritual practice daily you then begin to and will live it in all you do. You will live from your spirit, not from your body or your head. The three will be much more integrated Another way to really face your inner self, to transcend your compulsive and habitual urges, is silence for a few days. If this opportunity is not available to you start by giving yourself a few minutes each day. The mind of Buddhist monks have been scientifically studied and been shown to function in such a way that they do not react to what the “normal” mind would consider negative or positive things. Their minds stay much more neutral. We do not have to become monks but we can learn from their example, giving ourselves some daily practice, sitting still focusing on our breath five to fifteen minutes a day once or twice a day (or more!!). Commit to your own program of transcendence and see how differently you respond to what life throws your way. Yogi Bhajan gave us Seven Steps to Happiness: 1) Commitment gives you 2) Character which gives you 3) Dignity, which gives you 4) Divinity, which gives you 5) Grace, which gives you 6) Power to sacrifice, which results in 7) Achievement and gives you HAPPINESS Following these steps can help us transcend from the darkness to the light. Here is a meditation, given by Yogi Bhajan in 1980, to give a very subtle, intuitive feeling, to let you know that you are getting into some feeling of the sphere that is beyond you. Bend the elbows down by the sides, and then raise the hands up in front of the center of your chest (your heart center). With the palms facing up, fold the fingers into tight fists, interlock the thumbs. Pull on the thumbs. If you are not concentrating properly the thumbs will tend to slip. Eyes closed to the third eye between your eyebrows or to the tip of the nose. (Third eye connects you to intuition and tip of the nose to a fixed mind) Chant “Waa Hey Guru” six times on one breath, in a monotone. The first two repetitions are in a low pitch, projected from the diaphragm (at the base of the ribs) (male) and the second four are chanted through the nose at a higher pitch (female). Focus: With each repetition of the mantra, concentrate on a chakra starting with 1) rectum 2) sex organ 3) navel 4) heart 5) throat 6) third eye. Time was not specified. Start with 3 minutes and see if you can work it up to between 11 and 31 minutes. Donna Amrita Davidge has been practicing Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan since 1985, also now teaching hatha, vinyasa and ashtanga yoga as well. She owns and operates Yoga Retreat with her husband Swedish singer songwriter Kent Bonham in Island Falls, Maine in the summer months July 3 through October. The setting is her great grandfather’s historic home, which offers a legacy of hospitality and healing. Here Theodore Roosevelt restored his health from asthma and developed a lifelong friendship with her great grandfather Bill Sewall, nature guide and nature lover. This summer the retreat also offers two guest workshops two weekends in August and weekly themes in July and August. Call 888-235-2395 with questions.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black


June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 15


t he w ay o f lif e - its e l f

Why Violence and Why There is Hope too?

A New World-Changing Premise - Overview (Part One) by Skye Potter Hirst, Ph.D.


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

he conundrum of a living being committing violent acts is the source of much needed inquiry today. Why does a young man act out to destroy the lives of himself and others here in America? Why do suicide terrorists act around the world? Experts gather more and more facts about what we observe in their behavior to develop so-called “profiles,” but the question looms large as to what brings these human beings to such a destructive crossroad in their lives? And what can we do about it? There has been no lack of trying to find solutions by many individuals and groups around the world. I propose that as a society we are being given a push for change on many levels to address the potential and realized violent acts that are ever increasingly filling our world. There is hope in that a fundamental paradigm shift is occurring, bringing with it new ways of understanding how we can affect a change of this magnitude. For example; The violence at VA tech and around the world is discouraging and hard to see in a positive light when viewed from a short-term perspective. Furthermore the short-term view leads us to try solutions that rely on using more force to stop the violence; more screening and searching, more sanctions against others, more troops in Iraq, better security systems for our homes, etc. While these responses may make some of us feel safer temporarily, they lead more citizens of the world to feel victimized, alienated, and angry. In turn, we are actually making ourselves even more prone to more violence in the future. Being shocked at the loss of 33 lives in Virginia as the highest death toll in a mass shooting in our country is real and painful. It causes us to ask, how do Iraqis feel about 130 deaths from shooting and car bombing the same day... with no resolution in sight? To see beyond this endless discouraging cycle of violence, force, and more violence, it is necessary to take a much longer view and to recognize the paradigm shift that is taking place while we are living out our lives at the beginning of the 21st century. The old paradigm, which we and dozens of generations before us have lived our lives in, has predominantly told us that we are each separate individuals, living short lives in a dangerous world, and that we must protect and defend ourselves in order to survive. The new paradigm that is emerging turns all of this on its head and says that we are, at our core, living energy, deeply connected to each other and to the larger universe, capable of changing form but not ever being destroyed, having a temporary experience together on the planet Earth in order to accelerate the development of our full potential, and capable of learning how to cooperate and harmonize with each other. As living beings we can thrive together, not just survive. The dynamics of such a fundamental paradigm change include a period of increasing conflict and chaos as the old and the new paradigm compete for supremacy. This is what we are now witnessing. Addressing issues of this magnitude cannot be solved one at a time as independent problems. What seems like an insurmountable complexity when viewed as independent problems suddenly begin to make sense when viewed through the emerging paradigm of living processes.

16 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

The Power of a paradigm Paradigms are collections of assumptions about reality that individuals, groups and societies agree on. It’s a worldview. Then we make up rules about how to function with that worldview. Dominant ways of thinking, reasoning, acting and valuing evolved over 2500 years, beginning with the fundamental beliefs and assumptions of the Greek philosophers. From those philosophical assumptions, laws of matter in physics and our modern-day sciences were formed. Since these laws of matter are so dependable when dealing with motion and matter, our conviction has continuously deepened that reality and is confined to what could be controlled by these laws. But regretfully, society grew to believe that these laws governed absolutely everything. There was a point in history when it was believed scientists had discovered everything there was to know. Imagine that!

The South African concept of Umbutu was invoked frequently at the recent Clinton Global Initiative. It means "I am because you are." I think this becomes so obvious in the attached photo of how nature/life creates itself. Sshe works cooperatively and one aspect cannot be without another aspect.

A fundamental paradigm shift is occurring now, which is bringing into question the singularity of those long held beliefs and assumptions. It is a shift the likes of which none of us living today have experienced. Many people sense something is changing. And more people experience a sense of despair and hopelessness that comes from facing an accumulation of what feels like endless numbers of unsolvable problems. Violence can occur at such times when old ways are breaking down and new ways have not yet formed. A sense of “not knowing” can cause chaos and confusion.

This is all indicative of a fundamental paradigm shift

Einstein pointed out that problems could not be solved by the same mind that created them. Under the old paradigm, solutions to most of the social problems facing us today cannot be found, including that of the “why” of violence. However, instead of meeting confusion with violence, we can recognize what is happening and transcend the need for violence with responses different from fear. We can learn and evolve. The new worldview is emerging at the consciousness level bringing forth “counter-intuitive” insights, forcing new thinking and methods to help us make this shift. A new science is ready to be born. With it opens the wisdom of centuries and shifts in perception, as we meet the challenges of such deep changes. And as complex as this all seems, such changes can occur in a single generation. The last time such a shift occurred was 300 years ago when Newton presented his calculus for explaining planetary motion. All sciences today are

based on that calculus. It’s time for a calculus for the living domain. So let’s tackle the subject of why living beings become violent.

Consider your own assumptions about reality as we go. A commonly held assumption is that only an “exceptional” person would act so violently as did those at Columbine, VA Tech or the insurgents in Iraq. Such acts only occur by those few who are troubled, dis-eased or deficient in some manner; or at the very least, troubled with mental illness or substance abuse. In this way, we separate ourselves from such people. We of course, could never be like that! In this very thought we isolate ourselves from that person and in so doing, we isolate that person even more; as they become a type of cancer to contain, control, destroy or punish. The belief is that those living beings can be controlled or perhaps even eliminated. Therefore we keep focusing on “those people" out there, allowing a shadow side to develop which can loom like a monster in a closet that we don’t want to open. By doing so, we miss the opportunity to know ourselves and learn. From the above assumptions, the acts we as a society have typically chosen focus on what we can do outside ourselves “out there” to feel safe: 1) How do we put up enough physical protective devices to alert us to such individuals or groups of individuals? 2) How do we put in place safety measures for managing the chaos after it happens, or ways to contain it before it spreads or affects a wider area? 3) How do we pass laws so we can stop such people from getting their hands on weapons that will destroy lives? 4) How do we identify such people and put laws in place to give police enough latitude to arrest such “troubled’ people before they do something to hurt themselves or others, preemptively? 5) How do we avoid having such people in and around any one of us, by isolating them further? 6) How do we learn more about their behavior so we spot it sooner, to do “what” isn’t evident as yet?

Consider the old paradigm assumptions about reality:

Life is violent by nature. Reality is confined to what is observable as facts, properties of separateness, fixity, consistency, and tangibility with measurable components. The existence of an object reality outside of us becomes something that we learn about through our senses, and map into our brain through memorization of facts. There is a scarcity of everything. Therefore, we survive by being the fittest, winning and getting it right to avoid the negative consequences for getting it wrong or losing competing for resources, gaining control of resources, measuring and rationing out of resources to the deserving. Supremacy becomes essential. Imitation of whoever is perceived as the winner leads to conformity and disdain of what is unique. We move to eliminate the competition at whatever cost. Suppression, control and punishment can be successful means for controlling the behavior of other living entities, especially if you are the strongest and the best. Thus military actions of war are useful acts. Everything happens by cause and effect, like a machine, like cogs in a wheel. All the variety of life functions as separate parts with no will, and it is subject

Continued on page 29

17 recommendations, and frequently asked questions. That same year I started a memoir about my experience that includes healing recipes, a four-week menu plan, and many resources. My hope – and mission – is to give hope and inspire others. It is my life’s purpose. Now that there is distance between me and the cancer, I have started to cook again with more olive oil − “widening out” a bit as we say in “macro speak”. Hmmm…I wondered. Could it be possible to recreate that much-loved salmon pie from my childhood? As I pondered that question I recalled reading a book many years ago by Christina Pirello and how she recreated one of her mother’s Italian recipes by removing the animal fats, sugar, and basically making them healthier without compromising the taste. I was inspired to do the same. So my runner husband, who has always loved pasta, and I collaborated and compromised and created our version of salmon pie, substituting the pie crust for pasta. We bought wild (not farm-raised) Atlantic salmon at our local health food store and created a delicious recipe that transports me back to those summers at Sebago Lake and my mother’s legendary salmon pie. Here is our recipe:

Simple Maine Fare It’s amazing how the aroma and taste of food can transport us back in time and call forth so many memories. Let me give you an example. I grew up in Maine in the early 1960s and ate a lot of fish, especially trout that my uncle caught at Sebago Lake. At the time there were fewer cottages surrounding the lake, and when we weren’t eating fish, we were in that lake or in the ocean. For me, as well as many Mainers, fish is macrobiotic.

Maine Memories Salmon Pasta 1 pkg. Tikiyada Rice pasta (you can use wheat if you don’t have wheat sensitivity) 1 large Atlantic salmon (wild not farm raised) 1 large onion 1/3 cup capers Sea salt Dash of pepper Lemon Asparagus tips (optional)

My mother loved to cook salmon pie. The dish was a combination of salmon, onions sautéed in butter, potato, and salt and pepper cooked in a skillet, put into a piecrust (gulp, made with shortening and white flour), and baked with love. As children, we would often lift off the crust and watch the steam curl in the air as we licked our lips in anticipation of a delicious feast.

Broil salmon in oven for 12-15 minutes, squeezing lemon on it as you check it during the cooking process. While the fish is cooking, put on a pot of water and bring to a rapid boil. Add salt, a little olive oil, then pasta and cook until al dente (an Italian term meaning to bite). If the package says 12-13 minutes, I cook for about 10 minutes, maybe less. Drain pasta into a colander when done. Dice onion, or cut into half moons.

My diet has changed dramatically since then. In May 1998 I discovered a lump in my breast that proved to be stage 3b invasive breast cancer with major lymph node involvement. Even with the conventional treatment I received, doctors predicted that my cancer would return within a year. This was not my first battle with cancer. In 1993 I lost a leg to bone cancer.

Cut asparagus into 1” pieces on the diagonal (for aesthetic purposes). In a large skillet, add 3 Tbsp. olive oil. Add the onion and sprinkle with a few pinches of sea salt. (Go easy on the salt since the capers are pickled). Sauté the onion for 2-3 minutes, then add the asparagus tips.

Within days I was taking macrobiotic cooking classes. I decided that if other people could beat this horrible disease, I could too. I started reading everything I could get my hands on − macrobiotics, food and health, and breast cancer. Macrobiotics gave me answers that I couldn’t find anywhere else, but more importantly gave me something that I could do for myself. I could take my life and healing into my own hands.

Note: I don’t like my fish overcooked, so I don’t cook it all the way through since it goes into the skillet with the pasta to be warmed and tossed and cooks a little bit more. Though I don’t use much pepper in my regular cooking, I do use it with this dish.

Sauté another 3-5 minutes on medium high heat. Turn down to low, add pasta, toss and cook for a few more minutes on lower heat with added capers. Then cover, turn down the heat, and get read to set the table. Your dish is ready.

For Mainers, or any fish lovers, Salmon Pasta is a crowd pleaser. And if you’re having a crowd of 10 people or so, two packages of Tikiyada noodles and one large salmon goes a long way. This recipe is great served with corn on the cob and a steamed green. Try topping the meal off with Blueberry Kanten (recipe below).

I knew that if I was going to stay with this way of eating that I would need to get involved in classes and find people who could support me on my path. As the saying goes, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” And so they did. My teachers came in the form of books and people - Lisa Silverman, Jessica Porter, and Howard Wallen who teach, cook meals and practice macrobiotics at Lisa’s Five Seasons Cooking School in Portland, Maine. Eight years later I am completely cancer free! I now teach Macrobiotic/Whole foods cooking classes and I feel better than ever. I’ve lived to see my son, Francis, graduate from high school and go on to college. And recently I helped my daughter Cammie celebrate her 17th birthday. These were milestones that I feared I would not be around for. One of the great “side effects” of a macrobiotic way of eating is that it opened up a wonderful world of food to me. Vegetables galore! I learned a rutabaga is a vegetable and not a car!

Blueberry Kanten 4 cups of apple juice 1 apple chopped Pinch of sea salt 4 Tbsp. agar-agar flakes 1 Cup fresh blueberries or the frozen Maine blueberries Put apple juice in a pan over high heat; bring to a rolling boil and add agar flakes and pinch of sea salt. Turn down the flame to low and simmer for 5 minutes until the flakes are dissolved, stirring the mixture every now and then. Add the chopped apples and simmer for another minute or two. Add blueberries and simmer another minute. Pour into a small bowl and let gel. Makes 6 servings.

Meg Wolff is a breast cancer survivor. Her memoir, Becoming Whole: The Story of my Complete Recovery from Breast Cancer, includes recipes and menu plans. It is available at local bookstores and on her website at Meg currently working on a soon to be released photography book, Breast Cancer: Exposed, The Connection Between Food and Survival.

In 2003 I started a website <> to share my story as well as the stories of other women who have used macrobiotics as part or all of their treatment for breast cancer. I also included recipes, book

S ewall H ouse

The Thirteenth Moon

Yoga Retreat Experience history of an earlier time. . . Sewall House Retreat offers yoga v meditation v massage and more. . . July 4 thru Columbus Day

Where Theodore Roosevelt learned the healing attributes of nature. . . (207) 463-3428


Susan Bakaley Marshall ATR-BC, LCPC board certified art therapist, licensed clinical counselor,                                           shamanic practitioner

ART from the heART

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June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 17

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

So when a Naturopathic doctor mentioned that some women with breast cancer have been helped by the Macrobiotic diet, something inside me knew this could help me, too. Fortunately I am an avid reader, and I immediately recalled reading a book 15 years earlier about a man who healed his cancer through a macrobiotic diet. I was determined to survive my second battle with cancer, so salmon pie, along with the conventional American diet I was so fond of, went out the window. I began a healing macrobiotic way of eating.


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Frederica Marshall Artist/Teacher classes/workshops Sumi-e Oriental Brush Painting Watercolor Painting Mandalas

Cold Spring, Nikko, Japan, Š2001 (watercolor batik on rice paper)

81 N. Deer Isle Road Deer Isle, ME 04627


18 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

Young Cherry Blossom –


Awareness and the art of Seeing:


by Jen Deraspe

Apparently It’s Not My Job

Nurture Through Natu re

Let Us Guide You Home...

Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, ME

Jen Deraspe is a licensed Maine Guide, holistic retreat facilitator and certified yoga instructor. She owns Nurture Through Nature, providing holistic nature retreats for women. She lives off the grid on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark., (207) 452-2929.

A professional writing service producing personal and family histories, eulogies and custom writing for romances, weddings and other special occasions.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Terry tried stern in the canoe, relatively unfamiliar terrain for her, as we began our journey deep into Utah’s Canyonlands National Park. (Everything was going along swimmingly until Terry and her canoe partner found themselves a little too close to the quickly moving shoreline as we traveled deeper into the remoteness of this park. On impulse, she stuck her leg up to protect herself from the thick tree branch quickly heading her way. The contact’s jolt threw her out of the canoe and into the cold, silty water, flowing high with snowmelt from the distant upstream mountains. I was lead canoe of the 7 and heard the surprising sound of a woman screaming behind me, breaking the vast silence of this deeply quiet place. Bonnie and I turned the canoe abruptly and paddled upstream to her voice as quickly as we knew how. Cathy, stern in the nearby canoe, plucked Terry up from the cold water and lifted her back into her canoe. When I got there, Terry lay sprawled on her back on the gear, drenched, eyes closed, gasping for breath as she attempted to gather herself from the unwelcomed swim. The group gathered around rafting up, gunnel-to-gunnel, supporting all involved in an alert silence and stillness, ready and waiting for what may be needed. We all gave Terry the space she needed to collect herself, no one needing to fix, to impose, to rescue. The circle of wise women knew that what was needed was simply to wait, to see and to be available. It was quite beautiful to watch. Eventually, Terry returned to us. She found herself feeling embarrassed at the “error”, saying she was unable to continue on, that she just wanted to give up. Bravely, she decided to paddle on, to not let the river, or, really, her mind, get the best of her. That event stayed with many of us throughout the week and its impact was palpable. Cathy came to this retreat looking for perspective on her life’s challenges—a family member called for a 2nd tour in Iraq, a job that may be terminated, and a sweet grandchild born with special needs. These events brought her stress when she projected about all the ‘what-if ’s’, the ‘why’s’ and the ‘now what’s’ that the mind travels to when uninvestigated. She wanted answers and believed these answers would provide comfort and security. She began to see that the mystery, the not knowing, did not mean she would not be able to handle any given situation. Rather, Cathy realized, when clear and focused, she could do whatever is needed with whatever life deals. The river gave her Terry to rescue and she was able to do that with great power and grace. Meanwhile, Terry’s canoe partner, Betsy, was left feeling she should have been the one there for Terry, should have known what to do, that she failed the group, failed herself and failed Terry… all painful thoughts. In questioning her thinking on this, (, Betsy came to see that it did not mean she failed anyone. In fact, the opposite was true. She succeeded in being available as needed in not turning over the canoe by trying to pull Terry out of the river from the same canoe, in remaining calm in a tense situation. She provided love and support to Terry and remained available. Her mind led her down the path to an old belief that seems true until put up against honest inquiry. Whose job was it to go for a swim? Terry’s, because she did, for reasons that do not always seem clear in the thick of it. Whose job was it to rescue her? Cathy’s—because that is the reality of it. Cathy didn’t decide what to do… the decision made her. Terry’s “swim” gave Cathy promise in her life, confidence and a deep knowing that she could handle anything. Terry’s swim gave Betsy a sense of allowing, not needing to be responsible for all things happening around her, for trusting the big picture, and the means to question the thought, “I failed”, a 58 year old thought, one she began believing when she was only 4 years old. Terry’s swim gave Terry an understanding that the happening was a gift to other human beings, that she can survive and overcome an old fear, that others support her in her lowest moments. Terry’s swim gave this guide trust in the gift in all happenings out of her sphere of influence. It gave me the gift of witnessing other’s realizations and insights gained by questioning their painful thoughts.

We hope you're enjoying " Transcendence" this issue of inner tapestry! June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 19


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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 21


Feng Shui & Geopathology by Werner Brandmaier

Feng Shui & Health

Most people know of Feng Shui as an interesting and trendy Chinese tradition to do with the placement of furniture and the flow of Qi in a house. However, this is only one aspect of a broad practice encompassing Form School, Compass School, Flying Stars and Geomancy. Geomancy is, in fact, a western term and consists of the study of earth energies, of energizing ley lines and draining water veins, of positive and negative vortexes, as well as earth fault lines deep under the surface. As living, vibrating human beings, we have to consider energetic influences as a major influence on our health and wellness.

Fast orbiting electrons create the illusion of a spherical shaped atom

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Imagine the smallest possible particle, the atom, and remember what you have heard in school about it. An atom consists of a nucleus in the center with a few electrons orbiting around it. To get a better and more comprehensible picture, we can magnify the particles for the purpose of clarification. Imagine the nucleus now the size of a golf ball and the electrons the size of grains of sand. However, the fascinating part of this picture is that the grains of sand are now orbiting the golf ball at a distance of 1 1/2 miles!   This brings us to the conclusion: Matter mainly consists of empty space... Our world as "Maha Maya,” as grand illusion. What finally gives this atom its apparent form is the incredible speed at which these electrons are spinning around the nucleus (with something like 600 miles per second). These speeding grains of sand determine the atom‘s shape, like the rotating blades of a fan might easily appear as a solid wheel. Our whole world is kept together through energy: Qi or Chi in China, Ki in Japan, Prana in India, Spirit or Lifeforce or Energy in Western traditions. If a person has low Qi (low energy), he or she feels drained and tired which already presents the first symptom of illness. A healthy cell has an electric potential at the cell wall of about 70 mV. In cases of serious illness this may go down below 20 mV. What causes this lack of energy? How can we counteract it? Those who follow my articles are already familiar with the term "Geopathic Stress,” a specific kind of stress caused by an earth related energy depletion. In a German study in the mid 90‘s with more than 8200 patients it had been shown, that this drain of energy was preventing most any medical treatment from being successful. What happened was that the improvements in a patient’s health could not be maintained. Improvements that quickly diminished consistently showed a Geopathic situation in the patient’s home. When we spend long amounts of time in Geopathic stress zones our electrical cell potential is diminished. We feel exhausted, drained and tired and our immune system is eventually compromised. The physiological effects of Geopathic energies manifest by causing a shift towards acidity in a person’s biological terrain. Geopathic Stress = Acidity! 22 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

There is a growing awareness of the importance of maintaining the proper acid-alkaline balance. More and more practitioners, even from the so-called western medical tradition, agree that an acidic environment inside the body/cells is the basis of many serious health disorders. In order to compensate and to keep the blood at its very specific pH level of 7.365, the body is then forced to take nutrients and alkalizing minerals from the tissues, organs and bones. (e.g. Calcium out of the bones, Magnesium from the muscles). Coming back to the outcome of the German study on the effect of Geopathic stress, it could be clearly shown that as soon as the Geopathic problem was addressed and resolved, progress with the applied therapy, whatever it was, could be experienced, up to a final success rate of over 80% through all kinds of health issues. In the case of serious illness, it is crucial and highly recommended to always first check for any Geopathic Stress, before beginning medical treatments in order to achieve the best results. Measures may include a change of where you sleep in your house. Try sleeping in different places for at least a week or two! In cases where a change of the bed cannot be done, there are devices to shield a building like the Feng Shui Power Disc 99, as well as tools for personal protection. Misgrowth in trees is a typical sign of Geopathic Stress. With an awareness of Geopathic influences, the three keys to maintaining good health are: 1. Keep your bed and workplace free of Geopathic Stress. Get the advice of a dowser or Feng Shui practitioner who is familiar with these forces and can advise where to position a bed and a desk. Or just try different sleeping places all over the house for a few weeks at a time and use a diary to keep track of how you slept in each place. 2. Eat a well-balanced diet. Transform your eating habits from primarily acidic to mostly alkaline. In "The pH Miracle," Dr. Young describes the optimal diet as consisting of 70–80% vegetables and greens and mostly raw, as too much cooking destroys the enzymes the body needs for proper digestion. You can help your body through this transition by using alkalizing products in form of green drinks as well as necessary supplements. To find out what is appropriate for your personal health, use Applied Kinesiology ("muscle testing") or dowsing. 3. Practice meditation and exercise. Reduce stress on a daily basis. A regular practice of exercise or yoga and meditation significantly improves our ability to deal with stress. In German, there is a term, "sauer,” used to describe a person who is angry, fed-up or even depressed. The English translation of this term is "acid.” An emotionally stressed person creates the kind of terrain which finally leads to illness.  Books to read: "The pH-Miracle" - Robert O. Young, PhD "Sick and Tired" - Robert O. Young, PhD (with life blood microscopy pictures) "Energy medicine - The Scientific basis" - James L. Oschman Websites:,,

Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner at (207) 772-7888 or Visit his Website at:

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Artistic Psychology and Ken Wilber's Spiritual Philosophy by Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D


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ver the past decade Ken Wilber has focused upon his integral theory in the context of his four quadrants and more recently eight zones [1], developing practical applications in the real world thru the establishment and development of the Integral Institute [2]. However, what I have always felt most inspired by and appreciative of in Wilber’s work actually stems from his very first book written in 1973, “The Spectrum Of Consciousness” [3], and is expanded upon and developed in much more detail in his recent books. The essence of these books is the merging of psychology and spirituality, to the point of formulating various therapeutic interventions to enable individuals to progress thru Wilber’s theoretical stages of consciousness, from the lower pre-rational stages to the higher post-rational stages. There have certainly been many developments in the uniting of psychology and spirituality since Wilber wrote “The Spectrum Of Consciousness,” and Wilber gives much credit to Aurobindo, Aldous Huxley, and others for preceding him with ideas that led Wilber to his own psychological/spiritual formulations [4]. But Ken Wilber is considered by many to be a leading representative in the philosophical efforts to unite psychology and spirituality, and it is in this context that I will discuss a key component of Wilber’s spiritual philosophy, his Pre-Trans Fallacy theory, and compare it with my own Artistic Theory of Psychology. To begin with I would like to give a brief description of what I am referring to by the Artistic Theory of Psychology. The following is taken from my “Art And Mental Disturbance” article, which is an extension of my “Artistic Theory Of Psychology” article that appeared in the August 2006 edition of Inner Tapestry [5], where I have used the term “creative artist” to include “various creative disciplines such as music, writing, painting, dance, mathematics, science, etc., as well as socially creative innovations that are beneficial to humankind,” and the successful creative artist as “a person who has received the respect and acknowledgement for his work by a community of his peers or society-at-large, and who is also considered both psychologically and ethically to be a ‘well adjusted’ member of her society and the greater world…. To summarize what I have described as The Artistic Theory of Psychology, the three main points are: 1) the notion of the successful creative artist at the highest levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of human potential; 2) there are some people labeled as mentally ill who have the potential of becoming successful creative artists; 3) a sensitive, understanding, and supportive educational environment may be conducive in enabling a mentally disturbed person with creative artistic potential to significantly develop and actualize this potential in life.” There has been much historical speculation regarding the relationship of art to mental disturbance, and in recent years there has been much research which lends support to these speculations; in particular see the research studies of Kay Jamison, Nancy Andreasen, and Ruth Richards [6]. Ruth Richards has conveyed in some of her research studies that significant creative potential may occur in people with milder forms of bipolar manic-depressive mental disturbance, i.e. a higher degree of creative potential than in a comparative group of “normal” people (c.f. [6]). To get a handle on what it may mean to be a “well adjusted” member of our society in relation to the second part of my definition of a successful creative artist, we may utilize the work of Lawrence Kolhlberg, 24 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

Jane Loevinger, Abraham Maslow, and Ken Wilber (see [6] for references), looking at scales of morality, ego development, self-actualization, etc. Returning to Wilber’s initial spectrum model of consciousness as he described book “The Spectrum Of Consciousness,” we can see that this book is essentially in the realm of the upper left quadrant of inner individual subjective experience in Wilber’s Four Quadrant model [1]. Focusing upon this individual subjective upper left quadrant, I find Wilber’s theory of the Pre-Trans Fallacy in particular to be of significant interest. Wilber’s first public exposure of the Pre-Trans Fallacy appeared in 1980 in his article “The Pre-Trans Fallacy” for Revision Journal [7]. His description of the Pre-Trans Fallacy has been included in many of his books since then, and there is a whole chapter with the same title in his 2001 book “Eye To Eye” [8]. The essential theory describes two types of errors, ptf 1 and ptf 2, where ptf 1 refers to mistaking authentic post-rational spiritual insights and experiences for lower level pre-rational magical and sometimes delusional states, and ptf 2 has the opposite description of mistaking lower level pre-rational magical and sometimes delusional states for authentic postrational spiritual insights and experiences. Wilber’s classic examples for ptf 1 errors are Freud, and for ptf 2 errors is Jung. I believe that Ken Wilber’s Pre-Trans Fallacy theory can be quite useful in describing some of the problems I have addressed regarding the labels we use to characterize people as “mentally ill” who may have significant creative artistic potential within them (c.f. [5]). The essential point of contact between the Pre-Trans Fallacy and the Artistic Theory of Psychology is in the context of spirituality. Julia Cameron describes in her highly acclaimed book “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity” [9], the close connection between artistic creativity and authentic spirituality, as she very much associates artistic creativity with a spiritual force that goes beyond our conscious awareness. The connection between artistic creativity, spirituality & religion has been studied from an extensive historical perspective earlier in the century by Otto Rank [10]. One can also find an art form in spirituality in the context of love and sexuality; in particular from the writings of John Welwood, David Deida, and Eric Fromm [11]. We thus see that artistic creativity and authentic spirituality are closely related, and if there is indeed such a thing as a Pre-Trans Fallacy then it will have some important consequences for people who may have significant creative artistic potential, in terms of how they are perceived by our society-at-large. An interesting example of this kind of creative artistic potential in children can be seen by the phenomenon of Indigo children. The term “Indigo children” was coined in the 1980s in the context of Parapsychology and the discovery of children who appeared to have highly developed psychic abilities but who were often labeled as “autistic” [12]; this can be viewed as an example of ptf 1 in Wilber’s theory of the Pre-Trans Fallacy. These children were generally highly creative and extremely sensitive to feelings and “vibrations,” both in their immediate environment as well as in faraway places, sometimes thousands of miles away. However, these Indigo children are often simultaneously living in the world of artistic creativity as well as in the world of mental disturbance. Their exceptional artistic, creative and psychic abilities have been well documented, and their social challenges and difficulties are also common



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knowledge (c.f. [12]). A number of alternative schools and summer camps have been established recently to nurture the artistic potential of these children while helping them to develop the necessary social skills to function effectively in their societies (c.f. [12]). It leaves one to speculate how many children who have been diagnosed as “autistic” are actually Indigo children in disguise, having the potential to fully blossom in an optimal learning environment for them. However, there is certainly a divergence of views held in regard to the claimed gifted nature of these children, and it can also be argued that those who believe in the high levels of artistic creativity and psychic abilities of these children are actually making a ptf 2 error. Whatever viewpoint one has in regard to this, there appears to be an enticing relationship amongst the phenomenon of Indigo children, Ken Wilber’s spiritual philosophy in the context of his Pre-Trans Fallacy theory, and an artistic theory of mental disturbance. REFERENCES 1) Ken Wilber, “Sex, Ecology, Spirituality” (Boston: Shambhala, 1995); Ken Wilber, “Integral Psychology” (Boston: Shambhala, 2000); Ken Wilber, “Integral Spirituality” (Boston: Shambhala, 2006). 2) See the Integral Institute website at 3) Ken Wilber, “The Spectrum Of Consciousness” (Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, 1977. 4) Sri Aurobindo, “The Life Divine/The Synthesis Of Yoga” (Pondicherry, India: Centenary Library, XVIII XXI, n.d.); Aldous Huxley, “The Pereninal Philosophy” (New York: Harper & Row, 1944). 5) Elliot Benjamin, “The Artistic Theory Of Psychology” (Inner Tapestry Journal, August, 2006); Elliot Benjamin, “Art And Mental Disturbance” (Journal Of Conscious Evolution;; Volume 3). 6) Nancy Andreasen, “Creating Brain: The Neuroscience Of Genius” (New York: Dana Press, 2005); Kay Jamison, “Touched With Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and The Artistic Temperament” (New York: Free Press Paperbacks, 1993); Mark Runco & Ruth Richards (editors), “Eminent Creativity, Everyday Creativity, And Health” (London, Ablex. Pub. Corp., 1997). 7) Ken Wilber, “The Pre-Trans Fallacy” (Revision Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1980). 8) Ken Wilber, “Eye To Eye” (Chapter 7) (Boston: Shambhala, 2001). 9) Julia Cameron, “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity” (New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1992). 10) Otto Rank, “Art And Artist: Creative Urge And Personality Development” (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1932). 11) John Welwood, “Love And Awakening” (New York: HarperCollins, 1996); David Deida, “Finding God Thru Sex: A Spiritual Guide For Ecstatic Loving And Deep Passion For Men And Women” (Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True, 2002); Eric Fromm, “The Art Of Loving” (New York: Harper, 1956). 12) Lee Carroll and Ian Tober, “The Indigo Children: The New Children Have Arrived” (Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 1999); Peggy Day & Susan Dale, ”Edgar Cayce On The Indigo Children” (Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 2004).

Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D is a mathematician, philosopher, musician, counselor, writer, and the author of a number of self-published books, including “Numberama: Recreational Number Theory In The School System,” “Modern Religions: An Experiential Analysis And Expose,” and “Art And Mental Illness.” He can be reached at


The Truth: Is there scientific evidence for the "law of attraction" ? ( Part One )

by Karen Rider


KMR: Mark, can you provide an example of an invariant law across fields of science, to help set the stage for our discussion? MEF: In physics there is a Law known as the Least Energy Principle, which stipulates that all atoms seek the lowest energy state to remain stable. We see this in chemistry, biology, and physiology. Stress for example, is a high-energy state whereas relaxation is a low and more stable energy state. With human behavior, this law translates as humans seek maximum gain for the minimal energy expenditure possible.

What is the truth and what are the ramifications for human development? KMR: What is the focus of your research and the practical application of CNP? MEF: I study the anomalies of human behavior—and most of human behavior is an anomaly: Why do people think, act, feel and ultimately behave as they do? Why is behavior so difficult to change? My research extends from the physical or hard sciences and is applied to psychological science. Ultimately, what’s been put forth is a unified theory of brain, mind, behavior, matter, energy, and information that can help people gain power over the direction of their lives by understanding, predicting, and effectively changing behavior. The research and the methods that you and I will be discussing, MindImaging and the Neuroprint, have been used in educational settings, corporations, performance enhancement, psychotherapeutic and personal improvement programs. KMR: When you refer to behavior, are you focused on anything specific? MEF: Behavior is the total sum of our thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, emotions, actions. Essentially, behavior either binds us to powerlessness or can free us to engage our maximum potential. Our reality is nothing more than what we believe about the causeeffect relationships operating within the fabric of our lives. We cannot separate thought from emotion, they are inseparable because of the way the neural network functions. KMR: The neural network? Do you mean the brain? Mind? Consciousness? MEF: The brain is the mass of neurons and biochemicals in your skull. Its network of connectivity extends to every system of the body. Its language is pattern and structure. It has an efficient network for keeping you alive and well. Most people get that. Mind and consciousness are nebulous terms. There is no consensus among the various scientific disciplines

on what constitutes mind or consciousness. What has been happening, without a universal working definition, is that researchers, think tanks, philosophers, and selfhelp groups put forth a best-fit definition to match the data or hypothesis they are working with. Without an operational, universal definition, research loses its practical value. Socrates said wisdom begins with the definition of terms. If we are all working from different definitions then we are not all studying the same thing. Mind develops overtime as a result of discipline-is the sum total of an organism’s ability to think, which is to apply logic. It has nothing to do with what most people consider “thinking”—worrying, deciding, gossiping, judging and so forth. The scientist and Pulitzer Prize winning author Douglas Hofstadter put the best definition of consciousness forth: Consciousness is the product of any complex system that eventually produces connectivity back to itself. In other words, consciousness is the ability to be self-referent and self-aware, to reflect back on one’s self, physically, emotionally and mentally. The neural net is the pattern of electrochemical and psychobiological responses that takes place in the brain and body. It is largely formed of unconscious material acquired from birth through life experiences, everything we sense, perceive, respond to, and learn, when, where, and how—all of it creates a pattern. The more a particular pattern is used, the more groups of neurons fire together, the more stable the pattern. We use the phrase “neurons that fire together, wire together.” KMR: So, are thoughts and emotions part of mind and consciousness? What then is the subconscious? MEF: Emotion is inseparable from thought because of the way the neural net develops and functions. Both are a product, an effect of, the activity of the neural net. They are the result of a pattern and part of the pattern, but not the cause of the pattern. Emotion and thought really are biophysical states that we have given names to—anger, love, lust, sadness—in order to express ourselves. There are brain chemicals, called neuropeptides, and many kinds of communication patterns in the body associated with different biophysical states. The human body configures an enormous, but finite number of mood states and cognitive states. In fact, Roget’s Thesaurus documents 3200 named states. Unfortunately, the average person experiences only 4-60 of these states in a 30-day period. Every state of mind is configured differently, giving rise to a different set of potentials in a human being. KMR: How much of all of this is within a person’s conscious awareness? MEF: We are almost completely controlled by states outside of conscious awareness—that is subconscious processes. There are millions of cause-effect relationships that are out of our awareness, which affect our behavior. Consider that of 4 billion bits of information per second that our brain processes, we are conscious of only 2000 bits per second. Subconscious programming is up to 1,000 times faster than conscious awareness. There’s a reason for this. If you needed to wait for conscious awareness to cue you to run from danger, you would not survive. The neural net makes a decision before the

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t’s no secret that “the law of attraction” is really just the latest rendition of a mind-over-matter philosophy that has been around for centuries: “the power of positive thinking,” “thoughts become things,” “like attracts like,” “ask and you shall receive,” “you reap what you sow,” “you get what you give.” The recent version of “the power of the mind” claims there is scientific evidence- from biochemistry to physics—that proves we humans have within us the power to change our physical reality with our thoughts. By using the power of intention you can, literally, change your life—your health, wealth and happiness. Can I think myself thin, rich and beautiful? I was feeling confused (and I have a master’s degree in experimental psychology), so how might the average person make sense out of the media bytes surrounding this old-is-new again concept? Is there reliable scientific evidence for the law of attraction and the power of intention? What is the truth and what are the ramifications for human development? Indeed a diverse array of sciences are coming together to examine the concept and influence of mind and consciousness. The processes by which our thoughts and emotions affect physical and mental health are of great interest in the scientific, as well as medical, community. One field of science that is making an impact on this type of research is cognitive neurophysics. CNP is a branch of science, 20 years young, that integrates psychology, anthropology, sociology—the “soft sciences” with physics, cognitive sciences, chemistry, biology, physiology, and neuroscience—“the hard sciences.” Essentially, it’s a hybrid science that grounds the behavioral and social sciences in the laws of the physical sciences. Ultimately, CNP aims to understand, predict, control, influence and change human behavior (toward optimum functioning) using the invariant laws that exist, and do not change (except for phrasing), across the major branches of science. I needed a guide for what turned out to be a mind-blowing tour of mind, consciousness, intention, emotion, and behavior. Enter into the picture, Mark Evan Furman, author of The Neurophysics of Human Behavior and 35 seminal papers subsequently published in 42 countries. His book is currently required reading in many science programs at elite institutions such as Yale and Harvard. I spoke with Mark by phone, in early March.


ex p lori ng the wo r l d r el i g i o n s

The Gospel of Thomas, A Spiritual Message From Egypt and Syria by James Bean Some Background For You Before I Get to the Spiritual Message of the Book of Thomas

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The ancient land of Syria, just north of Israel, has witnessed the emergence of numerous religious movements over the millennia. It is said that two thousand years ago Saint Paul encountered the light of the resurrected Christ as he was traveling on the road to Damascus, Syria. The Damascus Document, found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, reveals that many Essenes, who were Jewish mystics, lived there at one time. Syrian Christians believe that the apostle Thomas and other Hebrew-Christians brought Christianity there sometime during the First Century AD. Their traditions say that Saint Thomas traveled from Israel to Syria, and then continued his missionary journey to the East, eventually ending up in India. The life, travels, and teachings of Mar Thomas are recorded in the Acts of Saint Thomas, a book written in Syriac, a dialect of the Aramaic language. Many Thomas churches eventually adopted Orthodox Christianity sometime during the Fourth Century AD and are now associated with the Syrian Orthodox Church, one of the oldest churches in the world. The Syrian Church has a very old manuscript of the New Testament called the Peshitta, written in Aramaic, the language of the first followers of Yeshua. Being adjacent to Israel, Syria, during the pre-orthodox period, the early days (First through the Third Centuries AD), enjoyed an intimate direct knowledge of the Yeshua tradition. During those early centuries, many other writings were available or being composed at the time, books not included in the Orthodox New Testament or European "canon" of scripture, like for instance: the "Gospel of Thomas," also a beautiful collection of Rumi-like psalms called the "Odes of Solomon," the "Gospel of Philip," the "Book of Thomas the Spiritual Athlete," the "Repose of Saint John the Evangelist," the "Gospel of the Hebrews," "Gospel of the Ebionites" (used by Hebrew Christians who were vegetarians), "Gospel of Mary Magdalene," and other fascinating documents that preserve important information about Christianity during its formative years. Though not recognized as scripture these days or included in the Roman Bible of the Fourth Century, books such as the "Gospel of Thomas" and "Odes of Solomon" were used for several centuries as sacred scripture by various indigenous expressions of Christianity in places like Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia to the East.   A few decades ago, some Egyptian farmers near the village of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt were digging near a large bolder and unearthed a clay storage jar containing fifty ancient texts, including the "Gospel of Thomas." Those books had been hidden there for one thousand seven hundred years, buried by monks sometime during the Fourth Century. They were raised during the month of December 1945 and are now known as the Nag Hammadi Library. "There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and nothing buried that will not be raised." (Yeshua, Gospel of Thomas, from Saying 5)   Out of all these early Coptic and Syrian-Syriac-Aramaic books, the "Gospel of Thomas" has generated the most excitement in recent years. "The Gospel of Mary Magdalene" is getting some major attention as well. A few pages of Thomas written in Greek were unearthed 26 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

in Egypt at Oxyrinchus along with many other old writings. Some of these apocryphal "lost books,” including a complete edition of Thomas, were eventually found near a site where, during the Fourth Century, there once was a monastery operated by Pachomian monks near the village of Nag Hammadi in Egypt. The Nag Hammadi gospels were written in Coptic, the language of Egyptian Christianity, and likely were copied into Coptic from earlier Greek manuscripts. Those "Gnostic Gospels" were discovered in the dry climate of Egypt, and in some people's minds are associated with Egypt, but it is very likely many of those sacred texts have their origin in Syria, composed in Greek or even Aramaic, especially the "Gospel of Thomas".   There's a growing consensus in the world of theological scholarship that Thomas, which is a collection of 114 proverbs and parables of Jesus, is a "must-read" for anyone who seriously wants to study the teachings of the historic Christ. Biblical scholar Ron Cameron says analysis reveals that many of these sayings of Jesus recorded in the "Gospel of Thomas" are "more primitive,” are in a purer, earlier form, than their New Testament counterparts. (The Other Gospels, Westminster Press)   Collections of the sayings of Jesus, like the Q Gospel (a term used by scholars for the collection of sayings that both Matthew and Luke quoted from in their gospels), as well as the collection eventually given the name "Gospel of Thomas" in Syria, were compiled before gospels such as Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Many early contemplative mystics and "Wisdom Christians" used the "Gospel of Thomas," greatly valuing it as a spiritual manual, a book of the wisdom of Jesus about how to experience the Kingdom of God, the spiritual dimension, during this present life. I also find the "Book of Thomas" to be a very spiritual document, not emphasizing history of the past or prophecy speculation about the future, but a present tense spiritual Kingdom of God available to human beings right now in this present moment, for those who learn from a living Master (one who already experiences this and works with others) the Methods of inner seeing and hearing so that souls may discover how to enter the Kingdom of the Light. Summarizing the Spiritual Message of the Gospel of Thomas in the Context of Syriac Mysticism   Humanity is caught up in empty pursuits, and has become so intoxicated by, and addicted to, these attachments that it no longer sees the spiritual world. By abstaining from these intoxicating activities and notions, we can become sober enough to appreciate the teachings of spiritual masters that can help us to both see and hear spiritually. Once freed from various inferior forms of intoxication, we then thirst for a higher reality. We begin to change our ways. (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 28) The teachings of the master are intended to undo the inherited false beliefs of his/her students. Receptivity to All-That-Is in the Present Moment via Inner Seeing and Hearing   The Living Master said to his initiates: "I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has felt, and what has never occurred to the human mind." (Saying 17) "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the Hidden Things will be revealed." (Saying 108) The Master taught his disciples that in order to see the spiritual realm, they must "fast from the world" and

enter into heavenly repose (Sabbath rest)—rise above body-consciousness, mental impressions, memories, worries, and agitations. They must set aside some time to rest spiritually, to temporarily close their physical eyes (and ears) to the outside world in order to "see the Father", the Supreme Being, with the eye of the soul. (Saying 27) Quite frequently mystics describe the inner vision as something that spontaneously appears when they reach a certain level of interior awareness called "pure prayer,” a term used for what we might call "meditation.” The Egyptian mystic Evagrius wrote: "The offspring of pure prayer is swallowed up by the Spirit. From this point on, the mind is beyond prayer, and prayer has ceased from it now that it has found something even more excellent. No longer does the mind actually pray, but there is a gaze of wonder at the Inaccessible Things which do not belong to the world of mortal beings." ("The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life") "We have come from the Light.” (From Gospel of Thomas, Saying 51) "For you have come from it, and you will return there again." (From Saying 49) Becoming a Child of the Light   Many of these spiritual movements of Essenes, Gnostics, Friends of God, Ebionites, Manichaeans, etc.... have described themselves as "the children of the Light.” It was not an old scripture dating back many centuries, but a living teacher by the name of Yeshua who once taught his living students at the time that they would be able to experience "entering the Kingdom," the other dimensions of Inner Space in the present tense, by seeing Divine Light. Note: the usage of the word "Light" here is not as a metaphor for intellectually understanding teachings, but refers to a real Divine Light that is mystically seen during contemplative meditation with the eye of the soul. "If your eye be Single, your whole body will be full of Light." (Saying preserved in Matthew 6:22) "For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with Light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness." (Yeshua, from Saying 61, "Gospel of Thomas") Becoming "a Single One,” a spiritually whole person united with God, was the goal of the Thomas tradition of Syrian mysticism. "When you make the two into one... then you will enter the Kingdom." (Saying 22) The spirit, mind and body of the mystic all become united in God; its new way of being is "Singleness." The word for "Single One" or "Singleness" in the Syriac-Aramaic language is "ihidaya,” and is used to describe souls that enter into mystical oneness. (Ihidayutha, A Study of the Life of Singleness in the Syrian Orient, ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies) According to this book by Sebastian Brock of Oxford, the hermits of the Syrian tradition eventually were called "the ihidaya." However, "ihidaya" isn't merely a title, or a robe that one puts on, but is a matter of spiritual realization, a state of being, an individual experience, a mystical level of awareness that is reached by a contemplative soul.

"There is Light within a Person of Light, and it illuminates the entire cosmos." (Saying 24, Gospel of Thomas)

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabda Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to PO Box 7, Newport, Maine 04953, or email:

27 The truth: Is there scientific evidence for the "law of attraction"? continued from page 25 conscious mind is aware it had to act! As a result, 99% of behavior is processed subconsciously. KMR: So, patterns that contribute to our behavior lie outside of conscious awareness. Is this why it is so hard to change behavior—or as Dr. Bruce Lipton puts it, this is what puts the “will” in will power? MEF: Yes. To understand why someone is stuck, unable to change or to move forward in an area of life–they want to quit smoking, reduce stress, stick with an exercise program, or generate more clients for their business–whatever it is, you have to understand the structure and function of subconscious programming, the source of which is in the neural net. We cannot simply think or intend our way to better behaviors—thoughts, emotions and actions included. Willful thinking is a process of the conscious mind while multiple layers of thought, emotion and the whole behavior pattern are driven by the subconscious mind. To change behavior stably, you have to alter the connectivity within the system–brain, mind and body—in a way that supports new behavior and destroys the old pattern. If you only address thoughts, or only emotions, or only outward behavior then you are going to relapse or fail every time because subconscious processing operates so much faster and that particular pattern in the neural net was not just formed–it is a habitual way of functioning. KMR: Two things: First, are you saying behavior patterns are hard-wired in the brain, mind and body? Second, are you suggesting that our minds, our consciousness, what we think and feel can or cannot influence physical reality?

I hate to leave you hanging, but I’ve used all the space for this issue. In Part II of this three part series we’ll dive deep for answers to questions about the physics of mind, brain and consciousness, observation and measurement of physical reality, and the mind as a bridge between the dreams we can conceive and the reality we can create in the here and now. Karen M. Rider, M.A. is a freelance writer based in central Connecticut. She holds a master’s degree in Experimental/Health Psychology. She reviews books, and writes articles and stories that awaken human and spiritual potential. She has 12 years of workshop and program development and marketing experience with non-profit, health and educational organizations. In her new venture, Karen offers writing services to help holistic health business owners maximize marketing to prospective clients. Karen can be reached at

The Path to enlightenment and Path to enlightenment freedomThecalled Sant Mat: the Path and freedom called Sant Mat: of thethe Masters, Inner Light and Path of the Masters, Sound Inner Meditation (Surat Shabda Light and Sound Mediation and Bhakti Yoga). (Surat Shabda and Bhakti Yoga).

Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. For a Satsang schedule, call: James, Sant Mat Society of North America (207) 368-5866

or email: WEBSITE: modern shamanic living, Transcendence as Destiny continued from page 14 produce effects, which are not limited by the constraints of either time or space. When feeling love, gratitude, appreciation or compassion, we become creative, agents of healing and change. What is most exciting is that, while in this harmonious vibratory state, we have the capacity to magnify our creative abilities. To do this we need to add the feelings of what we desire to manifest as if it were already accomplished. Through our brilliant imaginations, we actually put ourselves into the life we desire! While imagining that experience, we need to feel it with all of our senses and our emotional body. Imagine how the New Earth—your New Life—smells, tastes, and looks. Listen to the sounds that fill the vision you are creating. As you are feeling it notice the textures and intrinsic brightness of the fabric of reality you are weaving! Allow yourself to feel how it feels to be in that life. Feel the contentment, peace, excitement or whatever that New Life means to you. According to the new physics, there is no fixed or certain future; instead, it is indeed created by our present feelings. The ancient Norse and Germanic tribes thought it was the Norn or Fate named Verdandi who, as goddess of the present, wove and measured the fabric that became our future. Even then, however, the people believed that it was possible to sway Verdandi to weave a particular way. What we now know is that it is only through our own responses and choices in the present moment that the weave shifts. Through the power of our choices to work with our “feeling technology”—it is we, and not some outside force or deity, that creates our life. This creative action of first filling yourself with love and then feeling your new life must be done often. My partner Allie and I start our day with this practice and then repeat it as often as we need to—especially if fears in one of its many faces sneaks back into our consciousness. To support the process of being able to call up feelings of love, gratitude, appreciation or compassion at will, we have each created our gratitude lists! These are actual lists of experiences that, when recalled, easily produce the desired feelings in our bodies. It is a powerful step to make such a list although it can take other forms as well. Some people prefer a scrapbook of photos, objects that trigger the feelings of love and gratitude on their altar or even videos that elicit these feelings on their phone or computer screen! Whatever method fits you and your personality; find a way to remind you of those experiences in your own life for which you are grateful. Include the beings that you love and that love you. Remember the places in nature that transfixed you in a breathtaking awe. Recall the first time that you held your dear one, your child, or your beloved pet. This opening of the heart changes you and the more often that you repeat the process, the more rapid and profound the changes will be. We can change the destructive path we are on as a species by individually changing our inner world. We were made to transcend suffering—not just in the world that lies beyond this one—but in this marvelous, transcendent world we are creating together! © 2007 Evelyn C. Rysdyk

A Global Flood of Love is being organized to heal the planet July 17th 2007 ~ 7:11 AM ~ For One Hour Add your heart to the many and sit quietly for one hour, while filling yourself with the feelings of love and gratitude.

Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, is a nationally recognized teacher of shamanism, healer & artist in joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW as Spirit Passages. Since 1991, they have offered workshops across the US and Canada. In addition, they have worked with hundreds of people in their private shamanic healing practice at True North in Falmouth.   Featured in the book, Traveling Between the Worlds, interviews with 24 of the world's most influential writers and teachers of shamanism, they may be contacted at: June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 27

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

MEF: Nothing is hard wired. Research conclusively shows that the brain has plasticity… new connections are formed as we learn and have new experiences; emotional, physical, intellectual and so forth. It’s how we learn, remember, and forget. The more we use certain connections, the more stable they are and easier to recall. They are however, connections are state dependent. If you learn a new skill or study for a test in cram mode, and you are in that mood state during the exam, you are likely to score high on the test. Your retention of that material later on, when you are relaxed, will be poor. If you develop a pattern of eating in response to anger, then every time you feel anger or a related emotion, you’ll reach for food. All of that, though, can be changed. However, not through thought or intention… we cannot change behavior or alter physical reality using the power of thought, alone.



m ix ed m e dia

Food Review

by J ame s Be an

by James Bean

Raw Food Review Tibetan Goji Berries

MIXED M E D IA Cyan Magenta Yellow Black



REVIEWS and more

28 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

This new disc, Tibetan Meditation Music, is his most mystical and relaxing album yet. It has also become my favorite Nawang Khechog album. It helps the listener reach inner tranquility, and features a serene soundscape of Tibetan spiritual chants with Khechog's own masterful flute compositions. Nawang Khechog, who has in recent years become a well-known musician with several albums of Tibetan flute music, has studied Buddhism and meditation, was a monk for eleven years. He fled Tibet when China invaded Tibet in 1959. The soothing sounds of the flute have always been part of traditional world music, consoling hearts for countless generations. The flute universally appears in most all cultures of the world, East, West, North, and South, including Tibetan culture at the "Top of the World.” According to many great mystics who have explored heavenly regions via advanced meditation practice, there is even a mystic flute sound beyond this world in the Fourth Heaven known as Bhanwar Gupha, the place of the rotating cave vortex. In that realm, the plaintive melody of flute will be encountered by the self-realized soul. And it was this same Divine Flute that Rumi wrote of in his famous poem titled, "The Song of the Reed.”

Wolfberry Juice 3,472 Vitamin E oil 3,309 Pomegranates 3,037 Blueberries 2,400 noni fruit 1,506 Raspberries 1,220"


Tibetan Meditation Music By Nawang Khechog

Recently I had the pleasure of trying goji berries. They are a dried fruit and thus have a long shelflife. I have now added them to my diet. A somewhat accurate way of conveying to you what they taste like might be to say, they are a little like a combination of raisins, carrots, and grapefruit. Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, have a wonderful taste and, at least for me, impart a nice feeling of energy and well-being.   The brand pictured above lists the nutrition information and goji berries are indeed most impressive. A very small serving contains: "170% Vitamin A—more beta carotene than carrots, 20% Vitamin C, 12% Iron, 16% Dietary Fiber, and 4 grams of Protein. In fact, it is said they contain 18 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, over 20 trace minerals, and are extremely high in antioxidants. According to NaturalHealthWay. com: "Wolfberries have a higher antioxidant status than most foods ever studied. According to a new laboratory test known as the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), developed by researchers at Tufts University, here's how some common foods rate in their ability to neutralize free radicals:  "Top Antioxidant Foods ORAC

For thousands of years goji berries have been considered by many to be a very powerful food, promoting health in the human body in a variety of ways. We're living in an age when study after study keeps proving the numerous benefits of a plant-based diet high in servings of fruits and vegetables. Goji berries, along with pomegranate juice, acai berries, cranberry juice, tomatoes (and the juice, preferably low sodium), green tea, 100% coco powder (and raw cacao), are some of the foods that have been shown to be rich sources of beneficial antioxidants and other nutrients we need to get more of in our diets on a daily basis. I suspect this trend will continue upward and we will eventually be encouraged to greatly increase the level of high antioxidant foods in our diets in order to receive more of the anti-aging and pro-health benefits these natural foods have to offer.

Messenger Card Review

Music Review

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening. Address questions or comments to: P O Box 7, Newport, ME 04953, or

Yoga, T'ai Chi DVD Review b y J e s s i c a Ba s s e tt

The Art of Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up with Aaron Hoopes,

by Joan Em m ons

The Angelic Messenger Cards By: Dr. Meredith Young-Sowers Publisher: New World Library Since 1993 Dr. Young-Sower's Angelic Messenger Cards have been helping people to connect to their divine guidance through the images of flowers. She has brought to us an array of flowers and matching wisdom which since 1995 has brought much growth, joy and insight into my personal journey. Angelic Messenger Cards has recently received a new look, a smaller handbook, cards and magnetic box to facilitate ease in carrying them with you. Though much of the insight has remained constant, the cards have been redone with new vibrant flower to give the user the ability to expand on the personal guidance that one receives. There are many things in life that serve as messengers of the angelic realm, but flowers and their beautiful colors, designs and growth patterns help us to see and understand if we open up to feel, that there is guidance for each of us in our lives and how to bring our lives back into alignment with our goals and dreams, by being more open and loving. More information regarding Dr. Young-Sowers teachings can be found by visiting

Zen Yoga is a style of movement developed by Aaron Hoopes, which incorporates fundamentals from the ancient arts of T'ai Chi, Qigong and Shanti Yoga to create openings in the body through conscious breath & movement. This is a gentle, clearly instructed DVD encompassing the entire body and suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. The introduction includes Aaron describing Zen Yoga, as well as cornerstones of the practice such as breath. This leads into the idea that movement, like life, is a journey, not a destination and should not be forced. Instead we are encouraged to invite our bodies to dance within a range that provides challenge without strain. Aaron keeps instructions simple and easy to follow. There is an immediate feeling of noticeable openness, the mind is able to quite and attention returns to the breath. The music brings the routine together with gentle tones and rhythms. Created by Tarshito, the soothing notes lovingly support Aaron's narration throughout the session. The DVD also has a selection to allow musical playback only. Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up is an enjoyable video which addresses the entire body. It can be used on its own or as a precursor to further exercises. This particular format can be applied to any individual striving to generate a more healthy and balanced lifestyle. Listen to your body, keep moving, keep breathing and have fun! Aaron can be contacted and The Art of Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up can be purchased at, (860) 805-6551.

29 Book Review by S co t t C ro n e n w e t h Wisdom Walk: Nine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World's Spiritual Traditions

By: Sage Bennet, PhD ISBN: 13: 978-1-57731-582-7 Publisher: New World Library

by Joan Emmons Planetary Spirit Hosts: Jeff Ferrannini & Magdalena Looking for support on your spiritual path? Well look into Planetary Spirit. This is an Internet radio site that hosts people who are expressing their own spiritual divinity in unique ways, sharing the unfolding of their process and how their lives have been enhanced by embracing spirituality to follow their hearts. Your hosts Jeff Ferrannini and Magdalena, in a quiet, loving and passionate way, will guide you through these interviews helping us to expand and see our world in new way, stretching our beliefs as to what "reality" is and who, in truth, we really are. Jeff is an experienced talk show host, poet and writer who counsels those in search of a deeper connection to the divine through the healing work of Dahn yoga. Magdalena, is the director of a Healing Connection at Unity and has a private practice, Divine Source Healing.™ She also teaches and counsels individuals. Planetary Spirit's Mission is to raise planetary consciousness and to enhance one's current spiritual practice by helping one to see that the world's major religions are far more similar than they are different. Jeff and Magdalena delve into the essence of spirituality which they feel is an unending mystery that they are privileged to explore. The guests which are interviewed cover a wide range of interests from the mystical to the magical; the visionary to the intuitive; the artistic to the musical; from healing to forgiving, and lots more. You will find a Psychology Professor from Hartford, Ct. as well as Native American Healers in the area. One thing is for sure– all of these people are committed to helping our world expand, change and grow. This is a fantastic way to get to know some of the talented people in our New England area and beyond who can help each of us with their insight to become more of who we are truly meant to be. The great thing I have found is that all this is accessible 24/7, allowing listeners to access the archived information anytime day or night; and there are biographies and pictures of the guests as well. Jeff and Magdalena also offer a free newsletter to keep you up-to-date on what's new, giving you access to in-depth guest articles. A quote from their website so wonderfully expresses their vision and purpose... "We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us", (Joseph Campbell). So when you have a few moments check this site out. I'm sure that you will find just what you may have been looking for.

the way of life itself, Why violence... continued from page 16 to power of force and control by the supremely powerful. From these assumptions everyone might have the potential for violence if there is enough suppression given enough time and a context that doesn’t allow basic needs to be met causing deep feelings of powerlessness, isolation and an inability to find effective acts in order to live. Human experience is showing us the old assumptions are not working. They are not proving to be dependable when applied to life. However, new assumptions about reality and what is living are emerging. New discoveries coming about from biophysics and energy studies of living organisms (i.e. while they are alive) just may help us here. In the second part of this article I will be sharing how a new paradigm is forming. One that is saying we are, at our core, living energy, deeply connected to each other and the larger universe, with a purpose for being. Through this awareness we may begin to feel hope for change.

Skye & Norm

You can also hear Jeff and Magdalena on their weekly radio show on They can be reached by phone: Magdalena 617-839-7201 or 603-578-5895, Jeff 617-327-6865 or by email: or They would love to hear your ideas and feedback on the sight and your ideas for future shows.

Skye Hirst, PhD, co-founder of The Autognomics Institute since 1992 provides basic Research, Consulting and Education on the emerging new paradigm of living processes and the organizing principles within the energy of life-itself. Skye and the TAI team offers in-depth consultations for individuals and groups seeking new perspectives and effective action for dealing with problems that have been unsolvable by the old paradigm. or call 207-236-6331.

God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that.

...Joseph Campbell

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 29

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

We live in a time when intense religious intolerance and ignorance fuels war, violence and chaos all over the Earth. Against this backdrop it makes profound sense to diminish our own small-mindedness by any means possible. As the Dalai Lama and others have so often said, at the root of many problems lies the belief that one’s own religion is the only valid one. All spiritual traditions offer the potential to benefit us as individuals and humanity generally. Through understanding the central ideas of other faiths, we can better appreciate the common foundation that all spiritual paths share: to help us overcome suffering and support greater happiness and peace. In Wisdom Walk: Nine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World’s Spiritual Traditions, author Sage Bennet beckons us to explore core beliefs and practices from eight of the world’s religions, plus one (offering yourself in service to others) that Bennet deems common to all traditions. “Knowing about the breadth of spiritual traditions,” she writes, “opens the door to tolerance and appreciation of others’ religions—and the oneness that runs through them all.” Each of the book’s chapters is devoted to a single spiritual practice or concept approached from the viewpoint of a particular tradition; though many of the practices are found in more than one faith. Examples include “Christianity: Forgive Yourself and Others,” “Native American Spirituality: Let Nature Be Your Teacher,” and “Taoism: Go with the Flow.” Each chapter presents an overview of a religion, describing specific aspects like how it conceptualizes the relationship of the individual to the divine, ethical beliefs, and beliefs about death and an afterlife. Interspersed within the overview are personal vignettes and stories that illustrate key points. Each chapter ends with “wisdom steps;” an exercise to help you try out the practice. For example, in the chapter “Islam: Surrender to Prayer” we are first given very basic instruction in how to pray from an Islamic perspective. Then we’re guided to create a personalized collection of prayers to say throughout the day, to experiment with praying five times a day as Muslims traditionally do, and to add movement to our prayers in the manner of Sufism. Bennet has taken many students on her Wisdom Walks, and considers this book an invitation to a larger audience to join in the journey. She has seen first-hand how adopting these practices can help people reduce stress and find balance in their lives from overworking, overeating and other addictive behaviors. Further, sampling these varied faiths enables us to see their commonalities rather than what separates them. In this way we can take a step toward personal tolerance and world peace, while gaining deeper appreciation not only for other religions, but also for our own. Scott Cronenweth is a freelance Shamanic Buddhist Naturalist Bird Guide Personal Dog Servant writer in idyllic South Portland. Connect with Scott at or visit

Website Review



Directory of Resources Holistic Practitioners, Products And Resources Each category contains practitioners from various states.

creative healing arts

co u n s e l i ng & t h e rapy Maine

Carol Zahner

Counseling & Therapy .......................................... page 30 Creative Healing Arts ..................................... pages 30-31 Dance/Movement ................................................. page 31 Evolutionary Consciousness ................................. page 31 Holistic Healing Centers ....................................... page 31 Honoring A Life's Transition .................................. page 32 Hypnotherapy ....................................................... page 32 Integrative Healing ........................................ pages 32-33 Life Mastery .......................................................... page 33 Meditation ............................................................. page 33 Nurturing Foods ................................................... page 34 Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship .......................... page 34 Reflexology & Healing Massage ......................... page 34 Retreats ................................................................ page 34 Sacred Space ...................................................... page 34 Salons & Spas ...................................................... page 35 Schools & Trainings .............................................. page 35 Shamanic Healing ................................................ page 35


Health problems, relationship dilemmas and dreams can be your connections to nature, the spirit of the future, and new unknown aspects of yourself and community. Process

Work, also known as Dreambody Work, gives you innovative but simple ways to unfold and understand what your body, relationships and life are communicating. Individual sessions, ongoing groups, classes and phone sessions. Introduction session free. Carol Zahner,MS, Dipl. Process Work Center of Portland in Oregon. In Maine: Portland and Walpole (near Damariscotta). Call (207) 522-3600, Process Work

Zen Yoga is a journey of spiritual deepening that begins with the breath. Zen Yoga begins

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

with deep breathing to gather energy and then introduces soft, flowing movement and stretches to facilitate the smooth flow of that energy throughout the body. Based on the fundamental principles of yoga, tai chi and qigong, Zen Yoga is like nothing you have tried before. Prepare to feel wonderful! Our instructors create programs specifically designed to meet the needs of your group. We are available to teach workshops and stress relief programs throughout New England. We hold special retreats in the mountains of Vermont in September. Our Online Correspondence Course is a 12-week email program that provides tools to assist you on your journey of self-discovery. For more information: Phone: (860) 805-6551, Email:, Website:

The Couples Center


Supporting the heart’s desire for intimacy, meaning, and connection. Conscious

relationship is the art and science of using the inevitable challenges of relationship to evolve into more present, loving, and compassionate beings. We bring a unique blend of expertise, support, and challenge to couples who are ready to open their hearts, transform shadow into light, and heal ancient wounds in the context of relationship. We offer a variety of formats for this work: individual therapy, Husband/wife co-therapy team, couples’ intensives, Integrated Marital and Sexual Therapy, and shamanic healing. Call for information: (207) 8783141. Ron Feintech, Ph.D, Licensed Psychologist, Sex Therapy Diplomate, AASECT;; Deb Feintech, RC, Certified Shamanic Practitioner; Michele Keef, LMFT and Alison Caswell, LCPC-C, 222 Auburn St., Portland, ME 04103.

% TAKE A LOOK AND SEE WHAT'S NEW! 30 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy. Art therapy and shamanic counseling will help you cultivate your

strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden. We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. Moon Center, "ART from the heART," (207) 589-3063.

I am a clinical counselor and practitioner of Somatic Experiencing© with a private psychotherapy practice in Portland, Maine. My work integrates traditional talk therapy, somatic therapy and mindfulness in work with individual clients. The emphasis is on helping people learn to access the innate healing ability of the human body. The end goal is to heal trauma, stress, compulsions Douglas Smith and other challenges in order to enjoy an open, embodied flow of experience. I also teach workshops in somatics and sensory awareness for clinicians and others interested in mind-body integration. Most insurance accepted. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web at Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP. 205 Ocean Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 773-7993 x19.

Art Therapy & Shamanism

Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC



Dance/Movement Therapy Caroline Loupe, ADTR, LCPC

Dance/Movement Therapy helps people explore and extend their aliveness. Combining words and

movement in safe, developmentally appropriate structures, Caroline can help you tap into your deepest wisdom and creativity. Caroline offers individual therapy sessions as well as consultation for other professionals, therapists and educators who can benefit from the use of movement in their understandings. She also offers supervision to those who would like to include movement more effectively in their work with clients or students. Caroline also teaches classes and leads workshops in Contemplative Dance and T’ai Chi Ch’uan at Fiddlehead Arts and at her studio in New Gloucester. For more information: Call (207) 926-5983 or e-mail


31 creative healing arts–cont. CO-CREATING WITH YOUR SOUL ~ creative process as sacred container for re-connection, healing, and transformation. Engaging in artmaking as process (through Touch Drawing*

and other media) activates the unique wisdom and eternal knowing of our oneness with the creative source that dwells within our soul. As trust replaces fear energy flows, the emerging images reflecting the healing and integration taking place within. This process supports the evolution of creative consciousness both at the individual soul and planetary levels. Retreats and North Yarmouth, Maine 04097

personal journeys facilitated by visionary artist and healer, Helen Warren, MSed., MFA, who brings the compassion and wisdom of over 40 years experience as a facilitator and from her personal creative healing process. FMI: (207) 829-6876;; or *See

dance/movement Maine Movement as Healer

Movement as Healer is rooted in the premise that movement is the expression of life, and movement on all levels is fundamental to health.

Main e Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts is a beautiful place for people to gather, to learn, to teach and to be a part of a community interested in conscious living. We offer the

individual services of a holistic center through our community of practitioners, as well as a wide spectrum of wonderful workshops and classes. The practitioners at Meadow Wind offer services from massage, polarity, spiritual healing and life coaching to art, yoga, hair, skin & beauty. To contact any of our practitioners call Meadow Wind or go to for a list of practitioners and their personal contact information. We have two beautiful workshop/class spaces available to teachers who want to share what they have with others. To explore teaching at Meadow Wind contact Andrea Ferrante at (207) 878-3899. Our workshops and classes are also listed on our website, We are conveniently located at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME.

Far Eastern tradition, Native American custom, new age spiritual, holistic natural or any other healing path is welcome. The Universal

Healing Center is an eclectic mix of people and practices. You can find massage therapists and psychics, spiritual counselors and shamans, energy therapists and dancers all under one roof. Our many classes cover a wide range of interests whether you are here to learn a new path or just enlighten yourself to some different methods. Classes are priced in order to encourage people to try something new and experience another perspective. Visit us at 1016 B Main Street, Sanford, Maine or online at for a complete list, calendar and personal biographies. (207) 608-1755.

For further information: and

evolutionary consciousness Maine The Autognomics Institute since 1992 Norm and Skye Hirst co-founders TAI provides basic Research, Consulting and Education on the emerging new paradigm of living processes and the organizing principles within the energy of life-itself. Using a

"wholistic" perspective for social and individual change, TAI offers in-depth examination of old problems with new possibilities as we draw on emerging discoveries about how the energy of life-itself works. Bring your inquiry and find effective action for yourself or your organization. Call for consultation to

Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center Just a short drive from where you are, you'll find a special place to relax and find yourself. We invite you in for a soothing

therapeutic massage or detoxifying spa treatment. Visit Meg Davison, our Homeopathy Consultant for a remedy to balance and heal naturally. We have Full Moon Drumming Circles, Yoga, T'ai Chi and Transformational Healing with Claudia Moore. Awaken your soul with Anurag. Connect to the wealth of universal wisdom with Pat O'Connor. We offer training in Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Spiritual Development and lots of playshops. Find answers with our experienced Psychics. Join us for a walk in the Garden! Route 35, Dayton, ME. Call (207) 929-5088 or visit our website

explore how we can help you during this consciousness shift. or call (207) 236-6331.

Pathways to Consciousness Ron Damico & Joan Emmons

Beyond the logic and labels of healing modalities lives the heart-work that each of us is innately drawn to experience, to feel and express the core truth of who we are. Within that ever-changing,

ever-expanding field of love and acceptance is where we play… the pathway to you! This is a journey of limitlessness; every step is the possibility of change, growth and healing. You decide the next step, it’s your journey, your choice. Our choice is to support you, to provide you with ideas, options, and possibilities, and to support you within and through those choices as we are guided to. We offer individual, couple, family and phone sessions, playshops and gatherings to support you on your journey. As WE change so does OUR world. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. (207) 799-7998,

The area’s premiere environment for creating health & well-being, Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center offers a comprehensive selection of healthcare & lifestyle services. The

community of certified professional practitioners at Sanctuary Center work independently & collaboratively to serve client needs. Select from a spectrum of therapies & treatments, including acupuncture, homeopathy, polarity, facial rejuvenation, hot stone massage, reiki, Ayurveda, holistic psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, detoxification, coaching & more. Certified & skilled teachers offer daily classes in yoga, Pilates, meditation & Qi Gong to students of all ages & experience levels in the bright, spacious Studio. For more information, to enroll or schedule an appointment: (207) 846-1162, email:, www., 50 Forest Falls Drive, Yarmouth., South Portland, ME.

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 31

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

When we experience the possibilities of our own unique and authentic movement, we release into freer movement, deepening our awareness, sense of connection, and state of well-being. The offerings of Movement as Healer are specific and collaborative. The Trager® Approach to movement involves a Gail Edgerly, RN, CTP one-on-one practitioner/client relationship using touch and rhythm to assist in the experience of fluid, free and pleasurable movement. The 5Rhythms™ Movement Practice (developed by Gabrielle Roth) is an improvisational and expressive exploration of our uniquely personal movement following a map of rhythms inherent in every body and in everyday life. Sessions can be one-on-one, with a couple or in a class/workshop setting. The 5Rhythms™ can also be used in collaboration with the work of other teachers and facilitators, to expand and support the embodiment of the program's intention. I offer private sessions and classes in Portland and Kennebunk. FMI call (207) 761-3765 or visit

holistic healing centers

32 honoring a life's transition New Hampshire Change is a natural product of growth and evolution: honoring death is honoring that change. In the process of

honoring death and change, we nourish ourselves and those we love. The goal of is to help you honor the life you so cherished. Ashesnurns. Ashes N Urns com offers adult, child, infant and companion pet urns. Our keepsake urns can hold a prayer or mantra, lock of hair, a small amount of cremated remains, crushed flowers, bit of earth or something symbolic to hold close to your heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like help planning a nondenominational memorial service that honors your traditions, culture and special relationship to your loved one. Visit us at, email us at, or call (603) 874-1684.

hypnotherapy Maine ELISSAGARDE-JOIA

Harness the power of the mind-body connection. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have the tools

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

and skills you need. Hypnotherapy eliminates fear and stress and creates a blueprint for health and healing that your mind can read and follow. Medical experts acknowledge that Hypnotherapy compliments all medical procedures, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing negative side effects. Pre/post surgical patients experience reduced anxiety, blood loss, anesthesia need and rapid healing. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in treating many physical challenges such as chronic pain and disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Hypnosis for Childbirth removes the fear and pain of childbirth. Hypnotherapy played a major role in my own successful battle with breast cancer. After 16 years of private practice in New York, I am now privileged to serve my neighbors here in Mid-coast Maine. Please take advantage of a FREE phone consultation to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact: Elissa Garde-Joia at 207-338-1669, Home visits available.

Hypno-Health ~ Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed., C.H. As a practicing certified Hypnotherapist since 1991 in Blue Hill and Portland, I have helped hundreds of people improve their lives. Together we have resolved over 120

different issues, ranging from abuse, anxiety, dejection and insomnia to smoking, sports performance, sexual dysfunction, weight concerns—and much more. As I guide people, they bring forward from their subconscious mind an awareness and understanding of “the roots of their problem.” They are then empowered to disconnect those roots and create a new, positive thought pattern, which becomes their permanent reality through repetition. I feel Hypnotherapy is a comfortable, gentle, genuine, and powerful way to learn the techniques to heal one’s self. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. Call (207) 374-2344 (Blue Hill) or (207) 773-5200 (Portland),,

D i rector y of R es o u r c e s $375 for 1 year (6 issues) Includes 2.8 inch ad space, (approximately 130 words) An online version on with an active link to your website. Initial set-up fee $20 Call 207-799-7995 or email: 32 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

integrative healing Connecticut

Belanger Physical Therapy A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well.

What we do not choose to express emotionally will show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at


Rev. Lindsley Field

Trager® Practitioner, Intuitive, Shamanic Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher, Raindrop Technique ® Therapy, Vision Quest Leader

“helping you create peace from the inside out” We are each our own healer. Deep within our

cells there is extraordinary healing intelligence. As physical beings, we are also dynamic energetically and spiritually. Multi-dimensional by nature, we are exquisite "instruments", complex and uniquely gifted. True healing begins when those aspects are addressed. Each treatment responds deeply to the individual. An intuitive offering of bodywork, shamanic, energetic and metaphysical techniques is sensitively integrated. Treatment has helped with physical pain, restricted movement, tension, stress, PTSD, anxiety, depression, recovering from injuries or surgery, support with life changes and challenges, preventative care and health maintenance. Clients express they feel a renewed sense of wellbeing, reconnected with themselves, more comfortable in their bodies, clearer and revitalized. Newcastle, Maine( 207) 512-0744 ~

Roberta Barnes Reiki Shihan & Herbalist “Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps to fulfill that right,” -Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master/ teacher), and Herbalist. Nestled in

a wildlife habitat you are encased in harmonizing relaxation while balance and harmony set in motion the healing process within. Learn the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho - enjoy a healing session - receive a personal herb report - journey into your past - learn meditation - mobilize your awareness by connecting with nature. Roberta Barnes' Reiki lineage has only three Reiki Shihans between Mikao Usui, the founder, and her. Visit

Marie Laverriere-Boucher, MSW, MA Southern Maine Energy Therapy Marie is an energy medicine practitioner; she utilizes Reiki, energetic assessments, energy psychology techniques (TAT® and EFT®), spiritual guidance, aromatherapy, crystals and gemstones. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher, she is

certified as a TAT® practitioner and trainer, she received a certificate from the Shalem Institute in Spiritual Guidance, and she holds a certificate as a Master Aromatherapist from Aroma Studio® in New York. Separate and apart from this work she also offers psychotherapy as an LCSW. For more information or an appointment call (207) 773-9100 or (207) 590-3884. For the Reiki training schedule see web site She is located in both Portland and Biddeford, Maine. “I would consider it a privilege to work with you in your healing.”

33 integrative healing–cont.

Janet Gleeson

Energy Therapy, EFT-ADV & TAT EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a simple, powerful, self-healing tool that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior with amazing results.

It so effectively releases limiting blocking beliefs that several presenters in the movie, “The Secret” recommend using EFT to attract health, prosperity, happy relationships and personal peace into our lives. Research now proves that unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to physical pain and disease. Simply by tapping key acupuncture points located on the face and torso while tuning into a problem, negative emotions, beliefs, traumas, phobias, stress, anxiety and often the accompanying physical ailment are released. Attract the higher vibration of joy, health and prosperity you were meant to live with EFT! From PTSD to allergies to serious disease – EFT often works when nothing else does! (207) 236-0269,, Camden, ME.

Kevin Pennell, Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher/Certified Hypnotherapist/Shamanic Practitioner, Vickie Cummings, Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Cranio Sacral Therapist/Usui & Karuna® Reiki Practitioner and Wendi Griswold, Licensed Massage Therapist with Advanced Training in Sports Massage/ Usui Reiki Practitioner: Massage - Including Therapeutic Massage - Sports

SpiritWings CompassionateHealing Credit Cards accepted.

Fern Dyer Healing with Crystals, Stones, Reiki, Quantum Touch Techniques and Spirit Messages incorporates several modalities for a unique blend of healing.

Each crystal and stone vibrates at a particular frequency. The stones we choose are invariably the ones whose frequencies we need to resonate with. Your chosen stones are placed on or near you during the Reiki session. Reiki balances the body, mind and spirit so our innate healing ability can be bolstered. If the need presents itself, some quantum touch techniques are added. At the end of the session, the messages received are presented and if you desire a write-up of stone meanings and messages it can be sent. This process helps restore a state of balance to the body and energy systems. For more information call (207) 657-5609 or email:

Directory of Resources listings are easy to compose. Write as though you are speaking to others about the work you do and the services you offer. For more information call: (207) 799-7995 or email

Maine Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching Deborah Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide

Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom, and

fun. In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms

and create a dynamic vision for your life—a vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principals and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. Call for a complimentary coaching session, schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or e-mail Phone sessions available.,

Back to the Source Life Design

Ronda Alley, Certified Life Coach “Go confidently in the directions of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imaged!” This quote by Henry David

Thoreau provides the foundation for our work together. I firmly believe that each person brings a unique set of strengths and gifts into the world and that these gifts can lead us in the direction of our dreams. During our sessions I offer time for focused reflection, support and encouragement as you define and clarify your true desires, and an atmosphere that facilitates the exploration and identification of your gifts. I help you: stay motivated, identify any obstacles that may be blocking progress, and discover the potential for achieving your goals. To schedule a free sample telephone coaching session please call me at (207) 565-3125, email or visit

Jasmina J Agrillo, Licensed HeartMath® Provider ENGAGE THE POWER OF YOUR HEART... Special Coaching Sessions with Licensed HeartMath® Provider, Jasmina J. Agrillo; learn the HeartMath System: Practical & Easy to Use Tools & Technology for Heart Intelligent Living in the 21st Century.

Research and case studies are showing many folks the world over are able to transform stress upon impact, improve health & spiritual well-being, relieve depression & anxiety, improve heart rate & brain function, enhance intuition & performance, experience more appreciation, joy, and peace in the moment for yourself and your relationships. “I bring to my coaching practice a love and dedication to help empower the hearts of others for transformation, healing of the body-mind, and positive, practical change in one’s life. After experiencing the success that the HeartMath System played in my own healing as a brain tumor survivor, I now dedicate my life’s purpose to helping others apply these tools of the Heart in their own life-journeys.” To schedule a free initial consultation, call: (207) 856-6042 § email: § visit § (HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.)

meditation Maine

Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society Presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,

a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabada Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib. For More Information call (207) 368-5866, or email: James@, Website:

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 33

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Massage - European Neuromusclar Massage - Sports Massage - New England Hot Stone Therapy - Soothing herbal Body Wrap - Seated Massage - Couples Massage and Outcalls available, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Healing and Readings. We consult with each client to identify the appropriate modalities to achieve self-healing and overall well-being. We offer Reiki and Karuna® Reiki Classes plus other workshops to guide you on your spiritual journey. Visit SpiritWings for a cross-cultural variety of enchanting gifts, supplies and accessories to aid your spiritual journey including an exquisite selection of healing crystals and quartz crystal singing bowls. SpiritWings is conveniently located at 57 Main Street in Bethel, Maine. Sessions by appointment. Store hours Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 5. Telephone (207) 824-2204 or visit us on the web at

life mastery

34 nurturing foods



Greenfire Retreat


We are an organic stone mill, and producer of quality organic cereals & baking mixes. We aren’t a subsidiary of any corporate conglomerate. We are a family business, combining the energy & hard work of two Maine families. We believe deeply in providing fresh, organic, delicious products, in protecting the quality & health of our food supply and our environment. Quality Organic Stone Ground Cereals & Baking Mixes; Organic Coffees & Teas; Nuts, Dried Fruit; Nutritious Delicious Organic Gift Baskets FIDDLERS GREEN FARM, Belfast, Maine (800) 729-7935 ~ Order Online: or catalog available.

Greenfire is... a retreat house for women dedicated to reflection, renewal, exploration, and quiet. Set in a two hundred-year old

farmhouse in the midst of meadows and woods on the St. George’s peninsula, Greenfire offers space to all women who want to rest and explore their spirituality, regardless of their tradition, age, or race. Women throughout history have gathered in circles and found wisdom in their own stories; in this tradition, guests may schedule conversations with staff to explore their own questions. Greenfire offers sanctuary, healthy and delicious food, and calm in the midst of a fast-paced culture. For more information, call (207) 372-6442, e-mail us at: greenfir@midcoast. com, or visit us on the web at

psychic & spiritual mediumship Maine PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy

Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years experience. She

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

resides in Fairfield and Northport Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 6497089,,, and

Nurture Through Nature

haven and layers of opportunities to find deep peace and growth. Our circles provide a balance of depth and lightness, group and solo space, movement and Let Us Guide You Home... stillness. Connect with the contemplative Pleasant Mountain, Denmark and healing power found in nature. Find camaraderie with other women on an artfully led retreat through guided meditation, gentle yoga, Reiki, and mindfulness practices. Fill your cup on a canoe~kayak wilderness retreat, in nature's rhythm and beauty in Maine's back country. Gather your own circle of friends, family and colleagues, for a custom retreat. Located on Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, Maine, just 40 miles west of Portland. FMI: (207) 452-2929, or

Sewall House Yoga Retreat

reflexology & healing massage Maine Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is an amazing stress-relieving technique. Relaxation is a skill that most Americans do not practice often. Stress builds

and builds until it becomes a lifestyle. Lynn Marie Danforth has been practicing Reflexology for over 5 years. Lynn specializes in therapeutic Reflexology. Her greatest success is with tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and relief of tension. Lynn’s Reflexology sessions are quick, effective and could be the answer to your body’s cry for relief. Lynn has been able to show clients that change for the better is possible, that improved health is truly in your hands and feet. To contact

Women’s Holistic Canoe Trips, Wellness Retreats and Customized Circles ~ We create a safe and enriching

Enjoy yoga twice daily, meditation, massage, sauna, healthy home-cooked vegetarian cuisine. Near pristine lakes and Baxter State Park, hike, bike,

swim, canoe, kayak or simply porch sit! Five days suggested, weekends, shorter and longer stays arranged. Step back into time in the comfort of this bed and breakfast style retreat listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Nature guide William Sewall shared the healing attributes of nature with a young Theodore Roosevelt, who restored his health from life threatening asthma here. The tradition continues since 1997 with William Sewall's great grand-daughter, yoga instructor Donna Davidge, with over 25 years experience in the healing arts, and her Swedish husband, musician and chef Kent Bonham, Experience the friendly hospitality Sewall House has always offered.

Lynn call 207-767-5776 or 207-318-0129, or visit

Sewall House Yoga Retreat Island Falls, Maine, (888) 235-2395 July 3 - Columbus Day.


sacred space Maine

Maine The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques.

Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843. 34 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

Earthrest offers indoor and outside gathering space for retreats, workshops, spiritual questing, ceremony and celebration. Come,

surround yourself with natural beauty in a country setting of organic gardens, open fields, woods and water where the land is still a little wild and the animals remember their true names. We are just 35 miles from Portland on 350 acres of very special land, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. Inside enjoy the large gathering spaces, both with fireplaces. Outside walk the land, the labyrinth and hiking trails. Many options available. FMI call Pat at (207) 625-4179 or email

35 salons & spas

schools & trainings–cont. Maine

Massachusetts The Hypnotherapy Training Company

Ravens’ Crossing — Come find some Raven’s Crossing Appleton, Maine

rural comfort and relaxation in our woodfired sauna and/or therapeutic hot tub.

Deep tissue, swedish, and myofascial-release massage available by licensed massage therapist. Rustic retreat cabin can sleep four. Available by appointment in private setting. Trails to walk, ride horses, or X-country ski. Space for small gatherings. Please call

Lori Cressler at (207) 845-2304 or visit

schools & trainings Maine Treat Your Feet

Julie Griffin, Director Become a Certified Hypnotist. Begin an exciting career earning money helping others! Affordable weekend

certification programs at our Wakefield, MA lakeside location. Julie Griffin, BCH, director, is a renowned, dynamic, award-winning international instructor, author of 10 hypnosis books, and regular presenter at Jonathon Podolsky’s,Whole Health Expos. Hypnosis certifications available: International Association of Counselors & Therapists, National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and more. Great value for your education dollars. Programs range 7 to 100 hours. Program costs: Basic $595; Advanced/Medical $625; Metaphysical $525. Multi-program discounts, free retakes and free telephone support. CEU’s available: Nurses, LICSW, and LMHW. Call for a free brochure and audio cassette. (800) 497-1807 Julie Griffin, Director.

shamanic healing Maine

A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.

Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body.

Spirit Passages Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk

(207) 626-FEET. Classes start in Feb. May & Sept.

Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.

Westbrook, ME: Learn to be a successful Massage, Polarity or Aesthetics professional in 6 to 12 months. Spa Tech Institute is the exclusive

provider of the Polarity Realization Institute programs, a pioneer in the field of transformational education. Advanced energy based teaching concepts contribute to accelerated learning. With over 30 years experience training adult learners for the bodywork and spa professions, our profound understanding of what it takes to be successful is at the core of your education. The school is accredited by NACCAS and programs are approved for state licensing exams and national registration/exams. Financial Aid is available for those who qualify. Call (207) 591-4141, 100 Larrabee Rd., Westbrook, ME.


is a non-profit, tax-deductible organization. We teach yoga to elementary school children and their homeroom teachers. We can come to your school and teach

formal yoga classes or we can come to your classroom and help you to initiate a yoga program you can use on a daily basis in your class. We also offer Tools for Teachers, an in-house workshop, which teaches teachers to use four basic yoga tools in their daily teaching. These tools will allow teachers to help children with relaxation, breathing, and stress reduction which will complement their overall learning and create a harmonious learning environment. Workshops can be scheduled as in-house workdays for teachers in public and private schools. These workshops are individually tailored, and price varies according to the length. Please contact Lily Goodale at or (207) 236-6001. Workshops can be given from Portland to Bar Harbor and are certified and part of the YogaEd foundation of yoga for children.

Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, they have also been fortunate to study with indigenous shamans from Peru, Ecuador, Tuva and Siberia. Working heart-to-heart with Spirit, they offer all traditional forms of shamanic healings at True North (207) 781-4488 ~ a unique, multidisciplinary medical center that they helped to found. They may also be reached at: Transform your body, heal your soul and change the way you live and die with the ancient healing techniques of the South American Medicine people. The core of

healing occurs in the energetic or Luminous Energy Field; this is the blueprint for the physical body, and an archive of our physical and emotional strengths and wounding. Illuminating this field transforms these wounds into sources of knowledge and power. The loss, pain and sorrow may remain as a memory but they no longer define who we are; we realize that we are not our stories. The Illumination Process is powerful, efficient, effective transformation. In training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Appointments in Brunswick (207) 729-7270,


…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence.

At the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be whole, stable, and functioning at our highest potential. Soul retrieval, divination, extractions, shamanic energy healing, and communication with those who have passed on, can all help us fulfill this potential. My training with the Foundation for Shamanic Healer Shamanic Studies, including completion of the Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing with Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval, provide a solid footing for my work with adults, children and animals. Call me for information about workshops or appointments for shamanic healing sessions at (207) 841-1215 or email me at June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 35

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

As Spirit Passages; C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW and Evelyn C. Rysdyk (author of Modern Shamanic Living) have facilitated shamanic healings and taught shamanic workshops across the U.S. and Canada since 1991. Graduates of the

Reflexology is credited with improving

School of Reflexology circulation and reducing body stress, which removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its Application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot/hand charts, footbath items & much more. For more info, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta


Heart Visions June 15th-17th, July 16th-19th, & October 1st-4th Wellness and healing aboard Maine Adventure Sails. Schooners Timberwind and J&E Riggin are sailing in a new direction. Join us on one of these 3 or 4 day, all inclusive, facilitated cruises sailing from Rockland and Rockport. Amazing food, comfortable cabins, and the inspiration of nature will be your platform for transformation. FMI about these very special journeys, please call (877) 300-3377 or visit

July 22nd-28th A Healing week on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala a Retreat for Couples, maximum 3 couples (207) 590-0979. Email,

July 21st-28th Yoga Vacation: Swiss Alps. FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

August 5th-10th Finding Inner Peace Women’s Holistic Nature Retreat ~ The work of Byron Katie into Nature ~ Nurture Through Nature. FMI: (207) 452-2929, www.ntnretreatscom.

August 19th-25th A Healing week on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

A Creative Retreat for Women. 6 maximum. (207) 590-0979. Email,

August 26th-29th Maine Island Yoga Retreat Yoga, nature exploration, delicious food and comfortable lodging on Audubon's spectacular Hog Island in Midcoast Maine. $495, FMI call (207) 781-2330.

August 27th-31st The Retreat, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Learn Kinesiology, Indian Head Massage, Massage, Bach Flower Essences, (207) 590-0979. Email, darlenalake@yahoo. com.

September 7th-9th Zen Yoga Retreat – Vermont Spiritual Deepening through Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong with Zen Yoga founder Aaron Hoopes at the Vershire Sanctuary in the mountains of Vermont. (860) 805-6551,

September 23rd-29th Ahh Provence!

June~Maine June 1st Full Moon Retreat of Creative Nourishment ~ for Self and the Earth Mother. Friday 4:00pm-9:00pm FMI:

June 1st, Friday Opening, 5:00pm-8:00pm Susan Maasch Fine Art presents: Flowers Revealed: Prints, Photographs, Paintings, hours: Wednesdays-Fridays 11:00am-6:00pm, Saturdays 11:00am4:00pm, Closes June 30th, 29 Forest Ave., Portland, ME (207) 699-2966,

June 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, July 2nd & 9th Free style meditation and channeling introduction course 5:30pm-8:30pm call (207) 445-5671

June 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th Complete Shoden level Gendai Reiki-ho, 5:00pm-8:00pm, Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan (teacher) (207) 445-5671 or

JUNE 9th, 10:00am-5:00pm LAMA SURYA DAS Lama Surya's new book, Buddha Is As Buddha Does: The Ten Original Practices for Enlightened Living is the topic of this one-day retreat. Beloved teacher, author of eight books, this is a rare opportunity to spend a delightful day with one of the most prominent Western Buddhist teachers alive today. Having studied with many of the most revered masters of Tibetan Buddhism for thirty-five years, Lama Surya brings us Buddhist values and insight, as well as methods of practice, in a lively manner accessible to all. At The First Parish UU Church, 425 Congress Street, Portland. $95. Register on line:, or contact Jane: (207) 773-6809 with questions.

June 10th Transforming The Ordinary  Into The Extraordinary ~ Bath Maine Create a variety of shrines. Leave with a personal reflection of the values and hopes that enrich your life. Contact:

June 10th and July 14th Touch Drawing Retreat 9:30am to 3:30pm; Creative Spiral Studio, N.Yarmouth FMI: (207) 829-6876;; www.

Women’s Retreat and Tour in Southern France $2,850, for more info go to:

June 16th Global Indigenous Shamanic Studies

October 5th & 6th Yoga Retreat at Earthrest, Cornish, ME

An Exploration into ancestral insights and practices with Mitch Nur, Ph.D. and Two Horses Running. Call  MIHA, (207) 236-3222, or visit

FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

June~Connecticut June 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th Free Dream Study Sessions: Eckankar Temple of CT Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm. Topics to include: Understanding you Dreams; Dream Healing and Help in Everyday Life; Active Dreaming; Dreams and our Spiritual Journey. FMI: Eckankar, Middlefield, CT, (860) 346-2226 or

June 10th, Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm  Journey with Spirit Darilyn Farley, MSW, Clairvoyant & Medium along with Debi Fox, Astrologer, Herbalwoman, Crone have joined together their energies and combined holistic experience of nearly 30 years to bring you this experiential workshop for women. By learning to recognize sabotaging internal and external messages, we can release negative energies; replenish ourselves with authentic messages from the depths of our own inner wisdom, thereby rekindling our spirits with Joy, endless possibilities and new beginnings. $65. For information & registration, please call Darilyn (860) 245-3777 or Debi (860) 389-0540, e-mail

36 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

June 16th, 17th & 18th "Dowsing, Healing & Self Empowerment Seminar" & "The Emotional Release Technique Workshop" 2 powerful and life altering workshops with acclaimed healer and author Raymon Grace. FMI: call (603) 319-1447,,

June 18th, 3:00pm-5:00pm Calling all Artists, Musicians, Singers, Poets & Storytellers

Casco Bay Lines Terminal Conference Room. Discuss the opportunities for creating a Casco Bay Island Artist's Association, FMI: Maggie Carle,

June 23rd & 24th Reiki I & II Training

June 30th Connecting with Nature Workshop is a perfect way to raise the awareness of all your senses on the day of the full moon. 9:00am-3:00pm, (207) 445-5671 or

June 30th, 9:00am-4:00pm Mary: woman of strength and wisdom

Blue Hill, Me. $95 Registration Required Tel: (207) 374-3877. Award winning New Zealand author, Megan Don, will lead this retreat on Mary the Mother. We will learn about selfnourishment, active listening, and the power of the Word within. For more details

June 30th & July 1st  Yoga Master Patricia Walden comes to Portland Yoga Studio Cited by Yoga Journal as one of "25 Originals shaping yoga today"!, (207) 799-0054.

June~Massachusetts June 9th & 10th, 10:00am-5:00pm Shamanic Soul Recovery Seminar, Level 1 & 2 Join the facilitators of Sedona Shamanic School, Blue Cloud and Seth for this weekend seminar. Re-connect with your lost Power and Spirit. $500, Chatham, MA FMI: (508) 945-2159

June~NewHampshire June 16th Yoga for Your Nose! Natural, effective & affordable practice to enliven breath, stimulate brow chakra and alleviate symptoms of upper respiratory issues. Contact YogaCaps at (603) 670-0302.

July~Connecticut July 27th-29th Second Annual Magdalene Gathering in CT – Tom Kenyon and more. For more information and to register, go to and click on The Magdalene Gathering. Thanks.

July 6th-8th The 2007 Connecticut Regional Seminar:“The Call of Soul” ECKANKAR Temple of CT, Middlefield, talks, music, children and youth programs, workshops. Friday 7:00pm-8:00pm, Saturday 9:15am-9:30pm, & Sunday 9:00am-noon, Friday and Sunday at Eckankar Temple, Middlefield, Saturday, The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cromwell. FMI:, (203) 776-1594 or (860) 848-3434.

July~Maine July 6th, Friday Opening, 5:00pm-8:00pm Susan Maasch Fine Art Presents: Picasso: Etchings, Rush Brown: Portland Paintings Hours: Wednesdays-Fridays 11:00am-6pm, Saturdays 11:00-4:00pm, closes July 28th, 29 Forest Ave., Portland, ME (207) 699-2966,

July 7th-8th Developing Psychic Skills

See web site: to register.

Join certified psychic medium CJ Moore to learn and develop psychic ability. Call MIHA (207) 236-3222, or visit

June 29th-July 1st Zen and the Art of Carpentry for Women-Building

July 7th, 15th, & 21st Complete Okuden level Gendai Reiki-ho,

Thoreau’s Cabin $350., (207) 452-2929.

June 30th, 10:00am-10:00pm & July 1st, 10:00am-5:00pm Women’s Way Celebration with Apache Ceremonialist Maria Yraceburu and Gypsy Healer Lynda Yraceburu, in Surry. Details: Contact: Scarlet Kinney (207) 667-4772 or

9:00am-1:30pm Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan (teacher) (207) 445-5671 or


37 July 20th-22nd "Falling Into the Arms of Love" with author, Megan Don from New Zealand - Weekend Retreat at Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY.Intimacy! How are we intimate with ourselves, with God and with others? Releasing outdated paradigms of relationship, we will step into the greater love of sacred companionship. More details Registration: (800) 944-1001.

July 21st Healing Through Body Awareness Access the innate healing ability of the human nervous system. Learn about the Somatic Experiencing method. Call MIHA, (207) 236-3222, or visit

July 21st, 10:00am to 4:00pm Camp Etna's Annual Healing Arts Festival 2007 Mediums, Healing Arts Practitioners, Vendors, Three Screenings of ONE the Movie. For more information see our display ad page 18, visit or call (207) 269-2094 or (207) 269-2048.

July 28th, August 4th & 11th Complete Shinpiden level III  (higher vibration, not teacher) Gendai Reiki-ho, 9:00am3:00pmRoberta Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan (teacher) (207) 445-5671 or

Upcoming~Connecticut August 3rd-12th SunDo Mountain Taoism Summer Retreat Learn Taoist Meditation practice, or SunDo, under the guidance of Taoist Master Hyunmoon Kim. The retreat will include SunDo practice, evening discussions and workshops at the SunDo Retreat Center in Barnet, VT. Please visit our website for pricing and directions. SunDo Mountain Taoist Center, CT (860) 523-5260,,

Weekend format /one weekend per month. A comprehensive program that allows you to discover Yoga as a healing art and supports you in developing skills which allow you to teach students in a variety of settings. For more information or email visit or call (401) 368-YOGA (9642). Only 45 minutes from Willimantic, CT.

Upcoming~Maine Aug 5th-10th Women's Holistic Paddling and Nature Retreat~  Simple and Profound methods to find more Joy and Peace~ $1,195., (207) 452-2929.

Aug 26th-Sept 2nd Women's Full Moon Wilderness Living Paddling Trip~ Lobster Lake & West Branch of the Penobscot River~ $950., (207) 452-2929.

August 31st-September 3rd Maine Living Arts Festival Camp Mechuwana, Winthrop, Maine. “The Emerging of Spontaneous Community”: workshops, playshops, rituals, labyrinth, meditation, drumming, and more. Request more information at:

September 15th, 9:00am-5:00pm Retreat on Creation Sacred Dances Lead by Halima and Abraham Sussman of Cambridge for more information (207) 797-2151.

September 28th-30th Women's Restorative Yoga Retreat A restorative weekend of yoga, meditation, and silence in nature. Settle into Snowbird Lodge in Harrison, Maine. Weekend includes yoga, meals, and sauna. (207) 319-8024.

Ongoing~Connecticut Holistic Moms Network A non-profit support and discussion network for moms with an interest in natural, holistic and alternative health and parenting. Contact Heather LeFoll (860) 665-9766 or

Have you experienced sexual assault or incest? We are Survivors of Incest Anonymous. We meet every Monday evening in Hartford, CT. Call Mae at (860) 236-1770 or email

Healing Touch sessions with Gail Meyer,

Classes in Taoist breathwork, meditation and postures for all fitness levels. SunDo Taoist practice enhances the body's qi-energy flow, which promotes health and higher consciousness. (860) 523-5260,

Certified Healing Touch Practitioner Thursdays from 11:00am2:00pm at Touchstone Bookstore, 1832 Forest Ave. Portland. Call (207) 878-3866 to schedule your appointment.

ECKANKAR Temple of CT-- a place for all who love God.

Yokids instructors Lily Goodale and Lynnette Moore will come to your school and train homeroom teachers to use simple yoga based mind, body integration techniques to enhance their teaching and support a harmonious teaching environment. Please contact Lily Goodale,, (207) 236-6001.

ECKANKAR, the religion of the Light and Sound of God. Worship services are the second Sunday of every month 10:00am with fellowship and refreshments afterwards. The Temple is located at the corner of Rte. 66 and Harvestwood Rd. Middlefield, CT. For information call (860) 346-2226; website:

Ongo i ng~ M aine Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Satsang,

classes in Psychological & Spiritual Development & more. Based in the Tradition of the Himalayan Sages. North Yarmouth. For full listing, see website. (207) 829-2700.

Call For All Artists ~ Visual, Musical, Dance, Storytellers

Who live, have roots in Casco Bay Islands, please contact Maggie Carle, or regarding creation of a cooperative/association/organization to support & promote arts by Islanders. No commitments, 1st step a list.

Avanti Healing Arts Reiki Center® Restore wholeness to body, mind and spirit with Dr. Gianna Settin, psychologist, dancer, licensed Reiki Teacher. Discover the sacred nature of inner healing! (207) 735-3900,

Free Reiki Introductory Treatment 
By Cynthia Swan, M.Ed., Last Wednesday of month except July/August. Drop in 3:00pm-5:30pm, Room 205, Waldo County General Hospital 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast. FMI: (207) 930-2549.


Friday Gallery Readings ~ Fourth Friday each month Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook for an evening of messages from the spirit, June 22nd and July 1st, 7:00pm, $10.00 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673.

Weekly Psychic Development and Awareness Classes Fridays, at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook, Classes start at 7:30pm FMI: call (207) 655-6673. Yoga in South Hiram Glass studio, beautiful Mt. views. Yoga, Monday, 6:00pm, Tuesday, 8:30am, Wednesday, 8am, Thursday, 6:00pm, Saturday, 9:00am, Instructional meditation. Private sessions available. FMI: Leslee Hartwell (207) 625-4756.

"Yokids" Yoga Ed Tools for Teachers Workshops

Thank God It's Grace: Women in God, Women in Good Please join Women In God each Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm at Meadow Wind 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, for an hour of peace, grace and Spiritually-based conversation. Women in God is a non-denominational, spiritual support group that welcomes all women on a path of love, hope and inspiration. For more information call (207) 233-7658, or visit

Birthwise Midwifery Potlucks Interested in Homebirth? Meet the midwives of Birthwise Midwifery Service and local homebirth families. Bi-monthly, 3rd Sunday of September, November... 5:00pm-7:00pm at Birthwise, Bridgton. (207) 647-5968

Reiki: Healing Hands Offers classes, Reiki Therapy sessions, and Monthly Clinic every 2nd Sunday of the month at United Methodist Church, West Kennebunk. FMI call Pauline Wilson, BA, CRM (207) 985-3575.

Breathwork/Intuitive Healing In Maine Dynamic Facilitated Group Sessions $20 6:00pm-8:00pm Falmouth, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - The Vywamus Foundation, Oxford, 2nd Thursday - formerly Dancing Trees Lodge, Auburn, 2nd Friday - Yoga Center of Maine, Harrison, 4th Friday - The BALLROOM. Pre-registration required. Breathe In & Beyond (207) 583-6603.

Thirteen Moons, Millinocket, FREE Wednesdays, 6:00pm: Live & Learn introductory discussions, topics change weekly. Thursdays, 6:00pm, Coffeehouse: local talent Penobscot Avenue, (207) 723-5313,

Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes: HypnoBirthing® Parents, Self-Hypnosis, Weight Managment, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Guided Imagery, Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, CH; (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville, Me.

Real-ize Your Integral Potentials Real-ize your multidimensional self!  Integral Energy Healing ~ Explorations in Consciousness ~ Leadership in Consciousness ~ Life Transformations. We offer sessions, classes, circles and workshops. (207) 873-3514.

The Path of Celtic Buddhism

Kittery, ME: Rawfood Potlucks

Gathering for sitting practice meditation, Deity Yoga, and Chod. The lineage of the Mahasiddhas. Bill Burns, Peg Junge, Camden,ME., (207) 236-0505,

Inner Light Spiritualist Church, Rev. Gloria Nye

Alternative Therapy Workshops for businesses, organizations, groups, schools. Educational and entertaining. Cost and length varies per subject. For brochure call Kate Boyer: (207) 858-5899 or email:

Yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong, and meditation in a bright and serene studio. Drop-ins are welcome. Classes for beginners & experienced students; private classes available. View schedule on the web at or call (207) 846-1162.

YOUTH YOGIS! Yoga classes for children ages 7-10. Playful, gentle, and creative expressions of yoga, breathing, and relaxation that children can relate to and enjoy! Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm. Led by Erinn Cayehal, CYT. Sanctuary Center, Yarmouth. Call (207) 846-1162. or email

Free Lectures. “Alternative Realities”. Psychotherapist/channel Brenda Nelson will speak about how to receive guidance from higher sources. Patten Library, Bath ME. 4th Weds. of each month. Starting September 27, 2006 5:00pm-8:00pm FMI: (207) 386-5056 or

Science Of Spirituality is sponsoring a satsang. Last Sunday of every month 1:00pm at Hartland Library, SOS is under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Jyoti meditation. Free, (207) 938-3928.

Ongoing Psychotherapy Groups, Yarmouth, ME. Openings available in weekly men's & mixed psychotherapy groups. Intentionally build your relationship skills, communication, personal and spiritual growth. David Ward, LCSW, LADC, (207) 846-3422,

Third Saturday of each month, with guest speakers from the Rawfood community. Support, learn, share, and build a local rawfood community. Call Aimee, (207) 409-0899. Location: Governor King Lodge 649, U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, ME, Sunday Services: 10:00am Healing Chairs 10:30am Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit, 12:00pm Fellowship Hour – Refreshments.

Ayurvedic Massage Experience Abhyanga, Garshana and Shirodhara, the ancient healing bodywork techniques of India. Ruthanne Harrison, LMT. Located in Richmond, ME (207) 737-8593.

Reiki Works offers all levels of Reiki classes, sessions and free clinics. For schedule please contact Andrea Smith, B.S. Rehabilitation at (207) 474-9962.

Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.

SpiritWings-Workshops, Reiki Classes & Events in Bethel Maine. Social Drumming Circle first Friday of every month. Reiki Shares second Tuesday of every month. Reiki Classes and other Workshops scheduled every month. Call for schedule (207) 824-2204 or visit website

A Gathering of People Exploring Conscious Living Join us Wednesdays. 6:30pm-8:30pm at 925 Sawyer Street, South Portland. Sliding scale $5 - $15. FMI: (207) 799-7998, or visit

Continued on Page 38 June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 37

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

August 31st Yoga Teacher Training–200 hr. Integrative Yoga Therapy

SunDo Mountain Taoism

38 Student Massage Therapy Clinics

Mindful Meditation™ Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm

at Namaste' Institute for Holistic Studies Ongoing Student Massage Therapy Clinics at Namaste' Institute in Rockport Maine. Please call for more information on how to become a recipient of Student Massage Therapy Clinics & Student Massage Therapy Session Studies! Call (207) 236-2744 or visit

All are welcome, no experience necessary. $15 or 4 classes for $50. Mind/Body Therapy at Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Road, West Falmouth, Maine, (207) 650-3964, FMI

Take Time For You

Learn Japanese styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, classes and private lessons. Herb consulting, past life journeys, connecting with nature. Contact Roberta R. Barnes (207) 445-5671,

Doula tea, meet with doulas in person.  Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet Sundays at the Ballard House, 131 Spring St. Portland from 10:30am-11:30am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.

Aikido of Maine Portland Aikido for Women classes, Wednesday and Friday a.m. classes. Daily beginner’s classes and youth programs. (207) 879-9207.

WholeHeart Yoga Center, Portland Full schedule of weekly classes for all levels with experienced, Kripalu-certified instructors. Private classes, workshops and regular Kirtans (chanting). Call Pam Jackson (207) 871-8274 or visit

Ongoing Yoga Classes Yoga classes and individual instruction that start from where you are and expand your life. Experience the Journey. Rising Moon Healing Arts, Kimberly Allen. (207) 590-0082,

Soundings - Energy Therapy Woven In Sound An intuitive blend of Reiki, IET, Quantum-Touch, crystals and sound. Usui Tibetan Reiki, IET and Crystal Bowl Meditation classes. Brenda (207) 557-2664,,

Ongoing Yoga Classes, Vacations & Retreats

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Kennebunk Monday evenings,Saco Tuesday and Thursday evenings Dayton Wednesday mornings. Dance, Chant & Meditate in Portland, Friday, 6:30pm-9:00pm, June 8th & August 17th Yoga Vacation July 21st-28th in the Swiss Alps. Yoga Retreat October 5th & 6th at Earthrest, Cornish, ME FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

USM Center for Continuing Education. Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.

Planetary Activation Organization in Maine

Is actively looking for people to join this group, for info: Visit If interested, call (207) 743-2613, E-mail, or write Maria Ham, 51 BumpTown Rd, South Paris, ME 04281.

Women’s Workshops Designed exclusively for you to address your unique problems online & in-person. Henderson, NV. $75 per workshop Fridays 6:00pm-10:00pm, FMI: (702) 408-1783 email:

Children’s Aikido Kokikai Class Schedules: Josiah Bartlett Elementary School in Bartlett NH Wednesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm grades 2-5 ($35/month) Wednesdays 4:45pm-5:45pm grades 6-8 ($35/month) Fridays 3:30pm-4:30pm grades K-1 ($30/month) The Ballroom in Harrison Maine Sundays 5:00pm-6:00pm grades K-6 ($30/month) Water and Stone Yoga Studio in Conway, NH Mondays 4:00pm-5:00pm grades 2-5 ($40/month) Mondays 5:15pm-6:15pm grades 6-8 ($40/month) Mondays 6:30pm-7:30pm adults and teens ($40/month) Contact Jane Biggio for more information at (603) 374-6326 or email at

Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center, Gorham.   Energy Vibrational Healing Therapies including Polarity and Energy Interference Patterning of DNA.  Ongoing Reiki & Therapeutic Touch classes. FMI: (207)-839-7192,

Artists Support Group, Inner Balance, Belfast, ME On 156 High Street. Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Call Elliot Benjamin at (207) 338-4576.

The Awakening Process Learn about a simple path that will eliminate depression and anxiety, leading eventually to peace and enlightenment. First and third Tuesday 7:00pm-9:00pm. Call (207) 286-8060 for directions.

Oriental Brush Painting Classes and Workshops Frederica Marshall, an artist who lived 28 years in Japan, teaches sumi-e in her Deer Isle Studio. Basic to advanced levels. (207) 348-2782.

The Rose Cottage Teaching Reiki Master, Transformational Breath, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Hypnobirthing. Private sessions by appointment. Gift certificates. Ongoing classes. Contact Vicki Kupferman 14 Weed Rd., Knox, Maine. (207) 568-3782.

Kripalu “DansKinetics” The body, mind, spirit workout blending yoga and dance. No experience necessary. Free trial class. Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd. Kennebunk. (207) 985-6896 or:

Sacred Circle Dance Dances from a multi-cultural folk dance tradition. Steps taught at all sessions. No experience/partner needed. Fourth Friday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Portsmouth, NH. FMI:, (603) 750-7506.

Ongoing Usui Reiki Classes in all levels, private sessions and free clinics, Gift certificates available. Please contact Judy Fisher, Reiki Master Teacher in Camden, Maine at (207) 236-0359.

Dancing Xigong: Twelve movements to music Every Thursday morning, 8:30am-9:00am Summer at Merryspring Park, Winter at Quarry Hill, in Camden. FMI call (207) 236-8732.

Experience the healing of Love without condtions. Ongoing classes. Learn the freedom of healing without limitations. Shamballa 1-4 and 13D Certification. Contact Elizabeth, Center of Momentum, (207) 873-3514, or

Short-term Solution-oriented Couples & Family Work. Guiding Couples & Families from conflict to communication, from disengaged to connected, from hurting to resolution. Group and private sessions. Call Maureen McCarthy-Darling at (207) 691-0023.

Energize! and RYSE® sessions (Realizing Your Spiritual Energies) Sessions for artists, actors and performers. Expand your creative potential, rejuvenate, rebalance after performance. $65/$55 Holistic Pathways. Gorham. (207) 839-9819.

Wise Women Daughters of the Moon Ceremonial Wisdom Circle honoring our Inner & Outer Seasons & Cycles. Sliding Scale. FMI:, or call Deborah, spiritual guide, healer & ordained priestess: (207) 883-1081.

38 Inner Tapestry June/July 2007

NESHHA Educational Presentation The New England Seacoast Health Association (an organization of Healthcare Professionals), has meetings monthly, third Thursday, Potluck 6:30pm, Networking 7:00pm at the Herbal Path, 839 Central Ave., Dover, NH.

C l a s s i fi ed s HELP WANTED

Looking for part-time kitchen help: Whole foods cooking from scratch for happy retreat participants (14 people, give or take) at our center or in a wilderness setting. Will start as a partial trade, to see if a good fit. You would get to surround yourself in a healthy, healing and supportive circle of women growing and stretching themselves gently along their path. You would be welcomed to participate as much as possible and still get the food thing done with TLC. Easy going, Self-starter, Low-maintenance women please email. Outdoor cooking a plus (open fire and 3 burner Coleman stove). Contact Jen Deraspe, Nurture Through Nature,, (207) 452-2929.


"The Retreat,” an ancient ritual site overlooking Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Available for hosting your groups, for individual classes or personal retreats. (207) 590-0979. Email, Space Available for Gatherings, Ceremonies, Presentations. At Earthrest, Cornish, ME. Call (207) 625-4179.

Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Peaceful location on the Royal River in Yarmouth. Newly constructed and beautifully appointed offices and studio. Energetically cleared & balanced. Full and part time office availabilities. Studio available for workshops or events. Contact Erinn at (207) 846-1162.

Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center has space to rent by day, month or event. We can accommodate your practice, business meetings, or celebrations. (207) 929-5088,

Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Shared practitioner space for rent as well as rooms for yoga classes, workshops and office space. Great location, 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth. Easy access to Routes 95 and 295. For more information contact Andrea at Meadow Wind (207) 878-3899 or (207) 939-1124, or visit

A Place In The Heart Energetically clear beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106. SACRED SPACE FOR SALE

WWW.BESTMAINEWATERFRONT.COM Perfect for your dream home, B&B or retreat facility! Privacy with accessibility to both Bangor and Bar Harbor. FMI see website or call Alison Cote (207) 632-3662.

Belfast Yoga Studio. Iyengar style Hatha Yoga All levels including, Beginner, Level I, Level II, Gentle & Private classes & workshops. For more info and schedule see or call (207) 338-3930/338-4256.

Aaminah School Of Middle Eastern Dance All levels of belly dance classes taught by experienced and caring instructors. Bangor and Waterville classes. Visit our website: or

NDE Support & Interest Group Light on the Water NDE Support & Interest Group holds monthly meetings in New England via teleconference. FMI, visit or contact Rev. Juliet Nightingale at (615) 292-2217 (mobile)

“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 368-5866 or

Crescent Moon Herbals Ongoing classes and events, psychic readings and energy workers. 76 Center Road, Lebanon, Maine. (207) 457-1114, e-mail: Web site:



Calendar of Events Listings The first 30 words submitted per issue are free! * Listings over 30 words, 75¢ a word thereafter. * Please follow the format of the calendar *No press releases. * Email text indicating choice of heading (Month, Upcoming or Ongoing). (Email & Website addresses count as 2 words.) * Email to: Ongoing Calendar Events under 30 words may be posted up to six months, or until requested to be removed.

Classifieds Keeping with the themes of natural living, alternative health & well-being. Classified ads are $20 for 30 words $1 per word thereafter. The submission deadline for the August/September 2007 issue is July 5th Email listings to


Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Practitioners Directory

BELFAST, ME Belfast Yoga Studio Iyengar Yoga, Relax&Renew® (restorative) Yoga, Yamuna Body Rolling®; classes, workshops, individual sessions. Marianna Moll (Iyengar, Relax&Renew®, Yamuna® certified) and Belinda Pendleton (Iyengar style, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Cardiac Wellness). (207) 338-3930.

BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME The Yoga Firm Studio Join our ongoing movement inspired Beginning and Flow Yoga Classes to restore the supple nature of your body and mind. Also offering Shiatsu/Acupressure bodywork. For schedule and info please contact Romee May, (207) 380-6975, 137 Townsend Ave.


CAMDEN, ME Open Door Yoga Center Offering a wide variety of Yoga classes, 5 Rhythm Ecstatic Dance, Feldenkrais Movement, Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic Drumming, T'ai Chi and Tantra Workshops. Morning, evening and weekend classes for all ages and levels. Conveniently located less than 3 miles from the center of Camden. Call for brochure or info: (207) 236-8971.

DAMARISCOTTA, ME Heartfeather Yoga Center Angela Farmer Inspired Hatha Yoga Classes, all levels. Ongoing classes, retreats, women's yoga insight group, children's classes. Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy-Individual sessions. Sanctuary in Yarmouth and Damariscotta. Mary Snow M.Ed.,RYT,PRYT. (207) 319-8024.

FALMOUTH, ME Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Offering several styles and levels of yoga from beginner to power yoga. Call (207) 878-3899 for class schedule or go to www.meadowwind. org for more information. 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, ME.

GORHAM, ME Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center All abilities/ages. Beginner, Continuing, Intermediate, Toning & Sculpting, Pregnancy Yoga, Couples Pregnancy Yoga, Mommy & Me (infants), Yoga for Tots. Private sessions available. Postures, breathwork, meditation, relaxation. (207) 839-7192.

Life Breath® Institute Offers classes, workshops and private sessions to meet your schedule. Chi-Kung, deep meditation, Reiki and breathing techniques combined to achieve ultimate well-being in our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual life. Rev. Valerie Davis B. Msc. 31 Rowe Station Rd., New Gloucester, ME (207) 926-5693.

NORTH YARMOUTH, ME Turning Light Yoga & Meditation Center Classes in Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Psychological & Spiritual Development. Free Monthly Satsang. Personal, group and corporate programs available. Director Darcy Cunningham certified by Institute of the Himalayan Tradition and Yoga Alliance. (207) 829-2700,


PORTLAND, ME. cont. WholeHeart Yoga Center Portland's Kripalu-affiliated studio offers weekly classes for all levels, including Beginner, Vinyasa and Meditation & Yoga. Our instructors are all Kripalu-certified and highly trained. We also offer weekend workshops, private classes, partner yoga and regular Kirtans (chanting). 150 St. John St., Portland. (207) 871-8274, www.wholeheartyoga. com or email The Yoga Center Quality instruction for 25 years. 30 weekly classesall levels, restorative, therapeutic, power, pre-natal. Master teacher workshops and Yoga vacations in Mexico & Maine. Two lovely studios & supply store. Directors Vickie Labbe and Jennifer Cooper, (207) 774-YOGA (774-9642).

Full Circle Synergy School of T'ai Chi Ch'uan We offer classes morning, noon and night. Cultivating stress reduction, balance, internal energy, and meditation, while celebrating the joy of movement spectrum from self-healing through athletic efficiency and power to self-defense. All abilities welcome! (207) 780-9581.

Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286,

Kundalini Community Yoga Full class schedule including beginners and children. Workshops. Groups.Private sessions. Certified Instructors. Class includes Kriya (set of specified exercises), breath, mantra, meditation, relaxation. Try Kundalini Yoga -- the yoga of Awareness. 52 Pine St., (207) 615-5405,

Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spacious & beautiful newly built studio. Professional instruction in KRIPALU & HATHA YOGA and MEDITATION. Now also PILATES and QI GONG! Group & private classes, all levels: youth, teens, adults. See website for schedule. (207) 846-1162,

Portland Yoga Studio Highly trained dedicated instructors, Iyengar certified, Anusara influenced. Beginner to advanced yoga, Prenatal, Teen, Life-Long and Restorative classes. Weekend workshops! Private Lessons! Massage! Beautiful studio! 616 Congress Street, Portland, ME (207) 799-0054, www.PortlandYoga. com, email Aikido of Maine Aikido: "The Art of Peace"' a martial art for selfdefense and spiritual development. Connecting movement, breath and energy through partner practice. Seeking harmony from conflict. Creating an Alert mind, calm body and enhanced health and awareness. Daily classes: beginners, adults & children. Flexible schedules, (207) 879-9207, 226 Anderson St., Portland,



The Inner Tapestry Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Directory is an excellent resource for getting the word out for your classes & workshops! If you and your group or school hold classes and workshops and would like to be listed in this Directory, please call: (207) 799-7995 or Email: Six issues in print is $160 for 35 words On line placement in the Directory of Resources with a direct link to your website is an additional $50.

June/July 2007 Inner Tapestry 39

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Wild Lotus Yoga Offers Anusara-inspired yoga for all levels. Classes are inspiring, transformative and fun! Also offering Yoga, Nidra, both in classes and private sessions. Anne Dellenbaugh, RYT, instructor. (207) 721-9229,



Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

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