A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!
I nner
Tapestry Economic Anxiety
The Pain of Why
Moving at the Speed of Grace
Life at the Corner of Grace and Divine
Painting the Soul of the Land and Spirit of the Harvest
Modern Shamanic Living ~ Light on the Water
Wandering Sage Wisdom ~ The Tao, Zen and Grace
The Way Of Life It-self ~ It's Invisible, Awww, but not for long
Loving Earth ~ The Power of Positive Community
Reflections of an Amateur Spiritual Spelunker ~ Whit's Fur Ye'll No Go By Ye!
Moving At The Speed Of Grace
Volume 10, No. 3
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Oct/Nov 2011
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 2 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
I nner Tapestry
This Issue's Theme
D ecember 2011/J anuar y 2012
October/November 2011
Moving At The Speed Of Grace
Let t ing G o o f I t All Februar y/M arch 2012
And S o I t B egi ns
Apr i l/M ay 2012
Stacking the Deck for Awakening...
by Espahbad Dodd
Life at the Corner of Grace & Divine
A New G enerat i o n J une/J uly 2012
by Emily Estes
Painting the Soul of the Land and the Spirit of the Harvest...
Page 10
by Karen M. Rider
The Pain of Why
Page 14
by John Ptacek
Martial Arts Coming Out of the Broom Closet
Page 21
by Max Holton
Moving at the Speed of Grace
Page 22
by Jill Marie Langdon
Page 26
by Phyllis Light, Ph.D.
Economic Anxiety
Page 30
Articles – October 15th Display Ads & Directory of Resources To Reserve Space – November 1st For Ad Copy & Graphics – November 5th Calendar & Classified Ads –November 5th
by Jane Honeck, CPA
Departments Modern Shamanic Living ~ Light on the Water
by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
The 21st Century Bohemian ~ The Intangible and Unmistakable Nature of Essence
by Teresa Piccari
The Way of Life It-self ~ It's Invisible... Awww, but not for long
Page 11 Page 14
by Norm Hirst
Awareness and the Art of Seeing ~ The Road West Travelled
Page 16
by Jen Deraspe
Reflections of an Amateur Spiritual Spelunker ~
Page 17
Whit's Fur Ye'll No Go By Ye!
by Curtis White
Loving Earth ~ The Power of Positive Community
Page 18
by River J. Lee
Wandering Sage Wisdom ~ The Tao, Zen and Grace
Page 20
by Aaron Hoopes
A Breath of Healing ~ With Grace You Can Win Any Race
Page 23
by Donna Amrita Davidge
Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna
Page 28
by Asrianna Dameron
Exploring the World Religions ~ The Out-Of-This-World by James Bean
Mystic Poetry...
Page 31
Mixed Media ~ Book, Website, Music and Product Reviews
Pages 45-47
Directory of Resources Yoga, T'ai Chi, & Meditation Directory Heart Visions, Calendar of Events, Classifieds
Pages 33-40 Page 41 Pages 42-44
I nner
T apestry Publishers Joan Emmons Ron Damico Betty Close
Advertising & Distribution (207) 799-7995 (203) 779-0345
(207) 799-7995 ~ (203) 779-0345 Email: info@innertapestry.org Or Visit: www.innertapestry.org Subscriptions ~ $20.00/year, 6 issues Inner Tapestry can be found in over 500 locations, but to ensure you don’t miss an issue, subscriptions are available.
Payments and Correspondence To: P O Box 122, East Hampton, CT 06424 October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 3
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Invisible Forces Wreak Havoc on our Health and Well-Being
Submission Dates December/January 2011
I nner W orkings by Ron Damico & Joan Emmons
NEW THIS ISSUE: Welcome to our Fall issue of Inner Tapestry, "Moving at the Speed of Grace." What does this mean? How does one define, or explain something that is without definition and the vibrational essence of the Divine in action? Grace is not just a way of being; it is a specific vibrational field that puts into motion Love, Compassion and Kindness without condition; because it can not be any other way. There is something about Grace, Love, Compassion, Kindness, Joy, Gratitude, and Understanding that when Realized (embodied as a way of being) transcends all intellectual understandings of it as something definable. When we begin to have, by choice, a more intimate relationship As these Essences of the Divine, we begin to transform the Way we are in this world and others. When one surrenders to the very Essence of Grace, it is no longer possible to be of this world. One begins to Be within the world and all it has made itself to be, in a way that is undefinable and challenging for most. This begins to create an expansive, grounded and sincere expression fully reflective of this Way, seeing the world and those in this world through the Eyes of the Divine. When one Is As Grace judgment, ridicule, blame, condemnation and the need for revenge are no longer a vibrational creation that is of willingness to create. Life is Lived to share the essence of Grace as a Way of Being at all times because there is no other way of being to consider. Therefore, the idea of "Moving at the Speed of Grace" is to move As Life without any restrictions in the sharing of this vibration with all of Life As every moment.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
We would like to extend our congratulations and Loving prayers and blessing to Curtis White and his wife Elaine on their recent move to Ireland. There were a number of motivating factors that brought this choice to light. Once they settled into the decision it all came together quite Gracefully. Curtis will continue writing his column and it now has reflections on and expressions of the process of the journey. If you notice the title, he's even speaking a different language! Just kidding. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and the many opportunities for creating wonder-filled experiences. As those of you who have been reading the journal for the past few issues you are more than likely aware that Joan and I were in the process of creating
a radio show. Well, as the journey presents to us continually, as choices are made, things continue to change direction. Within the partnership of the radio station information that was not clearly shared became know to us and its many hosts. This was not Gracefully received by many leading to deeply hurt feelings, irreconcilable differences and the dissolving of the radio station's partnership. Independently the former partners chose to move forward on their own creating independent radio stations. After Joan and I spent some time talking about this and how we felt about it all, we came to the choice to step away from both options. This choice was not that difficult to make, as we felt the issues were not resolved fully within each of the partners for us to walk into a situation we felt to be unstable. This does not mean a radio show is out of the question as we have also been approached by another station and we are currently considering their invitation. It just means we are letting go for now our affiliation with PWRN. With our upcoming issue's theme "Letting Go Of It All" the events of the past few months seem to be the catalyst to move us into the state of release and surrendering what we might "think" is beneficial. We have already received articles for this next issue, it will be very interesting to watch life unfold. Our thanks to Karen Rider and Paul Baldassini for the great interview and sharing of Paul's art for the cover. This issue's cover is very different, but the feeling of the connection, camaraderie and love for a way of life truly speaks to the ability to "Move at the Speed of Grace." Norm and Skye Hirst are also in the process of expanding their work and their future columns will have new and, I am sure, interesting, life changing sharings. Our columnist continue to immerse themselves in life's process to share with you what they have embodied to facilitate the expanse and awakening of our consciousness. There is always something changing and all of Life is constantly vibrating. But for the moment that is it. We hope you enjoy this issue of the journal and it is in service of your journey As Life shared As Grace As every moment. Be gentle and kind with yourself and each other.
Welcome to Inner Tapestry
OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION: As we weave from within, we begin the creation
of the outward expression and celebration of our own unique tapestry. Our intention is to provide a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life by creating and supporting a network of connection within the holistic community. In our tenth year as a Holistic Journal, we have become a leading voice for people in their discovery of holistic health, natural living and spiritual wisdom and insight. For more information on distribution and locations please email info@innertapestry.org or call 203-779-0345 or 207-799-7995.
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Let us support your beingness in growing!
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COME AND SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Organic Clothing And Recycled Leather Bags!
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 5
Stacking the Deck for Awakening Using Hypnosis to Facilitate Awakening by Espahbad Dodd
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Because some folks may challenge my underlying premises, let me briefly state them up front: • Any person who wants to awaken and is willing to dedicate the focused awareness needed to facilitate it should be given every opportunity. • This is a particularly propitious time to awaken. • Hypnosis can facilitate the process by watering the seeds of awakening already present in the subconscious. • Awakening does not need to be a long drawn out spiritual practice or the result of a dark night of the soul. I’ve met several enlightened people, studied with a few and read the works of many more. Several of my friends and acquaintances have awakened or had awakening experiences. I’ve long dreamed of awakening myself but, unfortunately, cannot confirm anything but the briefest glimpses. Nonetheless, the time is ripe for more of us to awaken – at least, such is the promise of the New Age and a likely outcome of 9th dimension consciousness. I’ve been on a path to inner peace and fulfillment since 1986 when I was initiated by Pir Vilayat Khan as a Sufi. After practicing Sufism for over 10 years, I pursued Vipassana meditation for another 10 years before becoming a Zen Buddhist in the Kwan Um School five years ago. A monk once queried Eckhart Tolle, “I’ve meditated intensively for over 30 years without attaining enlightenment. How can you tell me that in the short space of a weekend seminar, I can awaken?” Eckhart said, “Those 30 years practice must be what you needed to be here now.” I often felt like that monk until I finally gave up hope of ever experiencing enlightenment in this lifetime. Right now, the energies are particularly conducive for more people to awaken and glimpse enlightenment. That means anyone willing to let go of their self-imposed limitations and open enough to let a simple shift in awareness happen. Our planet and human consciousness is currently at a crossroads as we move from one era into the next. I suspect that anyone reading Inner Tapestry is aware of the changes occurring and I’m sure we all hope for the new beginning promised with the Age of Aquarius. My friends tell me it’s no big deal to awaken. It’s a simple shift from being unaware to aware. And a glimpse or two may be all it takes to catalyze the possibility of sustained awareness. No one can willfully awaken but with focused intention the seed we all carry can be watered. Awakening is difficult to precisely define or describe in words, which is why a frequent refrain of Zen masters is, “Don’t tell me. Show me!” I like Harold
6 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Bloomfield’s description. Bloomfield, I believe, is a psychiatrist and long-time insight mediator. An enlightened person… enjoys an unshakable baseline happiness… has a natural childlike innocence and spontaneity set against a background of emotional and intellectual maturity… maintains a smooth and unruffled flow of energy (with nothing wasted on worries or anxieties)… finds enjoyment and excitement infinitely available with ripples of pleasure in everything, overflowing with laughter and expressions of warmth and friendship. In The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, the final task that Socrates gives Dan is to “Act happy and be happy without a reason in the world. Then you can love… and do what you will.” Millman later described his initial awakening while experiencing a Socrates induced journey: For an instant, from a vantage point somewhere in space, I felt myself expanding at the speed of light, ballooning, exploding to the outermost limits of existence until I was the universe. Nothing separate remained. I had become everything. I was Consciousness, recognizing itself. I was the pure light that physicists equate with all matter, and poets define as love. I was one, and I was all, outshining all the worlds. In that moment, the eternal, the unknowable had been revealed to me as an indescribable certainty. It was through the inspiration of a close friend here in Farmington, Maine and a mystic in Canaan, ME that I rekindled my hope of awakening. From the teachings of different spiritual paths, I understand enlightenment to be something that we already have – a latent potentiality waiting to surface as soon as we successfully let go of our egos. Therein lies the rub because letting go of ego involves an act of surrender. It’s the jump into the proverbial void – the unknown, which Millman says becomes knowable. I’ve heard endless stories of people who awakened following periods of intense physical, emotional or psychological stress. Even Buddha had to come to terms with his demons before attaining realization. Others eventually awaken after long years of spiritual practice. Zen literature is replete with teaching tales and koans of people attaining enlightenment with a sudden shock or realization, usually after many years practice. But what about those of us who fall somewhere in the middle (i.e., no dark night of the soul or no possibility of full-time dedication to a spiritual practice)? If
Continued on Page 29
Life At The Corner Of Grace & Divine By Emily Estes
s global weather changes swirl around us; as governments, cultures and nations quake, crumble and crash; there has never been a more important time for us to find the secret of grace.
I have discovered that grace isn’t hiding or elusive. It’s there the minute you commit to your dreams, break free of your fears and show your gratitude. Living at the speed of grace is a joy to experience and may be the best way to stay sane.
Making this vision a reality has not been easy. We’ve had our share of chaos, hard physical labor, fear, and some big, messy changes. Our comic definition of grace is now “a state of divine sacredness achieved by framing, siding, plumbing, wiring, roofing, and painting, installing flooring, windows and doors and pushing harder than an Iron Man Tri-athlete.” In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of grace is: “unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.” Sanctification is defined as: blessings. For us hammers and nails, saws and screwdrivers became the tools of supplication. Repeatedly hitting a nail on the head takes great presence and perseverance. We said our prayers with our bodies and souls during each step of the construction. Now that it’s complete, our wellness center is a mirror of our best intentions: to be of service, to create a healthy environment of organic, eco-friendly choices, to
At first, grace arrived for us like the trickle of water that eventually filled our therapy pool. But soon we felt it building as the vision took shape. We marveled at the ease at which we were granted a business permit from the town; the way money repeatedly showed up when our bank accounts were empty; the days when we were exhausted and a friend or neighbor would magically show up to help. And the healing waters of grace were there when we sat in the hot tub nursing our sore muscles, pondering the next step, staring up at the stars and holding each other with love. Webster’s Dictionary goes on to say that “grace” is derived from Latin gratia to favor, charm, thank, from gratus pleasing, grateful; akin to Sanskrit grnāti he praises. In my heart, I’m incredibly grateful to the universe and my husband. I sing his praises. Without his many skills and deep, unconditional love, there would be no wellness center. I am thankful for the support of my family, friends, patients and all those who helped us build, especially my spirit guides. We are thankful to live in the creative vortex of unfolding grace. Please come in to our wellness center sometime. Share in our grace and favor us with yours.
Emily Estes, LPTA, LMT, Watsu Practitioner, Barnes Myofascial Release Therapist and her husband George Chapman, electrical engineer, are the grateful owners of Wild Grace Wellness Center, 36 Ludwig Road, Dresden, ME. Wild Grace features aquatic and physical therapy, Watsu, women’s health services, art & music therapy and integral workshops and spiritual programming. Wild Grace also offers a “play and stay” opportunity for intensive therapy and overnight accommodations in a log home. For more information please call (207) 737-2478 or visit www.wildgracewellness.com. For more information on Watsu, visit www.waba.edu. For more information on MFR visit www.myofascialrelease.com.
We Hope You Enjoy reading this issue of Inner Tapestry! October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 7
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Grace manifested for my husband and me after we asked ourselves one of life’s most important questions. “What is it we really want to do? What is our mission?” The answer unlocked our true potentials, healed us on many levels and we hope will contribute to the shift in the evolution of consciousness going on all around us. For the last three years our mission has been to build a warm-water therapy pool, physical therapy spa and integral wellness center in rural Maine.
offer others a quiet place to immerse themselves in nature, to feel safe, to go deep inside and heal and to create a community for collective transformation and hope.
mod er n s ham an i c l i v i n g
Light on the water by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
hamanism is our oldest way of understanding the world. It has carried the awareness of our connections to each other and all things for tens of thousands of years. Our shaman ancestors understood that everything around us is alive. Of course, it is easy for us to see that the plants, animals and birds are living. Yet, the rocks, the river, the clouds, the rain and the winds are as inspirited as you and I. Every aspect of our world is humming with enlivening energy. This indefinable “something” that continually breathes everything into existence is described in many ways. While physicists talk about infinitely tiny, vibrating Super Strings creating the particles of matter from which the visible world is formed, we shamanic practitioners simply say everything is filled with spirit. However, whatever unique language we use to try and explain, it is clear that we all are part of a marvelously interconnected fabric of Life. Each of us is enfolded by it and in constant interaction with it. Every one of our actions, thoughts and feelings send out ripples that impact the others in the fabric. In family systems therapy, the family is described like a group of people held together by an enormous rubber band. When one member of a family makes a move forward, the band that connects them naturally pulls the other members of the group forward as well. Initially, this produces a kind of chaotic rumble of movement that is a series of actions and reactions bouncing the family back and forth. This uncomfortable jostling prompts the family to initially fall into chaos. If the members of the family unit are willing to look at what is changing, shift the relational dynamics and then work out their issues—the entire group can begin moving in the same direction. A similar process is going on in our larger family of human beings. As some members begin to change and move forward, the rest of our human family is feeling shaken up. Some people will resist the shifts and create chaos. In the face of this turmoil, the individuals in the group have a choice. They can either choose to succumb to the turbulence around them and stay in that anarchic state or they can choose to work on their own inner resistances and wounds. In family systems work, as individuals in the group attend to their inner environment and experience their own healing, the benefits impact every member. Eventually, through the irresistible force of connection, everyone is moved forward. It is clear from the daily news that our human family is deeply immersed in the chaotic phase of change. While we are experiencing the pandemonium that is being played out by our larger family, we too, have a choice. We can contribute to the agitation by being resistant, remaining polarized and staying stuck in our old dramas or we can refocus our attention to our own inner healing. The latter choice is the one that can contribute to a more rapid and positive shift in the outer world. If we are honest with ourselves, each of us can see places inside that need loving attention. Perhaps we have old wounds that have caused us to believe that we aren’t as good or as important as others. In our early life, we may have been taught that we weren’t lovable. Perhaps we are feeling controlled by fears of being abandoned or being unworthy. Maybe we have tried to cover over our wounds with alcohol, too much work or other addictions. As we have the courage to unpack the old, unbeneficial perceptions and behaviors we have lived with for years, we have an opportunity to not only free ourselves, but to unleash a powerful series of vibrations across the energetic web that unites us. These changes contribute to all the waves being made by other people of courage. Eventually, there is an irresistible upwelling of transformation that carries all of us to a new, higher way of being. While that sounds like an impossibly huge shift, all each of us needs to do is our own part. Sometimes the hardest part of the shift is to recognize that each of us is a precious and remarkable aspect of the divine Wholeness. No part of the All That Is can possibly be more or less important than any other. My Nepalese shaman friend, Bhola always greets people with a shallow bow. While bowing, his hands are pressed together with his palms touching and his fingers pointed upwards, in front of his chest. This namaste gesture literally means that, “I bow to your form.” When two people greet
each other in this manner, it is in recognition and as a reminder that each one is a transcendent, sacred being clothed in human form. This understanding of our divinity is grounded in traditions that are hundreds of centuries old. While in their shamanic trances, those most ancient of our ancestors were able to see that every aspect of the inspirited world is connected by a numinous radiance which they called spirit. In reaching beyond the ordinary way of perceiving the world, those early explorers beyond the realm of the senses grasped the nature of reality that is only now being discussed by the discipline of higher physics. That is, everything that is or ever existed, is first and foremost Light. Everything we understand as physical is simply a standing wave pattern in that Light. Those early shamans also learned that each of us impacts the Light as we are irrevocably connected in it. Physicists too are now saying that our connections interact with the Light. This Light is all potential. How we think and feel produce different vibrations and those vibrations have a direct impact upon how the Light “crystallizes” into form. Our thoughts, feelings and the actions that flow from them change the nature of physical reality. While this may seem hard for our minds to grasp, it implies that you and I are participating in creating and recreating the world. Right now. This also means that we have the ability to impact the well-being of ourselves and this planet. We just need to remember our inherent magnificent power—stepping out of the false illusions that keep us feeling small. It is only our ordinary mind /personality that sees us as anything less than powerful creator beings. This is because we have believed the perspectives spun by our limited senses. Our sensory organs can only perceive the smallest aspect of the suite of vibrations that constitute All That Is. We can only see visible light and hear audible sound. This is a tiny portion of reality and even less than what many insects, birds and animals can perceive. Yet, we have based our fundamental foundations about what is real or true wholly upon their input. We have fallen completely under the spell of illusion. This illusionary world creates the belief that we are separate. It is the illusion that contributes to our belief that we are small, powerless and without value. This misunderstanding does not serve us nor does it serve All That Is. When a shaman is initiated, they often experience a kind of tearing away or destruction of their old self. The ordinary person with limited perception must fall away so that the initiate knows her or him self as a person of power. During a spiritual dismemberment ritual the person would see their body burned or eaten away. This often times terrifying experience helps the initiate to understand that her or his true self was eternal and existed both in and beyond the ordinary world. In essence, the initiate was liberated from the perceptions of their limitations while experiencing that she or he and everything in the surrounding world is radiant with spiritual light. Rather than creating a longing for the world of “no form” it helped the shaman to see that, since that light pervades everything, all of life is inherently precious. This same kind of understanding underlies the Medicine for the Earth work of Sandra Ingerman. Grounded in the most ancient practices of shamanism, it is a method that helps a person understand that—like the tribal initiate—he or she is a being of light. In addition, each of us can use our heart-felt intentions and focus to alter physical reality through experiencing ourselves in that radiance. In other words, when we bring our consciousness into the full experience of our Light, we create a harmony that transcends the limitations held by our ordinary mental state. In our Medicine for the Earth monthly gathering, we have witnessed water poisoned with a strong alkali become harmless. The water came back into a balance in the presence of a small group of people who released themselves of the illusion of their ordinary perceptions and then experienced themselves as pure, radiant Light. No one focuses on or touches the water. As the people remember their true nature, their inner harmony supports the world around them, including the beaker of water, to remember its harmonious wholeness and balance. Amazingly, this happens in just a few minutes of ordinary time. This
As Some Members begin to change and move forward, the rest of our human family is feeling shaken Up.
8 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
9 process is completely unexplainable by using scientific means. Ordinarily, the same this shift in Ph would only be possible if the polluted beaker of water was placed outdoors in sunlight for several days. It is scientifically “impossible” for it to happen in minutes. Yet, perhaps this is the very way that the shamans of old were able to perform the miraculous healings and transformations that are attributed to them. When we are experiencing our true nature and the nature of All That Is, we are transcending our ordinary limited self. In this transfigured state, we naturally generate healing and harmony. You see, our ordinary, limited self produces disruption. The consciousness that functions from limited beliefs is in constant opposition to the true nature of reality. When we shed that old, unbeneficial way of being, the world returns to harmony. The analogy of a swimming pool works well to help understand this idea. Every person in the pool disturbs the water as they move. When a group of individuals are each moving around, their waves crash into the next person’s waves and the water quickly begins sloshing around in a disorganized and turbulent manner. Once the people in the pool become still, allowing them selves to be upheld by their natural buoyancy, the water quickly returns to calmness. When we think about the fabric of reality, the chaotic patterns we see around us are a result of people acting from a place of illusion. In their feelings of separateness and smallness, they “splash around the pool” causing turbulence. When even a small group of people remembers that they are radiant beings not only upheld by but a part of the radiant “waters” of reality, everything returns to its most harmonious state. That is because the group that is transfigured transforms everything and every being around
them. This change occurs because harmony is not only conducive to creation it is the natural state of All That Is. At no place in our long, human history has there been so much support for us to be able to live from this understanding. There has also never been so much riding on our being able to “get it” and remember our place as divine, creator stewards of this beautiful world. Autumn is a perfect time to allow the illusions that keep us small to fall away like the dying leaves. As those unbeneficial patterns go away, we allow the energy of growth to flood back. We are able to experience life around us changing for the better. In dismembering ourselves of those limiting beliefs or behaviors that keep us small and (re)membering our place as divine co-creators, we not only step back into the flow of creation, we co-participate in that creation. We “calm the waves” and finally begin to dream a better world for our selves and all beings. © 2011 Evelyn C. Rysdyk Nationally recognized shaman teacher/healer, speaker, and author of Modern Shamanic Living: New Explorations of an Ancient Path, Evelyn C. Rysdyk delights in supporting people to remember their sacred place in All That Is. Whether through face-to-face contact with individual patients, workshop groups and conference participants, or through the printed word—Evelyn uses her loving humor and passion to open people’s hearts and inspire them to live more joyful, fulfilling and purposeful lives. In joint practice with Allie Knowlton as Spirit Passages, her web site is www.spiritpassages.com.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 9
Painting the Soul of the Land and the Spirit of the Harvest
A conversation with artist Paul Baldassini by Karen M. Rider
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Born and raised a city girl from Jersey, and even now as a Connecticut suburbanite, the closest I’ve ever come to tilling a field has been watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie with my daughter. Imagine my surprise to get the urge to plug a stalk of wheat between my teeth and hop on the back of a hay-wagon, simply because I looked at a painting of farmers working the land. When art recreates real life in such a way that you feel a tractor rendered in oil paint might actually come rolling, mud-splashed metal and all, right out of it’s picture frame, you pay attention. You think about how the images in the art relate to your life and your small corner of the world. That’s the power of art done well. Paul Baldassini’s paintings have that kind of power. A contemporary realist landscape painter, Paul Baldassini’s “Working Land” series portrays and inspires contemplation about the joys and demands of farm life, today. In oil paintings depicting the men working the land, I sense the labor of love these farmers have for what they do. In Father and Son, I sense the pride of one generation passing the land onto the next… working it, cultivating it, harvesting the gifts of the earth. Paul capably renders the "soul of the land” in imagery that evokes a deep connection between the spirits of men and their machines as they toil for the harvest each season. More than this, these striking portrayals of farmers and their machines, brings me to reflect on the multi-layered meaning of “to reap what we sow.” I am moved to reflect on the quality of the harvest I bring into my own life. The fall season is a time when I typically take stock of my life. It’s what I do, perhaps, in preparation for the period of deep reflection that comes over me in winter. I allow my subconscious mind to harvest the psychic resources necessary to move my soul forward on its journey. When I sat down to chat with Paul, I wanted to understand his journey as an artist—from raw talent glimpsed at an early age to what stirred in his soul, leading him to create this “Working Land” series. Talent in the Rough “I began drawing when I was around 6 years old. My mother, father, and other family members and friends took notice that I “had talent,” Paul begins his story. “My first public “show” was during elementary and middle school when I designed and supervised artwork for graduation ceremonies.” By high school, his talent was widely known among students and he was voted Class Artist. His teacher, Ray Brown, recognized Paul’s rough talent and became a mentor, introducing Paul to watercolor and oil painting. “My first oil painting was on a wood panel, which I still prefer to this day over stretched linen. I don’t know why I remember this, but the subject was a still life arrangement that included a horseshoe crab,” Paul recalled. Establishing a Style of His Own An expert photographer, Paul was swept up by the photo-realism movement in the early 1970s. “I began photographing and painting close up cropped images of hot rods and motorcycles, shiny chrome engines, auto detailing and that sort of thing. I used those photos as source material for paintings. In fact, those early photos and paintings helped me gain acceptance into Massachusetts College of Art.” While at Mass Art, Paul split his studies between painting and photography with a minor in screen-printing. “I painted in a photo-realistic style but was unable to get permanent instruction from the only teacher there who supported my work. So, I voluntarily left Mass Art to open my own studio in a vacant building on my parents’ property in Quincy, Massachusetts. In that small building I started a small screen printing business and used the street level floor for office and a place to pursue painterly dreams."
10 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Dreams Up in Smoke In September of 1974, a fire of unknown origin nearly destroyed the building. Twenty-one year old Paul rushed into the burning building to save whatever he could. He made it out of the building with his photo gear and a few favorite brushes only moments before flames consumed the building. Everything Paul had ever created was lost. Deeply buried emotions boil to the surface as Paul recalled running out of that burning building: “Everything I had ever drawn, painted or photographed up to that point in my life had become ash in just minutes. My dreams went up in smoke.” Paul stopped painting for a dozen years and channeled his creative energy into establishing a career as a graphic artist and typographer in Boston. Inspiration & Willful Determination Despite the setback, Paul’s desire to paint and to be recognized for his art had never really died. The building Paul had used as a studio was built by his grandfather Umberto, who had immigrated to the U.S. in the 1900s. Umberto, a stonecutter in the Quincy granite quarries, was a Renaissance man with artistic and mechanical skills whom Paul greatly admired and whose spirit lives on in Paul. “Umberto’s ‘tool studio’ was an endless source of fascination for me as a young boy. That’s where I first saw, touched and handled tools of all sorts, as well as glimpsed his numerous curious drawings, studies of animals and flora, and stone carvings. Umberto returned to Italy when I was 7 years old, and died there six years later in August 1966. His perseverance, craftsmanship and attention to detail had a profound effect on me that remains to this day.” Surrounded by and inspired by the many things Paul’s grandfather had built with his own hands was a constant reminder to Paul to not let go of his dream. As Paul’s graphic design firm became a reputable enterprise, he resumed self-study of the great artists and art movement (visit Paul’s website to learn more about his extensive studies). Influences on Paul’s contemporary work range from sophisticated primitive representations of the natural world found in cave paintings to Renaissance art and Baroque Spanish painters, to French and American Impressionism, the Golden Age of Illustration, Photo-Realism and contemporary painters. Paul has transformed these influences into his own unique style, one that is catching the attention of many reputable studios in the New England region. (Paul’s work is currently in the review and selection process at the Maple & Main Gallery in Chester, CT, where you can see his paintings beginning this fall.) Fascinated by Connecticut Farm Life While living in Boston, Paul painted almost daily while managing a design firm staffed by 12 graphic artists. He had won local accolades and regional showings for watercolor paintings in “The Café” series. When his family relocated to Middletown, CT, Paul stopped painting to focus on re-establishing a graphic design business and a photo-restoration business. “Like you, Karen, I was born and raised a city boy. Except for a few childhood trips to Vermont, I hardly spent anytime in the woods. Next thing, I’m making a home in Connecticut and everywhere I see fields, farms, farm animals and farm mechanical things,” Paul grins with boyish charm. Paul took instant notice of, and was particularly drawn to, the seasonal cycles of growing, cutting, haying and baling. He says he was “fascinated by the people who did this and how and when they did it. I became anxious to start painting again but this time I wanted to work with oil paint.” Reality set in: Paul had spent much of the previous ten years painting in watercolor. For the first five years living in Connecticut, Paul hadn’t painted at all. If that weren’t enough,
Conintued on Page 27
by Teresa Piccari
The Intangible and Unmistakable Nature of Essence
Ken Foster
few months ago a friend gave me a card of stunning blue and green design with an image of a pearl resting in an oyster shell called Your Essence by Angi Sullins and Silas Toball. The printed message reads, “Your essence is your wealth and mine.” It hit me where I live and teach from. In the fiction craft much fuss is made, and rightly so, about developing and honing the “writer’s voice.” That unique stringing together of words that distinguishes Faulkner from Hemingway and Dickinson from Millay. In song, think of the atypical, yet so identifiable, manner in which Frank Sinatra applied phrasing in his songs. But when it comes to memoir, essence is what does it for me. That impossible to hold or touch but staunchly refusing to be ignored quality that is unique to each human being. Infuse your story with essence and tell it with truth, humor, and grace and chances are you’ve got a best seller on your hands.
Plug essence into the Google search engine and what pops up are definitions including the inherent or unchangeable nature of a thing, and the characterization or identification of something. Look it up in Rodale’s Synonym Finder and suggested equivalents include heart, core, soul, truth, lifeblood and spirit.
How We See Ourselves At the first session of a new memoir writing class my students are asked to bring the picture of themselves they think best depicts the essence of who they are. Very often the images are decades old, like those found on obituary pages. In wistful voices, the writers will relate what it is they see reflected in their faces. Usually, qualities they feel they are currently lacking. On the rare occasion a current photo is brought to share – my heart rejoices and I give a silent cheer of celebration, knowing the work it has taken that person to hold onto or reclaim their sense of true self. Life circumstances can derail us from our true essence. As we write about our lives in stories, chapters or vignettes we can begin to see a map emerge, a trail that not only reflects but leads us back to our true essence, helping us to make better sense of the roads we have traveled and the destinations we have chosen.
The Essence in an Image I enjoy finding a particular photograph that communicates a person’s essence – as much as you can capture something so intangible. Last week I sent out a client press release and photo. I was fortunate to get permission to use an image by local Camden photographer Jim Dugan. His picture of Captain Sean O’Connor, builder, owner and operator of the Schooner Lazy Jack II, truly depicts the essence of someone I have come to know well over the last year and a half. The image combines the warm and playful nature of the boat captain with the sense of obvious pride he has for his vessel as he smiles confidently from the stern. It also shows a man comfortable in his own skin. It is the same image of him that hangs on the local captains wall of a Camden pub. My favorite image of my mother shows her on the beach in Atlantic City. I call it her sex kitten on the beach photo – even though she is in a rather conservative brown one-piece madras swimsuit. She is a bronze goddess - simultaneously and
My favorite image of my late father shows him perched on his floatplane. Dressed simply in chinos and a black leather bomber jacket, he smiles slightly. His black wavy hair is swept back from his face, in a bit of a pompadour, in keeping with the era. He is a man who knows who he is, self-assured, reliable, uncomplicated. What you see is what you get. Here you see a man who enjoyed adventure and the water – a lifelong love he passed onto me.
Power and Essence As a student of shamanism, initial actions focused on getting me seated back in my power. As I spoke with my teacher I realized that what she referred to as power, is what I call essence, and that they are one and the same. It is not something we evolve to but what we start with from the beginning. A good way to determine when you are in your power is to feel yourself in your body. When we are comfortable, it is such a natural way of being that it often goes unnoticed. As soon as discomfort begins to take hold, we sit up and take note. Keying into our essence can be elusive but is invaluable when it comes to living a balanced, satisfying and productive life. Determining what we need to do to sustain our natural power as we live our day-to-day lives is often a dynamic process and a lifelong journey. When I think of who I am at my core, there is a photo I turn to as a reminder. An image snapped by my late Uncle Don (a professional photographer) in his Michigan backyard when I was just ten. It shows a smiling though somewhat shy and happy girl who is trusting, open and kind, with extremely dark brown (they must have faded over the years) soulful eyes that are wise beyond her years. On my best days, I am the girl that looks out from this picture. Uncovering and integrating her natural wisdom in this world has not always been an easy task. I carry her in my heart and aspire to truly be her – a grown up version of her with my ten-year-old spirit intact. Which really, when it comes down to it, is the task of any artist.
Essence, Homeopathy and Heroes Define essence further and you come up with extract, concentrate, distillate and elixir—the domain of homeopaths and remedies. “Homeopathy works on your life force. It works on an energetic, pre-physical level. It is all about essence. Our remedies hold the resonant essence of the substance from which they’re derived,” explained Homeopath Susan Morrison, a colleague at The Wellness Center in Camden. “A homeopath’s goal is to provide a remedy that helps the body restore balance by matching the essence of the patient to the essence of the remedy,” said Morrison. When we look at mythic structure and the classic hero’s journey that is at the heart of every good story, the protagonist goes on a journey and ultimately returns with the elixir that has the capacity to heal not only themselves but, when shared, restore balance or peace to the kingdom. In our own life story, we play out our individual version of the heroic journey. Recording our journeys in written form can help us reclaim our essence and achieve balance in our own life and everyone we connect with in our community. © 2011 Teresa Piccari
Teresa Piccari is a writer, teacher and creativity coach living in coastal Maine. She is the proprietor of The Village Scribe, a professional writing and editing business, at The Wellness Center in Camden at 71 Elm St. She teaches writing workshops including Memoir, Creative Writing and Mythic Structure, and she also runs the monthly Ducktrap Writers’ Round Table on third Sundays at the Camden Public Library from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Contact her at The21stCenturyBohemian@hotmail.com or (207) 344-7070.
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 11
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To me, it is what the French mean when they refer to a je ne sais quoi – or certain something – that someone has. And while many think of qualities like charisma – I am not of the belief the term is so strictly limited. I am inclined to think that essence, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder- or reader.
inexplicably lean and voluptuous – everyone around her pales in comparison. If you morphed Sophia Loren with Sandra Dee, it would look something like this picture. It is a rare image of my camera-shy mother and one can sense she is not happy with the photographer, whom she is staring down with all her Aztec fierceness. If there was a request that she smile, it was ignored. It perfectly captures her complex nature.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 12 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Experience Divine Love with
Roland Comtois
Awaken... REALign Consciously with Sound
Harmonic Sound Immersion an evening of sound healing with alchemy crystal bowls, gongs and vibrational instruments.
Channeled Messages for the Soul
Saturday ~ October 15th 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Banner Total Fitness 1 Banner Rd., Moodus, CT 06469 Tickets are : $70.00
A Day of Channeling
Join us Fridays at 7:00 PM $20 October 14th, November 11th & December 9th Goff House, 2 Barton Hill Rd., East Hampton, CT Reservations necessary call 203 779-0345 Join us at 7:00 PM $20 October 29th, November 18th & December 16th Unity Church, 919 Ellington Rd., South Windsor, CT Reservations necessary call 860 289-8963
Wear comfortable clothing. Bring plenty of water, eye covering, a pillow, blanket and something soft to lie on. Please no scents ~ perfume or cologne.
Saturday ~ November 12th 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Roland will share the techniques of spiritual communication and demonstrate mediumship.
He will provide you with the tools to expand your spiritual communication skills and teach you to believe the gift within.
Maximum of 20 people - Location: East Hampton, Ct Exchange $150
For more information and to reserve your seat: email: joan@ronandjoan.com A Simple Truth at 203-779-0345 October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 13
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Roland Comtois, a Rhode Island native is widely known locally and abroad as a Spiritual and Intuitive Consultant, who channels the world beyond. Every message is channeled from the Divine Energy in honor of your spirit and your life.
t he wa y o f lif e - i t s el f
It's Invisible... Awww, but not for long by Norm Hirst & Skye Hirst, Ph.D.
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With so much exciting creativity occurring throughout the universe today, we are deciding to take a vacation, just this issue, as we move into our next phase of work that will be coming out in the next issue and over the next few months. Our work is transforming as we speak and Moving at the Speed of Grace seems to be evident, but not so easy to talk about. John O’Donohue ~ To Bless the Space Between Us Fixated on the visible, we forget that the decisive presence in our lives – soul, mind, thought, love meaning, time and life itself – are all invisible. No surgeon has ever opened a brain to discover crevices full of thoughts. And yet our thought determines who we think we are, who we think others are, and how we consider the world to be. We are not the masters of our own reality; granted we do choose the lenses through which we see the world, yet the shape and colour of these lenses are offered to us from the primal benevolence of the unseen world. Everything that is here has had its origins there. The invisible is the parent of the visible. We ask you to keep holding the space for us as we do our work and we’ll do the same for you as you do your work at this most pivotal time in human history – the end of an epoch and the beginning of a new one. Life is composed of self-acting entities. A new worldview is required. Physics has been seen as the fundamental science. No longer can we believe that physics is the most fundamental science from which all else can be derived. Not only is a new view of reality required, we also need to change protocols of inquiry to cope with it. We will make distinctions between the living domain and non - living domain – degrees on a continuum of aliveness to less aliveness. Primary differences will become apparent but the ultimate in living domain is that it is creative, self-initiating, and self-generating. In making this distinction we are in no way furthering the idea of dualism, but as a way to more fully understand the living realm of reality. In so doing we hope to provide a clarity, a new kind of “rational” means for navigating the complexity of life and living processes. We will be laying foundations building/growing on the shoulders of such a Heraclites, Peirce, Whitehead, Hartshorne, and Hartman who have so beautifully opened for us metaphysics of living processes of becoming, moving beyond materialism and fixedness to understand life as organism. For your meditations: We hold for you the pure potential of your becoming – being fully alive, thriving and allowing any long held limitations to be honored in that they came as teachers and then to allow them to melt into the whole as enrichment for understanding the fullness of the human condition, and to grow our capacity to know compassion and life-itself. Norm and Skye Hirst, PhD – co-founders of The Autonomics Institute. Together they are combining their work as consultants, researchers and educators to bring this emerging view of life as organism into focus. As the shift of consciousness occurs, Skye works as coach and educator to individual progressive leaders worldwide, helping business owners, policy makers, and community organizers process the difficult challenges facing us at this time. Beginning at MIT studying physics, mathematics and values, Norm chose as his life work the study of where and how values show up in science. 50 years later he’s bringing out his findings of a whole new reality, philosophy and science for understanding life-itself dynamics. Contact them at hirst@autognomics.org or shirst@autognomics.org.
14 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
The Pain of Why by John Ptacek Why don’t my children listen to me? Why don’t people return my phone calls? Why did it have to rain on my wedding day? Why are my coworkers so lazy? Why can’t smokers show more willpower? Why do people text and drive? Why do people cheat on their spouses? Why are people so environmentally unconscious? Why must there be deadly tsunamis? Reality baffles us. We question it every day. We keep waiting for people to be good, governments to be just, for life to be fair. What we really want is for reality to be fantasy, for it to live up to our lofty expectations. With one foot planted in reality and the other in a dream world, our lives are rooted in compromise. Life is a chore, a problem to be solved. It is often painful, and sometimes dreadfully so. Resigned to this suffering, we find ways to justify it. We decide that suffering is good, even noble. A sign of virtue. This saintly rationalization deadens the pain, but only briefly. Soon we are wondering why our marriages aren’t happier, why our children aren’t saying no to drugs, and why a collapsing stock market sucked our savings dry. What is it that we don’t have right? What is it we never learned about reality – life as it is – that makes us so newly frazzled by it every day? Did we sleep through the philosophy class that taught us how to appreciate it? Or the psychology class that taught us how to adapt to it? Or maybe it was a science class we slept through. 14 billion years ago nothingness exploded into something and, following a succession of progressively conscious life forms, that something included us. We human beings are but a single expression of life in a vast, intimately connected universe. Or so the story goes. Clearly we’re not buying it. Somewhere along the line we decided that being a bit player in a tediously long evolutionary story didn’t suit our ambitions. We wanted to be masters of the universe. Screw evolution, it was time for us to jump the track and take control of our destinies. Soon, our upright gait acquired a certain swagger. Life wasn’t about natural law, it was about attitude. From our new vantage point at the center of the universe, we had a much better idea of how life should be proceeding – our way. If we wanted something badly enough, we could make it happen. The way they do in Nike commercials. You just have to be willing to work up a sweat. Our attempt to subvert the will of a smoothly functioning universe had its downside, however. It put us on a collision course with suffering. When our Nike version of reality meets the real thing, it’s no contest. We lose every time. And when we lose we suffer, no matter how much we sweat. To believe we control the movement of life is to believe we are driving a bus on which we are merely passengers. We feel as if we are in control when the bus takes us where we want to go, but when it keeps chugging merrily on its way despite our attempts to turn or stop or slow down, we are incredulous. We grip the frozen steering wheel and stare helplessly out the windows muttering that teenagers shouldn’t be having babies, corporations shouldn’t be exploiting legal loopholes for profit, and a cure for cancer should have been discovered by now. Life asks many things of us, but suffering for our delusions isn’t one of them. The biggest delusion is that life should unfold in ways that make us happy. Since we weren’t even around when life began, our happiness could hardly have been a bullet point in its mission statement. Finding happiness is our job, and there’s more of it to be found when we meet life with open arms rather than with a fistful of angry questions.
John Ptacek questions conventional thinking and thinks you should too. His essays explore the unexamined assumtions that limit our capacity for happiness. They appear on his website, On Second Thought, www.johnptacek.com. He lives in Wisconsin with his wife, Kitty.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 15
Awareness and the Art of Seeing: Contemplations on the environment and interconnection by Jen Deraspe
The Road West Traveled
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love roads that follow the course of a river. The pavement is old and unsophisticated. They are not very built up from the natural lay of the land, dipping and tilting randomly. There is no break down lane or guardrail or very much warning at all to what comes next; simply two narrow lanes winding their way through the woods. The kind where the frost heaves remain there year round. These old roads leave it to you to work it out. Old country roads mesmerize me. These passageways cause one to travel more deliberately. There are stretches left in the countryside in Maine, mostly forgotten, except by the locals making their way around the mountains and along the waterways efficiently, the canopy of trees overhead offering a comforting container. Compared to the open highways, rather than seeing how much ground I can cover safely, these unimproved routes bring my attention to the details of the place, the roadside flowers and trees, the river guiding the way. For a while I served as a voice for a river here, representing it on behalf of my little town, as did 19 others. From the mountains to the sea, the Saco river courses through 20 Maine towns and for over 30 years the Saco River Corridor Commission listens and speaks on her behalf. Once a month, we would converge onto the most central river town, each traveling along its banks to see what we could do to protect and conserve her
16 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
natural beauty and purity. As I would drive home at night, even in winter’s dark and cold, I was warmed by the knowing that these fellow travelers were following the river back home again after doing what is to be done. These old roads are pulling me west now, where 6 lanes will separate one side of the road from another. I will, instead, follow the course of the sea. This bird will migrate to the pacific. I am not familiar with the ways and moods of the ocean, as I aged with the trees and the fish inland in the fresh waters. Ponds, rivers and springs held me. I will see what the ocean has to say. I look forward to finding my nature in the nature of things in California where I will practice walking in stillness amongst the bustle. And notice when I don’t. The next time you hear from me, I will be settling into a new perspective and different soil under my feet. I look forward to sharing with you what I find there.
Jen Deraspe is the founder of Nurture Through Nature Eco-Retreat Center in Denmark, Maine. She is a Holistic Life Coach, specializing in The Work of Byron Katie. Her love is to guide people back to their true nature, that of balance, clarity, peace and freedom. She is exploring the possibility of living bi-coastally, offering workshops and coaching immersions between Maine and California. FMI: www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
ref lectio ns o f an a m a t eu r s p i r i t u a l s p el u n ker
‘Whit’s Fur Ye’ll No Go By Ye!’ By Curtis White
landed in Edinburgh airport about a week ago and from there got a train north to Aberdeen. It would be a two and a half hour journey to my new apartment. I had been on trains before which were rattling, drafty tin cans which lurched and screeched around corners and felt more like wooden roller coasters or school busses on makeshift tracks than actual trains. This was not one of them. This was modern, spacious and comfortable. It was bright and clean. If those trains were shaggy 19 year old students living in cold water apartments with pizza boxes for pillows, then this train was a grey haired executive vice president of marketing for a fortune 500 company.
But suddenly it seemed like a lot of stuff. On the flight from Belfast, Northern Ireland earlier that morning I wondered seriously what would happen if I ducked into the lavatory, not to sneak a cigarette, but to smash and flush the set of three 8x10 heavy ceramic picture frames I’d been dragging around in my hand luggage. Ultimately I decided against it. The thought of riding in yet another car to prison was too much to handle. I found myself, for the first time in my life, wondering what the total weight of all of my underwear might be. I started considering things like, ‘if we had to lose just one bag, which would it be?’ Although, it wasn’t exactly Sophie’s Choice, given that at this point I just wanted to ditch all the bags and arrive with nothing more than the T-shirt and pair of jeans I was wearing. I was looking forward to being done with travel. I had expected this train ride would be the last hurdle—the final trial to endure en route to a new home and a new beginning. And it started out this way, but only for a moment. One aisle of the train’s cabin faced forward, the other backward. My aisle faced backward, so as we raced away from the station I had a moment of disorientation and queasiness, but quickly felt fine. The train brought us through hills that had been cut in half for the tracks to run through. Passing through these narrow open air tunnels I got a sense of how fast we were going by seeing the stone walls flit past—no more than a couple of feet from my face—though, I couldn’t feel the speed. The ride was smooth. When we emerged out from these tunnels onto lower land I could see a vast patchwork of green and golden fields miles and miles of them sloping up and away from us in all directions. Many were fenced off with tidy stone walls no more than two or three feet high. There were clusters of sheep scattered across the green fields like little details in the background of a painting. A bright blue sky capped off the scene. There were stands of enormous fluffy white clouds, the kind that would suggest a beautiful day in late October in parts of New England. Except this was not New England and it was not late October. It was closer to Old England, and it was almost exactly the middle of September. About every 20 minutes another perfectly manicured golf course whizzed by. It looked like a great day to play—dry, warm and sunny. We raced around corners, past little hills where patches of thistle grew on the steep banks. They were purple in color, and seemed to be fluorescent against the green hills brightly lit in the sun. The Thistle is the National symbol of Scotland, I suppose because it is a tough and resilient plant that can survive and even thrive in tough conditions. Plus, it can probably handle itself in a bar fight.
He quickly punched a hole in my ticket and left.
I found myself, for the first time in my life, wondering what the total weight of all of my underwear might be.
The train was nearly empty except for us. I stood, turned around to face forward and gripped the back of my seat and looked out one side of the train, then the other—taking in panoramic views of a massive salt-water river which flowed on either side of us as we went over it on a very tall bridge. It glinted like mica in the sun. It looked mythological. Sandbars jutted out into the middle. There were seals on them that I didn’t notice at first as they appeared so small from our height. Birds flew up around the train and we guessed at what they might be.
All of our travels were wrapping up, and in the best way possible. I sat back down, and started to feel easy. It was a sunny, warm, good day. I was enjoying this train and its sights. It was not a chore. I was in the moment. More than that, I wasn’t worried what was going to happen next. I wasn’t thinking about how I was going to get the bags out of the train and onto the platform and into the next taxi. I wasn’t worried about the lousy conversion rate I got turning my dollars into sterling. Okay, so I might still have been wondering how much my underwear weighed, but that was more about curiosity than anything. My sister-in-law had gotten me a book of Scottish sayings and phrases. It’s a little collection of Scottish wit and wisdom, the kind you can get at a gift shop. It’s good for a laugh. I’d been reading phrases out loud, making my wife’s family from Northern Ireland laugh with my horrible Scottish accent. There was one phrase I found particularly interesting, though I didn’t exactly know what it meant. “Whit’s Fur Ye’ll No Go By Ye!” It means, essentially, that whatever is destined for you, you won’t miss out on, so don’t worry about it. I assume this goes for the good as well as the bad stuff that’s coming your way. If it’s "fur ye," don’t worry, it’ll "no go by ye." Don’t worry, and don’t fight it. Just live and to quote another Scottish phrase, "Get oan wae it!" That means, "get on with it." I’ve been saying this over and over since I’ve been here. Not out loud. I don’t want to get punched in the face if someone thinks I’m making fun of their accent. But in my head I’ve been using the phrase to remind myself that it’s much better to sit back, relax and enjoy the proverbial and in some cases literal ride than it is to worry about what will happen and assume the worst. Some people go to Tibet for this kind of wisdom. I got mine as a gift from a trinket shop in Edinburgh, Scotland—which proves that if you’re destined for something, it’ll get to you one way or another. (Announcer Voice) Can our Spiritual Spelunker find wisdom in the ancient land of the Scots? Will he make it to Rosslyn Chapel and discover ancient Templar secrets? Or will he get sidetracked and spend his days 'investigating' the inside of his local pub? Important questions remain unanswered! More will be revealed next time... Stay tuned...
Curtis lives and works in Northern Scotland where he just moved with his wife and partner in crime, Elaine. He spends his days looking for the correct work-life balance, and the secrets of the universe. He is currently at work on a novel. Feel free to question, praise or cajole him at your leisure. He can be reached via email at cwwhite78@gmail.com. October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 17
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
I had fully expected another big schlep—another leg of a long trip where I would need to drag around my, by now seemingly enormous suitcases and hand luggage—the things my wife and I had taken with us on the move from America to Scotland. In preparation for the move we’d sold, given away or tossed out most of our things— which actually felt kind of good. We’d looked at it as a chance to start fresh. What little we’d kept had been packed, in some instances be-jammed into these large cases.
I had noticed a paper coffee cup on the table in front of the seats ahead of me. I kept peaking through to see whether the movement of the train would send it sliding off the laminated table and into the wall and onto my luggage. I heard a whoosh as the sliding glass doors opened ahead of us. A steward entered our cabin with a large clear plastic bag and tossed the cup in. Soon, another steward with a long red beard came back through the sliding glass doors into our compartment. I immediately thought of Scotty entering the bridge of the Enterprise. I half expected him to shout breathlessly, ‘We’re not gonnae make it captain! Thae Train has run tow-tally Owoot of Powurrr! We’re gonnae haf’ tae jump intae thae riverrrr captain!’
l o v ing e arth
The Power of Positive Community by River J. Lee
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Our deep love for life and this planet makes many of us want to live intentionally connected to the earth in good stewardship. In that vein, this column explores sustainable living, practical skills for nurturing the inner hunter/gatherer and stories from the wilderness. We have the power to lift each other up, to give and receive help, to teach, support and love one another. In fact, if we so choose, the entire universe can be seen as a network of interconnected beings who rely on each other. This reliance upon each other is the natural order of life and a source of great power. One of the dilemmas with acknowledging our interdependence and reliance upon each other is that our sense of individuality and uniqueness can feel threatened. Some negative attributes of the lone wolf archetype include loneliness, fear of people, inability to form emotional bonds, denial of interdependence and isolation. The fear of losing one’s power or essence is a valid concern in unhealthy communities. Where selfishness, greed and malice are the social norm, protecting one’s heart and emotionally withdrawing makes sense. It is safer to not ask for help, to hide vulnerabilities and kindness. It is my experience that supportive relationships and community can help individuals let go of the old survival mechanisms and come into their own power. The very act of asking for help or reaching out to another requires humility that is a prerequisite for emotional and spiritual growth. Humility, as described in Wikipedia, states: Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest, and respectful. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, being connected with notions of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine, and of egolessness. 1 We cannot change and grow alone in a vacuum. Part of the fear of asking for help can be the idea of laying oneself vulnerable to rejection, ridicule or judgment. Asking for help is also an admission that we don’t have all the answers and are not self-sufficient all by ourselves. Asking for help implies that we are ready for change, which can be scary. Eventually, the practice of receiving help, transformation and growth becomes more solid than trying to hold on to what we know. Let’s face it; we walk on the shoulders of those people before us who have pioneered a positive path through life. Our teachers and mentors, twelve steps groups, the writers whose books we read, our friends and family make up the human fabric that provides us the buoyancy we need to heal, grow and make a difference. In my life, there have been hundreds, if not thousands of people who have aided and supported me, helping me become who I am today. If you are willing to ask for and receive help and change, you can have a supportive community as well. A paradox is that the teacher needs the student just as much as the student needs the teacher. When you ask someone for help you’re honoring them and providing to them an opportunity to express their life purpose. A lifetime of growth and change is in store for us if we’re brave enough to embrace it. During its life, a tree never stops growing. Even as an old tree dies slowly rotting from the inside, it is still growing on the outside. To be on a healthy emotional and spiritual journey means to be constantly growing, either asking for or giving help. A healthy forest canopy supports all the members from wind that threatens to blow down the individual. As important as people are to us, we are in positive and supporting relationships with so much more. We participate in the earth cycles, giving and taking. I find it useful to meditate on how the earth supports me as this fills me up with gratitude. I find myself grateful to the trees that I cut down for firewood. When I see the logs and piles of split and stacked wood at my home, I feel excited and thankful. I
feel responsible when I thank the trees for helping me sustain my home. When I burn propane to cook or heat hot water, or when I use gasoline to drive my car, I remind myself that I am burning the compressed life force of the animals and people that came before us. Fossil fuels, after all, were created when living organisms decomposed in an anaerobic environment. 1 What would my life be like without those who lived and died so long ago? I am grateful for the plants and animals that I eat. I try to eat as locally as possible, so I think of the farmers who grow the veggies and the soil organisms that feed the plants. I think of the life giving rain that drenches the soil. I remember that the chickens in my freezer came from the farm up the road and my friend’s backyard barn. The wild deer in my freezer, from last fall’s hunt, lived in the forest and ate acorns. I am rich, because I have a wonderful place to live and so much good, healthy food to eat and people to share it with. I am rich because I am nurtured by the life force of the deer, the acorn, the microorganisms in the soil, the farmer and the rain. And how do I give back? I breathe and feed the plants the carbon dioxide that comes out of me. I, (begrudgingly), feed the various insects and microorganisms for whom I’m a prime habitat or food source. I fill myself with gratitude, joy and love and try to spread this everywhere I go. I try to make a difference in the world and in people’s lives. I treat my family well and give them lots of time and love. I listen and pay attention to what people and the natural world tells me. I focus on limiting my consumption of resources. In the end, my body will return to the great biomass of the earth to be reused in some way. The great mystical powers flow, often unseen, through people and the natural systems of the universe. If we pay attention, we can hear the messages that flow from the wind responding to a thought. So often, the thoughts, emotions and energies that we exude, return to us in the world and people around us. Sometimes our surroundings can be a mirror, and other times can give us guidance. I love hawks and eagles and have often watched them to see what they might have to tell me. Several years ago I was planning a motorcycle trip from Maine to the southern tip of South America. I looked around for a motorcycle and finally found one that I wanted to go check out. As I approached the house where the motorcycle was stored, I saw a hawk circling directly above. I took that as a positive sign. I bought the bike and it faithfully carried me on my journey. When I arrived at the southern most city in South America, literally the end of the road, the engine blew a gasket and died. The entire process was beautifully orchestrated by some greater force to which, I’m thankful. Once, many years ago, I was feeling emotionally desperate for reasons that I can’t remember. I remembered the instructions that someone had given me years ago, that when I was not feeling well reach out and help someone else. I went out to the garden and with tears in my eyes asked for someone to help. Later that day, I went on a walk in the mountains and met a man. We got to talking and discovered that we had a lot in common. I ended up helping and talking with this man for years to come and it was an enriching experience for both of us. The resulting feelings from my experiences with helping and loving people, the earth and mystical powers are that the world is a safe place and that I am supported and loved. It should be known that I have not always felt this way about life. In my youth, I was afraid of life, afraid of people and lonely. I was on a self-destructive path. The help and guidance that I received along the way have altered the trajectory of my life. I hope that you too have the courage to change and find people who can help you in your journey. Now, like the tip of a branch on a pine tree in the middle of a healthy forest, we are poised to be the pinnacle of growth. It is up to us to support a positive reality on
Eventually, the practice of receiving help, transformation and growth becomes more solid than trying to hold on to what we know.
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19 this planet. It is our duty to help the next generation of people who are trying to make sense of their lives and the world. It is up to us to fill the world with joy, love and hope. Together, we can accomplish what we cannot do alone. 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_fuel River lives an abundant life and loves to spend time with his family, hunt and gather food, cut firewood and maintain his home. River’s professional life reflects a tapestry of skills and interests. River leads trips and teaches outdoor skills through his guide service, Maine Bound Guides. River owns and operates Ridgetop Construction, a small company with a green focus. To help people grow and heal spiritually, River offers counseling and healing work through Mountain Spirit Journeys. http://www.maineboundguides.com/,
http://www.mountainspiritjourneys.com/ (207) 461-4840.
Harmonic Sound Immersion Discussion and Vibrational Sound Meditation Gongs and Crystal Bowls create a harmonic resonance that vibrates through each cell of the body. When in harmonic resonance, resistance no longer exists as a dis-ease factor within the body. This allows harmonic tones of our body, emotions, mind and spirit to produce a harmonious resonance within and without creating life as abundant joy. All sessions are energetically supported.
Wear comfortable clothing. Bring plenty of water, eye covering, a pillow, blanket and something soft to lie on. PLEASE no scents ~ perfume or cologne.
Join us Saturday & Sunday
During this weekend the focus will be to support the processing and the release of, traumatic (emotional and physical) and other forms of patterning that has contributed to the dampening of and the interference of a soul's light to guide one's life. With the use of harmonics created by gongs, crystal and brass singing bowls, the Rings of Oden and our unique method of energetic and consciousness support all will be supported in the process of clearing, re-aligning, awakening and integrating a way of being that is specific and unique to your soul's expression. Wear comfy clothing, bring plenty of water, a light lunch each day, blankets, pillows as you will be lying on the floor, or an anti-gravity chair if you have a back problem, eye covering, journal and pen.
Exchange $195
Class Limited to 25
October 21nd - 7:00 PM Freeport Community Center 53 Depot Street, Freeport, ME
Healing Harmonic Sound Concerts with Gong and Crystal Bowls $25 Pre-registration - $30 at the door Leapin' Lizards, 123 Main Street, Freeport
FMI: Call Ron and Joan 207-332-0128 Reservations (required) 207 865-0900 October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 19
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October 22nd - 10:00 to 5:00 PM October 23rd - 10:00 to 5:00 PM Sound Workshop Soul Light Activation
wa nder ing s age w i s d o m The Tao, Zen and Grace Aya Itagaki
by Aaron Hoopes
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he word Tao (pronounced daü) in Chinese means “the way,” indicating a path of thought or life that concerns the essential unifying force of everything that exists in the universe. Taoism is following the way of living in harmony with that force. Many people on a spiritual path embrace the principles of the Tao without realizing it. The Tao-te Ching is the earliest document in the history of Taoism. It is a viewpoint that emphasizes individuality, freedom, simplicity, mysticism, and naturalness. Considered one of the great philosophical works of ancient China, Tao-te Ching literally means “The Classic of the Way and Its Power.” The book is less than 5,000 words long and is very likely one of the oldest written texts in the world. Authorship of the Tao-te Ching is generally credited to a man named Lao-Tzu but knowledge of him is so scarce that only legends remain. His name itself, means “old master” or “wise sage” and his teachings are very pertinent in our modern world. The Tao is all encompassing. Despite the appearance of differences in the world, within the Tao everything is one. Since all is one, matters of true and false or good and evil are irrelevant and only arise when people cannot see beyond their narrow perception of reality. Taoism is a system of philosophical thought that puts emphasis on the spiritual life instead of the material world. The Tao is considered unnamed and unknowable. Followers of the Tao avoid wasting their energies on the pursuit of wealth, power, trivial knowledge and other distractions. Instead, they concentrate on the reality of life itself of breathing, moving and living in harmony with the natural world in the present moment. Living the Way of the Tao can be expressed by the term wu-wei which means doing – not doing. This concept does not signify non-action; instead it refers to action without attachment to the action, action without thought of the action. This is very close to the concept of Zen. The roots of Zen also come from ancient China as well as India and fundamentally focus on the concept of pure human spirit. It can be imagined as the integration of the disparate aspects of the self into one complete and divine being. Zen is also the foundation of the Bushido code, the way of the warrior. The samurai, who lived their lives at the edge of a sword and could die at any moment, were taught to concentrate on and immerse themselves in the here and now in order to connect with the fundamental core of their being. It helped them develop the powers of concentration, self-control, awareness and tranquility. If they approached each battle as if it were their last, they would be able to have every part of their being at their disposal. Zen itself has no theory. It is not meditation. It is not thinking. It is not not-thinking. It is not something you learn. It is simply something you are. To practice Zen is to live fully and completely, not in the past or the future, but right here and right now. As with the Tao, the power of Zen is in simplicity, and yet it teaches one to become a master of all things by learning to go with the natural flow of the universe. Trying to walk upstream against the river is pointless. It is better to accept that change is inevitable, learn to embrace it and make the most of it when it comes. Both of these concepts are based on simplicity. If you have no expectations, then everything that happens is a surprising success. If you have no desires, then everything you get is a bonus. It is being alive in the present moment, experiencing life as it happens and reacting to it in a calm and natural way. It is living fully and completely. In the words of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, one of India’s most widely respected spiritual teachers, it is known as “aliveness.” It is a feeling independent of any outward forces. It is being happy without having a reason to be happy. The difficulty lies in reaching this state of being and experiencing it. It is easy to speak of it. Living it is another story. Lao Tzu, in writing the Tao Te Ching, observed that plants, animals and humans are born supple and soft, yet when they die they are stiff and brittle. In order to experience the kind of “aliveness” Lao Tzu and Rajneesh are referring to, we must be supple and soft. We must breathe, move and relax. We need to learn to allow the soft and supple aspects of life to prevail. We need to pay attention. That which is hard and stiff will be broken. The modern lifestyle in our Western world runs counterproductive to the concepts of the Tao and Zen. We give the highest value to technology and progress, believing
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that we have unlimited resources to continue along the path we are traveling. We think it is our right to take as much as we can for ourselves regardless of how it impacts other people or the planet we live on. We embrace the distractions of media, television and technology because they allow us to ignore the real truth of our predicament. We are caught in a hoax where we acquire and discard anything and everything in an endless cycle of mindless consumerism that is rapidly destroying our world. We have lost our grace. When the world rewards competition and selfish acquisition, while the ideas of cooperation and sharing are seen as a way to fall behind, something is wrong. Living in Zen or embracing the Tao is about existing in the present moment. It is enjoying life regardless of the circumstances. It enables us to find the freedom to enjoy whatever we have at this present moment. It enables us to break free of the technological, consumerism trap we find ourselves in. We must recover our grace. True freedom is adapting to the infinite variety of life conditions without losing confidence in our ability to connect to the deeper spiritual essence within. Being distracted is no longer a valid excuse. We should all be aware by now that we live on a finite planet and taking whatever we want goes against the natural flow of life. It will only lead to difficulty and disaster. It is not the way. To reclaim our grace we need to remember that we are all part of the whole. Help others. Give of your time and resources. We can only succeed together. Wishing you much peace, Please visit my blog to share any comments you may have. More Wandering Sage Wisdom at: http://wanderingsagewisdom.blogspot.com. Aaron Hoopes has spent 28 years studying and teaching martial arts, tai chi, yoga and meditation. He is the founder of Zen Yoga and the author of five books. He teaches an Online Personal Development Course for Spiritual Deepening and holds retreats at the Ledge End Retreat and Healing Center in the mountains of Vermont. His best-selling Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up DVD is a simple method for integrating breath and movement into daily life. Please feel free to contact Aaron: breathe@artofzenyoga.com. Visit the Zen Yoga Website: www.artofzenyoga.com
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Martial Arts Coming Out of the Broom Closet By Max Holton
he martial arts are often misunderstood by John Q. Public. Terms like karate, jujutsu, tae kwon do, ninja, and kung fu are used, but seldom understood to their fullest. Often seen as a sport or an evening fitness class, like aerobics or spinning, the rich history and deep philosophy of martial arts have been lost or denied to the generalized Western public. Sadly, when the public is asked to describe martial arts, often the first thoughts that arise are the various Asian forms of combat, more external and hard styles than internal and soft styles, sports competitions, and the often misperceived, and less understood, spiritual relationship associated with martial arts.
Unfortunately many of these practitioners know little of their arts history, let alone their lineage from founder to student, nor do they have any concept of other styles of martial arts in comparison to their own. Many martial arts in the West fall into the category of sports and completion oriented, and less are more complete than that. By complete I mean that they have martial application as their main focus but they also include philosophy, healing arts, and the spiritual arts as sub arts of the system. In the West it seems that when someone mentions spirituality within the martial arts much pessimism and disapproval follows as if there is no connection between the two, a true taboo merging the two. In the West there is an unspoken separation between spirituality and martial arts that is unfortunate since many Asian martial arts are often associated and born out of Buddhism and Taoism. And many schools of martial arts in the West lay claims to spirituality only to note that their classes include 5-10 minutes maximum of silence before or at the end of their martial instruction that they term as meditation, typically with little or no instruction to accompany it. It also appears that mainstream martial arts in the West can and do tolerate religion, when it is Christian based; simply put into any internet search engine “Christian Martial Arts Associations” and see the numerous pages that can be clicked onto. Though still a minority as compared to most schools in the West, these programs are more ministries than martial arts with actual Christian origins. According to the American Heritage Dictionary the term “pagan” is defined as “one who is not Christian, Muslim or Jew; heathen.” By this definition Buddhism,
In the West there is an unspoken separation between spirituality and martial arts...
There are some martial arts schools, typically non-commercial schools, which do keep their spiritual traditions as part of their training and syllabus. Often these schools are small, as the general populous has the misinformation that these spiritual traditions are irrelevant to the art. I have been a martial artist for a good long time and what I have seen is that on average these schools have students who are, more so well rounded, understanding esoteric energy (chi) and modern quantum mechanics in spirituality to great depths with application to the martial-way. These same students often become exceptional healers in the ancient healing arts as a result of their curriculum as well; the thought being “if one can fix it, then you know how to destroy it as well,” and understanding that a whole person is of body, mind and spirit.
Martial arts like Hoshin, Kuroshinobi-do, and Kosho Hoho Yooga Kempo are examples of traditions that include spiritual, shamanic, or esoteric studies in their curriculum. Interestingly enough these martial arts seldom, if at all, compete in sports like competitions. Some have even been referred to, in ignorance, in popular martial arts chat rooms as a “Harry Potter want to-be’s.” Unfortunately, due to decades of public misinformation the concept of having compassion and understanding, for spiritual paths other than Christian ones, has been lost. Many martial arts have misplaced this major component of its teachings, Pagans in turn have been ostracized. Yes, each of us has the right to learn about other spiritual paths different than their own and no one should be forced to convert. Some choose to be educated and some do not. But doesn’t tolerance make sense in at least being made aware of the spiritual relations in a particular martial tradition? I was exposed to some shamanic, earth based and Buddhist concepts in my martial training and my teacher was clear that it would be my choice whether to apply them outside of the curriculum or not. I was raised Roman Catholic and chose to see the similarities between spiritual paths and not the differences. Never was there ever an attempt of conversion like some mainstream churches of today; but what it did do was allow the student (me in this case) awareness of the full art and an understanding of other spiritual traditions and I, for one, am grateful for the experience and truly believe it has made me a better martial artist.
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It seems that most martial arts in the West are commercial schools located in plazas promoting a 2 class a-week training in their particular style, priding themselves as a black belt school with intentions that in anything from 2 years to 5 years a person on their timetable can obtain the coveted black belt, often seen as an expert level. It seems that children to adults can obtain this black belt, the industry standard of excellence, through watered down curriculums of strictly striking, blocking, kicking, and fast moving dance-like forms simulating combat as long as they are current on their monthly payments, known as tuitions. Each school, each discipline’s standard is different on what constitutes a black belt. This is not to say that many a fine, even mastered practitioner does not emerge; but it does mean that many of these practitioners have a limited understanding of martial arts in general, possibly even their own art.
Hinduism, Earth-based spiritual practices, Wicca, and New-Age spiritual practices are all defined as pagan. This is unfortunate as many martial arts of the East are not Muslim, Jew, or Christian and have Buddhist, Taoist, or Hindu origins, which have not only been ignored or forgotten but also actually shunned by the general public. This is regrettable since the spiritual philosophy of any tradition explains the “how’s” and “why’s” to the makeup of said tradition; these spiritual philosophies further explain why a particular form may have been created, or why a technique is done in a particular manner, or the application of techniques based on said philosophy. In turn aspects of the art have been lost due to this loss of spiritual awareness of its martial origins.
Moving At The Spped Of Grace by Jill Marie Langdon
oving forward in your spiritual life can only happen when a person understands what grace is. True grace is being the love that you are. What do I mean by that you ask.
Take the classic fairy tale – Beauty and the Beast – for example. The story begins with a beautiful castle as the setting with a handsome young prince as the main character. This represents all of humanity caught up in the web of materialism; he cares more about himself and his things than about his fellow man.
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In the story, an enchantress comes to the castle disguised as a haggard beggar woman and asks to have shelter for the night out of the storm. The prince refuses her and before his eyes she’s transformed back into the gorgeous enchantress. The enchantress gives the prince a curse and a rose stating that he has to learn how to love and have another fall in love with him in order for the spell to be broken.
1) connect daily with God 2) seek out those in need and help them out 3) do the little things more 4) focus on what you can give, and not what you do not have 5) live lightly - be good, inspiring and motivating others
Moving forward in your spiritual life can only happen when a person understands what grace is.
The prince falls into despair saying,” Who can love a beast?” He doesn’t even like himself. Through a series of events, a girl comes to the castle and agrees to be his prisoner. The servants suggest to the beast that he give her a better room in the castle and ask her to dinner. She refuses. After time has passed, the servants have given the beast ideas how to better this situation: stand up straight and tall, bathe, dress nicer and above all – learn to control his temper. (By changing his physiology, he changes his mental state and begins to believe in himself and the possibility of love between himself and the girl.) More events happen, he saves her life from a pack of hungry wolves, she stands up to his anger and isn’t afraid of him anymore. She is grateful that he saved her life. She acknowledges that the Beast cares for her and that he can be kind. He gives her the library because she loves to read. Seasons pass, they have dress up dinners together and spend time getting to know each other. He shows her a magic mirror where she can see her father is sick and needs her, so the Beast sets her free to go to him. He tells his servants he let her go because he loves her. The spell is only half done and the rose is losing its petals. The tension builds. The question is will they meet again. The townspeople get stirred into a frenzy about the Beast as Gaston, a jealous suitor of Belle’s, grabs the mirror with the Beast showing and tells the people lies about him being mean and eating their children. Belle tries to defend the Beast but Gaston has her thrown into the basement with her father until they’ve killed the Beast. Belle and her father escape and Belle heads for the castle. The Beast sees her and regains his vigor for living, throws Gaston over the side of the castle, but not before he has sustained a mortal wound. Belle reaches him. The Beast asks her why she came back and she says, “Because I love you.” But he’s already passed out from the pain. She cried on his chest. Lightning bolts flash from the sky, the castle is restored to its former beauty and the Beast is transformed back into the handsome Prince, and they live happily ever after. A miracle has happened...
True Grace The formula for grace is to love everyone. The majority of people I spoke to about grace responded with the pat answer that grace is God’s unmerited favor. In 22 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Homelife Magazine it listed five keys to everyday grace:
The formula is to love God first, then yourself and others. Loving God encompasses displays of gratitude and practicing being in God’s presence through meditation, reading scriptures, study and prayer. Praise and worship in a temple or in nature also display our love for God. In his book Listening to the Heartbeat of God by J. Philip Newell, he stated that the prayers of the ancient Celts refer to the “lights of the skies (sun, moon, and stars) as graces, the spiritual comes through the physical, and God is seen as the life within all life and not just the Creator who set life in motion from a distance.”
This tradition of prayer was an important resource for the whole Church, for it makes the connection that has been lacking between spirituality and the whole of life. Seek God by looking towards the heart of life was his message. It is God’s grace given to us as a strength to enable us to do what is right. All is grace. What leads us to do evil to ourselves and another is a “long habit of wrongdoing which has infected humanity since childhood and holds us in bondage and slavery to itself.” The more wrong we do, the more our primary source of love that we are becomes buried and harder to recover. “Evil is like a fog that blinds us to our true selves.” Job, from the Bible, opened up the hidden wealth of nature and brought it out into the open, revealed by his own behavior of what we all are capable of. He taught us; how great is our soul treasure that we possess but fail to use.
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a b rea th o f he alin g
With Grace You Can Win Any Race by Donna Amrita Davidge
his saying, or metaphor, which is the subject for this issue’s article, is a saying coined by Yogi Bhajan, the Master of Kundalini Yoga. He has created many of these points to ponder. Another one is “Excuses are self abuses.” Have you ever made an excuse when your behavior did not reflect the character and caliber to carry through and deliver? It is of course human to make mistakes but can we learn and grow from them?
5) 6) 7)
Divinity will give you GRACE, a person of grace is gracious and has no hidden agendas. This gives you THE POWER TO SACRIFICE, you can stand pain for other people. That sacrifice will give you HAPPINESS.
Another Yogi Bhajan teaching is that if you have manners you have everything.
Yogi Bhajan also gives us seven specific steps to happiness. He says that without all seven you cannot be happy! The journey starts with commitment. He says we are meant to commit. For some of us this is not easy. We may be unsure in relationships, in our career paths and in what our life destiny actually is. Yogi Bhajan says that if we cannot withstand the pressure that comes with commitment, how can the jewel of our consciousness develop into the diamond it was meant to be?
“I push a person to excellence and nobody wants to be pushed. The only beauty in the world is duty, done and delivered. There is no better joy than that.” ...Yogi Bhajan
Maybe you wonder what these seven steps have to do with yoga. Yoga is a science and a technology that helps us learn from the inside out and not without honest awareness and self reflection. As Dharma Mittra, one of my teachers in New York, was quoted in the April 2004 Yoga Journal; “People come to yoga to have the perfect figure or meditate so they can make more money at their job but the true purpose of yoga is Self realization.” Yoga is a practice meant to enhance your respect, grace and trust. Yoga teaches us to deliver the work, to have honor and never lose our manners. Grace developed as we work to conquer ourselves is an attribute that helps us attain this Self realization.
He speaks of an attitude of altitude, which ultimately is the energy and attitude of grace, which is associated with the highest physical center in the body, the crown. Success often has superficial measurements in our society, such as social status or income levels. Many of us feel under-accomplished as we assess our lives. How do we actually measure success, by other people’s standards or by those set forth in a yoga practice? Success is a smile. Success is peace of mind. Success is a radiant face, whatever age. Success is how we treat others. As another Yoga Master Sivananda wrote to his student Ram Krishna in a letter dated December 1, 1943: “Think carefully. Decide correctly. Act faithfully. Speak truthfully. Live honestly. Work diligently. Talk gently. Behave properly. You are bound to succeed in any walk of life. You will have peace of mind. You will have a pure conscience. You will get inexhaustible spiritual wealth.” Physical poses that allow us to feel our grace, like mountain pose, tadasana, are important to developing this feeling from within. The following meditation is especially effective for this as well. Grace Of God meditation will give you self effectiveness. Any woman who does it will find grace in her behavior. Any man who does it will realize the grace in himself and those around him. It may take a little time, but the results will be positive. This is an ideal way to prepare for sleep. Lie down on the back, fully relaxing your face and body, eyes closed. Inhale deeply through the nose, hold the breath in and repeat silently ten times “I am the Grace of God.” (For men “I am in the Grace of God.”) Exhale all the breath out through the nose and repeat silently the same mantra ten times. (I use my fingers to keep it straight! counting on my fingers, which are relaxed in sivasana, corpse pose.) Do this for a total of five inhalations and five exhalations, making this a total of one hundred times repeating the mantra. After the cycle is completed, come sitting cross legged, eyes still closed. Bring the right wrist resting on your right knees, palm up and index finger meeting thumb in gyan mudra (reversed hands for men). The left hand is by the left shoulder, as if taking an oath, palm flat and facing forward. Tense only one finger of the left hand at a time, as you repeat five times aloud “I am the Grace of God.” (Start with the little finger, the pinky).
Here are the Seven Steps to Happiness as given by Yogi Bhajan: 1) 2)
3) 4)
COMMITMENT Commitment will give you CHARACTER, all your facets, flaws and facts are under control. Yin and yang meet here. There is balance. It is not you who wins in the end, it is your character. Are your life habits demoting or promoting this? Character will give you DIGNITY, people start liking, trusting and respecting you. This will give you DIVINITY where people have no duality or fear about you.
Meditate on the governing energy of that finger. Concentrate on the particular characteristics you want to correct. Continue the sequence until you get to and do the thumb. Afterwards relax as you wish. Here are the governing energies of the fingers: 1) Pinky- Mercury, power to relate, communicate and make decisions 2) Ring finger- Venus and Sun, physical health and vitality, grace
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The other night I chanced upon an Italian film called “The Last Kiss.” It followed four young men around age thirty on their individual paths and as friends. Three wanted freedom; finally, fleeing in a van to parts unknown with scenes of leaving babies and family businesses in search of a life of noncommitment. The main character, whose girlfriend was pregnant, balked from commitment and made one mistake. But he realized in time that his happiness lay in duty, sacrifice and the ability to commit. He followed the seven steps only after learning that devotion was more fulfilling than commotion. He married, had a beautiful girl and held a responsible creative job. Sometimes he fantasized about joining his friends….but not really. He had found happiness, not without its struggles and ups and downs, but he had found it.
“Let your manners speak for you, let your deeds prove you, let your deliverance impress you. Every person has a mission, every mission has a magnitude to deliver and fulfill the essence of magnitude. When one does it with devotion and conviction success comes from all sides” ...Yogi Bhajan
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24 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
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Invisible Forces Wreak Havoc on our Health and Well-Being by Phyllis Light, Ph.D
o you sit in front of a computer? Use a cell phone? Watch television or listen to the radio? Use a microwave oven? You probably do.
Is your photograph on Facebook? Do you have a GPS unit in your car? Do you use wireless Internet in your office or home? Do you ever travel and have to pass through the security devices and scanners at airports? Is there anything you do that doesn’t include the use of some kind of electric, electronic, or battery-powered device or one that requires some kind of frequency beamed at you? Life today is vastly different from life only a generation ago. The changes that have taken place in our world bring overwhelming challenges that none of us have ever had to face. Technology has taken over many aspects of modern life, and invisible frequencies now fill the air surrounding us and batter us daily.
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Has anyone stopped to consider the cost to our health and well-being? The majority of us, just go with the flow and accept each new technological advance as it comes down the pike. We buy the new and more powerful cell phones, we upgrade our computers, we buy the latest and greatest communication and time-saving devices to help us move faster and communicate better in life. For the most part, the disruptive electromagnetic fields and frequencies are invisible; they go unnoticed. So we have a headache. We take more aspirin. So we’re feeling more fatigued. We drink more coffee or eat more sugary foods and go about our business. But what is really going on here with all the technological advancements we continue to experience? The answer lies in the unseen, energetic nature of life: we must learn to respect the human energy field. Every human being lives within a physical body, which is surrounded by its own natural energy field. This energy field is actually the “blueprint” for the physical body, determining our ultimate health and well-being. To maintain good health, we must keep our energy field intact. All health problems manifest first in the subtle energy field, and then appear in the physical body. A good clairvoyant can actually spot a problem developing in the subtle energy field before it manifests into the physical realm! A little known fact is that all the high-tech frequencies and energies in our world today disrupt the harmonious functioning of our human energy field and diminish the life force of the environment surrounding us. Have you ever noticed feeling drained or exhausted by the end of the day, after working in an office with computers, wireless internet, and overhead fluorescent lights? When your energy field gets weakened by all the disruptive fields and frequencies, your physical body necessarily begins to have problems. Over time, the tremendous exposure to all of these negative energies damages your subtle energy field greatly, and thus takes a tremendous toll on your physical body. Headaches, fatigue, irritability, and depression, have become all too common ailments of modern life. In addition, as the body begins to break down from the overload of detrimental frequencies, the immune system is often the first to dysfunction, since it is has to overwork to accomplish the nearly impossible task of protecting the body. Many of the immune system disorders today—allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candida,
asthma, cancer, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia & other inflammatory illnesses—are created or exacerbated by living in the overwhelming “electronic soup” in which we all find ourselves. According to the late Dr. George Yao, scientist and expert on EMFs: “The typical American gets electromagnetic radiation up to 200 million times more intense than his ancestors took in from the Sun, stars and other natural sources.” Never before in history, has the human body been so challenged in its attempt to create good health! There are steps you can take to help to some degree, but most people have difficulty limiting their use of the modern conveniences we all enjoy. However, here are a few suggestions: 1) This may sound strange, but remove your photos from your computer, refrigerator, or cell phone. Your photo actually contains your life force, and you want to keep your photo out of the negative energy field that the computer, refrigerator, and cell phone continually generate, to avoid the ongoing weakening effect on your subtle and then physical body. 2) Minimize your use of electronics as much as possible. Limit computer use to 30 minutes, followed by an hour of rest. And no matter what the “computer experts” tell you, don’t leave your computer on all night! 3) Avoid getting WiFi in your home. (I can’t tell you what to do about your neighbors’ WiFi when it comes into your home, short of telling them what you have just learned.) 4) Don’t give up your land line. Limit your cell phone use. Please don’t carry your cell phone in your breast pocket right next to your heart. If you have a cell phone, limit use to quick communications or emergencies only. Cell phones frequencies have been found to be detrimental to the brain, and you want to minimize your risk. 5) There are certain devices that are designed to protect your energy field, so begin to educate yourself as to what the market has to offer. Because the frequencies are invisible, it has been easy, up until now, to hide your head in the sand and pretend that there is no problem. After all, since seeing is believing, it would follow that not seeing is not believing. However, the frequencies are very real, and the damage to the human energy field and physical body is quite tangible over time. Today’s high-tech world is challenging indeed, but once armed with the awareness of the potential hazards we face, you can be more open to possible solutions—to ensure your own health and safety and that of your loved ones.
Phyllis Light, Ph.D., is an author, expert in “Telepathic Healing,” and pioneer in subtle energy research. Her work of 38 years has focused on protecting the physical body and subtle energy field from the negative impacts of life in a high-tech world. For more information, visit: www.lighthealing.com or call (512) 301-2999.
Grace is a Divine frequency and an incredible source of infinite love and blessing that is bestowed upon us by God to protect us, carry us, and lift us up through life's challenges. ...Sonia Choquette, author of Traveling At The Speed of Love 26 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
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Continued from page 10 ~ On The Cover ~ Painting the Soul of the Land and the Spirit of the Harvest
sweat from his brow before placing his hands on his hips as he watches his co-worker drive off a full load. I can picture them arriving back at the farmhouse, kicking up their feet on a water barrel as they sip lemonade and look out over their land. As they worked the land in silent reverie, so they sit in silence knowing they have done good with the harvest. And in my own silent reverie, of the life I have lived this past year and of memories of moments past that seep into my consciousness, I hope for the same deep satisfaction within myself. That I have “done good” with my own harvest. That what I have sown spiritually and emotionally is reaped beyond my greatest hopes, sustaining me through moments of fear and doubt. The striking metaphor I find in Paul Baldassini’s art is how working the land is really about working for Life. The soul of the land does not continue to provide if we abuse it, neglect it and fail to cultivate it physically and spiritually. Rather, that we would understand life is, like the land, a labor of love. Painting the Soul of the Land in Connecticut Paul is often asked about the locations in his paintings. “The farmers have been very gracious and generous. They let me sketch, photograph and paint, and ask for nothing in return. I’ve always asked permission first. The farmers like to chat and show me around. They take great pride in their land, equipment, animals, business. I learn a lot in these encounters. They also enjoy seeing my finished work.” Zagray Farm – Colchester, CT Greenbacker Farms – Durham and Middlefield, CT Strickland Public Land Trust – Middlefield, CT Brock Farm – Middletown, CT Harvey Brothers Farm – Middletown, CT Wyskiel Farm – Middletown, CT Eddy Farm – Newington, CT Do you have a location or subject for Paul’s next painting? Paul is constantly on the lookout for interesting compositions, drama, light and color and interesting shapes in the landscape. Connect: www.baldassinifineart.com, (860) 638-0890. Learn about works-in-progress, read studio notes and painterly musings: www.baldassinifineart.blogspot.com. Karen M. Rider writes about all things holistic and metaphysical. She has interviewed many pioneers in the fields of natural health, consciousness studies and energy medicine including Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Judith Orloff and Joan Borysenko. An accomplished copy/ghostwriter, Karen is passionate about helping holistic health business owners promote who they are and what they do -- with clarity, integrity and creativity. She is working on her first novel, The Gathering, a tale of metaphysical suspense set at Gillette Castle. Learn more: www.KarenMRider.com. October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 27
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it had been 30 years since he even dabbled in oil paint! “What was I thinking!” he laughs. Once again, Paul tapped into Grandfather Umberto’s persevering spirit. With willful determination, Paul focused every spare minute on re-learning oil techniques and concentrated on developing a style uniquely his own. Everything Paul knew in watercolor had to change for oil painting, including developing a personal palette of colors to portray what his mind visualized and his camera captured at the click of the shutter. “I wanted to bring together high-tech skills—those that I use as a digital graphic artist and photographer—with “low-tech” methods, as in the simple brush strokes of a master painter.” This synthesis of high and low-tech artistic styles is what distinguishes Paul’s paintings from his contemporaries. The Soul of the Land Revealed “The colors at morning and sunset on the hay fields is just too beautiful for words, so not being a writer or very word-wise, I attempted to express that I saw and felt visually, with paint on linen and panels.” “For me its all about light and light effects, shapes, edges, value and then color. My paintings are, foremost, about light and shadow, about how things appear in their natural environment. The natural world is, for me, possessed of certain logic and order and subtlety much too complex and dynamic than anything I can ever hope to contrive. I attempt to capture specific moments of a scene as objectively as possible with a certain believability and authenticity.” A Tractor is a Beautiful Artifact At first, Paul was just painting the fields. Then, perhaps inspired by memories of time spent in Umberto’s "tool studio," Paul got hooked painting the tractors. Dents, cracks, rust and other patinas of age are evidence of time and the rigors of farm labor that make tractors and the land ideal subjects for him to paint. “Their exposed working parts provide many different textures and shapes that reflect light and cast shadows on each other making them very challenging objects to paint. Rusted metal, shiny new paint, the oversize rubber tires and wheels along with the personalized embellishments of their owners make each tractor a unique statement of form and function.” The tractor is one of the oldest pieces of machinery unchanged by technology. Unlike today’s automotive wonders, you won’t find a Wi-Fi hook-up or digital dashboard; no sultry, automated assistant will alert you when your tires are low. Just look at how similar the structure and features are in the Workhorse compared to the newer and more vibrant Orange MMZ. Tractors are probably the only working artifacts of the automotive past. Paul captures their steely beauty and rugged form in magnificent ways. In McCormack 350, I can feel the bounce beneath the spring-loaded seat, the power behind the steering shaft, the strong smell of diesel and the tumble of the earth beneath the oversized wheels. I can feel the soul of the machine revving through me. Reflections of our Jobs Well Done as a Labor of Love I can feel the humidity, imagining that the farmer in Taking a Break has just wiped
welcom e h o me
ask asrianna Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living
Dear Asrianna, I’m exhausted. Whether I’m at home with my family, at work, or the rare social occasion, it seems I’m always expected to be happy, generous and willing to do anything anyone asks. I love my family and friends and normally I just smile and say yes and make the best of it, but lately I feel frustrated and irritable. I don’t like feeling this way and yet I’ve realized more and more that I’m always the one doing for everyone else. When is it my turn? I’ve always considered myself a loving, spiritual person so it seems selfish of me to want to be on the receiving end for a change. Isn’t it considered a good thing to generously give to others? How can I stop feeling so resentful and get back to being the loving person I should be? Signed, Tired and Irritated Dear Tired,
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Many people embrace as their soul’s path a life of service to others. What a gift and a blessing are those who provide love, compassion, and caring to the world. You, and those with your energy, sense the needs of people around you and not only fill those needs, but often anticipate and meet those expectations before being asked. Is it any wonder, then, that people are drawn to you, often those who are the most vulnerable, needy, and—not infrequently—demanding? We currently live in a culture of spiritual seekers, those looking for ways to enrich their lives through spiritual practices. Those of us walking this path may read self-help books, flock to gurus and teachers, and hear over and over that if we’re enlightened we’ll be a constant source of unlimited selflessness to those in need. With that in mind, how selfish of us to feel irritated, impatient, resentful or just plain fed up with those around us who never cease requiring our help! A desire for appreciation? We’re told that if we’re spiritually mature we do for others without any wish for gratitude or desire for signs of respect for the sacrifice and effort we’ve expended. And what of unconditional love? Isn’t it spiritually immature and limited to give anything other than unlimited love, a love without expectations or conditions upon the behavior of the receiver? Aren’t we terrible people if we give of our time, energy, material possessions and other forms of services and feel anything but unconditional love when we’re ignored or unappreciated? Actually, it isn’t automatically spiritual to do any of the above. You aren’t required to drain yourself to the point where the healthiest thing about you is that you’re finally fed up, angry and resentful. In fact, those emotions are often healthy reminders that your energy is out of balance and requires attending to before your life is spent meeting the needs of those who aren’t exchanging energy with you in a healthy, reciprocal cycle. Everything is energy. We don’t need quantum physics to tell us this. Physics 101 teaches that everything is made up of atoms, arranged into molecules, vibrating at various rates. You, the chair you sit on, the air you breathe, the signals from a television studio in Hollywood, California being sent to an orbiting satellite that ends up showing the latest reality program on your big screen television. We’re constantly exchanging energy with everything around us, but let’s focus for now on our energy exchange with other, living individuals. A mother holds her toddler, the squirming, giggling child is a focus of that mother’s love and protectiveness. This energy is received by the child. In turn, this little girl effortlessly expresses a trusting receptivity and radiates her own energy of love and happiness. This circle of healthy energy flows in a beautiful, illuminated circle from heart to heart, each giving what they have excess of, each receiving what they need most. This exchange happens constantly, many times daily. When you go to the grocery store and stand in the checkout line, you’re exchanging energy with the cashier and whether you realize it or not you have a level of expectation regarding this exchange. You place in your cart those items you’ve need of and when you’ve deposited them on the conveyer belt, you expect the cashier to be polite, accurate, and respectful. 28 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
The cashier also has a level of expectation. He or she is working as an employee of the grocery store at which you’ve shopped. They receive an hourly rate of pay, or a salary, and have a reasonable expectation that they’ll be treated fairly, with respect and dignity. Their role in your shared energy exchange is to offer you accurate, respectful service. When this cycle is healthy, both of you have your energetic needs met, and you walk away feeling satisfied. For many, this translates into an exchange of power which can be a healthy source of empowerment, or can be used as a means of control and ego-centered self-indulgence. Let’s use the earlier example of the exchange between you and the grocery employee. What happens if that man or woman at the checkout counter is disgruntled over what they feel is a miserly salary, or mistreatment by management? They may have had several unkind shoppers before you ever arrived to pay for your items. You look at them and see an expression of irritation. They may speak brusquely or not at all and you take it personally, as a sign of their lack of regard for your worth and value. Or its opposite happens. The employee is a wonderful example of hard work, respectfulness and professionalism. Regardless of the behavior of those before you, they treat you as an individual, meeting your gaze, smiling, and greeting you pleasantly. You, on the other hand, have had a bad day. In spite of your own hard work, your boss has criticized your latest project, a project that would’ve been excellent if only your lazy co-worker had done their share. You feel shamed, disrespected and under valued. As you stand at that grocery counter your demeanor is dour, your expression unhappy, and you take it out on the clerk. You felt diminished and disempowered at work, but at least you’re far more important than a clerk. This cycle happens in various ways—healthy and toxic—constantly. We give energy, and we receive it. If we realized how vital and precious our personal energy was, we’d manage it the way successful billionaires manage their financial portfolio. Carefully, attentively, and with utter awareness of where we receive energy and where we spend it. How does this relate to your question, Tired? When you’re unaware of your own energy needs, when you give indiscriminately, when you don’t ask that your needs are met, you aren’t in a position to give to others. Using the old well metaphor, you’re half empty but you’re giving ninety-nine percent of what you have and while it might be the best water the recipient has ever received, it’s tainted. It’s tainted with your fatigue, disappointment and understandable resentment. Fill your energetic well by caring for yourself first. By doing so you can offer half of that one hundred percent and still give more than when you sacrificed most of the limited energy you had in our earlier example. In addition, it’s rarely beneficial to indiscriminatingly give without the other individual participating in a reciprocal, equitable cycle. This doesn’t mean you give and receive the exact things. You might offer your advice and emotional support in a friendship, while your friend is a wonderful source of fun and adventure. Offer what you’re happy and willing to give, asking that it be received in a respectful manner, and require the other individual to do the same. In that cycle of energy, both are blessed. Enabling is about allowing another person to continue harmful—to him or herself or to others—behaviors without any personal consequences. This isn’t beneficial for anyone, perhaps less so for the receiver than the person giving. My grandmother— only half kidding--used to say that the Great Spirit spoke first with a whisper, then a yell, then a two-by-four. She’d remind me that I can save someone from the whisper, I can even save them from the yell, but I could never prevent the two-byfour. In fact, by not allowing the person to experience the consequences of their actions, I might very well be insuring the toughest lesson rather than the easiest. We come to Earth School for a reason. At a soul level we decided to undergo certain life experiences in order to gain wisdom and learn the only true lesson, that of love. By constantly stepping in to fix others’ mistakes, by always being willing to do whatever they ask even when it’s unfair, unwise and rarely reciprocated in
29 any way, we teach them to feel disempowered and limited. Without realizing it, we create the exhaustion we feel and then blame others when we’re the ones responsible for changing the energetic dynamic we find dissatisfying. Look around you, Tired, and see where your energy is being spent. By all means, continue to be that source of love, sensitivity, kindness and compassion to others while seeing the deeper exchange going on beneath the surface. Treat yourself as lovingly as you treat others. Fill your energetic well through meaningful work, play and the discovery of what you long for in your life in order to feel valued, happy, and loved. Learn to fairly and clearly communicate your needs so those in your life
understand what you’re asking for, thus being able to participate in that healthy energy exchange. You might be surprised at how enlivened you feel even as you continue to give. Many blessings, Asrianna
To have your questions answered, please email your letters or comments to
Asrianna at Asrianna@Asrianna.com
Continued from page 6 ~ Stacking The Deck For Awakening...
with each client’s needs. Not everyone is likely to require all ten sessions. The titles I’ve given the sessions will give you a rough idea of the scope of the work: Setting The Stage, What’s Happening Now, Dreams Of Awakening, Into The Light, Finding An Inner Mate, Thriving & Arriving, Surrender & Let Go, The Spiritual Warrior’s Path, Basic Goodness, Connecting With Higher Power
By thus fertilizing, watering and shining light on the seeds already planted in the unconscious, it is my hope to spur the emergence of awakening and thereby transform the client’s life. While I do not intend to market this material as such, I do hope that other qualified hypnotherapists will make use of it. Stimulating the process of enlightenment is not only a worthy cause but one that I believe is ideally suited to hypnosis. Certainly, awakening will empower people with the tools needed to face the challenges quickly coming our way. But don’t get me wrong. Although I will be exceedingly pleased if some do, I do not expect people to awaken as an immediate result of this approach. Espahbad Dodd lives in Farmington, Maine, located, is in the foothills to the western mountains, just south of Sugarloaf, USA. If you are a long-time seeker, highly motivated to awaken, and open to this approach, please contact me by phone 207-409-2974. I believe that we all deserve an equal opportunity to awaken, which is why I offer these services for a voluntary donation. Hypnotherapists who wish to review the protocol should email me at espahbad@gmail.com.
Continued from page 21 ~ Martial Arts Coming Out Of The Broom Closet
With a spiritual move toward the martial arts being the redheaded stepchild within the industry, some practitioners may be looking for something more within their practice; may be looking for kindred spirits and a community from a more complete warrior way (budo) such as a pagan path solid in the ancestry of many traditions. For those unable to find a martial art in their community that meets their spiritual needs or for those few lone styles providing such an enriching aspect to their martial arts curriculum, they are invited join PMAC or the Pagan Martial Arts Council. The Pagan Martial Arts Council is a unique, international, non-denominational, network of Pagan Martial Artists. PMAC does not govern any particular school, tradition, or style of martial arts, but allows each club/school/organization to freely operate under their own course outline. PMAC acknowledges that martial arts are respected warrior traditions that date back for centuries in all cultures. The directive of the warrior-way edifies discipline, respect, self-control, humility and service. For martial artists of Pagan backgrounds and faiths, these core tenants are reflected in Pagan-based customs as well as the fundamental principles upon which their life is based—regardless of one’s spiritual affiliation. Pagans are recognized as seekers of knowledge and wisdom.
The Pagan Martial Arts Council has been established to unite and support Pagans within the martial arts by providing a professional membership organization whereby Pagan martial arts students and instructors can aid, promote, connect, support and mentor – further providing one another to prosper good works through their martial arts school within their local communities. PMAC offers membership for both individuals as well as schools. Membership dues are annual to help support the ongoing organization efforts of PMAC to the martial arts community. Membership is open to both Pagan and non-pagans alike without discrimination. Applicants must complete the PMAC membership request. Membership in PMAC is voluntary and is not considered an endorsement of an individual or school’s character, conduct or belief system. To learn more about PMAC see their website at http://pmac.yolasite.com/.
Max Holton, a New England native, is a practicing martial artist in the Kosho Hoho Yooga Kempo tradition as well as an international freelance writer specializing in martial arts, healing arts, and esoteric energy.
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 29
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the promise of the New Age truly is that more and more people awaken, can the process somehow be expedited? My 20+ years of hypnotherapeutic practice tells me it can. Since we already carry enlightenment within, hypnotism should be able to significantly contribute to its timely release. Because many of my hypnosis clients seek more advanced personal development and self-realization, the task of developing a protocol to enhance awakening seemed to be up my alley and, indeed, a worthy undertaking. After reviewing the materials commonly used in my practice, I could see many possible applications and adaptations. So starting out with one script (known in hypnosis as “patter”), I got busy. Once developed and tested, the flood gates seemed to open with an outpouring of inspiration that has resulted in a protocol now consisting of ten separate components. Modern hypnotic techniques as well as ancient wisdom are incorporated in the protocol with the intention of opening the doors to the unconscious. Material was taken from a wide variety of sources including my own personal experience and research as well as that of several reviewers. In an attempt to keep it as interesting and lively as possible, many techniques are used in each session, including: rapid inductions, direct and indirect suggestion, metaphor, guided imagery, interactive process, varied delivery speeds, gentle tapping, finger snapping, etc. The interrelated sessions approach the subject from different angles to expedite the client’s process of awakening as rapidly as they are ready to allow it to happen. The idea of the ten component approach is to have enough material to mix and match
Economic Anxiety by Jane Honeck, CPA
The recent budget crisis catapulted us into this week’s stock market turmoil and reaffirms the consequences of ignoring Sir Francis Bacon’s 400-year-old words, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Those sage words were echoed during FDR’s inaugural speech and still ring true today. We clearly see how the fear of future failures and potential losses drives down expectations so we operate from a place of weakness instead of strength. It’s the proverbial bogeyman in the closet. The more we focus on him, the bigger, more ferocious he gets! So how can we as individuals move beyond today’s economic anxiety and fear and get on with our lives? How do we keep our own stability and help build this economy instead of tear it down? Like it or not, we’re all in this together and it’s clear what happens when we tackle today’s problems as a house divided. Frustration and mistrust grow and the solution seems out of reach and certainly nothing we can influence. But, our own grass roots efforts can make a difference in moving us and the country out of fear back into possibility.
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Following are simple steps anyone can take to step out of financial paralysis and into building new money muscles: 1. Talk it up: Ignoring your anxieties and keeping fear bottled up only makes them fester and grow. Share your feelings with someone and get their perspective. Without shared perspective, we magnify negative speculation, mix it with past failures, and the financial bogeyman grows. With sharing, things become more balanced and, at the very least, two of you will be shouldering the load instead of just you! 2. Stay in the moment: Affirm your own financial reality now. Did you make it through yesterday, last week, last month? Have things changed that much? Do you have enough today? None of us know what’s really ahead—but we can be certain about today. Staying in the moment and not getting too far ahead of ourselves puts a stable foundation back in place. 3. Choose your battle: Be honest about what’s underneath your concern—is it mistrust, lack of control, powerlessness? Today’s financial fears keep us worrying about things we can’t change. But, we become empowered by transforming those we can. Can we stop the stock market slide? Probably not, but we can make changes in our own financial world. 4. Take the next step: Don’t worry about all the steps from here to your own financial stability—you only need worry about the next step. Keep your eye on your financial goals and begin shifting from emotion to motion. Pay a bill; start a savings account; cut up a credit card—any next step will start the momentum. Ultimately, the culmination of those next steps will build trust in yourself and your ability to meet your future goals. 5. Do it again: When the next negative headline appears (and it will) go back to #1. Fear is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to take over our life. It may feel like a lot of effort the first time you tackle these steps. But, use them often and eventually you’ll slip right through fear and into empowered action with a blink of an eye. There you have it, a simple plan responding to time-tested sage advice. Five easy steps that move us from emotion to motion, paralysis to possibility, fear to trust. And, when we trust, all things are possible. Give it a try and tell me what you think!
Jane Honeck, CPA, Author, Speaker, and Personal Financial Specialist, is the Author of The Problem With Money? Its Not About The Money. Her office is located at Meadow Wind Holistic Healing Arts Center, 100 Gray Rd. Falmouth, Maine and she can be reached at http://janehoneck.com. Jane's programs are specific to her audience. Check the website calendar for events in your area. 30 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
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explorin g the wo r l d r e l i g i on s
The Out-Of-This-World Mystic Poetry of Radha Swami by James Bean
Swami Ji Maharaj, the Great Saint of Agra The spiritual classics, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Nazm yaani Chhand bandh (Poetry), and, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Bartik (Prose) by Soami Ji Maharaj are very complex books even in Hindi, and all-the-more-so if the attempt is made to translate them into English, especially the mystical poetry. Swami Ji himself says, “How shall I openly speak of its process (the process of creation in Pinda: the material universes, And: the astral dimensions, and Brahmand: Universal Mind realms - this best remains confidential), for none can comprehend its secrets and idioms which I will have to employ to reveal them.”
For Swami Ji, love for the Beloved Radhasoami, the Lord of All Souls, is central to traveling upon the right Light and Sound Currents of Divine Love within. This bhakti spirit of love and devotion is the right-foundation and the Positive Power to base one’s spiritual practice upon. “Always remember the Lord, and, knowing that He is always with you, imbue yourself with His love.” (Soami Ji, in a letter to Huzur Maharaj) In the Sar Bachan are hymns of praise, conversational prayers directed towards the Friend, the Beloved, the Object of his Communion, the Lover of his soul: the Merciful Lord of the Soul: Radhasoami Dayal. In this loving context of devotional bhakti, mystical experiences take the devotee-soul upon an interior journey beyond illusion, beyond time and duality, to an Ultimate Reality, the Ocean of Love, Swami Ji Maharaj describes as “Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent with attributes of Grace, Mercy, Love, Bliss and Peace.” Swami Ji Maharaj says, “From one step to another the soul beholds strange things which cannot be described in human language. Every region and everything is utterly beyond words. What beauty and glory! How can I describe them? There is nothing here to convey the idea. I am helpless...Love plays the supreme part. It is all love. So says RADHASOAMI.” (Sant Radhasoami Sahab)
“The individual soul has descended... from the Soundless State to the essence of Sound, from Sound to Light, and finally from the realm of Light to the realm of Darkness, we travel back from the realm of Darkness to the realm of Light, from the Light to Divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the Soundless State.”
Soami Ji even makes use of some Persian or Sufi mystical terminology at times, and composed some ghazals in Persian. “Soami Ji’s father and grand-father were Persian scholars.” (The Biography of Soami Ji Maharaj) Soami Ji “acquired a working knowledge of Arabic and Sanskrit”, earlier in his life for a time taught Persian, and even “wrote a book in Persian.” (Radhasoami Faith – a Historical Study) It seems rather appropriate then for someone who has translated all six volumes of the Masnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi, the poetry of Sarmad, and the Diwan-i Hafiz to produce this most excellent new translation of the Sar Bachan Poetry and Prose in English - all three volumes: The Quintessential Discourse Radhasoami - Sar Bachan Radhasoami Prose, The Quintessential Discourse Radhasoami - Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Volume One, and The Quintessential Discourse Radhasoami
Radhasoami is the name for the Soundless One and Soundless State, Anadi, the Highest Region. Radhasoami is a name for the Nameless God beyond all names and forms. As one Master said, “The individual soul has descended... from the Soundless State to the essence of Sound, from Sound to Light, and finally from the realm of Light to the realm of Darkness, we travel back from the realm of Darkness to the realm of Light, from the Light to Divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the Soundless State.” Examples of the Poetry of Swami Ji Maharaj in The Quintessential Discourse Radhasoami: O Lord! Tell me as to how shall I reach there and fill my mind with zest, enthusiasm, courage and drive. My guru has revealed to me the path of inner Light and Sound; without His grace and charity, none can treat it and make it to His Abode. If you are a lamp, I am turned into a moth which in the company of the lamp reduces itself to ashes. If you are a black bee I am turned into a small worm (keet which thinks constantly of the bee and eventually succumbs to it); in my case, I think only of the most perfect, sagacious, skillful, shrewd and wise Radhasoami who has graciously met me. If you are the sandalwood tree, I am a serpent intertwined with it; by the touch of your feet, I have become serene, tranquil and calm (sheetal bhayee). If you are an ocean, I am like a surge; I rise from you and I return unto you. If you are a pearl, I am the thread (round which the pearl is woven); I, like the thread, never let go and forsake you.
Conintued on Page 45 October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 31
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Swami Ji’s mystic-verses are quite intricate with layers of meaning, and contain countless terms for various heavenly regions, states of consciousness, visionary and auditory experiences he encountered as he was in communion with his Beloved Radhasoami (pronounced “Ra-DhaSwammm-E, meaning: Soul-Lord or Lord of the Soul). The Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry is a most otherworldly, heavenly document, based upon Swami Ji’s own inner travels, attainments and spiritual realizations. “For about fifteen years, Soami Ji Maharaj used to shut Himself up in a room which is within another room [a meditation room within a room of his home in Agra, India]. He was all the time absorbed in the bliss of Surat Shabd Yoga.” (Huzur Maharaj) After this period of deep exploration of the inner regions and union with his Beloved Radhasoami in Sach Khand (heavenly region), Swami Ji emerged and began his Mission of public satsang. “In January 1861, Soami Ji started publicly explaining the method of Saints to a few people who gathered at his home in Agra. This satsang (true association, the association with Eternal Truth) continued for nearly seventeen years, during which period about four thousand persons - men and women Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Sravagis, and a few Christians were initiated by him into Sant Mat (the Path of the Saints), i.e. Radhasoami path (the Path of the Supreme Being). Most of these were householders; but some (about three hundred) were Sadhus also.” (Encyclopaedia of Saints of India, Volume Nineteen: Radhasoami, Criterion Publications, New Delhi).
- Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Volume Two, Translation and Commentary, M.G. Gupta, MG Publishers, Agra.
Continued from page 22 ~ Moving At The Speed Of Grace
Buddha and Jesus also concerned themselves with educating people about how to behave and focused on a persons’ motives from the heart that inspired those actions. The ministry of the Church is to liberate and free the goodness of God that is already at the heart of all life. It is written of St. John, the mystic, that he was an observer of this innermost truth. He listened within to the Word that is the heart of life and from which all that exists comes from. The people he observed believed that the sun symbolized grace and new beginnings. The earth’s fertility was a sign of how life wells up from within; “from the dark unknown place of God.”
The eye of the great God, The eye of the God of glory, The eye of the King of hosts, The eye of the King of the living, Pouring upon us, At each time and season, Pouring upon us, Gently and generously, Glory to thee thou sun, Face of the God of life.
God created everything out of His own essence. A lot of people mistakenly think He created everything out of nothing. God is the light that illuminates all of life. The world is the visible manifestation of Him. To know God is to study what He created. To learn about God is through the Word and creation, both are equally important for understanding. We can listen to these expressions of God and comprehend their meaning in our soul.
Spirituality was not about looking away from life, but looking more deeply into it. It was not about denying the human, but releasing our own truest selves, and that the life of our truest self partook of the very substance of God’s life. By following your heart and being the love that you are, you liberate the world from its prison.
Grace gives us the awareness of the unity and simplicity of God that underlies the multiplicity and complexity of outward life. All is good. Darkness and evil may be inside us, but looking deeper still we find the goodness of God.
As life and love push through the veil of illusion that have held them back, miracles become the power of grace moving through our lives. Life is the force of creation empowered by love and directed toward spiritual growth. As one focuses on the impact of love and its ability to bring miracles into being, then miracles become an expected aspect of life. Life emerges with transforming grace like flowers pushing through the earth in spring, each day bringing greater nuggets of truth more fully integrated with life.
Grace restores us to our essential goodness. What was lost was our own ability to see our own goodness with our inner eyes. Grace is given to heal that sight. All becomes one - unified in God. There are no divisions at the heart of life. All is an image of God.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
The ancient mariners and farmers sang songs to calm the seas and help the crops to grow into a bountiful harvest. These people regarded nature as essentially good. Protection and healing prayers have been kept alive throughout many generations and were offered through the gift of creation. The life of God was thought of as being deep within creation, yet distinct from it. The breastplate of St. Patrick displays this hymn as a prayer of God’s unfolding that celebrates Christ in all things, put it this way:
“The three who are over me, The three who are below me, The three who are above me yonder; The three who are in the earth, The three who are in the air, The three who are in heaven, The three who are in the great pouring sea.”
This prayer celebrated the presence of God in the elements, but didn’t confuse God with creation therefore not being pantheistic, even though some superficial and unsympathetic observers sometimes reached that conclusion. Worshippers of God gave thanks for the material gift of light while at the same time being aware of the spiritual light of God within creation as in this prayer:
32 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Being the Love that You Are
When we let go of our ego created facades, the structures that we developed no longer hold power over us, then love’s miracles create greater solutions to your existence than you could ever imagine. The heart already knows the paths to right living. A person who follows their heart never feels guilt. Love is knowing that your presence makes a difference. Be true to your own calling. Stand firm in the midst of chaos. Love is dedicated and patient. It means to accept and connect with situations in your life. As you find the power of love within yourself, balance and resolution will come about. In the brotherhood of humanity all are struggling inwardly with imbalances of body and soul. Strife and disharmony are being experienced as the process of uniting continues with the mind over the heart. (Soul) Through the presence of love this process can rise above human instability and be filled with transcendent grace. In accepting the covenant of unity you will still have moments of laughter, sadness and moments that beg for your forgiveness. In resolving these issues you will find the compassion to understand others. You will know that love is who you are. For only by the power of love can the vital connections be made and the condition of wholeness be restored and oneness is achieved.
Jill Marie Langdon is a freelance writer, fine artist and studio teacher on the practice of “letting go,” where her students learn the Tao of Painting in the Mid-Coast Maine area. Inspired by flowers and beauty in general, her works can be seen at www.wix.com/jill_marie/artscspe_studios.
INNER TAPESTRY's Directory of Resources
Holistic Practitioners, Products and Resources Each category contains practitioners from various states. a l t e r n a t i v e livin g
counseling & the rapy -cont.
Maine Greensward Hamlet
Alternative Living ................................................. page 33 Counseling & Therapy ................................... pages 33-34 Creative Healing Arts ........................................... page 34 Evolutionary Consciousness................................. page 35 Holistic Healing Centers ...................................... page 35 Holistic Publications & Radio ............................... page 35 Hypnotherapy ...................................................... page 35 Integrative Healing ........................................ pages 36-37 Life Mastery ......................................................... page 37 Living Spaces ...................................................... page 37 Meditation ............................................................ page 38 Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship ........................... page 38 Reflexology & Healing Massage .......................... page 38 Retreats ......................................................... pages 38-39 Schools & Trainings ............................................. page 39 Shamanic Healing ......................................... pages 39-40 Writing Services.................................................... page 40 Yoga, Tai Chi & Meditation ................................... page 41
Greensward Hamlet A Cohousing Community In Buxton, Maine Drawing on the Strength of Community To Live Sustainably.
your place in the community now. Visit www.greenswardhamlet.com or www.cohousing.org. Or contact: Françoise Paradis, Ed.D. PO Box 1325, Saco, Me 04072 (207) 227-3678.
Holistic Psychotherapy & Spiritual Development Work "When we are fully present to ourselves the light of who we are shines through and like a slow deep breath, fills the world with love." -PB
In over twenty-five years of experience I have merged a variety of psychological, sensate awareness, spiritual and creative practices into a process of deep awakening that can help you heal trauma, addictions and depression, rediscover meaning and purpose in life, build mutually empowering relationships, enhance creativity and embrace the deep stillness of being from within in which all experience arises. I have been deeply engaged in my own inner work for over twenty years and call upon my extensive training in spiritual and transformational practices to guide my work with others. I offer individual, group and couples consultation, personal intensives, workshops, supervision and training. Yarmouth, ME, (207) 625-7012, pab@patriciaburke.com, www.patriciaburke.com.
cou ns e l i ng & t h e r apy Connecticut Introspective Psychotherapy & Life Counseling
Live From Your Center
Licensed Professional Counselor
Mark Nakell, LCPC
Jim Govoni
M.A.Ed., S.Y.C., R.Y.T., L.P.C.
"There is a crack, a crack in everything, that' s how the light gets in, That's how the light gets in." ...Leonard Cohen
The seed for growth is often in our shadow self and addressing what hides inside us can be knowingly and unconsciously scary. The therapeutic process necessitates a willingness to address acceptance of our shadow, embrace the totality of who we are and to make change, if necessary. I promise to provide you with the safe harbor of objectivity, warmth, respect, honesty, empathy and positive regard to explore the issues you wish to bring forth. Remember your Life has its own Story to tell and the right to be heard. The telling of your Story may be done in the security and convenience of your home or at my home/office. Licensed Professional Counselor Since 1994. Professional Affiliations: Connecticut Association For Jungian Psychology (Board Member) Connecticut Counseling Association Connecticut Mental Health Counseling Association Yoga Alliance-Registered Yoga Teacher 17 Parker Road, Marlborough, CT 06447, (860) 295-6491 or email:jagovoni@comcast.net
Awareness-based Psychotherapy Growth and Self-Realization Individual & Couples Counseling All of life happens in the present moment: Our natural condition is an
open awareness of each moment as it occurs. Increased awareness of this moment—now—and of yourself in the moment, provides an increased experience of life, more joy, and greater fulfillment. Developing the capacity of your own center enables a deeper, more immediate experience of your aliveness and presence now. The result is increased freedom—freedom of choice, freedom of action, freedom of purpose—and deepened participation in the events of your own life. For a FREE introductory session, call (207) 773-4413 or email mnakell@openawareness.com, 25 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. Further information can be found at www.openawareness.com.
"What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now."-Buddha October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 33
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Maine’s first Green, fossil free, cohousing community is nestled on 30 private country acres. Your 1-, 2-, or 3- bedroom home (& 1- or 2- car garage) will include the amenities of a spacious Common House for weekly community meals & gatherings; organic community gardens and nature trails. Access to the Saco River and hundreds of acres of pristine park land is within walking distance. Train and international airport services are just a 15-minute drive. Reserve
Patricia A. Burke, MSW, LCSW
34 co u n s e l i ng & t h e rapy- c o n t . What is somatic therapy?
Somatic therapy is a self-awareness process with a particular focus on the body. With guided practice to help you remain present in the body, you simply allow thoughts, emotions and sensations to emerge in their natural patterns. This combination – conscious awareness and observation of patterns – allows both increased capability of self-regulation and expanded capacity for awareness itself. Current brain research shows that the part of the brain involved in awareness also regulates emotions and behavior. So practice Douglas Smith of focused awareness actually strengthens and expands the brain cell connections in this area, making the benefit of this work cumulative. The difference between this and mindfulness practice alone is that you also have access to somatic, or body reactions. These come under conscious awareness, creating the possibility of physical as well as emotional healing. Somatic therapy is useful for the resolution of stress and trauma, anxiety, depression, habits, addictions, "stuck" patterns, or can be used to enhance personal growth. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web at www.mindmeetsbody.com. Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP., 440 Forest Avenue, Portland, ME 04101 (207) 329-3566, smith@mindmeetsbody.com.
creative healing arts Maine Art Therapy & Shamanism
Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy.
Art therapy and shamanic counselling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden. We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "ART from the heART," www.thirteenthmooncenter.net, (207) 589-3063. moonarts@gmail.com.
Surry Music Therapy Center: Alan Wittenberg M.A., CMT
Gestalt Your Life Angela Hassenpflug Personal Developement Body-Mind Life Coaching Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Gestalt Work This experiential and body-oriented approach supports you to
- - - - -
reconnect with your body, its language and wisdom reinforce your strengths, passions and skills learn to relax, reduce stress and practice being fully present enhance your relationships, both with yourself and others make sustainable life changes happen
Dynamic life coaching tools combined with Gestalt Therapy elements and Mindfulness techniques are the foundation of this approach. We can meet in person or on the phone. Groups offered on a regular basis. Call (207) 592-7888 or email angela@gestaltyourlife.com for more information and to set up a free introductory call. www.gestaltyourlife.com.
Healing for Addictions Are you ready to make a profound transformation from addiction to fully engaged living?
Based on feminist and Buddhist principles, our programs focus on building a life of long-term, sustainable recovery by addressing the fundamental human need for relationship and genuine intimacy – the basis of well-being.
FirstSteps™ is an intensive outpatient program that includes meditation, detoxification, acupuncture, and bodywork therapies. Participants meet in small, confidential groups three evenings a week for eight weeks. Footpath to Recovery™ is a two-week journey along Maine’s Hundred-Mile Wilderness section of the Appalachian Trail. Rather than dwelling on pathology, the focus is on restoring health and balance. For further information or to schedule a free evaluation, please contact: Peter Wohl, MA, LADC, CCS, Innovations in Recovery, (207) 619-2989, www.innovationsinrecovery.com.
Di recto r y of R es ourc e s $375 for 1 year Print & Online Listing with an active link to your website! Includes 2.8 inch ad space, (approximately 130 words) Initial set-up fee $20 34 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Certified Music Therapist, (AMTA) American Music Therapy Association Music therapy opens new channels of communication and contact through the creative and interactive use of music towards self-expression and self-discovery. It goes beyond
words and emotionally, physically, and intellectually touches those with psychological issues and special needs. Music Therapy is a dynamic clinical, educational, developmental and rehabilitative treatment approach. Alan specializes in autism spectrum disorders, emotional and behavioral issues, speech and sensory integrative delays, as well as work with the elderly and Alzheimer’s.The Surry Music Therapy Center is a unique facility in Maine offering individual and small group sessions, seminars, conferences, in-service training and workshop programs throughout Maine. Contact Alan Wittenberg at (207) 667-1308, alan@surrymusictherapy.com. Visit www.surrymusictherapy.com for seminar and conference information.
Vermont LEDGE END RETREAT & NATURE HEALING CENTER At Ledge End we offer private and group retreats to enable you to reconnect with yourself, your breath and the natural world.
Primary practice at Ledge End is based on the principles of Zen Yoga. Zen Yoga blends Tai Chi, Yoga, meditation and Qigong together to encourage energy flow through the body. Programs include day workshops, classes and weekend retreats. We customize our programs to meet the needs of each group or individual. Set on 150 acres of pristine woodland and rock ledge, we offer the opportunity to withdraw from the busy world and cultivate an inner space. In addition to our Zen Yoga Instructor Training Program, we also offer a 12-week online course that provides time honored spiritual teachings designed to assist anyone on their personal journey of self-discovery. For more information: Phone: (802) 685-4448, Email breathe@artofzenyoga.com, Website: www.artofzenyoga.com
Online listing (without print copy) with an active link to your website. $100 plus an Initial set-up fee of $20
Call 207-799-7995 or 203-779-0345 email: info@innertapestry.org
35 evolutionary consciousness
holistic healing centers - cont.
M a i ne Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center
The Autognomics Institute since 1992 Norm and Skye Hirst co-founders Transcendental Autognomics (TA); going beyond scientific materialism to discover the emergent epi-principles within lifeitself... doing science the old fashion way.
TA; New Field of Life-Energy and Transcendental Science/Philosophy is based on emergent epi-energy principles now being discovered throughout the Autognomics Research Community and Alliance. The mystery/the miraculous/ the wisdom of life-itself is revealing herself. To receive our email newsletter on how latest revelations are impacting us all, visit us at www.autognomics.org or join us on Twitter @autognomics for frequent tips and insights plus see who we are following. Co-founders – Norm and Skye Hirst, PhD.
holistic healing centers
The changes happening on our planet call for all of us to Evolve into more Loving and Enlightened
people. Donna Packard teaches this with her wonderful classes; “Become a
Love Grace Awakening Emissary” and “Become an Inner Light Activation Practitioner.” We’re being called to expand our Energies and Heighten our Vibrations of Grace and Love. Open the door to deeper Heart Exploration and Understanding. This is what is needed to Heal our Planet and all our Relationships. Kalee Coombs also offers vibrational clearing with Crystal Singing Bowls, and Peg Losee is available for private Intensive Angel Energy Healing sessions. Plus lots MORE! Visit us soon! (207) 929-5088, www.gardensofatlantis.org.
holistic publications & radio
M a i ne AWAKE: We are a co-working community space in support of awakening.
www.theawakecollective.com info@theawakecollective.com (207) 318-1931 509 Forest Ave, Portland Maine Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn
WRFR-LP is all-volunteer community radio, on the air at 93.3 FM in Rockland and 99.3 FM in Camden, and streaming world-wide at www.wrfr.org.
We offer a wide selection of live and recorded music, and a wide variety of talk shows. Music genres include jazz, old time swing, classical, country, folk, Celtic, South Seas exotica, classic rock, heavy metal, Broadway tunes, and more. Many shows feature live music with local guests. Talk shows range from news and public affairs discussions to live tarot readings, and often include live interviews and telephone call-ins. The station is supported by listener contributions and by business sponsors. Contact Jo Lindsay, volunteer coordinator, to learn more about how you can participate: info@wrfr.org. Contact Ananur Forma, sales manager, to learn more about business sponsorship: (207) 594-2565 WRFR's studios are located at 20 Gay Street, Rockland, Maine 04841. You are invited to stop by.
Wild Grace Wellness Center Wild Grace Wellness Center is the only integral & sustainable healthcare center in Mid Coast Maine. We provide Aquatic & Physical
Therapy in a spa setting; accept most medical insurances and offer healing scholarships for area residents. We are a collective of complementary practitioners offering: acupuncture, chiropractic, meditation, tai chi, yoga, life coaching, spiritual development and more. The heart of Wild Grace is our 94° saltwater therapy pool. She reflects our belief that healing in water is a sacred practice. Our pool water is pure and sweet with disinfection through a high-tech saline generator. The air is kept fresh with no chlorine odor. We specialize in Watsu™, warm water Shiatsu stretching and massage. We also provide the advanced therapies of JFB Myofascial Release, Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy, many types of massage and exercise classes. Wild Grace is a newly constructed green building with many energy saving features. The luxurious treatment rooms are spacious and quiet with views of birch and pine-filled woods along the Kennebec River. From “away”? Try our “Play & Stay” program. Stay as a guest in a gorgeous log home and immerse yourself in multiple therapy sessions for a week or a weekend. Breakfast of organic, locally-grown foods included. Wild Grace is just west of Wiscasset and easy to find on 36 Ludwig Road in Dresden, ME 04342. For pictures and directions: www.wildgracewellness.com or call 207-737-2478.
Main e HypnoWave Hypnosis Training Center Ernest VanDenBossche, BCH, CI - Director Is it time for a change? Let hypnosis work for you in so
many ways. Become a Consulting Hypnotist. Training with Ernest VanDenBossche, Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists (ngh.net), President Maine Guild of Hypnotists. Take the NGH “Consulting Hypnotist” Certification Training, 100-hour course. Be a Certified Hypnotist. Learn – What is Hypnosis, Trance Depth Testing, Hypnotizability and Suggestibility, Rapid Inductions, Mind/Body Relaxation, Self-Hypnosis, Goal Development, Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Stress Management, Pain Management, Age Regression, Reframing Trauma, Ethics for Professional Hypnotists, create customized scripts, and CDs for your clients. You get: NGH Manuals, One Year NGH Membership, Local and International support by other professional hypnotists, supervised in-class practice time to master your techniques quickly, informational Hypnosis CD ROM, and CDs and DVDs for your business. Call: (207) 453-6133, www.hypnotraining.us. Private consulting and other trainings available.
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 35
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
We offer massage, healing arts, yoga, dance, workshops and events to support you in your self-realization. Membership: To support you in receiving consistent bodywork, we offer a membership-based discount program. With a basic membership, sessions are only $40 per hour and with a full membership sessions are only $35 per hour. Our regular price is $50 per hour. Ecstatic Dance: Every Sunday 10:00am-12:00pm we offer open DJ’ed dance space. We also offer monthly family dance and Friday night dance. Yoga: By fall 2011 we will be offering a full selection of yoga and fitness classes. Rentals: We rent all of our treatment rooms by the hour, part, or full-time. You can also rent the movement studio for your class, workshop, or event. Practitioner Memberships: Share in our marketing efforts and join our growing community of practitioners who support people in their evolution.
Main e
36 integrative healing Connecticut
Belanger Physical Therapy A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well. What we do not
choose to express emotionally will show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy, and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at joeb.pt@snet.net.
Connecticut & Maine
Ron and Joan
integrative healing–cont. Lilysongbird Healing Jewelry, Sunsets & Flowers, etc. A Healing Session includes, Reiki, Integrated Energy
Therapy, Stones & Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Angel Work, Mediumship, Psychic Messages, Animal Guides, Flower Guides, Cord-Cutting. It is followed by a reading and write-up. Selling many stones and crystals in the office location and at outside events. Jewelry is made from beaded stones for their healing properties and is available in gold-filled & sterling silver. Earrings, Bracelets, Pendants/Necklaces. Photos are derived intuitively. Available in greeting cards, matted & framed prints. Learn Reiki and help yourself and others kickstart your body's ability to help heal itself. Now teaching all levels including Master/Teacher. I am now teaching Integrated Energy Therapy as an IET Master./Instructor Fern Dyer, Reiki/Master Teacher, IET Master/Instructor Call (207) 415-8638, fdyer@maine.rr.com, www.lilysongbird.com Located in Portland.
Are You Listening? Through the challenges of our lives
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
we are being asked to release what no longer serves us; to expand, living with an open mind and heart. Are You Willing? To embody the Truth of living your life as love in action. Ron and Joan support people to live the highest/greatest vision of themselves. Living Visions is a method of support that deepens levels of calm and joy, releasing the causes of emotional and physical trauma, which increases awareness of your true center and grounding. Living Visions is a way of realizing perfect union with one's self. If you are interested in exploring how we may be able to support you please visit www.ronandjoan.com, or call us at (203) 779-0345 with questions or for more information. Sessions and groups available in Connecticut and Maine (call Leapin' Lizards for schedule in ME (207) 865-0900)
"There is more hunger for Love and Acceptance in the world today than there is for bread." (Mother Teresa).
M a i ne Roberta Barnes, CHT, Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (teacher/master) & Herbalist
“Secret to Health and Happiness,” is what Mikao Usui said of his spiritual practice to bring balance & harmony to mind/ body/spirit. Japanese styles of Usui Reiki
go beyond hands-on healing to help improve the quality of your life and the lives around you. Roberta R. Barnes, CHT, Gendai Reikiho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master teacher) & Herbalist, teaches how to let go, connect with love and harmony. Roberta has practiced natural healing for over 30 years and one of her Shihans is a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. Nestled in a wildlife habitat, Natural Healing & Learning Center is the perfect environment to reflect the healing essence of Usui Reiki. In this harmonizing relaxing atmosphere you can – *complete one of 5 levels or enjoy healing sessions in Japanese Usui Reiki, *learn meditation, *go on a meditative journey into your past, and *receive herb consultations. Two of Roberta's original guided meditations are available on the CD “Finding Your Solutions.” For more information on classes and healing sessions call (207) 445-5671 or visit www.naturalhealinglearning.com.
S u r r o u n d Yo u r L i f e W i t h T h e C o l o r s o f F a l l L i v e B r i g h t l y. . . L i v e I n t e n s e l y. . . With a Depth of Richness
In Every Moment ready for the release of the Fall 36 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Susan Ortiz, MD Board Certified Physical Medicine & Pain Medicine Medical Acupuncture & Energy Medicine Mind-Body Medicine Are you living up to your full potential? Do you have
symptoms that keep you from feeling peace? Have you been discouraged after seeking out the usual medical treatments? The most effective medicine is that which honors your unique essence while allowing for the integration of your mind and body. That is where the transformation begins. Stillpoint Rehabilitation & Wellness, 15 State St., Bangor, ME 04401. Stillptrehab@gmail.com, (207) 990-2934, www.stillpointrehab.com.
HELPING THE BODY HEAL ITSELF SHAWN HIGGINS, DO provides a holistic approach to healing. She provides an individualized, hands-on
treatment of the whole body. Osteopathic Medicine appreciates the mental, physical & spiritual aspects of each person and works to encourage balance and harmony among these elements. She recognizes that the body is inherently capable of healing itself. When given self-acceptance, self love, healthy whole foods, clean drinking water, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, and an overall sense of wellbeing & happiness, our bodies are naturally equipped to handle any imbalance or dis-ease. Our bodies tell us that an imbalance is present by expressing symptoms. Symptoms are expressions of health and let us know that our bodies are already working to restore balance. We must pay attention to symptoms without suppressing them. Patients are evaluated with great consideration of the important relationship between body structure & function. Dr. Higgins utilizes a variety of techniques to support the self-healing mechanism within each patient. Her osteopathic and cranial treatments allow for the release of strains and restoration of blood, lymphatic, and energy flow. She utilizes nutrition therapy to aid the body in reaching its full physiologic potential. As a Certified Reiki Master, Dr. Higgins also performs energy healings. Her treatments are unique in that she often combines osteopathic and energy healings into the same treatment. Spiritual guidance is also given when appropriate. Shawn Higgins, DO 100 Gray Road • Falmouth, ME 04105 (207)878-0790 • www.drshawnhiggins.com
37 integrative healing–cont.
life mastery -cont. Cent$ible Living Money Program for Couples and Individuals Jane Honeck, CPA, PFS Certified Empowerment Trainer
intuitive HEALING
"As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our
healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create Wendy Marks changes that have a ripple effect on M.Ed, C.A.S.,FAPA the world around us." I offer Medical Intuitive sessions, energy healing and integrative therapy. With 30 years of experience in traditional and complementary healthcare, I am here to improve your physical, mental and spiritual health. I work with adults to develop and hone their own intuitive skills. www.wendymarks.com (781) 449-5368, wlm922@wendymarks.com.
"You can't solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it." Albert Einstein.
Combining 30 plus years as a CPA and Personal Financial Specialist with insight as a Certified Empowerment Trainer, I developed the Cent$ible Living Money Program. Using the concepts in my award-winning book, The Problem With Money? It’s Not About the Money! we will embark on a personal exploration of your core beliefs and how these beliefs impact your financial and life choices. Together we will build a clear picture of how and why you got to where you are financially. We'll identify your own money values and priorities, not those given to you by parents, peers, society or the media. You will arrive at a new level of consciousness moving you through a process of financial change and solving your money problems once and for all. The result? Together, we'll create your own healthy financial approach to Living. For a free 15 minute phone consultation, contact Jane at (207) 797-4100 or Jane@janehoneck.com or through her website www.janehoneck.com.
Peaceful Energies Balance your Energetic Body, Physical Body, Emotions and Spirit As a certified MCKS Pranic Healer, I balance your body’s energetic system by intuitively sensing and removing stagnant, diseased energy and strengthening depleted energy with specific healing frequencies and techniques. All aspects of your being are treated: energetic,
at mgsenergy@comcast.net or (978) 683-6129. www.PranicHealingNE.com.
life mastery Maine Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching Deborah Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide
Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom and fun.
In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms and create a dynamic vision for your life – a vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principles and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. For a complimentary coaching session or schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or email: debcoaches@aol.com. Phone sessions available. www.oceanofpossibilities.com.
I am Present in my life ... I Am Present in the Moment ... I Am the Moment... I Am the Leaf.. Maybe not quite yet!
Certified Coach; The Institute for The Work, Holistic Personal Trainer, Retreat Facilitator I spent my life searching for truth and happiness outside of myself. All served me on the path, and I am
grateful. Because my seeking path was more external, I experienced only temporary relief. What ultimately led me home was the simplest of methods, The Work of Byron Katie. It is a direct, no non-sense path to personal truth, clarity and freedom held within and no teacher is required. I have been humbled and opened through my own personal inquiry into the source of my stress, fear and internal war with what is. If you are seeking sustained peace and to experience lasting wellbeing, you are invited to join me on an invigorating journey back to you. The tools used are customized for your individual plan and include The Work, Hatha yoga, meditation, holistic nutrition, lifetime fitness and wellness programming. It would be a privilege to be your guide. I am happy to offer a complimentary phone consultation if you are interested in the possibility of working together. www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929, ntnretreat@yahoo.com
living spaces Maine
Feeling Stuck? Let us:
• Clean & Vibrate your home's energy • Energetically prepare your home for sale • Clear the energy of past relationships • Balance toxic earth energies Let us support your intention for change! For more information please visit: www.GoldenRayEnergetics.com/Clearing.php or call David Dobson and Kristine Schares at (207) 892-0221.
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 37
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
physical, emotional, and spiritual. Treatment sessions offer blissful stress relief, alleviation of pain, and support in the healing of acute and chronic health complaints. Treatments are equally effective in person and at a distance. No distance is too far to receive a totally effective treatment. Pranic healing supports traditional and alternative healing methods. Contact: Miriam Smith
Jen Deraspe, MS
38 reflexology & healing massage
meditation Maine
Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,
a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabd Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib.
For More Information call (207) 358-9381, or email: James@SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com, Website: www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com/santmat.
Maine Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is a science-based, non-invasive method to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.
The deep relaxation found through this wonderful technique comes through the delicate manipulation of nerve centers in your feet and hands to send messages to the brain, which in turn sends the signals to the rest of your body. Many find the experience to result in a meditative, cleansing state, which can last days. Problem areas and issues are easily and gently relieved and reduced, from plantar fasciitis and arthritis to basic tension and foot pain. Don't force yourself to stress another minute, contact Lynn today: call either (207) 767-5776 or (207) 318-0129, or visit www.handsonfeet.net.
psychic & spiritual mediumship Maine PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy
Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years of experience. She
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
resides in Fairfield and Northport, Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089, spirit@bonnielee.net, www.bonnielee.net, and www.hypno.us.
retreats Maine The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques.
Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at VillageSoup.com. The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.
Kat Logan
Intuitive Readings and Healing
• Intuitive Readings (personal, group, parties, phone or email) • Energy Healing (also offering... Sound, Aromatherapy & Flower Essences) • Sacred Space Design for home and garden • Dowsing and Space Clearing Intuitively aware since childhood, Kat has been offering readings and energy work for over 25 years. As a spiritual medium, empath and clairvoyant she lovingly brings the messages from the Divine Energies that are resonating with you, to assist you on your life's journey. My work is not to tell you your future but to intuitively counsel you of the many potentials that are resonating with you. You have the personal power and will to create the life you want. I want to assist you in that process. I also offer sliding scale fee schedules if money is a problem. Kat also offers other services such as Sacred Space Design, Intuitive Art Work, Medicinal Herbal Teas and Flower Essences. For more information, please check the website: www.mygreatfullheart.com or email: kat@mygreatfullheart.com. Kat is located in Friendship, Maine. Telephone (207) 226-7446.
Rolling Meadows, a 100 acre rural retreat center in Brooks over-looking the hills of coastal Maine, two hours north of Portland, offering silent residential retreats for the purpose of nourishing—awakening to Awareness.
Patricia Brown and Surya Chandra Das have been teaching for 30 years and are the resident teachers offering guidance in meditation, yoga and the direct path of self-inquiry. Students are supported to open and be present for whatever is arising and to recognize the ever-available nature of Presence when we are simply here as we are in each moment. Intimate small group experience. Retreats are scheduled thru the year in Maine and in the winter months in Mexico and Guatemala. www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com, (888) 666-6412.
Directory of Resources Listings are easy to compose. Write as though you are speaking to others about the work you do and the services you offer. For more information call: (207) 799-7995/(203) 779-0345 or email: info@innertapestry.org 38 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
39 schools & trainings-cont.
Sewall House Yoga Retreat Enjoy yoga twice daily, meditation, massage, sauna and healthy home-cooked vegetarian cuisine. Near pristine lakes
and Baxter State Park, hike, bike, swim, canoe, kayak or simply porch sit! Five days suggested, weekends, shorter and longer stays arranged. Step back into time in the comfort of this bed and breakfast style retreat listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Nature guide William Sewall shared the healing attributes of nature with a young Theodore Roosevelt, who restored his health from life-threatening asthma here. The tradition continues since 1997 with William Sewall's great granddaughter, yoga instructor Donna Davidge, with over 25 years experience in the healing arts, and her Swedish husband, musician and chef Kent Bonham. Experience the friendly hospitality Sewall House has always offered. Sewall House Yoga Retreat, Island Falls, Maine, www.sewallhouse.com. (888) 235-2395 Open All Year, prearranged retreats available upon request.
This land is a living resource! The 24 blessed
“Forest Circles,” Topsham, Me.( 207) 776-3152, www.forestcircles.com.
schools & trainings Maine
Treat Your Feet
A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.
Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body. Reflexology is credited with improving circulation and reducing body stress, which
removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for School of Reflexology $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot, hand charts, footbath items & much more. For a reflexology session, call Denise Johnson in Rockland at (207) 701-1028. For more information, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta (207) 626-FEET. Classes start in February & September, www.treatyourfeet.com. Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.
For Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers Reiki I and Reiki II training offered monthly NCBTMB approved – 8 CE hours per class Learn the ancient hands-on-healing technique known as Reiki. This training is designed to inspire and teach massage therapists to integrate Reiki into their existing practice. Reiki is a powerful yet gentle therapy. Reiki has no contraindications so you will never have to turn another client away. This practical, hands-on workshop allows you to work on yourself, others, pets and animals. Reiki is essential for every massage therapist, even if you do not need continuing education hours. Register early – class size limited for individual attention. For more information on class details contact Rachel Pelletier, LMT, Kennebunk, Maine (207) 967-0035 or www.healingwaysonline.com.
“Rachel Pelletier is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.”
Have you ever thought about how nice it would be to treat minor ailments and injuries with safe, natural and gentle medicine, but are not sure where to start?
Have you tried using homeopathy in the past and been discouraged with the results? Or maybe you’re interested in expanding the scope of your existing practice to include more natural alternatives. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic, inexpensive, ecologically sustainable and available without prescription. At Baylight Homeopathy Courses in Portland we offer two types of educational opportunities. The first is a one-year course, Introduction to Homeopathy, for the individual interested in learning how to use homeopathic remedies for first aid and acute illness. The second is a comprehensive four-year program for the student who wishes to become a Homeopathic Practitioner. Please call us at (207) 774-4244, or visit us on the web at www.baylighthomeopathy.com for more details, and to find out how to register for fall classes.
shamanic healing Maine Spirit Passages Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk Spirit Passages is the partnership of nationally recognized shamanic teacher/healers, Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of Modern Shamanic Living: New Explorations of an Ancient Path and C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW. Whether through powerful heart-to-heart contact with individual patients or with workshop groups and conference participants—Evelyn’s & Allie’s extensive experience ensures you of safe shamanic healing encounters, as well as opportunities to train in shamanism with confidence. They are committed to help you increase your personal power, feel your intrinsic sacredness and expand your connections to All That Is! www.spiritpassages.com.
The Simple Art of Awareness
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 39
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acres on which “Forest Circles” is located continues to provide visitors with uniquely personal mystical experiences. Overnight solo retreats in the forest are popular. Come for a gathering in a peaceful inside space, a program around the sacred fire pit or a walk. All are invited to experience this parcel of Earth that is eager to communicate and teach you how to find your way back to your heart. At Forest Circles we offer programs which include: multi-cultural spiritual ceremonies, classes for enhancing one’s connection to Earth and inner self, solo and group retreats, classes on native medicinal plants and children’s programs. Strongheart Healing with Regina Strongheart is featured at the retreat center. Self-Retrieval” is a technique developed by Regina that helps you reclaim your personal power and peace. Using healing energy, shamanic journeying and medical intuition, Regina will assist you in finding health and peace. Regina Strongheart has an MA in education from UNH and experiences including 29 years teaching high school chemistry, 8 years in the medical field and 14 years as a spiritual healer and teacher. She is the owner of
Healing Ways of Kennebunk Reiki Certification Classes
40 shamanic healing D O R Y C OTE
writing services
…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence. At
the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be whole, stable and functioning at our highest potential. My healing space is safe, quiet and nourishing. I regularly perform soul retrievals, communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones and facilitate healing the numerous wounds of life in the 21st century. I have completed a Three-Year The Center for Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Earth Light Healing Healing with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and other intensive trainings, including experiences with indigenous shamans from around the world. I graduated from a Two-Year Teacher Training Program with world-renowned shaman, Sandra Ingerman. I work with adults, couples, animals & specialize in working with gifted, autistic, aspergers, sensitive and ADHD children. Please see my workshop schedule or make an appointment at www.earthlighthealing.com, email me at dory@dorycote.com, or call (207) 841-1215.
Pacha Works
Holding New Possibilities. Working with traditional shamanistic practices for healing. Eva Rose Goetz, director
"Healing is a collaboration. I love working with people privately or with groups. By working together we remove energies that may be in the way of our coming into wholeness and balance." Eva Rose Goetz: BFA University of Texas
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
at Austin, MS Ed. Bank Street College NYC, Medicine Wheel Training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Lisa Summerlott. Certified In Light Body Medicine with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Core Shamanism with Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton. Eva gratefully continues her studies with indigenous medicine people in Peru, New Mexico, Canada, Africa and Mexico. Eva hosts workshops, leads ceremonies and has a private Shamanic Energy Practice in Falmouth, Maine. More information about classes, private sessions, or ceremonies can be found at www.pachaworks.com or contact Eva directly at (207) 756-0488. "When working with intention
and holding the blessed energy of gratitude, with spirit's help, energy moves. A door opens and new possibilities are now available."
Grow Your Business You need professionally written advertorials, ads, interviews, reviews and web content that align who you are and what you do with your target audience.
A professional writer saves you time and gets you and your business in print.
Ghostwriting: articles, books, columns, advertorials and more Freelance Work: feature articles, interviews, book reviews, web content Coaching: guidance and insight for your own writing Published in local, regional and national print and digital media Portfolio: www.KarenMRider.com Email: KarenMRider@comcast.net
phone: (860) 638-8140
The Village Scribe The Wellness Center, Camden, Maine
Communicate your authentic message. Writing and Editing services for the Creative and Holistic communities.
Original Copy for: Ads ~ Business cards ~ Brochures Articles ~ Memoirs ~ Websites Writing Workshops Creative Writing ~ Memoir ~ Mythic Structure Ducktrap Writers' Round Table ~ Supporting writers in their craft. Camden Public Library, third Sundays, 2:00pm-4:00pm $15.
Custom crafted words that represent who you are and what you do.
Continued from page 23 ~ a breath of healing ~ With Grace You Can Win Any Race 3) 4) 5)
Middle finger- Saturn, channel emotion to devotion, learn patience Pointing finger- Jupiter, wisdom, expansion and knowledge Thumb- Positive ego
One note, if GOD seems religious to you, we are taught that it is the energy of the universe that • Generates • Organizes • Delivers or Destroys all This is a lovely meditation. Grace is a contained energy that we can all win by developing!! One way of thinking of grace is being non-reactive—responsive instead. If this is too much for you, one other meditation is simply for ninety days
to see if your vibration, your thoughts and words, can be promoting and complimentary instead of demoting and complaining. You would be surprised how often people demote themselves, let alone others. We might be surprised if we heard ourselves on tape!! We can change the internal tapes and yoga is one great way to start.
Donna Amrita Davidge and her husband musician Kent Bonham run www.sewallhouse.com retreat in Island Falls, Maine. Please contact them at (888) 235-2395 or info@sewallhouse.com if interested or with any other queries.
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. ...Johannes A. Gaertner
40 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Yoga ~ T'ai Chi ~ Meditation-cont.
Yoga, T'ai Chi & Meditation Listings Six issues in print costs $160 for 35 words plus logo. Online placement in the Directory of Resources with a direct link to your website for an additional $75. Please call: (207) 799-7995 / (203) 779-0345 or Email: info@innertapestry.org.
Yoga ~ T'ai Chi ~ Meditation Connecticut
Radiant Yoga Offering all level group classes, private sessions, workshops and yoga hikes. Classes are a blending of styles with attention to alignment, fluid movement, pranayama (breathing), and relaxation. Erin McGuire, RYT. Check us out on facebook at Radiant Yoga, CT - Life Illuminated, call (860) 267-6388 or email radiantyoga@sbcglobal.net.
Wai Nei Academy of Health What does the Tao, Chi and Traditional Chinese Medicine have to do with it? ...Everything. Come and experience authentic, genuine Taoist healing and protective arts. Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Pakua, Tung Pei, Ching I. Study ancient Taoist Cannons, learn how to heal yourself and others. Experience a chi transmission treatment, eastern “wu” shamanic sound healing, or receive private self protection teachings. “Teaching those to teach themselves.” Do you have what it takes to “walk through the gate?” info@integrated-performance.com; (207) 839-LIVE(5483).
Midcoast Maine Wicked Good Yoga Awaken your own personal power with heart pumping Baptiste inspired power vinyasa yoga. Become lighter as you shift your energy, peeling away layers of physical, mental, and emotional toxins. Our studio (with changing rooms and showers) is conveniently located off Route 1 in Wiscasset at the Snow Squall Inn. Daily classes are all levels and drop ins are welcomed. Massage is also available by appointment. New Baby and Me classes. Thursday mornings 10:30am-11:30. Website: www.wickedgoodyoga.com. We are also on Facebook or call us at (207) 882-6892.
SOUTH PORTLAND Sadhana The Meditation Center Eat, Pray, Love, Sit, Drum, Sing, Dance, Chant, Connect, Open, Smile. Come explore and experience practices that bring happiness and compassion to life. Meditation Hall Open Everyday 6:30am-9:00pm. All Welcome. For a listing of events visit our website: www.SadhanaMe.com; (207) 772-6898; info@SadhanaME.com; 100 Brickhill Ave.
GLASTONBURY Sacred Rivers Yoga Offers Yoga for Every Body, therapeutic massage and bodywork modalities, acupuncture, nutritional and herbal therapies. We are also a Yoga Alliance 200- and 500-hour registered yoga teacher training school. www.sacredriversyoga.com.
WINDHAM www.ReDefiningYogaandPilates.com In the hustle of this modern day, technologically, media manic world, there is a place of balance. Yoga, Pilates, Massage, Nutrition, Reiki and Community. 725 Roosevelt Trail, (207) 892-0964.
DENMARK, GREATER BRIDGTON LAKES REGION Nurture Through Nature's Donation Based Yoga Center Our intention is to offer the gift of yoga in a sacred space, supporting healing, restoration and healthy active movement. We offer weekly, quality classes in a beautiful, natural setting. Design your own healing yoga retreat. www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929, getaway@ntnretreats.com,.
Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It's a way to live. ~Attributed to Jacqueline Winspear
Calendar and classified listings submission deadline for December/January's Issue is November 5th Time flies don't forget! Please send your formatted Calendar and Classified listings to info@innertapestry.org
October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 41
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Calendar And Classified
Guidelines And Advertising Rates Are Located on Page 45
October 8th, 7:00pm Kirtan w/Shubalananda
October 15th The I.D.E.A.L. Process For Creating A Life You Love
at the Bhava Yoga School, 500 Forest Ave, Portland, www.bhavayogaschool.com, (603) 937-1163.
(Intuit, Discern, Empower, Affirm, Live!). Module 2 of 7: Intuitive Self-Diagnosis and Introduction to EOL Root Cause Model. Life-changing, intuitive development training with Medical Intuitive and Master Healers-Teachers Sue and Aaron Singleton. Derived from proven aspects of Biology and Quantum Physics, these exclusive Energy of Life® (EOL) techniques shed new perspective on neuro-chemical responses within human biology and the interrelationship of all matter. Learn EOL techniques to release residues of electrical stimulation, MRI, X-Ray and clear cellular memory of physical traumas, illness residues, and toxins. 9.6 contact hours, 9am-6pm, DVD available. Details: www.TheWayToBalance.com, (978) 834-0341.
October 8th, 2:00pm - Monday, October 10th, 2:00pm Fall Reflections: An Eco-Retreat for healing and spaciousness Columbus Day Weekend, Nurture Through Nature Retreat Center, Denmark, Maine. Cost: $395. Contact us for discounts! www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
October 9th, Sunday, 10:00am-5:00pm The Enlightenment Expo
H eart V isions
May 2012 Glastonbury, England
Experience the healing waters of the Chalice Well, bringing harmony to your well being. With Megan Don www.mysticpeace.com.
October~Connecticut October 8th, Saturday, 9:00am-1:00pm Engaging Your Innate Healing Abilities - 4 Part Series
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
First - The focus of this series is to reawaken and help the being remember how to heal. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate change and harmonization of the whole being. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required, call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
October 12th, Wednesday, 7:00pm-9:00pm “How To Be At Peace With Anyone,” with Coach Cary Bayer, in Ellington, (www.carybayer.com), at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney St. Investment: $20, when paid by October 5th, $30 after. For more information & to register call (845) 679-5526.
October 14th, Friday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With ArcSounds Joseph N. Goff House, 2 Barton Hill Rd., East Hampton. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of Gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email joan@ronandjoan.com.
October 28th, Friday, 2:00pm & 6:30pm Harmonic Sound Immersion Group With Ron and Joan at Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd. #280, Middletown. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email joan@ronandjoan.com.
October 29th, Saturday. 9:00am-1:00pm Awakening Your Intuitive Awareness 4 Part Series First - The focus of this series is to reconnect to your intuitive awareness to allow this way of being to guide you through your life. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate the opening to the intuitive self. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
October 29th, Saturday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With ArcSounds Unity Church of Hartford, 919 Ellington Rd., South Windsor. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (860) 289-8963 or email vibrations@unityhartford.org.
October ~ Maine October 7th-10th Surya $450 Columbus Day Weekend Retreat with Surya Chandra Das Yoga, meditation, silence at quiet 100-acre country sanctuary in Brooks. www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com, (888) 666-6412.
42 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
The Fireside Inn & Suites, 81 Riverside St. Portland ME. Greater Portland's largest gathering of metaphysical & spiritual products, practitioners & services. Join us for a day of One-ness, Unity & Community. Readings, Aura Photography, Workshops, Music & more! Admission $5.00. Portion of proceeds to local charity. FMI: Dede Eaton: (207) 671-5379. magickcloset@hotmail.com www.themagickcloset.com.
October 14th–19th The Art of Being Retreat Yoga, meditation & silence at quiet 100 acre retreat center in midcoast Maine. www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com, (888) 666-6412.
October 16th & 23rd, 9:00am-4:00pm both days Karuna® Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Workshop: Karuna: Compassion in Sanskrit. Learn Karuna symbols and their uses, toning with symbols, giving treatments, and much more. Ample practice time. FMI-Yvonne Thibodeau, Sacred Heart of the Wolf at (207) 356-2662.
October 20th–23rd Look Within Retreat Self-Inquiry, yoga, meditation & silence at quiet 100 acre retreat center in mid-coast Maine. www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com, (888) 666-6412.
October 22nd & 29th, 9:00am-4:00pm, both Saturdays Usui Reiki III, ART Workshop: Advanced practitioner attunenment and techniques, working with crystals and the Reiki Grid, meditation and aura balancing techniques. Ample practice time. Must have completed Reiki II. FMI-Yvonne Thibodeau, Sacred Heart of the Wolf at (207) 356-2662.
October 26th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm Putting Your Best Food Forward With Shawn Marie Higgins, D.O. Learn how to eat your way to excellent health, ideal body weight, and feelings of well being. It’s true that we are what we eat – literally! Learn how and why certain foods can eliminate dis-ease, excess weight, depression, anxiety, and environmental toxin loads in our bodies. We will discuss basic physiology at the cellular and organ levels, making it easy to understand how and why the body becomes ill in the setting of nutritional deficiency, as well as how it heals and regenerates (yes, regenerates!) when proper nutrition is reinstated. Taking responsibility for one’s own state of health is empowering! So, join me for an introductory educational session on how food IS the best and most effective medicine. Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Road (Route 100), West Falmouth, ME Cost: $15.00 per person. RSVP: Call (207) 878-0790 – leave your name and phone number on voicemail. Your name will be added to the list; you will not receive a call back. Please RSVP responsibly!
October~Massachusetts October 2nd Healing at the Speed of Light: Change Your DNA Scientific pioneers including Drs. John Ott, Jacob Lieberman and Fritz-Albert Popp have proven the importance of color, light and bio-photon energy for influencing human health and DNA. Learn Aaron and Sue Singleton’s color and light techniques to help heal illness, emotional issues, encourage DNA changes to rejuvenate the body, for your personal health, or in your healthcare practice! 7.2 contact hours, 9am-4pm. Details: www.TheWayToBalance.com, (978) 834-0341.
October 16th The Rings of Oden – Module 1 of 3: New Technology for Quantum Healing. The Rings combine Sacred Geometry, DNA Re-Patterning, Crop Circles, and Cell Microbiology concepts as part of a revolutionary technology, "Net-Neutral Ionic Energy." Ring vortices open stuck areas, allowing toxins, traumas to leave, and intuitive awareness to increase. Experience configurations to relieve stress/anxiety, enhance endocrine, immune systems, liver/gallbladder functions, etc. 7.2 contact hours, 9am-4pm. Details: www.TheWayToBalance. com, (978) 834-0341.
October~NewHampshire October 28th, Friday, 7:00pm-9:30pm Psychic Medium Asrianna Dameron to hold Gallery Reading at the Holiday Inn in Concord NH. Cost $40. Contact Karen at (603) 264-6203 or email karen@asrianna.com.
October ~ Vermont October15th-16th Yoga & Meditation Retreat Come and take a break from stressful living and enjoy quiet seclusion with a small group of like-minded people gathered in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont. At Ledge End you will learn simple and powerful techniques to heal your body, replenish your energy and rediscover your innate Joy. We have numerous activities on offer including Zen Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation and massage therapy. We will provide the tools and the space you need to break the stress cycle and tap into your inner strength, creativity and vitality. Location: Ledge End Retreat Center, Vershire, Vermont. Website: www.artofzenyoga.com, (860) 805-6551.
November~Connecticut November 11th, Friday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With ArcSounds Joseph N. Goff House, 2 Barton Hill Rd., East Hampton. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of Gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email joan@ronandjoan.com.
November 13th, Sunday, 9:00am-1:00pm Engaging Your Innate Healing Abilities - 4 Part Series Second - The focus of this series is to reawaken and help the being remember how to heal. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate change and harmonization of the whole being. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
November 18th, Friday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With ArcSounds Unity Church of Hartford, 919 Ellington Rd., South Windsor. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (860) 289-8963 or email vibrations@unityhartford.org.
43 November 25th, Friday, 2:00pm & 6:30pm Harmonic Sound Immersion Group
November 19th Rings of Oden, MODULE 2 of 3
February 25th & 26th, Saturday & Sunday, 9:00am-4:00pm Traveling Through The Chakras...
With Ron and Joan at Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd. #280, Middletown. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email joan@ronandjoan.com.
Soar To New Heights! 50+ new, advanced Sacred Geometry configurations, 20 “On-the-Body” formations, etc. Learn layering techniques with multiple Ring configurations, and new advanced multi-dimensional stacking configurations, such as Sacred Sites and Temples, new Light-Body configurations, configurations for releasing Diagnostic Testing Residues (XRay, MRI), and EMF/Electricity, protocols for helping many illnesses and conditions. Presented by Founders Sue/Aaron Singleton. 7.2 contact hours. www.TheWayToBalance.com; (978) 834-0341.
Clearing A Way For A Healthier Life. The class will be utilizing the harmonizing benefits of sound, energetics and relationship to create an environment supportive of becoming aware of, honoring of and transforming that which limits our relationship with our innate way of living health-fully. Sliding Scale $175 to $225 for both days. Reservations required call Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com.
November 26th, Saturday. 9:00am-1:00pm Awakening Your Intuitive Awareness 4 Part Series Second - The focus of this series is to reconnect to your intuitive awareness to allow this way of being to guide you through your life. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate the opening to the intuitive self. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
November ~ Maine November 18th, Friday, 8:00pm-10:00pm Satsang – The Flame of Living Love What is the Guru, $30 advance / $55 door, BhagavanDas@BhavaYogaSchool.com, (603) 937-1163.
November 18th-19th, Basic Pranic Healing Day 1 9:00am-7:00pm; Day 2 9:00am-1:00pm. CEUS for Nurses, Social Workers & LMT's In Basic Pranic Healing, you learn the basics of working with your energy aura, including learning to "scan", or feel the energy, to "sweep", or clean away congested energy, and to "energize", or supplement areas in your aura that have a pranic deficiency. The Maine Center for Pranic Healing, 47 Pleasant St. Oxford, ME 04270. Call or e-mail: Heather (207) 240-4637 or heather@dancingangels.us.
November 19th, Saturday, 2:00pm-4:00pm Temple of Sound Nada Yoga Workshop & Kirtan $50 advance/$55 door Kirtan 8:00pm-10:00pm $25 advance/$30 door/or $90 3 events advance tickets-www. bhavayogaschool.com, (603) 937-1163.
November~Massachusetts November 5th, Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm, Newton Psychic Development, Past Lives & Angel Communication Workshop with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583.
November 12th The I.D.E.A.L. Process For Creating A Life You Love Module 3 of 7: Empowered Self-Healing Through Dialoguing with Your Body. EOL 8th Chakra attunement heightens cellular memory to increase intuition. Discover limbic system, color, sound, aromatherapy techniques. 9.6 contact hours, Prerequisite Modules 1-2 on DVDs. www.TheWayToBalance.com; (978) 834-0341.
November 13th Joy of Living Free of Anxiety/Worry! Explore gifts of fear/stress/overwhelm/worry; engage anxieties as allies; create beneficial bio-chemicals without medicine/ supplements. Get tools for life: sound, music, meditation, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, Net-Neutral Ionic! 7.2 contact hours, www.TheWayToBalance.com; (978) 834-0341.
November 11th-13th, Reconnect with Nature Retreat Immerse yourself in Mother Nature. Ledge End Retreat Center is situated on 150 acres of Maple and Birch woods, spectacular rock ledges and vernal pools. Our program is grounded in the essence of Earth and Heart-based teachings, honoring the sacred nature of the external and internal. Practices include a mix of ancient Chinese, Celtic, Lakota and Eastern Shamanic traditions. Location: Ledge End Retreat Center, Vershire, Vermont. Website: www.artofzenyoga.com, (860) 805-6551.
Upcoming~Connecticut December 3rd, Saturday, 9:00am-1:00pm Engaging Your Innate Healing Abilities - 4 Part Series Third - The focus of this series is to reawaken and help the being remember how to heal. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate change and harmonization of the whole being. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
December 3rd, Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm Colette-Baron-ReidInternationallyRenownedMedium/Clairvoyant Meg’s is proud to host a morning of mediumship and psychic readings with Colette. She will share with you the many ways to access your own divine wisdom and guidance calling on spirit to communicate with you and to respond to your questions. Colette will take you on a magical morning of fun and dialogue with spirit. She will shake up your perspective and awaken your own intuitive voice preparing you for a divine conversation. Colette-Baron-Reid, the author of Remembering the Future, Messages from Spirit, The Map and creator of many oracle decks, The Wisdom of Avalon and Wisdom of the Hidden Realms is also a popular spiritual intuitive, seminar leader, radio personality, motivational speaker, and musical recording artist. Top selling CD – Journey through the Chakras. She has shared the stage with Silvia Browne, John Holland, Caroline Myss and many others. www.colettebaronreid. com. Meg’s store will open at 9:00am. For further information go to www.megsinspirations.com and click on calendar of events. Tickets on sale at Meg’s. 74 East Center St. Manchester, CT 06040. Followed by a talk and book signing. Cost: $75
December 17th, Saturday. 9:00am-1:00pm Awakening Your Intuitive Awareness 4 Part Series Third - The focus of this series is to reconnect to your intuitive awareness to allow this way of being to guide you through your life. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate the opening to the intuitive self. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
January 7th, Saturday, 9:00am-1:00pm Engaging Your Innate Healing Abilities - 4 Part Series Fourth - The focus of this series is to reawaken and help the being remember how to heal. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate change and harmonization of the whole being. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
January 21st, Saturday. 9:00am-1:00pm Awakening Your Intuitive Awareness 4 Part Series Fourth - The focus of this series is to reconnect to your intuitive awareness to allow this way of being to guide you through your life. We will be using sound, conversation and energetics to facilitate the opening to the intuitive self. MHCC Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Reservations required call or email Joan at (203) 779-0345 or joan@ronandjoan.com
SEND ALL LISTINGS TO: info@innertapestry.org
December 4th–9th Silence of the Heart Retreat Yin Yoga, meditation, self-inquiry & silence at quiet 100 acre retreat center in mid-coast Maine. www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com, (888) 666-6412.
December 29th–January 1st Annual New Year’s Retreat Yoga, meditation & silence at quiet 100 acre retreat center in mid-coast Maine. www.rollingmeadowsretreat.com, (888) 666-6412.
Ongoing~Connecticut Laughter Yoga, 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 6:00pm-7:00pm, with Donna Lombardo at the Masonic Hall, 11 South Main St., West Hartford, CT, Class fee $5.00. Enjoy this fun-filled class that combines Laughter exercises with Yogic Breathing. No experience necessary. FMI (860) 462-1031 or www.spiritdanceyoga.com.
Second Wednesday, Meditation with Clare Vidich Willimantic - Windham Hospital, Women's Center for Health, 7A Ledgebrook Drive, Mansfield Center, CT (behind the East Brook Mall). For more information call (860) 456-6766, Time: 6:30pm. Cost: Free
Sunday ~ Bhakti-Yoga Festival – 3:00pm Join us for kirtan, philosophy and vegetarian dinner. No charge. Hare Krishna Temple. 1683 Main St. East Hartford (860) 289-7252, www.iskconct.org.
Ongoing Reiki Offerings Individual Reiki Sessions, Crystal Healings, Reiki Shares & Classes in Eastern CT. Please call Carleen, RMT at (860) 884-3125 for more information.
Holistic Moms Network National non-profit organization for parents with an interest in holistic health and green living. Visit www.holisticmoms.org to find a local chapter.
SunDo Mountain Taoism Classes in Taoist breathwork, meditation and postures for all fitness levels. SunDo Taoist practice enhances the body's qi-energy flow, which promotes health and higher consciousness. (860) 523-5260, www.sundo.org.
ECKANKAR Temple of CT -- a place for all who love God. ECKANKAR, the religion of the Light and Sound of God. Worship services are the second Sunday of every month 10:00am with fellowship and refreshments afterwards. Corner of Route 66 and Harvestwood Rd. Middlefield. (860) 346-2226; www.ct-eckankar.org.
O ng o i ng ~
M aine
Authentic Movement Dance at Bath Dance Works First and third Saturdays of the month, 10:00am-1:00pm. October 1st and 15th, November 5th and 19th, suggested donation $10, no experience is necessary. FMI: call Kay Mann (207) 725-9997 or email dancingfewl@pobox.com.
Monthly Dowsing for Your Health & Earth Energies Classes, and Meditation Sessions at Leapin' Lizards in Freeport & Portland. Check out www.trustyourspirit.org or www.leapinlizards.biz for class dates and times. FMI call Paul at (207) 332-9681.
Women’s Group meeting weekly for support and relaxing body-mind exercises. Thursday’s 6:30pm-8:00pm in Damariscotta. Call Angela Hassenpflug at (207) 592-7888 or email angela@gestaltyourlife.com
Wai Nei Academy of Health Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00pm we study ancient and sacred Taoist healing arts, martial arts and meditation. Come by and join us for free! Facilitated by Shifu Kelcey Hart. FMI call (207) 839-LIVE (5483). Also offering private teaching, healing and consultation.
Continued on page 44 October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 43
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
November 19th-20th, Advanced Pranic Healing Day 1 2:00pm-7:00pm; Day 2 9:00am-7:00pm. CEUS for Nurses, Social Workers & LMT's Advanced Pranic Healing is a specialized workshop for those who wish to become more effective healers. In Advanced Pranic Healing, you will learn how to utilize colored prana for quicker, more effective healing results. Colored prana creates a more focused effect on the energy field and the chakras. Prerequisite: Basic Pranic Healing The Maine Center for Pranic Healing, 47 Pleasant St. Oxford, ME 04270. Call or e-mail: Heather (207) 240-4637 or heather@ dancingangels.us
November ~ Vermont
Upcoming ~ Maine
44 Bhava Yoga School
Thursday Buddhist Meditation
Cultivating devotion to meet the needs of body, soul & spirit 500 Forest Avenue, Portland. www.bhavayogaschool.com, (603) 937-1163.
We practice Natural Wisdom and Love/Compassion and Tonglen. All practices are for beginners and long-time practitioners, 25 Middle Street, Portland. 6:00pm-7:00pm. Jane Burdick, janeburd@maine.rr.com or (207) 773-6809.
Peace & Meditation Group - Camden/Lincolnville Tuesdays at 6:00pm. Readings, Films & Audiotapes based on the works of H.W.L. Poonja. Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Jean Klein and other inspired teachers of Reality. All Welcome. Contact Michael at (207) 763-3860.
ShivaShakti School of Yoga, Rockland
Healing And Prayer Circle ~ Free
Spiritual Horizons Maine
2nd Thursdays of each month, 7:00pm-8:30pm. Come in community to pray, meditate and send love to those who you are concerned about, or ask for healing for yourself. Open to all! Bring a goodie to share for refreshments after. Sacred Circle Studio, Friendship. Contact: Kat Logan, (207) 226-7446, or email kat@mygreatfullheart.com.
Seeking a spiritual community? Share illuminating, spiritual discussions/presentations in an open, welcoming environment. Meets every Tuesday at 7:00pm at 75 State Street, Portland. For more Information: www.spiritualhorizonsmaine.ning.com.
Give yourself the gift of Yoga! Ongoing weekly classes morning and evening for all levels. Call (207) 431-8079 or visit www.ShivaShaktiYogaSchool.com.
EnergizeTM Sessions with Emmanuelle Chaulet
Does your eating behavior make you or others unhappy? There is help available in OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS! Check out oamaine.org to learn more, or call 211 for meeting times.
Stress relief, energy clearing and balancing, RYSE®. Self-confidence, boundaries and empowerment issues. For artists, performers, women, body workers. $80 ($70 students) Holistic Pathways, Gorham, (207) 839-9819 www.emmanuellechaulet.com.
Kirtan at Portland Yoga Studio, 1st and 3rd Fridays
The Birth House
Join us on a vocal journey through the sacred sounds of ancient India with call & response group chanting. Beginners welcomed. $5.00 suggested donation. 7:00pm-8:30pm, 616 Congress St., 3rd floor, Portland. FMI: www.kirtanandyoga.com.
Bridgton's freestanding birth center is available for free tours. FMI: contact heidi@birthwisemidwifery.edu, www.birthhouseme.com or (207) 647-5919.
The Ducktrap Writers’ Round Table
Self-Hypnosis, Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation, Guided Imagery Classes. Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, BCH, CI; www.hypnowave.com (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville.
Have a problem with food?
meets on third Sundays at Camden Public Library from 2:00pm-4:00pm. A venue for writers who wish to share work, receive feedback and be supported in their craft. Call Teresa Piccari, proprietor of The Village Scribe, at (207) 344-7070 for more info. Suggested fee is $15.
Reiki - Healing Ways of Kennebunk Reiki classes offered monthly. Learn this ancient art of hands-on healing for yourself, loved ones, and pets. FMI Rachel Pelletier, LMT (207) 967-0035 or www.healingwaysonline.com.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Taoist Tai Chi TM Internal Arts of Health Sustain or reclaim your good health with the Taoist Tai Chi Society® internal art of Tai Chi Chuan. In more than 25 countries around the globe, people of all ages and abilities enjoy the many benefits of practicing this art of holistic health. Classes are offered in Westbrook, Bridgton, Brownfield & Blue Hill. FMI: (207) 329-4346, or email: portland.me@taoist.org.
Wednesday Women’s Meditation Group All women welcome to a weekly meditation in the Greenfire tradition. Location: Newcastle, St. Andrews Parish House, Glidden St. 6:30pm–7:30pm (not on the 3rd Wednesday of the month). For more info please call: Angela H. (207) 592-7888 or Mary A. (207) 677-3229.
Sunday Night: Portland Spiritualist Church meets at 755 Main Street, Westbrook (Mission Possible Teen Center) for 6:30pm Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit. FMI call (207) 655-6673 or visit our website at www.portlandspiritualistchurch.org.
Fourth Friday of each month - Gallery Readings.
Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes:
Oneness Blessings/Oneness Deeksha A Direct Experience of the Divine ~ Living in Oneness. Regularly scheduled circles (free). Become a Deeksha giver. Oneness Trainers Elizabeth and Maha'al. Contact Elizabeth@IntegralReal.com or (207) 619-1663.
Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.
Doula tea ~ meet with doulas in person Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet one Sunday each month at the Birth Roots, 101 State St., Portland from 9:00am-11:00am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.
USM Center for Continuing Education. Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit www.usm.maine.edu/cce for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.
Stretch, Relax and Recharge Through YOGA
Nagaloka is a spiritual community that provides space for individuals to explore and practice Buddhism. Weekly meditation sessions, retreats and introductory classes on meditation and Buddhism are scheduled regularly. Bookstore, too! 54 York St., Portland, www.nagalokabuddhistcenter.org, (207) 774-1545.
Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 358-9381 or James@SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com.
44 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
Zen Yoga classes Monday & Thursday evenings at 6:00pm. $10 per class. All levels. Vershire, VT. www.artofzenyoga.com (860) 805-6551.
Classified Listings HEALING PLACES & SPACES ~ Maine Nurture Through Nature specializes in holistic personal retreats. Experience peace, healing and connection with self and nature in a simple and earth-friendly environment. Enjoy yoga, body work, a Finnish wood-fired sauna steam bath, dips in the mountain brook, hiking, meditation, The Work of Byron Katie, canoeing, kayaking... create your own getaway for individuals, couples and small groups. Bridgton Lakes Region, Denmark, (207) 452-2929, www.ntnretreats.com.
Dancing Angels Wellness Studio & The Maine Center for Pranic Healing We are happy to provide you with tools for Mind, Body and Soul Expansion! Angel Therapy®, Pranic Healing, Reiki and so much more! www.dancingangels.us or e-mail dancingangels@dancingangels.us.
HEALING PLACES & SPACES ~ Vermont Join Zen Yoga founder Aaron Hoopes and his wife Elfeya for a special weekend of breathing, gentle movement and meditation in the beautiful mountains of Vermont. Program includes nature meditations, tai chi, qigong and deep relaxation. Home-cooked meals! Ledge End Retreat & Wellness Center, (860) 805-6551, breathe@artofzenyoga.com, website: www.artofzenyoga.com.
www.museumafricanculture.org and the class "Developing Your Personal Healing Gifts" with teacher, healer and medical intuitive Regina Strongheart at "Forest Circles," Topsham, www.forestcircles.com.
Ledge End Retreat & Wellness Center
Private Individual/Couples Retreat Getaway
Meditation and Buddhism:
The New Moon Rituals with Chief Oscar Mokeme
Breathing, movement, stretching and deep guided relaxation meditation. Every Wednesday evening. Beginners 6:00pm-7:00pm. All levels 7:00pm-8:30pm. $10 per class. Location: Studio Time and Space in Springfield, VT. Everyone welcome. www.studiotimeandspace.org. (802) 591-0990.
Located at 267 Congress Street, Portland, (within the synagogue). Sunday Services: 10:30am-12:00pm followed by fellowship. FMI call (207) 576-7276, visit www.RevGloriaNye.com.
and Awareness Classes, except for the 4th Friday which is Gallery Readings - see above. Portland Spiritualist Church, 755 Main Street, Westbrook (Mission Possible Teen Center). Classes start at 7:30pm. Most classes are by donation. FMI call (207) 655-6673 or visit our website at www.portlandspiritualistchurch.org.
Friday Night: Weekly Psychic Development
Zen Yoga
Center of Inner Light, Rev. Gloria Nye
A gentle way to reduce stress, tension and pain, while increasing vitality, flexibility, strength. Improving the body mind connection and create balance. Ongoing Yoga Classes (over 20 years of teaching) in Saco: Tuesday 6:30pm-8:00pm All Levels, Wednesday 11:30am-12:30pm All Levels and Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm Continuing Level, in Kennebunk: Monday: 5:00pm-6:15pm All Levels, in Portland: Thursday 7:30pm-9:00pm All Levels, Saco Fall Session, October 4th – November 23rd, $99. Free Yoga Classes for newcomers in Saco: Tuesday October 4th at 6:30pm-8:00pm and Thursday October 6th, 5:00-6:30pm. FMI: call Jeanette Schmid (207) 423-2086 or email at yogajs@maine.rr.com, www.YogaWellspring.com.
Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 755 Main Street, Westbrook (Mission Possible Teen Center) for an evening of messages from Spirit. 7:00pm $10 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673 or visit our website at www.portlandspiritualistchurch.org.
Ongoing ~ Vermont
Continuing Education for Massage Therapists All Zen Yoga retreats and programs qualify for CE Hours for Licensed Massage Therapists. Zen Yoga is certified with the NCBTMB. We also offer an Online Course for CE Hours. www.artofzenyoga.com.
PRACTITIONERS ~ Maine Baylight Homeopathy Courses Join us in learning how to use this gentle and effective medicine. We offer on-going classes, workshops and seminars. FMI call (207) 774-4244 or visit us online at www.baylighthomeopathy.com.
SACRED RENTAL SPACE ~ Maine A Place In The Heart Energetically clear, beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106.
Green-Certified Eco-Retreat Space available for rent. Nurture Through Nature offers three solar-powered eco-cabins, yurt, private camping, wood-fired sauna, yoga studio, hiking trails, mountain brook, Denmark, ~ Greater Bridgton Lakes Region, www.ntnretreats.com, (207) 452-2929.
Gardens of Atlantis Rental space available to practitioners/teachers. We are committed to providing our best to our community to support growth, beauty, healing and Love. Call Linda at (207) 929-5088.
Practitioner Space Rental at WholeHeart Yoga Center Rental space for quiet activities. Join our meditation groups and massage practitioner in using this beautiful space in Portland. Call Pam at (207) 871-8274, www.wholeheartyoga.com.
Eaton Satsang Near Conway, an informal small group meets Wednesday evenings to support meditation, awakening to nondual (Advaita) awareness and spiritual understanding. All are welcome. Details at: www.eatonsatsang.org or (603) 447-5401.
45 ~ Ongoing Event Listings ~
Inner Tapestry ' s ~ Calendar of Events ~ Date Sensitive Listings ~ $12 per issue for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.
Please follow the format found in the journal and online, (Date information, title, description, location and contact information.)
Calendar of Events and Classified Guidelines
A six-month (3 issue) listing is $25 for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.
Please follow the format of our Ongoing Listings found in the journal and online, (Title, frequency, description, location and contact information.)
w w w .in n e rt ape st ry.o rg
Classified Ads Classified ads are $20 for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.
Please send formatted listings. We do not publish press releases.
All Calendar and Classified Listings are listed on the Inner Tapestry Website!
Continued from page 31 ~ exploring the world religions ~ Out-Of-This-World Mystic Poetry... Lord Radhasoami! Do shower mercy and grace on me now, for you are seated inside each and everyone as the knower of all inner secrets (antaryami). If you are the moon, I am like its phases - rotation and revolution causing its phases, new moon and full moon – so that I depend on you and I am conditioned by you both in my waning and waxing. I am like a small girl while you are both my father and mother; day and night I play in your lap.
I behold Radhasoami every moment. I have now completed this doxology! O Lord! Confer upon me your grace which is ambrosia (and which will immortalize me, putting me beyond the ken of decay, decline and death). I am now unfurling the banner (flag) of love in the Heavenly Spheres of Three Prominences (Trikuli or Gagan) where the resonance of the anhad shabd (Unstruck Melody) emanates from the Inaccessible Sphere. In those islands, the lakes of ambrosia are full to the brim and the hamsa-souls there have the glimpses of Sat Purush for their nourishment (substance that nourishes; food, nutrient). There every time, there is a new sport (lila); how shall I speak of the majesty and grandeur thereof? Beyond that, the Alakh (Invisible) Sphere has been carved out, and there the soul goes, abandoning the non-Self (“I-ness” or ego).
Book Review by Erica Robinson
Iroquois Supernatural Talking Animals & Medicine People By: Michael Bastine & Mason Winfield ISBN: 978-1-59143-127-5 Publisher: Bear & Company With a rich history reaching back more than one thousand years, the six nations of the Iroquois Confederacy—the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, the Seneca, and the Tuscarora—are considered to be the most avid storytellers on earth with a collection of tales so vast it would dwarf those of any other society. Covering nearly the whole of New York State from the Hudson and Mohawk River Valleys westward across the Finger Lakes region to Niagara Falls and Salamanca, this mystical culture’s supernatural tradition is the psychic bedrock of the Northeast, yet their treasury of tales and beliefs is largely unknown and their most powerful sacred sites unrecognized.
Then the surat steps forward and goes to perceive the Agam Lok (the Inaccessible Sphere). The sheen and lustre of the Inaccessible Purush is peculiar, wholly distinct, for His brilliance and shine excels the light of trillions of suns. Beyond that is the Nameless One (Purush Anami), who is called as indescribable and Infinite. None can go there save the saints, who have termed it their own, Original, Eternal Abode. O Lord (Soami)! Radhasoami, I adore and adulate you, for you have revealed to me the Mystery. The Gupta Translation of Sar Bachan Prose: http://www.vedamsbooks.com/ no21697/quintessential-discourse-radhasoami-sar-bachan-prose-translationcommentary-discourses-sri-shiv-dayal-singh-alias-soamiji-maharaj-revealer-faithmg-gupta Gupta Translation of Sar Bachan Poetry, Volumes I and II: https://www.vedamsbooks.com/search.htm?s_pname=sar+bachan&s_isbn=&sa. x=0&sa.y=0 North American Importer of Indian Spiritual Books Including Radhasoami Books: Nataraj: http://www.NatarajBooks.com Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Prose, and Other Writings of Soami Ji Maharaj Online: http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com/radhasoami.html
James Bean interviews guests, reviews books and music for HealthyLife. Net Positive Talk Radio and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabd Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to James@SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com, (207) 358-9381.
Assembling the lore and beliefs of this guarded spiritual legacy, Michael Bastine and Mason Winfield share the stories they have collected of both historic and contemporary encounters with beings and places of Iroquois legend: shapeshifting witches, strange forest creatures, ethereal lights, vampire zombies, cursed areas, dark magicians, talking animals, enchanted masks, and haunted hills, roads, and battlefields as well as accounts of miraculous healings by medicine people such as Mad Bear and Ted Williams. Grounding their tales with a history of the Haundenosaunee, the People of the Long House, the authors show how the supernatural beings, places, and customs of the Iroquois live on in contemporary paranormal experience, still surfacing as startling and sometimes inspiring reports of otherworldly creatures, haunted sites, after-death messages, and mystical visions. Providing a link with America’s oldest spiritual roots, these stories help us more deeply know the nature and super-nature around us as well as offer spiritual insights for those who can no longer hear the chants of their own ancestors. MICHAEL BASTINE is an Algonquin healer, elder, and former student of famous Tuscarora medicine man Wallace “Mad Bear” Anderson and Tuscarora healer Ted Williams. He lives in South Wales, New York. MASON WINFIELD is a supernatural historian and founder of Haunted History Ghost Walks, Inc. The author of 9 books, including Supernatural Saratoga, he lives in East Aurora, New York. October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 45
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I hear the sonorous sounds of bell and conch-shell which resonate and reverberate (in Sahasdal Kanwal), and I hear the melodious and wondrous sounds of the harp and flute. The tune and rhythm of drums and fiddle, reverberations and the sound of kettledrum and tabor resonates every moment. The ambrosial rain falls in a thousand currents and the heavenly sphere (gagan mandal) revolves like a wheel. I go round and round (ghoomland), losing all my strength and ego and becoming utterly humble and dependent upon the Lord, so that the sheen of my doxology becomes intense and scintillating. The atmosphere that is created beggars description, and all the satsangis (initiates, gathering of devotees) join together in singing the doxology. Diamonds and rubies are being showered all around as propitiatory offering; the strings of pearls and quartz are being interwoven.
How shall I admire the splendour and lustre of Alakh Purush? Billions and trillions of moons and suns feel humble and humiliated and are put to shame for they are all surpassed by the glory of Alakh Purush and feel disgraced. The surat (soul) acquires such a brilliant form there that crores of suns cannot do justice to its mien and beautiful aspect.
m ix ed m e dia
Book Review
by Karen Hollis
Confessions of a Tarot Reader: Practical Advice from this Realm and Beyond By: Jane Stern ISBN: 978-1-59921-993-6 Publisher: Skirt!® a registered trademark of Morris Publishing Group, LLC
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Many of the real life stories that Jane Stern shares in her new book, Confessions of a Tarot Reader, mirror the dilemmas I, as a professional Tarot reader, have seen many of my own clients bring to the Tarot table. Selecting stories that will resonate with readers is a formidable task and one that Stern does well. The author thinks of herself as a “psychic Dear Abby” who draws upon “the wisdom of the tarot deck to give practical advice in every life situation.” In 22 chapters, Stern offers stories about her clients, as they relate to the Major Arcana. Against the backdrop of the gothic deck, Tarot of the Bohemians, Stern uses the twenty-two Major Arcana cards as the basis for theme in each chapter. She relies on her experience as a fourth generation Tarot reader to create a witty, and readable and sometimes “tough love” narrative. In the Introduction, “Welcome to Your Reading,“ Stern establishes her authority, and sets the reader’s expectations, explaining, “a real tarot reading is intrusive, and – as with psychotherapy – few people want their lives laid bare for fun.” This could not be a more accurate statement. I cheered when Stern told of her distaste for being billed as a “party psychic” or an “old theatrical witch in a turban.” She referred to herself as a “clean reader,” making clear that she is “not a witch” and she “does not dabble in the dark arts.” Ms. Stern showed Chutzpah in telling her audience who she is and what to expect from her style of interpreting Tarot. However, her statement about the “dark arts” made me cringe. Many professional Tarot readers (and their clients) vibe to the wiccan spiritual path, and I don’t think that all those who call themselves “witches” should be lumped in with those who “dabble in the dark arts.” While Stern should be commended for the clarity with which she presents who she is for her audience, it seems written without regard for how her tone might come across to those reading her book. (No doubt, many will be followers of pagan or new-pagan traditions, who will find her statement off-putting). Perhaps, that is what Stern considers her strength and why we should listen to her. Her wit and charisma shine through every word, though. For some readers, it may be enough to get past the occasional offputting remark, before getting to the evocative client stories. The Tarot of the Bohemians deck used to illustrate the card at the opening of each chapter is, in my opinion, both beautiful and disconcerting. For instance, card number six ‘The Lovers’, depicts what looks like a scene from Dracula. A male vampire looking longingly at the neck of a female who is turning her head away from him as if to say, “leave me alone.” Ms. Stern mentions she chose to use the Bohemian Tarot in order to link a client’s personality to what the psychoanalyst Carl Jung calls our “shadow side.” Unfortunately, Ms. Stern provides little explanation about the “shadow side” and how it applies in the client stories or to the cards that represent those stories. This is confusing for readers who may not be familiar with Jungian concepts. For those who are not familiar with the term “shadow side,” Carl Jung defined the shadow
EWS R E V Iand more 46 Inner Tapestry October/November 2011
self as those parts of ourselves that we fear, and for whatever reason, have repressed. It is what may be termed our dark side, filled with emotions and feelings that we do not wish to access because they are so strong. It is based within our subconscious, and is linked to our instinctive self. Also, as a professional Tarot Reader I am confused about why she uses this deck to illustrate her book but she uses the Rider-Waite deck for her lectures on Tarot. Without such explanation, it appears that she uses this deck to fulfill an obligation to Baba Studio rather than illuminate, for the reader, the relationship between “shadow side,” Tarot and the insightful self-help stories. For each chapter, Stern lays the Tarot of the Bohemians over life problems, card by card. However, Stern does not discuss the cards or the chapters in relationship to one another, which is the essence of a Tarot Reading. This is intentional because Confessions is not a “how to book” for the aspiring student of Tarot but summary of knowledge for the purpose of self-help. This summary of knowledge is gleaned from, and filtered through, Stern’s personal study and understanding of Tarot. In some cases, her sharp wit and raw honesty is refreshing as she conveys the personal stories of tragedy and triumph from her clients’ lives. However, in some chapters, Stern comes across as cavalier in writing about what has been “confessed” in the reading room. Because she has such a strong voice (albeit witty and straightforward), I sometimes felt it to be intrusive. This may be off-putting for some readers and perfectly acceptable to others. Readers will have to make their own call. Although engaging in their own right, the “confessions” of others—if they do not apply to your life—do not a self-help book make. This book would truly fulfill its mission as a selfhelp book if the author, in addition to the stories, also offered concrete action steps or methods of self-inquiry for readers to reflect in their own life, or better yet, reveal their “shadow side.” As it is, I liken Confessions to that of an inspirational book—stories of the Tarot that can teach, inform, enlighten, warn or entertain. For readers who enjoy the “insider’s perspective,” Confessions satisfies as a voyeuristic tour-deforce into the life of one sharp-minded Tarot reader. For more information see Bonnie Cehovet article Oct. 10, 2010 at Tarot Elements.com
Karen Hollis is a clairaudient intuitive and has practiced for over 20 years. Her work has encompassed the finding of missing persons as well as the investigations of local hauntings. She is proficient in remote viewing palmistry, graphology and psychometry. She has lectured extensively and has taught both the Tarot and regular deck card reading courses. Readings may be done by phone, or in person. Phone readings for her North American clients are done in the evenings only. In-person reads take place at Karen's office at 2433 Main Street Suite #7, Rocky Hill, CT. Please call to make an appointment. If you would like to explore the Tarot Patterns that may be active in your life, get unstuck and move toward a more conscious, soulful and happy life, please connect with Karen Hollis at kahollis@comcast.net or www.readingsbykaren.com.
Article submission deadline for December/January's issue "Letting Go Of It All" is October 15th Please send articles to info@innertapestry.org
Book Review
by Lauren Costello
The Four Purposes of Life By: Dan Millman ISBN: 978-1-93207-349-2 Publisher: Kramer, H.J., Inc.
In the spirit of honesty, when I first opened Dan Millman’s The Four Purposes of Life, I thought I was going to hate it. I was immediately skeptical of the title and wondered how anyone could attempt to consolidate something as awe-inspiring as a human life into only four categories. But once I began to explore Millman’s work and reflect on his numerous insights, I realized that this book is about much more than having a mental idea of what your life means. He attempts to help the reader reach a higher level of wisdom by encouraging intense self-examination and above all, deep awareness of the present moment.
Millman then introduces what he calls the “Life Purpose System.” This process represents the third purpose of life, as it clarifies our personal challenges. This
The Four Purposes of Life touches on almost all aspects of the human experience. The beauty of Millman’s work lies in the fact that in the end, the four purposes are in fact all connected, and none of them could exist without the others. We all work through personal challenges, which require self-reflection at some point, and many of us struggle with whether we are living the highest version of ourselves. These challenges are specific to each individual, as each of us has our own lessons to learn. Moments of clarity come when we are deeply aware of the present moment and, in Millman’ words, can “remember life’s bigger picture even as we function in everyday life.” This book lays the foundation for a deeper experience of life that so many of us are craving, to live with grace irrespective of our surroundings.
Lauren Costello is a currently resides in the Boston, MA area and is a graduate of Boston College. She has recently opened to the journey of awakening the Heart of her Soul. Her offering to Inner Tapestry is to offer an unbiased opinion of the written spiritual path.
Book Review
by Ron Damico
Where Would I Be Without Me? Guide To Becoming Your own Best Friend By: Marjorie Perrier
And so it begins – “With the sun shining and the moon alit Spirit comes to open the door bringing gifts. Keep the door open never shut out the light, it feeds your life, you are the gift. You are the sun, you are the moon, you are the light that feeds you bringing the gifts. Remember who you are, remember your light, remember the door that brings the gifts. The angel sits on your shoulder, you are the angel. Remember yourself and be the gift.” This is the poem which introduces you to the focus of this short, easy to follow self supporting awakening to the journey of becoming aware that you are all you have been looking for and the steps one can take and tools to utilize to bring you back to Your Center, Your Truth, Your awareness of and honoring of how You want to be in this world. This self published book is easy to read, with simple to follow ideas of how we may have lost our connection with our own Hearts and how to regain that relationship. Each chapter begins with a focus, "Who am I?," "Remembering Self," "Can I Change my Life?" And so on. It also includes focused meditations to create openings in support of releasing the holding patterns that created limiting beliefs and affect our ability to follow our Spirits'/Hearts' guidance to our self-honoring journey of creative expression. The book's purpose is to encourage reflection as a tool for change. The book is laid out with all material centered on the page to emphasize the importance of centering as a practice. I truly appreciate this visual
reminder of choosing to be centered in every moment as All We Are in the world. This practice can be a great value in all situations as a tool of self awareness for our current state of being in any external environment. Centering, without question, helps us see "the bigger picture" and all that is happening in the current moment/situation. Another wonderful aspect of this book is the focus to reflect and FEEL if something pertains to You. It is not centered around understanding thru the intellect for change, but honoring the feelings which were held at bay in any moment during the life experience which locked into place the incomplete experience. It is stated clearly that the information and focuses are placed before you as an opportunity for discernment of what is Truth and that which is not. This is not shared as a definitive expression, it is another opportunity to awaken to Your intuitive awareness of what is Truth for You. With a sincere willingness, and true commitment to change, these practices are wonderful tools for those at the beginning of their journey or in need of guidance thru some challenging moments where confusion and frustration centered around choice is present. It is a book you could use repeatedly as a reminder of how supportive and joyful being centered within your Spirit/Heart is. Where Would I Be can be purchased at Leapin' Lizards, 123 Main St., Freeport, ME or can be ordered via email at mperrier@maine.rr.com. October/November 2011 Inner Tapestry 47
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Dan Millman opens his book with the assertion that Earth is a school, and life continually gifts us with opportunities to learn lessons that can be quite difficult. He writes that by living through the twelve “Required Courses,” which include subjects such as self-worth, well-being, money, mind, intuition etc, we can gain a greater appreciation for all the events of our lives, no matter how they may seem to us at the time. Learning life’s lessons is the first purpose in his book. In addition to these lessons, we all must find a career and calling, which is the second purpose. He distinguishes between these two, saying that a career sometimes solely pays the bills, while a calling brings “innate satisfaction.” He writes how they can exist independently, but gives numerous examples of people that have merged the two. In order to make both a reality, he encourages deep self-examination to see what actually matters to us in the world.
system uses the numbers in a person’s birthday to help illuminate specific challenges that they may face. This may sound suspect, but as Millman’s teacher said, “Once you learn more about this approach, you can determine for yourself the validity of the system.” I found this system extremely accurate in my own life and definitely worthwhile. Finally, the fourth purpose of life lies in attending to the present moment, something, which sounds so simple, yet is actually extremely challenging for most of us.
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