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‘Leemo Cat’ here. NUP, I have not YET gone to Heaven and ‘Mum Jane’ is helping me write my words this week. In truth, I am still not at all well ere are some spaces in time where I kinda do feel AOK. But, there are other times where I don’t feel good; I just feel in pain and stressed. I know this is a ecting Mum in a most awfully adverse way which I can tell ‘cos of the way she is behaving. However, I believe she has an unrealistic expectation that I will just, all of a sudden, be back to my old self but it’s not happening as she wants. I HAVE told her that ‘WANTS’ and ‘HOPES’ are for completely di erent scenarios, and to stop being so illogical. I, myself, do so much want to be better too, but at this point in time I simply am not. So, there you have it, a kinda outline of the situation with me and Mum right now. I have been to the Vet Surgery (where they are all wonderful, caring and lovely) 4 times in 10 days. ( ey have not however, o ered me or Mum ‘Frequent Visitor Points’ for a plane trip to the Himalayas where my far distant Cousin, ‘Rinpoche’ the Dalai Lama’s Cat lives. She is an extraordinary and gi ed mystical feline and I know IN MY HEART she would have simply laid a paw on me and xed my illness.)

e nice Vet Surgery did give Mum, however, (free of charge) a ginormous bag of ‘Vet Prescription’ Urine treatment biscuits which are apparently very safe for me to eat and will assist in my recovery. When it comes to biscuits, I’ll explain. Mum is one of those humans you meet in life, I would describe as, quite purely, a gullible person who trusts that everything she reads, and all she is told or hears is an unequivocal truth or fact. She is a ‘believer’ in possibly the wrong sense of the word due to her inane most trusting nature. As an example, I, Leemo, could tell her that one of her ears has fallen o . Instead of questioning what I have told her, she would go looking for her ear instead of checking that it may well still be attached to her head. Comprende?

Hmmm. Let me explain. Since I have been unwell, Mum has been reading about and watching stu relating to my condition. She told me she watched a show from a handsome sur e kinda looking Vet from USA who said cats should never ever be given biscuits. en, when she took me to our local Vet, they told her that there are truly safe biscuits for cats, specially those with my condition, and are Vet prescribed. So, “I” Leemo, did some research. Crikey, I do so wish I could speak human words…best I can do is suggest that pet owners avoid the ‘bad’ stu to look for when buying food containing Corn/Wheat Gluten, Meat, Grain meals & by-Products like BHA & BHT, PG. I hope this helps you in choices. Mum told me just HOW $big healthy food & treatment is for pets, and it hurts me that due to cost, some people can’t look a er their beloved animals! She was also told yesterday by the Vet that my condition really can’t be xed in the long-term, but we can try, over time and diet, to keep me as well as we can in the interim. My belief is that “LOVE Rescues Everything” so me & Mum are doing what we can to make me better, with big dreams & hope to win Lotto. With love & purrs, Leemo (& Mum Jane)

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