The Northern Rivers Times
October 26, 2023
Diary of a Flood Survivor By Samantha Elley Say what you like about the government, whether you think they have supported the food stricken communities comprehensively or not, too slowly or not, but there are some things they get right. The other week I headed down to the Arts on the Green at Woodburn, where the Mid Richmond Neighbourhood Centre, who run the Woodburn
Hub, had set up a great day for locals. They are being funded by the Department of Communities and Justice and the day was the second in a series of three. The first day out was at Coraki and the last one will be Splash Fest, again at Coraki in November. What I saw was children having a turn at creating art, some even sold their artworks, making crafty items,
having their faces painted, and expending energy on the blow up castle and circus activities. Adults were entertained with music and food and probably just enjoying their kids having a run around and hopefully a good night’s sleep later. It can be easy to forget what the kids have gone through, when as adults we are concentrating on keeping a roof over our heads, for those of us who lost homes, or
earning our keep if we lost our jobs or business because of the flood. I know my son, who was doing Year 12 at the time, had a hard time concentrating on study
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when he had lost so much. Little ones can grieve over losing toys, having their routine upset or as happened to so many, not being able to go to
their school anymore and ending up in makeshift premises. To see the kids just being kids for a day was a lovely sight. Little steps.
Mountainview fun day fundraiser By Tim Howard
raise money to fund
Last weekend Grafton Sporting Car Club held their “Track Attack” Fundraiser event at the Mountainview Motorsport Complex over two days. The Family Fun Day event held to
an extension to the hillclimb track was no normal run day against the clock, with novelty runs which included a stop/start during the run guided by witches hats and passenger rides for the spectators.
Grafton Sporting Car Club President Graham Merry contesting the “Track Attack” Fundraiser event at the Mountainview Motorsport Complex in his 1970 Ford Escort MK1. Photo: Brian Pullen
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Regular competitor at the Mountainview Motorsport Complex, Joanne Stanton, of Tullymorgan, driving her Westfield Clubman with a passenger at the stop/start section of the track. Photo: Brian Pullen