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Funding and Opportunities
Featured Grants
MVP Ventures Program opens to new applications in December
The NSW Government has announced that the MVP Ventures Program will open for new applications on Monday, 4 December 2023.
The program will provide up to $3 million annually until 2027 to support startups and innovative SMEs in the product lifecycle between early-stage research and mature investment opportunities. The grant amounts will start at $25,000 with the maximum amount being $50,000. To be eligible under this program, you must provide a 50% cash cocontribution towards the costs of the proposed project.
To learn more about eligibility and assessment criteria, check out the full grant guidelines here. https://www.investment.nsw. gov.au/assets/INV00516-MVPVentures-Program-Guidelines2023-FA.pdf
Run by: Ballina Shire Council https://ballina.nsw.gov.au/ koala-habitat-restoration-smallgrants%C2%A0%C2%A0
Level the Playing Field Program
The Level the Playing Field Program investment will revive sports facilities by providing new, or upgrading existing sports facilities, amenities and sporting felds and support the provision of new and upgraded lighting that will enable more women and girls to train and compete in sports in a safe and inclusive environment.
Closes: 30 November 2023
Value: $200,000 to $2 Million Run by: NSW Offce of Sport https://www.sport.nsw.gov.au/ grants/level-the-playing-feldprogram
CLOSING DECEMBER BRII Workplace Relations Usability Challenge Feasibility
Transport for NSW invites people over the age of 16 to participate in a short survey to help inform their strategy for delivering an accessible state-wide transport system to improve transport access for people with lived experience of disability. Submissions close Friday 17 November 2023. https://www.haveyoursay.nsw. gov.au/transport-accessibility
Early childhood education and care review
Council Website:
Tweed Shire Council is inviting residents to take snaps of their favourite trees. The Council’s ‘Cool Towns Urban Forest’ program aims to plant more trees in the Tweed to provide increased shade and cooling in settings where concrete, bitumen and built structures absorb and refect heat. Learn more and submit your photos here https://www. yoursaytweed.com.au/ cool-towns .
Events And Activities
Regenerative Farming Workshops
Holistic Grazing at The Farm Ewingsdale
The Farm at Ewingsdale is hosting a 3-day holistic grazing workshop from 14 to 16 November 2023. Dig deep into the understanding of managing livestock as a positive tool to restore environments. The workshop will cover the principles of Holistic Management to get grazing animals to mimic nature, constantly moving onto fresh pasture thereby creating high levels of litter and more uniform manure distribution with a resultant increase in soil carbon levels. https://thefarm.
Introduction to Biodynamics with Conscious Ground Conscious Ground is hosting a 2-day biodynamics workshop in Myocum on 27 & 28 November 2023. This introductory workshop brings together the art and science of biodynamics, the ‘how and why’ biodynamic preparations work, and the practical skills you need to start applying them. https://events.humanitix. com/two-day-intro-tobiodynamics-or-consciousground-27-and-28november
Get Set Educated with Screenworks
Have you ever wanted to work on the set of a TV or Film Production but don’t know where to start? Are you currently working in Hospitality, Fashion, Hair, Makeup, Construction, Electrics - or practically ANY other job, but feel like a change?
The SET EDUCATED one-day event is your chance to discover how you could get work in the screen industry - in jobs you may not have ever heard of. Meet those who deliver the magic to get stories to the screen. The Grips, Gaffers, Assistant Directors, Camera, Sound, Lighting and Art Departments, Wardrobe, Props, Makeup, Production offce. The list goes on.
SET EDUCATED is being held at the Ballina RSL 9:30am to 4:30pm on 25 November 2023. More information and tickets are available here. https://www. mediamentors.com.au/ event-details/ballina
Rapid Response Bush Fire Grants
Fire to Flourish and Northern Rivers Community Foundation have launched a Rapid Response Bushfre Fund for the Tenterfeld and Clarence Valley Local Government Areas, as fres continue to burn. Properties with fre damage will be eligible to receive a grant of $3,000, subject to program guidelines. https://nrcf.org.au/grants/ northern-rivers-bushfre-grantprogram/
Helping Regional Communities
Prepare for Drought Initiative –Small Network Grants Small Network Grants are now available to community organisations in regional and rural Australia to develop and deliver one-off events or initiatives to strengthen community networks and capabilities that build drought preparedness.
Closes: 14 November 2023
Value: Up to $20,000 or $50,000 Run by: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal https://frrr.org.au/funding/disasterresilience-and-climate-solutions/ small-networks-grants/
Ballina Shire Council Koala Habitat Restoration Small Grants
Landowners in the Ballina Shire can apply for up to $10,000 for creating and restoring koala habitat on their property.
Closes: 27 November 2023
Value: Up to $10,000
The Australian Government seeks innovative technology solutions to support engagement with modern awards. This grant opportunity will focus on making it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to fnd, navigate, and utilise modern awards.
Closes: 6 December 2023
Value: Up to $100,000 Run by: Australian Government https://business.gov.au/grantsand-programs/brii-workplacerelations-usability-challenge
Club Grants Category 3 –
Infrastructure Grants: arts and culture
The objective of the Clubgrants
Category 3 Infrastructure Grants program is to fund the costs of construction, alteration, renovation, completion and ft-out of buildings and community infrastructure to deliver outcomes for disadvantaged NSW communities, including regional, remote and drought-affected areas, culturally and linguistically diverse, disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and disaster-affected communities.
Opens 27 November 2023 -
Closes: 18 December 2023
Value: $50,000 to $200,000
Run by: NSW Offce of Responsible Gambling
More funding and opportunities can be found on the Grants
Page of the RDA Northern Rivers website. https://www. rdanorthernrivers.org.au/ grants-opportunities-2/
NSW Government Consultations
Improving accessibility across NSW public transport
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is reviewing the NSW early childhood education and care sector. They have released an Interim Report and welcome feedback from the community, including families from all backgrounds across NSW, as well as providers and workers in the sector, advocacy groups and sector representatives. Submissions close Friday 17 November 2023. https://www.haveyoursay.nsw. gov.au/ecec-review-ir
See more NSW Government consultations here. https://www. nsw.gov.au/have-your-say
Australian Government Consultations
National Nursing Workforce Strategy Stage One https://consultations.health. gov.au/health-workforce/ nnwsconsultation/
The Department of Health and Aged Care invites comments on the National Nursing Workforce Strategy. Submissions close Thursday 30 November 2023.
Sustainable Finance Strategy
The Treasury invites comments on Australia’s Sustainable Finance Strategy, which will support Australia’s pathway to net zero, by providing an ambitious and comprehensive framework for reducing barriers to investment into sustainable activities. Submissions close Friday 1 December 2023.
https://treasury.gov.au/ consultation/c2023-456756
Better Delivery of Universal Services
The Australian Government is examining universal service arrangements, considering changes in available technologies and consumer preferences over recent years, and is seeking views on the key outcomes that a modern universal service framework should deliver. Submissions close Friday 1 March 2024.
https://www.infrastructure. gov.au/have-your-say/betterdelivery-universal-services