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Yamba chants makes ACA
Affair’s website, https:// www.9now.com.au/acurrent-affair.
Ms Cairns said show filmed at the Park Ave development entrance and did some interview. They moved to Yamba Rd and interviewed a number of residents who were affected in the flooding of February and March 2022.
Yamba residents continue to be dismayed at the number of developments being approved for the Yamba flood plain.
Ms Cairns said the only way for these developments to go ahead is for massive amounts of fill to be dumped on the sites to allow houses to be built above the flood level.
She said some of approved developments and sites that have been filled in Yamba include: a 161 small lot subdivision in Carrs Drive, Yamba (3 stages – Parklands); a 193 manufactured housing estate at 90 Carrs Drive, Yamba (Clifton); a 136lot manufactured housing estate at 8 Park Avenue, Yamba; a 52 senior living small lot subdivision at 75 Carrs Drive Yamba; a 78 manufactured housing estate at Orion Drive, Yamba (71 two storey and seven single storey buildings); a 72-lot subdivision in the Quays estate, Yamba (stage 5 yet to be released); a 6 lot subdivision in Sullivans Road, Yamba; 84 units at 4 Freeburn Street, Yamba (Caroona aged care facility); 17 apartments at 6 Yamba Road, Yamba (Habitat – 3 storey buildings); and 14 townhouses at 3 Mulgi Street, Yamba.
Proposed developments in West Yamba are a 284 small lot subdivision at 52 – 54 Miles Street, corner of Carrs Drive, Yamba (Kahuna), and one currently on exhibition is a 216 manufactured housing estate at 120 Carrs Drive, Yamba (Clifton).
Residents say ion 2022 stormwater inundated existing properties and homes on the floodplain,.
The amount of fill increased the instances of flash flooding impacting properties during heavy rain that are decreased property values.
“Yamba’s infrastructure and road network was unable to cope with current and proposed development, the negative impact of more trucks dumping more fill which is reportedly cracking house walls and fences, resulting in home insurance being either cost prohibitive, or unobtainable, for residents,” Ms Cairns said.
In early March residents raised a change.org petition to convince Clarence Valley Council to stop approving developments on the floodplain.
Ms Cairns said by signing the petition, people request that the Mayor and councillors of the Clarence Valley ensure three key aspects are actioned:
• Council prepares a planning proposal for submission to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting that the vacant lands, which do not have development approval for subdivision, in the West Yamba Urban Release Area (WYURA) be rezoned from Residential (R1) to Conservation (C2) zoning or a mix of Conservation (C2) and Rural (RU2) based on the impacts of further development on the environment and the risk to human life and property from future flooding.
• Council writes to the NSW Minister for Planning requesting the Minister to prevent any further development on the west Yamba flood plain that will negatively impact on flooding in the whole of west Yamba township.
• Council’s engagement and notification of all matters is current, transparent, accessible, and inclusive for all Clarence Valley Council community members. To sign the petition visit https://www. change.org/p/ stop-the-filling-of-landin-west-yamba?source_ location=psf_petitions