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Rainbow Beach Drought Runners Report
Tony Stewart - 0408 767 930 rainbowfishing@southernphone.com.au
WELL I HOPE all have had a great festive season and new year so far, and businesses are enjoying a very busy and productive time.
I know that western Queensland farmers are once again enjoying a great season, even if a bit wet in places, and as I write it looks like the old fashioned wet season is returning to the north.
Since our last report we have continued to send finance in to the
Mullumbimby Flood Relief Centre ($2000) and another $1500 into Gympie to feed the homeless, coordinated by Marlene Owen.
We must thank the Rainbow Beach Sports Club for letting us run the Friday night raffles in December where the wonderful figure of over $3000 was raised. Many thanks to management, staff and those who helped sell tickets.
As usual Wayne Kerle has continued his great work picking up and sorting bottles and cans and helping us to raise funds.
Another thank you to Tin Can Bay Bakery in the Dolphin Arcade whose collection tin has again raised $120 this month. Also thanks to Tim Stewart for a donation of $250, and to all who drop cans and bottles to 10 Tingira Close Rainbow Beach.
I recently travelled the Newell Hwy and saw a lot of the devastation from flooding, especially in the Forbes area. Many sheep have been lost in NSW mainly from fly strike as it was impossible to muster in many areas. You can replace your car or house but not years of breeding good stock.
At least the NSW Government have filled in thousands of potholes on their roads but getting into Victoria it was the opposite. Anyway I will keep out of politics for now…!
For now we will continue our flood donations and also get involved in the Forbes area. Over the next month we hope to put up to $8,000 into flood relief areas. If anyone can help, where 100% of our funds gets to the right people, our details are: RainbowBeach DroughtRunners
BSB 124047 A/C No. 22599186 Bank of QLD Mary St, Gympie.