2 minute read

Tin Can Bay RSL – serving veterans and the community

Ross Carruthers


IF YOU’VE SERVED in the Australian Defence Force, RSL Queensland and its Sub-Branches like Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach have got your back. They provide a broad range of welfare and wellbeing services, programs, and events making all veteran families feel supported and connected.

This is particularly important as we start a new year as holidays can be a difficult time for some veterans. One of the ways RSL helps deal with these issues is through its Christmas Hamper program, where veterans that have been doing it a bit tough are presented with a hamper to brighten their Christmas and New Year.

Another way is through our wellbeing program where our Wellbeing Officers give veterans a call if we find they are having problems.

As Tin Can Bay RSL president Don Holland said, ‘Terry and Rowena Giles and Christine Reid were appointed as our Wellbeing Officers earlier this year and have done a great job. A number of veterans have told me how much they appreciate our Wellbeing Officers and the great service they provide.’

As well as supporting veterans the Tin Can Bay RSL believes the RSL has a role in supporting the community in general. This support is provided through our monthly Veterans and Community Morning Teas, monthly drop-in sausage sizzles, donations to community organizations, and our Social Member program.

Said Don, ‘The Tin Can Bay RSL has great facilities that are there for the use of veterans and the general community alike. We believe we are a unique Sub-Branch and are proud of the services we provide to veterans and the community.’

The Tin Can Bay RSL is holding its AGM on 19 February commencing at 10am.

This is your club, so come along and provide your input to our 2023 Business Plan. I can assure you there are some exciting plans currently being considered and we need your help to make them happen!

A lot to achieve in 2023 for TCBCAMS

BY THE TIME you’re reading this, our NEW SHED will be a reality!

It heralds a new era in how we’ll operate – bringing more organisation to all aspects of our activities, with a dedicated inwards / outwards area, racked timber storage, a new bottle recycling area, and more room in the main shed’s social and workshop areas.

It means quite a bit of work but the rewards will be enjoyed by all. As well, the access road to The Shed will undergo a significant upgrade in the coming months, allowing for better access for both vehicles and pedestrians.

It is an exciting time at TCBCAMS so come along to see what’s going on and be part of the action!

Our AGM is scheduled for 11 March where the 2023 Committee will be voted in by The Shed’s current financial members. All enquiries to ‘The Shed’ please direct to 0491 175 038.

As usual, we’ll be sausage sizzling at the Amity Place Twilight Markets on Friday 10 February with our next Shed Shop Sale Day on Saturday 18 February.

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