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Valentine’s Day Origins of

THERE ARE A FEW stories that are described as the beginning of Valentine’s Day:

• Two ‘Valentines’ were executed on 14 February (in different years) by Emperor Claudius ll and it is believed that Valentine’s Day was established to honor these men. One man, Saint Valentine of Terni, was said to have been secretly officiating weddings for Roman soldiers, which was against the emperor’s wishes therefore giving him the image of a proponent of love.


• The letter signing “from your Valentine” was said to have started after St. Valentine wrote a letter to a young girl he tutored and fell in love with while in prison (for the crimes of secret weddings) which was just before his death and was signed using the phrase.

Others believe that St. Valentine’s Day was actually in order to replace the ancient Roman festival Lupercalia, which is a celebration of fertility dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture, Faunas, and Roman founders Romulus and Remus and was designated by Pope Gelasius I.

• Another theory is that the poet Geoffrey Chaucer linked love with St. Valentine for the first time in his 14th-century works ‘The Parlement of Foules’ and ‘The Complaint of Mars’.

No matter the origin, 14 February is now recognised as Valentine’s Day – but is it just a day for couples to shower one another with affection, chocolates and gifts over loved-up dinners? Or is it a day to recognise that love exists in many forms and that celebrating love does not have to be romantic.

Having a partner is not a necessary part of Valentine’s Day; you can celebrate with your friends, family or even on your own as self-worth and love does not need to come from others but from finding contentment in ourselves.

Even if it isn’t a romantic connection, enjoy the day with people you love and care about. Let your friends know how much you love them and thank them for being in your life.

If you find that you are on your own for Valentine’s Day, spend the day finding things that make you happy and taking a day to appreciate yourself!


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