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Rainbow Beach School P&C News

Melissa Spanton SECRETARY
OVER RECENT weeks many students have been participating in an Auskick program which was held after school over a 4-week period. The students were able to explore AFL in a safe and fun environment, all the while learning many football skills. The program wrapped up with a Parents vs Kids game and the results are in: the students and their newfound skills won in the end.
We also had a special visit at the end of May from the Variety Victoria 4WD Adventure Group who stopped in at the school for lunch enroute to K’Gari. There were over 40 participants and approximately twenty 4WD vehicles that made their way onto the school oval.
As the participants entered, we were flooded with a sea of bright rainbow colours. Not only did they bring the rainbow to Rainbow Beach, but they also brought their bright, bubbly personalities ready to entertain the students. They started by playing games with the biggest beach ball the kids had ever seen.
After enjoying a much needed fresh and light lunch, kindly prepared by Rainbow Beach Fruits and some wonderful parent volunteers, the crew set up a game which involved participants laying on the ground, while balancing cups to fill up with water that the kids were collecting with wet sponges.

School Principal Mr Bennett kindly volunteered to play the game and as you can imagine there weren’t too many dry people by the end.
In other news, at time of writing we are excited about the Colour Explosion Fun Run which is being held on the school oval on the last day of school, Friday 23 June at 1pm.
The event is a first of its kind for the school and we know there are many excited children ready to be covered in Rainbow Paint Powder all whilst completing a ‘challenging’ obstacle course. Stay tuned for photos in next month’s issue!
We are also still very busy finalising applications for the OSHC program and are continuing our fundraising efforts at the Sports Club Raffles at the Fishing Classic and again on Fridays in July.