Rainbow Beach Community News October 2017

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FREE copies to Rainbow Beach and home delivered to Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove

October 2017 • Vol 20 • Issue 10

Bush kids make the most of a beach holiday

In this issue... The first destination for a busload of kids from Ilfracombe and Muttaburra was straight to the waves. After sharing some safety messages, lifeguard Liam Toohey gives Ilfracombe’s Jaspah Callaghan a ride. For some, it was their first look at the ocean. Families from their areas near Longreach have been drought stricken for years, and local Tony Stewart, his wife Rosie and the Tin Can Bay Lions worked very hard to make this respite from the drought a reality, and gain media attention for the farmers out west. Story pages 12-13.

r • Nippers set fo carnival • A night for newnts! Rainbow reside k or • Come to a Tric Treat Disco

Editor’s Note

Time for a rant A

S I WAS driving to Zumba I went to turn into Queen Elizabeth Drive, from Rainbow Beach Road. A car waiting to turn right decided they would turn in front of me, towards Gympie! Since when does someone not know the T-intersection rules? You could have totalled us both - thank Glory I had slowed down. As I drove into Tin Can Bay, someone flashed their lights at me. I am sure it was a kindness, but many more cars would benefit from the increased visibility that lights on in the daytime provide. So please stop flashing me, they are on deliberately. Then I watched a driver throw a cigarette butt out of their car. The Police Beat report certainly resonated with me this month!

nights, topped off was another brilliant Seafood Festival. Community groups and new folk to town can look forward to a new event - Rainbow Beach has a wonderful welcome dinner planned for you, so you can meet people and learn about all the groups and activities offered across the coast. I am planning to contact all the groups, but feel free to contact me and let me know if a family or pair of you would represent your group. Having just finished our What’s On page, I am surprised there are so many things happening this month - Nippers, Little Athletics, and swim club starts back up; there are free exercise classes for mums and bubs, and the RUSH festival is here (I would love to see Jimmy Barnes), and so much more.

On a positive note, it was lovely to see progress on the new Men’s Shed behind City Farm - I would love to hear word on the Rainbow Beach Ambulance opening - but their media is evasive.

One more thing I saw on my drive was mangoes. To me, mangoes means Christmas. Only two more editions, and it will be here!

The P&C Trivia Night and Seafood Festival charity dinner were cracker

Until next month, Michelle and Heatley Gilmore

2 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017



Owners: Heatley & Michelle Gilmore Yarrabee Pty Ltd T/a Rainbow Beach Community News Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am-2:30pm Phone: 07 5486 3561 Mobile: 0407 660 198 Fax: 07 5486 3050 Address: PO Box 204, Rainbow Beach QLD 4581 Email: info@rbcn.com.au Web: www. rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/RainbowBeachCommunityNews 5,000 papers are home delivered to Cooloola Cove and Tin Can Bay. Bulk deliveries extend to resorts and tourist hotspots in Rainbow Beach and across the Cooloola Coast including shopping centres, newsagents, caravan parks, motels, real estate agents and more. 100% locally and independently owned. Over 15 years in print, the full colour tabloid sized newspaper is a way to get your message to market in a product that is actually read and treasured by locals and visitors alike. The Community News is owned by locals, employs locals and is active in the community sponsoring many local events and organisations.

While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publications, the RBCCCN accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the RBCCCN. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. The production of this FREE newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers. Deadlines: News Items/calendar of events: 18th day of the month Advertising: Bookings 20th day of the month Copy deadline 23rd day of the month Printed by: Fairfax Media

Bullock Point progress, a new lookout and those steps!

Still no resolution for the beach steps

Cr Mark McDonald, Gympie Regional Council, has provided updates on some hot issues on the coast.


HE STATE GOVERNMENT recently announced that it will provide funding for Council from the Works For Queensland Program to construct a viewing platform in Phil Rogers Park. The location for the platform will be determined as part of the geomorphological study. This project is scheduled for construction in 2019. Tenders have been called for the new boat ramp and car park at Bullock Point. Construction is scheduled to start after the Christmas school holidays. In less positive news, the beach access steps at the southern end of Phil Rogers Park have been closed to the public for several weeks to ensure public safety. The lower section of the steps will now be removed in order to reduce the risk of sudden failure. By doing this, the upper portion of the structure will be preserved for future use. Council will be arranging further assessments (geomorphological studies) of the foreshore at Phil Rogers Park to determine whether there is a more suitable (stable) location for the stairs.

The necessary studies will be carried out as quickly as possible but considerable work is involved in this. At the current time we can’t give a timeframe for the steps to be rebuilt. Considering how expensive the previous geomorphological study was, the Community News asked if there was some liability or responsibility on that company to provide a further assessment at their cost? Or has Council engaged another company? Cr Mark advised a geotechnical engineering consultant inspected the site and provided the concept design for the stairs. Council staff are in discussions with the consultant. A geomorphological consultant is yet to be engaged to assess a more extensive area of the foreshore at Phil Rogers Park to determine a more suitable location for the stairs. The Community News also pointed out that the grass around the new playground in Laurie Hanson Park is dying, and suggested an irrigation system would preserve the new turf. Cr Mark said the new turf will be watered to keep it alive during the current dry spell.

Trash, treasure, table tennis and tea

You will never know what you will find at the Rainbow Beach Community Centre Trash and Treasure!


AINBOW BEACH COMMUNITY CENTRE is hosting events just for you in the Community Hall: • Trash and Treasure Saturday October 14, $5 a table. Phone 5486 3355. • Diabetes Charity Morning Tea Tuesday November 21, save the date! Are you keen to play table tennis on a

regular basis? If so, please register your interest at our Community Centre or phone 5486 3355. Services available at the Centre: Justice of the Peace Monday mornings; medical meals; computers, fax and scan; secondhand books, and health and wellbeing brochures also available. APM also visits weekly on Thursdays. October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 3

A winning

Seafood Festival!


ONGRATULATIONS MARK FROM Kingfisher Caravan Park, he won the boat! In first place at the inaugural Pin Up Pageant was Miss Kiss Me Kate, Runner Up Miss Ruby Alabaster, and third place Miss Cherree Velvet.

If you have not heard about Pin up Pageants, they hold 1950’s aesthetics, without the 1950’s values. The ladies dress up in the finest of 1950’s frocks, delicious shoes and gorgeous hairstyles - but as the compere said, “Don’t expect them to make you a sandwich!” There were two parades day wear and beachwear. It was lovely to see the ladies in the crowds also. As were the seafood mascots - I spotted Seahorse Jamee and Octopus Nemani several times as I took photos, Nemani even helping the Pageant winner! I spoke to people who travelled from as far as Brisbane and Chinchilla. Nickey McNamara bought a few raffle tickets from Kylie Brownrigg, and Jodhy Kimlin

Lincoln Smith, Tanner Mackay, Rachael and Alby Blauensteiner love the petting zoo

4 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

A sense of “community” abounded, with the school, C&K, businesses and community groups hosting stalls. I was tipped off on the calamari van - and yes it was good! Organiser Elise Henderson from Tin Can Bay Commerce said, “We usually get about 10,000 people, but it looks like more than that today!” Yes, it did. The weather was perfect,

Teeny Weeny Fairies face paint Kyeesha Butler (left) and Lily Wilson

Pin Up Pageant entrants: Miss Kiss Me Kate, Miss Ardene Storm, Miss Gatito Greer

crowds were happy - well done on another wonderful festival to all involved.

More pictures at: www.facebook.com/ RainbowBeachCommunityNews

The team from Beach to Bay Pest Management were one of the many stalls on the day

Above: In Great Gatsby theme, Fiona Worthington and Miley Horley looked the part Left: The lovely Rebecca Reibel handed out so many raffle prizes

Pink and black feathers themed up the tables, and Yvonne Jensen didn’t mind borrowing it to glam up further with husband Russell and friend Michelle Heaton



T IS NOT OFTEN I go to a costume party and find everyone has made an effort to dress up. At the annual Seafood Festival Charity Dinner, I thought all hundred attendees were blinging with feathers and tassels, braces and hats - it was the Great Gatsby indeed! Held at the Cooloola Coast Bowls Club, of course seafood was on the menu. There was plenty of it! We meat lovers didn’t miss out with an assortment of entrees and a lamb dinner. It was a big job for the bowls ladies and well done. Graeme Jensen kept me so entertained with favourite songs for the dance floor, I didn’t take quite as many photos as I

thought, so please send in yours from the night for our Facebook page and to help promote future events! There were over $500 worth of lucky door prizes donated from the local fishing industry and a huge number of raffles - in fact buckets of them. You bought your tickets, than placed some in the bucket of your choice - anything from wine and cheese to a money tree full of scratchies. The auctioneer, Graham Engleman, brought in hundreds more with his cheeky calling. A cabin stay at Tin Can Bay Tourist Park raised $450, the vintage red wine collection was popular at $850, and the

houseboat package drew in $1350! In fact, the auctions brought $3,400 alone, with over $4,000 raised for charity on the night. “It’s overwhelming,” said organiser Rebecca Reibel. “The support we’ve had is fantastic! All the money we’ve raised is for sporting kids. “Honestly, I had people coming up to me today handing me raffle prizes. It’s a good cause especially when it is for kids.” The group will be calling for applications from sporting clubs in the future. To the organisers - well done on a great night!

Heatley Gilmore says hello to Paola Chadwick and William Edmeades from Coloured Sands Clinic

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 5

Boomerang effect is bags of fun Dornfaatberic you

to please drop in spire In Anne-Marie at d Health Home Body an o near Arcobalen


AINBOW BEACH’S Boomerang Bags community is growing slowly but surely. From one attendee at the first get-together to nine at the next, they are gathering momentum and all for a great cause. For the uninitiated, Boomerang Bags is the concept that a community can come together and make a small but significant difference by making recycled, reusable fabric bags for shopping, to replace the single use plastic bags. Not only will this reduce the number of plastic bags infiltrating the environment and polluting our waterways, but by recycling old clothing, linen and fabric offcuts they are helping address the landfill. It is a win-win situation. Hopefully it can eventually become a fortnightly affair, but more helpers are

needed. It doesn’tmatter if you have never sewn - cutters and ironers and printers are also needed. The vision is to make it a project that the whole community can get behind and be proud of. Spring is here, so it’s time to clean out your cupboards and wardrobes, but rather than dump the unwanted items, put them to good use. If you can help with either man hours or by donating unwanted clothing, linen

or cotton for sewing the bags, please message Barb on 0423 841 062 or pop in and see Anne-Marie at Inspire Home Body and Health. A big thank you to the people who have already contributed and a huge shout out to Sam, Maureen and Ruth for the use of the Rainbow Sands. Get going and get sewing for a great

Bev Yeaman, Selina Palmer, Annie Chardon, Andrea Hayes, Caitlyn Hayes, Coral Welham, Leonie Guerin and Bev O’Rourke sewing to save the environment - every little bit helps

cause - join in Sunday October 8 and 22, 2.30pm at the Sands, check www.facebook. com/groups/103387770290149/ page for updates.

Who’s new at the Zoo? Y

OU’RE INVITED TO the Rainbow Beach Welcome Dinner ‘Who’s New at the Zoo?’ What is it? A dinner to welcome all our new residents to Rainbow Beach, where they can meet new friends, learn about groups across the coast, businesses and services. Each group/club across the coast is welcome to send a couple or family (it is a family-friendly event) to talk with newcomers about your group, how they

Sandy Brosnan from Ocean Breeze Seafoods was the first foodie business on board to donate prawns for the event!

6 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

can join and help the local community or themselves. Cultural, sporting, service groups are all involved. You can bring pamphlets or flyers along to hand out - or a gift from your group to present to our new residents. The evening will be held at the new playground at Lawrie Hanson Park, to the left of the look out on Saturday November 4, from 5pm (and move to the hall in event of wet weather). There will be a stand-up dinner, cash bar and entertainment. There is no cover charge, but if your organisation can assist in any way, please do!

Businesses are kindly donating a platter or two so we can sample the delicious options we have in town. It is supported by the Rainbow Beach Commerce and Tourism, Rainbow Beach Community Centre and Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News. Community groups and clubs, business owners please RSVP by October 16 to Michelle Gilmore info@rbcn.com.au or call 5486 561. New residents please book your place with Suzie Faulkner rainbowescape@ outlook.com 0400 243 745 by October 30. Look forward to seeing you there!


Mumma! G

O MUMMA Gympie Region gives mums a chance to get involved in a range of healthy and active classes. All sessions are child friendly, so you can bring your little ones along. Classes are delivered by accredited trainers from at locations across the Gympie Region. Join a Mum and Me Water Aerobics Rainbow Beach Aquatic Club, Turana Street from 9am, Tuesdays. The 45 minute classes in the pool offer varying degrees of intensity using a variety of equipment, and are inclusive of children under two and a half years of age. Mums and bubs have the opportunity to enjoy the water and each other while mum gets fitter! This 10 week program is offered FREE across the first 10 weeks commencing on Tuesday, October 3. To register for this class in Rainbow Beach, contact BJ on 0419 929 037. Please bring a gold coin donation for child minding. In Tin Can Bay, join in a Friday Bootcamp at the Little Guppies Building, Bream Street, 9.30am, from October 6. To register for this class, contact Emma on 0419 620 623. Also on a the Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre, Warriors Swim Club night starts back October 5, and will run every Thursday at 5pm. All are welcome to come and join in and give it a go.

A new Nippers season and a carnival!


OW MANY sports involve only a two hour commitment per week, cost only $165 (that’s not per child, but per family!) and involve mandatory time at the beach? It sounds good, because it is! The Rainbow Beach Nippers program is for boys and girls aged between 5 and 13 years of age (age as at September 30). Helen Brown has taken on the Co-ordinator for 2017/2018 season and, as the previous administrator for the SLSC in Rainbow Beach, Helen says, “We are very excited to see all your lovely faces again!” Helen says the Rainbow Beach Nippers Carnival is scheduled for October 14, so be prepared for lots of visitors to town. Hundreds of families meet on the beach for the first Nippers event of the season. Nippers is a fun program designed to teach kids surf safety and awareness. They learn the traditional surf sports such as surf swimming, board riding, beach flags and sprints. Membership cost is $50 Nippers, $165 Family, $65 Associate and $65 for Active Seniors. This entitles the member to full club membership and use of surf club equipment. It includes all training, insurance cover and SLSA affiliation fees for each member. It is a requirement that for each family of Nippers that at least one parent must join as an Associate Member. Says Helen, “I am really looking forward to a great fun season and getting to know you all.” So come and join our friendly Nippers Club and call Pauline on: 07 5486 3249.

The September Bronze Camp trained up 5 in their bronze medallion and one with their Surf Rescue Certificate - thanks trainers and water safety

Help wanted for Nippers carnival Tracey Hethorn is organising the food stall. If people are interested in helping baking, including slices and cupcakes for the officials, packing lunch bags on Friday 13, and on Saturday 14, making wraps, burgers and selling food. Please call 5483 7333 so Tracey can organise the roster.

Matilda Duggan competed well for the RBSLSC at last year’s Nipper Carnival


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October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 7

Youth activities growing on the coast thanks to


T Above: Little Marley Lindeneier and Sienna Eager couldn’t wait to get on stage! Left: Emme Muggleton and Nelson Alexander performed Master of Ceremonies for the Sound of Teen Spirit concert

HE COOLOOLA COAST Youth Activity Project (CCYAP) busking at the markets is giving participants valuable performance practice. Kids are invited to come and have a jam with Rob and the group. Be part of the music by having a tap on the drums or shake of the tambourine. President Jess Milne would like to thank everyone who has made donations to the market stall. “We are always on the lookout for items, so if you are having a de-clutter then throw your unwanted items our way.” Even though the spectators were down for the Sound of Teen Spirit concert, enthusiasm was high from the performers. “It is always a highlight to see youth for the first time onstage. There was one person who hadn’t even held a microphone a month ago that got up and did a selfwritten solo with no music,” Jess was excited to report. The event is based around confidence development and gaining stage experience. The night was a huge success as performers went home buzzed up and they’re pumped for another concert. Thank you to all the YAP volunteers for their time, as well as Casey and Anna in the kitchen, Teah taking photos, Emme and Nelson as MCs and performers Zach, Braden, TJ, Tash, Paige, Sienna and Marley.

Activities for October: Engineering Experiments October 14 at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall from 2-4pm. Explore movement and structure by building, making or modelling.

Trick or Treat Disco The Cooloola Coast Youth Activity Project is giving all kids out there an opportunity to get into costume and have some fun. There will be prizes for best dressed, so get creative; parents can be involved as well! “Costumes don’t have to be ghoulish; they can be anything you wish to be. The aim is to fill the complex with as many different characters as possible,” President Jess Milne explains. There will be a DJ mixing groovy tunes with games and competitions to break up the night. There will also be face painting from 50c per design. It is an all-ages event, however unsupervised under 12’s will have to be signed in with contact details by an adult. There will be no pass outs given, however there will be a high school hangout area for the seniors to chill out. The night will run from 5-9pm on October 28 at the Tin Can Bay Community Complex. Entry is only $5 per person


October Entertainment Sunday Arvo’s from 3pm

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Ph: 07 5486 4231 www.tcbcc.com.au 8 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

BAREFOOT BOWLS Sat 7th Oct 4:30pm plus GB FOX Performing Live For more info Ph: Hilly 0412 134 752

Dress up like Braden and Bonnie for this year’s CCYAP Trick or Treat Disco

it will be a fantastic morning raising funds for the organisation, and will give the kids a sense of achievement from being involved in all aspects of the event. “They gain valuable real-life experience, as well as develop confidence, which I am a strong advocate for.” Ensure your place by booking a table, email cooloolacoastyap@gmail.com or call Jess on 0411 218 254. Donations of prizes are still being accepted, so if you have anything to contribute please contact Jess.

Halloween Safety Tips by Jess Milne

(parents free) which includes a snag in bread, zooper dooper, glow stick and free water all night! Other food and drinks will be available for purchase. Contact Jess Milne on 0411 281 254 for further information.

Hundreds of dollars of prizes are up for grabs It is well worth a attending the YAP Monster Mystery Raffle Morning Tea, October 28 at the Tin Can Bay Community Complex. All funds raised on the day will go towards providing safe social and mentoring opportunities for youth on the Cooloola Coast. Activities include the Sound of Teen Spirit concert, School Holiday program, Cooloola’s Got Talent showcase and the Humming Strumming and Drumming music program. Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5, with the continuous draw staring at 10am. There are a variety of both big and small prizes in the pool that will have people guessing right up to the draw. Doors open at 9am and entry is $3, which includes tea/coffee, a bite to eat made by the youth members and entertainment by youth musicians. YAP president, Jess Milne, is hoping that the community supports the function as

On Tuesday October 31 the streets come alive with goblins, werewolves and fairies all seeking sweet delights on the annual Halloween Trick or Treating pilgrimage. Here’s 8 ways to keep safe: 1. Go Early - Start before sundown while it’s still light. 2. Never Go Alone - Younger children chaperoned by an adult and older children stay in groups. 3. Plan Your Route - Choose the least amount of road crossings and use lit areas if possible. 4. Walk Safe - Make sure children understand simple road rules. Look both ways before crossing. 5. Be Visible - Choose bright or lightly coloured costumes. Carry torches/ glow sticks. 6. Costume Safety - Use face paint instead of masks (which can obstruct vision.) Keep costumes short to avoid trips/falls. 7. Don’t Go Inside - Only accept treats from the front door. 8. Say No - Stranger Danger rules apply. Don’t accept rides from strangers. Drivers are to be aware of increased youth movement on the roads between 5:00-9:00pm. Happy Halloween!

Well done performers Tash Murphy, Paige Edwards, Zachariah Hassell, Braden and TJ Gray

Anna Dunstan and Casey Pilkington served up coffees and teas at the Sound of Teen Spirit concert, now it is time a Monster Mystery Raffle Morning Tea!

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 9

Quiet achievers win Small Business of the Year!


ONGRATULATIONS Peter and Margaret Grant and team on winning at the Gympie Business Awards. Saturn Antennas is a wonderful Rainbow Beach business, quietly providing an essential service across Australia! And they have done the miles to warrant it. Peter and Marg regularly load up their van, attending Caravanning and RV shows all over. This year they were in Darwin, Perth, Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne and now Goondiwindi as we write! I would hate to know how many times Pete has driven across the Nullabor. And the judges’ comments? A long-standing business committed to manufacturing Australian-made antennas, despite extreme pressure to manufacture overseas, and supplying these products nationally.

Jim Grant, Peter’s Dad celebrating 95 years!

Even though this business has been established for many years, management and staff are very motivated and innovative – particularly in relation to new technologies for the use of their products. They are quiet achievers but are a valuable part of the fabric of our regional business network. This recognition is very well deserved. For Peter, the award is bittersweet, “This last month has been a month of highs and lows. My dad turned 95 and we celebrated in grand style. Dad is an amazing man for his 95 years Then my mum passed away a few days after. “These two events made me stop and remember my time with dad as an electrician and a TV antenna installer. Dad did his apprenticeship with the Gayndah powerhouse in the days when each town had its own power station. “In 1952, they moved to Mundubbera with a contract from the Wide Bay Regional Electricity Board in preparation for the transition to power coming from the Howard power station. “Prior to 1965, when the Wide Bay television tower was erected on Mount Goonaneman, Dad and I were putting up TV antennas on a 50foot (15 meters) mast to capture the signal from Brisbane first and then Toowoomba in 1963. My sister and I would watch Felix the Cat through the ‘snow’. “When I first started installing antennas, I was too young to have a licence so I would put all my gear (along with a TV antenna and mast)

10 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

in a wheelbarrow to go to each job. How times have changed!” For Margaret, it is an opportunity to express gratitude to all those who have been a part of the 20-year life of Saturn Antennas. “Yes, we are very excited about our award but we are just part of the team at Saturn Antennas. Peter and I want to say a huge thank you to our team that is now, as well as two other people who gave us 10 years each of outstanding service. “The team now is Tony Grant, Rob Bourne and Rebecca Conway-Jones. Without you as part of our company, we would find it impossible to operate. You are very

Peter and Margaret Grant were delighted to win The Gympie Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year!

valuable to us and we really appreciate your hard work and dedication. “To Lauri Spencer and Rodney Farr, we cannot express our gratitude for your years of service to us. You made the workplace such a happy environment with your eager willingness to adapt to whatever was asked of you. “Your promptness and efficiency was remarkable. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Continued next page

... and congratulations Rainbow Beach Horserides They thank their stockists, family and friends, and customers - “the lifeblood of all businesses” and their belief in an Australian-made product. “And last of all, I want to say to my darling husband thank you for designing this great antenna. Your passion for your ‘baby’ was contagious and made it easy for me to help you build this business to where it is today - recognised as Small Business of the Year for the Gympie Region 2017.” Rainbow Beach Horse Rides were also crowned Winner of the Tourism Award,

second year in a row. Judges were impressed that the business attracted not only local, but international tourists to their unique horse rides which include riding in the ocean or beaches, to mustering and campdrafting. They stated that management and staff are wonderful ambassadors of our region, and that the passion was evident for them to become Australia’s premier riding tour specialist for beginners through to experienced riders. Well done, everyone!

Saving our pandanus D

AVID TARDREW wrote in to the Community News wanting to know if Council were treating our pandanus trees. “Walking on the beach the last few weeks I noticed large number of pandanus trees dying from ‘fatal yellow disease’, see in front of surf club for example. On closer inspection I observed nearly all trees on the beach are showing some signs of infection.” David said, “I am aware of other councils doing a lot to treat the disease and save the trees - Bundaberg treated some 5000 trees.” He says they are iconic to Rainbow Beach, “You only have to see at Teewah Beach all the dead pandanus. Council are spending a fortune on the Aquatic Centre, Rainbow Beach Park, Gympie Rattler to name a few, hopefully there are some dollars for the above.” Cr Mark McDonald says Gympie Council is aware of the presence of the pandanus planthopper (Jamella australiae) in our coastal communities and is also conscious of its potential damage to our pandanus population. National Parks information describes the flatids or pandanus leaf hoppers Jamella australiae which suck the pandanus sap from the leaf sheaths and exude honeydew. This sugary substance encourages the growth of mould, and the terminal growth points of the leaves then rot, especially if the trees are already stressed by other environmental factors. Jamella has been a problem across SE QLD and northern NSW coastal pandanus communities since being introduced in the early 1990s via an infected plant from

north Queensland. Cr McDonald continues, “As part of our ongoing management we will be engaging a leading specialist with knowledge of this insect to implement a pest management program in our coastal areas over the coming weeks, as part of an Integrated Pest Management strategy “Their approach will be assessing our pandanus populations on public land (predominantly in our coastal areas) so we know the extent and level of any Jemella problem.” Where required, releasing parasitised Jemella eggs (native) into infested populations when weather conditions improve (we are currently subject to unusually dry conditions and timing of release with the right conditions is critical) to disperse the predator wasp, which is harmless to humans, [will aim] to reduce the pest populations to manageable levels. “The level of response will depend on pest numbers and conditions,” Cr McDonald explains.. “Preliminary inspections to date have found low levels of pest numbers but the final response will depend on what else we may find in other pandanus populations. “No control measure eliminates the pest completely, however this will significantly reduce the numbers, tipping the balance in favour of the pandanus, increasing its health and disease resistance and improving its appearance. “Council is undertaking ongoing mapping of pandanus locations on Council land and we are waiting for the right conditions to begin the program, as the extended dry has not been favourable for control measures.”

Our pandanus trees are in trouble - Council is working to limit the damage in Rainbow Beach

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 11

Bush kids

hit the coast Barb Rees


WENDY SIX KIDS and their six minders travelled from the Queensland towns of Ilfracombe (population approx. 340) and Muttaburra (population approx. 320). These areas have been severely affected by drought and the farming families have been doing it tough for years. Enter Tony Stewart who decided that he was going to bring the kids down here to get away for a week and have some fun. With help from a collection of businesses, community groups and individuals from our region, it was made a reality. And what a week they had, from visiting Australia Zoo and UnderWater World, to taking in the natural beauty of our coastline, and they enjoyed every minute! I caught up with them at the end of their stay at a barbecue held in their honour at the Community Centre. They were some of the nicest, friendliest, well-mannered kids that I have ever had the privilege of meeting. “The support from the community and businesses has been amazing, everyone I have approached has put their hand in their pockets and helped us out,” said Tony. “I first mentioned my idea to Dr Curley. A few days later he rang me up and donated $1000 and it just went from there. It’s incredible how generous people have been.” The visit attracted media attention from local newspapers, Creek to Coast, Channel 7 and ABC TV. The kids were accompanied by their Principals, Jo Wernecke from ‘Ilfra’ and


Delilah Wyton from Muttaburra loves the waves! Image Michelle Gilmore

Tanya Bambling from ‘Mutta’. They were both very grateful for the fantastic experience given to the kids and to themselves, and Tony said a few tears were shed after hugs all round on their departure. As Jo said, “It was a week of firsts for most of them …. first train ride, first time seeing the ocean, first time visiting a zoo and first time away from their parents. It has been a huge week and the kids are very tired, but they have made memories that will last forever.” “We were so excited about this trip,” added Tanya. “We have all had a wonderful time. We are very lucky to have been given this opportunity. We are lucky little bushpigs,” she said laughing. They both wanted to thank everyone involved, but especially Tony and Rosie for all their hard work, and Col McPaul the bus driver for his patience. The kids showed their gratitude by performing an original song with great gusto and by presenting Tony and Rosie with a beautiful picture of all the kids, lovingly drawn and coloured by Gypsy from Muttaburra and Susan from Ilfracombe.


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Gypsy Beatty and Susan Schmidt present their hand-drawn picture to Rosie and Tony Stewart

The first day it was straight to the beach with some lessons from lifeguard Liam Toohey Image Michelle Gilmore

What was the best part of their holiday? Australia Zoo won hands down with the kids, all of them calling out their favourite animal. Harry voted for the red pandas while Abbey’s fave was the giraffes and the delightful Delilah couldn’t resist the kangaroo and her joey, “I couldn’t help myself. I just fell in love with them,” she giggled. They still had a breakfast with the dolphins at Barnacles, and pancakes and strawberries at Cooloola Berries on their last day! As Liam the lifeguard said to me, “What a special bunch of kids, they are just incredible.” Yes, Liam, I have to agree that they were, and I think they managed to touch the hearts of everyone who had the pleasure of meeting them. Tony says the drought is worse than ever.. his 15th load ready to go October 2. Tony sends thanks to Jeff Barton for our bus, Tony, Mayor Mick Curran, Councillors Glen Hartwig and Bob Leitch, Mark McDonald and his wife Jill, Tin Can Bay Bakery, Ocean Breeze Seafoods, Sam and Maureen Mitchell, Crème de la Crème, Ruth Modin, Rachelle Rose, Bernard Petroleum, McClintocks Caltex, Thirsty Camel, our IGA, Marlene Owen, TCB Lions, RB Commerce and Tourism Members and Rosie “who put up with me for the week and worked hard”.

Right: Abbey, Leenah, Sarah, Grace and (front) Susan, Jaspah and Delilah enjoyed the BBQ at the Community Centre

Rosie Stewart and Denise Kirwan from Rainbow Beach chat with ‘jack of all trades’ Fleur Wallis from Muttaburra

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 13

Trivia was a tournament of fun!


HAT IS INSPECTOR Gadget’s niece’s name? What colours are on a rubix cube? Who is pictured on an $100 note? What does KITT stand for in Knightrider? No, it is not “Purrs Like A Kitten”, one of the answers given at the Rainbow Beach State School P&C Trivia Night. The hint jars were popular - all spare cash was an easy way to gain a hint, or sometimes the right answer - as the bribes increased! Held at the Rainbow Beach Community Hall, and ably run by the P&C team, the night was once again injected with fun by MC Andrew Hawkins, from Rainbow Beach Realty. In between identifying artists and their songs, sports, history and other fast-paced rounds, teams mingled at the bar, indulged in delicious cheese platters and were treated to Arco’s delicious pizzas. There were two challenges where you had to nominate a team member, and it is not until they are on stage that they are told the task. Fiona Worthington won the sit-up challenge (she says ‘Thanks Emillia!’)

and later in the night, Emma Brook enunciated the smoothest tongue twisters - impressing everyone with her flawless delivery and animated expression! Over 80 locals attended the night, and ‘Resort Power’ were thrilled to win the propeller trophy, followed by ‘Tequila Mockingbird’ in second place, and tied for third place were ‘We thought this was speed dating’ and the teacher team, ‘Tina’s Tribe’. Said P&C President, Kirstie Jordison, “We did not expect the numbers. The team events brought lots of laughter, and that’s what you want.” She thanked everyone involved and all the locals who supported the night. The annual event raised over $2200 for the school.

‘Tequila Mockingbird’ came in seco

nd place

The smallest team on the night, ‘We thought this was speed dating’ had big brain power to tie in third place with the teacher team, ‘Tina’s Tribe ’ (below)

RBSS P&C President, Kirstie Jordison thanks MC Andrew Hawkins for a job well done

The winning team ‘Resort Power’ were absolutely delighted! (members Heatley Gilmore and Brad Hethorn must have been at the bar)

14 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

Rainbow Beach Police Beat By Senior Constable Mick Emery


AVE YOU EVER had that thought as some reckless driver with a death wish tailgates you before overtaking on double white lines? Last month a Sunshine Coast woman had this exact experience as she drove towards Rainbow Beach – but it’s what she did next that’s important… As she drove into town she noticed the offending vehicle parked at the permit office and discretely took down its registration number. Then she came to the police beat, which she found unattended. Now a lot of people would have stopped there and later complained that the local police are never around – but not this lady. Deciding that this incident was worthy of police attention, she got out of her car, picked up the ‘blue phone’ (conveniently located next to the front door of the Police

Where are the police when you need them?

Beat) and started making a report to the Policelink operator. As she was making her report, Leroy and I drove past and saw her standing there. We pulled up, grabbed some brief details from her and went hunting. It took less than five minutes to find this bloke, who had a full can of Bundy and cola sitting in a drink holder next to the steering wheel of his car, and a second, empty can in the driver’s door.

Not surprisingly the provisional licensed driver returned a breath test above the zero alcohol limit and we took him back to the police beat – where we found the informant still on the blue phone finishing her report. She had now spent about 30 minutes of her weekend reporting this matter, but her time and effort will take another dangerous driver off the road for a few months. Now I admit that this is an ideal scenario

and the police won’t always be available to investigate your complaint right away, but you never know – this lady didn’t. As police we need your help to prosecute dangerous drivers and get them off our roads. We’re the first to admit that we can’t do it alone - in fact the word ‘collaboration’ is used in the Queensland Police Service Strategic Plan 2017-2021. Road users who have dash cams are in a prime position to help. If you capture evidence of reckless driver behaviour on your dash cam you can submit the footage online via the Queensland Police Service Hoon on-line form at www.police.qld.gov. au/apps/reports/hoonOnline, or drop it into us here at the beat. All successful prosecutions depend on quality evidence, and video footage is up there with the best around.

Would you like to be a member of our Cooloola Coast Art Group? W

ELL, WE WOULD love to invite you to join our group of artists working in many mediums, on all levels, from beginners through to experienced, and sharing the love of art with each other and the public. Our art group is committed to supporting local artists to achieve their goals and promote a vibrant art culture in the Cooloola Coast region. Some of the benefits that we envisage we can offer you throughout the year will be: • Providing a network of activities - monthly meetings, guest speakers and artist demonstrations, helping you develop your skills further • Discounted entry fee for our Annual Art Show, and any workshops held • Promotional and marketing support by showcasing your work on our website • Painting on location and group outings • Discounted art lessons • Discounted framing

Monthly meetings will be held on the last Friday of each month from October 27 at the RSL Hall, Tin Can Bay, commencing at 1pm. Annual membership is $20. Fortnightly Life Drawing classes will commence on Wednesday October 8 from 9.30 - 11.30am at Tin Can Bay Library. Cost is $10 for Cooloola Coast Art Group members and $15 for non-members. For booking and more information please contact Robyn Shaw 0419 663 271 or trrwshaw@bigpond.net For further information on membership contact: Norma Sanderson/Secretary 5488 0840 Kerri Southern/President 5486 2584 email: president@cooloolacoastart.org Re photography: Ken 5486 2745 Website: www.cooloolacoastart.org.au Art group members Jill MacDonald and Mary Boyd with their lazy Susans

Sooth e your muscles

and save with our October offer Welcome the warmth!

What gorgeous weather did we have last month?
The September school holiday makers took advantage of our new massage therapists and the addition of another sublime treatment room. Our remedial and sports therapists are waiting for you to come and soothe those tired and sore muscles. NOW taking appointments for Sunday! We have had incredible results from our IPL skin rejuvenation treatments. These particular treatments are recommended and encouraged from our local skin doctors. The best treatment to heal sun damaged skin! No obligations. Free consultations. More and more luscious, luminous and shiny Goldwell colours continue to walk out the door. If you haven’t experienced one yet … you must!

The most exciting news this month is... we welcome our newest member Indi. She has started her beauty therapist traineeship. In celebrating her “official” arrival we are offering an incredible special (this month only). Keep your eyes out for our daily specials located outside our store : ) Lyn Quade will be returning for cosmetic tattooing and injectables on November 2. Perfect timing to be ready for the holiday season.
Have a happy October and we look forward to making you feel your very best...soon.

the team

Book yourself any hair colour service, Color Lock Treatment and cut and receive completely FREE OF CHARGE a complimentary pedicure with Indi* (Valued @ $49) t!
 *Offer ends October 31 Don’t m iss ou

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 15

16 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

Happenings Keep up-to-date with our Tech Savvy Seniors sessions Library


AVE YOU EVER wanted to shop online but were too afraid to start?

Join us in October as we present a Tech Savvy Seniors session about shopping online. Bookings are essential. Rainbow Beach Library Thursday October 19, 10am-11.30am Phone 5486 3705 Tin Can Bay Library Thursday October 19, 2pm-3.30pm Phone 5486 4355

Free eBooks and e-Audio books Gympie Regional Libraries give you free access to Bolinda Digital through Borrow Box. You can now read hundreds of eBooks and listen to hundreds of eAudio titles for free. Go to your app store to download the free Borrow Box app and you can start borrowing using your Gympie Regional Libraries library card. Ask us how.

Join us every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10am for art workshops by Jenny! Jenny will cover various types of art – from sketching with charcoals to painting with watercolours and pastels - morning tea provided.


BIG LITTLE LIES by Liane Moriarty

by Michelle Gilmore

eNewsletter Art workshops at Rainbow Beach Library

Visit us at: www.gympie.qld.gov.au/library

Have you signed up to receive our eNewsletter? Once a month we send out an email with next month’s events at our libraries. It doesn’t cost anything and you get to see upcoming classes, events, author talks, etc. It is easy to register. Ask one of our staff members to add you to the list or simply go to our website and subscribe to our eNewsletter.

Rainbow Beach Ph: 5486 3705

Tin Can Bay Ph: 5486 4355

Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm Saturday 9am – 12 noon

Monday and Wednesday 9am – 12.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am


ALAMITY! I LAUGHED. I cried. Hands down one of the best books I’ve read in a while. I think because I could so easily identify with the ‘mummy’ characters.

like a superficial ‘chick lit’ but cover themes much more serious than you thought you were delving into. The story quickly unfolds, then unravels to the compelling end.

If it wasn’t P&Cs, Trivia Nights, and nits remaining not too much in my recent memory, it was Madeleine’s early proclamation, “Champagne is never a mistake.”

Don’t be put off if you have read another of the author’s books, I found this much more entertaining than Truly, Madly, Guilty.

Or perhaps, “They say it’s good to let your grudges go, but I don’t know, I’m quite fond of my grudge. I tend it like a little pet.” A suspense from the first page, Moriarty draws you in to what looks

I am determined to sink into more of Moriarty’s novels and look forward to watching the series with a posse of mums. Look for it in our libraries - also available as an eAudio book on Borrow Box.

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 17

18 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017


Dolphins on Creek to Coast by Norma Sanderson (volunteer)


I EVERYONE. Wow, what a September we have had. We were paid a visit from Channel 7’s ‘Creek to Coast’. They were on a road trip checking out the North Burnett, Hervey Bay, Tin Can Bay areas for caravan and camping venues, so we were included in the filming. You will see the result on Saturday October 21 on ‘Creek to Coast’. Don’t miss it. Also, we were just as excited as the school kids from the western towns of Ilfracombe and Muttabutta when they visited the dolphins after being treated to breakfast at Barnacles Cafe. This was a wonderful experience for them. I gave the two schools a set of the dolphin books to take back for the school library. I do hope they enjoy reading them and share the stories. A reminder that local residents do not have to pay for entry to the Dolphin Centre, just for feeding, so come on down and visit with your friends and relatives. We love showcasing our rare and endangered dolphins to you. Rather special. See you there!

Divers enjoy marine life W

OLF ROCK DIVE have been having a fun September with plenty sightings of humpback whales, as they head south to Antarctica for the summer with their new babies and an eventual well-deserved meal for the mums. Whilst in transit and feeding their young calves, the mother whales don’t eat, giving all their blubber reserves to the baby through their milk. Manta rays, leopard and wobbegong sharks, eagle and bull rays are frequently sighted on most dives at Wolf Rock. We are also seeing on average 10-15 grey nurse sharks, which is encouraging as many have moved south to Byron Bay and South West Rocks.

Wolf Rock Dive charters often spot our local dolphins The resident Tin Can Bay dolphins often pop up to say hello to our divers on the way out from Carlo Point boat ramp. Now heading into school holidays and the summer season, are you looking for a Christmas gift idea? Diving charter and course gift vouchers are available to purchase from the shop, and we stock a small range of masks, snorkels and retail, and can order in more specific items to suit. Contact us for more information: 07 5486 8004.

City Farm News

City Farm, opposite the Community Centre, on Tin Can Bay Road, is open to the public for plant sales on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8am-3pm 07 5486 2304, ccfni09@gmail.com, www.cooloolacityfarm.org

A Plant of the month – City Farm has lots of Oxylobium robustum in stock, a small shrub with golden yellow flowers winter to spring Photograph source: ala.org.au

CITY FARM VOLUNTEER ran two very well-received activities in Rainbow Beach during Seniors’ Week in early September - a plant propagation workshop and a wildflower walk. I was recently in Bundjalung National Park on the north coast of New South Wales and found it interesting to find many of the same shrubs and wildflowers as we see here around this time of year. Climatic conditions are similar and it appeared to have been very dry there as well. Many of the banksias were past their best

flowering, though honeyeaters were busy in the remaining flowers. There were also bee-eaters and thornbills and some birds were taking twigs and melaleuca bark as the warm weather indicated it was time to begin nesting. On a walk, it was obvious that the healthy growth of midyims and low-growing lomandras acted as a weed deterrent on the path borders. The lomandras, in particular, seemed able to cope with being trodden on, making them a great choice for trafficked areas.

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 19

QCWA offer competitions, Keeping hoy and walking groups your camera A

QCWA TIN CAN BAY Branch High Tea celebrated 95 years of the QCWA with long time member Francis Sheppard on her 91st birthday. She shared fond memories of the early years before being presented with a bouquet of flowers. In true CWA style the food was plentiful, delicious and stacked high on the plate. QCWA runs regular competitions throughout the year with most being open to the general public. Finalists are judged at the Annual State Conference and the TCB Branch has entries in the Knitting and Crocheting, Photography and Cookery sections. The 2018 Photography categories are now available! Regular monthly activities are held every first and third Wednesday. The craft morning tea will be on the fourth starting at 10am. Participants will be learning the art of silk scarves, with all donations going towards Pennies for Friendship. HOY games are on October 18 with morning tea at 9am and games from 10am. $5 per board includes tea/coffee and nibbles. The general meeting is every second Monday 8.30am for a 9am start. Members of the public are welcome to attend all Branch activities and children are an enjoyable addition. All events held at

18 Whiting St, Tin Can Bay. The Heart Foundation Walking Groups are busy - if you would like to improve your fitness, meet new people and have some fun, then contact Susan on 0457 304 050. All aboard for the sensational spring bus tour on November 8, organised by the QCWA Tin Can Bay Branch. Tickets for the bus are only $32 and destinations include Kape Centro in Childers, Bundaberg Botanical Gardens, and the Bert Hinkler Museum (meals and entry fees not included in the ticket price). On the way home a stopover at Bundy Macadamias will fill the pantry with nutty delights. There will be a lucky seat prize and onboard raffle. Bookings are a must with payment due by November 1. If you would like to join or find out more, then email qcwatcb@gmail.com or give Joan a call on 5486 4640 or Lorraine on 5486 2226.

Joan Barnier presents Francis Sheppard with her birthday flowers congratulations on 91 years! Image Jess Milne

20 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017



IGITAL CAMERAS (including phones and tablets) need to be kept clean to function at their best. The type of camera device will determine the ease with which this can be accomplished. Most digital cameras have at least two elements that result in “grubby” photos if these surfaces are not kept clean: the lens and the viewing screen. Some cameras have a third element, the viewfinder. Keeping these parts clean is easy. After focus issues, the number one cause of photos looking “soft” and fuzzy is a dirty lens. The lenses in phones, tablets and to a lesser degree, compact cameras are especially prone to finger-marking. The easy way to fix this is to gently clean the lens element with a soft micro-fibre cloth (the ones you get for cleaning glasses are ideal). You can also use the same cloth for cleaning the viewing screen and viewfinder. In fact, it’s a good idea to keep a few of these cloths in your camera bag. For more sophisticated cameras, LensPens are a great way to keep lenses, filters, viewfinders and LCD screens clean. The pens feature a soft brush and charcoal pad which is wiped over the glass elements. They are inexpensive and are available from camera stores. Unlike compact and bridge cameras which have fixed lenses and aren’t

Frank Posch’s Nautilus won an AB Grade Honour - the camera lens must have been very clean for this shot

affected by the accumulation of internal dust and dirt, DSLR and mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses provide opportunity for dust and dirt to enter the camera’s internal cavity. DIY cleaning of internal parts should be done with extreme caution. Puff blowers can be useful for this, but for removal of stubborn dirt, dust, scratches or mould from mirrors, focusing screens and sensors, it’s recommended that a professional camera cleaner be consulted. Happy snapping!

The Tin Can Bay Camera Club’s next meeting: Wednesday October 18 at TCB Library, commencing at 7pm. For more information about club activities and to view members’ images, visit www.tincanbaycameraclub.wix.com/tcb-camera-club.

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 21

your Community Practise makes perfect Linda Fewtrell, President Cooloola Coast Toastmasters


OASTMASTERS ARE looking forward to a busy October with members brushing up their skills and preparing for competitions in Maryborough. Patrick presented an educational on the use of gestures and, after our Table Topic session, it was clear we were able to put his ideas into practice. We are looking forward to our Area Director’s visit and a trainer in the new Pathways program will be visiting later in the month. Pathways will keep us on track online and will be a refreshing new direction in Toastmasters. If you want to know more, call Linda

Fewtrell on 0400 144 629 or come to one of our meetings at the Tin Can Bay Library from 6.30pm every second and fourth Monday. Practicing their skills are Toastmasters Paul Deller, Marie Parker, Linda Fewtrell and Patrick McFarlane (pictured).

Double Island Clean up is on T

HE TIME HAS come again to register for the next Double Island Clean up 13-15 Oct 2017. Help us effect change in one of the most amazing parts of the world. Sign up now! The first 25 vehicles get a return ferry pass on Sunday. What’s the deal? An active three- day beach clean up / educational / camping weekend with fee exempt 4x4 and camping permits for ALL volunteers. We’ll be having discussions about the proposed new QPWS management plan for the Cooloola stretch and how we can all be involved!! Win in a share of over $2K in prizes, with interactive kids games and

educational presentations, free BBQ, open mic/jam session by the campfire. For more information phone Craig 0434 587 756 or Aaron 0449 686 746 or email cleanupdoubleisland@gmail.com www.surfrider.org.au

Think Pink for the Dirty Down Under 4x4


HE 4X4 PINK RUN is set to pink-up the beaches of Teewah and Rainbow Beach again this October 28, for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. This year’s run hopes to match last year’s figures, raising nearly $50,000 from the giant raffle held on the beach. The group organising the massive event, Dirty Down Under 4x4, says the response from local business in Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay this year has been above and beyond, with lots of donations from accommodation vouchers to helicopter rides, 4WD hires and lots of item in between.

22 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

The community should be very proud. Information about attending or sponsoring can be found on their website at www.dirtydownunder4x4.com

In Brief More aged care facilities sought for Coast The 2017 Cooloola Cove Residents & Friends survey revealed the majority of the 153 survey respondents had heard of CCR&F, but only the Over 65s were aware of the work done. There was overwhelming support for the development of further aged care facilities within the Coooloola Coast area, with many feeling current care facilities were not appropriate and adequate for individuals and their families. More results next month! Again thanks to the Cooloola Cove residents for their support to the survey. AGM for will be held on October 16 at the Cooloola Veterans and Community Hall, immediately after our normal meeting, which starts at 10am. Our group has busy times ahead, and some of that will be announced by the new committee, post AGM. Please come along to our meetings to support the future of Cooloola Cove. Find out more: Graham Langdown, President: 0433 062 906.

We would also need volunteers to assist with the distribution every Friday morning for approximately three hours (some lifting required). If you are interested in either ordering or volunteering please let us know on 0400 741 951.

Blessing of Pets The Good Shepherd Church at Rainbow Beach is having a Blessing of Pets on Sunday October 1 at 9.30am. Bring your pets (properly restrained) for a special blessing at a service held to coincide with the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Morning tea will follow the service. All welcome.

Good news on Victory Hampers The Tin Can Bay Resource Centre has some great news on the Victory Hampers they have already resumed in Maryborough and Gympie. We would like to know what the public interest is in Victory Hampers returning to Tin Can Bay, we need a minimum of eight or more prepaid orders per week for it to resume.

Narcotics Anonymous now meet on the coast A Narcotics Anonymous group meeting is now being held at the Tin Can Bay Library every Friday night from 7 - 8.30pm. For more information please contact: 0402 283 761 or 0418 459 241.

Projects in the pipeline


URING THE PAST month the Tin Can Bay Quilters have been quite busy finishing and starting new projects. Quite a few of the quilters have begun their block of the month project, The Gingham Girls. It is a mixture of hand embroidery and quilting, which is proving quite a challenge for some of us. The finished projects will all vary no doubt, as they will all be quilted in different colours. Some of the ladies have been completing fractured quilts - Pam Bauer taught the technique to us, so hopefully there will be some of these quilts at show-and-tell shortly. We have quite a few of the quilters working on Judy Neimeyer quilts, which are done using the English paper piecing technique. These are quite challenging but, when finished, quite satisfying. We have some great projects in the pipeline, so if you are interested just come along this month. We have had a couple of ladies who were just passing through come and join us for the morning. We are always looking for new members - come along, we are a friendly group.

Tin Can Bay Quilters Coral Welham with a fractured quilt and Eunice Coombs with a utility bag

We meet on Tuesdays, 9am at the Community Complex on the corner of Tin Can Bay Rd and Bayside Drive, next door to the Cooloola Bowls Club. Contact Jacquie Cross on 5486 4468.

TIP OF THE MONTH by Tarni Palmer

How to be a decent human being “Be a decent human and don’t swear loudly and constantly in public … you sound like a total feral.” Read more of Tarni’s insights on Facebook: www.facebook.com/decenthumantips/ October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 23

Creative Cuts Scarecrow season opens

One big event for October

Coolabay Choir Do you like to sing? Do you like to hear choirs sing? If so, come and join our group and make everyone’s lives the richer for it. We have a thoroughly enjoyable time for an hour and whilst you are in the area we’d love you to lend your voice to ours, even for a short stay. Choir practices take place every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm and we are now in the Veterans’ and Community Hall at Cooloola Cove, junction of Santa Maria Court and Nautilus Drive near the back of the shops. Please contact Pam on 0427 180 649 or email: sykapalua@spiderweb.com.au

Rush 2017

Scarecrows come out of hiding on October 7, and will guard farm gates and village shops until the judges reveal the best of them on November 10 at the inaugural “harvest dinner” at Kandanga Farm Store. Some will even hang around for the Mary River Festival in Kandanga on November 11. There’s a map to lead you down country roads and discover new places for the the annual Mary Valley Scarecrow Festival. And you can win $50 by taking a photo of yourself with as many scarecrows as possible in the Mary Valley during the festival. You can find scarecrows from Conondale and Kenilworth, and north to Dagun, near Gympie. It’s a great excuse to pack a picnic and tour through Mary Valley Country. Post your photos: www.facebook.com/Mary-ValleyScarecrow-Festival

Calling local musicians

Elvis & Orbison ‘The One Magic Night Tour’ booked for Friday October 20, which will be a big night for the club. Tickets on sale for $25 at Tin Can Bay Country Club. The audience will re-live the magic of Roy Orbison through the voice of Eddie Daniels. With a soaring vocal range Eddie conquers the most difficult songs giving the audience a memorable experience. “The King” lives again with this memorable performance of his greatest hits from “In the ghetto to American Trilogy”, as Eddie moves his audience on an emotional rollercoaster from sad ballads to the humour and sense of fun that was Elvis.

Rush Festival returns with an awesome rock line-up. In celebration of Gympie’s 150th birthday (G150), Aussie Rock legend, Jimmy Barnes, will headline this year’s concert. The heart and soul of Australian rock ‘n’ roll, “Barnesy” - solo artist and the lead singer of Cold Chisel - will be supported by some of Australia’s rock icons including The Black Sorrows and The Voices, with local artists Brooke Schubert and Totosenda, plus special guest MCs Frank Woodley and John Fleming. Admission $10, children 12 and under free. Gates open 3pm, 4.30pm start on October 14. Rides, food, drinks and a licensed area will be available.

Experience the Rush Art Competition

The Rainbow Beach Christmas Carols will be held on Saturday December 2 at the local Community Complex and it would be great to again have the involvement of local musicians and singers. If you are interested in being part of this special community event, please contact Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867 or email: ronniet@chappy.org.au There will be an informal meeting in the school library on Friday October 20 at 2.45pm to discuss the format of the evening.

This annual competition is a highlight on the gallery calendar and features nine sections with over $10,000 prize money. This year the Open Award for a painting with any subject or any medium attracts a $5000 cash prize sponsored by the Gympie Regional Council and the Friends of the Gympie Regional Gallery. The competition exhibition is on view from October 11 – 28 with the opening night on Wednesday 11 October, with doors opening at 6pm for 7pm start. Check out the many additional Public Programs, including an Oil Painting Workshop with renowned Melbournebased artist Ross Paterson on October 21 and 22.

It’s Heart of Gold

Nestled within the golden hills of Gympie, housed in the grand auditorium of the Civic Centre, is the loveliest film festival in Australia. Running from October 5-8, a program of carefully-crafted short films from around the world that deeply resonate with the viewer. The four-day program includes industry masterclasses, a stunning opening night gala, awards night party and up to 30 sessions of shorts from all genres that best capture Heart of Gold’s vision to screen films that are heart-warming, thought-provoking and entertaining. www.rushfestival.com.au 24 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

Creative Cuts Listen to The Freedom Collective

Music Plus with more new acts

Time to air the vocal chords and enjoy our special brand of music in the community of this Cooloola Coast. All genres and ages welcome. We like to encourage youngsters who are learning an instrument or voice training to give them the opportunity to perform in public in a friendly environment, and we hope we will be seeing and hearing more as the year progresses. Next MUSIC PLUS NIGHT in Cooloola Cove - Thursday October 26. If you know anyone who would like to play, sing or show off their own poetry, please contact Pam: 0427 180 649 or e-mail: sykapalua@spiderweb.com.au A bunch of musicians from down Noosa way have banded together to spread awareness about New Hope’s Colton Coal mine near Maryborough. New Hope plans to dump their excess mine water directly into the river system upstream from The Great Sandy Strait. The catchy tune hums with the passion the artists have for this world- class natural wonder, and it is ringing bells online with views exceeding 22,000 over just four days. The Freedom Collective, as they have dubbed their project, is hoping that local Rainbow Beach residents welcome their efforts. Hear the song and watch the clip here: https://www.facebook.com/The-FreedomCollective-825896774225624/

A Gold Rush Parade and Festival

Festival Small Halls line up announced

Vance Gilbert from the USA has been selected as the international act for the Festival of Small Halls Queensland Summer Tour 2017. Vance Gilbert burst onto the singer/songwriter scene in the early 90s in the folk clubs of Boston - an exmulticultural arts teacher who was knocking ’em dead at open mics. Vance Gilbert took audiences across the country by storm. Ten accomplished albums later, Vance continues to refine his unlikely union of humour, virtuosity and the unexpected. He is joined by Melbourne’s Liz Stringer for the best folk and contemporary music which hits the road from Ilfacombe, Texas to Valla! Only $25 per ticket for 13+ and free for children 12 & under. Rainbow Beach, December 10. https://festivalofsmallhalls.com/

Date claimer

Book a table for Sports Trivia Night Come along and support Veterans Welfare Services on October 28. All welcome to join in the trivia fun, including those who are not members of the RSL. From past events it should be a whole load of fun, so come dressed as your favourite sports star. The bar will be open - 6pm for a 6.30pm start. $10 entry per person includes nibbles and lucky door prize, with raffles on sale. MCs are Peter, Mike and Denise. Tin Can Bay RSL Sub Branch Inc, 45 Gympie Road, Tin Can Bay Ph 07 5486 4224 or 07 5486 2110. www.facebook.com/TCB.RSL

Each October the community of Gympie comes together to celebrate of the discovery of gold in Gympie in 1867, and the subsequent establishment of the city during the Gold Rush Festival. This year the community celebrates the G150 – 150 years since the discovery of gold in Gympie. Enjoy the colour and culture as the Gold Rush Parade winds down Mary Street. Don’t miss this celebration of community and culture during Rush Festival on Saturday October 14, 11am-6pm at Nelson Reserve, Gympie. Free entry, food and drink available - also featuring the Autobarn Car and Bike Show. Visit: www.goldrush.org.au

The Lioness Club of Tin Can Bay together with Maryborough Players Inc. will be presenting Listen to the Radio, a theatre restaurant night to raise funds for Domestic Violence. Held Saturday November 25, 6pm at the Tin Can Bay Community Complex. Bookings essential as there will be no ticket sales at the door. Bar available on the night.


Tony PERRETT MP Member for Gympie

will be conducting the following mobile office visits: Wednesday, 1 November Cooloola Cove, Tin Can Bay, Rainbow Beach For appointments please contact: 07 5329 5100 or Freecall 1800 812 919 gympie@parliament.qld.gov.au Authorised by T.Perrett. 58 Channon Street, Gympie QLD 4570.

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 25


A new principal for Rainbow by Tina McColl, Acting Principal, Rainbow Beach State School

Dear Parents and Carers,


’D LIKE TO say a big thank you to all the staff, parents, students and the wider community members who have supported me over this term in my role as Acting Principal. It has been a challenging role, but one that has given me opportunities to attend leadership professional development days, gain insight into the management and finance surrounding the school environment and work with many teaching professionals from within the North Coast Region. I’d like to welcome our new principal, Mr Dan Stanieg and his family, back to the Rainbow Beach community. The staff and I know he will be a great asset to our school.

Above and below: The RBSS Fun Run takes off in the flags on Rainbow Beach

The last day of term saw a reward of the Holt Bolt at the Centre Block, with a BBQ lunch at the new playground and a fun run on the beach. Thanks to all involved. How long has it been since you have had a family portrait? The P&C are holding a portrait fundraising day on October 8. For $20 you receive a 10”x13” family portrait and keyring (of your family – valued at $90!) by Laura Jean. Every family can receive this photographic service, close to home. Flexible options include posing choices and obligation-free additional portraits to suit your needs. So please help us by inviting an extra family to our fundraiser, call Kirstie Jordison: 0439 701 227.

26 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

It’s Grandparents’ Day 2017 by Chappy Ronnie


ATIONAL GRANDPARENTS DAY is on Sunday October 28 this year and Rainbow Beach School will be celebrating the importance of grandparents and thank them for their important role in our families on the morning of Friday October 27. The theme for the morning will be ‘I Grow in Grandad’s Garden’ from the book written by Queensland author Brian Andrew, which follows Brian and his granddaughter on a journey through Brian’s garden where there are 4 special places - a think and thank seat, a let go log, cross over bridge and a dream table which teach children about the values of gratitude, forgiveness, courage and generosity. Each class will be putting together a display based on the book to show grandparents and other visitors. Students will be serving morning tea in the garden and taking visitors on guided tours.

Thanks to the generosity of our P&C and Student Council we will be creating the four special places from the book in our own bush tucker garden in time for Grandparents’ Day. Invitations will be sent home early in Term Four, but as many of our students do not have grandparents who live close by and may have family friends or neighbours they would like to invite, we would like to open the morning up to the local community. We will also have plants for sale that will help with ongoing costs of the garden. If you would like to be part of our Grandparents’ Day celebration please contact Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867 or email: ronniet@chappy.org.au by Friday October 20.

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 27


Congratulations students! Page 10

by Principal Desley Kirby Tin Can Bay P-10 School


S WE HAVE COME to the end of another very busy term, I would like to highlight some of the amazing achievements and activities of TCB students over the last couple of weeks.

Acknowledgement Day In Term Three students were invited to participate to acknowledge good attendance and appropriate participation and behaviour. Teachers were also asked to consider inviting students whereby genuine illness has impacted on attendance. As a result, over 180 students participated in these awesome activities. Many thanks to Miss Jayne, Mrs Hogan, teacher aides and teachers who helped run events.

Get Set for Work program

Tin Can Bay students were selling tickets and a variety of goodies at the Seafood Festival

Local News O YOU KNOW any young people


Wolf Rock Dive Report

Awesome Attendance 4A!

Improved school attendance continues to be a focus for TCB. Congratulations to the students of 4A, who met the attendance target of 91% for the whole term. This awesome effort was acknowledged on assembly this week. Well done 4A!

Congratulations to the Bronco’s Challenge Participants Recently, four students from Tin Can Bay participated in the Bronco’s Challenge in Gympie. Scott Thompson, Principal at East Gympie State School, emailed about their participation: Just a quick email to let you know that the four boys Nathan, Jake, Logan and Ben who played for us at the Bronco’s challenge were exceptional. Our coach Mr Bartley spoke very highly

28 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

between the ages of 15-19 in Tin Can Bay, Cooloola Cove or Rainbow Beach who would like to get a job but just can’t of them with their behaviour and play find one? being exceptional. Could you please Then the ‘Get Set for Work’ program congratulate them and thank them on being run by United Synergies and behalf of East. starting on Tuesday October 17 in Tin Congratulations to Nathan Naulty, Ben by Cheryl Maughan, WolfBay Rock Dive Can may be just what they need. Naulty, Jake Rooks and Logan Smith! Some brilliant diving over hasnine keptweeks, TheFebruary program this will year run for attending for three customers raving about with Wolf participants Rock and what a fantastic Breakfast Club days a week, and at the end they will dive we have here. Please note that Breakfast Club in havewe achieved a Certificate II inthe Skills for With have been enjoying Term Four will commence onimproved Thursdayvisibility Work and Vocational Pathways. entire vista of Wolf Rock under water surrounded by October 5. The program facilitator will work with about 50 grey nurse sharks, giant Qld groper, eagle rays, the participants on goal setting, career bull rays, turtles, octopus, leopard sharks andaso much and a planning, how to write resume Annual Garage Sale Trail more. In amongst all these animals are huge schools cover letter, how to search forofjobs in On October 21, the P&C are running baitfish, trevally, kingfish, barracuda and mulloway. the hidden job market and many other will again be participating in the Garage topics that complement content in To see more photos and comments about the the dives at Sale Trail. Book a site for $10, gather your the Certificate qualification. In week Wolf Rockout go your to our Facebook page atII www.facebook. flotsam and jetsam and clear nine, a week’s work experience will be com/wolfrockdive clutter! arranged with local businesses. Information on how to Visibility secure a site has will been in the range of 20 – 30 metres with water tempera The ‘Get Set for Work’ program is part be available soon. of the ‘Skilling Queenslanders for Work’ project and is funded and supported by the Queensland Government. Sean Connelly from United Synergies says, “From what we’re seeing, these courses are working. They are free, can work around life commitments and are giving young people the skills to go out and get a job locally.” A client support officer will work with the participants to help them overcome any non-vocational barriers and create a plan to assist participants in reaching their goals and career plans. Post-course support will be provided by the client support officer who will continue to work with the participants to assist them in achieving an outcome, whether it be to return to school, engage in work, or commence additional study. To book a place in the program or find out more information, please contact Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867 or email: ronniet@chappy.org.au

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October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 29

Cooloola Coast Visitor’s Guide Rainbow Beach and the Cooloola Coast is home of the Coloured Sands, the majestic Carlo Sandblow and gateway to World Heritage listed Fraser Island. You can feed wild dolphins, visit a historic lighthouse and kayak with the whales.

Rainbow Shores Clarkson Drive has a concrete path for most of the way taking you through wallum and paperbarks. If riding, you can turn left to the industrial area (Karoonda Road) and the return to town via Carlo Road.

Half-day 4WD Tours (5486 3131) or hire your own to Cooloola National Park, Coloured Sands, Double Island Point, Lighthouse, Rainforest and Lake Freshwater. Coloured Sands Starting below the lookout, walk along the beach towards Double Island Point for a kilometre or so to these amazing Coloured sand cliffs, with the best colours around 9 to 10 kilometres along the beach (accessible with a 4wd or Surf and Sand Safari tour) 5486 3131. Carlo Sand Blow A bush walk up to Carlo Sand Blow is a must for every visitor. Drive to the reservoir at the top of Cooloola Drive. The Blow is an easy 600m walk from the car park or take the longer walk from the National Parks Office. Spectacular views of the Coloured Sands, Double Island Point and Tin Can Bay Inlet are the bonus for your efforts. When the thermals are right, you will often see Hang Gliders taking off and landing at this beautiful piece of Nature’s Sculpture. Fraser Island Great Walk A 90 km trail which showcases natural and cultural features of the world’s largest sand island as it meanders between Dilli Village and Happy Valley www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/ parks/great - walks-fraser-island/about. html Cooloola Great Walk A 102 km trail which passes through a rich diversity of vegetation types with spectacular views, connecting Rainbow Beach with Noosa North Shore. www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/ greatwalkscooloola/ index.html Rainforest Walk / Bymien Picnic Area A few kilometres from town, on the Gympie Road, take the Freshwater Road to the left. 3km on a good gravel surface will bring you to Bymien, which is the limit for conventional vehicles. Lake Poona After morning tea or lunch in the picnic area you can venture on some wonderful walks to Lake Poona or through some spectacular Rainforest. Allow 40 minutes to reach Lake Poona. Lake Freshwater Only accessible by 4WD, Tour or Walking. Walking tracks starts at the Bymien picnic area. The round trip from Rainbow Beach will take a full day and requires fitness. Foreshore Tin Can Bay You can walk 4km from Crabs Creek to Norman Point, over picturesque bridges, signage of flora and fauna, through mangroves, playgrounds and outdoor gyms. It is mostly flat – very safe for children on wheels. Start at the playground opposite the library, cycle to Crabs Creek and stop for a coffee, then return to opposite the library. Enjoy the views out to the inlet while the kids enjoy the playground and skatepark. Rainbow Beach 10,000 steps walk – from the headland behind the Surf Tower and Playground to Carlo Road. Paths are perfect for bicycles, scooters and skateboards.

4x4 Hire Rainbow Beach 4x4 Hire 5486 8300 Rainbow Beach Adventure Centre 4WD Hire 5486 3288

Double Island Point (DIP) has the longest break in Australia (when the swell lines up. (4WD only) Surf School & Board Hire Learn to surf with the experts at Rainbow Beach Surf Centre on the best and one of the longest beginner waves in Australia. 0408 738 192 Stand up paddle tour The 2 hour tour on offer is a basic introduction to SUP to anybody who would like to see what its all about.With all of our equipment catered for the beginner, also the flat water of Pelican Bay/ Carlo Point this is a fantastic tour for scenery and also the whole family to enjoy, it’s just so easy to participate. 0408 738 192 Seary’s Creek 7km from town towards Gympie, with 2 waterholes, boardwalks, bridges and history – do read the sign and spot the creatures. Always cool on the hottest of days. Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre and Tin Can Bay Pool offers squad, learn to swim, water aerobics and more.

walk 4WD back to nature swim, surf and on the water fish extreme adventure national parks family fun accommodation annual events plus Scuba Diving A popular spot for the scuba enthusiast is at Wolf Rock, off Double Island Point. World class diving on Fraser Island’s doorstep, phone Wolf Rock Dive Centre on 5486 8004. Helicopter Rides Rainbow Beach Helicopters offer 4 scenic flights, charters, packages and transfers to/ from Maroochydore Airport, Fraser Island Resorts, Gympie, and Harvey Bay, call 0448 883 442. Hang Gliding & Paragliding Carlo Sand Blow is one of the top spots for hand gliders in Queensland with the National Championships being held there each January. With a take off of 300ft and a soarable ridge of 12 kilometres long and about 500ft high, Carlo Sand Blow is definitely the place to go. Fliers should be of Hang2 standard, fly in north easterly winds and remember landing in the bathing reserve is prohibited. Wind surf off the surfing beach or in Tin Can Bay Inlet, taking off from Carlo Point.

Sailing And Cruising If you love the wonderful peace and relaxation of sailing or cruising, the sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Strait are for you. You may see dugong, turtles, dolphins and more. Great Sandy Strait Cruises and Sunset Cruises 0428 838 836 Dolphin Ferry 35 minutes by ferry to view the dolphins at TIn Can Bay 7am daily 0428 838 836

By Canoe Explore the mangrove fringed waters of Carlo Creek, Carlo Island and Tin Can Bay Inlet Carlo Point Boat Hire 0405 818 277

Dolphin Viewing/Feeding at Tin Can Bay just a thirty minute drive to Tin Can Bay through Cooloola Cove and you can see the Dolphins at Barnacles Dolphin Centre, Norman Point at around 7 – 7.30am each day, feeding time is 8.00am. Charges apply. Come and have a look around this pretty little town while you are there. 5486 4899 Turtle Tours Paddle in double seated ocean kayaks along the edge of the mangroves at Pelican Bay on this two hour tour, you quietly encounter all types of sea life from turtles to rays to the odd dolphin. 0408 738 192 Sea Kayaking Dolphin View Sea Kayaking: A unique experience - see dolphins, whales (seasonal), manta rays, turtles and more 0408 738 192 Horseride with professional guides on our World Heritage Listed Beach. 04121RIDES Tin Can Bay Foreshore Bird Walk – 137 species with best viewing spots on the brochure. Tin Can Bay Wildflower Walk spectacular wildflower species, all on the brochure.

Probably one of Rainbow’s greatest attractions would have to be the abundant opportunity for fishing. Fishing, in all its styles, is available right on our doorstep. Beach fishing has unlimited scope with nearly 100kms of beach to choose from. Varieties include Bream, Whiting, Tailor, Dart, Jew and Flathead. Estuary fishing in Tin Can Bay Inlet, through the Inskip Point area and up the Great Sandy Strait is perfect for those with a boat or the wish to hire one. Access is from an efficient boat ramp at Carlo Point. Another ramp is located at Bullock Point. Boat and Kayak Hire Carlo Point Boat Hire 0405 818 277 Charter Boats Excellent reef fishing is only a few miles offshore and charter trips can be arranged through Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters on 0439 775 070 or Keely Rose Reef Fishing Charters on 0407 146 151. The reefs off Rainbow yield Red Emperor, Sweet lip, Snapper, Pearl Perch, Parrot and Coral Trout.

Our safe beach is patrolled between September - March. ALWAYS SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS. Surfing The most popular area is near the Surf Tower. Note Surfing In Bathing Area Is Prohibited.

30 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

extreme adventure Kitesurfing Lessons Learn to kitesurf with very experienced instructors from Rainbow Beach Surf Centre. 0408 738 192

Cooloola Sand, wind and water have sculpted a varied landscape at Cooloola, the largest remnant of coastal vegetation on the southern Queensland’s mainland. High sand dunes, coloured sand cliffs, sweeping beaches, sandblows, freshwater lakes, tall forests, paperbark swamps and wildfl ower heath make the Cooloola Recreation Area a spectacular part of the Great Sandy National Park. www.nprsr. qld.gov. au/parks/cooloola/index Inskip Peninsula is a narrow, sandy finger of land built up by wind and waves. It forms a natural breakwater at the entrance to Tin Can Inlet and Great Sandy Strait. Inskip is a gateway to World Heritagelisted Fraser Island. Beach she oaks, cypress pine and other coastal trees and shrubs shade the very popular camping areas ringed by open ocean beaches and sheltered estuary shores. All are within 15 minutes drive to Rainbow Beach. Most of the peninsula is protected as a Recreation Area. www.nprsr.qld.gov. au/parks/inskip-peninsula/index The Great Sandy Marine Park extends from Baffl e Creek in the north to Double Island Point in the south. It includes Hervey Bay, Great Sandy Strait, Tin Can Bay Inlet and the waters off the east coast of Fraser Island, seaward to three nautical miles. Seagrass meadows, mangroves, rocky shores, reefs, sandy beaches, bays, sheltered channels, rivers, creeks and estuaries host a wealth of wildlife including whales, turtles, dugong, grey nurse sharks, fish, corals, birds and more. www. nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/great -sandymarine/ index Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island and an area of remarkable natural beauty. Growing on seemingly infertile sands are a great variety of plant communities ranging from coastal heath, mangrove forests and swamps to subtropical rainforest. The many archaeological remains found on Fraser Island record thousands of years of culture and tradition, and provide important links to their past for the Butchulla people.

Visitor’s Guide Local Groups

Page 39 Fishing and Boating VISITOR UIDE Fishing &G Boating

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Tourist Centre

Cooloola Coast Visitor’s Guide

to Inskip Point and crossing in the barge. The island is 123Flying km long and covers Rainbow Beach Services offer an a area 166,038toha, so you needbut to allow dailyofservice Fraser Island, prior plenty of time explore and appreciate it. bookings are torequired. Remember that www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/fraser/index going independently, a permit is required and is available fromholidaying the National Parks Unless you intend on Fraser Offi ce. Island, most probably your best way of

Markets – Saturdays Saturday Markets 1st3rd Cooloola Cove Veterans and - Tin Can Bay Community Hall 0499 110 944 2nd & 4th Rainbow Beach Centreblock 5483 4866 3rd Tin Can Bay 0418 711 897 Sundays Top Shop Craft Market 0413 716 491

seeing all its beauty is to take a 1 day or 2 day tour. Or you can make the trip in your own 4WD, driving up the road or beach . To Inskip Point and crossing in the barge. Rainbow Beach Flying Services offer a daily service to Fraser Island, but prior bookings are required. Remember that going independently, a permit is required and is available from the National Parks Office.

family fun Playgrounds North and South of the Playgrounds North and South of the Headland and Rainbow Shores


Headland and Rainbow Shores

Playrooms Pub and and Sport SportClub Club Playrooms at at the the Pub Family Family friendly friendly directory directory

Cooloola Coast Realty www.accommodationrainbowbeach.com.au 07 5486 3411 Rainbow Beach Holiday Village

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get active

Rainbow Beach Realty 07 5486 3900 Rainbow Beach Realty www.rainbowbeachrealty.com www.rainbowbeachrealty.com 07Rainbow 5486 3900Getaway Holiday Resort

Bowls There is a lawn green at the Rainbow Beach Sports Recreation & Memorial Club where visitors are most welcome. 5486 3191 Tennis Two courts are available at the Sports & Recreation Club. Bookings 5486 3191 Golf A par 3, 9 hole golf course is located VISITOR GUIDE UPDATE

at Rainbow Shores Resort. Members of the Our are advertisers are Rainbow given further public very welcome. Shores promotion the 668 Cooloola Coast Social Golf through Club (0429 255) stages Visitor’s Guide. regular competitions. A picturesque course atThe Tin guide Can Bay allnext golf addicts willalso be attracts updated month from this area. to include all our current advertisers.

Yoga, IfDarts, you Pool, would likeTai toChi, be Sailing, listed, Pilates, please Zumba, Fitness Classes (see What’s On) contact 5486 3561.

www.rainbowgetaway.com.au Rainbow Getaway Holiday Resort 07 54863500 www.rainbowgetaway.com.au 07 5486 3500

plus... Clubs, Restaurants and Eateries (many Clubs, Restaurants and Eateries (many are Breastfeeding Welcome Here venues) are Breastfeeding Welcome Here venues)

Library and Xbox) Xbox) Library (Internet (Internet and Heritageand andFood Food Trails Heritage Trails Pamper YourselfYourself- Massages, Pamper Massages, Hair Hair Salon Salon and Beauty Treatments and Beauty Treatments Playgrounds, Skatepark, Bike riding

Playgrounds, Skatepark, Bike riding

Rainbow Waters Holiday Park

Rainbow Beach Resort www.rainbowwaters.com.au www.rainbowshores.com.au 07 54863200 5486 3999 Sleepy Lagoon Hotel/Motel

Rainbow Waters Holiday Park www.tincanbayhotelmotel.com.au www.rainbowwaters.com.au 07 54864124 07 5486 3200 Motorhome hire (sleeps 6) Tin0407 Can Bay Caravan Park 660198

www.tincanbaytouristpark.com.au 5486 4411to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Thanks Service to forQueensland their assistance. Thanks Parks and Wildlife Service for their assistance.

Page 39

annual events

January “Brushes by the Sea” Rainbow January Beach Artby & the Craft Festival “Brushes Sea” Rainbow February Cooloola Crocs Swimming Beach Art & Craft Festival Carnival February Cooloola Crocs Day Swimming April Anzac Parade Carnival April Anzac Parade May Bay Day to Bay Yacht Race May Bay to BayRainbow Yacht RaceBeach Family June/July June/July Rainbow Beach Family Fishing Classic July 4-12 Fishing Classic August Rainbow Beach Triathlon August Rainbow Beach Lion’s Club Annual Kite Rainbow Beach/Trail Runs Festival Rainbow Beach Triathlon September Tin Can Bay Seafood September Festival Rainbow Beach Festival October Rainbow Beach Invitations Tin Can Bay Seafood Festival Fours Bowls Tournament October Tin Can Bay Ambulance Flower Show Rainbow Beach Invitations Fours Bowls October Rainbow Beach Nippers Tournament Carnival Cooloola Coast Ambulance Flower Show November Rainbow Beach/Trail Runs Rainbow Beach Nippers Carnival December Tin Can Bay Foreshore December Family Nights Christmas Concert Beach Lions Club Twilight TinRainbow Can Bay Foreshore Family Nights Christmas and Afternoon Markets “The Tents”Concert Rainbow Beach Holiday “The Tents” Rainbow Beach Holiday Program Program See What’s On Onpage page more See our our What’s forfor more on on Things ThingstotoDo. Do.Suggestions, Suggestions,amendments amendmentsor to add business to the visitor guide or to your add your business to the visitor pleaseguide call 07 5486 or email please call3561 07 5486 3561 info@ rbcn.com.au . info@ rbcn.com.au or email

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 31

Fishing & Boating

Rainbow Beach fishing report

Steven is happy with this quality snapper

Mat Cooper Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters 0439 775 070

IT’S HARD TO believe that Christmas is just around the corner and summer is nearly upon us once again. It has been a very strange year fishing-wise, with higher water temperatures and of course a severe lack of rain. As anyone knows a decent rain can make a huge difference to all waterways and at sea, consistent westerly winds have also made things a little tough at times.

On the fishing side we have been getting some WADDY (FRASER ISLAND) – QUEENSLAND nice quality parrot in good DY POINTPOINT (FRASER ISLAND) – QUEENSLAND LAT 24°LONG 58’ LONG numbers along with snapper, LAT 24° 58’ 153° 21’ 153° 21’ emperor and andofHeights of Low High Waters and Low Waters Localred Time Times andTimes Heights High and Localsweetlip, Time large pearl perch. A couple of DECEMBER ER OCTOBER NOVEMBER EPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER trips have m produced Time m Time m Time Time m Time Time Time m Time Time m Time m Time Time m Time Time m m m mout wide m m m plenty fish, with 0005 0.48 good 0506 0600 1.83 0600 0511 1.26 0511 0544 0552 1.58 0552 0006 0005 0.48 1.83 of 1.20 1.34 0506 1.34 1.26 1.54 0544 1.54 1.58 0.42 0006 0.42 16pretty 16 1123 16 0644 1035 0.69 1035 1136 0.53 1136 0700 1.92 0700 1.92 1045 1158 0.54 1158 0.54 much 0.74 0.61 10451 0.61 0.69 0.59 11231 0.59 0.53 1.82 06441 1.82 every species 1716 1.68 1744 1.73 1722 1752 1.66 SA 1307 MO 1743 TH 1236 FR 0.61 SU 1.89 WE 1.84 1.66 0.71 1.68 1.89 1.68 1.84 1.73 0.61 SA 1307 0.71 MO 1743 TH 1236 FR 1752 SA 1722 SU 1716 WE 1744 2350 0.54 2350 0.54 1847 1.44 1847 1.44 1833 1.61 1833 1.61 you can name.

2017 2017








1.74 1.82 TU 1209 0.52 MO 1754 1825 TH 1824 1.76 1825 1.82 0040 0.39 0.42 0040 0.16 0.42 1.73 0040 0.39 1.46 0021 0704 0704 1.88 1.46 0.48 0704 0.48 0628 1302 0.38 WE 1250 FR 1.73 1250 0.48 1207 0.48 WE TU FR 1903 1.78 1.79 1905 1.76 1903 1.78 1830 1.79 0111 0.37 0.32 0113 0.12 0.32 1.80 0111 0.37 1.57 0052 0739 0744 2.02 1.57 0.48 0739 0.40 0701 1347 0.35 TH 1330 SA 1.80 0.40 1.73 1.82 1949 1.73 TH 1330 0.48 WE 1245 1938 SA 1938 1.73 1904 1.82 0.25 0139 0.38 0150 0.12 1.69 0123 0814 0827 2.12 0.25 1.85 0139 0.38 0.36 0735 1436 0.36 FR 1408 SU 1.85 1.69 0.50 0814 1.83 2012 1.65 2036 1.67 1323 0.36 1408 0.50 TH FR SU 1940 1.83 2012 1.65 0.21 0206 0.41 0230 0.19 1.79 0154 0848 0913 2.17 0.21 1.88 0206 0.41 0.36 0811 1530 0.42 SA 1447 MO 1.88 1.79 0.56 0848 1.81 1403 2046 1.57 2127 1.57 0.36 FR SA 1447 0.56 MO 1.81 0.46 2046 1.57 0312 0.30 0.21 2019 0232 1002 2.16 1.88 0921 1.88 0.21 0232 0.46 0.40 0227 TU 1631 0.51 SU 1528 0.62 1.88 1.49 0921 1.88 2222 1.45 1.74 0851 2121 TU SA 1446 0.40 SU 1528 0.62 1.74 0.52 2121 1.49 0359 0.45 0.26 2102 0302 1056 2.09 1.93 0957 1.87 0.26 0.69 0302 1736 0.59 0.47 0302 WE 0.52 MO 1614 1.93 1.41 0957 1.87 2325 1.35 1.64 0935 2159 WE SU 1536 0.47 MO 1614 0.69 0452 0.60 0.35 2147 0335 1.64 0.59 2159 1.41 1155 2.00 1.93 1037 1.83 1846 0.65 0.58 0340 0.35 0.75 0335 TH 0.59 TU 1709 1.50 1022 2241 1.93 1.33 1037 1.83 0.58 TH MO 1632 0411 TU 1709 0.75 0044 1.29 0.47 2237 1.50 0.67 2241 1.33 0559 0.73 1.90 1120 1.77 1303 1.90 0.68 0423 FR 0.67 WE 1812 0.47 0.80 0411 2002 0.67 1.37 1114 2329 1.90 1.24 1120 1.77 0.68 0.75 TU 1740 0454 WE 1812 0.80 FR 0.59 0208 1.30 1.37 1.69 2329 1.24 1.84 2335 1209 0717 0.81 0.74 0.82 1413 1.83 TH 1921 SA 0.75 0513 0.59 0454 2114 0.64 1216 1.84 1209 1.69 0.74 1.18 WE 1901 0031 TH 1921 0.82 SA 0327 1.38 1.27 0551 0.83 0845 0.82 0.70 1311 1.62 1519 1.78 1.81 FR SU 1.27 0.80 0031 1.18 2212 0.58 0.73 0053 2034 0551 0.83 0618 0.70 1.26 0159 1.15 0433 1.50 1311 1.62 1331 1.81 FR SU TH 0.76 2033 0708 1005 0.78 0.73 0.86 2034 0.80 1.80 SA 1421 1.58 MO 1619 1.74 0.67 0224 2136 2257 0.52 1.26 0.73 0159 1.15 0740 0.76 0708 0.86 1.32 0524 1.62 0331 1.20 FR 1446 1.80 SA 1421 1.58 MO 0.75 2150 0834 1106 0.71 0.67 0.84 2136 0.73 1.82 TU 1711 1.70 SU 1525 1.59 0.58 0345 2222 2334 0.46 1.32 0.61 0331 1.20 0912 0430 0.75 1.30 0834 0.84 0607 1.73 1.42 1.82 0.76 SA 1554 0951 TU SU 1525 1.59 1154 0.66 0.68 0.58 2222 0.61 1.84 2247 WE 1755 1.66 MO 1618 1.63 0.50 0452 2300 1.42 0.48 0430 1.30 1027 0514 0.68 1.43 0951 0.76 1.84 0.64 SU 1653 1049 MO 1618 1.63 WE 2332 0.50 1.69 2300 0.48 TU 1703 2335 0.35 0514 1.43 1049 0.64 mmonwealth of Australia 2015, Bureau TU of Meteorology 1703 1.69 2335 0.35 ions is Lowest Astronomical Tide

1219 1909 0.44 1824 1.76 0101 0040 0751 0.16 0704 1.88 SA 1354 1302 1943 0.38 1905 1.76 0128 0113 0822 0.12 0744 2.02 SU 1432 1347 2017 0.35 1949 1.73 0156 0150 0855 0.12 MO 1512 0827 2.12 1436 2052 0.36 2036 1.67 0228 0230 0928 0.19 TU 1554 0913 2.17 2129 1530 0.42 2127 0302 1.57 1005 0312 1642 0.30 WE 1002 2209 2.16 1631 0.51 2222 0338 1.45 1044 0359 0.45 TH 1735 1056 2255 2.09 1736 0.59 2325 0419 1.35 1127 0452 0.60 FR 1831 1155 2351 2.00 1846 0.65 0510 1219 SA 1930 0044 1.29 0559 0.73 1303 0104 1.90 2002 0619 0.67 SU 1319 0208 1.30 2031 0717 0.81 1413 0235 1.83 2114 0741 0.64 1424 MO 0327 2124 1.38 0845 0.82 1519 0345 1.78 2212 0902 0.58 TU 1524 0433 2211 1.50 1005 0.78 0437 1619 1.74 2257 1011 0.52 WE 1618 0524 2251 1.62 1106 0520 0.71 1711 1108 1.70 2334 1706 0.46 TH 0607 2328 1.73 1154 0.66 1755 1.66

0002 0.74 0601 1.25 1139 0.66 1811 1.75 0040 0.63 0646 1.30 1224 0.57 1854 1.80 0116 0.54 0725 1.37 1307 0.49 1935 1.84 0150 0804 0.46 1349 1.44 2013 0.43 1.86 0224 0842 0.41 1430 1.51 2050 0.41 1.87 0258 0920 0.38 1511 1.57 2125 0.42 1.85 0327 0957 0.37 1553 1.63 2159 0.46 0356 1.80 1035 1642 0.39 2237 1.67 0.54 0428 1.72 1119 1743 0.45 2320 1.68 0.65 0508 1.60 1209 1855 0.52 1.67 0.76 0012 1.46 0555 1311 0.60 2019 1.66 0119 0.83 0658 1424 2139 1.34 0.68 0248 1.67 0814 0.84 1534 2237 1.27 0.71 0414 1.73 0933 0.76 1631 2317 1.28 0.69 1.82 0.65














0033 0.46 quality 0035 0.40 0002 0.55 0008 0.43 0.18 some better 17 0.24 17 With 17 1.36 1.89 07182 1.89 0732 1.98 0732 1.98 1.64 06272 1.64 0640 2.01 1.43 06012 1.43 1124 0.58 0628 1.73 2 0005 17 2 0553 2 0008 0640 2.01 17 1124 0627 0.58 17 0628 0718 1.73 17 snapper getting about, the 1346 0.67 0.52 FR 1316 0.59 SU TU 1209 0.52 SA 1247 0.46 MO 1754 1.74 TH 1219 0.44 SU 1139 0.52 1.95 1811 1.95 0.47 0021 1.53 0040 0.47 0628 0.44 0646 1207 TU 1.53 1224 0.44 MO 1.98 1830 1854 1.98 0.41 0052 1.62 0116 0.41 0701 0.39 0725 1245 WE 1.62 1.97 1904 TU 1307 0.39 1935 1.97 0123 0.39 0735 1.69 0150 0.39 1323 0.39 0804 TH 1.69 1940 1.91 1349 0.39 WE 2013 1.91 0.40 0154 1.73 0224 0.40 0811 0.45 0842 1403 FR 1.73 1.83 1430 0.45 2019 TH 0.44 2050 1.83 0227 1.74 0851 0.44 0.54 0258 SA 1446 1.72 0920 1.74 2102 FR 1511 0.54 0.51 2125 1.72 0302 1.73 0935 0327 0.51 0.65 SU 1536 1.60 0957 1.73 2147 SA 1553 0.65 0.58 2159 1.60 0340 1.71 1022 0.75 0356 1632 MO 0.58 1.49 1035 1.71 2237 SU 1642 0.75 0.65 0423 2237 1.49 1.68 1114 0.84 0428 1740 TU 0.65 1.37 1119 1.68 2335 MO 1743 0.84 0.73 0513 1.63 2320 1.37 1216 0.89 1901 WE 0.73 0508 1209 1.63 TU 1855 0.89 1.27 0053 0.79 0618 1.59 TH 1331 0.90 0012 1.27 2033 0555 0.79 1.18 0224 1311 1.59 WE 0.84 2019 0.90 0740 1.56 FR 1446 0.86 0119 1.18 2150 0658 0.84 0345 1.15 TH 1424 1.56 0912 0.84 2139 0.86 1.58 SA 1554 2247 0.77 0248 1.15 0814 0.84 1.18 0452 FR 1534 1.58 0.79 1027 2237 0.77 1.62 SU 1653 0.66 2332 0414 1.18 0933 0.79 SA 1631 1.62 2317 0.66

FR 1316 0.59 1.56 1838 1909 1.56 0043 0.40 0723 1.95 0101 0.40 1337 0.59 0751 SU 1.95 1354 0.59 SA 1928 1.52 1943 1.52 0.41 0125 1.98 0128 0.41 0808 0.60 0822 1430 MO 1.98 1.47 2019 SU 1432 0.60 2017 1.47 0.44 0210 1.99 0156 0.44 0857 0.62 0855 1527 TU 1.99 1.42 2114 1512 0.62 MO 2052 1.42 0.49 0258 1.98 0228 0.49 0948 0.65 0928 1625 WE 1.98 1.38 1554 0.65 2211 TU 0.55 2129 1.38 0348 1.93 1042 0302 0.55 0.69 TH 1724 1.32 1005 1.93 2315 WE 1642 0.69 0.63 2209 1.32 0443 1.87 1138 0338 0.63 0.73 FR 1824 1.27 1044 1.87 TH 1735 0.73 0.71 2255 1.27 0025 1.78 0544 0.75 0419 1236 SA 0.71 1.22 1127 1.78 1925 FR 1831 0.75 0.79 0142 2351 1.22 1.69 0653 0.74 0510 1337 SU 0.79 2031 1219 1.69 SA 1930 0.74 1.21 0301 0.85 0814 1.63 1439 MO 0.69 0104 1.21 2131 0619 0.85 SU 1319 1.63 0411 1.25 0940 0.87 2031 0.69 1.60 TU 1539 2220 0.60 0235 1.25 0741 0.87 0505 1.35 1424 1.60 MO 1048 0.83 2124 0.60 1.61 WE 1635 2300 0.48 0345 1.35 0902 0.83 0548 1.49 TU 1524 1.61 1141 0.74 2211 0.48 1.63 TH 1724 2334 0.36 0437 1.49 1011 0.74 0626 1.66 WE 1618 1.63 1226 0.64 2251 0.36 1.65 FR 1808 0.26 0520 1.66 1108 0.64 TH 1706 1.65 2328 0.26



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0.46 1.42 SU 1346 0.67 SA 1247 1925 1.66 next couple of months 1925 1.42 should 1838 1.66 0.13 0102 0.46 produce some good sessions. 0.13 2.01 0102 0.46 2.17 0043 0804 2.17you 0804 2.01 Catch next month. 0.40 0723 1423 0.65 MO 0.40 1.40 SU 1337 1959 MO 1423 0.65 1.64 1928 Cheers, 1.64 Mat1959 1.40 0134 0.47 0.13 0.13 2.02 0134 0.47 2.28 0125 0836 2.28 0.64 0836 2.02 0.38 0808 TU 1501 Julie first 0.64 red emperor 0.38 with 1501 1.39 1.60 MO 1430 2033 TUher 2019 1.60 2033 1.39 0208 0.49 0.19 2.33 0210 0909 0.19 2.01 0208 0.49 0.40 0857 WE 1540 2.33 0.65 0909 2.01 2108 1.54 1527 0.40 1.37 WE 1540 0.65 TU 2114 1.54 2108 1.37 0243 0.53 0.30 2.31 0258 0943 0.30 1.98 0243 0.53 0.46 0948 TH 1622 2.31 0.66 0943 1.98 1.46 1625 2145 0.46 1.36 TH 1622 0.66 WE 1.46 0.59 2145 1.36 0.44 2211 0319 2.22 1020 1.92 0.44 0319 0.59 0.53 0348 FR 1706 0.68 2.22 1.33 1020 1.92 1.39 1042 2228 1724 0.53 TH FR 1706 0.68 1.39 0.66 2228 1.33 0.60 2315 0358 2.09 1100 1.85 0.60 0.70 0358 0.66 0.60 0443 SA 1751 1138 2319 2.09 1.31 1100 1.85 FR 1824 0.60 SA 1751 0.70 1.36 0444 0.75 2319 1.31 0.74 1144 1.77 1.95 0025 1.36 0.69 0444 0.75 SU 1840 0.65 0544 0.74 1144 1.77 1.95 SU 1840 0.69 SA 1236 0021 1.37 1925 0.65 1.29 0543 0.83 0.85 1.82 0142 MO 1235 1.37 1.69 0021 1.29 0.66 0653 1932 0.85 0.66 0543 0.83 1.82 1.32 MO 1235 1.69 SU 1337 0137 1.44 0.66 0.88 1932 0.66 0.91 2031 0655 1.71 1.63 TU 1332 1.44 0.61 0137 1.32 0.64 0301 2026 0814 0.91 0655 0.88 1.71 1.40 MO 1439 0257 TU 1332 1.63 1.54 0.64 0.89 2026 0.61 0.91 2131 0815 1.62 WE 1434 1.58 1.54 0.53 0257 1.40 0.59 0411 2119 0940 0.91 0815 0.89 1.66 1.62 1.54 TU 1539 0401 WE 1434 1.58 0.87 2220 0936 0.59 0.85 2119 0.53 1.56 TH 1537 1.55 0.55 0505 2209 1.66 0.44 0401 1.54 1048 0.87 0936 0.85 1.76 0452 WE 1635 1.56 1.70 TH 1537 1.55 0.81 2300 1048 0.77 0.55 2209 0.44 1.51 FR 1635 1.54 0.51 0548 2254 1.76 0.36 0452 1.70 1141 0538 0.81 1.88 1048 0.77 1.85 1.51 0.67 TH 1724 1148 FR 1635 1.54 0.76 2334 0.51 2254 0.36 1.47 SA 1728 1.54 0626 2337 1.85 0.28 0538 1.88 1226 0622 0.76 2.06 1148 0.67 1.47 0.56 FR 1808 1242 SA 1728 1.54 SU 1821 1.55 2337 0.28

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rainbowbeachtowing.com.au rainbowbeachtowing.com.au rainbowbeach4X4hire.com.au rainbowbeach4X4hire.com.au

32 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017




l standard time (Time Zone UTC +10:00) yright Commonwealth of Australia 2015, Bureau of Meteorology New Moon First Quarter mbols Full Moon of Predictions is Lowest Astronomical Tide are in local standard time (Time Zone UTC +10:00) New Moon First Quarter Phase Symbols Full Moon






31 0622 1242

2.06 0.56 SU 1821 1.55

Last Quarter

Last Quarter

Fishing & Boating

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club News M

EMBERS HAVE REPORTED good catches of diver whiting and bream in the inlet and creeks ,as well as goodsized summer whiting being caught in small numbers.

day’s fishing. They also had a day fishing outside with Baitrunner Fishing Charters and caught a variety of fish including parrot, squire, pearl perch, slatey bream, trag jew and cod.

There have also been small catches of sweetlip, flathead and flounder in the Sandy Straits and Bluff Reef areas.

Members who have been fishing the Mary River at Gympie have been catching bass, saratoga and yellow belly.

We recently hosted the Wondai Amateur Fishing Club and members took them out to various locations for a

Everyone enjoyed the BBQ at the Tin Can Bay Tourist Park after the day’s fishing and Cr Mark McDonald attended and

welcomed all the Wondai visitors to Tin Can Bay. Cr McDonald also spoke about the attractions that our area has to offer to visitors and gave an update on the proposed Tin Can Bay Jetty. Winner of the Club’s August Mini Fishing Competition was Marquis Chapman who caught a 45cm yellow belly in the Mary River.

The next club General Meeting will be held on Wednesday October 11 at the TCB Country Club commencing at 5pm. The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held immediately following the General Meeting. New members are very welcome and membership enquiries may be forwarded to the Secretary by emailing tcbfishingclub@bigpond.com or phone 0437 242 171.

Catches from Keely Rose Fishing Charters Right: Dennis very happy with this beautiful pair of red emperor Left: Jeanine wanted one big fish and Keely Rose delivered

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 33

Valiant work for vessel


N WHAT COULD have been another Maheno wreck, last month a local family were devastated to hear their trawler, The Reward II was aground on Fraser Island. The Reibel family from Tin Can Bay had just invested significant dollars for new engines and equipment for both trawlers. Scott Reibel was not on his boat, The Reward II, but had decided to skipper Wandering Star, to ensure there were no issues with the new engine. Father and son

Below: When they left Fraser Island, Dan Street, Peter Street, Brett Beauclerc, Scott Reibel, Dave Crowe, Brett Wilkes and Kevin Reibel had good reason to smile after several attempts the trawler was back at sea Image Anita Street

More images on: www.facebook.com/ RainbowBeachCommunityNews

were expecting a night out that Saturday October 16, at the Seafood Festival Charity Dinner, organised by Scott’s wife Rebecca. Instead, early morning, Scott had to tell his dad, Kevin, that the boat was aground. Kevin followed procedure, contacting the relevant authorities as they drove up to One Tree Rocks. “Police rang back to say they had located the vessel. Peter Street and I got the dinghy out to Scott and him ashore from the Wandering Star.” Newspapers and social media reported the 26-year-old skipper was missing, he was located later that day. Advised by the insurance assessor to refloat on high tide, Scott’s friend Brett Beauclerc delivered tow ropes. With a

lot of help from onlookers and crew, the Wandering Star and McAndrew Fisheries’ Kimissa Lee made the attempt. Although the 16.63m boat did move, the tow ropes eventually broke. Sunday, under direction of the insurance assessor and supervised by Marine Safety Queensland, another attempt was made on high tide. “Unfortunately, the tow ropes again broke after some movement was made. The boat then rolled onto her port side due to heavy seas and high winds. The wheelhouse windows smashed and the vessel partially filled with sand and flooding sea water into the galley, wheelhouse, freezer room and engine room.” Directed to remain by the insurance

assessor, Kevin said, “Peter’s wife Anita remained on the island and single-handedly set up camp and cooked meals for 8 men!” Monday, the insurance assessor advised to call in Rainbow Recovery. “Dean and Wayne Hayes and Dan McCormack were unbelievable the way they worked there that night. While the machinery was on one side of the vessel every able-bodied person was working on the other side with shovels to remove as much sand from the deck of the vessel as possible.” Two dyneema tow ropes, each 80 metres long with 40 tonne breaking capacity were attached to two Rainbow Recovery vehicles pulling on one side, with an excavator pushing on one side. By daylight the vessel was standing on an even keel. Insurance had sent a tug from Brisbane. With the help of the Sea Force, The Reward II was successfully refloated Tuesday 8.30pm in front of almost 1000 tourists. After such a traumatic time, Kevin has a lot of people to thank: Shane the local police officer on Fraser Island and the two Hervey Bay officers provided food, assistance, support, equipment; McAndrew Fisheries, NPWS, MSQ officers, Joel from Hampidjan

Above: At low tide created a large hole adjacent to the vessel in an attempt to stand The Reward II upright before high tide Image Rainbow Recovery

Australia, Eurong Resort staff, Kosta from Manta Ray barge, Rainbow Recovery (without you, we would be in a completely different place) and Chris Rooks with the after-recovery process. “I thank our crew, Brett Wilkes and Nicholas Marsh, for going above and beyond their position descriptions, and friends, Peter and Anita Street, Brett Beauclerc, David Crowe, Dan Street, Troy Sismey and their families. Personally, I would like to thank my son, Scott, who coordinated the entire recovery, my daughter in law Rebecca and wife Kathy for all of their support and as we continue come to grips with the situation.” Said Kevin, “Our family love the Island. No oil, no fuel, no pollution was spilled, I am relieved that all we left on Fraser Island was our footprints.” The Reward II was towed to Bundaberg where assessments and repairs will be carried out, unfortunately it is only the start of the story.


34 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

Out and About Right: Ladies were given a lovely three-course meal, small gift and photo to take home from the War Widows Lunch, Tin Can Bay RSL Image Lynnette Minchell

Below: A special lunch was served recently by the volunteers of Tin Can Bay RSL Sub Branch for the RSL War Widows, Phone 07 5486 4224 to hear about carers and veterans events in October - and see page 42 Image Lynnette Minchell

Above: HOY games are on October 18 with morning tea at 9am and games from 10am and $5 per board includes tea/coffee and nibbles

Above: Shaz Garland, Linda Meehan and Katriena Vanstaden and Lorraine Goodwin greeted everyone at the door at the CCYAP Sound of Teen Spirit concert

Left: The Heart Foundation Walking Groups are busy - if you would like to improve your fitness, meet new people and have some fun, like Irene Manwaring and Jess Milne and family, then contact Susan on 0457 304 050

Left: Around 20 Over 60s members enjoyed an outing to the Cooloola Berry Farm at Tagigan, the next activity is planned for 2pm, Saturday October 28 show in Hervey Bay

Right: The usual Over 60s meeting for coffee, the first Tuesday each month at the Rainbow Beach Surf Club, was well attended with newly elected president Vaughan Skuthorpe (call him on 0407 720 340 to find out more)

Above: It’s 6am in the school holidays and Ron Organ and Justin Schooth prepare for the day’s Bronze Camp training at Rainbow Beach Surf Club October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 35


Kingsleys win AFL Grand Final


ITH AFL THE family favourite, mum and dad Annie and Andrew Kingsley, from Rainbow Beach Fruit, were thrilled their boys’ team made the Grand Final. Andrew said, “It was a unique game for them, as they won’t be in the same team together again.” Throughout the 2017 season, the three boys, Charlie (13), Nathan (11) and Alex (9) played in the same team, the Gympie Cats Under 12s . The Sunday competition extends across the Sunshine Coast to Bribie Island. “In the Grand Final, they played Maroochydore, the top team and won the game by four points.” “The under 14s also made the Grand Final - but the Under 12s was only team to win the competition. The win was big deal for the club.” Charlie also won Runner Up of the Best and Fairest for his team. He and his brother Nathan plan to move up to the under 14s next season.

Cooloola Dragons joined in on a 17km paddle last month

A 17km paddle by Norma Sanderson

T Brothers Alex, Charlie and Nathan Kingsley played in the same team and won their AFL grand final


Sporting Stars

Send in a photo of your sporting star (any sport) to: info@rbcn.com.au

36 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017


HREE OF OUR Cooloola Dragons paddlers joined the Redcliffe Dragons in the Maroochydore River 17kms paddle. Sandra Binnie, Shane Berkhout and Sylvia Simpson enjoyed the experience and indicated that that would do it again. Perhaps next year we may have more Cooloola Paddlers available to do this endurance paddle. We are starting our journey with Coach Sandra Wooster to paddle at the State Titles in February and then National Dragon Boat Titles in March, which are both being held at Kawana on the Sunshine Coast. Training days still remain the same but may increase when we get closer to the

competitions. We start the journey on Sunday October 24 at the Manly Regatta at Kawana. This regatta will give us a guideline as to how we are travelling against the more experienced and stronger teams. Our Club is not all about racing, we enjoy being on our waterways, enjoy the social activities and of course benefit from the fitness that paddling brings. If you wish give Dragon Boat paddling a go, please contact Norma on 0439 075 271 or Sandra on 0402 352 756. So come on down to the Yacht Club hard stand on a Thursday afternoon at 3.30pm or Sunday morning at 7.30am and join in the fun. See you on the water!


Fun Family and Fitness B

UILDING SELF ESTEEM is a key ingredient in the recipe of life. “Cooloola Coast Little Athletics is not just about training for competitions; it also involves challenging yourself to do your best!” Manager Jess Milne explains. “It doesn’t necessarily mean the highest jump, longest throw or fastest run, but having the confidence to try new things.” Training sessions are full of games and skill development exercises that improve coordination and event skills. Little Athletics motto is Fun Family Fitness and parents are encouraged to be involved. It’s a whole family experience and by having the adults involved with the training it inspires the participants to have a go. All ages and ability levels are catered for from the beginner Tiny Tots (3-4yr olds) to the U6-U17 range. The 2017-18 season starts on Saturday October 7 at 8.30am on the Tin Can Bay School Oval. Enjoy a no obligation trial of the training sessions for only $5 per week for two weeks which comes off the full registration fee. Email ccla2014@outlook.com or call Jess Milne on 0411 218 254 for further information.

Get ready for a Pink Ball Day by Patsy Brady – Press Secretary


INK BALL DAY in aid of Breast Cancer will once again be sponsored by Marina Bar and Grill at Tin Can Bay Golf Club on October 18. This is a colourful day with the ladies going all out to raise money for this great cause. Raffle tickets are on sale in the Country Club foyer leading up to this day. Tin Can Bay Golf Club was well represented in the winners’ circle at the Ladies’ District Zone Championships held at Kingaroy on August 27-29. Congratulations to Ngaire Wallis who was the C Grade Champion, Sandra Reibel, B Grade Gross Runner-up, and Jenny Skuja, C Grade Nett Runner-up. The men were also successful in Gympie in August. Paul Downman and Gordon Smith won their matches to help Sunshine Coast win the Zone Masters against South Burnett. Congratulations to the ladies who figured in the awards at the Sunshine Coast -Burnett District Women’s Senior Championships held at Mt Coolum on September 4 and 5. Lyn Wong was runner-up Gross champion, Marie Young was second runner-up B Grade Nett, Pam Ottaway, Runnerup C Grade Nett over 36 holes. Jude De La Cruz won B Grade runner-up 18 hole Nett Day 1, Ngaire Wallis, C Grade winner 18 hole Gross Day 1, Pam Ottaway, C Grade winner 18 hole Nett Day 1. Lyn Wong, A Grade 18 hole Gross winner Day 2. The ladies held their Open Day on Friday, September 8, with 120 in the field. This event finalised the Interclub Nett Pennant Trophy competition for the year. Congratulations to Noosa Club for winning the trophy

Val Clifford, Julie Mulhall and Lin Groombridge look forward to the Pink Ball Day

this year and well done to our Tin Can Bay ladies who were runners-up. Although they played well to win the day with 14 points, they fell short overall by just two points. Local winners on the day were as follows: Division 1 Gross winner – Lyn Wong, Nett Runner-up – Sandra Reibel Division 2 Gross winner – Viv Brown, Runner-up – Lyn Bade., Nett winner – Chris Harvey Division 3 Nett winner - Cheryl Cope, Runners-up – Pam Gifford, Ngaire Wallis Senior winner – Cheryl Cope Anyone thinking of taking up the game or refreshing their skills should contact the local professional, Ellesha Michie on 0411 515 402. Visitors are welcome to organise a game by contacting the Starters’ Box on 0484 005 266.

October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 37

A Little Humour NO APOLOGIES FOR THESE FISHY JOKES Why did the fish stay home from school? She was feeling a little under the water. What do you get when you cross a squid and a pig? An oinktopus! What do you get when you cross a squid and a parrot? A squawktopus.

What do you use to write home from the beach? Sandpaper. Where did the seaweed find a job? In the “Kelp Wanted” column. How did the jury find the fish? Gill-ty. What game do fish love to play? Salmon-says.

Who robs banks and shoots ink? Billy the Squid.

How do you stop a fish stampede? Head them off at the bass.

Are shellfish warm? No they’re clammy.

What tunes do lobsters like? Rock music.

What has a girl’s head, a fish tail and speaks very softly? A murmurmaid. What has two seats and sticks to underwater rocks? A barnacle built for two. Who’s the best dressed creature in the ocean? A swordfish - he always looks sharp! Why did the stingray speak to the diver? He wanted a manta -man talk. Who got to the beach first, the big wave or the little wave? In the end, they were tide. Where do fish go on holiday? Finland. Which book is every fish’s favourite? Huckleberry Fin. Why are octopus sweet? They are covered with suckers. What do you use to catch electric eels? A lightning rod.

Which squid is the friendliest? The cuddlefish. What part of a boat is the grouchiest? The stern. How do you catch a cyberfish? With the internet. Which fish hates to be alone? The grouper. WHAT’S IN A NAME? A woman arrived at a party and while scanning the guests, she spotted an attractive man standing across the room, alone. She approached him, smiled and said, “Hello, my name is Carmen”. He replied, “That is a beautiful name. Is it a family name?” She answered, “No, as a matter of fact, I gave it to myself. It represents the two things that I enjoy most: cars and men. Therefore, I chose Carmen.” Then she asked, “What’s your name?” He answered, “Bob Titsengolf.” JET FUEL Dave and Pete were a couple of drinking buddies who worked as aircraft engineers

38 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017

in Darwin, Australia. One day the airport was fogged in and they were stuck in the hangar with nothing to do. Dave said, ‘Man, I wish we had something to drink!’ Pete said, ‘Me too. Y’know, I’ve heard you can drink jet fuel and get a buzz. You wanna try it?’ So they poured themselves a couple of glasses of high octane booze and got completely smashed. The next morning Dave wakes up and is surprised at how good he feels. In fact he feels GREAT! NO hangover! NO bad side effects. Nothing! Then the phone rings. It’s Pete. Pete says, ‘Hey, how do you feel this morning?’ Dave says, ‘I feel great, how about you?’ Pete says, ‘I feel great, too. You don’t have a hangover?’ Dave says, ‘No that jet fuel is great stuff -- no hangover, nothing. We ought to do this more often.’ ‘Yeah, well there’s just one thing.’ ‘What’s that?’ ‘Have you passed wind yet?’ ‘No.’ ‘Well, DON’T - ‘cause I’m in New Zealand’ OUTBACK YARNS A Queenslander is in a West Australian pub when he gets a call on his mobile phone and as he listens to the call he starts grinning from ear to ear. Once he disconnects he shouts to the barman that he wants to buy everyone in the bar a drink. The barman starts serving the drinks and the people start to crowd around keen to know what they are celebrating. “Well” he announces, “My wife’s just produced a typical Queensland baby boy weighing 25 pounds”. Nobody can believe that any baby can weigh in at 25 pounds, but the Queenslander just shrugs, “That’s about average in Queensland. Like I said, my boy is a typical Queensland boy.” Congratulations showered him from

all around and many exclamations of “STREWTH” were heard. One woman even fainted due to sympathy pains. Two weeks later the Queenslander returns to the bar. The bartender says, “You’re the father of that typical Queensland baby that weighed 25 pounds at birth aren’t you? Everybody’s been having bets about how big he’d be in two weeks, we were going to call you. So - how much does he weigh now?” The proud father answers: “17 pounds”. The bartender is puzzled and concerned. “What happened? He weighed 25 pounds the day he was born!” The Queensland father takes a l-o-n-g, s-l-o-w swig from his drink, wipes his lips on his shirt sleeve, leans onto the bar and proudly says: “Had him circumcised!” MISSING WIFE FOUND BY ALASKA STATE TROOPERS The day after his wife disappeared in a kayaking accident, an Anchorage man answered his door to find two grim-faced Alaska State Troopers. “We’re sorry, sir, but we have some information about your wife”, said one of the troopers. “Tell me! Did you find her?” One said, “We have some bad news, some good news, and some really great news. Which would you like to hear first?” Fearing the worst, he said, “Give me the bad news first.” The trooper said, “I’m sorry to tell you, sir, but this morning we found your wife’s body in Kachemak Bay.” “Oh my God!” he exclaimed. Swallowing hard, he asked, “What’s the good news?” The trooper continued, “When we pulled her up, she had twelve 25-pound king crabs and six good-sized Dungeness crabs clinging to her, and we feel you are entitled to a share of the catch.” Stunned, he demanded, “If that’s the good news, then what’s the great news?” The trooper replied, “We’re gonna pull her up again tomorrow....”


Covering Cooloola Cove, Rainbow Beach & Tin Can Bay 4WD Hire

Rainbow Beach Adventure Centre Rainbow Beach 4X4 Hire

Electrician Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach

5486 3288 5486 8300

4D Engineering Rainbow Beach

Air conditioning

Climate Control Air Conditioning Cooloola Coast Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Tin Can Bay Coastwide Appliance Service & Repairs Eledric Rainbow Beach Auto Electrics

Bait and Tackle

Chilly Bin Rainbow Beach Tackle & Camping


Ed’s Beach Bakery


Serenity Beauty

Boat Hire

Carlo Point Boat Hire Coastwide

Car Dealers

John Madill Toyota Madills Mazda

Caravan Parks

Tin Can Bay Caravan Park

Caravan Repairs and Hire Whatever

Caravan Antennas Saturn Antennas

Real Estate

0419 980 607 0407 146 151

Restaurants and Café’s

Fishing Charters

5486 4362

Coastwide Fishing Charters Tin Can Bay Keely Rose Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Fishing Charters Rainbow Beach

5486 4499 0400 410 045



0439 775 070 5482 6500

0428 645 369

Cooloolah Coast

0499 144 678

Garden Supplies

Rainbow Beach

5486 3788

Rainbow Beach

5486 8100

Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Tin Can Bay

5486 3080 0438 868 116 0405 818 277 0419 980 607

Cooloola Cove Landscape & Garden Supplies

Lighthouse Glass and Aluminium

Tin Can Bay Cooloola Cove

5488 0443 5486 4004

Gympie Gympie

5480 5555 5480 5588

Cooloola Cove

5488 0222

5486 4411

Rainbow Beach

0400 657 797

Tin Can Bay

5488 0601

Cooloola Coast

0403 193 916

Rainbow Beach Cooloola Cove

5486 3444 5486 2000


Health and Medical Coloured Sands Clinic Cooloola Cove Cooloola Coast Podiatry Cooloola Coast Cooloola Coast Clinic Tin Can Bay Cooloola Counselling Service Rainbow Beach Cooloola Medical Centre Rainbow Beach Medical Practice Tin Can Bay Chiropractor Tin Can Bay Tin Can Bay Physio Tin Can Bay

5488 0271 0487 681 524 5486 4600 0406 304 296 5313 3277 5486 3078 5486 2576 5488 0533

Rainbow Beach

Rainbow Beach

5486 4004

Gympie Cooloola Pet Resort Gympie

5486 3471 0407 764 661 0421 600 148 0487 281 030 0438 868 116

Curtains and Blinds & Security Advantage Screens & Blinds Cooloola Cove Cooloola Curtains & Blinds Cooloola Cove


Channon and Lawrence Dental Gympie Cooloola Cove Smiles Tin Can Bay Coloured Sands Clinic Cooloola Cove

5481 2846 0436 394 347

Sea Breeze kayaks

5483 5364

5482 7688 5486 4800 5488 0271

ESSENTIAL SERVICES EMERGENCY - AMBULANCE / POLICE / FIRE . . . . 000 SES Flood/Storm Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 500 SES - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3314 SES - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4604 City Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 2304 Coastguard Tin Cay Bay - VMR 417 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4290 Community Centre Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3355 Cooloola Coast Medical Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 2488 Doctor - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3078 Doctor - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4600 ENERGEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 62 62 EPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 130 372 FIRE & RESCUE - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3169 Tin Can Bay Fire Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0409 828 414 Rural Fires Goomboorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0417 793 286 Rural Fires Neerdie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0400 865 132 QPWS Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 9900 QPWS Tewantin (7 days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5449 7792 Gympie Regional Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 307 800 HOSPITAL - Gympie (ind. Community & Mental Health Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5489 8444

Tin Can Bay

Rainbow Beach Rustproofing and Mechanical Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Service Centre and Towing Rainbow Beach

0418 498 089

5486 3228 5486 8555

Pest Control Beach to Bay Pest Management Cooloola Coast Cleanwave Rainbow Beach

5486 8686 0421 600 148

Pharmacy Rainbow Beach

5486 3070

Cooloola Cove

0407 372 826

Cooloola Cove

0418 382 442

Plastering Ray’s Plastering

5486 9090 5486 3249 5486 4231

Cooloola Coast Rainbow Beach

5486 3411 5486 3900

Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Tin Can Bay Rainbow Beach

5486 8000 5486 8877 0490 232 392 5486 4400 5486 3126

Rainbow Beach

5486 3152

Cooloola Cove

0408 645 369

Rainbow Beach

5486 8700

Tin Can Bay

5486 2887

Rainbow Beach

0418 729 474

Tin Can Bay

5486 4577

Cooloola Cove

1300 727 025


Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach Signs




4rent4sale Storage Sheds Cooloola Tin Can Bay Mini Storage

Tourist Centre

Rainbow Beach Tourist Centre Rainbow Beach Shell Tourist Centre Rainbow Beach

Tours and attractions

Dolphin Ferry Cruises Epic Ocean Adventures Fraser Island 4x4 Tours Rainbow Beach Horserides Surf and Sand Safaris Wolf Rock Dive

5486 3227 5486 8888

Rainbow Beach/TC Bay Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach

0428 838 836 0408 738 192 0457 726 388 0412 174 337 5486 3131 5486 8004

Gympie Veterinary Services Tin Can Bay

5486 4666

Advertising/Graphic Design


Rainbow Beach Pharmacy

Rainbow Beach Rainbow Beach Tin Can Bay


Kayaks Cooloola Cove

Shopping Centre IGA Supermarket

Kennels and Catteries Tin Can Bay

Ocean Breeze Seafoods Ennovy Designs

Graphic Design Soda Graphics

Arcobaleno Coffee Rocks Food Sans Borders Marina Bar and Grill Rainbow Fruit Barn


Glass and Aluminium

Rainbow Beach Hardware Mitre 10 Cooloola 0417 728 510 0438 773 119

5486 3607

Gas Supplies Rainbow Beach and Fraser Island Gas Supplies

Cooloola Coast Realty Rainbow Beach Realty


Cooloola Cove

Benny’s Carpet Cleaning Tin Can Bay Cleanwave Rainbow Beach Crystal Shine Cleaning Zaneta Fitzgerald

0428 645 369

Rainbow Cooloola Wholesalers Rainbow Beach

Carpet Cleaning


Cooloola Cove

Food Wholesalers

Rainbow Beach Remodelling and Repairs Rainbow Beach Gavin Freeman Handyman Service Cooloola Coast Cabinets Whatever Cabinetmakers

Rainbow Beach Hotel Rainbow Beach Surf Club Tin Can Bay Country Club

5486 3500


Cabinet Makers

0407 022 159 0407 762 986


Appliance Repairs Auto Electrics

Pubs and Clubs Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast



Rainbow Getaway Holiday Apartments

Cookies Electrical Mark Little

GRAPHIC DESIGN PRINT WEB PHOTOGRAPHY Affordable & Professional Advertising Free Mobile Service for Meetings & Deliveries Diploma Qualified & over 7yrs Experience 0403 193 916 christie@sodagraphics.com.au Cooloola Cove




Plumber Laurie Donnelly Plumber

Library - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3705 Library - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4355 Local Disaster Management CCCLDMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 4483, 0439 862 264 Cooloola Cove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5488 0436, 0459 26 374 Wallu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0419 685 338 Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0427 863 007 Pharmacy - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3070 Police - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 8765 Police - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 2426 Police - non urgent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 444 POISONS Information Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 11 26 Resource and Referral Centre Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . 5488 0035 School - Rainbow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 9333 School - Tin Can Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5488 1222 Warren Truss MP (Federal Member) . . . . . . . . . 1 300 301 968 Tony Perrett MLA (State Member) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5329 5100 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (Please phone to make appt ) CARKEET, Sally (Rainbow Beach) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0417 751 327 DEACON, Arthur (Cooloola Cove) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0419 624 208 FISHER, Peter (Rainbow Beach) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0407 95 4678 GETT, Kelvin (Rainbow Beach) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5486 3538 MISSEN, John Joseph (Rainbow Beach) . . . . . . . . . . 5486 8153 October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 39

• Stamp • Concrete Stencil • Exposed Seeded Concrete


Phone: 5486 3914 Mobile: 0413 060 797

Auto Electrics




Cabinet Making


Auto Electrics




40 FISHING TRADES AND SBoating ERVICES Fishing andPage Samantha Plater

Page40 34 Page



0487 281 030 OWNER OPERATOR

Specialising in Bond Cleaning


40 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – October 2017


Tin Can Bay, Cooloola Cove, Rainbow Beach & Gympie


EMAIL: Samanthaplater20@gmail.com ABN: 65 455 330 952








Concreting Contractor ABN 64-930-176-411

• House Slabs • Garage Slabs • Driveways • Paths




Page 35 Page 41





Phone: 5486 3914 Mobile: 0413 060 797



Pet Boarding

Also specialising in; • Stamp • Concrete Stencil • Exposed Seeded Concrete




Troy Rowley

Rainbow Beach Tyre & Mechanical -All Mechanical repairs-Free Old Car Removal -All makes & Models -Aluminium Tig Welding & -Second Hand Parts -Metal Fabrication Massage -New & Used Tyres -Clutch & Brake Repairs

9 Karoonda Rd Rainbow Beach

Ph: 54863144





Tyre & Mechanical Service

Screens & Blinds

Reach all the locals on the Cooloola Coast advertise in the Trades and Services Pages from $60.00 a month. To find out more, phone: 5486 3561 October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 41


Blessing of Pets, 9.30am The Good Shepherd Church, RB, bring your pets (properly restrained) for a special blessing, morning tea, all welcome 1 Nippers begins 8.30am - 10.30am, with uniforms from 8am 2 Next load for RB Droughtrunners leaves Tony: 0408 767 930 3 School is back! 3 Mum and Me Water Aerobics FREE at RB Aquatic Centre, book: 0419 929 037 3 Carers QLD Australia Support Group TCB RSL 3 Over 60s meet at Surf Club, 10am 4 Craft morning tea, QCWA Hall 18 Whiting St 5 Breakfast Club in Term Four will commence at TCB School 5 Warriors Swim Club night starts back, 5pm RB Aquatic Centre 5-8 Heart of Gold Film Festival 5-21 RUSH Festival 6 Friday Bootcamp starts, 9.30am Little Guppies Building, Bream Street, Go Mumma Gympie Emma: 0419 620 623 6 Narcotics Anonymous group meeting, Tin Can Bay library every Friday 7 - 8.30pm – 0402 283 761 7 CC Little Athletics starts, 8.30am TCB School Oval, Jess: 0411 218 254 7 Mary Valley Scarecrow Festival starts 7 Barefoot Bowls, 4.30pm TCB Country Club plus GB Fox live music Hilly: 0412 134 752 8 RBSS P&C portrait fundraising day, Kirstie: 0439 701 227 8 Fortnightly life drawing classes will commence, 9.30-11.30am TCB Library, bookings Robyn: 0419 663 271 8, 22 Boomerang Bags working bee 2.30pm Sands Motel Barb: 0423 841 062 9 QCWA meet 8.30am, 18 Whiting St

If you have an event or date you would like to add please email info@rbcn.com.au 9,23 Toastmasters, 6.30pm TCB Library, Linda: 0400 144 629 10 Veterans and Community morning tea 10am - 12noon, TCB RSL 11 TCB Fishing Club meet 5pm, Country Club 12, 26 Art Workshops 10am, RB Library, morning tea provided 13-15 Double Island Point Clean Up Craig: 0434 587 756 14 Rainbow Beach Individual Nippers Carnival 14 Trash and Treasure RB Community Centre, $5 a table, Ph: 5486 3355 14 Engineering Experiments, 2-4pm, CC Veterans and Community Hall, explore movement and structure by building, making or modelling, CCYAP 16 CC Residents and Friends AGM, 10am, CC Veterans and Community Hall 17 ‘Get Set for Work’ program starts for 15-19 year olds in Tin Can Bay, Cooloola Cove or Rainbow Beach, Chappy Ronnie: 0413 135 867 18 Pink Ball Day in aid of Breast Cancer, sponsored by Marina Bar and Grill at TCB Country Club 18 CWA Hoy, 10am, CWA Hall, Whiting St 18 TCB Camera Club meeting, 7pm TCB Library 19 Tech Savvy Seniors session on shopping online, bookings essential, 10-11.30am RB Library: 5486 3705, 2-3.30pm TCB Library: 5486 4355 20 RB Christmas Carols informal meeting, 2.45pm school library, ronniet@chappy. org.au 21 TCB School P&C Garage Sale Trail $10 per site 22 Keith Gall Australiana Show, from 3pm, TCB Country Club 26 Music Plus, 7pm CC Veterans and Community Hall 27 Cooloola Coast Art Group meeting, 1pm TCB RSL Hall 27 Grandparents Day

27 Veterans Week Activities – active mind and body, TCB RSL

9am Mahjong/games mornings, Church of the Good Shepherd Hall

28 YAP Monster Mystery Raffle Morning Tea, 9am TCB Community Complex $3 entry, Jess: 0411 218 254

10am Mainly Music, TCB Community Complex, 10am

28 Trick or Treat Disco 5-9pm, TCB Community Complex, by CCYAP


28 Sports Trivia Night - book a table today, TCB RSL: 5486 4224 29 National Grandparents Day at RBSS, Ronnie: 0413 135 867


Tony Perret mobile office to Cooloola Coast, appointments: 1800 812 919


‘Who’s New at the Zoo’ Welcome Dinner, Lawrie Hanson Park, Rainbow Beach, book: 5486 3561


Melbourne Cup Day Luncheon at TCB RSL, fashion, fillies and fine food, buffet lunch and complimentary glass of bubbly, bar open, prizes, sweeps and raffles, book: 07 5486 4224

4.30 Karate & Jiu-Jitsu, RBSS: 0417 079 579 7am RBSS Brekky and Fitness Club 8-10am Coastcare Wetland Weeding, for location www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au/ or text: 0417 554 905 9 -11am Playgroup, RB State School 9am - noon TCB Craft Club, Penny: 5486 2512 9.30am CCLAC bingo sessions TCB Country Club 9.30am - 10.30am First 5 Forever - fun for under fives at Tin Can Bay Library 3.30pm Cooloola Dragon Boat Club training 4.30pm QCWA walking group, Woolworths bus stop, CC Friday

10 Mary River Festival Harvest Dinner, Kandanga

8am - 10am Volunteer “revive our creeks”, www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au

11 Mary River Festival in Kandanga

9am Sailability

21 Diabetes Charity Morning Tea RB Community Centre, Ph: 5486 3355


Weekly (many are term time only)

7am QCWA walking group, Black Cockatoo, TCB

Monday 10-11am First 5 Forever - fun for under fives at Rainbow Beach Library 4.30 Karate & Jiu-Jitsu, RBSS: 0417 079 579 Tuesday 7am QCWA walking group, Cafe to the Max, TCB 9am Arts and Craft group, Church of the Good Shepherd Hall (second/last of month) 9am – noon Tin Can Bay Quilters, community complex. Ph: Maree 5486 5706 9.30am Little Guppies playgroup, TCB Wednesday 7.30am TCB P-10 Garden Club

Markets on almost every Saturday! See visitors’ guide

8.30-10.30 Little Athletics Discover Sailing, Tin Can Bay Yacht Club Sunday 7am St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church service, Manooka Drive 7.30am Cooloola Dragon Boat Club training 8.30am Nippers 9.30am Church of the Good Shepherd Contemporary Family, followed by morning tea. All denominations welcome! 17 Carlo Rd 10am – 2pm Rainbow Beach craft market, Top Shops


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October 2017 – Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News – 43

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