Where community begins and grows.
Recreational Athletics Facility Scheduling Sandra Bengtson, Program Supervisor 763-506-1263
Mission Recreational Athletics provides adult and youth programs for district residents and acts as a community resource for local athletic associations. Facilities Scheduling provides community access to school district buildings through a centralized facility scheduling process.
Program Adult Recreational Athletics - Provides opportunities in recreational softball, volleyball and basketball leagues in various levels of play. Youth Recreational Athletics - Provides opportunities in recreational flag football, t-ball and tennis leagues, in addition to tennis lessons at various parks and schools throughout the district.
Youth Camps and Clinics - Provides academic and athletic camps and clinics for students in preschool through grade 12. Facilities Scheduling - Schedules and collects user fees for community use of school district facilities.
Participants • Participants: Age three - adult. • Recreational Athletics participation: 386 youth and 2,032 adults registrations. • Facility Scheduling: 199 groups and 718,705 facility users.
Funding 2016-17 Funding (Actual): Participant Fees Facility Scheduling Fees TOTAL
$ $ $
130,069 263,564 393,633
• Adult interest in playing in leagues is trending down both nationally and locally.
• Ensuring schools are open to the community outside of school hours.
• We have difficulty accommodating the demands of the community due to lack of adequate gym space during the winter months.
• Recreational Athletics provide opportunities for youth and adults to have fun, exercise and build a sense of community. • Camps and clinics provide opportunities for youth to build and refine skills in specific areas of interest.
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