Learning today for tomorrow.
Adult Basic Education (ABE) Pat Adams, Assistant Manager 763-506-1262
Adult Basic Education provides services that effectively develop the skills needed by each adult student to achieve their goals.
In 2016-17, Metro North ABE served 4,030 students (enrollees) from 106 countries. 2,202 were enrolled in basic skill building, GED preparation, adult diploma or college preparation; and 1,434 were enrolled in ESL classes. Through partnerships with the local workforce centers and post-secondary schools, Metro North ABE provided collaborative services to 479 adults in workforce centersponsored classes and 754 learners served on college campuses.
Program Adult Basic Education is a program where adults develop workplace skills; improve and upgrade basic skills; prepare for college entry; improve parenting skills through Family Literacy programs; learn English through English as a Second Language (ESL) programs; obtain an Adult Diploma/GED; and prepare for the U.S. citizenship test. Anoka-Hennepin is a member of the eight-district Metro North ABE consortium. More than 239 hours of class time are offered each week at site locations that include churches, correctional facilities, workplaces, designated ABE/ESL/Family Literacy Centers, colleges and schools. There are 186 volunteers working in the classrooms with students one-to-one, in small groups and providing staff support.
Traditionally, adult learners are earning lower wages and pursuing education to build skills to improve employability, participate in job training, or enter post-secondary education opportunities. 52.2 percent of students or families are identified as low income.
Funding 2016-17 Funding (Actual): State & Federal Aid Participant Fees Community Education Grants TOTAL
$ 3,151,723 $ 2,808 $ 45,341 $ 3,199,872
During times of low unemployment, such as now, most adults are working; limiting their time to dedicate to improving their academic skills prompting Adult Basic Education to adapt programming and marketing to meet the changing needs of the adult learners.
• Metro North ABE provided ongoing Transitions programming to support adult learners with moving into post-secondary education and/or employment.
There are a limited number of trained, adult basic education instructors and support staff available to fill vacant positions. It is challenging to identify in-demand, high-wage, employment pathways and employers to build partners to train and place adult learners.
• Metro North ABE received a two-year $200,000 Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Grant to expand education opportunities for adult English language learners to acquire economic self-sufficiency through job placement in unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations. • Anoka-Hennepin ABE is partnering with AnokaRamsey Community College to provide instruction and support for math developmental education classes to enhance student academic success and transition into post-secondary. • Anoka-Hennepin ABE is continuing its partnership with the Anoka County Workforce Center to provide bridge classes for three career pathways; Precision Sheet Metal, Healthcare, and Office Administration Technology. • The program helped 17 students earn an Adult Diploma and 98 students earn a GED. (From the World’s Best Workforce Report)
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