The end of the year... This is the time we spend with our loved ones, snuggled close to the fireplace in order to warm up, away from the snow for those who are lucky enough to have it. It is also the Christmas period, when we show our friends and famillies that we loved them by giving them nice gifts we put under the Christmas tree.
them. Each artist has created a work on the show. You will find entirely different graphic styles, which we are sure you will like.
And because, in some way, you are also a part of our Castleian family , Heat News team has decided to offer you a small gift for the holiday.
In the hope that this small gesture will make you happy, and that the coming year brings you lots of happiness,
Early December, several artists were contacted in order to help us create a calendar. You already know some of these artists. And for the ones you do not know, we really invite you to find out more about
We would like to thank all of the pepole who were a part of this project, especially the enthusiasm they have displayed to make it happen.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 Heat News team