Hebron Academy Semester | Fall 2012/Winter 2013

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2013 Reunions & Homecoming Friday, September 27 Saturday, September 28

Reunions for 1938 • 1943 • 1948 • 1953 1958 • 1963 • 1968 • 1973 1978 • 1983 • 1988 • 1993 1998 • 2003 • 2008 convocation athletic hall of fame induction volunteer of the year award distinguished service award

campus tours • road race varsity breakfast planned giving seminar luncheon at dwyer fields athletic competitions • Catch up with classmates and old friends • Cheer on Hebron’s teams •T ake part in activities for the whole f­amily

For more information, please call or e-mail Colin Griggs at 207-966-5318, cgriggs@hebronacademy.org or visit our web site: www.hebronacademy.org/Homecoming2013

Semester H E B R O N



Fall/Winter 2013

features The Last Word a selection of senior speeches

The exigencies of the war closing the school in 1943

departments The Academy Alumni et Alumnae Hebroniana

Chuck Hall ’80 looks to expand his Hebron wardrobe at the annual uniform sale during Reunion and Homecoming weekend.

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the academy Editor’s Note

Sound tracks


he class of 1962 brought a DVD of pop culture memories to reunion this fall. It featured images from their Hebron years right on up to current days, backed by songs of the times. And oh, the music. There was everything from doo wop and disco to hair bands and hip hop. I don’t know about you, but for me music is bound up with my memories. My years at summer camp left me knowing hundreds of songs I can still recall perfectly. Thanks to iTunes, I can track down a regional hit from my college days (“Candy Apple Red” by the Robbin Thompson Band) and am instantly back at “Slusher Beach” amid the blossoming dogwood trees on a humid Virginia Tech afternoon. Did you know that Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 show used to be pressed on vinyl records and distributed to radio stations? I do, because a girl in my dorm was dating a local disc jockey and he often brought them over. I can still hear the scratchy sounds of Casey’s countdown drifting out of Alice’s room. One thing is for sure: every generation dislikes their children’s music. I have a hard time imagining how today’s popular music will evoke a sense of nostalgia in our students when they reminisce about their school days at their 25th or 50th reunions, but I suppose my parents thought the same thing about my music. Whether you prefer big bands or boy bands, heavy metal or light rock, we hope your personal soundtrack includes the tunes of your Hebron days, and that you’ll come to campus, humming, for reunion and homecoming in September. Jennifer F. Adams, Editor jadams@hebronacademy.org

Find Hebron online Become a fan, friend or follower of Hebron Academy at your favorite social networking and entertainment sites. Facebook facebook.com/HebronAcademy LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/ groups?gid=1892134 Twitter twitter.com/HebronAcademy YouTube www.youtube.com/hebronacademy1804 Semester magazine online issuu.com/Hebron_Academy

2013 Reunions and Homecoming Friday, September 27 Saturday, September 28 Reunions for Classes ending in Three and Eight Kids’ Activities  •  Fun Run  •  Varsity Breakfast  •  Rainbow Reunion  •  Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions  •  Distinguished Service Award  •  Class Dinners  •  Much more!

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on the cover Marco Kloster ’14 and Sydney Randall ’13 as the king and queen in Cinderella. Photo by Sara Wilmot. The Semester is published twice each year by Hebron Academy, PO Box 309, Hebron ME 04238. 207-966-2100. Issue No. 210 mission The Semester magazine’s mission is to continue the Hebron family’s intellectual and emotional engagement with the Academy by conveying news, preserving the heritage and memories of the school and chronicling the accomplishments of its alumni, faculty and students. editor Jennifer F. Adams editorial assistance David W. Stonebraker contributing writers Liza Tarr Leslie A. Guenther production assistance Ellen L. Augusta ’75 Leslie A. Guenther Patricia A. Hutter Beverly J. Roy Carole A. Smith photography Jennifer F. Adams Michelle Bourget Dennis and Diana Griggs, Tannery Hill Studios, Inc. Leslie A. Guenther Liza Tarr Sara Wilmot and friends

Hebron Academy reaffirms its long-standing policy of nondiscriminatory admission of students on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, ancestry, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation. We do not discriminate in the administration of our educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs and athletic or other school-administered programs. Hebron Academy is an equal opportunity employer. © 2013 by Hebron Academy. www.hebronacademy.org

the academy From the Head of School

It’s good to be affirmed e know that Hebron Academy stands firmly on bedrock values and principles set at its founding in 1804, to educate young people in the arts and sciences. We also know that the security of the Academy stands on the shoulders and philanthropic support of generations of benefactors, supporters, and dedicated educators. Nevertheless, we are gratified and relieved to have Hebron Academy’s mission, purpose, and standing as a non-profit educational institution affirmed definitively by the highest court in the State of Maine. That was the conclusion of a two-year challenge with the Town of Hebron over the Academy’s exemption from property taxes. The issue arose over three years ago when Hebron tax assessors levied the Academy for property taxes on buildings, notably Robinson Arena, based on the notion that since those facilities are occasionally rented for use by youth hockey and other groups, that the properties are not solely used by the Academy for its educational purposes, and therefore the school is not entitled to tax exemption. In the town’s interpretation, it did not matter that the practice had been ongoing at Hebron and at most other schools and colleges for years, nor that the rental income only minimally offsets the cost of operating those facilities and barely matches the tax amount the town chose to col-

lect. After appeals to the selectmen, the county tax authority, and then a definitive ruling in the Academy’s favor at the Superior Court, the town chose to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court of the State of Maine. with that action, what had begun as a relatively narrow issue between town and school became a potential precedent setter for all independent schools and colleges in Maine and possibly beyond. With briefs filed in support of Hebron Academy’s position by the Maine Independent Colleges—representing Bowdoin, Bates, Colby, etc.—and the Maine Association of Independent Schools, our attorney presented the case at the Supreme Court hearing in December 2012. Despite our confidence in the righteousness of Hebron’s mission and position, it was gratifying to receive the final decision from the Supreme Court affirming Hebron Academy’s status as a “literary and scientific” institution entitled to tax exemption.

The Court’s review of legal and legislative history and intent reached back to 1819, not too long after Hebron Academy was founded, when Massachusetts law created “an independent District of Maine which preserved a tax exemption granted by the Commonwealth to ‘any religious, literary, or eleemosynary corporation or society…” Further, the Court held that “the term literary and scientific institution includes an organization that has as its primary purpose the engagement of students in the academic pursuit of literary and scientific knowledge through the provision of an accredited course of high school education.” As the Court affirmed, and we fully concur, “Hebron Academy[‘s] primary purpose is to provide for and promote the education of high school students.” Hebron’s most recent brief 15 minutes of fame included front page headlines and photographs in each of the major Maine newspapers which generated much interest and support from across the state and beyond.

for the record:

Hebron Academy does pay significant property taxes to the Town of Hebron for faculty homes and other properties—such as the building we rent to the post office— making the Academy one of the town’s largest taxpayers. Beyond that, the Academy saves the town and state significant costs by the number of local and Maine students who attend Hebron instead of the public schools where their parents pay taxes. Additionally, our faculty, staff and students perform an extensive amount of community service at local schools, in youth sports, the volunteer fire department and other organizations. We open our doors to the public for many concerts, plays, and other events, giving back to the town in so many valuable ways. It’s good to be affirmed in what Hebron Academy does and has done through history!

John King Head of School

Tannery Hill Studios, Inc.


Robinson Arena was the focus of the town’s tax dispute with the school.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  3

the academy Young artists recognized T

he highly touted Scholastic Art & Writing Awards recently recognized a handful of Hebron Academy photographers with Gold and Silver Key honors. Abby Kinens ’13 of Houlton (Maine), Haley Grimmer ‘13 of Lewiston (Maine), and Xiaoyu Zhang ’13 of Shanghai were among the 1,400 students across the nation to receive Gold Keys. According to the official website, Gold Key honors denote “the highest level of achievement on the regional level. Approximately 7–10% of all regional submissions are recognized with Gold Key Awards and all are considered for national-level recognition.” “Determination” earned Gold Key honors for Abby Kinens ’13.

Sydney Randall ’13 (New Gloucester) earned a Silver Key; Gold honors went to Abby Kinens ’13 (Houlton) and Haley Grimmer ’13 (Lewiston). Xiaoyu Zhang ’13 (Shanghai, China), not pictured, also earned Gold.

Abby Kinens ’13, whose photography earned both Gold and Silver keys, has cultivated her passion since coming to Hebron. “Photography has become not only a hobby for me but also an outlet. Unlike everything else I do, it isn’t a competition, there’s no wrong answer. It’s only what I see and create,” she says. Abby came to

Hebron as a new junior in 2011 with the intention of honing her hockey skills; now she is a student in Advanced Placement Art, something she said “I never would have thought was possible when I first picked up a camera.” The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards not only give young artists a confidence boost, but they also provide incentives for

Show your Hebron pride!


e’ve got exciting news for you fashionistas out there. We are overhauling our online and on-campus stores with the latest and greatest in name brands. We’ve just rolled out our online store, which you can check out by going to www.hebronacademy.org, clicking the “About Us” tab and selecting “School Store” from the drop-down menu. Please bear with us as we work out the kinks on this new platform! Send feedback or suggestions for how we can make it better to ltarr@hebronacademy.org.

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students to pursue their interests at a professional level. According to the official website, “To date, the Awards have encouraged over 13 million students, recognized more than 9 million young artists and writers, and made available more than $25 million in awards and scholarships. Teens in grades 7 through 12 can apply in 28 categories of

art and writing for the chance to earn scholarships and have their works exhibited or published.” Other Hebron artists who received recognition this year are Sydney Randall ’13 (photography); Haolan An ’13 (mixed media, painting) and Kexin Wang ’13 (drawing, painting). Liza Tarr

Camp encounters Y

ou know William Wegman? The guy who takes funny pictures of his Weimaraner dogs? Did you know that he spends summers in the Rangeley Lakes region? Did you know that he is inspired by nature and his surroundings, and had an exhibit of his work called “Hello Nature” at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art in 2012? Athletic director Leslie Guenther knew all of these things, and she also knew that she was likely to run into Mr. Wegman and his dogs on the trails around her camp. She and her husband, English teacher David Stonebraker, had seen the exhibit, and when Ms. G did

indeed run into Mr. Wegman, she took the opportunity to ask if he would be interested in talking with Hebron’s middle schoolers about his work. That encounter led to the next, and in October artist and middlers connected at Bowdoin. Mr. Wegman was witty and approachable, and asked students how they thought he set up his photographs, drawing them into his artistic process. That a camp road encounter led to an opportunity for our youngsters to meet a wellknown artist is one of the best things about living and working in Maine. You just never know who you’ll run into.


the academy She came bearing gifts

Music makers


ebron musicians were well represented at the

District II music festivals this year with ten instrumentalists playing in various ensembles. Hadwin Belcher ’18 (violin), Emma Timberlake-Knapp ’17 (viola) and cellists Bradley Sperl ’18 and Trevor Sours ’18 played in the middle school orchestra. Five Hebronians (out of 41 musicians) played in the high school orchestra: Darby Tuttle ’16 (violin), Lilly Bourget ’13 (viola), Marie Vogel ’15 (cello) and bassists Evan Kalish ’14 and Jon Tuttle ’15 (pictured here). Alto sax player Zach Abisalih ’15 was the lone band participant. Five students also sang in the vocal festival: Bradley Sperl,

Hebron parent Felica Coney spoke with our young women about setting goals and staying on track to success. She also brought samples of her company’s products to give away.

Lilly Bourget, Charlotte


’13. Jon and Zach will go on

know not all of you use these,” Felicia Coney said as she held up a box of Tampax Pearl tampons, “But I am here to convert you.” With that deft icebreaker, Ms. Coney captured her audience—Hebron Academy’s young women, at a presentation just for them—and was poised to deliver her real gifts: her story, her experience and her support. The mother of two middle school boys, Ms. Coney was born in Portland, Oregon, and raised in Delhi, Louisiana. She graduated from Southern University and A&M College with a degree in civil engineering

and has worked for Procter & Gamble for nearly 20 years. She is now the plant manager at P&G’s Tambrands facility in Auburn and she brought lots of samples to give away. With a warm mixture of professional skill and personal feeling, she told the story of her own journey to success and then encouraged the girls in role playing their own “elevator speeches” and goal setting strategies. Many of the girls lingered after the program to talk further with Ms. Coney, and pick up a box or two of those samples.

Middleton ’14, Elijah Moreshead ’13 and Sydney Randall to All-State at the University of Southern Maine in May. Jon was also selected for the District II honors jazz band in April.

Spring events New York City Wednesday, May 8, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Hosted by Mariana and Ray Herrmann at their home, 765 Park Avenue.

Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday, May 14, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Hosted by Sonja and Joe Baroni ’89 at Martingale Wharf, 99 Bow Street.

Boston, Massachusetts Wednesday, May 29, 5:30–7:30 p.m. City Bar, corner of Boylston and Exeter at the Lenox Hotel.

Portland, Maine

Amelia Aberle ’16 (Raymond, Maine), A’Nyce Munroe ’13 (Nassau, Bahamas) and Ruoqian Zhang ’16 (Shanghai, China), work on their elevator speeches.


For more information, call or email Colin Griggs at 207-966-5318, cgriggs@hebronacademy.org

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  5

Sara Wilmot

Coming in June! Place and date to be announced.

the academy J. Reeve Bright ’66, Chair Delray Beach, Florida Paul S. Goodof ’67, Vice Chair Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Stephen B. Jeffries ’79, Vice Chair Boston, Massachusetts Debra Beacham Bloomingdale ’83, Secretary Rockport, Massachusetts Scott E. Wilson ’71, Treasurer Waban, Massachusetts Richard A. Bennett Oxford, Maine Meredith Strang Burgess Portland, Maine Catherine Thoman Crowley ’87 Boston, Massachusetts Clement S. Dwyer, Jr. ’66 Portsmouth, New Hampshire Susan A. Gendron Raymond, Maine

Philanthropy Financier Williams joins board W e are pleased to welcome Dave Williams ’60 of East Haddam, Connecticut, to the Board of Trustees. Dave earned his BA from Yale University and later went on to receive his MBA from Harvard Business School. He is celebrating his recent retirement from Columbia Value and Restructuring Fund where he was a leading mutual fund manager and an authority on Wall Street. Prior to his career with Columbia Value, Dave served as managing director and head of value investing at U.S. Trust Corporation—now owned by Charles Schwab—where he managed $6.5 billion in assets.

Lauded for his investing savvy, Dave was deemed a “Market Wizard” by Barron’s in 2003 and named to Fortune’s “50 Great Investors” list that same year. He has also been featured on CNBC’s Wall Street with Louis Rukeyser and is a member of the Chartered Financial Analysts Association and the Association for Investment Management and Research. He and his wife Stephanie enjoy spending time at their homes in Connecticut and Bonita Springs, Florida. They have four children: Samuel, Dakin, John and Nicholas. Dave is excited to reconnect with his high school alma mater and help

steer the Academy towards continued success. Liza Tarr

William B. Golden ’66 Waquoit, Massachusetts

Class Agent Profile

Edward A. Gottlieb ’64 Waban, Massachusetts

Dean Ridlon ’53

Wallace E. Higgins Boston, Massachusetts

Class Agent For as long as he can remember Trustee 1978–1988; 1991–1995 Chair of Board 1981–1988 Loyalty personified Annual Fund donor for more than 50 consecutive years

James B. Hill, II ’90 Chicago, Illinois Thomas N. Hull, III ’64 Grantham, New Hampshire Matthew W. Johnson ’93 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kimball L. Kenway ’70 Portland, Maine Scott R. Nelson ’91 Laguna Niguel, California Judah Sommer Bethesda, Maryland Heather Fremont-Smith Stephens ’88 Weston, Massachusetts David J. Williams ’60 East Haddam, Connecticut


cross the road from the Stanley Building is a small, tidy garden that flowers from spring until fall. A plaque in the center of the garden bears the name Dean Ridlon ’53. The garden marks Dean Ridlon’s many decades of extraordinary contributions and dedicated service to Hebron.

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Dean has volunteered for Hebron for as long as he and many others can remember. He recalls that he started out as a class agent sometime in the early ‘60s. He had been hosting dinners for the Hebron Club of Boston when Ned Willard and Bill Brightman ’52 urged him to become more involved. Becoming class agent

was just the beginning, as he went on to serve Hebron in many other capacities, including multiple terms on the Board of Trustees. Over the years, writing to his class became part of his life—a way to give back and a way to stay connected. Dean knows the funds raised through his letters go to a great cause and he, better than most, knows the need that those dollars fill. We are grateful for Dean’s loyalty and his commitment to his work as agent for his class. We know that he will be cheering for Hebron, supporting our students and writing to his classmates for many years to come.


tannery hill studios, inc.

2012–2013 Board of Trustees

the academy

(S)pine tree L

ibrarian Cilla Potter decided to have a little fun with some of the outdated books that are being deaccessioned from Hupper Library’s collection. She and some students created this book tree on the main floor of the library, adding a little holiday cheer to exam week. Mrs. Potter is seen here with Jake Bosse ’14.


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the academy

Robert J. Ryan ’77 2013 Career Connection Seminars

Bob Davis ’85 and David Prout ’83 led seminars on internships, their value and how to get them. From left: Olivia McFadzen, Ryan Hallice, Mr. Davis, Mr. Prout, Elijah Moreshead, Thiago Tose and Katie Couture. Mr. Davis is a senior vice president at Key Private Bank and Mr. Prout is president of Chesapeake Community Advisors.

Seminar sponsor and keynote speaker Robert Ryan ’77 shows off his thank you gifts. The hat just might come in handy in his work as a lawyer for Stallion Oilfield Services in Texas.

8  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013

tannery hill studios, inc.

Presenters included (clockwise from above): parent Mark Enyedy, CEO of Proteostasis Therapeutics; Alan Barrett ’60, vice president of VUTEK; Bob Donahue ’83, managing director of Municipal Market Advisors, Inc.; Ben Gardner ’84, founder and president of Linkwell Health; Nancy Briggs Marshall ’78, CEO of Marshall Communications; and Meredith Robinson Hanby ’95, entrepreneur and former teacher.


the academy


he second annual Robert J. Ryan ’77 Career Connection Seminars (CCS), an afternoon of networking and discussion opportunities for Hebron seniors and postgraduates, took place on March 29. Students attended three seminars on topics ranging from resume boosters to starting a small business to attending medical or law school, all led by veterans in the field. The day culminated in a delicious lobster dinner and keynote address by Mr. Ryan, who generously supports the program. The Career Connection Seminars, conceived in 2011 by John Slattery ’04 of the Alumni Office, initiates what Hebron hopes will be an ongoing dialogue that will serve soon-to-be graduates in the broader context of networking and career advancement. The CCS benefits not only students, but also alumni presenters, who appreciate the opportunity to return to their alma mater and give back in a meaningful way. “It was great to be back up there and get a glimpse into the students and all the good work the school is doing,” said Peter Beacham ’83, a senior vice president at a Boston-based financial services organization. Sporting their best “business casual” attire, students mingled with practitioners in the fields of law, medicine, finance, politics, biotech, energy and marketing. In a session on practicing law, presenters Mr. Ryan, a deputy general counsel for an oil services corporation and graduate of Pepperdine University School of Law, and current parent Mark

John Donahue ’84 (regional sales director, Taleo/Oracle) and his daughter, Meaghan, who toured campus and visited classes for the day.


Siblings Jenny Agnew Ridley ’99 (consultant, Occupational Medical Counseling) and Charlie Agnew ’01 (Biomass Commodities Corporation) co-presented a seminar on “My First Job.”

Enyedy, a biotech executive and graduate of Harvard Law School, emphasized the benefits of a degree in that particular field. “What a law degree really teaches you is how to apply your analytical and critical thinking to a variety of industries,” said Mr. Enyedy, who has since transitioned to managing a corporation. When Ryan Ratsep ’13 asked about an undergraduate major that best prepares one for law, Mr. Ryan advised, “Study something you enjoy that will also train your mind.” The day was a success on all fronts; both alumni leaders and students gained valuable takeaways. Mr. Beacham quipped, “I’ve already gotten a couple of LinkedIn requests, so it’s working!” Bob Davis ’85, senior vice president at Key Private Bank who presented on internships got “…the sense from students that they appreciated seeing and hearing from alumni that are well into their careers.” He continued, “Hopefully we

were able to diminish a little of the fear of the unknown for them.” Senior class president Elijah Moreshead ’13 affirmed that sentiment, conceding, “I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough time for internships since I’m playing football in college next year, but I was relieved to hear from the presenters about smart ways to balance it all. I hope I can come back as a speaker for the Career Connection Seminars and benefit some future alums.” Brad Geismar ’13 found it helpful to be able to connect with professionals in a small setting that fostered candid discussion. “It was very refreshing to have a doctor give us straight answers about medical school and outline some additional fields you can explore with a medical degree. I gained some first-hand insight into how demanding and rewarding the medical track can be.” Rarely do students and alumni have an opportunity to connect at this depth. The Career Connection Seminars are an

Presenters Tony Cox ’86 (Casco Bay Frames) and Peter Beacham ’85 (Brown Brothers Harriman) share family photos.

attempt to bridge that gap and create a pseudo-curriculum centered on communication and multi-disciplinary learning. The program aligns with the Academy’s mission of developing human relationships and fostering achievement and will continue to expand in the coming years. Liza Tarr Are you interested in participating in next year’s CCS? Call or email John Slattery ’04 (207-9665259, jslattery@hebronacademy. org) or Beverly Roy (207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org for more information.

Food service director Mike Eppinger helps Kelli Klassen ’13 wrangle a lobster. Presenter, trustee and parent Rick Bennett (chairman, GMI Ratings) is next in line.

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the academy

In the blink of an eye, the mice turn into four high-stepping horses—Olivia Grimmer ’15, Jiani He ’15, Ye Tao ’15 and Sarah Brouwer ’15—and the cat into a coachman—Yeong Jin Chun ’15.

Prince Christopher (Alex Guay ’13) dances with a mysterious stranger (Lilly Bourget ’13).

Sara Wilmot, the maine photo co,

From dancing mice to the king’s secret service, Nico Manganiello ’13, Dan Warner ’13, Sam Kinasewich ’13 and Matt Bouchard ’13 (not pictured) gave it their all.

Sara Wilmot, the maine photo co, sara wilmot

Sara Wilmot

The prince is giving a ball!

Above: stepmother Katie Couture ’13 hopes the Herald (Elijah Moreshead ’13) can fit the slipper on Portia (Katie Schools’ ’15). Cinderella and her fairy godmothers, Liz Pratt ’15, Charlotte Middleton ’14 and Qianchong Guo ’14.

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the academy Impossible things are happening every day


his year’s winter musical brought magic and beauty to the Androscoggin Theater stage in a production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella that featured 45 student actors and crew from five different countries, plus another dozen faculty on stage and off, and an eight-piece pit band! Director Julie Middleton fought the usual scheduling, weather and illness battles, and just when it seemed that the challenges would overwhelm the production, the fairy godmothers waved their magic wands and the pumpkin turned into a beautiful coach to whisk the audience away to the land of fairy tales. An enthusiastic overflow crowd filled the Lepage Center for the Arts on Friday night, with nearly as many braving a snow storm on Saturday. Another magical show for the Hebron Academy Players is in the history books! As the steward (Nate Bennett ’15) presents the catering list, the King (Marco Kloster ’14) is starting to suspect that the Queen’s (Sydney Randall ’13) plans for the ball will adversely affect the exchequer. The slipper fits!

The crowd-pleasing first act finale: a surprise performance by the fairy tale fantastics: Sara Wilmot, Owen “Kit” Smith, Noah Love ’07, Marcia King, Cory Sanderson, Grace Drown, Anna Skeele and Max Jones.


And they all lived happily ever after.

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Sara Wilmot (4), the maine photo co., bottom right

The stepsisters wonder just what the prince sees in a girl like that: Riley Hemmings ’16, Arianna Pinkham ’15, Katie Schools ’15 and Olivia Berger ’16.

the academy

Athletic achievements honored A

t the Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremony during Homecoming, we honored three members of the Hebron family who distinguished themselves through athletics and whose associations with our school span four decades. From ski slopes and hockey rink to the soccer field and track, this year’s honorees embody the mission of athletics in an independent school: to foster physical well-being and the values of teamwork; to encourage personal growth through the pursuit of excellence in sport; and to teach universal lessons of dedication, commitment, and fair play. Our inductees demonstrate these qualities, but even more, they have modeled in their lives the joy and passion of sport and have shared these qualities with others. Leslie Guenther, athletic director

Established in 2008 to honor student-athletes, coaches, administrators and supporters who have brought distinction to themselves and Hebron Academy through their exemplary achievement, contribution, sportsmanship or leadership.

George L. Helwig

Richard V. Leavitt ’72

Kirby N. Nadeau ’77

Athletic director 1948–1959

Former pro football player

Scholar-athlete and coach

• E xpanded the athletic program to include sub-varsity teams and insisted on full competitive schedules for all

• Unforgettable force in Hebron athletics, lettering in football, basketball and track and field

• Captain of the Academy’s only undefeated and untied soccer team; member of the 1976 Maine All-State team

• Coached Hebron to a first place finish at the 1959 New England track championship • Developed the Earl W. Brown Ski Area (1955) as a new base for Hebron skiing and a collaborative effort with the Town of Hebron • Rebuilt and enlarged Hebron’s ski jumping facility • Was a driving force for interscholastic soccer in the State of Maine • With foresight and vision championed creation of the Dwyer Athletic Fields complex • At the tender age of 86, won gold at the Maryland Senior Olympics in shot put, discus, javelin, hammer throw and 12-pound weight throw

• Was 1973 NCAA Division III national champion and All-American in track and field at Bowdoin College • Holds the Bowdoin record for both indoor and outdoor shot put at 17.11 meters • Four-year letterman in football at Bowdoin; earned All-New England nods • Played for the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and New York Giants throughout the 1970s • Coached football at Brunswick High School from 1994 to 2005, winning the Eastern Maine Class A championship in 2003 • Inducted into the Maine Sports Hall of Fame in 2001 and named Pine Tree Coach of the Year in 2003

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• At Bowdoin College, lettered in soccer for four years; tri-captain in his senior year • While a Bowdoin undergraduate, coached a fledgling women’s ice hockey team from club toward varsity status • Earned a graduate degree in education while playing varsity soccer and coaching youth hockey • Taught and coached at St. Paul’s River and then at native Inuit and Cree schools in northern Quebec where he organized and coached their first competitive high school hockey teams • Has continued to teach and coach actively at Alexander Galt Regional High School and Bishop’s College School

Eligibility Alumni—participant in Hebron athletics and graduated at least 10 years prior to the year of election Coaches and athletic administrators—must have had at least a 10-year career at Hebron Faculty and supporters—must have made a significant contribution for at least 10 years of Hebron athletics

Nominations Submit your nominations in writing or electronically by April 30, 2013, to Colin Griggs, Hebron Academy, PO Box 309, Hebron ME 04238 (cgriggs@ hebronacademy.org). Please include a brief but thorough summary of the nominee’s accomplishments and why he/she/they should be inducted. Self-nominations will not be accepted. New members will be inducted during Homecoming Weekend.


tannery hill studios, inc.

Hebron Academy Athletic Hall of Fame

the academy


he Lumberjacks enjoyed a productive fall season, one that included both team and individual successes. From Makoto Watanabe’s string of cross country wins and Sam Kinasewich’s impressive 74 to win the maisad golf individual medalist honors, to the football team’s potent offense and the boys’ JV soccer team’s undefeated season and maisad championship victory, there was much about which to be proud. The thirds soccer team went undefeated in prep school play, including impressive wins both home and away against Holderness School; the girls’ JV soccer team improved throughout the season while the varsity soccer team finished with +.500 record; and the field hockey team enjoyed a satisfying overtime win against New England tournament-bound Kimball Union Academy on our Parents’ Weekend. cross country

boys’ thirds soccer

Makoto Watanabe ’14 won all but two races during the season. MAISAD All-League: Makoto Watanabe ’14

Season record: 8–2

Field hockey

Season record: 11–0–3

Season record: 8–5–1 MAISAD All-League: Hannah Hearn ’13 Haley Grimmer ’13 Marie Vogel ’15 Katie Couture ’13

MAISAD champs!

Football Season record: 0–8 For only the third time ever, the team scored more than 200 points during the season. All-New England: Shaq Cézont-Holmes ’13 All-Evergreen League Jeff Turcotte ’13 Chad Manchulenko ’13 Honorable Mention: Elijah Moreshead ’13 Ray Rawls ’13 Mathieu Rioux-Paquette ’14

golf Season record: 6–2 At the MAISAD stroke play championship, Sam Kinasewich ’13 edged out his nearest competitors to take the individual title.


ongratulations to the boys’ varsity soccer team on their exciting mAIsAd championship overtime win against Hyde, and for their second straight invitation to the New England prep school class c tournament. After a thrilling quarterfinal win at home against berwick Academy that went all the way to penalty kicks, the Lumberjacks played an evenly matched tournament semifinal game against beaver country day, falling just short at the final buzzer to conclude their successful season and championship bid.

JeFF PoulAnd (BoTToM); SARA WilMoT (ToP)

Fall athletics


Soccer team co-captains Marco Kloster ’14 (above), dallas donovan ’13 and Javier lopez del Hierro ’13 presented the MAISAD trophy to assistant head Brian Jurek this fall.

Undefeated in prep school play.

boys’ Jv soccer

boys’ varsity soccer Season record: 12–5–2 MAISAD champs; played in New England semis. MAISAD All-League: Jerome Marinho ’13 Marco Kloster ’14 Dallas Donovan ’13 Javier Lopez del Hierro ’13 New England All-Star Game Jerome Marinho ’13 Marco Kloster ’14 Dallas Donovan ’13

girls’ Jv soccer Season record: 4–9–1

girls’ varsity soccer Season record: 7–5–1 MAISAD All-League: Rachel Jurek ’15 Emily Wyman ’13 Olivia Grimmer ’15 All-new england pick Shaq Cézont-Holmes ’13 is planning to play for Acadia university next year. A multi-sport athlete, Shaq was also chosen for the All-new england second team in basketball, effectively placing him among the top 10 Class C players.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  13

the academy

Got moxie?

Winter athletics


ith only a day’s rest for some, Hebron athletes transitioned quickly from the fall to the winter athletic season. This was a season characterized most by overall team improvement and strong individual performances. From the slopes and the ice to the hardwood, Hebron teams competed enthusiastically, often holding their own against strong opponents New England wide. Boys’ varsity hockey and boys’ varsity basketball narrowly missed bids to post-season tournament play, while skiers and snowboarders distinguished themselves at both the MAISAD and New England levels. Hebron teams competed in a number of close contests offering no shortage of excitement for loyal Lumberjack fans.

Girls’ varsity basketball Season record: 3–15–0 Junior MVP Olivia Brown led the team in scoring, hitting double digits in 13 of 16 games played. Hebron’s exciting come-frombehind win at Buckfield was a highlight of the season.

Boys’ JV basketball Season record: 6–10–0 The JV team showed great improvement throughout the season, and their 49–48 buzzer-beater win against White Mountain School was a highlight.

Boys’ varsity basketball Season record: 7–9–0 The boys’ varsity basketball team matched up evenly against fellow Class C opponents, narrowly

missing a bid for post-season play. Senior Shaquille Cézont-Holmes averaged 29 points per game. Shaq was also named to the All-New England second team, effectively placing him among the top ten Class C players.

Girls’ varsity hockey Season record: 6–17–0 MVP Katie Couture ’13 scored 14 goals and added 7 assists to lead the Lumberjacks’ offensive effort. The team organized another very successful “Pink in the Rink” event, raising money for a local cancer charity.

Boys’ varsity B hockey Season record: 11–10–0 The boys’ B hockey team swept Kents Hill and NYA during

uring the 2011–2012 school year, the MAISAD league athletic directors established a new, league-wide award to recognize the school with the most overall success during all three of the year’s athletic seasons. In this case, the components of “success” range from MAISAD championships and individual successes to the accomplishments of JV and thirds squads, as well as the spirit and sportsmanship of each of a school’s teams. Based on their broad accomplishments and good sportsmanship during the 2011–2012 year, the Hebron Academy Lumberjacks are proud to be the first recipient in the inaugural season of the Moxie Cup. Hebronians “from away” may not know that Moxie is a Dr. Pepper-like soft drink that was created in Maine and is the focus of an annual festival every August. “Moxie” is also defined as “the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.”

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Girls’ basketball MVP Olivia Brown ’14 looks down court.


the academy Boys’ varsity hockey Season record: 14–12–1 Net-minder Alex Bitsakis had a remarkable season, recording over 800 saves and earning a .925% save average as the Lumberjacks came up just short in their quest for a return to post-season play.

Alpine skiing Skiers had a strong season with success at both the MAISAD and New England levels. See box at right for more.

Snowboarding Coltan Downey ’14 won two regular season slope-style events enroute to his second place finish in the overall MAISAD league standings. Other top Hebronians were Alejandro Crichton Ochoa ’15, who was fourth overall, and Jake Irish ’16, who finished seventh. On the JV team, top finishers were Aitor Errondosoro ’15 in eighth place, and Lucas Gomes Ferruci ’14 in tenth.

Alpine gold C

ongratulations to the boys’ and girls’ varsity alpine teams on their excellent showing at the New England meet. The boys team finished an impressive fourth overall out of 15 teams, while the girls finished in fifth place. Olivia Grimmer ’15 and Kali Flaherty ’16 earned “All-New England” honors for their top 10 finishes, while Makoto Watanabe ’14, Jack Bayley ’15 and Brittany Myrick ’14 had finishes in the top 20. In the MAISAD race, Olivia, Kali and Brittany earned top five finishes among varsity skiers, while Manuel Crespo ’15 won the JV slalom race by a full 6 seconds. Elizabeth Everett ’16, Sarah Brouwer ’15 and Alana Chipman ’15 had top five finishes in the JV races; with

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regular season play to retain the MAISAD league’s “Lobster Cup” for another year.

Front: Kali Flaherty ’16, Liberty McKnight ’14, Brittany Myrick ’14, Elizabeth Everett ’16, Sarah Brouwer ’15, Janelle Tardif ’14, Olivia Grimmer ’15 and Marie Vogel ’15. Back: coach David Stonebraker, Makoto Watanabe ’14, Bradley Geismar ’13, Des Horowitz ’14, Manuel Crespo ’15, Oskar Lütge ’13, Jack Bayley ’15 and coach Moose Curtis. Not pictured: Alana Chipman ’15, Mathieu RiouxPaquette ’14 and Nick Walsh ’15.

teammate Marie Vogel ’15 they won the MAISAD girls JV team title. Finally, congratulations to Olivia Grimmer who finished first in the overall league individual

points standings, and to Kali, Brittany, Manuel, Makoto, Jack, Elizabeth, Sarah, Alana, Janelle Tardif ’14 and Brad Geismar ’13 who earned medals for their overall season standings too.

Alumni triumph over alumni in annual game

Seated: Tilton parent Mike Hickey, Doug Kennedy ’83, Marc Roy ’78, Craig Clark ’70, George Dycio ’78, Tom Cummings ’11, James LeBlanc ’02 and Mike Bouchard ’11. Standing: Brandon Russell ’98, Rob Kinasewich ’86, past parent Mike Nadeau, Chris Nadeau ’04, Brian Turgeon ’98, John Slattery ’04, Adam Asselin ’01, Chris Dyer ’02, past parent Michel Pratte, Chuck Blier ’90, math teacher Kit Smith, current parent Jim Charest, buildings and grounds director Mike Hughes, history teacher Casey Ftorek and history teacher Katie Coyne.


Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  15

The Last Word ublic speaking. Those two words produce instant “ fight-or-flight” symptoms in most of us. But even in our increasingly digital world, the power of speech is undeniable, and speaking well in front of an audience is an important skill. Last year, Hebron Academy seniors were required to make a short presentation to the school community during morning meeting as part of a program called “The Last Word.” This year the program expanded to “The First Word”—classroom presentations for ninth graders. Sophomores take their turn this spring with “The Next Word,” presenting to their classmates and teachers over four evenings. Although still in the planning stages, juniors will likely hone their skills next year with a debate format tentatively titled “Another Word.” Meanwhile, here is a selection of senior speeches from the class of 2013, edited for clarity and space.

The Last Word

First step


he does not know that there is someone else in this room. She does not know that I follow her to this place. She does not know she is helpless. She does not know anything, but keep on watching her film.” I am not crazy, it is just a piece I wrote for the English assignment which asked us to write a scary story. My mind is opened by this work. It is satisfying to feel that I can write something creative, because there is no way to imagine this feeling when I went to school before.

More than two years ago, I was sitting in the classroom in China; my teacher was giving our writing assignment which had her idea already. We just needed to make these words

the power of education is to satisfy the curious hearts look good. The experience of study in China is sterile. What I want is to

design my own thought and spirit into words. I felt I learned nothing from these assignments. The only thing those assignments bring me is pressure. After I finish the first year in high school in my hometown, I choose to study abroad in Hebron. The experience of study here totally changes my thought of study. In here, I could choose the class I interested in, and I don’t need to study all day long. The most exalting feeling is I could actually learn something. I believe the power of education is to satisfy the curious hearts. The best way of learning is to make us to gain the knowledge during the time we spend

Backstage at Cinderella: Jiani He ’15, Ye Tao ’15 and Xinyan Liu ’13, “keeper of the black curtain!”

on doing things we truly love to do. What I just told you is the most important decision I ever made until now, and it somehow changes my life. I am not saying it is easy, because it is hard to be far away from home, it is hard to study by using another language, and it is hard to get used to a different culture. But life is not as easy as it seems like, if we want to improve, we have to work hard. I also want to say that it is never too late to try something new. Life won’t change

until we start to try. We imagine the changes may hurt ourselves, we imagine the bad result of the new start, but we may not imagine the happiness they can bring us. It’s the different experiences that make us who we are. If we take the first step, we will find that we are more awesome than we think we may be. Xinyan Liu Jiangsu Province, China

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The Last Word

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Lucky 13

Sam Kinasewich may not have worn #13 jersey officially this season, but he carries the number with him wherever he goes.


he number 13 is usually considered an unlucky number, but not to me. I know it sounds a little ridiculous but it is a number that has shaped who I am today. It was my grandfather’s lucky number, and when he passed away, I took on the tradition of the lucky number 13. I wear it around my neck, and on my jerseys. Last year when I made the green and white game somehow, Mr. LeBlanc saved me number 13 in white just so I could wear it. I know it’s only the green and white game, but it meant a lot that he saved it just for me.

My grandfather as some of you may know is the biggest part of my life. He grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, with 14 brothers and sisters. He was the 13th child. Both of his parents died when he was 10. His brother Dimitry who was the 14th child died at the age of 2. This made my grandfather the youngest of the 13. His brothers and sisters had to quickly grow up and raise the family on their own. My grandfather learned how to be a very strong and independent kid at a young age. He was an extremely gifted hockey player.

He lived on the ice, and played hockey as much as he could. When he was 15, he was given the opportunity to go to the US and go to school at Deerfield Academy. He

he showed me how to take life one day at a time became the best hockey player in prep school, and this got the attention of every Division 1 school

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you can think of. He broke every record you can set for prep school hockey, most goals in a year, assists, points, you name it, he broke it. When he was a senior at Deerfield, he was offered a full scholarship to Harvard University. He was a captain his junior and senior year and he was one of the best hockey players to come out of Harvard in the school’s history. He was named to the ECAC top 50 hockey players of all time list that includes Jack O’Callahan, Ralph Cox, Martin St. Louis and Ken Dryden. He was drafted by the Detroit

Red Wings and went to their training camp. He didn’t sign with them however because one of his sisters who had raised him when he was a kid was dying. He left his dream of playing in the NHL, but he made the right choice to stay with his sister, and family. My grandfather taught me many things while he was still alive. He was the one who got me hooked on playing hockey at a young age as well as golf and baseball. He took me to the rink every weekend to watch me play mite hockey. He was always over at my house taking care of me while my parents worked. He showed me how to be a good listener and to always take life one day at a time. When he passed away on February 23rd, 2005, I lost not only my grandfather but my best friend, and to this day he is still the biggest part of my life. I wear his number around my neck, as a good luck charm and a tribute to him, as he will never be forgotten. Sam Kinasewich Sandwich, Massachusetts

The Last Word

Obsession I

J.K Rowling got steadily more depressing with age I forced myself to read them, fighting through the pain that she created with her love of killing off adorable, harmless characters and resisting the urge to send her hate mail. I stayed devoted till the end. I was that kid who cried when I didn’t receive my Hogwarts letter, and every time I saw an owl I knew it was there to deliver a parcel, or if there was ever a stray cat on the side of the road it was obviously Professor Mc­Gonagall waiting to turn back into a human. As the movies came out and the hysteria multiplied by the millions

worldwide my fanaticism never wavered. I went to every midnight premiere, wand in hand and Griffindor scarf around my neck. Telling all my friends adamantly how much better the books were than the movies. Harry Potter came to be a comfort for me, the perfect escape. Anytime I felt totally overwhelmed or lost in a new or scary place I always knew Harry was going to be there, he was never going to move away or be mean to me or make fun of my weird obsessions—he was a constant. The series is always going to be a piece of my childhood that I can hold on to. For a while in my

life Hogwarts was realer than reality. And when the series ended, I’m not gonna lie to you it was pretty catastrophic. It was the end of an era and

be happy, and don’t forget to embrace your weirdness I didn’t know what to do with myself. But it will always be there, always. I’m the youngest of seven siblings, most of

them half, but they feel real. I always thought I had to grow up as fast as possible to catch up with them and I tried my hardest to look as old, talk as old, and act as old as they were. Harry Potter was the one thing I completely allowed myself to be childish about. And I still allow myself to. I’m way more immature now than I have ever been, and I love it! So now’s the part where I’m supposed to tie in my weird, totally embarrassing obsession into something meaningful and give all of you guys a good life lesson. But I don’t have one. I’m in the same boat as all of you, trying to figure out who I am and what I want to be. Maybe there is some deep seated psychological reason behind my love of a boy wizard and his friends, but all I can do is guess at it and what I do know is that it makes me smile. And honestly that’s all we can really hope for in life. So I guess my best advice for you is to be happy, and don’t forget to embrace your weirdness, because usually those two things go hand in hand. Mostly though, I just love Harry Potter. Sydney Randall New Gloucester, Maine

sara wilmot

don’t know what to say. I have wrestled with what to talk about in this speech for weeks and weeks. I’ve been completely clueless. I have plenty of stories, sure, but none that would keep you guys interested, or keep you from checking your phone every two seconds. So, instead I decided to talk about something I know and love…a lot! Harry Potter! My obsession began at a young age, and I blame my mother. She would read the books to me before I went to bed, creating different voices for the characters and making the world come to life. As soon as I learned how to read “grown up books” I was devouring the fourth one all by myself. It was a very proud moment. Have you seen it? That thing is like 2000 pages long. Every summer, the highlight was when a new book would come out. My sister and I would literally have fights over who got to read it first—she usually won since she was a lot bigger than me and had a surprisingly strong headlock hold for a twelve year old. As I grew up, Harry, Hermione and Ron grew up with me, capturing the complete crazy chaos that is adolescence and throwing it into a magical world of hippogriffs, blast ended skrewts and horcruxes. As the series progressed and

Syndey Randall (the Queen) counsels her son, the Prince (Alex Guay ’13) in Cinderella.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  19

The Last Word

Endings O

n June 10, 2012, I lost a huge part of me. My mother, Karen Smith passed away just as suddenly as it was shocking. Losing a parent in one sentence has been the worst thing that has ever happened to me. It tested every ounce of faith and courage I had, and I had to grow up and be strong a lot faster than I had ever imagined. That one rock I leaned on, the one person that I went to for advice was now gone and in her space was an irreplaceable void. I could go on and on about how my mom’s death has impacted me, or how badly it had felt over the past few months, but I can’t do that. Truthfully,

some decent things can come out of an event so tragic and horrible. I can remember that Sunday and the events that transpired like it was yesterday. There was a police officer, the first one on scene, who switched doing CPR with me. I had been doing it for about two minutes and I began to grow tired. After my mom had been pronounced deceased and she was taken away, this officer stayed with my father, brother, and me for about three hours afterwards. He made sure we were okay to be left alone, and he wanted to get a story from each of us. That way he could start to put the pieces together on what

actually took my mom. He came to me last. Through tears and heavy breaths I explained to him that my father and my brother were not at home the night before, and I was the last person to be with my mom before she passed. I explained how we watched the red sox game as we always did, we talked, I told my mom that I loved her and I said goodnight. Those were the last words I ever said to her. At some point the next morning she suffered a major heart attack in her sleep. After I explained this to him he put his arm around me and he said, “Elijah, there is literally nothing

I can say right now to try and make things better, but at least be happy that those were the last things you said to her.” Him saying that to me made things worse. I mean, I never wanted to have a final conversation with my mom.

it’s not how you start things, it’s how you finish them

jeff pouland

But as time progressed, I learned to appreciate his words. See, I’ll never get another chance to see or talk to my mom again, but I was happy with how things ended between us. Even as I entered preseason and the first few weeks of school, those words of sympathy have still stuck with me, which brings me to my point. As high school students we are under an extreme amount of stress. Grades, sports, extra-curricular

activities. We handle a lot, and sometimes lose sight of our priorities. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. Not everyone is used to this type of stress. Some handle it better than others, and that’s okay too. Nobody is perfect, and no one expects you to be perfect. Although you may never turn back time, you can strive for a better ending. Sometimes it’s not about how awful you played in the first half; it’s how well you dust yourself off and play your heart out in the third and fourth quarter. Sure, you might have gotten a C- the first trimester, but isn’t that every reason to strive for a B+ during the winter? You may never be spot on the first time around, but it’s the experiences and the lessons you learn that make for a perfect ending. Maybe, just maybe, it’s not how you start things, but it’s how you finish them. Elijah Moreshead Auburn, Maine

Elijah Moreshead (#50) and DJ Steed ’14 chase down an opponent.

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The Last Word

Journeys T

When I look back on my journey, I know that I could not have made it without people’s help. People who shared their own journeys with me helped me along mine. My journey to Hebron was a different experience; when I look back I can’t remember the exact moment I ever thought a small boarding school in rural Maine would be the best place for me. If I had to put a time stamp on it, it would be in late 2009, three years prior to actually stepping foot on campus. My journey began with an unwanted trip to Stowe, Maine. Things were rough at home; I didn’t get along with my parents, and I fell into the trend of rebellion and making bad choices. Stowe is home to Summit Achievement Wilderness Program. Summit is a school that sends you out into the woods on fourday hiking expeditions every week. The point is to build responsibility and to simplify your world, bringing you back to your core. It is not meant to be fun, it is meant to be a reality check. Let me tell you hiking the White Mountains of North Conway is beautiful… in February

not so much. That lasted for eight weeks of getting back to basics and selfawareness. Summit was only the first step; I still had a long road ahead of me. After eight weeks, and eight expeditions at Summit I graduated. And exactly three years ago today my parents made the difficult decision to continue my schooling at Shortridge Academy in Milton, New Hamp-

all the good and the bad are part of my journey shire. My parents made this decision with care; although Summit was more of a shock to the system Shortridge was long term. It was a place to learn how to deal with tough situations. Shortridge is a small school of about 50 kids maximum, though they classify themselves as a traditional New England boarding school they are nothing like Hebron.

Shortridge is a therapeutic boarding school with a specialty in positive youth development. Shortridge is a place where there is constant support. It is an environment that sets you up to learn a lot about yourself and others. They supply you the tools to learn how to deal with different situations. There was weekly oneon-one counseling as well as group work and family therapy. A lot of things come to mind when I think of Shortridge. It was a really positive place for me; it was a one-of-akind time in my life and a place I owe a lot of myself to. Shortridge taught me so much, and helped me grow up. There were also some downsides. I missed home a lot, I missed a lot of my friends and I missed my freedom. In the end the good will always outweigh the bad in my mind. I met amazing people there, and I grew a lot. I learned a lot about myself and other people, and the food was really good! As I approached the end of Shortridge it was time to find the next step. After some searching, I was presented with the options of Hebron or

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he theme of this school year has been the journey. The journey can be anything from the events in your life that make you who you are today to how you got to Hebron Academy in the middle of nowhere Maine. Just take a moment and think of the events that led you right here, right now… Everyone’s journey is different—no two are alike. It is easy to not take the time to learn those of everyone around you. I look out at all of you and I don’t know many of your stories, probably fewer know mine. I guess it’s just not something that comes up in passing. Classmates Kelli Klassen, Olivia McFadzen and Molly Bloomingdale at a Homecoming pep rally.

Kents Hill. I had heard of Kents Hill but never of Hebron—in my head I was already a Husky. I wanted to go there more than anything and it was going to be my normal. In February of 2011 I went and toured both schools. Kents Hill was a huge disappointment and I left in tears because I had been so sure about it. Then, nestled in the woods near South Paris, Maine, was Hebron. The atmosphere was exactly what I was looking for and it was a community that I wanted to be part of—but I still had to finish Shortridge. It took me four more months to do so, and standing up there on graduation day after 16 long months is one of my greatest accomplishments. After spending summer at home it was finally time to come to Hebron, so far Hebron has been a great experience for me, making new friends and broadening my options for the future. Even though my journey was really different and hard it all worked out. It was never easy, but I wouldn’t be where I am

today if all of that hard stuff hadn’t happened. No matter how hard it was, all the good and the bad are part of my journey. There is no reason for me to be ashamed of it or try to hide it. Every event that has happened in my life has brought me here. Now the future is looking bright and three years ago I would never have thought that I’d be going to college as a psychology major. I want to do that to be able to help people the way people have helped me along my journey. I don’t normally like talking about myself yet here I am. I wanted to share my journey to Hebron with all of you because Hebron has become my home. This is a story that not many of you know, but now you do. My past is what has enabled me to stand up here today. No matter what your past is, what matters is that it has helped you be where you are and where you will go. Embrace it. Olivia McFadzen Fredericton, New Brunswick

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  21

The Last Word


oday I want to talk about taking chances and risks. Let me start with a little story. When I was in high school in Germany, I was not the student that I am today. I did a lot of things that I should not have done. My friends told me to do inappropriate things and I did them without thinking about the consequences. I was a rule breaker and I always blamed my socalled friends on the stuff I got in trouble for. I had no self-confidence at all and I had bad grades too. I made it from year to year without having to repeat a class, but

it was always close. Somehow I made it through the tenth grade and I knew that I would never make it through the German graduation process, which is harder than the American. I had no perspectives in Germany and I did not know what to do until my mom came back home one evening and she came up with an idea. She thought it would be best for me to go to the U.S. for one year. At first I could not imagine myself in a different country with a different language for 10 months without family and friends in Germany. But I read some information about

Teamwork I

Last year, when we had games, I sat on the bench mostly. Filling water

Oskar Lütge (center) singing with the Hebeegeebees in December.

this idea and I started to really like it. This was my chance and there were a lot of risks but it I was ready to take them because it had so many positive aspects about it. I just knew that this was

bottles and cheering for the team were my main jobs. However, I learned

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have played field hockey for just two years, since I came to Hebron Academy, and I‘m a starter now. Maybe it’s because we didn’t have a lot of people, but I’m still kind of proud of myself. Last year, at the beginning, it was tough because I never heard of field hockey before. People on the team looked so familiar to each other, and they had played field hockey for years. I remember Mrs. Leblanc made us ran 2.5 miles for three days in a row at the beginning of the season, and she said the purpose was to break us down, so she can put us back together again. Sounds terrible, right?

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the right decision to make. This decision changed my life upside down. A few months later I found myself at the other end of the world in Hebron, Maine. I really liked the school and people and I the rules on the bench by watching games, and asking questions. Field hockey is a game that needs the whole team to pull together, and we always do. The first year, I was upset about our tiring practices, and I wanted to quit, but Ms. G wouldn’t let me. In time, I also came to love the feeling of being needed by my team, and the pride of winning games through the entire team’s efforts. Our team was amazing, and we won the MAISAD championship last year. Playing field hockey helped me to explore an unknown territory and a new me that I could never imagine Nanbing Bao works on drills before the Homecoming game in October.

had one of the greatest years of my entire life. It was so different from school back home in Germany. The experience that my family was not around anymore challenged me. This challenge to myself made me thrive a lot. I liked it so well that last spring I made the decision to stay for another year and graduate from Hebron. Now I am standing here as a senior in high school with decent grades that are good enough to get me into college. My point is to tell all of you and especially seniors to be aware of your chances and use them as good as you can because you may not get them again. Oskar Lütge Braunsweig, Germany before. Before field hockey, I could not run for more than 800 meters, it drove me to my death, but now I can run 2.5 miles in thirty minutes. This is my last year at Hebron, and I will always appreciate how field hockey changed me to become a better person, physically and mentally. Even though we did not fill the last vacant position on the banner in the gym with another MAISAD championship this year, I have no regrets. It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game. For those who have the will to win cannot be beat, this is the field hockey girls’ spirit. Nanbing Bao Hangzhou, China

The Last Word

Skin deep

ver since I was little I’ve known I was different. I played the same games as everyone I knew, watched the same shows, and for the most part dressed the same way everyone else did, but for some reason I was never quite the same. There are two things which make me different from most people I know. The first one’s pretty obvious, I’m black. You’d be surprised how long it took me to figure that out. It was life changing. The second thing isn’t quite so easy to see. I’m adopted. That in itself may not sound too strange, but here’s the kicker. Not only am I adopted, most of my family is white. In fact, out of the six people in my immediate family, only my older brother and I are black. What’s kind of funny is that I didn’t grasp the fact that I was different for a fairly long time. Now, before you start thinking I’m a little bit slow or something, I want to tell you I wasn’t one of those kids who didn’t realize they’re adopted until they’re thirteen and then think that their whole life is a lie. I knew I was adopted, I just never wondered what that meant. My parents worked very hard when I was younger to let me know that while they didn’t have me biologically, I was without doubt their son. Consequently it is now very hard to pull the “Well, you aren’t my real parents” card when we argue because we all know that’s not true. I remember the first time I realized that my skin color made me different. I was in first grade, and my class had just gotten out for recess. On most days I would go play on the jungle gym with my friends, but for some reason that day I decided to walk over to the fence at the perimeter of the school to hang out by myself. I was probably trying to solve some of life’s great questions like: “Where is Waldo? Why is he always hiding?” or something. Anyway, while I was sitting there dissecting life’s mysteries I saw a group of older looking kids walking by on the other side of the fence. I was still at the point in my life where older people are terrifying, so I stood there and tried to look inconspicuous. That didn’t help at all. They walked over to the fence and just stared at me for a second, and then one of them said, “Hey Kid.” I looked around for

a second and then was kinda like “Yeah?” The older kid looked at me for another second, and then he said “Do you go to school here?” I thought that the question was kind of silly because the answer was so obvious, but still I slowly said “Yeah?” in a

Why do we have to let our skin color define who we are? kind of questioning tone. The older kid looked at his friends in what I guess was disbelief, then turned back to me and said, “Even though you’re a different color?” I’ll never forget those six words. I was too young to be offended by them at the time, but I remember how

those words confused me. I just didn’t understand what that kid was asking. I remember going home at the end of the day, and asking my parents to explain the situation to me. How did being a different color make me different? I have to give a lot of credit to my parents for handling that whole situation so well. Not only did they help me understand and get over my first experience of racial prejudice, but they also explained how being a different color made me no different than anyone else. Those aren’t very easy things to explain to a seven year old. Before that day, growing up as a black kid in a white family was never really something which struck me as odd. It might sound silly, but I guess I never realized I was black. No one ever told me that it made me different so it never occurred to me that I was. Think about it from my point of view.

leslie guenther


Ski team co-captains Brittany Myrick ’14, Bradley Geismar ’13 and Janelle Tardif ’13.

I was adopted when I was around two weeks old. All my relatives were white, most of my neighbors were white, for as long as I can remember most of the people I’ve interacted with have been white. I learned from what I lived with. Some of my friends call me things like “Oreo” or “Half-rican American,” and that doesn’t upset me. I was born and raised by a vanilla white family. Heck, I’m one of the whitest kids I know. It’s true. But still, the idea of white and black being different categories seems silly to me. Why do we have to let our skin color define who we are? Ten years ago, a couple of kids couldn’t believe I was going to a certain school because I was black. On that day I learned an important lesson. People will judge you based on who they are, but your actions define you. Without even

knowing who I was someone made an assumption about the type of person I was because of the color of my skin. I think that was stupid. My skin color has never dictated who I am. Since that day, I’ve worked hard to define myself. In the past four years I’ve won awards for sports and academics, learned to play guitar, become a proctor, and have so far had a successful senior year. If someone were to ask me who I was I would say I’m a skier, runner and hiker. I am a smart, thoughtful, hardworking young man, and oh yeah, I happen to be black. All these things come together to define me, not just the color of my skin. At the end of the day I know exactly who I am, so who are you? Bradley Geismar Minot, Maine

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  23

★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★

Due to the exigencies of the war situation


t is a cool December afternoon at Hebron Academy. Principal Ralph Hunt is at home, planning an alumni issue of The Hebronian with teachers Charlie Dwyer, Robert Metcalf and Gerald Cushing, when his daughter Elizabeth interrupts them. The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor. In those first moments, Principal Hunt could not have imagined how completely his life and the history of the school would change. He had come to Hebron in 1922, succeeding James Howlett, who himself had succeeded the beloved William Sargent. Principal Hunt inherited a school newly converted to boys-only under the guidance of board president and benefactor F. O. Stanley 1873. During his tenure the campus expanded with the construction of the first Stanley Arena, the Stanley Infirmary and Sargent Memorial Gymnasium. He was a disciplinarian and not universally beloved— the boys called him “Buster”—but he was also a hard worker and held himself to even higher standards than he required of his faculty and students. Only a few years into his tenure calamity struck when Sturtevant Home caught fire

and burned. Fortunately no one was badly hurt, but new lodgings had to be found for the boys displaced from the dormitory. Funds intended for a new gymnasium were diverted to rebuild the Home, and the school opened in the fall with an essentially new building. Principal Hunt then guided the school through the economic woes of the Great Depression, somehow keeping enrollment at a reasonable level and paying most of the bills. The trustees cut salaries and positions as enrollment fluctuated. At one point teachers were offered a “finders fee” of $25 per head for every student they enrolled. The first 19 years of his principalship were eventful, but perhaps not out of the ordinary in the business of running a school. The United States’ entry into World War II changed everything. Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  25

★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  In his own words:

Ralph Leslie “Buster” Hunt was a well-known educator in Maine. He was born in Pittston in 1880 and graduated from Bates College in 1903. Although he could be difficult at times, he always had the best interests of the school at heart, and worked tirelessly through the Great Depression and beginnings of the war to keep the school going.

…Some of us well remember the first world war, but this is the first time that students, of this generation, have been forced to face the possible dangers and perhaps horrors of war conditions at home… We have no choice in the matter, as the situation has been suddenly thrust upon us. We must immediately turn from the pursuits of ordinary peaceful life to the stress and strain of armament and defense. Our task is to make America strong. Just how this change can be effectively made in a collegepreparatory school is indeed a question. However, we shall find a solution, and so maintain the fine history and tradition of Hebron Academy… Our State Departments, and the Universities are urging students in our secondary schools and in our private schools as well, to continue their normal education until called. Many students are not willing to follow this advice. They wish to leave school work, attracted by the temporary high wages offered by industry; some wish to join the Flying Cadets, and so avoid the operation of the draft. Others will enter the Coast Guard service. Uncertain as to the future, and attracted by the present opportunities, they will leave school, entirely forgetting the long-life road ahead, when, after victory, trained men will be more demanded than ever before. So we know that we shall lose some of our students, especially the older boys. England has lost approximately one-half of her college population, and her private school registration is low. Accordingly, our first problem, under present war conditions, is to maintain a normal registration of young men under twenty years of age. In this, every graduate and friend of Hebron can assist the school. So we shall attempt to carry on our work in a normal way, in so far as possible. We have already broadened our curriculum by the addition of commercial courses and Spanish. Further additions may be made to meet changed conditions of college entrance, or to cooperate in such activities as the State or Federal Government may suggest. With a capable faculty, and under the direction of a patriotic Board of Trustees, our task is clear. We must aim to secure a higher degree of cooperation from our students, showing a keener interest in their sports as well as their work. We must offer them a broader and a better development for college, and for the later life which must follow this troublesome and uncertain period. Thus we shall do our part to make America strong. Hebronian, February 1942


or another year Mr. Hunt and the faculty did their best to carry on with the business of the school. During the 1942– 1943 school year 28 students left school— either drafted or voluntarily. With reduced enrollment, and to save money, Cook Gymnasium and Howe Cottage were closed for the winter and the residents relocated to Atwood Hall and Sturtevant Home. Faculty salaries were cut by five percent. As finances

got tighter, trustee George Treat offered to renegotiate the terms on nearly $30,000 worth of loans he had already made to the school, an offer that was swiftly accepted. In April 1943 the board appointed a committee to put together a working budget for the upcoming year. After hearing the committee report and following intense discussion of the alternatives, the board unanimously

VOTED: That due to the exigencies of the war situation and the inability against the requirement of the draft and necessary war aid employment to secure an adequate student body and the probable inability on account of rationing and transportation restrictions constantly becoming more stringent to maintain and properly conduct the activities of the Academy, the activities of the Academy be temporarily suspended and that the details of suspending the activities of the Academy and caring for the property and equipment during the period of suspension be referred to the annual meeting of the Trustees to be held on June 5, 1943.

26  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013

★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★ In a letter to Forrest Taylor ’43, who was one of the 28 boys already enlisted, Mr. Hunt recounted the decision: My dear Forrest: It was very nice of you to write me as you did recently, expressing your fine sentiment and appreciation of what the school had done for you. It is certainly a pleasure to receive such letters from former students, especially at such a critical time as this. At a meeting of the Board last Friday in Portland they decided to suspend the operation of the school for the uncertain duration of the war.…Next year there will be no eighteen-year-old boys available, and many of the seventeenyear-old boys will sign up for A-12 or V-12 Reserves. The Board members felt that it would be physically impossible to secure enough younger boys to keep the school on a sound financial basis. Hence, the unpleasant decision which I know every Board member regrets, yet, it seemed the only thing to do. We have enjoyed a very pleasant year, except for our small numbers, and the food rationing program. We handled the latter very satisfactorily, but we lost too many boys after the eighteen-year-old draft law was passed. All in all we have had a very pleasant year which closes with our graduation next Sunday afternoon. After graduation is over we shall close up the buildings, file the proper inventory, and Mr. Williams alone will remain here to look after the property and act as Caretaker until normalcy returns again, and the members of the Board feel that they can safely open the school. I have very many pleasant memories of Hebron, and of you boys who were students here. I do not know where I shall go, but I am sure that I shall find something somewhere. I do not know where the instructors are going, but I can assure you, and other Hebron boys, that we shall often think of you, and I shall be very glad to assist you whenever it is possible for me to do so.… Again thanking you for your letter, and wishing you a safe return to civilian life, I am Yours very truly, R. L. Hunt, Principal


nd so the school closed. The trustees continued to meet every few months, to settle accounts and do other business. Who were these men? The president (as the office was then called) was Guy Sturgis, chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court in Maine. Many board meetings were held in his chambers in Portland. Among the rest were lawyers (Walter Gray 1891, Clayton Brooks 1894, Roscoe Hupper 1904, William Nulty 1906, J. Bennett Pike 1897, Louis Stearns 1899 and former Maine governor Lewis Barrows 1912), bankers (George Treat 1894 and William Lord), a businessman (Chester Soule 1909), a doctor (Gard Twaddle 1911), a minister (M. Joseph Twomey) and an educator (Frank Padelford). The trustees never lost sight of their goal to reopen the school after the war was over.

Forest Taylor ’43 was a one-year boy who left before the end of the school year to join the Army Rangers. He survived the Rhineland, Ardennes and the Battle of the Bulge before returning to civilian life.

At a meeting in February 1944 they continued discussion of a significant legacy left by Ella M. Foss. In September 1945, just weeks after the war ended, they had voted to hire Claude Allen and to reopen the school in the fall of 1946. Thanks to the solid foundation laid by Sargent, Howlett and Hunt before the war, and the vision of the trustees who took their responsibility very seriously, the school did reopen—and thrive. The following pages have sketches of some of the “colorful characters” we ran across in our research of Hebronians who served post-World War I and through the end of World War II. Look for an article covering Korea/Vietnam-era veterans in the next issue.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  27

Service snapshots Pilot, barnstormer, stuntman, entrepreneur

Two wars


hile practicing law in Rumford in 1914, Spaulding Bisbee 1908 enlisted as a private in the old 2nd Maine, predecessor to the 103rd. He won his commission in the Mexican border campaign in 1916. A company commander of the 103rd in World War I, he was decorated by the French and Italian governments. By the time the national guard regiment was called into federal service for World War II, he was its colonel. Col. Bisbee trained the 103rd for its Pacific Theater battles and took it as far as Australia and New Caledonia, then returned to the United States to train more troops. In 1950 Brigadier General Bisbee retired from the National Guard after 30 years’ service. He was a vice president and director of the Keyes Fibre Co. of Waterville and head of the firm’s Portland office as well as Maine’s first director of civil defense and public safety.


Hebron women


ajor Alpheus Spring Chandler 1922 USAF ret’d, better known as Speed Chandler, is touring air bases all over the country and meeting speaking engagements in major cities. His legendary life has been the basis for a television series, “Danger is My Business,” and will be made into a movie entitled “Barnstormer Pilot.” During the filming of the movie, his own production, Chandler plans to fly a modified version of the old bi-wing planes. His career has spanned the decades from the early barnstorming era to the space age—with over 45 years of flying—and he still seems to be going strong. During his career he has raced automobiles, walked on airplane wings while in flight, perfected the change stunts from speeding automobiles to planes, performed inverted spins and many other aeronautical feats which still prove breathtaking to modern audiences. He is also credited with perfecting the delayed parachute jump which later was adopted and used so effectively by American paratroopers. During World War II, Chandler became the chief test pilot and engineering officer for the nation’s largest Army Air Depot, then located in Rome, NY. He later served in the China-Burma-India campaign. In 1948, he formed the “International Fliers” and for two years he toured the country performing aerial acrobatics. He now resides in Beverly Hills, Calif., where he performed in such old favorites as “Hells Angels” as stunt pilot. Semester, Winter 1966

28  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013

he school’s change to boys-only in 1922 meant that any women who enlisted would come from that class and earlier. Research yielded two: Stella Dolloff 1917 and Myra Joyce Graves 1922; both were nurses. Miss Dolloff was born in New Gloucester, Maine, and trained at Dr. King’s Hospital in Portland. She taught home nursing at the Bailey Evening School in Bath and was operating room superintendent for some time at the Bath Memorial Hospital. She served with the U.S. Navy from June 1925 until her retirement in 1933. Myra Joyce left Hebron for nursing school, graduating from Central Maine General Hospital in 1926. She was employed by the Knox County Hospital in Rockland for several years. She joined the Army nurse corps in January of 1942. Stationed in New Orleans, Louisiana, she was discharged from service in 1946 with the rank of captain. She married Percy Graves, assistant manager of the Veterans Administration Center at Togus, Maine, and worked at Togus and the hospitals in Augusta and Gardiner.


eventy years ago, William Friberg ’43 enlisted in the U.S. Army and traveled from Illinois to Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. He trained for a year to survive and fight in harsh weather at high altitudes. The next stop for the 19-year-old was Italy, where he climbed Mt. Belvedere with the 85th Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division. Along with the 86th and 87th Regiments, the 85th routed German forces and drove fascist dictator Benito Mussolini into the Alps, where he was captured. Friberg, of Farmington, was honored at the fourth annual veterans recognition service at the Farmington Baptist Church on [November 12, 2011]. “I wasn’t a hero, by any means,” he said, after receiving a Bronze Star and two additional medals for his service in World War II. “I was one of thousands who did what they had to do.” Mountain fighting was new to the military. The U. S. Army took notice of the Finnish military’s trained skiers, who successfully fought against Soviet divisions. Facing concerns over escalating aggression across Europe, they decided to create a military division with a high level of preparedness for winter warfare. The 10th Mountain Division was organized in 1943 at Camp Hale in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. The division became the alpine combat arm of the US military, and Friberg became part of the 85th Regiment that helped change the course of World War II. “We trained at 10,000 feet and higher,” Friberg said. “We learned to survive in harsh conditions.” He spent a year learning to fight and survive under the most cruel weather conditions. In Italy, in 1945, he saw combat in the North Apennine Mountains. His division was ordered to take German positions on Mt. Belvedere, a feat no other American troops had accomplished. Troops were ordered to “fix bayonets,” which signaled close combat. “It was sort of a stalemate until we made that breakthrough,” Friberg said. “Then, the German army pretty much collapsed and began to retreat, and our division just kept pushing them all the way to the Alps.” The fighting was bloody and exhausting, and few of Friberg’s fellow soldiers survived. The 10th captured more than 1,000 prisoners, and the division continued toward

the Po Valley. According to Army records, 553 mountain infantryman were killed, wounded or missing in the first day. On April 20, seven days and 1,283 casualties later, the first units of the 85th Infantry Regiment got to the Po Valley, and the 10th Mountain Division was the first to reach the Po River. The first battalion of the 87th Mountain Infantry, the original mountain infantry unit, made the crossing under fire in 50 light canvas assault boats. Friberg said the next step was the trek to Lake Garda, in the foothills of the Alps. On April 27, the first troops reached the south end of the lake, cutting off the German army’s main escape route to the Brenner Pass. The Allied troops had an advantage with their transportation options. “From our view, we could see a long caravan of lights snaking from the valley towards the Alps,” Friberg said. “We found out later that Mussolini was in that convoy.” Dictator Benito Mussolini was caught and executed with other fascist leaders in Milan on April 29. Organized resistance in Italy ended on May 2, and Friberg said he went to rejoice privately in a local church. “I just knelt down and said, ‘Thank you, Lord, that this war is over,’” he said. Soldiers were loaded into open boxcars, and they traveled back to ships that took them home. The railroad cars were designed to carry 40 men or eight horses, but they usually carried many more during the war, he said. “It was quite something to be in one of these boxcars, waving to people as we rode through the countryside,” he said. Valerie Tucker This article originally appeared in the Lewiston Sun Journal, November 13, 2011

Southern crossing

SAn dieGo AiR And SPACe MuSeuM

Blazing a mountain trail

Crew of the Southern Cross, from left: navigator Harry lyon 1903, radio operator James Warner, pilot Charles Kingsford Smith and co-pilot Charles ulm.


n May 31, 1928, navigator Harry Lyon 1903 and three other men began the first air crossing of the Pacific Ocean aboard the Fokker F.VII trimotor monoplane Southern Cross. They flew from Oakland, California to Hawai’i, then on to Fiji, landing in Brisbane, Australia, on June 9. Captain Lyon was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, a son of Rear Admiral Henry and Leila Sampson Lyon. A captain in the merchant marine at the time of World War I, he enlisted in the Navy and at the time of his discharge was a lieutenant commander. Between the wars he again served in the merchant marine and as captain of a liberty ship served in the invasion of Italy. In 1958 Captain and Mrs. Lyon were honored by the Australian Government; they flew to Australia as guests of Qantas Airlines and attended the opening and dedication of the memorial museum there. He was the last surviving member of the crew.



lthough he didn’t serve himself, Richard Danforth 1904’s invention was used by many alumni in uniform. A prominent yachtsman, mr. danforth developed a lightweight anchor, noted for its holding power, in 1939. It was used during World War II to anchor pontoon bridges and landing craft, and is still in wide use by boaters today. mr. danforth won the 1949 Los Angeles to Hawai’i race aboard his yacht Gitana.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  29

★ Notable Alumni: T

he list below includes alumni who appeared in the last issue of the Semester—as well as many we missed who served in World War I—and goes through World War II. Some served in both wars and others in peacetime. This 1896 Harry R. Farris 1898 C. B. Leighton 1902 Perley Thorne 1903 Harry Lyon

Willard C. Gulick • R. Darrell Harvey • Cecil Leath • Robert Legendre • Dwight E. Libby • Clinton H. Murray • John K. Southard • Eben G. Tileston • Norman Webb 1919 Henry L. Gray • Weldon Tibbetts

1905 Dwight Curtis 1906 Hebron M. Adams • L. Lawrie Holmes 1907 Philip Harokec • J. Foster Jackson • Arthur L. Scott

1920 Louis A. Dondero • Malcolm E. Hardy • John McMaster • George K. Stackpole • Joseph I. Touchette • John F. Williams 1921 Carl A. Pettengill • Frank C. Spiller

1908 Spaulding Bisbee 1910 Fred S. Kent 1911 Ralph L. Blanchard • Charles S. Erswell • James L. Gulliver • James A. Lewis • Francis H. Mills • Herbert L. Piston 1912 Donald M. Ashton • Francis W. Carll • Herbert Griffin • Albert Lavorgna • Norman H. Nickerson • Percy Orne • Wilfred H. Scothorne • Roderique F. Soule 1913 Ray Atwood • George P. Creighton • Bicknell Hall • Bryant L. Hopkins • Guy P. McDonald 1914 Harold T. Andrews • Marston L. Beverage • Leigh Gardner • Julian E. Gray • Robert G. Hutton • John B. Matthews • Newell Palmer • Harland S. Rowe • Richard T. Schlosberg • Edmund Walker • Albert William Waterman 1915 Elmer I. Boardman • Philip S. Frothingham • Austin Maddocks • Aubrey C. Minister • Maurice Small • Sidney Wentworth • Merle Weymouth 1916 Homer N. Chase • Sturgis E. Durgin • George L. Evans • Harold Jackson • Herbert Lunt • E. T. Nealy • Durell Noyes • Vance E. Oakes • Carlton F. Pooler • Wilbur C. Shoemaker 1917 Stella A. Dolloff • Norman Dunbar • F. Whitney Harrington • Cuddy Murphy • Lionel V. Po • Ralph Prout • Everett W. Turner • Walfrid Wahquist 1918 Pierce Clark • Kilborn Coe • Eden Cook • George S. Drake • Howard Duffy • Ralph Eaton •

1922 Douglass P. Babbidge • Alpheus “Speed” Chandler • Myra Joyce Graves • Cleveland Sleeper • John H. Sweatt 1923 Karl W. Illigen • Rudolph F. Lewsen • William D. Weston • H. Hollis Wooster 1924 B. Randolph Cady • George H. Douglass • John P. S. Mahoney • Carroll P. Osgood • H. Howard Wardwell 1925 Lyman Abbott • Ralph A. Corbett • Edward M. Hallett • Edwin M. Ryder • Howard A. Wheeler 1926 Donald C. Bailey • George F. Dufton • Winslow S. Durgin • Basil S. Dwyer • Ronald C. Harmon • Edward J. Jeremiah • Norton H. Lamb • Richard W. McNamara • F. Roger Milton • Eugene L. Vail 1927 Albert J. Bernard • Eugene B. Brooks • Lawrence L. Carpenter • Faust Couture • Morris Cox • W. Donald MacKenzie • John G. McGowan • Roger Perry • Stephen E. Ralph • Francis P. Spillane • Irving Winer 1928 Farrington Abbott • John P. Conroy • Wilfred S. Davis • Theodore S. Davis • Robert D. Dearth • Arthur N. Forbush • Norman Quint • George M. Haley • Clarence R. Hines • Homer Huddleston • Arthur J. Ives • George H. Loane • H. Donald Penley • Joseph I. Penley • Clarence Adams Race • Herbert L. Sawyer • Caleb J. Scully • Clarence H. Whiting 1929 Herrick F. Bearce • Richard

30  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013

M. Boyd • Gordon D. Briggs • Russell F. Carleton • Hugh G. Connor • Lawrence F. Decker • Kendall H. Dunbar • Henry L. Durgin • William L. Gaynor • Richard W. Genthner • Christopher L. Gifford • Fred R. Hersey • Charles B. Hinds • Philip T. Lane • Elwood K. Salls • Louis C. Stearns • Frederick W. Sturtevant • Herbert T. Wilbur 1930 Lester W. Beaumont • Philip Berry • John J. Brennan • Robert G. Dowling • George W. Dyke • Charles W. Jerome • Augustus T. Lawrence • Delbert W. Luce • Sumner P. Mills • Donald W. Mitchell • James B. Perkins • Carleton L. Roberts • John F. Rood • Gordon B. Russell • Calvin H. Smith • Alan R. Tawse • Richard D. Wagner • Cyrus I. Wardwell 1931 Linwood E. Ashton • M. David Bryant • Edward L. Butler • Arthur S. Colman • J. Robert Downing • Wilfred A. Finnegan • Frederic H. Hale • Benjamin J. Irish • Donald E. Jensen • Keith L. Jordan • Frederick C. Lord • Stanley H. Low • Raymond G. MacLean • John M. Marshak • Stephen E. Merrill • Joe R. Morrison • Harold W. Olson • Norman E. Phillips • Thomas R. Robertson • Edward W. Russell • Stewart E. Sawyer • Albert A. Silva • Gordon M. Stewart • Francis C. Sturtevant • Edward D. Sullivan • Douglass W. Walker • Edward C. Winston 1932 Sydney W. Borofsky • Ronald W. Brown • George F. Call • James F. Dow • Charles C. Farrington • Leonard H. Ford • William L. Fowler • Joseph H. Hamlin • Willis Hay • G. Carlton Jordan • Quentin M. Maver • Philip E. Merrill • Leonard S. Nelson • Robert B. Norton • F. Emmett O’Connor • Gould S. Pitcher • Royal N. Sheltra • Edward Tomlinson • Richard Tonis • Edwin G. Walker • Homer Waterhouse • Clifton Hanna Young 1933 Mark L. Barrett • Philip H. Bates • James Andrew Byrnes • Chester H. Coffin • Harry L. Crabtree • Norman R. Dow • Jose W. Fenderson • Paul H. Gilpatric • Matthew Edson Goodrich • Wilson E. Goodwin • William E. Hannaford • Arthur F. Hannigan • David G. Irving • Edgar L. Jones • William F. Leach • William L. Mac-

Vane • Robert M. Porter • Joseph F. Ryneska • Carle F. Sawyer • John A. Twaddle • Donald C. Umphrey • Newell F. Varney • Mortimer Warren • Newell J. Wilson • Gordon S. Young 1934 Thorwald C. Allen • Fred N. Beck • Robert Vaughn Chipman • F. Davis Clark • Alfred L. Colesworthy • Maurice H. Crockett • Frank E. Davis • R. Hobart Ellis • Thomas C. Giarla • David P. Hourin • David J. Kelso • Carrick D. Kennedy • Elwood W. Legard • Archibald MacNicol Main • Raymond I. Mathurin • Benjamin Y. Piper • John W. Roberts • Randolph C. Smith • Aaron N. Solomon • Douglass G. Starrett • Arthur Stockbridge Warren • Wesley L. Williams 1935 Lewis R. Adams • Harry E. Adams • Dwight K. Beale • Tedford M. Blaisdell • Edward S. Boulos • Curtis Brown • Kenneth E. Burbank • Edward J. Carr • Robert W. Chase • Howard Craft • Robert E. Elliot • Thomas J. Fahey • Harry T. Farmer • Richard W. Goode • Edward M. Gordon • Harry Houston • Frederick C. Huber • Maynard M. Irish • Kenneth T. Johnson • Bryon D. McLellan • Kenneth A. Moore • Edward F. Olchowski • John E. Ormiston • William Howard Richards • John M. Sawyer • Elden H. Shute • Walter E. Smart • Edward H. Soule • Daniel J. Sullivan • Lewis B. Swett • John P. Urbon • David I. Walsh • Woodrow G. Wilson • Clayton E. Young 1936 Charles S. Adams • Sidney M. Alpert • C. Gilbert Ames • Roger Andrews • Newton D. Anthony • Philip B. Babcock • George Beal • Robert W. Bragg • Ora Ross Brown • Edward P. Bullock • James J. Campbell • Prescott Coan • Philip G. Cole • William S. Cook • Harlow B. Currier • Hazen W. Danforth • Thomas F. Dunlevy • Donald W. Goodwin • Robert Hopkins • Earle A. Kimball • Kenneth M. Leighton • Albert L. Maguire • Fred V. Maloon • Llewellyn M. McGouldrick • Francis McGuire • Robert W. Nutter • Joseph A. O’Connor • Leo H. O’Connor • John H. Pratt • Conrad A. Ray • Charles H. Rice • Arnold B. Robinson • William M.

Those who served  ★ information was gleaned mostly from class notes in The Semester and The Hebronian from 1954 to the present. Please let us know of any omissions or errors so that we may correct our records. Rowe • Edson R. Small • Roger A. Sprague • Robert R. Ward • Brooks Webster • Richard H. Wheeler • Kenneth C. Young 1937 Robert H. Applin • Charles J. Arbor • Henry V. Bonzagni • Warner T. Bracken • Jason Brown • Scott A. Bullard • Robert Campbell • Roy E. Carpenter • Robert W. Coffin • John F. Coolidge • Richard P. Cox • Frank H. Davis • John F. Dyer • Samuel S. Fallon • Ramon Fernandez • Raymond Martin Flynn • Carroll C. Gleason • Samuel F. Glover • David C. Greenwood • Nelson T. Hepburn • Irvin David Herman • Ronald Horsman • A. Harris Hovey • Robert M. Irvine • Richard B. Lilly • Robert J. Lovejoy • Wilton R. “Mac” MacLachlan • Douglas P. MacVane • H. Lynwood Martin • Fred P. Mawhinney • William McCarthy • Robert Butler McLeary • Clinton F. Merrow • Arnold Myshrall • Stewart F. Oakes • Charles B. Parsons • Marcus L. Parsons • Robert M. Piper • E. Harold Pottle • John E. Pryor • Richard J. Quint • Balfour L. Ray • Oscar W. Riddle • Rodney E. Ross • Delmar D. Shaw • Henry A. Shorey • Robert H. Teter • James K. Tweedie • Bruce N. Van Fleet • Thomas VanOver • James L. Ward • John W. Ward • Walter R.t Wertheim • Forrest G. Whitman • John P. Williams • Russell C. Wright 1938 Ernest B. Anderson • Morton W. Berman • Howard Blasenak • Lawrence Bloom • George W. Burnett • Harry F. Cicia • John Clifford • Edmund L. Coombs • Richard Z. Cottrill • Lloyd G. Crosby • Frank T. Day • Alan Cooke Doubleday • Ralph Dushame • Jesse E. Dwire • Wilbur R. Edgecomb • Leland S. Evans • Laurence W. Fitch • Lester E. Forbes • James H. Galli • John A. Hahn • James W. Harding • Arthur T. Henderson • Nahum A. Huston • Forbes W. Kelley • Oscar T. Lebel • Eben H. Lewis • H. Foster Little • Roy D. McCarthy • John R. Mee • Fred W. Nichols • Charles Edwin Norton • Nelson L. Page • Robert A. Parent • John A. Perkins • Robert Rand • Thomas C. Rice • Philip D. Richards • Willard E. Riley • Robert K. Rockwell • Willis B. Ryder • Roger A. Sanborn • Edmund W. Simonds • Michael S.

Szoc • Omar R. Talbot • W. Robert Thomas • Elmer Thompson • Dale C. Thurston • Robert W. Tonner • Stanley R. Tupper • Martin D. Wood

George W. Stiles • Gerald M. Tabenken • Walter B. Turner • Gard W. Twaddle • Joseph G. Twombly • George W. Webber • Paul R. Welch • Allan R. White

Spinner • William T. Sprole • Paul H. Stagliano • Harold K Stanwood • Kimball Stanwood • Russell A. Swaine • Edwin C. Thurston • Daniel W. Wormwood

1939 Royce Abbott • Carl G. Anderson • Woodbury Appleton • John A. Babbitt • John G. Baker • Albert M. Baldi • Amo Bessone • Albert R. Blacky • Morton J. Buckley • Robert E. Calvert • Alfred V. Cardiff • Roy J. Carson • Clarence Chaffers • Talbot H. Crane • William Damon • James D. Dolan • Norman O. Gauvreau • Albert B. Giknis • Robert B. Glover • J. Stewart Graham • Paul A. Grenier • William C. Hagblom • James B. Hilton • William A. Lindsay • Alfred Maxwell • George H. McKay • Charles A. Merrill • James W. Moriarty • Carlton L. Morse • William P. Power • Robert F. Qua • Alton T. Simmons • Edward F. Simonds • Bernard R. Smith • Thomas H. Taylor • Alden R. Taylor • Benjamin Thompson • Clifford B. Thompson • Robert L. Tyrrell • Stephen E. Vosburgh • Paul M. Wagner • Joseph R. Wallace • William L. White • George F. White

1941 Sumner Balder • Ruleffe F. Barbour • Lowell E. Barnes • John R. Bartelt • Robert A. Battis • Richard P. Berry • Russell S. Bragdon • Thomas Burke • Richard S. Davey • John P. E. Dempsey • Rene G. Desaulniers • Edward C. Drinkwater • Herbert M. Estes • Leslie Fowler • Herbert F. Gent • Charles B. Gilman • Thomas S. Gilmer • Emanuel R. Goldman • Ralph A. Gould • Donald P. Gray • Franklin A. Guild • Edward C. Hall • Frank B. Kelley • Joseph R. Kingston • Frank A. Lawrence • Stanley A. Lawry • John F. Leary • Mayland P. Lewis • John A. MacDonald • Harry C. McKee • Hormidas A. Mininni • Robert M. Morse • Edward F. Moynihan • Melvin E. Olson • Earl L. Ormsby • Richard E. Penniman • J. William Peppard • Richard C. Perkins • Robert B. Petersen • William J. Riley • Gershon N. Ross • Robert H. Sanders • Herbert H. Sawyer • Waldron E. Sawyer • Carl F. Sheltra • John L. Smith • Roger L. Williams • Robert C. Wood

1943 Standish K. Allen • Albert Angelosante • Everett A. Bean • George B.Cady • John S. Carey • Clayton Carson • David C. Cates • Franklin K. Chapman • Harry C. Cummings • Mario R. Dedo • Elmer Dennis • Reuben K. Dyer • Joseph W. Emerson • Forrest D. Fides • Stanley P. Fox • William B. Friberg • Alexander L. Frisbie • Frank J. Grasela • Arthur W. Greeley • John W. Hanley • Robert L. Harrington • Richard D. Haskell • Joseph F. Holman • Deane L. Hutchins • Aubrey Keif • Chester R. Knowles • Lovide J. Lariviere • Marshall P. Larner • Arch D. Leavitt • Mario Marchisio • Edward M. Matthews • Carlton A. K. McDonald • Robert R. Millen • Norman G. Morin • Joseph M. Morrow • Hiram H. Nickerson • Everett W. Page • Ralph A. Parmigiane • Maurice D. Penniman • John A. Pidgeon • James A. Richard • Russell W. Richardson • Hartley G. Rowell • Robert A. Rushworth • George A. Sexton • Joseph B. Shattuck • Samuel Simonds • Eugene J. Smith • Richard H. Sprince • Charles C. Stanwood • Harry H. Strickland • Forrest H. Taylor • Edwin W. Webber • Charles Whipple • Jack T. Woodworth

1940 Lawrence R. Babine • George Walter Banton • Amedee J. Beland • Robert C. Bell • James H. Benedetto • Walter M. Brady • Elroy A. Briggs • Carl A. Brown • George M. Chrisenton • Clarence G. Colby • William H. Collier • Robert K. Crowell • Emory J. Davis • Leland C. Davis • Richard I. Davis • Earle W. Dickinson • Robert E. Doyle • Donald K. Dyer • Gilbert D. Eaton • Jack S. Evans • William H. Fernald • Allyn M. French • Packard Glover • Leon C. Gorman • William W. Gotherman • William W. Halliday • Charles P. Hardy • George I. Hodgdon • Stanwood E. Holt • Howard G. Johns • Robert T. Kells • William F. Liston • John S. Livingstone • Benjamin H. Mason • William A. McLellan • John W. McPherson • Edward H. Mercer • Richard W. Morse • S. Preston Moses • Russell W. Nettleton • Arthur A. Peabody • Roger C. Pierce • Richard S. Putnam • Frank J. Ray • Ralph D. Rich, Jr. • Charles G. Rogers • Frederick J. Rosebach • Eugene Rowe • John L. Savage • Donald D. Sawyer • John C. Schoppe •

1942 John E. Anderson • Theodore A. Bielitz • John Bolinger • Robert Booth • Thomas G. Burdin • Donald H. Burnett • Robert M. Burrill • Hugh P. Butts • Robert K. Campbell • William F. Carrigan • Allan S. Chase • James A. Chute • Alan J. Delaney • Robert W. Devonshire • George F. Disnard • William R. Duschaneck • Robert M. Ferrick • Donald E. Fowler • William E. Glynn • Robert Grant • John R. Hammond • Kenneth W. Hendy • Richard H. Holman • Daniel N. Howes • Charles P. Hurley • Wendell Irving • Philip M. Isaacson • F. Proctor Jones • William H. Kaiser • Jackson C. Keene • Frank L. Kennedy • William F. Kirrane • Eli Larson • Reginald E. Laverdiere • John D. Law • Victor Lindquist • Marsh M. Loane • Owen McArdle • Paul T. McCusker • Leo P. McKay • Dominic J. Merloni • Willard N. Munroe • Frederick H. Owen • Robert F. Preti • Roger C. Quinn • Frederick L. Rolfe • Marco J. Rotelli • Carl V. Shaw • Donald O. Smith • Everett L. Spear • John E.

1944 J. Edward Connell • Thomas W. McKay • John A. Miller • Roy V. Norris • Crosby F. Packard • William G. Seavey • Harvey A. Shipman • Harold T. Whitney 1945 Allan I. Hatfield • James H. Whitcomb 1946 Robert C. Bird • Charlie Hudson 1947 Samuel W. H. Boyce • Roger W. Collins • Herbert S. Holmes • Paul Hwoschinsky • Donald R. Kimel • Lewis T. Kotredes • Frederick E. Lombard • Edward T. McFarlin • Jack I. Novick • David W. Peirce • Ernest W. Rodrigues • Lon K. Savage • G. Russell Wyman

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  31

alumni et alumnae

Reunion•Homecoming 2012

Above: Dick Leavitt ’72 and Max Middleton ’12, shot putters, Hebron men and Bowdoin men! Right: 1962 classmates Don Bates, Bill Allen and Bob Hanks.

Above left: Molly Bloomingdale ’13 and Hannah Hearn ’13 check out Molly’s mom Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale in the 1983 yearbook. Above right: intrepid harriers Ed Lewis ’72 and Larry Koch ’62 successfully completed the Fun Run on Hebron’s cross country course. In November, the Academy hosted the New England Division II meet on the same course. Bottom: alumnae Courtney Vallee ’10, Camrée Thompson ’10, Sarah Markey ’11, Sara Grover ’12 and Talya Bent ’11 reunite on campus.

32  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013


alumni et alumnae

Class Notes 1939 Paul Kerr reports, “Still mobile and am enjoying retirement. Play golf 4–5 times a week and enjoy shopping in the malls.”

1941 Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org

1942 Class Agent: Norm Cole ncolseba@aol.com Seen at Homecoming: Ken Hendy Philip Isaacson reports, “Still practicing law, skiing, writing articles on art and, still, traveling.”

Ralph Parmigiane, whose wife died in 2010.

1947 Class Agent: Ernest Rodrigues maryannrodrigues@yahoo.com

1948 six t y- fif th reunion

Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org

1949 Class Agent: Bob Rich rprich@erlanger-inc.com Seen at Homecoming: Bob Rich

1943 Class Agent: Gene Smith zachplum@aol.com seventieth reunion

Seen at Homecoming: Manny Plavin, Gene Smith Our thoughts are with Gene Smith on the loss of his wife in October, and with

Steve Brown says he is getting ready for the 2012–2013 ski season at “Big Rock” in Mars Hill, ME.  n  Bob Rich writes, “Classmate Jack Gerry reports an interesting career. He studied both graduate and postgraduate physics working as an engineer until age 41. He and his wife then incorporated a NE ministry, Crossroads, Inc., and now live on a lake in Raymond, Maine, doing ministry work via email and phone, which keeps them both busy. He

told me he would always be indebted to Hebron for the terrific year he spent there. ‘It is a magnificent school with an outstanding and exceptional long-term track record’.”

1950 Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org Seen at Homecoming: Bob Bryan Richard Lancaster writes, “It’s been hard since my wife Carol died August 2011 but with my two families in the area I seem to be making it okay. Plan to go to Spring Hill, FL, for a couple of weeks to visit friends in March. Be good to get away. Hope all my classmates are doing okay.”  n  William Snyder has been retired for a while, but still serves on the A.M. Best Company’s board of directors. He keeps busy as owner/operator of Hi Hook Inc., a charter fishing business. He and his wife have four children and three grandchildren.

1951 Class Agent: Ted Ruegg rueggnh@gmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Rupert White Saul Cohen reports, “Still full time active running Hammond. My wife Naomi retired in August from Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. Still continue to actively support performing arts—classical music, funding some 22 concerts a year.”

1952 Class Agent: Ken Boyle revken60@aol.com Seen at the 60th reunion: Kenneth Boyle, Rusty Brace, John Morgan

1953 sixtieth reunion

Class Agent: Dean Ridlon sdridlon@hotmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Hugh Kirkpatrick

1954 Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org Henry Curtis is still practicing law with his son, Geoff. He and his wife are ap-

Class of 1952: John Morgan, Ken Boyle and Rusty Brace.


proaching their 50th anniversary.  n  Demas (Dick) Jasper has published over 440 articles, haiku, limericks, satire and books on hubpages.com, making him one of their most prolific writers (his pen name is a purposeful misspelling: Perspycacious). He reports that his health store is doing well as is his mother Viola, who recently turned 104! “Hebron years were among the greatest for their impact on my life,” he says. “I hope today’s students will take full advantage of the learning and growth they can achieve at Hebron Academy, including life-long friendship.”  n  John Merz writes, “Tom Greenwood and I continue to trade emails. Any one else in class of 54 who would like to jump on board, my email is memoose@aol.com.”

1955 Class Agent: Richard Parker rparker@promedicacrc.com Sam Dibbins retired from education but now spends his time teaching tennis. He says he’s enjoying the ongoing education (as the game changes) as much as the on-court teaching. He also loves the other Portland.  n  Fernando Pruna says he talks online with Michael Estachy, who is now living in Paris. Look for Havana 505, a book about Fernando, available in January.  n  Charles Sprague writes, “Al Penta ’43 is well and still doing his Las Vegas stint as oddsmaker with Connie as his aide, has no problems. Charles is a problem and loves it. In Costa Rica six months—very happy but still having problems with Spanish after all these years in P.R.”

1956 Class Agent: Kenneth Mortimer kmortimer5@gmail.com Dick Cutter reports, “I run into a few classmates on rare occasions. Had lunch with Mason Pratt ’57 recently. Still in Exeter, NH, and still spending time at the family summer home on Southport. I have had a fine 2012 excepting the political situation. Back to playing a lot more golf, and volunteering time and energy to several non-profit organizations.”

1957 Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org Seen at the 55th reunion: Win Durgin, Mason Pratt, Gordon Smith Patrick Tracey writes, “I see Fernando Pruna ’55 (the Cuban) often in Miami or Naples, FL, where I live. He was sent to prison by Fidel Castro for fighting against his forces, 17 years. We are partners in a few businesses in Florida and Panama. I had not seen him in 55 years.”

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  33

alumni et alumnae Class of 1957 reunites

1958 fif t y- fif th reunion

Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org

Class Agent: Bernard Helm hebron59@aol.com

Class Agent: Will Harding 2ndwavewill@gmail.com

Class Agent: Dave Williams djwilliams42@yahoo.com

ike and I have volunteered to act as interim class agents with the expectation that after a few articles and reports, other classmates will see the need for improvement and come forward to relieve us of this awesome responsibility. Please send your news and comments via e-mail to mikem@salvor.com or if you must use snail mail please send to: Mike Mentuck, 1 Jefferson Avenue, Salem, MA 01970. Last Spring the Class of 57 held its 55th Reunion in Marblehead, MA. Mike hosted the “Reunion Weekend” at the Boston Yacht Club and also arranged for a cocktail party with heavy hors d’oeuvres at the Corinthian Yacht Club across the harbor on the Friday night of the reunion. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and the scheduled Saturday Harbor Tour and Picnic lunch on the Elizabeth M had to be canceled. The remaining scheduled events were held as planned. Our “special guest” for the weekend was Coach Al Switzer who all would agree looks no

older than he did when we left Hebron in 1957! We also received and shared with our classmates a nice letter from George Helwig who was unable to attend our reunion. On Saturday morning we held a class meeting. One important piece of business that was moved, seconded and voted on was that we would continue to have a reunion every five years. The motion carried unanimously! We then had a very informative and interesting presentation from head of school John King on the current state of the school. It was a very positive report and very well received by all present. The following members of our class attended the Reunion: Alexander Kant, John M. Tracey, Charles B. Swartwood lll, Phil Gleason, David L. Babson, Dawson D. Zaug , Elmer C. Bartels, Johann D. Nottebohm, Michael A. Mentuck, S. Mason Pratt, Edward H. Tate, Robert H. Bannard, William H. Wahtola and Winslow Durgin. Guests: Coach Al Switzer, Headmaster John King, Beverly Roy and Pat Layman. Brownie Swartwood Mike Mentuck

34  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013

1963 fiftieth reunion



Ronda and Dudley Smith recently opened West Southwest, a gallery in Denver.

1959 Seen at Homecoming: Bernard Helm

Front: Patrick Tracey, Robert Bannard, Elmer Bartels, Mike Mentuck and Mason Pratt. Back: Johann Nottebohm, Brownie Swartwood, Dave Babson, Bill Wahtola, Win Durgin, Ned Tate, Phil Gleason and Dawson Zaug.

Friedman, Bob Hanks, Michael Jones, Nat Kennedy, Larry Koch, Steve Lane, Jamie Rea, John Rhodes, Bill Stocker, Jeff Tarr, Bob Varney, Tony Wood

Seen at Homecoming: Bill Weary

1961 Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org Zandy Gray enjoys splitting his time between Arizona and the east coast, where his children are busily supplying him with grandchildren! He is an active volunteer and Lila keeps busy with her housing project.

1962 Class Agent: Dick Forté rsforte@mac.com Seen at the 50th reunion: Bill Allen, Don Bates, Jon M. Brooks, Ed Driscoll, Shell Evans, Charlie Foss, Dick Forté, Fred

Chester Fairlie is semi-retired from law practice. He says he spends most of his time on hospital chaplaincy service and crime victim support, including teaching a course on victimology at a community college.  n  Will Harding writes, “50th Reunion in 2013. Start planning now!”

1964 Class Agent: John Giger john@cybergiger.com Seen at Homecoming: Ed Gottlieb, Tom Hull Robert Dreyfus writes, “Life has been very good to me. I have been with my partner Marci for the past 15 years. Son Joshua lives in Tucson, AZ, and is now 29. Daughter Kirstin, 31, lives in Atlanta. Marci and I spend mid-May through mid-October in Sconset on Nantucket. We live mid-October through mid-May on Longboat Key, FL. I play tennis every day—USTA tournaments 65 singles and doubles. I have been creating beach installations of found objects in Nantucket and LBK.”  n  Henry Ullman is planning to attend the 50th in 2014 and hopes his former room buddy Richard Magnuson is still around and doing well.

Wedding bells. Class of 1962 friends gathered to celebrate with Fred Friedman. Seated: bride Cathy Mann, Shirli Allen, Mariele Forté and Marjorie Bates. Standing: groom Fred Friedman, Dick Forté, Bill Allen and Don Bates.


alumni et alumnae 1965 Class Agent: Allen Kennedy akennedy@dalton.org david goodof notes, “Tenured at Salem State University. Son Scott just started law school at night. Looking forward to getting up to Hebron, especially since my brother paul has just purchased a house in Hebron.” n  mike Wright reports, “On the last day of 2012 I officially became an old man—66 years old! Coincidentally, on that same day, I received a note from Al Kennedy filling me in on news of Dick Stratton and then, out of the blue, a surprise Facebook birthday greeting from Tad clark. Amazing how Tad and I caught up so quickly after only a brief 48 year lapse. He’s alive and well in Ashville, NC, teaching tennis. I couldn’t resist sharing with gordie close ’64, swim team captain from the prior year. Then, with his number from Al, I called Dick, and what was just to be just a brief ‘hello’ became and hour or more of ‘one more story’ from a master raconteur. It was a delightful hour with a self-proclaimed Luddite. He has no use for e-mail and hates the term ‘snail mail’ but would love hearing at any time from those of us who revere him as a man and a teacher (716-8364861). He still teaches part time at Nichols School in Buffalo; says they ‘cut him a lot of slack’ because he’s an ‘institution’ (but is unsure just what that means); and is about to embark on the next cycle of teaching Crime and Punishment!”

class of 1972: Bruce Hunter, Brad Parsons, Steve Gates, Kip Childs, ed lewis, Mark Savran, Jim Sitterson, dick leavitt, Judd lowe, Matt Christenson, dave Jacobs, Regis lepage, Jim Plavin, dick Garvin.



Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org

Class Agent: Jonathan Moll jonathangmoll@gmail.com

Seen at the 45th reunion: Paul Goodof


1966 Class Agent: Harvey Lowd hlowd@hotmail.com Seen at Homecoming: J. Reeve Bright, Clem Dwyer, Bill Golden

Jonathan moll reports, “This past May our daughter Lauren Sweeney gave birth to our first grandchild, Maelyn Elizabeth. She is beautiful.”

for t y- fif th reunion


Class Agent: Robert Lowenthal rlowenth@rochester.rr.com

Class Agent: Craig Clark jcclark@myfairpoint.net

Robert Waite was recently named a signature contributor to the Huffington Post. He continues as managing director, Waite & Co., one of Canada’s leading communications consulting firms.

Seen at Homecoming: Craig Clark, Henry Harding, Kim Kenway

Reunions ding for classes en Eight in Three and

m Friday, Septe

Seen at Homecoming: Tim Sample

paul bartlett writes, “Continuing work on fifth generation family farm (wife Gail’s family) in Greenbrier County, WV. Barn reclaimation, apple orchard husbandry and expansion, cidery build-out and so on. Meanwhile, work goes on in Baltimore with food service consulting/chef.” n  peter burbank reports, “All four children and two grandchildren in good health. Busi-

ness is going well; oldest son has joined me in business. Purchased vacation home near Henry Harding in Maine.” n  Kingsley meyer is IT director at the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College in southeast Ohio. He owns a 70-acre tree farm and says he enjoys the peace and solitude of living with nature, raised bed gardening and low impact living. n  Ron sklar writes, “Have accepted new position as medical director for Blue Cross in Oregon. This past year worked with the Navajo in Chinle, AZ, as a pediatrician, which was very rewarding and kept me dry. Now it’s back to the Pacific Northwest to grow a new layer of moss on my back.”

1971 Class Agent: Harvey Lipman hlipman@nordicgroupusa.com Seen at Homecoming: Harvey Lipman, Rick Rigazio, Bill Stites, Scott Wilson William schulz recently joined Maine Community Health Operations as director of provider network operations.

ber 27

NS O I N U E R 3 201 MING

on his way home from a ski vacation in the German Alps, david Gould ‘71 called on his classmate Arthur Pease. Arthur, who lives eakfas t n • Varsity Br es • Fun Ru in Munich, is the senior ns io ct Kids’ Ac tiviti du of Fame In editor of in-house publicaAthle tic Hall ard d Service Aw tions for Siemens CorporaDistinguishe n io un Re Rainbow tion. Although they use tall s Class Dinner glasses in this part of Bavaria, it’s obvious they pour very short beers. Photo and note from Harvey Lipman ’71.

ECO AND HOM pte Saturday, Se

mber 28


Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  35


ebron Academy alumni are scattered across the country, and even around the world. But no matter where their lives have led them, our alumni all share a common bond—and that’s the place they started out. That’s why the Academy is working on a new project designed to help bring Hebronians back together. This new alumni publication will include comprehensive biographical listings with contact information, career overviews, and family highlights of our alumni. Plus, a special section about the school will help you reminisce as you read about our past and learn what’s in store for the future. To make sure our data is as up-to-date as possible, our provider, Harris Connect, will begin contacting alumni in May to verify that the information we will print is accurate and complete. Harris Connect is a leading provider of multi-channel solutions for nonprofit organizations. Please help us make this publication full of the latest information about you and your fellow Hebronians. It will be a fun and useful reference, as well as helpful in keeping people in touch with one another.

alumni et alumnae 1981 Class Agent: Jane Hepburn Fiore fancyjane @comcast.net

Friday, Septe m

AND HOM ECOM Saturday, Se pte Kids’ Ac tiviti

1982 Class Agent: Tucker Cutler tandgcutler@myfairpoint.net



Class Agent: Steve Gates stephenrgates@msn.com

Class Agent: Bob Hernon robert_hernon@yahoo.com

Class Agent: Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale dbbloomingdale@yahoo.com

Seen at the 40th reunion: Kip Childs, Matt Christensen, Dick Garvin, Steve Gates, Bruce Hunter, Dave Jacobs, Dick Leavitt, Regis Lepage, Ed Lewis, Judd Lowe, Brad Parsons, Jim Plavin, Mark Savran, Jim Sitterson

Seen at the 35th reunion: Tom Hays, Bob Hernon, Kirby Nadeau, Andrew Zelman

Seen at Homecoming: Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale

fortieth reunion

Class Agent: Gregory Burns gregmburns@aol.com Seen at Homecoming: Nick Carter Tom Lie-Nielsen recently began selling his beautiful Maine-made hand tools to woodworkers in China.

1974 Class Agent: Roger Clark clarkline2@aol.com

1975 Class Agent: Ellen Augusta eaugusta@msn.com Seen at Homecoming: Ellen Augusta

1976 Class Agent: Reed Chapman creedclark@yahoo.com Rebecca Webber was recently named to the Central Maine Medical Center board of trustees. She is now at Skelton, Taintor & Abbot law firm and reports that she has a daughter at Bowdoin and a stepdaughter at Boston College.


1978 thir t y- fif th reunion

Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org Seen at Homecoming: George Dycio, Marc Roy

mber 28

1986 Class Agent: Scott Downs suffolkd@aol.com Seen at Homecoming: Rob Kinasewich

thirtieth reunion




es • Fun Ru n • Varsity Br eakfas t Athle tic Hall of Fame Indu ctions Distinguishe d Service Aw ard Rainbow Reun ion Class Dinner s

Seen at the 30th reunion: Anne Hornberger Cannon, Tucker Cutler, Jeff Haney, Jeanne Kannegieser, Chris Popoff, Stefan Preuss, Ian Smith, Amy Tchao, John York

Tom Hays writes, “Enjoyed Homecoming 2012. It was a special reunion for me to see my roommate of three years, Kirby Nadeau. We hadn’t seen each other in 35 years! So good to see Andy Zelman and bob “bee” Hernon and coach Dave Stonebraker. Homecoming brought back fine memories from the past. I am forever grateful for our ‘Hebron experience’.”

ber 27

2 0 13 R E U NIONS

Seen at Homecoming: Paul Downey

class of ’77 and friends. Kirby nadeau, George dycio ’78, former coach nat Harris, Tom Hayes and Andrew Zelman.

Reunions for classes en ding in Three and Eight


1987 Class Agent: Kate Thoman Crowley thocro@comcast.net Seen at the 25th reunion: Bill Becker, Michael Callahan, Scott Chretien, Catherine Thoman Crowley, Paul Emerson, Kate Littlefield Keizler, Rick Thomas, Rob Thompson

Class Agents Deb Schiavi Cote debscote@yahoo.com John Donahue john.donahue@oracle.com

1985 Class Agent: Eric Shediac shediachouse@comcast.net

1988 t went y- fif th reunion

Class Agent: Ann Snyder Mooradian mooradia@comcast.net

1989 Class Agent: Hayes McCarthy mccarthyvideo@me.com Seen at Homecoming: Tim Cassidy

1979 Class Agent: Brian Cloherty mnclohertys@earthlink.net

1980 Class Agent: Betsy Siekman Graves betsy_graves@hotmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Chuck Hall Our thoughts are with betsy siekman graves on the loss of her father in October.

class of 1982. Standing: Jeff Haney, Chris Popoff, ian Smith, Tucker Cutler and Paul downey ’81. Sitting: Anne Hornberger Cannon, John york and Stefan Preuss.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  37

alumni et alumnae

Class of 1987. Scott Chretien, Kate Thoman Crowley, Rick Thomas, Bill Becker, Rob Thompson, Kate Littlefield Keizler and Paul Emerson.



Class Agent: Andy Haskell andyhaskell22@yahoo.com

Class Agent: Devon Biondi dmbiondi@gmail.com

Seen at Homecoming: Jim Hill, Matt Tufts

Seen at Homecoming: Devon Biondi, Sarah Kutzen



Class Agents:

Class Agent Needed! Find out how you can get involved with your class. Call or e-mail Beverly Roy: 207-9665251, broy@hebronacademy.org

Marcus De Costa marcus.decosta@trinityschoolnyc.org Scott Nelson scott.ryan.nelson@mac.com Seen at Homecoming: Scott Nelson, Kate Marquis Tufts

1992 Class Agent: Jennifer Berthiaume Quimby quimbyfamily@fairpoint.net Seen at the 20th reunion: Marshall Aikman, Matt Arsenault, Geoff Bigley, Geoffrey Garth, Brandon Smith, Paul Truting, Matthew Wilder

1993 twentieth reunion

Seen at the 15th reunion: Austin Stonebraker

Class of 1992. Matt Arsenault, Marshall Aikman, Geoff Bigley, Paul Truting, Brandon Smith, Geoff Garth and Matt Wilder.

2000 Class Agent: Erik Yingling erikyingling@gmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Cordelia Frewen, Delian Valeriani Mark Angelone is the brains behind Symbiotic Software, an app developer and consulting company. Check out Mark’s apps at symbioticsoftware.com.



Class Agents:

Class Agent: Kirsten Ness kness@pwd.org

Jessica Takach Gilpatrick jess.takach@gmail.com

1999 Class Agent: Joe Patry joseph.patry@gmail.com

Galen Wall galenwall@hotmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Dwayne Harmon, Jim Fossel, Jessica Takach Gilpatrick Congratulations to Andrew Sloat, who was recently promoted to product manager of Toronto Dominion’s mobile and innovation

team. He will be focusing on the development of mobility products strategically aimed at improving the effectiveness of mobile services for TD Bank.

2002 Class Agent: Katie Curtis katherine.curtis@gmail.com Seen at the 10th reunion: Benjamin Becker, Kai Becksvoort, Chris Dyer, Brendan Gilpatrick, Matt Gottwald, James LeBlanc, Laurent Marmo Kai Becksvoort celebrated his son Riley’s first birthday in January and his fifth wedding anniversary with his wife Jamie last June.  n  Jose Chuang owns his own import/ export business in Brazil.  n  Seth Conger started a business, Cereus Products, in California dealing with environmentally conscious technologies and solutions. The company is designed as a private label broker for lesser known “green” technologies that deserve to reach a new level and Seth is trying to get a few of those technologies recognized

Wearing the green…and the white

Class Agent: Marko Radosavljevic mradosav@comcast.net

1994 Class Agent: Erica Litchfield ericalitchfield@yahoo.com

1995 Class Agent: Jessie Maher Parker jm4lfclvr@yahoo.com

Trustee Jim Hill ’90 (wearing cap) outfitted his whole family in Hebron jerseys for their annual Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl. Jim was still sore on the following Monday, confirming what he

Congratulations to Shannon Connolly Shanning who was named the 2013 Maine Teacher of the Year! Shannon is a special ed teacher in Poland.

was starting to suspect—he’s

38  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013


getting older!

alumni et alumnae

Hebronians gather


he spring event season is here! Look for Hebron Academy gatherings on the east coast in May and June. Alumni, parents and friends in the event areas will receive an invitation in the mail, but all are welcome to come. Just get in touch with Colin Griggs in the Advancement Office for all the details. Call or email Colin at 207-966-5318, cgriggs@hebronacademy.org. New york city

boston, massachusetts

Wednesday, May 8 6:00–8:00 p.m. Hosted by Mariana and Ray Herrmann at their home, 765 Park Avenue

Wednesday, May 29 5:30–7:30 p.m. City Bar, corner of Boylston and Exeter at the Lenox Hotel

portland, maine

class of 2002. Standing: Jacqueline and Chris dyer ’02, Jessica Takach Gilpatrick ’01 and Brendan Gilpatrick ’02. Sitting: Jamie and Kai Becksvoort ’02.

portsmouth, New Hampshire

sooner. n  chris cote just accepted a position working for the New Hampshire state senate as a legislative aide, after two years working for the Maine senate president Kevin Raye. n  Thoughts and prayers go out to morgan dorsey on the loss of her mother, Chris, in February. n  Emily geismar started a new job with Ernst & Young doing business valuations. n  diana gonzalez de Romero is living in Venezula and is married to her high school sweetheart. They have a two-year old daughter, Zoe. n  matt gottwald recently landed a great job with Horizon Beverage company in downtown Boston. n  Jody Hartman is living in Brunswick with his wife and looking to buy a house between Brunswick and Portland. n  Larissa Hine is working as an occupational therapist with Boston Public Schools and per diem at a skilled nursing facility in Randolph. n  Leah Hedstrom is working at Goodwill in their e-bay department, based out of Gorham. n  scott Holmes is enjoying the fishing in Alaska. He writes, “my wife and I moved to Alaska a few years back and have taught in a few of different native villages, Akhiok, Point Hope and now Old Harbor. I am the on-site administrator at Old Harbor School as well as teaching middle and high school math to seven

Tuesday, May 14 5:30–7:30 p.m. Hosted by Sonja and Joe Baroni ’89 at Martingale Wharf, 99 Bow Street

Reunions ding for classes en ight E in Three and

m Friday, Septe

other villages through video-teleconferencing. My wife teaches kindergarten through second grade! At some point, we may try to come back to the northeast but are really enjoying living in these small communities and taking part in their cultural activities.” n  ben Katz recently finished his second consecutive term on the Maine Democratic state committee’s administration subcommittee, and this term he was elected vice-chair of that body. He was the casting director and had a role in an all-Maine film, “The Eighteenth Hour.” n  Nate Knopp and chris stewart live together in a condo in Portland. Nate works in accounting. n  monica macLellan has been doing a lot of traveling and recently returned from Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. n  Zakk maher and his wife Emmy own a natural foods store in Poland. n  channing perry is living in Bath with his fiancé Kelly Page and ninemonth-old daughter Elise. n  Jonathan spindler has been working as captain and managing an oil and gas drill ship in the Gulf of Mexico. n  Tim valenti lives in Chicago working in school reform as an organizational psychology consultant. n  Kyle van dingstee is currently living in Germany but will be returning to the states in August, where he’ll be stationed in UCLA—the “ugliest corner of lower Alabama.” n  Nina vrana finished her PhD this fall and passed the German bar exam. She spent three months in Brussels, Belgium, at the DG Competition of the EU Commission and is living in Berlin now. n  mitch Wertheimer works in product development and marketing for a company called TendonEase making health products for golf and tennis. n  maren Worley will finish her masters and is doing Army training in Texas until the spring.

Date and place to be announced.

Winter events sugarloaf aprés-ski Many thanks to the Maidmans for hosting an après-ski Hebron gathering at Sugarloaf in early March. Seen here are Patrick ’80, Dagny ’85 and Mitchel Maidman ’82.

ber 27


ptember 28 Saturday, Se • Varsity Breakfast

n es • Fun Ru ctions Kids’ Ac tiviti of Fame Indu Athle tic Hall ard Aw ice rv Se d Distinguishe ion www.hebronacademy.org Rainbow Reun s Class Dinner

Friends of Hebron Hockey Harvey Lipman ’71, Henry Harding ’70, Rick Rigazio ’71, Pete Deal ’61, Bruce Gardiner, Peter Welsh ’70, Bill Allen ’62 and head of school John King gathered to cheer on the boys at the Brooks-Pingree tournament in December.

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  39

alumni et alumnae 2008 fifth reunion

Class Agents: Jen Duguay duguayj@husky.neu.edu Annie Hart andrea.hart207@gmail.com Jason Goodman Seen at Homecoming: Shelly Bolduc, Jen Duguay, Annie Hart, Silas Leavitt, Katie Leyden, David Woods

2009 Class Agents: Class of 2007 and friends. Front: Jazz Webber, Katie Leyden ’08, Cassandra Benson-Abrams. Back: Maria Kapernekas, Meg Giarolo, Meredith Montgomery, Shelly Bolduc ’08 and David Woods ’08.

2003 tenth reunion

Class Agent: Sara Marquis saradmarquis@gmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Krista Clunie, Kevin DeSorbo, Nate Harmon, Sara Marquis, Rachel Sukeforth, Jordan Vallarelli A video by Colin Britt and a friend went viral last fall and Colin ended up being interviewed by the New York Daily News. His arrangement of the pop hit “Call Me Maybe” for orchestra and choir caught on in a big way!  n  Tim Curtis is now a brigade chemical defense officer at Schofield Barracks in Hawai’i. He says he’s taken up surfing and is looking forward to the Army captain’s career course in Missouri next summer.  n  Rachel Sukeforth ran for the Maine state legislature (house district 80) this fall and lost by just four votes after a recount.  n  Arlee Woodworth had a solo exhibit at the Coleman Burke Gallery in Brunswick in September.

2004 Class Agent: John Slattery jslattery@hebronacademy.org Seen at Homecoming: Beth Potvin, John Slattery

2005 Class Agent: Tina Voigt bettina.voigt@maine.edu Seen at Homecoming: Anna Geismar, Louise Roy

2006 Class Agent: Allison Coombs allison@allisoncoombs.com

2007 Class Agent: Noah Love nlove88@gmail.com Seen at the 5th reunion: Katie Anderson, Cassandra Benson-Abrams, Tiffany Bichrest, Meg Giarolo, Maria Kapernekas, Logan Martyn-Fisher, Meredith Montgomery, Zach Mullin, Vika Planson, Brandon Rolfe, Chris Roy, Jazz Webber National Football League hopeful José Gumbs was picked up by the New Orleans Saints this fall, but ended up on the injured reserve list after preseason. He was eventually let go, but is now on the Kansas City Chiefs’ practice squad.

Claire Cummings claireelizabethcummings@gmail.com Sophia Chen sophia_chen917@hotmail.com Seen at Homecoming: Kailey Bubier, Claire Cummings, James Geismar, Erik Wisutski Our thoughts are with Tim Smith on the loss of his mother in September.

2010 Class Agents:

Emily Powers epowers@bowdoin.edu Seen at Homecoming: Nick Roy, Lucas Schandelmeier, Camree Thompson, Courtney Vallee

n January 25 the Salve Regina University women’s hockey team took on the University of Southern Maine in Gorham, winning 4–1. Two Hebronians Left to right: Camrée Thompson ’10, Maggie Lane ’11 sport Salve blue (USM), Talya Bent ’11 (USM), Sarah Markey ’11 (SRU), Kailey Bubier ’09 (USM) and Mariah Mosher ’12 (SRU). and three are trimmed in USM gold but after the game, it was back to Hebron green for all of them. “It’s a really neat thing to watch such an intense game and then see the ‘Hebron’ girls gather together for hugs,” said Heidi Mosher, assistant to head of school John King and Mariah’s mother, who snapped the photo.

40  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013


To Megan Irving and Michael Vaughn, a son, Lucas, on August 28, 2012. To Stephanie Savran and Nick Romanowizc, a son, Charles, in November 2012.

Unions 1999

Emily Worth and Corey Sampson, on September 8, 2012, in Camden.


Jacqueline Driscoll and Chris Dyer, in August 2012. Kim Berry and Chris Meyer, on May 12, 2012, in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire.


Sue Dempsey and Nate Harmon, on April 6, 2013, in Manchester, NH.

Former Faculty

Cassandra Turner and Paul NemetzCarlson, on September 8, 2012.

Emma Leavitt emma.leavitt@tufts.edu

Hebron spirit lives on!


New Arrivals

2011 Class Agent: Sophie Bartolomeo sbartolomeo@pugetsound.edu Seen at Homecoming: Talya Bent, Tom Cummings, Sarah Markey, Taylor Theriault

2012 Class Agent: Max Middleton mmiddlet@bowdoin.edu Seen at Homecoming: Jade Bermudez, Jenna Bosse, Allison Cummings, Sara Grover, Nick Kesaris, P-M Lapointe, Max Middleton, Abbie Small, Phyllis Wang

Former Faculty Seen at Homecoming: Venessa Arsenault, Leslie Breton, Carl B. Brewer, Judy Chase, Bill Chase, Annette Clough, George Helwig, Jean Leavitt Coming in August: a fiction/non-fiction book by Helen and Dick Davidson. Helen and Dick edited and annotated a diary kept by one of Helen’s ancestors in 1854. Helen then wrote a novel, Prelude, that picks up where the diary ends. We will have more about the book in the next issue of the Semester.


alumni et alumnae

Obituaries 1931

★ Keith Leslie Jordan died peacefully surrounded by his family on October 7, 2012. He was the beloved husband of the late Madeline Estelle Doten Jordan. Born in Sebago Lake Village, Maine, he was the son of the late Leslie and Grace (Ingalls) Jordan. Mr. Jordan was a graduate of Portland High School, where he played five sports and earned 14 varsity letters. He also attended Hebron Academy and MCI. He graduated from Gorham State Teachers College, now the University of Southern Maine, where he was the star pitcher and hitter. He also played semiprofessional baseball for eight years, at one point playing on the same field with Babe Ruth. Recently he was honored by the Boston Red Sox at Fan Appreciation Day at Fenway Park. Keith was also a member of the Army Air Forces Aircraft Warning Service Reserve. Greatly respected and admired as a coach and administrator, Keith’s career took him from Rangeley, Portland and South Portland, Maine to Swampscott, where he retired after 43 years as a school administrator. He was Principal at the Hadley Elementary/Junior High School and the Shaw Junior High School for 34 years. He was also the Swampscott High School varsity baseball coach for five years, winning two state championships, and was named coach of the year. Mr. Jordan was inducted into the Maine State Baseball Hall of Fame, Swampscott High School Athletic Hall of Fame, Portland Maine High School Hall of Fame, and the University of Southern Maine Husky Hall of Fame, where he was the first person inducted. He was a member of the Swampscott Rotary for 54 years and of the local Masonic Order for 66 years, being the oldest living member of both organizations. For over 60 years he was a member of the First Church at Swampscott Congregational where he and his wife were founding members of the 50-50 Club and members of the Double or Nothing Couples Club. He also served as Swampscott’s Park and Playground Director, Library Trustee, Director of the Historical Society, and co-chair of the Centennial Celebration Committee in 1952. Mr. Jordan enjoyed family holidays, playing golf, gardening, watching sports, travel and summers spent at the cabin in Naples, Maine. He is survived by his three children, Bruce Jordan, Ann Bruhn and Judy Aikman; his sister, June (Jordan) Jensen; seven grandchildren and ten great grand-children. Gifts in Keith’s memory may be made to the Keith L. Jordan Swampscott Memorial Scholarship Fund, in care of Ann Jordan Bruhn, 32 Appleton St., Arlington, MA 02476 or First Church in Swampscott, Congregational, 40 Monument Ave., Swampscott, MA 01907.


Anne Mitchell. His sister Midge Kane of Massachusetts died the same day he did. In lieu of flowers the family requests that memorial contributions be made in Mr. MacLachlan’s name to Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Service, P.O. Box 496, Peterborough, 03458.


★ Jose W. Fenderson died on January 20, 2013, in Sanford after a short illness. He was born in Portland in 1914, the son of Frank D. and Laura Jose Fenderson. Mr. Fenderson graduated from Hebron Academy as the valedictorian of the class of 1933. He was a 1937 graduate of Amherst College. He attended Cornell Law School for two years then left to join the Navy. He served in the US Navy during World War II from October of 1940 until his discharge in October 1945 with the rank of senior chief petty officer. He served as a lawyer apprentice with the firm of Titcomb and Siddall in Sanford and passed the Maine Bar exam in 1941. He practiced law with Titcomb and Siddall which later became Titcomb Fenderson and Titcomb. He was a member of the Drummond Lodge #118 AF & AM in Parsonsfield since 1944. He was the holder of the Boston Post Cane for the town of Parsonsfield signifying that he was that community’s oldest living resident. Although survived by no close relatives, he is survived by his longtime friend and caregiver, Raymond Roy of Parsonsfield.


★ Wilton R. “Mac” MacLachlan died after a period of failing health at his home in Antrim, New Hampshire, on March 2, 2013. He was born in Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1918, to Samuel MacLachlan and Florence Folkins MacLachan. He graduated from Belmont High School in 1936. He attended Hebron Academy until 1937 and then Boston University, where he graduated with a BS in 1941. He served four years in the US Army Medical Corps, both in the United States and England during World War II. He also attended Harvard Business School. In 1950 Mr. MacLachlan married Janet Hockridge. He worked for National Label Company as the New England sales representative in Boston for the majority of his working career. Mr. MacLachlan was very fond of his Scottish heritage; traveling to Scotland was one of his greatest pleasures as well as being a member of the Angus Lea Golf Club. He was an active member of his community and church, serving as trustee of the Town of Antrim as well as serving on the vestry of All Saints Church in Peterborough. He was a member of the American Legion, and as a young man, had been a member of the Freemasons in Massachusetts. Mac enjoyed golfing as well as oil painting and watercolors. He is survived by his loving wife of 62 years, Janet MacLachlan; four daughters, Diane MacLachlan, Gail Sigall, Judy Hilton and Laurie Maier; five grandsons; and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his son, Douglas Mac­ Lachlan, who died in 2004; and his sister,


★ Ralph D. Rich Jr. died on March 12, 2013. He was born in Portland, the son of Ralph D. Sr. and Myra Trefry Rich. He attended Nathan Clifford School, Lincoln Junior High School, Deering High School, Hebron Academy and the University of Maine. At the University of Maine he was one of many in the Class of ‘44 who interrupted his education to volunteer for WWII. He served in the Army Air Corps, and was part of the initial occupation of Japan in 1945. While home on leave he met the love of his life, Virginia Crocker. They were married in 1946. Mr. Rich was a member of Woodfords Congregational Church, The Woodfords Club, the Kora Shrine Temple, the Corner Stone of Masons, and The Portland Yacht Club. His career with Johnson Supply Company and American Standard Plumbing and Heating took him to contractors, architects and engineers from Boston to Ft. Kent, and points between. He retired in 1986, turning his full focus and energy to his wife, family and friends. Ralph always had a zest for life. He was positive, loving, curious, easy going, supportive, kind, caring and loyal. Boating was a passion and a cornerstone for him. Except for his college and war years, he lived his full life adjacent to Casco Bay, always drawing strength and joy from that part of nature. Mr. Rich was predeceased by his wife, Virginia Crocker Rich, and sister, Lois Rich Fearon. Surviving are his brother, Alan B. Rich Sr.; sons Jonathan C. Rich and Stephen B. Rich; three grandchildren, a great-granddaughter; and many cousins; nieces, nephews and friends. In lieu of flowers consider donations to: The Center for Grieving Children 555 Forest Ave., Portland, Maine 04101.


★ Hartley G. Rowell died November 5, 2012, at the VA hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts. He was born in 1924 in Hartford, Connecticut, to Earl Granville Rowell and Ruth Hartley Rowell. He is survived by his loving wife of 33 years Barbara Thiele Rowell and his daughters Pamela Rowell and Debora Walsh as well as two grandchildren. He was predeceased by his son John Rowell. During World War II Mr. Rowell served in the US Army; later he attended Northeastern University before beginning his career in construction. He was a general contractor for many years, building homes, schools and public housing in South Boston as a construction supervisor and clerk of the works. Later, he owned his own company, Rowell Construction. He loved travel, the beaches at the Cape and golf. He was liked by all. Memorial

donations in Mr. Jordan’s memory may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 480 Pleasant St., Watertown, MA 02472.


Gordon Lincoln Brown, Jr. died peacefully at the Kaplan Family Hospice Home in Danvers, Massachusetts, on January 10, 2013, surrounded by his family and loved ones. Mr. Brown was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1931, the son of Gordon Lincoln Brown and Alice Mae Cotton Brown. He graduated from Middlebury College. While at Middlebury, he met and married Judith Berry and raised three children in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Mr. Brown owned and ran the Willard D. Martin Insurance and Real Estate Agency and was involved in many community organizations including the North Shore Red Cross and the Marblehead Jaycees. Mr. Brown, a.k.a. “Bomber,” was an avid skier and was a long standing ski patroller at Mt Whittier in Ossipee, New Hampshire, where he and his family spent most weekends and summers. In addition to skiing, Mr. Brown loved to sail, golf, and travel and beat most of his family and friends at cribbage. He was predeceased by his wife Judy of 42 years, and a grandson. He is survived by his loving companion of 15 years, Sylvia Swain. His surviving family includes his brother Roger Brown, his daughter Donna Schuler, and sons Douglas Brown and Geoffrey Brown. He is also survived by five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, six nephews and a niece. Donations in honor of Mr. Brown can be made to the Kaplan Family Hospice Home in Danvers or the Wounded Warrior Project at http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org. ★ John Kingsbury Colby died peacefully on October 26, 2012. He was born in Boston in 1932, and was raised in Andover, Massachusetts. He attended Phillips Academy and graduated from Hebron Academy. He earned a BA in archaeology from Brown University, a BS in hotel management from the University of New Hampshire and a master’s in education from Boston University. Mr. Colby served in the US Army mapping parts of Alaska. He spent his career in education as a science teacher and school business administrator in the United States and England. His hobbies included volunteer work with Native Americans, archaeological digs throughout the northeast and southwest, hiking both in the United States and Europe and photography. Mr. Colby was preceded in death by his parents, John Kingsbury and Elizabeth Hall Colby. He is survived by two children, Drusilla Milford and John Colby, and seven grandchildren. Donations may be made to the Appalachian Mountain Club, 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108 (www. outdoors.org). ★ John Bidwell Millard died on August 28, 2012. He was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1932, the son of Violetta Bidwell and Norman R. Millard, and the

Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013  •  41

alumni et alumnae brother of Norman R. Millard, Jr., all of whom pre-deceased him. He graduated from Harvard College in 1954, having majored in physical sciences. An NCAA champion and one of the five fastest freestyle swimmers in the world, he was invited to participate in the Olympic trials in California in 1952 but declined because he had to work to earn tuition. After serving in the US Army in New Jersey, he immediately joined Polaroid Corporation where he worked with great pleasure for 40 years in engineering quality control and reliability. As George Bernard Shaw said, “Happy is the man who makes a living by his hobby,” and Mr. Millard did just that, as photography was his lifelong interest from the age of 12. He was granted three patents, including one that moderated the exposure of bright snow and beach scenes to prevent overexposure. Polaroid leased this patent to major SLR camera companies around the world. Mr. Millard studied with Josef Karsh and Ansel Adams at Yosemite and won many photographic prizes including three best of show awards at the Quincy Art Festival. Upon retiring, he established Custom Imaging, a small company through which he restored photographs. He was the United States representative to the International Standards Organization (ISO) Committee on Exposure, a member of the Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers, an avid member of the Cohasset Golf Club and president of the Old Goats. He was the extraordinary and loving husband of Elizabeth Jockers Millard and the father of a son, Stuart M. Millard, and a daughter, Janice Millard Nykyforchyn. He is also survived by two stepdaughters, Lauren Alemian Saleski and Jennifer Alemian Kinscherf and eight grandchildren. He had a deep and abiding love for, and tremendous pride in, each member of his extended family and was truly beloved in return. All who knew him will recall his quiet modesty, his keen intellect, his love of laughter and his generous and kindly, non-judgemental spirit. He always made time to help others, whether to fix a computer glitch or find a pair of errant eyeglasses. Donations in Mr. Millard’s memory may be made to Hospice of the South Shore, 30 Reservoir Park Drive, Rockland, MA 02370.

1951 Editor’s note: an editing error crept into Mr. Rocray’s obituary in the spring/summer issue. The corrected notice is printed here. John A Rocray died at home on August 18, 2012. Mr. Rocray is survived by his daughter Polly K. Rocray; his former wife Barbara S. Rocray; brothers Samuel E. Rocray and Peter E. Lindvall; sister-inlaw Bertha Rocray; and stepsister Jean L. O’Rourke. He is also survived by cousins and many nieces and nephews. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College and Cornell University Law School. Mr. Rocray joined the Brattleboro Law firm of Fitts and Olsen upon graduating from law school in 1957. During his distinguished

55-year career as a Brattleboro attorney he was States Attorney for Windham County for 12 years and had his own law firm. Due to ill health, he closed his law practice in 2012. Mr. Rocray was a long time member of the Vermont Bar Association. He was dedicated to his profession and greatly valued his interactions and discussions with his colleagues. He especially enjoyed his work and the warm friendship and support of the Brattleboro Thai Community. He was also known for his love of Shakespeare, the theater, music and the opera.


★ Philip L. Eastabrooks died March 7, 2013. He was born in 1935 in Albany, New York, and graduated from Harvard University in 1957. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and served in Korea, was an entrepreneur and was loved by many. Mr. Eastabrooks is survived by three sons, David Eastabrooks, Stephen Eastabrooks and Jeffrey Eastabrooks; six grandchildren; a great-grandson; a sister, Sue Handy; a brother, Samuel Eastabrooks; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Diane.


Richard Goodwin Briggs died on March 21, 2013, at his residence in Ohio. He was born in Bangor in 1937 to Gordon Dobson Briggs ’29 and Pauline Stearns Briggs. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Lee Church Briggs; an aunt, Ruth Good Stearns; sister, Margaret Briggs; a brother, Robert Stearns Briggs; and six cousins. He is also survived by 11 children and stepchildren: Deidri Deana, Tamara Hitchcock, Cinda Parsons, Gordon Deane, Kevin Kelbaugh, Jeffrey Kelbaugh, Mary Ann Cunningham, Christopher W. Briggs, Matthew V. Smith, Hope Pauline Briggs Mueller and Rebecca Briggs Pfile. Among them are numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He is also survived by Jim Fenlason ’55, a very dear childhood friend. Mr. Briggs retired from truck driving for a second time in 2008, and had been busy as treasurer of Christ the King House of Prayer in Parkersburg, West Virginia, as a central committeeman of Washington County Republican Party, and as a freelance author of opinion columns. Before the honest work of commercial driving, Mr. Briggs wrote costbenefit analysis, evaluated programs in education and taught students in schools. He attended primary school in Hampden, where he was born and raised. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College and a masters from the University of Rochester. He also attended truck driving schools in Wisconsin. Mr. Briggs pledged his life to Jesus Christ in 1982, at Grace Episcopal Church, Madison, Wis. Jesus gave him a rudder, compass and the power to turn around an earlier tumultuous, rebellious, chaotic life. Since then he has worshipped God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit regularly and imperfectly, but now is able to worship Him face to face. Mr. Briggs worked con-

42  •  Hebron Academy Semester  •  Fall 2012/Winter 2013

structively in Episcopal, Pentecostal, Interdenominational and Anglican churches to which he has belonged as his theology became both more orthodox and more charismatic. Memorial contributions may be made either to Barnabus Fund at www. barnabasfund.org, or to Advertising Fund at Christ the King House of Prayer, 2207 Camden Ave., Parkersburg, WV 26101. The former supports persecuted Christians worldwide and the latter supports the establishment of continuous, daily, corporate prayer in the Mid-Ohio Valley. Online condolences may be sent to www. leavittfuneralhome.com.


★ Richard E. Weisman died suddenly on January 10, 2013, in Florida. He is survived by his wife of 49 years Janice Lutz Weisman; children Sarah Weisman, Andrew Weisman and Jessica Garrabrant; and four grandchildren. Mr. Weisman attended Norwich University. He served his country in the Army Reserve. He spent many years working in both the private and public work sectors including director of Middlesex County Regional Probation, Massachusetts Child Support Enforcement Program, and the Massachusetts Department of Mental Retardation. He lived in Newton for 42 years and was very active in the community, including serving as president of the Newton Youth Foundation which ran a teen program called Beginnings. He chaired the Newton Human Rights Committee and was a member of Freeport Foundation and the Mayor’s Cable Commission. He was a past commodore of the Charlesgate Yacht Club, Cambridge. He was never happier than when cruising with his family and friends on the New England Coast in his beloved boat Jessarah. Since 2002 he wintered in Fort Myers, FL, where he loved playing in a senior citizens softball league and attending Red Sox spring training games. He will be deeply missed. Donations in his memory may be made to the Food Pantry of Salvation Army, 402 Mass Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139 or a charity of your choice.


★ John Stark Riggs, Jr. died on January 3, 2013, in a Boston hospital surrounded by his wife Dorianne and his four children. He was born in Elmira, New York, in 1942, son of John Stark Riggs and Elizabeth Arnot Falck Riggs Hart. He attended the University of Denver. In Colorado he met and married Rose Mary Runions in 1966. During army service at Fort Ord, they lived in Monterey, CA. They moved to Denver, CO and raised their two children, John William and Rebecca Louise. For many of these years he sailed competitively in international racing circuits. They divorced, and he returned to Elmira. In 1989 he married Dorianne Roy of Horseheads and had two children, James Mathias Arnot and Beatrice Krista Elizabeth. John Riggs enjoyed the outdoors where he skied, hunted, bicycled

and sailed. He loved the Adirondacks. Throughout his life he listened to music, especially symphonies and operas. He was an avid reader and a spirited discussion held his attention. Survivors include his wife Dorianne, his four children, and three grandchildren. He is also survived by two sisters, Diana Riggs Genung and Anne Riggs Good, as well as many nieces, nephews and cousins. Contributions may be made to the Falck Cancer Center, the Arnot Art Museum, the Arnot Ogden Medical Center Foundation, or Trinity Episcopal Church, all in Elmira, NY.


Marjorie “Marjie” Ann Needham, devoted mother of four, passed away January 26, 2013, after a four-year battle with cancer. The daughter of Catherine Evans Needham and John James Needham, and sister of Bruce C. Needham, Marjie considered her “home” to be Bustin’s Island (South Freeport, Maine), and she and her family recently made a new home in West Boylston, Massachusetts. She considered her greatest achievement to be the development of her children: Antonia Marie Needham-Wood ’98, Peter Benjamin Needham-Wood, Lenora Asher Needham-Wood, and John Andrew Needham-Wood. She is also survived by her husband, Mark Andrew McKelvey, and by Lawrence “Peter” Wood, father of her children. Ms. Needham graduated from Bates College and earned a masters of education from Springfield College. She went on to positively affect the lives of many hundreds of adolescents as a counselor, school administrator and coach. Her passion for children was obvious in all she did. Known for her “can do” attitude, she believed that where there is a will there is a way, and she lived her life accordingly. She cherished her time with friends and families, and often stated, “There is no gift more valuable than the time spent with family and friends.” In recent years, she frequently traveled with her family and students. Ms. Needham was an 18-year volunteer for Dance Prism in Concord, Massachusetts, as backstage manager for much of that time. She also served as coach and president of Littleton Soccer during her 15-year association with them, and was select coach for Nashoba United Team soccer. Ms. Needham is very grateful to her friends and family who did so much for her while she worked to live a full life while battling cancer; she is saddened to have passed because she very much wanted to continue being a part of her family’s and her friends’ lives. She listed her “favorites” as follows: my husband, children, pets, Canadian vacations, traveling in Europe, family vacations, watching my children perform and succeed, daily phone calls with Mary M. Wright, my kids’ friends, Ben as Russian, Lea as Alice, traveling with Drew, Toni as my caretaker, Mark’s love, memories of growing up on Bustin’s Island, and friends. Those wishing to make contributions may do so in her name to Hospice of Worcester County.

alumni et alumnae 2005

Mark H. Ihde of E. Setauket, New York, died unexpectedly on January 4, 2012. He was the loving son of Don and Linda Ihde and dear brother of Leslie, Lisa and Eric.

Past Faculty and Staff

★ Charles M. Achilles died on February 8, 2013, while having the time of his life on a Caribbean cruise. He was born in Geneva, New York, in 1936, the son of William E. and Tena Ann Achilles. He graduated from Geneva High School in 1953. He served in the United States Army from 1955–1957 where he spent 14 months as the local director of the American Youth Activities in Germany. This experience had a great influence upon his decision to devote his life to the field of education. After returning to Geneva in 1957, he went on to earn AB, MA, EdS and EdD degrees from the University of Rochester. During his academic career Dr. Achilles taught at Hebron Academy, University of California Berkley, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Nova Southeastern University, University of North Carolina Greensboro, Eastern Michigan University, and Seton Hall University. He enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the field of education where he made exceptional contributions at all levels. He was well published with over 1000 papers and 17 books on various aspects of education. He was one of four principal investigators of the prestigious Tennessee STAR (Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio) Experiment, a small class-size study. He was a member and officer of numerous educational societies, including NCPEA, MSERA, AERA, and AASA. In the foremost professional organization in his field, NCPEA, he served as its president in 1997 and was awarded the prestigious NCPEA Living Legend Award in 2001. Before his recent move to Florida, he was an advisor to the Ed and Gerry Cuony Scholarship, served on the board of Head Start, and was a member of the Geneva Country Club and The Presbyterian Church in Geneva. Dr. Achilles loved wine. His appreciation began in the mid1960’s while living in California near the developing Napa Valley wine industry. He enjoyed sharing his expertise on wine with friends and taught wine appreciation while at the University of Tennessee. He was a founding member of the Tennessee Wine Society and was knighted into the “La Croix de Bourgogne” in France. Recently, he had begun writing a book about growing up in Geneva called “Memories of a Part-Time Roustabout” (aka “Working at Warder Tents”). Among his many other interests were reading, playing bridge, shuffleboard, bocce, and enjoying his recent retirement in The Villages in Florida. Dr. Achilles is survived by his wife Karen; his daughter Christina Ann Achilles; his sister-in-law Margene Achilles; four nephews and a niece; several great-nieces, great-nephews, cousins, and grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by his first wife, Margaret Nester Achilles, his brother William Achilles, and

a nephew. Memorial contributions may be made to: NCPEA Memorial Fund for Chuck Achilles, c/o Dr. James Berry, 304 Porter Bldg. Dept. of Leadership & Counseling, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, Geneva Public Library, or Charles M. Achilles Scholarship in Educational Leadership at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Audrey S. Gardner entered into the Grace of God on October 19, 2012, in the presence of her loving husband, Bruce. She was born in 1928 in Glens Falls, New York, to Dennis and Mabel Sullivan and was one of 12 siblings. Mrs. Gardner graduated from St Mary’s Academy in Glens Falls. While still a child, her artistic abilities caught the eye of a local philanthropist and patron of the arts in Glens Falls, Charlotte Hyde. Mrs. Gardner often said that it was Mrs. Hyde’s encouragement and financial support that made it possible for her to attend four years at the Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts, followed by a year of graduate studies at Tufts University. After her graduation from Tufts, she started her long career in arts education with a teaching position in Lake Luzerne, New York It was there she met the love of her life and future husband, Bruce. They married in 1953. Mrs. Gardner taught and rekindled the Art Department at Hebron Academy and the Fay School in Southborough, Massachusetts. She loved teaching art to children. In the summer of 1967, Mrs. Gardner, with her husband and children, boarded the luxurious La France and set sail for England. They then traveled through England, Scotland and France where she particularly enjoyed seeing many of the art museums especially Paris. From 1970 to 1986 she and her family spent summers at their summer home on Sabbathday Lake where she especially liked to spend time swimming and early morning canoeing after waking to the sounds of the Shaker village bell. She was friends with two of the three remaining Shaker women. When their children were grown and they had retired from teaching, the Gardners moved to Contoocook. They opened an antique shop called “Antiques & Findings” and enjoyed searching out and finding treasures for their own collection and for their shop. Mrs. Gardner made many friends in the antiques and arts community over the years, friendships that led her to become active in the Hopkinton Historical Society (formerly known as “The Antiquarian”), and later in the Contoocook Riverway Association, which she affectionately called “The Depot”. Always in the vanguard, she long loved researching history on the Internet, taking and sharing digital photographs, staying in touch with family and friends and rekindling old relationships with former students online. She was never bored, with art, reading and learning remaining at the core of her life. Mrs. Gardner was predeceased by her sisters Mable, Marion, Nora and Kathleen; her brothers Roger, William, Frank and James. She is survived by her devoted husband of 59

years, Bruce of Contoocook. She is also survived by her son Duncan F. Gardner, her daughter Beth McCabe, and her granddaughter, Elise McCabe. In addition, she is survived by a sister, Barbara Beard and a brother Edmund, and many nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors that were special to her during her life. The family requests that memorial contributions be directed to the Hopkinton Firefighters Association, 9 Pine Street, Contoocook, NH 03229 or The Contoocook Riverway Association, P.O. Box 789, Contoocook, NH 03229. Debra “Debbie” Sue Saunders died peacefully at her home in Hebron on December 1, 2012, surrounded by her loving family following a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. Her strength during this difficult journey is an inspiration to many. Ms. Saunders was born at Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital, North Carolina, in 1953, the daughter of Francis Gammon, Sr and Lila Knox Bell. She graduated from Buckfield High School. She married Arlan Saunders in 1970. Mrs. Saunders was a devoted daughter, sister, wife, mother and “Mamie.” Family and friends were her fuel. The joy of her life was her daughter, Dawn, and two precious grandchildren Elise and Lucas. Her primary focus was being a homemaker; however her work outside of the home over the years included Walker’s General Store, Saunders General Store, cleaning houses, Hebron Academy’s student union and kitchen. She was a member of the John D. Long American Legion Post #58 Auxiliary. Ms. Saunders enjoyed bird watching, her flower gardens, crocheting, craft projects, collecting “cute” pigs and cooking. Her famous popcorn balls at Halloween will be missed by many. A visit at home with a cup of coffee was very important to her. Her passion for simplicity kept others grounded. She never wanted to be the center of attention. She will be remembered for her hard work, honesty, selflessness, dedication, strength, playing devil’s advocate, paying attention to detail and having the final word. Spending time with family and friends was most important to her. Memories will be cherished of the twenty-nine years spent at Wells Beach with the “Golden Girls,” spending time at Twitchell Pond, Abbott’s Anchorage, Hebron Academy, Storekeepers and most recently a trip to Loon Mountain. Ms. Saunders is survived by her mother, Lila Bell; Arlan of Greenwood; her daughter Dawn and two grandchildren; her brother Butch Gammon, sister Vickie Gammon, half-sister Kathy Swett, nieces and nephews, great nieces and great nephews, many special cousins, aunts, uncles, special friends and longtime companion, “KoKo” her cat. She was predeceased by her father, Francis Gammon, Sr., and step-father, Garland Bell, mother-in-law, Eleanor Saunders, father-in-law, Ashley Saunders and brother-in-law, John Saunders. Her family wishes to express special thanks to two of her very devoted friends, Bobbi and Sandy, neighbors, friends and community for their overwhelming love, sup-

port and endless compassion during this journey. She will be missed by her family, many dear friends and lovingly remembered as “Mamie” by her grandchildren. Robert William “Bob” Siekman, an organic chemist and chemistry teacher, died at his home in Buckfield on October 5, 2012, following a long illness. Born in South Bend, Indiana, in 1938, he graduated from South Bend Central High School in 1956 and from the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. In 1965, he earned a PhD in organic chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he then worked as a postdoctoral fellow. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University as assistant professor of organic chemistry. He later served as Carnegie Mellon’s dean of freshmen and as director of admissions. Drawn by a deep attachment to Maine’s people and natural beauty, Dr. Siekman and his wife Margot moved in 1973 to Hebron, where they taught at Hebron Academy. During the 1990s he worked as an organic chemist at the Foundation for Blood Research in Scarborough and at Binax, Inc. in Portland, before forming his own consultancy, Synthetic Colloids, LLC. One of his greatest sources of pride was the building with his own hands of the family home in Buckfield. It was at this property on Bear Pond Road that he dedicated great energy and derived great pleasure from pursuits such as gardening, cultivating highbush blueberries, haying from the fields surrounding the house and building and operating a small sawmill. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Margot Butterfield Siekman; daughter Elizabeth “Betsy” Graves ’80; son Robert Matthew “Matt” Siekman; son Daniel McNeil Siekman ’01; sister Ann Siekman; sister Jane Spencer; and two grandchildren. The family requests that donations be made in Dr. Siekman’s name to a local public library.

Other Deaths

David H. Byerly, Jr. ’49, on July 3, 2012. Sherwood Aldrich ’54, on October 29, 2012.

★ Veteran

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fields turn fifty


comprehensive athletic program was one of headmaster Claude Allen’s top priorities when he reopened the school in the fall of 1946. With athletic director George Helwig championing “athletics for all,” Hebron’s growing program needed more space. After just a few years it was clear that Andrews Field, although conveniently located next to Sargent Gymnasium, could not accommodate all of Hebron’s teams comfortably. The soccer team trekked to a field developed on Sanitorium Hill because three football teams were dividing time on Andrews Field. The baseball and track teams faced similar challenges in the spring. Mr. Allen and Mr. Helwig, along with trustees John Halford 1903 and Clarence Morton 1899, scouted the surrounding area, and in 1957 announced the purchase of 30 acres of land adjacent to campus. Meanwhile Mr. Allen and the board developed a fundraising plan for overall campus improvements, including new playing fields, a new science hall, renovations to the school building and increasing endowment. With plans ready and fundraising underway, site work began in the fall of 1959. Although a piece of stubborn ledge that needed blasting slowed the process slightly, the fields progressed nicely

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under the watchful eye of Addison Augusta, who had taken over as athletic director, and were ready in the spring of 1963. The complex was named for Charlie Dwyer 1904, who had first come to campus as a laborer, part of the crew building Sturtevant Home. He went on to Colby and returned to Hebron in 1908 as a teacher and coach. He was the only faculty member to return after World War II, and continued to teach and coach until the early 1960s. The fields were dedicated on May 16, 1963, with runner Jesse Owens—a star of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin—as the featured speaker. Fifty years later Dwyer Fields look remarkably similar and are still used daily—fall and spring—by 14 teams in seven different sports. Olympian Jesse Owens with Coach Charlie Dwyer 1904 at the dedication ceremony in 1963.

inset: Dave Cleaveland, Maine Imaging

Dwyer Fields soon after completion in 1963. The hockey rink had been moved to this location in 1961 and construction had not yet begun on Halford Hall. Part of the orchard to the right had already given way for Dwyer Fields; the rest would go in subsequent decades. The inset photo shows the field complex today, with the athletic center and Allen Field.

The first time we stepped on the Hebron campus we felt at home. During the four years our son was there we made friends that will endure for a lifetime. Hebron is family. We saw our son nurtured and prodded by Hebron to grow into the young man he is today. My late wife and I always have given to the annual fund and I feel fortunate that I can remember Hebron in my estate plans. It is a very special place on the crowded, and often mediocre, educational landscape.” Stephen L. Smith, father of Tim ’09

The Franklin Society Including Hebron Academy in your charitable estate planning is one of the most personal ways to express your philanthropy. We are forever grateful for this commitment, and we honor those who remember the Academy in this way by recognizing them as members of the Franklin Society. The Society was named to celebrate Dr. Benjamin Franklin’s qualities of foresight, prudent financial management and intellectual achievement. Dr. Franklin serves as a symbol of building up on the past for the benefit of the future. For more information about how you can become a member of the Franklin Society, please call or email Pat Layman, Director of Advancement, at 207-966-5236, playman@hebronacademy.org

Hebron Academy PO Box 309 Hebron ME 04238

Class of 1962 celebrates fiftieth

First row: Dick FortĂŠ, Bob Hanks and Bill Allen. Second row: Fred Freidman, Bob Varney and Mike Brooks. Third row: Jamie Rea, Tony Wood, Mike Jones, Shell Evans, Steve Lane, Don Bates, Larry Koch, Dusty Rhodes, Charlie Foss and Bill Stocker.

Photo by Dennis griggs/tannery hill studios, inc.

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