Long Island's Best Guidelines 2019-2020

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High School Juried Exhibition

Guidelines 2019-2020 The only juried exhibition on Long Island that offers high school students the opportunity to show their work in a museum! Join us as Long Island’s Best celebrates 24 years and The Heckscher Museum marks its 100th anniversary in 2020! Students in grades 9 through 12 are invited to create a work of art inspired by artwork shown in the Museum during the 2019-2020 school year and submit to this juried exhibition! Hundreds of works of art are submitted and 100 will be chosen in honor of our 100th anniversary. Karli Wurzelbacher, Heckscher Museum Curator, and guest juror Nancy Richner, retired Executive Director of the Hofstra University Museum of Art, will jury the 2020 exhibition. Prizes will be awarded in numerous categories at the Opening Reception. All exhibiting artists and their teachers will receive full-color catalogues featuring every student artwork in the exhibition.

All submitted artwork is featured in a DIGITAL DISPLAY! In recognition of the hard work and exceptional talent of all students who submit artwork, images of submissions that are not selected for exhibition are shown in a digital display (See inside for details.) Above (top to bottom): At the Long Island’s Best 2019 Opening Reception, Jeanna Boltz (Half Hollow Hills East High School) in front of her work Life’s Journey. Students from Riverhead High School during a Museum Discovery Program.


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Students must be enrolled in grades 9-12 at a participating school in Nassau or Suffolk County, New York. Artwork must be based on professional works of art shown in The Heckscher Museum during the 2019-2020 school year and created and selected for submission under the guidance of the school’s art teacher(s). Each student may submit only one work of art. (Collaborative pieces by more than one student are welcome and count as one work of art.) Painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, photography, computer graphics, sculpture, mixed media, fashion, and video artwork may be submitted. Schools may only submit the number of entries their school has been allotted. Completing the School Registration Form and paying the $35 fee earns the school 4 artwork entries. More entries may be earned by scheduling programs with the museum (see below**).

SIZE & FRAMING* Two-dimensional/ Wall-hanging artwork • •

Artwork must be a maximum of 36” wide, 48” high (including frame) Framed in a black or white frame. Works on paper must have glass or Plexiglas. (The only time a frame is not required is if a work is an a-typical shape, format, and/or medium that is not yielding to traditional framing.) Ready to hang with hardware and/or wiring on the back.

Three-dimensional/ Free-standing artwork • •

Maximum 72” high, 24” wide, 30” deep. The Museum will supply pedestals, as needed, to display 3-D work.

Video artwork •

Files must be provided on a USB flashdrive. A Museum laptop and/or TV will be used for jurying and display for works selected for exhibition. *The Museum will not accept work that is unstable, damaged, or does not meet specified conditions and guidelines. The Museum is not responsible for damage that may occur during the transportation or jurying of artwork. Students are advised to protect artwork during travel.

**EARN MORE ENTRIES FOR YOUR STUDENTS! Register for IN MUSEUM or IN SCHOOL Programs for Grades 9-12 & receive two additional entries per registered group! Programs must take place before February 14, 2020. During programs, students view and select works of art for inspiration. For more information, visit Heckscher.org.


SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM DEADLINE: Friday, November 22, 2019 Complete form online at bit.ly/LIBestRegisterNow

Each school planning to have their students participate in Long Island’s Best 2020 must complete a School Registration Form and pay a non-refundable $35 registration fee by November 22, 2019. This entitles the school to 4 student entries, created and selected under the guidance of the art teacher(s). Only one form is required per school. Names and email addresses for all potentially participating teachers are required. Once the form and fee are received, all teacher(s) will be added to the Long Island’s Best 2020 e-mail list.


STUDENT ENTRY FORMS DEADLINE: Friday, February 14, 2020

Form opens on January 21 online at bit.ly/LIBestStudentEntryForm

Artist Statement - required Each student must write and submit an artist statement (50 to 150 words) with the Student Entry Form. This statement should explain the connection between the inspiration artwork seen in the Museum and the student artwork being submitted. The statement plays a key role in the jurying process. Examples of artist statements are available at Heckscher.org

Digital Image of Artwork - optional*** Image Requirements† • .jpg or .tif file • Minimum 300 dpi • Minimum 6 inches height and width 6 inches • File name must contain student’s full name (Ex: JohnSmith.jpg) *** A digital image is NOT REQUIRED and is NOT for jurying purposes. This image is for a digital display. If a student’s work is not selected for exhibition, this image will be used in the display. †

The Museum reserves the right to only display images that meet the Image Requirements.


ARTWORK DELIVERY: 2 - 5 pm Monday & Tuesday, March 9 & 10, 2020

All artwork must be hand-delivered to the Museum for jurying. A completed Artwork Label must be attached to each work. The link to this printable label will be provided in the confirmation email students receive after completing their Student Entry Forms.

Important Dates 2019-2020 Fri., November 22

School Registration Form & $35 Fee Due

Fri., February 14

Student Entry Forms Due

Delivery of Artwork to Museum Mon., March 9 & Tues., March 10: 2 - 5 pm Mon., March 16

Teachers & students notified of acceptances/ nonacceptances via e-mail & teacher phone calls*

Pick-Up of Non-Accepted Artwork Tues., March 17 & Wed., March 18: 2 - 5 pm March 21 - May 3

Exhibition On View

Sat., March 28: 5:30 pm

Opening Reception & Awards Ceremony*

Sun., May 3: 4 - 5 pm

Artist Meet Up

Pick-Up of Exhibited Artwork Sun., May 3: 5 - 6 pm, Mon., May, 4 & Tues., May 5: 2 - 5pm *Students who win additional awards, and their art teachers, will be notified as awards are determined, prior to the March 28 Opening Reception. ABOVE: Long Island’s Best 2019 Exhibiting Artists celebrate at the Opening Reception & Awards Ceremony


2 Prime Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 631.351.3250 Heckscher.org Education Department 631.351.3214 Education@Heckscher.org

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