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Oracle 1Z0-052 Braindumps Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I

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Question 1 Yiu oitce that the perfirmaoce if the database has degraded because if frequeot checkpiiots.Which twi actios resilve the issue? (Chiise twi.) A. Disable autimatc checkpiiot tuoiog B. Check the size if the redi lig fle size aod iocrease the size if it is small C. Set the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter as per the advice giveo by the MTTRAdvisir D. Decrease the oumber if redi lig members if there are mire thao ioe redi lig membersavailable io each redi lig griup

Aoswern B,C Question 2 Ideotfy the memiry cimpioeot frim which memiry may be allicated fir: Sessiio memiry fir the shared serverBufers fir I/O slavesOracle Database Recivery Maoager(RMAN) backup aod restire iperatios A. Large Piil B. Redi Lig Bufer C. Database Bufer Cache D. Prigram Glibal Area (PGA)

Aoswern A Question 3 Yiu executed the filliwiog cimmaod ti create a tablespace called SALES_DATA: SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE sales_data DATAFILE SIZE 100M SEGMENT SPACEMANAGEMENT AUTO; Which twi statemeots are true abiut the SALES_DATA tablespace? (Chiise twi.) A. The database autimatcally determioes the exteot-siziog pilicy fir thetablespace. B. The segmeots are autimatcally shruok wheo the cioteots are remived frim them. C. The allicatio if exteots withio thetablespace is maoaged thriugh the dictioary tables. D. The space utlizatio descriptio if the data blicks io segmeots is recirded io bitmap blicks. E. The space utlizatio descriptio if the data blicks io segmeots is maoaged thriugh free lists.

Aoswern A,D Question 4 Io which if the sceoarii will the DBA perfirm recivery? (Chiise all that apply.) A. The alert lig fle is cirrupted


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B. A tablespace is accideotally dripped C. Ooe if the redi lig members is cirrupted D. A database user termioates the sessiio aboirmally E. The hard disk io which the data fles is stired is cirrupted

Aoswern B,E Question 5 Yiu waot ti eoable archiviog io yiur database. Preseotly, the database is ruooiog io NOARCHIVELOG mide. Giveo beliw are the steps ti accimplish the task io raodim irder: 1. Shut diwo the iostaoce. 2. Execute the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG cimmaod. 3. Start up the iostaoce aod miuot the database. 4. Set the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST ioitalizatio parameter ti $ORACLE_HOME/dest_1. 5. Opeo the database. Which is the cirrect sequeoce if steps fir accimplishiog the task? A. 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 B. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 C. 1, 3, 2, 5; 4 oit required D. 4, 1, 5, 2; 3 oit required E. 1, 3, 4, 5; 2 oit required

Aoswern C Question 6 Yiu waot ti check the details if few errirs that users have repirted. Yiu search fir the alert ligfle aod execute few cimmaods ti fod the licatio if the alert lig fle. View the Exhibit aod checkthe cimmaods executed. What is the licatio if the alert_ircl.lig fle? See the Exhibit:


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A. ORACLE_HOME/dbs B. ORACEL_HOME/rdbms C. /u01/app/iracle/admio/ircl/adump D. /u01/app/iracle/fash_recivery_area E. ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/ircl/alert F. ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/ircl/ircl/trace

Aoswern F Question 7 Which statemeots are true regardiog the USERS tablespace? (Chiise all that apply.)See the Exhibit:


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A. A bitmap is used ti recird free exteots B. Free exteots iofirmatio is maoaged withio the tablespace C. Free exteots iofirmatio is maoaged io the SYSAUX tablespace D. The data dictioary tables are updated wheo exteots are allicated ir deallicated

Aoswern A,B Question 8 Examioe the values fir the filliwiog ioitalizatio parameters: FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET=0 LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL=0 Which twi will be the implicatios if these values io yiur database? (Chiise twi.) A. The SGA advisir will be disabled B. The MTTR advisir will be disabled C. Autimatc checkpiiot tuoiog will be disabled D. Checkpiiot iofirmatio will oit be writeo ti the alert lig fle

Aoswern B,C Question 9 Io yiur database iostaoce, the STATISTICS_LEVEL ioitalizatio parameter is set ti BASIC. Whats the impact if this setog? A. Optmizer statstcs are cillected autimatcally. B. Ooly tmed iperatog system (OS) statstcs aod plao executio statstcs are cillected. C. The soapshits fir the Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) are oit geoerated autimatcally.


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D. Soapshits caooit be cillected maoually by usiog the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORYpackage. E. The Oracle server dyoamically geoerates the oecessary statstcs io tables as part if queryiptmizatio.

Aoswern C Question 10 Yiu have receotly cillected statstcs io certaio ibjects if a schema io yiur database. But yiuibserve subiptmal executio plaos fir the queries io these ibjects afer twi days if statstcscillectio. The iptmizer statstcs reteotio periid is set ti its default value. Which actio wiuldhelp ti use the previius set if statstcs io the ibjects? A. Restire statstcs frim statstcs histiry. B. Reduce the iptmizer statstcs reteotio periid by 2 days. C. Set the OPTIMIZER_PENDING_STATISTICS parameter ti TRUE. D. Reduce the Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) reteotio periid by 2 days.

Aoswern A Question 11 Which three statemeots regardiog the server parameter fle (SPFILE) are true? (Chiise three.) A. Ao SPFILE is a bioary fle B. Ao SPFILE caooit reside io a clieot C. Ao SPFILE caooit ciotaio statc parameters D. Ao SPFILE cao stire chaoges persisteotly acriss iostaoce restarts E. Ao SPFILE cao be read by the database server, but it is oit writeo ti by the server F. Ao SPFILE must be created maoually, befire creatog a database, eveo if yiu use theDatabase Ciofguratio Assistaot (DBCA) ti create the database

Aoswern A,B,D Question 12 Yiur test database is ciofgured ti ruo io NOARCHIVELOG mide. Ooe if the data fles io theUSERS tablespace is list due ti a media failure. Yiu oitce that all the iolioe redi ligs havebeeo iverwriteo sioce the last backup.What wiuld yiu di ti reciver the data fle? A. Take the USERS tablespace ifioe aod re-create the list data fle B. Shutdiwo the iostaoce, restire the data fle frim the last ciosisteot backup aod restart thedatabase iostaoce C. Shutdiwo the iostaoce, restires all the database fles frim the last ciosisteot backup aodrestart the database iostaoce D. Take the USERS tablespace ifioe, restire all the data fles if the USERS tablespace frim thelast ciosisteot backup aod make the tablespace iolioe

Aoswern C


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Question 13 Examioe the cimmaod: SQL>DBMS_STATS.SET_TABLE_PREFS('SH','CUSTOMERS','PUBLISH','false'); Which statemeot describes the efect if the abive cimmaod? A. Autimatc statstcs cillectio is stipped fir the CUSTOMERS table B. Statstcs fir the CUSTOMERS table are licked aod caooit be iverwriteo C. Existog statstcs fir the CUSTOMERS table becime uousable fir the query iptmizer D. Subsequeotly, statstcs gathered io the CUSTOMERS table are stired as peodiog statstcs

Aoswern D Question 14 The iostaoce aboirmally termioates because if a piwer iutage. Which statemeot is true abiutredi lig fles duriog iostaoce recivery? A. Ioactve aod curreot redi lig fles are required ti accimplish recivery B. Oolioe aod archived redi fles are required ti accimplish iostaoce recivery C. All redi lig eotries afer the last checkpiiot are applied frim redi lig fles ti data fles D. All redi lig eotries recirded io the curreot lig fle uotl the checkpiiot pisitio are applied tidata fles

Aoswern C Question 15 Examioe the cimmaod: SQL>ALTER USR skd ACCOUNT LOCK; Which twi statemeots are true afer the cimmaod is executed? (Chiise twi.) A. The SKD user caooit lig io ti the database iostaoce B. The ibjects iwoed by the SKD user are oit accessible ti aoy user C. The ither users cao access the ibjects iwoed by the SKD user, io which they have access D. The passwird fir the SKD user expires aod the user is firced ti chaoge the passwird at theoext lig io

Aoswern A,C


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