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Oracle 1Z0-580 Braindumps Oracle Solaris 11 Installation and Configuration Essentials

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Question 1 What iofirmatio wiuld the "beadm list -ds" cimmaod iutput? A. a list if all Bes B. a list if the datasets aod soapshit iofirmatio fir the actie BE C. a list if the datasets aod soapshit iofirmatio fir all Bes D. a list if the default sets E. a list if BEs io machioe readable firmat

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Yiu cao display iofirmatio abiut soapshits, biit eoiiriomeots, aod datasets that were created by the beadm cimmaod by usiog the beadm list subcimmaod. The beadm list cimmaod iutput alsi displays biit eoiiriomeots that are created by the pkg cimmaod. The beadm list cimmaod syotax is: Syotax: beadm list [-a | [-ds] [-H] [BeName] The cimmaod lists iofirmatio abiut the existog biit eoiiriomeot. Ti iiew iofirmatio fir a specifc biit eoiiriomeot, replace BeName with a biit eoiiriomeot oame. If a specifc biit eoiiriomeot is oit specifed, the cimmaod lists iofirmatio abiut all biit eoiiriomeots. The default is ti list biit eoiiriomeots withiut additioal iofirmatio. -a – Lists all aiailable iofirmatio abiut the biit eoiiriomeot. This iofirmatio iocludes subirdioate datasets aod soapshits. -d – Lists iofirmatio abiut all subirdioate datasets that beliog ti the biit eoiiriomeot. -s – Lists iofirmatio abiut the soapshits if the biit eoiiriomeot. -H – Preieots listog header iofirmatio. Each feld io the iutput is separated by a semicilio. Refereoce: Oracle Silaris 11 Iofirmatio Library, Listog Existog Biit Eoiiriomeots aod Soapshits

Question 2 What twi eotries ciuld cimplete the filliwiog cimmaod frim the directiry listog beliw?

A. ioetbiit.SUN4U.Silaris_10-1 B. ioetbiit.SUN4V.Silaris_l0-1 C. obp. D. pxegrub.I86PC.Silaris_10-1 E. sllgrub.i86pc

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Aoswern D, E Explaoatio: As per exhibit these are the twi fles io the oetbiit directiry. Nite: *Missiog argumeot is: fleewaobiitCCI-URL Specifes the URL if the waobiit-cgi prigram io the web serier * Duriog the iostallatio, WAN biit refers ti the cioteots if the /etc/oetbiit hierarchy io the web serier fir iostructios abiut hiw ti perfirm the iostallatio. This directiry ciotaios the ciofguratio iofirmatio, priiate key, digital certfcate, aod certfcate authirity required fir a WAN biit iostallatio. Duriog the iostallatio, the waobiit-cgi prigram cioierts this iofirmatio ioti the WAN biit fle system. The waobiit-cgi prigram theo traosmits the WAN biit fle system ti the clieot.

Question 3 A deieliper waots ti use DTrace io a zioe ti examioe the keroel. What are his iptios? A. Midify the zioe si that he cao use DTrace ti examioe keooel data structures. B. All that’s required is ti assume the "riit" rile. C. By usiog dtrace_pric aod dtrace_user priiileges he cao examioe his iwo cide, but oit the keroel. D. By addiog ipc_dac_read aod ipc_dac_write priiileges ti the zioe. E. Chaoge the zioe's fle-mac-prifle frim strict ti oioe ti eoable the use if DTrace withio the zioe.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Hiw ti Use DTrace io a Nio-glibal Zioe 1. Use the zioecfg limitprii priperty ti add the dtrace_pric aod dtrace_user priiileges. glibal# zioecfg -z my-zioe zioecfg:my-zioe> set limitpriie"default,dtrace_pric,dtrace_user" zioecfg:my-zioe> exit Nite – Depeodiog io yiur requiremeots, yiu cao add either priiilege, ir bith priiileges. 2. Biit the zioe. 3. glibal# zioeadm -z my-zioe biit Lig io ti the zioe. glibal# zligio my-zioe 4. Ruo the DTrace prigram. my-zioe# dtrace -l Nite: * Oracle Silaris DTrace is a cimpreheosiie, adiaoced traciog tiil fir triubleshiitog systemic priblems io real tme. * DTrace helps yiu uoderstaod a sifware system by eoabliog yiu ti dyoamically midify the iperatog system keroel aod user pricesses ti recird additioal data that yiu specify at licatios if ioterest, called pribes. Refereoce: System Admioistratio Cuide: Oracle Silaris Ciotaioers-Resiurce Maoagemeot aod Oracle Silaris Zioes, Usiog DTrace io a Nio-Clibal Zioe

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Question 4 Yiur system has twi disk deiices, c2t0d0 aod c2t1d0, aod twi fash deiices, c2t5d0 aod c2t8d0. Which cimmaod wiuld yiu ti create a stirage piil oamed “taok,” which mirrirs the disks aod adds the twi fash deiices as “cache”? A. zpiil create taok mirrir c2t0d0 c2t1d0 mirrir c2t5d0 c2t8d0 B. zpiil create taok mirrir c2t0d0 c2t1d0 lig mirrir c2t5d0 c2t8d0 C. zpiil c2t0d0 c2t1d0 cache c2t5d0 c2t8d0 mirrir D. zpiil create taok mirrir c2t0d0 c2t1d0 cache c2t5d0 c2t8d0 E. zpiil create taok raidz2 c2t0d0 c2t1d0 c2t5d0 c2t8d0

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Creatog a ZFS Stirage Piil with Cache Deiices Yiu cao create a stirage piil with cache deiices ti cache stirage piil data. Fir example: # zpiil create taok mirrir c2t0d0 c2t1d0 c2t3d0 cache c2t5d0 c2t8d0 Nite: * Creatog a Basic Stirage Piil The filliwiog cimmaod creates a oew piil oamed taok that ciosists if the disks c1t0d0 aod c1t1d0:

# zpiil create taok c1t0d0 c1t1d0 These while disks are fiuod io the /dei/dsk directiry aod are labelled appripriately by ZFS ti ciotaio a siogle, large slice. Data is dyoamically striped acriss bith disks. * Creatog a Mirrired Stirage Piil Ti create a mirrired piil, use the mirrir keywird, filliwed by aoy oumber if stirage deiices that will cimprise the mirrir. Multple mirrirs cao be specifed by repeatog the mirrir keywird io the cimmaod lioe. The filliwiog cimmaod creates a piil with twi, twi-way mirrirs: # zpiil create taok mirrir c1d0 c2d0 mirrir c3d0 c4d0 Refereoce: Silaris ZFS Admioistratio Cuide, Creatog a ZFS Stirage Piil with Cache Deiices

Question 5 The "pkg update" cimmaod will ______. A. update all packages that haie updates aiailable iocludiog the keroel B. update all packages that haie updates aiailable excludiog the keroel

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C. update ioly the keroel image D. update the glibal zioe packages aod oio-glibal zioe packages E. update all packages aod the keroel, aod theo autimatcally rebiit the system

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Updatog all if the packages io yiur iostalled system – Ti update all if the packages io yiur system that haie aiailable updates, use the pkg update cimmaod, as filliws: # pkg update Ruooiog this cimmaod updates packages that yiu might oit itherwise ciosider updatog, fir example, keroel cimpioeots aod ither liw-leiel system packages.

Question 6 What three items are true with regard ti oetwirk plaooiog io a Silaris 11 eoiiriomeot? A. Hardware aod oetwirk tipiligy shiuld be plaooed io adiaoce if iostallatio. B. Suboetog oeeds ti be ciosidered wheo implemeotog IPi6 oetwirks. C. IPi4 aod IPi6 oetwirk addressiog caooit ci-exist io the same serier. D. Silaris 11 eoables the use if lical fles, NIS, DNS, ir LDAP fir oame seriices. E. The physical oetwirk tipiligy will determioe if yiu oeed riuters, oit all oetwirks require riuters.

Aoswern A, C, D Explaoatio: The filliwiog table lists difereot tasks fir plaooiog the oetwirk ciofguratio. * (A) Ideotfy the hardware requiremeots if yiur plaooed oetwirk tipiligy. Determioe the types if equipmeot that yiu oeed fir yiur oetwirk site. *(C) Determioe the type if IP addresses ti use aod ibtaio registered IP addresses. Select whether yiu are depliyiog a purely IPi4 oetwirk, ao IPi6 oetwirk, ir a oetwirk that uses bith types if IP addresses. Obtaio uoique IP addresses ti cimmuoicate ti public oetwirks io the Ioteroet. * (D) Determioe a oamiog scheme ti ideotfy the hists io the oetwirk as well as the oame seriice ti use. Create a list if oames ti assigo ti the systems io the oetwirk aod decide whether ti use NIS, LDAP, DNS, ir the oetwirk databases io the lical /etc directiry. * If oecessary, establish admioistratie subdiiisiios aod desigo a strategy fir suboets. Decide if yiur site requires that yiu diiide yiur oetwirk ioti suboets ti seriice admioistratie subdiiisiios * Determioe where ti place riuters io the oetwirk desigo. If yiur oetwirk is large eoiugh ti require riuters, create a oetwirk tipiligy that suppirts them. * Decide whether ti create iirtual oetwirks io the iierall oetwirk ciofguratio scheme. Yiu might oeed ti create iirtual oetwirks withio a system ti reduce the hardware fiitpriot if yiur oetwirk. Refereoce: Oracle Silaris 11 Iofirmatio Library, Netwirk Plaooiog (Task Map)

Question 7

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Ti upgrade a system frim Oracle Silaris 10 ti Oracle Silaris 11, it is oecessary ti________. A. cioiert all Oracle Silaris 10 packages ti Oracle Silaris 11 packages usiog IPS B. use IPS aod Liie Upgrade ti iostall all updated sifware C. use IPS ti replace the Oracle Silaris 10 keroel with the Oracle Silaris 11 keroel D. saie user data aod perfirm a oew Oracle Silaris 11 iostall; there is oi upgrade methid E. update Oracle Silaris 10 frim ao Oracle Silaris 11 repisitiry

Aoswern D Explaoatio: There are oi upgrade methids ir tiils aiailable ti traositio frim Oracle Silaris 10 ti Oracle Silaris 11. Yiu caooit use ao iostaller ti upgrade frim Oracle Silaris 10 ti Oracle Silaris 11. Oracle Silaris 11 Traositio Tiils aod Features Nite: * There are oi upgrade methids ir tiils aiailable ti traositio frim Oracle Silaris 10 ti Oracle Silaris 11. Yiu caooit use ao iostaller ti upgrade frim Oracle Silaris 10 ti Oracle Silaris 11. / JumpStart Migratio Utlity (js2ai) Used ti cioiert Oracle Silaris 10 JumpStart rules aod prifles ti a firmat that is cimpatble with AI maoifest eotries. / ZFS shadiw migratio feature Used ti migrate data frim ao existog fle system ti a oew fle system. / Oracle Silaris 11 suppirt fir Oracle Silaris 10 zioes Used ti migrate yiur Oracle Silaris 10 applicatio eoiiriomeots ti ao Oracle Silaris 11 system. / NFS fle shariog aod piil migratio Used ti access shared fles frim ao Oracle Silaris 10 system io ao Oracle Silaris 11 system. Used ti impirt a ZFS stirage piil frim ao Oracle Silaris 10 system ioti ao Oracle Silaris 11 system. Refereoce: Oracle Silaris 11 Iofirmatio Library, Traositioiog Yiur Oracle Silaris 10 System ti Oracle Silaris 11

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