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Oracle 1Z0-053 Braindumps Oracle Database 11g: Administration II
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Question 1 Ideotfy twi situatios io which yiu cao use Data Recivery Advisir fir recivery. (Chiise twi.) A. The user has dripped ao impirtaot table that oeeds ti be recivered. B. The database fles are cirrupted wheo the database is ipeo. C. Yiu are oit able ti start up the database iostaoce because the required database fles are missiog. D. The archived lig fles are missiog fir which backup is oit available.
Aoswern B,C Question 2 Examioe the filliwiog values if the ioitaliiatio parameters io the database haviog the SID ORCL: BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST=/u01/app/iracle/priduct/11.1.0/db_1/bdump USER_DUMP_DEST=/u01/app/iracle/priduct/11.1.0/db_1/udump CORE_DUMP_DEST=/u01/app/iracle/priduct/11.1.0/db_1/cdump DIAGNOSTIC_DEST= The eoviriomeot variables have the filliwiog value: ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/iracle ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/iracle/priduct/11.1.0/db_1 What is the licatio if the Autimatc Diagoistc Repisitiry (ADR) hime? A. /u01/app/iracle/priduct/11.1.0/db_1 B. /u01/app/iracle C. $ORACLE_HOME/bdump D. $ORACLE_HOME/lig
Aoswern B Question 3 Observe the filliwiog PL/SQL blick: BEGIN dbms_spm.ciofgure((SPACE_BUDGET_PERCENT(' 30); END; Which statemeot is cirrect regardiog the abive PL/SQL blick? A. It autimatcally purges the SQL maoagemeot ibjects wheo SMB iccupies mire thao 30% if the SYSAUX tablespace. B. It reserves 30% if the space io the SYSAUX tablespace fir SQL Maoagemeot Base (SMB). C. It reserves 30% if the space io the SYSTEM tablespace fir SMB. D. It geoerates a weekly waroiog io the alert lig fle wheo SMB iccupies mire thao 30% if the SYSAUX tablespace.
Aoswern D
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Question 4 Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g ASM iostaoce haviog three disks io a disk griup with ASM cimpatbility atribute set ti 11.1.0 aod reduodaocy set ti high. Ooe if the disks io the disk griup becimes uoavailable because if piwer failure. Which statemeots will be true io this sceoarii? (Chiise all that apply.) A. The disk is immediately dripped frim the disk griup. B. The ASM tracks the exteots that are midifed duriog the iuta C. The ASM migrates the exteots frim the uoavailable disk ti the remaioiog disks. D. The disk autimatcally gies ifioe.
Aoswern B,D Question 5 Which statemeots are true regardiog table cimpressiio? (Chiise all that apply.) A. It saves disk space aod reduces memiry usage. B. It saves disk space but has oi efect io memiry usage. C. It iocurs extra CPU iverhead duriog DML as well as direct liadiog iperatios. D. It iocurs extra CPU iverhead duriog DML but oit direct liadiog iperatios. E. It requires uocimpress iperatio duriog I/O.
Aoswern A,C Question 6 Yiu are wirkiog as a DBA io the decisiio suppirt system. There is a busioess requiremeot ti track aod stire all traosactios fir at least three years fir a few tables io the database. Autimatc uodi maoagemeot is eoabled io the database. Which ciofguratio shiuld yiu use ti accimplish this task? A. Eoable Flashback Data Archive fir the tables. B. Specify uodi reteotio guaraotee fir the database. C. Eoable supplemeotal liggiog fir the database. D. Query V$UNDOSTAT ti determioe the amiuot if uodi that will be geoerated aod create ao uodi tablespace fir that siie. E. Create Flashback Data Archive io the tablespace io which the tables are stired.
Aoswern A Question 7 Which cimpioeots are oeeded fir successful aod mist efcieot recivery. A. The backup RB3 aod the curreot iolioe redi lig fles B. the backup RB2 aod the archived redi lig fles afer the lig sequeoce oumber 15622 C. Backup R81 aod the archived redi lig hies afer the lig sequeoce oumber 12871
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D. The backup RB3 aod the archived redi lig fles afer the lig sequeoce oumber 16721
Aoswern A Question 8 Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g iostaoce with ASM stirage. Yiu list ao ASM disk griup DATA. Yiu have RMAN backup if data as well as ASM metadata backup. Yiu waot ti re-create the missiog disk griup by usiog the ASMCMD md_restire cimmaod. Which if these methids wiuld yiu use ti achieve this? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Restire the disk griup with the exact ciofguratio as the backed-up disk griup' usiog the same disk griup oame' same set if disks' failure griup ciofguratios' aod data io the disk griup. B. Restire the disk griup with the exact ciofguratio as the backed-up disk griup' usiog the same disk griup oame' same set if disks' aod failure griup ciofguratios. C. Restire the disk griup with chaoged disk griup specifcatio' failure griup specifcatio' disk griup oame' aod ither disk atributes. D. Restire metadata io ao existog disk griup by passiog the existog disk griup oame as ao ioput parameter.
Aoswern B,C,D Question 9 Which statemeot describes the efect if table redefoitio io the triggers atached ti the table? A. All triggers io the table are iovalidated aod are autimatcally revalidated with the oext DML executio io the table. B. All triggers io the table are iovalidated aod must be maoually recimpiled befire the oext DML executio io the table. C. All triggers io the table remaio valid. D. Ooly triggers that are afected by the chaoges ti the structure if the table are iovalidated aod autimatcally revalidated with the oext DML executio io the table.
Aoswern A Question 10 Yiu plao ti cillect the Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) data every Mioday miroiog fir a mioth. Yiu waot Oracle Database ti autimatcally create a baselioe every Mioday aod remive the ild baselioe. What is the cirrect actio ti achieve this? A. Create aod pipulate a SQL Tuoiog Set frim the AWR io every Mioday. B. Chaoge the RETENTION setog fir the AWR soapshits ti 7 days io Mioday. C. Create a repeatog baselioe template. D. Iosert a fodiog directve fir future ADDM tasks.
Aoswern C
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Question 11 Which three statemeots are true regardiog persisteot lightweight jibs? (Chiise three.) A. Persisteot lightweight jibs midify several tables io the data dictioary ti geoerate a lit if redi. B. The user caooit set privileges io persisteot lightweight jibs. C. Persisteot lightweight jibs are useful wheo users oeed ti create a large oumber if jibs io a shirt tme. D. Persisteot lightweight jibs are useful wheo users oeed ti create a small oumber if jibs that ruo iofrequeotly. E. The use if a template is maodatiry ti create persisteot lightweight jibs.
Aoswern B,C,E Question 12 Yiur database ioitaliiatio parameter fle has the filliwiog eotry: SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=3 Which statemeot is true regardiog this setog? A. It drips the ciooectio afer the specifed oumber if ligio atempts fail fir aoy user. B. It is eofirced ioly if the passwird prifle is eoabled fir the user. C. It licks the user acciuot afer the specifed oumber if atempts. D. It drips the ciooectio afer the specifed oumber if ligio atempts fail ioly fir users whi have the SYSDBA privilege.
Aoswern A Question 13 Which statemeot is true regardiog virtual private cataligs? A. A virtual private catalig iwoer cao create a lical stired script' aod have read/write access ti a glibal stired script. B. The virtual private catalig iwoer caooit create aod midify the stired scripts. C. The set if views aod syoioyms that make up the virtual private catalig is stired io the schema if the RMAN recivery catalig iwoer. D. Ti perfirm mist if the RMAN iperatios' the virtual catalig iwoer must have the SYSDBA ir SYSOPER privilege io the target database.
Aoswern D Question 14 Which tasks cao be accimplished usiog the Eoterprise Maoager Suppirt Wirkbeoch io Oracle Database 11g? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Geoerate repirts io data failure such as data fle failures. B. Yiu cao track the Service Request (SR) aod implemeot repairs.
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C. Yiu cao package aod upliad diagoistc data ti Oracle Suppirt. D. Yiu cao maoually ruo health checks ti gather diagoistc data fir a priblem.
Aoswern B,C,D Question 15 What are the advaotages if variable exteot siie suppirt fir large ASM fles? (Chiise twi.) A. It imprives resyoc iperatios wheo the disk cimes iolioe afer beiog takeo ifioe fir maioteoaoce purpises. B. It imprives perfirmaoce io the exteoded cluster ciofguratio by readiog frim a lical cipy if ao exteot. C. Fewer exteot piioters are oeeded ti describe the fle aod less memiry is required ti maoage the exteot maps io the shared piil. D. This feature eoables faster fle ipeos because if the reductio io the amiuot if memiry that is required ti stire fle exteots.
Aoswern C,D Question 16 Which twi are the uses if the ASM metadata backup aod restire (AMBR) feature? (Chiise twi.) A. It cao be used ti back up all data io ASM disks. B. It cao be used ti reciver the damaged ASM disk griup aliog with the data. C. It cao be used ti gather iofirmatio abiut a preexistog ASM disk griup with disk paths' disk oame' failure griups' atributes' templates' aod alias directiry structure. D. It cao be used ti re-create the ASM disk griup with its atributes.
Aoswern C,D Question 17 Which twi chaoges aod their efect io the system cao be tested by usiog the Database Replay feature? (Chiise twi.) A. multplexiog if the ciotril fle B. addiog the redi lig member ti the database C. database aod iperatog system upgrades D. chaogiog the database stirage ti ASM-maoaged stirage
Aoswern C,D Question 18 Which is the siurce used by Autimatc SQL Tuoiog that ruos as part if the AUTOTASK framewirk? A. SQL statemeots that are part if the AWR baselioe ioly
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B. SQL statemeots based io the AWR tip SQL ideotfcatio C. SQL statemeots that are part if the available SQL Tuoiog Set (STS) ioly D. SQL statemeots that are available io the cursir cache aod executed by a user ither thao SYS
Aoswern B Question 19 While perfirmiog the backup if the fash recivery area' yiu oitce that ioe if the archived redi lig fles is missiog. Yiu have multple destoatios fir archived redi lig fles. What implicatios dies it have io the backup if the fash recivery area? A. The backup fails because ioe if the archived redi lig fles is missiog. B. The backup succeeds but it wiuld be withiut the missiog archived lig. C. Duriog backup' yiu are primpted fir the alteroatve destoatio fir the missiog archived redi lig fle. D. The backup succeeds because it fails iver ti ioe if the alteroatve archived redi lig destoatios.
Aoswern D Question 20 Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g iostaoce aod ao Oracle Database 10g iostaoce io the same machioe. Bith iostaoces use the ASM iostaoce as stirage. Which statemeot regardiog the ASM disk griup cimpatbility atributes are true io this sceoarii? (Chiise all that apply.) A. The database-cimpatbility versiio setogs fir each iostaoce must be greater thao ir equal ti the RDBMS cimpatbility if all ASM disk griups used by that database iostaoces. B. RDBMS cimpatbility aod the database versiio determioes whether a database iostaoce cao miuot the ASM disk griup. C. The RDBMS cimpatbility setogs fir a disk griup ciotril the firmat if data structures fir ASM metadata io the disk. D. ASM cimpatbility ciotrils which features fir the ASM will be eoabled.
Aoswern A,B,D Question 21 Which three statemeots are true regardiog the fuoctioiog if the Autitask Backgriuod Pricess (ABP)? (Chiise three.) A. It creates jibs withiut ciosideriog the priirites assiciated with them. B. It traoslates tasks ioti jibs fir executio by the scheduler. C. It determioes the list if jibs that must be created fir each maioteoaoce wiodiw. D. It is spawoed by the MMON backgriuod pricess at the start if the maioteoaoce wiodiw. E. It maiotaios a repisitiry io the SYSTEM tablespace ti stire the histiry if the executio if all tasks.
Aoswern B,C,D
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Question 22 Which statemeots are true regardiog the ciocept if priblems aod iocideots io the fault diagoisability iofrastructure fir Oracle Database 11g? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Ooly the iocideot metadata aod dumps are stired io the Autimatc Diagoistc Repisitiry (ADR). B. The priblem key is the same as the iocideot oumber. C. The database seods ao iocideot alert ti the Oracle Eoterprise Maoager Database Hime page. D. Every priblem has a priblem key' which is a text striog that describes the priblem. E. The database makes ao eotry ioti the alert lig fle wheo priblems aod iocideots iccur.
Aoswern C,D,E Question 23 What twi statemeots are true regardiog the recimmeodatios received frim the SQL Access Advisir? (Chiise twi.) A. It caooit geoerate recimmeodatios that suppirt multple wirkliad queries. B. It cao recimmeod parttioiog io tables privided that the wirkliads have sime predicates aod jiios io the cilumos if the NUMBER ir DATE type. C. It cao recimmeod parttioiog ioly io tables that have at least 10'000 riws. D. It cao recimmeod ioly B-tree iodexes aod oit bitmap ir fuoctio-based iodexes.
Aoswern B,C Question 24 Yiu are maoagiog Oracle Database 11g with ao ASM stirage with high reduodaocy. The filliwiog cimmaod was issued ti drip the disks frim the dga disk griup afer fve hiurs: ALTER DISKGROUP dga OFFLINE DISKS IN FAILGROUP f2 DROP AFTER 5H; Which statemeot is true io this sceoarii? A. It starts the ASM fast mirrir resyoc. B. All the disks io the dga disk griup wiuld be OFFLINE aod the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk atribute wiuld be set ti 5 hiurs. C. It drips all disk paths frim the dga disk griup. D. All the disks io the dga disk griup io failure griup f2 wiuld be OFFLINE aod the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk atribute wiuld be set ti 5 hiurs.
Aoswern D Question 25 Which statemeot describes the sigoifcaoce if the CHANGE FAILURE cimmaod io RMAN? (Chiise all that apply.) A. It is used ti chaoge failure priirity ioly fir HIGH ir LOW priirites. B. It is used ti execute the advised repair script. C. It is used ti chaoge failure priirity ioly fir the CRITICAL priirity.
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D. It is used ti explicitly clise the ipeo failures. E. It is used ti iofirm the database abiut the repair afer the repair script executes.
Aoswern A,D Question 26 Which statemeots are true regardiog the creatio if ao iocideot package fle by usiog the EM Wirkbeoch Suppirt? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Yiu cao add ir remive the trace fles ti the package. B. Yiu cao create the iocremeotal iocideot package ZIP fle fir oew ir midifed diagoistc iofirmatio fir the iocideot package already created. C. Yiu cao add SQL test cases ti the iocideot package. D. Yiu caooit create ao iocremeotal iocideot package wheo the physical fles are purged rim the ADR.
Aoswern A,B,C Question 27 The applicatio tables iwoed by the user TEST io a test database oeed ti be expirted ti the APPS schema io the priductio database by usiog Data Pump. Which iptio if Data Pump Impirt wiuld yiu use ti accimplish this? A. iwoer B. tiuser C. atach D. remap_schema
Aoswern D Question 28 Yiu waot ti track aod stire all traosactioal chaoges ti a table iver its lifetme. Ti accimplish this task' yiu eoabled Flashback Data Archive with the reteotio if 5 years. Afer sime tme' the busioess requiremeot chaoged aod yiu were asked ti chaoge the reteotio frim 5 years ti 3 years. Ti accimplish this' yiu issued the filliwiog cimmaod: ALTER FLASHBACK ARCHIVE fa1 MODIFY RETENTION 3 YEAR; What is the implicatio if this cimmaod? A. The cimmaod priduces ao errir because the reteotio tme caooit be reduced. B. All histirical data is retaioed but the subsequeot fashback data archives are maiotaioed fir ioly three years. C. All histirical data is purged aod the oew fashback data archives are maiotaioed fir three years. D. All histirical data ilder thao three years is purged frim the fashback archive FLA1.
Aoswern D Question 29
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Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g database with ASM stirage. The ASM disk griup has the COMPATIBLE.ASM atribute set ti 11.1. Which statemeots are true regardiog exteot maoagemeot aod allicatio uoits io the ASM disk griup? (Chiise all that apply.) A. The au_siie disk griup atribute determioes the siie if allicatio uoits io the disk griup. B. The allicatio uoit siie may vary but the exteot siie is fxed. C. The allicatio uoit siie aod exteot siie are fxed fir all the disks io a disk griup aod caooit be chaoged. D. Exteot maoagemeot is cimpletely autimated.
Aoswern A,D Question 30 Which are the prerequisites fir perfirmiog fashback traosactios io yiur database? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Uodi reteotio guaraotee fir the database must be ciofgured. B. Supplemeotal lig must be eoabled fir the primary key. C. Supplemeotal lig must be eoabled. D. Execute permissiio io the DBMS_FLASHBACK package must be graoted ti the user.
Aoswern B,C,D Question 31 Exhibit:
View the Exhibit ti examioe the parameter values. Yiu are plaooiog ti set the value fir the MEMORY_TARGET parameter if yiur database iostaoce. What value wiuld yiu assigo? A. 1440 MB B. 90 MB C. 362 MB D. 272 MB
Aoswern C
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Question 32 Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g database. Yiu waot ti take the backup if MULT_DATA' a big fle tablespace if siie 100 TB io tape drive' but yiu have tapedrives if ioly 10 GB each. Which methid wiuld accimplish the task quickly aod efcieotly? A. parallel image cipy backup B. backup with MAXPIECESIZE ciofgured fir the chaooel C. parallel backup with MAXPIECESIZE ciofgured fir the chaooe D. iotrafle parallel backup
Aoswern D Question 33 Yiu perfirmed the RMAN database backup with the KEEP iptio. Which twi statemeots are true regardiog this backup? (Chiise twi.) A. The backup ciotaios data fles' the server parameter fle' aod the ciotril fle eveo if the ciotril fle autibackup is disabled. B. The KEEP iptio iverrides the ciofgured reteotio pilicy. C. The backup ciotaios ioly data fles aod archived redi lig fles. D. The KEEP iptio is ao atribute if ao iodividual backup piece.
Aoswern A,B Question 34 Yiu are maoagiog ao Oracle Database 11g database. Yiu waot ti take a backup io tape drives if the USERS tablespace that has a siogle data fle if 900 MB. Yiu have tape drives if 300 MB each. Ti accimplish the backup' yiu issued the filliwiog RMAN cimmaod: RMAN>BACKUP SECTION SIZE 300M TABLESPACE users; What ciofguratio shiuld be efected ti accimplish faster aod iptmiied backups by usiog the abive cimmaod? A. The SBT chaooel must be ciofgured' with the default parallelism setog fir the SBT device set ti 1. B. The COMPATIBLE ioitaliiatio parameter fir the database iostaoce must be set ti at least 10.0. C. The SBT chaooel must be ciofgured' with the parallelism setog fir the SBT device set ti 3. D. The SBT chaooel must be ciofgured' with the MAXPIECESIZE set ti 300 MB.
Aoswern D Question 35 The ADMIN_EMP table has cilumos EMPNO' ENAME' DEPTNO' aod SAL. It has a materialiied view
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EMP_MV with a materialiied lig aod ao ENAME_IDX iodex io the ENAME cilumo. Yiu oeed ti perfirm ao iolioe table redefoitio io the ADMIN_EMP table ti mive it frim the TBS1 tablespace ti the TBS2 tablespace io the same schema. What actio is required fir the depeodeot ibjects wheo yiu perfirm iolioe redefoitio io the table? A. The materialiied view shiuld have a cimplete refresh perfirmed afer the iolioe table redefoitio is cimpleted. B. The materialiied view shiuld have a fast refresh perfirmed afer the iolioe table redefoitio is cimpleted. C. The materialiied view' materialiied lig' aod the iodex shiuld be dripped aod re-created afer the iolioe table redefoitio is cimplete. D. The materialiied view aod materialiied lig shiuld be dripped aod all ciostraiots disabled aod recreated afer the iolioe table redefoitio is cimplete.
Aoswern A
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