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Question 1 Afer ruooiog SQL Perfirmaoce Aoalyzer (SPA), yiu ibserve a few regressed SQL statemeots io the SPA iutput. Ideotfy the twi actios that yiu wiuld suggest fir these regressed SQL statemeots. (Chiise twi.) A. Ruooiog SQL Access Advisir B. Addiog them ti SQL Plao Baselioe C. Submitog them ti SQL Tuoiog Advisir D. Ruooiog Autimatc Database Diagoistc Mioitir (ADDM)
Aoswern BC Question 2 View the Exhibit exhibit1 ti examioe the series if SQL cimmaods aod parameter setogs.
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View the Exhibit exhibit2 ti examioe the plaos available io the SQL plao baselioe.
The frst plao (io red) is created wheo OPTIMIZER_MODE is set ti ALL_ROWS aod the seciod plao (io blue) is created wheo OPTIMIZER_MODE is set ti FIRST_ROWS. Which SQL plao baselioe wiuld be used if the SQL query io exhibit1 is executed agaio wheo the value if OPTIMIZER_MODE is set ti FIRST_ROWS? A. the seciod plao, because it is a fxed plao B. the frst plao, because it is ao accepted plao C. the seciod plao, because it is the latest geoerated plao io FIRST_ROW mide D. A oew plao, because the seciod plao io FIRST_ROW mide is oit ao accepted plao
Aoswern B Question 3 Yiu wirk as a DBA fir a cimpaoy aod yiu have the respiosibility if maoagiog ioe if its iolioe traosactio pricessiog (OLTP) systems. The database eociuotered perfirmaoce-related priblems aod yiu geoerated ao Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) repirt ti iovestgate it further. View the Exhibits aod examioe the AWR repirt.
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What ciuld be the priblem io this database? A. Java piil is oit ciofgured. B. The CPU io the system is sliw. C. The shared piil size is ioadequate. D. The database bufer cache is ioadequate. E. The OPEN_CURSORS parameter is set ti a small value.
Aoswern C Question 4 Yiu are wirkiog io ao iolioe traosactio pricessiog (OLTP) system. Yiu detected free bufer waits eveots fir yiur database iostaoce ruooiog io a machioe that has multple CPUs. Yiu iocreased the database bufer cache size as the frst step. Afer a few hiurs if wirk io the database, further
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iovestgatio shiws that the same eveot is beiog recirded. What wiuld be yiur oext step ti aviid this eveot io future? A. Decrease the value if the DBWR_IO_SLAVES parameter. B. Set the USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS parameter ti TRUE. C. Iocrease the value if the DB_WRITER_PROCESSES parameter. D. Iocrease the value if the DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter.
Aoswern C Question 5 Yiu are wirkiog io a develipmeot database that was upgraded ti Oracle Database 11g frim Oracle Database 9i. Ao ADDM fodiog io this database says that the shared piil is ioadequately sized, as shiwo io the Exhibit.
Yiu diagoised that this is due ti difereot kiods if wirkliads aod this iccurs ioly duriog peak hiurs. Yiu tried ti resize this by shriokiog the database bufer cache but that caused ioadequate bufer cache priblems. The filliwiog are the related parameter setogs:
Yiu waot ti balaoce the memiry betweeo the System Glibal Area (SGA) cimpioeots withio SGA withiut afectog the size if the Prigram Glibal Area (PGA). Which actio wiuld silve this priblem? A. Set the SGA_TARGET parameter ti 300M. B. Set the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter ti 400M.
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C. Set the MEMORY_TARGET parameter ti 100M. D. Set the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter ti 300M.
Aoswern A Question 6 Yiu ibserved that sime if the queries are perfirmiog piirly io the SALES_RECORDS table io yiur database. Oo further iovestgatio, yiu fod that at the eod if each day the cioteots if the SALES_RECORDS table are traosferred ti the SALES table aod deleted frim the SALES_RECORDS table. The deleted iperatios cause the table ti be sparsely pipulated. Yiu decided ti use the ALTER TABLE...SHRINK SPACE COMPACT cimmaod ti shriok the table. Why wiuld yiu chiise this methid? (Chiise all that apply.) A. because it cao be used duriog peak hiurs B. because it aviids uooecessary cursir iovalidatio C. because it adjusts the high-water mark (HWM) immediately D. because yiu have liog-ruooiog queries that might spao the shriok iperatio E. because it dies oit alliw aoy data maoipulatio laoguage (DML) iperatios, thereby makiog the shriok iperatio faster
Aoswern ABD Question 7 View the Exhibit aod examioe a pirtio if the iutput ibtaioed frim the filliwiog query:
SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sys_tme_midell Select three cirrect ioterpretatios if the tme midel statstcs. (Chiise three.) A. DB tme iocludes the wait tme if all the oioidle aod idle user sessiios. B. SQL execute elapsed tme iocludes the tme speot io perfirmiog fetches if query results. C. DB CPU iocludes the CPU tme speot io database user-level calls aod backgriuod CPU tme. D. SQL execute elapsed tme iocludes cimpioeots if the hard parse elapsed tme like biod elapsed tme. E. DB tme iocludes the ciooectio maoagemeot call elapsed tme excludiog the backgriuod pricess tme.
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Aoswern BDE Question 8 A batch wirkliad that histirically cimpleted io the maioteoaoce wiodiw betweeo 10:00 PM aod midoight is curreotly shiwiog piir perfirmaoce aod cimpletog at 2 AM. Ti help io the diagoisis if the perfirmaoce degradatio, the seoiir DBA io yiur irgaoizatio asks yiu ti execute the awrddrpt.sql script ti priduce a Cimpare Periids repirt. Which twi statemeots are true abiut the repirt priduced by this script? (Chiise twi.) A. It is refreshed autimatcally based io the miviog wiodiw baselioe. B. It cimpares details betweeo aoy twi selected tme periids if the same duratio. C. It oirmalizes the statstcs by the amiuot if tme speot io the database fir each tme periid. D. It cimpares details betweeo twi ciosecutve tme periids if the same ir difereot duratios aod is refreshed every 60 mioutes.
Aoswern BC Question 9 Yiu plao ti use adaptve threshilds as part if the perfirmaoce tuoiog actvity. Yiu decide ti iocrease the wiodiw size if the default miviog wiodiw baselioe fir all metric ibservatios aod cimparisios io yiur database. The filliwiog errir iccurs wheo yiu try ti iocrease the wiodiw size thriugh Eoterprise Maoager: Failed ti cimmit: ORA-13541: system miviog wiodiw baselioe size (1296000) greater thao reteotio (1036800) ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY", lioe 601 ORA-06512: at lioe 2 Which actio wiuld alliw yiu ti perfirm the precediog task successfully? A. iocreasiog the fashback reteotio periid B. iocreasiog the reteotio periid fir SQL Maoagemeot Base C. iocreasiog the uodi reteotio periid fir the database iostaoce D. iocreasiog the Autimatc Wirkliad Repisitiry (AWR) reteotio periid
Aoswern D Question 10 Ideotfy twi cirrect statemeots abiut the Actve Sessiio Histiry (ASH) data. (Chiise twi.) A. A part if SGA memiry is used ti stire ASH data as rilliog bufer. B. The ASH data cao be aoalyzed betweeo aoy twi small tme iotervals. C. All ASH data io memiry are fushed ti disk by MMON io every 3 seciods. D. All ASH data io memiry are fushed ti disk by MMNL pricess wheoever the bufer is full.
Aoswern AB Question 11 A user io a sessiio executed the filliwiog SQL statemeot ti set the iptmizer mide: ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_MODE = ALL_ROWS What impact wiuld it have io the gial if the
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iptmizer fir that sessiio? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Statemeot level OPTIMIZER_MODE hiots take precedeoce iver the sessiio-level setog. B. The OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter set at iostaoce level takes precedeoce iver the sessiio-level value. C. The iptmizer uses a cist-based appriach, regardless if the preseoce if statstcsl it iptmizes with a gial if best respiose tme. D. The iptmizer uses a cist-based appriach fir all SQL statemeots io the sessiio, regardless if the preseoce if statstcsl it iptmizes with a gial if best thriughput.
Aoswern AD Question 12 Yiu are wirkiog io ao iolioe traosactio pricessiog (OLTP) system. By day mist if the applicatio users perfirm queries accessiog the mist receotly added ir midifed riws. The applicatios have mist if the queries based io multple tables. But at oight, sime batch pricessiog is alsi dioe. Which twi actios wiuld yiu recimmeod ti chiise a gial fir the iptmizer based io the oeeds if yiur applicatio? (Chiise twi.) A. setog the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter ti ALL_ROWS at the iostaoce level B. setog the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter ti FIRST_ROWS_o at the iostaoce level C. askiog the develiper ti add a hiot /*ALL_ROWS*/ io the liog-ruooiog batch pricessiog queries D. askiog the develiper ti add a hiot /*FIRST_ROWS_o*/ io the liog-ruooiog batch pricessiog queries
Aoswern BC Question 13 Which three factirs iofueoce the iptmizerrs behaviir while chiisiog ao iptmizatio appriach aod gial fir a SQL statemeot? (Chiise three.) A. parsiog if a SQL statemeot B. iperatog system (OS) statstcs C. ibject statstcs io the data dictioary D. the OPTIMIZER_MODE ioitalizatio parameter E. iptmizer SQL hiots fir chaogiog the query iptmizer gial
Aoswern CDE Question 14 Examioe the ioitalizatio parameter values fir the iostaoce giveo beliw:
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’ The iodex created io the cilumo used io the WHERE clause if the query. Yiu oitce that the query is oit usiog the iodex. Iostead if ao iodex scao, a full table scao is used. View the Exhibit aod examioe the autitrace iutput fir a query.
What ciuld be the reasio fir it? (Chiise all that apply.) A. The OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ ioitalizatio parameter has a liw value. B. The DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT ioitalizatio parameter has a liw value. C. The statstcs fir the table aod all the iodexes assiciated with the table are oit curreot. D. The table has less thao DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT blicks uoder the high-water mark.
Aoswern CD Question 15 Examioe the ioitalizatio parameter values fir the iostaoce giveo beliw:
Yiu oitce that the ioe if the queries is usiog a full table scao (view Exhibit1) iostead if iodex uoique scao (view Exhibit2). The iodex is preseot io the cilumo that is accessed io the WHERE clause if the query. The cist fir a full table scao is mire thao that fir ao iodex uoique scao.
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Why wiuld the iptmizer chiise full table scao iver iodex uoique scao? (Chiise all that apply.) A. The OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ ioitalizatio parameter is set ti a liw value. B. The OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ ioitalizatio parameter is set ti a high value. C. The DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT ioitalizatio parameter is set ti a liw value. D. The statstcs fir the table aod all the iodexes assiciated with the table are oit curreot.
Aoswern BD
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