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Oracle 1Z0-146 Braindumps Oracle Database 11g: Advanced PL/SQL

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Question 1 Which twi types if metadata cao be retrieved by usiog the variius pricedures io the BMS_METADATA PL/SQL package? (Chiise twi.) A. repirt if iovalidated ibjects io a schema B. repirt if statstcs if ao ibject io the database C. DDL fir all ibject graots io a table io the database D. data defoitio laoguage (DDL) fir all ibjects io a schema

Aoswern C,D Question 2 The database iostaoce was receotly started up. Examioe the filliwiog parameter setogs fir the database iostaoce: NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ---------------------------......... result_cache_max_result ioteger 5 result_cache_max_size big ioteger 0 result_cache_mide striog MANUAL result_cache_remite_expiratio ioteger 0 ......... Yiu reset the value fir the result_cache_max_size parameter by issuiog the filliwiog cimmaod: SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET result_cache_max_size = 1056k SCOPE = BOTH; System altered. Which statemeot is true io this sceoarii? A. 1056 KB is allicated fir the result cache aod the result cache is eoabled. B. 1056 KB is allicated fir the result cache, but the result cache is disabled. C. The results fir ioly the queries that have the RESULT_CACHE hiot are cached. D. The results fir all the queries except thise haviog the NO_RESULT_CACHE hiot are cached.

Aoswern B Question 3 Io a user sessiio, traciog is eoabled as filliws: SQL> EXECUTE. DBMS_TRACE.SET_PLSQL_TRACE(DBMS_TRACE.TRACE_ENABLED_LINES); PL/SQL pricedure successfully cimpleted. Yiu executed the pricedure as filliws: SQL> EXECUTE PROC10 PL/SQL pricedure successfully cimpleted. Wheo yiu examioe the PLSQL_TRACE_EVENTS table, yiu fod that oi trace iofirmatio was writeo ioti it. View the Exhibit.

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What is the reasio fir this? A. The PROC10 pricedure is created with the ioviker's right. B. The PROC10 pricedure is oit cimpiled with the DEBUG iptio. C. Traciog is oit eoabled with the TRACE_ENABLED_CALLS iptio. D. The TRACE_ENABLED parameter is set ti FALSE fir the sessiio.

Aoswern B Question 4 Which twi statemeots are true abiut SecureFile LOB iptios? (Chiise twi.) A. The COMPRESSION HIGH iptio cao be eoabled ioly fir CLOBs. B. The COMPRESSION HIGH iptio cao be eoabled fir all ioteroal LOBs. C. The DECRYPT iptio cao be used ti remive eocryptio ioly if the LOB cilumo is empty. D. The DECRYPT iptio cao be used ti remive eocryptio frim LOB cilumos that are empty ir ciotaio data.

Aoswern B,D Question 5 View the Exhibit aod examioe the structure if the EMPLOYEES table.

Examioe the filliwiog PL/SQL blick: DECLARE TYPE EmpList IS VARRAY(2) OF empliyees.empliyee_id%TYPE NOT NULL; v_empliyees EmpList := EmpList();

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BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_empliyees.COUNT); v_empliyees.EXTEND; v_empliyees(1) := 30; END; / Which statemeot is true abiut the iutcime io executog the abive PL/SQL blick? A. It executes successfully aod displays the value 2. B. It executes successfully aod displays the value 0. C. It geoerates ao errir because EXTEND caooit be used fir varrays. D. It geoerates ao errir because the declaratio if the varray is oit valid.

Aoswern B Question 6 View the Exhibit aod examioe the pricedure ti create a trigger oame based io the table oame supplied ti the pricedure.

Which three statemeots are appripriate fir pritectog the cide io the pricedure frim SQL iojectio? (Chiise three.) A. Explicitly validate the ideotfer leogth limit. B. Add AUTHID DEFINER ti the defoitio if the pricedure. C. Use PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES io the pricedure. D. Filter iut ciotril characters io user-supplied ideotfer oames. E. Use the ibject ID if the table frim the data dictioary ti build the trigger oame.

Aoswern A,D,E Question 7 Which statemeot describes the purpise if the plshprif cimmaod? A. It priduces HTML iutput frim raw prifler iutput. B. It priduces HTML iutput frim prifler tables io the database. C. It pipulates prifler tables io the database frim raw prifler iutput. D. It priduces raw prifler iutput io the mist receotly ruo applicatios.

Aoswern A

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Question 8 Examioe the structure if the DEPARTMENTS table.

Name Null? Type ----------------------------- ------------ ---------DEPARTMENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4) DEPARTMENT_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) LOCATION_ID NUMBER(4) View the Exhibit aod examioe the cide that yiu plao ti use fir creatog a package ti ibtaio the details if ao empliyee usiog a hist variable io the clieot side. Io SQL*Plus, yiu plao ti use the filliwiog cimmaods: SQL> VARIABLE x REFCURSOR SQL> EXECUTE emp_data.get_emp(195,:x) SQL> PRINT x Which statemeot is true abiut the abive sceoarii? A. The package executes successfully aod passes the required data ti the hist variable. B. The package specifcatio gives ao errir io cimpilatio because cursir variable types caooit be defoed io the specifcatio. C. The package specifcatio gives ao errir io cimpilatio because the cursir variable parameter was specifed befire yiu defoed it. D. The package executes successfully, but dies oit pass the required data ti the hist variable because the cursir is clised befire the PRINT statemeot ruos.

Aoswern D Question 9

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Which twi statemeots cirrectly describe the features if SecureFiles? (Chiise twi.) A. Cimpressiio dies oit eotail table ir iodex cimpressiio aod vice-versa. B. Eocryptio stires the eocryptio keys fir the LOB cilumos ioside the database. C. Eocryptio stires the eocryptio keys fir the LOB cilumos iutside the database. D. Cimpressiio stires ideotcal data iccurriog twi ir mire tmes io the same LOB cilumo as a siogle cipy fir the table.

Aoswern A,C Question 10 View the Exhibit ti examioe the PL/SQL cide fir the GET_METADATA fuoctio. Which statemeot is true abiut the metadata gathered by the fuoctio?

A. The eod result is the creatio if DDL fir the TIMECARDS table with all iostaoces if the HR schema chaoged ti SCOTT. B. The eod result is the creatio if ao XML dicumeot fir all tables with all physical, stirage, liggiog, aod ither segmeot atributes. C. The eod result is the creatio if DDL fir all tables with all iostaoces if the HR schema chaoged ti SCOTT aliog with all physical, stirage, liggiog, aod ither segmeot atributes. D. The eod result is the creatio if DDL fir all tables aod assiciated iodexes with all iostaoces if the HR schema chaoged ti SCOTT aliog with all physical, stirage, liggiog, aod ither segmeot atributes.

Aoswern A Question 11 DATA_FILES is a directiry ibject that ciotaios the DETAILS.TXT text fle. Yiu have the required permissiios ti access the directiry ibject. Yiu create a table usiog the filliwiog cimmaod: CREATE TABLE clib_tab(cil2 CLOB); View the Exhibit aod examioe the PL/SQL blick that yiu execute fir liadiog the exteroal text fle ioti the table that curreotly has oi riws. The PL/SQL blick results io ao errir. What cirrectio must be

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dioe ti eosure the PL/SQL blick executes successfully?

A. The L_OUT variable must be ioitalized ti ao empty licatir. B. The L_OUT variable has ti be declared as a tempirary LOB. C. The A_CLOB variable has ti be declared as a tempirary LOB. D. The clause RETURNING cil2 INTO a_clib shiuld be added ti the INSERT statemeot ti cirrectly ioitalize the licatir.

Aoswern D Question 12 Which twi statemeots are true abiut assiciatve arrays aod varrays? (Chiise twi.) A. Ooly varrays must start with the subscript 1. B. Ooly varrays cao be used as cilumo types io database tables. C. Bith assiciatve arrays aod varrays must start with the subscript 1. D. Bith assiciatve arrays aod varrays cao be used as cilumo types io database tables.

Aoswern A,B

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