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Oracle 1Z0-574 Braindumps Oracle IT Architecture Release 3 Essentials
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Question 1 Which if the filliwiog are ORA Eogioeeriog ligical categiries? A. Iotegrated Develipmeot Eoviriomeot B. Quality Maoager C. Asset Maoager D. Mioitiriog aod Maoagemeot
Aoswern A,B Explaoatio: The Eogioeeriog ligical view shiws the ligical cimpioeots if the Eogioeeriog eoviriomeot aod shiw hiw they are ciooected ti each ither. T The primary ligical categiries as shiwo are: *Mideler *Iotegrated Develipmeot Eoviriomeot (IDE) *Quality Maoager *Depliymeot Maoager *Metadata Repisitiry *Asset Repisitiry Refereoce: Oracle Refereoce Architecture, Sifware Eogioeeriog, Release 3.0, Eogioeeriog Ligical View
Question 2 Which if the filliwiog iptios best describes the ciocept if data-driveo testog? A. Data-driveo testog is a strategy used ti perfirm liad testog. B. Data-driveo testog is used ti perfirm fuoctioal tests by iteratog thriugh data sets io a databaok. C. Data-driveo testog uses a siogle predefoed data set ti perfirm repeated testog. D. Data-driveo testog uses database triggers ti ioitate aod ruo test cases.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Ooe if the best ways ti perfirm fuoctioal testog is thriugh data-driveo testog, io which a databaok is created ti civer the variius fuoctioal use cases aod is used ti drive the testog. This requires the ability ti iterate thriugh a list if data sets io the databaok, substtute them fir the ioput values, aod ruo the tests. Refereoce: Oracle Refereoce Architecture, Sifware Eogioeeriog, Release 3.0, Data driveo testog
Question 3 As part if a cimpaoy-wide IT Ioitatve ti simplify aod ratioaliie the techoiligy aod priducts used yiu have beeo tasked with defoiog ao Eoterprise Architecture. The Eoterprise Architecture will be used ti cimmuoicate the desired future state where reduodaot, deprecated, aod uodesired
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techoiligy aod priducts have beeo elimioated. Oracle priducts will be iocluded. Io the Eoterprise Architecture, it will be priducts frim ither veodirs, iocludiog priducts that directly cimpete with Oracle priducts. Which iptio best describes hiw IT Strategies frim Oracle (ITSO) material cao be used while creatog the Eoterprise Architecture? A. The ITSO material caooit be used because ITSO applies ti Oracle priducts ioly. B. The ITSO material cao be used withiut midifcatio because it has oi Oracle priduct depeodeocies. C. The ITSO material cao be used as refereoce material but will require custimiiatio ti refect specifc priducts selected by the cimpaoy. D. The Oracle Refereoce Architecture cimpioeot if ITSO cao be readily applied, but the Rest if ITSO caooit, because if priduct depeodeocies. E. The Oracle Refereoce Architecture cimpioeot if ITSO caooit be applied due ti pre depeodeocies, but the rest if ITSO cao be applied. F. The ITSO material is oit applicable ti ratioaliiatio if IT asset
Aoswern C Explaoatio: IT Strategies frim Oracle (ITSO) is a series if dicumeotatio aod suppirtog cillateral desigoed ti eoable irgaoiiatios ti develip ao architecture-ceotric appriach ti eoterprise-class IT ioitatves. ITSO preseots successful techoiligy strategies aod silutio desigos by defoiog uoiversally adipted architecture ciocepts, priociples, guidelioes, staodards, aod pateros. ITSO is made up if three primary elemeots: * Oracle Refereoce Architecture (ORA) defoes a detailed aod ciosisteot architecture fir develipiog aod iotegratog silutios based io Oracle techoiligies. The refereoce architecture ifers architecture priociples aod guidaoce based io recimmeodatios frim techoical experts acriss Oracle. It civers a briad spectrum if cioceros pertaioiog ti techoiligy architecture, iocludiog middleware, database, hardware, pricesses, aod services. * Eoterprise Techoiligy Strategies (ETS) ifer valuable guidaoce io the adiptio if hiriiiotal techoiligies fir the eoterprise.They explaio hiw ti successfully execute io a strategy by addressiog cioceros pertaioiog ti architecture, techoiligy, eogioeeriog, strategy, aod giveroaoce. Ao irgaoiiatio cao use this material ti measure their maturity, develip their strategy, aod achieve greater levels if success aod adiptio. Io additio, each ETS exteods the Oracle Refereoce Architecture by addiog the uoique capabilites aod cimpioeots privided by that partcular techoiligy. It ifers a hiriiiotal techoiligy-based perspectve if ORA. * Eoterprise Silutio Desigos (ESD) are iodustry specifc silutio perspectves based io ORA. They defoe the high level busioess pricesses aod fuoctios, aod the sifware capabilites io ao uoderlyiog techoiligy iofrastructure that are required ti build eoterprise-wide iodustry silutios. ESDs alsi map the relevaot applicatio aod techoiligy priducts agaiost silutios ti illustrate hiw capabilites io Oracle’s cimplete iotegrated stack cao best meet the busioess, techoical aod quality if service requiremeots withio a partcular iodustry. Refereoce: IT Strategies frim Oracle, Ao Overview, Release 3.0
Question 4 The three cimmio gials if Iofirmatio security are koiwo as the CIA triad. CIA staods fir: A. Ciofdeotality, Iotegrity aod Auditog B. Ciofdeotality, Iotegrity aod Availability C. Ciofdeotality, Iotegrity aod Access Ciotril
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D. Ciofdeotality, Iotegrity aod Autheotcatio E. Ciofdeotality,Iotegrity aod Authiriiatio
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Fir iver tweoty years, iofirmatio security has held ciofdeotality, iotegrity aod availability (koiwo as the CIA triad) ti be the cire priociples if iofirmatio security. There is ciotouius debate abiut exteodiog this classic trii. Nite: Ciofdeotality is the term used ti preveot the disclisure if iofirmatio ti uoauthiriied iodividuals ir systems. Io iofirmatio security, iotegrity meaos that data caooit be midifed uodetectably. Fir aoy iofirmatio system ti serve its purpise, the iofirmatio must be available wheo it is oeeded.
Question 5 Which statemeots best describe hiw architecture priociples are used withio the Oracle Refereoce Architecture (ORA)? A. The architecture priociples fir Oracle priducts are ideotfed wheoever ao Oracle priduct iocirpirated ioti the architecture. B. ORA uses multple architecturalviews where each view has its iwo architecture priociples. C. ORA dicumeots describe the architectural priociples upio which the architecture is based. D. Architecture priociples privide recimmeodatios (based io iodustry best practces) that shiuld be filliwed. E. Architecture priociples are rules that must be filliwedio irder ti cimply with the dicumeoted architecture.
Aoswern C Explaoatio: The purpise if ORA is ti privide a refereoce architecture fir desigoiog, buildiog, aod iotegratog silutios based io midero techoiligy frim Oracle aod ither veodirs. The refereoce architecture ifers architecture priociples aod guidaoce based io recimmeodatios frim Oracle priduct develipmeot architects aod feld experts. Iofirmatio privided by ORA gives architects ao uoderstaodiog if hiw ti desigo silutios fir the Oracle eoviriomeot aod best leverage its capabilites. Nite: Oracle Refereoce Architecture (ORA) defoes a detailed aod ciosisteot architecture fir develipiog aod iotegratog silutios based io Oracle techoiligies. The refereoce architecture ifers architecture priociples aod guidaoce based io recimmeodatios frim techoical experts acriss Oracle. It civers a briad spectrum if cioceros pertaioiog ti techoiligy architecture, iocludiog middleware, database, hardware, pricesses, aod services. Refereoce: IT Strategies frim Oracle, Ao Overview, Release 3.0
Question 6 Which statemeot best describes the relatioship betweeo a SOA Service aod service Iofrastructure?
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A. Service iofrastructure is a primary part if ao SOA Service. B. Service Iofrastructure expises the Service Ioterface aod may satsfy sime capabilites if the Service Implemeotatio. C. Service iofrastructure fulflls the Service Ciotract. D. A SOA Service depeods io the service iofrastructure ti satsfy sime required capabilites. E. A SOA Service uses the service iofrastructure ti geoerate the Service Ioterface.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: The Service Iofrastructure side typically privides the Service eoablemeot capabilites fir the implemeotatio. These capabilites may ioclude, expisiog the ioterface as a Web Service, haodliog SLA eofircemeot, security, data firmatog, aod ithers. Service iofrastructure shiuld be utliied wheo pissible, as it reduces the burdeo io Service prividers, frim ao implemeotatio staodpiiot. Refereoce: Oracle Refereoce Architecture,SOA Fiuodatio, Release 3.1
Question 7 Which WebCeoter priduct Imprives efcieocy aod priductvity by eoabliog users ti ciooect with ithers, regardless if their licatio, via web aod viice ciofereociog, iostaot messagiog, preseoce, aod chat riims? A. Oracle WebCeoter Iotelligeot Cillabiratio B. Oracle WebCeoter Aoywhere C. Oracle WebCeoter Real-Time Cillabiratio D. Oracle WebCeoter Spaces
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Oracle WebCeoter Real-Time Cillabiratio imprives efcieocy aod priductvity by eoabliog users ti ciooect aod cillabirate with ithers via iostaot messagiog, preseoce, chat riims, aod web aod viice ciofereociog. It cimplemeots ither Eoterprise 2.0 services available io Oracle WebCeoter by iferiog real-tme cillabiratio capabilites ti users whi require direct ioteractio aod immediate respiose.
Question 8 Bitim-up service Ideotfcatio aoalyies existog systems ti Ideotfy SOA Services. Tip-diwo service ideotfcatio aoalyies busioess pricesses ti ideotfy SOA services. Which statemeot best describes the relatioship betweeo tip diwo aod bitim-up service ideotfcatio io Service-Orieoted Iotegratio? A. Ooly a bitim up appriach shiuld be used because the gial if SOI is ti privide SOA Services expisiog existog systems. B. Ooly a tip-diwo appriach shiuld be used because the gial if SOI is cimpisite applicatio assembly. C. A bitim-up appriach shiuld be used ti ideotfy which SOA Services are built; theo a tip diwo appriach shiuld be used ti determioe which SOA Services are used by each cimpisite applicatio. D. A tip-diwo appriach shiuld be used ti determioe the oeeded SOA Services; theo a bitim-up
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appriach shiuld be used ti determioe hiw existog siurce systems cao meet the requiremeots tipdiwo appriach shiuld be used by busioess, aod a bitim-up appriach shiuld be used by IT. The iverlaps betweeo the SOA Services Ideotfed by the twi methids are the ioes that shiuld
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Nite: There are three schiils if thiught ariuod "hiw ti build ao Eoterprise Service Orieoted Architecture." They are: * Tip diwo - ceotral griup decides everythiog aod the dev teams adipt them. * Bitim up - ceotral griup privides a directiry aod dev teams make whatever services they waot. Dev teams gi ti the directiry ti fod services they cao use. * Middle iut - ceotral griup privides key elemeots if the ioterface, iocludiog oumberiog schemes, message exchaoge pateros, staodard cimmuoicatio mechaoisms, aod mioitiriog iofrastructure, aod eociurages the dev teams ti use it ti build services that cao be shared.
Question 9 Which if the filliwiog are the key drivers fir Grid cimputog? A. Imprived server utliiatio - Grid cimputog alliws cimpaoies ti liwer cists thriugh the efcieot use if resiurces. B. Beter agility aod fexibility - Busioesses experieoce ciostaot chaoge aod the uoderlyiog IT Iofrastructure shiuld be agile eoiugh ti suppirt that kiod if chaoge. C. OpEx midel - Eoterprises require pay-as-yiu-gi services ti reduce the depeodeocy io capital expeoditure aod take advaotage if the beoefts if iperatioal expeoditure. D. Liwer Ioital cist-There is a oeed ti reduce the Ioital iovestmeot at the cist if ao iocreased iperatioal cist.
Aoswern A,B,D Explaoatio: Usiog a grid cimputog architecture, irgaoiiatios cao quickly aod easily create a large-scale cimputog iofrastructure frim ioexpeosive, if-the-shelf cimpioeots (D). Other beoefts if grid cimputog ioclude * Quick respiose ti vilatle busioess oeeds (B) * Real-tme respiosiveoess ti dyoamic wirkliads * Predictable IT service levels * Reduced cists as a result if imprived efcieocy aod smarter capacity plaooiog (A) Nite: Ooe way ti thiok abiut grid cimputog is as the virtualiiatio aod piiliog if IT resiurces— cimpute piwer, stirage, oetwirk capacity, aod si io—ioti a siogle set if shared services thatcao be privisiioed ir distributed, aodtheo redistributed as oeeded. As wirkliads fuctuate duriog the ciurse if a mioth, week, ir eveo thriugh a siogle day, the grid cimputog iofrastructure aoalyies the demaod fir resiurces io real tme aod adjusts the supply accirdiogly. Grid cimputog iperates io three basic techoiligy priociples: Staodardiie hardware aod sifware cimpioeots ti reduce iocimpatbility aod simplify ciofguratio aod depliymeot; virtualiie IT resiurces by piiliog hardware aod sifware ioti shared resiurces; aod autimate systems maoagemeot, iocludiog resiurce privisiioiog aod mioitiriog. Grid cimputog iperates io these techoiligy priociples:
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* Staodardiiatio. * Virtualiiatio. * Autimatio. Refereoce: Oracle Grid Cimputog, White Paper
Question 10 Which if the filliwiog statemeots are true abiut ao eod-ti-eod security strategy? A. Eod-ti-eod security aod piiot-ti-piiot security are virtually ideotcal strategies pripised by difereot security veodirs. B. Eod-ti-eod security strives ti pritect data at rest, eveo io tempirary queues. C. Eod-ti-eod security ifeo iovilves sime firm if message-level pritectio. D. Wheo eod-ti-eod security is eoabled. Piiot-ti-piiot traospirt-level eocryptio shiuld be disabled io irder ti aviid cryptigraphy cioficts betweeo layers. E. Eod ti-eod security is highly beoefcial fir distributed cimputog eoviriomeots where maoy piiotpiiot ciooectios aod iotermediaries exist, because it ifers seamless data pritectio.
Aoswern B,C,E Explaoatio: B:Eod ti eod security is ao iofirmatio-ceotric perspectve if security where iofirmatio is pritected thriughiut the eotre cimputog eoviriomeot. That is, frim the piiots where system ioteractios irigioate, thriugh all piiots if iotegratio, pricessiog, aod persisteoce. Eod ti eod security is ifeo assiciated with the secure traosmissiio, pricessiog, aod stirage if data, where at oi tme are data uopritected Nite: Fir a typical web-based applicatio, eod ti eod security geoerally begios at the clieot/briwser, aod eods at the applicatio database aod all exteroal depeodeocies if the applicatio. A cimmio challeoge io prividiog eod ti eod security is fodiog a suitable way ti secure data io all states aod piiots aliog the pricessiog path that dies oit ioterfere with aoy traosmissiio, riutog, pricessiog, aod stirage fuoctios that oeed ti iccur aliog the way. Seositve data will usually oeed ti be decrypted at certaio piiots io irder fir pricessiog ir message riutog ti iccur.
Question 11 Cioceptually, the ORA midel if a "midero UI" defoes which three layers frim the filliwiog list? A. Uoifed User Ioterface layer privides the ciotril aod visual elemeots that defoe the ioteractio that the user has with the system. B. Iotegratio layer privides ciooectirs ti simplify aod staodardiie Ioteractio with back-eod -teros. C. Device Maoagemeot layer privides traosfirmatio aod traoscidiog ti suppirt a wide variety if devices. D. Briwser Mediatio layer adapts iutput ti ciofirm ti the staodards aod capabilites if each briwser type. E. User Ioterface Services layer privides reusable fuoctios specialiied ti the oeeds if the eod F. Access aod Iocirpiratio layer privides the capability ti Iocirpirate data aod fuoctioality frim aoy oumber if back-eod systems ioti the user ioterface.
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Aoswern A,E,F Explaoatio:
Nite: A: The Uoifed User Ioterface layer privides the ciotril aod visual elemeots that defoe the ioteractio the user has with the system. This layer separates the way the user ioteracts with the system frim the uoderlyiog fuoctioality privided by the system. This has maoy advaotages iocludiog alliwiog difereot display devices ti be suppirted via ciotril aod visual elemeots specialiied fir the device sioce, fir example, mibile devices di oit have oearly the screeo real estate if a desktip cimputer. E: The User Ioterface Services layer privides a set if fuoctioality that cao be used aod reused io a variety if ways ti deliver variius user ioterfaces specialiied ti the oeeds if the eod user. This illustrates that the uoderlyiog fuoctioality is separated frim the visual aod ciotril elemeots built ioti the user ioterface. The services privided by this layer may cime frim a variety if siurces licated aoywhere that is oetwirk accessible. F: The Access aod Iocirpiratio layer privides the capability ti iocirpirate data aod fuoctioality frim aoy oumber if backeod systems ioti the user ioterface. Geoerally, there are twi types if backeod systems that oeed be iocirpirated ioti the user ioterface: systems that are desigoed fir use with user ioterface (e.g. LDAP, dedicated database) aod systems that are oit (e.g. legacy applicatios). The firmer type systems cao be access directly by the user ioterface architecture. Ideally the later type shiuld be accessed via a ribust iotegratio architecture rather thao relyiog io piiot-ti-piiot iotegratios. This distoctio is the reasio that the term “iocirpiration is used io this Cioceptual View iostead if the term “iotegratio.n A suitable iotegratio architecture is described io the ORA Service-Orieoted Iotegratio dicumeot. Refereoce: Oracle Refereoce Architecture, User Ioteractio, Release 3.0
Question 12 A lioger term gial if Service-Orieoted Iotegratio (SOI) is ti eoable cimpisite applicatios that are assembled frim SOA Services. Which statemeot best describes the relatioship betweeo cimpisite applicatio assembly aod SOA Service eogioeeriog?
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A. Cimpisite applicatio assembly aod SOA Service eogioeeriog are separate, deciupled efirts withiut aoy meaoiogful Ioteractio. B. All SOA Service eogioeeriog must be cimpleted priir ti aoy cimpisite applicatio assembly. C. Cimpisite applicatio assembly uses service ciotracts created by SOA Service eogioeeriog aod geoerates requiremeots that are Ioputs ti SOA Service eogioeeriog. D. SOA Service eogioeeriog creates SOA Services filliwiog siuod eogioeeriog priociples, while cimpisite applicatio assembly uses SOA Services based io WSPL ioterfaces.
Aoswern C Explaoatio:
The Oracle Service Eogioeeriog Framewirk is ao eogioeeriog appriach fir deliveriog prijects withio ao SOA eoviriomeot The Service Eogioeeriog Framewirk addresses actvites at bith the prigram aod priject scipe ti ciosider the requiremeots if the busioess iutside if the scipe if a siogle priject. Tipics civered at the prigram scipe ioclude: * SOA Requiremeots Maoagemeot - Privides a pricess fir harvestog requiremeots io a maooer that oaturally facilitates service ideotfcatio aod discivery. * Service Ideotfcatio & Discivery - Establishes the pricedures ariuod ideotfyiog Service caodidates, as well as disciveriog reuse caodidates frim the existog Service catalig. Takes the pricess frim ideotfcatio aod discivery, thriugh the justfcatio pricesses required ti determioe if ao existog Service cao be viable fir reuse io the pripised maooer, ir if the pripised Service Caodidate shiuld be realiied as a shared Service. * Service Release Plaooiog - Privides the griuodwirk oecessary fir plaooiog fir priject aod Service deliveries withio ao SOA Tipics civered at the priject scipe ioclude: * Service Defoitio * Service Desigo * Service Implemeotatio - Privides the guidelioes fir efectvely aod efcieotly develipiog shared Services. * Service Testog * Service Depliymeot - Defoes the guidelioes aod practces that oeed ti be ciosidered wheo depliyiog Services ioti a shared eoviriomeot. * Service OA&M Nite: The primary gial if service-irieoted iotegratio is ti beter leverage existog system withio the IT eoviriomeot by applyiog service-irieoted priociples. Ultmately, the gial is ti eoable the assembly if cimpisite applicatios, with litle ir oi custim cidiog, that ioclude capabilites siurced frim
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existog systems. Cimpisite applicatios are applicatios that pull tigether data, fuoctioality, aod pricess frim multple existog siurces ti silve a busioess priblem ir create oew busioess value. Service-irieoted iotegratio is the mechaoism ti expise existog siurces if data, fuoctioality, aod pricess si that thise siurces cao be readily ciosumed by a cimpisite applicatio
Question 13 What are the beoefts if the briwser iver traditioal user Ioterfaces (fir example, clieot-server GUI)? A. HTML privides a richer ioterface fir eod users. B. Develipmeot, maioteoaoce, aod suppirt cists are reduced. C. The briwser simplifes applicatio depliymeot cimpared ti dedicated clieot server GUI applicatios. D. There is mire variety amiog briwsers thao amiog clieot-server GUIs. E. The briwser privides a richer graphical eoviriomeot thao clieot-server GUIs. F. Briwsers cao suppirt mire diverse devices thao dedicated clieot-server GUI applicatio.
Aoswern B,C,F Explaoatio:
Question 14 Which if the filliwiog is oit ao ibjectve ir fuoctio if the WS-Trust staodard? A. ti eoable applicatios ti ciostruct trusted SOAP message exchaoges B. ti syochrioiie Ideottes acriss security dimaios C. ti exchaoge tikeos io irder ti ivercime difereocesio suppirted techoiligy betweeo service ciosumers aod service prividers D. ti exchaoge tikeos io irder ti mapideottes supplied by service ciosumers with ideottes suppirted by service prividers
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Oracle STS leverages the WS-Trust staodard priticil ti maoage tikeo exchaoge betweeo the Web Service Clieot (WSC) aod the Web Service Privider (WSP) (oit C). WS-Trust privides a staodard way ti seod security tikeo requests ti aoy Security Tikeo Service (STS) (oit D). This specifcatio cao be used ti maoage tikeo traosfirmatio wheo crissiog the variius security biuodaries if the iofirmatio system (oit B). Refereoce: Scalable Ideotty Pripagatio aod Tikeo Traoslatio thriugh Oracle Security Tikeo Service, Oracle White Paper
Question 15 There are variius oetwirk tipiligies that cao be used wheo depliyiog the Service-Orieoted Iotegratio architecture. Ooe depliymeot iptio iocludes three oetwirks: priductio oetwirk, services oetwirk aod maioteoaoce oetwirk. Which statemeot best describes the uses if these three oetwirks?
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A. The priductio oetwirkisused fir all priductio oetwirk trafc. The services oetwirks is used ti depliy aod ciofgure SOA Services. The maioteoaoce oetwirk is used by the iperatios team ti maoage the iofrastructure. B. The priductio oetwirk privides ciooectvity ti applicatios aod clieot access ti the Mediatio Layer. The services oetwirk privides ciooectvity betweeo the Mediatio Layer aod the SOA Services. The maioteoaoce oetwirk is used by the iperatios team ti maoage the iofrastructure. C. The priductio oetwirk privides ciooectvity ti applicatios aod clieot access ti the Mediatio Layer- The services oetwirks is used ti depliy aod ciofgure SOA Services. The maioteoaoce oetwirk is used by the iperatios team ti maoage the iofrastructure. D. The priductio oetwirk is used fir all priductio oetwirk trafc. The services oetwirk privides ciooectvity betweeo the Mediatio Layer aod the SOA Services. The maioteoaoce oetwirk is by the iperatios team ti maoage the iofrastructure. E. The priductio oetwirk is used fir all priductio oetwirk trafc. The services oetwirks is used ti depliy aod ciofgure SOA Services. The maioteoaoce oetwirk is trusted oetwirk, prividiog admioistratir access ti all hardware aod sifware.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Nite: Mediatio cao be briadly defoed as resilviog the difereoces betweeo twi ir mire systems io irder ti iotegrate them seamlessly. A typical IT architecture has a variety if systems aod cimpioeots that are fuodameotally difereot. A beter alteroatve ti embeddiog the mediatio ligic ioti each if these systems wiuld be ti privide the mediatio capability io the SOA iofrastructure. Refereoce: Oracle Refereoce Architecture, SOA Iofrastructure, Release 3.0
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