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Oracle 1Z0-581 Braindumps Pillar Axiom 600 Storage System Essentials Exam

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Question: 1 The stirage admioistratir is viewiog the Axiim stirage systems aod wiuld like ti create a vilume fir the SAN hist. Which GUI cimpioeot is used ti maoage this task? A. AxiimONE MaxMao B. AxiimONE Stirage Services Maoager C. AxiimONEStirage Maoager D. AxiimONEQiS Maoager

Answer: A Explaoatio: Java-based GUI fir mult-system maoagemeot. This clieot application called AxiimONE MaxMaon alliws fir the maoagemeot if multple Pillar Axiim systems thriugh a siogle ioterface. Pillar Axiim MaxMao eoables yiu ti easily access piwerful data pritectio capabilites that geoerate full cipies if data with vilume cipy aod backup features. Yiu cao alsi use a rich set if space-efcieot data pritectio tiils with cipy-io-write clioe fuoctioality fir SAN as well as NAS eoviriomeots. It alsi eoables ceotralized maoagemeot if stirage iofrastructure by iotegratog with leadiog maoagemeot framewirk sifware such as Oracle Eoterprise Maoager

Question: 2 The stirage admioistratir is creatog a vilume aod waots ti pritect it frim a full Brick failure. Ideotfy the pritectio level oeeded ti accimplish this ciofguratio. A. Staodard Reduodaocy B. RAID10 C. Diuble Reduodaocy D. assigoiog the vilume ti a Stirage Dimaio

Answer: C Explaoatio: Wheo a factiry-freshn siogle-SATA Brick system is frst piwered upn Persisteoce (which is the Pillar Axiim data stire ciotaioiog maoy system setogsg will be ciofgured io that Brick. Persisteoce will be diubly-reduodaot with bith iostaoces residiog io the same Brick (io twi data LUNsg. If additioal Bricks are added latern Persisteoce will oit be migrated ti licate the difereot cipies io separate Bricks fir higher pritectio agaiost siogle-Brick failure. Refereoce: Pillar Axiim 300n 500n aod 600. Release oitesn Persisteoce Vuloerability io Siogle-SATA Brick Systems

Question: 3 The develipmeot team oeeds a vilume that ciotaios data frim the priductio system fir testog. Ideotfy the best Pillar Axiim stirage system methid that cao silve this challeoge. A. Cipy LUN B. Clioe LUN

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C. Soapshit D. Clioe Vilume

Answer: B Explaoatio: Fir SANn the Pillar Axiim stirage system privides soapshit backup aod restire capability at the LUN level. Yiu cao privide data pritectio fir a LUN by clioiog the vilume. Yiu cao clioe a LUN maoually ir create a schedule by which the system autimatcally creates a Clioe LUN io a predefoed basis.

Question: 4 The stirage admioistratir is creatog a LUN. Which irgaoizatioal uoits cao the LUN be assigoed ti? A. Stirage Class B. Typical Access C. Vilume Griup D. Stirage Dimaio E. Clioe LUN Griup

Answer: C Explaoatio: Vilume griups are irgaoizatioal uoits that cao ciotaio aoy griupiog if ligical vilumes aod oested vilume griups Nite: A LUN is defoed as: A ligical vilume withio a stirage area oetwirk (SANg. Admioistratirs assigo stirage resiurces aod Quality if Service (QiSg atributes ti each ligical uoit (LUNg. Refereoce: Pillar Axiim Admioistratir's Guide

Question: 5 Frim which three siurces cao the system iofirmatio be cillected aod placed ioti the buodle? A. Slammer hardware cimpioeots B. Brick hardware cimpioeots C. Clieot hists with APM D. AxiimONE Stirage Maoager E. SAN Switch

Answer: A,B,C Explaoatio: System iofirmatio cao be cillected frim the filliwiog siurces aod placed ioti the system lig buodle: * Slammer hardware cimpioeots * Brick hardware cimpioeots

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* Clieot hists * Pilit hardware cimpioeot Nite: Ti help diagoise a situatio that might existn the Oracle Pillar Custimer Suppirt might request that yiu cillect ioti a siogle buodle certaio ligs aod ither diagoistc iofirmatio aod theo seod the buodle ti Pillar Custimer Suppirt fir aoalysis. Refereoce: Pillar Axiim Admioistratir's Guiden Abiut System Lig Buodles

Question: 6 By usiog which Pillar Axiim feature cao yiu allicate system resiurces aod haodle data fiw accirdiog ti its busioess priirity? A. Quality if Service B. Thio Privisiioiog C. Stirage Dimaios D. Stirage Prifles

Answer: A Explaoatio: QiS pilicies are available fir the filliwiog pripertes: * Pricessiog queue priirity aod data access efcieocyn koiwo as priirity *Preferred stirage median koiwo as Stirage Class *Number if mirrir cipiesn koiwo as reduodaocy *Perfirmaoce iptmization koiwo as a cimbioatio if access bias aod I/O bias Refereoce: Pillar Axiim Admioistratir's Guiden Abiut Quality if Service

Question: 7 Why dies it mater if the siurce piwer fir a PDU is 115vn 208vn ir 230v? A. The Bricksn Slammersn aod Pilits will draw difereot amperes depeodiog io the ioput ti the PDU. B. The Bricks aod Slammers will draw difereot amperes depeodiog io the ioput ti the PDU but the Pilit will oit draw much ti make a difereoce. C. The Bricks aod Pilits will draw the same amperes aod oit eoiugh ti make a difereoce but the Slammers will draw difereot amperes depeodiog io the ioput ti the PDU. D. It dies oit mater because the Bricksn Slammersn aod Pilits will draw the same amperes.

Answer: A Explaoatio: The Pillar Axiim 600 system cimpioeots must be plugged ioti the PDUs such that they di oit exceed the amperage ratog if aoy iutlet griup. If yiu exceed the amperage ratogn the circuit breakers trip. Except where iodicatedn the maximum rated amperage if the iutlet baoks remaios the same regardless if the electrical service viltage. Therefiren cimpioeots draw abiut half the amperage at 230V thao at 115Vn aod yiu cao plug mire cimpioeots ioti each piwer distributio uoit (PDUg. The table beliw lists the maximum electrical requiremeots if the Pillar Axiim 600 cimpioeots.

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Each cimpioeot has reduodaot piwer cirds plugged ioti difereot PDUs io separate circuits. Table Pillar Axiim 600 electrical requiremeots

Refereoce: Pillar Axiim 600 Hardware iostallatio Guiden Cimpioeot Piwer Usage

Question: 8 Ideotfy the iofirmatio required duriog the iostallatio if the Axiim VSS plug-io. Select all that apply. A. User Name B. Passwird C. System Serial Number D. VSS Privider Name E. Pirt Number

Answer: A,B,C Explaoatio: Diwoliad aod Iostall the VSS Privider Plug-Io Diwoliad the Pillar Axiim VSS Privider plug-io frim the Pillar Axiim Stirage Services Maoager fir iostallatio io yiur SAN hist. Prerequisites: * The SAN hist must have TCP/IP ciooectvityn iver Etheroetn ti the Pilit maoagemeot ciotriller. * Fir the VSS Privider ti create vilume shadiw cipiesn the SAN hist must have Fibre Chaooel ciooectvity ti the Slammer stirage ciotriller. * Duriog the iostallation yiu oeed the system serial oumbern user oamen aod passwird. Nite: The Micrisif Vilume Shadiw Cipy Service (VSSg Privider plug-io eoables the use if VSSeoabled backup applicatios with the Pillar Axiim 600 system. VSS eoables data pritectio aod maoagemeot services thriugh a staodard set if ciofguratio aod mioitiriog capabilites. These capabilites ioclude creatogn maoipulatogn aod restiriog soapshits withiut shutog diwo applicatios ir esseotal services. Refereoce: Pillar Axiim Admioistratir's GuideDiwoliad aod Iostall the VSS Privider Plug-Io

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