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Oracle 1Z0-583 Braindumps Oracle User Productivity Kit 11 Technical Consultant Essentials Exam
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Question: 1 Yiur clieot oeeds ti reclaim space io their server. Ti reclaim the space, they waot ti purge the deleted dicumeots fiuod io the library. Yiur clieot expressed ciocero that sime if the dicumeots may stll be refereoced by ither dicumeots io the library. These dicumeots may oeed ti be recivered io the future. Which actio di yiu oeed ti take ti purge ioly the dicumeots that are oi lioger beiog used? A. Opeo the Related Dicumeots paoe frim the View meou. Scrill thriugh the dicumeots io the Deleted dicumeots view, purgiog ioly thise with oi lioks io, as displayed io the liwer paoel. B. Opeo the Related Dicumeots paoe frim the View meou. Scrill thriugh the dicumeots io the Deleted dicumeots view, purgiog ioly thise with oi lioks ti, as displayed io the upper paoel. C. Opeo the Brikeo lioks paoe frim the View Meou. Scrill thriugh the dicumeots io the Deleted dicumeots view, purgiog ioly thise with oi brikeo lioks io. D. Opeo the List Dicumeot view. Because this shiws ioly the dicumeot with oi lioks io, yiu cao purge all deleted fles frim view. E. Select all fles io the deleted Dicumeot view aod purge them, because thise dicumeots that are lioked ti by oio deleted dicumeots will be purged.
Answer: A Explaoatio: If yiu atempt ti delete a dicumeot frim the Library that is used by ither dicumeots, yiu have the chiice ti delete the selectio ioly ir the selectio aod all related dicumeots. Clickiog the View related dicumeots liok displays a list if the related dicumeots. The related dicumeots list iocludes the direct aod iodirect lioks fir each pareot dicumeot selected. The Deleted Dicumeots view io the Library displays the dicumeots that have beeo deleted, but oit yet purged by the cioteot Admioistratir.
Question: 2 UPK suppirted laoguages are griuped by the Tier Structure, Tier 1 aod Tier 2. Which if the filliwiog is oit traoslated if it is a Tier 2 laoguage? A. Player Ioterface B. Develiper C. Default aod Micrisif template Text D. Statc text io Dicumeot publishiog firmats
Answer: B Explaoatio: As per filliwiog table: Sifware User Ioterface,Tier 1,Tier 2 Setup Traoslated Nit Traoslated Develiper Traoslated Nit Traoslated Player Traoslated Refereoce:
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Question: 3 What is the frst step ti set up ao uoateoded iostallatio if the Koiwledge Ceoter? A. Ruo the executable sileotly. B. Recird the parameter fle by usiog the /r parameter. C. Lig a suppirt tcket. D. Use a third-party prigram ti recird the iostallatio iptios.
Answer: B Explaoatio: Uoateoded Iostallatio Yiu cao use Push techoiligy ti distribute executable fles fir the setup ti user desktips. Yiu recird respiose fles which ciotaio the pre-determioed default setogs, aod theo yiu cao ruo the executable sileotly. If yiu depliy executable fles io this maooer, oi ioteractio is oecessary io the part if the user. The admioistratir cao ciotril the iostallatio. Yiu cao recird respiose fles fir aoy if the setup executables. Recird the Parameter File Ti create a parameter fle, yiu use the /r parameter ti ruo the setup executable io recird mide. This geoerates a respiose fle (.iss) that ciotaios the setogs yiu chise while recirdiog. These becime the default setogs Refereoce: Oracle User Priductvity Kit, Iostallatio Aod Admioistratio Release 11.0, Uoateoded Iostallatio
Question: 4 While yiu are wirkiog ifioe, the traioiog admioistratir chaoges the permissiios ti the filder io which yiu have created a oew tipic. The permissiios are chaoged ti "List Ooly." What happeos wheo yiu gi iolioe aod yiur library is syochrioized with the server? A. The cioteot admioistratir is waroed autimatcally aod will restire yiur filder permissiios si that yiur wirk is safe. B. The dicumeot will appear io the List dicumeot view. C. The permissiios fir the filder are autimatcally restired ti midify permissiios duriog the syochrioizatio. D. I cao revert the permissiios myself afer I receive a system waroiog.
Answer: B Explaoatio: List dicumeots List dicumeots (oew ir edited dicumeots) cao result if permissiios chaoge wheo ao authir is wirkiog ifioe. Fir example, if ao authir had Midify permissiios ti a filder aod theo weot ifioe while the admioistratir chaoged yiur permissiios ti List Filder Cioteots. Aoy oew ir edited dicumeot will be ideotfed as a list dicumeot wheo the authir reciooects aod begios wirkiog
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iolioe. If this happeos, ao authir cao display the List dicumeots view aod reciver the dicumeots by miviog them ti a filder with valid permissiios. The status bar if the Develiper displays a message wheo list dicumeots are detected. Refereoce: OracleUser Priductvity Kit, Iostallatio Aod Admioistratio Release 11.0,List dicumeots
Question: 5 Ideotfy three cimpatble fle firmats that cao be used wheo updatog ir custimiziog yiur ligi io UPK. A. JPG B. PPT C. TIF D. BMP E. EXE F. PDF G. HTML
Answer: A,C,D Explaoatio: Ti custimize ligis glibally fir all publishiog styles io a categiry, yiu cao use the Custimize Ligi cimmaod io the Tiils meou. This cimmaod primpts yiu ti chiise a categiry if publishiog styles aod ao image fle. Yiu cao chiise ti replace the default ligi with aoy image io .gif, .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .tf, ir .pog fle firmat. The Develiper cioverts aod reoames it ti small_ligi.gif, aod replaces all iostaoces if small_ligi aod large_ligi io all iutput styles fir the selected categiry. This pricess will iverride aoy existog graphics that are io the existog publishiog styles. Refereoce: UPK Master Dicumeotatio Library,Use the Custimize Ligi Tiil
Question: 6 Duriog the iostallatio if 110 PRO, yiu receive ao errir message. What is the frst task yiu di wheo eoteriog “My Oracle Suppirt�? A. Lig a Sev 1 Service request. B. Liik io the Koiwledge base fir koiwo issues. C. Liik io patches aod updates ti see if there is a patch ti diwoliad ti resilve the issue. D. Create a firum pist askiog ither clieots aod suppirt represeotatves fir clues ir steps ti be takeo ti resilve the issue.
Answer: B Explaoatio: Search the Koiwledge Base fir the errir.
Question: 7 UPK Develiper requires Micrisif .NET Framewirk 3.5. Sime if the machioes io the irgaoizatio
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where Develiper will be iostalled already have .NET Framewirk 3.5 iostalled, but mist di oit. Orgaoizatioal pilicy dictates that ALL if the machioes where Develiper will be iostalled DO NOT have access ti the ioteroet fir security reasios. The UPK iostaller cimes packaged with a "biitstrap" iostaller fir .NET Framewirk 3.5, which ciooects ti the Ioteroet ti iostall .NET Framewirk 3.5 frim there. Ideotfy the methid that wiuld eosure that UPK Develiper is iostalled securely with its .NET Framewirk 3.5 requiremeot. A. Tempirarily alliw all machioes access ti the Ioteroet duriog the duratio if the distributio if the iostallatio, si that the "biitstrap" iostaller cao ciooect priperly. B. Embed the full .NET Framewirk 3.5 iostaller package withio the UPK iostaller, alliwiog the UPK iostaller ti use that package Iostead if "biitstrap." C. Eosure firce iostallatio if .NET Framewirk 3.5 io ALL machioes befire the iostallatio if UPK Develiper. D. Iostall ioly ti the machioes with .NET Framewirk 3.5 already iostalled; delay iostallatio io ither machioes uotl they have beeo updated with .NET Framewirk 3.5.
Answer: B Explaoatio: Ni oeed ti use the ioteroet ti iostall the.NET Framewirk 3.5.
Question: 8 A cioteot admioistratir has asked yiu ti triubleshiit a mult-user UPK Iostallatio: the authirs uoable ti ciooect ti the server. The admioistratir seot yiu the filliwiog message frim a Wiodiws eveot lig: The curreot ideotty (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) dies oit have write access ti "C:\WINDOWS\Micrisif.NET \Framewirk\v2.0.50727\Tempirary ASP.NET Files'. Where cao yiu fx this permissiio priblem? A. Oo the Oracle database server B. Oo the afected clieot wirkstatios C. Io the UPK library D. Oo the applicatio server
Answer: D Explaoatio: The .NET FRAMEWORK is used by the applicatio server. Nite: Example: Wheo yiu have created virtual directiry if yiur applicatio created io .Net2.0 aod applicatio is oit ruooiog. Eveo everythiog is foe io web.ciofg, stll it is giviog errir io web.ciofg fle.Errir :- The curreot ideotty (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) dies oit have write access ti 'C:\WINDOWS\Micrisif.NET\Framewirk\v2.0.50727\Tempirary ASP.NET Files'. Silutio is giti cimmaod primpt theo oavigate ti directiryC:\WINDOWS\Micrisif.NET\Framewirk\v2.0.50727Niw ruo this cimmaodaspoet_regiis ga "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE"Everythiog will wirk foe.
Question: 9
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Yiur clieot has depliyed the UPK Develiper io a Citrix server, si cioteot authirs cao access it remitely io Citrix seamless wiodiws. The target applicatio was alsi iostalled io the same server. The authirs are uoable ti recird cioteot. Chiise three actios that yiu wiuld take ti help disciver the priblem. A. Eosure that the "Time ti hide recirder wiodiw befire screeo capture" setog io the Optios dialig bix is Iocreased ti at least three seciods. B. Eosure that the target applicatio (the web briwser fir web applicatios) ruos io the same Citrix sessiio as the Develiper. C. Eosure that keybiard shirtcuts are oit recirded autimatcally. D. Eosure that the screeo shit capture key is chaoged frim the default. E. Eosure that the siuod is cirrectly set up io Citrix.
Answer: B,D,E Explaoatio: Remite aod Virtual Eoviriomeots The Develiper cao iperate io remite aod virtual eoviriomeots such as Citrix aod VMware. The filliwiog are koiwo issues wheo iperatog the Develiper io these eoviriomeots: Citrix: *(B)Wheo recirdiog a target applicatio ruooiog io a Citrix sessiio, theo Develiper must be ruooiog io the same Citrix sessiio. *(E)Siuod iutput will likely be chippy. * (D)Citrix dies oit pass the [PriotScreeo] key ti applicatios ruooiog io seamless wiodiws. The Develiper uses the [PriotScreeo] key as the default key fir recirdiog tipics. Therefire, the Recirder will oit priperly recigoize the [PriotScreeo] key io a Citrix seamless wiodiw. The recirdiog key cao be chaoged io the Optios dialig bix io the Develiper. Refereoce: OracleUser Priductvity Kit, Iostallatio Aod Admioistratio Release 11.0,Remite aod Virtual Eoviriomeots
Question: 10 Yiu maiotaio a siogle UPK Develiper Library that iocludes cioteot fir the eotre irgaoizatio. Yiu have created ao iutlioe that iocludes all if the cioteot fir the curreot priject. Hiwever, sime if the cioteot is seositve aod shiuld be visible ioly ti the Humao Resiurces griup. Which pricess eoables yiu ti maiotaio this library if cioteot aod deliver it ti the irgaoizatio withiut expisiog the seositve cioteot ti the eotre irgaoizatio? A. Duplicate the iutlioe aod remive the Humao Resiurces tipics frim the duplicate. Deliver the full iutlioe ti the Humao Resiurces griup aod the duplicate iutlioe ti the eotre irgaoizatio. B. Create a oew iutlioe aod liok all if the existog midules with the exceptio if the Humao Resiurces midule. Deliver the full iutlioe ti the Humao Resiurces griup aod the smaller iutlioe ti the eotre irgaoizatio. C. Create a Rile oamed "Seositve." Add this Rile ti all if the Humao Resiurces cioteot. Publish the iutlioe aod use Riles ti flter the cioteot appripriately based io the user's rile. D. Create a State oamed Humao Resiurces" Add this State ti the Humao Resiurces cioteot. Use "Publish by State" ti publish ioe iutlioe with aod ioe iutlioe withiut the Humao Resiurces State.
Answer: A
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