Hedaya Hamaideh - Apprenticeship Report

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Final Apprenticeship Report | hedaya hamaideh

Apprenticeship Final Report

Student Name: Hedaya Abed Jaber Hamaideh Student ID: 17220046 Student Major: Architectural Engineering – Technical Degree

School of Construction Technology and the Built Environment Academic Apprenticeship Mentor: Dr. Reem Abbasi

Training Duration: 5/7/2020 – 5/3/2021

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Final Apprenticeship Report | hedaya hamaideh


This report is written by Hedaya Hamaideh a fourth year architectural engineering student at Al-Hussein Technical University. It shows the student point of view and experiences that were gained during eight-month apprenticeship in construction industry at the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

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An essential stage of any university student to have the opportunity to apprenticeship through certain industries. While, an apprenticeship report is made after finishing internship period to show and conclude all personal, solid and relevant experiences that were gained. Therefore, throughout critical and deep journey this report indicates my personal gained experiences through eight months of internship in construction industry, containing two main stages (office work, site supervision) in two different companies CAP Architects, Al-Bitar mosque and the charitable complex project.

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Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................9 Office Work ...................................................................................................................................................9 Company Profile .......................................................................................................................................9 Company Policy & Standard ...................................................................................................................9 Charged Task............................................................................................................................... 11 1.

Gathering Information ...................................................................................................... 11


Conceptual Design ............................................................................................................ 12


Shop Drawings .................................................................................................................. 20


Shop Drawings Schedules ................................................................................................. 23


Construction Phase Perpetration ...................................................................................... 24


Client Consideration ......................................................................................................... 25


Client Attraction ............................................................................................................... 26


Client Marketing............................................................................................................... 33


Product Promoting............................................................................................................ 35


Site Visit ........................................................................................................................ 36

Wrap-Up ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Site Supervision ............................................................................................................................... 38 Company Profile .......................................................................................................................... 38 Supervised Task ........................................................................................................................... 38 1.

Site Information ................................................................................................................ 38


Tender Documentation ..................................................................................................... 40


Material Storage ............................................................................................................... 42


Works Done ...................................................................................................................... 43


Foundation Phase.............................................................................................................. 44


Column Works .................................................................................................................. 47


Wall Works ....................................................................................................................... 49


Stair Works....................................................................................................................... 50


Preparing for Slab Works ................................................................................................. 51


Slab Works .................................................................................................................... 52


Preparing for Slab Molding ........................................................................................... 52


Slab Molding ................................................................................................................. 53

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Concrete Cubes ............................................................................................................. 55


Concrete Test ................................................................................................................ 56


After Molding ................................................................................................................ 57


Munhall Works ............................................................................................................. 58


Electrical – Mechanical Works ...................................................................................... 58


Brick Works .................................................................................................................. 59


As- Built Drawing .......................................................................................................... 63

Wrap-Up ...................................................................................................................................... 64 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 64 Appendix A: Training Plan .............................................................................................................. 65 Appendix B: Bi-Weekly Report ....................................................................................................... 66 Appendix C: Certifications .............................................................................................................. 69

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Table of Figures FIGURE 1: COVER PAGE ..............................................................................................................................10 FIGURE 2: TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................................10 FIGURE 3: FRAME ........................................................................................................................................10 FIGURE 4: LAYER CHART ...........................................................................................................................11 FIGURE 5: LAND INFORMATION .................................................................................................................12 FIGURE 6: ONE OF THE OPTION I HAD DESIGNED ......................................................................................12 FIGURE 7: CONCEPT DESIGN WHICH ENG. YAHYA DRAW ......................................................................13 FIGURE 8: TECHNICAL DRAWING THAT I HAVE DRAWN BASED ON ENG. YAHYA CONCEPT DRAWING 13 FIGURE 9: MY LANDSCAPE DESIGNS OPTIONS ..........................................................................................13 FIGURE 10: ENG. YAHYA DESIGN THAT HAD INSTRUCTED ME DURING DESIGN IT ................................14 FIGURE 11: SHAFA BADRAN RESIDENTIAL PROJECT ...............................................................................14 FIGURE 12: SITE TOPOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................15 FIGURE 13: MY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN .......................................................................................................15 FIGURE 14: ENG. YAHYA CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FIGURE 15: MY ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO ENG. REQUEST ................................................................15 FIGURE 16: ENG. YAHYA CONCEPT DESIGN .............................................................................................16 FIGURE 17: MY ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO CLIENT REQUEST ...........................................................16 FIGURE 18: FINAL ADJUSTMENT THAT WHERE ACCEPTED .....................................................................16 FIGURE 19: MEDICAL COMPLEX SPACE + ENG. INSTRUCTS ....................................................................17 FIGURE 20: MY TECHNICAL DESIGN .........................................................................................................17 FIGURE 21: EXISTING ROOF .......................................................................................................................18 FIGURE 22: OPTIONS I HAVE MADE ...........................................................................................................18 FIGURE 23: FINAL DESIGN THAT WERE ACCEPTED ..................................................................................18 FIGURE 24: EXISTING WALLS FIGURE 25: MY TECHNICAL DRAWING .....................................................................................................18 FIGURE 26: INTERIOR ROOF PROJECT ......................................................................................................19 FIGURE 27: HAIR BEAUTY SALOON PROJECT ...........................................................................................19 FIGURE 28: BUSINESS PARK OFFICE PROJECT .........................................................................................19 FIGURE 29: BUILDING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................20 FIGURE 30: EXISTING BUILDING ................................................................................................................20 FIGURE 31: MANUAL DRAWINGS ...............................................................................................................21 FIGURE 32: SOME OF MY SHOP DRAWINGS ...............................................................................................21 FIGURE 33: LAND INFORMATION FIGURE 34: REGULATION............................................................................................................................22 FIGURE 35: SOME OF MY SHOP DRAWINGS ...............................................................................................22 FIGURE 36: VILLA PLANS............................................................................................................................23 FIGURE 37: SOME OF THE B.O.Q I HAVE PRODUCED ...............................................................................23 FIGURE 38: MUNICIPALITY NOTES ............................................................................................................24 FIGURE 39: STONE SUPPLY AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................24 FIGURE 40: LAND INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................25 FIGURE 41: UM UTHINA PROJECT PROPOSAL...........................................................................................25 FIGURE 42: SITE DRAWING .........................................................................................................................26 FIGURE 43: OPTION 1 ..................................................................................................................................26

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FIGURE 44: OPTION 2 ..................................................................................................................................27 FIGURE 45: THE CHOSEN ONE.....................................................................................................................27 FIGURE 46: SKETCH UP MODEL .................................................................................................................27 FIGURE 47: ZOKA CAFÉ ..............................................................................................................................28 FIGURE 48: BALCONY ATTACHED PROJECT .............................................................................................29 FIGURE 49: OPTIONS I HAVE MADE FIGURE 50: FINAL OPTION..........................................................................................................................30 FIGURE 51: SKETCH UP MODEL .................................................................................................................30 FIGURE 52: CASE STUDY VS. APPLIED CABINET.......................................................................................30 FIGURE 53: BASIC PLAN ..............................................................................................................................31 FIGURE 55: OPTIONS I HAVE MADE ............................................................................................................31 FIGURE 54: FINAL OPTION..........................................................................................................................31 FIGURE 56: 3D MODEL ................................................................................................................................31 FIGURE 58: STAIR OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................32 FIGURE 59: CASE STUDIES .........................................................................................................................32 FIGURE 60: SKETCH UP MODEL .................................................................................................................32 FIGURE 61: REALITY ...................................................................................................................................33 FIGURE 62: SKETCH UP MODEL .................................................................................................................33 FIGURE 63: CHURCH RENDER ....................................................................................................................34 FIGURE 64: A' DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION .....................................................................................35 FIGURE 65: SLAB MOLDING ........................................................................................................................36 FIGURE 66: AIN AL-BASHA SITE ................................................................................................................38 FIGURE 67: THE MOSQUE ...........................................................................................................................39 FIGURE 68: THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING ................................................................................................39 FIGURE 69: TENDER DOCUMENTATION .....................................................................................................40 FIGURE 70: CONTRACT AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................40 FIGURE 71: THE MAIN B.O.Q .....................................................................................................................41 FIGURE 72: GANTT CHART .........................................................................................................................41 FIGURE 73: MATERIAL STORAGE...............................................................................................................42 FIGURE 74: WORKS ON SITE .......................................................................................................................43 FIGURE 75: SA’ALA )‫ (سقالة‬...........................................................................................................................43 FIGURE 76: ‫ مشجر‬..........................................................................................................................................44 FIGURE 77: DIFFERENT SOIL IN THE SITE .................................................................................................44 FIGURE 78: DISPOSAL SOIL.........................................................................................................................45 FIGURE 79: BEARING WALL .......................................................................................................................45 FIGURE 80: WATER TANK...........................................................................................................................46 FIGURE 81: MOSQUE BASEMENT WALL ....................................................................................................46 FIGURE 82: COLUMNS WORKS ...................................................................................................................48 FIGURE 83: WALL WORKS..........................................................................................................................49 FIGURE 85: STAIR WORKS ..........................................................................................................................50 FIGURE 84: PREPARING FOR SLAB WORKS ...............................................................................................51 FIGURE 86: SLAB WORKS ...........................................................................................................................52 FIGURE 87: SLAB MEASUREMENT ..............................................................................................................53 FIGURE 88: DELIVERY TICKET ...................................................................................................................53 FIGURE 89: SLAB MOLDING ........................................................................................................................54 FIGURE 90: CONCRETE CUBES ...................................................................................................................55 FIGURE 91: CONCRETE TEST ......................................................................................................................56

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FIGURE 92: CORE TEST ...............................................................................................................................57 FIGURE 93: WOOD TAKING OFF.................................................................................................................57 FIGURE 94: MUNHALL WORKS ...................................................................................................................58 FIGURE 95: INSTALLING PLASTIC PIPES ....................................................................................................58 FIGURE 96: WATERWAYS PIPES .................................................................................................................59 FIGURE 97: BRICK WORKS .........................................................................................................................59 FIGURE 98: BRICK WORKS .........................................................................................................................60 FIGURE 99: BRICK WORKS .........................................................................................................................60 FIGURE 100: BRICK WORKS .......................................................................................................................61 FIGURE 101: BRICK WORKS .......................................................................................................................61 FIGURE 102: ‫رخ‬ ‫ قمط‬........................................................................................................62 FIGURE 103: ‫ كلب وعرقة‬..................................................................................................................................62 FIGURE 104: AS- BUILT DRAWING .............................................................................................................63

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Introduction This report represents eight-month apprenticeship in construction industry, it includes two main stages I have through in which are office work and site supervision taking into consideration that I have internship in conjunction in the last two month two days in the site and the other two days in the office. The report shows basically charged task to me and discuss how I dealt with, concluding with my evaluation and the whole experiences I've got.

Office Work I have spent eight-month 5/7/2020 – 5/3/2021 internship at office in CAP company located in Dabouq. Office work have gained me a lot of new knowledge and improve a lot of my technical and soft skills I’ve got in the university after three years of studying architecture. Office work was basically about internship in competences with main phases which are; pre design phase, project planning, conceptual design, design development, detailed design, construction information, project management and some of construction management. Which I’ve been lucky enough to cover related competencies.

Company Profile I had the opportunity to have my apprenticeship in CAP Architect & Interior Designer company, which is class B architectural and interior design company, established in 2017 as private company specialized in modern design, high-caliber solutions for architectural and interior design projects which had and still serve the Middle East and Gulf Area in progressive architectural design and supervision. Where I have trained under the supervision of Eng. Yahya Ibraheem the founder and the principle architect of CAP company.

Company Policy & Standard Each company has its own policy and standard to follow, in my case at CAP company policy & standard here it mentions policy & standards relates to design and the way of working. ➢ Communication Environment At the company my main communication was with Eng. Yahya, where the communication was visual, sometime using sketches and case studies, while all files were sent on WhatsApp. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed DD02 and PM01. ➢ Used Software’s At the company main software where used is; AutoCAD, Sketch Up and Photoshop, which I had the chance to work on all of them in different projects. ➢ Technical Drawing Technical drawing was at CAD software, therefore some main standard for the company were followed, such as;

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1. Cover Page; containing the company name, logo, name of the main engineers worked on the project (Architect, Civil, Mechanic, Electrical), site information and project areas table.

Figure 1: Cover Page

2. Table of Content; Containing list of all drawings for the project including architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical drawings.

Figure 2: Table of Content

3. Frame; containing drawing name and number, company information, name of the architect who worked on the drawing and company logo.

Figure 3: Frame

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4. Layer Chart; contacting all line weight, color and name that will be used in any drawing related to the company. ➢ Saving Files Main steps I have learnt when I receive a task to work on. First, a whole new folder will be created named after the project name. Second, all drawing, information and picture will be saved in the new created folder. Third, all drawings have a certain name conjunction (A, date, client name, building type). E.g. (A-20201206- Abdul Hafezresidential). Figure 4: Layer Chart

Charged Task At eight-month apprenticeship period many task where charged to me, in this section each task will be discussed, but first some consideration must be taken as things where tidies up based on tasks relates to design and authorities’ issues such as; gathering information, conceptual design, technical drawings, schedules and construction phase preparation. Tasks relates to dealing with client issues like; client consideration, attraction, marketing and product promoting. And one task relates to my site visits at CAP company.

1. Gathering Information Gathering information project was basically the beginning of any project, where client came with his/her land information, so we can draw it on AutoCAD on the right scale. I have worked on 5 projects with this type of task, the way I dealt with it is beginning with information I had received from Eng. Yahya, then collect information such as dimensions, setbacks and site conditions using two websites, department of land & survey and Amman explorer. As according to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD01, PD02-1/2/3 and CD01. ‫ سكني‬- ‫خريبة السوق‬

‫ سكني‬- ‫اليادودة‬

‫ سكني‬- ‫القويسمية‬

‫ سكني‬- ‫خريبة السوق‬

‫عمان – سكني‬

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2. Conceptual Design Conceptual designs are tasks where I have charged to start drawing after I gathered previous information and draw the land. It categorizes into two sections, one the tasks where I had the chance to draw conceptual architectural design, such as; Na’our residential, chalet and Shafa Badran residential projects. Two is the remaining tasks where only interior changes were made. As according to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed pre design phases, project planning & conceptual design. 2.1.1. Na'our Residential Project Na’our residential project housing A, client requirement was to design 4 apartments within 125m. Therefore, first I had the usual steps with gathering information and drawing the land. Then I started with conceptual design where I had designed some options that had adjustment by Eng. Yahya. Till the end where Eng. Yahya had designed a liner conceptual design that I was charged to draw it as technical drawing. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD01, PD02-1/2/3, PD06, PD07, PD10, CD01, CD05, CD11, CD10, CD12, CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

Figure 5: Land Information

Figure 6: One of the option I had designed

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Figure 7: Concept Design Which Eng. Yahya Draw

Figure 8: Technical Drawing that I have drawn based on Eng. Yahya concept drawing

In advanced phase landscaping were required to present, therefore, I had tried to design a landscape area, then Eng. Yahya had given me some instructs by mentoring who he design a landscape area which was very helpful to me due to my lack of experiences with landscaping.

Figure 9: My landscape Designs Options

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Figure 10: Eng. Yahya Design that had Instructed me during design it

2.1.2. Shafa Badran House Project Shafa Badran House Project housing C, client requirement was to design a family apartment. Therefore, first I had the usual steps with gathering information and drawing the land. Then Eng. Yahya had produced a conceptual one line drawing so I can start with technical drawing. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD01, PD02-1/2/3, PD06, PD07, PD10, CD01, CD05, CD11, CD12, CD13-1/2 and DD05.

Figure 11: Shafa Badran Residential Project

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2.1.3. Na'our Chalet Project Na’our chalet project client requirement was to design small chalet containing some bedrooms and swimming pool. Taking into consideration the site on high slope. While land topography was already drawn therefore, I started with conceptual design and made up a 3d model for topography on Sketch Up software. Then Eng. Yahya had adjustment the drawing, after showing the client other different adjustment where made to reach the final design. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD02-1/2/3, PD06, PD08, PD10, PD11, CD02, CD05, CD12, CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

Figure 12: Site Topography

Figure 13: My conceptual Design

Figure 14: Eng. Yahya conceptual Design

Figure 15: My adjustment according to Eng. Request

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2.2.1. Mr. Hashem Villa Project Mr. Hashem villa project, where client requirement was to change interior design as building were already constructed. Therefore, Eng. Yahya has designed the conceptual design then I have charged to adjustment drawings till it reaches to client acceptances. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD12 and CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

Figure 16: Eng. Yahya Concept Design

Figure 17: My Adjustment according to Client Request

Figure 18: Final Adjustment that where Accepted

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2.2.2. Medical Complex Project Medical Complex project, where ground floor that contains dentinal clinics needs to change interior design as building were already constructed. Therefore, Eng. Yahya has given me some instruction to design technical drawing. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD12 and CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

Figure 19: Medical Complex space + Eng. instructs

Figure 20: My Technical Design

2.2.3. Madaba Roof Project Madaba Roof project, where roof level will be added for new married couple, therefore, the requirement was too simple to be like a studio. Therefore, Eng. Yahya has given me some information and instruction to design technical drawing. So first I draw the roof then I made some options where in the end Eng. Yahya picked one. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD12 and CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

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Figure 21: Existing Roof

Figure 22: Options I have Made

Figure 23: Final design that were Accepted

2.2.4. Emergency Unit Project Emergency unit project, where its attached to some health center and need to be rearranged. Therefore, Eng. Yahya has given me some photos and instruction to design technical drawing. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD12 and CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

Figure 24: Existing Walls

Figure 25: My Technical Drawing

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2.2.5. Jaber Interior Roof Project Abdul Alkani Jaber project, is an interior apartment project in Jabel Amman, Where I had the chance to visit several time to see interior works. This apartment total area is 95 where it’s also attached with roof and interior stair. Therefore, in this case I had the chance to work on interior furniture in the roof. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD12, CD13-1/2 and DD05.

Figure 26: Interior Roof Project

2.2.6. Hair Beauty Saloon Project Hair Beauty Saloon project, that needs an interior change. Therefore, I had the chance to work on interior furniture. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD12, CD13-1/2/ and DD05.

Figure 27: Hair Beauty Saloon Project

2.2.7.Business Park Office Project An office needed an interior change, I had only the chance to draw one section in it.

Figure 28: Business Park Office Project

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Shop Drawings

Shop Drawing are tasks where I have charged to start drawing after I gathered previous information, draw the land and draw technical drawing which in the end will be submitted to the municipality. 3.1. Al-Buniat Building In this project an old building with two floor in each one a department, that needed to construct a new two department barrel to the old ones. The main issue was that building drawings was drawn manually. Therefore, my task was to transfer all drawings to AutoCAD files and prepare a full set of shop drawings, such as; site plan, topography plan, space schedules, plans, furniture plans, section, elevation, doors/windos schedules. Also, in this project specifically I had a direct communication with the client to know his exact request. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD07, PD10, PD12, CD02, CD03, CD08, CD12 , DD09-01 PM03, PM04 and CD02.

Figure 29: Building Information

Figure 30: Existing Building

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Figure 31: Manual Drawings

Figure 32: Some of my Shop Drawings

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3.2. Abdul Hafez Proposed Roof In this project a residential building with four floor in each one two departments, the client requested a proposed roof to be attached to the last apartment. Therefore, I have produced a shop drawing to the proposed roof, such as; site plan, space schedules, plans, furniture plans, section, elevation, according to Eng. Yahya instructions and regulations related to roofs. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD07, PD10, PD12, CD02, CD03, CD08, CD12, DD05, DD09-01, DD10 and CD02.

Figure 33: Land Information

Figure 34: Regulation

Figure 35: Some of my Shop Drawings

After I produced the shop drawing, Eng. Yahya has charged me to go to Khraibet Al-Souq Municipality, so I can make sure if we can built a roof, take a preliminary approval and make sure that every thing is good for the project. Unfourntully, after I dealt with the municipality and according to the planning departement this land has a special conditions therefore, it’s not allowed to have a constructed roof on it.

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Shop Drawings Schedules

In this section a full detailed architectural B.O.Q were produced by me, for Matar private resident villa in Amman, this villa has three floor, containing 10 master room, 3 kitchens, 3 living room, 2 guest room and offices. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed DD 09-02 and CD01.

Figure 36: Villa Plans

Figure 37: Some of the B.O.Q I have Produced

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Construction Phase Perpetration

This section shows the phase after finishing shop drawing and start to deal with municipality and some contructural documents with the client. As one of the task I was charged to do is also going to Jubiha municipality. The condition was after sumbiting drawing to the municipality some nots were need to be added, in our condition was “ ‫وضع‬ ‫مالحظة على مخطط الموقع التنظيمي بعدم زيادة الشقق عن اربعة‬ " ‫ وحسب مالحظة المفتش‬. Therefore, I went to the municipality to add this note. Which was a quiet intersting visit to me to deal with this kind of work, and see how the work need to be preciced as all will be reviewed in details. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD12, DD03, DD06-03 and S07. Also, some of contructural documents I was charged to write was with Abdul Hafez residential building porject. As it shows stone supply agreement showing five payment in different times. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PM02, PM07, PM10 and PM16.

Figure 39: Stone Supply Agreement

Figure 38: Municipality Notes

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Client Consideration

In this section to take client consideration before starting drawing a proposal need to be done. Therefore, I had made a simple proposal for multi purposes project in Um Uthina. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD01, PD02, PD07, PD06, PD10, PD11, PD12, CD01, CD06 and CD13-03.

Figure 40: Land Information

Figure 41: Um Uthina Project Proposal

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Client Attraction

Client can be attracted by making a 3D models to make it easy to imagine how the work will be. Therefore, this section show my charged tasks relates to 3D models using Sketch up. 7.1. Al-Rusayfa House Project A house project in Al-Rusayfa, as client requirement was a full house for family, land area was 957.6m. In this project I started with the usual steps, gathering information, draw the site, draw conceptual drawing, make adjustment with Eng.Yahya, reaching for the final drawing, and attracting client with a 3D full furniture model on Sketch Up. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD01, PD02, PD07, PD06, PD10, PD11, PD12, CD03, CD04, CD05, CD06, CD10, CD11, CD12, CD13 and DD05.

Figure 42: Site Drawing

Figure 43: Option 1

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Figure 44: Option 2

Figure 45: The chosen one

Figure 46: Sketch Up Model

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7.2. Zoka Café A floor in commercial building called “Zoka Café” in Al- Abdali. Where the client has removed the old restaurant and want to transfer it to bowling hall. Therefore, I was charged to draw furniture on CAD, then make a simple sketch up model. Taking into consideration that this was my first task in office works. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13 and DD05.

Figure 47: Zoka Café

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7.3. Interior Balcony Attached Project A Floor in residential building, the client wants to put a sitting area in the balcony and cover it with glass for the winter summer. Therefore, according to measurement that Eng. Yahya gave me, I draw it on AutoCAD, then I make option for furniture, after I transfer it to sketch up. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13 and DD05.

Figure 48: Balcony Attached Project

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7.4. Interior Doctor Room Project A doctor room in a clinic, the doctor wants to put as much sitting area as possible that would be applicable for his student. Therefore, I had received AutoCAD drawing and sketch up file, so I draw the furniture on AutoCAD, then to sketch up. Also, a special cabinet were design based on Eng. Yahya instruction. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13, DD05 and DD06-02.

Figure 49: Options I have made

Figure 50: Final Option

Figure 51: Sketch Up Model

Figure 52: Case Study Vs. Applied Cabinet

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7.5. Interior dentinal Clinic Project An interior dental clinic in health center, client wants to put two clinic rooms, reception and some other services. Therefore, I had received AutoCAD drawing and Eng. instructress, so I draw the furniture on AutoCAD, then to sketch up. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13 and DD05.

Figure 53: Basic Plan

Figure 54: Options I have made Figure 55: Final Option

Figure 56: 3D Model

7.6. Interior Jaber Stair Project As a previous project I’ve worked on, this time two interior modern stair options based on Eng. Yahya instruction were made using sketch up. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD05, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13, DD05 and DD06-01/02.

Figure 57: AutoCAD Drawing

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Figure 57: Stair Options

7.7. Interior Children Waiting Area Project An interior children waiting area in clinic, client wants to give the children a suitable waiting area for them. Therefore, I had received sketch up file and put the designed according to Eng.Yahya vision and requirement by giving me some case study. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13., DD05 and DD06-1/2/3.

Figure 58: Case Studies

Figure 59: Sketch Up Model

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7.8. Interior Jaber Fire Place Project As a previous project I’ve worked on, this time an interior modern fire place was made using sketch up according to Eng. Yahya instructions and a specific type of wood. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, CD03, CD04, CD06, CD11, CD12, CD13 and DD06-02.

Figure 60: Reality

Figure 61: Sketch Up Model


Client Marketing

Drawings need to be rendered to be marketed. A previous church in Germany where interiorly redesigned to be a suitable house, Eng. Yahya has provided me with shop drawing so I render it and make a suitable video showing the case. Therefore, I had rendered all provided drawing on Photoshop and produced the video which can be found at company Facebook page “ CAP Architect & Interior Designer” (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=339059497272214). According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed CD03, CD08, and CD13.

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Figure 62: Church Render

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Product Promoting

For company to keep tracking world development and to be wild known. Therefore, the company has entered an “A’ Design Award and Competition”. In this competition I has participate in producing one whole documents required called “Pdf Document” to accompany company products designs which include information that communicate design technically, which I had produced aligned with product specification. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed PD10, DD04, DD06- 02, DD09- 03, PM07 and PM30.

Figure 63: A' Design Award & Competition

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10. Site Visit Due to the far distance from me to company sites beside Jaber residential apartment, I had the chance to visit one-time site in Airport Amman Road. For a residential building, it was the day of receiving the concrete and slab molding, the slab was one way ribbed slab. According to architectural competencies related to office work, in this task I have completed S01, S0706, SO7-10 and CD05.

Figure 64: Slab Molding

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Wrap-Up After I have spent eight whole month internship at office work in CAP company, I have gained a huge experience that gave me a new fresh perspective into construction industry. I haven’t faced challenges at first, but one main challenge and new experience to me was to full fit client requirement and reach to their satisfaction, as dealing with different people, mind or point of views can be difficult sometimes. On the other hand, this specific challenge was my opportunity to deal with different people, to know the market better and to know how people think. While my experience in technical drawing had increased by dealing with authorities. This journey in office work was one of the most powerful, useful and amazing experience, one of the thing that had benefit me to get this kind of experience is the eight-month duration as it was a long journey that had many baby steps to reach what I have learnt in the end. Other thing was the interaction with Eng. Yahya and the way he kept tracking me and share with me his experience in the industry which has improved my basic skills that were gained in the university and developing it to cope up with reality.

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Site Supervision I have spent two months 3/1/2021 – 5/3/2021 internship at site located in Ain Al-Basha held by Sobeh company. Where it is a commercial building and mosque held on two lands next to each other. While, the project considers a one charity project the commercial building serve the mosque, therefore, works were held on the same time on each building. Site supervision have gained me a lot of new knowledge and closed a huge gap of missing information I had between design and construction. Site supervision was basically about internship in competences with supervision and construction management CD05. During my apprenticeship in the site I have witness several important works starting from superstructure phase.

Company Profile I had the opportunity to have my apprenticeship at Sobeh Consulting Engineering company, which is class A consulting engineering company, established in 1976 provides designing, consulting and supervision services in engineering majors. Where I have trained under the supervision of Eng. Abdel Rahim Lafi a resident civil engineer in the site.

Supervised Task At two months’ apprenticeship period I have witness many task and some I were charged to do, in this section each task will be discussed, but first some consideration must be taken as things where tidies up based on how the building are constructed from start and finish.

1. Site Information As it was mentioned before the site has two land with two different building type,

Figure 65: Ain Al-Basha Site

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A mosque contains three level; basement floor has two apartments for Imam, muezzin and women prayer area, ground floor has the main prayer area for men and first half floor contains some extra space. Total area for the mosque is 225m. When I started to visit the site, Basement floor columns was already constructed and they were preparing to molding the slab of basement floor of the mosque.

Figure 66: The Mosque

The other building was a commercials building that contains a three floor; basement has parking, ground floor has commercials stories and the first floor had a multi purposes hall. When I started to visit the site, Basement and ground floor columns was already constructed and they were preparing to molding the slab of ground floor.

Figure 67: The Commercial Building

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2. Tender Documentation The first task I have done was to review tender documentation related to the site. As main parties in the site was; client: Abdul Rao’f Albittar / consultant+ designer: Soboh Office / contractor: AlBait Contracting. I have reviewed the main tender documentation, that includes many different topics showing in the picture. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed PD12, PM20, S01, CD06 and CD08.

Figure 68: Tender Documentation

I also had the chance to review the main offer from AlBait company “The contractor” and the agreement between them and Soboh Office. And to know that the least phrasal payment is 43.00. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed PM16 and S05.

Figure 69: Contract Agreement

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In Addition, I had the chance to review the main BOQ that was prepared from the AlBait company “The contractor”.

Figure 70: The Main B.O.Q

Moreover, I had the chance to review the Gantt Chart that was also prepared from the AlBait company “The contractor”. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed PM09,

Figure 71: Gantt Chart

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3. Material Storage In some huge project they construct a temporary storage to put materials in. However, in our case we didn’t have a huge space to that so each material in the project had a specific place to be in. As cement has to be far from works, put it on above linoleum and not attached to the ground to prevent the water to reach and damages it. Also, for bricks and blocks as the same of the cement not to be attached to the ground, it has something below it to be prevented from damaged and to be near from the brick sub-contractor. Moreover, for wood and steel nothing special expect to be far from water.

Figure 72: Material Storage

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4. Works Done Works on the site was made on it, for brick works and steel bars. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-23/24/14.

Figure 73: Works on Site

As for how the workers move through the building to work there was two ways for that. The first one is )‫ (ٍسقالة‬which only using wood. The second one )‫(مشجر‬its bunch of iron bar with wood.

Figure 74: Sa’ala )‫(سقالة‬

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Figure 75: ‫مشجر‬

5. Foundation Phase Unfortunately, I didn’t witness the foundation phase. However, I have reviewed some information relates to it, like; soil type, the site had 7 different soil type which was a challenge to design the foundation. However, they kept digging to reach to the suitable soil type, which in the mosque was Swileh sand and the commercial building was red clay. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-02

Figure 76: Different Soil in the Site

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Moreover, all the soil that was out from the site it wasn’t suitable to be used in any phase during the project therefore, they had to put it way until it will be removed.

Figure 77: Disposal Soil

As for foundation type weather it was for the mosque and commercial building was isolated and in some area combined.

Also, as there was a lot of excavation a bearing wall is made to product the site from the soil and collapse. In addition, holes were made to reduce the pressure on soil and to give it the chance to lose some of it water.

Figure 78: Bearing Wall

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Moreover, water tank also made from previous phases and from bearing wall.

Figure 79: Water Tank

In addition, Basement walls will be added to it: smooth plaster, zefteh then block for insulation. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-15/16.

Figure 80: Mosque Basement Wall

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6. Column Works In this section it shows the steps of columns works that I have witnessed. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-07/08.

After Steel work finish, columns need to be covered with wood around it to make a mold so concrete can fill it

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After concrete molding in the column it need 3 days to take off the wood. Also a wet burlap need to cover the column, so concrete can keep it strength.

Wood Mold need to be still and closed well so concrete can’t leak out

Figure 81: Columns Works

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7. Wall Works In this section it shows the steps of wall works that I have witnessed. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-08.

Photo shows how the wood are putted in two layers, one vertical and the other horizontal.

Figure 82: Wall Works

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8. Stair Works In this section it shows the steps of stair works that I have witnessed. In some phases and changes in the site minaret stairs had some problem with changing the floor height. Therefore, my supervisor Eng. Abdul Raheem has asked me to redesign the stair to suit new changes, which was applied later, then also changed due to changes in floor height. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed CD12, CD13, PM15, PM25 and CD09.

Figure 83: Stair Works

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9. Preparing for Slab Works Preparing for slab works, is the works that show how we reached for the slab. Therefore, after ground slab is constructed workers start to level up the works into the next level by using (‫)جكات‬ supported pipes or sa’alat system )‫ (نظام سقاالت‬wood, to make a flat roof to start the slab works on it. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-09/23.

The wood that are used here is horizontal then vertical way called “‫ ”فرسة‬the above wood “‫ ”العوارض‬the wood in down.

Figure 84: Preparing for Slab Works

It can be noted that some supported pipes are stand alone and some with other supported pipes in up and down making a square support, it refers to floor level, as if it was alone it means that the floor height is 3 -4m“like in basement floor “which called ‫جكات‬. However, if it has other supported pipes it means the floor level is up to 5m “Like in commercial stories, which called ‫نظام سقاالت‬

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10. Slab Works In this section it shows the steps of slab works that I have witnessed. As after preparing the slab and putting wood and supporting pipes. Blocks started to be putted according to measurement, ribbed between them and main beams, as slabs was a one way ribbed slab. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-13.

Figure 85: Slab Works

11. Preparing for Slab Molding To prepare for slab molding the resident Eng. need to accept the works and make sure that everything was done according to the agreed drawing by recounting every brick and steel bar. Also, one task I was charged to was to make sure that slab level is accurate according to the drawing by using surveying equipment “level”., it was taken according to previous bench mark that survey engineer has put on the exterior wall of the site. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed CD02, PM17, S04 and S07-01.

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Figure 86: Slab Measurement

12. Slab Molding According to the previous tender document I have read, the concrete need to be ready mix. Therefore, when slab molding day come the concrete was ready mix. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-10/11.

Figure 87: Delivery Ticket

A delivery ticket need to be with the concrete driver to give it for the resident engineer so he can accept it. Noting that timing is very important, as driver only have one hour and a half to deliver the concrete, in less it won’t be accepted.

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When reaching the slab, concrete need to be pumped first on the main beams then on the blocks. A vibration equipment need to vibrate the concrete so aggregate can hold and not allowing for the air to get inside the concrete. Also, a thick iron bar is putted to make the worker know to what level the concrete will reach.

Figure 88: Slab Molding

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13. Concrete Cubes While slab molding process is on, a 6 cube are taken for 50 m of concrete for test purposes. Therefore, as the concrete amount was 130m an 18 cube of concrete is taken. A lab specialist is the one who take and prepare these cubes. This section shows the preparation of concrete cubes. As each cube need to have three stages of adding concrete on it, as concrete to be ducked very well in each stage, then its wiped up and some paper note are added on it to know the information of this cube. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-11.

Figure 89: Concrete Cubes

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14. Concrete Test The previous concrete cubes that was prepared need to be tested, according to codes cubes need to be tested after 7 days and 28 days. But first when they are prepared they need to be kept protected in water tank on 22O degree. Then when they are tested against breaking they are exposed to special equipment in “International Center for Geotechnical Studies”. Its expected for concrete cubes to reach 30 MPA strength and in our case concrete cubes succeeded and in some cases they reach to 40 MPA. However, at first concrete cubes are organized, weighted, bricked, disposal then written. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-06/11.

Figure 90: Concrete Test

Unfortunately, sometime concrete cubes test is failed, in a previous case core test is made. And for closing the taken core, a strong, concrete material is filled in it called grout. After the core is taken its covered with material that make it smooth from top and bottom for equipment can break it correct and then lab report is sent. Which in our case we were lucky cause core test has passed. P a g e 56 | 70

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Figure 91: Core Test

15. After Molding After 16 days of molding the slab need to have water in morning and evening, so concrete can reach to its highest tension. After 16 days’ wood that was holding slab will be taken off.

Figure 92: Wood Taking Off

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16. Munhall Works Munhall works are covered with wood and with the last phase after molding all walls will be taking off.

Figure 93: Munhall Works

17. Electrical – Mechanical Works Electrical and mechanical works are done with conjunction with structural works at early stages. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-17/21.

Figure 94: Installing Plastic Pipes

Also, for waterways pipes and sewers, a special cement need to be used around them which is resistance to salts. And when designing the place of the pipes, it need to be taking into consideration that it doesn’t be placed where opening is.

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Figure 95: Waterways Pipes

18. Brick Works Brick works in the site had different phases. I have learnt so many things about brick as it has so many different types. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S07-14 and CD04. Brick type that were used in the project was ,‫(طبة ناعمة‬ )‫ حجر مسسم‬,‫ حجر مفجر‬,‫طبة خشنة‬. I have learnt that: 1. Any elevation that had some differences with measurement and aesthetics, different brick type need to be used.

Figure 96: Brick Works

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2. Every two raw in the bricks need to be tied in kind of the same order, expect that its wrong.

Figure 97: Brick Works

3. To make semi arch in elevation, a small brick is tied up above a wood frame, and connected with each other with small piece of cylindrical steel that a has an iron steel tied to it so it can be connected with larger brick that will be showed in the elevation.

Figure 98: Brick Works

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4. Brick works has two kinds, first one is brick that are construct on itself, the second one is brick that are constructed on concrete walls.

Figure 99: Brick Works

5. The steps to construct brick on itself, first measurement need to be taken to know the exact place of the brick, second marks are done and thread are tied up for brick to be on the same level.

Figure 100: Brick Works

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6. Bricks has different name according to the place and the use of it. If brick where above the window it called )‫(قمط‬. If bricks where on the corner and the corner has an obtuse angle it called .)‫ (رخ‬Beside window or door two type of brick are used called )‫ (كلب او عرقة‬which kind of the same however, ‫ كلب‬brick is smaller than ‫ عرقة‬bricks.

Figure 101:



Figure 102: ‫كلب وعرقة‬

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19. As- Built Drawing After brick works are done resident engineer need to measure the whole work and compare it to the shop drawing so as- built drawing would be produced and accurate to the reality. According to architectural competencies related to site supervision, in this task I have completed S03, CD03 and CD07.

Figure 103: As- Built Drawing

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Wrap-Up After I spent three-month internship at site supervision in Ain Al-basha site, I have gained a huge experience that had gave me a new fresh perspective into construction industry. I haven’t faced so many challenges. While, it wasn’t easy for me to interact with the site especially it isn’t a girl friendly environment, however I managed it in the best way I could. On the other hand, I had an amazing opportunity to fill the gap I had between office work and construction. As I known a lot of information and had the opportunity to supervise how things done. This experience has enriched my knowledge especially it was two project and not only I have witness architectural works also structural too, which in my believes I think every architect need to know it so he/she can understand and deal with civil engineers. Other thing that had benefit me a lot to gain the fill experience I need in the site was interacting with main parties in the site, like resident engineer; Eng. Abdel Raheem, contractor; Abu Bassem and other subcontractors, which I had the opportunity to talk to them and know their point of view toward different tasks in the site.

Conclusion This report has described my whole experience I have gained in these whole eight months. Beginning with office work ending with site supervision. This experience has gained me a lot of new and important information that filled missing pieces during my studies in the university and hopefully its showed in the report. As I was lucky enough to internship with two amazing offices that helped me a lot during my journey. This journey had also helped me to know what I want to be after I graduate and to know which work fits me or not. It also encourages me to know how things in other building type are constructed. In the end, I’m very grateful for this experience as it prepared me very well to face the construction industry after hopefully I graduate.

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Appendix A: Training Plan

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Appendix B: Bi-Weekly Report

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Appendix C: Certifications

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