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George Hedon
All in life of Djordje Joksimovic is design. To his appearance, understanding, and notion. Remembrance on a city atmospheres that bread out a specific soulfulness, p¬eople he meets, spaces that he visits through constant travels, have made a need to create a unique diary. Somewhat of a sailing ship diary, minimalistic and clean. Fluid atmosphere of sun birth in Melbourne, London foggy mornings, blooming midday in Amsterdam and blue nights of Berlin, are one continuous thought, simplified in form. Tools he is using are identically refined as his thought. Collages that he makes do not intersect, do not join… They are created as a result of specific collating of author’s modern technology. The result is unforced, none pragmatic. Deep understanding of time he lives in had made him ‘contemporary nomad’ that always has a need to leave trace in sand of self-existence. That trace is stylized, clean and pretty.