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Stakeholder engagement
category communication channels
Employees ] Internal magazine ] Intranet ] Meetings ] Regular information ] Internal communication campaigns ] SpeakUp line
Authorities ] Annual financial report ] Regular specific reports (e.g., environmental report) ] Sustainability report topic
Emissions, Products and Services, Environmental Compliance, Economic Performance, Market Presence, Local Communities, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Competitive Behaviour, Socio-economic Compliance, Employment, Labour – management Relations, Occupational Health and Safety, Training and Education, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Energy, Water, Biodiversity, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Products and Services, Environmental Compliance, Supplier Environmental Assessment, Economic Performance, Indirect Economic Impact, Purchasing Practices, Anti-Corruption, AntiCompetitive Behaviour, Socioeconomic Compliance, Customer Health and Safety, Marketing and Labelling, Occupational Health and Safety, Supplier Social Assessment, Supplier Human Rights Assessment how we engage
` “Solid teams” mini-football championship ` Promoting volunteer actions ` HeidelbergCement Romania apprenticeship program ` Start for a SOLID career ` Career development plan ` Performance driven competitions
` Strict compliance with legislation in force ` Taxes and duties ` Supporting infrastructure projects through material donations ` Participation in platforms for projects of common interest ` Contribution to the development of local communities ` Investments in education, infrastructure, sports, health
Suppliers ] Meetings ] E-mail ] Annual financial report ] Sustainability report
Customers ] E-mail ] Social media ] Meetings ] Website
Media ] E-mail ] Press releases ] Interviews
Emissions, Products and Services, Supplier Environmental Assessment, Economic Performance, Indirect Economic Impact, Purchasing Practices, Anti-Corruption, AntiCompetitive Behaviour, Socioeconomic Compliance, Customer Health and Safety, Marketing and Labelling, Supplier Social Assessment, Supplier Human Rights Assessment
Energy, Water, Biodiversity, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Products and Services, Environmental Compliance, Economic Performance, Indirect Economic Impact, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Competitive Behaviour, Socioeconomic Compliance, Customer Health and Safety, Marketing and Labelling
Energy, Water, Biodiversity, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Products and Services, Environmental Compliance, Supplier Environmental Assessment, Economic Performance, Market Presence, Indirect Economic Impact, Local Communities, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Competitive Behaviour, Customer Health and Safety, Employment, Occupational Health and Safety, Diversity and Equal Opportunities ` Supporting local suppliers ` Long-term partnerships
` Expanding product portfolio ` Certification of our products and plants ` Ensuring availability of product user manuals on the company’s website ` Ensuring availability of design guides on the company’s website ` Supporting the Construction
Academy platform (Concrete and
Masonry Mortars sections)
` The Community Advisory Panel
“Sfatul Bătrânilor” ` Press conferences ` Open Days
Local communities ] E-mail ] Events ] Sustainability report Energy, Water, Biodiversity, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Products and Services, Environmental Compliance, Supplier Environmental Assessment, Economic Performance, Indirect Economic Impact, Local Communities, Anti-Corruption, Socioeconomic Compliance, Customer Health and Safety, Employment, Labour – management relations, Occupational Health and Safety, Training and Education, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, Supplier Social Assessment, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, Supplier Human Rights Assessment
] Events ] Social media ] Regular direct consultation ] Sustainability report
Water, Biodiversity, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Environmental Compliance, Economic Performance, Market Presence, Indirect Economic Impact, Purchasing Practices, Local Communities, Socio-economic Compliance, Employment, Occupational Health and Safety ` Project partnerships for members of local communities ` Involvement by allocating human or financial resources ` Donations and sponsorships ` Open Days
` Quarry Life Award competition ` Consultations with representatives of local communities (“Sfatul Bătrânilor”) ` Financial or material support for local development projects ` Investments to reduce environmental impact ` “Young Environment Guardians” project ` “Access to education” project
The dialogue with local communities is also maintained through events organised twice a year, since 2011. With the aim of creating an initiative group consisting of the local communities’ representatives, the community advisory council “Sfatul Bătrânilor” brought together more than 50 participants in the 2019 editions in Tașca, Chișcădaga and Fieni. Each of these meetings is an effective way of identifying, together with local community representatives, the most pressing issues they face and the existing opportunities that should be addressed. At the same time, the meetings are an extremely important source of feedback for the company, allowing us to constantly review and improve our activity.
Environmental protection is one of the fundamental priorities of HeidelbergCement Romania’s sustainable development strategy. We are aware that our activity has an impact on the environment, which is why we are constantly investing in equipment and technologies that aim to reduce and minimise the environmental impact we have. Continuous monitoring of environmental indicators and access to real-time data are key tools of our decision-making process. All projects, measures and initiatives implemented at company level are strictly linked to the sustainability commitments we took, to conserve natural resources and ecosystems, to improve our energy efficiency and fight climate change. Thus, between 1998 and 2019, the total value of the environmental investments directed towards our cement plants exceeded 48 million euro.
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