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Human rights
We take responsibility for respecting human rights in relation to our business partners, but especially in our interactions with company employees. We strictly comply with the national and international legislation in force, as well as the principles described by internationally recognised standards, such as: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the eight fundamental labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
in 2019, 15 employees completed courses regarding human rights.
The governing principles, HeidelbergCement’s position on human rights and the Code of Conduct on the principles of corporate social responsibility, describe our commitments in this direction. We are committed to ensuring all necessary resources for the proper implementation and maintenance of the social responsibility management system, to comply with all the requirements of SA 80004 Standard and to promote the principles of social responsibility among employees, suppliers and subcontractors.
Employee diversity and equal opportunities are key elements that contribute to increasing the company’s performance, boost creativity and innovation and improve the productivity of the entire team. All employees enjoy equal opportunities at work and the right to work is not restricted in any way to any employee. All relationships within the team are based on dignity and mutual respect, and any form of direct or indirect discrimination based on age, gender, nationality, religion, physical or mental disabilities, ethnicity, political option, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics deemed disadvantageous under the law is strictly prohibited. In addition, in 2018, we signed the Diversity Charter, a set of general principles that we voluntarily undertook in order to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
in 2019, there were no registered incidents of discrimination or human rights violations.
Employees by gender, age and position within company 2019
age / category senior management middle management collar white blue collar total
men <30 0 1 23 40 64 30-50 12 29 103 210 354
>50 6 14 89 214 323
total 18 44 215 464 741 women <30 0 0 9 9 18 30-50 2 2 82 37 123
>50 0 4 63 45 112
total 2 6 154 91 253
580 180
Employees with disabilities 2019
collar white blue collar
men 1 1 women 0 0
average age in the company in 2019 - 47.91 in 2018 - 47.7