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Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

McPommes a.k.a. Mecklenburg Vorpommern 

McPommes, Seite 1

Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

McPommes !

aka Mecklenburg Vorpommern

You might think what this title is all about. There is a large county in northern Germany right at the shores of the Baltic Sea and close to Poland. It returned to political grounds of Germany about 25 years ago when the wall came down in 1989. Since then a lot has changed. The people probably became more wealthy regarding to the new exquisite buildings they live in and the SUV vehicles they drive is. The roads for sure improved and everything looks as if it had never been apart from capitalistic western Germany. But not the beauty of the land. This has not changed I guess. Unfortunately I did not have the chances to visit this area during the German Democratic Republican years. So after returning from a stunning trip to Jasper National Park, Canada, I decided to give my home country a try and explore the nature of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. My most important ambition was to meet the thousands of cranes on the shrubby planes of MV (short for Mecklenburg Vorpommern and used as such in the following text) . First I checked into an old Manor by the shores of the river Peene called Alt Jargenow. It turned out to be an excellent decision. The small flat was good for a small family and I was only single. The food I bought at home just fitted well into the frigidaire and looking out of my windows I could see the sky form the kitchen and bathroom and some two or three buildings behind many coloured trees. Everything was perfectly in order and the silence of the place was overwhelming. Taking a short walk along the river Peene showed me some of the beauty in semi darkness. About five red deer took refuge in the McPommes, Seite 2

Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

next bushes because I was accompanied by a small German sausage dog on small legs. We did not know each other and we never met again. But this dirty little creature just tried to chase the deer and when it returned to me I gave it a lecturing in behavior as how to explore the nature without disturbing other animals or plants. Microbes not included. On my way back to the Manor which looked really good in the dusk a large barn owl flew over my head as if to say hallo and left again. The following night was so quiet that I could hear my own snoring. No wind was blowing and the temperatures were just alright for this time of the year.


McPommes, Seite 3

Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

! Above: the Manor with the front entrance. My flat was on first floor on the right part of the building. Previous page: The old barn and farmhouse - now a building with self supporting energy equipment.

! ! ! ! McPommes, Seite 4

Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

Above: The villages old chapel from 1750 or so. On the top of the three little windows a carved rock had been inserted. Now it is inside the chapel and contains the Familien Wappen of the Brixen family who owned the manor and grounds at that time.

! ! ! ! ! ! McPommes, Seite 5

Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

McPommes, Seite 6

Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Bonn, Germanilly 24. Oktober 2014

above: The „polder“ meadows beside the river Peene


left: The river itself

McPommes, Seite 7

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