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FIGURE 1: Photoshop Collage by Heleena Houston
FIGURE 2: Dryden, H. (1919). Vogue Magazine Front Cover June 1919 [Photograph]. Vogue Archive. https://archive.vogue.com/issue/19190601
FIGURE 3: Hawkesworth, J. (2020). Vogue Magazine Cover July 2020. [Photograph]. Th e July Issue Is Dedicated To Th e New Front Line. https://www.vogue.co.uk/news/article/editors-letter-new-frontline-july-2020
FIGURE 4: Magwick, B. (2019). Maxim Magnus for Hunger Front Cover. [Photograph]. Models.com. https://models. com/work/the-hunger-magazine-cover/1090336
FIGURE 5: Rankin. (2016). Winnie Harlow for Hunger Front Cover. [Photograph]. PopSugar. https://www.popsugar. co.uk/fashion/Winnie-Harlow-Hunger-Magazine-Cover-October-2016-42479294
FIGURE 6: Hunger Magazine Front Cover. Magazine Café. https://www.magazinecafestore.com/products/hunger- magazine?variant=39925600420029
FIGURE 7: Rankin (2021). Beauty Issue, Animation by Frank Nitty. [Instagram]. HungerMagazine. https://www. instagram.com/p/CWdlwPjDnkT/
FIGURE 8: Walker, T. (2019). Fine Line Album, Harry Styles. [Photograph]. Tim Walker. https://www.timwalkerphotography.com
FIGURE 9: Porodina, E. (2021). Photograph For Pop. [Photograph]. Elizaveta Porodina Instagram. https://www.insta gram.com/p/CUZgENfA4w6/
FIGURE 10: Beaton, C. (1950) Irving Penn. [Photograph]. 100 Years of Penn. https://artsandculture.google.com/ex hibit/100-years-of-penn/_ALC-mHWdEnSIw
FIGURE 11: Teller, J. (2015). Juergen Teller Self Portrait. [Photograph]. Juergen Teller’s Renegade Eye. https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/news-analysis/juergen-tellers-renegade-eye/
FIGURE 12: Penn, I. (1950). B&W Fashion With Handbag B, Jane Patchett. [Print]. Irving Penn. http://www.artnet. com/artists/irving-penn/2
FIGURE 13: Teller, J. (2011). Cerith, Suffolk. [Photograph of Print]. Juergen Teller Featured Work. https://www.lehman nmaupin.com/artists/juergen-teller
FIGURE 14: Teller, J. (2008). Marc Jacobs Spring/Summer 08. [Photograph]. Victoria Beckham Is Back Inside A Shopping Bag For Juergen Teller. https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/bjage3/victoria-beckham-juergen-tell er-bag-campaign
FIGURE 15: Photoshop Collage by Heleena Houston
FIGURE 16: Campbell, P. (2021). Adidas Collage [Digital Collage]. By Poppy Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUF-GthAfs/
FIGURE 17: Campbell, P. (2021). Weekday Y2K’ 21 Collection. [Digital Collage]. By Poppy Instagram. https://www. instagram.com/p/CKunQXMBEX2/
FIGURE 18: Collins, A. Untitled Photograph of a Musician. Who What Wear. https://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/mu sic-video-stylist
FIGURE 19: Nuding, A. (2021). Jo Malone London X Huntsman Saville Row Fragrance Campaign Shoot. [Photograph]. Robbie Spencer Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CW526P2sKh4/
FIGURE 20: Screenshot from @heleenahoustonfmc Instagram https://www.instagram.com/heleenahoustonfmc/
FIGURE 21: Screenshot from @heleenahoustonfmc Instagram https://www.instagram.com/heleenahoustonfmc/