Garstang Focus Magazine - Dec 2020

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GARSTANG - Scorton - Cabus - Garstang - Catterall - Bonds - Bowgreave - St Michaels - Churchtown

Issue 242 December 2020

in Garstang

Welcome to Focus Magazine... Coffee Stop............................................................4

Ben Wallace MP.................................................23

Calder Vale Methodist Chapel....................4

Garstang Camera Club...................................25

Scorton Christmas Fair....................................5


Friends Together................................................6

Garstang Quakers..............................................29

Garstang Wine Circle.......................................6

Garstang Free Methodists.............................30


Natural Mood Boosters..................................31

St Thomas’ 2nd Wednesday Club.............7

The Inner Wheel Club.....................................34

Scottish Country Dance Group...................8 Out Rawcliffe Over 60s...................................8 Garstang Subscription Bowling Club.....9 Bilsborrow War Memorial..............................9 Garstang Trefoil...................................................10 Garstang Fairtrade............................................10 Garstang Painting Group...............................10 Caldervale Country Club...............................12

Additional Wyre Funding...............................34 Wyre Flood Forum............................................37 Champion Bowland..........................................41 Babas........................................................................42 Christmas Grey Matter Test..........................43 SOS - Silence of Suicide................................45 RSPCA......................................................................45

Garstang Library.................................................12

Charity Calendars..............................................46

Cardiac Risk in the Young..............................14

Christmas Crossword.......................................47

Garstang Arts Centre.......................................15

Garstang District Lions...................................48

Garstang Medical Practice...........................17

Garstang Speakers............................................49

Garstang Town Council...................................19

Inner Wheel...........................................................49

Garstang Phoenix WI.......................................20

Wyre’s New Urban Woodlands..................54

Cat Smith MP........................................................20

Quiz Answers........................................................55


The January deadline for editorial and adverts is 5:00pm on Monday 14th December Deliveries of the January edition of Focus Magazine will commence Thursday 7th January Over Wyre & Garstang Focus Magazines | (01253) 813433 | Event Advertising & Editorial: Business & Commercial Advertising: Postal submissions: Focus Magazine, 132 Highfield Rd, Blackpool, FY4 2HH Cover design by Phil S Clarkson | Printed by Moulton Printing | © Focus Magazines 2020 While every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine to ensure accuracy, Focus Magazines cannot be held responsible for editorial content supplied by contributors. Our acceptance of an editorial item or an advertisement does not necessarily indicate our endorsement of the products, services or views contained within it.

COFFEE STOP Our community cafés in Catterall and Inglewhite have been missed by many of us this year. We look forward with the hope of being reunited next year. December in the church calendar is always exciting and busy. Though things are going to be different this year we’re delighted to invite you to connect with any of the planned events and activities this month. You are most welcome to help us by preparing a shoe box to be distributed by International Aid Trust or by contributing to food hampers that will be distributed by the local food bank. Join us if you can for our special ‘Christmas from Home’ service or link with any of the other events that might work for you. Details of all these activities and events can be found on our website www.

4 which is being regularly updated. Thank you to Focus Magazine for keeping us all connected this year. Trusting you all enjoy a peaceful Christmas. With warm greetings from us all at a Inglewhite Church. Lesley Hardman t: (01995) 641175 (church office)

CALDER VALE METHODIST CHAPEL Once again we have had to postpone resuming our Sunday Worship in the Chapel. Hopefully it will happen in January. Details of Zoom services are available. Please ring me with your email address. We are usually busy with various events in December. Some will still happen but in a different way.

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Our Crib will still appear outside the Chapel but there will not be a formal blessing.

Sun 6th Dec 10:30am - 4:00pm Scorton Village Hall

We usually have a ‘Time to Remember Service’ when we think of those no longer with us either through distance or death; some recently but others whom we miss after so many years. We take a star and hang it on the Christmas tree. This year we will have the opportunity to take a star or ribbon and tie it outside the Chapel. This can be done anytime in December and will of course allow for social distancing etc.

Visit the fantastic Scorton Christmas Gift Fair. Our fair features 26 stalls selling tasty foods and fabulous gifts including wreaths, preserves, textiles, Christmas gifts and decorations, jewellery and soaps, traditional wooden crafts, Our Friday take away lunches continue. chocolate, glassware and candles. They must be pre-ordered. We will have a We are operating as an indoor market so Christmas meal before we break for a week face coverings must be worn. There will be or two over the festive period. One course or a one-way-system and no mixed households two. please. Entry is free. Keep well and safe. We pray for more normal Joanne Golton times in 2021. Thank you. t: (0152)4 791818 Edith Gorst (01995) 602078


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Although we have not been able to meet for so long, we are still ‘friends together’ and so we would like to take this opportunity to wish all those who we have had fun and fellowship with this past year, a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Over thirty members of the Wine Circle joined this month’s Zoom meeting. The three wines for the meeting were all from South Africa, available to members from our local Booths Store, and selected by Mervyn Stokes to present to the group. We should record our thanks to Keith at Garstang Booths, who has helped us by making sure that stocks of the wines were available in store.

We look forward in anticipation to meeting together again in the New Year. For some, this year may have brought new friends or perhaps some even losing some. For some it may have been a time of change or challenge, for some a difficult and stressful one. Whatever we have been through this past year we will all have plenty to share when we can once again meet together, whenever that may be. As soon as we have a safe time and place to meet again we will let you know. Janice Wright (01995) 602247

The white wine was a Fairtrade Western Cape Chenin Blanc. The grape is associated with the Loire Valley in France, which would appear to be the region from where samples of grapes were obtained for planting in South Africa in the mid 1600s. They were planted by the Dutch East Indies Company who set up a supply station on the Cape of Good Hope, for their ships travelling from Holland to the East Indies. It is a light and delicate wine with good acidity, but perhaps more suited to summer drinking than a November evening in Garstang! The first of two reds was made from a mixture of Shiraz, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, a wine made in a Bordeaux style, in spite of the presence of the Shiraz grape. This was a smooth and delicious wine that would be a good accompaniment for roast lamb, a lamb stew or indeed a Lancashire Hot Pot on these winter nights. The second red was a Pinotage. This grape variety was developed in South Africa in the 1920s, but did not find favour internationally until the mid to late 1990s. This is a powerful wine with big flavours that will accompany game and venison. Once again it is a good wine for flavoursome winter stews. The next meeting will be on Mon 14th Dec, when we are holding our Zoom Christmas party. The committee are currently planning a host of exciting activities and members are encouraged to attend - more details to follow! Rosemary Stokes


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3LS Like so many groups, we have not been able to meet for many months and are wondering when we will be in a position to do so again. But at this special time of year we can, through Focus Magazine, take the opportunity to keep you all up-to-date. Many members will remember Sarah Davies who, we are sorry to hear, passed away in October. Sarah was a long time member of our group and was treasurer from 200511. She will be remembered for giving so generously of her time and energy to us and other groups in Garstang. When there is a safe time and place to meet we will let everyone know. I am sure that will be an interesting time of sharing our thoughts and experiences of this past year. Christmas this year may be very different from previous ones, but the message of peace and love at this time will never change. It it is with this thought we send greetings to all our

members and friends, and look forward with hope to the New Year. Ruth Rendle (01995) 602006

SECOND WEDNESDAY St. Thomas Church, Garstang On behalf of the committee we hope you are all well and managing to keep occupied during these very strange times. It is a long time since we were all together but hopefully 2021 we can get back to our monthly meetings sharing happy times and fellowship. We do have a programme organised but of course await the go-ahead from the government. In the meantime we wish you all a very happy Christmas and may the New Year bring peace, hope and joy. Keep in good health and stay safe. Avril and the Committee

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SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE GROUP Hopefully, we’ll be able to dance again in 2021. Meantime, enjoy the festive season as best you can! For further information, contact Ian (01995) 603998 or Pam (01995) 603536. Marlene Towns

OUT RAWCLIFFE OVER 60’S Unfortunately, as you know, after our one and only meeting in March, the Over 60’s had to be postponed due to the Covid pandemic. I hope you are all managing to keep well and safe. Many of you are having to stay isolated which can be a lonely existence, but I hope you are keeping yourselves occupied and are in touch with family and friends. I am sorry to say the health of some of our members has not been good. This is upsetting to hear. Let us pray that improvement will be made and we send them our very best wishes for a speedy recovery. We will get through these challenging and difficult times. Winter is fast approaching and the colder weather is upon us. Getting out into the garden is not as enticing as it was. Although Autumn gave us a spectacular display of colour, we have to suffer the fallen leaves. What a job collecting them!

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Our Autumn Tints coach trip was always a favourite with our members and many have expressed their sadness that it had to be cancelled, along with the other monthly trips we’ve had to cancel this year. What a situation to be in. How do we plan for the future of the club? We do not know if we will still be in lockdown and not even sure whether we will actually be able to meet up or even go out? As we move towards the festive season I wish you peace, joy and love to you and your families. Let us hope for a more positive and happy new year. Merry Christmas to you all. Jane Webster (Treasurer/Secretary)


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SUBSCRIPTION BOWLING CLUB Garstang Like many other bowls clubs we have missed out on so much this past year. Not being able to play for some months at the start of the season has meant some members have missed a whole season’s bowls. The virus prevented many of you from coming to the club during 2020, but on the bright side this has meant that the work done on the green whilst we have been in lockdown will provide an excellent playing surface in 2021. Hopefully most of you will be readers of Focus Magazine, so on behalf of the committee, we send best wishes to all members, past and present, for a peaceful and joyful Christmas and a very happy New Year. Ruth Rendle (Secretary)

ARMISTICE SERVICE Bilsborrow War Memorial This year took on a different format. The service was limited to 15 persons and was organised with military precision as usual by Mr. Roy Bassnett, Clerk to the Parish Council. It was attended by representatives from both Barton and Bilsborrow Parish Councils. The Church bell was tolled 29 times at St. Hilda’s, one for each of the local fallen, by the Tower Captain, Mr. John Blackley and the Last Post and National Anthem sounded by Neil Jones of Poulton le Fylde Brass Band. Prayers were said by the Rev, Garry Whittaker, Vicar of St. Hilda’s. What times we are living in - temporarily one hopes. GMB

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Festive greetings to all our members. Let’s hope we will be able to meet again in 2021! For further information please contact Brenda Allen (Chair) on (01995) 601979

Unfortunately Christmas this year will not be the same so if you have to shop online for Christmas gifts and Christmas treats how about having a look at www.traidcraftshop. where you can buy your Fairtrade wine, tea, coffee, decorations, as well as Christmas cards and gifts. And remember buying Fairtrade products will not only give pleasure to the recipient but think of the benefit to the producers.

Marlene Towns

Garstang Soroptimists usually have a real Christmas party with a Secret Santa. This year, it will be a virtual Christmas party, but the decision has been made that Fairtrade Divine Chocolate Advent Calendars will be bought and one given to each member. Finally, the Garstang Fairtrade group would like to wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and thank everyone for their support during a difficult year.

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GARSTANG PAINTING GROUP December already! Well thank goodness painting is a solitary ‘sport’ and we can all keep going with a box of paints, a box of pastels or just a pencil and a piece of paper (and of course a bit of imagination and we have plenty of that!). So, it remains to say, have as fantastic a Christmas as you can and come out of this dreadful year with a smile and a few pictures to show for 2021. Happy painting everyone, and all the very best for Christmas and a much happier New Year! Bill Barnes

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CALDER VALE COUNTRY CLUB Unfortunately our doors remain closed due to lockdown. If restrictions are lifted on Wed 2nd Dec we will be ready to act. The committee has continued to carry out improvements during the last few weeks for the benefit of our members and visitors. Thanks to the generosity of one of our committee members, we now have some attractive exterior signage. Ros Ashworth (01995) 603776

GARSTANG LIBRARY Access Your Library at Home Did you know that you can access free eBooks, eAudiobooks, comics, magazines and daily newspapers? Find out more and download step-by-step guides through our digital library. Home Library Service You can use the Home Library Service if you can’t get to a library because of your age, disability, poor physical or mental health, caring responsibilities or mobility problems. You may want to use the service all the time or for a short period, such as only in winter or when recovering from an illness or operation. A friend, relative or carer can collect books for you. If you can’t arrange for someone to collect them for you, volunteers can deliver your books to you free of charge. If you are interested in joining the Home Library Service or for more information contact the library. Six of the Best This service allows you to arrange the collection of a bag of books at the library building entrance which our staff will select for you. We’ll pick up to six books for you


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GARSTANG LIBRARY (cont) to collect safely from the library. We can’t guarantee that you will get books you like or haven’t previously read but we’ll try our best. Complete the request form online with details of the type of book you like to read and the number you would like to collect or phone us Mon to Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm. You can also use the form to request ‘Six of the Best’ for up to four other people, all to be collected at the same time. Mobile Library There are some changes to the service to keep everyone safe, so please call Glenys on 0771 754 3763 or email to find out more information and the times of stops near you. Further Updates For the most recent updates on opening times and the services available at Lancashire

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Libraries, please visit our website, call us or follow Lancashire Libraries on social media: t: 0300 123 6703 e: fb: @lancslibraries twitter: @lancspublib

CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG Matthew Hesmondhalgh Memorial Fund Thank you to all who have donated jigsaw puzzles this last month. They may just be a small thing but I know from some of the comments we have received that they have brought comfort and enjoyment to others during this bleak time of lockdown. Congratulations to our latest prize winners on the lottery. We’re still waiting for one of you to win the big one (£25,000)! Thank you to all who have supported us this way and if you’d like to take part, or maybe give someone a gift of a lottery ticket, go to www. and search for CRY. If you sign up before Sat 19th Dec you will also be entered into an extra draw to have a chance at winning an entertainment bundle that includes an Amazon Echo Show 8, Echo Dot and Tablet. Good Luck! As the last vestiges of this most difficult of years come to an end, we wish all our supporters the gifts of peace, friendship and love at what will be a very different Christmas. Thank you for your gracious and generous support over 2020. Like so many, we will keep alive the hopes that next year will be better and that we can enjoy each other’s company once again. Here’s to your good health in 2021. Keep warm, keep safe. Paula Hesmondhalgh t: 07785 106 976 e: fb: @The Matthew Hesmondhalgh Memorial Fund

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GARSTANG ARTS CENTRE The staff and trustees of the Arts Centre wish all our members and customers a very happy Christmas. We look forward to better times in the New Year when we can open our doors and all meet up again. Judith Osborne Garstang Poetry Group The Arts Centre will remain closed until further notice. Like all the groups the Poetry Group will be affected. It is as yet unknown when the Arts Centre will re-open. Gary has sent out some interesting poems from our talented members. Like many of you I have been reading poems at home. One such book is ‘Other Men’s Flowers’, a collection of poems chosen, surprisingly, by Lord Wavell. This book will probably be available in the library. Try and keep up contact with group members if you can. Enjoy the festive Season . Marie Whalley (Secretary)

Songbirds Hello fellow Songbirds. I hope you are all well and getting through this awful time we are experiencing. I trust you are singing to the radio, dancing round the kitchen and keeping yourselves upbeat throughout our mutual love of music and singing. Let us hope that we can all be together again in 2021. In the meantime, may I wish you a very happy Christmas and may the New Year bring us all peace, joy and above all the very best of good health. Stay well, stay safe and keep singing. Remember what Captain Sir Tom says ‘Tomorrow will be a good day’. Avril Bevan Garstang Floral Art Group June and Mary would like to wish all our members a very Happy Christmas. We live in the hope of a much better year in

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GARSTANG ARTS CENTRE (cont) 2021. We thank you for your patience and assure you we will be back as an active group when circumstances allow. Take care, stay safe and we hope to meet together in 2021. June (01995) 602505 Mary (01995) 605210

In the meantime we’re not out of the woods yet so stay safe and enjoy your Christmas reading. Have a good Christmas. We’re looking forward to meeting again next year. Linda & Sandra

The Book Club

Garstang Ukulele Group

The Book Club was a new venture for the Arts Centre this year. Unfortunately we were just getting started when the lockdown began.

In the absence of being able to play Christmas songs this year, I’d like to invite you to imagine us playing your favourite tunes in perfect harmony. Ah, that’s lovely.

Of course, the silver lining is that we have more time to read. We’ve certainly read more books this year than we have in a long time, including some old favourites. Hopefully next year, as everything starts getting back to normal, we’ll be able to resume our meetings. We’re sure that you’ll have lots of recommendations and favourites to share.

If you’d like to sing along, our Christmas songbook is available to download from our website at: www.garstangukulelegroup. Merry Christmas and a much happier New Year to everyone in Garstang from all of us. Bob Sapey


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GARSTANG MEDICAL PRACTICE Christmas / New Year Opening Times


Garstang Medical Practice will be open as usual throughout the Christmas and New Year period apart from the Bank Holidays. Currently we will be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. If you need medical assistance or advice outside of our opening hours, please call the NHS 111 service.

As we are only closed for three days over Christmas and New Year, please order your repeat prescriptions as normal allowing five working days for collection.

The NHS 111 service is staffed by a team of fully trained advisers, supported by experienced nurses and paramedics. They will ask questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you to the local service that can help you best. That could be A&E, an out-of-hours doctor, an urgent care centre or a walk-in centre, a community nurse, an emergency dentist or a late-opening chemist. For more information please visit the NHS choices website:

Kepple Lane Dispensary is open every day including Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Appointments Over Christmas & New Year Over the Christmas and New Year period we will be offering on the day appointments only, as in previous years. Please be assured that if you need medical help and advice during this time, you will be able to ring on the day for a same-day telephone appointment. We do ask that you leave routine problems and queries until after the holiday period. We are being asked by NHS England to be prepared to deliver the Covid vaccination campaign from early December. This is a

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GARSTANG MEDICAL (cont) massive ask for general practice to undertake during the busy winter season. We do not know, at the time of writing, when the vaccine will be available, but we have to start to make preparations in anticipation of starting vaccinations as soon as they do become available. This will obviously be a huge campaign lasting several months. In order for us to be able to deliver it safely to our patient population, we will have to reduce the availability of pre-planned services to some extent. This might mean, for example, that your annual asthma or diabetes review is postponed for a few months. However, please remember that throughout the time of the vaccination campaign we will be available to offer you the support and care you need. If you have any concerns about your health you must contact us. Any self-care you can administer to yourself and your families for minor ailments during this time will obviously

help to ease the pressure on our clinicians. Please see our website for advice on selfcare or visit the Self Care Forum: www. As and when we have details of how the Covid vaccination campaign will be delivered, we will keep you informed. Please do regularly visit our website for updates. If you have a mobile telephone number, please let us have this for our records as this is another way we can easily communicate to a large number of patients at any one time. If you are able to pass on information to elderly neighbours, friends and relatives who you feel may not access these means of communication, your help in this would be greatly appreciated. We would like to thank all our patients for your patience and understanding in what continues to be a hugely challenging time for all our staff. The number of telephone calls we are receiving continues to be at unprecedented high levels. Please do stay in the queue and our staff will get to you as soon as they are able. Please do not come down to the surgery with queries if you are struggling to get through on the telephone. Please try to ring later in the day for nonurgent enquiries. We do understand it is frustrating when you are held in a queue but these really are extra-ordinary times and we really are doing our utmost to continue to provide a full service, even when our own staff are affected by the virus and needing to stay at home to self-isolate. It has a significant impact on the whole team if one or two are off due to situations requiring self-isolation, in addition to ‘normal’ sickness or annual leave. Thank you for your invaluable support and we wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas. Garstang Medical Practice t: (01995) 607399 fb: @garstangmedicalpractice


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GARSTANG TOWN COUNCIL Moss Lane Play Area Problems with the trampoline and roundabout have been reported back to the suppliers but initially they will be coming out to repair the webbing on the trampoline as it is currently out of service. New paving has been laid around the playpark entrance, (which was becoming muddy), and to give a firm base to the newly installed inclusive picnic benches. To those that asked about the Moss Lane donkey, sadly it will not be making a return! Christmas in Garstang Although we don’t know how things will look in December, we are hoping to spread some festive cheer with a pop up Christmas market at Cherestanc Square from Fri 18th Sun 20th Dec. If it is safe to hold an event, amongst the stalls the Mayor will have a stall selling hot chocolate, cakes and reindeer dust for her mayoral charities - Garstang Christmas Lights and Garstang Millennium Green.

attend by contacting the Town Clerk. The next meeting is taking place on Wed 16th Dec. The dress code is Christmas fancy dress! Mayor’s Christmas Message Another year has almost passed and what a year it has been. The council has continued to operate throughout the pandemic, conducting meetings virtually including the Town Council Awards evening. A huge congratulations to all the winners this year and thank you for making Garstang the special place that it is to live. I would like to thank all the volunteers at Garstang Volunteer Force and key workers for their hard work this year. On behalf of all the councillors, clerk and lengthsman, I wish residents a merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Please stay safe and let’s hope 2021 is a better year for us all.

Garstang Youth Council In November, Garstang Youth Council was delighted to re-elect Youth Councillor Declan Stephen as Youth Mayor of Garstang until October 2021. Declan first joined the Youth Council in January 2016 and has already served as Youth Mayor for 2019-20. Sadly due to the coronavirus pandemic, Youth Mayor Declan’s fundraising had to be suspended. However with a supportive group of Youth Councillors, the Youth Council is exploring covid-safe fundraising and social activities to kickstart the new civic year. Youth Mayor Declan has already raised a substantial sum of money for Garstang In Bloom, an organisation close to his heart. The Youth Council was also delighted to reelect Jorge Pollard as Deputy Youth Mayor. Despite the current restrictions the Youth Council continues to meet virtually and welcomes anyone interested in joining to

Tell them you saw it in the ‘Green Book’




Town Council Meeting

Well what a year this has been. For some of us December will be a month when we have a holiday to look forward to – hopefully with some of the people we love and care about. For many others, Christmas will be a time of intense sadness – the first Christmas without a loved one lost to Covid. To those of you who have lost someone you care about this year, I send you my heartfelt thoughts and prayers.

The final virtual town Council meeting of the year will take place on Mon 7th Dec. If you wish to attend, please contact the Town Clerk for details of how to join. Edwina Parry - Town Clerk t: 07592 792 801 e: w:

GARSTANG PHOENIX WI We would like to wish members best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. We hope that you have managed to stay in good health during these difficult times and that it will not be too long before we can resume our monthly meetings. We look forward to seeing you and catching up whilst sharing tea and cake. Take care. Lesley Wilson (01995) 605274 r Open fo & s s busine g in r e adh ty fe a s o t es guidelin

We’ve talked a lot about mental health this year and how the pandemic has affected all our lives from juggling family responsibilities, to working from home, to not working at all. I’m sure many of us will be happy to put this year behind us and look forward to a more hopeful and happier future. But if you are struggling, please get help. There are mental

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CAT SMITH MP (cont) health charities ready to support you or please visit your GP. You are not on your own - experiencing low mood is very common and can be effectively managed. The end of a year is often a time for reflection and when I look back I’m proud of the work my party has done during the pandemic. Many of the government U-turns have been down to Labour’s persistence in persuading the government to do more – from having daily public briefings at the beginning of the crisis, to extending free school meals for children during the holidays, caring for the homeless, extending the furlough scheme, improving test and trace, applying pressure for a circuit breaker, supporting the self-employed with funding – the list goes on. It’s often difficult being in opposition but this year I think we’ve proved why it’s so important to have one. Locally myself and my team have worked tirelessly in getting the help and support everyone needs and deserves.

do hope that its safe for us to come out of this soon and enjoy a little bit more of normality. We have some lovely, local independent shops - many of whom have struggled over the last six months. I hope you’ll join me in shopping local to support businesses as they try to get back on their feet. Thank you to all the NHS front line workers, the care workers, the cleaners, delivery drivers, public transport staff – to all those who have helped to make this last year more bearable than it would have been without your commitment and sacrifice. We are deeply grateful. Whatever kind of Christmas this is going to be, I wish you health and happiness. Lets hope 2021 brings light and love to all of us. Cat Smith MP t: (01524) 566551 e:

I’ve received more than 11,000 emails in the last year from constituents looking for support and my team and I have dealt with more than 6,000 cases. I know this work will continue in the new year – a vaccine is hugely welcome but the impact of this pandemic will be felt for a generation. I’m so pleased there will be some joyful moments – like Santa agreeing to visit Knott End and Preesall on Sat Dec 12th where he’ll tour the villages in his sleigh pulled by his ‘reindeer’. He’ll also be accompanied by some helpful elves who’ll provide bagged sweets donated by the local Spar, Co-op and One Stop – obviously whilst observing social distancing. There are more details on the Facebook page – just search for ‘Knott End and Preesall Santa Sleigh Tour’. Congratulations to the team who have organised this event and I hope it brings some family festive cheer. At the time of writing we are still in lockdown. I

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FULL RANGE OF TREATMENTS AVAILABLE We would like to reassure our patients that we are taking all precautions to offer a safe clinical environment, following Government guidelines. Our clinics at Knott End and Garstang continue to operate during this time and will remain open unless directed by the Government. Full PPE is in place to protect our patients and employees including hand sanitisers, treatment screens and face masks. Your health is our priority.

14 Lancaster Road Knott End, FY6 0AR t: 01253 812555 22

Now available to buy at Gill Newhouse Podiatry, a variety of beautiful, high quality socks, wraps, scarves, hats and mittens, including children’s hats and mittens, supplied by Powder©. These make beautiful Christmas and birthday gifts... or why not just treat yourself! Take a look on our website and Facebook page, or pop into our Knott End Clinic to view our display.

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BEN WALLACE MP Well here we are with Christmas fast approaching. It has been a strange and challenging year for us all. Christmas may look different this year due to Covid 19, but it is still a special time of year. I think that the threat of Covid has made many of us appreciate our loved ones all the more. Covid Update As I write we are half way through the second national lockdown to help curb the accelerating spread of Coronavirus. I know many families are really hoping that the restrictions can be lifted on 2nd Dec and that they will be able to spend Christmas time with family members who live outside of their households. I do hope this is the case, although it is clear that this will not be a

normal Christmas with all the usual festivities and gatherings which normally take place throughout December. As of today (Thurs 19th Nov) Lancashire has experienced a slight fall in infection rates but they still remain too high. I do hope that by the time you read this the number of cases will have come down further still. As always, I ask you to follow the government guidelines so we can control the virus and support the NHS. Regular handwashing, the use of face coverings and maintaining a safe distance are crucial. After the current national lockdown ends, we will return to a regional tiered approach, which is still to be developed and confirmed. For up-to-date information see: www. and Please do remember your community hub, Wyre Together (01253) 891000. Also, the Department of Health and Social Care

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BEN WALLACE MP (cont) helpline for any on-going Covid 19 queries 0300 303 2713 - lines are open from 7:00am - 11:00pm daily. If anyone is showing symptoms of Covid 19, they will be able to arrange testing. Christmas & Mental Health Christmas is often a difficult time for many people who feel isolated and alone. I think these feelings will be heightened this year as we have to restrict the level of in-person contact we have with others. This year has been tough for everyone and many people have been suffering from enhanced levels of anxiety or loneliness. We all have different methods of coping. Do take a moment to think of others and pick up the telephone to check on friends – a friendly voice and a chat could make all the difference. If you or someone you know are struggling please do seek help and support. The charity, Mind has lots of helpful information on its website

( and also operates an information line (0300 123 3393). Flooding I know flooding has affected people in the area recently, so I wanted to repeat the message: if you are flooded you should report it in the first instance to the Environment Agency Floodline on 0800 80 70 60, but if there is an immediate risk to life or you are trapped by flood water call 999. If you are concerned about flood risk, the lead flood authority is Lancashire County Council, so for help and advice go to and follow the links for reporting flooding and drainage or call 0300 123 6780. For United Utilities related issues, go to and follow the link for Emergencies and Flooding. Another risk as we enter the winter months is the impact bad weather may have on our roads. If you would like more advice about travelling safely and other general winter advice, visit: Get in Touch I am always keen to hear from constituents especially during these difficult times. It is important for me to understand how people are coping, whether in their business, work or home lives. I’m here to help. The most effective way to contact me is by email with a brief description of the issues you wish to raise, along with your contact details. You can also ring my office or write to me at the House of Commons I wish you a happy Christmas. Let’s hope 2021 sees us defeat Covid - the recent news about possible vaccines is certainly promising and brings hope. In the meantime, stay safe. Ben Wallace MP t: 0207 219 5804 e: a: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA


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We are three months into our online meetings which have proved to be very successful. The style/content of these meetings has thrown a new light on the programmes. Pre-covid, presenters needed to be drawn from areas within reasonable travelling distance to and from Garstang. Now, our net can be cast much wider without the need to pay expensive travelling expenses and possibly even accommodation. Our thanks for the excellent choices of presenters must go to John Moxham who has trawled the net and come up with a variety of interesting choices. Well done John - the phrase ‘job for life’ springs to mind readily!

On reflection, our club’s past year could have been a disaster and I say that seriously, however, our leaders have steered us through a rough sea, but the waves have not yet subsided. Thank you captains. I am putting this report together and it is early November and so it seems a little strange (what else is new?) to be wishing you all a happy and more important, healthy Christmas and to keep your cameras at the ready on Fri 25th Dec. you never know who you may bump into especially those of us who use Lightroom or Photoshop! Keep safe please. Maurice Barker

Our membership is quite healthy, it being in the mid 30s with one or two wanting to test the water. Rather than list all meetings for the next year, I will restrict future presentations to the coming month. Anyone wishing to look further ahead, please go onto our website. The details for December are as follows (all meetings on Wednesdays at 7:30pm). Wed 2nd Dec: The Environmental Cup Competition judging. Wed 9th Dec: Peter Milsom presents ‘The Power of Sport’. Wed 16th Dec: Our final meeting of 2020 and all it has brought us will take the form of a quiz by H.Emmett plus the presentation of 2019/2020 competition winners which should have taken place in May of this year.

ALL TYPES OF LANDSCAPE WORK Garden Design Turfing / Planting Grass Cutting / Weed Control One-Off Garden Tidy / Clearance Hedge Cutting / Ground-Based Tree Work Beds & Border Maintenance Fencing & Minor Civils Power Washing Over 20 years experience. NPTC & LANTRA Qualified. Fully Insured

Call Dawn: 07515 360 879

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SOROPTIMISTS Women Inspiring Action, Transforming Lives We’ve had a very busy month since we last spoke – we’ve had our Federation Conference from Belfast, our remote Regional AGM and meeting, a social meeting on support dogs, lots of planning for Christmas and we welcomed a new member to our group – Gail. We seem to be busier now than when we actually meet in person! Belfast Conference No, we didn’t all set off for Belfast in person – this was turned into an online conference hosted by the Belfast Conference Centre. Over two afternoons at the end of October, delegates tuned in to see the Federation board present their reports and make awards for the best projects over the last year in

various categories. We also had talks from four inspiring speakers. Lady Hale was the most senior judge in the United Kingdom until her retirement this year, and gave a talk ‘Celebrating Women in the Law’. Professor Susan Black OBE has been named in the list of top 50 women in tech in Europe and one of the leading tech personalities in the UK today. Her talk ‘If I Can Do It, So Can You’ showed just how much you can really achieve despite a very tough start in life. Dr Alison Gardner lead the Communities and Society research programme at the University of Nottingham’s ‘Rights Lab’, a global research programme which aims to contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goal 8.7 of ending slavery and forced labour by 2030. Her talk on ‘Building Communities that are Resilient to Modern Slavery’ gave some new insights into the troubled topic of modern day


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SOROPTIMISTS (cont) slavery. Jane Garvey is one of the presenters of BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour and gave a very interesting talk on ‘Speaking Up’. Whilst nothing can beat the buzz of meeting others and seeing the presentations in person, it was well worth attending and food for thought going forwards. Regional Meeting

For our regional meeting, which also took place online, the organisers asked all the groups in the region to put together a short

piece on what they’ve been up to during the pandemic and how they’ve adapted. Well, what a chance to show off our IT skills and put together a recording based on the ‘different hats’ we’ve had to wear in these strange times. Each of us decorated a hat based on what ‘specialist area’ we’ve devoted our time to – communications, IT, card/letters to keep in touch, sewing of masks, petitions, friendship, send a cow, L plates for our newest member, the environment and meat-free, backpacks, plant life/verges, the food bank – and each gave a quick 20 second presentation on our topic which Joan recorded. What better way to be there at the meeting? Every club approached this in a different way and did something different, but what linked all of us was the wonderful ways in which we have kept going and do some really great work during these challenging times.


Well-stocked nursery full of homegrown perennials, grasses & a good selection of shrubs and trees Garden shop stocking tools, seeds and horticultural sundries Main shop stocking WhiteStuff, Mistral & Nomads clothing, homeware, house plants & pots Our brand new deli is now open Our tearoom is open again and taking bookings. Please phone to book 01524 587066

Daisy Clough, Station Lane, Scorton, Lancashire, PR3 1AN www. | Tel - 01524 793104 Tell them you saw it in the Green Book



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As the world retreated inside homes due to the lockdown measures, reports showed an alarming increase in the already existing pandemic of violence against women. ‘Accompanying the crisis has been a spike in domestic violence reporting, at exactly the time that services, including rule of law, health and shelters, are being diverted to address the pandemic,’ stated the UN SecretaryGeneral’s report, ‘Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19’. Soroptimists all over the world will be doing our best to draw attention to these issues during the 16 Days, although this year much will have to be electronic only rather than the more public face of previous years. Send a Cow


(with your first service

The 16 Days of Activism against Genderbased Violence takes place between Wed 25th Nov and Thurs 10th Dec. The theme for 2020 is ‘Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!’


A hard part of our year was losing one of our founder members, Jennifer. Members were saddened that they were unable to attend her funeral due to Covid restrictions but responded by having their own private collection and raised £250 towards Jennifer’s favourite charity – Send a Cow. As a dairy farmer, she understood the importance of women being able to support their families. She will be greatly missed.

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SOROPTIMISTS (cont) Garstang Christmas Lights As we can’t support Garstang with our customary hamper which raises funds for the lights, we simply put the cash in place and sent £150 in towards the appeal. I know the steering group for the lights will gratefully accept any donations you wish to make – just pop into Carr’s in Garstang. We need as much cheer as possible this year. And Finally… It’s Christmas and as a group, we will be celebrating with a Zoom party! Hats will be worn, crackers pulled, and we’ve been counting down with our Fairtrade advent calendars – nothing stops us. So Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for all the support you’ve given us throughout this year. Stay safe, take care everyone.



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Interested in What we Do? Just drop us a line or give our membership co-ordinator, Muriel Burnham-Airey a ring. We’ll be happy to talk to you and answer your questions. t: (01995) 606604. fb: SoroptimistsGarstang twitter: GarstangSoropt

GARSTANG QUAKERS We hope you will join us for Candlelit Meeting for Worship at 5:30pm on Christmas Eve, 24th Dec. You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings too, 10:30am. Writing this at the beginning of Nov, I don’t know whether we will be meeting in person or online in Dec. Please contact me for more information. Woodbrooke also holds several online meetings for worship throughout the week. You can find details at www.woodbrooke. Julie Valentine t: (01995) 601863 e:

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NATURAL MOOD BOOSTERS What a year it has been. Everything has happened and yet nothing has. It feels like the pause button was pressed in March and we have yet to make any further progress. Alas, it seems there is no end in sight as I write this in the latest lockdown. I am baffled by what has happened this year and cannot work out why it has happened, I suspect a lot of experts feel the same way. This crisis is still causing confusion and I suppose we will only know the rights and the wrongs once the dust has settled. For now we are in the midst of the problem and have to find ways to get by. One thing that is a big problem is all the conflicting information: masks work, masks don’t work. Lockdown works, lockdown doesn’t work. Even the top bods in the land aren’t sure what to do next so how can we mere mortals figure it out? My sister told me how in the Philippines, a third world country of 106 million people, they are now back to normal and only saw 7,700 deaths from Covid. She goes over there to a manufacturing base her company has. I’ve not looked into what they have done but shall be doing so soon. There is a virus and it must be treated with respect. It seems to be more potent than the flu but the hysteria whipped up by the press is with scary looking virus images (all those nasty spikes) and using words like ‘alarming’, ‘terrifying’ and ‘horrifying’ is helping no one. Just last night I heard a news presenter sign off with the phrase, ‘...the horror of Covid’. We do need to hold onto our sense of perspective for our sanity. Did you know, prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death in the US and Western Europe and nobody appears to bat an eyelid at that frightening fact. However, we cannot pursue the workplace machismo of going into work feeling a bit off colour anymore. If you are unwell please stay

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NATURAL MOOD BOOSTERS (cont) at home. I always found this ‘stoic’ attitude odd since working yourself into an early grave seems rather counterproductive to me. Never underestimate the power of rest, recuperation and staying hydrated. Yet this situation has taken a huge toll on people’s mental health with fear and isolation being a bad combination. I suspect this is may prove to be at least as harmful as the virus itself with people disconnected from the love and support of their families and community. Mood Boosters I thought I would flag up a few things you can do or try to boost your mood, especially as the days get shorter. •

Firstly, go outside and observe nature. Even in winter there is natural beauty all around us. You do not need to wear a mask in the open air and you cannot pick up the virus from sitting on a park bench enjoying the view.

Have gratitude for the things you do have. Just a few moments taken every day to appreciate all that you do have can have a powerful effect on your mental health. The Buddhify app is wonderful for short and sweet meditations that can help induce peace and calm into your day.

Exercise to help dissipate stress hormones and lifts mood. Avoiding processed foods is also important since such ‘dead’ foods bring you no vitality and actually drain your body of energy and good health.

Supplements that can help too. St John’s Wort is well known as a mood lifter and so is lemon balm. Higher Nature do a lovely supplement called balance for nerves which also contains B vitamins and magnesium, both of which have been shown to be vital in lifting mood.

There are some rather lovely teas


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THE INNER WHEEL CLUB (cont) that are also excellent. Any containing chamomile or valerian are good. Heath and Heather do some really nice combinations such as chamomile and peppermint whilst Dr Stuarts do a delicious tea called Tranquility as well as a Valerian tea that is useful for sleep problems. •

You can also try 5HTP which is a precursor to serotonin which is vital for lifting our moods and the big hitter that covers a myriad of issues is good old CBD oil. There is now a lovely milled cannabis powder called Hatcha that can be added to smoothies, yoghurts, made into salad dressing or eaten raw that, when I have tried it makes my heart feel like it ‘lifts’.

Do not take a low mood passively – you can tackle these problems and in these unsettling times one thing you can do that is immediate KILN DRIED ASH LOGS FROST PROTECTION SMOKELESS FUEL SEASONED LOGS SNOW SHOVELS COAL DOUBLES DEICING SALT KINDLING

Our s branche ne p o in rema ga supplyin e of g n wide ra e m o h & DIY ance n te in a m products Find us on

is pick up the phone and talk to someone. Do not suffer in silence. You’d be surprised how many feel the same and how we can all still help each other get through this. I wish you joy in the festive season, a merry Christmas and may your world open up to peace and prosperity in the coming year. Nick Tofolos t: (01995) 602833

ADDITIONAL WYRE FUNDING Ensuring Leisure Provision in Wyre Wyre Council has put forward a report to recommend additional funding of £340,165 in 2020/21 to enable Fylde Coast YMCA to continue to provide a leisure service in Wyre. This funding is in addition to the previously agreed £636,345 and brings the total funding package to support Fylde Coast YMCA to just under £1million.


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ADDITIONAL WYRE FUNDING (cont) The pandemic continues to have a profound impact on the leisure sector and it is hoped that this funding will support the sustainable economic recovery of leisure centre facilities within Wyre. This additional subsidy will allow the gyms and fitness classes to re-open at Thornton and Garstang leisure centres once restrictions are lifted, including the swimming pool at Garstang. Councillor Lynne Bowen, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Health and Community Engagement at Wyre Council explains, ‘Whilst ideally we want to be able to reopen all the centres, without the level of demand we were seeing before coronavirus, and the fact that no central government funding has been confirmed for the leisure sector, we have to find the best way forward. ‘For some time now the YMCA centres have been competing against private sector gyms o We als ton in s g lo supply of logs & ets bags, n firegrates g, n li d e kin h mor & muc

and pools as well as online fitness provision. Unfortunately, Covid has further impacted financial performance. ‘We are of course committed to improving the health and well-being of our communities and together with the YMCA we have identified that Thornton and Garstang are the two most viable centres to reopen. They have the highest number of members and since the pandemic began they have retained more memberships than the other centres. By reopening a centre in the rural and urban areas of the borough, residents will be still be able to access facilities within a reasonable travel time.’ £100m of government funding for leisure centres has been announced but no details on the application process or criteria have yet emerged. John Cronin, CEO of Fylde Coast YMCA said, ‘Without additional funding from Wyre



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Council we would not be able to open any of our centres and this further injection of money will allow us to re-open two centres, one in the urban area and one in the rural area. The other centres will be kept under review. ‘We urge local communities to make full use of the facilities on offer and we will be in touch with our members soon. Since reopening centres in the summer after the first lockdown, we have introduced strict measures to ensure that our users feel safe and that the centres continue to remain Covid secure. This has been done to great success and we would like to thank the community for your continued support.’ The report also seeks approval for £30,000 to bring in external support to help with the development of a longer term strategy for sustainable leisure provision in Wyre. Wyre Council Communications & Marketing Team

The autumn has been untypically wet with frequent heavy showers and clear evidence in the shape of waterlogged fields throughout the Wyre borough area. Looking back in my inbox, I note a frequent receipt of weather warnings emanating from the 24 hour a day Engineers Weather Watch stationed at the Civic Centre in Poulton and the stand by Emergency Team. From where I dwell in Winmarleigh, a short walk along Island Lane towards Pilling is transferred from a view of acres of arable

ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Large Tree Removal Pruning Felling Site Clearance Hedge Trimming Stump Grinding Tree Planting Fully qualified, fully insured crew happy to help. For more info please visit our website or contact Ben for a free quote. 07496 155 789 36

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WYRE FLOOD FORUM (cont) land to a huge water feature stretching for miles and now home to waders, dippers and gulls with birders and twitchers taking post with field glasses in lay bys large and small. On Mon 16th Nov I took a regular walk along the river at Garstang Sports Field and noted the East Flood Basin gate in the process of being raised. The engineers on duty explained that a surge was expected together with a high tide and they were testing the gates to see that they were fully operational. I watched as they drew perfectly into place and on returning from the old railway line they were snuggly back in the river bed. Thankfully, the conditions bore out the council officer’s prediction that they were not expecting issues that night, but nevertheless it was good to know that the settlements located down river could expect protection from Garstang. The river is running peacefully and the heron keeping watch, as he frequently does, on the top weir by the old railway bridge; what a majestic sight. It was only a short time ago that the gates were being topped with consummate ease by a very angry river anxious to get to the sea. The rugby fields were six feet in water and the earth bunds comfortably holding back the water being stored.

Winmarleigh peatland. Contact uk or (01772) 318372. Investing in Nature: Wyre Catchment Project An environmental project in Lancashire has been selected as one of first schemes to receive grant funding to encourage sustainable private sector investment for the benefit of the local community and the surrounding environment. Defra, the Environment Agency (EA), Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (EFF) and Triodos Bank UK have formed an innovative collaboration to support environmental projects to create sustainable funding models. Having been sourced and evaluated by Triodos Bank UK, The Rivers Trust’s work on natural flood management in the Wyre catchment is one of four projects that will LOCAL INDEPENDENT BUSINESS SINCE 2008

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The change in circumstances is remarkable but the good news is that there has been no inundation, touch wood. You may remember that last month I gave a taste of the natural flood management projects and I would like to follow up on the work being done by Wyre River’s Trust but before I do, perhaps some of you saw a piece on the North West News in mid-November about Winmarleigh supporting the UK’s fight against climate change? The Lancashire Wild Life Trust is heading a scheme to grow water retention plants on

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WYRE FLOOD FORUM (cont) receive grant funding from Defra, the EA and EFF to support their development, complete business plans to attract private sector investment, and deliver long-term environmental benefits and sustainable financial returns.

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Emma Howard-Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, said, ‘The Environment Agency is as committed as ever to protecting and enhancing our environment, but if we are going to become the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than we found it, then we need all parts of society to play a part. ‘We know that there is significant appetite in the finance sector to invest in the environment and restoring nature which has long term benefits for society. We hope that providing support to these pioneer projects will not only help them to attract investment, but also help us to develop models that can be used by other schemes.’ What Will the Project do in the Wyre Catchment? The project will evaluate the effectiveness and certainty of a variety of natural flood management solutions. This will help prioritise investment in solutions which offer the greatest social, economic and environmental return for the catchment and its community. The use of natural flood management, including the building of leaky dams, the creation of bog, and the rewetting of peat, on 70 hectares of the River Wyre catchment by the Rivers Trust would help to reduce the frequency of flooding for a large number of ‘at risk’ properties identified in a village in Lancashire. At the same time as reducing flood risk, these natural flood management schemes will create new habitats for wildlife and

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Xmas Opening: Mon- Sat

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All the traders & staff in Market House would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for your continued support throughout this strange year. We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas & a happy, healthy & prosperous New Year. Here’s to 2021 - hopefully a better year.

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Garstang’s Charter Market Every Thursday all along the high street. Good variety of stalls. Coaches welcome

In the run-up to Christmas, we will be open Mon - Sat

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Local family business established for over 15 years 40

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WYRE FLOOD FORUM (cont) help to mitigate climate change through the storage of greenhouse gases in the newly created wetlands and peatlands. Who Else is Involved? The seed funding will allow us to work with the Wyre Rivers Trust, Environment Agency, United Utilities, Triodos Bank UK, Co-op Insurance and Flood Re, to develop a financial instrument that would allow upfront investment from the private sector to be reimbursed by the beneficiaries of a healthier environment. Mark Lloyd, CEO from The Rivers Trust, said, ‘At a time when we are facing a climate emergency, we must find new ways to invest in recovery of the natural processes that protect and support us, at a scale and pace that can make a difference. Hard engineering alone will not address our future flood risk challenges and must be supplemented by natural solutions. ‘We believe that by implementing natural flood risk management features at scale, we could see significant financial returns from a better river environment. We expect this pilot to lead to future natural capital investment and build a credible case for green investment to restore our river landscapes.’

DS FLAT ROOF SERVICE Felt roof repairs & full re-roofs All other types of roof catered for For a no obligation quote contact Dave


100% British Prime Quality Hereford Beef

Direct from our farm to your door Grass fed & locally reared Over Wyre 2.5kg, 5kg and 10kg Boxes available containing a range of quality cuts Free Local Delivery Tel : 07545 860147 or 07929 934408 FB @lakesviewfarmherefords

Roger Brooks

Advanced Vega Allergy Testing


Do you suffer from any of the following?

Welcomes Lord Bowland William, 16th Lord of Bowland, an active and longstanding champion of the Forest of Bowland, its people, landscape, heritage and rural economy, is to become a Trustee of Champion Bowland. Champion Bowland is a grant-making charity that helps fund local projects which benefit the environment, local communities and visitors within the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Chronic muscle/Joint pain Frequent bowel movements Dairy intolerances Skin conditions Exhaustion/Fatigue Wheat/Gluten intolerances Also Available: M.L.D (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) - Aromatherapy Over 20 years experience - St.Catherine's Hospice for 8 years

Jean Shaw Garstang Natural Health, High Street, PR3 1FA 01995 602833/07834269542

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CHAMPION BOWLAND (cont) Lord of Bowland has a track record of schools visits, sponsorship of business awards and local heritage, the commissioning of music (‘Songs of Bowland’, an original choral composition by Lakeland composer Christopher Gibbs), and even the ceremonial unveiling of the occasional road sign. He also hosts the Annual Lord of Bowland Lecture at Browsholme Hall - a much-loved local history event due to celebrate its 10th anniversary this year but postponed due to Covid. William Bowland said: ‘I am honoured to be invited to become a Trustee of Champion Bowland, an outstanding charity that does so much for the Forest of Bowland, its people, landscape and visitors. I look forward to contributing to its important work’. Mike Pugh, chairman of Champion Bowland, said: ‘I’m delighted William Bowland, a committed champion of Bowland, is joining

the ranks of Champion Bowland. William’s energy, dedication and vision will make a huge difference. We greatly look forward to working with him for the benefit of all those who live, work or visit our beautiful Forest’. Margaret Wright t: (01282) 776285 e:

BABAS Hello to all the mums, carers and children who would usually come to our group on a Wednesday morning. We don’t know when we will be open again. Wishing you and your families a happy Christmas and peaceful New Year. Keep safe and well. Dorothy Gorst (01995) 606226








T: 01253 700 950 42





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CHRISTMAS GREY MATTER TEST (ans page 55) 1. Which designer Vivienne is famous for her outrageous clothes? 2. What were the names of the 3 Wise Men? 3. What is the national emblem of Scotland? 4. What object celebrates Jesus Christ as the “Light of the World”. 5. Which Agatha Christie play has run in the West End for over 60 years? 6. What Christmas themed ballet premiered in St Petersburg in 1892?

21. Which group of islands were the first discovery for Columbas in 1492? 22. Christmas Island is in which ocean? 23. What does ‘mono’ mean as in ‘monocle’ or ‘monorail’? 24. Who wrote the children’s book ‘The Snowman’? 25. Who starred as Harry Potter in the film adaptations of JK Rowling’s novels? 26. What stick is put into mulled wine?

7. What type of animal was used for the first successful adult cloning?

27. Which animals starred with Sigourney Weaver in a biopic of Dian Fossey?

8. The film ‘Miracle of 34th Street’ features which real life department store?

28. Who or what are Magi?

9. Which Alpine Peak’s name means ‘White Mountain’? 10. What traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant? 11. Which wild animal is the domesticated dog descended from? 12. In what film did Jack Skellington kidnap Santa? 13. Which boy’s name derived from Greek means ‘stone’ or ‘rock’?

29. What is the official residence of the French President? 30. If you are born on Christmas Day what is your star sign? 31. Miranda Richardson played who in the second ‘Blackadder’ series? 32. Christstollen is a traditional bread of fruit and spice from which country? 33. Which flap of cartilage prevents food from entering your windpipe?’ 34. Which angel visited Mary?

14. What would you be drinking if you has ‘Gluwein’?

35. Robin Hood and his Merry Men operated during the reign of which King?

15. Which Chinese city is home to the Terracotta Army?

36. Which Christmas word means ‘turning of the sun’?

16. Who in history cancelled Christmas?

37. What name was given by the Vikings to the city which eventually became York?

17. Which comic featured Minnie the Minx? 18. When do the Royal Family exchange Christmas gifts? 19. What nationality was the Duchess of Windsor? 20. Who originally sang ‘White Christmas’?

38. What Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver? 39. Which cockney actor was a part owner of Langan’s Brasserie? 40. Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on 25th December 800AD

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S.O.S - SILENCE OF SUICIDE No one should suffer in silence. If you are feeling suicidal, are worried about someone who is, struggling with any kind of mental illness, feeling overwhelmed or simply lonely and need a friendly ear to listen and you’re in the UK then call to speak to someone at S.O.S - Silence of Suicide. Phone lines are open 9:00am until midnight 7 days a week. If you’re struggling to even pick up the phone then online chat is available on the website. t: 0300 102 0505

RSPCA National Lockdown We are continuing to re-home remotely wherever possible. To view animals looking for new homes, visit our website. We hope to re-open on Thurs 3rd Dec and return to allowing visits using an appointment system. Shoebox Appeal 2020 Could you donate a shoe box full of goodies for the animals spending Christmas in our care? Shoe boxes can be filled with any type of toys, food, treats etc. and can be dropped off directly at the Animal Centre and placed under our Christmas tree or at one of our three charity shops. Please note our charity shops are closed until Thurs 3rd Dec so drop-offs can be made after this date (please don’t leave any donations outside charity shops when they are closed).

JEWELLERY SEEKER JEWELLERY WANTED Top prices paid for your gold, diamonds, silver & precious stones No travelling, I will come to you! Professional, private & confidential Experienced, safe & secure I am based in the Wyre serving the local community of Wyre and surrounding areas. For a friendly local service, and more information please get in touch

07393 519 817

Don’t forget to label your box so we know whether it’s for a dog, cat, rabbit or one of our small animals. Hannah Kirrane - Animal Centre Manager t: (01253) 703000 w:

(Appropriate PPE will be worn during consultation, with all appropriate social distancing adhered to, in order to meet Government Guidelines)

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East Lancashire Masons has produced a wall-hung calendar for 2021 featuring iconic watercolour scenes from around East Lancashire. The 12 original paintings featured in the calendar were created over the past four years by artist, Annette Young, wife to one of the Mason’s brothers. A perfect gift for Christmas, the calendar will be sure to bring a bit of colour to any

kitchen or office wall whilst at the same time, supporting charity. Why not purchase several copies for friends and family? Priced at £10 each and delivered to your door, all proceeds from the calendar will go towards Masonic charities. To order your copies, contact: Mike Shaw t: (01253) 813739 m: 07525 424 354

GARSTANG FUNERAL DIRECTOR Greg Hodgkinson, proud to serve Garstang and the surrounding communities • • • •

Private Chapel of Rest Personal 24hr Support Home Arrangements Golden Charter Funeral Plans

Castle View - Bridge Street - Garstang - PR3 1YB

Tel: 01995 601 600 (24hrs) 46

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Across 1 Golden delicious, for instance (5) 4 Italian food (5) 7 A very long time (3) 9 Bird of prey (9, 6) 10 Tower of London guard (9) 11 Early age (5) 12 Meat shop (7) 14 Where cows deliver milk (7) 16 Northern Scandinavia (7) 18 Types of knives (7) 19 Implicit; silent (5) 20 Egyptian queen (9) 22 British novelist (The Razor’s Edge) (8, 7) 24 Our star (3) 25 Sudden winds (5) 26 Too quick (5)

Down 1 Snake (3) 2 Flawless example (7, 8) 3 Bird of prey (5) 4 Breed of dog; indicator (7) 5 Guided (7) 6 Examining (9) 7 Unshared use or licence (9, 6) 8 One in nine (5) 10 Biblical multilingual tower (5) 13 Mat by the fireplace (9) 15 Japanese food (5) 17 Animals ridden at the seaside (7) 18 Badmouths; denigrates (7) 19 Elephant’s teeth (5) 21 Not smooth (5) 23 Fifth month (3)

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GARSTANG & DISTRICT LIONS Donations Despite there being no meetings held since March, the Garstang and District Lions Club has still managed to allocate £5,450 to various charities and good causes so far this year. About half of the amount raised has gone to specific local or area Covid-related activities or projects. Recently a sum of £250 has been given to

the Wyre Arts Group to help them to move into a new location. Another £250 went to Team Hamlets in support of their highly successful sky dive to raise monies for the Men’s Minds Matter charity. A sum of £100 has gone in support of the Little Princess Trust, with a local girl prompting this donation by having her long hair cut to help create ‘real’ wigs for cancer patients. Monies have also been pledged to allow us to complete the Oaklands Care Home Memorial Garden project and to provide our usual Christmas gifts to be distributed to various refuges managed by Fylde Women’s Aid. Events


HOME HELP & CARE SERVICE ASSISTANCE WITH MEAL PREPARATION • TAKING TO & FROM APPOINTMENTS • CLEANING • SHOPPING • MORNING & EVENING ROUTINES • COMPANIONSHIP I have worked in the care industry since 2013. I am DBS checked and fully insured. My services will allow loved ones to stay in their own homes for longer and will also give family members peace of mind. Care packages tailored to each individual client e: t: 07823 883351 48

National guidance and local restrictions meant that this year there was no large-scale Remembrance Service or Parade, but two of our members did lay a wreath on behalf of the Club. Advice is being sought and discussions are being held about the possibility of trying to organise a Santa visit to local care facilities instead of our usual Community Christmas Lunch. We have to remain optimistic that we will be able to hold our meetings sometime soon in 2021. About the Lions Garstang Lions are a group of local people who help out at various events to help raise money for local people and local charities. Further information about the range of activities and projects we have been involved with is available on the website or you can just speak to any of our members about what it is that we do. Chris Wilkinson e:

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GARSTANG SPEAKERS CLUB The club has been unable to meet in the normal way since last March. In November that all changed with some members getting together over the ubiquitous Zoom platform. It has enabled us to carry on in a limited way and to have face-to-face sight of our friends and colleagues. What also changed was the removal of the word ‘ladies’ from our title. Be assured we are still the same group and will continue to welcome new and regular members wholeheartedly. To all members old and new we wish you a happy Christmas and particularly a safe and healthy 2021. If you are interested in finding out more then please contact us. Sue Hubbard t: (01253) 701019 (Sheila Croft) e: or

THE INNER WHEEL CLUB Garstang & Over Wyre You may have noticed that our club has not contributed to Focus Magazine for some time.We really believed (naively) that we would be meeting long before now, but alas this was not to be. When Lancashire went into Tier 3 we realised that we needed to be more proactive. We decided to try Zooming. After a few hiccups this has been very successful and really enjoyable. We have decided to meet once a month on what would be our usual meeting night with

a programme of speakers happy to join us on Zoom. Club President, Maureen Garstang continues to keep in touch with us all via her cheery emails twice a month, so all in all we feel connected with each other. Fundraising continues to be a problem for us, but we continue to support our sponsored child, Lucky, at the Happy House in Kenya. We will also try to give donations locally including to Bowland Mountain Rescue. Hopefully with vaccine research looking extremely promising we will be able to meet physically before too long. We wish you and your loved ones a very safe and happy Christmas and a New Year full of optimism and good health. Mary Mason t: (01995) 603447 e:

At Fine & Country we offer a refreshing approach to selling exclusive homes, combining individual flair and attention with our local expertise whilst adding national & international exposure. Get in touch to find out more about our bespoke service.

Mark Bolan t: 01995 917895 e: First Floor, Resource Centre Bridge Street Garstang, PR3 1YB

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£365,000 - Ground floor - Swimming pool - 9-hole golf course

A fabulous 3 bedroomed apartment set in the prestigious Cowan Head development with 47 acres of shared grounds, golf course, swimming pool complex and fishing rights onto the River Kent. Located midway between Windermere and Kendal in the rolling countryside.

Hackney & Leigh 015394 44461


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GREEN HOMES SUPPORT The Green Homes Grant Scheme - Update After applying for the Green Homes Grant for several home owners, I have found out that you can only claim a similar amount for secondary measures to the amount claimed for primary measures. Furthermore, you can only claim for two secondary measures if you have had two primary measures installed. For example, if you were to choose loft insulation at a cost of £1,000 and cavity insulation, also at a cost of £1,000, you could then choose from two secondary measures, such as an external door for £1,000 and additional double glazing at a cost of £1,000. All together, these measures would cost £4,000. The government would pay 66% of this up to £5,000. However, if you are on benefits the government would pay 100% up to £10,000. Also, it’s not just about getting a quote, the firms that have registered on the scheme are very busy in quoting for all the work, let alone programming it in. I made an enquiry in mid-November on behalf of a client - the contractor said that the government had not yet started issuing the vouchers and that, with the quantity of work still to do, that they were asking for the cut-off date to be extended beyond end of March 2021.

ground-to-water heat pumps

air-to-water heat pumps

solar thermal panels (flat plate or evacuated tube only) providing hot water for your home

The domestic RHI does not support air-to-air heat pumps, log stoves, pellet stoves without back boilers and hybrid photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collectors. Who can apply for RHI? Owner-occupiers, self-builders, private landlords and registered providers of social housing who have installed an eligible technology (provided they meet eligibility criteria). Single domestic dwellings are covered. RHI support is not generally available to new build properties (other than self-build projects).

The Renewable Heat Incentive The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme was launched in 2014. It was designed so that the government could encourage uptake of renewable heat technologies through financial incentives for householders, communities and businesses, helping to contribute towards the 2020 ambition of 12% of heating coming from renewable sources. The Domestic RHI Scheme The domestic RHI awards payments for technologies such as:

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GREEN HOMES SUPPORT (cont) How do I apply for RHI? You must apply within one year of the commissioning date of your system. The scheme will remain open to applications until Thurs 31st Mar 2022 and you can apply via Ofgem’s website. Providing you have all the relevant information to hand (usually from your EPC). What will I receive for being part of the scheme? You’ll receive RHI cash payments quarterly over seven years. The amount you receive will depend on several factors – including the technology you install, the latest tariffs available for each technology and – in some cases, metering. Metering & Monitoring Service Packages Metering and Monitoring Service Packages (MMSPs) are an optional form of monitoring you could choose to provide peace of mind that your renewable heating system is working as expected.

Grants or Vouchers from Green Homes Grant Scheme Only grants that are from a public source will need to be deducted from payments with regard to RHI. Deductions will be taken from each of your quarterly payments spread over your participation in the scheme. Therefore, if you received a grant for £1000 then £35.71 [1000/(7x4)], that’s the voucher, for example, £1000, divided by seven years of payments and four quarterly payments. Grant funding deductions will be adjusted annually in line with changes in Retail Prices Index. Francis Lambert B Sc (Hons) t: (01995) 606380 m: 07419783449 e:

The package works like a service contract between you and your installer, providing data and analysis to check the system is working efficiently. You can register for MMSP when you apply to the domestic RHI scheme or afterwards. If you are successful, you will receive MMSP payments alongside your quarterly RHI payments (see Ofgem’s Essential Guide to Metering and Monitoring Service Packages for further details). RHI & The Green Homes Grant Green Homes Grant Scheme and Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme can be used in tandem; it is possible now to qualify for GHG scheme and then claim money back quarterly off the RHI. The RHI scheme will be in operation until 2022 so there is nothing stopping householders applying for both.

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NEW URBAN WOODLANDS IN WYRE Wyre Council has committed to planting 25,000 trees as part of their pledge to tackle climate change. To achieve this, the council is working with the Woodland Trust through its ‘MOREwoods’ and ‘MOREhedges’ schemes to create 10 hectares of new native woodland and hedgerows across its open spaces by 2025. This climate focused tree planting will play a vital role in mitigating climate change, as well as protecting and enhancing threatened biodiversity. We must reduce our carbon footprint and the


planting and establishment of healthy trees to sequester carbon are a vital part of this. Trees offer huge benefits for mankind, wildlife and the environment from filtering out air pollution, improving our wellbeing, providing habitat and foraging opportunities for birds, bats and other wildlife, to helping mitigate against flooding. The council has identified three areas suitable for this initiative, but wants to hear from residents their views on the proposals.

The three sites identified are: • • •

Cottam Hall playing fields, Poulton-leFylde Stalmine play fields Great Eccleston playing fields

Visit to have your say. The consultation is open until 5:00pm on Fri 11th Dec. Wyre Council

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GREY MATTER ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Vivienne Westwood Melchior, Caspar, Balthazar Thistle Tinsel The Mousetrap The Nutcracker A sheep Macey’s Mont Blanc Mistletoe Wolf A Nightmare Before Christmas Peter Mulled Wine Xian Oliver Cromwell Beano At teatime on Christmas Eve American

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Bing Crosby The Bahamas The Indian Ocean Single Raymond Briggs Daniel Radcliffe A cinnamon stick Gorillas Wise Men The Elysee Palace Capricorn Elizabeth I Germany The epiglottis Gabriel King John Yuletide Yorvik A Christingle Michael Cain Charlemagne



1. Apple

1. Asp

4. Pasta

2. Perfect specimen

7. Eon 9. Peregrine Falcon 10. Beefeater 11. Youth 12. Butcher 14. Dairies 16. Lapland 18. Daggers 19. Tacit

3. Eagle 4. Pointer 5. Steered 6. Analysing 7. Exclusive rights 8. Ninth 10. Babel 13. Hearthrug

20. Nefertiti

15. Sushi

22. Somerset Maugham

17. Donkeys 18. Defames

24. Sun

19. Tusks

25. Gusts

21. Rough

26. Hasty

23. May

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