Garstang Focus Magazine - January 2022

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Ryecroft Hall Hambleton (RIP) by David J Ansell

GARSTANG - Scorton - Cabus - Garstang - Catterall - Bonds - Bowgreave - St Michaels - Churchtown

Issue 255 January 2022


WITH THE FLU VACCINE COVID-19 BOOSTER Flu and COVID-19 can both be life-threatening and spread more easily in winter. If you’re 50 or over, you are eligible for a free flu vaccine and a COVID-19 booster. Get vaccinated. Get boosted. Get protected.

Welcome to Focus Magazine... Greater Garstang Partnership Board......4

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership............19

Garstang Historical Society..........................4

Garstang & District Lions...............................20

Garstang Heritage Society...........................5

Cardiac Risk in the Young..............................22

Garstang Memory Cafe...................................5

In the Bleak Midwinter....................................23

Catterall in Bloom..............................................6

Garstang Millennium Green.........................23


Harmony & Health.............................................26

Coffee Stop............................................................7

Garstang Town Council...................................27


Cat Smith MP........................................................32

Parkinson’s UK.....................................................7

Ben Wallace MP.................................................34


Wyre Flood Fourm............................................36

Garstang Wine Circle.......................................8

Inner Wheel...........................................................38

Calder Vale Country Club..............................9

Garstang Free Methodists.............................39

Garstang Phoenix WI.......................................9

Garstang Medical Centre...............................39

Cherestanc WI.....................................................10

Lancaster Singers..............................................41

Garstang Quakers..............................................10

Grey Matter Test.................................................41

Calder Vale Methodist Church...................10


Pilling Historical Society................................12

Garstang Camera Club...................................44

Garstang AFVBC.................................................14


Garstang Arts Centre.......................................15

Focus Magazine 2022 Deadlines...............46

Garstang Library.................................................18

Puzzle Answers...................................................47


The February deadline for editorial and adverts is 5:00pm on Monday 17th January. Deliveries of the February edition of Focus Magazine will commence on Thursday 27th February. Over Wyre & Garstang Focus Magazines | 01253 813433 | Event Advertising & Editorial: Business & Commercial Advertising: Postal submissions: Focus Magazine, 132 Highfield Rd, Blackpool, FY4 2HH Cover design by David J Ansell | Printed by Moulton Printing | © Focus Magazines 2022 While every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine to ensure accuracy, Focus Magazines cannot be held responsible for editorial content supplied by contributors. Our acceptance of an editorial item or an advertisement does not necessarily indicate our endorsement of the products, services or views contained within it.

GREATER GARSTANG Partnership Board Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the public exhibition on Wed 1st Dec. I hope that anyone who could not attend was able to see the exhibition panels and the more detailed ‘interventions’ document on the board’s website. The consultation closed on Sun 19th Dec. The feedback is being collated for presentation to the January board meeting. The new year will see everything we have done this year come together in the production of a draft regeneration and investment framework which will form the basis of the board’s work over the next few years. The draft framework will be published for public comment prior to its adoption by the board. Having the framework will not be the end of a process but, rather, the beginning and it will take a lot of hard work to get to a point where we will be able to see the benefits of the work.

I want to assure everyone, however, that the board is absolutely committed to improving the long term future of our lovely part of the world. Please keep an eye out on local social media channels and our website. Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish everyone in the Greater Garstang area a safe, healthy and prosperous 2022. Jan Finch - Chair fb: TheGreaterGarstangPartnershipBoard twitter: @ greatergarstang

GARSTANG HISTORICAL SOCIETY The committee of Garstang Historical Society met last month and unanimously decided not to re-start meetings and lectures in January 2022. Instead we will wait until circa August 2022 before deciding on (hopefully) re-starting in September 2022. The reasons for this decision will be obvious, given the on-going uncertainty re the Covid crisis, the latest worries over the new strain, social distancing concerns etc. The society’s committee members are sad to have made the decision to delay re-starting meetings, but believe a cautious approach is better than risking the health of our members. More positively we hope to organise some historical walks, perhaps around Garstang and Lancaster, in the spring and / or summer. Those whose email addresses appear on our membership list will continue to receive newsletters and e-bulletins from local and regional historical and archaeological organisations with which GHS has links. Peter Burrell - Chairmam 01995 601054


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GARSTANG HERITAGE SOCIETY The society is working to promote, share and preserve the local history and heritage of the Garstang district. Our area of interest covers the former Garstang rural district, including the parishes of Barnacre, Bilsborrow, Bleasdale, Calder Vale, Catterall, Claughton, Forton and Shireshead, Inskip, Great Eccleston, Garstang, Kirkland, Hambleton, Nateby, Nether Wyresdale and Scorton, Out Rawcliffe, St. Michael’s on Wyre, Stalmine with Staynall and Winmarleigh. It has been a busy year for the society investigating several projects whilst continuing to add more information onto our website. If you would like support or get involved in your local heritage, then drop us an email and why not follow us on our Facebook page? e: fb: ‘Garstang & District Heritage Society’

can benefit from participation in a variety of activities or can just sit and chat. Whatever your motivation for joining us you can be assured of a warm and friendly welcome. We would like to welcome back those who before Covid were regular visitors to the library. However, thanks to Pastor Ian Heath and the trustees we will be holding our meetings in a new venue - the Free Methodist Church Hall on Windsor Road which is virtually opposite our old home in the library. Our upcoming new year meeting details are: • • • • • • •

Wed Jan 19th - 10:00am until 12 noon Mon Feb 7th - 2:00pm until 4:00pm Wed Feb 16th - 10:00am until 12 noon Mon Mar 7th - 2:00pm until 4:00pm Wed Mar 16th - 10:00am until 12 noon Mon April 4th - 2:00pm until 4:00pm Wed April 20th - 10:00am until 12 noon

Peter Ryder

GARSTANG MEMORY CAFE A free drop-in centre for those living with dementia and their carers or anyone with an interest. A memory café is an informal meeting place, where people whose lives have been affected by dementia can come along to find out more about its emotional and psychological impact in a supportive and friendly atmosphere, as well as receiving the benefits of social interaction. The café combines a number of elements, bringing about an atmosphere of openness, where people directly and indirectly affected by dementia can discuss issues surrounding the disease, where family, friends, carers, support workers and those with the disease can all enjoy a social and informative event. Our twice monthly meetings are completely free, including refreshments. Those attending

Tell them you saw it in the Green Book


CATTERALL IN BLOOM Happy New Year everyone! The RHS North West in Bloom results have been announced and it’s a gold for Catterall in the large village category! The Bloom team is delighted, not only with the result, but with the favourable and constructive report which will guide and inspire us for even better things next year! This award reflects the hard work and dedication of each team member and supporters who kept on watering, weeding and litter picking throughout the summer. Thank you everyone, we did it as a team! The following neighbourhoods were awarded a Level 4 ‘Thriving’ - Stones Lane, The Three Gardeners and Stone Cross Community Garden. Amazing results, especially for the first time entries. Great news also for both our neighbouring friends, with Churchtown awarded gold and the ‘best small village in

the north west’ while Garstang was awarded a gold and the ‘best small town in the north west’. There must be something special in the air in this part of Lancashire! Well done everyone. Catterall has been looking festive with Mr Snowman and the Catterall elves making their appearances yet again, much to the delight of children and adults alike. We loved knitting and crocheting the displays and hope that the beautiful Father Christmas and the robins will stay safe and return next Christmas! The Catterall cart has been removed for renovation and we say a huge thank you to Tim Hoyles for his carpentry skills and Haldane Fisher for donating timber towards repairing our iconic landmark. The cart was both rotten and in pieces, and according to Tim, it has been like putting together a 3D jigsaw. As the 2022 season approaches and we take on the challenge of nurturing new flower beds, we ask if anyone fancies joining our happy band of volunteers? Can you spare an hour occasionally? No special skills are required as there are always a variety of tasks to suit everyone. Meetings begin in the spring. We meet on Tuesdays at 10:00am at Catterall Village Hall car park and Wednesdays at 7:00pm at Stone Cross Gardens Community garden. Netta Parker t: 07508 144181 e:

BABAS Parent/Carer and Toddler Group We are open again after Christmas each Wednesday from 10:00am - 11:30am at Garstang Methodist Church. Come along for chat, brew and play. Hope you’ve all had a good Christmas. Dorothy Gorst 01995 606226


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Tues 11th & Tues 25th Jan - Inglewhite Church Hall Tues 18th - Catterall Village Hall

Preston Branch

Coffee Stop welcomes you in 2022. We’re open as a community cafe on most Tuesday mornings between 10:00am and noon. We invite you to come along for coffee and company. We aim to offer a safe and friendly place where you can come along alone or with friends. We welcome everyone and invite walkers, cyclists, locals and visitors to call in for a cuppa. There is disabled access and free parking at both venues. We are staffed by volunteers from Inglewhite Church and both communities. We look forward to welcoming you.

We ended 2021 with the usual Christmas party led by the Garstang Ukulele Group. Even though the attendance was lower than usual, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Lesley Hardman 01995 641175

All of our regular meetings are at St Anthony’s Social Centre, Cadley Causeway, PR2 3SQ at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of the month.

FAIRTRADE As part of the Garstang festive trail organised by the Garstang events team we were delighted to enter our Fairtrade Christmas tree in the festival that was held at St Thomas’ Church. The decorations on our tree consisted of various Fairtrade products. ‘Choose the world you want’ is the theme for the coming Fairtrade Fortnight starting on Mon 21st Feb until Sun 6th March. It will celebrate the farmers and workers who grow the food we eat. It also will promote a living wage and the role played by Fairtrade in showing solidarity with those on the frontline of the climate crisis. Cop26 did not deliver the change needed to stay within 1.5, nor did it secure finance to directly support farmers and workers on the frontline, but the Fairtrade foundation believes there is hope if we all act together.

That’s another strange year gone. Surely we won’t be saying that again next Christmas!

This year we are hoping to have a theme for every monthly meeting, starting on Wed 11th Jan at 7:30pm with ‘Tax, Care & Toyboys’ by Coop Estate Planning. Wed 9th Feb is with fitness coach, Amanda. She will be telling us about the importance of exercise. There will be an opportunity to have a go if you want. Leotards are optional! Then on Wed 9th March is the AGM.

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Peter Ryder e: fb: ‘Garstang Fairtrade’

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PARKINSON’S UK (cont) Fundraising Est. 1970

Ladies & Gents Barbers Excellent cutting & styling We pride ourselves on perming, colouring & setting Put-ups for special occasions Walk-ins welcome

After two barren years we are starting to hold store collections again. We have arranged one at Morrison’s, Riversway on Fri 4th and Sat 5th Feb from 9:00am - 5:00pm and another at Morrisons, Leyland on Fri 11th and Sat 12th Feb. Volunteers are required for these collections. If you could manage to spare time to do a two hour shift holding a collecting tin please give us a call. You do not need to be a member to volunteer. We would like to thank everyone who has supported and helped us in any way and wish everyone a happy New Year. Steve 01995 608962

3LS A very happy New Year to all our members and friends, and thank you all for your continued support. There is no meeting in January. We will meet again on Fri 7th Feb at the URC church hall at 2:00pm when we will have our AGM. The programmes for 2022 will be available and again Liz has done a great job of providing us with some interesting and varied items.

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We are always happy to welcome new friends to any of our meetings, with no obligation to join. For further information please feel free to ring Jack on 01995 238075. Ruth Rendle

GARSTANG WINE CIRCLE The Wine Circle Christmas party took place at the Arts Centre on Sat 18th Dec. A report will follow in the February Green Book, as the deadline for January’s publication precedes this event. The list of events has been drawn up for 2022 and we will start the New Year at 7:30pm at the Arts Centre on Mon 17th Jan, with a visit from Adam Ventress of Chapel Street

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GARSTANG WINE CIRCLE (cont) Wines in Lancaster. This is a relatively new wineshop in the city, that only opened in February 2020, so we look forward to sampling what the shop has to offer. Details of the meeting can be obtained from Alan Jefferson on 01995 601842. Mervyn Stokes


Fri 7th & 21st Jan - Meat Bingo. Eyes down 7:30pm.

Thurs 27th Jan - Replugged Singers’ Night.

Every Saturday Evening - Live cabaret, bingo, bonus ball, play your cards right.

Every Sunday - Social Bingo. Eyes down 7:30pm.

Happy New Year to all our supporters. Membership for 2022 now available. Ros Ashworth 01995 603776

GARSTANG PHOENIX WI The next meeting of Garstang Phoenix WI will be held on Wed 12th Jan at 2:00pm at Garstang United Reformed Church hall. We have a wide range of speakers booked for the coming year, so there should be something of interest to suit all members and potential members. New members are always very welcome. If you have just moved to the area it is an ideal way to make friends and get to know people. Tea and cake are served at every meeting, which gives members the opportunity to catch up with the all the news. Why not come and join us? A committee member is always available to welcome you and introduce you to fellow members. Lesley Wilson 01995 605274

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CHERESTANC WI Our first meeting of 2022 will be held on Wed 26th Jan, 7:30pm at St Thomas’s Parish and Community Hall. Our speaker that evening will be Pat Ascroft telling us about her trek to Croatia. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month (except December). We are a friendly group. If you have thought about joining the WI you should come along as a visitor and give us a try. If you would like someone to meet you at the door please contact Marion on 01995 600590 Linda Bark

GARSTANG QUAKERS Garstang Quakers celebrated advent this year with an advent spiral. The meeting house has a stable block, with mangers and stalls still in place, as well as a covered carriage area. This outside area

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made the perfect spot to lay out the green spiral. After 30 minutes worship indoors it then continued at the spiral. While some beautiful passages were read, each person in turn walked up to the candle at the centre, lit their own light and then placed it somewhere along the path. This simple act represents our touching the ‘light which is coming to the world’, carrying it with us as we make our way through life and sharing it with others. Judith Taylor 01995 602974

CALDER VALE METHODIST CHURCH January, already! I say it each month; where do the weeks go? For many this is the time of year when we make New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps we think we’ll lose a few of the extra pounds gained over Christmas, we’ll do more exercise or we’ll ring our housebound friends and neighbours - especially in these difficult days of restrictions and isolation. Maybe we’ll add a little something into our shopping basket for those we know who don’t get many treats or we’ll pop it into the foodbank trolley. Often these resolutions are easier said than done. In January many of the Methodist churches will have what we call ‘a covenant service’. We celebrate all that God has done for us, and affirm that we give our lives and choices to God. In the covenant prayer we affirm our commitment to God with the whole of our life. For our covenant service we will join with the congregations from Scorton and Garstang on Sun 16th Jan at 10:30am at Garstang Methodist Church. The service is a serious dedication of our lives, but on a less serious note I came across these phrases that mean nothing will happen: Leave it to me; I’ll have a word; I’ll see what I can find; Consider it done; I’ll make some

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CALDER VALE METHODIST (cont) calls; I’ll think about it; Certainly a possibility; Let’s come back to that; Good idea; Maybe it’s on my list; I’ll look into it. Be careful how you answer any request or maybe nothing will get done. On the other Sundays in January we meet at Calder Vale at 10:45 am for Sunday morning Worship. CAMEO will meet on Fri 21st Jan at 2:00pm. Why not come and join us for a cuppa, cake and chat? Our take away Friday lunches continue in the New Year. Please ring me to book one. After the business of December perhaps we need to stop a moment. This is a prayer written by a lady from a church at Clitheroe. ‘Stop a moment and say a prayer for our broken world; Stop a moment and give thanks that we are not alone; Stop a moment and let God speak to you; Stop a moment and listen. It may not shout over the dire news on the television; It may not come on the telephone in a cold call; It may not be seen on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook; but in a still small voice only you can hear; so stop a moment; Stop.’ I think she wrote this many years ago but it is still relevant today. Our prayer is that 2022 will bring good news and good health, please take care and stay safe. Edith Gorst 01995 602078

PILLING HISTORICAL SOCIETY Tues 11th Jan, 7:30pm Pilling Methodist Church Meeting Room Deborah Contessa is speaker for our January meeting. Her talk is entitled ‘A Grave Affair’. She will talk about the information that can be found on memorial stones. All welcome. Mary Shepherd 01253 790306


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Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club Our purpose is to facilitate veterans and serving Armed Forces personnel to meet face-to-face in a relaxed, safe, social environment to enjoy breakfast and banter, to combat loneliness and allow veterans to ‘return to the tribe’. There are no fees or subs, you just pay for your own breakfast – simple! New Year – New Location! To keep our club varied and exciting, we have moved to a new location at the Wheatsheaf pub in Garstang: The Wheatsheaf, 1 Park Hill Road, Garstang PR3 1EL Next Meeting Our clubs are normally on the 1st Saturday of each month, but as this would fall on New

Year’s Day, our next meeting will now be the following week on Sat 8th Jan at 9:30am at The Wheatsheaf. Come an enjoy a breakfast menu ranging from full English breakfast, sausage or bacon butty to beans on toast - all with free tea and coffee. Most of all, you can enjoy the opportunity to catch up with your fellow veterans and their families, and once again, enjoy some good-natured banter. December Round Up December was a very busy month for our members. Starting with a Christmas Breakfast Club that included carol singing, accompanied by our own musician Lauren, and a memorable performance from the ‘Golden Age Songbird’ - Anna Beaumont. All those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. The following week the breakfast club entered the Christmas tree festival display at St Thomas’s church before rounding off the pre-Christmas activities with

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an afternoon and evening socialising.

Open Art Competition/Exhibition

Days Out

Entries for the competition will be received on Sat 8th Jan and judged the following day by local artist and art teacher Graham Lowe.

One of the suggestions from member’s feedback were for more days out. So, following the success of the visit to the National Memorial Arboretum, we are pleased to say that our next day out will be on Sat 22nd Jan when we will visit the Imperial War Museum in Manchester. Once again there will be no cost to members as transport will be courtesy of Green Pass Training and we thank them for that. We wish all our members a Happy New Year and look forward to welcoming them and new members to the Wheatsheaf in 2022. Roger Dunn f: Garstang Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club

The exhibition will be open to the public on Wed 11th Jan and presentation of prizes by Graham will take place on Sat 15th Jan at 11:00am in the Arts Centre. All the entries are for sale - an opportunity to purchase an original piece of art. We hope you will come and support this ever popular competition and exhibition. Sheila Tearle 01995 603816. Garstang Ukulele Group A Ukulele New Year All week long I lie In my cushioned case, Sometimes sweating by the radiator, My strings stretching.

Tell advertisers that you saw them in the Green Book


GARSTANG ARTS CENTRE (cont) He played me on Sunday.

Poetry Group

The hall was cold with

We hope you all had a good Christmas. Our first Poetry session of 2022 will be on Fri 28th Jan at 2:00pm. The topic is poems by poets whose names begin with X, Y or Z. That will give us all food for thought! We look forward to seeing you all and welcome any new comers to our friendly and entertaining meetings. Best wishes for the New Year. Marie Whalley

The draught of Covid security Blowing along my fretboard. It’s been two weeks since he Left me for his seasonal festivities, Not even inviting me To join their carol singing. I am the neglected ukulele, Used only once a week by An ageing and arthritic man who Forgets me by Monday. Play me more often, Let me sing with my soul, Let me ring the air each day and Don’t neglect your ukulele.


Songbirds Can you believe we are at the start of a new year. Songbirds resumed in 2022 on Mon 3rd Jan when subscriptions to the Art Centre were due. We look forward to seeing you all enjoying our love of music and singing. Let us hope we will be able to continue throughout the year. In the meantime every good wish for a happy and, most of all, healthy New Year to all. Avril Bevan 01995 602904

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GARSTANG ARTS CENTRE (cont) Garstang Musical Productions We thoroughly enjoyed performing again at the Arts Centre and would like to thank everyone who came to watch. We also held performances at Pilling and Scorton which were well received. So, looking to 2022, we hope to continue to rehearse for our exciting new project coming in March. Rebecca Sudell 07985 372234 Book Club Happy New Year everybody. We are looking forward to sharing some good reads in 2022. At our December meeting we reviewed Mike Gayle’s book ‘All the Lonely People’ in addition to some mince pies and mulled wine! Our next meeting is on Tues 11th Jan when the recommended book is ‘600 Hours of Edward’ by Craig Lancaster. Edward is a boy with autism and the book is about 600 hours of his life documented in his journal.

We’ll also be looking for recommendations from the group of their best Christmas read!. Linda 07795 064 266 or Sandra 01995 603436. Scrabble Group The Scrabble Group meet on Tuesday afternoons at the Arts Centre 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Everyone welcome. Jean Mavin 07501 704 385 Needlework Group We meet in the Arts Centre on Wednesday mornings from 10:00am to 12 noon. If you enjoy knitting, crochet, embroidery, patchwork, applique or would like to learn, do come and join this friendly, helpful group. Judy Osborne (01995) 600996 fb: artcentre.garstang twitter: ArtsGarstang

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GARSTANG LIBRARY We would like to thank everyone for their support whilst the library has been closed. If you are not able to visit another library to return your loans you can simply keep them until Garstang Library re-opens as we will be renewing all items borrowed from Garstang to Mon 17th Jan. Access your Library at Home Remember you can still download eBooks and audiobooks using BorrowBox, which is available at any time. Download national, regional and world newspapers from RBdigital PressReader. Download audiobooks, magazines, graphic novels and comics from Overdrive – Libby. Find out more and download step-by-step guides through our digital library: www. libraries/digital-library

Home Library Service You can use the home library service if you can’t get to a library because of your age, disability, poor physical or mental health, caring responsibilities or mobility problems. You may want to use the service all the time or for a short period, such as only in winter or when recovering from an illness or operation. A friend, relative or carer can collect books for you. If you can’t arrange for someone to collect them for you, volunteers can deliver your books to you free of charge. If you are interested in joining the Home Library Service or for more information call 0300 123 6703 or email: library@lancashire. Mobile Library For further information of times and stops


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GARSTANG LIBRARY (cont) near you please call Glenys on 07717 543 763 or email Further Information For up to date information about the reopening date please visit our website or contact us using the information below. t: 0300 123 6703 e: facebook: @LancsLibraries twitter: @LancsLibraries

LANCS VOLUNTEER PARTNERSHIP My name is Mark Trent and I am the Wyre volunteer officer from the Lancashire Volunteer Partnership, a public sector service which operates throughout Lancashire.

Do you have a spare hour once a week to volunteer your time to speak to someone in your local community as a telephone befriender? If you can then I would love to hear from you so I can explain how we work in more detail. There are lots of people feeling lonely and isolated who are referred to our service and would like someone to talk to. If interested, please phone me between 8:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday or e-mail me. The Lancashire Volunteer Partnership aims to make volunteering for public services rewarding and to provide opportunities for people to make a real difference in their local communities. Mark Trent t: 01772 416417 m: 07887 831672 e:

Tell them you saw it in the ‘Green Book’


GARSTANG & DISTRICT LIONS Donations Our club has again provided a significant sum of money to buy some Christmas gifts for distribution by the Fylde Women’s Aid. These were delivered to their offices in Blackpool in December. Our thanks go to those Lions who helped with both the selection and delivery of these welcome presents. A special thank you must go to B and S supplies for their generous support and providing additional cosmetics, toys etc for us to take. Fylde Women’s Aid have a continued need for new clothing items (babies, small children or ladies), new toys, new cosmetics or new toiletries. Our support is ongoing with our collection point being the Resources Centre (old Liberal Club on Bridge Street). Events & Activities December has been a busy month with members of the club assisting in parking the cars of entrants and officials at the Garstang Running Club at Myerscough College in December to allow their annual ten mile run to take place. On the same day other members helped with the road closures for the annual Garstang Santa Dash and Oaklands Care Home’s own version of this event. Also in December Santa and his elves visited six of our local care homes to deliver presents to all of the residents and the staff. This year this has included the addition of members of Choir 1 who sang a medley of carols. The residential homes involved were Abbeyfield, Cornmill, Oaklands, Catterall House, Bowgreave Rise and Bowerswood House. The annual and ever-popular tractor race was held on Mon 27th Dec and also saw


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GARSTANG & DISTRICT LIONS (cont) strong involvement from our Lions group. The first event planned for 2022 is the annual Garstang 10k Road Race on Sun 9th Jan starting at Garstang Academy. We will be assisting with the parking of cars for entrants and officials. Memory Café This is organised separately by Lion, Sandra Perkins but with the full support of the club and with several other members acting as either trustees or helpers. It provides support and advice for those experiencing dementia (in any form) and their carers - with a wide variety of highly social and entertaining activities being provided. General Our club continues to grow but if you are interested in joining then you would be made most welcome. Further information is available on the website. Alternatively, speak

to any member about what we do or come along to our regular meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Royal Oak at 8:00pm. The group have returned to having their regular meetings on the first Monday (2:00pm to 4:00pm) and third Wednesday (10:00am to noon) of each month. Two meetings have been held in December, one with a musical theme and the other a Christmas theme with food at our new venue of the Free Methodist Church Hall. The next meeting is on Wed 19th Jan at 10:00am. Our best wishes to all for a happy New Year from both the Garstang and District Lions Club and also the members of the Memory Café. Chris Wilkinson

Tell them you saw it in the Green Book


CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG Matthew Hesmondhalgh Memorial Fund December was a delightfully busy, colourful, and engaging month though, on occasion, intensely sad as final goodbyes were said to several loyal friends and supporters. We cannot thank everyone enough for their kindness in thinking of others at a difficult time and for generous help and support from many in ways both great and small and from far and near. Sales at the Christmas pop-up shop, the toy fair and the craft fair at Garstang Art Centre, a kind gift from the Churchtown Bloomers stall at Kirkland Memorial Hall, donations for Trisha’s exquisite and unique painted pebbles at Stairhaven in Galloway and from Garstang Psychic Club’s Christmas event, gifts online from Portsmouth and in person and thoughtful ‘in memorium’ tributes graciously given in lieu of flowers for lost loved ones

all came together and added an incredible £2,600 towards screening young people. The festive season also saw many of you buying CRY Christmas cards and calendars or donating through the clothing bank. We’ll let you know how these have helped in future issues of Focus Magazine. Well done to those who support us through the lottery - It raised over £400 throughout the year. It really is a wonderful way to show your support on a regular basis and was so lovely that a couple more of our devotees had little wins just prior to Christmas too! CRY Screening - Sat 5th & Sun 6th Feb At the time of writing, our next screening is entirely filled for the Saturday, though places currently remain available for Sun 6th Feb. Should all appointments be full by the time you try to book please go to www. LOCAL INDEPENDENT BUSINESS SINCE 2008


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CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG (cont) and register your interest in screening. CRY will then inform you by email when places become available in the north west. Fundraising is a valuable activity that keeps these CRY screening events at Garstang taking place each year and we greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts to help us do this. As you can see from this editorial, backing comes from many friends, family and fantastic followers all over the country and without these funds donated and gathered by the many generous fundraisers Matt’s fund would not have been able to hold the 17 days of screening and saved the many lives that together we have so far. Thank you one and all. If you would like to hold an event in memory of Matt and would like support just get in touch, we’d love to help where we can.


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Paula Hesmondhalgh t: 07785 106 976 e: fb: @The Matthew Hesmondhalgh Memorial Fund

GARSTANG MILLENNIUM GREEN As we go into winter the days are certainly getting colder but that didn’t stop the M.A.L.L.O.W.S taking a daily dip in the river to raise money for Cancer UK. They told me that it was 100 dips in 100 days! If you wish to join them they are a very friendly bunch too. Whoop woo! Our fabulous green space has won an award from Britain in Bloom - a level 5 ‘In Your Neighbourhood’. Well deserved, I think, for all the effort our volunteers put in to keeping it looking ‘spick and span’. On the first Sunday in December you may

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MILLENNIUM GREEN (cont) have been lucky enough to spot the Santa’s as they dashed through the green, raising lots of money as they went! Carol Wood www.garstangmillenniumgreen.chessck.



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I occasionally stray away from natural health topics into broader topics to do with the health of our community. This month has brought me back to such matters as I see yet another bank abandon our high street. The banks continue to make epic profits whilst they effectively tell us they are not interested in our community, just our money. Their drive seems to be to turn us all into indebted citizens who can only access banking via a computer screen. Not a word is said by those in charge as we are left high and dry by their retreat, another gap on the high street and one less reason to come into town and connect with each other. Cash machines are disappearing, banking service is fading and all that is left is a boarded up hole in the wall. Meanwhile the contactless payments will increase to £100 as cash disappears from our lives leaving us utterly beholden to surveillance, being monitored and our spending habits being sold onto corporations to manipulate us into more debt and buying things we never even knew we needed. The desire to extract maximum profits whilst delivering pitiful service is a race to the bottom I’m afraid. There will come a day when our determination to get the cheapest of anything we can will mean a dead high street, no service and faceless online shopping for us all. Now Garstang has lost Seeds and Nicksons in the blink of an eye. Truly this is a local catastrophe but no one appears in any way bothered by this.

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IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER (cont) People frequently come into my shop and ask for advice or take pictures of products then go away and buy them online. I know this happens in other independent stores too. It’s very disheartening and astoundingly rude. Which brings us back to the old chestnut of ‘convenience’, the trap that we are all becoming ensnared in without realising the true cost. Using the notion that touching cash might make you ill we are stepping into uncertain times as by this time next year we may well see the roll out of a digital currency in this country and across the world. I’ll discuss the implications for the loss of cash another day. Our high street is dying. It is increasingly difficult to buy basics in Garstang without going to a supermarket. There is a huge retail space on what was once our car park. The space has rental costs that will mean it will be a small miracle if any independent store can UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP

setup successfully there. As Amazon has seen a whopping 27% increase in profits every quarter in the last two years it is no coincidence that the high street has seen a similar drop in sales. I implore you all to become more conscious of the shopping choices you make because the very health of our community depends upon what you choose. Perhaps it is time for the local population to step up and take back our destiny? My vision would include setting up a local community bank, please have a look at www. for a group who can help this become reality. And would it not be great if we retook our local council and steered it away from bickering politics and inertia and into something dynamic and imaginative that can bring vim and vigour back to our town? Please


Beautiful Blinds Made to Your Requirements

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1972 26


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look at for some inspiration.

Greater Garstang Partnership Board Public Consultation

It is not too late to create an inspiring vision and reality for our town. Shall we begin?

An initial consultation with the public in August presented three options for the community to consider. The conclusion from this consultation exercise was that the vast majority of respondents, 67%, chose option two. In this option, the starting point is the belief that without sufficient ambition, Garstang Town Centre risks relative decline. It recognises the need to address a range of issues but also sees that the town has many opportunities that can be taken.

Nick Tofalos BSc (Hons) Osteopathy t: 01995 602833

HARMONY & HEALTH Have you lost your voice? Make 2022 the year when you rediscover the joy and health benefits of singing at the following locations: Garstang - Monday afternoons throughout the year from 2:00pm - 3:15pm at the United Reformed Church Hall, Croston Rd. £2.00 per session to include tea/coffee and biscuits We extend a warm welcome to all. Ann Cameron t: 07966 126 999 e:

In December the Greater Garstang Partnership Board held a second Public Consultation to expand on the option the community had chosen and asked for views on a list of potential projects for the town. Of highest priority are: •

The high street and promoting more of a café culture and evening economy –

ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Large Tree Removal Pruning Felling Site Clearance Hedge Trimming Stump Grinding Tree Planting Fully qualified, fully insured crew happy to help. For more info please visit our website or contact Ben for a free quote. 07496 155 789 Tell them you saw it in the Green Book




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with a strong offer for families To investigate the feasibility of a ‘pedestrian priority’ approach to the town centre streets To strengthen awareness and connectivity with the canal and river Address car parking issues Explore the potential for the development of a new multifunctional community facility for Garstang

The board was keen to hear from locals on how we can better improve what Garstang already has to offer to allow the town to flourish with the times. The board, supported by consultants from the IBI Group, presented the findings from the August consultation and their vision statement and objectives for the town centre following feedback from residents. It was essential for local people to get involved so that we can try to shape what Garstang town

centre has to offer in the future without losing what we all love about it. It is expected that the consultants, IBI Group, will report back to the board in late January/ February. To find out more, visit: Town Council Awards 2022 The mayor and his awards team are beginning to plan for the annual town council awards which will take place during the annual town meeting on Thurs 28th April. At this stage we are confirming the award categories and we anticipate them being at least the same as last year with Young Citizen of the year (12-18 age group) and junior citizen of the year (4-11 age group). Both of these awards are for a young person who helps others, an unsung hero. Youth group of the year which is awarded

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GARSTANG TOWN COUNCIL (cont) to a group that significantly benefits our young citizens. Community team of the year awarded to a team that significantly benefits the community. Good citizen of the year is awarded to someone who has made a big difference to someone else, another unsung hero. Business in the community is awarded to any business operating in the Garstang area. Sports team of the year is awarded to the sports team that has successfully developed community participation in sport. The mayor’s shield is awarded at the discretion of the mayor to an individual or team for outstanding contribution to Garstang. The categories and definitions will be agreed and published in late January along with the awards timetable which in outline will see nominations open in early February and close in late March. The dates will be published in late January. We are really looking forward to being able to

hold the Awards in April 2022 and being able to celebrate the amazing achievements of our Garstang people, teams and businesses. A Review of 2021 & Looking to 2022 We have endured much over the last two years with the emergence of a global pandemic. As a community we have risen to the challenges and shown what amazing resilience we have. We have been there looking out for our neighbours and being a life line for the elderly, infirm and vulnerable who for almost a year remained at home to stay safe from Covid. Buddy networks were started to provide a way of keeping in touch with the most vulnerable, and all this was done by volunteers from our community. You are to be commended for your achievements. Our shopkeepers and business owners have shown remarkable flexibility and provided

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GARSTANG TOWN COUNCIL (cont) delivery services where there previously had been none or expanded them to provide a cooperative style delivery service. I have enjoyed many things in my first six months as mayor. I have enjoyed working with the team that organised the Remembrance Sunday event. My sincere thanks go to everyone involved in a very special day. It was a privilege to be asked to switch on the Christmas lights which look fantastic. My hardest job was selecting the best dressed dog at the Santa Dash. My thanks to the santa dash team for delivering another amazing event for Garstang. I had a great time at Jack and the Beanstalk; what a great show the Garstang Theatre Group put on. I was able to attend another first in Garstang, The Christmas tree festival. It was a pleasure joining the RVS Lunch Club for their Christmas lunch. There have been many other things over the past six months but I wanted to give a special mention to seven members of the Garstang Explorer Scouts, Tankensuru, for their fantastic achievement in completing a 24 hour bike-a-thon to raise awareness of Papyrus, an organisation about prevention of suicide in the young. It came about as an idea from two of the group and within four weeks it had been organised and completed raising much needed funds for Papyrus but more importantly raising awareness. Well done to this small team with a huge heart, courage and determination. In the next few months we will hear more of Omicron and our supercharged booster programme. I will be having my booster as soon as I can. I would love to be able to predict the day when we will be able to turn on our radios or TVs, open a newspaper and the headlines had no mention of Covid, boosters or hospitalisations. Unfortunately this could

be some time in coming. In the mean time we can only hope that Omicron, although it would appear more transmissible also proves to be less aggressive. I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year - Mayor of Garstang As always, we are keen to hear your thoughts on how the town council is doing and about any issues or concerns that you would like us to look into. Much of our information is available online or you can call our town clerk, Edwina Parry. Our January full council meeting will be held on Mon 17th Jan at 7:30pm. If you’d like to attend the meeting please contact the town clerk. Edwina Parry - Town Clerk t: 07592 792 801 e:



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I hope you all had a good Christmas and were able to spend time with those you love and care about. At the time of writing we’re still holding our collective breath over the latest Covid situation. Throughout the pandemic the British people have been required to make big sacrifices to support the national effort against coronavirus. Sacrifices which have impacted on our lives, livelihoods and liberties. Sacrifices which have been necessary to protect ourselves, to protect the ones we love and necessary to protect our NHS – a service contending with winter pressures, a serious backlog, the Delta variant and now the Omicron variant. Confronting these challenges though has been made much harder because we went in to the pandemic with NHS waiting lists at a record 4.5 million. There were 100,000 staff vacancies along with a shortage of 112,000 staff in social care. Now the NHS is locked in a race against time. A race against the fastest variant of Covid we have seen to date. A race to get as many people boosted as quickly as possible. To every NHS worker, every GP, every pharmacist, every public health official and every volunteer – thank you. Thank you for working so hard in the run up to Christmas to administer the booster vaccination – to give as many of us as possible the best protection possible during a period when we’re mixing so closely with those we hold dear. For those of you who have cut short your holidays, thank you – and for those of you who are exhausted, thank you. But it’s not enough to just say thank you. If we demand the health and social care workforce do their duty as professionals, the government must also show greater respect

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CAT SMITH MP (cont) to their professional voice and experience on pay, on conditions and on workload. It’s often said that the NHS runs on goodwill. I’d like to see the government showing greater goodwill in return and to engage with the royal colleges and staff trades unions not just on the plan for vaccine rollout to their members, but on the debate about the future of our health and social care systems and the big workforce challenge. And this should be a partnership. People who work in health and social care do so because they really believe in what they’re doing. They really care. And they have so much to offer if the government will listen to them. No matter what further restrictions might be brought in over the next few weeks, it remains imperative that we all limit our interactions in the workplace, wear face coverings in settings where the virus finds it easiest to spread and take lateral flow tests before we attend large indoor gatherings. The goal in the end must be to learn to live with the virus. That means effective vaccination, anti-viral treatments and public health measures that have a minimal impact on our lives, our jobs and our businesses. Before Christmas I unfortunately had to cancel some visits, including my favourite kind – popping into our nursing and retirement homes. I’m really sorry the health concerns were such that it was too much of a risk to call in. I hope it won’t be long before I get a chance to see you all.


All Joinery Work • UPVC Windows & Doors • Kitchens • Floors • Decking • Cladding Fascias • Guttering • All Work Considered Over 30 Years’ Experience • Time Served Free Estimates & Quotes 01995 606942 / 07769 884 778 @PaulatTGWindows

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These are challenging times to be wishing you a happy 2022 but above all I wish you a new year that is full of hope and happiness. If there’s anything I can help you with in the coming year then email me or call my office. Cat Smith MP t: 01253 490440

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BEN WALLACE MP I hope you all had a great break over the Christmas period. I have enjoyed spending time with my family and have recharged my batteries. I believe that one of the positives that has come from the Covid situation is the fact that we all appreciate much more the time spent with friends and family. Judging from correspondence from constituents, we also appreciate our outstanding emergency services and armed forces more than we normally would. NHS workers deserve to be highlighted as they continue to do everything possible to combat the Covid pandemic. As I stated in my last article, winter brings many challenges for the NHS and I want to thank all NHS staff for their dedication and professionalism during the continuing difficult situation we find ourselves in. As always, to keep up to date with the latest advice, please go to the government’s website: I am delighted to be travelling around the constituency and have recently visited Garstang Community Academy. It was great to be shown around the school by the headteacher, Mr Ashcroft, the deputy headteacher, Ms Royds and a particular pleasure to meet pupils including the school’s head girl and head boy, who were great ambassadors for the school.

Typical Back Door from just


While it was sometimes difficult for me to get out and about in the community during the current pandemic, it is vital that I do travel throughout the constituency whenever safe and possible. It is also an extremely enjoyable aspect of my role. With winter truly upon us, some can struggle during extreme conditions. Whether it is

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BEN WALLACE MP (cont) travelling or keeping warm in their own homes. For advice and guidance please go to or www. Some constituents have experienced long waiting times from the DVLA. As a result I have written to them and received the following reply: ‘

Additional staff are being recruited and we have secured extra office space in Swansea and Birmingham to house more staff. This will be surge capacity accommodation and resourced to help reduce backlogs while providing future resilience and business continuity.’ My advice is to ensure applications for licences etc are submitted in plenty of time.

The government is committed to the Covid booster vaccine dose: it helps give longerterm protection against getting seriously ill from the virus. With this in mind, you can now receive your booster at Wyre’s mobile vaccine clinics. These are available to anyone 18 or over that had their second vaccine three months prior. There are warnings that To help mitigate the impact of delays, digital there could be considerable queues at the service enhancements are underway, and clinics so please be prepared. It is incredibly we have reconfigured our accommodation to important to get the booster vaccine. Please safely maximise the number of staff on site. remember anyone of eligible age can drop We have been working with a significantly reduced number of staff on site to ensure social distancing and we are experiencing significantly increased demand for our services. Previous industrial action has also led to delays and difficulties contacting us by telephone.

o We als ton in s g lo supply of logs & ets bags, n firegrates g, n li d e kin h mor & muc



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(minimum order: open sack 2 bags, pre-packed 5 bags)

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White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe LA3 3BS The company is into the 3rd generation of the Catlow family | “A Diploma Coal Merchant”

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BEN WALLACE MP (cont) in to get a first, second or booster dose with no appointment needed. Dates for upcoming clinics are: •

Cleveleys Community Centre, Kensington Road: Thurs 13th, Thurs 20th and Thurs 27th Jan

Marine Hall, Fleetwood: Wed 12th, Wed 19th and Wed 26th Jan, 1:00pm - 7:00pm

ring my office or write to me at the House of Commons. Ben Wallace MP t: 0207 219 5804 e: a: House of Commons SW1A 0AA


The Old Year certainly went out with a Bang in Garstang, as we saw the Garstang Flood Water Basin in full operation filling up very quickly when both doors were fully up after Despite the challenging times, I wish all extensive maintenance during the year. The constituents a happy and healthy 2022. excess water from the River Wyre soon Happy New Year! built up to form a lake on the double rugby Please remember I’m here to help. The most pitches and more extensively over adjoining effective way to contact me is by email with agricultural land. The purpose of closing the a brief description of the issues you wish flood basin gates is to protect settlements to raise, along with your contact details such as Churchtown and St Michaels (including home address). You can also downstream and this they certainly did. A •

The Leisure Centre (sports hall), Windsor Road, Garstang: Sat 8th and Sat 15th Jan, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Garstang’s local independent family-run funeral service 24hr Personal Attention Assured

THE GARSTANG FUNERAL HOME Castle View - Bridge Street - Garstang - PR3 1YB Tel: 01995 601 600 36

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WYRE FLOOD FORUM (cont) Garstang Councillor, Michael Halford was fortunately on hand to take a photograph with wide angle lens (posted on fb) which graphically showed the full extent of the basin. It is an important record and will be added to a library of pictures being collated to demonstrate the impact of heavy rainfall.

a visit to Poulton. It was also an occasion to see the A586 full of surface water at Whites Bridge watercourse just before White House Lane. The Environment Agency have declared that they will establish the cause.

Two other areas were severely affected. The dip where Lancaster Road and High street join is often underwater in heavy rain and the end of December was no exception. Again, photographs of rising waters blocking the main artery to Garstang from the north with diversion signs in place were posted on social media although there was much criticism of our local authorities for the actual placing of the signs which did not give enough warning of the closure meaning that drivers had to reverse or execute three point turns in busy circumstances.

Constructive proposals continue to come forth from FLAGS, flood action groups, and space does not allow for reports from them all but here is a taste of activity in Preesall;

To add to driver’s woes, the route into Garstang from the rural west of Wyre was submerged between C&C and the Bowers. It is a stretch of a hundred yards or so and is impossible to pass except in a high SuV. Several intrepid drivers in normal saloons took risk of flooded engines in their hands and ploughed through regardless. Some paid the penalty. This stretch plus Lancaster Road will be the subject of further enquiry to see how it is that after years of experience flooding still occurs to the significant inconvenience of residents and those using the road network for their employment. Local councillors must now press for a full explanation. We see events repeating themselves countless times such as sewage on the A586 and Rawcliffe Road at St Michaels. Another spillage in mid-December caused emergency traffic lights to be erected at night and heavy vehicles belonging to United Utilities with hi viz clad men digging away in the centre of the village to resolve matters. Your scribe experienced the action on two occasions on

No wonder that I am beginning to think we have been here before.

Preesall FLAG Reflecting back in 2021, there have been fewer instances of flooding compared to 2020 but never the less the times when the water draining off Preesall Hill via the road and also across the fields are still of concern. Speedy response from residents in placing sand bags, barriers and road warning signs prevented water from entering properties until WBC installed the pump to reduce the water




Scan meur with yora came

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WYRE FLOOD FORUM (cont) levels. A topographical survey of the hill has now been completed which is the first step in creating a wetland scheme which will slow down the water flow off the hill, particularly now that Sandy Lane adjacent to Sunnyside is also flooded during downpours.

Churchtown, St Michaels or as we did over the break at the begining of the story at the Marshaw and Tarnbrook Wyre at Abbeystead and give your suggestions as to how we might tame this short stretch of the Wyre.

Many thanks to the support offered by the relevant agencies for their immediate response and also for planning longer term to find permanent solutions.


It might be appropriate to add that an on going concern is that despite flood warning signage authorised by WBC and the police, drivers still drive through, often at speed which causes bow waves over the sand bags and door steps. I would urge you all to keep your eyes and ears open and report to the agencies and or your local councillors any event that you witness so we might one day begin the fight back. Take a walk along the river at Garstang,

Cllr Roger Brooks

The Inner Wheel Club of Garstang and Over Wyre president, Mary Bolland and the club wish all the residents of Garstang and the surrounding areas good health for 2022. We look forward to next year full of optimism and more fundraising for local and international causes. A big thank you to all of you for your support and we know we can count on you in the future. Mary Mason e:

SUPERIOR PROTECTIVE & PERFORMANCE COATINGS At North Coat Ltd we have the capacity to undertake work for a wide variety of sectors in our purpose built, state-of-the-art powder coating facility. This allows us to undertake smaller contracts for domestic customers, whilst having the flexibility and oven space to accommodate work for larger commercial and industrial contracts. Ideally situated on the A6 corridor between Lancaster and Preston, we are easily accessible for all areas of the North of England and beyond.

Units 9 & 10, Ripon Hall Farm, Catterall, PR3 0PA • 01995 676163 • 38

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GARSTANG FREE METHODISTS Wishing you a very happy New Year and we pray that the Christmas season was a blessing to all. Our regular midweek meetings are back with Kids Klub (Reception to Year 4) on a Tuesday, Connect (years 5-7) and Youth (years 8-13) on Friday. Please see our website for more details. Friday Focus Dates • • • •

Fri 7th Jan: Focus on Prayer Fri 14th Jan: Focus on People with Pastor Andy Woof Fri 21st Jan: Focus on Film – The Broadside Fri 28th Jan: Focus on the Bible

All 10:30am - 11:30am. On Sundays we meet at 10:45am with children going to Sunday School part way through (when creche facilities are available) the service and 7:00pm. All are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the morning service so you can stay and have a chat. Please do take a look at our website for further information.


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Jean Shaw Garstang Natural Health, High Street, PR3 1FA 01995 602833/07834269542

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GARSTANG MEDICAL CENTRE (cont) Please be assured that we continue to strive to provide the best possible care to our patients during these challenging times. If you have any medical concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Appointments continue to be offered either over the phone or face-to-face with a clinician. They are available to book up to three weeks in advance. Priority will always be given each day to those requiring urgent care. Please can we remind patients of the importance to book a PCR test if you are experiencing any Covid symptoms. Patients seeking medical attention with a positive lateral flow or PCR will be contacted by a clinician by telephone in the first instance. If a face-to-face examination is required, this will then be arranged in the Calder Suite or car port. As outlined above, our resources are often limited due to staff sickness or self-isolation

Electrical Team

James Branson Local electrician covering all of Wyre All jobs to a high standard. We are small enough to care, yet large enough to cope

Mobile: 07494 046 057 Office: 01995 670533 40

and some days we cannot safely see more patients. We would like to remind patients that Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group commission organise Walk in Centre services for all our patients. You can access these services at two local centres; Royal Preston Hospital Walk-in Centre and Whitegate Drive Walk-in Centre, Blackpool. The Walk in Centres can deal with many common problems from sprains and strains to emergency contraception. Our local highly trained pharmacists are able to advise on a whole range of medical problems and we would also like to remind patients of simple self-care measures which should be tried prior to accessing our services. Our website has information regarding all of these or you can visit the NHS website. Extended Access Evening and weekend appointments are available with GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses and other healthcare professionals for routine pre-booked services across the Fylde Coast. Appointments are available at Garstang Medical Practice on alternate Saturdays. Please be aware that this is not a walk-in service. An appointment must have been booked in advance of visiting the service. Appointments are for pre-bookable and same-day routine and not for urgent care. If urgent care is required, please call NHS111 for advice. To book an appointment, contact your GP practice. Or, when your GP practice is closed, please ring 01253 952950 between 6:30am and 9:30pm Mon-Fri and between 8:00am and 8:00pm Saturday and Sunday. Should you need to cancel your appointment please contact your GP practice. If your GP practice is closed, please call 01253 952950 as above, to cancel. Doctorlink

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GARSTANG MEDICAL CENTRE (cont) Did you know we use Doctorlink? This enables you to check your symptoms online and be signposted to an appropriate healthcare appointment. If you require an appointment at the practice, Doctorlink will send this information to us, and we will contact you to arrange. This helps to reduce the pressure on our busy phone lines. For more information and to register see: https://app.doctorlink. com/garstang/register If you have any problems with registering for this service, please contact the Doctorlink support service on 0330 111 6433 or via Patients can still contact the surgery via telephone to discuss symptoms and arrange appointments in the usual way. The Garstang Medical Practice Team t: 01995 607399 fb: @garstangmedicalpractice


Sat 19th Mar, 7:30pm Lenten Concert at The Priory, Lancaster Mealor: ‘Crucifixus’ Rheinberger: ‘Mass in E Flat Major’ It’s almost two years to the day when our performance of the Crucifixus was postponed due to Covid, so we’re thrilled to be performing it at last. In 2020, Paul Mealor became one of the world’s most performed, recorded and broadcast living composers. Famous for composing ‘Wherever You Are’ (the Military Wives Song), he also wrote the beautiful rendition of Ubi Caritas composed for the

GREY MATTER TEST (ans page 47) 1 In which city would you find the Gorbals? 2 Which Tropic runs through Botswana and Mozambique?


3 Who founded the first US detective agency in 1850? 4 What type of animal is a macaque? 5 What is the name of the Professor in the game ‘Cluedo’? 6 Of which Dickens novel is Pip the central character? 7 How many yards in a furlong? 8 Who played Baldrick in the Blackadder comedy series? 9 On which metallic element does verdigris form? 10 Who was the first woman MP to sit in the House of Commons? 11 What was the name of Dorothy’s dog in the Wizard of Oz?

12 According to Paul Simon, how many ways are there to leave your lover? 13 Baffin Bay lies between Canada and which other country? 14 What was Robert Burns’ “wee sleekit, cow’rin’ tim’rous beastie”? 15 What is the capital of Austria? 16 Whose book of Household Management was published in parts from 1859-60? 17 Which hill in Paris is the gathering point for artists and portrait painters? 18 Who is the patron saint of travellers? 19 Who wrote the Enigma Variations? 20 Who were given to the destruction of new technology in the Industrial Revolution?

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Wills Month February 2022

Get started today! Register at Wills Month is your chance to easily arrange your Will. Our partner solicitors will waive their fee in exchange for a voluntary donation to St John’s Hospice. It’s simple Choose a solicitor Choose who benefits Support your Hospice!

Make a resolution that matters Text WILLS plus your name and address to 78900 for a free information pack Or visit

Your Will can help secure our future.

Make sure your Will is in place for the ones you love Text messages cost your standard rate. St John’s Hospice North Lancashire and South Lakes is a charitable incorporated organisation registered in England with charity number 1157030


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LANCASTER SINGERS (cont) wedding of Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton. Tonight we will be performing ‘Crucifixus’, a beautiful example of Mealor’s contemporary harmonic and rhythmic music.

of our current, dynamic Director, Duncan Lloyd, we give five or six concerts a year in venues ranging from tiny village churches to large concert halls.

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901) wrote eighteen mass compositions. This concert’s Opus 109 in E Flat Major is considered distinctive and echoes the compositional style of early Renaissance composers, being written a cappella for a double choir.

The repertoire is eclectic - from early renaissance music to the very latest compositions by some of the world’s greatest living choral composers. We rehearse during term times at Lancaster University. We also have some great social events during the year.

Deceptively simple, the music peels back the centuries and takes us back to the exquisite harmonies of an earlier age. We hope you’ll be able to join us at the Priory in Lancaster to hear this wonderful music. Tickets £12. Available from www. on the door or call 07956 115 126 Lancaster Singers, an auditioned choir, was formed almost 50 years ago. Under the baton

CROSSWORD (ans page 47)

If you’re looking to join a modern, vibrant, and accomplished choir, why not come along to a couple of rehearsals after Easter and check us out? In the first instance, email Sarah at or call 07929 031 466. For all ticket enquiries, call 07956 115 126. Chris Haughton e: Across 1 Small computer; pill (6) 7 Merge; combine (5) 8 Potion; special medicine (6) 9 Whip lightly; swish (5) 12 Halt to hostilities (5) 13 Unadventurous (5) 14 African dog-like scavenger (5) 17 Fools; swindles (6) 18 Large musical instrument (5) 19 Oodles; more than enough (6) Down 2 Reaction to peanuts & other food (7) 3 Dictionary; word list (7) 4 Grassy area; sod (4) 5 Car or skirt? (4) 6 Tropical hardwood (4) 10 Web; trellis (7) 11 Test sport (7) 14 Pelvis; fruit of wild roses (4) 15 Panache; flair (4) 16 Upon; over (4)

Tell them you saw it in the Green Book


GARSTANG CAMERA CLUB A warm welcome to everyone and can we wish you a happy (and better) New Year. Where has the time gone? Having written this article in early Dec, readers will by now will hopefully have had all their Christmas festivities which we were allowed. I hope we all got what we deserved! In December, we began with our competition, the topic of which was ‘environment’. The judge was Daryl Giles who gave us a good insight as to why the prints and images on display just failed to get into the prize section.

We can learn from these critiques to benefit our future entries. Also in December, we were treated to ‘Lake District Moods’ by Carmen Norman. You can view the competition results by logging on to our website. The Christmas social was held on Tues 14th Dec which took the form of a meal along with the usual quiz. Our thanks to all who were involved in the organising. Well done. It is always very much appreciated. Programme for January •

Wed 5th Jan: Photographing the North West by Lee Metcalfe

Wed 12th Jan: Competition, ‘Creatures of the World’ judged by Harry Emmett.

Wed Jan 19th: the Junction 36 Battle and workshop. Seven photographs in seven days.

I can also give advanced notice of the

JOB OPPORTUNITY Registered Nurse (RGN) Complex Nursing Care & Support at Home A rare opportunity to offer one-on-one support to our daughter.

Barton, Preston

We are looking to expand our team of qualified nurses to support the delivery of person-centred services to our daughter who has complex health care and support needs.

You will be responsible for ensuring the highest standards of health care in her own home in conjunction with parents, carers and the local health authority.

Permanent | Part-time evening 5pm - 10pm available, plus the opportunity to cover additional holiday and day or night shifts

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Salary scale: £16.48 - £21.78 per hour

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Applications are welcomed from female nurses only in accordance with a genuine occupational qualification under The Equality Act 2010. Applicants must be registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council.

For an initial informal discussion please contact Colin McLean on 07877 554258 or email


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GARSTANG CAMERA CLUB (cont) humanity competition on Wed 2nd Feb which Hospice, Beyond FGM, local business women will be judged by Jim Cunningham. Dawn Cheetham and Marion Flaherty, Cancer I am hopeful that despite the invasion of this Research Northwest, and Nicholas Hill (‘a new strain of the virus we will still be able to lifetime in the News’).

continue with what has been an excellent We held a virtual social meeting with our start of our ‘21/’22 programme. Unfortunately, friends from Wakefield, and even managed I failed to find a crystal ball in my stocking! a yoga lesson via Zoom. We had a socially distanced outing to Gresgarth Hall, held a Maurice Barker garden party featuring 100 afternoon delights as part of our celebrations for the centenary of Soroptimism, organised a plant sale and SOROPTIMISTS had a coffee evening in the home of one of our Women Inspiring Action, new members. And a special mention to the Transforming Lives wonderful Christmas meal at the Royal Oak! We hope everyone is well and that you all enjoyed the festive break as much as was possible under the circumstances. 2021 was another very strange year, but we did eventually manage to get back to our regular monthly meetings in person this time. 16 Days of Activism 2022 December was again a little quieter than usual for us as Soroptimists without the hustle bustle of parched peas at the Victorian Festival, but one piece of work we managed to achieve was to draw attention to the issues of gender-based violence during the annual 16 Days of Activism which took place between Thurs 25th Nov and Fri 10th Dec. Perhaps you spotted one of our Facebook posts on the subject? Looking Back over the Year Despite the restrictions and the worries over Covid, we have had an amazing 12 months as a club: We have welcomed a range of speakers - thought provoking, inspiring and some humorous - to our meetings either by Zoom or in person, including Derian House Children’s

We finished fundraising for our 2019-20 charity Derian House, and we were able to send them £1,420 for their valuable work. We then started work for our charity for 202021 which was chosen after we listened to our speaker in March from Beyond FGM. We set

LIVE OUTSIDE OUR DELIVERY ROUTE? SUBSCRIBE & RECEIVE A COPY OF FOCUS MAGAZINE THROUGH THE POST EACH MONTH If you or someone you know would like to receive Focus Magazine but currently live outside the areas in which we deliver, sign up for our new subscription service.

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SOROPTIMISTS (cont) ourselves the target of raising £1,000 to provide 100 dignity packs through AfriReuse. Well, we certainly managed that one! Everyone has been working hard in lots of different ways, including the amazing 100mile relay in September, and so we have smashed the target already. An interim payment has been sent off to allow 100 women and girls to receive their packs as soon as possible, and we will carry on fundraising until the end of the club year in March before making a final payment. As well as fundraising, we have worked hard in different ways to support those in need: collecting donations for food banks, knitting trauma bears and collecting clothing for refugees, taking part in cards for kindness and collecting used postage stamps for the RNIB (don’t forget to drop yours off in one of our collection boxes in Best Wishes, the Visit Garstang Information Centre, the Arts Centre


2022 Deadline Dates Issue

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and the Market Hall). And from the comfort of our own computers/ tablets we have celebrated the Soroptimist’s presence at COP26, a mark of the recognition of the role Soroptimism plays in national and international campaigning, as well as promoting and signing a number of online petitions on topics ranging from the reduction of plastic in supermarket packaging to the protection of vital wetlands. Phew, we earned our Christmas break, but we can’t finish without saying a huge warm welcome to the six new members who have all joined us during 2021 – Fiona, Louise, Pamela, Angela, Yvonne and Rosemary. It’s great to have you on board. What next ….? The next meeting is on Wed 12th Jan, 6:30pm at Garstang Golf Club when we’ll be reviewing and planning for more activity. And on Wed 26th Jan we will be joined via Zoom by Mary Storrie of the Rosie May Foundation who be updating us on the work of the Think Pink Sri Lanka campaign and telling us about our TukTuk. Don’t forget to keep checking our Facebook page for fuller, regular reports on what we’re up to. So, don’t be shy, get in touch and be part of this vibrant club and help other women and girls whilst making lifelong friends. Just drop us a line or give our membership co-ordinator Muriel Burnham-Airey a ring. We’ll be happy to talk to you and answer your questions. Until next month, take care and enjoy friendship. t: (01995) 606604 (Muriel Burnham-Airey) facebook: SoroptimistsGarstang twitter: GarstangSoropt

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1 Glasgow 2 Tropic of Capricorn 3 Allan Pinkerton 4 Monkey 5 Professor Plum 6 Great Expectations 7 220 8 Tony Robinson 9 Copper 10 Nancy Astor 11 Toto 12 50 13 Greenland 14 A Mouse 15 Vienna 16 Mrs Beeton 17 Montmatre 18 St Christopher 19 Edward Elgar 20 Luddites

Across 1 Tablet 7 Unite 8 Elixir 9 Flick 12 Truce 13 Staid 14 Hyena 17 Tricks 18 Piano 19 Plenty Down 2 Allergy 3 Lexicon 4 Turf 5 Mini 6 Teak 10 Lattice 11 Cricket 14 Hips 15 Elan 16 Atop

Tell them you saw it in the Green Book


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