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Cardiac Risk in the Young

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Events & Activities


Lion members and their partners all enjoyed our annual bowling event in July with a barbeque meal provided by our ‘in house’ chefs. The winners of our two separate competitions were David Hodgson and Alison Lewis. Our congratulations to them both. I do understand that both are in training already to defend their titles next year. We organised the car parking again for the Garstang Show on Sat 6th Aug which proved to be an exceptionally busy day. The next car parking event will be on Sat 10th & 11th Sept for the Lancashire Game and Country Festival in Scorton and large numbers are expected over the two days.


The district governor visited our recent meeting and presented two awards. One being to the club to mark our 50 years of work in the community and the other one to Lion Allan Townsend for his 45 years of service. We have taken receipt of our splendid new polo shirts so look out for us in our new ‘strip’. Our vibrant club continues to grow. If you are also interested in joining us, then you will be made most welcome by our group. Further information is available on the website. You can just speak to any member about what we do or come along to our regular meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month in the Royal Oak at 8:00pm.

Chris Wilkinson www.garstanglions.co.uk


Matthew Hesmondhalgh Memorial Fund

As the season begins to turn all are invited to join us as our lovely little pop-up shop returns on Sat 10th Sept, 10:00am - 3:00pm, in the small hall at Catterall Village Hall. We’ll have a cornucopia of gloriously rich new and pre-loved autumnal items to help mark and celebrate this fabulously colourful season. Do you fancy burning calories, having fun and supporting Matt’s fund all at the same time? Garstang YMCA is the place to be on Sun 18th Sept at 10:00am. A Zumba event that involves cardio exercises and latininspired dance will tick all the boxes! Thanks to the munificence of Ina with tutors, Lisa and Jayne, who are generously giving their time free, and the YMCA’s donation of use of the room, means all monies raised will go to CRY. The cost is just £6 and includes free entry into a raffle. Bookings with payment please via Ina on 07425 996 683. Also on Sun 18th Sept is the CRY Heart of Durham walk. This national event gives supporters the opportunity to raise awareness of this fabulous charity and at the same time to connect with others, remember those who have died from Young Sudden Cardiac

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